5.0042739 The Ring ZP of P-Adic

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MiroslavStoenchev1,a) andVenelinTodorov2,3,b)
[email protected],[email protected]

algorithmtoobtainaparametricdescriptionofallpossiblevaluesofparameterk ∈ Z,forwhichnontrivialsolutionsexist.The

Weconsiderthediophantineequation x4 +y4 +kx2 y2 = z2 ,wherek ∈ Zisaparameter.Ouraimistodeterminethe
Each diophantine equation can be considered as an equation that defines affine variety in the corresponding affine
space, or after homogenization, projective variety in the corresponding projective space. Thus the initial equation

T k ={(x,y,z)∈A3 (Q)|x4 +y4 +kx2 y2 =z2 }or T k : x4 +y4 +kx2 y2 =z2 ,

T k ={[x,y,z,t]∈P3 (Q)|x4 +y4 +kx2 y2 =z2 t2 }orT k : x4 +y4 +kx2 y2 =z2 t2
For convenience, we will use affine equations, but with the comprehension that we work with projective varieties
hyperplaneatinfinityH∞ : t=0.

In this section are given definitions of affine and projective spaces, elliptic curves over an arbitrary field, and the

Definition1 Affinen-spaceoverQisthesetAn (Q)={(x1 ,x2 ,...,xn )|xi ∈Q}.

ThezeropointofAn isOAn =(0,...,0),andifA,BaresetsthenA−Bmeanstheset-theoreticalsubtraction.
Definition2 Projective n-space over Q, denoted by Pn , is the quotient space (An+1 (Q)−OAn+1)/ ∼, where the
factorization by ∼ means that the points (x0 ,...,xn ), (y0 ,...,yn ) ∈ An+1 (Q)−OAn+1 are equivalent, if there exists
∗ ∗
λ ∈ Q ,suchthaty0 = λx0 ,...,yn = λxn .Anequivalenceclass{(λx0 ,...,λxn )|λ ∈ Q }isdenotedby[x0 ,...,xn ],
andtheindividualx0 ,...,xn arecalledhomogeneouscoordinatesforthecorrespondingpointofPn .

Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (AMEE’20)

AIP Conf. Proc. 2333, 110002-1–110002-14; https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0042739
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4077-7/$30.00

Thus, the projective space consists of lines through the origin in affine space, with one dimension higher.

Definition 3 Elliptic curve over Q is a smooth projective curve with affine equation

y2 = x3 + ax2 + bx + c, (1)

where a, b, c ∈ Q. In general, elliptic curve E over field k is denoted by E/k.

The smoothness condition is equivalent to the condition that the polynomial x3 + ax2 + bx + c has distinct roots. The
unique point at infinity that lies on the elliptic curve is denoted by O = [0, 1, 0]. The discriminant of E/k : y2 = f (x)
given by (1) is defined as ΔE = 16Δ f = 16(−4a3 c + a2 b2 + 18abc − 4b3 − 27c2 ).
Let E/Q be an elliptic curve given by equation (1). Therefore E ⊂ P2 (Q) consists of the points P = (x, y)
satisfying the equation (1), together with the point at infinity O = [0, 1, 0]. Let l ⊂ P2 (Q) be a line, then by Bezout’s
theorem, the number of points of intersection for l ∩ E, taken with multiplicities, is exactly 3, say P, Q, R (need not be
distinct). The definition of composition law ⊕ on elliptic curve E is as follows:

Definition 4 The composition law E × E −→ E (P, Q)

−→ −R, is denoted by P ⊕ Q := −R, where the map
E −→ E P = (x, y)
−→ −P = (x, −y) is an orthogonal symmetry with respect to the coordinate axis.

Remark 1 The composition law is in fact a group law, i.e. makes E into an abelian group, with O = [0, 1, 0] as
neutral element for the group operation, and each element P has inverse −P. By the definition above, it follows that
three points on E have zero sum, if and only if they lie on the same line.

As notation : E = E(Q) = {(x, y) ∈ A2 (Q) | y2 = x3 + ax2 + bx + c} ∪ {O}, and for every subfield k ⊂ Q denote by E(k)
the set of k-rational points on E:

E(k) = {(x, y) ∈ A2 (k) | y2 = x3 + ax2 + bx + c} ∪ {O}. (2)

For elliptic curve E/k, the set E(k) is a group, E(k)  E(Q), in particular let k = Q:
Definition 5 The group E(Q) is called the Mordell-Weil group of rational points on E.
Elliptic curves have an algebraic structure as abelian groups and a geometric structure as smooth projective
curves. The structure preserving maps between elliptic curves are called isogenies. Let k be a field and E/k be an
elliptic curve, given by equation f (x, y, z) = x3 + ax2 z + bxz2 + cz3 − y2 z = 0.

Definition 6 T he f unction f ield k(E) of elliptic curve E/k consists of rational functions gh , where
1) g, h ∈ k[x, y, z] are homogeneous polynomials of the same degree,
2) h  ( f ), i.e. h is not divisible by f ,
3) gh11 and gh22 are considered equivalent whenever g1 h2 − g2 h1 ∈ ( f ).

Definition 7 Let E1 /k and E2 /k be elliptic curves. A rational map ϕ : E1 −→ E2 is a projective triple ϕ =

[ϕ1 , ϕ2 , ϕ3 ] ∈ P2 (k(E1 )), such that for every point P ∈ E1 (k), where ϕ1 (P), ϕ2 (P), ϕ3 (P) are defined, are not all zero
and the projective point [ϕ1 (P), ϕ2 (P), ϕ3 (P)] lies in E2 (k). The map ϕ is regular at P if there exists λ ∈ k(E1 )∗ , such
that λϕ1 , λϕ2 , λϕ3 are defined at P and are not all zero at P. Everywhere regular rational map is called a morphism.

Remark 2 Every rational map between elliptic curves is a morphism and every morphism between smooth pro-
jective curves is either constant or surjective.

Let E1 /k and E2 /k be elliptic curves.
Definition 8 An isogeny ϕ : E1 −→ E2 is a surjective morphism of curves that induces a group homomorphism
E1 (k)−→E2 (k).TheellipticcurvesE1 andE2 arethensaidtobeisogenous.

