Lord Buddha The Great Prophet
Lord Buddha The Great Prophet
Lord Buddha The Great Prophet
Great Prophet
Q. S. Khan
B.E (Mech)
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No. Subject Page No.
History of Gautam Buddha
1. Parents of Gautam Buddha 9
2. Birth of Gautam Buddha 10
3. Childhood of Gautam Buddha 11
4. The Turning point 12
5. Mara the Tempter and the enlightenment 14
6. The teachings of Buddhism 15
7. Incidents related to miracle 18
8. Signs of prophethood 21
9. Respected family of Prophet 23
10. Prediction before birth of prophets to their parent 24
11. Super natural incidences at the time of birth of Prophets 25
12. Prediction about Prophet to people or nation 26
13. Soft hearted at teenage 27
14. At youth prophets were brave 28
15. Before Prophethood Prophets were not satisfied with religious condition
of society. 29
16. Giving Prophethood is God’s one sided decision. 30
17. After getting Prophethood angels descended from heaven and addressed
the Prophets.
18. Miracles.
19. Gautam Buddha claimed to be heir of old Buddha.
20. Sleeping Posture of Gautam Buddha is like a prophet
21. Gautam Buddha was teacherless
22. Angels use to visits Prophets to revise their religious teaching
23. Teaching of Gautam Buddha regarding hereafter (life after death)
24. Teaching about heaven in Buddhism
25. Teaching about hell in Buddhism
26. Prediction about (doomsday) Qayamat by Gautam Buddha
27. Gautam Buddha predicted about Maitruya
28. Gautam Buddha predicted about Amitabh Buddha
29. Views of Gautam Buddha regarding soul & spirit 52
30. Interaction of Gautam Buddha with Mara 55
31. Name of Gautam Buddha is believed to be in holy Quran 60
32. Teaching of Lord Buddha was as per need and culture of society 61
33. Teachings of Gautam Buddha regarding God 62
34. Story of Anathapindika 63
35. Story of two brahmins 66
36. Meaning of Dhamma 71
37. I am the Truth 73
38. Understanding Importance of Truth 77
39. Importance of Dhamm 82
40. Edicts of Emperor Ashoka 87
41. Edicts which confirm the faith of Emperor Ashoka 90
42. Few lines of Edicts related to hereafter and heaven and Dhamma 92
43. Dhamma principle was taught by all prophet 95
44. Analysis of four noble truths 99
45. Analysis of eight fold path, right views 105
46. Right Intention 107
47. Right thought 109
48. Right Meditation 111
49. Right Speech 113
50. Right Behavior (Avoiding sin)
51. Right way of earning
52. Right effort
53. Essence of Islam
Knowledges which are required to understand Gautam Buddha
Understanding God
54. How big God is ? 133
55. Why Birth and Death is not for God 134
56. How God knows everything 137
57. How God keeps this universe in working condition 139
58. Understanding God from teaching of Taoism 141
59. How many Gods are there ? 144
60. Features of God 145
61. Various philosophies regarding God 147
62. Clarification about the names of God 148
63. Introduction of life, (Jaan, Praan) 151
64. Difference between soul & spirit 153
65. Understanding spirit
66. Study of soul
67. Understanding divine wisdom (Buddhi- Yogam or Emaan)
68. Understanding the first soul (Amitabh buddha) 171
69. Understanding Mara the Devil 177
70. ABrief History of the messengers of God 185
71. How will Dooms day (Qayamat) occur 193
72. How religions are corrupted and refined 196
73. Edicts of Emperor Ashoka 202
74. Last words 216
1. Parents Of Gautam Buddha
· About 20 km north of Indian
boarder in Nepal, there is place
call Kapilvastu. It is 120 km north
of Gorakhpur city and 320 km
west of Kathmandu the capita l of
· In 563 BC it was ruled by King
Suddhodana, who belonged to
shakya clan (dynasty). They call
themselves as Gotama,
descendent of the Ikshvaku
Suddhodana was a noble person,
loved and respected by his people.
· His wife was Maya-devi. She
was extremely pious, beautiful
and a wise person. She was from
t h e Ko l i y a n c l a n . Ki n g
Suddhodana was also her cousin.
