Measuring Foraging Behaviour
Measuring Foraging Behaviour
Measuring Foraging Behaviour
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18 Studies of wild animals reveal how foraging activities unfold in natural contexts and are essential
19 for understanding the evolutionary pressures that shape diet, feeding behaviour, and niche
20 divergence. Yet, observing free-ranging animals presents many challenges including limited
21 visibility and inability to draw comparisons across individuals. Here, we review and discuss
22 methods for recording foraging behaviours—in particular, feeding efficiency, activity budgets and
23 modes of sensory investigation—of diurnal, group-living primates. When the goal of the research
24 is to compare feeding efficiencies, we suggest flexible use of focal animal follows that maximize
25 ability to record the intake rate and food investigation sequences of different individuals in the
26 same food patch. In particular, we suggest observers aim to record a set number of ingest events
27 under conditions of good visibility, while still applying appropriate stopping rules, rather than to
28 complete a focal follow of a set duration. In addition, we consider the benefits and challenges of
29 different methods of data collection, including scan sampling, all occurrence sampling, and focal
30 animal follows, for studying foraging activity budgets and other aspects of feeding ecology.
31 Finally, we discuss strategies for collecting different types of data to integrate goals of long-term
32 (multi-year or multi-decade) studies with shorter-term projects. Our goal is to provide a critical
33 discussion of some of the methodological sticking points that students commonly encounter
34 when initiating field studies of primate dietary ecology, and possible ways forward.
36 Keywords: Foraging ecology; Behavioural observation; Methods in primatology; Focal animal
37 follow, Scan sampling
38 9.1 Primate foraging ecology
39 The study of foraging ecology focuses on how food-procuring strategies of animals are shaped by
40 their physical surroundings (Kramer 2001; Newman 2007). Primates occupy a wide breadth of
41 ecological and dietary niches. Most primates consume ripe fruits when available, although some
42 taxa specialize in the consumption of leaves (e.g. colobine monkeys), unripe fruits and nuts (e.g.
43 saki monkeys), grass (e.g. geladas), lichen (e.g. snub-nosed monkeys), gums (e.g. pygmy
44 marmosets), and insects (e.g. tarsiers). Others, including baboons and capuchins, are generalists,
45 well-known for eclectic and opportunistic diets (Rowe and Myers 2017). Understanding dietary
46 selectivity, food assessment strategies, and other interactions between animals and the
47 environment provides insight into their adaptive radiation, niche differentiation, and present day
48 morphology, physiology, and behaviour (Schoener 1968; Peres 1993; Barnes et al. 2011; Kusch
49 and Schmitz 2013; Chao et al. 2013; Righini 2017). In primatology, understanding the foraging
50 ecology of species aids researchers in understanding why and how primates diverged from other
51 mammals and evolved into the extant species we see today. Indeed, many hypotheses of primate
52 origins focus on the interrelationships between diet and other ecological variables including
53 activity pattern, for example the “Nocturnal Visual Predation” hypothesis (e.g. Cartmill 1992).
54 Study of foraging behaviours, including the investigation of time budgets, dietary selectivity, and
55 food intake efficiency can also elucidate how individuals are affected by and respond to
56 ecological changes over short time periods, and can reveal behavioural plasticity, meaning an
57 organism’s ability to adapt to environmental changes by modifying its behaviour (Hine and
58 Martin 2015). For example, if and how primates respond to seasonal shifts in rainfall,
59 temperature, and food abundance by adjusting their diets and food search behaviours. These
60 responses form a crucial component of the suite of strategies primates can use to adjust to
61 changing habitats (Grueter et al. 2013; Fernandez-Duque and van der Heide 2013; Sengupta and
62 Radhakrishna 2016; Nagy-Reis and Setz 2017). Other research aims to understand the complex
63 ways in which variables such as health, reproductive status, dominance, age, and social group
64 size can affect the foraging behaviours of individuals (Vogel and Janson 2007; Nowell and Fletcher
65 2008; Grove 2012; Ruivo et al. 2017), which occasionally could also be affected by the foods eaten
66 and foraging strategies employed by individuals (Nadia Corp and Byrne 2002; Gunst et al. 2010;
67 Visalberghi et al. 2016). In addition to contributing to a better understanding of species-specific
68 ecology, research in this area contributes to a comparative framework for recognizing the impact
69 of these variables on human adaptation (Luca et al. 2010).
73 9.2 Goals of the chapter
74 Studying the foraging ecology of wild primates can be exceptionally challenging. This is
75 particularly true when the animals are small and/or arboreal and detailed data on feeding rates
76 or dietary preferences are of interest. Many of the traditional practices for collecting behavioural
77 data are appropriate for generating lists of food species, but are not optimized for recording
78 foraging sequences or comparing food intake rates of multiple individuals, nor was this the type
79 of data collection for which methods in primate behavioural ecology were originally proposed.
80 Our goal is to provide a critical discussion of some of the methodological sticking points that
81 students and other researchers commonly encounter when initiating field studies of primate
82 foraging ecology, and possible ways forward. To do so, we use our experience studying the
83 foraging ecology of Costa Rican capuchin monkeys as a case study. Our intended audience is
84 early-level graduate students seeking to design their data collection protocols. We presume that
85 students have carefully read introductory literature on studying primate behaviour (Altmann
86 1974; Paterson and Vandenbeld 2001; Martin and Bateson 2007) . We hope this discussion will
87 be broadly useful to investigators in diverse areas of research for thinking through the aspects of
88 study design, data collection, and analysis.
89 We begin by listing some of the (1) research questions and the types of variables that are of
90 interest to investigators in this field. We then identify the (2) data needed to calculate the
91 variables, and the methods that are commonly used in our field to collect these data. Following
92 this, we (3) overview and highlight some of the strengths and weaknesses of traditional data
93 collection methods, including a detailed discussion of a flexible application of focal animal
94 sampling in the context of comparing food intake rates among co-feeding individuals. We then
95 provide (4) examples of how we are using the data collected and variables analysed to answer
96 different types of research questions. Following this, we provide a (5) brief discussion of a
97 hierarchical data analysis strategy to help maintain independence of nested analyses. Because
98 primates are long-lived animals, and many of the variables needed to assess fitness and
99 adaptation require long-term study, we also discuss the (6) additional challenges of collecting
100 behavioural data in a way that are compatible with longitudinal analysis of behaviour over
101 multiple years and decades. We explain our strategies for integrating short-term behavioural
102 data collection guided by independent (typically student-led) projects, with long-term,
103 standardized data collection that comprises our behavioural and ecological data repository. We
104 hope to spark discussion of data collection methods and analysis in the face of difficult viewing
105 conditions, and of integrating short- and long-term research.