Example1 Form∈Ndenoteby[m]P:=P⊕ P⊕···⊕ P(m-timesaddition).Themap[m]:E−→E P

E[m]. The elements of E[m] are called m-torsion points of E. For E/k with
is an isogeny. Denote its kernel by
chark=0holdsthatE[m]Z/mZ Z/mZ.

Remark3 Let ϕ : E1 −→ E2 be an isogeny. Then there exists a unique isogeny ϕ̃ : E2 −→ E1 satisfying
ϕ̃ ◦ϕ=[m]andϕ◦ϕ̃ =[m],forappropriatepositiveintegerm.Theisogenyϕ̃ iscalleddualisogenyforϕ,andthe


Theorem 1 The Mordell-Weil group E(Q) is finitely generated and abelian.

Theorem 2 Every finitely generated abelian group A is a direct sum of a free subgroup and a torsion subgroup,
i.e. A = A f ree Atorsion  Zr Atorsion , where the integer r ≥ 0 is called rank of A and is denoted by rank A = r.

Remark 4 From the theorems above it follows that E(Q)  Zr E(Q)tor .

Thetorsiongroup E(Q)tor isfiniteandeffectivelycomputablebyalgorithmsasLutz-Nagelltheorem,thereduction
theoremandthegeneraltheoremofMazur.ThenecessarydefinitionsforQ p , Z p , F p andthereductionmapmodulo

Theorem3 (Lutz-Nagell)LetE:y2 = x3+ax2+bx+cbeanellipticcurvewithintegercoefficientsandP=(x,y)

beatorsionpointofE.Thenxandyareintegers,andeithery=0ory2 isadivisorofthediscriminantΔofpolynomial
f(x)= x3 +ax2 +bx+c.(Δ f =−4a3 c+a2 b2 +18abc−4b3 −27c2 )

Theorem4 (Reduction) Let p be a prime number, m be a positive integer not divisible by p, and E/Q p be an
ellipticcurve.Ifthereductionmodulo p E/Q p −→ Ẽ/F p givesanonsingularcurve Ẽ/F p ,thenthereductionmap
E(Q p )[m]−→Ẽ(F p )isaninjectivehomomorphismofgroups.
Theorem 5 (Mazur) Let E/Q be an elliptic curve. Then the torsion group E(Q)tor is isomorphic to one of the
following fifteen groups:
Z/nZ, 1 ≤ n ≤ 10 or n = 12,
Z/2Z ⊕ Z/2nZ, 1 ≤ n ≤ 4.


Theorem 6 (Complete 2-Descent) Let E/Q : y2 = (x − e1 )(x − e2 )(x − e3 ), e1 , e2 , e3 ∈ Q be an elliptic curve. Let
S be a finite set of primes, including 2, ∞ and all primes that divide the discriminant of E.
Let Q(S , 2) = {b ∈ Q∗ /(Q∗ )2 | ord p (b) ≡ 0 mod 2 ∀p  S }. Then there is injective group homomorphism

E(Q)/2E(Q) −→ Q(S , 2) × Q(S , 2),

defined by

⎪ (x − e1 , x − e2 ) , x  e1 , e2

⎪  e −e 

⎪ e1 −e2 , e1 − e2 , x = e1
1 3

P = (x, y)
−→ ⎪

⎪ e2 −e3

⎪ e2 − e1 , e2 −e1 , x = e2

⎩ (1, 1), P=O

Theorem 7 (Complete 2-Descent) Let (b1 , b2 ) ∈ Q(S , 2) × Q(S , 2) be a pair that is not an image of any of the
points O, (e1 , 0), (e2 , 0), (e3 , 0). Then (b1 , b2 ) is the image of a point P = (x, y) ∈ E(Q)/2E(Q) if and only if, the
b1 z21 − b2 z22 = e2 − e1 , b1 z21 − b1 b2 z23 = e3 − e1 ,
have a solution (z1 , z2 , z3 ) ∈ Q∗ × Q∗ × Q∗ . If such a solution exists, then

P = (x, y) = (b1 z21 + e1 , b1 b2 z1 z2 z3 ).

Remark 5 Complete 2-Descent algorithm has a geometric interpretation: the two equations in theorem 7 define
quadric surfaces in P3 , which intersect in smooth quartic curve in P3 , called a homogeneous space for E/Q.
In the case when E[2]  E(Q)[2], the general algorithm for determining the rank of an elliptic curve uses Selmer and
Shafarevich-Tate groups ([6],[8]).

Theorem 8 The rank is invariant under isogeny maps, hence isogenous elliptic curves have the same rank.


Let Ek , Ek and Hk be the curves with affine equations:

Ek : Y 2 = X(X − k + 2)(X − k − 2),

Ek : y2 = x (x2 + kx + 1),

Hk : v2 = u4 + ku2 + 1.
Determining the solutions of the initial diophantine equation means to determine integral points on surface T k :
x4 + y4 + kx2 y2 − z2 = 0. Finding integral points on quartic surface T k is equivalent to finding rational points on quartic
curve Hk , which is contained in T k . The map T k −→ Hk (x, y, z)
−→ (u, v), defined by u = yx , v = yz2 , transforms the
equation x4 + y4 + kx2 y2 = z2 to v2 = u4 + ku2 + 1. For k  ±2 the family of curves Hk is nonsingular and contains
a rational point, for example (0, ±1), therefore for fixed k  ±2, Hk is birational equivalent to an elliptic curve Ek ,
hence the map

Hk −→ Ek (u, v)
−→ (X, Y) defined by X = 2u2 + 2v + k, Y = 2u(2u2 + 2v + k),

is an isomorphism, with inverse

Y X − k Y
Ek −→ Hk (X, Y)
−→ (u, v), defined by u = , v= − .
2X 2 2X
Y 2 Y(k2 −4−X 2 )
The map Ek −→ Ek (X, Y)
−→ (x , y ), defined by x = 2X , y = 8X 2
is an isogeny,
y y (1 − x2 )
and the dual isogeny Ek  
−→ Ek (x , y )
−→ (X, Y), is defined by X =  , Y= .
x x2

Let S k = {(x, y, z) ∈ N3 | x4 + y4 + kx2 y2 = z2 , gcd(x, y, z) = 1, xy > 1} be the set of nontrivial solutions. Using the
map T k −→ Hk , the isomorphism Hk −→ Ek and the isogenies Ek −→ Ek −→ Ek , we obtain for the cardinality of S k :
 2 √
x = x x = y x
|S k | ≥ 1 ⇔ y = ± yx . z2 ⇔
y  2
y = y, z = y√yx ⇔ rank Ek (Q) ≥ 1,
(x, y, z) ∈ S k (x , y ) ∈ Ek (Q) − Ek (Q)tor

where Ek (Q) and Ek (Q)tor are respectively Mordell-Weil group of rational points and its torsion subgroup for Ek .
Consequently, the initial equation has a solution in S k , if and only if the rank of Ek (Q) is at least 1 (as noted in [2]):

{k ∈ Z | card S k ≥ 1} = {k ∈ Z | rank Ek (Q) ≥ 1}.