Both were from kshatriya
(warrior families). Before birth of
Gautam buddha Maya devi saw an
auspicious dream of white
elephant with Lotus flower.
When she felt that the hour of
motherhood is near, she asked the
king to send her to her parents,
and Shuddhodana willingly
granted the request.
(The Gospel of Buddha by Paul Caurs
page. 7-8. Sacred books of the east by
Samnel Beal.vol.XIX)
K apilavast u
Lum bini
Sa r a v a s t
•• A
K ushinag • Pa t n a
• • Ga y•a Ra j g i r
• • Nalanda
K ausham
Varanasi •
Sa r n a t h
K urk ihar
B o d h Ga y a
· Prophe t Muhamma d
(PBUH) used to go to a hill
top where there was a cave. He
used to sit in that cave for
many days and meditate
before prophethood.
Ÿ We f i n d t e a c h i n g s o f
Hereafter in the statements of
Gautam Buddha, hence this
indicate that he was a
God says in the holy Qura, and our heart also beats because
I swear by time, indeed, mankind of this light of God.
is in loss, except for those who Now let us understand the effect
believe (in God) and do good of fraction of light of God on our
deeds, and urge (exhort) one mind and thought.
another to hold fast to the truth, Understanding this facts will help
and who urge (exhort) one us in understanding the
a n o t h er for s te a d f a s t n e s s importance of Dhamma.
(patience). (Chapter 103, Al- Asr, Control of God on mind
verse 1-3) and physical condition of
When the creator of this universe human beings:-
swears and says that who do not
practice truth or Dhamma are God says in the holy Quran. ( O
destined to fail, Then what other Prophet Muhammad
proof we need to be convinced (Pbuh))Say “O God! Owner of
about importance of Dhamma. the kingdom, You bestow the
Then also we will try to explain it kingdom (power, government)
by various verses and practical on whomever You desire and You
examples. take back the kingdom (power,
God is main source of power in government) from whomever
this universe. As per Bhagwat You desire.
Gita shlok no. 11:12, light of God And You g ive honour to
is more than thousand suns whomever You desire and You
shining at a time in the sky. humiliate whomever you desire.
According to the holy Quran, Only in Your hand lies (control)
when God revealed only a of all goodness. Indeed, You are
fraction of His light on a able to do all things.” (Surah-Al-
mountain, it got crushed and Imran (3), Ayat (26))
Prophet Moses fell dow n Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh) said
unconscious. (Sure- Al-Araf (7), God says that, “I am the God.
verse-143). There is no God other than Me. I
From a fraction of His light, God am the lord of the rulers. Heart of
has kept alive this whole universe, rulers are in my hand.
Bikkhu Bodhi described Right provide food for you and them.
Behavior as abstaining from And do not approach
taking life (non-violence). immoralities. Whether openly or
Abstaining from taking what is in secret, and do not kill the life
not given. Abstaining from which God has made sacred
sexual misconduct. except by way of justice and law.
(The Noble eight fold path-Bikkhu This is the command to you, so
Bodhi-PP:49-53) that you may understand (Surah-
Al-Anam (6) Ayat 151).
l Abstaining from taking what
l (God said)Woe to those who
is not given is further explained
give less (than due). Who
as follows:
demand of other people full
No stealing, (no housebreaking,
measure for themselves, But
no pickpocketing) no robbery,
when they give by measurement
no snatching, no fraudulence
or weight to other, they give them
(gaining possession of another’s
less. Do such people not realize
belonging by falsely claiming
that they will be raised again (in
them as one’s own).
Qayamat for account taking of
No deceitfulness. (using false deeds?) (Surah-Al-Mutaffifin-83
weight and measure to cheat Ayat-4).
customers) (The Noble Eightfold l (God said)Do not commit
Path, Bhikklu Bodhi -pp-52). adultery, for it is an indecent and
Islamic teachings about Right an evil course (Surah-Bani Israil (17)
behavior are as follows:- Ayat-32).
Wr o n g b e h a v i o r r e d u c e s
prosperity and attracts wrath of
Tao stands for 'how': In what being aware of what is going on.
way do things happen, how By understanding what is going
things operate, Tao is the one on I start perceiving how it is
principle fundamental to all happening and finally I start
creation. perceiving Tao.
