561 NR - 2022 11
561 NR - 2022 11
561 NR - 2022 11
NR561 - NOVEMBER 2022
The PDF electronic version of this document available at the Bureau Veritas
Marine & Offshore website https://marine-offshore.bureauveritas.com/
is the official version and shall prevail if there are any inconsistencies
between the PDF version and any other available version.
These rules are provided within the scope of the Bureau Veritas Marine &
Offshore General Conditions, enclosed at the end of Part A of NR467, Rules
for the Classification of Steel Ships. The current version of these General
Conditions is available at the Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore website.
November 2022
Table of Content
Section 2 Materials
1 General 7
1.1 Application
2 Aluminium structure 7
2.1 Influence of welding on mechanical characteristics
2.2 Extruded plating
2.3 Minimum yield stress for scantling criteria of hull structure
2.4 Material factor k
2.5 Aluminium properties
2.6 Tolerances on dimensions
Table of Content
Table of Content
Section 8 Pillars
1 General 46
1.1 Application
2 Critical buckling stresses 47
2.1 Buckling of pillars subjected to compression axial load
2.2 Buckling of pillars subjected to compression axial load and bending moments
2.3 Vertical bulkhead stiffener acting as pillar
3 Pillars in tanks 49
3.1 General
Table of Content
NR561, Sec 1
1 General
1.1 Application
1.1.1 General scope of application
The requirements of this Rule Note are applicable to ships having their hull and superstructure totally made of aluminium alloy.
The purpose of this Rule Note is to define the general requirements for hull scantling and arrangements, with respect to:
• material
• hull structure and welding calculation approach
• classification and /or certification process.
1.2 Exceptions
1.2.1 Ships with unusual design, speed or service, or intended to carry special cargoes not provided by the Rules, are examined
on a case-by-case basis.
1.3.2 Builder’s quality systems checking the general production fabrication and process are to be submitted for review (see Sec 9).
Section 2 Materials
E : Young’s modulus of aluminium, equal to 70000 N/mm2
: Poisson ratio of aluminium, equal to 0,33
Rm : Tensile strength, in N/mm2, of the parent metal in delivery condition, as specified
Rp0,2 : Proof stress (yield strength), in N/mm2, of the parent metal in delivery condition, as specified
R’m : Tensile strength, in N/mm2, of the parent metal in as-welded condition, as defined in [2.1.3] or [2.1.4]
R’p0,2 : Proof stress (yield strength), in N/mm2, of the parent metal in as-welded condition, as defined in Article [2].
1 General
1.1 Application
1.1.1 As a rule, the aluminium alloys used for the construction of aluminium ships are as follows:
• for rolled or extruded products:
- series 5000: aluminium-magnesium alloy
- series 6000: aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy.
• for cast products:
- aluminium-magnesium alloy
- aluminium-silicon alloy
- aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy.
In the early stages of the project, the shipyard is to submit to the Society the characteristics of the materials they intend to use for
the construction of the hull and of the structures. In particular, the temper of parent metal is to be indicated.
1.1.4 In the case of structures subjected to low service temperatures or intended for other specific applications, the alloys to be
employed are to be agreed by the Society.
2 Aluminium structure
2.1.2 Consequently, where necessary, a drop in the mechanical characteristics of welded structures, with respect to those of the
parent material, is to be considered for the structure calculation.
As a general rule, the heat affected zone (HAZ) is to be taken extending over 25 mm on each side of the weld axis.
2.2.2 Extruded plating is preferably to be oriented so that the stiffeners are parallel to the direction of main stresses.
2.2.3 The structure continuity of plates and stiffeners is to be ensured in way of weld end extruded panels. The end weld
preparation and joints of extruded plating ends are to be submitted for examination.
The crossing of extruded plating stiffeners with transverse primary structure is to be submitted for examination, in particular the
connection of the secondary stiffeners to the primary web transverse, and the connection of the primary web transverse to the
extruded plating.
2.4.2 In the case of welding of two different aluminium alloys, the material factor k to be considered for the scantlings is the
greater material factor of the aluminium alloys of the assembly.
1 General
1.1 Application
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to the scantling and joint design of welded connections or riveting connections in
aluminium alloy hull structures.
Other equivalent standards may be accepted by the Society, on a case-by-case basis.
Note 1: Welding processes and inspection are dealt with in Sec 9.
1.1.2 Welding of various types of aluminium alloys is to be carried out by means of welding procedures approved for the purpose
(see Sec 9, [3.4]).
1.1.3 The requirements of this Section apply also to heterogeneous connection of aluminium alloy members with steel members
by riveting, bi-metallic transition joints or other means.
1.1.5 The method used to prepare the parts to be welded is left to the discretion of each shipbuilder, according to its own
technology and experience.
These methods are to be reviewed during the qualification of welding procedure, as defined in [1.2.2].
2 Scantling of welds
2.1 Butt welds
2.1.1 As a rule, butt welding is to be used for plate and stiffener butts and is mandatory for heavily stressed butts such as those
of the bottom, keel, side shell, sheerstrake and strength deck plating, and bulkheads (in particular bulkheads located in areas
where vibrations occur).
2.1.2 All structural butt joints are to be full penetration welds completed by a backing run weld.
a = 0,5 t2
t1 ³ t2
2.3.4 The weld closest to the shoulder may be intermittent except in liquid compartments and exposed areas.
! J
2.4.2 Slot welding is not to be completely filled by the weld, and the width of the opening is to be such as to allow easy fillet
weld along its perimeter.
2.4.3 The distance L between extremities of two consecutive slot welds, as shown in Fig 5, is to be such that:
10 t L 200
where “t” is the plate thickness, in mm.
The maximum distance of L depends on the stresses of the members.
Hull area wF (1)
of to
watertight plates boundaries 0,35
non-tight plates boundaries 0,20
strength decks side shell 0,45
plating 0,13
webs of ordinary stiffeners plating at ends (2) 0,20
web of primary stiffener see [2.7]
unless otherwise
specified in the Table plating and flange 0,20
plating and flange at ends (2) 0,30 (3)
bottom and inner bottom (in way of transversal and/or
web of primary stiffeners 0,45
longitudinal bulkhead supported on tank top)
deck (for cantilever deck beam) 0,45
web of primary stiffeners 0,35 (3)
Structures located abaft ordinary stiffeners bottom and side shell plating 0,20
0,25 L from the fore end
primary stiffeners bottom, inner bottom and side shell plating 0,25
Structures located in ordinary stiffeners bottom plating 0,20
bottom slamming area
or in the first third of
underside of cross deck primary stiffeners bottom plating 0,25
of catamaran
in way of main engine
bottom and inner
girders in way of seating of auxiliary
bottom plating 0,35
elsewhere 0,25
t T ----------------
T : Shear force, in N, in the considered section of the stiffener
I : Inertia, in mm4, of the stiffener
: Permissible shear stress, in N/mm2, as defined in the Society Rules for the classification and/or certification of ships
(see Sec 1, [1.1.2])
m : Value, in mm3, calculated as follows (see Fig 6):
• for weld between flange and web: m = tf bf vf
• for weld between associated plate and web: m = tp bp vp
vp tT tp
tT tf
t IT = t T ----- 1 ,5t
tT : Throat, in mm, of the double continuous fillet weld, obtained as defined in [2.6.4] or [2.6.5]
p : Pitch, in mm, of the fillet welds positioned on the same side, measured as indicated in Tab 2
de : Efficient length, in mm, of the fillet welds, as defined in [2.6.3]
t : Actual thickness, in mm, of the thinner plate of the assembly.
t IT t T -----
de : Efficient length, defined in [2.6.3]
p : As shown in Fig 7
tT : Throat, in mm, of the double continuous fillet weld, obtained as defined in [2.6.4] or [2.6.5]
d 75 mm (1)
p d 75 mm
r 20 mm
d r
d 75 mm
p d 200mm
(1) To reduce deformations, it is recommended to choose the values of d according to the thickness.
