LAS 2021 Grade 3 CLE
LAS 2021 Grade 3 CLE
LAS 2021 Grade 3 CLE
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
II. Motivation
Do you still remember the poem that you learned when you were Grade One or in
Grade two? Recite this poem:
IV. Activity
Directions: Now, go out and look around. There are many things that we see around us
that are God’s creation. What are they?
Describe each one.
1. Draw them inside the circle.
2. Color only the things made by God.
V. Independent Practice
Directions: These are the wonders of God. Color them nicely.
VI. Resources
Cabarles, Noemo C. P.M.M.A. (2018) Making Jesus Christ Know and Love Series.
Christian Living 3; Sta. Ana, Manila: Vicaris Publication and Trading, Inc.
School Principal
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
II. Motivation
Study the pictures below.
School Principal
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
II. Motivation
Does your father give special care for you? Does your mother show her love and care
for you? What are the things they give to you?
If you look around, try to point out the things that make you happy.
What the most wonderful and things that you enjoy with?
IV. Activity
Directions: They are Adam and Eve in the Garden of Paradise. Color them nicely.
Independent Practice
Directions: Make a list of wonderful gifts which God gave to you that made you happy.
1. _______________________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________________________
VI. Resources
Cabarles , Noemo C. P.M.M.A. (2018) Making Jesus Christ Know and Love Series.
Christian Living 3; Sta. Ana, Manila: Vicaris Publication and Trading, Inc.
School Principal
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
II. Motivation:
Directions: Give at least two reasons why do need to attend the Holy mass.
1. _______________________________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________________________
IV. Concluding Rites – We bow our head and pray for God’s blessing.
God speaks to us through the Holy Scripture in the Bible. He also speaks to
people around us, through His beautiful creatures, and through the church in the
Eucharistic celebration.
When we are at Mass, we can hear God speaking to us through the readings.
On Sundays, the first reading is taken from the Holy Scripture in the Old Testament
and the second reading is taken from the New Testament of the Bible. On ordinary
days, readings are taken from the New Testament like from one of the letters of St.
Paul or from the Acts of the apostles. The responsorial psalm is taken from the
Psalms in the Old Testament.
The most important of these readings is the Gospel according to Matthew,
Mark, Luke or John. They are given greatest act of respect because all the readings
from the Holy Bible are the Word or God.
IV. Activity
Directions: Put a check () in the blank if the action shows an example of following Christ.
If it doesn’t, write an ex (X) on the blank line provided before the number.
__________ 1. Makes the sign of the cross properly.
__________ 2. Greets everyone with a smile.
__________ 3. Avoids someone who always ask for help.
__________ 4. Makes excuses when ask to do something.
_________ 5. Refuses work.
_________ 6. Teaches helpers at home how to pray.
_________ 7. Accepts everyone as friend.
_________ 8. Offers to work with someone hard to please.
_________ 9. Shares his works with others.
_________ 10. Accepts the blame though you are innocent.
V. Independent Practice
Directions: In order to understand the Words of God through the “readings” especially
during the Mass we must listen attentively. In the Mass on October 24, where do
we get the readings?
VI. Resources
Cabarles , Noemo C. P.M.M.A. (2018) Making Jesus Christ Know and Love Series.
Christian Living 3; Sta. Ana, Manila: Vicaris Publication and Trading, Inc.
School Principal
Directions: Memorize the following basic prayers. You will recite it on October 31, 2022
Act of Contrition:
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You and I detest all my sins, because
I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend you,
my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of
your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life.
I. Directions: Read the following prayers. Fill in the missing words to complete the basic prayers.
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Norman ran to their neighbor and asked for help while Teddy went back to their
house his parents to help his friend’s sick mother.
Many came to visit the sick mother and they left after saying a prayer for the
complete recovery of Johnny’s mother. After a while, Norman came back with a
companion and they took the sick mother to the doctor. Teddy brought an ambulance
and asked his father to bring the sick mother to the hospital but after they consulted the
doctor, on their way home Johnny’s mother died.
1. How did Norman and Teddy offer their service to the sick mother of Johnny?
We should all know that there are works of mercy that God wants us to do for our neighbors.