107 9.3. Research questions asked and variables measured in studying the foraging ecology of wild
108 primates
109 There is a vast array of research that falls under the broad category of primate foraging ecology.
110 Many questions in this area can be addressed by measuring variables pertaining to food
111 encounter, assessment, processing, intake rates, sharing, and diet selectivity. Here we provide
112 several examples of the types of research questions that are commonly asked, overview some of
113 the common variables measured, and show how they are useful for addressing various types of
114 research questions. We also discuss some of the common difficulties inherent in measuring these
115 variables and possible ways through or around these obstacles.
116 From providing insight into mechanisms of niche divergence, flexibility, and adaptation within
117 and between species, to linking behavioural differences with growth, development and
118 reproduction, the study of primate foraging ecology can address many questions at proximate
119 and ultimate levels. Operationalization of questions in this field may look like this: Does (age, sex,
120 social dominance, body size, personality score, etc.) affect:
121 a. the ability of individuals to find resources in their environment?
122 b. how much time individuals spend in different types of foraging behaviours and/or areas
123 of the habitat?
124 c. which types of foods (e.g. insects, fruit, flowers, leaves, pith, and subcategories within
125 these broad classifications) individuals consume most often?
126 d. how efficiently individuals are able to consume different food items?
127 e. the method and efficiency of primates to identify edible from inedible food items, high-
128 quality from low-quality foods, and how selective they are about what they will eat?
130 Below are some common variables we and others have measured in studies of primate foraging
131 ecology. The variables described here are suited to record different stages in, or aspects of, the
132 foraging process. We highlight the research questions (a-e above) that these variables address.
133 We also identify some of the common challenges that we have encountered in measuring these
134 variables in studies of wild monkeys. Some of these challenges are exacerbated for small,
135 arboreal monkeys relative to larger, more terrestrial primates. However, we anticipate that at
136 least some of these challenges are generalizable. In section 9.4 we explain our approaches and
137 methods for dealing with the challenges we identify in section 9.3.
141 9.3.1 Food patch encounter rate (PER)
142 Food patch encounter rate (PER) is a measure of how often, per unit time spent in food search
143 behaviours, individuals locate food patches in their habitat (question a). This is an important
144 variable for addressing dietary frequency and, when combined with measures of food abundance
145 in the habitat, dietary selectivity. The definition of a “patch” varies from study to study, but is
146 often considered to be a discrete source of food of a given type. Commonly, a single tree or bush,
147 including the area directly underneath its canopy, is considered a patch. This may include fruits,
148 leaves, flowers, or pith (Pruetz and Isbell 2000; Vogel and Janson 2007). Instances of clumped
149 invertebrates (e.g., termite nests, large colonies of embedded ants, caterpillars with high host
150 specificity in a single tree), may also be considered discrete patches (Janson 1988). In the case of
151 lianas, several tree canopies may be considered a single patch if they are all covered with a single
152 type of liana from which a single phenophase (e.g. ripe fruit or flower bud) is consumed
153 (Castellanos and Chanin 1996; Melin et al. 2014).
154 The food PER for a social group is the number of unique patch visits per unit of observation (group
155 contact) time (Leighton 1993). Questions can be asked regarding whether group PER depends on
156 the composition of the group with respect to the variable(s) of interests, for example the number
157 of trichromatic individuals (see Veilleux et al. 2016). It may also be possible to note the first
158 monkey to enter a new food patch. In this case the first monkey to detect a new patch can be
159 examined with respect to variables of interest, including age, sex, and colour vision type (Hogan
160 et al. 2018, In prep). Note that patch occupancy duration and number of co-feeders are separate
161 variables that speak to patch profitability and defendability, which could be influenced by fruit
162 biomass-to-primate ratio (Leighton 1993; King et al. 2011).
163 Challenges of measuring food PER accurately include: a) teasing apart memory of previously
164 visited food patches from new discovery (Janson 1998; Garber et al. 2009; Janmaat et al. 2013),
165 b) identifying the individual primate who was the first to locate (i.e., the producer) the food patch
166 in group living primates and controlling for observation effort at the individual level (Hogan et al.
167 2018, In prep), c) observing all of food patch discoveries without bias towards larger or more
168 conspicuous food patches or bias due to visibility of the habitat or number of observers collecting
169 data (Vogel and Janson 2007), and d) how to characterize separate food patches (Leighton 1993;
170 Dew 2005).
172 9.3.2 Foraging activity budget
173 We use activity budget to refer to estimates of time spent in different types of activities, in
174 different parts of the forest, and importance of different foods (research questions b and c).
175 Comparison of activity budgets can reveal niche differentiation in foraging activities and
176 individual strategies based on sensory phenotype, sex, dominance, age, or linked variables (e.g.
177 predation risk (Miller 2002)). For example, socially dominant individuals may be able to
178 monopolize some foods that are high in energy or limiting macro- or micronutrients or vitamins
179 (Janson 1985; Barton and Whiten 1993; Foerster et al. 2011, Bergstrom et al., this volume).
180 Differences in activity budget may also occur due to different nutritional requirements (e.g., due
181 to age or reproductive status (Eadie 2015; Ruivo et al. 2017)). Among humans, polymorphism in
182 taste perception leads some people to avoid or prefer certain foods (Sandell and Breslin 2006;
183 Hayes et al. 2010; Feeney et al. 2011). We focus on measuring individual activity budgets
184 intraspecifically, but this variable could be assessed at the group level and analysed with respect
185 to group composition. Activity budgets measured at either the group or individual level could
186 also be used to compare among species.
187 Interpreting the biological significance of differences in activity budgets among individuals or
188 groups can be difficult. For example, individuals may conceivably spend more time in activities
189 for which they are more efficient and thus prefer, or because they are inefficient at these
190 activities and need to expend more time to achieve the same net gain. To begin to tease apart
191 these possibilities, it is often useful to combine inter-individual comparisons of activity budget
192 with intake rates of different food types (Schülke et al. 2006, Bergstrom et al., this volume). This
193 will reveal relative differences in food intake per unit time in different activities, and also overall
194 daily intake (i.e. net gain in nutrition from different foods). In addition, differences between
195 individuals may not show up in time allotted to different behaviours. Rather than differences in
196 types of activities, individuals may perform the same activity in different areas of the habitat due
197 to accessibility. For example, smaller individuals can use thinner foraging structures.
198 Challenges of accurately measuring activity budgets include obtaining even sampling effort
199 across all individuals and environments. This may be particularly challenging for peripheral or
200 difficult-to-identify individuals and/or in parts of the habitat or seasons where visibility is low.
202 9.3.3 Food intake rate
203 The intake rate is a common measure of feeding efficiency used to estimate the relative foraging
204 ability of individuals, and the consequences for energy balance, health, growth and development
205 (research question d; (Janson and van Schaik 1988; Johnson and Bock 2004; Nakagawa 2009;
206 O’Mara 2015; Visalberghi et al. 2016)). It is the end result following from the number of food
207 items detected per minute (detection rate), the number of potential foods investigated
208 (investigation rate), the proportion of investigated foods that are accepted (acceptance ratio) of
209 fruits, and the handling time and processing efficiency of eaten food eaten (see Hiramatsu et al.
