通識Intensive 第一至十一堂手抄筆記
通識Intensive 第一至十一堂手抄筆記
通識Intensive 第一至十一堂手抄筆記
Developed countries: high level of technology, responsible for high value-added
production processes/products, more economic benefits
發展中國家﹕低技術﹐負責低增值工序/產品﹐經濟得益較少 Developing countries:
low level of technology, responsible for low value-added production
processes/products, fewer economic benefits
Iphone 生產為例﹕產品設計/研發﹐由美國負責﹐賺取較高收入
外殼生產及組裝﹐由中國負責﹐賺取較低收入 Take an example of I-phone: product
design/R&D is done by the US, earn more profits; Case production and assembly is
done by China, earn fewer profits
The US: complete and perfect environmental protection laws; higher industrial
production technology; strong corporate social responsibility (high levels of
education) the industrial production process in the US is less polluting. China is
just the opposite
國際形象 Arguments for China assisting Europe: prevent China’s exports from
dropping; prevent Chinese investment losses; improve China’s international image
預期成效較低﹔增加中國威脅論 Arguments against China assisting Europe: China
faces urgent domestic problems (social and education); measures are expected to
be ineffective; China threat theory
國出口需求﹔長期利益 > 短期利益 Rebuttal (1): one-off resources can hardly
solve China’s domestic problems in the long run; aiding Europe can increase the
demand for Chinese exports in the long run; long-term benefits > short-term
政﹔預期援助措施的成效很高﹐風險很低 Rebuttal (2): special terms can be
annexed during while aiding; requires countries to reduce welfare spending to
improve national finances; measures are expected to be effective with low risks
Rebuttal (3): China’s assistance does not annex harsh terms (e.g. terms of military
and diplomatic nature); seek international organizations to be the middleman and
reduce countries’ suspicions to China. Generally speaking, advantages of the
assistance measures outweigh the disadvantages
(1) 2012 年廣東烏坎村事件﹔2011 年鐵路部部長劉志軍案件 Wukan protests in
Guangdong in 2012; scandal of Liu Zhijun, Minister of Railways of China, in 2011
(2) 2012 年中國第一艘航空母艦遼寧號建成﹔中國協調各國召開六方會談
Chinese first aircraft carrier Liaoning was built in 2012; China coordinated
countries and held the six-party talks
(3) 日本汽車品牌﹕本田﹐豐田﹐日產 Japanese automobile marques: Honda,
Toyota, Nissan﹔中國出口產品﹕成衣﹐食品﹐玩具 China’s exports: clothing,
food, toys
Diaoyu Islands, Japan calls them the Senkaku Islands
2009 年 中國成為煤炭淨入口國
In 2009, China became a net importer of coal
2010 年 中國石油入口佔消耗量 53.7% In 2010, China’s oil imports accounted
for 53.7% of its consumption
2005 年 中國政府就人民幣匯率進行改革﹐2005-13 年﹐人民幣兌美元昇值
25% In 2005, Chinese government carried out a reform on the RMB exchange
rate. In 2005-13, RMB has a 25% appreciation against USD
中國對美國出現貿易盈餘﹐美國對中國出現貿易赤字 China has a trade
surplus against the US. The US has a trade deficit against China
人民幣昇值﹐美國將會減少購買中國產品﹐美國的貿易赤字得以改善 The
appreciation of RMB makes the US reduce purchasing Chinese products. The
US’ trade deficit will be improved
Laundering: There is no extradition ordinance between China and the US, Canada
and the UK. Countries do not trust China’s judiciary
(3) 為各國制定國際合作的規則 (世界貿易組織) Set up rules of international
cooperation (World Trade Organization)
(4) 作為各國矛盾的仲裁者 (世界貿易組織) Act as an arbiter to settle
contradictions between countries (World Trade Organization)
(5) 監督各國執行國際條約/決議 (聯合國) Monitor countries to carry out
international treaties / resolutions (United Nations)
裁者﹔(5)監督者 Role of international governmental organizations: (1)
communication platform provider; (2) intermediator; (3) rule-maker; (4) arbiter; (5)
人的團年飯﹔與朋輩的聯誼聚會﹔與客戶的商業談判 Fast food culture. Chinese
food culture focuses on interpersonal interactions during the meal, e.g. festive
dinner with family; gathering with peers; commercial meetings with clients
在美國麥當勞﹐客人平均就餐時間為 11 分鐘。在中國麥當勞﹐客人平均就餐時
間為 33 分鐘。在法國﹐法國人平均每天用在飲食的時間為﹕2 小時 22 分鐘。因
此法國人普遍不滿其悠閑生活模式被美國快餐文化所破壞 The average mealtime