They deserve all the help that we can give. Jesus asks us to give attention to the poor and the needy, to
the sufferings, and all the victims of calamities. These are the acts of kindness that we should do.
Corporal works of mercy are those that God wants to do for our neighbors. When we are doing
something good for others, we are doing it for the love of God.
IV. Activity
Directions: Draw a scenario that shows service to the other people.
V. Independent Practice
Directions: Memorize the Apostle’s Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only
Son, our Lord: Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He
ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to
judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of Saints,
the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.
VI. Resources
Cabarles , Noemo C. P.M.M.A. (2018) Making Jesus Christ Know and Love Series.
Christian Living 3; Sta. Ana, Manila: Vicaris Publication and Trading, Inc.
School Principal
Mga Apo ni San Isidro Catholic School, Inc.
Parish of Saint Isidore the Farmer
Poblacion, Lezo, Aklan
I believe in 1.) __________________, the Father Almighty, 2.) ____________ of heaven and earth;
and in 3.) ___________________, His only Son, our Lord: Who was conceived by the
4.) __________________, born of the 5.) _______________________; suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into 6.) ________________; the third day
He rose again from the dead; He ascended into 7.) _________________________, is seated at
the right hand of God the 8.) _________________ Almighty; from thence He shall come to
judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic 9.) ____________,
the communion of 10.) ______________________, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life
everlasting. Amen.
Mga Apo ni San Isidro Catholic School, Inc.
Parish of Saint Isidore the Farmer
Poblacion, Lezo, Aklan
I. Motivation
Read and understand this article.
A person who is a good speaker is likely to be become a good conversationalist. A person who
listens well is also a good conversationalist.
In a counseling session, the counselor would let one talk and bare everything from his/her heart.
In the course of the conversation, the
“patient” will be led to answer for his/her own
problems. Because the counselor listened to the
“patient” very intently, the counselee was given the
chance to work on his/her problems by
The inspiration to work on his/her own
problems is a special blessing to those who pray to
the Holy Spirit.
As Christian believers, you are sustained by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Study the pictures below to
better understand how can you live up to the gifts of the Holy Spirit in your daily lives.
Wisdom Counsel
Knowledge Fear of the Lord
In our present time, we all need to live the nine (9) fruits of the Holy Spirit. These are the perfections
that the Holy Spirit forms in us to become useful members of the community. These nine (9) fruits of the Holy
Spirit according to Galatians 5:22 are;
1. love 6. mildness
2. joy 7. chastity
3. patience 8. kindness
4. peace 9. generosity
5. faith
III. Activity
A. Directions: Give the seven (7) gifts of the Holy Spirit. Complete the words.
B. Directions: List down the nine (9) fruits of the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:22)
1. _____________________ 6. _________________________
2. _____________________ 7. _________________________
3. _____________________ 8. _________________________
4. _____________________ 9. _________________________
5. ______________________
IV. Independent Practice
Tell something about the picture. Do you think the children are filled with the Holy Spirit? Why?
V. Resources
Cabarles, Noemo C. P.M.M.A. (2018) Making Jesus Christ Know and Love Series.
Christian Living 3; Sta. Ana, Manila: Vicaris Publication and Trading, Inc.
School Principal
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
II. Motivation
Read and understand this story.
Refuse to Worry
A troubled young man left his home to take a much needed vacation in faraway island. His mother gave
him a small book to keep him company
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
II. Motivation
Read and understand the letter to God.
Dear God,
Thank you for making my grandmother well. Thank You for giving her a
good doctor and nurse. We thank You for her blood donors. We ask You to continue blessing our
grandmother. We would like to be with her for a longer time. Make us
healthy always.
If you hurt others, you have to apologize. You have to repent and promise to do better
next time.
I am sorry, Lord.
Help me become a Hel me forgive
better person. others, too, as You
have forgiven me.
IV. Activity
Directions: Answer the following questions.
3. If you have obtained God’s forgiveness, what should be your attitude toward
V. Independent Practice
1. _________________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________________
VI. Resources
Cabarles, Noemo C. P.M.M.A. (2018) Making Jesus Christ Know and Love Series.
Christian Living 3; Sta. Ana, Manila: Vicaris Publication and Trading, Inc.