‘Tao is God',
To know what is going on I must
Tao cannot be described or given pay attention with an open mind.
a definition as it is applicable to I must set aside my personal
everything. A thing cannot be prejudices or bias. Prejudiced
explained in terms of itself. If you people see only what fits those
are able to define a principle, it is prejudices.
not Tao.
Meditation method is effective
Tao is a law while Creation is a because principle and process are
process. That's all there is: never independent of each other.
principal and process, how and All the processes reveal the
what. principle underlying them. It
implies that it is possible for me
All the creation develops in
to know what Tao is. Thus I can
consonance with Tao and there is
also know God.
no other system.
By understanding about Tao I
Tao cannot be described but it
can understand how things
can be understood. It can be
understood by meditation or
Brahm-sutra is as follow.
From the shloks of Bhagwat Gita hejced YeeJeced Depeevevle: cece DeJÙeÙeced
we will try to understand the Devegòececed ~~
features of God. Some shloks of
Bhagwat Gita are as follows: God said, Not understanding My
supreme nature (which is)
Ÿ Immortal imperishable and the finest one,
people with less intelligence
Ÿ DeefJeveeefMe leg leled efJeefæ Ùesve meJe&ced Foced think Me (who is) formless to
leleced ~ have assumed a personality
efJeveeMeced DeJÙeÙemÙe DemÙe ve keâef§eled keâleg&ced (visible form). (Bhagwat Gita 7:24)
Den&efle~~ (2:17) God creates, sustains and
Shri Krishna said, But (you) destroys?
know it that (God is) immortal, People are of the opinion that
because of whom this whole God has three forms. First
universe exist, No one is able to creates, second sustains and third
do destruction of that (God) destroys. But in Bhagwat Gita
(Bhagwat Gita 2:17)
God says that He is not divided,
Ÿ Unborn and other shloks indicate that all
the three acts God does himself.
These shloks are as follows;
Ÿ Ùe: ceeced Depeced Deveeefoced Ûe Jesefòe ueeskeâ
cene-F&Õejced ~ l DeefJeYeòebâ Ûe Yetles<eg efJeYeòeâced Fje Ûe
Demeccet{: me: celÙex<eg meJe&-heehew: ØecegÛÙeles~~ efmLeleced ~
God said, One who know Me Yetle-Yele=& Ûe leled %esÙeced «eefme<Ceg ØeYeefJe<Ceg Ûe ~~
unborn, beginning-less, and the
supreme lord of the universe. He (God is) without division and
is learned one and will be free (He has created) all living beings
from all sins among (human and divided (them in various
beings) those who are subjecte to categories) and kept them stable
death. (Bhagwat Gita 10:3) and He sustains (provide food)
to all living entities (you should)
Ÿ Formless
know that He is the creator and
the annihilator. (Bhagwat Gita
DeJÙeòebâ JÙeefòeâceeheVeb cevÙevles ceeceyegæÙe:~ 13:17)
l ceÙee leleced Foced meJe&ced peieled DeJÙeòeâ-cetefle&vee~ God said, (Success and failure of)
(all) human race depends on
celed-mLeeefve meJe&-Yetleeefve ve Ûe Denced les<eg DeJeefmLele:~~ these two (This world and
God said, All these universe hereafter) This way I (the God)
pervades (because of ) My who do beginning and End of the
(God’s) invisible form, all world. (Bhagwat Gita 7:6)
creatures exist due to Me, and I
do not exist in them. (Bhagwat Gita
l DevevÙee: efÛevleÙevle ceeced Ùes pevee:
les<eeced efvelÙe DeefYeÙegòeâeveeced Ùeesie #esceced Jeneefce Denced~~
Now we will study the soul. In the l God says to those who do not
Bible it is called as soul, in Quran believe in Him.
it is called Nafs and in Bhagwat
Why, then, when the soul of this
Gita it is called Atma.
dying man reaches the throat,
Maximum details about soul can and you are (at that moment)
be found in the holy Quran. looking on (helplessly), and We
are nearer to him (dying person)
We will study following details
than you, although you cannot
about soul:
see us. Why, then, if you are not
1) Existence of Soul. subject to our command, do you
not cause the soul to return to
2) Birth of Soul. him (to dying person), if you are
truthful in your claim. (Surah. Al-
3) Understanding soul by Waqia (56)- Ayat 85-87).
example of computer
From this verse we can
4) Introduction of soul as per understand that the soul does
Bhagwat Gita. have existence and it could be
stopped or brought back.
