Lord Buddha The Great Prophet

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Great Prophet
Q. S. Khan
B.E (Mech)

Published by
Gita Publication
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Off. L.B.S. Road, Sonapur,
Bhandup (W), Mumbai-400078. (India)
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Book Name :- Lord Buddha The Great Prophet

Author :- Q.S. Khan
ISBN NO. :- 978-81-951129-1-3
Edition :- First
Price :- Rs. 300/-
Published By :- Gita Publication
Gala No.21, Bachan Singh Compound,
Off. L.B.S. Road, Sonapur,
Bhandup (W), Mumbai-400078. (India)
E-mail :- [email protected]
My father started learning Arabic (mechanical).
literature at the age of 35. He was After that I wrote many books to
working in Glaxo so only on spread peace and harmony in
weekly off and on holidays he society. All my books are
used to go to a scholar, Maulana av a i l a b l e o n my w e b s i t e
Parvez Islahi to study. www.qskhan.com and are free
Maulana Parvez Islahi was for download.
scholar of Arabic, Persian and Shri Krishna & Gautam Buddha
Islamic literature and a good both are prophets this was in my
poet. Once he came to our home subconscious mind. But I was
for lunch. My father and he was not knowing the source from
having a casual discussion after where I can read about them.
lunch. I overheard their one One day I received “Bhagwat Gita
Statement that shri Krishna and in light of holy Quran” translated
Gautam Buddha both are by Dr. Sajid Siddique by post. I
prophets. In hadees Shri Krishna don't know who sent it to me, but
is mentioned as Kanh and in that book was like a gift of God
Quran Gautam Buddha is for me.. I read it many times. I
mentioned as Zulkafil. analyzed each and every word of
These words got embedded in Bhagwat Gita, then I got proof
my subconscious mind. And that Shri Krishna was really a
after that I got deep respect for prophet of God. Here I will
both of them. That time my age explain only one word of
was about 10 years. As this age is Bhagwat Gita, remaining you
not an age of research, I also got may kindly read in my
busy in schooling, college and translation of Bhagwat Gita.
business. In Bhagwat Gita, Shri Krishna is
At the age of 40 God blessed me called Yogeshwar Krishna in
with in writing books. As I was in shlok no 18:78. Nalanda shabd
the business of manufacture sagar kosh (dictionary) describes
hydraulic press and this subject thirty eight meanings of word
was not taught in college. So the yog. Seventh meaning of yog in
first book I wrote was “ Design this dictionary is Doot or
and manufacture of hydraulic prophet. Hence yogeshwar
press”. Now this book is Krishna mean Krishna the
recommended in syllabus of B.E prophet of God.
To know about Gautam Buddha, important information.
I first started watching the videos Second section requires
which are uploaded on youtube. concentration and patience for
But it gave only superficial reading and understanding it. To
knowledge. Than I downloaded maintain interest of reader in this
Tripitaka from internet and book, I have changed sequence of
many more books of Buddhism. 2nd & 3rd section. We will first
But I found them difficult to describe why we think that
understand. So I got many book Gautam Buddha was a prophet.
from pdfdrive.com by Europian Then we will describe knowledge
writers regarding Buddhism. required to analyze him.
One such book was “The Gospel But if you are not reading this
of Buddha”. It was in easy book just as time pass, and for
language, most authentic and general information, and you are
easy to understand. This book is serious in understanding the
also taught in Japan and Sri teachings of Gautam Buddha,
Lanka in schools. then first read 3rd section then
God has blessed me knowledge read the second section. This will
of holy Quran, Hadees , Bhagwat help in understanding and
Gita, Mechanical Engineering analysis.
and little bit of world history. On Purpose of writing this book is to
basis of these knowledge I spread peace and brotherhood in
immedialy realized that the world. My faith and thinking
Gautam Buddha was a prophet. are as follows.
My observation and analysis I am God is one. He created about 40
writing in this book. lacs years ago Supernatural
This book has got four sections. entities which are called Devta
First section contains brief and Danaw or angels and Jin.
history of Gautam Buddha. About 20 lac years ago (in Tetra
Second section contains basic yug) He sent Shri Ram for
knowledge which is required to guidence of those entities who
understand Gautam Buddha and were living on earth in that era.
his teachings. About 8 lacs years ago in Dwapra
Third section contains analysis yuga God sent Shri Krishna to
and description about why we guide those entities which were
think Gautam Buddha was a living in Dwapra yuga.
prophet, and last and the fourth Both Shri Ram & Shri Krishna
section contains data and were not human beings but
super- natural entities, or devtas.
This fact Dr. Ved Prakash
Upadhyay wrote in the preface of
his book Ved aur Purano ke
adhar par dharmik ekta ki jyoti.
About 20 to 30 thousand years
ago God sent down the first
human being: Prophet Adam.
After him God sent prophets in
each and every community and
We all human beings are brothers
and sisters as our father is
common, and he is Prophet
Adam .
God said in the holy Quran that
initially all human beings were
following one religion only (holy
Quran 10:19) and God also gave
all the prophets the same
teachings. (Holy Quran 4:163)
And Prophe t Muhamma d
(Pbuh) also said that all prophets
have same faith. (Sahi Muslim
2365 C). Hence all of us are from
one religion only the main faith
of which is that God is one. And
main prayer of which is not
harming the other human beings
and serving all living beings.
Let us live like brothers and
sisters and practice the religion
of humanity.

Q. S. Khan
[email protected]
No. Subject Page No.

History of Gautam Buddha
1. Parents of Gautam Buddha 9
2. Birth of Gautam Buddha 10
3. Childhood of Gautam Buddha 11
4. The Turning point 12
5. Mara the Tempter and the enlightenment 14
6. The teachings of Buddhism 15
7. Incidents related to miracle 18

Analysis of signs of prophethood

8. Signs of prophethood 21
9. Respected family of Prophet 23
10. Prediction before birth of prophets to their parent 24
11. Super natural incidences at the time of birth of Prophets 25
12. Prediction about Prophet to people or nation 26
13. Soft hearted at teenage 27
14. At youth prophets were brave 28
15. Before Prophethood Prophets were not satisfied with religious condition
of society. 29
16. Giving Prophethood is God’s one sided decision. 30
17. After getting Prophethood angels descended from heaven and addressed
the Prophets.
18. Miracles.
19. Gautam Buddha claimed to be heir of old Buddha.
20. Sleeping Posture of Gautam Buddha is like a prophet
21. Gautam Buddha was teacherless
22. Angels use to visits Prophets to revise their religious teaching
23. Teaching of Gautam Buddha regarding hereafter (life after death)
24. Teaching about heaven in Buddhism
25. Teaching about hell in Buddhism
26. Prediction about (doomsday) Qayamat by Gautam Buddha
27. Gautam Buddha predicted about Maitruya
28. Gautam Buddha predicted about Amitabh Buddha
29. Views of Gautam Buddha regarding soul & spirit 52
30. Interaction of Gautam Buddha with Mara 55
31. Name of Gautam Buddha is believed to be in holy Quran 60
32. Teaching of Lord Buddha was as per need and culture of society 61
33. Teachings of Gautam Buddha regarding God 62
34. Story of Anathapindika 63
35. Story of two brahmins 66
36. Meaning of Dhamma 71
37. I am the Truth 73
38. Understanding Importance of Truth 77
39. Importance of Dhamm 82
40. Edicts of Emperor Ashoka 87
41. Edicts which confirm the faith of Emperor Ashoka 90
42. Few lines of Edicts related to hereafter and heaven and Dhamma 92
43. Dhamma principle was taught by all prophet 95
44. Analysis of four noble truths 99
45. Analysis of eight fold path, right views 105
46. Right Intention 107
47. Right thought 109
48. Right Meditation 111
49. Right Speech 113
50. Right Behavior (Avoiding sin)
51. Right way of earning
52. Right effort
53. Essence of Islam
Knowledges which are required to understand Gautam Buddha
Understanding God
54. How big God is ? 133
55. Why Birth and Death is not for God 134
56. How God knows everything 137
57. How God keeps this universe in working condition 139
58. Understanding God from teaching of Taoism 141
59. How many Gods are there ? 144
60. Features of God 145
61. Various philosophies regarding God 147
62. Clarification about the names of God 148
63. Introduction of life, (Jaan, Praan) 151
64. Difference between soul & spirit 153
65. Understanding spirit
66. Study of soul
67. Understanding divine wisdom (Buddhi- Yogam or Emaan)
68. Understanding the first soul (Amitabh buddha) 171
69. Understanding Mara the Devil 177
70. ABrief History of the messengers of God 185
71. How will Dooms day (Qayamat) occur 193

72. How religions are corrupted and refined 196
73. Edicts of Emperor Ashoka 202
74. Last words 216
1. Parents Of Gautam Buddha
· About 20 km north of Indian
boarder in Nepal, there is place
call Kapilvastu. It is 120 km north
of Gorakhpur city and 320 km
west of Kathmandu the capita l of
· In 563 BC it was ruled by King
Suddhodana, who belonged to
shakya clan (dynasty). They call
themselves as Gotama,
descendent of the Ikshvaku
Suddhodana was a noble person,
loved and respected by his people.
· His wife was Maya-devi. She
was extremely pious, beautiful
and a wise person. She was from
t h e Ko l i y a n c l a n . Ki n g
Suddhodana was also her cousin.
Both were from kshatriya
(warrior families). Before birth of
Gautam buddha Maya devi saw an
auspicious dream of white
elephant with Lotus flower.
When she felt that the hour of
motherhood is near, she asked the
king to send her to her parents,
and Shuddhodana willingly
granted the request.
(The Gospel of Buddha by Paul Caurs
page. 7-8. Sacred books of the east by
Samnel Beal.vol.XIX)

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 9 Section- I

2. Birth of Gautam Buddha
· 25 km west of Kapilvastu there reason, he said, your son will be
is a place called Lumbani. When either a great king or a holy
Maya-devi was passing from buddha. I am an old person, I
lumbani, she saw a beautiful cried because I know I will not
garden. She wished to visit it. survive to see the prince as a great
When she reached the middle of personality.
garden below a giant sila tree, sheShuddhodana named his holy
felt labour pains. son as Siddharta.
· She took hold of a branch. Her Hence actual name of Gautam
attendants hung a curtain around Buddha is Siddharta. Gautam is
her and retired. When the labour his family title and buddha means
started four angels desended from one who receives enlightenment.
heaven to receive the baby. After
birth angels placed the child · On seventh day after birth of
before mother and said “Rejoice, o Siddharta his mother Maya-devi
Queen, a mighty son has born passed away. Before death she
unto you.” asked her sister Mahaprajapati
Gautami to look after Siddharta
· Religious books says that many after her death. She wept, but
extraordinary things happened at promised to do so.
the time of the birth of Gautam
Buddha, such as the world was So after death of Maya devi,
flooded with light. The blind S h u d d h o d a n a m a r r i e d
received their eye-sight. deaf and Mahaprajapati Gautami. And she
dumb spoke. Polluted streams reared Siddharta will love and
and rivers became clear, celestial affection, as she promised to
music rang through the air, and Maya devi.
the angels rejoiced with gladness. · King Shuddhodana and
(The Gospel of Buddha IV ). Mahaprajapati Gautami had a
· King Shuddhodana was son who’s name was Ananda. So
surprised because of these Ananda was half brother of
auspicious signs and invited saint Siddharta ( Gautam Buddha).
Rishi Asita to interpret them. *********
When Rishi Asita saw prince, he
cried. When the king asked the
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 10 Section- I
3. Childhood of Gautam Buddha

· Rishi Asita said the child will the marriage of prince. So he

be a great king or a holy buddha. called all neighbouring kings to
To ensure only the first option. come with their daughter, so that
King Suddhodana made many the prince can select one of them.
palaces for prince Siddharta for · But the kings replied that
each season, and arranged for prince is not very strong and may
every possible luxury of life. And not be able to defend his kingdom
took precaution that he does not and protect their daughter. When
faces or realise any miseries and Siddharta came to know their
sufferings of human life. reply, he asked his father
· Once Siddharta was in the Suddhodana to call all the kings
garden with his cousin. His and take his exam in technique of
cousin shot an arrow and injured warfare and knowledge.
a bird. Siddharta lifted the injured · So king Suddhodana called all
bird, removed the arrow and the king for the said purpose. On
dressed its wound. Siddharta was the day of examination Siddharta
having too much mercy for the proved himself excellent in
injured bird. When his cousin warfare technique, knowledge
demanded that I have hunted this and wisdom. And no one was able
bird and I have right on it to compete with him . After
Siddharta refused to return the proving himself to be best among
bird. The Cousin complained in all kings, Siddharta selected his
the royal court and asked for cousin Yashodhara as his wife.
justice. The military Generals
were of opinion that the bird · For the next ten years the
belonged to the cousin. But couple lived happily. And at the
Suddhodana ordered that one age of 28 Siddharta got a son,
who saves life has more right on it, whom they named as Rahul.
than one who tries to kill. This
incident indicates that not only
Siddharta but his father was also a *********
noble person.
· When Siddharta became 18
year old, Suddhodana desired for
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 11 Section- I
4. The Turning Point

· After the birth of Rahul, things. The main teaching was

Suddhodana was relaxed and that you (the Siddharta) is a
when Siddharta asked permission Budhisattva (that means one who
to visit the kingdom, he happily is going to become Buddha) and
allowed him. But he asked his you have to go out and find the
ministers to decorate the city and right path and then guide the
ensure that prince Siddhart does mankind.
not see any suffering of human- · To find the solution of
life. And they ensured it. miseries of mankind Siddharta
Siddharta went out with his left his luxurious life and human
Charioteer, channa. The City was societ y. He star ted doing
beautifully decorated. But when meditation and penance under
t h e y we n t f u r t h e r a h e a d , guidance of Rishi Arada and Rishi
Siddharta saw an old man, a sick Udraka, outside the city.
man, and a dead body. When he · By birth Siddharta was
enquired about them from his following Sanatan dharm (Hindu
charioteer channa, he said, religion) and Rishi Aroda and
“Whoever takes birth he has to Rishi Udraka were also brahmins.
pass all these stages. This is the So their philosophy of moksha or
truth of life.” freedom from miseries was to
Siddharta was deeply moved by conquer the soul.
these facts. He deeply felt and But both rishies could not
realised the suffering and miseries convince Siddharta about the
of mankind, and become very sad. philosphy of conquering the soul
· At night the prince found no to solve the problem of mankind.
rest on his soft pillow, so he arose So Siddharta left them and in the
and went out into the garden, and jungle of Uruvilva found five
sat down beneath the great bhikshus. Who were virtuously
Jambu-tree, and started thinking keeping in check their senses,
about problems of mankind and subduing their passions and
their solutions. practising austere, self-discipline
At that time a divine entity to get moksha. He admired them
appeared and advised him many and joined their company.
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 12 Section- I
For next six years he remained in
their company doing more severe
(fasting) mortification and
thoughtful meditation than those
five bhikshus. But Siddharta was
not satisfied with his achivement
in finding the truth, or solution
for miseries of mankind.
· Siddharta become so weak by
mortification (fasting) that when
he went to bathe in River
Nairanjana, due to weakness he
could not lift his legs to come out
of the river. By holding tree
branches somehow he came out.
At that time he realized that this
mortification (fasting) and
meditation is of no use. So he
deserted all of them.
To have some strength he ate the
gift of milk and rice which was
offered to him by a shepherd’s
daughter. He deserted the
company of five bhikshus, and sat
under the Bodhi-tree (Pipal Tree),
with a deep desire to know the
At this stage he was not following
any philosophy and any religion.
He was having only deep desire to
know the truth.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 13 Section- I

5. Mara the tempter and the enlightenment
l Religious books says, first Siddharta then Mara himself
Devil tried to distract Siddhart came with thunder, strom and
When Siddharta was leaving his evil armies. But Siddharta
palace. remained firmly seated and
When Siddharta was leaving his unmoved. Devil was defeated
palace divine help came and an and ran away.
invisible hand opened the gates l After the departure of the
of the palace. But at this moment Devil, Siddhart sat silently, with
Mara also appeared and said peaceful mind to receive the truth
“Depart not, O lord.” He cried under the bodhi-tree. It was a full
out, “In seven days from now the moon night, and the auspicious
wheel of empire will appear, and time arrived, and he got
will make you soveregin over the enlightened, and become the
four continents and the two great Buddha.
thousand adjacent isles. Stop, my l When Gautam Buddha got
lord!” enlightenment, Mara came and
Siddharta did not care about him said “Be greeted again Holy one.
and proceeded. You have attained the highest
(The dhamma of Gautam the Buddha bliss, and it is time for you to enter
and the gospel of Jesus the Christ-page into the final Nirvana”
Final Nirvana is attained after
l Siddharta was destined to death. So again Mara was
become the great Buddha. And directing toward such act by
destiny devil knows more clearly which mankind will remain
than we human-being. So when without guidance of Gautam
Siddharta after six years of Buddha. But Devta Brahma
penance deserted all previous descended from heaven and said,
philosophies and religion, and sat “Alas, the world will perish, if the
with deep wish to know the truth, holy one, the Tathagata (Gautam
Devil knew this is the time when Buddha) decide not to teach
Siddharta will receive the divine Dhamma.”
wisdom or enlightenment.
And Gautam Buddha decided to
So he sent his three daughters to preach Dhamma to mankind.
distract Siddharth. And when his (The gospel of Buddha XIV-7-15)
daughters failed to distract *******
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 14 Section- I
6. The Teachings of Buddhism
After getting enlightened, Buddha. Which is not possible for
Gautam Buddha first wanted to us. We will describe briefly only
guide his five companion who few points from that sermon,
were fasting and meditating along which are as follows.
with him in the jungle of Uruvilva
. He found them near Banaras in a l Four Noble Truth:
deer park known as Sarnath. 1. In this world there is sorrow
There he gave his first sermon to and suffering .
his five companion. Main
teachings of that sermon are as 2. There are certain causes of this
follow. sorrow and suffering.
“ He who recognized the
existence of suffering, its cause, its
3. This sorrow and suffering
remedy and its process of ending, could be stopped.
has understood the four noble 4. By following eight noble deed
truths. Then he will walk on the this sorrow and suffering could
right path. be stopped.
Right views will be the torch to
light his way. His guide will be · Eight fold noble path are
right views . as follow.
His dwelling place on the path will 1. Right views
be his right words.
2. Right determination or
His manner of walking will be attitude or Aim or Aspiration
straight, for it is the right behavior.
His food will be the right way of 3. Right Speech
earning his live hood. 4. Right Behavior.
His step will be right efforts.
His breath will be right thoughts.
5. Right and honest source of
and as a result peace will follow in
his foot prints. 6. Right effort.
A complete book is required to 7. Right thought.
describe the sermon of Lord
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 15 Section- I
8. Practing right meditation or page-8)
mental concentration. l Gautam Buddha ne ver
l In addition to this eight fold
believed in incarnation that is
path Gautam Buddha also Avtarvad. Gautam Buddha
asked Bhikshus (his claimed of Enlightenment
disciples) to practice and not incarnation.
f o l l o w i n g t h e Te n (Prachin Bharat-By T.N. Gupta-Page -
l Gautam Buddha always said
1. Non-violence, (Not to kill any (S<eeOeccees meveeleve) That means
living creature.) this teaching of truth is since
2. Not to steal long time. (This is not
something new which I am
3. Not to lie teaching)
l Teaching of Gautam Buddha
4. Not to practice infidelity could be defined as (yengpeve
5. Not to use intoxicants efnleeÙe, yengpeve megKeeÙe)
That means benefits for
6. Not to have food after lunch ever yone, prosperity for
7. To refrain from dancing and everyone.
singing l To accept Buddhism three
sentences are to be said
8. Not to use fragrance
Buddham saranam gacchami
9. Not to use comfortable place Dhammam saranam gacchami
for sitting and sleeping.
Sangham saranam gacchami
10. Not to use utensils of gold That means
and silver.
I take shelter of Gautam Buddha.
I take shelter of Dhamma .
l Gautam Buddha said,
“Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaish, I join the group of followers of
Shudra or whoever will Buddhism.
practice noble deed will l Gautam Buddha got
achieve Nirvan”. enlightenment at the age of
(Prachin Bharat ka itihas by Rita sharma 35 and till age of 80 he kept on
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 16 Section- I
preaching. His religion was title “Ashoka and decline of
appeals to heart of people, so Mouryas”. On page no.200 she
his father, wife, son, step writes that Pushyamitra Shunga
mother and almost all demolished about 84000
relatives, and acquaintances Buddhist stupas which had been
embraced Buddhism. His built by Ashoka the great.
teachings do not teach Historical and religious books of
untouchability and caste Buddhism also say that he also
system. And Indian society prosecuted monks and scholars.
was badly suffering from Because of which many died and
castesism, hence those who who survived migrated to other
were affected by caste system countries.
quickly embraced Buddhism.
And majority of population
were from lower caste, so this
religious become fastest
growing religion in India.
l King Ashoka embraced
Buddhism. He was born
about 215 years after Gautam
Buddha. He was an emperor
and a dedicated Buddhist. He
preached Buddhism in his
vast empire and also sent
preachers outside India. Due
to his efforts Buddhism
spread outside India also.
Brihadratha Maurya was the last
Mauriyan King. His Brahmin
general Pushyamitra Shunga
assassinated King Brihadratha
Maur ya in 180 BC and
established the Shunga Empire.
Historian says that in this period
Buddhism suffered a lot, and
started shrinking in India.
Romila Thaper wrote a book with

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 17 Section- I

7. Incidents related to Miracle
1) Devadatta was the brother-in- When he approached to carry out
law of Gautam Buddha (brother his purpose, the earth beneath
of Yashodhara). He initially him opened and he submerged
accepted Buddhism. But later on deep in earth. His punishment
he wanted to establish his own consists of having his feet sunk
religion, similar to Buddhism, but ankle-deep into the burning
with strict laws. For this purpose ground. A red-hot pan caps his
he wanted to eliminate Gautam head. His body is transfixed with
Buddha (Because teaching of five red-hot Iron-bars.
Gautam Buddha are soft and 5) At Uruvila, Kashyapa was the
moderate). So he many times tried
chief of Jatilas, and he was a wise
to assassinate him. Once he hired
and religious person. He used to
thirty bowmen to slay him. But as
worship the fire, and monster
they came near, due to majestic
snake. Gautam Buddha visited
influence of Gautam Buddha,
him and asked him to allow him
they fell at his feet craving
to stay near his sacred fire. At
night the monster snake came out
2) On another occasion, he rolled but instead of harming Gautam
a huge stone down a steep slope Buddha, it got itself burned out.
below which Gautam Buddha was 6) In forest of Kosala a dacoit
walking. It split into fragments on
used to live. He used to cut fingers
the way, and only a piece struck
of his victims and wear them as
the Gautam Buddhas, wounding
neckless. So he was called
his foot. Which got healed next
Angulimala. People were afraid of
him, but Gautam Buddha faced
3) Another time an infuriated him, preached to him and
elephant was turned upon converted him into a monk.
Gautam Buddha in a narrow *********
street. As it seemed about to crush
him in its wild onset, it slowed
down and bent in submission
before him.
4) Finally Devadutta decided to
kill Gautam Buddha by his own
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 18 Section- I
Ga ut a m Buddha pre a c he d for 4 5
ye a rs in t he se t e rrit orie s

K apilavast u
Lum bini

Sa r a v a s t
•• A

K ushinag • Pa t n a

• • Ga y•a Ra j g i r
• • Nalanda
K ausham
Varanasi •
Sa r n a t h
K urk ihar
B o d h Ga y a

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 19 Section- I

Section- 2
Analysis of signs
of prophethood

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 20 Section- II

8. Signs of Prophethood
Following signs and facts Gautam Buddha did not practise
indicate that Gautam Buddha a particular prayer because of
was a prophet. which he got enlightenment.
1. He was belonging to the most And no one in known history
respected family of the society. did any particular prayer or
ritual by which that person also
2. Before his birth his mother got enlightenment, similar to
saw an auspicious dream of Gautam Buddha.
white elephant with lotus flower.
9. On receiving enlightenment
3. At the time of his birth angels brahma desended from heaven
descended, and many extra and addressed Gautam Buddha.
ordinary or super natural things
happened in the world. 10. After enlightenment many
miracles happened such as
4. A rishi predicted him to be unglimala dacoit, fire spitting
either a great king or buddha. snake, and assassinator and
furious elephant, could not harm
5. He w a s s o f t - h e a r t e d , Gautam Buddha. He was
compassionate and full of mercy protected by some divine power.
in childhood.
11. Gautam Buddha said to his
6. As a youth he was brave and father that I am not your heir, but
wise and best among youth. heir of old buddhas.
7. He was not satisfied with the 12.Sleeping posture of Gautam
religious practices of that time. Buddha is like the prophets.
B efore en l i g h ten m en t h e
deserted penance and fasting as 13. Gautam buddha said “ I am
per teaching of religion and not to be taught by anyone in the
practices of that era. And became world.” I am self taught, I have
totally free from influence of learned from no one. Only
anyother religion. And only prophets says such statements.
wishing to know the truth.
14. Devta (Angels) decended
8. To give enlightenment was from heaven to have
God’s one-sided decision. conversation with him and
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 21 Section- II
revised the religious teachings. of soul and spirit.
15. We get clear teachings of 22. Mara the devil use to appear
hereafter (life after death) in in visible form before Gautam
edict of Emprar Ashoka. As Buddha for distracting him.
Ashoka was a king and faithful
follower and preacher of 23. Name of Gautam Buddha is
Buddhism. And he was only 215 believed to be in holy Quran.
years after Gautam Buddha, and 24. Teaching of Gautam Buddha
other religious book recorded in
was need of his era. That is
book form almost 450 after
religious norms and
Gautam Buddha, hence we
commandments in most simple
conclude that what he wrote was
words for non- educated
more authentic teachings of
population, and giving equal
Gautam Buddha . Teaching of
status to untouchable
hereafter indicates that Gautam
Buddha was a prophet.
16. Gautam Buddha ascended
25. Gautam Buddha never
denied existence of God. He
to heaven to bless his mother
advised to worship God with
feature and name as Dhamma
17. Gautam Buddha said that (Satya, Haq, or Truth)).
hell is not for me. On basis of above mentioned
facts, it is my opinion that
18. Whatever Gautam Buddha Gautam Buddha was a prophet.
predicted about the last day of
this earth, or parlay or Qayamat We will discuss all the points
is scientifically proved to be true. mentioned above in detail,
which indicate that Gautam
19. Gautam Buddha predicted Buddha was a prophet. But
about maitriya buddha, which before that please read and
only a prophet can do. understand God, Soul, Sprit and
process of sending prophets by
20. Gautam Buddha explained God, and other topics
about Amitabh Buddha, which mentioned in section 3
only a prophet can do. thoroughly. This will help us in
21. Gautam Buddha was having understanding Gautam Buddha
clear and correct understanding more correctly.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 22 Section- II

Analysis of signs of prophethood
9. Respected Family
God always gave the prophets the
most respected family of society.
So that on the basis of birth,
creed and caste no one will have
objection in obeying the
For example
· Prophet Abraham was son of
the chief sculptor of king who
used to make idols of deities.
· Prophet Solomon was the son
of King and Prophet David.
· Prophet Yahya (John) was son
of Prophet Zakaria (Zachariah).
· Prophe t Muhamma d
(PBUH) was from most
respected tribe (Quresh) and
grandson of the leader of the
tribe and trustee of Kaaba.
l Gautam Buddha was a prince
a n d h i s f a t h er, k i n g
Suddhodhana was a noble
person and a king. So Gautam
Buddha was having this sign of
Prophethood in him.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 23 Section- II

10. Prediction before birth of
prophets to their parents
Ÿ Before birth, parents of world.
prophets always see
auspicious dreams, or angels · Maya Devi, the mother of
give them good news. Gautam Buddha saw an
For example auspicious dream of white
elephant with lotus before the
birth of Gautam Buddha. So
· Angels gave good news of this is a sign of prophethood
birth of Ishaaq and Ismael to for Gautam Buddha.
prophet Abraham.

· Angels gave good news of

birth of Jesus Christ to
Mother mary.

· God gave good news of birth

of Yahya (John) to Prophet
Zakaria (Zachariah).

· Because of strange dream

which Prophet Josheph had
in childhood Prophet Jacob
was knowing his son Joseph
will be a prophet, so he asked
his son not to disclose his
mysterious dreams to his

· When mother of Prophet

Muhammad (pbuh) was
pregnant, she saw dreams
that a light emerges from her
and spreads all around the

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 24 Section- II

11. Super natural incidents at the
time of the birth of the prophets
When humanity sinks in be very near to earth, fire of fire
darkness, and ever ywhere temple in great Persia got
ig norance and ir relig ious extinguished. Many Pillers of the
practice prevail in society. At that palace of Roman Empire fell.
moment God sends prophets for
guidance of mankind. As arrival At the time of the birth of Shri
of Prophet on earth is the most Krishna the prison cell was filled
auspicious event, beginning of a with a bright light. Vasudeva
new era of religious and pious ( f a t h e r o f S h r i Kr i s h n a )
culture, hence the angels and awakened by this bright light,
p i o u s s o u l e x p re s s t h e i r and heard the divine voice above
happiness in various ways, which taking Shri Krishna to Gokul.
we human being also sense. Few
such incidents at the time of the At the time of the birth of
birth of Prophets are as follows: Gautam Buddha four angel
desended to receive Gautam
At the time of the birth of Jesus Buddha. Many more
Christ angel descended and supernatural things happend,
asked mother Mary not to worry. such as the world was flooded
They started a fountain near her, with light. The blind received
and asked her to shoke the roots their sight. The deaf and dumb
of date Plam. By doing so fresh spoke with one another of the
dates will fall on her. (Quran 19:25) good omens indicating the birth
of Buddha. The crooked became
After the Birth of Jesus Christ straight, the lame walked, no
three wise men followed a star clouds gathered in the skies and
and came to Bethlehem where the polluted streams of water
Jesus Christ took birth, and become clear, celestial music
presented Mother Mary some rang through the air and the
gifts and expressed their respect. angels rejoiced with gladness
(Gospel of Buddha-IV Bodhisatta’s
At the time of the birth of Birth)
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
the house was fully illuminated These are the signs of the
with divine light, stars seems to Prophethood for Gautam
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 25 Section- II
12. Prediction about Prophets to
people or nations
Ÿ Previous chapter was · Because of auspicious signs
prediction of prophet to their and incidences which occured
parents. This chapter is about after birth of Gautam Buddha
predic t ion of bir th of Rishi Asita predicted Gautam
prophets to related people or Buddha to be a great king or a
to common people. Buddha. This is again a sign of
· After the wedding of
Vasudeva and Devaki a divine
voice was heard saying
“Kamsa, with the marriage of
your sister to a yadava prince,
your days on earth are
numbered. The eighth son of
Devaki and Vasudeva will end
your tyrannical rule in
Mathura and will kill you.”

· King of Egypts Pharaoh was

knowing that a child of Israel
will end his life and kingdom,
because astrologers predicted
birth of Prophet Moses to

· When Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH) born, many Jew
scholars predicated that this
child will be a prophet.
Because birth of Prophet
Mohammad (PBUH) was
predicted in many religious
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 26 Section- II
13.Soft hearted at Teenage

· Gautam Buddha was very father! do what you are

merciful at childhood. This is commanded, if Allah pleases,
again a sign of prophethood. you will find me of the patient
All prophets were merciful ones.” (Surh As Saffat-37 Ayat-
and wise at childhood.

· Authentic proof we have in · Gautam Buddha was also

ve r y w i s e m e r c i f u l i n
Holy Quran about Prophet childhood. When he was
Yahya (John). playing in the garden along
with his cousins, his cousin
· God says, “We commanded shot an arrow and injured a
John, Zachariah’s son, to bird. Gautam Buddha lifted
follow the guidance of the that injured bird applied
lord with due steadfastness medicine to it’s wound, and
during his childhood. To John never returned it to his
we gave knowledge and cousin, fearing that he will kill
wisdom during his it.
(Surah Maryam (Mary) 19, Ayat-12)

· Prophet Ismaeel (Atharva)

w a s a l s o ver y w i s e a t
childhood. A verse of Quran
about him is as follows:

· When his (Abrahm’s) son

(Ismaeel) was old enough to
work with him, Abrahm said
“My son, I have had a dream
that I must sacrifice you,
consider than what you see”.
He (Ismaeel) said: “O My

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 27 Section- II

14. At youth Prophets were brave

Ÿ At youth Prophet · For marraige of Prince

Muhammad joined a social Siddhart (Gautam Buddha),
group who were fighting his father sent invitation to all
against injustice in society. kings to come to his kingdom
A f te r p ro p h e t h o o d h e so that prince can select his
(Pbuh) defeated a wrestler bride. But all the kings
Rakaana three times (Abu refused, and gave reason that
Dawood-Vol-2-Page 209) Prince Siddhart is weak, and
will not be able to defend his
· Prophet Moses at his youth kingdom and his bride. When
punched a man who was Prince Siddhart came to
from his enemy. And that know of their replies. He
person could not withstand it asked his father to call all of
and died.(Surah-Al-Qasas ( 27, them to test his bravery and
Ayat-15) wisdom. All of them came
and they took exam of Prince
· Prophet Ibrahim broke idols Siddhart, and Prince
of deities. When the king Siddhart proved himself to be
threw him into the fire, he most brave and most wise
remained steadfast and was among them.
never frightened and never
took help even from · Gautam Buddha was brave
angels.(Surah-Al Anbiya ( 21- and wise at youth. This is also
Ayat-68) a sign of prophethood.

· At youth Prophet David

killed Goliath who was like a
gaint.(Details are given in surah
Al-Baqara 2 Ayat-251)

· At age of 16 Shri Krishna

killed Kamsa, who was his
uncle and a tyrant king.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 28 Section- II

15. Before prophethood prophets were not
satisfied with religious condition of society

On this topic we get example of Before enlightenment Gautam

Prophet Ibrahim in holy quran. A Buddha deserted the austerity
verse of Holy Quran is as follow. (tapasya) as per the philosophy of
Sanatan Dharm and only
· “Consider when Abraham meditated to receive and
asked his father Azar, “Why do understand the truth about life
you believe idols to be your and solution of miseries .
gods. I find you and you This is again a sign of
people in absolute prophethood, that he was not
error.(Surah-Al-Anam (cattle) (6) satisfied with religion and rituals
of his community.
· Family of Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) were
trustee of holy Kabaa where
360 idols were kept and
worshiped. But Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) never
worshiped any idol.

· Prophe t Muhamma d
(PBUH) used to go to a hill
top where there was a cave. He
used to sit in that cave for
many days and meditate
before prophethood.

· Gautam Buddha was not

satisfied from the concept of
soul, and it’s transmigration
and worship of God by

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 29 Section- II

16. Giving Prophethood is God’s one
sided decision:-
Ÿ God said in the holy Quran · Prophet Moses went near a
(mention, O Muhammad fire on the mountain, there
(PBUH)) when we took from God blessed him
the prophets their convenant Prophethood. Moses never
(firm promise) and from you did any prayer or meditation
and from Noah (Manu) and to get prophethood.
Abraham and Moses and
Jesus the son of Mary, and we
took from them a solemn · Prophet David, Soleman,
covenant. (Surah-Al-Ahzab (33) Joseph and all the prophets
Ayat (7)) were prophets by birth. Only
they preached after youth.
· This vesre says that God took
firm promises from all · Gautam Buddha neither did
prophets that they will first any ritual nor did any special
strictly follow the prayer of any Deity to get
commandment of God, and enlightenment. It was God’s
then they will preach it to one sided decision. This
other human beings. This indicates that he was a
promise taking happened in prophet.
heaven before birth of
mankind. That means
whoever will become prophet
is predetermined by God,
before birth of mankind.

· When Prophet Muhammad

(PBUH) was only meditating
and not doing any prayer as
p er a ny re l i g i on , G o d
informed him about his

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 30 Section- II

17.After getting prophethood angels desended
from heaven and addressed the prophets

Ÿ When Prophet Muhammad

(pbuh) got prophethood at
the age of forty years,
archangel Gabrial descended
and revealed to him verses of

· At the age of 30 when Jesus

Christ was getting Baptised
by Prophet John, Holy Spirit
desended on him, and after
that Jesus Christ started
preaching as a prophet.

· After getting enlightenment

Br a h m a d e s e n d e d a n d
addressed Gautam Buddha,
and requested him to preach
divine knowledge to
common people, which he
received by enlightenment.

