Bombel Et Al (2009) An Examination of The Construct Validity of The Rorschach Mutuality of Autonomy (MOA) Scale

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An Examination of the Construct Validity of the Rorschach Mutuality of

Autonomy (MOA) Scale
George Bombel a; Joni L. Mihura a; Gregory J. Meyer a
Department of Psychology, University of Toledo,

Online Publication Date: 01 May 2009

To cite this Article Bombel, George, Mihura, Joni L. and Meyer, Gregory J.(2009)'An Examination of the Construct Validity of the
Rorschach Mutuality of Autonomy (MOA) Scale',Journal of Personality Assessment,91:3,227 — 237
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Journal of Personality Assessment, 91(3), 227–237, 2009
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DOI: 10.1080/00223890902794267


An Examination of the Construct Validity of the Rorschach

Mutuality of Autonomy (MOA) Scale

Department of Psychology, University of Toledo

Using 100 clinical cases, we examined the construct validity of the Mutuality of Autonomy (MOA) Scale (Urist, 1977) using Westen and
Rosenthal’s (2003) rcontrast - construct validity (CV) procedure for quantifying a pattern of convergent-discriminant relationships between a target
measure and a set of criterion variables. Our 15 criterion variables included the Comprehensive System (CS; Exner, 2003) variables, a CS-based
measure of ego strength (Resnick, 1994), and 3 subscales from the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale (Westen, Lohr, Silk, Kerber,
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& Goodrich, 1990). We generated the rcontrast - CV coefficients to test 2 competing hypotheses: that the MOA Scale primarily measures object
relations (OR) quality or that it primarily measures psychopathology. Results suggest that the MOA Scale is an equally potent measure of OR and
psychopathology regardless of the MOA Scale index used.

Object relations (OR) constructs are important subjects of study mutually autonomous within relationships” (Urist, 1977, p. 4).
in personality assessment research. Literature reviews dedicated Synopses of the scoring guidelines, for the healthiest to most
to the subject have been published routinely (Fishler, Sperling, primitive levels, are the following:
& Carr, 1990; Frank, 1995; Huprich & Greenberg, 2003; T. E.
Smith, 1993; Stricker & Healey, 1990). One of the most popu-
lar OR assessment instruments is the Rorschach Inkblot Method
(Rorschach, 1921/1942), for which a number of OR scoring sys- 1. Figures are described as engaging in an activity or rela-
tems have been developed. Some of these systems are rarely used tionship that conveys a sense of mutuality, with a reciprocal
today (Coonerty, 1986; Kwawer, 1979; Mayman, 1967; Pruitt & acknowledgment of their respective individuality (e.g., “Two
Spilka, 1964). Others continue to make appearances in the liter- griffons building a nest together.”).
ature (Blatt, Brenneis, Schimek, & Glick, 1976; Burke, Fried- 2. Figures are described as engaging in a relationship or par-
man, & Gorlitz, 1988; Cooper, Perry, Hoke, & Richman, 1985). allel activity without emphasis on reciprocity or mutuality,
The scoring system by Urist (1977; Mutuality of Autonomy although the description does not necessarily need to com-
[MOA] Scale) is one of the most well-known among Rorschach promise mutuality (e.g., “Two bears climbing up different
OR assessment methods (Huprich & Greenberg, 2003; Stricker sides of the same mountain.”).
& Healey, 1990). The MOA Scale is an especially attractive 3. Figures are described as engaging in an activity in which
measure because it is relatively simple to use; for example, they require each other, or one requires the other, that is, an
scorers who are relatively unfamiliar with OR theory can score external source of support or direction is required (e.g., “A
it reliably (Holaday & Sparks, 2001). Furthermore, unlike other clown hanging from a cliff.”).
measures, Rorschach responses with inanimate, nonhuman-like 4. The described relationship conveys a sense that the defini-
figures are scorable with the MOA Scale. tion or stability of one object necessarily requires the other
Urist (1977) developed the MOA Scale as a measure of ob- because it is merely an extension or reflection of the other
ject relational developmental maturity or the degree to which (e.g., “A woman scrutinizing her reflection in the mirror.”).
individuation separation has been attained. The seven points, 5. The described relationship themes are characterized by se-
or levels, of this scale represent specific developmental levels vere imbalances of mutuality in which figures are powerless
along a dimension from empathic, reciprocal relatedness to de- and helpless versus omnipotent and controlling. Themes of
structive envelopment and symbiotic fusion. Each level, more influence and controlling are present (e.g., “A sorcerer cast-
specifically, corresponds to “developmentally significant grada- ing a spell on someone.”).
tions in the individual’s capacity to experience self and other as 6. The figure(s) are described as engaging in activity that is
clearly destructive or parasitic, and that compromises the
autonomy or integrity of the victim (e.g., “A giant squashing
Received July 19, 2007; Revised September 21, 2008. a dwarf.”).
Editor’s Note: Radhika Krishnamurthy served as the Editor with full decision 7. The described relationship theme is envelopment and engulf-
authority over this manuscript. ment in which one figure has devoured or consumed another,
Address correspondence to George Bombel, UTHSCSA, Department of Psy-
either explicitly or implicitly (e.g., “It’s an X-ray of a creature
chiatry, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, MC 7792, San Antonio, TX 78229–3900; Email:
[email protected]
that’s eaten another creature.”).

Importantly, Urist (Urist & Shill, 1982) made a distinction haviors, and/or self-reports of violence, marital problems, and
between the phenomena he was attempting to measure—OR relationship functioning.
development—and “a more general Rorschach health-sickness At the same time, some data suggest that the MOA Scale does
factor” (p. 453). Indeed, in Urist and Shill’s second MOA not cleanly measure what it purports to measure. Tuber (1992)
Scale publication, they took explicit methodological steps to noted that the scale does not correlate with chronological age,
ensure that the latter would not influence raters’ efforts to which means that its scoring levels do not represent points on
record the former in participants’ Rorschach responses. The- an OR developmental timeline but simply object representa-
oretically, this distinction is a valid one. Object relational tions of varying qualities. Furthermore, the scale may also be a
development is the maturational process of separation individ- potent measure of psychopathology. Harder, Greenwald, Wech-
uation that can lead to healthy outcomes (Masterson, 1976). sler, and Ritzler (1984) found that higher (more pathological)
“Health-sickness,” or psychopathology, does not refer to a de- MOA mean scores were significantly associated with diagno-
velopmental concept or personality organization but rather to sis severity trichotomized into the categories of nonpsychotic,
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th affective psychotic, and schizophrenic spectrum disorders (r =
ed., text revision [DSM–IV–TR]; American Psychological As- .43, p < .001).
sociation, 2000) Axis I psychopathology (e.g., dysphoria, pho- In a thorough study with long-term psychiatric inpatients,
bic avoidance, thought disorder). The constructs, therefore, are Blatt et al. (1990) investigated the relationships between sev-
not synonymous. Still, when developmental outcomes are un- eral MOA Scale scores (e.g., the mean, single healthiest score,
healthy (e.g., borderline personality organization), vulnerabil- and the single most pathological score) and (a) estimates of so-
ity to developing and expressing psychopathology presumably cial behavior and interpersonal relations derived from clinical
increases (Berg, Packer, & Nunno, 1993). In these cases, ob- records, (b) neurotic and psychotic symptomatology as recorded
ject representations of poor quality are likely to co-occur with in clinical records, and (c) Rorschach measures of reality test-
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symptomatology. ing (F + %) and thought disorder (e.g., severity of boundary