210 2008). Ideally, the grams dry weight consumed per unit time should be estimated. However,
211 whether it is measured at the level of individual food items consumed, or of individual bites of a
212 given food type, by calculating food ingestion per unit time, investigators seek to estimate
213 nutritional reward and energy gain from different foods. Accordingly, study of intake rates is
214 perhaps most useful when combined with measures of the available nutrients of different foods
215 of appropriate developmental state, ripeness, and maturity (Rothman et al. 2008, 2012;
216 Aristizabal et al. 2017; Johnson et al. 2017, Bergstrom et al., this volume).
217 Challenges of accurately measuring intake rate include: a) ensuring intake rates of different
218 individuals are measured under comparable ecological conditions; b) seeing monkeys well
219 enough to record the high level of detail necessary, and collecting sufficient data on each monkey
220 for robust analysis.
222 9.3.4 Food processing efficiency
223 For some foods that need to be processed before consumption, such as snails, invertebrates
224 embedded in trees, pulp or aril in thick-husked fruits, or fruits protected by urticating hairs, a
225 major influence on intake rate is the efficiency of extracting edible food components. The
226 efficiency of food processing (research question d, i.e. how quickly the edible parts are excised
227 and consumed) is affected by both food item qualities (e.g. fruit ripeness or invertebrate size and
228 location) and individual-level qualities (e.g. size, strength, experience) (Lambert 1999; Dew 2005;
229 O’Malley and Fedigan 2005; Gunst et al. 2010). Both food-level and individual-level variables can
230 affect an individual's food choice (i.e. which food types or species to eat, leading to potential for
231 intraspecific niche divergence) (Melin et al. 2008).
232 Challenges of measuring feeding efficiency of protected foods include accurately noting the
233 transitions between food extraction and food consumption behaviours, which can occur quickly
234 and repeatedly. In cases where multiple observers are collecting this data, either
235 contemporaneously or at different periods over a long-term study, ensuring that all observers
236 follow the same rules for switching among states is critical.
238 9.3.5 Diversity and length of food investigation sequences
239 From the time a potential food is initially detected, a primate uses its senses and past experience
240 to assess the item and decide whether to eat or reject it. The food investigation sequence is a
241 chronological record of the types of sensory investigation that a food item is subjected to by the
242 foraging primate, and can be used to assess the method and efficiency of identifying edible food
243 species (research question e). The following senses may be employed: haptic (manual or buccal;
244 e.g. squeezing or biting to probe softness or texture), visual (e.g. close gazing to assess colour,
245 shape, size, or to look for signs of damage), olfactory (e.g. sniffing to detect odorants associated
246 with preferred or avoided phenophase), gustatory (e.g. licking or biting to detect tastants
247 associated with preferred or avoided phenophase), and/or auditory (e.g. exploring sounds made
248 through tapping on foods and listening to reverberations to assess hollowness) (Dominy et al.
249 2001; Dominy 2004; Melin et al. 2009; Melin and Veilleux 2018). Both the length and composition
250 of the food investigation sequence is informative. It can be short and simple (1-2 behaviours) or
251 longer and more complex (3 or more different behaviours), and it can reveal the senses that are
252 important during the evaluation of a particular food item. For example, investigation sequences
253 often vary when assessing fruits of different plant species (Valenta et al. 2015).
254 In general, we predict that foragers that can reach an appropriate decision (i.e. eat versus reject)
255 using fewer senses may be more efficient and able to consume foods at a higher rate and/or
256 expend less energy to reach a decision. Sensory phenotype may also impact the form of
257 assessment used. For example, primates with dichromatic colour vision are more likely to sniff
258 some fruits than are trichromatic group mates (Melin et al. 2009, 2017). As monkeys age, they
259 may also learn the most informative forms of assessment for different foods and forage more
260 efficiently (Melin et al. 2009, 2017).
261 Challenges of measuring food investigation sequences accurately are similar to those linked with
262 intake rates and include: a) collecting comparable data across individuals sampled under
263 different ecological conditions; b) seeing monkeys well enough to record this level of detail and,
264 relatedly, collecting sufficient data on each monkey for robust analysis; and c) recording
265 sequences when handfuls of food items are collected and handled together, rather than full
266 evaluation of each fruit prior to proceeding to another fruit.
268 9.3.6 Quality of foods consumed within patches
269 Finally, the ability to make effective choices among different food options (e.g. maturity stages)
270 within food patches is an important component of primate foraging ecology (Gomes and Bicca‐
271 Marques 2012; Rushmore et al. 2012). Not all food items within a tree canopy or other patch will
272 have equal nutritive value and energetic reward; some—typically ripe vs. unripe fruits and young
273 vs. mature leaves—differ drastically, although digestibility of different food items varies by
274 primate species (Lambert 1998; Rothman et al. 2012). Intraspecifically, it is likely that individual-
275 level variables impact ability to consume high-quality foods. For example, dominant monkeys
276 may monopolize the best patches within a tree, while juvenile monkeys may be able to access
277 small branches in upper canopies where ripe fruits and/or new leaves tend to first appear (Janson
278 1985, 1988). Monkeys with red-green colour vision may be more accurate in selecting the most
279 desirable fruits, flowers, or leaves from mature green leaves for foods where reddish colours are
280 informative (Melin et al. 2017). Finally, food choice may be influenced by factors affecting food
281 processing efficiency and physiological tolerance of by-products, including phenols and tannins
282 (Glander 1982; Lambert 1998; O’Malley and Fedigan 2005; Gunst et al. 2010). Sensory phenotype
283 may also be important if there are differences in ability to detect properties of or compounds in
284 foods (Kawamura and Melin 2017).
285 The challenges of measuring quality of ingested foods in the field are perhaps the greatest among
286 the topics we discuss in this chapter. Some of the reasons for this include the following: data on
287 location of the foraging site within a patch and food selectivity are almost completely lacking
288 from the literature on the study of non-human primates. Often fruit or leaves of multiple
289 phenophases (maturity/ripeness) are simultaneously present in a food patch and it is often
290 exceedingly difficult to accurately assess the maturity of each food item ingested using binoculars
291 from the forest floor. Occasionally, the colours of handled/ingested fruits can be seen (Melin,
292 pers. obs). Yet, some fruits do not change colour with maturity, and for those that do, there is
293 variation among plant species in how well the timing of colour changes indicates ripeness (Melin
294 et al. 2015). It is also occasionally possible to record the properties of bitten and rejected foods,
295 or incompletely eaten foods, from items recovered from forest floor. However, it is often difficult
296 to accurately measure the properties (e.g. colour, odor, softness, toughness) of partially eaten
297 foods as they can spoil quickly. Additionally, there are a number of assumptions that go into
298 classifying dropped fruits as “rejected” and there are reports that primates are “wasteful”
299 foragers that drop seemingly edible fruits only partially eaten (Chapman 1995; Ferrari and Lopes
300 2002).