· This is again a sign of

prophethood, and indicates
that Gautam Buddha was a

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 31 Section- II

18. Miracles

Ÿ Iron used to become soft in God (Holy Quran 3:49).

the hands of Prophet David. 5. Jesus could tell what you eat,
Because of this special ability and what you store in your
he used to make armours of house. (Holy Quran 3:49).
iron wire. And this was his
source of livelihood (Holy l Gautam Buddha has not
Quran 34:10). learned magic from anyone.
But many supernatural
l Wind and Jins were under things happened with him,
control of Prophet Solemon such as Angulimala dacoit
(Holy Quran 34:12). could not harm him, dragon
snake could not harm him,
l Moses had a wooden stick mad-wild elephant bowed
(Rod) which when cast down in front of him. Many
down, used to become a times Devdatta tried to
serpent (Holy Quran 7:107). assassinate Gautam Buddha
l Jesus Christ had many but every time he survived.
miracles. Some of them are All these are miracles, which
as follow. were blessed to Gautam
Buddha by God. And this
also indicates that he was a
1. He spoke while he was still in prophet.
cradle. (Holy Quran 3:46).
2. He used to make bird by clay
and with God’s permission it
used to become alive (Holy Quran
3. With permission of God he
used to heal the leper (Holy Quran
4. He used to make alive again
dead people by permission of

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 32 Section- II

19. Gautam Buddha claimed to be heir
of old Buddha
Gautam Buddha said to his father was mentioning that after his
that I am not your heir, but I am departure from earth another
the heir of previous Buddhas. Prophet will come, whose
(The Gospel of Buddha) teaching will not contradict the
teachings of Jesus Christ, but that
This is again a sign of Prophet will confirm the
Prophethood. No Prophet said teachings of Jesus Christ. And
that I am the only prophet or every prophet confirms the
savior of mankind. Ever y teachings of earlier prophet.
prophet confirmed teachings of
earlier prophet, and predicted A verse of Holy Quran is as
about next or last prophet. For follows:-
example. (Remember) when Jesus, the son
In Bible and Quran we get of Mary , said: “O children of
following details about Jesus Israel, indeed I am the messenger
Christ. of God to you, confirming what is
in my hand (‘The Tohra’, which
Jesus Christ said, (And thus) was revealed to Prophet Moses)
when he, the spirit of truth will and bringing good news of a
come, he will guide you into all messenger to come after me. His
truth, for he will not speak from name will be Ahmed (Holy Quran
himself, but whatever he will hear 61:6)
(from God that) he will speak, In this verse, Jesus Christ is
and he will show you things to predicting about Prophet
come (Gospel, John 16:13) Mohammad (PBUH) . Before
(Jesus Christ said,) (and) the birth in heaven the name of
comforter, the holy spirit, whom Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
the (Lord) will send, he will teach was Ahmed (which is
you all things, and bring all pronounced in other scriptures
things to your remembrance, as Amit)
whatsoever I have said to you. Prophet Zoroaster (Founder of
Parsi Religion) said “When the
In these two verses Jesus Christ Zoroastrian people will forsake

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 33 Section- II

their religion and will become this worldly life and the next.
dissolute, a man will rise in Companion of messenger said,“
Arabia, whose followers will O messenger of God please
conquer Persia and subjugate the explain us how it is so?
arrogant Persians. Instead of Thereupon he said, “Prophets are
worshiping fire in their own brothers in faith, having different
temples, they will turn their faces mothers. Their religion is,
in prayer toward (The Qibla) however one, and there is no
Ka’ba of Abraham which will be apostle between us (between
cleared of all idols. They (the myself and Jesus Christ.) (Sahih
fol lowers of the Ar abian Muslim 2365 C).
Prophet) will be a mercy unto the
world. They will become masters As per Islamic teaching God sent
of Persia, Madain, Tus, Balkh the about 1.25 lacs messengers. And
sacred place of the Zoroastrians all of them preached the same
and the neighboring territories. religions.
Their Prophet will be eloquent
and will be telling miraculous Gautam Buddha said to his
things. (Dasatir-Epistle of Sasan I. father that I am not your heir but
Copied from Muhammad in Parsi, heir of old Buddhas, and he also
Hindu and Buddhist scriptures by A. H. said (Esha Dhammo Sanatan)
Vidyarthi, Page no. 22-23) that means this teaching of truth
is since long time (forever). This
Prophet Mohammad said: “ indicates that Gautam Buddha
There was a Prophet of God in was a prophet.
India. He was dark in colour. His
name was Kanh.” (Taarikh-i-
Hamdaan, Dailami, Chapter. Al-Kaaf.
Page 854, by Malik Abdur Rahman
(Note: Shree Krishna was called Kanha)

Abu Huraira reported many a

hadees from messenger of God,
Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh),
and one hadees is that Prophet
Muhammed (Pbuh) said “ I am
most close to Jesus, son of Mary
among the whole of mankind in

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 34 Section- II

20. Sleeping Posture Of Gautam
Buddha is like the Holy prophet
We see many statues of Gautam
Buddha in which he is sleeping
on his right side, keeping his right
palm below his right cheek.
This is a position in which
messengers of God used to sleep.
Book Al- Bukhari (Hadees
no.2004). Says Prophet
Muhammad (Pbuh) used to
sleep on his right side with his
palm of right hand below the
right cheek and facing toward
So the sleeping posture of Lord
Gautam Buddha also indicates
that he was from the elite group
of prophets.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 35 Section- II

21. Gautam Buddha was Teacherless

Ÿ According to Milindapanha, So believe in God and His

Buddhas are “ self dependent, messenger, the unlettered
teacherless, lonely, as one prophet, who believes in God
horn of a rhinoceros ( The and His words, and follow
manual of mystic by Woodword him that you may be guided.
p.6. foot note). (Surah- Al-Araf (7), verse-
Ÿ Buddhas do not acquire
spiritual knowledge from any Ÿ Unlettered word in this verse
human source, or traditional means Prophet Muhammad
instructions. (romantic History (Pbuh) did not receive
of Buddha by Beal. Page 241 (2) education from any teacher.
Sutta Nipata by Fausboll, p. 177)
God Himself taught him the
knowledge. All the prophets
Ÿ Gautam Buddha said,“I am get their divine knowledge
not to be taught by anyone in from God directly, and not
the world”. (Vidanavarga by Rock from any teacher. This also
hill p. 91)
has happened with Gautam
Buddha, hence this is a sign of
Ÿ Once Upaka the naked ascetic prophethood in him.
asked Gautam Buddha “who
was your teacher.” Buddha
replied, “ I am self taught, I
have learned from no one”.
(Majhima Nikaya by Silacara page.
153, 154)

Ÿ God says in holy Quran: say

(O Muhammad) O mankind,
indeed I am the messenger of
God to you all, (from Him) to
whom belongs the dominion
of the heaven and the earth.
There is no deity except Him.
He gives life and causes death.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 36 Section- II

22. Angels use to visits the prophets to revise
their religious teachings:-
Conver sation of Pr ophet We were surprised that he makes
Muhammad (Pbuh) with enquiries (as if he knows
archangel Gabriel:- nothing) and also confirms the
Hazrat Umar bin Khattab (RA) correctness of the answer.
says, Once while we were sitting He then said. “Tell me about
with the holy Prophet Faith.” (That means compulsory
Muhammad (pbuh), all of a faith which a Muslim should
sudden a man appeared, whose have).
clothes were very neat, whose The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said:
hair was very black, and having “You should believe in One God,
no mark of travelling, and who His Angels, His (revealed) books,
was not known to any of us. His Prophets, The Day of
He sat down in front of the Holy Judgement (That means on
Prophet (pbuh) with his knees Qayamat or Doomsday everyone
touching those of the holy will give account of his deeds to
Prophet (pbuh) placing his God), and that you should
hands on his thigh, he said: believe that God determines the
Muhammad (pbuh) enlighten fate (destiny).
(explain) me about the reality of That man said: “That is Right.”
Islam. Now tell me about Good deeds.
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Islam is that you should bear “You should do good deeds as if
witness (you should say or have you are seeing God, and if you are
faith) that there is no one eligible not able to imagine this, then
to be worshiped except one God, atleast keep in mind that God is
and that Muhammad (pbuh) is watching you.
His messenger, and that you
should observe prayer (Namaz), The man said: “Now tell me
pay the Zakaat (Alms), do fasting about the Day of Judgement.
during Ramazan, and perform (That means when will be last day
the pilgrimage to the House of of this world).
God, if you have the resources. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said: I
(That means perform Hajj). The know as much as you know.”
man said: “That is right”
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 37 Section- II
(That means I also don't know Anathapindika, a celestial deva
about it, as you don't know). (Angel) came to him in the form
The man then said: “Well, (then of a Brahmin, whose
atleast) let me know some of the countenance was bright and
signs of the Day of Judgement.” whose garments were white like
snow. The angel asked questions
The Holy Prophet (pbuh) which the Blessed One answered.
replied: “That the maidservant
will give birth to her master, and The angel said: “What is the
that bare footed, bare bodied, sharpest sword? What is the
moneyless shepherds would be deadliest poison? What is the
seen living with arrogance in fiercest fire? What is the darkest
great mansions (houses).” night?”
Then the man departed and I The Blessed One replied: “A word
stayed there for a while. The Holy spoken in warth is the sharpest
Prophet (pbuh) said to me . Umar sword: covetousness (greed) is
do you know who the questioner the deadliest poison: passion is
was? I said: “God and His the fiercest fire: ignorance is the
Messenger (pbuh) know better.” darkest night.”
Holy Prophet (pbuh) then said: The angel said: “Who gains the
“He was archangel Gabriel, who greatest benefit? Who loses most?
comes to teach you the principles Which armor is invulnerable?
of your religion.” What is the best weapon?”
(Note: One meaning of The blessed One replied: “He is
maidservant giving birth to her the greatest gainer who gives to
master, means that near the end others and he loses most who
of world children will be receives from others without
rebellious to their mother and giving a compensation. Patience
will treat her as their maid.) is an invulnerable armor:
(Riazus-swalehin-Vol. 01- wisdom is the best weapon.”
Hadees 60) The angel said: “Who is the most
dangerous thief? What is the
Conversation of Gautam most precious treasure? Who is
Buddha with an Angel:- most successful in taking away by
On a certain day when the violence not only on earth, but
Blessed One (Gautam Buddha) also in heaven? What is the
dwelt at Jetavana, the garden of securest treasure-trove?”

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 38 Section- II

The Blessed One replied: “Evil “Blessing! Neither fire, nor
thought is the most dangerous moisture, nor wind can destroy
thief: virtue is the most precious the blessing of good deed and it
treasure. The mind takes will reform the whole world.
possession of everything not only The angel, having heard the
on earth, but also in heaven and words of the Blessed One, was full
immortality is its securest of joy. Clasping his hands, he
treasure-trove. bowed down before him in
The angel said: “What is reverence and disappeared
attractive? What is disgusting? suddenly from the presence of
What is most horrible pain? the Buddha. (Gospel of Buddha by
What is greatest enjoyment? Paul Carus-LVIII_Buddhist Catena)
The Blessed One replied: “Good Angels visits Prophets and revise
is attractive: evil is disgusting. A their religious teachings and
bad conscience is the most philosophies. This happened
tormenting pain: salvation is the with Gautam Buddha also,
height of bliss.” Hence this indicate that he was a
The angel asked: “What causes Prophet.
ruin in the world? What breaks
off friendships? What is the most When angel asked to Gautam
violent fear? Who is the best B u d d h a w h a t i s g re a te s t
physician? enjoyment? Lord Buddha replied
salvation is the height of bliss.
The Blessed One replied:
“Ignorance causes the ruin of the God said in holy Quran that
world. Envy and selfishness break salvation is greatest success for
off friendships. Hatred is the human beings. (Holy Quran 3:
most violent fear and Buddha is 185)
the best physician.” Reply of Lord Buddha also
The angel then asked: “Now I indicate that Lord Buddha was a
have only one doubt to be solved: prophet.
Please, clear it away; what is it
which fire can neither burn, nor
moisture corrode, nor wind
crush down, but it is able to
reform the whole world?”
The Blessed One replied:

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 39 Section- II

23. Teaching of Gautam Buddha regarding
hereafter (life after death)

Ÿ Lord Gautam Buddha said, “ Brahmans village Danamati

Both in this world and the
next the evil doer laments. He Ÿ “Indeed not in sky, not in
grieves and suffers in the ocean and not on the clefts of
visualization of his sinful mountains, you will find a
deeds.” (Yamakavaggo, 15) place where you can escape
from the fruits of your evil
Ÿ “Both in this world and the action.
next the doer of the good
deeds rejoices: He rejoices Ÿ In the same way you are sure
even more and more in the to receive the blessing of your
visualization of his good action also.
m e r i t o r i o u s d e e d s .”
(Yamakavahho, 15) Ÿ The way in which a traveler
of long distance when he
Ÿ One who pursues the evil returns safely, his family and
path, he in this life and life friends wait for him and greet
after death suffers. (After him. In the same way the
death) he says “I have done fruits of his good works
this wrong”. He grieves and welcome the man who has
this further increases his walked in the path of
torments. (Yamakavahho- 15) righteousness, when he
passes over from the present
Ÿ One who walks the noble life into the hereafter”. (The
path, both now and after Gospel of Buddha, chapter of
death he rejoices. Happily he identify and non identify (LIII)).
thinks that “This good deed I
have done”. And he further Ÿ King Ashoka engraved 173
rejoices his blissful state. edicts in his ruling period,
(Copied from Lord Buddha nastik and erected them from
or astik by Anjum Faraz.) Afghanistan to Bangladesh,
Ÿ Gautam Buddha said Nepal to South India. He was
following words to born just 215 years after
Kutadanta the head of the Gautam Buddha. In majority
of edicts he wrote that by
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 40 Section- II
practicing Dhamma, one
will get heaven in hereafter.
His edict never mentioned
the word NIRVANA a single

Ÿ All Prophets taught that there

is a God, who will take
account of deeds after death.
And according to deed, He
w ill bless people w ith
Paradise if their deeds were
noble, and may punish them
in Hell if their deeds were
sinful. And an infinite life will
start after death, which is
called hereafter.

Ÿ We f i n d t e a c h i n g s o f
Hereafter in the statements of
Gautam Buddha, hence this
indicate that he was a

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 41 Section- II

24. Teaching about heaven in
Faith in Hereafter includes faith Buddha)
in hell and heaven. Then also we
write it separately to convince This again indicate that Gautam
you more clearly. Buddha was a Prophet. .

Prophets are representatives of We got Following details about

God. So as per permission of heaven in few religious book of
God, they get regular help, Buddhism.
support, communication from Shravasti is a place in Uttar
God through angels, or Pradesh in Balrampur district
sometime they visit heaven also. between Balrampur city and
God arranged the visit of Behraich city.
Prophet Mohammad (Phuh) to During the era of Gautam
heaven and worlds in the sky. Buddha, a wealthy lady use to live
This is called Meraj (Holy Quran there. Her name was Vishakha.
After embracing Buddhism, she
When soldiers of the Roman w a s f i r s t m a t ron ( g ro u p
army were searching for Jesus leader)of the lay sisters.
Christ, God lifted Jesus Christ
alive to heaven. As on today he is When Gautam Buddha visited
still alive in heaven, and will Shravasti she asked permission
descend to the earth in future to do eight noble things and
(Summary of Holy Quran 4:158). Gautma Buddha allowed her to
do so. Those noble things were as
In many edicts of Emperor follow.
Ashoka it is written that by
following Dhamma principles (1) To provide clothes to
one can get heaven. We will study Bhikshus in the rainy season.
these Edicts of Ashoka in other Because those Bhikshus who had
chapters. only one garment, after getting
wet in rain have no option other
Book of Buddhism says Gautam than to remain naked, till their
Buddha ascended to heaven to clothes dry.
bless his mother. (The Gospel of

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 42 Section- II

(2) To offer food for those Aiming at good, happy does she
incoming Bhikshus who are became, and she rejoices in her
coming from long distances. charitable actions. (Gospel of
Buddha, Chapter XXXIV- Vishakha)
(3) To offer food for outgoing
Bhikshus who start journey for Afer her death she entered
far off places. heaven. We found details of her
stay in heaven in another book,
(4) To provide food to sick which is as follows:
When the Buddha was with
(5) To provide food for Bhikshus Sarasvati, there was a woman,
who look after sick Bhikshus. very faithful and obedient to her
husband she was patient and was
(6) To provide medicine to sick not prone to anger. She never
Bhikshus. used harsh words even when she
(7) Regular supply of rice- milk was irritated. She was truthful
to sangha. and had faith in the Buddha. She
used to make offerings according
(8) Bathing clothes to bhikshin to her means. After death, she was
(lady followers). reborn in the Tavatimsa heaven.
Her palace or vimana was
For her these noble work adorned with things of beauty
Gautam Buddha blessed her in and joy, and she was surrounded
following words. by an atmosphere of refinement.
“ O noble woman of an upright There was the konca or kranka,
(pious) life, follower of blessed the bird celebrated by poets;
one (Gautam Buddha) you give There were the swans of heavenly
generously with purity of heart form and the cukko with its sweet
(selflessly). By this you spread joy coo. The vimana was full of
.Certainly your gift will be flowers on every side, decorated
blessing to you as well as to with beautiful objects and full of
others. men and women. She reinged
there as goddess, surrounded by
A blessed life does she attain, apsaras who danced and sang
entering upon the path, which is and made themselves merry in
free from corruption and every way. She emitted light and
impurity. her beautiful complexion threw a
halo of glory all around. She
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 43 Section- II
related her past history to
Ma h a m o g g a l l a n a .
(Patibattavimana- Vimanavatthu,
commentary, pp 56-57) ( Lord Buddha,
Nastik or Astik, page- 69)

Hell and heaven are created by

God, controlled by God, and also
allotted by God, as per deed of
human being. This is teaching of
all divine religion. Same teaching
we find in statement of Lord
Gautam Buddha, hence these
indicate that Lord Buddha was a

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 44 Section- II

25. Teachings about Hell in
We get clear reference of goes to hell (nirayam upeti). He
punishment of hell in Anguttara, also, who having done a thing
Nikaya, Samyutta Nikaya, says “I did not do it”. After death
Majjhim Nikaya. According to both become equal, being men
Buddhist scriptures there are with evil deeds, in the next
sixteen hells. Out of sixteen, existence. ( 3 0 6 - Ni r ayav a g g o,
eight are hot and eight are cold. Dhammapada)
Their names are as follow. Many individuals who are clad in
Name of hot hell are yellow robes are ill behaved and
unrestrained. Such evil doers by
(1) Vanjiva their evil deeds go to hell.
(2) Kala Sutra (nirayam te upapajjare)
(3) Samghata (307-Nirayavaggo, Dhammapada)
(4) Raurava
(5) Maharaurava An unthinking man who courts
(6) Tapana others wife, gains four things.
(7) Parata pana Reduction in religions status,
(8) Avig loss of peace of mind,
humiliation, and hell after death.
Name of cold hell are
(nirayam chattuttam)
(1) Arbuda
(2) Niravbuda (309-Nirayavaggo, Dhammapada)
(3) Atata
(4) Hahava As a blade of grass when wrongly
(5) Huhuva handled cuts the hand, so also
(6) Utpala asceticism when wrongly tried,
(7) Padma leads to hell. (nirayaya
(8) Maha Padma upakaddhati)
(311-Nirayavaggo, Dhammapada)
It is difficult to describe all the
sixteen hells. For general As a frontier town is well guarded
information of people we within and from outside, so
mention only few references of guard the self (soul). Do not let a
hell from Dhammapada, moment glide by (carelessly),
chapter- Nirayavaggo. those who allow the moments
He who speaks what is not true, pass by (waste their time), they

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 45 Section- II

suffer and they are consigned to is wearisome to me. I will
hell. (nirayam hi samappita) therefor teach you the mirror of
(315-Nirayavaggo, Dhammapada)
“Hell is destroyed for me, and
An actor said to Gautam Buddha
rebirth as an animal or a ghost or
that I have heard that when an
in any place of woe is not for me.
comedian dies he get rebirth in
I am converted. I am no longer
company of laughting angels.
liable to be reborn in a state of
What do you say about him?
suffering and I am assured of my
Gautam Buddha said: final salvation.”
(The Gospel of buddha. The mirror
If a person has passion, and if of truth XCI)
comedian inspire to increase his (The Mahaparinibbana suttanta. The
book of the great Deceate. Vol-XI of the
passion. If a person has aversion sacred books of the east . oxford 1881)
(dislike), and comedian on stage
motivate him for more aversion. The sentence “ I am assured of
If a person has delusion my final salvation” indicates that
( m i su n der s t a n d i n g a b o ut Gautma Buddha is not God, and
reality) and comedian increases he is not going to give salvation
his delusion. Then comedian to his follower. But he was
actor himself is intoxicated and believing in Almighty God and
heedless and after death he will he was sure that Almighty God
be reborn in hell of laughter. will surely give him salvation, as
(Talaputa sutta samyutta Nikaya 42)
he is from the elite group of
At the time of the death of
Gautam Buddha he said to
Gautam Buddha said hell is
destroyed for me, or hell is not
“Men are anxious about death for me. This word no one can
and their fate after death, but speak so confidently except
there is nothing strange in this, prophets. Hence this indicate
Ananda, that a human being that Gautam Buddha was a
should die. prophet.
However that you have inquired
about death, and having heard
the truth about death, and still
you are anxious about death, this
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 46 Section- II
26. Prediction About (doomsday) Qayamat
By Gautam Buddha
In the teachings of Gautam evaporation of great lakes.
Buddha we find the details of
After long laps of time the fifth
Qayamat (parlay / doomsday).
sun will appear resulting in
Few such references are as follow.
drying up of the ocean.
1. Gautam Buddha said “There
After long laps of time the six
will come a time when the
Sun will appear. The earths core
mighty ocean will dry up, vanish
and crest will heat up to intense
and will be no more. There will
temperature, resulting in many
come a time when the mighty
volcanic explosions, scorching
earth will be devoured by fire. It
earth and smoke filled sky.
will perish and will be no more.
(S.22.99 Gautam Buddha Sutta) And after a long interval of time
seventh sun will appear and
Summary of prediction about earth will become a fire ball of
the end of the world by Gautam flame and expand. Finally it will
Buddha is as follow; explode and disappear
altogether. (Saptha Suriyodgaman
Earth will suffer severe drought Suttha).
due to lack of rain. All vegetation
and life forms will disappear and Analysis:-
vanish from the planet.
If we analyze it again, we feel that
After some period of time along initial severe drought will be due
with the first sun second Sun will to green house effect.
also appear on the horizon
resulting in evaporation of many Appearance of second, third Sun
streams and ponds. etc will be due to the dying sun,
which will expand, and will
After some period of time the engulf plants of solar system,
third Sun will also appear, and they will shine due to hot
resulting in evaporation of great gases of Sun.
rivers like the Ganges.
To understand this more clearly
After long laps of time the fourth please read chapter in section 3
Sun will appear, resulting in of this book. Which is with title

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 47 Section- II

“How will Doomsday
(Qayamat) occur?”
As prediction of Gautam
Buddha is correct scientifically
as well as religiously, which we
have discussed in section- 3.
Hence this indicate that he was a
messenger of God, and he
received this knowledge from

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 48 Section- II

27.Gautam Buddha predicted about
In ancient time it was difficult to Gautam Buddha said following
travel from one continent to words about the Last Prophet.
another or from one country to
“ I am not the first Buddha who
another. But since last 1500 years,
came upon earth., nor shall I be
due to ships, people are able to
the last. In due time another
travel to far-off places also.
Buddha will arise in the world , a
Hence in ancient time God use to Holy one, a supremely
send His Messengers for one enlightened one, endowed with
community or for one country wisdom in conduct, auspicious,
only. But when major places of knowing the universe, an
world become accessible God incomparable leader of men , a
sent His last Prophet and a book master of angels and mortals. He
which God himself decided to will reveal to you the same
protect from fabrication and eternal truths which I have
manipulation. taught you. He will preach his
religion, glorious in its origin,
Last Prophet will be the savior of
glorious at the climax and
mankind, this prediction was
glorious at the goal, sprit and
made by every prophet. Meaning
teaching. He will proclaim a
of the name of last Prophet was
religious life, wholly perfect and
“The Praised One”. Hence every
pure, such as I now proclaim. His
Prophet gave name to last
disciples will number many
Prophet in their local language,
thousand, while mine number
but meaning of all the names
many hundred.”
were same. That is “The Praised
One”. Ananda said, How shall we know
Prophet Zoaraster of Parsi
religion simply said Arabic The blessed one said,“He will be
prophet with magical speech. known as Maitreya. ( Metteyya)
Jesus Christ named him Paraclet ( The Gospel of Buddha by Paul Carus.
or Comforter. In Sanatan Dharm chapter no. XCVI. Metteyya).
books we get his name as
Narashangsa. Nara means Man I am not the first Buddha who
and Shangsa means Praised One. came upon the earth, nor shell I
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 49 Section- II
be the last.

Such statement only prophets

speak. This indicates the Lord
Buddha was a prophet.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 50 Section- II

28. Gautam Buddha predicted about
Amitabh Buddha
Please read details about the First language, and second book was
soul in section. 3. Knowledge found in Spanish. Then it was
about First Soul is extremely translated into many languages.
secret. And details about him is
In this gospel in chapter no.12
very difficult to understand. And
Jesus Christ says , “Blessed is the
this secret is only revealed by God
name of God, who created first
to Messengers.
soul Holy spirit before the all
Rig Veda is the word of God. We creatures.” (Gospel of Barnabas
chapter- 12)
don't know to whom God
revealed it. But Rig Veda has In chapter no. 44 Jesus Christ
many details of the First Soul in said, “It will be most auspicious
name of Agni. day when first soul Holy spirit
will take birth on earth. Believe
Jesus Christ has described the
me I have seen him. And
first soul to his followers. We get
expressed my respect to him.
this detail from Gospel of
Because from the first soul Holy
spirit God gave knowledge of
Barnabas was a companion of prophethood to me. (Gospel of
Jesus christ. After departure of Barnabas, chapter- 44)
Jesus christ Barnabas wrote
down the teachings of Jesus Gautam Buddha described first
Christ in form of a book which is soul (Amitabh Buddha) to his
called “ Gospel of Barnabas”. This followers in the following words,
book says Jesus Christ was a Amitabha, the unbounded light,
prophet, hence this book was is the source of wisdom, of virtue
banned in Europe, and keeping of Buddhahood . (The Gospel of
Buddha LX)
this book in house was a crime.
Hence this book remained Only a prophet knows these fact
unknown far long time. and tells his follower. Hence this
indicate that Gautam Buddha
In t h e b e g i n n i n g o f t h e was a prophet.
eighteenth century one copy of
this Bible was found in the
library of Amsterdam in Italian

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 51 Section- II

29. Views of Gautam Buddha Regarding
Soul & Spirit
Soul: self.
We can get knowledge about soul Nature of Soul:-
from the following shlok of
Bhagwat Gita. God says in holy Quran “By the
soul, and how He formed it,
Arjun said, who is that brahm then inspired it to understand
(God). What is individual soul what is right and wrong for it.
(self). What is karma (of) the He who purifies soul will indeed
supreme entity (God). And who be successful, and he who
is called lord of all creatures. corrupts it, is sure to fail. (Surah
Who is called the lord of devatas Ash- Shams (91), Ayat -10)
(angels) ? (Bhagwat Gita. 8:1) By the soul and how He
(Who is) The lord (for whom) formed it, means God swears
prayers are performed, and O that He has created the soul in the
Krishna, who (is present) here best possible form.
(in this world) in this body. At the From these verses we can
time of death by controlling understand that soul could be
mind how He (God) can be purified or corrupted.
known (remembered)? (Bhagwat
Gita. 8:2) We get S imilar teaching in
Bhagwat Gita also, which are as
God said, the supreme, follows:
indestructible (entity) is called
Brahm or God. Every human Indeed human being (should)
being has a nature (or elevate his soul. Human being
personality which) is called the should not degrade (his soul).
soul (self ). After creating (As) soul (is) friend of human
creature, assigning a function to being, as well as soul (is) enemy
individual creature is karam. (or of human being. (Bhagwat Gita. 6:5)
deed of God for managing the
universe). (Bhagwat Gita. 8:3) The person by whom the soul is
conquered, for him soul becomes
What we learn from these shloks a friend. But the same soul of the
is that soul is our personality or person, (which remains)
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 52 Section- II
unconquered that remains being.
enemy and certainly (acts) like
Spirit is not an existing thing,
an enemy. (Bhagwat Gita. 6:6)
it is like our memory, which is
What we learn from above shlok there, but could not be viewed or
of Bhagwat Gita is that the soul measured.
could be purified or corrupted.
As spirit is puffed by God hence it
We have given complete details is always remain pious and never
about soul in section. 3. get corrupted by sin. Neither it
could be corrupted by any other
Statement of Gautam means.
Buddha Regarding Soul :
It always guides human being to
the right path. This spirit also
Gautam Buddha mentioned called as Antar-atma, or Rooh or
the following words about self or conscience.
(Please read introduction of
The doctrine of the conquest spirit in section.3 to have more
of self, O Simba, is not taught information about soul & spirit.)
to destroy the soul of men, but
to preserve them. He who has Gautam Buddha said
conquered his self is more fit following words about spirit:
to live, to be successful, and to
gain victories, than he who is The bodhi is eternal and it
the slave of self. dominates all existences as the
(Gospel of Buddha - Para-26,
chapter L1, The Questions of King good law guiding all beings in
Milinda- page. 254-256) their search for truth.
(Gospel of Buddha L II- para-7 ). (A
Spirit: catena of Buddhist scriptures from
Chinese by Samuel Beal. page. 15)
We have discussed in details
about the spirit in section 3. Bodhi mean, wisdom, or divine
Summary of that chapter is as intelligence. We call it spirit.
God is infinite intelligence. He
has puffed some small and finite Those who explain the teachings
amount of intelligence in human of Gautam Buddha are not
convinced with the concept of
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 53 Section- II
soul, spirit, life, and divine
wisdom .
So what they explain about
words of Gautam Buddha as per
their own understanding are very
difficult to understand in the
light of holy Quran, holy Bible or
Shrimad Bhagwat Gita.
Hence I could not write much
about the teachings of Gautam
Buddha related to soul and spirit.
But only two lines which I copied
are sufficient to indicate that
their was clear concept of soul
and spirit in the original
teachings of Gautam Buddha.

Gautam Buddha correctly

identified soul and spirit
separately, and what he described
about soul and spirit is same as
what is described in Quran, Bible
and Bhagwat Gita, hence this
indicate that he was from the elite
group of prophets.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 54 Section- II

30. Interaction of Gautam Buddha
with Mara
In Buddhisim Devil or Shaitan is and you will be able to do good
called Mara. In religious books of works.”
Buddhism Mara is described at
various occassion and in various When Gautam Buddha refused
ways. Some of which are as Mara left him. (The Gospel Of
follows: Buddha X-4, SN, V.445)

On the birth of Gautam Buddha When Gautam Buddha sat below

every creature of universe was the Bodhi tree for meditation just
happy except Mara. He was before receiving enlightenment,
grieving. (The Gospel of Buddha IV- Mara appeared with his three
10 Fo, VV, 22-24) daughters, and full army. And
tried his best to distract or
When Gautam Buddha was frighten Gautam Buddha. But
leaving his palace, Mara stood at Gautam Buddha remained calm.
the gate and stopped him and (The gospel of Buddha XI-1-10)
said. “O my lord, please don't
depart. In seven days from now When Gautam Buddha got
the wheel of empire will turn, and enlightenment, Mara came again
will make you sovereign over the and said ,“Be greeted, O Holy one.
four continents and the two You have attained the highest
thousand adjacent islands. bliss, and it is time for you to enter
Therefore, stay, my lord. into the final Nirvana.”
Final Nirvana is attained after
Gautam Buddha did not listen to death. So again Mara was
him, and proceeded. (The Gospel of directing toward such an act by
Buddha VII-23) which mankind will remain
When Gautam Buddha was without guidance of Gautam
meditating and doing severe Buddha. But Brahma, the deity
fasting for six years and became descended from heaven and said,
too weak, at that time Mara “Alas, the world will perish, if the
appeared and said, “You became holy one, the Tathagata (Gautam
very thin because of fasting, and Buddha) decides not to teach
death is near. What good is your Dhamma.”
exertion? Do something to live, And Gautam Buddha decided to
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 55 Section- II
preach Dhamma to mankind. At that time Mara said,
(The Gospel of Buddha XIV-7-15)
So long as to the things
The first converts to Buddhism
were two merchants, whose Called ‘Mine’ and ‘I’ and ‘Me’.
description is as follows. “And the Your anxious heart still clings.
Gautam Buddha addressed them From My snare you cannot flee”
and pointed out to them the way
of salvation. The two merchants, To Mara a faithful disciple replies.
conceiving in their mind the not mine not me
holiness of the conqueror of
Mara, bowed down in respect and The self I do not mind
s a i d , “ Bu d d h a m s h a r n a m Thus Mara, I tell you
gachchani, Dhammam sharnam My path you cannot find
gachchami, sangham sharnam
(The Gospel of Buddha XL-25-29)
Tapussa and Bhallika were the Gautam Guddha motivated his
first, who became followers of the follower in the following words,
Gautam Buddha, and they were when they promised to follows
lay disciples. (The Gospel of Buddha Gautam Buddha’s teaching.
"The Tathagata (Buddha) is like a
While addressing King Pasenadi powerful king, who rules his
of Kosala, Gautam Buddha said, kingdom with righteousness, but
“Persistent desire for pleasure is being attacked by envious
dangerous and it is common to enemies. He goes out to wage a
all. It carries away the world. He war against his foes. When the
who is involed in its eddies find king sees his soldiers fight bravely,
no escape. But wisdom is the he is delighted with their
handy boat, analysis and thinking gallantry, and bestows upon
is the rudder. The teaching of them gifts of all kinds.
religion calls you to overcome the (O my followers) You are the
assaults of Mara, the enemy”. (The soldiers of the Tathagata
Gospel of Buddha XXV-29) (Buddha), while Mara, the Evil
One, is the enemy who must be
Once Gautam Buddha said, “ One conquered. And the Tathagata
who abandons all thoughts of ego (Gautam Buddha) will give to his
escapes from the net of evil Mara. soldiers the city of Nirvana, the
great capital of the good law. And
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 56 Section- II
when the enemy is overcome, the tempter, will certainly defeat, as
Dharma-raja, the great king of the wind throws down a weak
truth, will bestow upon all his tree.
disciples the most precious crown
which brings perfect He who lives without looking for
enlightenment, supreme pleasures, his senses remain well-
wisdom, and undisturbed peace." controlled so he remains
(The Gospel of Buddha-Page-130-Para moderate in his food, and he is
no-XLVII-25-26) faithful and strong. To him Mara
will certainly not overthrow, any
Gautam Buddha while explaing more, similar to the wind throws
his religion(The dhammapada) down a rocky mountain. (The
mentioned Mara in the following Gospel of Buddha-XL VII-22)
In some occasion when Gautam
This is the Dhammapada, the Buddha finished his preaching
path of religion, pursued by those his follower praised him in the
who are followers of the Buddha. following words.
Creatures from mind, drive their
character. They are mind-made. "Hearty respect to you, O noble
Mind is the source either of bliss sage, Heartly respect to you, O
or of corruption. By oneself evil is best being; in the world of men
done; by oneself one suffers; by and angels. There is none equal
oneself evil is left undone; by to you. "You are the Buddha, you
oneself one is purified. Purity and are the Master, you are the muni
impurity belong to oneself, no that conquers Mara; after having
one can purify another. You cut off desire. You have crossed
yourself must make an effort. The over and carried this generation
Tathagatas (Gautam Buddha) are to the other shore.” (The Gospel of
Buddha- LIX, 18 19)
only preachers. The thoughtful
person who enters the right path At the time of the announcement
are freed from the bondage of of his death Gautam Buddha said
Mara. (The Gospel of Buddha-XL to Ananda.
"Long ago, Ananda, Mara, the
Gautam Buddha said, He who Evil One, approached the holy
lives for pleasure only, his senses Buddha three times to tempt
remains uncontrolled., He him."And now, Ananda, Mara,
remains immoderate in his food, the Evil One, came again today to
idle, and weak. To him Mara, the
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 57 Section- II
the place where I was, and, Devil mentioned in Islam,
standing beside me, addressed Christianity and other religions.
me in the same words as he did Some of them are as follows:
when I was resting under the
shepherd's Nigrodha tree on the Devil mislead Adam and Eve and
bank of the Nerañjar river instigated them to disobey God
(before enlightenment): 'Be by eating forbidden things. (Bible,
greeted, O Holy One. you have Genesis- Chapter-3)
attained the highest bliss and it is In the Holy Quran we get
time for you to enter into the final following details of Prophet Job
Nirvana.' "And when Mara had (Ayub) whom the devil troubled.
thus spoken, O Ananda, I
answered him and said: 'Make God says in Holy Quran, “And
yourself happy, O wicked one; the remember our worshiper Job,
final extinction of the tathagatas when he called to his Lord
(Gautam Buddha) will take place (God)(and said)”, Indeed, Devil
very soon.'" (The Gospel of Buddha- has touched me with hardship
XCIV-1-3) and torment.” (Holy Quran- Saad
(38) Ayat 41)
Explanation :- First time Mara (That means I am suffering
tried to stop Gautam Buddha because of the devil)
when he was leaving the palace.
Once Prophet Muhammad
The second time Mara tried to (PBUH) was performing prayer
disturb Gautam Buddha through at night alone in the Mosque,
his daughter and all evil forces. Devil came and tried to distract
When he was about to get h i m p h y s i c a l l y. P r o p h e t
enlightenment. Muhammad (PBUH) over
powered him, and tied him to a
The third time Mara tried to mosque’s pillar, and released him
isolate Gautam Buddha from in morning.” (Bukhari Sharif)
mankind by advising him to
proceed for final Nirvana. (That (Note:- Devil cannot be killed. As
is to leaves this world and proceed God has allowed him to remain
for heaven) alive till Qayamat)

So the description to the Mara, as The Devil misleads and distracts

described by Gautam Buddha is common people mentally, and
same as description of Shaitan or remain invisible. But to prophets

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 58 Section- II

he became visible and talked to himself never get distracted by
them and distracted them Mara, Hence this indicate that
directly. Gautam Buddha was also a
God said in the holy Quran “O
mankind, remember the favor of
God upon you. Is there any
creator other God who provides
(sustenance) for you from the
heaven (sky) and earth? There is
no deity except Him, so how are
you deluded?
(O Muhammad) if they reject
you (as messenger of God then)
messengers before you were also
rejected. (So don't worry about it
as) all matters are returned to
God. (Then God will tell them
what was right).
O mankind! The promises of
God is true. Let not the life of this
world deceive you, nor let the
Devil deceive you about God.
(Surah-Al Fatir (35), verse 3-5)

God said to the devil “Surely, you

shall have no power over my true
w o r s h i p e r, e x c e p t t h o s e
misguided ones who choose to
follow you. (holy Quran Al- Hijr (15,
verse 42)

As Devil was visible to Gautam

Buddha and tried to distract him
many times, And Gautam
Buddha knew that Mara is evil
and deceiver and he warned his
followers about him, and he
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 59 Section- II
31. Name of Gautam buddha is believed to
be in holy Quran
In holy the Quran two verses are Gautam Buddha.
as follows: In surah Tin (95) verse 1-3. of
holy Quran God says “I swear by
(1) (God said)Remember the fig and the olive, Mount Sinai
Ishrael and Idris and Zul Kifil. and this secure city (Makkah)”.
They were all patient and Scholars analyse this ayat as
steadfast, we admited them to follows:
our mercy. They were all
righteous men. ( Surah Al Ambiya Secure city is Makkah in which
(21) Ayat 85-86) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) got
(2) (God said)And remember On Mount Sinai Prophet Moses
Ishrael, Elisha, Zulkifil, and all
(AS) got prophethood.
are among the virtuous people.
(Sure Saad (38) Ayat 48)
Palestine is land of olive in which
Muslim scholars are not sure Jesus Christ took birth as
about the identity of Zulkifil. As prophet. But to whom is fig
he does not belong to family tree related?
of any known Prophets of Arab
Gautam Buddha got
enlightenment below wild fig
Because of two reasons Indian tree (Bodhi or Bo tree). Hence it
scholars guess that it is said for is guessed that Gautam Buddha
Gautam Buddha. These two is mentioned in this verse, so he
guesses are as follow. is also a prophet.
Zul means belongs to. In Hindi Above-mentioned both
we will call it as wala. There is no justifications are only guess
alphabet p in Arabic language. So work, but most Indian Muslim
p is pronounced as f. If we have to scholars guess (or assume)
write Kapil in Arabic it will be Gautam Buddha to be a prophet.
written as Kafil. Zulkifil could be
guessed as Kapil wala. Or one
who belongs to Kapil. And
Kapilvastu is birth place of