Throat a
A W sp 0 6 – --- k10
AW : Total resistant weld section AW, in cm2, to be determined taking into account the efficient length of the welding
de defined in [2.6.3]
s : Spacing of secondary stiffeners, in m, without being taken greater than 0,6 m
p : Pressure, in kN/m2, to be taken equal to: P = Cp Pssmin
Cp : Pressure coefficient equal to: Cp = -0,98s2 + 0,3s + 0,95 0,8
pssmin : Impact pressure, in kN/m2, acting on the secondary stiffeners as defined in the Society Rules for the classification
and/or certification of ships (see Sec 1, [1.1.2]).
k : Coefficients defined in a).
c) Case of wheeled loads:
A W p w k10
AW : Total resistant weld section AW, in cm2, to be determined taking into account the efficient length of the welding
de defined in [2.6.3]
pw : Maximum shear force reaction in way of the connection with the primary stiffener, in kN, induced by wheeled
load applied on the secondary stiffener
k : Coefficients defined in item a).
The actual total resistant weld section AW is to be calculated taking into account the efficient length of the line of weld,
connecting the continuous secondary stiffener to the web of primary member, as defined in [2.6.3].
2.8.1 Connection of the bilge keel (as defined in Sec 7, [5.5.1]) to the intermediate flat is to be made by continuous welds, with
a throat not less than, or equal to, the one of the continuous welds connecting the intermediate flat to the bilge strake.
Butt welds of the shell plating, intermediate flat and bilge keel are to be suitably staggered.
To avoid shell plating being damaged, butt welds of the intermediate flat are to be made on a backing.
Butt welds of the bilge keel are not to extend up to the intermediate flat but are to stop on a scallop. The weld is to be free from
imperfections in way of the scallop and, where necessary, the imperfections are to be ground.
3.1.1 In case of assembly of two plates of different thicknesses, a taper x, having a minimum slope as shown on Fig 8 or Fig 9,
is to be adopted where:
• t1 10 mm and t2 t1 3 mm, or
• t1 > 10 mm and t2 t1 4 mm
Note 1: For connection of platings parallel to the direction of the main stresses, a minimum taper length x, such that x > 3 b, may be permitted.
3.2.1 For butt welding on permanent or temporary backing, the edge preparations and gap are to be defined by the shipyard,
taking into account the type of backing plate.
3.2.2 For extruded sections with an integrated melting bath for backing, preparation before welding is defined during the
qualification of welding procedures.
3.3.1 Stiffeners contributing to the longitudinal or transversal strength, or elements in general subjected to high stresses, are to
be connected together by butt joints with full penetration weld. Other solutions may be adopted if deemed acceptable by the
Society on a case-by-case basis.
The work is to be done in accordance with an approved procedure, in particular for work done on board or in conditions of
difficult access to the welded connection, where special measures may be required by the Society.
3.4.1 Preparation
Where the thickness of the welded plate exceeds 8 mm, a preparation with a single or double bevel butt with a root face device
of 3 mm minimum is to be provided.
4 Riveting
4.1 General
4.1.1 This Article defines the conditions of riveting of hulls and structures made of aluminium alloy.
Riveting strength data sheets are to be submitted to the Society. Additional sample tests of riveted joints representative of the hull
construction may be required, if deemed necessary by the Society. As a general rule, the samples are tested under tensile,
compressive and shear forces (see also NR216 Materials and welding).
4.2.1 For the riveting of series 5000 aluminium-magnesium alloys, the grade of the rivet is to have magnesium content not
exceeding 3,5%.
4.3.1 Diameters of rivets (versus the thickness of the thinner member to be riveted), diameters of hole perforations,
manufacturing tolerances and shape of the heads of rivets are given in Tab 3 and Tab 4 (see also Fig 10 and Fig 11).
Slight departure from the above dimensions may be accepted, to the satisfaction of the Surveyor.
4.3.2 For riveting of massive parts and accessories, the hole diameter may be increased by 2 mm.
≤ α
≤ ≥
α ≥
α ≤
4.4.1 The rivet holes are to be spaced regularly with a very low tolerance (0,1 to 0,2 mm). Holes are to be drilled.
4.4.2 The number of rows of rivets and the pitch between rivets depend on the relative strength required for the joint.
The pitch is to be such that:
2,5 d pitch 6 d, where d is the rivet diameter.
For riveting with several rows, the row spacing is to be, as a rule, equal to:
• the pitch for chain-riveting, and
• 0,75 time the pitch for staggered riveting.
4.4.3 Cold-riveting may be performed with well annealed rivets up to 14 mm in diameter for grade 5052 rivets. For larger
diameters, hot-riveting is to be used (at 400 oC 25 oC). In some special cases, large diameter AlSiMg rivets may be used directly
after hardening.
The holding dolly is to be heavier than that used for a steel rivet of the same diameter.
5.1 General
5.1.1 This Article defines the conditions for heterogeneous assembly for hulls and structures made of aluminium alloys and steel.
5.2.1 Correct insulation between steel and aluminium is to be ensured by means of joints, washers and plastic or rubber tubes,
or any other equivalent solution.
5.2.2 As far as practicable, the rivet is to be of the same composition as the aluminium alloy used for the structure.
5.2.3 Requirements of [4.3] apply. Diameters of rivets are given in Tab 3 according to the thickness of the member in aluminium
5.3.1 Any jointing system other than classical riveting (high performance fixation, etc.) may be used with the Society's
5.4.1 The use of transition joints made of aluminium / steel cladded plates or profiles may be considered with the Society's
6 Construction deformations
6.1 General
6.1.1 Shrinkage heats to reduce hull construction deformation are not advisable for 5000 series alloy with metallurgical temper
other than O-H111 and for 6000 series alloy.
bf : Breath of the flange or the bulb, in mm
hw : Height of the web, in mm. For bulb sections, the height is to be measured without the bulb
k : Material factor defined in Sec 2, [2.4]
tw : Thickness of the web, in mm
tf : Thickness of the flange or the bulb, in mm.
1 General
1.1 Application
1.1.1 Hull structural members are to be examined under the effect of global hull girder loads (forces and moments which result
from effects of local loads acting on the ship as a whole and considered as a beam), and the effect of local loads (pressure and
forces directly applied to the individual structural members).
1.1.2 The purpose of the present Section is to define the calculation principles of hull structural members.
The global hull girder scantling and the local hull scantling are defined in Sec 5 and Sec 6, respectively.
1.2 Definitions
1.2.1 Framing system
The requirements of the present Section are provided for longitudinal and transverse framing systems, according to the following
• secondary supporting members: members straight supporting plates
• primary supporting members: members supporting secondary members.
Note 1: Other types of framing systems are to be examined on a case-by-case basis by the Society.
2.2.1 General
The plate panels to be checked under buckling criteria are mainly:
• Under compression due to global hull bending:
- bottom and/or deck plating
- side shell plating, in the upper area below strength deck
- side shell plating, in the lower area above bottom
- superstructure contributing to the longitudinal or transversal global strength.
• Under compression on one side and/or under two sides due to transverse global bending of catamaran induced by torsion:
- platings of platform deck and platform bottom of catamarans, in way of the primary cross transverse structure elements
of the platform.
• Under shear:
- side shell plating
- primary cross transverse structure elements of the platform of catamarans.
- superstructure contributing to the longitudinal or transversal global strength.
Other hull areas may be checked under buckling on a case by case basis when deemed necessary by the Society.
3.1 General
3.1.1 The scantling of secondary supporting members (section modulus and shear area) is to be such as to satisfy the required
strength under the local loads and, when the stiffener is submitted to overall bending and/or to global strength of catamaran,
under the hull girder loads as follow:
a) Scantling under local loads:
The scantlings under local loads are to be determined as defined in Sec 6, [3].
b) Scantling under global hull girder loads:
The scantling under hull global girder loads are to be defined such as to satisfy the rules criteria of:
• the actual overall bending stress as defined in Sec 5, and
• the buckling check as defined in App 2, [3.2].
3.2.1 General
The secondary stiffeners to be checked under buckling criteria are mainly:
• bottom and/or deck stiffeners
• side shell stiffener in the upper area below the strength deck
• side shell stiffener in the lower area above bottom
• superstructure stiffener contributing to the longitudinal or transversal global strength.