School Principal
Mga Apo ni San Isidro Catholic School, Inc.
Parish of Saint Isidore the Farmer
Poblacion, Lezo, Aklan
A. Directions: Supply the missing word to complete the prayer. Choose your answer in the
box below, then write it on the blank provided.
and in 3.) ___________________, His only Son, our Lord: Who was conceived Holy Spirit
shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in Virgin Mary
the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic 9.) ____________, the communion of 10.) heaven
______________________, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, Jesus Christ
C. Directions: Give the seven (7) gifts of the Holy Spirit. Complete the words.
D. Directions: Encircle from the puzzle the nine (9) fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Mga Apo ni San Isidro Catholic School, Inc.
Parish of Saint Isidore the Farmer
Poblacion, Lezo, Aklan
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
II. Motivation
Discuss the different special occasions or important events people celebrate in their life.
Identify the most important thing that should be included in the celebration.
III. Concept Notes
Jesus during His last meal with His apostles promised to give them His body
and blood. He took the bread and wine as symbol of this promise. He asked them to do it
His memory.
And on the cross He gave His whole self out of His love for the Fathers and
for the salvation of humanity.
What He said and did are repeated in a celebration which is called the
Eucharistic Celebration. In this celebration, He offered Himself as the New Passover. He is
the “lamb” being offered in Thanksgiving to the Father. It is His act of worship that is most
acceptable to Him. Jesus shares with us His thanksgiving so that our offering too, may be
acceptable to the Father.
The Eucharist is Christ being offered to the Father is a celebration called the
Eucharistic Celebration of the Mass.
IV. Activity
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct words to complete the verses of praise and
thanksgiving. Choose from the words inside the box.
V. Independent Practice.
Directions: Read and memorize the Act of Contrition. Recitation is through online,
February 18, 2022.
VI. Resources
Cabarles, Noemo C. P.M.M.A. (2018) Making Jesus Christ Know and Love Series.
Christian Living 3; Sta. Ana, Manila: Vicaris Publication and Trading, Inc.
School Principal
Mga Apo ni San Isidro Catholic School, Inc.
Parish of Saint Isidore the Farmer
Poblacion, Lezo, Aklan
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
II. Motivation
From pregnancy till birth, mothers give themselves for the family. They take care of them
unselfishly. She accepts all the sacrifices because of the love.
Discuss the mother’s roles in the family. Tell the two most important words parents give their
Fill in the blanks with the missing letters to complete the words that will give the answer.
S ____ C R ___ F I C ____ and ___ O V ___
At the last supper Jesus did not ask His apostles for a lamb to be used for their
observance of the feast of the Passover. There was no need because He is the "lamb" to be offered.
He asked them to prepare bread and wine to signify Himself. When He took the bread He told them
that it is His body which will be given up for them. Then He took the wine and said that it is His
blood which will be shed for them.
The words and actions of Jesus implied that He is the Lamb to be offered to the
In the same manner, today, it is the same form of offering of bread and wine that
we celebrate Christ's offering of Himself in our Eucharistic celebration. He is the Lamb,
the Victim, and the Sacrifice.
Jesus is called the Perfect Sacrifice because He alone can please the Father.
In our daily morning prayer, we unite ourselves with our Christian families who celebrate
the Eucharist all over the world.
We, too can offer ourselves and everything we do to the Lord. It is not always easy to do things
for others and to deprive ourselves of what we like. But with the Eucharist, Christ will always
strengthen us.
With great love and thanksgiving, let us offer ourselves to God with Jesus and His Spirit.
IV. Activity
Directions: Check () the box that shows the right attitude of a true disciple of Jesus.
1. the mass is a sacred gathering so we must
dress decently
bring food and drink
bring friends to chat with
2. Giving to the collection box is a way of helping the expenses of the church.
Therefore, I will …
refuse to give.
give the coins in mother’s purse.
share what I can afford.
3. When I am asked to participate in the offertory procession, I…
do not accept because I am shy.
will be willing to participate.
will ask somebody to do it for me.
4. Material gifts are sometimes included in the offertory procession. You were
assigned to offer. I will…
be happy and willing to share.
complain and refuse to share.
ignore the announcement.
