Screen Cyberpunk

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takers STAT «Skil = 0s. Defender’ STAT= Skil 10 OR Task ify Value (V) od <= Ityoralla on 110 fora eck rl aga ada ie 2 rata th It Donat ol init euro aater 10 Grit Faitre- youre ons 10 fers hock again aed tat he 2nd om yur STAT Sl» 1st Do eel ein our ‘ote | “Tn ga iy ack yea ty sues chest sees hae inp arsine Complementary Sts: Wik oproa caters ke 2 se comleenty sl hacia pve a1 Bais te ainsi chock Taking xtra Tie Geta sing ol ons taashil ‘he by pend the read tineonit, Using Luok- fac pont of LUCK span pes ‘oa sl bck Nore Acton re un to MOVE 2 mya ise ake 2 Mele ot Ranged tack Choke Choke erabed opponent Eaip/Deop hid | Eaupo drop 2 shield Getinta a Vehicle | Get into a veioe Get up ot up ater bing Prone Grab (Grab an ald an appnest or takeaway an object the are helg Wold tion | Hold an Retin until ate in the round Human Sic | Eaupan opponent yeu hae Grabbed as a Mura Shield Reload Reload weapon wth one ame type Run Take an atonal mee action Start aVebicie | Start. Vehicito gain its MOVE ad ump to thet of te tative Queue, ‘Stabile ‘Stabile a target to begin the natural baling processor end the orally Wounded Stato Throw ‘Throw a eappled enemy o best Pero NET Ratios inside the HET Manipulate an objec raving amex accesible weapon ita 2 roe hand o roping held weapon (ot hei) des nat requis this ation Uses Sl se on of your Skil to scamplisha quick tsk, longer ask might euie multi actions and rounds Voici aneaer | ke 2 del vehicle maneuer = Facodowns COOL + Reputation” + 1410 vs, COOL + Reputation* + 1410 “Treat Reputation 35a meatve beri deiing ere sar omar. ‘he laser mat either back den a take a-2 tall eon vs. the wine wil they have defeated then ace, + Tobs (Payment i Per Person) rod co ferntewmsiatmconen m_| Typical Job (armed resistance expected +000 Dangerous Job (overmhelming armed resistance expected 2.00006 + titative sa fonts er 10 -On You Tm Yur Tam =1 Mere tin attr Actin Move amuntr ef m/e ean lo NOVE oa amber srs lyn on ae] elie OVE uc ean le ‘no dag -Prone- ‘ee you cont we yur ‘Move Aton ui one the et Up Action You ear sill pet ther Actos, -Split Movement- ‘When sg yar More ‘eon your ek ny ‘Acton te nid and ie nwa Svirming Cig and Jap aha rang sir) al est ys sneer eer my lumedd or 2 sare vey sare ona ti. When ug fo stofing ou can clear talt the dane th could ath arming tat. Ranged Combat Resolution ‘Attacker’ REF + Relevant Weapon Skill 1410 +s. DV Determined by Range & Weapo or Defenders DEX + Evasion Skill» 110° “A Defender ait a REF B+ ean attempt to dodge 2 Ranged Atak using the Frain til ‘= Single Shot DV Based on Range (i M/YD: eC ee ee er) 1 FOF Sto theCheck. 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