301 For each of the variables discussed above, the process of generating data by observing, recording,
302 and analysing the behaviours of wild primates can be daunting. Additionally, not all data
303 collection methods are equally suitable for addressing each variable. In the following section, we
304 review some of the most influential methods used by primatologists to guide behavioural data
305 collection. We discuss their uses and limitations in the context of collecting data relevant to the
306 foraging ecology of wild primates.
308 9.4. Data collection methods for observing primate behaviour
309 Students interested in the study of primate behaviour should thoroughly familiarize themselves
310 with the seminal books and articles in this field, including those cited in this paragraph. Here, we
311 focus on a more nuanced discussion of three sampling methods for collecting standardized data
312 most relevant to foraging ecology: 1) all occurrences sampling (Altmann 1974; Paterson and
313 Vandenbeld 2001), also known as behaviour sampling, (Martin and Bateson 2007); 2) scan
314 sampling, and 3) focal animal sampling (Altmann 1974; Paterson and Vandenbeld 2001; Martin
315 and Bateson 2007). After reviewing the three sampling methods, we provide a detailed discussion
316 of practices for handling out-of-sight time, and implications of using different practices for data
317 collection and analysis. A fourth method, ad libitum sampling, is not considered in much detail
318 here. Ad libitum sampling is by definition an unstructured practice of recording behaviours and
319 interactants that are deemed relevant or otherwise interesting. Ad libitum observations are
320 useful during pilot observations, for providing context during group census records, and
321 recording dominance interactions within and between social groups where the directionality,
322 rather than the frequency or rate, of interactions is important.
324 9.4.1 All occurrences sampling/behaviour sampling
325 During all occurrences sampling, the researcher observes the group of study subjects as a whole,
326 and records each occurrence of a particular behaviour, or set of behaviours, of interest (Altmann
327 1974; Paterson and Vandenbeld 2001; Martin and Bateson 2007). All occurrences sampling is
328 useful for recording conspicuous events that are sufficiently infrequent such that each event can
329 accurately be recorded. Paterson and Vandenbeld (Paterson and Vandenbeld 2001) also mention
330 the importance of visibility in the habitat for this form of sampling, to guard against missing or
331 biased data. In contrast to ad libitum sampling, in which the researcher records anything deemed
332 interesting or relevant, all occurrences sampling is a more structured behavioural data collection
333 method with the aim of recording each instance of a specific behaviour.
334 In the context of foraging ecology, all occurrence sampling can be used to document visits to new
335 food patches (patch encounter rate, PER) by a group of primates (i.e. any time any primate of the
336 social group being followed feeds in a food patch, a food patch visit is recorded (Leighton 1993;
337 Spence-Aizenberg et al. 2016; Nagy-Reis and Setz 2017)). These data can be used to calculate
338 measures of dietary frequency (one measure of dietary importance) and dietary selectivity (e.g.
339 Melin et al. 2014). At minimum, the species and food type eaten (e.g. fruit or flowers), which is
340 used to assess dietary selectivity, should be recorded. To assess individual-level variation in food
341 patch encounter rates, the ID of first monkey to arrive should be noted (Hogan et al. 2018, In
342 prep). Whenever possible, additional metadata should be recorded to address questions of food
343 patch profitability, including patch size (circumference at breast height of the tree, or canopy size
344 metric), patch capacity (maximum number of monkeys in the tree at the same time), phenology
345 score, and total patch residence time. These variables can be analysed to ask a variety of
346 questions, for example, factors influencing how long the group will stay at a given food source
347 (i.e. patch residence time) (Link et al. 2012; Gonzalez et al. 2016; Cabana et al. 2017). Numerous
348 other questions can be addressed by integrating food patch visit data and food trait data with
349 the metadata listed above, including questions in foraging ecology concerning sensory systems
350 and nutrition, nutrition and digestive systems (e.g. do preferred foods have a certain
351 odour/mechanical properties, size, nutrient composition) (Melin et al. 2015; Valenta et al. 2015).
352 The most prominent difficulty of all occurrence sampling in this context is that it is difficult to
353 observe all food patch visits, and this goal is perhaps unattainable when following a large social
354 group. As a surrogate for this, one solution we take is to record all observed patch visits, and in
355 our analyses to control for the number of monkeys in the social group as well as the number of
356 human observers recording food patch visits. An assumption of this approach is that the visits
357 observed are representative of all visits that occur. However, is it important to be aware that
358 short visits to small food patches may be underrepresented by this approach. Another important
359 consideration is ensuring that we control for the likelihood of observing different individuals, as
360 some may be more peripheral or otherwise less conspicuous to researchers.
361 Finally, the impact of memory on food patch encounter is difficult to address, as there are
362 numerous lines of evidence that primates return to food patches based on recent—or more
363 distant—experience (Garber and Paciulli 1997; Asensio et al. 2011; Janmaat et al. 2013). Ideally,
364 the same group should be followed for many days consecutively, so that repeat visit to trees can
365 be identified, and reuse of food trees from year to year with evidence of pre-feeding
366 “monitoring” can be recorded and accounted for. In our analyses of food encounter, we exclude
367 from our analyses records of patch visits when the patch has been visited previously (i.e. a repeat
368 visit). We also explicitly focus on visits to small, ephemeral patches. These are less likely to be
369 memorized and are ecologically interesting due to a high finders’ reward as small patches may
370 be quickly depleted (Bunce et al. 2011; Hogan et al. 2018, In prep). The cut-off between large
371 “memorable” and “ephemeral/unmemorable” has not been defined, and is likely specific to
372 different species of primates, and so remains a subjective decision. Further, in addition to patch
373 size, food preference, importance, and rarity in the environment should be considered; foods
374 that are essential during periods of seasonal or interannual food dearth may also be especially
375 relevant for fitness consequences (Melin et al. 2014), and would be interesting to investigate in
376 future research.
378 9.4.2 Scan sampling
379 Scan sampling, as defined by Martin and Bateson (2007), is carried out by rapidly censusing a
380 group of subjects at set time points. The behaviour of each individual in the group (or a subset of
381 interest) is recorded. This is a form of instantaneous scan sampling (Altmann 1974; Paterson and
382 Vandenbeld 2001). Scan sampling requires an ethogram consisting of state behaviours that can
383 be quickly and accurately assessed, and it may be less detailed than one constructed for focal
384 animal sampling. The time required to complete a scan will range from a few seconds (e.g.
385 DeLuycker 2012; Bryson-Morrison et al. 2017) to several minutes (e.g. Mekonnen et al. 2010;
386 Vandercone et al. 2012; Lewis and Justin O’Riain 2017), depending on the level of detail recorded,
387 group size, and how dispersed individuals are. However, the time between scans should be
388 considerably longer than the time it takes to complete one scan to maintain as much
389 independence among data points as possible. It is often not possible to sample all individuals in
390 social groups, and an upper limit on the search duration for scan sampling should be enforced to
391 maintain the independence of scan samples recorded at set time points.