5. During the offertory procession we should …
look around.
join in the singing.
giggle while walking to the altar.
V. Independent Practice
Directions: Write what will you will do in the following situations.
1. You are good in drawing. Your classmate who is assigned to make the sketch is
absent. Your group has to submit the work that day. What would you do?
2. One of the contestants in the singing contest forgot his minus one tape. You have
the same piece for the contest. What would you do?
VI. Resources
Cabarles, Noemo C. P.M.M.A. (2018) Making Jesus Christ Know and Love Series.
Christian Living 3; Sta. Ana, Manila: Vicaris Publication and Trading, Inc.
VII. Closing Prayer
School Principal
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
II. Motivation
It was a bright Sunday morning. The family of Dr. Gerry Cruz woke up early to
attend the Holy Mass in the parish.
And the family went to church happily. They participated in the Entrance song.
We should know that the altar is a place where we offer the Mass.
The tabernacle is a special box where the Eucharist is kept.
During the offertory, we offer the Bread and Wine.
The Bread symbolizes the body of Christ.
The Wine symbolizes the blood of Christ.
Missal - the book that contains the prayers and ceremony during
the Mass.
Cruets - vessels that contain the water and wine being poured
into the chalice.
IV. Activity
Directions: Answer the following.
A. Why do you need to attend the Holy Mass every Sunday?
B. Write five (5) reasons why you need to receive Holy Communion.
V. Independent Practice
Talk about your experience every time you are attending a Holy Mass.
VI. Resources
Cabarles, Noemo C. P.M.M.A. (2018) Making Jesus Christ Know and Love Series.
Christian Living 3; Sta. Ana, Manila: Vicaris Publication and Trading, Inc.
School Principal
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
II. Motivation
Ask your parents or elder, read and write something about the EDSA Shrine. Discuss the significance
pf this monument or shrine.
Christian message
Jesus died on the Cross in Calvary. When He said, "It is finished," this was the fulfillment of what
He said at the last supper when He said "It will be shed for you for the forgiveness of sins."
"Do this in memory of Me." These are the words of Jesus to His apostles the night before He died.
These words are repeated at Mass.
Jesus does not only mean to recall what had happened to Him. It implies more than that. He wanted
them and their successors (ordained priests) to celebrate His sacrifices through all generations for the salvation
of all humans. He wants that all will share His saving love and find them together as His One Body until He
comes again.
In the Mass or Eucharistic Celebration, we celebrate Jesus' sacrifice on Calvary and at the last
supper. We offer the one single Perfect Sacrifice of Jesus in an unblood manner.
(CCC 1367)
As long as the people of God celebrate His Eucharist, God's love and saving power will be with
them. God expects that we do not only remember Jesus' life on earth (suffering, death, and resurrection) but we
must imitate and live His life on earth.
Jesus wants us to be:
Caring – to the sick, less fortunate, disabled
Concerned - to the lonely, hopeless, hungry, homeless
Merciful - to the ignorant, to those who have hurt us
Patient - to the impatient, arrogant
Obedient - to our parents, lawful authorities and those in charge of
IV. Activity
Directions: Who’s who? Write your answer in the blank.
1. Who is called the New Passover? _____________________________
2. Who is symbolized by the bread and wine at the last supper?
3. Who is the Lamb of God mentioned by the priest in the Mass?
4. Who is symbolized by the water in the Mass? ________________________
5. Who represents Jesus in Eucharistic Celebration?
V. Independent Practice
Directions: Given the following situation, what would you do or say?
1. A child with a physical deformity
VI. Resources
Cabarles, Noemo C. P.M.M.A. (2018) Making Jesus Christ Know and Love Series.
Christian Living 3; Sta. Ana, Manila: Vicaris Publication and Trading, Inc.
School Principal
Mga Apo ni San Isidro Catholic School, Inc.
Parish of Saint Isidore the Farmer
Poblacion, Lezo, Aklan
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
II. Motivation
Read the story of the little girl who is celebrating her ninth birthday. Discuss the importance of
celebrating one’s birthday.