The rational torsion points of Ek generate only the trivial solutions x = y = 1, with k in the form k = n2 − 2, which are
not included in S k . In what follows, the above statements are formulated as lemmas with their proofs.

Lemma 1 The rational torsion points of Ek generate only the trivial solutions x = y = 1, with k in the form
k = n − 2, which are not included in S k .

Proof 1 Let P = (x , y ) ∈ Ek and denote [m]P = (xm

, ym ), where (x , y ) = (x1 , y1 ). Then by the group law of Ek ,
(using duplication formula [8]) one obtains

(x2 − 1)2 (x2 − 1)(x4 + 2kx3 + 6x2 + 2kx + 1)

x2 = 
, y2 = (3)
(2y ) 2 (2y )3
Assume that P ∈ Ek (Q)[m], i.e. P ∈ Ek (Q) with [m]P = O. Then, by theorem 3, it follows that xm

and ym are integers.
By theorem 5, it follows 1 ≤ m ≤ 12 and m  11.

case 1: m = 2. Then [2]P = O ⇐⇒ P = −P ⇐⇒ (x , y ) = (x , −y ) ⇐⇒ y = 0. Consequently x = 0 or

x2 + kx + 1 = 0 which is equivalent to x = 0 or k2 − 4 is a perfect square, i.e. k = ±2. Therefore the only point of
order 2 is P = (0, 0).

case 2: m = 4. So [4]P = O ⇐⇒ [2]P = −[2]P ⇐⇒ (x2 , y2 ) = (x2 , −y2 ) ⇐⇒ y2 = 0. Consequently x2 = 0 and by
(3) we obtain x2 − 1 = 0, i.e. x = ±1. Therefore every rational torsion of order 4 must be of the type: P(1, n) with k
necessarily in the form k = n2 − 2, n  0, 2, or P(−1, n) with k necessarily in the form k = n2 + 2, n  0. Therefore
there are no rational torsion points of order 4, if k  n2 ± 2.

case 3: m = 8. So [8]P = O ⇐⇒ [4]P = −[4]P ⇐⇒ (x4 , y4 ) = (x4 , −y4 ) ⇐⇒ y4 = 0. Consequently [4]P is
a two-torsion point and [2]P must be a four-torsion. Then by cases 1 and 2, it follows that, x4 = y4 = 0 and
x2 = ±1, y2 = n, k = n2 ∓ 2. We obtain [4]P = (0, 0), [2]P = (±1, n) and by (3), it follows that 4(x(x
3 +kx2 +x ) = ±1

which have no solutions in integers x . Therefore rational torsion points of order 8 do not exist.
−1) 2
case 4: m = 3. Then [3]P = O ⇐⇒ [2]P = −P ⇐⇒ (x2 , y2 ) = (x , −y ) ⇐⇒ x2 = x . Consequently 4(x(x3 +kx2 +x ) = ±x

which has no solutions in integers x . Therefore rational torsion points of order 3 do not exist which means that
Ek (Q)tors has no subgroups of order 3. Consequently rational torsion points of order 6, 9 and 12 do not exist.
−1) 2 2
case 5: m = 5. So [5]P = O ⇐⇒ [4]P = −P ⇐⇒ (x4 , y4 ) = (x , −y ) ⇐⇒ x4 = x . Let us denote f (x) = 4(x(x3 +kx 2 +x) .
Then x2 = f (x ) and x4 = f (x2 ) = f ( f (x )). Consequently f ( f (x )) = x which has no solutions in integers x . Indeed,
let us write the rational function f ( f (x)) − x as a quotient of two polynomials: f ( f (x)) − x = Q(x) . Then P(0) = 1,
therefore from P(x ) = 0 it follows that x = ±1, which is impossible. Therefore rational torsion points of order 5 do
not exist, which means that Ek (Q)tors has no subgroups of order 5. The latter implies that rational torsion points of
order 10 do not exist.

case 6: m = 7. Then [7]P = O ⇐⇒ [8]P = P ⇐⇒ (x8 , y8 ) = (x , y ) ⇐⇒ x8 = x . We obtain the equation
x1 = f ( f ( f (x ))) which has no solutions in integers x with the same arguments as in case 5. Therefore rational

torsion points of order 7 do not exist.

Z/4Z, k = n2 ± 2
Summarizing the results: Ek (Q)tors 
Z/2Z, k  n2 ± 2

Lemma 2 The rational torsion points of Ek generate only the trivial solutions x = y = 1, with k in the form
k = n2 − 2 which are not included in S k .

Proof 2 Similar to the proof of lemma 1. Some considerations may be reduced by using theorem 4. Since Ek and
Ek are isogenous under isogeny Ek −→ Ek with kernel of order 2 (kernel = {O, (0, 0)}), then odd torsion subgroups of
that curves are isomorphic (and hence trivial by lemma 1), but even torsion subgroups are not the same:

Z/2Z ⊕ Z/4Z, k = n2 − 2
Ek (Q)tors  , i.e.
Z/2Z ⊕ Z/2Z, k  n2 − 2

{O, (0, 0), (n2 − 4, 0), (n2 , 0), (n2 ± 2n, 2(n2 ± 2n))}, k = n2 − 2
Ek (Q)tors =
{O, (0, 0), (k − 2, 0), (k + 2, 0)}, k  n2 − 2
with  = ±1.