per customer at McDonald’s in the US is 11 minutes while that in China is 33
minutes. In France, French spends 2 hours 22 minutes on meal every day on
average. Therefore, there is dissatisfaction among French as its easy lifestyle is
destroyed by American fast food culture
(4) 潮流喜好程度不同﹕青少年容易受朋輩影響﹐炫耀心態﹐增獨特感 Fashion
and trends are different: Young people are susceptible to peer influence, to
show off and increase the sense of Selfhood
泰國﹕2013 年反對派發動社會運動﹐號召國民圍堵政府部門﹐要求總理英錄下
臺(受紅衫軍支持)。爆發嚴重警民衝突 Thailand: The anti-government
demonstrators launched a social movement in 2013 and called upon the citizens to
contain the compounds of government buildings. They called on the Prime Minister
Yingluck, who was supported by the Red Shirts, to resign. The demonstrators
clashed with police
反對論點﹕政府管治癱瘓(任何政策都不可能獲得 100%市民支持)﹔損害政府管
香港投資吸引力 Opposing argument: Governance paralysis (no policy can get
100% support from the public); Harm the prestige of the government; encourage
people to oppose government policies in intense ways, harm social stability; Low
coherence of government policies, reduce the attractiveness of HK to investors
國會制﹕人民選舉國會議員﹐國會議員推舉內閣首相 (多數黨黨魁)
Parliamentary system: Members of Parliament are elected by the people. The
Prime Minister of the cabinet is selected by the members of Parliament. (the party
leader of the majority party)
Coalition government: A cabinet formed by more than one political party. The
relationship between the executive and legislative is harmonious under the
Parliamentary system
案﹐但不能涉及公共財政及政治制度﹐因此受到極大局限 Executive-led: The
executive has the power to draft and propose the establishment of any bill while
the legislative is responsible for discussing and passing the bill. It is called
executive-led as the executive has the power to take the initiative. Members may
submit a private bill, but there are great limitations because public finances and
the political system shall not be involved
Separate voting system: The passage of motions introduced by the Government
only requires simple majority vote of Members present. For motions introduced by
Members, however, their passage will require a majority vote of each of the two
groups of Members present (functional constituencies and geographical
反對剪布的論點 Viewpoints for against anti-filibuster﹕
(1) 立法部門服從行政部門﹐破壞三權分立。反駁﹕三權分立不代表三權敵視。
衡 The legislative institutions would be led by the executive institutions, and
destroy the Separation of Powers. Counter-argument: The Separation of Powers
doesn’t mean there is hostility between the three powers. Anti-filibustering
doesn’t equal to automated passage of the government proposal. Voting among
the councilors is still necessary. Checks and balances still exist between the
legislation and execution
(2) 削弱立法會議政素質。反駁﹕政策在剪布前已獲充份討論﹐直至立法會開始
討論瑣碎事務才進行剪布。已經能保障政策素質 Reduce the quality of
discussing government affairs in the Legco. Counter-argument: the policies have
already received enough discussion before anti-filibustering. Anti-filibuster
didn't start until the Legislative Council starts to discuss on unimportant
matters. Therefore, the quality of the policies is still guaranteed
(3) 減少反對派/少數派表達意見的機會。反駁﹕少數派已經在拉布過程充份表達
大多數人利益﹐屬不合理 Reduce the chances for the opposition faction or
minority camps to express their opinions. Counter-argument: The minority
camps have already fully expressed their opinions during the process of
filibustering. There are also other effective ways to express opinions, e.g.
through demonstrations and protests. It’s unreasonable to sacrifice the
interests of the majority for the interests of the minority
中國黑心食品出現原因 Reasons of having toxic food in China﹕
(1) 經濟誘因﹕商人利益最大化﹐黑心食品低成本﹐高利潤。例如地溝油每頓成
本 1000 元﹐售價 3000 元 Economic incentive: Businessmen can maximize their
profits. The production costs of toxic food are low while the profits are high, e.g.