• platform of multihull
• bulkhead stiffener acting as pillar.
4.1 Scantling
4.1.1 The section modulus and the shear area of primary supporting members are to be defined by the same approach than for
the secondary supporting members defined in Article [3], taking into account the requirements of the present Article.
The width bP, in m, of the attached plating to take into account for the inertia and section modulus calculations for primary
supporting members analysed through beam structural models is to be taken equal to:
• where the plating extends on both sides of the primary supporting member:
• where the plating extends on one side of the primary supporting member (i.e. primary supporting member bounding an
b) Web of primary member not directly welded on the attached plating (floating frame):
As a rule, the attached plating is normally to be disregarded for the calculation of the primary supporting member geometric
4.2.1 General
Cut-outs and large openings in primary supporting member webs may be taken into account as defined in the present [4.2], when
deemed necessary.
Cut-outs for the passage of secondary stiffeners are to be as small as possible and well rounded with smooth edges.
In general, the height of cut-outs is to be not greater than 50% of the height of the primary supporting member.
• at the end of primary member span: 25% of the distance between adjacent openings
The secondary stresses may be calculated in accordance with the following procedure.
Members (1) and (2) are subjected to the following forces, moments and stresses:
F = ---------------------
m1 = M A – MB K
- 1
m2 = M A – MB K
- 2
F1 = 10 -----
F2 = 10 -----
m1 = -------1 10
m2 = -------2 10
1 = 10 ------------
S w1
2 = 10 ------------
S w2
MA, MB : Bending moments, in kN.m, in sections A and B of the primary supporting member
m1, m2 : Bending moments, in kN.m, in (1) and (2)
d : Distance, in m, between the neutral axes of (1) and (2)
F1, F2 : Axial stresses, in N/mm2, in (1) and (2)
m1, m2 : Bending stresses, in N/mm2, in (1) and (2)
QT : Shear force, in kN, equal to QA or QB, whichever is greater
K 1 = -------------
I1 + I2
K 2 = -------------
I1 + I2
The combined stress C calculated at the ends of members (1) and (2) is to be obtained from the following formula:
2 2
C = F + m + 3
The combined stress C is to comply with the checking criteria defined in the Society Rules for the classification and/or
certification of ships (see Sec 1, [1.1.2]). Where these checking criteria are not complied with, the cut-out is to be reinforced by:
• continuous face plate (see Fig 2), or
• straight face plate (see Fig 3), or
• compensation of the opening by increase of the web thickness t1(see Fig 4).
Other arrangements may be accepted provided they are supported by direct calculations submitted to the Society for review.
A 2 B
2 F
1 m1
0,5 H
1,5 H
Inserted plate
t1 t
A ,A : Actual normal and shear stresses, in N/mm2, as defined in the applicable Society Rules for the classification and/or
certification of ships (see Sec 1, [1.1.2]) and calculated taking into account:
• the global hull bending moments and shear forces, and
• the strength characteristics of the hull transverse section and the platform section of catamaran.
1 General
1.1 Global strength approach
1.1.1 As a rule, the global hull girder strength is to be examined regardless of local hull strength.
a) General approach:
The global hull girder strength and the global strength of catamaran are to be examined on the basis of:
- global hull girder loads, and
- geometrical characteristics of the main structure elements
according to the methodology defined in the applicable Society Rules (see Sec 1, [1.1.2]).
b) Finite element calculation approach:
The global strength analysis may also be examined with a Finite Element Analysis submitted by the designer according to the
requirements defined in the applicable Society Rules (see Sec 1, [1.1.2]).
1.2 Application
1.2.1 Global hull longitudinal girder strength
As a rule, for monohull ships and for floats of catamarans, the global hull girder longitudinal strength is to be examined in the
following cases:
• ships with length greater than 40 m, or
• ships having large openings in decks or significant geometrical structure discontinuity at bottom or deck, or
• ships with transverse framing systems, or
• ships with deck structure made of small plate thicknesses and large spacing of secondary stiffeners, or
• ships with important deadweight, or
• where deemed appropriate by the Society.
Note 1: For ships not covered by the above cases, the hull girder strength is considered satisfied when local scantlings are in accordance with
requirements defined in Sec 6.
1 General
1.1.1 The present Section deals with the local scantling of platings, secondary and primary stiffeners under local lateral pressures.
1.1.2 The scantling of platings, secondary and primary stiffeners contributing to the overall longitudinal strength of the hull girder
and to the overall transverse strength of platform of catamaran are also to be checked as defined in Sec 5.
b) Dynamic loads:
• for plate panels:
at mid-edge of the plate panels
• for longitudinal and transverse stiffeners:
at mid-span of the stiffeners.
2 Plating scantling
2.1 General
defined in the Society Rules for the classification and/or certification of ships (see Sec 1, [1.1.2]).
3.1 General
3.2.1 The span of the stiffeners considered in the scantling formulae is to be measured as shown in Fig 1 to Fig 3.
3.2.2 For open floors, when a direct beam calculation taking into account all the elements of the open floor is not carried out,
the span of the upper and lower secondary stiffeners connected by one or two strut(s) is to be taken equal to 0,7 2 instead of
1 (see Fig 4).
3.3.1 The section modulus, in cm3 and the shear area, in cm2, are obtained considering successively the different loads sustained
by the secondary stiffeners (defined in [3.1.1]) and the:
defined in the Society Rules for the classification and/or certification of ships (see Sec 1, [1.1.2]).
As a rule, the thicknesses (web and flange) of stiffeners are to be as defined in [3.3.2]. Other thicknesses may be considered if
the buckling assessment under axial loads or under local loads is carried out according to App 2, [3].
Type of stiffeners Cw Cf
Angle bars 50 8
T-bars 50 8
Bulb bars 30
Flat bars 15
hw hw hw
5.1.3 The section of the end bracket web is generally to be not less than that of the supported stiffener web.
5.1.4 The section modulus of the end bracket is to be at least equal to the section modulus of the stiffener supported by the bracket.
When the bracket is flanged, the section modulus is to be examined in way of the flange as well as in way of the end of the flange.
5.1.6 When a face plate is welded on end brackets to be strengthened, this face plate is to be symmetrical.
In such a case, the following arrangements are to be complied with, as a rule:
• the face plates are to be snipped at the ends, with a total angle not greater than 30°
• the width of the face plates at ends is not to exceed 25 mm
• the face plates being 20 mm thick or above are to be tapered at ends over half the thickness
• the radius of the curved face plates is to be as large as possible
• a collar plate is to be fitted in way of the bracket toes
• the fillet weld throat is to be not less than t/2, where t is the thickness of the bracket toe.
d = w + 30-
: Coefficient equal to:
• for unflanged brackets: = 48,0
• for flanged brackets: = 43,5
w : Required section modulus of the supported stiffener, in cm3
t : Bracket thickness, in mm.
When a bracket is provided to ensure the simultaneous continuity of two (or three) stiffeners of equivalent stiffness, the bracket
scantling is to be examined by direct calculation, taking into account the balanced bending moment in the connection of the
two (or three) stiffeners.
Figure 8 : Other bracket arrangement at lower end of secondary stiffeners on plane bulkhead
A Section A-A
5.3.1 Where secondary stiffeners are cut in way of the primary supporting members, brackets (or equivalent arrangements) are
to be fitted to ensure the structural continuity as shown in Fig 12. Their section moduli and their sectional areas are to be not less
than those of the secondary stiffeners.
The bracket thickness is to be not less than that of the secondary stiffeners and dimension d of each bracket is to be as a rule not
less than the value defined in [5.2.1].
d d
Sf 2 2
t b = ----------------------------
0 4h 1 R p0 2
t b = max t 1 t 2
Sf1, Sf2 : Flange sections, in mm2, of member 1 and member 2, respectively
1, 2 : Actual normal stresses, in N/mm2, in flanges of member 1 and member 2, respectively.
tb Member 1
Member 2
Member 3
tb Member 1
Member 2
1 General
1.1 Application
1.1.1 The requirements of the present Section apply to longitudinally and transversely frame structure arrangements of ships built
in aluminium alloy for:
• structural continuity of hull
• single and double bottoms
• sides and decks
• transverse and longitudinal structures
• superstructures and deckhouses
• special features.