392 Scan data can be used to gather data about each group member’s activity budget (Link et al.
393 2012; Grueter et al. 2013), diet (Abreu et al. 2016; Nagy-Reis and Setz 2017), or habitat use (e.g.
394 height in canopy (DeLuycker 2012) or type of vegetation occupied (DeLuycker 2012; Bryson-
395 Morrison et al. 2017)). It can be used to calculate activity budgets for each individual, both at the
396 level of broad behavioural categories (i.e. foraging versus resting) and at the level of assessing
397 the importance of different food types and food species in the diet (Table 9.1). This is
398 complementary to the calculation of dietary importance using all occurrence sampling of visits
399 to food patches. Scan data will capture influences of the duration of visits to food patches and
400 number of monkeys feeding in metrics of resource “importance”. Using scan data to calculate
401 activity budgets has numerous practical advantages including relatively even collection of data
402 across study subjects, times of day, weeks and seasons, which facilitates behavioural and
403 ecological comparisons across individuals (Martin and Bateson 2007). In addition, we can also
404 examine niche divergence among individuals using data collected at the same time point, which
405 helps to control for the influence of weather or forest type in patchy environments. Finally, it is
406 advantageous that scan sampling is compatible with other types of data collection, such as all
407 occurrence sampling, which can be recorded between scan samples. It is not possible to record
408 all occurrences of visits to food trees at the group level while full-day focal animal follows are
409 being conducted, for example.
410 We also record instantaneous scans at the group level as part of the long-term longitudinal data
411 collection component of our research project. Here, we record the behaviour in which the
412 majority (>50% of visible individuals) of the group is engaged. In cases where the group members
413 are engaged in two behaviours divided roughly equally, both behaviours are recorded. This is
414 useful for looking at group-level activity budgets and correlations with changing environmental
415 variables such as temperature, food abundance or rainfall. This could be calculated from the
416 individual scans, but occasionally researchers are not collecting scan sampling for their projects;
417 in this case the group-level scans continue as a behavioural record of group activity. The
418 ethogram for group scans at Santa Rosa is nearly identical to the individual ethogram, except
419 with omitting the following categories: 1) Out of sight: if the entire group is not in sight,
420 behavioural data cannot be collected; 2) Excretion: the majority of the group is never in an
421 excreting behaviour (passing feces) at the same time; 3) Foraging out of sight: this level of detail
422 is not recorded during group scans.
423 Potential pitfalls of scan sampling include not being able to capture the level of detail possible
424 with focal animal sampling, and the increased potential for bias towards conspicuous behaviours
425 or monkeys. To deal with these limitations, we have worked with a dozen behaviourists to design
426 an ethogram for scan sampling that is detailed enough to meet our needs with respect to activity
427 budget, but general enough to be quickly and accurately assessed (Table 9.1). We also make
428 efforts to begin the scan sample with a different individual each time, and to keep track of
429 scanned monkeys, such that more cryptic group members can be actively sought out. Despite
430 this, focal animal sampling is still the preferred method of data collection for addressing many
431 research questions.
433 9.4.3 Focal animal sampling
434 The application of focal animal sampling (FAS) for studying primate behaviour was standardized
435 decades ago in a landmark paper (Altmann 1974), and FAS is generally considered one of the
436 most satisfactory methods for studying primates (Paterson and Vandenbeld 2001; Martin and
437 Bateson 2007). During FAS, the observer collects data on one individual for a predetermined
438 amount of time (“time rule”) and keeps a record of all state and/or event behaviours of interest
439 continuously, at set time points, or within set intervals. Altmann (1974) also suggests that the
440 FAS could be ended after the Nth iteration of a behaviour, where N is predetermined by the
441 researcher. However, she cautions that the stopping rule should be independent of the
442 behavioural parameters of interest, and asserts that using predetermined amounts of time is
443 typically more desirable; in practice the “time rule” is almost exclusively used in current
444 primatology (Matsuda et al. 2014; O’Mara 2015; Visalberghi et al. 2016; McGraw et al. 2016;
445 Mallott et al. 2017). The ideal duration will differ by species, habitat, and research goals, but the
446 upper limit should precede observer fatigue (which is study dependent), and the lower limit
447 should be long enough to capture the full durations or sequences of the behaviours of interest
448 (Altmann 1974). A wide range of FAS durations are seen in the literature, from >10 hours (full day
449 or night follows, (e.g. Campbell-Smith et al. 2011; Norscia et al. 2012; Matsuda et al. 2014;
450 Aristizabal et al. 2017) to as short as 1 min (e.g. DeLuycker 2012; Johnson et al. 2017; Melin et al.
451 2017). It is important to note that longer focals (i.e. multi-hour or full day/night follows) decrease
452 the number of data points per study individual, depending on the research question. Using this
453 method makes it more difficult to obtain a robust sample for a number of individuals that is
454 appropriate for statistics. Prior to determining focal length, researchers should consider the
455 specific statistical analyses they intend to use to ensure that sufficient data can be collected.
456 Once a duration has been selected, one of two methods for time keeping during focal animal
457 samples can be used (Altmann 1974). These methods vary in how they treat the time when a
458 focal subject is out of sight (OOS) of the observer: 1) focal individuals are followed for a set
459 amount of time, regardless of how long they are out of sight; or 2) the observer keeps track of
460 cumulative “time-in” (i.e. time the focal subject is in sight) (Chancellor and Isbell 2009; Cords and
461 Nikitopoulos 2015; Corewyn 2015). In the latter scenario, once time-in reaches the
462 predetermined duration, the focal is ended. A review of recent literature suggests that most
463 primatologists follow the former method (although this is often not explicitly stated) (O’Mara
464 2015; Abreu et al. 2016; McGraw et al. 2016; Bryson-Morrison et al. 2017; Cabana et al. 2017).
465 Explicit treatment of OOS time is often not mentioned in primatological literature. However,
466 when it is mentioned, researchers typically report following rules for how much OOS time is
467 allowed before the focal follow data are discarded (Cords and Nikitopoulos 2015; Corewyn 2015;
468 Visalberghi et al. 2016; Bădescu et al. 2016).
469 The applications of data collected using focal animal sampling to study foraging ecology are
470 widespread, and it is the standard method suggested for observing the behaviour of fruit and
471 seed foraging (Dew 2011; Eadie 2015; Abreu et al. 2016; Visalberghi et al. 2016; Sengupta and
472 Radhakrishna 2016). FAS can generate data used to calculate many of the variables listed above,
473 including (individual-level, rather than group-level) food patch encounter rates, activity budgets
474 (Campbell-Smith et al. 2011; Mallott et al. 2017), fruit and insect intake rates (McCabe and
475 Fedigan 2007; DeLuycker 2012), food processing efficiency (Eadie 2015; Visalberghi et al. 2016;
476 McGraw et al. 2016), foraging investigation sequences (Melin et al. 2009). In addition, under
477 cases of exceptional visibility, intake rates of foods of different quality could be assessed using
478 FAS when food quality (e.g. ripeness) can be visually discerned by the observer. Despite
479 numerous advantages, there are downsides to FAS ≥ 10 minutes in duration that follow strict
480 OOS rules and a rigid rotation schedule. The following points are common concerns that have
481 been raised by students and other researchers, specifically in the context of studying feeding
482 rates in food patches using FAS: 1) how much time should be spent looking for a specific monkey
483 to follow before moving to next individual on the rotation?; 2) should focal animal samples be
484 collected during the behaviours of interest (e.g. foraging) or follow a random sampling scheme
485 independent of the behaviour observed?; 3) should focal follows with OOS time be summarily
486 discarded?; 4) how can FAS be optimized to sample different monkeys under similar ecological
487 conditions?