Lemma 3 {k ∈ Z | card S k ≥ 1} = {k ∈ Z | rank Ek (Q) ≥ 1}.

Proof 3 From a direct application of lemma 1 and the calculations above: if (x, y, z) ∈ S k , then the point
P(x , y ) ∈ Ek with coordinates x = (x/y)2 , y = ± xz/y3 is rational and by lemma 1 that point is nontorsion, since
x = (x/y)2  0, ±1. Thus rank Ek (Q) ≥ 1.

Let assume that rank Ek (Q) ≥ 1 and let P(x , y ) ∈ Ek is a rational nontorsion point. Let x = x1 /x2 , y =
y1 /y2 , gcd(x1 , x2 ) = gcd(y1 , y2 ) = 1 and let substitute in the equation of Ek :

x23 y21 = y22 x1 (x12 + kx1 x2 + x22 ), (4)

so x23 = ±y22 , therefore x2 = ±s2 , y2 = s3 and y21 = ±x1 (x12 ± kx1 s2 + s4 ). From gcd(x1 , s) = 1, one obtains gcd(x1 , x12 ±
kx1 s2 + s4 ) = 1. Then x1 = t2, y1 = tw and consequently w2 = ±(t4 ± kt2 s2 + s4 ). Then every nontorsion point on
Ek (Q) has the type (x , y ) = ± st 2 , st . sw2 with t2  s2 and ts  0. If the sign is +, then (t, s, w) ∈ S k . Otherwise, if

P = (x , y ) = − st 2 , st . sw2 , then [2]P = (x2 , y2 ) such that

t4 − s4 (t4 − s4 )[(t4 + s4 )2 + 4t4 s4 − 2kt2 s2 (t4 + s4 )]
x2 = , y2 = . (5)
2stw (2stw)3
 |t4 −s4 | 
2stw |w4 −(k2 −4)t4 s4 |
Therefore d , d , d2
∈ S k , where gcd(t4 − s4 , 2stw) = d.

Remark 6 In the case k = ±2 the surface T k is degenerate: T −2 consists of two hyperbolic paraboloids, since
T −2 : (x2 − y2 + z)(x2 − y2 − z) = 0; T +2 consists of two elliptic paraboloids: T +2 : (x2 + y2 + z)(x2 + y2 − z) = 0. The

curvesintheellipticfamilyEk ,motivationandadescriptionviamatrixequationsoftheorem9.Ourmainresultisthe

Theorem 9 The equation x4 + y4 + kx2 y2 = z2 has a non trivial solution, i.e. solution in S k , if and only if k satisfies
at least one of the following systems:

x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 − odd y1 , y2 − odd x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 − odd
βy22 − αy21 = x12 βy22 − αy21 = 4x12 βy22 − αy21 = 2x12
δy2 − γy2 = x2 δy2 − γy2 = 4x2 δy2 − γy2 = 2x2
2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2
αδ − βγ = 1 αδ − βγ = 4 αδ − βγ = 4
k = 4αδ − 2 k = αδ − 2 k = αδ − 2,

where α, β, γ, δ, x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 are nonzero integers satisfying the conditions gcd(x1 , x2 ) = gcd(y1 , y2 ) =

gcd(x1 x2 , y1 y2 ) = 1, x1 x2 y1 y2 > 1, (with equality x1 x2 y1 y2 = 1 only possible for the second system of equations).
Solutions of the equation for the corresponding three cases are:

x = x1 x2 x = 2x1 x2 x = x1 x2
y = y y y = y1 y2
y = y y
1 2 1 2
βδy4 −αγy4 βδy4 −αγy4

z = βδy2 − αγy1
z= 2 1
z = 2 1
4 4

Proof 4 Ek and Ek are isogenous, then by theorem 8 it follows that rank Ek = rank Ek . Lemma 3 gives card S k ≥ 1
if and only if rank Ek ≥ 1. For Ek we may apply complete 2 descent algorithm, since all two-torsions of Ek are rational,
i.e. Ek [2] = Ek (Q)[2] = {O, (0, 0), (k − 2, 0), (k + 2, 0)}.
Assume that k has the form k = αδ − 2 = βγ + 2,  = 1 or  = 4, with (α, β, γ, δ, x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 ) as in the theorem.
Then, one could check directly that the triple (x, y, z) corresponding to k (as in the theorem) is a nontrivial solution,
and by lemma 3 that solution comes from a rational nontorsion point of E. Thus rank Ek ≥ 1.
Assume that rank Ek ≥ 1. We are going to prove that k has the form k = αδ − 2 = βγ + 2. Applying theorems 6 and 7
to Ek , with e1 = 0, e2 = k − 2, e3 = k + 2, we obtain the following: there exist a square-free integers b1 , b2 ∈ Q(S , 2),
such that the system of equations

b1 z21 − b2 z22 = k − 2, b1 z21 − b1 b2 z23 = k + 2, (6)

has a solution (z1 , z2 , z3 ) ∈ Q∗ ×Q∗ ×Q∗ and P = (b1 z21 , b1 b2 z1 z2 z3 ) is a nontorsion point. The condition b1 , b2 ∈ Q(S , 2)
is equivalent to:

• 16(k2 − 4) = ΔEk ≡ 0 mod bi for i = 1, 2

• p2  b1 , p2  b2 for all primes p.
The proof will be accomplished in several steps, formulated belows as lemmas.

Lemma 4 System (6) with the condition gcd(b1 , b2 ) = 1 is equivalent to the union of the following four systems:

b1 Z12 ± Z22 = (k − 2)Z 2 , b1 Z12 ± b1 Z32 = (k + 2)Z 2 ; (7)

b1 Z12 ± 2Z22 = (k − 2)Z 2 , b1 Z12 ± 2b1 Z32 = (k + 2)Z 2 ; (8)

where Z, Z1 , Z2 , Z3 are positive integers, satisfying gcd(Z, Zi ) = gcd(Z, b1 ) = 1, i = 1, 2, 3 and k + 2 ≡ 0 mod b1 .