Any other arrangement may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Additional specific structure arrangements in relation to the service notation of the ship are to comply with the applicable
requirements defined in the Society Rules for the classification and/or certification of ships (see Sec 1, [1.1.2]).
2.1.2 Longitudinal members contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength are to extend continuously over a sufficient
distance towards the ends of the ship.
Secondary stiffeners contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength are generally to be continuous when crossing primary
supporting members. Otherwise, the detail of connections is considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
2.1.3 Where stress concentrations may occur in way of structural discontinuity, adequate compensation and reinforcements are
to be provided.
2.1.4 Openings are to be avoided, as far as practicable, in way of highly stressed areas.
Where necessary, the shape of openings is to be specially designed to reduce the stress concentration factors.
Openings are to be generally well rounded with smooth edges.
2.1.5 Primary supporting members are to be arranged in such a way that they ensure adequate continuity of strength. Abrupt
changes in height or in cross-section are to be avoided.
2.3.3 When doublers fitted on the outer shell and strength deck within 0,6 L amidships are accepted by the Society, their width
and thickness are to be such that slot welds are not necessary according to the requirements in [2.3.2]. Outside this area, the
possibility of fitting doublers requiring slot welds will be considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
5.1.2 Provision is to be made for the free passage of water from all the areas of the bottom to the suctions, by means of scallops
in floors and bottom girders.
5.1.3 Additional girders and floors may be fitted in the engine room to ensure adequate rigidity of the structure, according to the
recommendations of the engine supplier.
5.1.4 If fitted, solid ballast is to be securely positioned. If necessary, intermediate girders and floors may be required. The builder
is to check that solid ballast material is compatible with the aluminium alloys used.
5.1.5 Where face plates of floors and bottom girders are at the same level, the face plate of the stiffer member is generally to be
continuous. Butt welds of face plates are to provide strength continuity.
5.1.6 As a rule, bottom girders are to be fitted in way of each line of pillars. If it is not the case, local longitudinal members are
to be provided.
5.2.2 Where side girders are fitted locally in lieu of the centre girder, they are to be extended over a sufficient distance beyond
the ends of the existing centre girder and an additional stiffening of the bottom in the centreline area may be required.
5.2.3 Centre and side bottom girders are to be extended as far as possible towards the ends of the hull.
5.2.4 Cut-outs fitted in the web of floors for the crossing of bottom longitudinals are to be taken into account for the shear analysis
of floors.
5.3.2 The ends of floors at side are to be located in line with side transverse members.
It may be accepted, on a case-by-case basis that floor ends at side be welded on a primary longitudinal member of the side shell
or of the bottom.
5.3.3 Openings and cut-outs in the web of bottom girders for the crossing of floors are to be taken into account for the girder
shear analysis.
5.4.2 Where the height of the double bottom varies, the variation is generally to be made gradually and over an adequate length.
The knuckles of inner bottom plating are to be located in way of floors
Where such arrangements are not possible, suitable longitudinal structures such as partial girders, longitudinal brackets etc.,
fitted across the knuckle, are to be fitted.
5.4.3 Adequate continuity is to be provided between double bottom area and single bottom area.
5.4.5 Where the double bottom height exceeds 0,9 m, web of floors and girders are to be strengthened by vertical stiffeners
spaced not more than 1 m apart.
These stiffeners may consist of:
• either bottom girders welded to the floors, or
• flat bars with, as a rule, a width equal to one tenth of the floor depth and a thickness equal to the floor thickness.
5.4.6 Watertight floors are to be fitted with stiffeners having a section modulus not less than that required for tank bulkhead
vertical stiffeners.
5.4.7 In case of open floors consisting in a frame connected to the bottom plating and a reverse frame connected to the inner
bottom plating, the construction principle is to be as shown on Fig 1.
5.5.1 Arrangement
Bilge keels may not be welded directly on the shell plating. An intermediate flat, or doubler, is required on the shell plating.
The thickness of the intermediate flat is to be equal to that of the bilge strake.
The ends of the bilge keels are to be sniped at an angle of 15° or rounded with a large radius. They are to be located in way of
a transverse bilge stiffener. The ends of the intermediate flat are to be sniped at an angle of 15°.
The arrangement shown in Fig 2 is recommended.
The arrangement shown in Fig 3 may also be accepted.
shell plating
5.5.2 Materials
The bilge keel and the intermediate flat are to be made of aluminium having the same yield stress as that of the bilge strake.
5.5.3 Welding
Welding of bilge keel with intermediate flat is to be in accordance with Sec 3.
6.1 General
6.1.1 In a transverse framing system, structure of sides is made of transverse frames, possibly supported by horizontal stringers.
6.1.2 In a longitudinal framing system, structure of sides is made of secondary longitudinal stiffeners supported by vertical
primary supporting members.
6.1.3 Where the sheerstrake (connection between side shell and deck plate) is rounded, the radius, in mm, is to be not less than
15 tS, where tS is the thickness, in mm, of the sheerstrake.
6.2.1 In general, the section modulus of ‘tweendeck frames is to be not less than that required for frames located immediately
6.2.2 Transverse web frames and secondary side frames are to be attached to floors and to deck beams by brackets or any other
equivalent structure (see Sec 6, [5]).
6.2.3 For transverse framing system, the attention of the Designer is drawn on the risk of buckling of side shell plate panels in
way of ends of frames. Extra thicknesses or additional vertical intercostal stiffeners may be requested on the side shell.
6.3.2 Large-sized openings are to be adequately compensated by means of insert plates of increased thickness. Such
compensations are to be partial or total, depending on the stresses occurring in the area of the openings.
6.3.3 Secondary stiffeners cut in way of openings are to be attached to local structural members supported by the continuous
adjacent secondary stiffeners, or any other equivalent arrangement.
6.3.4 The sea chest thickness is generally to be equal to that of the local shell plating
6.3.5 Openings for stabilizer fins are considered by the Society on a case-by-case basis.
7.1.2 Deck supporting structures under cranes and windlass are to be adequately stiffened.
7.1.3 Pillars or other supporting structures are generally to be fitted under heavy concentrated loads on decks.
7.1.4 Stiffeners are to be fitted in way of the ends and the corners of deck houses and partial superstructures.
7.1.5 Beams fitted at side of a deck hatch are to be efficiently supported by at least two deck girders located at each side of the
deck opening.
7.2.2 Extra thicknesses or additional reinforcements may be requested where deck openings are located:
• close to the primary transverse cross structure of platform of multihull
• in areas of deck structural singularity (stepped deck...)
• in way of the fixing of out-fittings.
7.2.3 As a rule, all the deck openings are to be fitted with rounded corners. Generally, the corner radius is not to be less than
5% of the transverse width of the opening.
7.2.4 Corner radiusing, in the case of two or more openings athwart ship in one single transverse section, is considered by the
Society on a case-by-case basis.
7.4.2 Pillars are to be attached at their heads and heels by continuous welding.
Heads and heels of pillars are to be attached to the surrounding structure by means of brackets, insert plates or doubling plates
so that the loads are well distributed.
In general, the thickness of insert plate or doubling plates is to be not less than 1,5 times the thickness of the pillar.
7.4.3 If tensile stress is expected in the pillar, an insert plate is to be put in place of doubling plate and head and heel brackets
may be required.
7.4.4 In tanks and in spaces intended for products which may procure explosive gases, solid or open section pillars are to be fitted.
7.4.5 Where pillars are made of steel or stainless steel, their connection to the hull structure is to be made of bi-metallic joints
or equivalent systems. These systems are to be type-approved.