5) Soul could be purified or While spirit has no existence. It is
like intelligence or memory in
6) Nature of Soul. the mind.
We c a n u n d e r s t a n d t h e
importance of charity from the Ÿ (In Islam five acts are
teachings of Bhagwat Gita also. compulsory
Following shloks is related to the 1.) Acknowledging that God is
explanation of difference one and Prophet Muhammad
between sanyas and Tiyag. (PBUH) is His last messenger
2.) Prayer (Namaz)
l gËd-AZwé[m gd©ñ` lÕm ^doV ^maV & 3.) Fasting (Roza)
lÕm _`: A`_² [wéf: `: `V² lÕ: g: Ed g: &&3&& 4.) Zakat (Donation)
(God said) In the same way, 5.) Haj
others (sanyasis) say that doing Zakat, that is giving 2.5% of
excess wealth in chairity every
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 166 Section- III
year is made compulsoey by God all kind of sins and sorrows. But
for the benefit of mankind and one who prepares food for self
our own soul. enjoyment, he commits sin.
(Bhagwat Gita 3:13).
3. Fasting:
These shloks indicate that
Our soul wishs to have comfort
sharing wealth with others and
and pleasure. Eating of tasty food having control on our eating is
is a big pleasure. And having a full ve r y m u c h i m p o r t a n t i n
stomach gives comfort to the religions.
soul. Above-mentioned teaching was
So eating less and remaining for day to day routine life. For
hungry troubles our soul and one month fasting God says in
transforms it's nature to satvic the Holy Quran.
and noble. You who believe (in one God),
Few shloks of Bhagwat Gita in Fasting is made compulsory for
this regards are as follows: you, as it was made compulsory
to those before you, so that you
l Z AoV AíZV: Vw `m{J: AoñV Z M EH$mÝV_² m i g h t b e co m e r i g h te o u s .
AZíZV:& (Summary of verse no 183 of Surah Al-
Z M AoV ñdßZ-erbñ` OmJ«V: Z Ed M AOw©Z &&16&& Baqara (2))
(God said)O Arjun, indeed, it is a By fasting human being becomes
fact that prayer neither(could be righteous, because it moulds our
done by) one who eats too much soul from rajasic and Tamsic to
and (not by one who) abstains satvic or noble one.
(avoid) from eating at all. And
neither by one who sleeps too 4. Spending life as per the
much, nor by one who does not commandment of God:
sleep enough (Bhagwat Gita 6:16) Few shloks of Bhagwat Gita are as
l `k-oeï> AoeZ: gÝV: _wÀ`ÝV{ gd© l gËd-AZwé[m gd©ñ` lÕm ^doV ^maV &
oH$oë]f¡: lÕm _`: A`_² [wéf: `: `V² lÕ: g: Ed g: &&3&&
^w‚mV{ V{ Vw AK_² [m[m: `{ [MoÝV AmË_-H$maUmV² (God said) O Arjun, faith of
&&13&& everyone is similar to truth
Pious people eat food which is as (believing in one God) at the
per divine law, and get relief from
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 167 Section- III
time of birth. Human being in path of truth, practicing patience
this (world or in his life) are difficult things, hence, they
whatever type of faith he keeps in mould and purify the soul.
his heart he (will have) certainly
same faith, (when) he (dies) Words of Gautam Buddha
(Bhagwat Gita 17:3). about the soul:-
Gautam Buddha said the
That means every human being following about soul:
take birth with faith in one God. “Following the doctrine of the
But whatever type of life and conquest of self (soul) do not
faith he learns from family and teach to destroy the soul of man,
society on that same faith and but to preserve them. He who has
lifestyle he dies.