Lemma 4 states that b2 = ±1 or b2 = ±2, and if zi = ZZiii , gcd(Zi , Zii ) = 1, i = 1, 2, 3, then Z11 = Z22 = Z33 (we set
them equal to Z). Now we prove that statement for all four cases. System (6) is equivalent to

b1 Z12 Z22
− b2 Z22 Z11
= (k − 2)Z11
2 2
Z22 , b1 Z12 Z33
− b1 b2 Z32 Z11
= (k + 2)Z11
2 2
Z33 . (9)

From the first equation one obtains b1 Z22 2

≡ 0 mod Z11
2 2
and b2 Z11 ≡ 0 mod Z222
. Then by the square-free property
of b1 , b2 , it follows that Z11 and Z22 have the same set of prime divisors and the same powers for each prime in
the product decomposition, so Z11 = Z22 . From the second equation of (9), one could imply that Z11 = Z33 . Thus
Z11 = Z22 = Z33 (= Z) and dividing by Z 2 in (9), we obtain:

b1 Z12 − b2 Z22 = (k − 2)Z 2 , b1 Z12 − b1 b2 Z32 = (k + 2)Z 2 . (10)

If gcd(b1 , Z) = d1 , then by the first equation of (10), we will get b2 Z22 ≡ 0 mod d1 . Thus Z22 ≡ 0 mod d1 and
gcd(Z, Z2 ) ≡ 0 mod d1 . Since gcd(Z, Z2 ) = 1, then d1 = 1 and by the second equation of (10), we will have that
k + 2 ≡ 0 mod b1 . Subtracting the equations of (10), we obtain b2 (Z22 − b1 Z32 ) = 4Z 2 . Therefore 4 ≡ 0 mod b2 , since
gcd(b1 , b2 ) = 1 and gcd(Z, b2 ) = 1. This means that b2 = ±1 or b2 = ±2 which completes the proof of lemma 4.

A generalization of lemma 4 is:

Lemma 5 Let gcd(b1 , b2 ) = d. System (6) is equivalent to the union of the following four systems:
d(eZ12 ± Z22 ) = (k − 2)Z 2 , e(dZ12 ± Z32 ) = (k + 2)Z 2 ; (11)

d(eZ12 ± 2Z22 ) = (k − 2)Z 2 , e(dZ12 ± 2Z32 ) = (k + 2)Z 2 ; (12)

where Z, Z1 , Z2 , Z3 are positive integers, satisfying gcd(Z, Zi ) = gcd(Z, e) = gcd(e, d)
= 1, i = 1, 2, 3 and k + 2 ≡ 0 mod e, k − 2 ≡ 0 mod d, and p2  de for all primes p.
If b1 = de, b2 = d f , then gcd(d, e) = gcd(d, f ) = gcd(e, f ) = 1 and d, e, f are square-free. As in lemma 4, we
obtain Z11 = Z22 = Z and (6) is equivalent to:
b1 Z12 − b2 Z22 = (k − 2)Z 2 , b1 Z12 Z33
− b1 b2 Z32 Z 2 = (k + 2)Z33
2 2
Z . (13)
From the second equation of (13), one obtains b1 Z33 2
≡ 0 mod Z 2 and b1 b2 Z 2 ≡ 0 mod Z33 2
. Then by the square-free
property of b1 , b2 , there exists divisor d1 of d such that Z33 = d1 Z. Thus (13) is equivalent to
b1 Z12 − b2 Z22 = (k − 2)Z 2 , b1 Z12 − e f Z32 = (k + 2)Z 2 . (14)
Subtracting the equations of (14), we obtain
b2 Z22 − ef Z32 = 4Z 2 , (15)

Therefore 4Z 2 ≡ 0 mod dd1 and 4Z 2 ≡ 0 mod f . By the second equation of (14), gcd( f, Z) = gcd(d/d1 , Z) = 1 which
implies that the square-free integers d/d1 and f are divisors of 4. Hence d/d1 = 1 or 2, f = ±1 or ±2. There are
four cases:
• (d/d1 , f ) = (1, ±1). Then (14) is equivalent to (11),
• (d/d1 , f ) = (1, ±2). Then (14) is equivalent to (12),
• (d/d1 , f ) = (2, ±1). Then (14) is equivalent to a subsystem of (11),
• (d/d1 , f ) = (2, ±2). Then (14) is equivalent to a subsystem of (12).
It is straightforward that gcd(e, Z) = gcd(d, Z) = 1 which implies k + 2 ≡ 0 mod e and k − 2 ≡ 0 mod d. This
completes the proof of lemma 5.

By using lemma 5, equation (11) gives us

k−2 2 k+2 2
eZ12 − Z = ∓Z22 , dZ12 − Z = ∓Z32 . (16)
d e
There are three cases:

case 1: Z1 , Z2 , Z3 -even, Z-odd. Then k ≡ 2 mod 4 and Zi = 2Zi , i = 1, 2, 3 and Zi are odd. If the sign in (16) is minus,
then we have
k−2 k+2
(α, β, γ, δ) = e, , d, and (x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 ) = (Z2 , Z3 , Z1 , Z).
4d 4e
Otherwise, if the sign is plus, then we have

k+2 k−2
(α, β, γ, δ) = , d, , e and (x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 ) = (Z3 , Z2 , Z, Z1 ).
4e 4d

Therefore k = 4αδ − 2 = 4βγ + 2 and we obtain the first system of theorem 9.

In case 1, it is impossible to have Z = Z1 = Z2 = Z3 = 1 since the point P = (b1 z21 , b1 b2 z1 z2 z3 ) is a torsion.
Indeed, by lemma 2 and the calculations above
z1 = z2 = 2, z3 = , k = (2d ± 2)2 − 2, b1 = d2 ± d, b2 = ±d,
P = (4(d2 ± d), 8(d2 ± d)) ∈ Ek (Q)tor .
case 2: Z and Z1 are odd, Z2 and Z3 are even. Hence Z2 = 2Z2 , Z3 = 2Z3 and gcd(Z2 , Z3 ) = 1. If the sign in (16) is
minus, then we have

k−2 k+2
(α, β, γ, δ) = e, , d, and (x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 ) = (Z2 , Z3 , Z1 , Z).
d e

Otherwise, if the sign is plus, then we have

k+2 k−2
(α, β, γ, δ) = , d, , e and (x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 ) = (Z3 , Z2 , Z, Z1 ).
e d

It is possible to have Z = Z1 = Z2 = Z3 = 1

since the point P = (b1 z21 , b1 b2 z1 z2 z3 ) in this case is not a torsion. Indeed, by lemma 2 and the calculations above, we
z1 = 1, z2 = 2, z3 = , k = d2 ± 5d − 2, b1 = d2 ± d, b2 = ±d,
P = (d2 ± d, 4(d2 ± d))  Ek (Q)tor .
Therefore k = αδ − 2 = βγ + 2 and we obtain the second system of theorem 9.