7.4.6 Manholes may not be cut in the web of primary structure in way of the head and heel of pillars.
7.4.7 Tight or non-tight bulkheads may be considered as pillars, provided their scantling complies with [8.4].
7.4.8 Scantling of the pillars are to comply with the requirements of Sec 8.
7.5 Deck structure in way of launching appliances used for survival craft or rescue boats
7.5.1 The scantling of deck structure supporting launching appliances used for survival craft or rescue boats is to be determined
by direct calculations, as defined in the Society Rules for the classification and/or certification of ships (see Sec 1, [1.1.2]).
7.5.2 Attention is drawn on any possible specific requirement that could be issued by the Flag Administration with respect to
structure reinforcement and to structural fire protection.
8.1.2 As a general rule, transverse bulkheads are to be stiffened, in way of bottom and deck girders, by vertical stiffeners in line
with these girders or by an equivalent system.
Where a deck girder is not continuous, the bulkhead vertical stiffener supporting the end of the deck girder is to be strong enough
to sustain the bending moment transmitted by the deck girder.
8.2.2 Ends of stiffeners of watertight bulkheads are to be aligned with the hull structure members, and are to be fitted with end
Where this arrangement is made impossible due to hull lines, any other solution may be accepted provided embedding of the
bulkhead secondary stiffeners is satisfactorily achieved.
8.2.3 The secondary stiffeners of watertight bulkheads in the ‘tweendecks may be snipped at ends, provided their scantling is
increased accordingly.
8.4.1 As a rule, bulkheads acting as pillars (i.e those designed to sustain the loads transmitted by a deck structure) are to be
provided with vertical stiffeners being at a maximum two frames apart.
8.4.2 A vertical stiffening member is to be fitted on the bulkhead in line with the deck primary supporting member transferring
the loads from the deck to the bulkhead and is to be checked as defined in Sec 8.
8.5.1 The bracket scantlings at ends of bulkhead stiffeners are to be defined by direct calculation, taking into account the
bending moments and shear forces acting on the stiffeners in way of the brackets, as defined in Sec 6, [5].
9.1.1 Special attention is to be given to any specific requirements from the Flag Administration about the structural materials
and the structural fire protection in the superstructures.
9.2.1 Superstructure and deckhouse frames are to be fitted, as far as practicable, in way of deck structure and are to be efficiently
Ends of superstructures and deckhouses are to be efficiently supported by bulkheads, diaphragms, webs or pillars.
Where hatchways are fitted close to the ends of superstructures, additional strengthening may be required.
9.2.3 Connection to the hull deck of the corners of superstructures and deckhouses is considered by the Society on a case-by-
case basis. Where necessary, local reinforcements may be required.
9.2.4 As a general rule, the side plating at ends of superstructures is to be tapered into the side shell bulwark or the sheerstrake
of the strength deck.
Where a raised deck is fitted, the local reinforcement in way of the step is to extend, as a general rule, over at least 3-frame
9.3.1 Superstructures contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength are to be examined on top of local scantling, taking
into account the global strength analysis as defined in Sec 5.
9.3.2 Web frames, transverse partial bulkheads or other equivalent strengthening of each superstructure tier are to be arranged,
where practicable, in line with the transverse reinforced structure below.
Web frames are also to be arranged in way of large openings, tender davits, winches, provision cranes and other areas subjected
to local loads.
Web frames, pillars, partial bulkheads and similar strengthening are to be arranged, in conjunction with deck transverse, at ends
of superstructures and deckhouses.
9.3.3 Openings
All the openings in superstructures and deckhouses exposed to greenseas are to be fitted with sills or coamings as defined in the
Society Rules for the classification and/or certification of ships (see Sec 1, [1.1.2]).
The attention of the Shipowners, Shipyards and Designer is drawn on the fact that the flag Administration may request application
of National Rules.
10 Special features
10.1 General
10.1.1 Scantling and arrangement of the following features are to be as defined in the Society Rules for the classification and/
or certification of ships (see Sec 1, [1.1.2]):
• fore part structure
• aft part structure
• machinery space
• bow doors and inner doors
• side doors and stern doors
• movable decks, inner ramps and external ramps
• bulwarks
• hatch covers
• rudder
• propeller shaft bracket
• water jet propulsion tunnel
• equipment in chain and anchor.
10.2.1 Foils and trim tab supports are not covered within the scope of classification and/or certification.
Forces and moments induced by these elements, as well as the designer calculation, are to be submitted for the examination of
the surrounding ship structure reinforcements.
As a general rule, attachment structure of foils to the ship structure is to be located within watertight compartment or equivalent.
10.3.1 As a rule, the welded fixed parts of lifting appliances fitted into the hull, and their local reinforcements, are considered
as integral part of the hull and are to be checked as defined in the Society Rules for the classification and/or certification of ships
(see Sec 1, [1.1.2]).
10.4.1 Arrangement and structure of helicopter deck located on weather deck or on platform permanently connected to the hull
is to be examined according to the Society Rules for the classification and/or certification of ships (see Sec 1, [1.1.2]).
10.4.2 Attention is drawn on any possible specific requirement that could be issued by the Flag Administration with respect to
structural fire protection.
11 Hull protection
11.1.1 Corrosion protection of hull and superstructure is not covered by the Classification and/or the Certification.
It is incumbent upon the shipowner and the shipbuilder to take measures for the protection of materials against various types of
corrosion of aluminium alloy structure in marine atmosphere.
As a rule, a protective coating is to be requested for aluminium structure built in 6000 series alloy in direct contact with sea water,
to prevent risk of uniform corrosion.
12.1 General
12.2.1 When requested by the Owner, an additional ice class notation may be assigned according to NR467, Rules for Steel
Ships, Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.10].
Hull strengthening required for the assignment of this additional class notation is defined in NR467, Rules for Steel Ships, Part F,
Chapter 8.
The following parameters considered in the scantling formulae of NR467 Rules are to be taken as follow:
• the minimum yield stress of the material ReH is to be taken equal to the minimum yield stress Ry as defined in Sec 2, [2.3]
• the abrasion and corrosion addition, in mm, for platings is to be taken equal to 4 mm. Where a special surface coating is
applied, shown by experience to be capable of withstanding the abrasion of ice, a lower value may be accepted by the
Society on a case by case basis.
12.3.1 Application
The additional class notation STRENGTHBOTTOM is assigned, in accordance with NR467 Steel Ships Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, to ships
built with specially strengthened bottom structures so as to be able to be loaded and/or unloaded when properly stranded.
The general requirements defined in NR467 Steel Ships, Pt F, Ch 15, Sec 1 [1] are applicable.
A sh = 5 -------------
p : Sea pressures, in kN/m2, as defined in Sec 6, [1.2.1] a)
: Span, in m, of stiffeners
s : Spacing, in m, of stiffeners
m : End stiffener conditions as defined in Sec 6, [3.1.2]
locam : Permissible shear stress, in N/mm2 to be taken 0,3Ry, with Ry as defined in Sec 2, [2.3].
locam : Permissible bending stress, in N/mm2 to be taken equal to, with Ry as defined in Sec 2, [2.3].
- for secondary stiffeners:
• 0,45Ry for longitudinal stiffener
• 0,65Ry for transversal stiffener
- for primary stiffeners:
• 0,35Ry for longitudinal stiffener
• 0,65Ry for transversal stiffener.
A sh = 5 -------------
g : Hull girder normal stresses, in N/mm2, in stranded conditions determined by direct calculation.
Section 8 Pillars
1 General
1.1 Application
1.1.1 The requirements of this Section apply to pillars (independent profiles or bulkhead stiffeners) made of aluminium alloys.
1.1.2 The present Section only deals with the buckling check of the pillars (the general requirements relating to pillar
arrangement are given in Sec 7, [7.4]).
FA = AD ps + rQ i
AD : Area, in m2, of the portion of the deck or the platform supported by the pillar considered
ps : Pressure on deck, in kN/m2, as defined in the Society Rules for the classification and/or certification of ships (see Sec
1, [1.1.2], item b)).
r : Load factor depending on the relative position of each pillar above the one considered, to be taken equal to:
• r = 0,9 for the pillar immediately above the pillar considered
• r = 0,9i > 0,478 for the ith pillar of the line above the pillar considered
Qi : Vertical local load, in kN, supported by the ith pillar of the line above the pillar considered, if any.