The MOA Scale has respectable psychometric qualities. How- disturbance) developed earlier by Blatt and Ritzler (1974). Sur-
ever, Urist’s (1977) initial interrater reliability values were not prisingly, although most adaptive scores related to a measure of
impressive: Raters achieved exact agreement at the response interpersonal communication, MOA Scale mean scores corre-
level only 52% of the time and were within 1 point of each lated significantly with symptom severity (r = .35, p < .0001),
other 86% of the time. Holaday and Sparks (2001) calculated reality testing (r = −.41, p < .0001), and thought disorder
the unweighted response-level exact agreement average in the (r = .49, p < .0001) but not with ratings of social behavior
literature to be 74.3%. After expanding the MOA Scale scor- and interpersonal relations on the ward. MOA Scale indexes of
ing guidelines, Holaday and Sparks obtained an exact agree- pathological object representations (i.e., the sum of responses
ment rate of 80% at the response level using raters naı̈ve to scored 5, 6, or 7) evidenced a similar pattern of significant
OR theory. Results from a recent meta-analysis of MOA Scale and nonsignificant results. Blatt et al. (1990) concluded that the
interrater scoring reliability (Bombel, 2006) found weighted MOA Scale appears to measure psychopathology primarily and
kappa and percent agreement coefficients of .83 and .81, respec- interpersonal relationship quality secondarily.
tively, when these statistics were computed across individual Berg et al. (1993) investigated the relationship between
responses, whereas intraclass correlations (ICCs) and Pearson’s thought disorder and object representation in psychiatric outpa-
r s were .94 and .91, respectively, when computed at the proto- tients diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, narcissis-
col level, that is, when raters were compared across aggregated tic personality disorder, and schizophrenia. A strong relationship
protocol scores. These data indicate that the MOA Scale can be was found between MOA Scale pathology scores (sum of Levels
reliably scored. 5, 6, and 7) and thought disorder (r = .58, p < .001) as measured
The MOA Scale has also demonstrated validity as a mea- by the Comprehensive System (CS; Exner, 1986) weighted sum
sure of OR quality. In Urist’s (1977) initial explication of the of the six cognitive special scores (WSum6) variable. Further,
measure, MOA Scale scores correlated significantly with (a) in- whereas the frequencies of MOA Scale Level 4 and 5 scores
patients’ autobiographical material scored for object relational differentiated the patients with personality disorders from those
themes (r = .63, p < .001) and (b) staff ratings of the quality with schizophrenia, the pathology composite did not success-
of the inpatients’ relationships with hospital staff and other in- fully discriminate among the three patient groups. These data
patients (r = .43, p < .001). Among an inpatient sample, Blatt, suggest that the MOA Scale is not making finer distinctions
Tuber, and Auerbach (1990) found significant correlations (r = between poor object representations and thought disturbances
.26, p < .001) between MOA Scale scores and the Concept of when both are present.
the Object Scale (Blatt et al., 1976), which assigns OR scores to The results from these studies highlight concerns that have
thematic and structural aspects of Rorschach responses. Ryan, been raised in literature reviews about the construct validity
Avery, and Grolnick (1985), in an investigation of the conver- of the MOA Scale (Stricker & Healey, 1990; Tuber, 1992). It
gent and discriminant validity of the MOA Scale, found that appears to be sensitive to relationship quality and social func-
healthier (i.e., lower) MOA Scale responses were significantly tioning; however, it may be no less sensitive to severity of Axis
related to social adjustment (r = −.24, p < .10), self-esteem (r I psychopathology. If this is the case, MOA Scale scores are
= −.26, p < .05), and interpersonal cooperation (r = −.33, p < confounded and difficult to interpret. Given the popularity of
.05) but not to teacher ratings of achievement and intelligence. the scale, a construct validity investigation exploring this issue
Finally, a recent meta-analysis (Fowler, Addelson, & Clemence, is warranted.
2006) of the validity of the MOA Scale yielded small to medium Cronbach and Meehl (1955) noted that one could estimate the
effect sizes (rs = .20–.34) across several indexes when criteria construct validity of a measure by providing evidence to show
were correlates of OR phenomena, such as observer-rated be- that it interrelates with measures of other constructs in ways that