the production cost of gutter oil per ton is $1,000 and the selling price is $3,000
(2) 政府監察不足﹕官員法治意識薄弱﹐包庇不法商人﹐知法犯法參與營運工廠
Lack of government monitory: The government officials have weak legal
awareness and cover up the illegal businessmen. They also participated in
operating the factory
(3) 社會監察不足﹕中國缺乏新聞自由﹐媒體監察不足﹐黑心工廠被揭發風險低
Lack of social monitory: Freedom of press is lacking in China and there is
insufficient media monitory. Toxic food factory can hardly be exposed
(4) 社會道德淪喪﹕政府與國民盲目追求經濟發展﹐忽略社會責任 Lack of social
morality: The government and the people pursue blindly of economic
development but ignored social responsibility
(5) 宗教因素﹕共產黨主張無神論﹐共產黨員及國民普遍無宗教信仰﹐缺乏宗教
食用牛肉 Religious factors: The Communist Party advocates atheism. Most
Communists and Chinese people do not have religious belief and are not abide
by religious dogmas. Islam is prohibited from eating pork, drinking and
gambling. Hindus is prohibited from eating beef
(6) 政府部門權責不清﹕黑心食品涉及眾多不同部門﹐例如農業﹐衛生及工商部
Responsibilities of government departments are unclear: Toxic food issues are
related to different sectors, e.g. agriculture, hygiene and business. They do not
coordinate well and shirk responsibility. (In HK, many people hang out the
clothes in public places. Food and Environmental Hygiene Department,
Highways Department, Transport Department and Hong Kong Police Force shirk
劉志軍﹕鐵路部部長﹐2013 年因貪污罪被判死緩 Liu Zhijun: Minister of Railways
of the People's Republic of China. In 2013, he was found guilty of corruption and
received a death sentence with reprieve
Quality of life: Possessions of materials, living environment / hygienic conditions,
body-healthiness, intellectual life
騰訊(QQ)﹕市值 9000 億港幣 Tencent (QQ): market price HKD$760 billion 阿里巴
巴﹕市值 8000 億港幣 Alibaba: market price HKD$800 billion
社會主義﹕公有制度+計劃經濟 Socialism: public ownership system + planned
有中國特色的社會主義﹕私有產制+市場經濟 (政府仍對經濟進行規劃及干預)
Socialism with Chinese characteristics: private property system + market economy
(the government still plans for and intervenes in the economy)
資本主義﹕私有產制+市場經濟 (政府不會對整體經濟進行規劃)
Capitalism: private property system + market economy (the government does not
plan for the economy)
騰訊(QQ)﹕市值 7600 億港幣 (2013) Tencent (QQ): market price HKD$760 billion
阿里巴巴﹕市值 8000 億港幣 (2013) Alibaba: market price HKD$800 billion (2013)
互聯網企業市值超過地產企業﹐中國進入互聯網年代 Market prices of Internet
companies are than those of real estate enterprises. China enters the era of
可持續發展分析 Analysis of sustainable development﹕
(1) 環境可持續發展﹕空氣/水/固體廢物污染﹐自然災害(火災/核災)﹐全球暖化
(海平面上昇)﹐生物多樣性 Sustainable environmental development: air /
water / solid waste pollution, natural hazards (fires, nuclear disasters), global
warming (sea level rises), biodiversity
(2) 經濟可持續發展﹕能源供應(化石能源/可再生能源)﹐消費主義(耗用資源)﹐
外來投資﹐經濟泡沫(就業機會)﹐環保產業﹐公共財政穩定性 Sustainable
economic development: power supply (fossil fuels / renewable energy),
consumerism (resource consumption), foreign investment, economic bubble
(job opportunities), environmental protection industry, stability of public
(3) 社會可持續發展﹕人口老化(人口補充)﹐和諧程度(戰爭/動亂)﹐國民健康﹐
食物/資源供應﹐可供使用土地(堆填/核事故)﹐文化延續性 Sustainable social
development: aging population (population replacement), social harmony
(wars / unrests), public health, supply of food / resources, land available for
use (landfills / nuclear accidents), cultural continuity
One Country, Two Systems: Hong Kong uses the Capitalist system, while China uses
the Socialist system 港人治港(香港不接受中央委派官員)﹐高度自治(除外交/軍事
權外﹐擁其他權力) Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong (HK doesn't accept the
Central Government delegating officials), High degree of autonomy (Other than
foreign affairs and military power, HK owns other powers)
為何年長人士國民身份認同高於年輕人﹖Why is the national identity of the older
people stronger than the youth?
