Laydown Yard Checklist
Laydown Yard Checklist
Laydown Yard Checklist
Site Management
Is the contractor H&SE policy displayed in the area?
HSE information and/or posters displayed and recent?
Are the site related emergency procedures available?
Has a risk assessment been conducted that covers the activities in the yard/workshop?
Have staff been inducted on Risk Assessments and Emergency Response Plans?
Does the contractor have a register of all heavy equipment in use at the yard/workshop?
Does the contractor have a register of all lifting equipment in use at the yard/workshop?
Has a the contractor implemented a work permit program, equivalent to the Saudi Aramco work permit sys
Have all corrective actions from previous inspections been closed effectively?
Fire Prevention
Is the Evacuation plan displayed and understood by all employees?
Are Fire Extinguishers in place and clearly marked for type of fire?
Are the Extinguishers recently serviced?
Are the Extinguishers properly mounted and clear of obstructions?
Are fire exits clearly marked with adequate direction notices?
Are Exit doors easily opened from inside?
Are Exits clear of obstructions?
Is the fire alarm system functional?
Is Fire protection system and equipment, whether temporary or permanent inspected and maintained in ac
Building Safety
Are floor surfaces even and uncluttered?
Are entry and walkways kept clear?
Are walkways adequately and clearly marked?
Are intersections kept clear of boxes etc.?
Are stairs and risers kept clear?
Are fall preventive measures in place?
Are designated walkways in good condition and clear to see?
Is furniture in sound condition?
Are loading areas clean and tidy?
Is there adequate signage indicating to visitor drivers what to do?
Are there designated areas where Vehicles / Plant equipment is parked?
Is there dedicated loading / unloading areas? Are pedestrians kept away from these areas by physical barr
Do staff wear High Vissibility vests when in yard?
Is there adequate signage indicating Plant movement?
Is there a "one way system" involved to prevent Vehicles / Plant reversing dangers?
Work Benches
|Are work benches clear of rubbish?
Are tools kept in good condition and inspected regularly?
No damaged hand tools in use?
No damaged power tools in use?
Rubbish Removal
Are rubbish bins located at suitable points around site?
Are bins emptied regularly?
Volatile liquids kept in strong metal lockers located in well-ventilated, noncombustible huts or sheds?
Flammables stored out of direct Sunlight? (Open shelters with a roof & walls; that do not confine heat/smo
Flammable storage areas secured and located at least 15 m (50 ft.) away from the nearest storage area fo
Appropriate warning signs posted at flammable storage areas?
Do gasoline- and diesel-powered equipment refuel in well-ventilated areas with their engines stopped?
Open flames or hot surfaces segregated from flammable and combustible materials?
First Aid Facilities
Are cabinets and contents clean and orderly?
Are contents regularly checked?
No contents past their expiry date?
Cabinets clearly labelled?
Is there easy access to cabinets?
Employees aware of location of first aid cabinet?
Are first aiders trained and accessible?
Are emergency numbers displayed?
Office Hazards
Condition of filing cabinets?
Condition of chairs? (Five star bases.)
Desks in good condition? (No damage.)
Screen Based Equipment positioned to reduce glare from windows etc.?
Photocopiers positioned to avoid fumes?
Air conditioning systems regularly maintained?
Stable non-slip floor coverings in good condition?
Yes No N/A