would be expected if the underlying theory is true. Recently, the total number of scorable MOA Scale responses. This score
Westen and Rosenthal (2003) developed a procedure to quan- is a ratio of developmentally healthy to primitive scores relative
tify the pattern of relationships in this conceptual framework. to the number of MOA responses produced. Thus, it provides
Based on analysis of variance contrast analysis, it involves gen- a more sophisticated summary of MOA Scale information than
erating a set of predicted relationships (i.e., a pattern of contrast the other indexes.
weights) between the target measure and the specified criterion
variables and then calculating the degree to which this predic-
tion matches the actual relationship pattern. In the true spirit of
contrast analysis, the predicted relationship pattern between the Participants
measure and the criterion variables constitutes the hypothesis to The participants in this study were drawn from a large archive
be tested. The resulting effect size, rcontrast - construct validity (CV) , is (N = 440) of individuals who underwent psychological assess-
a Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient that is read- ment through a testing service associated with a large Midwest-
ily interpretable and readily aggregated in a future meta-analysis ern university hospital. To be considered, participants’ case files
(Westen & Rosenthal, 2003). needed to include a Rorschach protocol with between 14 and 50
To investigate the construct validity of the MOA Scale, responses (R). Limits were placed on R to help ensure results
Westen and Rosenthal’s (2003) procedure was used in this would not be negatively affected by unreliably brief or exces-
study to test competing hypotheses about what the scale ac- sively lengthy protocols (Dean, Viglione, Perry, & Meyer, 2007;
tually measures. That is, Westen and Rosenthal’s procedure was Exner, 2003; Meyer, 1992). Also, case files needed to include
conducted in two different circumstances resulting in two sepa- Thematic Apperception Test (TAT; H. A. Murray, 1943) stories
rate rcontrast - CV values—the first assuming that the MOA Scale for cards 1, 2, 3BM, 4, 10, and 13MF. We chose the first 100
is a measure of OR and the second assuming the MOA Scale is case files meeting these criteria, starting from the most recently
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a measure of psychopathology. Therefore, first, we created a set created, for analyses here. The average number of Rorschach
of predicted correlations between the MOA Scale and our crite- responses in the final sample was 22.71 (SD = 8.15). This group
rion variables assuming that the scale is primarily a measure of was comprised of psychiatric inpatients (N = 30), psychiatric
the quality of OR. For example, the MOA Scale should correlate outpatients (N = 36), general medical inpatients and outpatients
more strongly with other measures of OR and less strongly with evaluated for psychiatric reasons (N = 33), and 1 incarcerated
measures of thought disorder and Axis I symptom severity. We individual evaluated for psychiatric reasons. More males (N =
then used the rcontrast - CV procedure to generate an effect size 58) than females (N = 42) were represented, and age of the par-
representing the degree to which this MOA Scale as OR mea- ticipants ranged from 15 to 71 years (M = 34.5, SD = 12.99).
sure prediction set matched the actual pattern of relationships Years of education ranged from 9 to 21 (M = 13.74, SD =
between the MOA Scale and the 14 criterion variables chosen 2.55). At the time of testing, 28 of the individuals were mar-
for this study. Next, we created a set of predicted correlations ried, 10 were divorced, 3 were widowed, and 59 had never been
between the MOA Scale and the criterion variables assuming married.
that the scale is primarily a measure of Axis I symptom sever-
ity. This time, the rcontrast - CV procedure generated an effect size
representing the degree to which this MOA Scale as pathology Measures
measure prediction set matched the actual pattern of relation- The criterion variables used in this study were as follows:
ships between the MOA Scale and the criterion variables. The
competing prediction sets yield the following expectations: (a) 1. The Complexity of Human Representations (CHR) scale
If the MOA Scale is primarily an OR measure, the rcontrast - CV ef- from the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale
fect size for the MOA Scale as OR measure prediction set should (SCORS; Westen, Lohr, Silk, Kerber, & Goodrich, 1990).
be larger than the rcontrast - CV effect size for the MOA Scale as 2. The Affect Tone (AT) scale from the SCORS.
pathology measure prediction set; (b) contrariwise, if the MOA 3. The Emotional Investment in Human Relationships (EIR)
Scale is primarily a measure of psychopathology severity, the scale from the SCORS-Global Method scale (SCORS-G;
rcontrast - CV effect size for the MOA Scale as pathology measure Hilsenroth et al., 2004).
prediction set should be larger than the rcontrast - CV effect size for
the MOA Scale as OR measure prediction set. and the following variables from the CS (Exner, 2003):
We tested this set of competing hypotheses four times in our
study, once for each of our MOA Scale score indexes. The first 4. Good Human Representation (GHR).
three are (a) MOA Scale mean score (MOAx), which is re- 5. Poor Human Representation (PHR).
ported frequently in the literature (Stricker & Healey, 1990); (b) 6. Human Representational Variable (HRV).
the single best or most adaptive score (MOAb); and (c) the sin- 7. X – %.
gle worst or most pathological score (MOAp). These latter two 8. WDA%.
scores have also been reported very frequently in the literature 9. WSum6.
(e.g., Ackerman, Hilsenroth, Clemence, Weatherill, & Fowler, 10. Perceptual Thinking Index (PTI).
2000; Blais, Hilsenroth, Fowler, & Conboy, 1999; Cook, Blatt, 11. Suicide Constellation (S-CON).
& Ford, 1995; Strauss & Ryan, 1987; Tuber, 1983). The final 12. Depression Index (DEPI).
measure was a refined variable that makes use of the full spec- 13. Coping Deficit Index (CDI).
trum of MOA scores defined here as (d) the relative Health index 14. A composite scale derived from CS scores called the Con-
(MOAHI) and computed as the number of healthy Level 1 scores ceptual Ego Strength Index (CESI; Resnick, 1994; Resnick
minus the most disturbed Level 5, 6, and 7 scores divided by & Meyer, 1995).

These variables were included because we hypothesized that sive, or malevolent representation or perceptions. Along these broad
they would relate to the target constructs (OR or psychopathol- and heterogeneous dimensions, the HRV summarizes the overall qual-
ogy) in varying degrees, and the rcontrast - CV procedure is most ity of human interpersonal perceptions and representations, that is, the
sensitive to levels of agreement between the predicted and ob- implicit understanding of people and relationships. (p. 71)
served correlations when the correlations include a wide range
of values (Westen & Rosenthal, 2003). Further, we made an Research using the newer HRV measures has been limited to
effort to include criterion variables that assess aspects of psy- just a few studies. However, Viglione et al. (2003) found sub-
chopathology associated with both the more neurotic (e.g., stantial correlations between the HEV measures and their HRV
DEPI) and more psychotic (e.g., WSum6) segments of the psy- counterparts (all rs ≥ .87), and the HEV has demonstrated con-
choanalytic personality organization spectrum (Kernberg, 1986; struct validity. For example, Burns and Viglione (1996) found
McWilliams, 1994). that HEV distinguished between high and low interpersonal re-
latedness groups as identified with the Bell Object Relations
SCORS. The SCORS, and its briefer version, the SCORS– Inventory (BORI; Bell, 1991), a version of the BORI modified
G, are eight scale scoring systems designed to broadly assess to be a spouse-report instrument, and the Emotional Maturity
affective processes, social information processing, and inter- Rating Form (Bessell, 1984).
nalized representations of self and others. Interrater reliability The X – % variable represents the proportion of Rorschach re-
of the SCORS has been well documented when used to rate sponses in which the individual disregarded the contours of the
TAT stories (Ackerman et al., 2000; Fowler et al., 2004), early inkblots when formulating percepts. Exner’s (1993) reference
memories (Fowler, Hilsenroth, & Handler, 1995), and narrative group of individuals with schizophrenia had higher X – % scores
statements by patients during psychotherapy sessions (Peters, than the nonpatient normative group. Similarly, Dao and Pre-
Hilsenroth, Eudell-Simmons, Blagys, & Handler, 2006). Fur- vatt (2006) found that depressed individuals without psychosis
Downloaded By: [University of Toledo] At: 00:58 14 April 2009