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 60 Section- II

32. Teaching of Lord Buddha was as per
need and culture of society
God said in the holy Quran that caste and illiterate. God sent
we have sent messenger in every Gautam Buddha with such a
nation. (16:36) simple teaching that even
illiterate human beings can easily
In another verse God says “each
understand it, and easily practice
messenger we have sent has
it, and also become as successful
spoken in the language of his
in hereafter as a highly learned
own people. So that he could
religious person.
explain ( their message to them
more clearly).” (Sure Ibrahim (14), Teaching of Gautam Buddha
verse 4) raises human being from caste
Moses was prophet for Egypt system of society and makes
nation. Egyptians were expert in them equal to all human beings.
magic so God gave Moses And this was desperate need of
miracle of a wood stick, which society in India in 563 BC.
used to be become snake. Hence on basis of these two facts
my opinion is that God sent Lord
Jesus Christ was prophet for such Gautam Buddha as a prophet for
people who were highly cultured, Indian people in 563 BC, to free
due to influence of Greek. So them from bondage of
God gave Jesus Christ such untouchability and illiteracy.
miracle by which he used to cure
incurable lepers and blind
Arabic language is highly
developed language, same as
Sanskrit. Arabians were expert in
Arabic literature. So God gave
prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) a
masterpiece of literature in the
form of the holy Quran.
In India only higher caste people
were eligible for education, and
majority of people were of lower
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 61 Section- II
33. Teachings of Gautam Buddha
Regarding God
A religious scholor generally says A warrior in the holy war asked
that “you recite this prayer and Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)
God will forgive you.” A priest that if I donate all my property
generally says that “you perform and die in this holy war will I get
this ritual and God will forgive heaven? Prophet Muhammad
you”. Only a prophet says that “if (Pbuh) said if you have taken
you do some thing wrong with loan of even a small amount,
another human being, even after and if don't return it, you will not
performing all types of prayers get heaven.
and all types of religious ritual
God will not forgive you, unless Gautam Buddha said whatever
you compensate that human good deed you did. You will
being”. receive benefit of it, and
whatever bad deed you did, you
Heaven cannot be achieved by will suffer because of it, and sins
prayer and ritual only. A prophet cannot be forgiven by
knows and says this fact very performing rituals.
Because of his clear views and
God said in the holy Quran, “On religious teachings my opinion is
that day (Doomsday) the people that he was a prophet. We will
will come forward in separate study His teaching regarding
groups to be shown their deeds. God and relig ion in the
Whoever has done the smallest following chapters.
particle (act) of good will see it,
while whoever has done the
To understand the views of
smallest particle (act) of evil will
Gautam Buddha regarding God
see it. (Surah Al- Zalzala (99)
we will read two chapters from
verse 7-8)
the book “The Gospel of
Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) Buddha”. The first chapter is
said to his daughter Hazrat chapter no. XXV with title
Fatima (RA) and aunt (Hazrat “Anathapindika”.and second one
Safiya) that don't think that is “Two brahmins” (chapter no.
being relative of a prophet you XLIX). We have described
will get heaven. You have to give summary of these two chapters
account of your deeds to God. in the next two chapters .
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 62 Section- II
34. Story of Anathapindika
Anathapindika was a world is empty like a fantasy”.
businessman, super rich and of
Then Gautam Buddha said,
noble character. He used to
“Who is it , that shapes our lives?
donate lots of money, hence he
(create miseries or happiness in
was called as Anathapindika,
our life?). If Ishvara (Deity
which means. “The supporter of
Brahma) be the maker, all living
the orphans, and the friend of
should have silently submited to
the poor”.
their maker’s power. If the
Once he visited a place called (condition of human beings and
Rajagriha, (which is near Gaya in human society) of the world had
Bihar) and heard that a Buddha been made by Ishvara, there
had come into the world, and should be no such things as
now he is present in Bamboo sorrow or calamity or sin (in life
grove near the city. Immediately of human being), as both pure
Anathapindika set out to meet and impure deeds must come
him. from Ishvara. If not, there would
be another cause of miseries
When Anathapindika came face
beside Ishvara. Thus you see the
to face with Gautam Buddha,
thought of Ishvara (for living
Gautam Buddha sensed the
condition of human being) is
noble and pious qualities of
over thrown.
Anathapindika’s heart, and
greeted him with words of Again if it is said that the
religious comfort. They sat down Absolute (Almighty God) has
together and Anathapindika created us (That mean living
listened to the sweetness of the condition of human life and
truth preached by the holy one. society is because of Almighty
Gautam Buddha said,“I declare God). But that which is absolute
the restless, busy nature of the (Almighty) cannot be cause (of
world, this, as the root cause of miseries in life of human being).
pain (in human life. To avoid Eve r y t h i n g ( s i t u a t i o n o r
this) Attain that composure of condition) around us come from
mind which is resting in peace of some cause, similar to the plant
immortality. Self is but a heap of growing from the seed, but how
composite qualities and it’s can the absolute (Almighty God)

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 63 Section- II

be the cause of all things maker, but our deed produces
(miseries and happiness) alike results both good and evil.”
(in our life). If Absolute
(Almighty God) pervades them The whole world is under the law
(keep all living being alive) then of causation and the cause which
certainly it does not make them creates miseries and prosperity
(does not make or create is not imaginary (mental, but it
miseries in human life). is our practical deed).
Let us then, surrender the wrong
Again if it is said that self is the belief that by worshiping Ishvara
maker. But if self is the maker, and praying to him (will nullify
why did he not make things the effect of wrong deed which
pleasing? The cause of sorrow we perform).
and joy are real and objective
Let us surrender self (ego), and
(They come in existence due to
all selfishness, and as all things
physical acts). How can they
are fixed by causation, Let us
have been made by (Invisible)
practice good deeds so that good
may result from our acts.
“Again, if you adopt the
(Note: The words in bracket are
argument that there is no maker
written by us. We did, This so
(of our living condition). Our
that the meaning of statement
condition is decided by our
could be understood properly.
destiny, and there is no cause of
Gautam Buddha was more
our miseries. Then what is the
concerned about cause of
use of struggling hard to
miseries in human life. Hence
improve ourself. As whatever is
his statements are generally
going to happen w ill be
related to miseries and
according to fate only.
happiness in life. Gautam
Therefore, we argue that all Buddha never discussed about
things (condition of human existence of God. So his
being) that exist are not without statement should not be
a cause. However, neither analyzed in that prospective).
Ishvara (Deity Brahma), nor the
From this chapter
Absolute (Almighty God) nor
(Anathapindika), it is clear that
the s e lf ( Na f s/S ou l ) nor
Gautam Buddha acknowledged
causeless chance (destiny) is the
the existence of Absolute
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 64 Section- II
(Almighty God). He never said
that there is no existence of God,
or you should not worship God,
or I am God and you worship
Gautam Buddha was extremely
concerned about miseries in life.
And he wanted that miseries
should end from life of human
beings. So he preached those
actions, faith and deeds which
end the miseries in life of human
being and make them successful
after death.
In this chapter he said stop or
removed the faith that by
worshiping God the bad deed
which we do with other human
being could be washed away.
And he was perfectly right as per
Islamic teachings.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 65 Section- II

35. Story Of Two Brahmins

Once when Gautam Buddha was village Manasakrita. Similarly

traveling through Kosala he there are various paths of
came to a village in which only worship. Do all path leads to
Brahmins lived. Village was union will Brahm?”
known as Manasakrita. Nearby Gautam Buddha asked them
that village he stayed in a Mango “Do you think that all paths are
grove. right?”
Two young Brahmins came to Both answered and said: “Yes,
him, who were of different Gautama, we think so.”
schools of belief. One was Gautam Buddha then asked
Va s i s h t a and the other “Has any Brahmin, seen Brahm
Bharadvaja. face to face?”
Vasistha said to Gautam Buddha, “No, sir!” was the reply.
“We have a dispute about the Gautam Buddha asked “Has any
true path. I say the straight path teacher of the Brahmins seen
which leads to the union with Brahm face to face?”
Brahm is that which has been
The two Brahmin said “No, sir”
announced by the Brahmin
Gautam Buddha asked “Has
Paushkarasadi, while my friend
anyone of the authors of the
says the straight path which leads
Vedas seen Brahm face to face?”
to the union with Brahm is that The two Brahmin said “No, sir”
which has been announced by Then Gautam Buddha gave an
the Brahmin Tarukshya.” example, he said “If a man starts
“O Gautam Buddha, you have constructing a staircase near the
high reputation as enlightened junction where four roads
one and teacher of the men and crosses, to reach a house in the
gods. We have come to ask you air. And if someone asks him“O
the right path. friend! do you know about the
house for which you are making
There are many roads around
the staircase? Whether it is on
our village and all leads to our
east or west, or south or north?
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 66 Section- II
or it is at high, medium or low “Certainly not, Gautama,” was
level?” And the person their reply.
constructing staircase says “I “This is what Brahmins do”.
don't know about the house.” They omit the practice of those
Then what you will say about the qualities which realy make a man
person who is constructing the a Brahmin and they say: Indra,
staircase? Would you not say we call upon you: Soma, we call
that the act of that man was upon you, Varuna, we call upon
foolish?” you, Brahma, we call upon you.
“Indeed, Gautama” said the two Indeed, it is not possible that
Brahmins “It would be a foolish these Brahmins, on account of
act”. their invocations, prayers and
Gautam Buddha continued, praises should after death be
“Then Brahmins should says, united with Brahm”.
“We show you the way for union Gautam Buddha continued and
with Brahm, which neither we said “Now tell me, what do
know nor we have seen”. Brahmins say about Brahm? Is
“This is being the substances of his mind full of lust?” And when
Brahmin’s teaching. Is it not a the two young Brahmin denied
useless teaching?” “Yes indeed” the questions, Gautam Buddha
replied Bharadvaja. asked: Is Brahm’s mind full of
malice, sloth or pride?” “No sir”
Gautam Buddha said “It is was the reply, and Gautam
impossible that Brahmins Buddha went on “But are
teaching will show the path by Brahmins free of these
which one can unite with qualities?”“No sir” said Vasistha.
Brahm.” The holy one said. “ The
Now suppose a man has some Brahmins cling to five things
work on the other side of the which is leading to worldliness
river. And instead of crossing it and yield to the temptations of
he starts praying to bring other the senses. They are entangled in
side of river to his side. Do you the five hindrances, that is lust,
think that the other side of the malice, sloth, pride and doubt.
river bank will come to his side. Then how can they be united to

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 67 Section- II

that entity which is most unlike and my doctrine is lovely in its
to their nature? Therefore the origin, lovely in its progress,
t h re e f o l d w i s d o m o f t h e lovely in its consummation. I
Brahmins are waterless desert, a reveal the higher life in its purity
pathless jungle and a hopeless and perfection.
seclusion.” I let my mind to pervade the four
When Gautam Buddha quarters of the world with
mentioned this, one Brahmin thoughts of love. And thus the
said, “We are told, that you are whole wide world, above, below,
enlightened one, and you know around and everywhere will
the path to union with Brahm”. continue to be filled with love,
Gautam Buddha replied,“What far-reaching, grown great and
do you think about a man who beyond measure.”
was born and brought up in the Just as a mighty trumpeter makes
village Manasakrita? Would he be himself heard and that without
in doubt about the straight path difficulty, in all the four quarters
from this spot to village of the earth, so is the coming of
Manasakrita?” the Buddha.
“Certainly not, O Gautama” There is no living creature that
“Thus,” replied Buddha., I know the Buddha passes by or takes
the straight path that leads to leave from, but regards or treats
union with Brahm. I knows it as them all with an unbaised mind
one who has enter at the world of and a deep-seated love.
Brahm and has been born in it. The sign that a man is following a
There can be no doubt about it.” right path is that he is delighted
And the two young Brahmins in doing a good deed and take
said: “If you know the way then extreme precaution to avoid
pleases show it to us.” wrong deeds. He trains himself to
And then Gautam Buddha said: follow the rules of morality and
“I see the universe face to face, practises it in his words and
and understand its nature. I deeds.
proclaim the truth both in its He earns money which is pure,
(words) letter and in its spirit, His conduct is good, and he
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 68 Section- II
guards his senses, and always you have to adopt pious nature as
remains mindful and self desire by God. Religious priest do
possessed. He always remains not desert lust, malice, slooth,
happy (and peaceful). pride, doubt and worldliness,
He who walks in the eightfold Hence following them you will
noble path with firm never get success. By following
determination is sure to reach eight fold path one can please
N i r v a n a . T h e Ta t h a g a t a God and earn His blessing.
(Buddha) anxiously watches over Wor ship of God in
his children (followers) and with Buddhism:
loving care helps them to see the
light. ( Salvation). King Ashoka was emperor But
after embracing buddhism he
Little chicken are very Fragile and became more and more
weak then also they break the de d i c a te d to te a ch i n g of
shell of egg and come out in to buddhism. He joined Sangha
the light of the world. also.
Similarly brothers (common He was emperor but become a
man) who with firm saint. If people calls him emperor
determination walk on the noble than it may be insult to him,
path are sure to come into the because saint has higher status
light, sure to attain the highest than emperor. So people use to
call him “Devanamppiya” which
bliss of enlightenment. means Beloved- of- the- God.
When a Muslim takes name of a
End of Chapter saint they say “Rehma- tulla-
aleh”. Means “May blessing of
Please read this chapter again and God be on him”. .
find out what wrong Gautam
Buddha said about God. He Similarly peoples were calling
never denied existence of God. E m p e r o r A s h o k a
He never said that don't worship Devanamppiya, which means
God. Meaning of his teaching is beloved of God. When people
that if you want to please God, if believe and accept God as highest
you want to earn His blessing or authority, then only will they
want to unit with Brahm, Than associate the highest ranking
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 69 Section- II
person in their country to God.
Otherwise to such an entity to
whom neither they believe nor
they pray, then why will they ever
associate the saint like emperor
to him.
Because of this I believe that
during the period of Emperor
Ashoka followers of Buddhism
were believing and worshiping

In the edicts of Emperor Ashoka

we get many description and
references of heaven, next world
(hereafter), charity and fasting.
All these are related to one God
only, hence these facts also
support our belief that during
the reign of Emperor Ashoka,
followers of Buddhism were
believing and worshiping God.
But that worship was not by any
ritual, but by obeying and
practicing commandments of
God, and that is by following
principles of Dhamma .
In the following chapters we will
explain the meaning of Dhamma

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 70 Section- II

36. Meaning Of Dhamma
To understand the meaning of And for auspicious nature. And
Dhamma let us study a few in this way, this (word) is used
shloks of Bhagwat Gita and one for auspicious activities or deeds
edict of Emperor Ashoka, which performed to please God.
are as follow. (Bhagvad Gita 17.26)

Prayers, meditation, charities,

Shloks of the holy Gita :-
and steadily getting established
In initial period of civilisation, in prayer, is pronounced sat
the supreme God directed (truth), and also deed for such
Brahmins (priest community) to (noble) purpose is indeed to
remember (God) by His three describe and indicate sat
names. Om, Tat, Sat. Thus by that (truth).(Bhagvad Gita 17.27)
(priest community used to)
manage prayers and teach the Emperor Ashok engraved on a
Vedas. (Bhagvad Gita 17.23) major stone pillar no.2 (about
Therefore, those who worship 215 years after Gautam Buddha)
one God, according to scriptural following meaning of Dhamma.
regulation, at the beginning of Dhamma means committing
prayer, charity, performance of minimum sin, and performing,
religious norms (meditation or many good deeds of kindness,
noble deed), always say : Om. generosity, truthfulness and
(Bhagvad Git 17.24) purity (of mind and body).
From shlok no. 17:26 & 17:27 of
TAT (is name of God, which Bhagwat Gita and pillar edict
means that) those who desire no.2 at Topra- Delhi we conclude
forgiveness from that God, that Dhamma and truth are one
perform various (noble deeds) and the same thing, or both have
without desiring the result (of same meanings.
good deed), such as the act of
prayer, and meditation, and hard
struggle, and act of charity. Verses of the holy Quran:
(Bhagvad Gita 17.25) One verse of the holy Quran is as
O Arjun, the word (sat) truth is Indeed those who (falsely) accuse
used for auspicious emotion.
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 71 Section- II
chaste, unaware (of sins) and
believing (in God) women, are
cursed in this world and in the
hereafter, and they will have a
great punishment on Doomsday
when their tongues, their hands
and their feet will bear witness
against them, as to what they
used to do. That day, God will pay
them in full their deserved
recompense, and they will realize
that God is the truth, and reveals
truth. (Surah Noor (24), Ayat 23-
From shlok no 17:23 and verse
no. 24:25 of holy Quran we learn
that Truth is also name of God.
So from this chapter we learn
that Dhamma means truth. We
also learn that Truth is also one of
the name of God.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 72 Section- II

37. I am the Truth
2500 years ago in Diggah Nikaya Sufi said Anal haq. Which means
(3-84) Gautam Buddha said, My I am the truth. In shlok no. 17:23
body is Dhamma. He is one with we studied that sat or truth is
the Dhamma, He is one with the name of God. So Anal haq or I
Brahm (Dhammakaya, am the truth means I am the
Brahmakaya, Dhammabhuta, God.
Brahmabhuta). Because of this statement, Sufi
(Diggha Nikaya 3-84 cf from Majjhim Mansur- Al- Hallaj was initially
Nikaya 195-224)
confined in jail. And when he did
Paul carus has mentioned the not change his words he was
above words in detail in his book beheaded.
which is as follow.
Lord Gautam buddha said,“I What is the meaning of the
was born into the world as the sentence :“ I am the truth”?
king of truth for the salvation of To understand this please read
the world. The subject on which the following verses of the holy
I meditate is truth. The practice Quran and Bhagwat Gita
to which I devote myself is truth. carefully.
The topic of my conversation is
truth. My thoughts are always in Divine consciousness:
the truth. For lo! myself has
God says in the holy Quran “(O
become the truth. I am the truth. Muhammad) you cannot guide
(Gospel of Buddha. chapter LIV-
paragraph - 8-9. Sutra of forty two
whoever you like. It is God who
section. Kyoto japan.) guides whom He will (decide or
like). He best knows those who
2000 years ago Jesus Christ said, would accept guidance.
(Surah Al- Qasas (28), Ayat - 56)
“I am the way and the truth, and
the life. No one comes to the This means that if Prophet
father (God) except through me. Muhammad (Pbuh) wishes that
(Bible John 14:6) a particular person must
understand his teaching and
In 922 AD. Mansur Al- Hallaj start believing in God, and start

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 73 Section- II

following the right path. This you (should) know (it clearly
will will not happen. that) all those are because of a
fraction of My light. (Bhagwat Gita
Because a person can
understand God only by special From these shloks we can
blessing (a light) of God and His understand that the lamp of
commandment. And God knowledge in the heart of pious
blesses such (a light of) wisdom people are small part of light of
only to those who first wishes to God.
obey God and His How God stays in heart:
God says in Adhyay 17 shlok no.
From the following shloks of 5 in Bhagwat Gita.
Bhagwat Gita we can understand
about this special blessing (a Those who (follow pattern of life
light) of God clearly. which is) not prescribed by the
(God says, those who have faith scriptures, (and) under
in Me ) with love they always influence of hypocrisy, false ego,
remain engaged in My worship. ( (they remain) engaged in
To such people) I give such gratification of senses, anger and
divine consciousness by which power, (They give) stern trouble
they get Me . (Bhagwat Gita 10:10) (to those) people (who do) too
much prayer (of God).
For them, to show special mercy. (Bhagwat Gita 10:41)
I keep within their hearts a lamp Certainly (they want to) remove
of knowledge. (By) light of Me who is situated in (their)
which I destroy darkness, when ( heart, (and who is) invisible
the darkness) is born because of (and) created body of all kind of
ignorance (in their hearts). living beings. Certainly know
(Bhagwat Gita. 10:11) them (as) demons. ( Bhagwat Gita.
God says in shlok no. 41 of
Adhyay -10 in Bhagwat Gita.
In this shlok no. 17:6 God says I
“certainly whatever materialistic am situated in heart. But in fact it
creation, glories (energy, light) is light of knowledge or a
or peace and happiness fraction of light of God, which is
considered to exist. Certainly situated in the heart of pious
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 74 Section- II
people. performs noble deeds which are
not compulsory, with the aim of
God cannot stay in heart,
pleasing Me and to become My
because His light is so intense
that only a fraction of His light
And when I love him, I become
crushed the mountain and
his hearing with which he hears.
Prophet Moses fell unconscious .
His eyes with which he sees, his
(As per verse no.143 of surah Al-
hand with which he strikes and
Araf (7)of holy Quran)
his foot with which he walks.
And Arjun said in Bhagwat Gita When he asks something from
that light of God (is so intense me, I would surely give it to him.
that it) is similar to thousands of And when he asks me for refuge,
suns shining at a time in the sky. I would surely grant him. I do
(Bhagwat Gita. 11:12) not hesitate about anything
much as I hesitate about seizing
From this discription I wanted the soul of my faithful worshiper.
to explain that when God says Because he hates death, and I
that I am present in the heart, it hate hurting him. (Hadees Qudsi
does not mean Almighty God no. 25, Bukhari )
occupied a place in heart. It Meaning of this Hadees is that
means His blessing, His light of when a person first fulfills his
Knowledge is situated in the compulsory religious duties,
heart by which we understand and after that when he keeps on
God and true religion. doing noble deeds and walks the
path of truth to please God, God
How God stays in body: blesses him such wisdom and
As per Hazrat Abu Hurairah illuminates his body with such
(RA), Prophet Muhammad divine light or energy that
( p b u h ) s a i d , A l l a h s ay s , whatever he does by ears, eyes,
“Whosoever shows enmity to hand, feet, extra are right, and
someone devoted to Me. I shall truth only.
be at war with him. Nothing
bring My worshiper more closer When eyes, ears hand and feet or
to Me than fulfilling the (Body) of worshiper are filled
compulsory prayer and duties will special blessing or fraction
which I have made compulsory of light of God than God says
for him. And he continues to then I become his hearing,
come close to Me when he seeing, handling and walking.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 75 Section- II

Similarly those who realize that
God has blessed and filled their
body with divine light then they
say I am the truth.

We will further explain our

above mentioned statement in
the next chapter.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 76 Section- II

38. Understanding the Importance of
(The name of God)
Fol low ing explanat ion is call it as WOH. Equivalent of this
actually explanation of shlok no. name in Quran is HOO. It is
17:23 to 17:28 of Bhagwat Gita. mentioned in Surah Hashr (59)
But from this explanation we verse-22. It is the first word of
will also learn importance of this verse.
Muslim sufis recite ALLAH
God has revealed His three
HOO extensively. Meaning of
names in shlok no. 17:23 of
these two words is THAT GOD.
Bhagwat Gita. Importance of
Or it could be explained as “Oh
these three names is as follows.
God! That is You, Who created
Om: and sustained this universe”.
OM is very famous name of God.
people don't know that it is a Hindu sadhus also recite
name of God. But they recite it extensively TATAVAMASI. This
b e f o re e ve r y p r aye r a n d is combination of three words.
auspicious work. TAT+TAVAM+ASI. TAT mean
that, TAVAM mean you & ASI
Muslim pronouces Bismaillah means are.
b e f o re e ve r y p r aye r a n d
auspicious work. Which mean “I So overall meaning of these
begin with the name of Allah”. So words will be “that you are”. Or it
Om is the name of God in could be explained as, “Oh God
Sanskrit is similar to Allah name that is You , Who has created and
of God in Arabic. God has asked who sustains this universe”.
to recite His name before every
possitive work. This makes the So by reciting ALLAH HOO, or
work productive. TATAVAMASI. Sufi and sadhu
pray and convince their mind
TAT: and soul, that it is THAT God
who is our Lord, who creates and
Common people don't have sustains us. And He always looks
knowledge about TAT as the at us. So if we want to please
name of God. Basic meaning of Him, we should always
TAT is THAT. In Hindi we will remember that, That (God) is
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 77 Section- II
looking at us. And perform only is Sat.
good deed and avoid sins. If could be said in other way also.
That means if we become Sat
SAT or SATYA:- (Truth) truth inside then all our
Third name of God is SAT. It acts will be noble which yields
means truth. God is SAT, and it is blessing.
His feature that He is since So if we remember Om, TAT,
eternity and He will remain SAT, than we will start activity by
forever. pronouncing verbally name of
Result of good deeds are blessing God. By doing so our activity
of God. Blessing remain forever. will become productive and will
We will get blessing of our good yield benefit.
deed in heaven. We will live in If we remember that THAT God
heaven forever, similarly blessing is looking and listening to us we
will also remain with us forever. will always do noble deeds, and
So features of blessing is also avoid sin.
similar to God, that is it is eternal.
Remaining pure and pious from
Now consider as example. You inside. Remaining selfless, we
do n a te d m o n e y to p o o r. remember third name of God
Donation yields blessings. But SAT. When we remain SAT from
unfortunately your intention inside, then the result of all our
was to get fame. Now you will not activity become Sat, and the
get blessing but only fame. blessing which is generated by
So the act was noble, but an our activity will be immortal and
emotion which is deep inside live forever.
you, which no one can know and In shlok no. 17:28 God says that
judge, changes the outcome of without faith in God whatever
your noble deed. activity you do is useless. You will
So deep inside our mind and neither benefit from it in this
soul we should remain selfless, world, nor in another world (in
honest and pious. So that the hereafter after death).
result of our activity yields Hence when one says: I am the
blessings which are eternal. So by truth, that means that God has
becoming pure from inside we filled his body with such a divine
recite the third name of God that light that his nature became

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 78 Section- II

truth, selfless, pure, pious,
beneficial for mankind etc. And 1. Right or noble deed.
there is not a slightest presence 2. Right or pious mentality.
of sin and selfishness in him. In
such condition all his activity Right speech, right behavior,
will be noble deed which right way of earning and right
produces eternal blessing. effort. These are noble deeds. It is
This explanation is for the physical prayer of God with His
sentence of “I am the truth” And name as TAT (or Hoo). As per
from this explanation we should shlok no. 17:24 of Bhagwat Gita.
remember that by adopting this
true nature only our deed will Right view, right intention, right
yield blessings, otherwise all our thought, right meditation, it is
prayer and charity will be only the right or pious mentality. It
show- off. please, God. It is a prayer of God
by our heart and soul and this is
The following words of Lord also a prayer of God with His
Buddha indicate that his nature name as Satya, or Truth, or Haq.
was transformed into truth. As per shlok no. 17:26 of
“Just as a mighty trumpeter Bhagwat Gita.
makes himself heard and that
without difficulty, in all the four From above mentioned
quarters of the earth, so is the description we can understand
coming of the Buddha. that both categories of eight-
fold path please God. Hence
There is no living creature that both are prayers of God.
the Buddha passes by or take
leave from, but regards or treats
them all with an unbaised mind So Gautam Buddha only did not
and a deep-seated love. (The mention the name of God. But
Gospel of Buddha. XLIX two his teachings are prayers of God
Brahmins.) only.

Analysis of the eight- Our conclusion gets

confirmation from the following
fold noble path:- words of Gautam Buddha.
Eight-fold noble path of Gautam “ If a man holds himself dear, let
Buddha can be divided into two him watch himself carefully. The
categories. truth guards him who guards

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 79 Section- II

himself. following Dhamma means
(Gospel of Buddha, XLVIII- 6) ( The following the commandment of
Dhammapada, Translated from Pali by God and following the
F. Max Muller. Vol.X, part I, of the
sacred books of the east. oxford 1881.) commandment of God is prayer
of God by our act and intention
That means, one who wants to (mind).
walk the right path, God blesses
him to do so, and guards from Whatever Gautam Budhha
going astray (wrong path). As taught were the commandments
well as God protects him from of God for the people living in
those people who become 530 BC. Same commandments
enemy when one tries to walk the Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh)
right path. again taught to people after
1000 years that means in 630 AD.
For example God says in the In Analysis of four noble truths
holy Quran. ( O Muhammad) and eight-fold noble path we will
proclaim (say) openly what you study how Quran teaches the
have been commanded (to say), same thing which is described in
and ignore the idolaters. We are eight-noble path, and four noble
enough to protect you against all truths.
those who ridicule you. (Surah Al-
Hijr (15), Ayat 94-95)
Summary :-
So it is God who protects. And Now we will summarize our
Dhamma or truth means God. finding as follows:
One shlok of Bhagwat Gita is as (1) As per the holy Quran one
follows: name of God is Haq which
Eating and spending life as per means truth. (Surah-24, Ayat-
divine instructions. Activities 25)
and struggle as per divine (2) As per Bhagwat Gita one
instructions. Dreaming and name of God is satya which
wakefulness as per divine means Truth. (B.G 17:23)
instructions. (This is the real) (3) As per major pillar edict no.2
prayer (and) solution of all Dhamma means, committing
miseries. ( Bhagwat Gita, 6:17) minimum sin, many good deeds
So following eight fold path is o f k i n d n e s s , g e n e r o s i t y,
follow ing Dhamma, and truthfulness and purity. In the

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 80 Section- II

light of the shloks of Bhagwat name of God.
Gita (17:23- 17:26) Dhamma
God has blessed and filled the
means truth.
body of Lord Gautam Buddha
(4) God places a fraction of His with His divine light so that
light in the hearts of pious whatever Lord Gautam Budhha
people, for their guidance. When did was truth.
He says I am in the heart of pious
people. It means His light is in Lord Buddha said that he was
the heart of pious people. born in the world as the king of
truth, for salvation of the world.
(5) God says I become eye, ears, This statement indicates that
hand and feet of pious people. It Lord Gautam Buddha is not
means He blesses body of pious God. But he took birth to guide
people with His divine light. So human beings. So that they walk
whatever they do is in on the right path and get
accordance with commandment salvation in hereafter by
of God. Almighty God.
Lord Gautam Buddha said “ I So in short Dhamma means
was born into the world as the truth and Dhamma means God
king of truths, for the salvation also.
of the world. The subject on
which I meditate is truth. The
practice to which I devote myself
is truth. My thought are always
in the truth. For lo ! myself has
become the truth. I am the truth.
(Gospel of Buddha- ch- LIV.
pera 8-9)
Gautam Buddha said my body is
Dhamma. (Digha Nikaya, 3-84,
Majjim Nikaya 195-244)
Above two statements of Lord
Buddha confirm our belief that
Dhamma means truth. Name of
God is truth. So Dhamma is also

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 81 Section- II

39. Importance of Dhamma

God says in the holy Qura, and our heart also beats because
I swear by time, indeed, mankind of this light of God.
is in loss, except for those who Now let us understand the effect
believe (in God) and do good of fraction of light of God on our
deeds, and urge (exhort) one mind and thought.
another to hold fast to the truth, Understanding this facts will help
and who urge (exhort) one us in understanding the
a n o t h er for s te a d f a s t n e s s importance of Dhamma.
(patience). (Chapter 103, Al- Asr, Control of God on mind
verse 1-3) and physical condition of
When the creator of this universe human beings:-
swears and says that who do not
practice truth or Dhamma are God says in the holy Quran. ( O
destined to fail, Then what other Prophet Muhammad
proof we need to be convinced (Pbuh))Say “O God! Owner of
about importance of Dhamma. the kingdom, You bestow the
Then also we will try to explain it kingdom (power, government)
by various verses and practical on whomever You desire and You
examples. take back the kingdom (power,
God is main source of power in government) from whomever
this universe. As per Bhagwat You desire.
Gita shlok no. 11:12, light of God And You g ive honour to
is more than thousand suns whomever You desire and You
shining at a time in the sky. humiliate whomever you desire.
According to the holy Quran, Only in Your hand lies (control)
when God revealed only a of all goodness. Indeed, You are
fraction of His light on a able to do all things.” (Surah-Al-
mountain, it got crushed and Imran (3), Ayat (26))
Prophet Moses fell dow n Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh) said
unconscious. (Sure- Al-Araf (7), God says that, “I am the God.
verse-143). There is no God other than Me. I
From a fraction of His light, God am the lord of the rulers. Heart of
has kept alive this whole universe, rulers are in my hand.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 82 Section- II

When My worshiper remains sons and made you greater in
obedient to Me, I fill the heart of number. (Then God said). “If you
rulers with kindness and love for do good, you do good for
those obedient worshipers. yourself. And if you do evil (you
do it) to yourself.”
And when my worshiper start
disobeying Me. I fill the heart of Then when the final promise
rulers with anger and hatred came. (We roused against you
toward the disobedent others) to disgrace you utterly
worshipers. Then those rulers and to enter the Temple in
treat them with cruelty. Jerusalem, as they entered it the
first time, and to destroy what
So don’t engage yourself in
they had taken over with (total)
cursing the rulers. But engage
destruction. (Surah-Bani Israel (17),
yourself in worshiping, and Verse 4-7)
pleading before Me. So that I
relieve you from the cruelty of the From this verse also we learn that
rulers. (Hadees-e- Qudsi, Hilyatal- the minds of the rulers are
Awlia- Abi- Naeem. Maruful- Hadeed controlled by God.
vol- VIII, page. 246) God says in the holy Quran
(From these verses and hadees we “These peoples are those who
understand that the minds of have been driven out of their
rulers are governed by God.) home unjustly. Only because
they said, “Our lord is God”. If
God did not repel the aggression
God says in the holy Quran, of some people by means of
And we conveyed to the children others, monasteries and
of Israel in the scripture, that churches, and synagogues and
twice you will commit evil on the mosques where the name of God
earth, and you will become great is much recited, would surely be
tyrants. destroyed. God will surely help
When the time of the first of these him who helps His cause. God is
warning came, we sent against indeed powerful and mighty.
you servants of ours of great (Surah- Al- Hajj (22), verse -40)
might, who ravaged your homes.
So the warning was fulfilled. From this verse, we understand
that practising tolerance by
Then we gave back to you a general people for each other is
return victory over them. And we also due to controlling of mind of
reinforced you with wealth and people by God.
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 83 Section- II
Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh)
said, God said,“the son of Adam Historical evidence of
hurts Me by abusing time. mind control by God:
Because I am the time. In My
hands are all things, and I cause Ibn Battuta was a traveler,
the alternation of night and day. explorer and writer. He was born
(Sahih-al- Bukhari 7491, Book 97, on 24 Feb 1304 in Morocco. His
Hadith 117) family was highly educated, so he
also received high education. At
In this Hadees time mean era, the age of 21, he started his travels
period, age, season etc. In Urdu it by undertaking the pilgrimage
is called as zamana, in Hindi it is (Hajj) to Mecca. Then he
called as kal or yug. So when we continued his education in
criticize time, or era or period or Egypt, Syria and Hejaz (western
age or zamana or yug indirectly Arabia). These studies qualified
we criticize God. Because him for the post of judge (kazi).
whatever is happing in the society
or world or whatever may be it’s He was extremely intelligent and
condition, it is created by God, as wanted to explore the world,
per the deeds of human beings. hence he set out on an unending
journey. He travelled to north
God says in the holy Quran. Africa, Iraq, Iran, Azerbaijan,
Whoever does righteousness, central Asia, Bukhara,
whether male or female, while he Samarkand, Khorasan,
is a believer- We will surely cause Afghanistan and from
him to live a good life, and We will Hindukush mountain range he
surely give them their reward (in entered India.
the hereafter) according to the
best of what they used to do. That time Muhammad Ibn
(Surah - An- Nahl (16) , Vesre - Tughlaq (1325-51) was rulling in
97). Delhi. Tughlaq appointed him as
judge, and after some time he
From these Ayats we understand wanted to send him to China as
that prosperity in life of a single ambassador by sea. He was
person or whole society, or whole supposes to reach China by sea.
country is by blessing of God Near Kerala due to storm, his ship
only. And it is the result of good sank, but he servived. Because of
deed and righteous attitude or fear of Tughlaq, he did not return

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 84 Section- II

to Delhi again. ibne Battuta and dropped him in
In his stay in Kerala he visited the only pajamas on the shore.
island country of Maldives.
The People of Maldives were all
There again he got appointed as
Muslim, God-fearing with noble
judge. He writes that at that time
character, friendly, generous,
pirates were ruling the sea. They
pious and beneficial for all
used to attack every merchant
mankind. Hence God Himself
ship, but they never attacked
was protecting them. And
ships belonging to the merchants
whoever tried to harm them, God
of Maldives. And the reason of
Himself used to punish them.
this protection they gave that
This is a historic fact and example
“when we attack ship of
of mind control by God.
Maldives, we ourselves get caught
in trouble, and our ship gets The book written by Ibne Battuta
destroyed due to var ious is world famous, and available in
reasons”. That time all the people most of the languages and free on
of Maldives were Muslim and internet also. Read it and
extremely pious, God fearing and convince yourself.
with noble character.
From above-mentioned details
what I wanted to convince is that
Ibn Battuta left that country due
God not only controls our heart-
to misunderstanding and conflict
beats, but also controlls the
with influential people of
minds of peoples. When we
Maldives. He reached India,
become righteous or follow the
convinced Sultan Gayasuddin to
truth or dhamma, then God
attack Maldives and include it in
creates our surrounding pious,
his kingdom, as Maldive people
peaceful, prosperous and safe for
were not having any military.
us by controlling mind and
When that king agreed to the
behavior of other people. And
suggestion of Ibne Battuta, and
when we ignore commandments
started preparing for military
of God, don't follow truth or
attack, due to fever he himself
Dhamma, God harms us through
passed away. After this incident
other peoples.
Ibne Battuta left Kerala, to visit
Sri Lanka. He was never looted in If the whole society becomes
his life. But after having malice pious, it becomes prosperous and
against Maldives people, pirates safe. And when the whole society
looted all precious belonging of indulges in sin God creates unrest

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 85 Section- II

among them, and harms one and slip back into his old ways.
individual by the hand of other Therefore you all stand together,
individuals. In this way the whole assist one another and strengthen
society remains under suffering, one another’s efforts”.
hardship, unrest and miseries. ( G o s p e l o f B u d d h a XV I , T h e
The same principle applies to Mahavagya, Vol- XVII)
countries and the world.
So practice of Dhamma which is When one embraces Islam he
pleasing God by practicing says:
k i n d n e s s , g e n e ro s i t y, La ila ha ill lal lah
truthfulness, purity , gentleness Muhammadur Rasool Allah.
and increasing goodness among
the people, is only solution, only By saying this one becomes a
way of life by which peace, Muslim . This is called kalma and
prosperity can come in the life of Arabic words in this kalma
individual or community or means that there is no one
country or world. eligible to be worshiped except
God. And Prophet Muhammad
When someone embraces (pbuh) is the messenger of God.
Buddhism he says:
Buddham Sharanam Gachhami Buddham Sharanam Gachhami,
Dhammam Sharanam mean I take shelter of Gautam
Gachhami Buddha. This shelter is not
Sangham Sharanam Gachhami against enemy. But I accept
Gautam Buddha as my religious
It means: leader.
I take shelter of Gautam Buddha. Dhammam Sharanam
I take shelter of Truth (God) Gachhami means I take the
I join the religious group (of shelter of truth. And truth is the
Gautam Buddha) name of God who always
commands only to practice
We c a n u n d e r s t a n d t h e truthfulness.
importance of Sangha from
following the words of Gautam This was Kalma of religions of
Buddha. Gautam Buddha in 563 BC
Gautam Buddha said, “A man whom as per my view God sent
that stands alone, having decided as a prophet in this world.
to obey the truth, may be weak
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 86 Section- II
40. Edicts of Emperor Ashoka

Introduction Of Emperor independent state of Kalinga,

Ashoka: executed about a hundred
The most authentic proof that thousand soldiers, and
Gautam Buddha was a prophet displaced about a hundred and
are the edicts of Emperor fifty thousand people.
After defeating Kalinga his
Gautam Buddha took birth in empire stretched from
563 BC and died in 483 BC. Bangladesh to Afghanistan,
Kashmir to South India.
His lifespan was 80 years. Out of After wining the battle of
which for 45 years he preached in Kalinga he just roamed around
India. the battlefield. He saw piles of
corpses, thousand of injured
Founder of Mauriyan Empire soldiers screaming and lying in
was Chandragupta Maurya. He pool of blood. Everywhere was
ruled from 321 BC to 297 BC. destruction and death.
He embraced the Jain religion.
This view touched his heart and
Son of Chandragupta Mauriya his realized that he had
was King Bindusara, who ruled committed a great crime.
from 297 BC to 273 BC.
Few year after this war, to
King Bindusara selected his elder unburden guilt from his mind he
son Susima to be his heir. But embraced Buddhism. For few
a f t e r t h e d e a t h o f Ki n g years he remained a lay
Bindusara, Ashoka seized the Buddhist, then he start attending
throne and executed his elder sangha. After that he become a
brother Susima. dedicated Buddhist.
He introduced his son
Initially Emperor Ashoka, was a Mahendra also in Sangha and
merciless and ruthless emperor. sent him to far off countries to
Without any war ning he spread Buddhism. Spread of
attacked a neighboring Buddhism in Sri Lanka, Burma,

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 87 Section- II

Thailand, China and Tibet etc, is philosophies of Buddhism such
due to the efforts of Emperor as Samuka Vinaya, Ariyavamso,
Ashoka. Anagatabhayani, Munigatha,
Moneyyasuttam, Upatissa-
On the basis of these historical
Pasinam, Rahulovado, Musav
facts, We cannot have a slightest
doubt that Emperor Ashoka was
a hy pocrite or enemy of
In Brahmagiri minor rock edict
no 2 Emperor Ashoka clearly
mentions that he follows and
The Edicts:- preaches Dhamma principles.
Alongwith verbal preaching
Emperor Ashoka also made Faith of Buddhism in 260
arrangement of spreading
teaching of Buddhism for the BC:
comming generations. He When we read these engraved
engraved teachings of stone, we get idea of the faith of
Buddhism, and his instruction Empeor Ashoka and people in
and humanitarian orders on that period. As teachings are
large stones, which were on main engraved on stones and writing
highways, and in public places. are clear, hence we cannot doubt
This he did in initial period of his about their alteration after death
38 years of rule. And at later part of Emperor Ashoka.
of his ruling period he made After reading the text on
stone column of 10-12 ft engraved stone, we get the
diameter and 50 ft height. And following idea about faith of
errected them at various place, in Emperor Ashoka and people
his vast empire. following Buddhism in that era.
He engraved about 173 edicts
in his lifetime on rocks, or pillars Followers of Buddhism were
or on cave walls. believing in God.
Followers of Buddhism were
In Bhabru-Calcutta-Bairat believing in life after death,
minor rock edicts, Emperor which is called Hereafter.
Ashoka clearly mentions that he They were believing that by
accepted Gautam Buddha as his fasting which is a kind of prayer
lord. And he understood and of God, merit and status after
accepted various principles and death will increase.
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 88 Section- II
They were believing that by and one Kalinga rock edict . And
donation also merit and status these 19 edicts will give a clear
after death will increase. picture of Buddhism which
Emperor Ashoka and common
Explanation of Dhamma people were following in 260
as per edicts:- BC.
Principle of Dhamma teaches for To have continuity in chapter
, mercy, charity, truthfulness and and topic we will copy here only
purity. few lines from these edicts which
are related to heaven, the next
Dhamma principle teaches world, Dhamma or humanity.
respect and looking after aged You can read complete edict in
parents. annexure in 4th section of this
Respecting and caring relatives, book.
teachers and friends.
Giving charity.
Avoiding killing.
Avoiding sins.