conquered his self (soul) is more
fit to live, to be successful, and to
l `wº$ Amhma odhmañ` `wº$ M{ï>ñ` H$_©gw & gain victories, than he who is the
`wº$ ñdßZ-Ad]m{Yñ` `m{J: ^doV Xw:I-hm &&17&& slave of self (soul). (The Gospel
Eating and spending life as per of Buddha. L1, para 26)
divine instruction. Activities and Pe o p l e d o n ' t u n d e r s t a n d
struggle as per divine difference between spirit, soul,
instruction. Dreaming and
wakefulness as per divine self, ego, etc. Hence they don't
instruction. (This is what real) understand the teachings of Lord
prayer is, (and) solution of all Gautam Buddha clearly and
miseries. completely.
(Bhagwat Gita 6:17)
(lr ^JdmZ CdmM) B__² oddñdV{ `m{J_² àm{º$dmZ² Prophet Adam to Prophet
Ah_Aì``_² & Muhammad (PBUH)
oddñdmZ² _Zd{ àmh _Zw: BúdmH$d{ A]«drV² &&4.1&& 9th descendent of prophet Adam
l God said, I taught this eternal (Soyambhav Manu) was prophet
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 185 Section- III
Nooh (vivasvat manu) and 9th lqrk% iq=kLrrks tkrk% losZ EysPNk oHkwfojsAA
descended of prophet Nooh f=”kksRrja uo”kra rL;k;q% ifjdhfrZre~A
(Vivasvat Manu) was prophet
Abraham (Abi-ram). Prophet Qykuka goua dqoZUiRU;k lg fnoa xr%AA
Ismaeel (Atharva) was son of ¼Hkfo’; iqjk.k] izfrlxZ ioZ] izFke [k.M] prqFkZ
prophet Abraham (Abi- Ram). v/;k;½
Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh) was
61st descended of prophet iqLrd%&osn o iqjk.kksa ds vk/kkj ij /kkfeZd ,drk
Ismaeel (Atharva). dh T;ksfr]
· In Bhavishya Puran we get ys[kd% MkW-osn izdk”k mik/;k;
complete details from first
human being Prophet Adam to
Adam and Hawwawati who will
Abi-ram (Prophet Abraham).
be founder of malech race, they
· The incidence of creation of uses to control their senses and
Adam and Hawwawati was remained in meditation in
revealved by God to maha-rishi remembrance of God. They will
Ved Vyasji in Davapra yuga, be created by wet soil by God.
which he described in Bhavishya (Their creation will be such that
Puran, and it is as follows. they can enjoy the materialistic
vkneks uke iq:’k% iRuh gO;orh Le`rkA things).
On the eastern side of Pradan
fo’.kqdnZerks tkrks EysPNoa”kizo?kZukSAA Nagar (Heaven) there was a vast
f}”krk’VlgL=s }s “ks’ks rq }kijs ;qxsA beautiful Jungle of about 4
EysPNns”kL; ;k HkwfeHkZfork dhfrZekfyuhAA square kos created by God. (1 kos
= 2.25 miles)
bfUnz;kf.k nfeRok ;ks ãkRe/;ku ijk;.k%A
Because of strong desire to see his
rLeknknukeklksa iRuh gO;orh Le`rkAA wife, Adam went near the
iznkuuxjL;So iwoZHkkxs egkoue~AA forbidden tree. At that moment
Kali came quickly to them. Adam
b”ojs.k d`ra jE;a prq% Øks”kk;ar Le`re~A and Hawwawati got cheated by
ikio`{krys xRok iRuhn”kZurRij%A that evil Kali, and Adam ate the
dfyLr=kxrLrw.kZ liZ:ia fg rR—re~ AA forbiden fruit and broke the law
of God. Because of which they
oafprk rsu /kwrsZu fo’.okKk HkxarkaxrkA were expelled to the earth. On
[kkfnRok rRQya jE;a yksdekxZizna ifr%AA earth they ate Indian fig (gular).
