7 Stages of Grief
7 Stages of Grief
7 Stages of Grief
Feelings of
Expect hopelessness, helplessness, sadness,
numbness, fear, guilt, anger and
Published: January 27, 2023 Updated:
February 1, 2023
When people experience significant loss,
What Are the 7 Stages of Grief?
they grieve. Grief is an overwhelming
universal series of emotions that touches us These seven stages are not necessarily in
all. Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross first order and may occur more than once. Grief
introduced the concept of five stages of is not a linear, standard process and it can
grief which has now moved to seven. The vary from person to person, but this model
seven stage model is widely accepted as helps gauge your grief process
more inclusive and accurate to what people expectations.2 Other grief experts report
experience.1 frequent looping back and forth between
If you feel you are suffering from grief, stages.3
working with a therapist can help you
identify and cope with the stage of grief you Here is the model for the seven stages of
are in. BetterHelp has over 20,000 licensed grief:
therapists who provide convenient and
affordable online therapy. BetterHelp starts 1. Shock & Denial
at $60 per week. Complete a brief
questionnaire and get matched with the right Shock is the initial phase when learning
therapist for you. about the death of a loved one or other
significant loss. Shock acts as the brain’s
What Does Grief Feel Like? self-defense system, and many times can
cause someone to deny what has
The onset of grief brings with it a host of happened.4 It occurs when you try to process
complex feelings, behavioral changes, and a loss that seems unimaginable and feels
physical symptoms. These symptoms may unacceptable. Denial is a defense
be new to people and it is important to mechanism to help cope with a difficult
understand their connection to grief. The loss. Denial gives you time to understand
uncertainty of these symptoms in what has happened and slowly adjust to the
conjunction with a major loss can make you new present.
feel disoriented, confused, and off balance.
Feelings that may accompany the shock and
Symptoms associated with grief include: denial phase of grief include:
1. Shock
Virtual Psychiatry – Get help from a real 2. Facing emotions
doctor that takes your insurance. Talkiatry 3. Depression
offers medication management and online 4. Physical symptoms
visits with top-rated psychiatrists. Take the 5. Panic
online assessment and have your first 6. Guilt
appointment within a week. Free 7. Anger
Assessment 8. Resistance
9. Hope
Choosing Therapy partners with leading 10. Acceptance
mental health companies and is
compensated for marketing by Talkiatry Do the Stages of Grief Happen in Order?
and BetterHelp. According to Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, the
stages of grief were never meant to be linear
Are There 5 or 7 Stages of Grief? and that is true for the newer redefined
The original five stages model of grief was stages of grief as well. There is no specific
created in 1969 by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, order for the stages of grief. In fact, some
MD, in her book On Death and Dying, people will not experience all the stages in
their grieving process. Other people may
visit a stage more than once depending on responses to loss that many people have, but
how their grief develops and where they are there is not a typical response to loss, as
at in their own healing process. These grief there is no typical loss. Our grief is as
stage models are simply a tool to help individual as our lives.”14
people understand and anticipate universal
grief symptoms as they move through their When to Get Professional Help for Grief
own grief process.
You might want to work with a mental
health professional for your grief if:
How Long Do the 7 Stages of Grief Last?
Grief is a personal and unique experience. You cannot adjust to living in a
There is no designated time frame for how world without the person or event
long grief lasts, and grief cannot be rushed you lost.
through or forced. Some people may start to You are unable to get to a place of
feel better in weeks or months, but others acceptance regarding your loss.
may take years to truly process their grief.13 The symptoms in the stages of grief
remain and get more frequent with
What Is the Hardest Stage of Grief to Go greater intensity.
Through? You cannot imagine moving on with
your life.
There are different professional opinions
about the most challenging stage of grief to
Finding an online licensed mental health
go through. Some believe acceptance is the
professional with expertise in loss, grief,
hardest because you finally have accepted
death, dying, and traumatic grief. They can
that a loved one is dead. Others say the
help you cope with and process your grief
depression stage is the hardest because
and the associated feelings of loss.
symptoms of depression are so debilitating
that it can take more time to move beyond What Type of Professional Help Can I
this stage. Many people begin to understand Get for Grief?
their loss in this stage better. Each step has
its challenges and can be difficult depending There are several options for people who
on the individual’s grief. need counseling or therapy to cope with
grief. Counseling focuses on a specific
Do I Need to Go Through the 7 Stages of issue, like grief, and uses problem-solving
Grief? or coping techniques to address it.
Counseling options are short-term,
People do not need to go through all seven
while psychotherapy is generally more long-
stages of grief. They also do not necessarily
term and can address numerous issues
occur in order. Some people may go through
hindering relationships or a person’s ability
a given stage more than once or sometimes
to function healthily. Licensed, certified
multiple stages simultaneously. Dr. Kubler-
practitioners can do both and can be found
Ross said, “The stages have evolved since
on an online therapist directory.
their introduction, and they have been very
misunderstood over the past 3 decades. There are different treatment options for
They were never meant to tuck messy people experiencing grief, such as:
emotions into neat packages. They are
Faith-Based Final Thoughts
Counseling: Spirituality, faith, and
If your experience with grieving does not fit
god are the centerpieces of this
this model, don’t be worried. There is no
treatment to help cope with grief
“right or wrong way” to grieve. The same
from a significant loss. It uses
person may grieve differently depending on
behavioral science and scripture with
the nature of the loss. Don’t place arbitrary
counseling. Examples of people that
time frames on your grief process.15 If
do this counseling are Pastors or
you’re aware you’re stuck in a stage that
negatively impacts your ability to function
Cognitive Behavioral
and your relationships with others, consider
Therapy (CBT): This short-term
reaching out to a mental health grief
therapy looks at thought processes
specialist for help.
and how they influence behavior to
elevate mood.
Grief Support Groups: Grief
support groups can be led by mental
health professionals or peers. Many
people find it helpful to talk to
others who have experienced similar
losses. It helps normalize feelings
and can be a source of comfort and
Grief Counseling: This counseling
is designed to help people to come to
terms with emotions and behaviors
that occur after a significant loss. It
helps to understand these feelings
and offers ways to cope with them.
Grief Therapy: Grief therapy helps
to process a significant loss and
learn ways to cope with it. Similar
to trauma-informed therapy, it
allows people struggling with issues
outside of the normal ones
associated with grief and identify
healthy ways to grieve.
Hospice Care: Hospice
bereavement and palliative care
counseling are available to patients
and family members whose loved
one has a life-threatening illness or
died. The hospice-licensed staff
offers counseling and support to help