Emperor Ashoka says that by

practicing all these Dhamma
teachings, people will enter
heaven after death, in the
hereafter or in the next world.

People called Emperor Ashoka as

beloved of God. That means they
were believing and accepting
God as supreme entity.

There are a total of 173 edicts of

Emperor Ashoka. But in this
book we will copy only 14 major
rock edicts, 4 major pillar edicts

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 89 Section- II

41. Edicts which confirm the faith
of Emperor Ashoka
Bharbu - Calcutta- Bairat Dhamma.
minor Rock Edict :
One and all monks and nuns
The beloved of God, king of shall hear them and follow them
Magadh, expresses his regards in every movement.
to sangha and wishes for trouble
free and comfortable stay at Similarly these principals
vihara. should be practiced by lay male
devotees and female lay
O brothers, it is known to you devotees too. O brothers, know
that I am follower of Gautam this is the motive of engraving
Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. these principals on stones.
(End of Edict)
Whatever Gautam Buddha said
is well said (Truth). This is what Brahmagiri Minor Rock
I am preaching. This (divine) Edict No. 2.
law will last for long. (Emperor Ashoka ordered to
engrave following text which
I only say what should be said. O gives the meaning of Dhamma in
respected (brothers) these are simple words for common
explanation of Dhamma in the people.)
l i g h t o f . A r i y a Va m s a ,
Anagatabhayani, Munigatha, The beloved of God (Emperor
Moneyyasuttani, Upatissa Ashoka) says:
Paham and Rahulvada.
Obey mother, father and
I also clearly understood wrong teachers, and be kind to all living
speeches (musav adisuttam). All creatures.
(abovementioned) things have Speak the truth. These are
been said by Lord Buddha. O qualities of Dhamma which
respected (Brother) I consider should be established.
them as explanation of Follower (of Buddhism) should

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 90 Section- II

obey his master and (respect) the used in abovementioned edicts
relatives. These principles are as follows:
should be practiced. Samaka-Vinaya guides the
religious way of solving dispute
These philosophies have been between monks.
proclaimed by ancients also.
Doing which one gets a long life. Anagatabhayani teaches how to
Hence it should be done. overcome 25 types of fears in the
Chapada has engraved this edict. mind of monk.
(End of edict)
Above mentioned two edicts we Munigatha are verses which
copied here to explain faith of describe the qualities of a good
Emperor Ashoka and meaning of
Moneyyasuttani describes
controlling body, speech and
Edicts of king Ashoka are mind to become a good monk.
classified in to five group. (Edict
mean engraved stones) Upatissa Paham are questions
of upatisa and the reply that he
(1) The major rock edicts (set of received.
14 edicts at 8 places).
(2) The Kalinga rock edicts (2 in Rahulvada is advices of Gautam
numbers) Buddha to his teenage son,
(3) The minor rock edicts (3 in Rahul, who was initially not
numbers) perfect due to his young age.
(4) The major piller edicts
(seven in numbers) Musavadasutta describes four
(5) The minor piller edicts. (two bad qualities which lead to hell.
in number ) They are falsehood, backbiting,
In the next chapter we will study harsh speech and useless speech.
a few lines from the fourteen
major rock edict which are Emperor Ashoka understood all
located at eight different places. these principles of Buddha and
Four major rock edicts and one preached and wrote edicts
Kalinga rock edict. accordingly.
Note: Meaning of few terms
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 91 Section- II
42. Few Lines Of Edicts Related to
Hereafter and Heaven, and Dhamma
Major Rock Edict NO. 1 Devanamppiya Priyadansi
(Emperor Ashoka says that)In (Emperor Ashoka) will practice
my empire no living being and preach for Dhamma
should be killed even for practice.
Major Rock Edict NO. 5
Major Rock Edict NO. 2 In ancient times there were no
Everywhere in the kingdom of Dhamma Mahamattas
Devanamppiya priyadarsi (ministers). Thirteen years after
(Emperor Ashoka), and on my coronations I have appointed
border of his kingdom, such as them. Now they work among all
the Cholas, the Pandyas, the the people for establishment of
satyaputtas, the Ketalaputtas Dhamma and welfare of people.
etc., Emperor Ashoka
established medical treatment Major Rock Edict NO. 6
for men and animals. There is no better work than
promoting the welfare of all
Major Rock Edict NO. 3 people (Practicing Dhamma),
Obedience of mother and father and whatever effort I am making
is good. Be good to friends, is to repay the debt (fulfill the
acquaintances and relatives. duty/ responcibility) I owe to all
Donate to priest communities my subjects (people), so that
and monks. Not killing living they attain happiness in this life
being is good. and attain heaven in the next
Moderation in spending and world.
saving is good.
Major Rock Edict NO. 9
Major Rock Edict NO. 4 By this way of Dhamma practices
one can attain heaven. What can
Till the end of time, Dhamma
be more desirable than the
and Sila (morality/edicts) will
attainment of heaven?
remain on this earth and will be
practiced, as the sons, grandsons
Major Rock Edict NO. 10
and great grandsons of And whatever beloved of God
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 92 Section- II
Emperor Priyadarsi is doing is to important.
make people succeed in the next A conquest by Dhamma bears
world (hereafter), and to reduce great fruit in this world and in the
there evil (deed). And not next world (in hereafter).
achieving high merit (as per
Dhamma principle in hereafter)
Major Pillar Edict No.1
is not good.
Success in this world and the
Major Rock Edict NO. 11
hereafter is difficult to achieve
Therefore, a father, a son, a without giving most importance
brother, a teacher a friend, a to Dhamma principle, and much
companion or a neighbor self-examination, much service
(should preach Dhamma) and (to others), and much fear (of
should say this (Dhamma committing sin), and much
principle) is good and it should enthusiasm.
be done. (Preaching Dhamma)
will benefit one in this world and Major Pillar Edict No. 2
will give him great merit in next Beloved of God King Priyadarsi
world (in hereafter or life after says that Dhamma is good, but
death). what is Dhamma? It is
committing minimum sin, many
Major Rock Edict NO. 12 good deeds of kindness,
Beloved of God, King Priyadarsi generosity, truthfulness and
will be more happy than purity.
honoring by giving gift. Let there
be growth in basic principles of Major Pillar Edict No.3
all religions. (Which is peace and And one should be very clear in
humanity). (summery) mind that (avoiding bad deed)
and doing good deed is good for
Major Rock Edict NO. 13 my life in this world and life in
Wherever conquest is achieved next world (in hereafter).
by Dhamma. (righteousness), it
produces joy. But even this joy is Major Pillar Edict No. 4
of little importance. King (Beloved of God, King
Priyadarsi considers the great Priyadarsi says that) I even grant
fruit to be experienced in the next a three day stay for those in
world (in heaven) to be more prison who have been tried and
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 93 Section- II
sentenced to death. (During this Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)
period their) relatives may took birth 800 years after
appeal to the officials to have the Emperor Ashoka.
prisoners lives spared, or if no
one makes an appeal, then the Whatever Emperor Ashoka
prisoners may donate engraved on stone could not be
(something) or keep fasting to doubted as fabricated or changed
prepare for success in the next edict, after his death. As at many
world. places which are far-off from
each other we have edicts with
I desire that even if a prisoner’s same teaching. And as Emperor
time is limited, he can prepare Ashoka was just 215 year after
for the success in next world, and Guatam Buddha, he received the
people’s Dhamma practice, self- teachings in the purest form.
control (by fas ting) and
generocity (by donating) may
Emperor Ashoka never
mentioned concept of Nirvana
and other special principle of
The Kalinga Rock Edicts
continuity in his edicts. That
No.1 means these philosophies were
All men are like my children. not taught till 273 BC.
The way in which I desire
welfare happiness of my Emperor Ashoka was a dedicated
children in this world and in
follower of Gautam Buddha
hereafter, same happiness and
Whatever Emperor Ashoka
welfare I desire for all men.
engraved are teaching of Gautam
Buddha. Same teaching of
Dhamma all prophets preached
Teachings on edicts of Emperor
to their follower. Because of these
Ashoka are 2300 years old. At
facts, it is my opinion that
that time no Muslim or Christian
Gautam Buddha was also a
were existing to influence him
for faith of entering heaven by
How Dhamma principle was
doing good deeds. As Jesus
taught by all prophets; this we
Christ took birth about 300 years
will study in the next chapter.
after Emperor Ashoka, and

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 94 Section- II

43. Dhamma Principle Was Taught
By All Prophets
Lord Gautam Buddha said in Bhagwad Gita and Holy Quran,
congregation at Jetavana Park. we find that to all prophets, God
gave the same commandment .
Matapitu Upatthanam
That means for different
Puttadarassa Samgaho,
Prophets, God did not teach
serve your mother father, look
after your children and wife. different religions.
God said in Bhagwat Gita,
Etam Mangalamuttamam. I taught this eternal law of
This is most auspicious. religion to vivasvat. Vivasvat told
(this to) Manu. Manu Instructed
Danam, Dhamma cariyaya ca it to Iksvaku. (Bhagwad Gita,
natakanam ca samgaho. 4:1)
Give charity, follow Dhamma, God said in the holy Quran.
and look after your relatives. Indeed, we have revealed to you,
(O Muhammad) as we revealed
Etam Mangalamuttamam. to Nooh (Vivasvat )and Prophets
This is most auspicious.
(Mahamangala sutta-suttanipata)
after him. And we revealed to
Abraham, Ismael, Isaac, Jacob
Above mentioned teaching and the Descendants, Jesus, Job,
many more teachings Emperor Jonah, Aaron and Soloman, and
Ashoka engraved on edicts to David we gave the book (at
which he received from Lord Psalms). (Surah An- Nisa (4),
Gautam Buddha, and whatever Ayat -163)
Lord Gautam Buddha said, he Prophet Muahmmad (Pbuh)
received it from God. And said, “Prophets are brothers in
whatever God said to Lord faith, having different mothers.
Gautam Buddha, before him and Their religion is however one.
later on also same instruction (sahih Muslim 2365 C)
God gave to all prophets. While analysing the eight
noble paths we will see how the
From following shlok of teachings of Gautam Buddha
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 95 Section- II
a n d Prop h e t Mu h a m m a d
(Pbuh) are same. And now we 2. Helping the Relatives:
will discuss few topic which are
taught in the edicts of Ashoka God said in the Holy Bible:
and they are also part of the
Anyone who does not provide
Muslim and Christian religious
for their relatives, and especially
for their own household, has
Some verses from the Holy
denied the faith, and is worse
Quran and Bible with same
than an unbeliever. (Bible-Timothy
teachings as mentioned in edicts
are as follows.
“You shall love your neighbor as
1. Obeying the Parents: yourself”. (Bible-Mark 12:31)
Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) said
God said in the Holy Bible: “Do not severe your relationship
Children, obey your parents in with a member of your family,
everything, because this pleases
even if he breaks his relationship
God. ( H o l y B i b l e - C o l o s s i a n
3:20/Exodus 20:12) with you”.

God said in the Holy Quran: 3. Charity:

. Yo u r L o r d ( G o d ) h a s
commanded that you should God said in the Holy Bible:
worship none but Him, and show When you give a reception,
kindness to your parents. If invite the poor, the cripple, the
either or both of them attain old lame, the blind and you will be
age with you, say no word of blessed. Since they do not have
the means to repay you, (And for
contempt to them, and do not
this) you will be repaid at the
rebuke them, but always speak
resurrection of the righteous (In
gently to them, and treat them hereafter in next world) (Bible-
with kindness and tenderness Luke 14:13-14).
and say “Oh God, be merciful to
them both, as they raised me up Whoever is generous to the poor,
(When I was) small”. (Holy Quran- lends to the God, and God will
Surah Bani Israil-17, Aayat 23-24) repay him for his deed.(Bible-
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 96 Section- II
Proverbs 19:17).
God said in the Holy Quran: 5. Moderation in
Never will you attain spending:
righteousness, unless you spend God says in the Holy Quran “Be
for the cause of God, out of what neither miserly, nor so open
you cherish (or want for handed that you give out (spend)
yourself), and whatever you all money and (as a result)
spend is known to God. (Holy become destitute”. (Holy Quran-
Quran-Surah Aale-imran-3, Aayat 92) Surah Bani Israil-17 Aayat-29)
God has made compulsory for
Muslim to pay 2.5% in charity 6. Preaching Dhamma:
from surplus profits every year. God says in the Holy Quran:
This is called Zakat “Let there be a group among you
who should call others to good,
4. Non-violence: and enjoin what is right, and
forbid what is wrong, those who
God said in the Holy Bible: do this shall be successful”. (Holy
You should not murder (Bible Quran-Surah Aale Imran-3 Aayat-104)
20:13, Deuteronomy 5:17)
God said in Holy Quran: 7. Fasting :
That was why we laid it down for God said in the holy Quran, “O
the children of Israel that you who believe in God, fasting
whoever killed a human being, has been made compulsory for
except as a punishment for you, just as it was compulsory
murder or for spreading for those (nations which were)
corruption in the land, shall be before you, so that you may
regarded as having killed all become righteous. (Surah Baqrah
(2), Ayat (183)
mankind. And that whoever
saved a human life shall be Jesus Christ fasted for forty days
regarded as having saved all before start preaching as a
mankind. Our messengers came Prophet.
to them with clear signs, but
Teachings of Gautam Buddha
many of them continued to
are same as the teachings of
commit excesses in the land.
(Holy Quran-Surah Al Maida-5 Aayat- Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) and
32) Jesus Christ (Pbuh). As all of
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 97 Section- II
them received their knowledge
from one and the same God.
Hence it is my opinion that
Gautam Buddha was a Prophet.


Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 98 Section- II

44. Analysis of the Four Noble Truths
l After enlightenment Gautam
Buddha traveled to Banaras to
Ÿ These are the description of
preach five Bhikshus, who were four noble truths and Eight-fold
meditating along with him in the noble path, which should be
jungle, and later on deserted him. written in Golden words and
He spoke to them the following hung on the junction of the
words. main roads.
l These divine teachings
l He who recognizes the
existence of suffering, its causes, describes how one should think
its remedy, and its cessation and act to end miseries in life. To
(process of ending it) has explain and interpret these
understood the four noble divine teachings, hundreds of
truths. He will walk on the right books have been written. But I
path. found that explanations are
more difficult to understand
(1) Right views will be the torch than original words of Gautam
to light his way. Buddha. As Gautam Buddha was
a divine personality hence
(2) Right aspirations will be his instead of understanding them
guide. from human writers, I prefer to
(3) Right speech will be his understand them in the light of
dwelling-place on the road. two divine books. First is Bhagvat
(4) His gait (manner of walking) Gita and second the Holy Quran.
will be straight, for it is right In light of the knowledge of
behavior. Bhagvat Gita and the Holy
(5) His refreshments will be the Quran I understood teaching of
right way of earning his Gautam Buddha more clearly,
livelihood. and what I understood, I will
(6) Right efforts will be his steps. explain as follows:
(7) Right thoughts his breaths l First we will study the four
(8) Right contemplation will noble truths. These four noble
give him the peace that follows in truths are as follows:
his foot prints.
1. There are sufferings in the life
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 99 Section- II
of the human beings. nature of piiety or goodness .
2. These suffering have some Nature of passion and nature of
causes. ignorance) .
3. These sufferings are not l (God said) I do not (show
permanent but they have My) light to everyone. (My)
some remedies also. invisibility in this world is related
4. It could be stopped by to taking exam of human beings.
adopting the eight-fold noble Ignorant people don't know this
path. fact(about) Me, (who is) unborn
(and) immortal. (Bhagwad Gita
Now we will study the four noble 7.25)
truths in the light of the Bhagvat
Gita. l O Arjun, God is present in the
heart of all human beings. To all
l Few sholk of Bhagvat Gita human beings (for the purpose
regarding causes of suffering in of) taking examination (He has)
the life of human beings are as placed them on a (time)
follows: machine, and causing them to
travel. (Bhagwad Gita 18.61)
Committing sins:-
l (God said) O Arjun, nature
l By continuously thinking
of goodness, natures of passion,
and nature of ignorance, these about the source of enjoyment,
are (three nature or) tendencies human beings develop an
created by the governing force of attachment with them (things of
God. Immortal God has bound enjoyment). (And then a desire)
(them to the) bodies of human arises (in their heart for
beings. (Bhagwad Gita 14.5) enjoyment). (So from)
attachment (he) develops desire,
l (God said) Certainly it is
and when (desires are not
difficult to pass exam (based on) fulfilled) anger (frustration)
these (three) divine (or natural) arises in his mind. (Bhagwad Gita
tendencies or nature (created by)
Me. Certainly (those) who (take) l Anger (frustration) leads to
(My) support they cross over this clouding of thoughts. Unclear
exam. (Bhagwad Gita 7.14) thinking (causes) memory
(Note: Three tendencies mean bew ilder ment (baffled or
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 100 Section- II
puzzled state of mind). Because illusion. Addicted to sense
of baffled state of mind, one gratification (luxurious life).
cannot think properly. (And (After death they) descend down
b e c a u s e of t h i s h e ge t s ) to the unclean hell. (Bhagwad Gita
ruined.(Bhagwad Gita 2.63) 16.16)

l God said, this desire to follow l Three kinds (of emotions

our own wishes is (main cause of which are) destructive to self or
committing sin) (when wishes mankind (are) wish to follow our
are not fulfilled it gets converted own desire, anger, as well as
into) anger. This desire to follow greed. These are (also) gates of
our own wishes get developed hell. Therefore one must give up
due to nature or tendency of these three (emotions). (Bhagwad
passion. Consider this “desire to Gita 16.21)
follow our own wishes”, in this
material world as biggest enemy, So reasons of hardship and
great sin, and great cause of suffering in life of human beings
destruction.(Bhagwad Gita 3.37) is due to examination by God,
and committing sin.
l The ignorant and without
faith and sceptical person will fall Solution of miseries :-
down (in hell). (For such)
sceptical person (there is) no l Eating and spending life as
happiness. Neither in this world, per divine instruction. Activities
nor in the next (hereafter). and struggle as per divine
(Bhagwad Gita 4.40) instruction. Dreaming and
wakefulness as per divine
l Committing fraud, instruction. (This is what real)
arrogance false pride, harshness prayer is, (and) solution of all
and ignorance. (God says that) O miseries. (Bhagwad Gita 6.17)
Arjun, certainly these qualities
are developed by the Devil. l Therefore you should know
(Bhagvat Gita 16.4) p r aye r o f G o d w i t h f u l l
(De v il is called Mar a in concentration save from
Buddhism) suffering and sorrow? That
prayer should be practiced with
l Confused by many (such) firm determination, (and) with
imaginations (or anxiety). an undeviating mind. (Bhagwad
Surrounded by a network of Gita 6.23)

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 101 Section- II

were touched by poverty and
l God said, My friend (Arjun), hardship and were shaken until
certainly anyone who strives for (even their) messenger and those
noble deed never goes to evil who believed (in God) with him
destination (Hell). Certainly, O said, “When will God’s help
Arjuna neither in this world, nor come?” (Surah-al-Baqarah 2 Ayat
in the next world, (hereafter) 214).
exists destruction (for) him.
(Bhagwad Gita 6.40) Committing Sins:-

l O Arjun, of those whose 1. (God says in the Holy Quran)

mind is fixed upon Me, I don't On no soul (Human Being) does
keep them in this difficult God place a burden greater than
condition for a very long time. To it can bear. It (Human Being)
them(to such people) I very soon gets every good that it earn (by
free them from the ocean of noble deeds), and it suffers every
sinful life. (Bhagwad Gita 12.7). ill that it earns (by wrong deeds)
(Surah-al-Baqarah 2 Ayat 284).
FourNoble Truths in light
2. They (followers of Prophet
of the Holy Quran:- Moses) were covered with
Now as per the Holy Quran we humiliation and misery, (And)
will study four noble truths. That they drew on themselves the
is the reason of miseries and wrath of God. This is because
solution to end it. they went on rejecting the signs
Examination:- of God and killing His
messengers without just cause.
1. (God says in the Holy Quran) (And) This because they rebelled
We shall certainly test you with and went on transgressing
fear and hunger, and loss of (Divine Laws). (Surah-al-Baqarah 2
property, lives and crops. Give Ayat 61)
good news to those who practice
patience. (Surah aL-Baqarah-2 Ayat 3. (God says in the Holy Quran)
155) and we have already sent
(messengers) to nations before
2. (God says in the Holy Quran) you. (O Muhammad), then We
Do you think that you will enter seized them with poverty and
heaven while such (trial) has not hardship (because of their sins
yet came to you, as came to those and disobedience to God), so
who passed on before you? They that perhaps they might humble
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 102 Section- II
themselves (to us) (Surah-Al-Anam forgiveness from God for the sin
6 Ayat 42) they committed on individual
basis or as a nation, then God will
make that individual or that
Solution of miseries, as complete nation prosperous by
per the Holy Quran providing good rain, good
harvest, good children, good
1. (God says in the Holy Quran) natural amenities etc.
whoever does good deeds, man
Ÿ So as per Gautam Buddha
or woman, and is believer (In
there are four Noble truths.
God, then) We shall assuredly
These truths are that there is
give (him) a good life (on earth)
miseries in life, it has cause, it has
and (after death) we will bestow
remedies, and eight fold path is
u p o n t h e m t h e i r re w a rd
according to the best of their
works. (Surah-Al-Nahl 16 Ayat 97) Ÿ As per Bhagwad Gita and the
holy Quran. Causes of suffering
2. (God says in the Holy Quran) are:
I swear by the passage of time,
that indeed, mankind is in loss, 1. Examination
except for those who have
believed (in God) and those who 2. Committing Sin (because of
did righteous deeds, and advised various reasons).
each other to truth (Dhamma) Solution to end suffering is
and advised each other to following commandmrent of
patience. (Surah-Al-Asr 103 Ayat 1-3) God and practicing Noble deeds
3. Prophet Noah said to his (Dhamma).
nation “seek forgiveness of your Ÿ So whatever Gautam Buddha
Lord. Surely He is the most said about the four noble truths
forgiving. He will send down are confirmed by divine books.
abundant rain from the sky for
Ÿ As on today 2022 there are
you, and increase your wealth
and sons, and provide for you about 6 crore Brahmins in India.
gardens, and provide for you Indian population is about 120
rivers.” (Surah-Nuh 71 Ayat 10-12) crore. Hence they are about 5%
of Indian Population. This ratio
That means if Human Being always remained same, as no one
stops committing sin, and ask changes his caste in Hindu

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 103 Section- II

religion. in simple form and words
through Lord Gautam Buddha.
Hindu Dharam or Sanatan
Dharm is oldest religion on
earth. They have highly advanced Ÿ
knowledge of medicine, science,
astrology and religion. But these
knowledge are confined to only
5% of Brahmin and about 15%
of higher caste population and
remaining 80% are totally
ig norant as far as above
mentioned four knowledge are
concerned, since ancient time. As
lower caste don’t have the right to
study them.
Illiteracy and ignorance is the
main cause of miseries in life.
Hence during the era of Gautam
Buddha majority of people were
illiterate, ignorant untouchable
and in extremely bad condition.
Hence Gautam Buddha gave
essence of religious knowledge to
common people in form of four
noble truths and eight fold path.
It is summary of religious
teaching, similar to notes issued
by college for weak students, so
that they can pass the exam easily.
So if one who don't have right to
study the religious books, by
following eight-fold noble path
he can achieve same religious
high status which a priest can
achieve, after knowing all the
available knowledge. So as per
the condition of society God sent
His teaching and commandment
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 104 Section- II
Analysis of Eight fold noble path
45. Right View
Right View means whatever believing and following
Gautam Buddha said, one has to commandment of God.
have faith and view that he was God says in Bhagwat Gita, “O
true, and by following him only Arjun, without faith (in God)
one will get heaven in hereafter. supplication, charity meditation,
Having faith as per the teaching or religious hard struggle, and
of prophet is compulsory norm whatever noble deed executed
of every divine religion. (done), they are said to be false
(unacceptable). That is neither
God said in the Holy Quran, (O in this world, nor after death
Muhammad say to people that), (they benefit anyone.) (Bhagwat
“If you love God, follow me and Gita chapter- 17, shlok 28)
God will love you, and forgive
you your sins. God is most One verse of Holy Quran is as
forgiving and most merciful” follows:
(Surah-Aale-Imran (3), Ayat (31))
The Messenger has believed in
Jesus Christ said,“ I am way, and what was revealed to him from
the truth, and the life. No one his Lord, and [so have] the
comes to the father (God) except believers. All of them have
through me. (Bible John 14:6) believed in God, and His angels,
That means believing and a n d Hi s b o o k s , a n d Hi s
fol low ing prophe t means messengers, [saying], "We make

Note: Sins are of two type.

In first type of sin we harm another human being and in second type
of sin we don't pray the compulsory prayer which God has made
compulsory for human beings, or we disobey God.
God does not forgive the first type of sin, unless affected person gets
compensation or he or she forgives us.
Second type of sin depends on God, He may forgive us or He may
punish us. In the above verse forgiveness is about second type of sin.
First type of sin neither God forgives nor they get washed away by any
prayer or ritual.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 105 Section- II

no distinction between any of
His messengers." And they say,
"We hear and we obey. [We seek]
Your forgiveness, our Lord, and
to You is the [final] destination.”
(to you we will return)
(Surah Al Baqrah (2) Ayat 285)

That means the prophets also

believe in that which God
revealed to them, and all their
followers also have to have same
faith in God, Prophets, revealed
books, angels and raising again
after death (in hereafter) for
giving account of deed, which
was performed in lifetime on
Planet Earth.
Having this type of faith and
views is the meaning of Right
View or Right Faith according to
divine book.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 106 Section- II

46. Right Intention
Ÿ God says in Bhagwat Gita, intended”. (Sahih Bukhari, Kitabe-
Leading to hell, leading to Vahi, bab-kaif kam Badaal-Wahi,
heaven, and mixed (return) are Hadees no. 01)
the three kinds of returns of deed l From one example we can
or work or action, after death, for understand the importance of
those who wish to enjoy returns right intention. Two persons
of their good deed (in this life). were quarreling on a terrace. In a
But for those who don't expect to fit of anger one person fired a gun
enjoy fruits of their good deed towards the second one. To save
(that means who do selfless second person third person
service of noble work) there is no pushed him aside. Second person
such three kinds of results for lost his balance and fell down
them in this world or in the from roof top to ground, and
hereafter. (For them there is only died. Now first person never
one return and that is heaven). killed the second person, but he
(Bhagwat Gita 18:12) will get sin of killing a human
being. Because his intention was
God said, “what is called as giving to kill the second person. Because
up (selfless service) know this is of pushing by third person, the
prayer of God. O Arjun, certainly second person got killed. But
no one can becomes a true third person will get blessing of
worship er w ithout fir m saving life of a human being.
determination to do selfless Because his intention was to save
service. ( Bhagwat Gita 6:2) life. Fate of second person will be
as per his intention. If he was
l God said in the Holy Quran, quarreling for justice, then he
“pray to God with pure faith will be a martyr. But if he was
(intention), even though the quarreling for superiority, then
unbelievers dislike it” (Surah-Al- accordingly he may be punished
Ghafir (40)-Ayat 14) for losing life without a genuine
l Prophe t Muhamma d
(PBUH) said, “Reward of deeds l Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)
depends upon the intention. said that martyred person, rich
Every person will get what he person, and religious scholars

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 107 Section- II

will first enter hell on the
judgement day. This will happen
because of their selfish intention.
(Hadees, Muslim, Tirmizi, Nasai)
So to get blessing, peace and
prosperity, right intention is very
important, Hence Gautam
Buddha mentioned it in the
Eight-fold Noble Path.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 108 Section- II

47. Right Thought
We can understand Importance
of Right thought from the Note:- Thoughts also mould
following verse of the Holy our physical life. If we think God
Quran. has made us lucky and will give
l God says in the Holy Quran, us prosperity. Then as per our
“O you who have believed (in expectation God may help us and
God) avoid much (negative) increase our prosperity.
assumptions indeed, some As per psychology also our
assumptions are sin.” (Surah -Al- thoughts take physical shape.
Hujaraat (49) Ayat 12). l Prophet Muhammad said
l God says in the Holy Quran, “Having positive expectation
All that the heavens and the earth from God is a prayer”. (Hadees of
contain belongs to God. Whether Tirmazi, Hakim)
you disclose what is in your l As per a long Hadees which
minds or keep it hidden. God will we will study in chapter of
bring you to account for it. He essence of Islam, having clean
will forgive whom He will, and heart and having no wrong
punish whom He pleases. He has feeling about fellow human
power over all things (Surah-Al- beings yields heaven”. (Muntakhib
Baqara (2) Ayat 284). Ahadees)
l As per the Holy Quran,
Note:- God will not punish for
Prophet Jacob said to his sons
things which are not in control of
that do not loss hope from God.
human beings. Thoughts are in
Because only those who don't
control of human beings, hence
believe in God loses hope. (Surah-
God will also punish for Yusuf (12) Ayat 87)
thoughts of sins. Hence our
thoughts should be clean and l Imam Bukhari in his book
pious. Adabul-Muffarid says that
hopeless person will be punished
l Prophet Muhammad said in hell without trial.(Urdu-Vol-1,
“God says: I am similar to page 403)
imagination of my slaves
(human beings) (Muslim, Bukhari, l After rain at night time,
Hadees Nabvi ki Roshni main -563) Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 109 Section- II
said in morning that tonight
some become believer in God
and some become non-believer
in God. One who believed that
this rain was as per command of
God, he became believer in God.
And one who had faith and
thought that this rain was due to
rise of a Zodiac on Horizon, have
became non-believer of God.
(Adabal Mufarrid, Irshade Nabvi ki
roshni mein, Nizame-Muashra-907,
Vol-2, page 229)
l From above-mentioned
verses of Holy Quran and Hadees
of Holy Prophe t we can
understand importance of our
thought. Hence Gautam Buddha
preached for right thought in
Eight-Fold Path.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 110 Section- II

48. Right Meditation
are all within you.
l About 2000 years ago Lao Tzu (End of chapter)
wrote a book “Tao Te Ching” for l God says in the Holy Quran.
kings and royal family to teach “In the creation of the heavens
them how to manage people and and the earth, the alternation of
c o u n t r y. T h i s b o o k w a s night and day, are signs for the
Translated into English by John wise. Those who remember God
Heider and published by Bantam in meditation, standing or sitting
Books. or lying on their sides, and who
Chapter no. 6 of this book is as ponder over the creation of the
follows: heavens and the earth, saying
lord, You have not created all this
Can you learn to become without purpose. Glory be to
open and receptive, quiet and You! Save us from the torment of
without desires or the need to do the fire (Surah-Al-Imran (3) Ayat
something? 190-191).
Being open and receptive is
l Whatever is in the Heaven
called Yin, the feminine, or the
valley. and the earth. God has engaged
all of them in service of
Imagine that there is a pond mankind. Those who meditate,
in this valley. When no fears or for them there is (sign of God) in
desires stir the surface of the it. (Surah-Jasia (45) Ayat 13)
pond, the water forms a perfect l In the creation of the heavens
mirror. and the earth, in the alternation
In this mirror, you can see the of night and day. In the ships that
reflection of Tao. You can see sail in the ocean bearing cargoes
God and you can see creation. (which are) beneficial to man. In
the (rain) water which God
Go into the valley, be still, and sends down from the sky and
watch the pond. Go as often as with which He revives the earth
you wish. Your silence will grow. after its death, scattering over it
The pond will never run dry. all kinds of animals. In courses of
the winds, and in the clouds
The valley, the pond, and Tao pressed into service between
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 111 Section- II
earth and sky, there are indeed Prayer means deep
signs (of God) for the people concentration. From the above-
who use their reason (who mentioned verses one can
meditates) (Surah-Al-Baqara (2) understand importance of
Ayat 164) establishing a mental condition
l God says in the Holy Quran in which we convince ourself
“Recite what has been revealed to that God is looking and listening
you of the book, and pray to us. Hence Gautam Buddha
regularly. Surely prayer restrains mentioned it in the Eight-Fold
one from indecency and evil and noble path.
remembrance of God is a great
act. God has knowledge of all
your actions.” (29.45)

l God says in the holy Quran,

I am God, there is no God except
Me. So worship Me (only), and
e s t a b l i s h p r a y e r f o r My
(Surah Ta-ha (20), verse- 14)
There is difference in performing
prayer and establishing prayer.
In performing prayer we recite
all the verses and supplications.
While in establishing prayer we
establish a mental condition in
which we convince ourself that
God is looking and listening to
us. This is a condition of
meditation. And after prayer also
one has to continue this mental
So when we assume that God is
looking and listening to us we
avoid committing sin and follow
religion religiously.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 112 Section- II

49. Right Speech
Bhikkhu Bodhi said right speech in their prayer, those who turn
means abstaining from false away from all ill speech, those
speech, slanderous speech, harsh who pay the Zakat (religious tax)
speech, and idle chatter (The noble those who safeguard their
eightfold path, by Bhikkhu Bodhi-pp- chastity (Surah-Al-Mumimin (23)
48-56). Ayat 1-5).
l God says in the Holy Quran, l God says in the Holy Quran
O Believer (in God) let not some (O Muhammad) Tell my servant
men among you ridicule others. (human being) that they should
It may be that the latter are better always say what is best. Satan
than the former. Nor should induces (dissension) among
some women laughs at others. It them. Indeed Satan is ever, to
may be that the latter are better mankind, a clear enemy (Surah-
than the former. Do not defame Bani-Israil (17) Ayat-53).
or be sarcastic to each other, or
call each other by (offensive) Note:- Devil or Satan is called Mara in
nicknames. How bad it is to earn Buddhism)
an evil reputation after accepting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
the faith! Those who do not said, Hell and Heaven are more
repent are evil-doers (Al Hujraat closer to human beings than the
(49) Ayat 11).
sole of their shoe. A person says a
l God says in the Holy Quran wrong word which is
“Avoid false statement” (Surah Al- insignificant to him. But it
Hajj (22) Ayat 30). annoys God, and that human
l God says in the Holy Quran being falls down in the Hell.
“Do not mix the truth with (Hadees)
falsehood or conceal the truth
while you know (it).” (Surah Al- l Wrong speeches are sin and
Baqara(2) Ayat 42). because of wrong speech enmity
l God says in the Holy Quran and hatred increase in society.
“O you who have believed (God), Sin, hate and enmity reduces
fear God and say right words” prosperity and increase miseries
(Surah-Al-Ahzas (33) Ayat 70). in life. As wrong speech is
harmful for human being in this
l God says in the Holy Quran
life and life after death. Hence
“Successful indeed are the Gautam Buddha prohibited it,
believers, those who are humble in the eight-fold path.
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 113 Section- II
50.Right Behavior (Avoiding Sin)

Bikkhu Bodhi described Right provide food for you and them.
Behavior as abstaining from And do not approach
taking life (non-violence). immoralities. Whether openly or
Abstaining from taking what is in secret, and do not kill the life
not given. Abstaining from which God has made sacred
sexual misconduct. except by way of justice and law.
(The Noble eight fold path-Bikkhu This is the command to you, so
Bodhi-PP:49-53) that you may understand (Surah-
Al-Anam (6) Ayat 151).
l Abstaining from taking what
l (God said)Woe to those who
is not given is further explained
give less (than due). Who
as follows:
demand of other people full
No stealing, (no housebreaking,
measure for themselves, But
no pickpocketing) no robbery,
when they give by measurement
no snatching, no fraudulence
or weight to other, they give them
(gaining possession of another’s
less. Do such people not realize
belonging by falsely claiming
that they will be raised again (in
them as one’s own).
Qayamat for account taking of
No deceitfulness. (using false deeds?) (Surah-Al-Mutaffifin-83
weight and measure to cheat Ayat-4).
customers) (The Noble Eightfold l (God said)Do not commit
Path, Bhikklu Bodhi -pp-52). adultery, for it is an indecent and
Islamic teachings about Right an evil course (Surah-Bani Israil (17)
behavior are as follows:- Ayat-32).

Commandment of God: l Your Lord has commanded

l God says in the Holy Quran, that you should worship none
(O Muhammad) Tell them, but Him, and show kindness to
“come, I will read out what your your parents. If either or both of
Lord has made binding on you, them attain old age with you, say
That you make none to the equal no word of contempt to them
of God. (no idol-worship) and be and do not rebuke them, but
good to your parents and do not always speak gently to them and
abandon (kill) your children treat them humbly and with
because of poverty. We shall
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 114 Section- II
tenderness and say, "Lord, be Israil (17) Ayat-37)
merciful to them both, as they
raised me up when I was l (Hazrat Luqman advised his
little.”(Surah-Bani Israil (17) Ayat-23- son) O my son! (Don’t commit
24) sin) Though it be but the weight
of a grain of mustard seed and
l Give to your relatives their though it be hidden in a rock, or
due, and also to the needy and in the heavens or on the earth,
the wayfarer. And do not spend God will bring it forth. Truly,
extravagantly; spendthrifts are God is the knower of all
the brothers of Satan, and Satan subtleties and He is aware. (Surah-
is ever ungrateful to his Lord. Luqman (31) Ayat-16)
(Surah-Bani Israil (17) Ayat-26-27)
l O my dear son! perform your
l You shall not kill your prayers regularly, and enjoin
offspring (children) for fear of good, and forbid evil, and endure
poverty. It is We who provide for patiently whatever may befall
them, and for you. Indeed, killing you. Surely, this is something
them is a great sin. (Surah-Bani which requires firm resolve.
Israil (17) Ayat-31) (Surah-Luqman (31) Ayat-17)
l Do not go near the orphans'
property, except with the best of l Do not avert your face from
intentions, until they reach people out of haughtiness and do
maturity. Keep your promises; not walk with pride on the earth:
you will be called to account for for, behold, God does not love
every promise which you have arrogant and boastful people.
made! (Surah-Bani Israil (17) Ayat- (Surah-Luqman (31) Ayat-18)
l Walk modestly and lower
l Give full measure, when you
your voice, for the ugliest of all
measure, and weigh with voices is the braying of the ass."
accurate scales. That is fair, and (Surah-Luqman (31) Ayat-19)
better in the end. (Surah-Bani Israil
(17) Ayat-35) Prophet Muhammad
l Do not walk proudly on the (PBUH) said :
earth. You cannot cleave the
earth, nor can you rival the 1. God has appointed me as a
mountains in height. (Surah-Bani prophet to teach mankind the

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 115 Section- II

best character and behavior God. Hence Gautam Buddha
(Ikhlaq-Hasna) (Hadees-Moatta- by advised to adopt right behavior .
2. Good character is noble deeds
(Muslim, Hadeese-Nabvi-no. 347).
3. Person with best character
among you is that person whose
behavior is best for his wife (Ibne-

4. On day of Judgement the

most valuable good deed will be
good character. God dose n't like
those who speak ill. (Tirmizi-

5. Friendly, harmless, soft

spoken, soft hearted will never
enter Hell. (Tirmizi-Hadees-e-

6. Because of ill speech and

infidelity people will enter hell
and because of Good character
and remembrance of God people
will enter heaven (Trimizi-Hadees-

7. Those who adopt humility

God blesses them with respect
and honor (in society) (Masood

8. Because of sin God reduces

prosperity of human beings.
(Tirmizi-Zade-Rah-Vol. 2 Page-301).