Table 1 : Coefficient f
Conditions of fixity
t : Pillar thickness, in mm
D : Pillar outer diameter, in mm
• for rectangular tubular pillars:
E t 2 4
Ei = 78 -------------------- --- 10
206000 b
E tW 2 4
Ei = 78 -------------------- ------
- 10
206000 h W
E t
Ei = 32 -------------------- ----F- 10
206000 b F
bF , tF : Face plate width and face plate thickness, respectively, of built-up section, in mm.
P C = -----------------
P C = -----------------
SFCB, SFCL: Safety coefficients for pillar buckling as defined in the Society Rules for the classification of ships (see Sec 1, [1.1.2] b).
Figure 1 : Coefficient C
2.2 Buckling of pillars subjected to compression axial load and bending moments
2.2.1 Checking criteria
In addition to the requirements in [2.1], the scantling of the pillar loaded by the compression axial load and bending moments
are to comply with the following formula:
1 e 3 M max
10F ---- + -------- + 10 -----------
- 0 85R p0 2
A wP wP
F : Actual compression load, in kN, acting on the pillar
A : Cross-sectional area, in cm2, of the pillar
e : Eccentricity, in cm, of the compression load with respect to the centre of gravity of the cross-section
= -------------------
1 – ----------
wP : Minimum section modulus, in cm3, of the cross-section of the pillar
Mmax : Max (M1, M2, M0)
M1 : Bending moment, in kN.m, at the upper end of the pillar
M2 : Bending moment, in kN.m, at the lower end of the pillar
0 ,5 1 + t 2 M 1 + M 2
M 0 = ---------------------------------------------------------
cos u
u = 0 ,5 10F
1 M 2 – M 1
t = ----------------- --------------------
tan u M 2 + M 1
provided that:
M2 – M1
– tan2 u --------------------
- tan2 u
M2 + M1
3 Pillars in tanks
3.1 General
3.1.1 Where pillars are submitted to tensile stress due to internal pressure in tank, the tensile stress in the pillar and the shear
stresses in the connection elements between the pillar and the supported structure of the tank are to be lower than the permissible
stresses defined in the Society Rules for the classification and/or certification of ships for primary structure element.
As a rule, brackets are to be provided at the connection of the pillar ends with the tank structure.
Doubling plate are not to be used at pillar ends.
1 General
1.1 Scope
1.1.1 The purpose of this Section is to define hull construction and Shipyard survey requirements within the scope of the
classification of ships and/or certification of ships hulls required to be built in compliance with to the applicable Society's
Classification Rules and surveyed during construction by the Society.
The scope of classification is defined in NR467 Rules for Steel Ships, Part A.
2.1.2 The type of aluminium alloys, including grade, temper and minimum proof stress, is to be specified by the Shipyard on
the structure drawings.
2.1.3 The details of the welded and/or riveting connections between the main structural elements, including throat thicknesses
and joint types, are to be specified by the Shipyard on the structure drawings or in the weld booklet, as defined in Sec 3, [1.2.1].
3.1.2 The following procedures are to be submitted by the Shipyard to the Society:
a) Traceability
• procedure to ensure traceability of materials, consumables and equipment covered by the Society’s Rules (from the
purchase order to the installation or placing on ship)
• data to ensure traceability of the production means (describing the different steps such as inspection or recording during
• handling of non-conformities (from the reception of materials or equipment to the end of construction)
• handling of client complaints and returns to after-sales department.
b) Construction
• procedure to ensure that the hull is built in accordance with the approved drawings, as defined in Article [2]
• procedure to precise the equipment references, the references to any equipment approval, the suppliers' technical
requirements, the precautions to be taken when installing the equipment
• builder’s inspection process and handling of imperfections
• procedure to ensure that the remedial measures concerning the indications noticed by the Surveyor of the Society during
the survey are taken into account and reported to the Surveyor.
Procedures are also to define:
- the precautions to be taken to comply with the suppliers and Society requirements in order not to cause, during
installation, structure damages affecting structural strength and watertightness, and
- the preparations to be made on the hull in anticipation of installation.
3.2 Materials
3.2.1 The following details about materials used are to be submitted by the Shipyard to the Society:
• list of aluminium alloys used for plates, stiffeners, filler products, with their references and suppliers’ identification
• references of existing material approval certificates.
3.2.2 The storage conditions of materials and welding consumables are to be in dry places without condensation and clear of
the ground and generally in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations at Shipyard’s diligence.
Materials are to be identifiable in the storage site (quality of aluminium alloy and welding consumables, reference of batches and
type of approval certificate).
The builder is to inspect the incoming plates, stiffeners and consumables in accordance with the purchase batches and make the
relevant report available to the Surveyor.
3.3 Forming
3.3.1 Forming operations are to be at Shipyard’s diligence. Any deviation is to be declared to the Surveyor for assessment.
3.4 Welding
Where stiffener ends are butt welded, the weld is to extend over the full section. Chamfers may be needed, in particular for bulb
sections. If both sections have a different height, the strength continuity is to be maintained as necessary.
The maximum allowable misalignment “m” may be required smaller in case of highly stressed cruciform joints.
Where a welding is interrupted, the end of the joint is to be carefully grounded and an adequate overlapping of welding lines
(typical over 20 mm) is to be provided.
3.5.1 General
Yard Inspecting department is to inspect the root gap and clearance before welding, and after welding, the aspect, surface,
uniformity and thickness of the welds (the throats of the fillet welds are to be checked by means of gauges) and report to the
Surveyor. Where imperfections are found, the weld is to be repaired in agreement with the Surveyor.
The extent, distribution and methods of non-destructive testing (visual, dye-penetrant and radiographic inspection), as well as
the criteria for acceptance of weld imperfections adopted by the Shipyard and applied to the construction, are to be defined at
the initial stages of construction and presented in the welding booklet or in a document submitted to the Surveyor in charge of
the survey.
Note 1: Non-destructive tests are to be carried out by certified qualified personnel or by recognised bodies in compliance with appropriate
5.1.2 The general requirements for the alternative survey scheme, BV Mode I, are given in the Society's Rule Note NR320 as
5.2.4 Inspection
The purpose of the inspection, carried out by a Surveyor of the Society according to [3] on the initial hull of the series (or a
representative hull of the series), is to make surveys at yard during unit production with regards to approved drawings, yard's
response to comments made by the Society during structure review examination and construction requirements.
5.4 Manufacturing, testing and inspection plan (MTI plan) prepared by the Shipyard
5.4.1 For each type of hull, the manufacturing, testing and inspection plan is to detail specifically:
a) Materials:
Special requirements of the supplier (storage conditions, type of checks to be performed on incoming products and properties
to be tested by the yard before use).
• Storage conditions:
Information about storage sites (ventilation conditions, supplier data sheets specifying the storage conditions, listing
documents to record arrival and departure dates for consignment).
• Reception:
Information about consignment (traceability of consignment specifying date of arrival, type of inspection, check on
product packaging, types of specific tests performed).
• Traceability:
Description of the yard process to ensure traceability of the materials from the time of the reception to the end of the
production operations.
b) Hull construction:
Description of the yard process to ensure that the scantlings and construction meet the rule requirements in relation to the
approved drawings.
c) Installation of internal structure:
Information about the main operations of the internal structure installation.
d) Equipment:
The main equipment to be covered by the rules of the Society are portholes, windows and deck hatches, watertight doors,
independent tanks and rudders, the scheduled tests and traceability on the equipment upon arrival and/or after installation.
e) Testing and damage reference documents:
For all the previously defined MTI plan processes, procedures are to be written, defining the types of tests or inspections
performed, the acceptance criteria and the means of handling non-conformities.
1 Mechanical properties
1.1 General
1.1.1 The mechanical properties of the aluminium alloys in delivery condition are reminded in Tab 1 and Tab 2, for information
Note 1: The present Tables come from NR216 Materials and Welding. It may be necessary to ensure that these Tables are still the same than
those defined in the issue in force of NR216 Materials and Welding.
