2022 - 111 - Digital Syllabus

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University of Bahrain

Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center

Course Syllabus Form

1. Course code: MATHA 111 2. Course title: Foundation Mathematics

3. College: College of Applied Studies

4. Department: Administrative & Technical Programs

5. Program: Associate Diploma in Office Management

6. Course credits: 3-0-3

7. Course NQF Level: 5

8. NQF Credits: 12

9. Prerequisite: Nil

10. Lectures Timing & Location:

11. Course web page:

• Microsoft Team Platforms

Communications, Instructions
(For all instructions, and LockDown Respondus Digital exams)
• eLearning-Center - University of Bahrain
YouTube Page created by the eLearning Center of University of Bahrain
contains 53 videos of recorded lectures
• Microsoft Team Page
Contains all the Digital lectures that are recorded in Zain Center
– Updated regularly -

12. Course Instructors: Mr. Sameh Ezzat

Dr Moustafa Ibrahim
University of Bahrain – Quality Assurance& Accreditation Center - Course Syllabus Form
1 Note: Additional information could be added as required by the Instructor, (e.g.,
Note: Items shown underlined cannot be changed without the department consent.

13. Office Hours and Location:

14. Course coordinator: Dr Moustafa Ibrahim

15. Academic year: 2021/2022

16. Semester: First Second Summer
17. Textbook(s):
Foundation Mathematics, Anthony Croft and Robert Davison, 6th Edition, Person
Education Limited, 2016
18. References:

19. Other learning resources used (e.g. e-Learning, field visits, periodicals, software, etc.):

• Microsoft Team Platforms

Communications, Instructions (Dr Moustafa Ibrahim)
(For all instructions, and LockDown Respondus Digital exams)
• eLearning-Center - University of Bahrain
YouTube Page created by the eLearning Center of University of Bahrain
contains 53 videos of recorded lectures
• Microsoft Team Page
Contains all the Digital lectures that are recorded in Zain Center
– Updated regularly -

20. Course description (as per the published):

The number system, Basic algebra, Expansion, Factorization, Transposition of formula,
Solving equations, Function, definitions, Sequence and Series Relations, Differentiation,
Standard derivative, Integration and applications, Matrices.

21. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):

Mapping to PILOs
CILOs a b c d e f g h i j k
1. Recognize simplification of √ √
algebraic expressions and
mathematical formula.
2. Evaluate sum of arithmetic and √ √ √ √
geometric series.
3. Identify linear, quadratic, √ √
exponential and logarithmic

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2 QF-20-rev.a.3
4. Write equation a of straight line. √ √
5. Apply some basic set theory and √ √ √
matrix algebra operations.
6. Apply some techniques of √ √ √
differentiation and integration.

22. Course assessment

Assessment Details/ Explanation of Number Weight Date(s)
Type Assessment in relation to
Tests Test1 CILOs:1, 2, 3 2 30% each • Test 1
Test2 CILOs: 1, 3, 4, 5
19 March
• Test 2
14 May
Final Exam CILOs: 1,2, 3,4, 5, 6 1 40% Final Exam Date
08:30 - 10:30
Total 3 100%

23. Description of Topics Covered

Topic Title
Chapter 5 Algebra
Chapter 6 Indices
Chapter 8 Factorization
Chapter 11 Solving equations
Chapter 12 Sequence and series
Chapter 13 Sets
Chapter 14 Numbers bases
Chapter 16 Functions
Chapter 18 The straight line
Chapter 19 The exponential function
Chapter 20 The logarithmic functions
Chapter 27 Matrices
Chapter 34 Gradients of curves
Chapter 35 Techniques of differentiation
Chapter 36 Integration and areas under the curve