ther, the SCORS has demonstrated convergent and construct scored significantly lower (healthier) on the X – % variable than
validity by relating significantly to other OR measures such as did individuals with a schizophrenia-spectrum disorder. WDA%
the MOA Scale (Ackerman, Hilsenroth, Clemence, Weatherill, represents the extent to which a respondent is using common blot
& Fowler, 2001) and the Concept of the Object Scale (Hibbard, contours in conventional ways. In the aforementioned study by
Hilsenroth, Hibbard, & Nash, 1995). Dao and Prevatt, the depressed group scored significantly higher
In this study, we used the CHR and AT scales from the SCORS (more conventional) than the schizophrenia-spectrum group.
and the EIR scale from the SCORS–G as criterion variables be- The WSum6 indicates the presence of thinking disturbance
cause they were expected to converge with the MOA Scale or a thought disorder (Exner, 2003). In Dao and Prevatt’s (2006)
to differing degrees. The CHR scale assesses the capacity for sample, the schizophrenia-spectrum group exhibited signifi-
seeing self and others as separate individuals with enduring dis- cantly higher WSum6 scores than did the depressed group. Fur-
positions, complex motives, and unique subjective experiences. ther, it has differentiated children and adolescents with disturbed
The AT scale measures the emotional tone of what an indi- thinking and behavior from those without such problems (S. R.
vidual expects from others and the world, ranging from pain Smith, Baity, Knowles, & Hilsenroth, 2001).
and malevolence to positive, enriching, and happy experiences. The S-CON is an actuarial index that helps identify individu-
The EIR scale assesses the quality of relationship representa- als who may be at risk for suicide (Exner, 2003). Fowler, Piers,
tions, ranging from profound selfishness to mutuality, respect, Hilsenroth, Holdwick, and Padawer (2001) found that S-CON
and interdependence. We used Westen et al.’s (1990) 5-point scores ≥ 7 predicted near-lethal suicide attempts among a mixed
CHR and AT scales here because they provide ample guidelines group of psychiatric patients and successfully discriminated be-
for rater training. The EIR scale from the SCORS–G was cho- tween such attempts and parasuicidal behavior.
sen instead of the Emotional Investment in Relationships and Exner (2003) suggested that the DEPI is sensitive to some
Moral Standards scale from the SCORS because it focuses more aspects of depression, although not necessarily a DSM ma-
on relational phenomena. Typically, final ratings for each scale jor depressive illness. Still, in a review and meta-analysis by
are generated by averaging scale scores across individual TAT Jørgenson, Andersen, and Dam (2000), the DEPI was more able
stories (or early memories, etc.). to identify “true positives” when the diagnoses were nonpsy-
chotic and unipolar depression than when target diagnoses were
Rorschach CS. The Rorschach criterion variables used in psychotic and bipolar depression and when depression was as-
this study are in the CS (Exner, 2003) or derived from its scores. sociated with borderline personality disorder. Jørgenson et al.
The original Human Experience Variable (HEV), which in- noted that the DEPI may be more sensitive to unambiguous
cluded the Good Human Experience (GHE) and Poor Human forms of depression; however, its overall effect size as a diag-
Experience (PHE) variables, was recently modified to create the nostic measure of depression appears to be small.
psychometrically superior trio of variables mentioned earlier: The CDI is comprised of a heterogeneous mix of variables
the HRV, GHR, and PHR (Viglione, Perry, Jansak, Meyer, & related to coping resources, capacity for directing responses to
Exner, 2003). Viglione et al. (2003) described the new variables environmental challenges, and interpersonal difficulties (Exner,
as follows: 2003). Higher scorers tend to be socially inept or helpless
and have impoverished and unfulfilling interpersonal relation-
GHR responses are perceptions or representations of positive schema ships. Exner (2003) described an unpublished study wherein
of self, other, and relationships manifested in accurate, realistic, logical, CDI scores differentiated outpatients who reported interpersonal
intact, human responses and benign or cooperative interactions. PHR complaints from those that did not.
are negative and problematic perceptions or representations as man- Resnick (1994) developed the CESI to measure the ego psy-
ifested in distorted, unrealistic, damaged, confused, illogical, aggres- chological construct of ego strength. It is based on Kleiger’s