The mechanical characteristics given in Tab 1 and Tab 2 correspond to general standards values. For more information, refer to
the minimum values guaranted by the manufacturer supplier.
1.2.1 The minimum yield stresses of aluminium alloys to take into account for the check of hull structure are defined in Sec 2.
Thickness t Yield strength Rp 0,2 min Tensile strength Rm min Elongation min (%) (1)
Grade Temper condition
(mm) (N/mm2) or range (N/mm2) A50 mm A5d
O / H111 3 t 50 125 275 - 350 16 14
H112 3 t 50 125 275 12 10
H116 3 t 50 215 305 10 10
H321 3 t 50 215 - 295 305 - 385 12 10
O / H111 3 t 50 145 290 17
5383 H116 3 t 50 220 305 10 10
H321 3 t 50 220 305 10 10
O 3 t 50 160 330 24
H111 3 t 50 160 330 24 24
3 t 20 270 370 10 10
5059 H116
20 t 50 260 360 10 10
3 t 20 270 370 10 10
20 t 50 260 360 10 10
O / H111 3 t 50 95 240 - 305 16 14
3 t 12,5 125 250 8
5086 H112
12,5 t 50 105 240 9
H116 3 t 50 195 275 10 (2) 9
5754 O / H111 3 t 50 80 190 - 240 18 17
3 t 6,3 130 - 205 290 - 365 16
6,3 t 50 125 - 205 285 - 360 16 14
3 t 30 230 315 10 10
H116 30 t 40 215 305 10
40 t 50 200 285 10
3 t 12,5 230 - 315 315 - 405 12
H321 12,5 t 40 215 - 305 305 - 385 10
40 t 50 200 - 295 285 - 370 10
(1) Elongation in 50 mm applies for thicknesses up to and including 12,5 mm and in 5d for thicknesses over 12,5 mm.
(2) 8% for thicknesses up to and including 6,3 mm.
Yield strength Rp 0,2 min Tensile strength Rm min Elongation min (%) (1) (2)
Grade Temper condition Thickness t (mm)
(N/mm2) or range (N/mm2) A50mm A5d
O 3 t 50 110 270 - 350 14 12
5083 H111 3 t 50 165 275 12 10
H112 3 t 50 110 270 12 10
O 3 t 50 145 290 17 17
5383 H111 3 t 50 145 290 17 17
H112 3 t 50 190 310 13
5059 H112 3 t 50 200 330 10
O 3 t 50 95 240 - 315 14 12
5086 H111 3 t 50 145 250 12 10
H112 3 t 50 95 240 12 10
T5 3 t 50 215 260 9 8
6005A 3 t 10 215 260 8 6
10 < t 50 200 250 8 6
t5 120 160 10 10
6060 (3) T5
5 < t 25 100 140 10 10
6061 T6 3 t 50 240 260 10 8
6106 T5 t6 200 250 10 10
T5 3 t 50 230 270 8 6
6082 3t5 250 290 6
5 < t 50 260 310 10 8
(1) The values are applicable for longitudinal and transverse tensile test specimens as well.
(2) Elongation in 50 mm applies for thicknesses up to and including 12,5 mm and in 5d for thicknesses over 12,5 mm.
(3) 6060 alloy is not to be used for structural members sustaining dynamic loads (slamming and impact loads). The use of 6106 alloy
is recommended in that case.
1 General
1.1 Application
1.1.1 The requirements of this Appendix apply for the buckling check of aluminium structure subjected to:
• for plates:
- compression and shear stresses induced by overall bending moment and shear forces due to global hull girder loads (see
[2.3] and [2.4])
- compression stress in attached plating of stiffeners induced by local loads (see [3.3.7]).
Note 1: When the plate is submitted to local compression loads, the buckling check may be carried out taking into account the compression
stress applied to the plate induced by local loads and requirements defined in [2.3] and [2.4].
• for stiffeners: compression and shear stresses induced by overall bending moment and shear forces due to global hull girder
loads (see [3.2]) and/or by local loads (see [3.3]).
2.1.1 General
a) The buckling approach defined in the present Appendix is based on the NI615 Buckling Assessment of Plated Structures,
taking into account the following simplifying hypothesis:
• the applied compression stress is considered as uniform along the edges of the plate (the edge ratio according to NI615
is taken equal to 1)
Note 1: When the applied compression stress along the edges of the plate is not uniform (ratio different from 1), the applied stress to consider
in the present Appendix is to be taken equal to the maximum applied compression stress along the edge
• when the buckling check is carried out with bi-axial compression hypothesis, the stresses x and y are as a general rule
determined by finite element calculation or direct calculation.
Note 2: When the compression stress applied on the edge not directly loaded by the global loads is not determined by FEM or direct calculation,
this compression stress may be considered as null.
• plate panels are considered as being simply supported on their edges.
b) The buckling approach defined in NI615 Buckling Assessment of Plated Structures may be taken into account instead of the
present simplify method when deemed necessary.
2.2.1 In the present Appendix, compression and shear stresses are to be taken as positive.
Tensile stresses are to be taken as negative.
2.3.1 Critical buckling stress by compression of the shorter edge of the panel
The ultimate buckling stress of plate panels, in N/mm2, induced by compression of the shorter edge of panel, according to Fig 1,
is to be taken as:
cx’ = Cx Ry
Cx : Coefficient equal to:
Cx = 1,00 for 0,84
1 0 22-
C x = 1 13 --- – ------------ for 0 84
= ----------
Kx E
tp b
2.3.2 Critical buckling stress by compression of the longer edge of the panel
The ultimate buckling stress of plate panel, in N/mm2, induced by compression of the longer edge of panel, according to Fig 2
is to be taken as:
cy’ = Cy Ry
--- – R + F H – R -
C y = 1 13
= ----------
Ky E
1 2
K y = 1 + -----2
------------ - – 1
0 91
F = 1 – ----------------------------
2 2 2
p = – 0 5 with 1 p 3
H = – ------------------------------------------------- R
1 13 T + T – 4
14 1
T = + ---------- + ---
15 3
tp b
C = 1 00 for 0 84
0 84
C = ------------- for 0 84
K = 3 5 34 + -----2
tp b
2.4.1 General
The buckling strength or capacity defined in the present Article takes into account the internal redistribution of loads depending
on the load situation, slenderness and type of structure.