By using lemma 5, equation (12), we obtain

k−2 2 k+2 2
eZ12 − Z = ∓2Z22 , dZ12 − Z = ∓2Z32 . (17)
d e
case 3: k ≡ 1 mod 2 and Z, Zi are odd. Hence d ≡ e ≡ 1 mod 2. If the sign in (17) is minus, then we have

k−2 k+2
(α, β, γ, δ) = e, , d, and (x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 ) = (Z2 , Z3 , Z1 , Z).
d e

Otherwise, if the sign is plus, we have

k+2 k−2
(α, β, γ, δ) = , d, , e and (x1 , x2 , y1 , y2 ) = (Z3 , Z2 , Z, Z1 ).
e d

Consequently k = αδ − 2 = βγ + 2 and we obtain the third system of theorem 9.

For case 3, it is impossible to have Z = Z1 = Z2 = Z3 = 1 since the point P = (b1 z21 , b1 b2 z1 z2 z3 ) is a torsion.
Indeed, by lemma 2 and the calculations above
z1 = z2 = 1, z3 = , k = (d ± 2)2 − 2, b1 = d2 ± 2d, b2 = ±2d,
P = (d2 ± 2d, 2(d2 ± 2d)) ∈ Ek (Q)tor .
All the other possibilities for the parity of Z and Zi lead to the same results, as already obtained above, which completes
the proof of the theorem.

Remark 7 Theorem 9 allows compact description by matrix equations. Let M2 (Z) be the set of 2 × 2 matrices
with integral elements and for convenience, let us introduce the following definition: two 2-dimensional vectors X and
Y are called perfect pair if their coordinates are integral, perfect squares and pairwise coprime, with product greater
than 1. Then theorem 9 states that all values of k come from such matrix g ∈ M2 (Z), with nonzero elements, for which
the equation
g ◦ Y = X (18)
has a solution (X, Y) which is a perfect pair. In correspondence with the notations above, let
⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞
⎜⎜⎜ x1 ⎟⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ y1 ⎟⎟⎟
−α β
, X = ⎜⎜⎜⎝ ⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ , Y = ⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜
⎟ ⎟⎟⎟ , ε ∈ {1, 2, 4}.
⎟⎠ (19)
−γ δ ⎠ ⎝ 2
x22 y2

There are three cases that correspond to the three systems of equations in the theorem:

case 1: det(g) = −1, ε = 1, k = 4αδ − 2,

case 2: det(g) = −4, ε = 4, k = αδ − 2,
case 3: det(g) = −4, ε = 2, k = αδ − 2.

Case 1 gives all solutions (x, y, z), with x, y odd, z even, and k even.
Case 2 gives all (x, y, z), with x even, y, z odd, and k can be even or odd.
Case 3 gives all solutions (x, y, z), with x, y, z odd, and k odd.

Remark 8 To every generator P of the Mordell-Weil group Ek (Q), corresponds a unique matrix gP ∈ M2 (Z) given
by following short non-exact sequence:

0 −→ Ek (Q)/2Ek (Q) −→ Q(S , 2) × Q(S , 2) −→ M2 (Z)

−α β
P = (x, y)
−→ (b1 , b2 )
−→ gP = .
−γ δ
The middle map is an injective group homomorphism, defined in theorem 6 where S = {p − prime | ΔEk ≡ 0 mod p} ∪
{±1}. The third map is defined as follows. Let d = gcd(b1 , b2 ). Set ρ = 4, when k ≡ 2 mod 4 and x = r/s, r-even,
s-odd; and ρ = 1 otherwise. There are two cases that correspond to sign(b2 ) = −1 and sign(b2 ) = +1:
⎛ b1 ⎞ ⎛ (k+2)d ⎞
⎜⎜⎜ − d k−2
⎟⎟⎟ ⎜⎜⎜ − ρb1 d ⎟⎟⎟
⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎟⎟
gP = ⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎟ , gP = ⎜⎜⎜⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ .
⎝ (k+2)d ⎠ ⎝ b1 ⎟ ⎠
−d ρb1 − k−2
ρd d

Example 2 Using remark 7 and the Magma software ([12]), we obtain higher rank curves in the elliptic family
Ek , with solutions of the general equation that correspond to generators of the Mordell-Weil group for these curves.
Consider the matrix gi ∈ M2 (Z)

−2 102 −2 4182
g1 = , g2 = ,
−287 14639 −7 14639

−29278 1394 −2 6
g3 = , g4 = .
−21 1 −4879 14639
The following equalities are satisfied, i.e. solutions of the equation (18) gi ◦ Y = 4X:
2 2 2
7 1 5032 1
g1 ◦ =4 , g2 ◦ =4 ,
12 122 112 82

52 372 192 12
g3 ◦ =4 , g4 ◦ =4 .
232 12 112 502

Since det(gi ) = −4,  = 4, then case 2 of theorem 9 states that k = αi δi − 2 = 29 276 and the solutions of the general
equation are (xi , yi , zi ), such that

(x1 , y1 , z1 ) = (24, 7, 28 751), (x2 , y2 , z2 ) = (16, 5533, 34 156 471),

(x3 , y3 , z3 ) = (74, 115, 1 456 151), (x4 , y4 , z4 ) = (100, 209, 3 576 319).
By remark 8, gi corresponds to a generator Pi ∈ E29 276 (Q) for i = 1, 2, 3, 4. Then (xi , yi , zi ) correspond to generators
of E29 276 (Q) and rank E29 276 (Q) ≥ 4. It can be shown that rank E29 276 (Q) = 4 (see Table 1).