An Important Event in One’s Life
Mary Ann is celebrating her ninth birthday. She invited her friends, relatives, and other important people
in her life. Her Mom is working abroad and could not come home for this important occasion. She just called up
from work by overseas call.
Yes, Mom! darling, Mama
Hello, Mom! I love you too, Hello Honey, Happy, loves you very
Mom. Bye! Happy Birthday! much.
Jesus established His Church through Peter. Peter was one of the Apostles chosen by Jesus to
lead His people on earth. Jesus wants a church to be built in His name. The Church that He meant is not only
the building or a holy place but His people as One Body who will continue His work for the Kingdom of the
Father. The Church therefore, means the people of God.
Jesus promised Peter and the apostles to be with them until the end of time. He also gave Peter the
authority to do what Jesus had done on earth, to preach, to teach, to forgive, and to care for His people.
Peter and the apostles carried out the Lord's mission with love for God and His people. Presently,
this Church is con tinuing its mission through their successors, the priests, the bishops, and the pope. The pope
takes the place of Peter as the Head of the Church.
Christ stays with His Church through the Holy Spirit who gives light, guidance, and assistance to
spread the word of God for the kingdom. Jesus is not only present in His leaders. He is also present in the
people who work, pray, and live in His name, He said: "Where two or three are gathered together, I am in the
midst of them." When these people pray together Jesus is present to listen and to help them.
Above all, Jesus is really and truly present in the sacrament of the Church especially in the
Sacrament of the Eucharist. If we really believe that the Eucharist is Christ present in the Church in us and
around us, we are then expected to:
1. receive the sacrament more frequently and worthily to have Jesus come and
stay in us.
2. live in communion with the Lord and with one another by being at peace with
one another.
3. make Jesus alive in our life, in our prayers, worship/ adoration, and in the
different celebrations and activi ties in the church.
4. show deep respect and reverence to Jesus in the taber nacle or in benediction.
6. live His teachings and words to make others feel His presence.
The Eucharist should lead us closer to Jesus and to one another. He makes us better Christians and
grow in our faith and love for God and for one another. The fruit of the Eucharist is love. Love unites us with
Jesusand with others.
IV. Activity
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word that tells our belief in the presence of
Christ in the church.
1. The _________________________________ is the sacrament of Christ.
V. Independent Practice
Direction: How can you make others believe that Jesus is present in the world in the
following situations?
2. A pupil strives to finish his/her studies to be able to help his/her family in the
School Principal
Mga Apo ni San Isidro Catholic School, Inc.
Parish of Saint Isidore the Farmer
Poblacion, Lezo, Aklan
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
II. Motivation
Helping One Another
There lived many people of God in Barangay Puti in the poblacion of Kabatuan. Everyone was
busy because they all want to finish the construction of their GKK chapel before they celebrate their fiesta in
the month of August in honor of their patron Saint, San Roque. Everybody agreed to improve the chapel and its
surrounding. Men are all helping one another by filing the hallow blocks and others are painting the inside and
outside wall of the chapel. Another group of women comes to make the landscape beautiful and the group of
children help in the beautification.
Everyone feels welcome that's why, the people of God work well. They show love and unity among
Everything was done through the help of the GKK organization and everybody cooperated.
1. What did the people of God in Barangay Puti do in order to finish the construction of their
4. Why is unity important in working together? How do we become true followers of Christ?
We became members of the Church when we were baptized. We form one body in Christ, we
communicate with one another and show to everyone that we are united and good to all members of the Church.
We work well together when everyone feels welcome and there is unity in a group.
We must do our role as active members of the Church by participating in the Church organizations.
We should help one another, whenever we meet the church leaders and wherever we are. We, the faithful on
earth should be generous to those in need especially to the poor and the homeless. Let us give concern to the
victims of calamities by sharing what we have like food, medicine. and clothing.
IV. Activity
Directions: Write your answers on the lines provided.
V. Independent Practice
Directions: Look for two (2) pictures that shows doing their roles as active members of the
Church. Paste it inside the box.
VI. Resources
Cabarles, Noemo C. P.M.M.A. (2018) Making Jesus Christ Know and Love Series.
Christian Living 3; Sta. Ana, Manila: Vicaris Publication and Trading, Inc.
