2022 - 111 - Digital Syllabus
2022 - 111 - Digital Syllabus
2022 - 111 - Digital Syllabus
8. NQF Credits: 12
9. Prerequisite: Nil
13. Office Hours and Location:
19. Other learning resources used (e.g. e-Learning, field visits, periodicals, software, etc.):
9 1,2
14.1 The decimal system
14.2 The binary system
10 16.1 Definition of a function
10/04/2022 16.2 Notation used for functions 4,5,6,7,11
16.3 Composite functions 1-5
11 16.4 The inverse of a function 1–3
17/04/2022 18.1 Straight line graphs 1–3
18.2 Finding the equation of a St. line 1 – 10
19.1 Exponential expressions 1–4
12 20.1 Introducing logarithms 1–5
24/04/2022 20.2 Calculating logarithm to …. 1–3
20.3 Law of logarithms 1–6
20.4 Solving equations with Log.. 1- 4
13 27.1 What is a matrix? 1–3
27.2 Addition, subtraction & …. 1–9
27.3 The inverse of a 2 2 matrix 1–5
27.4 Application of matrices to solve Linear 1, 3
14 08/05/2022 34.1 The gradient function 1,2,4,6,7, 8 (d, e),
34.2 Gradient function of 𝒚 = 𝒙𝒏 9( c )