Wr o n g b e h a v i o r r e d u c e s
prosperity and attracts wrath of

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 116 Section- II

51. Right way of earning
As per Bikkhu Bodhi, earning by prohibited to interfere in
cheating, stealing, exploitation is business of farmers by brokers.
against teaching of Gautam Let farmers to come in the city,
Buddha. (The Noble Eightfold path, know value of their product and
Bikkhu Bodhi-pp-55-56). sale to customer at optimum
l God says in the Holy Quran price. So the farmer who take so
“Believers (in God) do not much labor to produce grains
wrongfully consume each etc. get right returns of their
other’s wealth, but trade with it hard work.
by mutual consent. Do not kill l Hazrat Kaab bin Ajrah (RA)
one another. God is most says that once a person passed by
merciful to you.” (Surah-An-Nisa Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
(4) Ayat 29). who was doing too much
l Proph e t Mu h a m m a d struggles for earning money.
(PBUH) said “Those who cheat Companion of the Holy Prophet
are not a Muslim” (Hadees, said, “It would have been much
Tirmizi-1315). better if this person do so much
l Proph e t Mu h a m m a d
struggle in religion (for cause of
(PBUH) prohibited brokers of God). Then Holy Prophet said, If
urban area to sale product of this person is struggling to earn
rural area. (Hadees Ibne-Maja- money for his kids, then his this
2253). struggle will be counted as for
noble cause of God. If this
Explanation:- Formers are person is struggling to earn
innocent people. They don't money so that he himself do not
assess value of their product beg, then his struggle will be
perfectly. Brokers of urban area counted for noble cause of God.
are extremely clever and even If this person is struggling to
c h e a t e r. T h e y p u r c h a s e earn money to look after his old
agricultural product from parents, then his this struggle
former at very cheap price and will be counted as noble cause of
sale in cities at very high price. God. But if he is struggling to
This is exploitation of innocent earn money to prove his
farmers. Hence Prophet superiority over other human
Muhammad (PBUH)
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 117 Section- II
being, then his struggle will be
for evil cause. (Targeeb-Tibrani-
Zade-Rah Hadees no. 88)
l Once a person shook hands
with Prophet Muhammad
(Pbuh). His palms was very
rough. So holy Prophet asked
him for its reason. That person
said that, I do hard work with
hand, hence my palms are rough.
Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)
kissed his palms.
l Earning money honestly and
for right cause is a prayer, and
respectable way of living, hence
Lord Buddha said it in Eight Fold

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 118 Section- II

52. Right effort

which benefits mankind

l Holy Quran says, God sends flourishes and prospers. And
down water from the sky, that those who are of no use to
fills riverbeds and cause them to mankind are disposed off, or
flow, and each stream flows as per declines or do not prosper. Hence
its water carrying capacity. The all human beings for their own
flowing water carries along with peace and prosperity should
it swelling foam, akin to what serve and become beneficial to all
rises from smelted ore from mankind.
which man makes ornaments
and tools. God this way explains l Think and imagine the
the truth and falsehood. The following example.
waste material flowing on water Suppose I am a criminal and I am
is disposed away, but (water) staying in a society in which
which is useful to mankind everyone is saint. And in second
remains behind (Get stored and cases I am a saint and staying in a
preserved in earth). This way society in which everyone is
God explains of right and wrong criminal. In which case I will be
(so that you understand it). (Holy more happy and prosperous. Of
Quran 13.17) course when I stay in society of
saints. So becoming even saint
Meaning of this verse is as will not make my life
follows: comfortable, unless my neighbor
and society in which I stay is not
After good rain water flows in prosperous and enlightened.
canals, but in initial rain it also Anathapindica was a wealthy
carries foam and straws of businessman, when he embraced
grasses with it. After sometime Buddhism, and asked Gautam
water which is beneficent to Buddha that should I donate all
mankind get absorbed in soil and my wealth and become Bikshu,
become water table. (That means Gautam Buddha did not allow
it get preserved) and foam and him, and asked him to carry on
grass particles which are useless his business as ususal and remain
vanishes or disposed off. beneficient to mankind.
Similarly the person and society When Gautam Buddha was

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 119 Section- II

staying at Saravasti, a wealthy l And as compared (to him)
women Vishakha donated food, among human beings no one is
cloths and medicine to all more dear to me (at present) and
Bikshu, (men & women) and never will be anyone else in this
Gautam Buddha accepted it and world as compared to him (will
blessed her. And after death she be) more dearer to me in future .
got heaven also. This proves that (Bhagwat gita 18:69)
Buddhism is not against l From these details we
becoming wealthy and donating understand that helping fellow
large money to fellow human human beings is most important
beings. part of all divine religions.
l In the Holy Quran whenever l So God always commanded
God asked human being to helping other human beings. I
perform Namaz (prayer) He also consider Gautam Buddha a
c o m m a n d e d h i m t o p ay Prophet, hence it is my personal
religious tax (zakat). So that it views that by right efforts
could be used for upliftment of Gautam Buddha advice for
poor, freeing slaves, paying debt taking right effort to serve
of poor, helping travelers, mankind, so that miseries ends
struggling to spread the words of in life of all human-beings.
God, etc.
l The holy Prophet
Muhammad (Pbuh) said, “All
creatures are (like) family of
God, and He loves most those
who are kindest to His family.”
(Narrated by Anas, Mishkat-al-
Masabih, 3-1392 quoted from
l God said in the Bhagwat
Gita. “ Those who (along with)
doing my worship teaches this
most confidential (religious)
knowledge to my worshiper
without doubt achieves my
supreme place (heaven)
certainly. (Bhagwat gita 18:68)
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 120 Section- II
53. Essence Of Islam
Eight fold path could be divided That means whatever we think
into two broad categories: deep inside our hearts, we have
Right state of mind to give account of those thought
Right conduct also to God, similar to our deeds.

Right Views 2 . Pro p h e t Mu h a m m a d

Right Aspirations (PBUH) said, The reward of
Right Thought deeds depend upon the
Right Contemplation intention, and every person will
get the reward according to what
These noble act are related to he has intended. (Bukhari 1:1 -0:13)
right state of mind
Right speech 3. God says in the Holy Quran,
Right Behavior “O you who believed (in One
Right way of earning God), avoid much (negative)
Right effort assumption. Indeed some
These four noble acts are related assumption are sin. (Surah-Al-
to right conduct. Hujraat (49) Ayat-12)

In this chapter we will describe That means we have to think

how these two categories are positively about other human
essence of Islam also. being also. If we assume some
fault in a person, and if that fault
is not in him, then thinking
negative about that person will
Importance of right state
be counted as sin in our account
of mind:- of deeds.

1. God says in the Holy Quran

that: 4. Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA)
Whatever you disclose which is said, I heard Prophet
in your minds or you keep it Muhammad (PBUH) says, The
hidden. God will bring you to first group of people who will be
account for it. (Surah-Al-Baqara (2) brought in front of God for
Ayat-(284). checking of their deeds will be

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 121 Section- II

the martyrs, scholars and rich might be said (about you that) he
people. is learned one. And you recited
the Quran that it might be said
When the martyrs will be
(that) he is a reciter. And so it was
produced before God, God will
said (that) he is a reciter.(That
make known to them His favors,
means people praised you as per
(physical strength, bravery
your intention). Then he will be
which God blessed to him etc)
ordered to be dragged along on
and the martyred person will
his face until he is cast (thrown)
acknowledge it. Then God will
in hell-fire.
ask him, “what did you do about
them?” Martyr will say, “I Fought (Another person produced
for you until I died a martyr. God before God) will be a man whom
will say, “You have lied, you God had made rich and to whom
fought to become famous, and to He had given all kinds of wealth.
be known as courageous. And so He will be brought and God will
it was said after your death. make known to him His (God’s)
favour and he will recognize
Then God will ask angels to drag
them. (The Almighty) God will
him along on his face until he is
say. And what did you do about
thrown in hell fire.
them? He will say, I left no path
Another person produced before
untrodden in which You like
God will be a man who has
money to be spent without
studies (religious) knowledge
spending in it for your sake. God
and taught it, and who used to
will say You have lied, you did
recite the Quran. He will be
because you wanted that people
brought and God will make
should say: He is open-handed
known to him His (God’s)
(Generous). And it was said.
favours and that person will
recognize them (will accept the Then he will be ordered to be
favour of God). (The Almighty) dragged on his face until he is
God will say, And what did you cast into Hell-fire.
do about them? He will say, I (Hadees, Muslim, Tirmidhi, An-nasai)
studied (religious) knowledge So the first batch of people who
and I taught it and I recited the will enter Hell will be martyrs,
Quran for Your sake. God will religious scholars, and rich
say. You have lied, you studied people of society. And this will
(religious) knowledge, so that it happen because of their wrong

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 122 Section- II

intention. special prayer of that
companion. I became
5. Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Umar disappointed, and directly asked
said, once we were sitting in that companion about his special
mosque in company of prophet prayer because of which he is
Muhammad (PBUH) and he destined for heaven. That
(messenger) said, if you want to companion said I don't do any
see a person who is destined for special prayer other than what all
heaven than see the person who Muslims do. So Hazrat Abdulla
will just enter in this mosque. Ibne Umar started returning
And a person entered in Mosque. back hopelessly. When he walked
He was one of the companion of few steps away, that companion
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). called him back and said, “I don’t
On the second day messenger do any special prayer, but I do one
said same thing and same thing. Every day before sleep I
companion entered in Mosque. ensure that my heart is absolutely
On third day messenger said clean from all kind of malaises
same thing, and on third day also and hatred for anybody. I sleep
same companion entered in with absolutely clean heart and
Mosque. good wishes for everyone.”
(Muntakhib Ahadees)
Hazrat Abdullah Ibne Umar said,
I was too much impressed with From above-mentioned details
that companion, who was we can understand that even
destined for heaven. And request after accepting Islam, if someone
him to allow me to stay with him had wrong intention, then even
for a few days. after becoming martyr or
As all of them were known to religious scholar or
e a c h o t h e r, h e n c e t h a t p h i l a n t h ro p i s t , t h e f i n a l
companion allowed him. destination will be hell only.
Hazrat Abdulla Ibne Umar And a simple religious person
started observing that with clean heart and good wishes
companion very minutely to for all human being is sure to get
know the secret prayer by which heaven.
he was destined for heaven. Impor tance of right
After three days of observation conduct
Hazrat Abdulla said, I found no
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 123 Section- II
1.God says in holy Quran, “God protected by angels. Whatever
does not impose on any person a bad or good condition a person,
responsibility (burden) beyond or society is enjoying, it is not
his ability. Whoever will do good because of a reason beyond the
deed will benefit from it, and control of human being. But it is
whoever will do evil dead will deed of human being because of
receive it’s harmful effect. (Surah- which their condition becomes
Al-baqra-2, verse-286) good or bad.
This means God does not put a So in bad surrounding if a person
human being in such a harsh and o r c o m m u n i t y ke e p s o n
helpless condition that he has no committing sin, then they will
option other than committing not get forgiveness, but all of
sin. A human being commits sin them will be accounted for it, as
intentionally as per his wishes. bad situation is created by
And effect of wrong deed which human being themselves, and
we do with fellow human being not by God.
cannot be washed away or erased
by any ritual or prayer of God.
3. In a Journey of holy war, a
2. Holy Quran says, “Mankind companion of Prophet
protected from front and behind Muhammad (pbuh) came to him
by angels as per command of and asked, “O messenger of God,
God. God does not changes His if I fight whole-heartedly
favour upon any nation until (physically and financially) and
they change their own condition. die in this holy war, will I get
(Surah-Al-Rad-13, verse-11) heaven? Prophet Muhammad
This verse means that angels (pbuh) said.“Yes, you will get
protect mankind from harms heaven.” That person turned
which mankind himself cannot back for going away. At that
protect from. And further God moment Prophets Muhammad
says that if anyone is in good (pbuh) called him back,and said
condition then God Himself “Archangel Gabrial just came
does not convert it into bad and told me that (even a very
condition. Everyone get bad small) loan which a person takes,
condition because of their own without returning it to the
wrong deed. lender, even a martyr cannot get
heaven. (Hadees-Book-Muslim)
Or we can say human society is

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 124 Section- II

4. Abu Hurairah (RA) reported, So even after earning huge
that Prophet Muhammad amount of blessings by
(PBUH) said, “The soul of the worshiping God, a person will go
deceased believer remains in hell due to troubling other
pending (suspended)on human beings.
account of the debt, till it (the So not committing sin is more
debt) is paid. (At-Tirmidhi) important than earning blessing
to succeed and get heaven after
death. So essence of religion is
5. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) that one should have mind set
said, “On the day of judgement full of faith in God, humanity,
(Qaymat/Parlay), a worshiper thinking about welfare of human
will come with huge amount of society, and physically not
blessing which will be like a hill. harming anyone, and benefitting
But when God starts checking everyone.
deed account of that worshiper Some people have mis
with huge amount of blessing, conception that sin committed
Many people will come and will with other human beings could
plead God that, O God, on earth be erased with performance of
this person has cheated us, taken some prayer or ritual, or
our money, harmed us, not given re p e n t a n ce w i t h G o d o r
our right, exploited us, etc etc. confession. Some people have
Then God starts giving blessing misconception that miseries
to each person as per their could end by some prayer
suffering and losses, from the without avoiding sin. Some
blessing of man who is under people have misconception that
checking. Slowly all the blessing prosperity could be earned by
of that worshiper will be prayers without stopping and
distributed among sufferers. avoiding sin. To clear such mis
Even after this his many conceptions some verses of Holy
sufferings will remain unpaid. So Quran are as follows:
God will take sin of all those
unpaid people and put on A) Right & Wrong deeds
worshiper who is under are recorded precisely:-
checking. And finally that God said in the holy Quran,
worshiper will be thrown in hell. On that Day (of Qayamat)

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 125 Section- II

people will come forward in rebelled and went on
separate groups (in front of God transgressing (Divine Laws).
for) to be shown their deeds (Surah-Al-Baqra 2 Ayat 61)
(which they did in their lifetime).
(On this day) whoever has done D) No one can influence
the smallest particle of good will God to forgive sin:-
see it, and whoever has done the
smallest particle of evil will see it. A verse of the holy quran is as
(Surah-Al-Zalzala (94) Ayat 6-8). follows:

B) Sins could not be God alone is the Lord, there is no

transferred:- deity except Him. (He is) the
God said in the holy Quran, ever-living, the sustainer of (all)
“No soul shell bear the burden of existence. Neither drowsiness
another” (Surah-Al-Najm (53) Ayat overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him
38) belongs whatever is in the
heavens and whatever is on the
That mean no person will take
earth. Who is it that can
on his head blame of sin or
intercede (intervene on behalf of
wrong deed of another person.
another) with God except by His
Everyone will be responsible for
permission ? (Surah Al-Baqarah-
his own sin and he only will get
2, Ayat-255)
punishment for it.
C) Miseries in life are due Once Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) said to his daughter
to wrong deeds:- Hazrat Fatima, and his aunt
A verse of the Holy Quran is as (Hazrat Safiya) and uncles, that
follows: on day of Judgment (Qayamat)
They (followers of Prophet don’t think that being relative of
Moses) were covered with the Prophet you will be forgiven.
humiliation and misery, (And) I have no power at all to protect
they drew on themselves the you from God. In this life you
wrath of God. This is because may ask me for some of my
they went on rejecting the signs property, as you wish. (Sahih
of God and killing His Muslim-205).
messengers without just cause. That means in this life I can give
(And) This is because they property but after death I cannot
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 126 Section- II
ask God to forgive you and give Prophet Muhammed (pbuh)
you heaven. said, God says that: “ O human
being free yourself for My prayer.
E) Prosperity life will by If you do so I will give you easy
noble deeds:- and pious life, and fill your heart
with generosity. But if you
God says in the holy Quran that neglect My prayer, neither I will
“ Good and evil deeds are not reduce your poverty nor free you
equal. Repel evil with what is hands”. (Hadees Qudsi)
better, then you will see that one That means who ever neglects
who was once your enemy has prayer of God will be always
become your dearest friend”. overbusy, and will always face
(Sureh- Fussilat (41) Ayat - 34)
shortage of money.
Enmity increase problem and
stress, which in turn reduce So from the Islamic point of
prosperity. While friendship view, embracing Islam is not a
increases happiness, easy life and free ticket to heaven. But when a
prosperity. Muslim adopts right state of
mind and right conduct, only
(God says in the Holy Quran) then he will be successful.
whoever does good deeds, man
or woman, and is believer (also), So as far as two broad group are
we shall assuredly give (him) a concerned that is right state of
good life (on earth), and (after mind and right conduct,
death) we will bestow upon them teaching of Islam is same as what
their words. (Al- Nahl (16), Ayat -97) Gautam Buddha taught 2500
years ago.
(God says in the Holy Quran)
Why should God punish you if Faith and deed of a
you render thanks to Him and Muslim:
b e l i e ve i n H i m ? G o d i s
appreciative and aware. (Sureh- To become a Muslim one has to
An- Nisa (4), Ayat -147) do five compulsory things or act.
In another verse God says, if you These are as follows:
thank for My blessing. I will (1) Correct faith.
further increase it. (Sureh Ibrahim
(14), verse- 7) (2) Prayer (Namaz).

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 127 Section- II

(3) Fasting. 2. Prayer (Namaz):-
(4) Charity (Zakat). God says in Holy Quran, recite
(5) Haj ( Pilgrim age to Makkah) (O Muhammed), what has been
revealed to you of the books
Details of abovementioned five (Quran) and establish prayer
things are as follow. (Namaz). Indeed, prayers
(Namaz) prohibits immortality
1. Correct Faith: and wrong doing, and the
Correct faith as per Islam are as remembrance of God is greater
follows: and God knows what you do.
(Your deed). (Sureh- Al- Ankabut
Having faith in one God, who (29), Ayat - 45)
neither takes birth, nor gives
birth, and no one is equal to Note:
Him, and He is free from all
In this verse. God has instructed
needs. (Sureh- Al- Ikhlas (112), Ayat -
14 )
to establish Namaz, and not to
perform Namaz. The difference
Having faith that prophet between establishing and
Muhammad (pbuh) is God’s last performing is that in performing
messengers:- God says in the Namaz one recites all the verses
Holy Quran, “ Muhammad is and supplications which are
not the father of any of your prescribed for every step and
men, but God’s messenger and physical position in Namaz. As
the seal of the prophets. God has those verses and supplication are
knowledge of all the things. memorized hence one may recite
(Sureh- Al- Ahzab (33), Ayat -40 ) them even thinking about
(Seal of the prophets means he is business and other activities also.
the last prophet) While in establishing Namaz one
has to concentrate only on
Believing that all prophets and remembrance of God and feel
their books are true. Hell, that God is listening and
Heaven, Angel do exist. Human observing him every movement.
being do have a destiny, and
Qayamat will occur, when (This is similar to meditation).
everyone has to give account of So when one remembers that
their deed to God. (Summary of God is listening and observing
sureh Al- Baqrah (2), Ayat - 285) him, then he takes care of his
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 128 Section- II
speech and actions. heart (intention) seeking the
pleasure of God, it is these
(persons) that shall get manifold
(increase in their wealth). (Surah-
3. Fasting:- Al-Rum(30) Ayat-39)
God says in the Holy Quran, “O (This means that if someone
you who believe (in one God), takes interest to increase his
fasting has been prescribed for wealth, God does not increase his
you, as it was prescribed for wealth and prosperity. Only
those before you (ancient those who donate their wealth,
people), so that you may become their wealth gets multiplied and
righteous. (Surah-Al-Baqarah (2) increases too much and the poor
Ayat 183). in society also benefit from it).
(This means just as fasting is
compulsory for Muslims in the 5. Hajj:-
same way it was compulsory for
After using precise measuring
ancient people also. And the
instrument such as vernier
purpose of fasting is to make the
caliper and micrometer for some
nature of human beings pious.
period, they are sent for
calibration to correct their error,
4. Charity (Zakat):- which get developed in them
(Jesus) said, “I am God’s servant. because of using them for a long
He has given me the Book and time. Similarly human being also
made me a prophet. He has made requires correction regularly.
me blessed one, no matter where
I dwell, commanded me to To all the people of world God
worship Him, and pay the asked to follow only one religion.
religious tax (zakat) for as long as As time passes, far-off or isolated
I live (Surah-Maryam (19) Ayat 30- places develop some new ways in
31). religious practices or faith.
Zakat is compulsory for all Hence God asked all the people
Muslims. of world to come to the centre of
God says in the Holy Quran, the world Kabaa, and perform
Whatever (money) you give as prayers together. So that they can
interest to increase wealth, but it know the basic and true religion
does not find increase with God. from each other, and they could
Yet what (money) you give as correct whatever wrong belief
alms and charity with a pure and practices they added
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 129 Section- II
afterward. This is calibration or
correction of religion and
human beings. God gives reward
of visit to Kabaa in form of
forgiveness of all small sins. (Big
sins are forgiven only after

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 130 Section- II

Section- 3

Essential knowledge which are

required to understand the
teachings of the Buddha

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 131 Section- III

Understanding God
Ÿ We will study the following information about God in this
1) How big God is?
2) Why birth and death is not for God
3) How God knows everything
4) How God keeps this universe in working condition
5) Understanding God from teaching of Taoism
6) How many Gods are there
7) Features of God
8) Clarifications about the Names of God
9) Various Philosophies regarding God
10) Introduction of life, or Jaan and Pran

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 132 Section- III

54. How big God is?
Rays of light travel at a speed of cluster there are 47,000 galaxies.
3,00,000 kilometers per second.
Many clusters combine to form a
At this speed a ray of light can
super cluster. Our galaxy is in
encircle our earth planet seven
super cluster known as “local
times in a second. The distance
super cluster.”
which a ray of light can travel in a
year is called a “light year.” In one super-cluster there are
more than 100 clusters.
Our sun is 13,00,000 time bigger
than our planet earth. But Sun is Our universe has got more than
not the biggest star in universe. A 100 super clusters.
star with name “eta carinae” is 50
Our this universe is created by
lakh times bigger than our sun.
one God. When He created this
“beetle juice” star is 30 crore time
universe, He was outside
bigger than our sun. V.Y. Canis
universe, and bigger than it.
majoris Star is 100 crore times
bigger than our sun. Can you imagine how big our
God is?
Name of our galaxy is “Milky
way”. In this galaxy there are You can view whatever we have
300,00,00,00,000 suns similar to described on the following link
our Sun. of youtube.
Our galaxy is so big that a ray of https://youtube//x7QRVP2JGzM
light takes one lakh “light years”
to travel from one end to the
other end of our galaxy.
Another galaxy nearest to our
galaxy is double in size than our
galaxy. It is Andromeda Galaxy.
M-81 galaxy is 60 times and, 1C-
1011 galaxy is 600 time bigger
than our galaxy.
A number of such galaxies
combin to make one cluster. The
cluster in which we are present is
called Virgo cluster. In Virgo

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 133 Section- III

55. Why Birth and Death is not for God

The theory of relativity of process of discovery is not over,

Einstein says that when the and still many more types of rays
velocity of a thing increases more and waves remain to be
than light, that is 300000 kms/sec discovered. Some of which we
or (186000 mile/sec), time starts commonly know, such as rays of
slowing down for that object. eyesight, rays of thought energy
etc. Eyesight and thought both
For better understanding of this
travel at a high speed similar to
theory let us consider an
light or may be more than that.
example of a spaceship and a
wall clock. Suppose a spaceship l A verse of the holy Quran
has capacity of traveling more about God is as follows:
than the speed of light and a
No vision can grasp Him, but His
clock is fixed to its cabin wall.
grasp is over all vision. He is the
When the spaceship travels subtle and aware of all things.
below the speed of light; the wall (Surah-Al-Anam(6)-verse 103)
clock would work with its l To u n d e r s t a n d t h e
regular speed. As the speed of the importance of this verse read
spaceship crosses the speed of the following detail.
light, the wall clock starts
slowing down. And at infinite If you are walking on road and a
speed it would stop completely. person riding a cycle passes by
That is time would stop in that you, can you judge his speed?
spaceship. It will neither age nor definitely.
become old. If a car passes you, can you judge
Initially it was thought that light its speed? Yes.
has only spectrum of seven If a bullet passes you, can you
colors and seven types of rays. judge its speed?
Then it was discovered that other
types of light also exist; for No. Because speed of Bullet is too
example infrared and high.
ultraviolet. Then other types of If you ride a high velocity vehicle
rays were discovered, such as the with speed somewhat equal to
x-rays and radiation of bullet, than possibly you can
radioactive elements. The judge speed of a bullet also.
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 134 Section- III
The stars shining in the sky are eternity. Hence He is neither
billions of light years away from born nor would die.
us. Our eyesight reaches these
stars in a fraction of a second.
And God can see rays of our Before Big-Bang there was no
eyesight reaching these stars. It is space, no matter and no time,
possible only when speed of rays but God was existing. By Big
of light of God also has same Bang God created this universe
speed by which, time, space, energy
and matter came into existence.
Note: It is a scientific fact that
But God Who was existing
light from stars, when it falls on
before big bang, after that also
the retina of our eye we see them.
exists, but neither space, matter
But I have seen yogis who can
and energy nor time is for him.
move coins with stare of their
eye, or bend tea spoon with stare When time is not for God, then
of their eyes. So eyesight do have birth and death is also not for
some kind of rays. God. Hence he remains forever
in same condition.
The mind and heart work on
complex nature of electrical From another example try to
energy and thought which is understand how time is not for
generated in the mind; it is also God.
some form of energy. That is why
Purchase a toy from toy shop
telepathy messages can be
which runs on battery. Insert a
transmitted to another person
battery and switch on the toy. As
far away, but this form of energy
per charging of battery toy may
is yet to be discovered and
keep on moving may be for one
hour, then it will stop. So let us
In line of the above scientific consider life-span of toy is one
facts, philosophers and thinkers hour if new battery is inserted.
says that no doubt God is some
When toy is switched on life
form of energy or light, but the
cycle of toy will start, but it has
nature and speed of that light is
nothing to do with your life
not known. It may be having
cycle. If the toy runs for one hour
infinite speed. Hence time has
or half hour, nothing happen
stopped for Him. Hence He is in
personally in your life.
the same condition from

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 135 Section- III

Similarly with a big bang God
created this universe. It is still
expanding like a ballon. After
some period of time it will stop
expanding and start contracting
and finally one day it will
collapse to zero volume as it was
before. So the time of expansion
and contraction of universe is
decided by God. Energy is also
supplied by God. But time cycle
of universe has nothing to do
with time of God. Similar to the
fact that life of toy is not related
to your life time.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 136 Section- III

56. How God knows everything

When we switch on a bulb, it their eyes. From above examples

emits light. Bulb is a small source I assume that like light, eyesight
of energy; hence the light or vision of a person is also like
emitted by the bulb is also weak rays of light and have energy like
and could be blocked by a rays of light or electro-magnetic
sunglass. waves or sunlight etc., which we
still have not understood
A welding arc has stronger level
of energy, hence its rays cannot
be blocked by plain sunglass, but
One shlok of Bhagwad Gita is as
require a special glass to block its
ultraviolet rays. oXod gy`© ghóñ` ^d{V² `wJ[V² CoËWVm &
X-ray has still higher level of `oX ^m: gÑer gm ñ`mV² ^mg: Vñ` _hmË_Z: &&
energy and cannot be blocked by (Then Arjun saw effulgence
welding glass. Even muscles of (light) of God, it was as) if in the
human body cannot block it. It is sky many thousands suns
blocked by denser material like simultaneously were present.
bones. That light would be like splendor
Radioactive rays emitted from of that great God. (Bhagwad Gita
uranium etc., which are used in 11:12)
atomic plants have such a high The great God is the basic and
energy level that they even highest source of energy in
penetrate bones of human body, universe. His vision has highest
wooden partitions and brick state or level of energy, which can
walls etc. To block them, pass each and everything in the
scientist uses three-feet-thick universe. A ray emitted by
wall made from lead metal radioactive material could be
bricks. Hence higher the energy blocked by a thick wall of lead
level, more penetrative the rays metal. But nothing can stop the
emitted. vision of God. This whole
I have seen a person moving a universe is transparent to God.
coin on the table with a stare of Hence God knows everything.
his eyes. Many Yogis and Rishis, Shlok No. 18.61, of Bhagwad
who awake their Kundalni, also Gita says,“O Arjun, God is
can move things with a stare of present in the heart of all human
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 137 Section- III
Chapter 2, verse no. 284 of the
holy Quran says that “Whatever
you disclose or whatever you
hide in your heart,
He(God)knows it.”
Since vision of God passes
through us. We are transparent
for Him. Hence He knows each
and every cell, every atom and
molecule of our body; every beat
of our heart, every thought in
our mind. Surely, He is closest to
us than our blood vessels and He
knows everything. Things take
shape according to His
command anywhere in the
universe and at anytime. Hence
we can also say that He is present
everywhere, or He is

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 138 Section- III

57. How God keeps this universe in
Working condition

Let us understand God from shloks of Bhagwat Gita:-

Remember facts and figures in l AZmoXËdmV² oZJw©UËdmV² [a_ AmË_m A`_²
following shloks of Bhagwat Gita Aì``: &
to understand how God keeps eara-ñW: Ao[ H$m¡ÝV{` Z H$am{oV Z obß`V{ &&32&&
this universe in wor king
condition, and how God is O Arjun, this (God is) without
present in the human body. beginning, without feature
(qualities like human beings),
l gd© BoÝÐ` JwU Am^mg_² gd© BoÝÐ` oddoO©V_² & superior (than) soul,
Agº$_² gd©^¥V² M Ed oZJw©U_² JwU-^m{º¥$ M imperishable (immortal). He is
&&13:15&& in body, but neither does
All wishes and features (in anything nor attached to it.
human beings are) ignited or (Bhagwat Gita 13:32)
illuminated (or created by God.
But He is) devoid of all wishes. Ÿ `Wm gd©-JV_² gm¡úå`mV² AmH$me_² Z
He sustains all creatures, (but) C[obß`V{ &
He is not attached to anyone. gd©Ì AdoñWV: X{h{ VWm AmË_m Z C[obß`V{
Indeed (He is) creator of all &&13:33&&
features (in living being), but He The way in which subtle space
is free from any features. (air) being present everywhere,
(tendencies, emotions, but not attached to anyone, in
characteristics). (Bhagwat Gita same way (light/tej of) God is
present everywhere in body, but
l ]oh: AÝV: M ^yVmZm_² AMa_² Ma_² Ed M & not attached to anyone. (Bhagwat
gyú_Ëdm_² VV² Aodk{`_² Xya-ñW_² M AoÝVH{$ M VV² Gita 13:33)
Ÿ `Wm àH$me`oV EH$: H¥$ËñZ_² bm{H$_² B__²
He (is) outside and, inside, of all aod: &
living beings and all moving and j{Ì_² j{Ìr VWm H¥$ËñZ_² àH$me`oV ^maV &&34&&
non-moving (things). He is
subtle, incomprehensible. He (is O Arjun, the way in which one
at) far off place, and very near. sun illuminates (make alive) this
(Bhagwat Gita 13:16) entire world, in same way one
God illuminates (make alive)
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 139 Section- III
entire (field) body. (Bhagwat Gita 2000 years ago Lao Tuz wrote
13:34) this book with title “Tao te
`Wm AmH$me-oñWV: oZË`_² dm`w: gd©Ì-J: _hmZ² & ching”. This book was for
Vwm gdm©oU ^yVmoZ _V²-ñWmoZ BoV C[Yma` &&9:6&& education of kings and royal
Just as the air (which) always and families of China. John Heider
everywhere stays in sky, (and Translated it into English.
has) great (importance for
survival of living beings).
Similarly (and) in same way,
understand that all creatures
depend on Me. (Bhagwat Gita 9:6)
That means that the human body
is functioning and alive because
of light of God, and all
intelligence and emotion in
human being is also because of
God. Similarly everything in this
universe is alive because of the
light of God. So by His own light
and energy, God kept this
universe alive, and in working
Remember the messages in the
above-mentioned shlokes. Also
read the following Chinese
philosophy. Then we will be able
to understand how God keeps
this universe alive or how things
happen in universe.
Kindly read the following three
chapters of a book called “Tao of
Leadership, written (Translated)
by John Heider. Published by
Bantam Books.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 140 Section- III

58. Understanding God from the teachings
of Taoism.
Tao stands for 'How’

Tao stands for 'how': In what being aware of what is going on.
way do things happen, how By understanding what is going
things operate, Tao is the one on I start perceiving how it is
principle fundamental to all happening and finally I start
creation. perceiving Tao.
‘Tao is God',
To know what is going on I must
Tao cannot be described or given pay attention with an open mind.
a definition as it is applicable to I must set aside my personal
everything. A thing cannot be prejudices or bias. Prejudiced
explained in terms of itself. If you people see only what fits those
are able to define a principle, it is prejudices.
not Tao.
Meditation method is effective
Tao is a law while Creation is a because principle and process are
process. That's all there is: never independent of each other.
principal and process, how and All the processes reveal the
what. principle underlying them. It
implies that it is possible for me
All the creation develops in
to know what Tao is. Thus I can
consonance with Tao and there is
also know God.
no other system.
By understanding about Tao I
Tao cannot be described but it
can understand how things
can be understood. It can be
understood by meditation or

Tao is not an object

No matter how much you try All things operate according to
you will never find a thing Tao but Tao does not obey
called Tao or God. Tao is not an anyone. Tao is never an object or
object or thing. Tao is a a process. Tao is the principle of
principle and a law. Tao means all things and all events; Tao is the
how or in what way. law or common ground to all
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 141 Section- III
Creation is made up of objects or tumultuous take their shape
and happenings. All things and and are sorted out according to
events are in constant motion. Tao. But Tao is not an event of
Motion is made up of opposites motion. For example, Tao is not a
or polarities. Different polarities noise. There is no opposite or
may cooperate with each other, Tao has no opposites. Tao is a
or they may conflict or oppose single entity, Tao is One.
each other in varying magnitude.
I believe that nothing precedes
Everything and all happenings, Tao. Nothing has created Tao. No
be they co-operating with one one has made God.
another or opposing, congruous

Tao: What it is and what it isn't

Tao is not any of the following: things.

It is not an object.
The most comprehensible and
It is not a noise or any other sort useful word I can use for Tao is
of motion. 'how', because Tao is the
underlying law of how all the
It cannot be divided into
things operate.
Keep in mind that while Tao has
It cannot alter.
no shape or characteristics, it is
It does not decrease or increase. omnipresent and eternal.
It has no associate or Just suppose there are four stages
supplement. of per petuit y. People are
unlimited in a way; the earth is
Tao is this: unlimited, the universe is
unlimited, Tao is unlimited. Even
1. Tao is single; it is One.
though each of these may be
2. Everything is determined by unlimited in a sense, the first
Tao. three depend on the next greater
3. Everything comes after Tao.
People depend on earth; earth
4. Tao is the principle of all
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 142 Section- III
depends on cosmos. Cosmos
depends on Tao.
However Tao does not depend on
(End of chapter on Tao.)
l Taoism is a religion in China
So everything happens in the
universe is as per principle
decided, ordered and
determined by God. And energy
to live and functions also
provided by God only.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 143 Section- III

59. How many Gods are there

A shlok of Bhagwad Gita is as Ikhlas (112), Ayat- 4)

Ÿ F$ofo^: ]hwYm JrV_² N>ÝXm{o^: ododY¡: [¥WH²$ &
]«÷-gyÌ [X¡: M Ed h{Vw-_X²o^: odoZoíMV¡: &&5&&
(About God) great sages have
sung various hymn, in different
ways, in many vedas, with the
aim of benefit to mankind. In the
hymns of brahm-sutra it is
described perfectly.

Brahm-sutra is as follow.

EH$_² ]«÷ oÛVr`{ ZmñV{: Z{h Zm ZmñV{ oH§$MZ.

(There is) (EH$_²) One (]«÷) God
(ZmñV{) (there is) no (oÛVr`{) second
(Z{h) never (Zm) no (ZmñV{ oH§$MZ) not a
little bit.
(There is) one God.
(There is) no second (God)
never, not a little bit.