(1) 個人成長經歷不同 (受到英國殖民統治不公平對待) Different experience in
personal growth (Received the unfair treatment when HK was colonized and
ruled by the British)
(2) 中國文化接觸程度不同 (傳統節日﹐傳統食品等) Different contact level to
Chinese cultural (Traditional festivals, food etc.)
(3) 資訊接收能力不同 (通過網絡/報章媒介接觸中國負面資訊) Different ability
in receiving information (Receive negative information about China through
mediums like the internet/newspapers and magazines)
(4) 政治理解能力不同 (民主/法治/人權等概念) Different ability to understand
political affairs (Concepts like democracy, rule of law, human rights etc.)
To solve the problem of smoking in HK, increasing the tobacco tax is more effective
than education. Do you agree with this statement?
solve the problem of smoking in HK, increasing the tobacco tax is the most effective
measure. Do you agree with this statement?
思考題目方法 Ways to analyze questions:
個人﹕生活素質﹐個人權利﹐個人成長﹐國民素質 Personal: Living quality,
personal rights, personal growth, Quality of HK people
社會﹕社會和諧﹐經濟狀況﹐社會多元化﹐社會自由度 Society: Social harmonies,
economic situation, social diversity, social freedom
政府﹕管治效能﹐管治威信﹐權力制衡﹐政府穩定 Government: Governance
efficiency, governance prestige, check and balance of power, government
國家﹕國家形象﹐國民身份認同﹐國家利益﹐國家影響力 Country: Country image,
People's Ethnic Identity, country benefits, influence of the country
國際﹕國際合作﹐國際關係﹐全球穩定﹐各國利益 International: international
cooperation, international relations, world stability, benefits of each country
(5) 損害中港關係 (不滿內地富豪炒高香港樓價﹐國民分化﹐降低國民身份認同)
Damage the relationship between HK and China (resentment at the rich in
China for they push up property prices in HK, national differentiation, less
recognition of national identity)
(6) 損香港吸引力 (租金高昂﹐生活素質差) Undermine the attractiveness of HK
(high rents, poor quality of life)
Quality of life: material condition, mental health, physical health, living conditions,
sanitary conditions
不滿 Pros: Increase the effectiveness of poverty alleviation; raise social concern
about the poor; saving government resources; reduce grassroots discontent
壞處﹕負面標籤問題﹔劃分標準引起爭議﹔造成貧窮及非貧窮階層對立 Cons:
Negative labeling effect; Controversies over the classification standard; opposition
between the poor and non-poor
石油﹕國際原油價格 95 美元/桶 (2014 年 1 月) Oil: International crude oil price:
USD$95/barrel (January 2014)
2013 年﹕青島輸油管爆炸﹐導致 62 人死亡 2013: Pipeline explosion in Qingdao, 62
people died
伊拉克每日原油生產量 250 萬桶 Iraq produces 2.5 million barrels of crude oil per
day 利比亞每日原油生產量 150 萬桶 Libya produces 1.5 million barrels of crude oil
per day
Petrol cars emit exhaust gases (carbon monoxide / hydrocarbon) Environmental
pollution Damage to human health (respiratory diseases) Introduce electric
vehicles No pollutants emitted Protect the environment Protect human
health Improve the quality of life
電動的士在小程度上改善香港空氣素質 Electric taxis improve Hong Kong’s air
quality to a small extent﹕
(1) 的士佔交通車輛的比例低 Taxis account for a small proportion of vehicles
(2) 跨境污染及電廠污染才是香港空氣污染元兇 Cross-border pollution and
power plant pollution are the main causes of air pollution in Hong Kong
(3) 價格高/配套設施不足令電動的士難以普及 High prices / insufficient facilities
make electric taxis remain unpopular
(4) 有意見認為﹕電動的士行駛時不會排放廢氣﹐有助改善空氣素質。但必須留
意電動車由電力驅動﹐香港現時 54%電力依靠燒煤產生。廢氣只是由汽車排
放轉變為由電廠排放 It is said that electric taxis do not emit exhaust gases
which help improve air quality. But we should note that electric vehicles are
driven by electricity. In Hong Kong, 54% of electricity is generated by burning
coal. Exhaust gases are still emitted, not from vehicles, but power plants
中國電荒﹕電力需求量高於供應量 10%﹐嚴重缺點省份包括﹕廣東﹐福建 Power
shortage in China: The electricity demand is higher than the supply by 10%.