x SF e0 2 y SF e0 2
= B ---------------- ----------------
cx cy
• when x 0 (compressive)
x SF 2 p
0 25 0 25
SF- 2 p
---------------- + --------------- 1
• when y 0 (compressive)
y SF 2 p
0 25 0 25
SF- 2 p
---------------- + --------------- 1
• 1
x , y : Actual normal stresses applied on the plate panel, in N/mm2, respectively in the shorter edge and the longer edge of
the panel, taking into account the sign convention for normal stresses defined in [2.2]
: Actual shear stress applied on the plate panel, in N/mm2, taking into account the sign convention for normal stresses
defined in [2.2]
cx’ : Ultimate buckling stress, in N/mm2, in the shorter edge of the panel, as defined in [2.3.1]
cy’ : Ultimate buckling stress, in N/mm2, in the longer edge of the buckling panel, as defined in [2.3.2]
c’ : Ultimate buckling shear stresses, in N/mm2, as defined in [2.3.3]
SF : Safety buckling factor SFbuck defined in the Society Rules for the classification and/or certification of ships (see Sec 1,
B, e0 : As defined in Tab 1
Applied stresses B e0
c1 x SF c1 y SF e0 c1 SF e0
• + ----------------------- + ----------------------- – = 1
cx cy c
• when x 0 (compressive)
c2 x SF 2 p
0 25 0 25
c2 SF 2 p
----------------------- + ----------------------- = 1
• when y 0 (compressive)
c3 y SF 2 p
0 25 0 25
c3 SF 2 p
----------------------- + ----------------------- = 1
• -----------------------
c4 SF
= 1
c : Applied stress multiplier factor involving the plate buckling failure of the above different limit state
The stress multiplier factor as failure,c, is taken as:
c = Min (c1; c2; c3; c4)
: Span, in m, of the stiffener
Iw : Sectoral moment of inertia, in cm6, of the stiffener about its connection to the attached plating:
• for flat bars:
h w3 t w3 –6
I w = -----------
- 10
• for T-sections:
t f b f3 h w2 –6
I w = ---------------
- 10
Ip : Polar moment of inertia, in cm4, of the stiffener about its connection to the attached plating:
• for flat bars:
h w3 t w –4
I p = ----------
- 10
h w3 t w
I p = ----------
- + h w2 b f t f 10 –4
It : St. Venant’s moment of inertia, in cm4, of the stiffener without attached plating:
• for flat bars:
h w t w3 –4
I t = ----------
- 10
1 t
I t = --- h w t w3 + b f t f3 1 – 0 ,63 ----f 10 –4
3 b f
m : Number of half waves, to be taken equal to the integer number such that (see also Tab 2):
2 2 2 2
m m – 1 KC m m + 1
K C = -------------
- 10 6
4 EI w
Et p3
C 0 = -------------
- 10 –3
2 ,73 s
KC 0 KC 4 4 K C 36 36 K C 144
m 1 2 3
tW 2 4
E3 = 5 5 ------
- 10
h W
c SF
c : Critical buckling stress, in N/mm2, as calculated in [3.2.1]
: Actual global axial compression stress in the stiffener, in N/mm2, induced by the overall hull girder loads
SF : Safety buckling factor SFbuck defined in the Society Rules for the classification and/or certification of ships (see Sec 1,
t : Thickness, in mm, of the considered element of the stiffener (tw, tfl or tp)
b : Height of web hw or breadth of flange bf-out, or shorter edge of the attached plating, in mm.
C x = 1 00 for 0 7
C x = ------------------------
for 0 7
+ 0 51
= ----------
Kx E
1 3
K x = 0 425 + -----2 ---
= w/hw
w : Length of the web, in mm, between vertical web stiffener
b) The ultimate buckling stress of the web of flat bar induced by local shear stress, in N/mm2, is to be taken as:
c = C ------y-
Ct : Coefficient equal to:
C = 1 00 for 0 84
0 84
C = ------------- for 0 84
= ----------
Kt E
K = 3 0 6 + -----2-
= w/hw
w : Length of the web, in mm, between vertical web stiffener
c) Buckling check criteria:
The web scantling is to fulfill the following condition:
x SF e0 SF e0
---------------- + ---------------
- 1
cx c
x : Actual bending stress applied to the top of the web, in N/mm2,equal to:
x = M 10 Z acttop
: Actual web shear stress, in N/mm2, to be taken equal to:
= T 10 A act
M’, T’ : As defined in Tab 3
Zacttop : Actual flat bar modulus, in cm3, calculated at the top of the flat bar
Aact : Actual flat bar shear section, in cm2, of the flat bar
cx’ : Ultimate buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined in a)
c’ : Ultimate buckling shear stresses, in N/mm2, defined in b)
SF : Safety buckling factor SFbuck defined in the Society Rules for the classification and/or certification of ships (see Sec 1,
0 25
e0 = 2 p
h R
p = -----w- -----y
tw E
= ----------
Kx E
Kx = 7,63
c = 0 965
b) The ultimate buckling stress of the web of T-bar and angle induced by local shear stress, in N/mm2, is to be taken as:
c = C ------y-
C = 1 00 for 0 84
0 84
C = ------------- for 0 84
= ----------
Kt E
K = 3 5 34 + -----2
= w/hw
w : Length of the web, in mm, between vertical web stiffener
c) The ultimate buckling stress of the flange of T-bar and angle bar, in N/mm2, induced by local bending stress is to be taken as:
cx’ = Cx Ry
Cx : Coefficient equals to:
C x = 1 00 for 0 7
C x = ------------------------
for 0 7
+ 0 51
= ----------
Kx E
K x = 0 425 + -----2
= w/bf-out
w : Length of the flange, in mm, between flange tripping bracket
d) Buckling check criteria:
• The web scantling is to fulfill the following condition:
x SF e0 SF e0
---------------- + ---------------
- 1
cx c
x : Actual bending stress applied to the top of the web, in N/mm2,equal to:
x = 0 9M 10 Z actfl
: Actual web shear stress, in N/mm2, to be taken equal to:
= T 10 A act
M’, T’ : As defined in Tab 3
Zactfl : Actual stiffener modulus, in cm3, calculated at the top of the flange
Aact : Actual web shear section, in cm2, of the stiffener
cx’ : Ultimate buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined in item a)
c’ : Ultimate buckling shear stress, in N/mm2 defined in item b)
SF : Safety buckling factor SFbuck defined in the Society Rules for the classification and/or certification of ships (see
Sec 1, [1.1.2])
0 25
e0 = 2 p
h R
p = -----w- -----y
tw E
• The flange scantling is to fulfill the following condition:
1 SF e0
- 1
1 : Actual bending stress applied to the flange, in N/mm2,equal to:
1 = M 10 Z actfl
Zactfl : Actual stiffener modulus, in cm3, calculated at the top of the flange
cx’ : Ultimate buckling stress, in N/mm2 defined in c)
SF :
0 25
e0 = 2 p
Safety buckling factor SFbuck defined in the Society Rules for the classification and/or certification of ships (see Sec 1,
b f – out R y
p = ------------
- -----
tf E
= ----------
Kx E
Kx = 4
c) Case where the loaded edge is the longer edge of the plate:
The ultimate buckling stress of the attached plating, in N/mm2, induced by local bending stress is to be taken as:
cy’ = Cy Ry
--- – R + F H – R -
C y = 1 13
= ----------
Ky E
1 2
K y = 1 + -----2
: Ratio between the longer edge and the shorter edge of the attached plating
R : R = 0,22 for 0,84
R = 1 – ------------- for 0 84
1 13
------------ - – 1
0 91
F = 1 – ----------------------------
2 2 2
p = – 0 5 with1 p 3
H = – ------------------------------------------------- R
1 13 T + T – 4
14 1
T = + ---------- + ---
15 3
i : Actual bending stress applied in the attached plating in the shorter or longer edge, in N/mm2, equal to:
i = M 10 Z actap
b R eH_P
p = --- ------------
tp E
b : Shorter edge of the attached plating, in mm.
3.4.1 Webs of primary supporting members are generally to be stiffened where the height, in mm, is greater than 60 t, (t being
the web thickness, in mm, of the primary supporting member), by web stiffeners spaced not more than 65 t.
3.4.2 The moment of inertia I, in cm4,of stiffeners of web of primary supporting members is to be not less than the value obtained
from the following formula:
2 Ry
I = 11 4 st w 2 5 – 2s ---------
: Length, in m, of the web stiffener (see Fig 4)
s : Spacing, in m, of web stiffeners (see Fig 4)
tw : Web thickness, in mm, of the primary supporting member
Ry : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, as defined in Sec 2, [2.3], of the material of the web of primary supporting member.
3.4.3 As a general rule, tripping brackets welded to the face plate (see Fig 5), to avoid its buckling, are generally to be spaced
not more than 2 m and fitted:
• at rounded and knuckle face plates
• at the toe of end brackets
• in way of cross ties
• in way of concentrated loads
• every fourth spacing of secondary stiffeners.
Where the width of the symmetrical face plate is greater than 200 mm, backing brackets are to be fitted in way of the tripping
3.4.4 The arm length d of the tripping brackets, in m, is to be not less than the greater of the following values:
d = 0 ,38b
d = 0 ,85b ---t
b : Height, in m, of the tripping brackets, as shown in Fig 5
st : Spacing, in m, of the tripping brackets
t : Thickness, in mm, of the tripping brackets.
3.4.5 Tripping brackets with a thickness, in mm, less than 22 times the length in m of the free edge of the bracket are to be
flanged or stiffened by a welded face plate.
The sectional area, in cm2, of the flanged edge or the face plate is to be not less than 10 times the length in m of the free edge of
the bracket.