Example 3 Another rank four elliptic curve from the elliptic family Ek is given by k = 70 808. As in example 2,
the calculation of matrix generators g1 , g2 , g3 , g4 corresponding to generators of E70 808 (Q) is as follows: consider the
matrix gi ∈ M2 (Z) :
 −6 70810  −73 11801
g1 = , g2 = ,
−1 11801 −6 970

 −14162 70806  −2 70806
g3 = , g4 = .
−1 5 −1 35405
The following equalities are satisfied, i.e. solutions of the equation (18) gi ◦ Y = 4X:
2 2 2
−6 70810 1012 49 −73 11801 89 2
= 4 , = 4 .
1 11801 12 202 −6 970 72 12

−14162 70806 1992 792 −2 70806 1792 412
=4 , =4 .
−1 5 892 12 −1 35405 12 292
Since det(gi ) = −4,  = 4, then case 2 of theorem 9 states that k = αi δi − 2 = 70 808 and the solutions of the general
equation are (xi , yi , zi ), such that

(x1 , y1 , z1 ) = (1960, 101, 52 816 601), (x2 , y2 , z2 ) = (4, 623, 768 353),

(x3 , y3 , z3 ) = (158, 17711, 808 004 167), (x4 , y4 , z4 ) = (2378, 179, 113 408 767).
By remark 8, gi corresponds to a generator Pi ∈ E70 808 (Q) for i = 1, 2, 3, 4. Then (xi , yi , zi ) correspond to generators
of E70 808 (Q) and rank E70 808 (Q) ≥ 4. It can be shown that rank E70 808 (Q) = 4 (Table 1).


k x y z rank Ek generators

29 276 24 7 28 751 4 g1
16 5 533 34 156 471 g2
74 115 1 456 151 g3
100 209 3 576 319 g4

70 808 1960 101 52 816 601 4 g1

4 623 768 353 g2
158 17 711 808 004 167 g3
2378 179 113 408 767 g4

Example 4 There are infinitely many integers k for which the main considered equation has a solution (x, y, z) in
distinct odd prime numbers. It is a necessary and sufficient condition that k is in the form

k = ±2 + n(2p2 ± 2q2 + np2 q2 ), (20)

where p, q and |p2 ± q2 + np2 q2 | are primes, for some n ∈ Z.

Proof: When p and q are distinct odd primes, the arithmetic progression {p2 ± q2 + np2 q2 }n∈Z contains in-
finitely many primes, by the Dirichlet theorem. When k has the form (20), then a solution in prime numbers
(x, y, z) = (p, q, |p2 ± q2 + np2 q2 |).
If (x, y, z) = (p, q, r) is a solution in primes, then by theorem 9, case 3 of remark 7 and the following identities
2 2
−(2 + np2 ) 2p2 + 2q2 + np2 q2 q p
=2 ,
−n 2 + nq2 1 1

−n 2 + nq2 q2 1
=2 ,
−(np2 − 2) 2p − 2q2 + np2 q2
2 1 p2
it follows that r = |p2 ± q2 + np2 q2 | for some n ∈ Z and k has the form (20).

Remark 9 The motivation for theorem 9 is the following observation concerning the possible values of k:

z2 − x4 − y4 1 (z − y2 )(z + y2 )
k= = 2 −x ,
x 2 y2 y x2

where (x, y, z) ∈ S k and we may assume that y is odd since gcd(x, y, z) = 1. There are two cases:

case 1: z ≡ 0 mod 2. Then x is odd and gcd(z − y2 , z + y2 ) = 1. From (21), one could see that (z − y2 )(z + y2 )/x2 is an
integer. Therefore there exist odd integers x1 , x2 , t1 , t2 such that:

z − y2 = t1 x12 , z + y2 = t2 x22 , x = x1 x2 , gcd(t1 x1 , t2 x2 ) = 1. (22)

We obtain k = (t1 t2 − x12 x22 )/y2 and 2y2 = t2 x22 − t1 x12 . Consequently,

t1 t2 ≡ x12 x22 mod y2 , t1 x12 ≡ t2 x22 mod y2 , (23)

where gcd(y, t1 t2 x1 x2 ) = 1 and t1 t22 ≡ t2 (x1 x2 )2 ≡ x12 (t2 x22 ) ≡ t1 x14 mod y2 . Thus (t2 − x12 )(t2 + x12 ) ≡ 0 mod y2 and
similarly (t1 − x22 )(t1 + x22 ) ≡ 0 mod y2 . In addition, there exist nonzero even integers A, B, C, D such that:

t2 − x12 = Ay21 , t2 + x12 = By22 , t1 − x22 = Cy21 , t1 + x22 = Dy22 , y = y1 y2 , (24)

where gcd(y1 , y2 ) = 1. Solving the equations (24), we obtain

t1 = (Cy21 + Dy22 )/2, t2 = (Ay21 + By22 )/2, (25)

x12 = (By22 − Ay21 )/2, x22 = (Dy22 − Cy21 )/2. (26)

Finally, k = (t1 t2 − = (AD + BC)/2 and 2y =
x12 x22 )/y2 2
− = (AD − BC)y /2. Therefore AD = k + 2 and
t2 x22 t1 x12 2

BC = k − 2. Let (α, β, γ, δ) = (A/2, B/2, C/2, D/2). Then case 1 is equivalent to the existence of nonzero integers
α, β, γ, δ, such that:
x12 = βy22 − αy21 , x22 = δy22 − γy21 , αδ = (k + 2)/4, βγ = (k − 2)/4. (27)
Hence, we obtain the first system for k in theorem 9.