488 The answers to these questions depend on the answer to one critical question: will the data
489 collected during focal animal samples be used to be representative of an overall activity budget?
490 If yes, then the guidelines outlined by Altmann (1974) and others should be strictly applied,
491 namely: 1) random sampling schedule, 2) sampling regardless of the behaviour at the time the
492 FAS is started, 3) rigorously defined and applied OOS rule, 4) randomized or predetermined
493 rotation schedule among individuals, with protocols for evenly distributing sampling effort across
494 time of day and season. However, if another method, for example, scan sampling, is being used
495 to calculate activity budgets (and we highlight benefits of this in the previous section), then we
496 suggest that FAS can be optimized and used more flexibly to best capture the data of interest.
497 This practice of flexible application of FAS, occasionally used in conjunction with other data
498 collection methods, has been used in recent primate studies (e.g. (DeLuycker 2012; Eadie 2015;
499 Johnson et al. 2017). Below we summarize some difficulties of using even moderately long (≥ 10
500 min) FAS during foraging behaviours to record intake rates and discuss our thoughts on an
501 approach optimized for collecting detailed feeding and foraging data.
502 First, during arboreal foraging, visibility of study subjects is often low. It is not uncommon for a
503 relatively small set of viewing “windows” through the foliage to be available to observers. To
504 make the best use of these observation spots and avoid wasting large amounts of time searching
505 for specific monkeys, we recommend a modified sampling scheme in which researchers cycle
506 through age-sex categories, rather than search for specific monkeys, while still avoiding watching
507 the same monkey repeatedly in the same patch. Aspects of this approach are evident in recent
508 research (Eadie 2015; Gonzalez et al. 2016; Mallott et al. 2017). For recording intake rates, and
509 especially foraging sequences, excellent viewing conditions are paramount. While focal animal
510 samples are often done by just one observer, for intake rate data, we suggest use of a voice
511 recorder (e.g. dictaphone or similar application) or observer team where one observer calls out
512 the data and a second person records the data. One person simply cannot record the detail
513 needed because momentarily looking away to write or type will result in missing several data
514 points when food investigations happen quickly. Use of video equipment may be another
515 possible solution (Gunst et al. 2010), but stabilization and need to adjust position to follow small
516 movements of the focal animal and post-processing times for videos are not trivial concerns.
517 Second, if activity budgets will be captured by scan sampling at regular time intervals, this frees
518 up observers to target FAS towards recording behaviours of interest. Again, we reiterate that this
519 approach should not be used if FAS data will address how long or how often a monkey does a
520 behaviour (activity budget questions). Rather, it is suited to ask questions that arise once the
521 focal animal is already doing a behaviour. For example, we could measure the efficiency per unit
522 time, strategy, technique, substrate or tool use, and success rates. If behaviours are relatively
523 infrequent, this approach increases the chances that sufficient data will be collected on the
524 behaviour of interest for all individuals, especially if the study is short or the behaviour is linked
525 to climatic seasonality or other temporally bounded environments or activities (Eadie 2015;
526 Visalberghi et al. 2016; Sengupta and Radhakrishna 2016; Johnson et al. 2017).
527 Third, when very detailed data on foraging sequences or intake rates are needed, “OOS” needs
528 to be recorded when the mouth (and possibly also hands or feet) are not clearly visible, even if it
529 is still possible to observe that the monkey is in a general foraging state. This results in OOS being
530 a very common occurrence. For these reasons, we advise against strict OOS rules for discarding
531 focals. Rather, we suggest that data from targeted FAS can be used, even if a large proportion of
532 the FAS is OOS. The assumption made here is that observations made while the animal is in view
533 are representative of those made when the animal is obscured or partially obscured. Finally, the
534 end of the targeted focal may often be determined by the monkey moving completely out of
535 sight or by an end of focal timer.
536 This raises a linked question: how long is long enough for a targeted focal? Although these may
537 not apply to all studies, we suggest that criteria for using focal data in the context of a feeding in
538 a food patch should be in part guided by the three following questions: 1) was the visibility good
539 enough that my “time-in” data are reliable? This involves judgement about the quality of the
540 viewing conditions; 2) did I observe enough feeding behaviour during the “time-in” that this is an
541 accurate and representative sample in this food patch? To generate a rough guideline for how
542 many food ingest events need to be observed to estimate a feeding rate that is representative
543 for that monkey in that given food patch, we present an analysis based on repeatedly sub-
544 sampling a large dataset of foraging behaviour collected by our team (Box 9.1). Our conclusion is
545 that approximately 20 ingest events should be observed, and this holds for fruits of varying sizes
546 (Box 9.1, Fig. 9.1). Ideally, similar analyses will be conducted by researchers studying other
547 primates and plants that will speak to the generalizability of this result. The third and final
548 question to ask is, 3) was I careful not to end the focal based on the data I am interested in? For
549 example, “I’ll end this focal as soon as this monkey finishes chewing that last bite” is not an
550 appropriate rule. Rather, timers set at 30 seconds could be used. When the timer alarms, the
551 observer should ask him/herself, have I collected enough data? Yes? Then stop. No? Then
552 continue collecting data until the next 30 sec mark (or until monkeys goes completely out of site).
