Unit 27
Unit 27
Unit 27
27.1 Important reactions of alkanes
27.2 Demand and supply of petroleum fractions
27.3 Alkenes
27.4 Physical properties of alkenes
27.5 Important reactions of alkenes
27.6 Renewable energy sources in Hong Kong
Key terms
Unit Exercise
Let C6Hy be the molecular formula of X.
The chemical equation below represents the complete combustion of X.
The effect of light on a mixture of bromine and hexane after 0, 10 and 16 seconds
a) Name the type of the reaction for the formation of CH3Br from methane
and bromine. Substitution reaction
Ultraviolet light / heat
b) State the condition needed for the reaction to occur.
/ radical initiator
c) State the expected observation for the reaction.
Any one of the following:
• The orange / brown colour fades.
• The orange / brown colour changes to colourless slowly.
Distinguishing between an
alkane and an alkene Ref.
Summary (p.123)
1 The following table summarises two important reactions
of alkanes.
Summary (p.123)
Summary (p.123)
2 The following diagram summarises some important
information about cracking.
Summary (p.123)
3 a) The melting and boiling points of alkenes are very
close to those of the corresponding alkanes.
b) Alkenes are insoluble in water.
Summary (p.123)
5 The following table summarises two addition reactions of alkenes.
These reactions can be used as tests for unsaturated compounds.
a) alkanes
b) carbon dioxide / water
c) carbon dioxide / water
d) substitution
e) chloroalkanes
f) alkenes
g) addition
h) bromine in 1,1,1-
trichloroethane / cold
acidified dilute potassium
permanganate solution
i) bromine in 1,1,1-
trichloroethane / cold
acidified dilute potassium
permanganate solution
Answer: D
Answer: B
A Cl2 à 2Cl•
B CH3• + Cl• à CH3Cl
C CH4 + Cl• à CH3• + HCl
D CH3• + Cl2 à CH3Cl + Cl•
(HKDSE, Paper 1A, 2018, 13)
A It is an exothermic process.
B It involves breaking and forming of covalent bonds.
C It produces extra petrol.
D It involves a chemical change.
Answer: A
Cracking takes in heat. It is NOT an exothermic process.
A C7H14
B C7H16 Answer: B
C C10H20
D C10H22 Explanation:
C12H26 à X + C2H4 + C3H6
∴ X is C7H16.
Answer: B
The unglazed porcelain in tube A is strongly heated and the glass wool is
occasionally heated. Which of the following statements is correct?
A A chemical reaction occurs at the glass wool.
B There is no observable change in the limewater in tube B.
C There is no observable change in the acidified KMnO4(aq) in tube C.
D The flame is brick-red in colour.
A Propene-1,2-diol
B Propane-1,2-diol
C A mixture of propen-1-ol and propen-2-ol
Answer: B
D A mixture of propan-1-ol and propan-2-ol
a) i) Give the letters of TWO compounds that are unsaturated. P and U (1)
ii) Name the homologous series to which these two compounds belong.
Alkenes (1)
iii) What is the general formula of this homologous series? CnH2n (1)
b) What is the empirical formula of compound S?
CH2Br (1)
b) Both alkanes and alkenes can be obtained from petroleum. Alkanes and
alkenes are examples of homologous series.
i) Complete the table below.