Provinces in serious power shortage: Guangdong, Fujian
工業區間歇性供電﹐例如一星期停電三天﹐供電四天 There is intermittent power
supply in industrial areas, e.g. having three days power cut and four days power
supply in a week 工廠安裝柴油發電機﹐造成更為嚴重空氣污染 Diesel generators
are installed in factories, causing more serious air pollution
Greenpeace: Advocates global anti-nuclear activities, e.g. blocks the railway to stop
the nuclear waste transportation from the Netherlands and Germany to France
粗放式經濟增長﹕生產技術低﹔投入大量能源﹐人力資源促進經濟發展 Extensive
economic growth: low production technology; put in a lot of energy and human
resources to promote economic development﹔能源消耗速度超過經濟增長速度
發展; the rate of energy consumption is faster than the rate of economic growth﹔
過度開採能源﹐能源污染﹐犧牲環境換取經濟; Excessive exploitation of energy
resources, energy pollution, sacrifice the environment in exchange for economic
校/公務員招聘及培訓 Improvement achieved via education: (1) School education:
curriculum reform / seminars / activities; (2) Media promotion: television / radio /
newspaper / films (the film “The Day After Tomorrow” promotes the protection of
environment); (3) Officials’ education: Central Party School of the Communist Party
of China / recruitment and training of civil servants
環保議題的持份者分析﹕(考慮的因素) Analysis of stakeholders regarding
environmental issues: (factors to be considered)
(1) 香港政府﹕政府財政負擔﹐政策可行性﹐政府形象﹐經濟狀況(外來投資/遊
客)﹐醫療負擔 Hong Kong government: fiscal burden of government, feasibility
of policies, government image, economic status (foreign investments / visitors),
medical burden
(2) 中央政府﹕中港融合﹐中央政府財政﹐國家形象 The Central Government:
Integration between Hong Kong and China, financial condition of the Central
Government, state image
(3) 政黨﹕政黨支持度﹐政黨形象﹐與政府關係 Political parties: degree of support
for the party, party image, relations with the government
(4) 非政府組織﹕環境保育﹐可持續發展﹐生物多樣性 Non-governmental
organizations: environmental conservation, sustainable development,
(5) 企業﹕營運成本﹐企業形象﹐經濟得益(環保產業) Enterprises: operating costs,
corporate image, economic benefits (environmental industry)
(6) 市民﹕財政負擔﹐生活素質﹐就業機會﹐健康狀況 Citizens: financial burden,
quality of Life, employment opportunities, physical condition
政府應否監管醫學美容行業﹖ 規管不等於禁止 Should the government
supervise (regulate) the aesthetic medical industry?
Supervise (regulate) does not mean prohibit
支持論點 Supporting arguments:﹕(1)防止醫療事故再發生﹐保障市民利益(健康)
Prevent future medical accidents and protect public interests (health)﹔(2)減少政
府醫療開支/負擔(醫治病人) Reduce the government’s medical expenses / burden
(to treat the patient)﹔(3)促進醫療產業發展(改善聲譽/素質保證) Promote the
development of medical services (Improve the reputation / Ensure the quality)﹔(4)
提高政府支持度(政府保障市民利益) Get more support for the government (the
government protects public interests)
沙士經驗如何有助對抗甲型流感 How does the experience of having SARS help
resist Influenza A﹕
(1)市民衛生意識提高->防止流感傳播 Raise public hygiene awareness prevent
the spread of influenza
(1) 通報機制建立->改善防禦措施 Establish notification mechanisms improve
defensive measures
(2) 改善醫療系統->有效治療疾病 Improve the medical system treat diseases
(3) 隔離病者措施->防止疫情在社區擴散 Isolate patients Prevent the spread of
influenza in the community