(1992) notion that the EA variable from the CS can be inter- TABLE 1.—Interrater reliability coefficients and descriptive statistics for the
preted as an indicator of ego-mediated coping resources, in- MOA Scale indexes and criterion variables.
cluding the capacity to endure stress, anxiety, and other neg- Measure ICCa Mean SD Minimum Maximum
ative affect states. The CESI is computed from CS scores for
Form dominance, Form quality, cognitive Special Scores, and MOAx .91 2.87 0.78 1.00 5.00
primitive Content. Meyer and Resnick (1996; Resnick & Meyer, MOAb .75 1.57 0.67 1.00 4.00
1995) have found that even though the CESI has a strong cor- MOAp .88 4.62 1.59 1.00 7.00
MOAHI .78 −0.05 0.25 −0.71 1.00
relation (r = .72) with the Ego Impairment Index (EII; Perry CHR .59 2.94 0.60 2.00 4.67
& Viglione, 1991), it slightly outperformed the EII by corre- AT .71 2.92 0.49 1.50 4.08
lating more strongly with clinician-assigned DSM diagnostic EIR .69 3.38 0.60 1.83 5.67
codes along a theoretical continuum of ego impairment (rs = GHR .92 3.33 1.96 0.00 9.00
.40 vs. .35). It also correlated more strongly with the criterion PHR .96 4.55 4.04 0.00 18.00
HRV .90 −1.22 4.34 −15.00 7.00
than the Ego-Strength Scale (Barron, 1953) and Goldberg Index X-% .87 0.21 0.12 0.00 0.56
(Goldberg, 1965) from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality WDA% .91 0.81 0.12 0.50 1.00
Inventory–2 (Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, Tellegen, & Kaem- WSum6 .81 23.13 25.84 0.00 162.00
mer, 1989; rs of –.25 and .17, respectively). PTI .78 1.30 1.46 0.00 5.00
S-CON .76 5.82 1.81 1.00 10.00
Importantly, there are no specific scoring confounds between DEPI .83 4.53 1.37 1.00 7.00
the Rorschach criterion variables used here and the MOA Scale. CDI .89 2.96 1.31 0.00 5.00
All of the Rorschach criterion variables are derived primarily CESI .86 0.53 0.21 0.14 1.32
from structural, or quantitative, aspects of responses across pro-
tocols. For example, although GHR, PHR, the CDI, and the Note. Descriptive data based on N = 100. MOA = Mutuality of Autonomy Scale;
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ICC = intraclass correlation: 2-way random effects model absolute agreement ICC (A,1;
CESI are sensitive in varying degrees to content themes of ag- McGraw & Wong, 1996) computed at the summary-score level; MOAx = MOA Scale
gression and/or cooperation (like the MOA Scale), they are mean; MOAb = MOA Scale best score index; MOAp = MOA Scale Pathology index;
MOAHI = MOA Scale Health index; SCORS = Social Cognition and Object Relations
calculated largely from specific structural summary elements Scale; CHR = Complexity of Human Representation (CHR) SCORS scale; AT = Affect
(e.g., FQ, Special Scores, noninterpersonal theme Content) in Tone (AT) SCORS scale; EIR = Emotional Investment in Human Relationships (EIR)
the protocol (Exner, 2003). In contrast, MOA Scale scores are SCORS scale; PTI = Perceptual Thinking index; S-CON = Suicide Constellation; DEPI =
Depression index; CDI = Coping Deficit index; CESI = Conceptual Ego Strength index.
assigned based only on molar, interpersonally oriented thematic a
CHR, AT, and EIR based on N = 20; all other variables based on N = 23.
elements; their values do not represent formal aspects of per-
cepts but rather OR developmental levels (Urist, 1977).
ticipants’ scores on other SCORS scales, MOA Scale scores,
and patient diagnosis. For each participant, final scores for each
Procedures scale were simple averages across the six stories. Another doc-
Scoring and reliability. All Rorschach tests in the original toral student in clinical psychology randomly selected and in-
database were administered and scored by G. J. Meyer or one dependently scored 20 protocols for the three SCORS scales.
of several clinical psychology doctoral students in training with G. Bombel and this student trained to the “gold standard” story
him who had received course work and supervised training in examples in the SCORS and SCORS–G manuals. Interrater re-
the CS before data collection began. Protocols were scored with liability ICCs (A,1) were computed on the final scores for each
the CS at the time of testing. To determine interrater reliability, scale and were in the fair to good range (Cicchetti, 1994; see
a batch of randomly selected protocols (N = 23) was indepen- Table 1).
dently scored by another doctoral student in clinical psychology.
Two-way, random effects, absolute agreement ICCs (A,1; Mc- The rcontrast - CV procedure. In this study, the initial step in
Graw & Wong, 1996) were excellent (see Table 1). Westen and Rosenthal’s (2003) procedure was to create pre-
Holaday and Sparks (2001) developed a set of comprehen- dicted correlations between the MOA Scale and the criterion
sive scoring guidelines for the MOA that largely follow Urist’s variables. Each of us first read brief descriptions of the MOA
(1977) initial article but expand on scoring guidelines and ex- Scale, the criterion variables, and the concepts of psychopathol-
amples for each scoring level. Holaday and Sparks permitted ogy and object relations theory. Next, we independently pre-
reliable scoring even among raters naı̈ve to OR theory. Using dicted what the magnitude and direction of the observed corre-
these guidelines, G. Bombel scored all Rorschach protocols and lation might be between the MOA Scale and each of the crite-
calculated the four index scores (MOAx, MOAb, MOAp, and rion variables while taking into account method variance. We
MOAHI). The MOA Scale was scored blind to the criterion did this twice. First, we made ratings assuming that the MOA
variables in this study (i.e., the SCORS and other Rorschach Scale is primarily a measure of OR. For example, a moder-
variables) and patient diagnosis. To determine interrater relia- ate negative correlation might be predicted between the MOA
bility for the MOA Scale, we randomly selected 20 protocols Scale and CHR because they would appear to measure similar
and J. L. Milhura independently scored them. Agreement was constructs given our assumption about the MOA Scale. The pre-
excellent (κ = .94) regarding whether a Rorschach response dicted correlation would be negative because lower MOA Scale
was scorable with the MOA Scale (Cicchetti, 1994). Interrater scores, and higher CHR scores, represent healthier representa-
reliability ICCs (A,1) for the MOA Scale indexes were also in tions. We obtained the final MOA Scale as OR prediction set
the excellent range (see Table 1). of correlations by averaging the predicted correlations across
G. Bombel scored all TAT protocols (cards 1, 2, 3BM, 4, 10, the three raters for each criterion variable. The average mea-
and 13MF) with the CHR, AT, and EIR scales. When scoring sures ICC (A,3; McGraw & Wong, 1996) among us was .96.
with a particular SCORS scale, G. Bombel was unaware of par- Subsequently, we repeated these steps assuming that the MOA

Scale is primarily a measure of psychopathology. We obtained TABLE 2.—Predicted and observed correlations between the MOA Scale and
the final MOA Scale as pathology prediction set of correlations criterion variables.
as before, and agreement among the raters was again excellent Predicted Correlationsa Observed Correlations
(ICC [A,3] = .94; Cicchetti, 1994). Criterion
Next, for the MOA Scale as OR prediction set, we generated Variable OR Pathology MOAxb MOAbb MOApb MOAHIc
exact lambda weights by subtracting the mean of the predicted
correlations from each individual correlation and then squaring CHRc −.43 −.15 .32∗∗ .08 .35∗∗ −.27∗∗
ATc −.32 −.20 −.05 .18 −.21∗ .12
and summing these values. We obtained actual correlations be- EIRc −.40 −.15 .02 −.06 .04 .06
tween one of the MOA scales and the criterion variables, trans- GHRc −.38 −.22 −.13 −.33∗∗ .12 .17
formed them into Fisher’s Z scores, and then multiplied them PHRb .46 .30 .28∗∗ −.15 .42∗∗ −.33∗∗
by the squared lambda weights forthe predicted correlations. HRVc −.33 −.22 −.32∗∗ −.01 −.34∗∗ .38∗∗
We used the sum of this column ( λZr ), along with the me- X - %b .15 .32 .10 .10 .04 −.16
WDA%c −.17 −.30 −.09 −.13 .00 .11
dian intercorrelation (rx ) among the criterion variables, and the
WSum6b .23 .45 .25∗ −.19 .33∗∗ −.19
average squared observed correlation to compute Zcontrast (see PTIb .18 .45 .19 −.04 .25∗ −.21∗
Westen & Rosenthal, 2003, for more detailed procedures). We S-CONb .15 .43 .32∗∗ −.02 .29∗∗ −.33∗∗
then obtained the p and t values associated with the Zcontrast with DEPIb .15 .42 .21∗ .12 .20∗ −.32∗∗
the Distribution function in SPSS (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL), and CDIb .18 .37 .05 .34∗∗ −.22∗ −.09
we computed rcontrast - CV as the square root of the squared tscore CESIb .18 .45 .30∗∗ −.13 .26∗∗ −.25∗
divided by the sum of the squared tscore and the degrees of free-
Note. All analyses, N = 100. MOA = Mutuality of Autonomy Scale; OR = object
dom. We subsequently repeated the procedure using the MOA relations: predicted correlations for the MOA Scale as an OR measure; Pathology =
Scale as psychopathology severity prediction set. We then re- predicted correlations for the MOA Scale as a measure of psychopathology; MOAx =
Downloaded By: [University of Toledo] At: 00:58 14 April 2009