School Principal
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
II. Motivation
Discuss the news items about the prayer rally by answering the following questions;
When we receive Holy Communion the priest gives us the Sacred Host and says: "The Body of
Christ." We respond: "Amen." (Yes, it is true.) Our "yes" means that we agree and we are in conformity with
what He wants of us. We can receive Holy Communion with extended hand through the mouth.
St. Paul in his letters to the early Christians reminded them how they ought to live out their calling as
baptized people. He told them what to do and what to avoid to be worthy of their calling as children of God.
The reminders and the teachings of the apostles hold true through the Church for our own calling and
response. We, too, have been baptized and belong to the One Body of His Church. It is also the desire of Jesus
that we grow and be strong build errs of His body, the Church.
The Eucharist unites us with God and gives us strength to grow and mature in our faith life. To be
mature means to be able to change our ways to become better Christians.
By daily asking ourselves of what we have done during the day, we can know how we lived each day
for the Lord. This is what we call our daily examination of conscience. In this way, we can know how we
showed our love for God and for others; how we treat others and make them happy; how we make others feel
the presence and love of God through us.
There are many other ways how we can make the Eucharist bear fruits in us. The Holy Spirit and our
saints with Mother Mary are always ready to help us grow in our love for God.
IV. Activity
Directions: We answer "Amen" to some responses in the Mass. This means "yes," I believe, or
it's true. Write Amen if the action or behavior conforms to God's command to
be ONE in LOVE and No if it does not.
V. Independent Practice
Directions: Peace, Love, and Unity are fruits of our union with the Eucharist. Identify which
“fruits of the Eucharist” is being referred to in each situation. Draw its symbol.
VI. Resources
Cabarles, Noemo C. P.M.M.A. (2018) Making Jesus Christ Know and Love Series.
Christian Living 3; Sta. Ana, Manila: Vicaris Publication and Trading, Inc.
School Principal
Directions: Check () the box that shows the right attitude of a true disciple of Jesus.
1. the mass is a sacred gathering so we must
dress decently
bring food and drink
bring friends to chat with
2. Giving to the collection box is a way of helping the expenses of the church.
Therefore, I will …
refuse to give.
give the coins in mother’s purse.
share what I can afford.
3. When I am asked to participate in the offertory procession, I…
do not accept because I am shy.
will be willing to participate.
will ask somebody to do it for me.
4. Material gifts are sometimes included in the offertory procession. You were
assigned to offer. I will…
be happy and willing to share.
complain and refuse to share.
ignore the announcement.
5. During the offertory procession we should …
look around.
join in the singing.
giggle while walking to the altar.
B. Directions: Identify the sacred vessels used during mass. Write your answer on the blank
line provided.
1. _________________ 2.________________________
3. ____________________ 4. ______________________
5. ________________________
C. Directions: Peace, Love, and Unity are fruits of our union with the Eucharist. Identify which
“fruits of the Eucharist” is being referred to in each situation. Draw its symbol.
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear Lord
and Father of all,
Thank you for today. Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all.
For Your protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what we are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write.
Guide us by your eternal light as we discover more about the world around us.
We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
II. Motivation
Read and understand the story:
Here are the mysteries of the Rosary. Pray the Rosary for world peace.
IV. Activity:
Directions: Read and memorize the following prayer. Recitation will be on April 30,
during our online class.
Hall, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, Hall our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To you do we cry, poor
banished children of Eve, to you do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn
then, O most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us; and after this our exile show unto us the blessed
fruit of your womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.
The Angelus
Let us pray.
Pour forth, we beseech You, O Lord, Your grace into our hearts;
that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Your Son, was made known by
the message of an angel, may by His passion and cross be brought to the glory of His
resurrection, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen Glory be to the Father...
V. Independent Practice
Directions: Arrange the following mysteries in to its correct sequence.
VI. Resources
Cabarles, Noemo C. P.M.M.A. (2018) Making Jesus Christ Know and Love Series.
Christian Living 3; Sta. Ana, Manila: Vicaris Publication and Trading, Inc.
School Principal
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear Lord
and Father of all,
Thank you for today. Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all.
For Your protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what we are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write.