2 2
case 2: z ≡ 1 mod 2. Then gcd( z−y z+y
2 , 2 ) = 1. There are two cases for the parity of x.

case 2.1: x ≡ 0 mod 2. Then x = 2x1 x2 , gcd(x1 , x2 ) = 1. Similarly as in case 1, we obtain

z − y2 = 2t1 x12 , z + y2 = 2t2 x22 , gcd(t1 x1 , t2 x2 ) = 1. (28)

There exist nonzero integers A, B, C, D such that:

t2 − 2x12 = Ay21 , t2 + 2x12 = By22 , t1 − 2x22 = Cy21 , t1 + 2x22 = Dy22 , y = y1 y2 , (29)

where gcd(y1 , y2 ) = 1, A ≡ B mod 4 and C ≡ D mod 4, A − C ≡ 1 mod 2.

t1 = (Cy21 + Dy22 )/2, t2 = (Ay21 + By22 )/2, (30)

x12 = (By22 − Ay21 )/4, x22 = (Dy22 − Cy21 )/4. (31)

Finally, k = (t1 t2 − = (AD + BC)/2 and y =
4x12 x22 )/y2 − 2
= (AD − BC)y /4. Therefore AD = k + 2 and
t2 x22 t1 x12 2

BC = k − 2. Let (α, β, γ, δ) = (A, B, C, D). Then case 2.1 is equivalent to the existence of nonzero integers α, β, γ, δ,
such that:
(2x1 )2 = βy22 − αy21 , (2x2 )2 = δy22 − γy21 , αδ = k + 2, βγ = k − 2 (32)
Therefore, we obtain the second system for k in theorem 9.

case 2.2: x ≡ 1 mod 2. Then x = x1 x2 , gcd(x1 , x2 ) = 1. Similarly to the previous cases, we obtain

z − y2 = 2t1 x12 , z + y2 = 2t2 x22 , gcd(t1 x1 , t2 x2 ) = 1, t1 − t2 ≡ 1 mod 2. (33)

There exist nonzero integers A, B, C, D such that:

2t2 − x12 = Ay21 , 2t2 + x12 = By22 , 2t1 − x22 = Cy21 , 2t1 + x22 = Dy22 , y = y1 y2 , (34)

where gcd(y1 , y2 ) = 1, A + B ≡ C + D ≡ A + C ≡ B + D ≡ 0 mod 4. Therefore:

t1 = (Cy21 + Dy22 )/4, t2 = (Ay21 + By22 )/4, (35)

x12 = (By22 − Ay21 )/2, x22 = (Dy22 − Cy21 )/2. (36)

Finally, k = (4t1 t2 − x12 x22 )/y2 = (AD + BC)/2 and y2 = t2 x22 − t1 x12 = (AD − BC)y2 /4. Consequently, AD = k + 2
and BC = k − 2. Let (α, β, γ, δ) = (A, B, C, D). Then case 2.2 is equivalent to the existence of nonzero odd integers
α, β, γ, δ, such that:
2x12 = βy22 − αy21 , 2x22 = δy22 − γy21 , αδ = k + 2, βγ = k − 2 (37)

Inthissectionaregivendefinitionsof Z p , Q p andthereductionmapmodulop.Letpbeaprimenumber,E/Qbean
ellipticcurveoverQ,andF p =Z/pZbeafinitefieldwithpelements.Letusdenoteby

Z/pn Z, ρn : Z/pn+1 Z −→ Z/pn Z a + pn+1 Z
−→ a + pn Z

the direct product of the rings Z/pn Z, n = 1, 2, ... and the cannonical projections.
1 Important results for considered diophantine problem are obtained in [2],[3],[5],[7],[10],[11]

Definition 9 The ring Z p of p-adic integers is defined by

Z p = {(xn ) ∈ Z/pn Z | ρn (xn+1 ) = xn },

with operations given by componentwise addition and multiplication.

Remark 10 The map Z −→ Z p n

−→ (n+ pZ, n+ p2 Z, . . . , n+ pn Z, . . .) is inclusion, therefore Z can be considered
as subring of Z p .

Definition 10 The field Q p of the p-adic rational numbers is defined as a field of fractions for Z p .

Remark 11 The map Q −→ Q p a

−→ a is inclusion, thus Q can be considered as subfield of Q p .

Remark 12 The map Z p −→ F p a

−→ a + pZ is surjective ring homomorphism with kernel pZ p . Therefore

Z p /pZ p  F p .

Remark 13 E/Q : y2 = x3 + ax2 + bx + c can be transformed to an elliptic curve with integral coefficients: let
u be the least common multiplier of the denominators of the coefficients a, b, c. The change (x, y)
−→ (X, Y) defined
by X = u2 x, Y = u3 y transforms the equation to the equation Y 2 = X 3 + au2 X 2 + bu4 X + cu6 which has integral

Remark 14 Let E/Q p be an elliptic curve over Q p . With a modification of the above remark, we may assume that
E/Q p has coefficients in Z p . By reduction of the coefficients of E modulo pZ p , we obtain a curve Ẽ with coefficients
in Z p /pZ p  F p . The map E/Q p −→ Ẽ/F p is called reduction.

Miroslav Stoenchev is supported by the Bulgarian National Science Fund under Young Scientists Project KP-06
M32/2-17.12.2019. Venelin Todorov is supported by the NSP ”Information and Communication Technologies for a
Single Digital Market in Science, Education and Security (ICT in SES)”, contract No DO1-205/23.11.2018 and by
the BNSF under Project DN 12/5-2017.

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[2] A. Bremner, J. Jones, On the equation x4 + y4 + mx2 y2 = z2 , Journal of Number Theory 50, 286-298 (1995).
[3] E. Brown, x4 +y4 +mx2 y2 = z2 : Some cases with only trivial solutions - and a solution Euler missed, Glasgow
Math. J.31 (1989) 297-307.
[4] J.W.S. Cassels, Lectures on elliptic curves, Cambridge University Press, 1991.
[5] L. Euler, De casibus quibus formulam x4 + mxxyy + y4 ad quadratum reducere licet, Mem.acad.sci. St.
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[6] V. A. Kolyvagin, On the Mordell-Weil Group and the Shafarevich-Tate Group of Modular Elliptic Curves ,
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Kyoto, Japan, 1990 ,pp. 429-436.
[7] H. C. Pocklington, Some diophantine impossibilities, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 17 (1914), 108-121.
[8] J. H. Silverman, The arithmetic of elliptic curves, Springer Verlag, New York/Berlin, 1986.
[9] J. H. Silverman, J. Tate, Rational points on elliptic curves, Springer Verlag, New York, 1992.
[10] T. N. Sinha, A class of quartic diophantine equations with only trivial solutions, Amer.J.Math. 100 (1978),
[11] M. Z. Zhang, On the diophantine equation x4 + kx2 y2 + y4 = z2 , Sichuan Daxue Xuebao 2 (1983), 24-31.
[12] http://magma.maths.usyd.edu.au/calc/
[13] https://math.mit.edu/classes/18.783/2017/lectures.html


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