553 Finally, often patch residence times from entry of first to last group member are 30 min or less
554 (Melin pers. obs, Gonzalez et al. 2016; Johnson et al. 2017). For studying feeding rates of
555 primates, the relatively long durations of traditional FAS (often ≥10 minutes) reduces the
556 chances of sequentially recording behaviours of many different primates in the same food
557 patch. This is problematic because the plant species, phenological state, size and other
558 characters unique to each food patch affects the food intake rate of primates significantly. In
559 Box 9.1. How much sampling is necessary in order to estimate intake rates accurately?
560 Elsewhere in this chapter, we discuss challenges inherent in observing feeding behaviours, which presents
561 the critical question: How much sampling is necessary in order to estimate intake rates accurately? To
562 address this question, we analyzed a large dataset of capuchin fruit foraging behaviours that was the
563 subject of another recent analysis (Melin et al. 2017). Out of 1,603 total foraging bouts encompassing a
564 range of monkey ages, sexes, and fruit species, we analyzed a total of 64 bouts that included at least 40
565 discrete intake events of nine different fruit species? Fruit species with a mean diameter from 0.05 cm to
566 1.19 cm were included in this analysis (Figure 9.1a). We then used resampling techniques to estimate, for
567 each bout, how many intake events must be observed before our permuted intake rate resembled the
568 “best possible” intake rate (i.e. the rate calculated for all intake events recorded) for that bout. To conduct
569 the permutation, we assigned a duration to each intake event as the sum of half the time since the
570 previous intake event and half the time before the subsequent intake event (Formula 9.1). This allowed
571 us to calculate a duration and associated intake rate for our resampled data as the number of resampled
572 intake events divided by the cumulative duration assigned to the same intake events. Because the first
573 and last events in each bout sequence could not be assigned a duration in this manner, we excluded them
574 from analysis and correspondingly adjusted the overall "best possible" duration and intake rate of each
575 bout.
576 Formula 9.1:
1 1
577 𝐷𝑖 = (𝑡𝑖 − 𝑡𝑖−1 ) + (𝑡𝑖+1 − 𝑡𝑖
2 2
578 where for each event i, t represents the timestamp and D represents the assigned duration
579 Fruit intake rates could potentially vary based on sequential position within a bout due to resource
580 depletion effects. We tested for such an effect, however, using a mixed-effects Poisson regression with
581 fruit species as a random intercept and found no significant relationship between intake event sequence
582 position (i) and the duration (Di) assigned to the event (slope = -0.002, z = -1.69, p = 0.091) (Figure 9.2).
583 After concluding that the depletion effects were sufficiently small, we conducted our permutations as
584 follows.
585 For each bout, we sampled intake events with replacement 1,000 times for each of 1 to the total number
586 of fruits for that bout. In each iteration, we calculated a permuted intake rate as the number of sampled
587 ingest events divided by the total assigned duration of sampled events. We also calculated an error
588 estimate as the magnitude of difference between the permuted intake rate and the best possible intake
589 rate of that bout.
590 The resulting distribution of error estimates is presented in Figure 1b-c. As expected, we find that the
591 error in estimated intake rate falls as the number of observed intake events increases, eventually
592 stabilizing around 20 observed intake events. Observing more food intake events leads to lower error in
593 estimating the mean rate for that bout (i.e. a certain tree of a certain species in a certain phenophase at
594 a certain time). While increasing the number of observed events continues to decrease the error in intake
595 Box 9.1 continued
596 rate estimates, the returns on that effort are increasingly marginal. By 20 observed events, 95% of intake
597 rate estimates for all but 2 fruit species in our dataset fell within 10 fruits/min of the best possible intake
598 rate, with a range of 3.9 (Bursera simaruba) to 12.7 (Cordia panamensis). By 40 observed events, the 95%
599 quantile of intake rate error estimates ranged from 2.7 (Bursera simaruba) to 8.4 (Cordia panamensis). By
600 80 observed events, for instance, the 95% quantile of intake rate estimates ranged from 1.9 (Bursera
601 simaruba) to 5.9 (Cordia panamensis). In this case, a quadrupling of sampling effort corresponds roughly
602 to a reduction in error of only one half.
603 Our results indicate that the distribution of error as a function of sampled intake events differs across
604 species. This is likely in part due to differences in sample size between fruit species. Cordia panamensis,
605 for instance, was represented by only one bout, which likely introduced greater stochasticity into our
606 simulations.
607 We suggest guidelines for observation of food intake rates that differ from recommendations for focal
608 follows that traditionally suggest uniform durations, often of 10 minutes or longer. However, only a
609 portion of this follow may occur in a foot patch. When the research goal is to compare intake rates among
610 individuals, we recommend sampling as many different individuals in the same food patch as possible,
611 and watching each individual consume at least 20 fruits (or ideally many more). This could be spread out
612 across several short (1-5 min) focal follows, as visibility permits (but see recommendations for timer use
613 and stop times, previously). The amount of observation time required to observe 20 foraging events will
614 vary based on the food tree characteristics. For white-faced capuchins, mean fruit intake rates vary from
615 22 fruits/min in one tree species (Erythroxylum havanense) to 1-3 fruits/min (Randia monantha). In the
616 former case, only 1 minute of foraging observation time may be needed. In the latter case, which applies
617 to plant species with large or difficult to process fruits, the fruit investigation rate is very low and “mini-
618 focal” durations may approach the length of traditional focal animal samples. In the case of Randia
619 monantha, for example, more than 7 minutes would be needed. Additionally, individual-level
620 characteristics may be important; young monkeys feed more slowly and feeding rates are slower when
621 fruits are larger (Melin et al. 2017). Finally, this approach will not likely be useful in small food patches
622 that are quickly depleted, or that cannot support multiple monkeys at the same time or in rapid
623 succession. In those cases, these data are best recorded during traditional focal animals follows or other
624 methods (all-occurrence, scan sampling).
626 many cases, the effect of phenology or food patch ID has a greater impact than do the
627 individual-level variables, such as age or sensory phenotype (Melin et al. 2017). For comparing
628 food intake rates or foraging sequences rates, it is more powerful (and much more feasible) to
629 sample many monkeys for shorter durations in succession than to watch one monkey per patch
630 for 10 minutes or longer. While this important point was discussed decades ago (e.g. Janson
631 1985) and some primatologists use short FAS in food trees (e.g. Vogel 2005; DeLuycker 2012;
632 Eadie 2015; Johnson et al. 2017), we feel it is worth re-emphasizing the point here.
633 In summary, when the goal is to compare food intake rates among individual primates, for
634 example to assess the impact of age, sensory phenotype or social dominance, within and
635 between sympatric species, it is ideal to observe individuals in same food tree and to use FAS
636 short enough to sample multiple individuals that span the levels of variable of interest (e.g. age,
637 rank), while making focals long enough to record > 20 food ingest events.
639 9.5 A brief comment on analyses: using a hierarchical structure to maintain independence of
640 multiple analyses
641 Analytical approaches to the study of animal behaviour can take many forms depending on data
642 collection methods and research questions. In this section, we focus on using a hierarchy of
643 analyses to maintain statistical independence while asking questions at different levels.
644 Datasets based on scan sampling or focal animal sampling offer considerable flexibility when it
645 comes to analytical approaches. However, it is important to maintain statistical independence
646 when the same data are used to answer different research questions. For example, if an activity
647 budget has 5 possible states, each of these states cannot be treated as independent of the others,
648 because the number of records of the 5th state can be calculated by subtracting the total number
649 of records of other states from the total number of overall records. Examining only a subset of
650 activities that are of particular relevance to the research question and creating a hierarchy helps
651 to maintain independence when constructing statistical models (Raudenbush and Bryk 2002).