They had too many children and
mnqEcjLFk i=S”p rkE;ka ok¸o”kua —reA all known as malech. (Human
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 186 Section- III
beings). jkT;a uo”kra rL; lIrfr”p Le` rk% lek% AA
Adam lived for 930 years. Adam yksddLrL; ru;ks jkT;a lIr”kra lek%A
performed prayer and departed lIrlIrfrjsokL; rRi”pkRLoxZfraxr%A
for heaven along with his wife. ¼Hkfo’; iqjk.k] izfrlxZ ioZ] izFke [k.M]
prqFkZ v/;k;½
· This way the description of iqLrd%&osn o iqjk.kksa ds vk/kkj ij /kkfeZd
Adam and Hawwawati ended. ,drk dh T;ksfr]
And after this, in continuation, ys[kd% MkW-osn izdk”k mik/;k;
the interesting description of
messengers are there, which is as
follow. · The eldest son of Adam was
famous with name Shwet (He
· (Note: As this text was lived for 900 years.
revealed in Dwapra yuga during
period of Shri Krishna & Ved · Son of Shwet was Anooh who
Vyas ji, and all living being at that was prophet for less than a
time were supernatural entities century.
who were created from light or · Son of Anooh was Kinash
fire. So they called human being (keâerveeMe). Who was similar prophet
as malech. Because human- as his great grand father (Adam) .
being is created from rotten soil.
T h i s B h av i s hy a p u r a n i s · Son of Kinash was Mahallal
complete forecast of era to come who ruled for 895 years. He
in future. In this description established big cities.
mara or Devil is called as Kali.) · Son of Mahallal was Vird
rLekTtkr% lqr% Js’V% “osrukesfr f;Jqr%A (efJejo). Who ruled for 908 years.
}kn”kksRrj;’kZ p rL;k;q% ifjdhfrZreAA He established city of his own
vuqgLrL; ru;% “krghua —ra ineA names.
dhuk”kLrLrL; lqr% iapghua “kra u;A · Son of Vird was Hanook (nvetkeâ)
महल्लल स्तस्य सुतः पंचहीनं शतं नय। who was extremely devoted to the
rsu jkT;a —ra r= rLekUekuxja Le` reAA worship of God. He achieved the
rLEkkPp fojnks tkrks jkT;a ‘k’V~ ;qRrja lek%A state of “Tat Tvam Asi” ((lelJeceefme) .
Ks ;a uo”kra rL; L;ukEuk uxja LereAA He ruled for 365 years. By deeply
guwdLrL; ru;ks fo’.kqHkfDrijk;.k%A following religion of Malech he
Qykuka goua dqoZu~ ^rRo áfl* t;u lnkAA arrived in Heaven.
f=”kra iap’kf’V”p jkT;a o’kkZf.k rRlereA · Oh Bhargav! Son of Hanook
lnsg% LoxZek;krks EysPN/keZijk;.k% AA was Matochchil (celeesefÛÚue) Who
मतोच्छिलस्तस्य सुतो हनू कस्यैव भार्गव ।
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 187 Section- III
ruled for 970 years. Which was 300 hand long, 50
hands in width and 30 hands in
· Son of Matochchil was Lokam
height (One hand is called
(ueeskeâce) He ruled for 777 years. Cubit). He boarded the ship with
Then he left for heaven. his family and a pair of every kind
rLekTtr% lqrks U;qgks fuxZrLrwg ,o l%A of creature. After boarding the
rLekUU;wg% Le`r% izkKS% jkT;a I´~ p”kraÑreAA ship, he engaged deeply in prayer
lhe% “ke”p Hkko”p =; iq=k cHkwfojsA of God.