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3 QF-20-rev.a.3
24. Weekly Schedule
Week Date Topics covered CILOs Assessment
5.2 Powers or indices 1 Problem Tests 1 and
1 06/02/2022 5.3 Substitution & formulae Solving Final Exam
6.1 The laws of indices 1 Problem Tests 1 and
2 13/02/2022 6.2 Negative powers Solving Final Exam
6.3 Square & cube Roots, ….
8.1 Factors & common factors 1 Problem Tests 1 and
3 20/02/2022 8.2 Factorizing quadratic expression Solving Final Exam
10.1 Rearranging a formula
11.1 Solving linear equations 1, 3 Problem Tests 1 and
4 27/02/2022 11.2 Solving Simultaneous Eq. Solving Final Exam
11.3 Solving quadratic equations
12.1 Sequences 1, 2 Problem Tests 1 and
12.2 Arithmetic progressions Solving Final Exam
5 06/03/2022
12.3 Geometric progressions
12.4 Infinite Sequence
12.5 Series and sigma notation 1, 2 Problem Tests 1 and
12.6 Arithmetic series Solving Final Exam
6 13/03/2022
12.7 Geometric Series
12.8 Infinite geometric series.
13.1 Terminology 1, 5 Problem Tests 2 and
13.2 Sets Solving Final Exam
13.3 Venn diagrams
7 20/03/2022
13.4 Number sets
14.1 The decimal system .
14.2 The binary system
Mid –Semester Break
8 27/03/2022
16.1 Definition of a function 1, 3 Problem Tests 2 and
9 03/04/2022 16.2 Notation used for functions. Solving Final Exam
16.3 Composite functions
16.4 The inverse of a function 3, 4 Problem Tests 2 and
18.1 Straight line graphs Solving Final Exam
10 10/04/2022 18.2 Finding the equation of a
straight line.
19.1 Exponential expressions
20.1 Introducing logarithms. 1, 3 Problem Test 2,
20.2 Calculating logarithm to.… Solving Final Exam
11 17/04/2022
20.3 Law of logarithms
20.4 Solving equations with Log.
27.1 What is a matrix? 1, 5 Problem Test 2,
12 24/04/2022 27.2 Addition, subtraction.… & Solving Final Exam
27.3 The inverse of a 2 2 matrix

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4 QF-20-rev.a.3
27.4 Application of matrices to solve
linear Equations
34.1 The gradient function 1, 6 Problem Final Exam
34.2 Gradient function of 𝑥 𝑛 Solving
13 01/05/2022 34.3 Some rules for finding gradient
34.4 Higher derivatives
35.1 Introduction 1, 6 Problem Final Exam
35.2 Indefinite integration& Solving
14 08/05/2022
35.3 The quotient rule
35.4 Techniques of differentiation
36.1 Introduction 1, 6 Problem Final Exam
15 15/05/2022
36.5 Areas under curves Solving
16 36.1 Introduction Problem Final Exam
36.5 Areas under curves 1-4 Solving


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5 QF-20-rev.a.3
Week Date Topics covered Problems
1 5.2 Powers or indices 1 - 9 (Using
06/02/2022 5.3 Substitution & formulae Calculator)
2 6.1 The laws of indices 1 – 10
13/02/2022 6.2 Negative powers 1–7
6.3 Square & cube Roots, …. 1–4
3 8.1 Factors & common factors 1-6
20/02/2022 8.2 Factorizing quadratic expression 1-5
10.1 Rearranging a formula 1–7
4 11.1 Solving linear equations 1–6
27/02/2022 11.2 Solving Simultaneous Eq. 1–3
11.3 Solving quadratic equation 1-3
5 12.1 sequences 1,2
06/03/2022 12.2 Arithmetic progressions 1-4
12.3 Geometric progressions 1-4
12.4 Infinite Sequence 1
6 12.5 Series and sigma notation 1-3
13/03/2022 12.6 Arithmetic series 1-7
12.7 Geometric Series 1-3
12.8 Infinite geometric series 1-4
7 13.1 Terminology 1, 2
20/03/2022 13.2 Sets 1, 2, 3
13.3 Venn diagrams 1, 2
13.4 Number sets 1-4
8 27/03/2022 Mid-Semester Break (for students)

9 1,2
14.1 The decimal system
14.2 The binary system
10 16.1 Definition of a function
10/04/2022 16.2 Notation used for functions 4,5,6,7,11
16.3 Composite functions 1-5
11 16.4 The inverse of a function 1–3
17/04/2022 18.1 Straight line graphs 1–3
18.2 Finding the equation of a St. line 1 – 10
19.1 Exponential expressions 1–4
12 20.1 Introducing logarithms 1–5
24/04/2022 20.2 Calculating logarithm to …. 1–3
20.3 Law of logarithms 1–6
20.4 Solving equations with Log.. 1- 4
13 27.1 What is a matrix? 1–3
27.2 Addition, subtraction & …. 1–9
27.3 The inverse of a 2  2 matrix 1–5
27.4 Application of matrices to solve Linear 1, 3
14 08/05/2022 34.1 The gradient function 1,2,4,6,7, 8 (d, e),
34.2 Gradient function of 𝒚 = 𝒙𝒏 9( c )

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6 QF-20-rev.a.3
34.3 Some rules for finding gradient functions 1, 2(c) ,3, 6, 7, 8, 9
1, 2(b), 4, 6
34.4 Higher derivatives 1, 4, 5, 6
15 35.1 Introduction 1, 2, 3(g), 4(e)
35.2 Indefinite integration & 1, 2, 3, 4
15/05/2022 35.3 The quotient rule 1–6
35.4 Techniques of differentiation 1-4

16 36.1 Introduction 1, 2, 3(g), 4(e)

22/05/2022 36.5 Areas under curves 1-4

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7 QF-20-rev.a.3

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