peated the whole process for each of the MOA Scale indexes. MOA Scale mean; MOAb = MOA Scale best score index; MOAp = Moa Scale pathology
index; MOAHI = MOA Scale Health index; SCORS = Social Cognition and Object
Thus, for each MOA index, we generated two rcontrast - CV ef- Relations Scale; CHR = Complexity of Human Representation SCORS scale; AT = Affect
fect sizes, one assuming that the MOA Scale measures OR Tone SCORS scale; EIR = Emotional Investment in Human Relationships SCORS scale;
PTI = Perceptual Thinking index; S-CON = Suicide Constellation; DEPI = Depression
and one assuming that it measures psychopathology severity. index; CDI = Coping Deficit index; CESI = Conceptual Ego Strength index.
Subsequently, we tested the differences between the OR and a
Signs of these correlations should be reversed when considering the MOAHI, which
psychopathology effect sizes for each index for significance is reverse scored relative to the other MOA scales. b Lower scores are healthier. c Higher
scores are healthier.
using a procedure for comparing two sets of contrasts (i.e., the- *p < .05, two-tailed. ∗∗ p < .01, two-tailed.
ories; Rosenthal, Rosnow, & Rubin, 2000). Finally, to identify
which index was the better measure of OR and which was the
better measure of psychopathology, we examined rcontrast - CV not overlap the MOAHI and MOAx CIs. This suggests that these
effect sizes and their 95% confidence intervals across indexes latter indexes are more sensitive as overall OR and pathology
for each prediction set. Procedures have not been developed to √ than MOAb is. CIs spanned about .30 points (Zr ±
compare such effect sizes statistically (R. Rosenthal, personal 1.96/ N − 3), regardless of prediction set, and all other CIs
communication, April 13, 2008). overlapped. However, overlapping CIs do not necessarily pre-
vent mean differences from being significant (Wolfe & Hanley,
2002). As noted, the difference between MOAx OR and MOAx
RESULTS pathology rcontrast - CV effect sizes was significant (p = .03) de-
Table 1 presents descriptive statistics for the MOA Scale in- spite an absolute value of .07 and overlapping CIs. MOAHI OR
dexes and criterion variables. The distribution of the WSum6 and pathology effect sizes differed from their MOAx and MOAp
variable was skewed (2.72) and kurtotic (9.96) because 1 partic- counterparts by .10 to .18 points, whereas MOAp effect sizes
ipant had an extremely high value; it was therefore transformed were about .30 points higher than corresponding MOAb effect
with a square root function (revised M = 4.22; SD = 2.32; skew sizes.
= 0.913; kurtosis = 1.55). The observed correlations between A surprising finding was that the effect sizes for the MOAb
the MOA Scale indexes and the criterion variables, as well as were negligible. In this sample, most participants had a MOAb
the set of competing predicted correlations, are in Table 2. The
primary rcontrast - CV procedure data are presented in Table 3. As
can be seen from the first row in Table 3, for all four indexes, TABLE 3.—MOA Scale rcontrast - construct validity (CV) effect size statistics for
the MOA Scale as pathology measure effect size was larger competing prediction sets across indexes.
than the MOA Scale as OR measure effect size. The difference MOAx MOAb MOAp MOAHI
approached significance for MOAHI (p = .07), and reached Quantity OR Pathology OR Pathology OR Pathology OR Pathology
significance for MOAx (p = .03). This latter index appears to
be more sensitive to pathology than to OR, whereas the other rcontrast - CV .42 .49 .03 .10 .39 .41 .54 .59
95% CI
indexes appear to be equally sensitive to both constructs. Fol- From: 0.25 0.32 −0.17 −0.01 0.21 0.24 0.38 0.45
lowing Cohen’s (1992) guidelines, for both the MOA Scale as To: 0.57 0.63 0.23 0.30 0.54 0.56 0.66 0.71
OR measure and MOA Scale as pathology measure, rcontrast - CV Zcontrast 4.40 5.19 0.28 .97 4.01 4.21 −5.79 −6.50
tcontrast 4.64 5.58 0.28 .97 4.19 4.42 6.34 7.29
effect sizes were large (>.50) for the MOAHI, medium to large pcontrast <.001 <.001 0.390 .166 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001
(.39–.49) for MOAx and MOAp, and small or negligible (≤.10)
for MOAb. Note. MOA = Mutuality of Autonomy Scale; OR = object relations: MOA Scale as OR
measure; Pathology = MOA Scale as measure of psychopathology; MOAx = MOA Scale
For each of the prediction sets (OR, pathology), the 95% con- mean; MOAb = MOA Scale best score index; MOAp = MOA Scale pathology index;
fidence interval (CI) around MOAb’s rcontrast - CV effect size did MOAHI = MOA Scale health index; CI = confidence interval.