Ÿ A chapter of the holy Quran

is as follow.
Say, He is God, the one .
God is self sufficient (perfect and
does not require anything)
He does not give birth
Nor was He born, and there is
none equal to Him ( Surah-Al

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 144 Section- III

60. Features of God

From the shloks of Bhagwat Gita hejced YeeJeced Depeevevle: cece DeJÙeÙeced
we will try to understand the Devegòececed ~~
features of God. Some shloks of
Bhagwat Gita are as follows: God said, Not understanding My
supreme nature (which is)
Ÿ Immortal imperishable and the finest one,
people with less intelligence
Ÿ DeefJeveeefMe leg leled efJeefæ Ùesve meJe&ced Foced think Me (who is) formless to
leleced ~ have assumed a personality
efJeveeMeced DeJÙeÙemÙe DemÙe ve keâef§eled keâleg&ced (visible form). (Bhagwat Gita 7:24)
Den&efle~~ (2:17) God creates, sustains and
Shri Krishna said, But (you) destroys?
know it that (God is) immortal, People are of the opinion that
because of whom this whole God has three forms. First
universe exist, No one is able to creates, second sustains and third
do destruction of that (God) destroys. But in Bhagwat Gita
(Bhagwat Gita 2:17)
God says that He is not divided,
Ÿ Unborn and other shloks indicate that all
the three acts God does himself.
These shloks are as follows;
Ÿ Ùe: ceeced Depeced Deveeefoced Ûe Jesefòe ueeskeâ
cene-F&Õejced ~ l DeefJeYeòebâ Ûe Yetles<eg efJeYeòeâced Fje Ûe
Demeccet{: me: celÙex<eg meJe&-heehew: ØecegÛÙeles~~ efmLeleced ~
God said, One who know Me Yetle-Yele=& Ûe leled %esÙeced «eefme<Ceg ØeYeefJe<Ceg Ûe ~~
unborn, beginning-less, and the
supreme lord of the universe. He (God is) without division and
is learned one and will be free (He has created) all living beings
from all sins among (human and divided (them in various
beings) those who are subjecte to categories) and kept them stable
death. (Bhagwat Gita 10:3) and He sustains (provide food)
to all living entities (you should)
Ÿ Formless
know that He is the creator and
the annihilator. (Bhagwat Gita
DeJÙeòebâ JÙeefòeâceeheVeb cevÙevles ceeceyegæÙe:~ 13:17)

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 145 Section- III

Creation God said, Those peoples who
without thinking about other
l meJe&Yetleeefve keâewvlesÙe Øeke=âefleced Ùeeefvle ceeefcekeâeced ~ deities properly worship Me , I
keâuhe-#eÙes hegve: leeefve keâuhe-Deeoew efJeme=peeefce Denced ~~
always take responsibility of
(God said) O Son of Kunti protection (of) such people who
(Arjun) all those (human beings) constantly do (My) worship.
I (have) created at beginning of (Bhagwat Gita 9:22)
universe (and) at the end of
Destruction :-
universe (on the day of parlay) by
My power of nature and with My l heg®<e: me: hej: heeLe& YekeälÙee ueYÙe: leg DevevÙee~
decision all human beings will be ÙemÙe Devle:-mLeeefve Yetleeefve Ùesve meJe&ced Foced leleced ~~
raised again. (Bhagwat Gita 9:7) God said, O Arjun, favor of that
l mJeÙeced SJeb Deelcevee Deelceveced JeslLe lJeced heg®<e- (Great God could be achieved
Gòece~ only by) worshiping Him alone,
Yetle-YeeJeve Yetle-F&Me osJe-osJe peieled -heles~~ without mixing His prayer with
any other deity. But (He is also)
Arjun said, Certainly (O God) beyond being a human. Because
personally by yourself, you of whom these all universe
(know) yourself. You are greatest pervades, and by whom the
of all, creator of everything, lord parlay (Qiyamat) will occur.
of everything, God of devtas, (Bhagwat Gita 8:22)
lord of entire universe. (Bhagwat l Sleled Ùeesveerefve Yetleeefve meJee&efCe Fefle
Gita 10:15)
Sustenance :- Denced ke=âlmvemÙe peiele: ØeYeJe: ØeueÙe: leLee ~~7-6~~

l ceÙee leleced Foced meJe&ced peieled DeJÙeòeâ-cetefle&vee~ God said, (Success and failure of)
(all) human race depends on
celed-mLeeefve meJe&-Yetleeefve ve Ûe Denced les<eg DeJeefmLele:~~ these two (This world and
God said, All these universe hereafter) This way I (the God)
pervades (because of ) My who do beginning and End of the
(God’s) invisible form, all world. (Bhagwat Gita 7:6)
creatures exist due to Me, and I
do not exist in them. (Bhagwat Gita
l DevevÙee: efÛevleÙevle ceeced Ùes pevee:
les<eeced efvelÙe DeefYeÙegòeâeveeced Ùeesie #esceced Jeneefce Denced~~

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 146 Section- III

61. Various Philosophies regarding
lWhen saints meditate to realize might have realised the light of
God, and when they God within himself. But
concentrate towards heaven, because of saying “Anal-Haq”.
they feel God as an individual That means I am God, he was
entity, having light more than beheaded.
thousands of Suns. So they said,
l He (is) outside and, inside, of
this universe is created by God,
all living beings and all moving
and God is a separate entity.
and non-moving (things). He
This philosophy is called
is subtle, incomprehensible. He
Dwitwad. (Û¡VdmX) That mean (is at) far off place, and very
they are two. God and universe near. (Bhagwad Gita 13:16)
are separate entities.
l “God is the light of the heaven
l When some saints and the earth”. (Sure An-Nur( 24 ),
concentrated on themselves. Ayat no.35).
They found light of God in
themselves, and they also found l So Adwitwad (AÛ¡VdmX) and
every living thing alive because Dwitwad (Û¡VdmX) each are 50%
of light of God. So they got correct. When they combine
convinced that God is in together then only a real and
everything. They called this true picture emerges. God is an
philosophy as Adw itwad individual entity up above the
(AÛ¡VdmX). A-dwit mean not two. heaven. But His light is present
That means all is one and that is everywhere, and every living
God. being is alive because of that
energy. (Like Solar watch
Among Muslims Sufis these two comes alive in Sun-light).
philosophies are called as “wah-
da-tul-shahood” and “wah-da-
l Mansur Al-Hallaj (858-922
AD) was a Sufi. He used to
remain absorbed in
remembrance of God. One day
he started saying “Anal haq”
that means, I am God. He

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 147 Section- III

62. Clarification about the names of
1. OM is the name of formless, means THAT
omnipresent, Almighty God. By this name one has to
God asked to recite His this remember that “THAT God”
name before every positive who is creator, is always looking
work. (Bhagwat Gita 17.23) at and listening to us, hence we
should avoid sin and do noble
2. Shiv is name of formless, deeds.
omnipresent, Almightly God.
Right words, Right behaviour,
Shankarji is also called Shiv
Right way of earning, Right
because he is considered to be
effort, all these we will do when
Avtar of Shiv. But Shiv is not
we will be sure that THAT entity
personal name of Shankarji.
(God) is looking at and listening
to us.
3. Agni is name of God. God has
created first soul from His Tej In Arabic TAT is pronounced as
(light). Hence first soul is also HOO. It means THAT. In Quran
called as Agni. But basically Agni chapter no. 59 Ayat 22,23,24 this
is name of Almighty God. name is mentioned. Muslim
Sufis prefer to recite Allah HOO
4. Ram is name of formless, and many times recite only HOO
omnipresent, Almighty God. that is this name of God. Yogis
Name of eldest son of Raja also recite a words Tatvamasi.
Dashrat of Ayodhya was Ram- This word is combination of Tat
Chandra. (That means moon of T v a m A s i . T AT m e a n s
God or beloved of God). But due That(God), Tvam means you,
to various reasons Shri Asi means you are. When Yogis
Ramchandra is also called as Shri and Sufis recite Tatvamasi or
Ram. But basically Ram is name Allah HOO, They say that Oh
of Almighty God, as per Nalanda God THAT entity who creates
Vi s h a l s h a b d s a g a r ko s h and sustain this universe is You
(Dictionary ) alone.
6. SAT OR SATYA is also
5. TAT is name of God which

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 148 Section- III

name of God, it means truth. In don't add another “a”, and word
Arabic it is pronounced as HAQ. Brahma remains as it. But by
doing this it become difficult to
By Right Views, Right Aim, Right
recognize between God and
Thought, Right contemplation,
we worship God with name and
feature of truth. In sermons, and To explain this fact this chapter
speeches Gautam Buddha was added in this book.
repeata again and again the word So this practise of adding
of Dhamma which means truth. alphabet “a” at the end should be
It is this feature of God. Just stopped, as it deforms actual
remember this Fact. It will help names and words.
us in understanding the
teachings of Gautam Buddha. For example yog is actual word.
In English it is written as yoga.
7. Brahm means Almighty But young generation considers
God, who is without form, and pronounces yoga as actual
omnipresent and creator of and original word and the word
everythings, yog became stranger.
8. Brahma means deity whom The last entity to whom Gautam
God created and assigned Buddha met and defeated before
responsibility of creation of enlightenment was Mara the
universe. He was initially having devil, who was trying to distract
five heads. His one top head is cut Gautam Buddha. Again the first
off due to his arrogance. Now he entity to whom Gautam Buddha
has got only four heads in all four met after enlightenment was
directions. (as per shiv puran) Mara the devil, who was
persuading Gautam Buddha to
In English, while writing proceed for Parinirvana, which is
Sanskrit names we add alphabet achieved only on death. So
“a” after that name. So while indirectly Mara the devil wanted
writing Brahm we add Alphabet to stop the spreading of divine
“a”, and it becomes Brahma the teaching by Gautam Buddha to
name of Deity. And name of common people. At this moment
deity Brahma already have Brahma (the deity) arrived from
alphabet “a” at it’s end, so we
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 149 Section- III
heaven and requested Gautam
Buddha not to proceed for
Parinirvana, But teach divine
knowledge to common people so
that they can get salvation.
Gautam Buddha personally met
Brahma, so how he can deny
existance of Brahma. He neither
denied existence of Brahma. Nor
He denied existence of Brahm,
the Almighty God.
Lord Buddha only says that
Ishwar or Almighty God do not
create miseries in life. Miseries
are caused by our wrong deed.
And it could be erased only by
walking on the noble path. By
worship of God or by any ritual
wrong deed which we have
committed with another human
being could not be washed away.
Brahma is a devta to whom God
created and gave responsibility of
creation of the universe. In
Nalanda Subd Sagar Dictionary,
one of the meaning of Devta is
Sur which means angel.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 150 Section- III

63 Introduction of life (Jaan, Pran)

lLife is called as Jaan in Urdu closer, then at 1.5 crore C° heat,

a n d Pr a n i n Hi n d i . To solar watch and calculator and
understand it clearly, kindly whole world will get burnt. So we
consider following example: cannot go even near the Sun, but
then also we can correctly say
lWhen you keep a solar watch
that Sun is inside solar watch and
and calculator in dark, it will
calculator, because they become
not work. But if you bring it
alive because of Sun only.
near a window. Even if sunlight
doesn't fall on them directly, l Solar watch and calculator
then also they start working. remain dead in dark, But come
alive in sunlight. In this case
Why do they work?
there is life or jaan or Pran in
Sun is 13 lac time bigger than these units because of the Sun.
earth. And temperature in sun is
Similarly this whole universe
as high as 1.5 crore C°. No one
works because of some divine
can even look at the Sun with
energy, and that divine energy is
naked eyes, or go near it.
energy (or light) of God.
The rays emitted from sun could
Shloks of Bhagwat Gita
be considered as rain of energy
regarding this facts are as follows:
and each drop of energy is called
photon. After hitting the surface
of the earth, they get scattered. (God said) O Arjun, the way in
When we bring a solar watch and which one sun illuminates (make
calculator near a window these alive) this entire world, in the
photons or scattered energy of same way one God illuminates
sun is absorbed by photo-cell of (makes alive) entire field (body).
watch and calculator and they (B.G. 13:34)
start working. (God said) Certainly whatever
So it is the Sun which is operating materialistic creation, glorious
the solar watch and calculator. (energy) or peace, happiness
We can say the Sun is inside considered to exist. Certainly
watch and calculator, but you (should) know (it clearly
actually sun exists far away from that) all those are because of a
the earth, even if sun comes small part of My light. (B.G. 10:41)

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 151 Section- III

(God said) O Arjun (but) in this and PRAN in Hindi. This is
way why you (need to) know different from Soul and spirit,
(Me) (by thinking of) so many Which we will study in the next
(things). I (have) established this Chapter.
universe (by My) one fraction (of
light) and pervade and support Important Note:-
(all creatures in) this (universe) l God says in the Holy Quran
(so concentrate only on Me).
(B.G. 10:42) “There is certainly nothing like
him,” Surah-Ash-shura (42) verse
(God said) Just as the air (which) (11))
always and everywhere stays in
sky, (and has) great (importance That means there is nothing by
for survival of living beings). which we can explain God. God
similarly (and) in the same way, cannot be explained by any
understand that all creatures example.
depends on Me. (B.G. 9:6) So whatever discussion we had
One verse of the Holy Quran is in this chapter or we will be
as follows: having in next chapters, are only
for convenience of our
“God is the light of the heaven understanding. It is a fact that
and the earth”. (Surah An-Nur( 24 ), only God himself correctly
Ayat no.35). knows himself. He is above our
Everything happens in the grasping power and
universe as per principle decided, imagination.
ordered and determined by God.
And energy to live and function
also comes from energy of God,
that is from Tej-ansh (a particle
of light of God). The thing which
receives energy and working
principle from God are called
living things. And those who do
not receive it any more are dead
This presence of energy and
principle in the body is called
LIFE in English, JAAN in Urdu,
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 152 Section- III
64. Difference Between Soul & Spirit
Understanding the difference should not worry (about
between spirit and soul is death).
extremely difficult . 99.9%
people of world don’t know the l Bhagwat Gita shlok no.6.5
difference between them. Indeed human being (should)
elevate his soul. Human being
l First I will give proof that should not degrade (his soul).
they are different, so that you can (As) soul (is) friend of human
believe it, and then read this being, as well as soul (is) enemy
chapter with interest. of human being.
l Carefully read the following
shlokes of Bhagwat Gita. l Bhagwat Gita shlok no.6.6
The person by whom the soul
l Bhagwat Gita shlok no. 2.19 was conquered, of him soul
(God said) Anyone who knows becomes a friend. But the same
this as a killer, and anyone who soul of the person which is
thinks this as mortal both (of unconquered remains enemy,
them have) no knowledge. This and certainly (acts) like an
neither kills (anyone), nor it get enemy.
killed. l T he thing s w hich is
l Bhagwat Gita shlok no.2.20 described in the first three
This neither took birth and nor shloks without name has
it dies, and at any time neither following features.
(it) came into existence, nor is in 1. It is unborn
existence, and neither it will
2. It is immortal
come into existence. And it is the
oldest (one). This does not die 3. It has no existence, it never
(with) death of body. had existence and nor it will
have existence in future.
l Bhagwat Gita shlok no.2.25
God said, this is invisible. This 4. Neither it harms anyone and
is inconceivable. This is nor gets harmed.
unchangeable. Therefore (after) 5. It is invisible
knowing well about this you
6. It cannot be conceived or
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 153 Section- III
7. It the cannot be changed or
l In last two shloks (Shlok no.
6.5/6.6) the thing which is
described is named as Atma
(soul) and it could be uplifted
improved, purified and also
could be degraded and spoiled.
l Now think: can both be one
and the same thing ?
First one is spirit and second one
is soul. Maximum details about
spirit we get in Bhagwat Gita.
But first we will study a few
verses of the Bible and the Quran
in next chapter.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 154 Section- III

65. Understanding the spirit

Bible: What we understand from this

verse is that God has blown spirit
The two verses of the Bible are as in human body from His own
follows: spirit. So this spirit belongs to
God. It always remain pious.
1. The word of God is living and
active. Sharper than any two- And it is puffed and not created
edged sword, piercing to the or loaded, so it does not have
division of soul and of spirit, of existence.
joints and of marrow and In the Christian religion there
discerning the thought and the are many bibles. One of them is
intentions of the heart. (Hebrews Gospel of Barnabas. One verse of
4:12- Bibla.com)
chapter no. 39 of this bible says
2. God is spirit, and those who that when God blew spirit in to
worship him must bring him Adam, he become alive. After
true spiritual worship (John 4:24, becoming alive Adam saw
Weymouth Bible) something written in heaven. So
he asked God about that
l From above-mentioned two
sentence (Kalma).
verses, the fact is clear that
What we understand from
1) Spirit and soul are two Gospel of Barnabas is that
separate things. human being is intelligent
because of his spirit. when spirit
(2) Spirit is related to God. was blown into the body of
Holy Quran: Adam he got up and asked about
In the holy Quran there are only
a few verses about the spirit. One When we human being sleep, our
of such verse is as follows: soul (not spirit) get separated
from our body. This is written in
God said to the angels about the Holy Quran (Surah-Az-
Prophet Adam that, “so when I z u m a r - 3 9 - Ay a t - 4 2 ) a n d
have made him complete and Bhagwat Gita chapter no. 8 shlok
breathe into him of My spirit, fall no. 18. In sleep we see dreams,
down making obeisance to him” and in dreams also we remain
(Surah Al-Hijr-15-Ayat-29)
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 155 Section- III
intelligent and we behave Many good features of human
similarly to our wakeful beings are described in the
condition . Bhagwat Gita chapter no. 13
shlok no. 6 to 9. All these good
God has blown, spirit into
qualities are due to this spirit.
human body from His own
spirit. God is infinite This spirit never get spoiled and
intelligence. God may have always remain pious. So when
blown only finite intelligence in we commit sin it always scolds
the human beings. us. That is why it is called
conscience, or antar-Atma or
So because of this spirit we are
intelligent and superior than all
living things. This spirit is also In the Bible it is called as spirit; in
called conscience in English, the Quran it is called as Rooh. In
Zameer in Urdu, Vivek and Bhagwat Gita it is described to
antar-Atma in Hindi. the maximum extent, but is not
given any name.
For two to three lac years Homo
Sapiens have lived on the earth.
They were similar to human Words of Lord Buddha
beings. Even after living for 2 to 3 regarding the spirit.
lac years they have not made
even a small hut for themself. Gautam Buddha said, “The
They lived like animals and bodhi (intelligence / wisdom) is
became extinct like animals. The eternal and it dominates all
first human being, Prophet existences as a good law guiding
Adam arrived on Earth may be all beings is their search of truth.
around 25000 years ago, and his (Gospel of Buddha L 11- para-7)
race has changed the geography
This statement of Gautam
of the earth. This is because of
Buddha was regarding the spirit.
intelligence in Human Being
And being a prophet he perfectly
which we get due to our spirit.
described the spirit in most
God is one, and He blew the simple words.
spirit in human beings from His
own spirit. So we all human
being have the same spirit in us,
which is always pious
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 156 Section- III
66. Study of the Soul

Now we will study the soul. In the l God says to those who do not
Bible it is called as soul, in Quran believe in Him.
it is called Nafs and in Bhagwat
Why, then, when the soul of this
Gita it is called Atma.
dying man reaches the throat,
Maximum details about soul can and you are (at that moment)
be found in the holy Quran. looking on (helplessly), and We
are nearer to him (dying person)
We will study following details
than you, although you cannot
about soul:
see us. Why, then, if you are not
1) Existence of Soul. subject to our command, do you
not cause the soul to return to
2) Birth of Soul. him (to dying person), if you are
truthful in your claim. (Surah. Al-
3) Understanding soul by Waqia (56)- Ayat 85-87).
example of computer
From this verse we can
4) Introduction of soul as per understand that the soul does
Bhagwat Gita. have existence and it could be
stopped or brought back.
5) Soul could be purified or While spirit has no existence. It is
like intelligence or memory in
6) Nature of Soul. the mind.

7) Consciousness is due to soul.

2) Birth of the Soul:
8) Soul is immortal.
Two verses of the Holy Quran are
9) How to purify soul. as follows:
10) How to develop pious (God says) and when your Lord
nature. (Satva-gon) brought forth from the back of
Adam their descendants (all
1) Existence of Soul: human beings) and made them
Few verse of Holy Quran are as bear witness against their own
follows: self. (And asked) “Am I not your
Lord ?”. They (soul) said: “Yes! We
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 157 Section- III
bear witness (that you are our as per Bhagwat Gita ( chapter 17,
Lord)”. (God says) We did it shlok 3) to everyone God give
because on the day of birth with perfect faith and belief
resurrection (Qayamat/ in one God. But due to family or
hereafter) you should not say society tradition they knowingly
that “surely we were heedless start worshiping someone other
(unaware) of this (That God is than God.
our Lord)”. Or you should say “
Another verse of the holy Quran
our forefather asso ciate d
is as follows:
worship of deity with God, and
we are only their descendents. ( God Said) We took a solemn
Who took birth afterward. So the pledge from the prophets and
sin which our forefather did will from you (O Mohammed) and
you destroy us for their crime?” Noah ( Vivasvat Manu),
That is how We explain our signs Abraham, Moses and Jesus the
distinctly so that they may come son of Mary. We took a solemn
back (to the right path) (Surah: Al- pledge from all of them (Surah-Al-
Araaf (7) Ayat (172-174). Ahzab (33) Ayat(7)).
l Meaning of this verse is as This verse means that God took
follows: firm commitment from all
prophets in heaven before
In the heaven God took out all
sending them to the earth.
souls of human beings from the
back of Prophet Adam, and then The incidents mentioned in the
asked all the soul about Himself. above two verses took place in
All soul said you are our God. heaven before arrival of Adam
on planet Earth.
God says, we did this because on
the earth when human being From the above verses we
spends life and instead of conclude that:
worshiping one God, start
worship Dieties. Than on day of 1. God created souls of all
judgment (Qayamat) they human along with first human
should not say that we were being Prophet Adam.
unaware about you O God, that (But they took birth on earth at
you are our Lord so we their time).
worshiped the diety.
As before birth everyone has
2. Before birth, souls are so small
that souls of all human being
recognized God as his Lord, and
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 158 Section- III
could be accommodate in the (Prana, Jaan), which we get from
back of Prophet Adam. light of God or Tej Ansh (Bhagwat
Gita- 10:40 -10:44).
3. God created the soul with
complete personality as a human 3. CPU is our spirit. We get also
being. That is why they were able this spirit directly from God.
to recognize God and answer the
questions. 4. Hard Disk is our soul.
4. Atoms are very small but they 5. Application software is our
possess all the qualities of Buddhi-yogan (Bhagwat Gita10:10)
elements. Similarly initially or Emaan.
(before birth) souls are very When the computer gets electric
small but they posses all the supply it get the ability to work.
features and nature of that Similarly, we human beings and
human being. whole universe is alive due to the
light of God, which Bhagwat
3) Understanding Soul the Gita refers to as Tej-ansh of God
by example of Computer: or a fraction of light of God. Our
l A computer consist of:
heart beats due to this light.
Metabolism in our body takes
1. Computer cabinets or body in place due to this light, stars and
which all component are planet get energy and power to
assembled. rotate and shine due to this light
of God.
2. Power supply
3. CPU or Central Processing
3. Central Processing Unit Unit is the brain of the computer.
(CPU). The computer user cannot
change it as per his liking. And
4. Hard Disk. one model of computer of a
company has same CPU in all
5. Application Software. computers. CPU unit is like our
spirit. We human beings are
more intelligent than all the
1. Our body is like the computer creatures due to this spirit. As all
cabinet. computers of a particular model
of a company have the same
2. Electric supply is our life CPU. Similarly all human beings
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 159 Section- III
have got similar spirit which is up. And at the time of death it
directly from God. It does not will be removed from body. Body
change. It could not be polluted. will disintegrated. But on the day
It always guides mankind. It is of parley or Qayamat, God will
also called conscience or vivek or again create same body and soul
Antar-atmaa or Zameer. will enter in it and we will be
again same person as we were
4. Our soul is like the Hard Disk before death. (See detail in
of a computer. Manufacturer of Bhagwat Gita chapter 15 shloke
computer loads the operating 15:8 to 15:11)
software and many applications
in it before delivery. Similarly This soul get polluted by sin and
God loads many features and it gets purified by prayer and
emotions in it to take exam of noble deed.
human being. Satva Gon (Pious 5. Only after we load Autocad
nature), Rajasic Gon (nature of
software in computer, that the
passion) or Tamsic Gon ( Nature
computer can understand
of ignorance) are of this soul.
engineering drawing and could
Anger, hatred and jealousy and
draw it. Similarly when God
lust are emotions of this soul.
places a special light (Buddhi
Wish to have beautiful wife, son,
yogam or emaan) in the heart of
bank balance, property and good
human being then only he can
vehicles are liking of this soul. We
understand God and true
are this soul. Our personality
religion of God.
and thinking is due to this soul,
Hence it is also called as SELF. So Buddhi yogam or Emaan is
like application software of
Whatever work you do, it gets
stored in the hard disk of your
computer. You can remove hard 4) The Soul as per the
disk of your computer from one
Bhagwat Gita:
computer cabinet and assemble
it in another computer. By doing We get introduction of the soul
so all your data will remain saved in Bhagwat Gita in following
and your new computer will be shlokes:
same as old one. Similarly this
l Arjun asks Shri Krishna:
soul could be removed from
body and again could be placed
in it. While sleeping it is removed oH$_² VV² ]«÷ oH$_² AÜ`mË__² oH$_² H$_© [wéf-CÎm_ &
daily and placed in it on waking AoY-^yV_² M oH$_² àm{º$_² AoY-X¡d_² oH$_² CÀ`V{
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 160 Section- III
&&1&& AmË_Zm oOV: &
Who is that Brahm (God). What AZmË_Z: Vw eÌwËd{ dV}V AmË_m Ed eÌw-dV² &&6&&
is soul? What is Karma (work of) The person by whom the soul is
the supreme entity (God). And conquere d, for him soul
who is called the lord of all the becomes friend. But the same
creatures; and who is called the soul of the person, (which
lord of devatas? (Shlok no. 8:1) remains) unconquered that
l Aja_² ]«÷ [a__² ñd^md: AÜ`mË__² CÀ`V{ &
remains enemy and certainly
^yV-^md-CX²^d-H$a: odgJ©: H$_© g§okV: &&3&& (acts) like an emeny. (Bhagwat Gita
God said, the supreme,
indestructible (entity) is called
Brahm (God). Every human Ver se of hol y Qur an
being has a nature (or r e gar ding soul is as
personality which) is called the
soul. After creating creatures
a s s i g n i n g a f u n c t i on s to l He who purifies soul will
individual creature is known as indeed be successful, and he
Work of God . (Shlok no. 8:3) who corrupts it is sure to fail.
5) The Soul could be (Surah-Ash-Shams-(91) Ayat no.
purified or polluted:
l From above-mentions shloks
Two shloks of Bhagwad Gita and verses we can understand
regarding the soul are as follow: that soul does not remain
always pious like spirit, but
gets corrupted by our own
CÕa{V² AmË_m AmË_mZ_² Z AmË_mZ_² AdgmX`{V² & sins and misdeeds.
AmË_m Ed oh AmË_Z: ]ÝYw: AmË_m Ed oa[w: AmË_Z:
&&5&& 6) Features of the soul:
Indeed human being (should) l God has embedded at time of
elevate the soul, human being creation three natures in
should not degrade (his soul). soul. They are:
(As) soul (is) friend of human
being, as well as soul (is) enemy 1. Satvic nature or pious nature.
of human being (Bhagwat Gita-
6.5). 2. Rajasic nature or passionate
l ]ÝYw: AmË_m AmË_Z: Vñ` `{Z AmË_m Ed
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 161 Section- III
3. Tamsic nature or ignorant features of soul is as
nature. follows:
l These natures are described (To the righteous people, God
in the holy Quran with the will say), O soul at peace (Nafs
following names: mut-ma-inna), return to your
Lord, (you was) happy with (My
1. Nafs mut-ma-inna (Surah Al-
decision and blessing), and (I
Fajr (89)- Ayat 27-30)
was) happy (with your way of
2. Nafs law-wa-mma (Surah- life, so) join My servant, And
Qiyama (75)-Ayat 1-2) enter My Paradise” (Surah Al-Fajr-
89 Ayat 23-30).
3. Nafs Amm-ma-ra (Surah-Yusuf
(12) Ayar 53) In this verse, God addressed the
In chapter 14 of Bhagwat Gita pious people as Nafs -mut-ma-
these natures are described in inna, that means O pious soul.
details: This indicates that the nature of
In short satvic nature inclines piety or passion or ignorance is
towards pious deed. Rajasic in the soul and not in the body.
nature is workaholic or And we are basically soul. And
passionate nature. And Tamsic only pious soul will enter in
nature is inclined towards sin heaven.
misdeed, and ignorance.
7) Consciousness in Human
All the three natures are present being is due to the soul:
in human beings at a time. And l Two shloks of Bhagwat Gita
the dominating nature out of are as follows
these three will be as per lifestyle Aì`º$mV² ì`º$`: gdm©: à^doÝV Ah:-AmJ_{
of that human being. If religious
norms are followed strictly then amoÌ-AmJ_{ àbr`ÝV{ VÌ Ed Aì`º$ g§kH{$ &&18&&
pious nature will dominate. If (God said)As the day begins
materialistic life is given more ( s o u l ) w h i ch i s i nv i s i bl e
importance then nature will be (become) v isible (in) al l
passionate. If personal wishes creatures, (and life is) visible
and liking are more followed (everywhere). Similarly when
then the nature will be ignorant. night arrives (soul) which is
l One Ayat of the Holy called invisible, dies (withdrawn)
(Bhagwat Gita 8:18).
Quran regarding
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 162 Section- III
their bodies. So every day we
l ^yV-J«m_: g: Ed A`_² ^yËdm ^yËdm àbr`V{ & temporarily die, and come alive.
From this verse we can also
amoÌ AmJ_{ Ade: [mW© à^doV Ah: AmJ_{ &&19&& conclude that consciousness in
(Soul) dies (withdrawn) on the human being is due to soul and
arrival of night. Automatically intelligence is due to spirit. At
they come alive on the arrival of sleep our heart beats and
the day. O Arjun certainly these metabolism process keep on
are repeated creation of all these working, because these are due to
living beings (By Me) (By God) life (praan or jaan), which is
(Bhagwat Gita 8:19).
active because of light of God.
And in dream also we can think
These facts are described in the and act as per our mind and
holy Quran in the following intellect, because this is due to
verses: our spirit. Which remains
It is God who take away men's continuously with us till our
souls upon their death and the death.
soul of the living being during But in sleep we don't have soul in
their sleep. Then He withholds o u r b o d y h e n ce w e l o s e
soul of those for whom He has consciousness.
ordained death and restores the
souls of other for an appointed 8. Soul is Immortal
terms (as per lifespan). There are One shloks of Bhagwat Gita is as
certainly sign in this for those follows:
who thinks. (Surah Az-Zumar (39)
Ayat no. 42) l `ñ_mV² ja_² AVrV: Ah_² AjamV² Ao[ M
Meaning of this verse is that at CÎm_: &
the time of sleeping angels arrests AV: Aoñ_ bm{H{$ d{X{ M àoWV: [wéf-CÎm_: &&18&&
our souls and take them out of (God says)Because I am beyond
our bodies. mortal human body, and also
Then those who are destined superior than immortal soul.
death, their souls do not enter Therefore in this world and in
their bodies again, but for those Holy Vedas, I am supreme enitity,
where life on earth is still balance, and the praised one.
angels put their soul again in
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 163 Section- III
This shlok says soul is immortal. prominent, which further leads
l A verse of the Holy Quran is
towards fulfilling wishes of the
as follows: soul.
Every soul will taste death, and But if we give trouble to our soul
then to Us will you be returned by our thought and act , as per
(Surah-Al-Ankabut 29- Ayat-57) religious norms, slowly the
In this verse it is said that soul will nature of our soul changes to
taste death, but the soul itself will goodness and it gets purified.
not die.
The things which gives trouble to
l From shloks of Bhagwat Gita
our soul are:
and verse of Holy Quran we
conclude that: 1. Getting up early in the
1. The soul is immortal morning
2. It w ill taste death or 2. Performing prayer of God
experience the pain of separation 3. Charity
from body. It will not die, but will 4. Fasting
return to God for accounting, 5.Spending life as per
appreciation or punishment. commandment of God
9) How to purify the soul: Whatever above-mentioned
procedure we said about
l Soul always seeks:
purifying our soul, now we will
1. Comfort give explanation and reference of
2. Conveniences those acts and procedure.
3. Independence
4. Pleasures
5. Excitements 1. Getting up early in the
6. Fulfillment of all wishes morning and performing
related to women, children, prayer:
wealth, property, vehicle etc. God said to Prophet Muhammad
Three natures, that is goodness, (PBUH) in the initial period of
passion, and ignorance, all exist prophethood.
at a time in human soul. If a O you who are wrapped up in
person spent life as per liking of your mantle (cloth-sheet). Stand
his soul. His passionate and up to pray, for much of the night.
i g n o r a n t n a t u re b e co m e s
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 164 Section- III
It may be half the night, or a little Mahoorat.
less than that, or a little more. But
Fasting of Muslim starts from
re c i t e Q u r a n s l ow l y a n d
this time and end at sunset.
distinctly. And we are about to
send down to you a very high For common Muslims five time
responsibility (of prophethood) prayer (Namaz) is compulsory.
surely, getting up at night (for But for Prophet Muhammad
worship) is the most potent (PBUH) six time Namaz was
means of subduing the self (soul) compulsory. And additional
and most suitable for the word Namaz was before Brahm-
(of prayer). (Surah Al-Muzzamil (73) Mahoorat or Subha-Sadiq. This
Ayat 1-6). namaz is called TAHAZZUD-
That means when God was about
to give responsibility to Prophet No human being can achieve any
Mu h a m m a d ( P B U H ) f o r religious success or spiritual high
spreading words of God, first He status without getting up early in
asked Prophet Muhammad morning for prayer of God. This
(PBUH) to regularly get up very purifies the soul. Because getting
early in the morning and offer up early in the morning is very
prayer to God. difficult and it gives lots of
trouble to our soul.
In every religion it is very
important to get up early in the This fact is mentioned in the holy
morning for prayer. Quran in verse no.6 of surah Al-
Muzzammil which we just
In Sanatan Dharm (Hindu
described in this chapter.
Dharm) one hour 36 Minute
before sunrise is called BRAHM-
MAHOORAT. This is most 2. Charity:
auspicious time for prayer and all God said in the Holy Quran that
auspicious activities and prayer He has kept six wishes in human
at this time purifies soul. beings. These wishes are to have:
Approximately same time is 1.) Woman
called SUBHA-SADIK in Islam, and 2.) Son
AHLE-HADEES sect of Muslim call 3.) Gold and Money
AZAN 10 minutes after Brahm 4.) Good Vehicles
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 165 Section- III
5.) Bank Balance every action is doing mistake,
6.) Property hence (all actions) should be
(Summary of verse no. 14 of Surah given up. (But) the learned one
Aale-Imran (3)) (say that), prayer (Tap), Charity
(Daan) and hard struggle,
These wishes are inbuilt in soul, fulfilling responsibilities (yagya),
similar to satvic, rajasic and these actions or deeds should
tamasic natures that are in-built never be abandoned (to purity
in soul. self) (Bhagwat Gita 17:3)
Out of six wishes four wishes are l Bï>mZ² ^m{JmZ² oh d: X{dm: Xmñ`ÝV{`k-
directly related to money and ^modVm: &
wealth. That means to possess
good amount of money is V¡: XÎmmZ² AàXm` Eä`: `: ^wS²>º{$ ñV{Z: Ed g:
passion of our soul. &&12&&
And when we give it as charity or (God said)Certainly Devats
donation, it gives too much (angels) will provide you
trouble to our soul, as it is against necessities of life desired (for
its passion and liking. survival), if you do prayer as per
Hence by regularly giving charity divine commandment. He who
we keep on troubling our soul, enjoys things given by them
and mould it to have satvic Gon (angels), without offering to
or nature of goodness or noble others, certainly he is a thief
nature. (Bhagwat Gita 3:12)

We c a n u n d e r s t a n d t h e
importance of charity from the Ÿ (In Islam five acts are
teachings of Bhagwat Gita also. compulsory
Following shloks is related to the 1.) Acknowledging that God is
explanation of difference one and Prophet Muhammad
between sanyas and Tiyag. (PBUH) is His last messenger
2.) Prayer (Namaz)
l gËd-AZwé[m gd©ñ` lÕm ^doV ^maV & 3.) Fasting (Roza)
lÕm _`: A`_² [wéf: `: `V² lÕ: g: Ed g: &&3&& 4.) Zakat (Donation)
(God said) In the same way, 5.) Haj
others (sanyasis) say that doing Zakat, that is giving 2.5% of
excess wealth in chairity every
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 166 Section- III
year is made compulsoey by God all kind of sins and sorrows. But
for the benefit of mankind and one who prepares food for self
our own soul. enjoyment, he commits sin.
(Bhagwat Gita 3:13).
3. Fasting:
These shloks indicate that
Our soul wishs to have comfort
sharing wealth with others and
and pleasure. Eating of tasty food having control on our eating is
is a big pleasure. And having a full ve r y m u c h i m p o r t a n t i n
stomach gives comfort to the religions.
soul. Above-mentioned teaching was
So eating less and remaining for day to day routine life. For
hungry troubles our soul and one month fasting God says in
transforms it's nature to satvic the Holy Quran.
and noble. You who believe (in one God),
Few shloks of Bhagwat Gita in Fasting is made compulsory for
this regards are as follows: you, as it was made compulsory
to those before you, so that you
l Z AoV AíZV: Vw `m{J: AoñV Z M EH$mÝV_² m i g h t b e co m e r i g h te o u s .
AZíZV:& (Summary of verse no 183 of Surah Al-
Z M AoV ñdßZ-erbñ` OmJ«V: Z Ed M AOw©Z &&16&& Baqara (2))
(God said)O Arjun, indeed, it is a By fasting human being becomes
fact that prayer neither(could be righteous, because it moulds our
done by) one who eats too much soul from rajasic and Tamsic to
and (not by one who) abstains satvic or noble one.
(avoid) from eating at all. And
neither by one who sleeps too 4. Spending life as per the
much, nor by one who does not commandment of God:
sleep enough (Bhagwat Gita 6:16) Few shloks of Bhagwat Gita are as
l `k-oeï> AoeZ: gÝV: _wÀ`ÝV{ gd© l gËd-AZwé[m gd©ñ` lÕm ^doV ^maV &
oH$oë]f¡: lÕm _`: A`_² [wéf: `: `V² lÕ: g: Ed g: &&3&&
^w‚mV{ V{ Vw AK_² [m[m: `{ [MoÝV AmË_-H$maUmV² (God said) O Arjun, faith of
&&13&& everyone is similar to truth
Pious people eat food which is as (believing in one God) at the
per divine law, and get relief from
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 167 Section- III
time of birth. Human being in path of truth, practicing patience
this (world or in his life) are difficult things, hence, they
whatever type of faith he keeps in mould and purify the soul.
his heart he (will have) certainly
same faith, (when) he (dies) Words of Gautam Buddha
(Bhagwat Gita 17:3). about the soul:-
Gautam Buddha said the
That means every human being following about soul:
take birth with faith in one God. “Following the doctrine of the
But whatever type of life and conquest of self (soul) do not
faith he learns from family and teach to destroy the soul of man,
society on that same faith and but to preserve them. He who has
lifestyle he dies.
conquered his self (soul) is more
fit to live, to be successful, and to
l `wº$ Amhma odhmañ` `wº$ M{ï>ñ` H$_©gw & gain victories, than he who is the
`wº$ ñdßZ-Ad]m{Yñ` `m{J: ^doV Xw:I-hm &&17&& slave of self (soul). (The Gospel
Eating and spending life as per of Buddha. L1, para 26)
divine instruction. Activities and Pe o p l e d o n ' t u n d e r s t a n d
struggle as per divine difference between spirit, soul,
instruction. Dreaming and
wakefulness as per divine self, ego, etc. Hence they don't
instruction. (This is what real) understand the teachings of Lord
prayer is, (and) solution of all Gautam Buddha clearly and
miseries. completely.
(Bhagwat Gita 6:17)

God swears in the Holy Quran

and says that all human beings
are certainly in the state of loss,
except those who believe (in
God) and do righteous deads,
and advise each other to follow
truth and advise each other to
practise patience. (Surah-Al-Asr
103-Ayat 1-3)
Doing righteous thing following

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 168 Section- III

67. Understanding Divine Wisdom:-
(Buddhi- Yogam or Emaan)
l Stephen Hawking was one of religion.”
the great scientists. He wrote a
l Why it happens that people
best selling book with title “A
firmly belive that this person is
brief history of time”. Which
prophet, and his religion is a
describes history of creation of
true religion, then also they
the universe (big bang theory)
don't accept it? Or a genius
to black holes and death of
person knows that this perfect
stars. He wrote that this
universe cannot come into
universe is working like a
existence by it’s own. God has
perfect machine. And even if
created it, but he never
speeds of planets get increased
acknowledges existence of
or decreases by fraction of a
second, then this universe will
collapse. lGod says in the Holy Quran, (to
Prophet Muhammad that) you
l Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)
cannot guide whom you like to
was orphaned before his birth.
be guided, but (it is) God (who)
He was brought up by his uncle,
guides whomever He will, and
Hazrat Abu Talib. When Hazrat
He knows best those who will
Muhammad (Pbuh) declared
be guided (H.Q 28:56)
that he is a messenger of God,
people of whole Makkah city
became his enemy. They God said in Bhagwat Gita,
wanted to eliminate Prophet l V{fm_² gVV-`wº$mZm_² ^OVm_² àroV-[yd©H$_² &
Mu h a m m a d ( p b u h ) b u t XXmo_ ]woÕ-`m{J_² V_² `{Z _m_² C[`moÝV V{
Hazrat Abu Talib who was &&10:10&&
leader of their tribe, always
protected Hazrat Muhammad (Those who have faith in God)
(pbuh). But Hazrat Abu Talib with love they always remain
never accepted Islam. engaged in worship of God (to
Whenever Hazrat Muhammad such people) I give such divine
(pbuh) used to preach Hazrat consciousness (wisdom) by
Abu Talib, he used to say:“Son I which they get Me.
know you are true Prophet, and l V{fm_² Ed AZwH$å[m-AW©_² Ah_² AkmZ-O_² V_: &
your religion is a true religion, Zme`mo_ AmË_-^md ñW: kmZ Xr[{Z ^mñdVm
and I will always stand by you. &&10:11&&
But I will continue my old
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 169 Section- III
For them to show special mercy, I
keep situated within their hearts
a lamp of knowledge. (By) light
of which I destroy darkness,
which is born because of
ignorance (in their heart).
(Bhagwat Gita 10:11)
l When God blesses with this
divine wisdom then only we
accept true path and
commandment of God.
Otherwise even if we become
genius like Stephen Hawking
then also we will die atheist like
him, or will remain on our old
l This divine wisdom is not free
for all. Only those people get it
who seek it from God. And only
those can retain it who seek
help from God.
l This divine wisdom is called
Buddhi- yogam. (As per
Bhagwat Gita shlok no. 10:10).
And as per Quran this is called


Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 170 Section- III

68. Understanding of First Soul
(Amitabh Buddha)
Process of creation: one CD of same software may
cost them only a few dollars.
Ÿ Explaining first soul of
universe is very difficult. But l From these two examples
briefly we will try to explain it. what I wanted to explain that
Understand it with example of making first masterpiece take
the creation of Prophet Adam. lots of time and efforts. But
copying it takes negligible time
God created Prophet Adam. And
and effort.
He said in Holy Quran that “We
Please remember this fact. This
created man of the finest
will help in understanding the
possibilities (mould, Statue).
first soul.
(Surah At tin (95) verse-4).
Importance of first soul:
That means God created Adam as l I will try to explain the
a masterpiece of creation. importance of first soul by
But God did not create Eve as He example of computer:-
created Prophet Adam. God
developed Eve from Prophet
1. Computer's body is like our
Adam. God took some part (Rib)
from left side of Adam and 2. Computer's Central
developed Eve. Processing Unit (CPU) is like our
To common human being God
neither creates nor develops. But
3. Computer's Hard Disc is like
our soul.
fixed a process by which human
beings come into existence.
4. Electric supply and built in
Operating software is like our life
This is Standard Procedure of (Jaan/Praan).
l But if you purchase a
l Microsoft company may be computer with only operating
s p e n d i n g 1 0 0 0 c ro re f o r software and no application
developing a new software. They software. Then for what purpose
may be spending 100 crore for you can use that computer?
developing its latest version. But Nothing.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 171 Section- III

l Without application Design”. He appreciated the
software computer is useless. creation of universe which is
Without Tally software you created by God. But he never
cannot do accounting, without acknowledged the existence of
CorelDraw software you cannot God.
do DTP and Book writing. Why this happened?
Without AutoCAD software you Because he was not loaded with a
cannot do engineering drawing. special application software,
l So application software is which is called emann in Quran
most important thing for which and Bhuddhi yogam in Bhagwat
basically we purchase a Gita. (Shlok no. 10:10 & 10:11)
computer. That means we
purchase computer for doing This Software enables a person to
account work, or DTP or understand the purpose of life,
engineering drawing. We don't recognition God, etc.
purchase computer to only l If we want to do account
decorate our office. work we need Tally software.
l So a computer manufacture
Similarly God wanted that He
manufactures a computer, but
without loading application should be worshipped. To infuse
software computer cannot do this understanding or
any specific work. intelligence in His creatures God
created a software. But where to
l Similarly human being takes store that software? and how to
birth through a certain act and transfer it.
process. But even after becoming
human being it cannot For that purpose God created a
understand its purpose of life. soul.
That is recognition and prayer of
God, for which God has created l Only for the purpose of
Jinn and human being, without a explanation I say software, in fact
particular application software. God first created an energy or
light of knowledge, then from
l S te p h e n Haw k i n g w a s
that light He created a soul like
extremely intelligent. He wrote
books like “A brief history of structure. In that soul He loaded
time”. “Brief Answer to the big all the knowledge and
Questions” and “The Grand understanding of God and all

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 172 Section- III

religious knowledge. Then from a light, before creation of the
that soul God give wisdom and universe.
knowledge to the soul of selected Then from that light, God
human being, to whom He wants moulded a soul-like structure,
to enlighten. with complete religious
knowledge and wisdom. From
l Creation of Prophet Adam
this soul, God enlightened all the
was time taking process, and a
prophets in heaven before
complicated work. But birth of
sending them to the earth.
common human being by Genes
of Prophet Adam is not so l God sent that first soul as last
complicated and time taking. messenger on earth. And made
him a blessing to mankind, and
l Similar to Adam, creation of
completed religious teaching of
first soul which was full of
wisdom and knowledge was a
time taking and complicated l After the end of this universe
process. But giving wisdom and when God will collect all human
knowledge to other human beings for taking account and
beings through first soul is not so judgement for hell and heaven,
time taking and complicated this first soul will be again
process. saviour of mankind. And will
plead God for forgiveness for
l As Prophet Adam was first
those who tried, but could not
human being, similarly first soul
become perfect.
was first thing which was created
by God before creation of l Gautam Buddha referred to
universe. And this first soul gave this First soul as Amitabh
religious intelligence to Adam Buddha, and said 'Amitabh , the
and everything in universe, that unbounded light, is the source of
is the purpose of their existence, wisdom, and virtue of
and obeying and worshipping Buddhahood.” (The Gospel of
God. Buddha- LX. (Amitabha)-9-page no.
l This first soul has various
stages. l We find the following two
shloks in Rig veda about the first
First God created him in form of
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 173 Section- III
Agni appeared in the heavenly Agni is name of God.
world for the first time in the
Raheem means most merciful.
form of light. The next time he
God is most merciful hence
appeared in mankind. At that
Raheem is His name. But in Holy
time he was called jatveda
Quran (9:128) God called Prophet
(means one who has knowledge
Muhammad (PBUH) also as
since birth). The third time he
Raheem, because Prophet
appeared in the water. Those who
Muhammad (PBUH) was also
strive for reformation of
very merciful. In the same way
mankind are always successful.
God called first soul as Agni. But
(Rig-Veda kand-10-sukth-45-Mantra-
first soul has four status and in
every position his name is
The Agni, whose form is infinite,
is called as the bodyless soul. 2) His second birth is in human
When he acquires body, he is form (in form of soul). At that
called as Asura. (One who come time, his name is Jatveda (one
in the end), and as Narasangsa who is wise since birth).
(Narashansa) And when he
illuminates the universe, he Man in fact is a soul. He only
become Matareshwa. And at that aquires a body on the earth and
time he is beneficial to all like air after death he again goes back to
(Rig-Veda-kand-10-sukth-45-mant ra-
the heavens. That is why when
someone dies, no one says on
seeing his body that so and so
l If we analyze these shlokas, person is lying here. On the
we come to know about the four contrary they says that it is the
stages of the first soul. corpse of so and so person. That
is why here taking birth in
1) In the first stage, he takes human form means to take form
birth like light. At that time, his
of soul from the form of
name is Agni. lightning. He is first soul in this
God called first soul as Agni, form.
because He is created from light. In soul form Gautam Buddha
But Agni is not His real name. called him Amitabh Buddha, and

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 174 Section- III

Rigveda called him Jataveda came upon earth, nor shall I be
means who is full of knowledge the last. In due time another
since birth. Because God created Buddha will arise in the world, a
him for imparting knowledge Holy One, a supremely
and enlightenment to prophet enlightened One, endowed with
and human being. wisdom in conduct, auspicious,
knowing the universe, an
In the Gospel of Barnabas Jesus
incomparable leader of men, a
Christ called first soul as holy
master of angels and mortals. He
spirit in chapter no. 12 and 44.
will reveal to you the same
In Islamic literature first soul is eternal truths which I have
called as Ahmed. This Ahmed taught you. He will preach his
word is pronounced as Amit in religious life, wholly perfect and
other languages. Abha means pure; such as I now proclaim. His
light in Sanskrit. Amit + Abha disciples will number many
combined to form word thousand, while mine number
Amitabh. That mean light of many hundred.”
Amit by which one get Ananda said: “How shall we
enlightened. know him?”
3) The third birth of the first soul The Blessed One said: “He will he
is in water and at that time his known as Maitreya”, (The Gospel
name is Asura and Narashans. of Buddha-XCVI (Maitreya)-13-page
no. 182)
Taking birth in water means
taking birth as a human being. 4) In the fourth form, the first
Because God has created all soul will again appear in the
living things from water (Holy heavens. At that time his name
Quran 21:30) and the human body will be Matareshwa and he will be
is 65% water. beneficial for all or he will plead
In human forms Gautam God to give salvation to all those
Buddha called him Maitriya. who strived for the right path,
but could not become perfect.
About Maitriya Gautam Buddha
said the following words: l So this was a brief description
of the first soul. Try to recognise
“I am not the first Buddha who him as prophet of human being

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 175 Section- III

on earth. As this is must for
success in this life and life after
l One name of First Soul is
Narashansh. Dr. Ved Prakash
Upadhyay has written book on
Narashansh. Read it to recognise
him as a prophet.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 176 Section- III

69. Understanding Mara the Devil
Creation of super natural adhar par Dharmic ekta ki jyoti”,
entities :- he wrotes that Shri Ram,
Hanuman ji, and Shri Krishna
· Our universe was born about were not human beings. They
137 billion (1370 crore) years ago were super natural entities. We
in a massive explosion that blew call them as Devta.
up space like a gigantic balloon.
· As per Sanatan Dharm last
This is called Big Bang theory.
forty lac years are divided in to
· 4.5 billion (450 crore) years four periods, or yugas. They are
ago our planet earth was a mass as follow,
of molten lava.
(1) Satya-yuga
· 500 million (50 crore) years
ago earth was suitable for life. In (2) Treta-yuga
this period earth got covered (3) Dvapara yuga
with thick jungles. Which later
on got buried in earth and today
(4) Kali-yuga
we use them as coal and crude oil. · Satya yuga lasted for (432000
X 4)= 17,28,000 year
· In last 50 crore years, total five
time mass extinction occured on · Treta-yuga lasted for (432000
the earth due to climate change, X 3) = 12,96,000 years
an intense ice age, volcanoes, and · Dvapara yuga lasted for
space asteroid that smashed into (432000 X 2)= 8,64,000 years
the Gulf of Mexico.
· Present yuga is Kali yuga and
· 60 lacs years ago first ape man it started from end of great flood
appeared on land. And climate of in period of Vivasvat manu
earth was perfectly suitable for (Prophet Nooh). That means
comfortable life of human being. about 5000 years has been passed
· First human being appeared in kali yug. And it will continue to
on earth around 20000- 25000 another 427000 years.
years ago. · God may have created super
· Dr. Ved Prakash Upadheyay is natural entities or Devtas on or
a vedic Sanskrit scholar. He wrote before 38,93,000 years
many books. In one of his books (17,28,000+ 1296000+
titled as “Vedon aur Purano ke 864000+5000 = 38,93,0000).
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 177 Section- III
Devtas were righteous and noble Why God created human
entities. This yuge was Satya yug beings:-
and it lasted for 17,28,000 years.
God says in the holy Quran that:
· After Satya yuga Treta yuga “I have created Jinn and human
started. In Treta yug God created being for My worship.” (Chapter-
Danav and other supernatural 51, Verse no.56)
entities. Their nature was like
human beings. That is free to do · Why God especially created
sin and noble deed. But they were humans and Jinns for His prayer,
created from fire, so ego, anger, even though infinite number of
superiority complex, jeolousy, angels are there for His warship?
etc was more in them.
In this yuga Shri Ram took birth. The answer is that angels don't
This yuga lasted for 12,96,000 have the nature of doing evil
years. deeds. God created man and
l After treta yuga Dvapara Jinns with such nature that they
yuga started. Dvapara yuga lasted are free to select their behaviors
for 8,69,000 years, and ended and attitude.
about 5000 year ago. · So if someone is having
Shri Krishna took birth in this option and ability to do wrong,
period. then also he restrains and
worships God, then it is a big
l After Dvapare yuga, kali yuga thing. And this prayer has more
started. importance than the prayer of
First human being arrived on angels. That is why God created
earth about 20,000 to 25,000 human beings and Jinns.
years ago.
Purpose of giving this details is to
make you aware that before History of Mara the Devil
human beings, super natural l Before human beings, jinn
entities were living on earth. And were living on land. But due to
they were having social life just their too much violence on
similar to human beings. earth, as per order of God, angels
Ramayan and Mahabharat epics expelled them from mainland,
give us an idea about living style and pushed them to jungles and
of those eras. hilly area, or deep inside the
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 178 Section- III
l Dr. Ved Prakash Upadheya 38:36-38)
says in his book “Vedon aur
l All Jinn or Demons are
purano ke aadhar par dharmic
ekta ki jyot” wrote that this fact is not bad :-
also written in “Brahman l Demons or jinn were living
Granth” He gave reference as on earth till arrival of human
e]«m. 01.7.2, 22-4, V¡]m 01-5-6, 3/4 being.
V¡g - 06, 2.3-1 etc. In which it is
said that Devtas defeated l All jinns or Demons were not
demons and expelled them from bad. As we know brother of
the mainland. Ravan, vibhishana helped Shri
Ram. Similarly in Jinn also, there
l From these details we can say are good as well as bad Jinns.
the Jinns are called Demons and
angels as Devta in Indian l Dr. Ved Prakash Upadheya
literature. mentioned following shloks of
Bhavishya puran. (Pratisarg-
l In the holy Quran Demons parve, chaturh Adheyay) Which
are also called as shaitan. says that when Rishi (saint)
Prophet Solomon was a prophet came to know that children of
as well as the king of Israel Adam will occupy this land then
community. He prayed to God they migrated to hilly area.
“bless me with such kingdom
which no one had on this earth.”
So God gave him authority over
DeeÙe&osMee #eerCeJevlees cuesÛÚJebMee yeueeefvJelee~
human beings, Demons,
animals and wind. YeefJe<Ùeefvle Ye=iegßes‰ lemceeÛÛe legefnveeÛeueced ~
ielJee efJe<Cegb meceejeOÙe ieefce<Ùeecees njs: heoced ~
l In a few verses of the holy Fefle ëe=lJee efÉpee: meJex vewefce<eejCÙeJeeefmeve:~
Quran we find the details of De°eMeerefle menœeeefCe ieleemles legefnveeÛeueced ~
demon (Shaitan) working for
Prophet Solomon. One such l Devta will not migrate to
verse is as follow: hills. They will migrate to
heaven. It is Demon or Jinn
“Then we subjected the wind to
saints who migrated to hills.
his power, to flow gently to his
order, in whichever direction he Who is Shaitan or Devil,
directed. And (also) the demons
who is described in the
(Jinn) who were builders and
divers, and others bound holy Quran :-
together in shackles” (Holy Quran
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 179 Section- III
l “Azaazeel” was a jinn(as per l When Azaazeel lost his
Surah Al Kahf (18), verse 50). He honor, he further became
was very learned and was doing arrogant, and challenged God to
too much worship of God. So give him a long life (till
God allowed him to stay along doomsday or Qayamat), and he
with the angels in heaven. When said, “I will mislead majority of
God was making body of Adam children of Adam except few. (to
from soil, this Jinn was present prove that what You created is
there. not the finest or superior )”. God
allowed him to remain alive till
l When God finished creation
Qayamat (doomsday). And now
of Adam. God asked angels to
he is doing his best to distract
express their respect to Adam.
human beings from the right
All angels obeyed command of
path of God. Because of
God, and prostrated to Adam
misleading work he is doing, he
except Azaazeel.
is called shaitan or devil.
l Demons or Jinns are created
l In conversation w ith
from fire. hence ego, pride,
Azaazeel the last word of God
feeling of superiority are
was: “Whoever will follow you,
dominant in their behavior.
with them along with you I will
When God asked Azaazeel, why fill the hell. (Holy Quran 38:71-85)
he did not pay respect to
l So we should be very careful
(prostrate) Adam, he said “Adam
about our behavior. We have got
is created from soil, and I am
two enemies. First is Demons or
from fire. I am superior to Adam,
Devil or Shaitaan or Azaazeel or
so why should I prostrate to
Mara and second is nature of our
him”. God disliked the attitude
soul, which always instigates us
or ego or pride of Azaazeel and
to enjoy and avoid the right path
cursed him and expelled him
of God.
from heaven. (Summary of Surah-
Bani-Israil (17)-Ayat-61-63) l Bhagwat Gita was revealed a
l From that moment his name long time ago. It was not only for
become Iblees. Meaning of the people of that period. But it
Iblees in Arabic is “one who lost is for the guidance of all .Its
hope.” (Because there is no hope teachings are not obsolete. It
that Azzazeel will be forgiven by holds good for today also.
God) So if Bhagwat Gita mentions that

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 180 Section- III

because of Devil such feature get Hinduism.
developed. That means as on
l Story of Devil is related to the
today also the Devil does exists
first human being, Prophet
and he is active and he misleads
Adam. There are seven facts
the mankind. And we should be
related to the devil and Prophet
careful about him. There are too
Adam. They are as follows:
may shloks about the Devil or
Demon and Demonic nature in Facts About Pr ophet
Bhagwat Gita. One of them is as
l Xå^: X[©: Ao^_mZ: M H«$m{Y: [méî`_² Ed M & 1) Prophet Adam (a.s) took
AkmZ_² M Ao^OmVñ` [mW© gå[X_² Amgwar_² &&4&& birth without father and mother.
(Holy Quran 15:29)
(God says that) ([mW©) O son of
Partha (Arjun) (Ed) certainly 2) Initially body of Eve (a.s) was
(gå[X_² ) these qualities are integral part of the body of
(Ao^OmVñ`) developed (Amgwar_) by prophet Adam (a.s). (Holy Quran
devil (Xå^•) doing fraud (X[©•) 4:1)
arrogance (Ao^_mZ•) false pride (M)
and ([méî`_²) harshness (M) and 3) Iblis does not respect prophet
(AkmZ_²) ignorance. Adam (a.s). (Holy Quran 15:32)
l (God said) O Arjun, certainly 4) Iblis got cursed by God. (Holy
these qualities are developed by Quran 15:34)
devil. Doing fraud, arrogance,
false pride, harshness, and 5) Because of Iblis prophet
ignorance. (Bhagwat Gita 16:4) Adam (a.s) and Eve (a.s)
l Shlok no. 7:15, 9:12, 16:6, disobeyed God, hence were
16:19, 16:20 of Bhagwat Gita are expelled from heaven. (Holy
Quran 7:24)
also related to Devil. Which you
can read on our website Eve descended on the earth in
www.holygita.in. Mina Valley . And prophet Adam
l In Islam, Christianity and
in sri Lanka.
Judaism we have same 6) On earth after meeting each
description of Devil. But in
other again, prophet Adam (a.s)
Hinduism there are conflicting
and Eve (a.s) stayed in Makkah,
details. Let us study briefly
the divine land of Haram. (Holy
description of Devil in Quran 3:96)
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 181 Section- III
7) Initially they had two sons keâLeb ¢emeew ogpe&veJevceneceveemlJeYetòeg Ùe:
(Cain and Abel). Because of ØesleefheMeeÛemebJe=le: ~14~
marriage dispute among two 3) Daksh insulted Shankar ji.
sons they lost their younger son (Shiv Puran, Vol-1, Rudra-Samhita,
Abel. (Holy Quran 5:27-31) Section-II, (Narrative of Sati), Chap-
No-26, Shlok No. 14,16, Page No. 396)
Facts About Shankar Ji :-
pJeuelJeÅe cegKeb Jew Ùe%eOJebmeew YeJelJeefle~
If we read Shiv Puran, we get the meneÙeemleJe ÙeeJevlemles pJeuevJeÅe melJejced
following figure and fact about ~30~
Shankar ji.
4) Because of this insult,
lehemÙele§e me=°ÙeLeË YeügJeesIeÇe&CemÙe ceOÙele:~ Celestial voice cursed Daksh.
(Shiv Puran, Vol-1, Rudra-Samhita,
Deef J eceg ò eâeef Y eOeeös M eeled mJekeâer Ù eevces Section-II, (Narrative of Sati), Chap-
efJeMes<ele:~55~ No-31, Shlok No. 1,2, Page No. 417)
1) When Brahama was meceÙeb ØeehÙeb mee osJeer meJe&osJemleglee hegve:~
meditating, Shankar ji came out
from the forehead (Avimukta) of meleer lÙeòeâleveg: ØeerlÙee cesvekeâeleveÙeeÓYeJeled
Brahma ji. ~6~
(Shiv Puran, Vol-1, Rudra-Samhita, 5) Because of Daksh, Sati cast off
Section-1, (Creation), Chap-No-15, her body in swarglok.
Shlok No. 55, Page No. 249)
(Shiv Puran, Vol-1, Parvatikhanda,
That means he took birth Section III, Chapter one, (The marriage
without mother and father. of Himacala) Shlok No. 6-7, Page No.
ef$ecetleeAvee censMemÙe Øeeogjemeerod Ie=CeeefveefOe:~
DeOo&veejerÕejes YetlJee hetCeeËMe: mekeâuesÕej: Sati appeared as daughter of
~56~ Mina hill (New name as Parvati)
on earth.
2) When Shankar ji came into
existence he was half man and (Shiv Puran, Vol-1, Rudra-Samhita,
half woman. Section-II, Chapter-1(Summary of
(Shiv Puran, Vol-1, Rudra-Samhita, Sati’s Life), Shlok No. 44-45, Page No.
Section-I, (Creation), Chap-No-15, 278)
Shlok No. 56, Page No. 249) le$eewÅevecegØeehÙe osJÙee men censÕej:~
njce jceCeerÙeemeg efoJÙeevle:hegjYetefce<eg ~23~
Sles efn meJex Ûe megjeÓmegje Ye=Meb veceefvle ceeb 6) Shankar ji and Parvati stayed
efJeØeJejemleLe<e&Ùe:~ in divine land of Haram

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 182 Section- III

(Makkah). Daksh. In Shiv Puran initially
(Shiv Puran, Vol-4, Vayaviyasamnita, God (Akash vani) cursed Daksh.
Section-I, Chap-24, (Siva’s sports on But later on forgave him.
the Mandra mountain) shlok No. 23,
Page No. 1859) l But in the holy Vedas and
Bhagwat Gita Devil still exists as
ve mLeeleJÙeb ceÙee leeleew #eCecehÙe$e efkeâ§eve~ tempter. For example one shlok
ÙeÅesJeb keâhešb ØeerefleceheneÙe ke=âleb ceefÙe ~25~ of Atharva ved is as follows:
7) Shankar ji and Parvati lost O! Beloved of all, sustainer of
their younger son Kartikeya universe, O God, who benefits
because of marriage dispute everyone. In prayer of morning
between their two sons (Kartikeya time, please protect us. (Atharva
& Ganesh).
(Shiv Puran, Vol-2, Rudrasamhita,
veda 06:47:1)
Kumar khand Section-IV, Shlok No-25, This seeking of refuge is from
devil only. In Bhavishya Puran
Devil is called as kali. This we will
Note :- (We refered to the Shiv Puran, study in next chapter. Bhagwat
translated in English by L.J. Joshi,
published by Motilal Banarasidas
Gita also says that bad characters
Publishers Pvt Ltd. Delhi) are due to influence of devil only.
But general people who are
In Sri Lanka on a Hill top there is following sanatan dharm, they
a big foot print which people of are not very familiar with devil as
sanatan dharm call as foot print tempter.
of Shnkar ji and Muslims and To this devil, or Demon, or
Christian call as foot print of Shaitan or Iblees, Gautam
prophet Adam. This foot print Buddha called as Mara. Who
could be viewed on you tube. always distract mankind from
the right path of God.
l As about prophet Adam and
Shankar ji the figure and fact are l When Gautam Buddha was
similar, hence we ashume that leaving the palace, this Devil tried
Azaazeel is named as Daksh in to stop him. When Gautam
Shiv Puran. Buddha was about to get
enlightenment, this Devil tried
l Shiv Puran is not a revealed his best to distract Gautam
book of God, but written by Buddha but Gautam Buddha
human beings. Hence there is remained steadfast and firm and
slightly change in detail of without fear.
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 183 Section- III
l We have described in detail
how the Devil interacted with
Gautam Buddha in his life in
Section 2.
l From this knowledge now
we can clearly understand why
Mara was bent upon distracting
Lord Buddha and stopping him
from guiding the mankind on
the path of salvation.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 184 Section- III

70. A Brief History Of the
Messengers Of God
· God is merciful. When more law of religion to Vivasvat.
people start walking on the Vivasvat told (this to) Manu,
wrong path misled by the Devil, Manu instructed it to
then for their guidance God also Iksvaku. (BG 4.1)
sends His representatives, whom l (Manu is a common name for
we call as messengers. So that Prophets. Great flood occurred
more people can pass the divine in the period of Vivasvat Manu.
exam of God and remain safe So he is considered as Prophet
from devil. Noah. There are fourteen Manus
God said in the holy Quran that in SantanDharm
“In every nation (and every era) I l In the holy Quran in one
have sent messengers, (who) verse God further mentioned
were talking in their (local) names of 10 messengers, who
language.” (Holy Quran 14:4) came after prophet Noah
That means they were talking in (Vivasvat Manu) that verse is as
the language of people for whom follow;
they were sent. l (O Muhammad), We have
So in every region of the world in sent revelations to you just as we
every country, in every era sent to Noah (Vivasvat Manu)
messengers came for guidance of and the Prophets who lived after
mankind, who were misled by him and to Abraham, Ishmael,
Devil. Isaac, Jacob, his descendants,
l Now we will enlist known Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, and
messengers of God. Solomon. We gave the Psalms to
David. (Holy Quran 4.163)
l In Bhagwat Gita (4.1) God
named His three representatives., l God says in the holy Quran
They are Vivasvat, Manu, that (initially) all people were
Iksvaku. That shloke is os follows: following one religion. (Holy
Quran 10.19)

(lr ^JdmZ CdmM) B__² oddñdV{ `m{J_² àm{º$dmZ² Prophet Adam to Prophet
Ah_Aì``_² & Muhammad (PBUH)
oddñdmZ² _Zd{ àmh _Zw: BúdmH$d{ A]«drV² &&4.1&& 9th descendent of prophet Adam
l God said, I taught this eternal (Soyambhav Manu) was prophet
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 185 Section- III
Nooh (vivasvat manu) and 9th lqrk% iq=kLrrks tkrk% losZ EysPNk oHkwfojsAA
descended of prophet Nooh f=”kksRrja uo”kra rL;k;q% ifjdhfrZre~A
(Vivasvat Manu) was prophet
Abraham (Abi-ram). Prophet Qykuka goua dqoZUiRU;k lg fnoa xr%AA
Ismaeel (Atharva) was son of ¼Hkfo’; iqjk.k] izfrlxZ ioZ] izFke [k.M] prqFkZ
prophet Abraham (Abi- Ram). v/;k;½
Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh) was
61st descended of prophet iqLrd%&osn o iqjk.kksa ds vk/kkj ij /kkfeZd ,drk
Ismaeel (Atharva). dh T;ksfr]
· In Bhavishya Puran we get ys[kd% MkW-osn izdk”k mik/;k;
complete details from first
human being Prophet Adam to
Adam and Hawwawati who will
Abi-ram (Prophet Abraham).
be founder of malech race, they
· The incidence of creation of uses to control their senses and
Adam and Hawwawati was remained in meditation in
revealved by God to maha-rishi remembrance of God. They will
Ved Vyasji in Davapra yuga, be created by wet soil by God.
which he described in Bhavishya (Their creation will be such that
Puran, and it is as follows. they can enjoy the materialistic
vkneks uke iq:’k% iRuh gO;orh Le`rkA things).
On the eastern side of Pradan
fo’.kqdnZerks tkrks EysPNoa”kizo?kZukSAA Nagar (Heaven) there was a vast
f}”krk’VlgL=s }s “ks’ks rq }kijs ;qxsA beautiful Jungle of about 4
EysPNns”kL; ;k HkwfeHkZfork dhfrZekfyuhAA square kos created by God. (1 kos
= 2.25 miles)
bfUnz;kf.k nfeRok ;ks ãkRe/;ku ijk;.k%A
Because of strong desire to see his
rLeknknukeklksa iRuh gO;orh Le`rkAA wife, Adam went near the
iznkuuxjL;So iwoZHkkxs egkoue~AA forbidden tree. At that moment
Kali came quickly to them. Adam
b”ojs.k d`ra jE;a prq% Øks”kk;ar Le`re~A and Hawwawati got cheated by
ikio`{krys xRok iRuhn”kZurRij%A that evil Kali, and Adam ate the
dfyLr=kxrLrw.kZ liZ:ia fg rR—re~ AA forbiden fruit and broke the law
of God. Because of which they
oafprk rsu /kwrsZu fo’.okKk HkxarkaxrkA were expelled to the earth. On
[kkfnRok rRQya jE;a yksdekxZizna ifr%AA earth they ate Indian fig (gular).
They had too many children and
mnqEcjLFk i=S”p rkE;ka ok¸o”kua —reA all known as malech. (Human
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 186 Section- III
beings). jkT;a uo”kra rL; lIrfr”p Le` rk% lek% AA
Adam lived for 930 years. Adam yksddLrL; ru;ks jkT;a lIr”kra lek%A
performed prayer and departed lIrlIrfrjsokL; rRi”pkRLoxZfraxr%A
for heaven along with his wife. ¼Hkfo’; iqjk.k] izfrlxZ ioZ] izFke [k.M]
prqFkZ v/;k;½
· This way the description of iqLrd%&osn o iqjk.kksa ds vk/kkj ij /kkfeZd
Adam and Hawwawati ended. ,drk dh T;ksfr]
And after this, in continuation, ys[kd% MkW-osn izdk”k mik/;k;
the interesting description of
messengers are there, which is as
follow. · The eldest son of Adam was
famous with name Shwet (He
· (Note: As this text was lived for 900 years.
revealed in Dwapra yuga during
period of Shri Krishna & Ved · Son of Shwet was Anooh who
Vyas ji, and all living being at that was prophet for less than a
time were supernatural entities century.
who were created from light or · Son of Anooh was Kinash
fire. So they called human being (keâerveeMe). Who was similar prophet
as malech. Because human- as his great grand father (Adam) .
being is created from rotten soil.
T h i s B h av i s hy a p u r a n i s · Son of Kinash was Mahallal
complete forecast of era to come who ruled for 895 years. He
in future. In this description established big cities.
mara or Devil is called as Kali.) · Son of Mahallal was Vird
rLekTtkr% lqr% Js’V% “osrukesfr f;Jqr%A (efJejo). Who ruled for 908 years.
}kn”kksRrj;’kZ p rL;k;q% ifjdhfrZreAA He established city of his own
vuqgLrL; ru;% “krghua —ra ineA names.
dhuk”kLrLrL; lqr% iapghua “kra u;A · Son of Vird was Hanook (nvetkeâ)
महल्लल स्तस्य सुतः पंचहीनं शतं नय। who was extremely devoted to the
rsu jkT;a —ra r= rLekUekuxja Le` reAA worship of God. He achieved the
rLEkkPp fojnks tkrks jkT;a ‘k’V~ ;qRrja lek%A state of “Tat Tvam Asi” ((lelJeceefme) .
Ks ;a uo”kra rL; L;ukEuk uxja LereAA He ruled for 365 years. By deeply
guwdLrL; ru;ks fo’.kqHkfDrijk;.k%A following religion of Malech he
Qykuka goua dqoZu~ ^rRo áfl* t;u lnkAA arrived in Heaven.
f=”kra iap’kf’V”p jkT;a o’kkZf.k rRlereA · Oh Bhargav! Son of Hanook
lnsg% LoxZek;krks EysPN/keZijk;.k% AA was Matochchil (celeesefÛÚue) Who
मतोच्छिलस्तस्य सुतो हनू कस्यैव भार्गव ।
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 187 Section- III
ruled for 970 years. Which was 300 hand long, 50
hands in width and 30 hands in
· Son of Matochchil was Lokam
height (One hand is called
(ueeskeâce) He ruled for 777 years. Cubit). He boarded the ship with
Then he left for heaven. his family and a pair of every kind
rLekTtr% lqrks U;qgks fuxZrLrwg ,o l%A of creature. After boarding the
rLekUU;wg% Le`r% izkKS% jkT;a I´~ p”kraÑreAA ship, he engaged deeply in prayer
lhe% “ke”p Hkko”p =; iq=k cHkwfojsA of God.
U;wg% Le`rka fo’.kq HkDrLlks·ga /;kuijk;.k%AA सांवर्त को मेघगणो महेन्द्रेण समन्वितः ।
,dnk Hkxoku fo’.kqLraRLoIus rq lekxr%A चत्वारिशद्दिनान्ये व महावृष्टिमकारयत ।।
oRl U;wg J`.kq’osna izy;% lIres·gfuA सर्व तु भारतं वर्ष जलैः प्लाव्य तु सिन्धवः ।
Hkfork Roa tuSLlkËnZ ukoek:á lRojeA चत्वारो मिलिन: सर्वे दिशालायां न चागताः ।।
thoua dq: HkDrsUnz loZJs’Bks Hkfo’;flAA अष्टशीति सहस्वाणि? (सहवणि) मुनयो
rFksfr eRok l eqfuukZoa ÑRok lqiqf’BrkeA ब्रह्मवादिनः।
gLrf=”kryEcka p I¥~ pk”k˜LrfoLr`rkeAA
न्यूहश्च स्वकुलेस्सार्द्धं शेषाः सर्वे विनाशिता ।।
f=”k}LrksPNrka jE;ka loZtholefUorkeA
यदा तु मुनयस्सर्वे विष्णुमाणां प्रतुष्टुवुः।
vk:á LodqySLlk˜Z fo’.kq/;kuijks·Hkor~AA
¼Hkfo’; iqjk.k] izfrlxZ ioZ] izFke [k.M] prqFkZ न्यू हस्तव स्थितो नावमारुह्य स्वकुलै स्सह ।
v/;k;½ जलान्ते भूमिमागत्य तत्र वामं करोra सः ।।
iqLrd%&osn o iqjk.kksa ds vk/kkj ij /kkfeZd ,drk सिमश्च हामश्च तथा यकूतो नाम विश्रुतः।
dh T;ksfr] ys[kd% MkW-osn izdk”k mik/;k; याकूतः सप्तपुत्रश्च जुषो माजूज एवं सः ।।
मादी तथा च यूनानस्तूवलो मसकस्तथा।
Son of Lokam was Newh (vÙetn) तीरासश्च तेषा नामभिर्देश उच्यते ।।
(Viveshat Manu or Prophet जुमा दश कनाब्जव रिफतश्च तजर्रूमः।
Noah). He ruled for 500 years. तद्याम्न च स्मृता देशा यूनाचा ये सुनाः स्मृताः ॥
S h e m , Ha m a n d Ja p h e t h इलीशस्तरलोशनच कित्तीहूदाfनरुच्यते ।
(Yaqoot) were his three sons. Henceforth is description of
Newh use to remain deeply Devastating flood.
engaged in the worship of God.
Once God told him in dream that l As per permission of God,
“O dear Newh! listen, doomsday Rain cloud of destructive (meebJele&keâ)
(ØeueÙe) will be on seventh day. You nature rained heavily for forty
board the ship immediately along days.
with your companions. O l Whole of India got
worshiper of lord, save your life. submerged in water. Four oceans
You will prosper to the maximum got merged and became too vast.
extent. Newh accepted the advice
and made a beautiful ship. · After the end of the flood,

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 188 Section- III

Newh started living on land · Sinh (efmebn) was son of Araksad,
along with his family. Sons of who ruled for 460 years.
Newh became famous by name
S h e m , Ha m a n d Ja p h e t h · Irbat (FyeÇle) was son of sinh.
(Yaqoot). · Phalikh (heâeueerKe) was son of
· Asia was populated by Shem, Irbat, who had the honor of
Europe by Japheth and Africa becoming a prophet. and also
was populated by Ham. ruled for 240 years.
द्विसहस्त्रे शताब्द न्ते बुद्धा पुनरथाबवीत् । · Rao (jT) was the son of
सिमवंशं प्रवक्ष्यामि सिमो ज्येष्ठः स भूपति। Phalikh and he ruled for 230
राज्यं पञ्चशतं वर्ष तेन म्लेच्छेन सत्कृतम् ॥ years.
अर्क सदरतस्य सुतश्रच्तुस्त्रिशच्च राज्यकम् ।। · Juj (pegpe) was son of Rao. He
चतुश्शवं पुनज्ञे यं सिल्हास्तत्तनयोऽभवत् । was also a prophet.
राज्यं तस्य स्मृतं तत्र पष्ट युत्तरचतुः शतम् ॥ · Nahur (ventj) was son of Juj and
इव्रतस्य सुतोज्ञेय यः पितुस्तुल्यं कृतं पदम् । ruled for 160 years. and defeated
कलजतस्य तनयः चत्वारि शंदद्वयं शतम् ॥ many enemies.
राज्यं कृतंतु तस्माच्च रऊनाम सुतः स्मृतः।
· Tahar (leenj) was son of Nahar,
सप्तत्रिंशच्च द्विशतं तस्य राज्यं प्रकीतितम् ।।
he honoured the prestigious
तस्माच्च जूज उत्पन्न: पितुस्तुल्वं कृतं पदम् ।
position of his father. (became
नहूरस्तस्य तनयो वयः णष्टयुत्तरं शतम् ॥ prophet)
राज्य चकार नृपतिर्व हुशवून दिहिंसयन् ।
ताहरस्तस्य तनयः पितुस्तुल्यं कृतं पदम् ॥ · Taher had three sons. Abi-
तस्मात्पुत्रोऽविरामच्त्र नहरो हारनस्त्रयः। R a m ( Pro p h e t Ab r a h a m )
(Deefyejece), Nahur (ventj), and Haran
एवं ऐषां स्मृता वंशा नाममात्रेण कीर्तिताः ॥
(nejve). They will be leaders of
Maharishi slept after telling this Malech.
much story. He wokeup after two · (Bhavishya puran, Pratisarg parv,
thousand and one hundred First kand, fourth chapter.)
years, and said I will tell the story (Copied from Vedon aur Purano ke
of future generation of Shem. Adhaar par dharmic ekta ki jyoti-page
· Eldest son Shem became king. no.11-17)
That malech ruled for five
hundred years. · We s t u d i e d n a m e s o f
Araksad (Dekeâ&meo) was son of Sim generations from Prophet Adam
and ruled for 434 years. to Prophet Abraham as per
Bhavishya puran. If we search
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 189
there names from Bible and 8) Nahith
Quran we find same name and
number of generation with some 9) Muksar
difference of prounciation. We
list them again as follow; 10) Aiham
· Adam-Seth-Enosh-Kanan-
11) Afraid
Methuselah-Lamech-Noah- 12) Aisar
Deleg-Reh-Serug-Nahor-Terah- 13) Desham
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timelin 14) Aid
Atharva Rishi (Prophet Ismail) 15) Arawi
was son of Abiram (Prophet
Abraham) 16) Yalhan
l From Atharva rishi (Prophet 17) Yahzin
Ismail) to Adnan we have record
of names only. But from Adnan 18) Yathrabi
to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
we have names along with years 19) Sanbir
also in which period they were
born. 20) Hamdan
1) Atharva Rishi (Hazrat Ismail) 21) Ad-Daa
2) Haidir 22) Ubaid
3) Aram 23) Abqar
4) Adwa 24) Aid
5) Waggi 25) Makhi
6) Sam 26) Nahish
7) Zarih 27) Jahim