Guide us by your eternal light as we discover more about the world around us.
We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
II. Motivation
Mrs. Barbara Bush in one of her commencement speeches urged the graduates to make three important
choices in life if they want to be happy.
Cherish human
Believe in something
bigger than we are.
Jesus gave the best example of praying. He went to a very quiet place, knelt down, and communed with
the Father. He told the Father what was in His heart. He requested to take away the cup of suffering, but in the
end, He said, "Your will be done." This prayer showed a lot of obedience to the will of the Almighty.
IV. Activity
Directions: Cut out pictures of great men and women sharing their life with the poor.
V. Independent Practice
Directions: Answer these questions honestly.
Questions Yes Sometimes No
1. Do you believe that you were born to win?
2. Do you want to experience radiant wealth and
3. Do you want to have peace of mind?
4. Do you want to be prosperous?
5. Do you want to have self-confidence?
VI. Resources
Cabarles, Noemo C. P.M.M.A. (2018) Making Jesus Christ Know and Love Series.
Christian Living 3; Sta. Ana, Manila: Vicaris Publication and Trading, Inc.
School Principal
Mga Apo ni San Isidro Catholic School, Inc.
Parish of Saint Isidore the Farmer
Poblacion, Lezo, Aklan
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear Lord
and Father of all,
Thank you for today. Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all.
For Your protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what we are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write.
G uide us by your eternal light as we discover more about the world around us.
We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
II. Motivation
A Family Gathering
Tatay Pedring and Nanay Caring were excited about their coming reunion with their children, their
families, relatives, and friends after Christmas day. Their children are happily married with a number of
grandchildren. They decided to come before the said affair.
Each member of the family was asked to give a little share to contribute for expenses. Others brought
food and celebrated together in their ancestral home where everybody grew up.
Nardo, the eldest was assigned to prepare what they need he asked his brother and saters to help him.
Nida, the second child was tasked to prepare the invitations for their relatives and friends, while Concha and
Liza prepared the menu and took care of the budger and the marketing
Mira and Dida arranged the tables and utensis to be used in the said affair. Everything was prepared.
Arden's assignment was to take pictures during the activity.
During the reunion day many came and everything went on smoothly. The affair was a very memorable
one. Everybody was happy and they enjoyed the family reunion because it happened only once in every five
Value Development
1. What was the affair in the family?
2. What made their family reunion happy?
3. Why was the affair successful?
4. How did the members of the family work together with their parents?
5. How about you? Have you attended any gathering whether at home, in school or in the church?
School Principal
Dear Lord
and Father of all,
Thank you for today. Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all.
For Your protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what we are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write.
G uide us by your eternal light as we discover more about the world around us.
We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
II. Motivation
Read and understand this article.
The "Angelus" was truly an artist's masterpiece, because it was done with so much care. Now it costs a
million of dollars.
4. Do you love the work you do at home and in your school? Why?
Jesus' invitation is clear, one has to enter the narrow door of love and sacrifices to attain eternal life.
When we examine the lives of saints, we will realize that all of them made many sacrifices for the people
around them. The quality of life is attuned to the kind of life Jesus had when He was still on earth. Our saints
lived lives of sacrifices and pain for the love of God.
St. John the Baptist is from Galilee. He baptized Jesus in the Jordan River. His feast day is
June 24.
St. Lucy/Sta. Lucia came from a rich family in Italy. When her mother got sick,
she prayed hard for her to get well. When her mother recovered, she promised to live a
life of chastity and poverty for the love of God.
During that time, Christians were persecuted. The Governor of Sicily ordered
Lucy to be burned to death. Her eyes were totally destroyed. She is the patron saint of
people who have eye illnesses. Her feast day is December 13.
St. Martin de Porres is the black rose from Lima, Peru. His parents came
from Spain and Panama.
There were many miracles attributed to St. Martin de Porres. His feast
day is November 3.
He was ordained as priest in 1835 Because of his poor health, he was not
able to pursue his dream of becoming a missionary in other lands.
St. Luke
St. Luke's feast day is October 18. He wrote the 3rd Gospel of the New
His Gospel included the story of the "Publican and Pharisee," "The Parable
of the Prodigal Son," the "Works of the Apostles," and many more.