score of 1 (n = 52) or 2 (n = 42); only 6 of them scored above a the new and initial effect sizes were negligible (.01–.04) and did
2. Here, MOAb simply did not covary much with other variables, not favor one set of criteria systematically. Therefore, we do not
so relationships were small. report these data in a table.
A closer examination of our SCORS data revealed some puz-
zling relationships between the SCORS variables and the MOA
Scale indexes. The observed correlations between all four MOA DISCUSSION
indexes and the CHR scale were not in the expected direction; In this study, we examined the construct validity of the MOA
the same was true for the MOAx and MOAp scores with the Scale using the rcontrast - CV procedure developed by Westen and
EIR scale and for MOAb with the AT scale. This occurred de- Rosenthal (2003). We generated competing hypotheses—that
spite the fact that the MOA scores showed an expected pattern the MOA Scale primarily measures OR and that it primarily
of relationship with other criteria. These discrepancies led us to measures psychopathology. Each hypothesis was represented as
consider errors when scoring the SCORS scales and/or entering a pattern of predicted correlations between the MOA Scale and a
them into our database. To test this, we generated scatter plots set of criterion variables, and each was tested against the actual
between MOAx and the SCORS variables, identified outliers, correlations in our sample. We then generated the rcontrast - CV
and reexamined their scores on MOA and SCORS variables. effect sizes representing the degree of correspondence between
Further, 20 participants’ MOA and SCORS scores were chosen each of these prediction sets (OR, psychopathology) and the
randomly and checked for data entry error. No scoring or data actual relationships. In light of previous research findings, our
entry errors were identified. However, given the unexpected rela- initial round of analyses produced some puzzling relationships
tionships, we reanalyzed the data without the SCORS variables among the SCORS variables and between SCORS variables and
(See Table 4). some MOA Scale indexes. We therefore decided to repeat the
The rcontrast - CV effect sizes for most indexes increased across analyses without the SCORS data. Magnitudes of the resulting
Downloaded By: [University of Toledo] At: 00:58 14 April 2009

both prediction sets when the SCORS variables were excluded; rcontrast - CV effect sizes were large for the MOAHI, MOAx, and
however, the increases were most pronounced for the OR predic- MOAp indexes and small for the MOAb index, although all
tions. The indexes demonstrated the same orders of magnitude were significant (p < .05). The differences between the MOA
described earlier, descending from MOAHI, MOAx, MOAp, Scale as OR measure and MOA Scale as pathology measure
to MOAb. This time, both MOAHI and MOAx effect sizes rcontrast - CV effect sizes were not significant for any index; indeed,
were large. MOAp and MOAb remained medium large and none of the effect sizes differed by more than .07 points. Thus,
small, respectively, although both MOAb effect sizes reached neither of the competing hypotheses was supported. The MOA
significance in these analyses (p ≤ .03). MOA Scale OR ef- Scale appears to be a good measure of OR quality as well as
fect sizes were higher than pathology effect sizes for MOAHI psychopathology severity, but it does not appear to discriminate
and MOAp, and the reverse was true for MOAb; but ulti- between the two constructs.
mately, none of the OR–pathology effect size differences were Taken separately, our observed OR and pathology effect sizes
significant. are therefore consistent with studies that have supported the con-
We utilized Holaday and Sparks’ (2001) revised MOA Scale struct validity of the MOA Scale as a measure of object relations
scoring guidelines instead of Urist’s (1977) original criteria. (Ackerman et al., 2001; Blatt et al., 1990; Fowler, Hilsenroth,
The reviewers of the initial version of this manuscript noted & Handler, 1996; Urist, 1977) as well as studies in which MOA
that these two sets of guidelines differ in how a response that Scale scores have converged with indicators of psychopathol-
portrays “Fighting between equals” would be scored. The for- ogy, such as diagnosis severity and lifetime psychosis severity
mer would assign a Level 2 based on the portrayed balance of (Harder et al., 1984). Furthermore, our data are consistent with
power, whereas the latter would assign a Level 5 for fighting a number of other studies that have shown that the MOA Scale
(lower scores are healthier). To address this issue, all 18 “Fight- is a significant predictor of behavior and an effective tool to
ing between equals” responses were rescored as Level 5 (as per discriminate among a variety of groups (Ackerman et al., 2000;
Urist, 1977), and the analyses were re-run. Differences between Brown-Cheatham, 1993; Cook et al., 1995; Fowler et al., 2004;
Fowler, Hilsenroth, & Nolan, 2000; Goddard & Tuber, 1989;
Kavanagh, 1985; Leichsenring, 2004; Leifer, Shapiro, Martone,
& Kassem, 1991; Sayler, Holmstrom, & Noshpitz, 1991; Strauss
TABLE 4.—Mutuality of Autonomy (MOA) Scale rcontrast - construct
& Ryan, 1987; Tuber, 1983; Tuber, Frank, & Santostefano,
validity (CV) effect size statistics for competing prediction sets across indexes
without Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale data. 1989).
Although preliminary, our findings raise some practical is-
MOAx MOAb MOAp MOAHI sues. Classical psychoanalytic drive/structure theory holds that
Quantity OR Pathology OR Pathology OR Pathology OR Pathology
internal representations of self and others develop from the in-
terplay of instincts, social contact with caregivers, and inherited
rcontrast - CV .56 .56 .18 .22 .47 .40 .62 .61 characteristics such as temperament (Berg et al., 1993; Freud,
95% CI
From: 0.41 0.41 −0.02 0.02 0.30 0.22 0.48 0.47
1949). In contrast, OR theory states that self-representations
To: 0.68 0.68 0.36 0.40 0.61 0.56 0.73 0.72 and other representations develop concomitant with, or even
Zcontrast 6.04 6.07 1.77 2.21 4.89 4.17 −6.90 −6.78 developmentally precede, other aspects of psychological struc-
tcontrast 6.67 6.71 1.79 2.24 5.22 4.37 7.85 7.68
pcontrast <.001 <.001 .038 .014 <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001 ture such as the instincts and ego functions (Christopher, Bick-
hard, & Lambeth, 2001; Kernberg, 1986; Masterson, 1981).
Note. OR = object relations: MOA Scale as OR measure; Pathology = MOA Scale In either theory, the development of object representations
as measure of psychopathology; MOAx = MOA Scale mean; MOAb = MOA Scale best
score index; MOAp = MOA Scale Pathology index; MOAHI = MOA Scale Health index; necessarily covaries with the development of the personality,
CI = confidence interval. including into pathological outcomes. Given this theoretical