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 190 Section- III

28) Jahim 48) An-Nadr(Quraysh)-142 AD
29) Tabikh 49) Malik-175 AD
30) Yadlaf 50) Filir-208 AD
31) Bildas 51) Ghalib-241 AD
32) Awwam 52) Luay-274 AD
33) Obai 53) Kaab-307 AD
34) Qamwal 54) Murrah-340 AD
35) Buz 55) Kilab-373 AD
36) Aws 56) Qusai- 406 AD
37) Salaman 57) Abd Munaf- 439 AD
38) Humaisi 58) Hashim-464 AD
39) Add 59) Abdul-muttalib-497AD
40) Adnan-122 BC 60) Abdullah- 545 AD
41) Maad-89 BC 61) Proph e t Mu h a m m a d
(pbuh) (570 AD )
42) Nizar-56 BC
l In between first human being
43) Mudar-23 BC Prophet Adam and last Prophet;
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
44) Ilyas- 10 AD there are ab out 1,25,000
messengers in the world. But we
45) Mudrikah-43 AD don’t have there records. What
we know that every nation had
46) Khuzaimah-76 AD many messengers, to whom God
sent for Guidance of Mankind.
47) Kinanah-109 AD And Prophe t Muhamma d
(Pbuh) said all messengers had
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 191 Section- III
same faith. (Sahi muslim 2365C) religious.
l God said in holy Quran
“And we have sent you ( O
Muhammad SAW) not but as a
mercy (blessing) for all the
worlds”. (Sure-Al- Ambiya-21,
Verse- 107)
That means prophet
Muhammad (Pbuh) is not
prophet of muslims only. But He
is prophet for all mankind . And
he is the last prophet.
l We all human beings are
children of one father (Prophet
Adam, and whichever religion we
follow but originally all religions
were same as sent by God. So let
us remember these facts and live
in this world as family members
and with love and good wishes
for everyone.
(1) Read “Hindu Manners,
Customs & Ceremonies” by
A.J.A. Dubious. To know why
Vivasvat Manu is called Prophet
(Published by Law Publishers-Delhi-

(2) Read “Muhammad in Parsi,

Hindu & Buddhist Scriptures” by
A.H. Vidyarthi to know why
Atharva is same as Prophet
Ismail. And prediction of
prophet Muhammed in various
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 192 Section- III
71. How will Doomsday (Qayamat)
Scientific Fa c t s and would not be any night and that
Figures: continuous single day would last
for a very long period of time.
— In the sun there is a continuous
— The Earth has a gravitational
process of fusion. Two atoms of
force, which attracts everything
the helium gas combine and
towards the center of the Earth.
form a by-product. In this
When the giant sun-ball engulfs
process heat and light are
the earth, the gravitational force
generated, which our solar
of the sun may balance or
system and we receive. As oil and
neutralize the gravitational force
coal in the crest of earth is in
of the earth and everything on
limited quantity and would get
the earth may feel weightlessness
exhausted after a certain period
as astronauts experiences in
of time, similarly the helium gas
space. Hence everything on the
in the sun is limited and would
earth will starts floating or
get exhausted after a certain
drifting as items float in the
period of time. Scientists guess
cockpit of rockets in space or
that it would take a very long
clouds floats in the sky.
time, but no one can predict
when it would happen. th
— On 13 Feb. 2007 NASA
released an image (news release
— When helium gets exhausted
number. STScl-2007-09) with
and fusion stops, the sun would
title “The colorful demise of a
start cooling and the process of
sun-like star”.
the death of the sun and this solar
system will begin. The sun would
— The image taken by NASA's
become pink and start
Hubble Space Telescope, shows
expanding and shall engulf
the colorful “last hurrah” of a star
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth and
like our Sun. Who's scientific
few planets beyond earth also. It
designation is NGC 2440.The
would remain in this state for a
Star is ending its life by casting
long time, then start contracting
off its outer layer of gas, which
and become a solid mass or a
formed a cocoon around the
black hole. When the gaseous
star’s remaining core. Ultraviolet
sun engulfs the earth, there
light from the dying star makes
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 193 Section- III
the material glow. The burned- 2. On the Judgment Day the sky
out star, called a white dwarf, is will become pink like rose. (Holy
the white dot in the center. Our Quran 55:37)
Sun will also eventually burn out
and shroud itself with stellar
debits, but not for another 5 3. The Earth will lose its gravity
billion years. The colors in the and mountains will float like
image correspond to material clouds or cotton balls. (Holy
Quran 70:9)
expelled by the star. Blue
corresponds to helium, green to
oxygen, and red to nitrogen and 4. Period of the Judgment Day;
hydrogen. that is a single day of apocalypse
shall be equal to 50000 years of
— For image and addition the solar calendar. (Holy Quran
information on NGC 2440 visit 70:4)
09. 5. On the Judgment Day the
sun will be just above our heads
Te a c h i n g s o f I s l a m and the earth will be red hot like
regarding the last day of copper. (Holy Quran 70:8)
the Earth.
6. On doomsday flame of fire
Last day of the earth is called and smoke will be sent upon
Qayamat, Parlay, Doomsday, day human- being, and human-
of resurrection (that means being will not be able to defend
human beings will be raised yourselves. (Sure- Ar- Rahman (55),
again, God will make them verse- 35)
Judgement day means God will On dooms day flame of fine and
judge the deeds and give smoke will be sent upon you, and
judgement regarding you will not defend yourselves.
punishment in Hell or (Sure- Ar- Rahman (55), verse - 35)
appreciation and honor in
Heaven. On the Judgment Day God
would check the account of every
individual and according to his
1. Only God knows when the or her deed and performance on
Judgment Day will come. (Holy the Earth, will decide their fate.
Quran 7:187)

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 194 Section- III


Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 195 Section- VI

72. How religions are corrupted and

Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) About 100 years after death of

took birth in 570AD, and died in Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh)
632 AD. about two lac wrong teachings
After the death of Prophet (hadees) were circulating in the
Muhammad (Pbuh). Hazrat society.
Abu Bakar and Hazrat Umar History of two hypocrites are as
became khalifa and they were follows.
very good administrators.
Under the rule of Hazrat Umars Khalifa Haroon Rasheed
Persia and Rome empire were ordered to executive a liar. The
defeated. So in that period accused said: what benefit you
enemies of Islam did not have will get by executing me?”
power to fight and harm the Khalifa said “people will remain
Muslims. So they took other safe from your wrong teachings”.
means to harm Islam. They Liar said, what will you do with
embraced Islam, and became those hadees which I have
religious scholars. And when fabricated and spread, and
they won faith and confidence of which was never said by prophet
common people, they started Muhammed (Pbuh). Khalifa
spreading such knowledges said “ scholar like Abu- Ishaq-
which were exactly opposite to Fazar i and Abdullah bin
basic teaching of Islam. Mubarak will filter out all your
wrong teachings”. (Zaeef aur
Quran could not be corrupted mauzu rivayat by Mohd. Yahya
or changed as God himself has Gondalvi, page -41)
taken responsibility to protect it.
God has made memorizing of Khalifa Mehandi ordered to
Quran so easy that lacs of people executive Abul Kareem bin Abil-
have memorised it. So it cannot Anja the liar. He confessed about
be changed or corrupted. So fabricating about four thousand
enemies of Islam started hadees. (Zaeef aur mauzu rivayat by
s p re a d i n g f a l s e t e a c h i n g Mohd Yahya Gondalvi, page. 41)
(Hadees) of Prophet
Muhammad (Pbuh). Luckily in those period Muslim
r uler’s were r uling Ar ab
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 196 Section- VI
count r ies and the y were with good memory.
supporting scholar to filter out
etc etc.
wrong teaching. It took another
100 years to separate wrong Then Islamic scholars cross
teachings from right one. checked the content of
messengers recorded
Scholar first recorded all right
saying(Hadees) with holy
and wrong teaching. Then they
Quran and other sources, and
recorder complete chain of
various means. And after long
people who transferred these
research and analysis they
teaching to next generation.
classified all teachings into many
Then they prepared biodata of categories . And only most
all those people who were authentic, free from any doubt
involved in spreading teaching are selected and published in
of holy messenger. They were book form by various scholars,
about five lac people and such as Bukhari, Muslim, Abu
collection of their biaodata is Dawood, Tirmiji, Ibne- Maza,
called Isma-ur-rejal. etc etc.
Then they classified them in So from more than two lacs
various categories such as, fabricated and false hadees they
filtered out only about 7- 10
(1) One who was known for thousand and rejected the rest.
spreading false teaching.
This way teaching of Islam got
(2) One who committed corrupted and refined again.
grevious sins.
(3) One who uses to commit And this much efforts required
small sins. to purify teaching of any
(4) One who used to lie. Prophet, when it get corrupted
(5) One who had poor memory. by hypocrites and enemies of
(6) One who used to neglect that religion.
Islamic rules. These details and example are
(7) One who was uneducated. for situation when outside
(8) One who was not consistent. enemies try to harm religion.
(9) One who was pious but But sometime followers of
having little faults. religion themself corrupt their
(10) One who was very pious own religion. Detail and cause of

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 197 Section- VI

such acts are as follows. good result of (H$_©Um_) their deed
or activity (H$_©-Om) should occur
Few shlok of Bhagwat Gita which
(oh) hence (Bh) in this world (_mZwf{)
explains why people start
human being (H$mL>jÝV) in hope of
worshiping Deities are as
(ojà_²) quick success (`OÝV{) starts
worshiping (X{ d Vm:) Devtas
Indecisiveness:- (instead of God).
l ì`dgm`-AmoË_H$m ]woÕ: EH$m Bh Hw$é- In this world (itself) good result
ZÝXZ & of their deed or activity should
]hw - emIm: oh AZÝVm: M ]w Õ `:
Aì`dgmo`Zm_² &&2.41&& occur, hence in this world
human being in hope of quick
(Hw$é-ZÝXZ) O well wisher of Kurus success start worshiping Devtas
(Arjun) (Bh) in this world (AmoË_H$m) (instead of God).
person (with) (ì`dgm`)
unwavering (]woÕ•) mind (believe Uncontrolled wishes:-
in) (EH$m) one (God) (M) and (oh) no l H$m_¡: V¡: V¡: öV kmZm: à[ÚÝV{ AÝ` X{dVm: &
doubt (Aì`dgmo`Zm_²) those who V_² V_² oZ`__² AmñWm` àH¥$Ë`m oZ`Vm: ñd`m
have indecisive (]w Õ `•) mind &&7.20&&
(AZÝVm•) (believe in) unlimited
(deities) (]hw emIm•) (and wander) (H$m¡_{) (Because of) desire (to
on various paths. follow our own wishes) (V¡V¡)
various people (öV) lose (kmZm)
(God said) O-well wisher of religious knowledge (à[ÚÝV{ )
Kurus (Arjun), in this world (then they) surrender (to) (AÝ`)
person with unwavering mind other (X{dVm) devtas (instead of
believe in one God, and no God) (V_² V_²) (then) these people
doubt those who have indecisive (ñd`m) by themselves (oZ`__² )
mind (believe in) unlimited (make) procedure or regulation
(dieties), (and wander) on (of ) (AmñWm`) following or
various paths. worshiping (of those devtas)
(àH¥$Ë`m oZ`Vm) (similar to what) God
Impatience:- has made regulation (for His
l H$mS²>jÝV: H$_©Um_² ogoÕ_² `OÝV{Bh worship).
X{dVm: &
ojà_² oh _mZwf{bm{H{$ ogoÕ: ^doV H$_©-Om (Because of) desire (to follow
&&4.12&& our own wishes) various people
lose religious knowledge. (Then
(bm{H{$) In this world (itself) (ogoÕ•) they) surrender (to) other

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 198 Section- VI

devtas (instead of God). (Then) good deeds become useless (_m{K
these people by themselves kmZm•) the knowledge is of no use
(make) procedure or regulation (odM{ V g•) (because of such)
(of) following or worshiping (of incorrect belief (that God does
those devtas) (similar to what) have form) (Ed) certainly (olVm•)
God has made rules and (such people take) shelter (or
regulation (for His worship). assume) (amjgr_²) demonic (Amgwar_²)
satanic (_m{ o hZr_² ) bewildering
Low intellegence:- (àH¥$oV_²) nature.
l AdOmZoÝV _m_² _yT>m: _mZwfr_² VZw_² AmolV_² (For such foolish people there is)
& No h o p e ( o f s u c c e s s i n
[a_² ^md_² AOmZÝV: __ ^yV _hm-B©ída_² &&9.11&& hereafter). All their good deeds
(_yT>m) Foolish people (AOmZÝV•) do become useless. Their
not consider (_m_) Me (as) (_hm knowledge is of no use (because
B©ída_²) Supreme Lord of (^yV) all of such) incorrect belief (that
creature ([a_² ^md_² ) Supreme God does have form). Certainly
creator (AdOmZoÝV) (they) insult (such people take) shelter (or
(_m_) Me (AmolV_²) (by) assuming assume) demonic, satanic,
(Me) (_mZwfr_²) (as) a human being bewildering nature.
(who have) (some) form.
(God said) Foolish people do
not consider Me (as) Supreme l `{ Ao[ AÝ` X{dVm ^º$m: `OÝV{ lÕ`m
Lord of all creatures and AoÝdVm: &
V{ Ao[ _m_² Ed H$m¡ÝV{` `OoÝV AodoY-[yd©H$_²
Supreme creator. (They) insult &&9.23&&
Me (by) assuming (Me) (as) a
human being (who have) (H$m¡ÝV{`) O son of Kunti (Arjun)
(some) form. (^·Vm•) worshiper of (AÝ`) other
(X{dVm) deities (`{) who (lÕ`m) have
Influence of Devil:- faith in them (Ao[) (and) also
l _m{K Amem: _m{K-H$_m©U: _m{K-kmZm: odM{Vg: (`wOÝV{) worship them (V{) they (Ao[)
& also (Ed) certainly (`OoÝV) (wish
amjgr_² Amgwar_² M Ed àH¥$oV_² _m{ohZr_² olVm: to) worship (_m_²) Me (AodoY [yd©H$)
&&9.12&& (but due to lack of knowledge
they do it in) prohibited way.
(For such foolish people there is)
(_m{K Amem) No hope (of success in O son of Kunti, worshiper of
hereafter) (_m{K H$_m©U:) all their other deities who have faith in

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 199 Section- VI

them (and) also worship them, l They have sought honour
they also certainly (wish to) from other gods instead of
worship to Me (but due to lack God. (Holy Quran 19:81 )
of knowledge they do it in) That mean for easy and quick
prohibited way. success people worship deity.

Influence of Devil:-
l _o` Amd{í` _Z: `{ _m_² oZË` `wº$m: C[mgV{ &
lÕ`m [a`m C[{Vm: V{ _{ `w·V-V_m: _Vm: &&2&& When God condemned Satan
(Devil) he said, "I will certainly
(lr ^JdmZ CdmM) God said, (`{) Those
take my revenge from Your
(who) (Amd{í`) establish (_o`) Me
servants. I will lead them astray,
(_Z•) in their heart (oZË` `w·V) (and)
induce in their hearts prolonged
always (remain) engaged (in)
worldly desires, command them
(_m_²) My (C[mgV{) (My) worship
to pierce the ears of their
(lÕ`m) with faith ([a`m) (that I am)
animals, sacrifice for the idols,
living creature (C[{Vm)
and order them to change the
approaching (_{) Me (in this way)
religion of God. (God said)" One
(_Vm•) I consider (V{) they (are)
who accepts Satan as his
(`w·Vm•V_m•) ignorant.
guardian, instead of God, has
God said, Those (who) establish certainly incurred a great loss
Me in their heart, (and) always upon himself. (Holy Quran 4:118-
(remain) engaged (in) My 119)
worship, with faith (that I am) God said in the holy Quran that
living creature. Approaching Me the Satan (Devil) wants to
(in this way), I consider they induce hostility and hatred
(are) ignorant. among you through wine and
gambling and to prevent you
Teachings of the Holy
from remembering God and
Quran: prayer. Will you then avoid such
In the Holy Quran we get things? (Holy Quran 5:91)
following reason because of
which people start worshiping
God said in the holy Quran, We
deities or get distracted from the
sent (Messengers) to nations
right path.
who lived before you. Satan
Impatience: - made their deeds seem attractive

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 200 Section- VI

to them and on the Day of to make you the dwellers of the
Judgment, Satan (Devil) will be burning fire. (Holy Quran 35:6)
their guardian. For them there
Some people argue about God
will be a painful punishment.
(Holy Quran 16:63) without knowledge and follow
every rebellious devil. (Holy
Quran 22:3)
God said in the holy Quran: God said in the holy Quran:
Mention the story of Abraham, They have taken their scholars
the truthful Prophet, in the Book and monks as lords besides
(the Quran). Allah, and (also) the Messiah, the
Who asked his father, "Father, son of Mary (prophet). And they
why do you worship something were not commanded except to
that can neither hear nor see nor worship one God. There is no
help you at all? deity except Him. Exalted is He
above whatever they associate
Father, I have received the with Him. (Holy Quran, surah Al-
knowledge which has not been Tawba (9), verse- 31)
given to you. Follow me; I shall
God says in the holy Quran that
guide you to the right path.
to whichever Diety they worship,
Father, do not worship Satan that Diety also worship a (one)
(Devil), he has disobeyed the God. (Holy Quran 17:57)
Beneficent God. (Holy Quran
19:41-44) From above mentioned verses it
is clear that mainly due to
Ignorance:- influence of Devil (Mara) people
get distracted from the right path
How the people of Ad and and start worshiping their own
Samud were destroyed is evident saints or scholars or prophets.
to you from their homes. Satan
(Devil) made their deeds seem
attractive to them and prevented
them from the right path, even
though they had visions. (Holy
Quran 29:38)
Satan (Devil) is your enemy.
Thus, consider him as your
enemy. His party only calls you

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 201 Section- VI

73. Edicts of Emperor Ashoka
Emperor Ashoka was grandson To keep His messages constantly
the of Chandragupta Maurya among society for a long time, he
(321-297 BC). He founded the engraved his adv ices and
Mauryan empire. His son was teaching of Buddhism on stone
king Bindusara (297-273 BC). He pillars throughout his empire,
declared his eldest sons Susima as which was stretched from
his heir. But on the death of King Bangladesh to Afganistan,
Bindusaras Ashoka seized the Kashmir and Nepal to south
throne and executed Susima and India.
his other brothers.
As he was a dedicated follower of
Initially Ashoka was ruthless and Buddhism, and king of vast
cruel. Kalinga was a small empire. So we cannot doubt
kingdom on the east coast of about his intention. Whatever he
India, surrounded by the wrote were true teachings of
Mauriyan empire. They were Buddhism. He was born just 215
having friendly relation with the years after Gautam Buddha, and
Mauryan king. But without any o t h e r re l i g i o n s b o o k s o f
warning Ashoka attacked them, Buddhism were written 456 years
slaughtered 1,00,000 people after Gautam Buddha under
deported 1,50,000 people and left government of non- Buddhist
the rest to die of other causes. king, so whatever teaching of
Buddhism Ashoka engraved on
After the war he walked across
stones are more authentic than
the battlefield, which was piled
other religious books.
with corpses. Viewing the
destruction, he was deeply Ashoka engraved his messages
moved by the senselessness of on major rocks, minor rocks,
warfare. major pillar, minor pilllars and
cave walls.
He had deep regret for what he
had done. For repentance and to Meena Talim has written a very
wash his sins he embraced informative book with title,
Buddhism. He practiced and “Edicts of Emperor Asoka” which
preached non-violence, and tried is published by Aryan Books
to spread peace and prosperity in International, New Delhi. In this
the world by spreading the book She has translated 64 edicts
teachings of Buddhism. of Emperor Ashoka.
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 202 Section- VI
Ven S. Dhammika also has should be killed, even for
written a book with the title: The sacrifice.
edicts of Emperor Ashoka, in
which he has translated 28 edicts. No festivals should be held, as
And many more books are beloved of the God
available on the internet which (Devanamppiya) ( Emperor
are free to download. After
reading all these books I am Ashoka) sees many
presenting a summary of 18 objectionable practices in such
edicts which has references of festivals.
hereafter and heaven.
However, Emperor Ashoka
The purpose of adding this approves some such gatherings.
chapter in this book is to
convince you that original
teachings of Lord Gautam Formerly for making food in the
Buddha are similar to other kitchen of Emperor Ashoka.
divine religions. That means Many hundred thousands of
pr acticing noble deed or animals were killed daily.
Dhamma, will make human
beings successful in the hereafter But now while writing this
and God will bless with heaven Dhamma edicts, only two
permanently. peacocks and one deer are being
And in future not even these
Major Rock Edict No. 1 creatures will be killed.
(All fourteen major rock edicts (Note: Piyadasi or Priyadarsi
which we will study are located means one who looks good.
at Girnar (Gujarat), as they are in Devanamppiya means beloved
very good condition.) of God. As a honour and respect,
Emperor Ashoka was called by
Because of beloved of God these titles.)
(Emperor Ashoka), this edict
was engraved. Major Rock Edict No. 2

(Emperor Ashoka says that)In Everywhere in kingdom of

my empire no living being Devanamppiya priyadarsi
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 203 Section- VI
( Emperor Ashoka), and on to observe these written
border of his kingdom, such as instructions.
the Cholas, the Pandyas, the
satyaputtas, the Ketalaputtas Major Rock Edict No. 4
etc., Emperor Ashoka has Since hundreds of years, there
established medical treatment had been increase in acts of
for men and animals. killing of living beings and
improper behavior towards
Wherever there are no medicines relatives, priest community and
available the medicinal plants, monks.
roots and fruits should be
brought, and they should be Today (to attract attention of
cultivated locally. people) Emperor Devanamppiya
Priyadarsi (Emperor Ashoka)
Major Rock Edict No. 3 has sounded the drum along with
King Devanamppiya Priyadarsi exhibition of aerial chariots,
says that in the twelfth year after great mass of fire and other
my coronation I ordered that divine form to call people to
yuktas, Rajjukas (provincial practice Dhamma.
governars), Pradesik should go
on inspection tours in my domain Such things has not been
every five years, for Dhamma exhibited in past for hundreds of
instructions and for official years, but today it can be seen.
Obedience of mother and father Emperor Devanamppiya
is good. Be good to friends, Priyadarsi (Emperor Ashoka)
acquaintances and relatives. preaches only Dhaamma, which
Donate to priest communities is, abstaining from killing and
and monk. Not killing living hunting living beings. Looking
beings is good. after priest community, and
monks. Obeying mother, father
Moderation in spending and and elders.
saving is good.
Because of Emperor
The council of Mahamattas
Devanamppiya Priyadarsi
(ministers) should order Yuktas
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 204 Section- VI
(Emperor Ashoka) nowadays very difficult to perform.
Dhamma practice has increased
and will also increase in future. I have performed many noble
That act is best act which is done works. If my son, grandsons and
as per principle of Dhamma. their descendants follows it till
Following Dhamma will not the end of time (Qayamat). Then
make one devoid of morals. it will be a good thing.
Till the end of time, Dhamma and
Sila (morality/edicts) will But whoever amongst them
remain on this earth and will be neglects even a little. They will
practiced, as the sons, grandsons do evil. Truly it is very easy to do
and great grandsons of evil.
Devanamppiya Priyadansi In ancient time there were no
(Emperor Ashoka) will practice Dhamma Mahamattas
and preach Dhamma practice. (ministers). Thirteen years after
Hence, it is good to increase the my coronation I have appointed
practice of Dhamma, and it them. Now they work among all
should not be neglected. For this the people for establishment of
purpose this edicts has been Dhamma and welfare of people.
engraved. Let the meaning of
Dhamma be increased and Dhamma officers also work
negligence decrease. among Greeks, Kamboja,
Gandhara, Rathika, Petenika and
Tw e l v e y e a r s a f t e r h i s
others on (western) borderland.
coronation, Emperor
Devanamppiya Priyadarsi has
They work among soldiers,
order to engrave this edict.
(Tribe) heads, priest community,
common people, poor and aged
Major Rock Edict No. 5 people, for their welfare and
The beloved of God, Emperor happiness.
Priyadarsi says that:
They work for the proper
Performing noble work is treatment of prisoners, and for
difficult. Who first start their release. If Mahamatta think
performing good deed find it that this prisoner has a family to
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 205 Section- VI
support or he has been falsely has to be said verbally, I will
implicated or this one is old. proclaim it. Even about
Then they work for release of bestowing charity, I will (myself)
such prisoner. give alms to disciples (eligible
In my domain Mahamattas are
occupied among people devoted When Mahamattas come
to Dhamma, to determine who is forward and find difficulty in
devoted to Dhamma, who is solving cases of petitioner, who
established in Dhamma and who begs for favour, or when
is generous. disagreement and debate arises
in the counsel, then it must be
This Dhamma edict engraved so reported to me immediately.
that it may last long, and my
descendent may follow it. I ordered to inform me
everything and at all times. I will
Major Rock Edict No. 6 be not happy if it is not done
Beloved of God, Emperor accordingly.
Priyadarsi says that in ancient
time government affairs were For the sake of the benefit of the
neither transacted nor reports people, it is my duty to pacify and
were delivered to the Emperor at solve all disputes.
all hours. But now I have
introduced it. If dispute arises again & again,
then there is no better act than
(Now) all the matters should be investigating the root cause of
reported to me at all times, dispute and solving it.
whether I am eating, or in inner
chamber, or on chariot or on There is no better work than
palanquin (Palki), or in park or promoting the welfare of all
wherever, reporters should people (Practicing Dhamma),
inform me about the matters. and whatever effort I am making
is to repay the debt (fulfill the
I will always look after the duty/ responsibility) I owe to all
benefit of the people. Whatever my subjects (people), so that they

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 206 Section- VI

attain happiness in this life and other entertainments.
attain heaven in the next world.
This (teaching of Dhamma) Ten years after his coronation
engraved on stone, so that it lasts Emperor Devanamppiya
long and my sons, grandsons, Priyadarsi went on a tour to
and great grandsons may follow Sambodhi, and thus started
it for welfare of the world. (tradition) of Dhamma tour.
However, this is difficult to do During the tour the Emperor
without great effort. visited the priest community and
monk and offered them gifts and
Major Rock Edict No. 7 gold.
Beloved of the God, Emperor
Priyadarsi, desires that people of He also visited the countryside,
all religion may reside preached them Dhamma, and
everywhere (in his empire). discussed with them Dhamma,
when found suitable.
Let them cultivate good
Dhamma practice and lead a This delighted Devanamppiya
restrained life. Emperor Priyadarsi, and in
future he will spend his life in
People have various desire and this manner.
various passions. They may
struggle to achieve all (these Note: Sambodhi is a place where
desires) or part of it. Gautam Buddha got
enlightenment. Now it is called
But one who receive great Bodh Gaya.
possessions, but lack in self
control, purity of heart, gratitude, Major Rock Edict No. 9
and firm resolution of mind, such
a person is mean. Devanamppiya Emperor
Priyadarsi says that :
Major Rock Edict No. 8
In the past, the kings used to go People are practising high and
out on pleasure tours. In which loud ceremonies at the time of
they used to enjoy hunting and illness, marriage and festivals.
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 207 Section- VI
But such things give little benefit. at this time and as well as in
future also .
Dhamma ceremonies bear great And whatever beloved of God
fruits. Such ceremonies teach Emperor Priyadarsi is doing is to
good treatment to slaves, make people succeed in the next
servants and respect for teachers. world (hereafter), and to reduce
their evil (deed). And not
Ceremonies which teaches non- achieving high merit (as per
violence, charity etc are called as Dhamma principle in the
Dhamma ceremonies. hereafter) is not good.
Father, son, brother and master
are ought to be told that this It is difficult (to achieve
auspicious (Dhamma- ceremony prosperity by following the
or gathering) is good and ought principles of Dhamma) by a
to be practiced faithfully. humble person or a great person
without giving up other interests
Charity is good. Best charity is (without sacrifices). It may be
Dhamma - charity and there is even more difficult for a great
no benefit as Dhamma- benefits. person to do. (But everyone
should try it.)
Therefore a friend a good hearted (Words in bracket are added for
person, a relative and convenience of understanding of
acquaintance should be messages engraved by Emperor
persuaded on such subjects. Ashoka).

By this way of Dhamma practice Major Rock Edict No. 11

one can attain heaven. What can
be more desirable than an Beloved of God, Emperor
attainment of heaven? Priyadarsi (Emperor Ashoka)
Major Rock Edict No. 10 says that: There is no gift like
giving gift (knowledge) of
Beloved of God, Emperor Dhamma, (no acquaintance like)
Priyadarsi (Emperor Ashoka), do acquaintance with Dhamma (no
not consider success and preaching) like preaching of
prosperity of any value unless it is Dhamma and (there is no close
achieved by following the friendship) as close friendship
principles of Dhamma by people, through Dhamma. And

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 208 Section- VI

Dhamma consists of proper It is better to honor other’s
behavior towards servants, religion. By doing so, one’s own
companions, relatives, priest religion benefits, and so do other
community, and ascetics, and not religions.
killing living beings. Whoever praises his own
religion, due to excessive faith,
Therefore, a father, a son, a and condemns other’s religion,
brother, a teacher a friend, a with the thought of glorifying his
companion or a neighbor own religion, only harms his own
(should preach Dhamma) and religion. Thereafter Samavayo
should say this (Dhamma
(coming together/ harmony
principle) is good and it should
be done. (Preaching Dhamma) among people) is good.
will benefits one in this world Beloved of the God Emperor
and will give him great merit in Priyadarsi wishes that people of
the next world (in the hereafter all religion should be well aware
or life after death). of good doctrines of other
Major Rock Edict No. 12 Those who are content with their
own religion should be told that
Beloved of God, Emperor
the Emperor does not value gift
Priyadarsi honors both priest
an honor (expressed to him) as
community and common people
much as he value that there
of all religions. He honor them by
should be growth in the
giving gifts and by other various
essential(teachings) of all
religions (Basic teachings of all
But if there is growth in basic
religion is the truth, which
teaching of all religions then
should increase).
growth in essential teaching of
For this purpose Dhamma
religion could be in various
Mahamattas, ministers looking
ways, But all of them have as
after womenfolk, officers in
their root in restraint in speech.
charge of country side, and other
That is not praising one’s own
such officers engaged. And the
religion, or condemning the
fruit of this is that one’s own
religion of others without a good
religion will grow and proper
cause. And even if there is a
guidance about Dhamma
cause it should be done in a
practice will be given.
positive way.
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 209 Section- VI
Note: At the time of Emperor get killed or injured, or get
Ashoka, in India three religions separated from their loved ones.
were prominent They were Even those who remain
Jainism, Buddhism and unaffected by all these (wars).
Hindusm. All these three When they see tragic condition
religions has common teaching of friends, acquaintances,
of non- violence. King Ashoka companions and relatives, they
wanted that they should also get afflicted by sorrow, and
understand each other, and this pains the beloved of God.
follow righteousness of their In Greek caste system is not
own religion, and co-exist found (all are equal). In all
peacefully. countries people are devoted to
one or another religion.
Major Rock Edict No. 13 Therefore even if the number of
Beloved of God, Emperor people who were killed in
Priyadarsi after eight years of his Kalinga war had been a hundred
coronation conquered Kalinga. times or thousand times less than
( In this war) one lac people died, what it actually happened, that
one lac fifty thousand were would still be painful to the
displaced, and many more died Emperor’s mind.
due to other reasons. Emperor Priyadarsi now thinks
Beloved of God feel deep regret that even a person who wrongs
for conquest of Kalinga. (Now) him must be forgiven if his
he feels strong inclination crimes can be forgiven.
towards the Dhamma. Emperor Priyadarsi wishes to
Certainly, beloved of God has pursue people who stay in forest
deep sorrow for killing and to his way of life (as per
deportation of people, when Dhamma). He reminds them that
unconquered country (Kalinga) even though he is merciful he has
was conquered. But beloved of power to punish if they don’t
God feel more pain when change the criminal activities.
(innocent) priest community, (This is because) Emperor
common people of various Priyadarsi desires security, self
religious, obedient of parent and control, impartiality and
seniors, caretakers of friends, cheerfulness for all living
relatives, servant and employees beings.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 210 Section- VI

N o w E m p eror P r i y a d a r s i also following it, and will
considers that winning (heart) by continue to do so.
Dhamma ( righteousness / Wherever conquest is achieved
truthfulness) is true conquest. by Dhamma. ( righteousness ), it
And this conquest has been won produces joy. But even this joy is
by Emperor Priyadarsi, here of little importance. Emperor
among all the tribes living on the Priyadarsi considers the great
borders of his territories, and fruit to be experienced in the next
even six hundred yojanas away world (in heaven) to be more
(Three thousand miles away) in important.
the Greek region where King A conquest by Dhamma bears
Antiyoka rules. And beyond the great fruit in this world and in the
territories of Antiyoka, such as next world (in hereafter).
Turamaya ( Ptolemy of Egypt),
Antikona ( Antigo Gonatus of Emperor Priyadarsi says that I
Macedonia), Maga ( Magas of have had this Dhamma edict
cycrene) and Alexander ( ruler of written so that my sons and great-
Expirus). And in the south ( in grandsons may not consider
India) the Cholas the Pandyas, making new conquests ( by war).
and as far as Tamra parni ( Sri- Or if military conquest are made,
lanka). then they be done with restrains
Here in the kings’s domain and light punishment, or better
among the Greeks, the still that they consider making
Kambojas, the Abhakas, the conquest by Dhamma
Nabhapamkits, the Bhojas, the (principles) only.
Pitinikas, the Andhras and the
Palidas, everywhere people are Major Rock Edict No. 14
following Emperor Priyadarsi is As per instruction of beloved of
instructions in Dhamma. the God, Emperor Priyadarsi this
People in even those countries edict has been written.
where the conveyors of Emperor Some edict contents are brief
Priyadarsi’s have not reached, some of middle size, and some
having heard of the practice of are of full length.
Dhamma and religious orders Everywhere these are not
and instructions in Dhamma engraved (and erected) as my
given by Emperor Priyadarsi, are empire is vast, but much has been
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 211 Section- VI
written, and in future also I will same.
write them.
Some contents are written again Mahamattas in border areas are
and again, It is because of its doing the same. My instruction is
importance, and so that the for them is to ( motivate people to
people may act in accordance practice) Dhamma. So that they
with them. remain happy, and protected
If some edicts are incomplete, from failure (in this world &
this is because of locality, or was hereafter.)
the fault of writer (engraver).
Major Pillor Edict No. 2
Major Pillar Edict No. 1 Beloved of God Emperor
Located at Delhi- Topra Priyadarsi says that Dhamma is
Beloved of God Emperor Good, but what is Dhamma?
Priyadarsi says that this Dhamma It is committing minimum sin,
edict was written twenty-six doing many good deeds of
years after my coronation. k i n d n e s s , g e n e r o s i t y,
truthfulness and purity.
Success in this world and the I have bestowed gift of
hereafter is difficult to achieve (spiritual) sight to human beings.
without giving most importance (By teaching principles of
to Dhamma principle, and much Dhamma) ( As well as ) I did
self- examination, much service much kindness to animal, birds
(to others), and much fear (of and aquatic animals. (by
committing sin), and much prohibiting their killing) and
enthusiasm. giving them the gift of life.

As per my instruction I have ordered to engrave this

importance of Dhamma and love edict of Dhamma, so that it lasts
for Dhamma has grown, and day long and people may act
by day will continue to grow. according to it. And one who
follows it properly will do good
My officers of high, low and deeds.
middle rank are following
Dhamma principle, and capable Major Pillor Edict No.3
of inspiring others to do the Beloved of God, Emperor
Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 212 Section- VI
Priyadarsi says that, people miscreants) at their discretion.
notices only their good deeds,
and say “ I have done this good But they should remember the
deed” But they never say “ I have cause of happiness ( is following
done this evil deed”. This is sin. principle of Dhamma) and cause
of sorrow (is neglecting
Self scrutiny is difficult. Then Dhamma). So they should follow
also one should think like this it themselves, and motivate
“violence, cruelty, anger, people to follow it too. So that
arrogance and jealousy leads to they may attain happiness in this
sin. I must not let my self get world and the next.
ruined by these emotions and
actions. These Rajjukas are obedient to
me. They are also obedient to
And one should be very clear in
higher officers who know my
mind that (avoiding bad deed)
desire. They also instruct people
and doing good deed is good for
(to follow Dhamma) so that
my life in this world and life in
Rajjukas will be able to
next world ( in hereafter).
(discharge their duty efficiently)
and able to please me.
Major Pillor Edict No. 4
Beloved of the God Emperor Just as a person feels confident
Priyadarsi says that this Dhamma when he entrusts his child to a
edict was written twenty-six skilled nurse, and think that
years after my coronation. “This skilled nurse will take
good care of my child”. Similarly
I have appointed Rajjukas I have appointed Rajjukas for
(provincial Governors) to serve welfare and happiness of my
as administrators over lacs of people.
In order that Rajjukas discharge
To do work of welfare, happiness their duties cheerfully, fearlessly
and benefits of people fearlessly and confidently. I have given
and confidently, I have given power of judgement to them
them power to honors the awards regarding awarding honor or
( to good people) and punish ( the punishment.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 213 Section- VI

(Beloved of God, Emperor
Priyadarsi says that) I even grant
a three day stay for those in
prison who have been tried and
sentenced to death. ( During this
period their) relatives may
appeal to the officials to have the
prisoners, lives spared, or if no
one makes an appeal, then the
prisoners may donate
(something) or keep fasting to
prepare for success in the next

I desire that even if a prisoner’s

time is limited, he can prepare for
the success in the next world, and
people’s Dhamma practice, self-
control (by fasting) and
generocity (by donating) may
I desire impartiality in legal
procedures and in punishment.

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 214 Section- VI

All Edicts of Asoka - At a Glance
T able -I

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 215 Section- VI

74. Last words

In the holy Quran God ordered hope this knowledge will

Muslims to make no distinction increase brotherhood among
between any of His messengers. people of various religions.
(Surah Al- Baqarah (2), verse no. 285).
Lord Buddha was a great
Because of this instruction prophet, this is my personal
Muslims have same respect for opinion. I am human- being. I
all prophet as they have respect may have made mistake in
f o r P r o p h e t Mu h a m m a d understanding religious books.
(Pbuh). Hence I don't insist that you also
believe what I believe. I request
Christians are aware of this fact
you to kindly do research work
that Muslims have deep respect
yourself, and than decide your
for Jesus Christ and mother
opinion and faith.
Mary. Hence in 2020 due to
covid-19 and because of social
distancing when mosques were
not having capacity to
accommodate all Muslims on
Friday prayer,. Church of St.
Lutheran Martha opened their
doors for Muslims in Berlin
(Germany) for the Friday Prayer.
When we develop deep respect
for religious entities of other
religion, then followers of that
religion also develop soft corner
for us.
If all human being star t
respecting religious entities of
fellow human beings then on
religious basis there will be no
hatred in society. This is my view,
and with this aim I have written
this book about Lord buddha. I

Lord Buddha, The Great Prophet 216 Section- VI

Some people believe that
Gautam Buddha was an
atheist; some consider him
agnostic, some worship
him, while some believe
him to be an avtar.

But when I studied his life

and teachings, I realized
that he was, in fact, a

In this book, I have

explained my analysis
supported by facts and
figures on basis of which I
consider him to be a

I have also described his

teachings in the light of
various divine books.
Hence, if people
understand and practice
them, this world will be a
more peaceful place to live.

Price. Rs. 300/-

I SB N N o . 978-81-951129-1-3

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