St. Bernadette
St. Bernadette is one of the three children who saw the apparition of the
Blessed Virgin Mary in Lourdes, France.
The feast day of St. John the Baptist of La Salle is April 7. He cared for
the youth. He founded the "Brothers of the Christian Schools." They lived by
teaching the message of Christ to the youth.
When their place was hit by famine, he sold his properties to help the
poor and the needy. St. John the Baptist of La Salle founded the schools being
run by the La Salle Brothers.
She is the patroness of mothers who are constantly praying for strength
to surpass all trials and adversities in life.
follow rules at home and in school show respect for the environment
IV. Activity
A. Directions: Match the column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer
on the line.
____ 1. St. John the Baptist of La Salle a. patron saint of eye disease
1. _________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________
6. _________________________________________________
7. _________________________________________________
8. _________________________________________________
9. _________________________________________________
10. ________________________________________________
3. If you are tempted to be proud of your talents, what must you do?
V. Independent Practice
Who is your favorite Saint and why? Place his/her picture inside the frame. Introduce
him/her to
VI. Resources
Cabarles, Noemo C. P.M.M.A. (2018) Making Jesus Christ Know and Love Series.
Christian Living 3; Sta. Ana, Manila: Vicaris Publication and Trading, Inc.
School Principal
Mga Apo ni San Isidro Catholic School, Inc.
Parish of Saint Isidore the Farmer
Poblacion, Lezo, Aklan
I. Prayer
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear Lord
and Father of all,
Thank you for today. Thank you for ways in which you provide for us all.
For Your protection and love we thank you.
Help us to focus our hearts and minds now on what we are about to learn.
Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write.
G uide us by your eternal light as we discover more about the world around us.
We ask all this in the name of Jesus. Amen.
II. Motivation
Discuss the pictures in the collage
Share your comments and opinions about the work of these people. Write your
comments and opinions below.
We are called to share in the work of Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King. Jesus showed us how He was
the prophet, the priest, and the king. To be a prophet means to be a teacher. Jesus taught people through
parables and His teachings on the mount. To be a priest means to offer praise and thanksgiving to the Father
through worship and prayer. To be King means to give one's life in loving service for others.
Jesus asked His apostles to share in His work, Jesus encouraged all Christians as well to share in His
mission. With the Holy Spirit we can respond to this call when we become active in the Church.
We can be prophets by spreading the word of God by our words and deeds. By our good examples and
Christian way of living, we are giving witness to Christ's life.
We can be priests by celebrating and receiving the sacraments of the Church especially the Eucharist,
Penance, and Confirmation. In the Sacrament of Confirmation we become adult Christians. The Holy Spirit
comes to us and inspire us to bear witness to our Lord Jesus Christ. As true disciples of Christ, more is expected
of us to help spread the good news of the kingdom of God.
IV. Activity
A. Tell in your own words what you mean by a Prophet, a Priest, or a King.
B. Given some situations, how can you participate in the triple work of Christ?
Answer the following questions.
1. You have visited the neighboring school in the squatters’ area. Your group will present a
number of program. What will you do?
2. You will go to the orphanage with your class. What can you do to show your participation
in the work of the Church?
3. You went for an outreach to a faraway barrio with some children from your parish. There are
no priests yet in that place. There is no church nor chapel. What can you do so that the little
children will know more about God?
V. Independent Practice
Directions: Draw a big dove carrying on its mouth your three sentence message to Him to
help you become an effective Christian worker for Christ.
VI. Resources
Cabarles, Noemo C. P.M.M.A. (2018) Making Jesus Christ Know and Love Series.
Christian Living 3; Sta. Ana, Manila: Vicaris Publication and Trading, Inc.
School Principal
Mga Apo ni San Isidro Catholic School, Inc.
Parish of Saint Isidore the Farmer
Poblacion, Lezo, Aklan
B. Directions: Match the column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer
on the line.
____ 1. St. John the Baptist of La Salle a. patron saint of eye disease
C. Explanation
Directions: Answer the following questions. Five (5) points each.
1. Why are saints role models to the youth?
2. Tell in your own words what you mean by a Prophet, a Priest, or a King.