U;wg% Le`rka fo’.kq HkDrLlks·ga /;kuijk;.k%AA सांवर्त को मेघगणो महेन्द्रेण समन्वितः ।
,dnk Hkxoku fo’.kqLraRLoIus rq lekxr%A चत्वारिशद्दिनान्ये व महावृष्टिमकारयत ।।
oRl U;wg J`.kq’osna izy;% lIres·gfuA सर्व तु भारतं वर्ष जलैः प्लाव्य तु सिन्धवः ।
Hkfork Roa tuSLlkËnZ ukoek:á lRojeA चत्वारो मिलिन: सर्वे दिशालायां न चागताः ।।
thoua dq: HkDrsUnz loZJs’Bks Hkfo’;flAA अष्टशीति सहस्वाणि? (सहवणि) मुनयो
rFksfr eRok l eqfuukZoa ÑRok lqiqf’BrkeA ब्रह्मवादिनः।
gLrf=”kryEcka p I¥~ pk”k˜LrfoLr`rkeAA
न्यूहश्च स्वकुलेस्सार्द्धं शेषाः सर्वे विनाशिता ।।
f=”k}LrksPNrka jE;ka loZtholefUorkeA
यदा तु मुनयस्सर्वे विष्णुमाणां प्रतुष्टुवुः।
vk:á LodqySLlk˜Z fo’.kq/;kuijks·Hkor~AA
¼Hkfo’; iqjk.k] izfrlxZ ioZ] izFke [k.M] prqFkZ न्यू हस्तव स्थितो नावमारुह्य स्वकुलै स्सह ।
v/;k;½ जलान्ते भूमिमागत्य तत्र वामं करोra सः ।।
iqLrd%&osn o iqjk.kksa ds vk/kkj ij /kkfeZd ,drk सिमश्च हामश्च तथा यकूतो नाम विश्रुतः।
dh T;ksfr] ys[kd% MkW-osn izdk”k mik/;k; याकूतः सप्तपुत्रश्च जुषो माजूज एवं सः ।।
मादी तथा च यूनानस्तूवलो मसकस्तथा।
Son of Lokam was Newh (vÙetn) तीरासश्च तेषा नामभिर्देश उच्यते ।।
(Viveshat Manu or Prophet जुमा दश कनाब्जव रिफतश्च तजर्रूमः।
Noah). He ruled for 500 years. तद्याम्न च स्मृता देशा यूनाचा ये सुनाः स्मृताः ॥
S h e m , Ha m a n d Ja p h e t h इलीशस्तरलोशनच कित्तीहूदाfनरुच्यते ।
(Yaqoot) were his three sons. Henceforth is description of
Newh use to remain deeply Devastating flood.
engaged in the worship of God.
Once God told him in dream that l As per permission of God,
“O dear Newh! listen, doomsday Rain cloud of destructive (meebJele&keâ)
(ØeueÙe) will be on seventh day. You nature rained heavily for forty
board the ship immediately along days.
with your companions. O l Whole of India got
worshiper of lord, save your life. submerged in water. Four oceans
You will prosper to the maximum got merged and became too vast.
extent. Newh accepted the advice
and made a beautiful ship. · After the end of the flood,
Influence of Devil:-
l _o` Amd{í` _Z: `{ _m_² oZË` `wº$m: C[mgV{ &
lÕ`m [a`m C[{Vm: V{ _{ `w·V-V_m: _Vm: &&2&& When God condemned Satan
(Devil) he said, "I will certainly
(lr ^JdmZ CdmM) God said, (`{) Those
take my revenge from Your
(who) (Amd{í`) establish (_o`) Me
servants. I will lead them astray,
(_Z•) in their heart (oZË` `w·V) (and)
induce in their hearts prolonged
always (remain) engaged (in)
worldly desires, command them
(_m_²) My (C[mgV{) (My) worship
to pierce the ears of their
(lÕ`m) with faith ([a`m) (that I am)
animals, sacrifice for the idols,
living creature (C[{Vm)
and order them to change the
approaching (_{) Me (in this way)
religion of God. (God said)" One
(_Vm•) I consider (V{) they (are)
who accepts Satan as his
(`w·Vm•V_m•) ignorant.
guardian, instead of God, has
God said, Those (who) establish certainly incurred a great loss
Me in their heart, (and) always upon himself. (Holy Quran 4:118-
(remain) engaged (in) My 119)
worship, with faith (that I am) God said in the holy Quran that
living creature. Approaching Me the Satan (Devil) wants to
(in this way), I consider they induce hostility and hatred
(are) ignorant. among you through wine and
gambling and to prevent you
Teachings of the Holy
from remembering God and
Quran: prayer. Will you then avoid such
In the Holy Quran we get things? (Holy Quran 5:91)
following reason because of
which people start worshiping
God said in the holy Quran, We
deities or get distracted from the
sent (Messengers) to nations
right path.
who lived before you. Satan
Impatience: - made their deeds seem attractive