relationship, OR quality and psychopathology should be fun- nomena and psychopathology at the aggregated index score
damentally intertwined and correlated constructs. Indeed, the level of analysis. Indeed, OR quality may be too complicated to
relationship between our OR and pathology prediction sets in assess adequately in a single Rorschach modality. Measures that
the second and third column of Table 2 reflected this (r = .89; focus almost exclusively on theme (Coonerty, 1986; Kwawer,
ICC [A,1] = .78). 1979; Mayman, 1967; Urist, 1977) or structural aspects of re-
However, there has been an ongoing interest in developing as- sponses (Blatt et al., 1976; Pruitt & Spilka, 1964) may not be
sessment approaches or instruments that can home in on specific sampling the full breadth of how this construct is expressed
aspects of dynamic personality structure and functioning, for on the Rorschach. Here, it could be that OR phenomena and
example, primary process phenomena (Holt, 2002); ego impair- psychopathology are distinct enough to assess more purely as
ment (Perry & Viglione, 1991); defensive functioning (Lerner, separate constructs but that Rorschach measures are only sen-
1990); core conflict (Luborsky & Crits-Cristoph, 1990); attach- sitive to a fraction of the actual phenomena that would dis-
ment (Main, Kaplan, & Cassidy, 1985); and of course, object criminate between the two. Alternately, the two constructs are
representations (Urist, 1977), to name a few. When such mea- simply not distinguishable enough to measure more purely than
sures are designed for use with the Rorschach, scoring guide- we presently do. Our data may support the latter hypothesis.
lines focus on thematic and/or structural elements of response As noted earlier, based on the two sets of predicted correla-
contents that relate theoretically to the constructs being assessed. tions, the independent judges expected that the MOA Scale as
For example, an MOA Scale score (level) for a particular re- a pure measure of OR would behave much like the MOA Scale
sponse is assigned based on the OR developmental theme of as a pure measure of pathology (r = .89; ICC [A,1] = .78).
any interaction portrayed. This scoring focus is an attempt to Importantly, these judgments were reliable, with average mea-
make the measure more sensitive to the target construct than to sures ICCs across judges for the OR and pathology prediction
all other constructs (i.e., discrimination), even ones that might sets of .96 and .94, respectively. Still, to further clarify the is-
Downloaded By: [University of Toledo] At: 00:58 14 April 2009

overlap theoretically. If the guidelines can accomplish this, the sue, it would be helpful to use Westen and Rosenthal’s (2003)
final score communicates information primarily about the target rcontrast - CV procedure to examine implicit and performance OR
construct. If not, the score will communicate information about measures with samples that are representative of the normal
the target construct as well as other constructs the guidelines population.
cannot “tune out.” Here, the aggregated score would represent In our sample (N = 100; Total r = 2,271), 18 responses
some unknowable proportion of information about target and across 13 protocols portrayed “Fighting between equals.” Scor-
nontarget constructs. ing these responses as Level 5 (Urist, 1977) or Level 2 (Ho-
In this study, we examined precisely this capacity in the laday & Sparks, 2001) ultimately made little difference. The
MOA Scale and found that it did not discriminate OR phenom- rcontrast - CV effect sizes generated from the Urist (1977) and Ho-
ena from general psychopathology. Consequently, interpreting laday and Sparks (2001) scoring guidelines were essentially
MOA Scale index scores as relatively pure indicators of internal- equivalent. This suggests that the “Fighting between equals”
ized object representation quality that are distinct from overall response occurs infrequently enough that Holaday and Sparks’
psychopathology would not be sound. At a more molecular level (2001) MOA Scale scoring guidelines can be used in lieu of
of interpretation, however, some authors have suggested that lev- Urist’s (1977) in research and clinical settings. This is fortunate
els at the healthy end of the scale are generally more sensitive to because the Holaday and Sparks criteria are more comprehen-
OR phenomena than to psychopathology, whereas Levels 5, 6, sive and provide a great deal more guidance about scoring de-
and 7 are more sensitive to psychopathology (Berg et al., 1993; cisions than the Urist guidelines. Furthermore, as noted, Urist’s
Blatt et al., 1990). Our data are consistent with this. Only two (1977; Urist & Shill, 1982) published descriptions of MOA
criterion variables correlated significantly with MOAb: GHR Scale are inconsistent across Levels 2 through 6, which can
(r = −.33, p < .01) and the CDI (r = .34, p < .01). MOAp create scoring confusion.
correlated significantly with S-CON (r = .29, p < .01) and MOAx is one of the most reported MOA indexes in the lit-
DEPI (r = .20, p < .05), whereas WSum6 (r = .33, p < .01) erature (Ackerman et al., 2000; Blatt et al., 1990; Fowler et
and PTI (r = .25, p < .05) correlated better with MOAp than al., 2004; Goddard & Tuber, 1989; Leifer et al., 1991; Mazor,
with any other index. PHR, which is scored from structural ele- Alfa, & Gampel, 1993; Ryan et al., 1985; Spear & Sugarman,
ments of responses, related better to MOAp (r = .42, p < .01) 1984; Strauss & Ryan, 1987; Tuber, 1989; Tuber & Coates,
than did either of these two thought disorder variables. 1989), and it has frequently been used as the sole MOA Scale
The MOA Scale may be most clinically useful when interpre- index (Canetto, Feldman, & Lupei, 1989; Donahue & Tuber,
tation begins with a careful review of response content and con- 1993; Fowler et al., 1995; Harder et al., 1984; Hart & Hilton,
siders a range of additional scores to refine interpretation. This 1988; J. F. Murray, 1985; Tuber et al., 1989). Results of this
process can reveal the overall tone of the object representations study, however, suggest that it may not be the best MOA Scale
in the protocol and clarify how OR and pathology phenomena index for assessing its target constructs, OR quality and psy-
contributed to final index scores (Berg et al., 1993). For exam- chopathology. MOAHI, which is computed as a ratio of healthy
ple, an MOAx score of 5.32 might reflect OR quality more than to primitive scores relative to the number of scorable MOA re-
psychopathology if X – % = .15, PTI = 2, and S-CON = 4. On sponses, appears to be the most sensitive MOA Scale index.
the other hand, psychopathology would likely contribute more MOAHI rcontrast - CV effect sizes were the largest of any index
to this same MOAx score if it were accompanied by X – % = regardless of prediction set (OR or pathology) and whether the
.35, PTI = 4, and S-CON = 7. SCORS variables were included in the analyses.
One possible broader implication of these results is that A limitation of this study was the uncertainty regarding
theme-based Rorschach approaches to assessing OR phenom- the validity of the CHR, AT, and EIR scales. The interrater
ena, in general, are inherently unable to discriminate OR phe- reliability values ranged from fair to good and suggest that

these scales were scored with an acceptable degree of reliability Bombel, G. A. (2006). A meta-analysis of interrater scoring reliability for the
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these scales, as well as the relationships between these scales Brown-Cheatham, M. (1993). The Rorschach Mutuality of Autonomy Scale in
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