652 Using an example research question from our study site at Santa Rosa, we demonstrate a
653 hierarchy structure to assess the extent of niche divergence among group members. Specifically,
654 we demonstrate a proposed hierarchy for investigating foraging activity time budgets at different
655 levels (Figure 9.3). Foraging activity could be derived from number of scan records, or duration
656 of minutes based on focal animal samples.
657 In Figure 9.3, the light grey boxes represent the response variables and the dark grey boxes
658 represent an “offset” term in a linear model. The leftmost column represents variables in a model
659 that could, for example, test whether minutes of time spent in foraging behaviour differs among
660 individuals (response variable), controlling for amount of time recorded in any behaviour. As
661 questions become more specific and aimed at behaviours nested in behaviours (for example,
662 amount of foraging time devoted to fruit foraging, controlling for time spent in any foraging
663 behaviour), the response variable and offset terms change. The black arrows highlight the pattern
664 that response variables can become offset terms in subsequent models, as they test more
665 specific, nested questions.
667 9.6. Integrating data collection methods for short and long-term studies of behaviour
668 It is often useful to integrate two or more methods of behavioural sampling into a daily collection
669 strategy. For example, several recent studies have integrated scan sampling to record activity
670 budgets with focal animal sampling and/or all occurrence sampling and/or ad libitum sampling
671 to record more specific behaviours? (e.g. Spence-Aizenberg et al. 2016; Sengupta and
672 Radhakrishna 2016; Nagy-Reis and Setz 2017; Cabana et al. 2017). This layered sampling
673 approach has the disadvantage of perhaps being more complex to organize and analyse, but has
674 numerous advantages when collecting any one data type is not sufficient to answer the research
675 questions being asked. This tiered sampling is also quite flexible and becomes useful when
676 integrating data that will be collected across multiple years and decades (i.e. for longitudinal
677 study of primate life histories and responses to environmental variation, with data for focused
678 shorter-term projects, such as thesis research or other discrete projects).
679 In this section, we overview our data collection protocol for studying the behavioural ecology of
680 capuchin monkeys in Sector Santa Rosa, including how we collect standardized longitudinal data
681 that is deposited in the Primates Adapting to Changing Environments (PACE) database, initiated
682 by Dr. Linda Fedigan. At Santa Rosa, our long-term goals in the context of feeding ecology are to
683 understand how sex, reproductive status, age, dominance rank, and sensory phenotype (e.g.
684 colour vision type) impact foraging activity budgets, feeding efficiency, food preferences, and
685 resource detection and selection. Here, our goal is to describe Santa Rosa as a case study for how
686 the data types described in the previous section can be collected and customized during group
687 observation sessions.
689 9.6.1 A typical day of data collection: case study from capuchin research in Santa Rosa
690 Documenting observers and study groups
691 For each primate observation session, we record the name of the observer and the name of the
692 study group of primates on Android tablets running a custom-made Android data logging app
693 created by Dr. Scott Johnson. The app records a date-time-location stamp at the start of each
694 new line of text. We additionally keep records of the number and the identities of researchers
695 with the primate group that day, to control for observational effort. At first contact with the study
696 group, we record a code for the type of contact (e.g. located at sleep tree, join another researcher
697 already with the group, or find a group after they have left sleep tree). This becomes important
698 as only “sleep tree to sleep tree” days of data collection are used for some forms of data analysis,
699 including studies of full-day ranging activities.
700 All occurrences - food patch visits
701 When any monkey of the group enters a food patch, we record a food patch visit (FPV), and note
702 the food species and, for trees, the circumference at breast height (CBH) as a proxy for food patch
703 size. We also record the phenological state. We use a 5-point system: 0 = absent, 1: 1-24%, 2: 25-
704 49%, 3: 50-74%, 4: 75-100% to measure the percentage of the canopy covered in fruit, leaves and
705 flowers, and the proportion of those items in mature versus immature stages. For example, a
706 fruit tree with 60% of its canopy covered in fruit, of which 20% was ripe, we would record “3 and
707 1” for the fruit cover and ripeness scores, respectively. This can later be multiplied and used
708 together with the CBH to estimate ripe fruit biomass for that food source. Each FPV is also
709 assigned an ID number that is unique to that group’s visit on that particular day. This allows us to
710 control for FPV ID, along with the relative amount of ripe fruit (or phenophase) being consumed,
711 during data analysis. In addition, when possible, we record the first monkey into the FPV and
712 note if this is a repeat visit by the group.
713 Scan sampling
714 Every 30 minutes, on the hour and half hour, one researcher per study group records up to two
715 state behaviours that are exhibited by the majority of the group. Along with the behaviours and
716 location, we also record the height of the majority of group in the forest, the predominant canopy
717 cover, and the weather. For foraging behaviours, we record the type of food and taxonomy
718 whenever possible. These group scan data are continuously collected as part of the long-term
719 records in Santa Rosa. We use these data to examine, for example, the impact of fruit biomass,
720 rainfall, and temperature on primate ranging behaviours, diet selection, and activity budgets at
721 the group level.
722 Depending on his or her own research goals, investigators may also choose to follow the group
723 scan with scan sampling of individuals of the social group. Additional fine-grained detail, such as
724 size and type of supports used during the behaviours can also be added to the data collection
725 protocol. These data can be used, among other things, for examining individual-level differences
726 in activity budgets and foraging preferences, and the extent of niche divergence within the group.
727 Focal animal sampling
728 Focal animal sampling (FAS) is conducted in between group scan (and optionally individual scan)
729 samples, and FPV records, and/or by another researcher who is not collecting the scan or FPV
730 data. The duration of the FAS, and the choice of behavioural detail to record, is a project-based
731 decision, as is whether to use continuous or instantaneous sampling. We use an extensive,
732 standardized ethogram and researchers use a core set of codes and then may choose to increase
733 the level of detail to record for different types of behavioural categories. For example, some
734 students are more interested in social behaviour (Bergstrom and Fedigan 2013; Schoof and Jack
735 2014), while others are more interested in foraging behaviour (McCabe and Fedigan 2007; Hogan
736 et al. 2018, In prep). The more detailed states and events are nested, with each behaviour falling
737 under a larger behavioural category. For example, the more detailed “hand sniffing” behaviour
738 is listed under a broader category of “social active”. In this way, different studies can often still
739 be compared using broader behavioural categories. When needed, researchers can add new
740 behaviours, or relevant and associated environmental metadata, and nest this within an
741 appropriate overarching behaviour.
742 In the context of foraging, researchers will often use FAS to record foraging on invertebrates
743 outside of clumped (e.g. trees full of caterpillars) patches (McCabe and Fedigan 2007; Mosdossy
744 et al. 2015; Melin et al. 2016). Because capture rates of non-clumped invertebrates are far slower
745 than fruit investigation rates, the general protocols for focal animal sampling, including
746 randomization among individuals and durations of 10 or 15 minutes, work well for studying this
747 type of behaviour. If researchers are exclusively interested in invertebrate foraging, they may
748 target this behaviour, and attempt to sample equal amounts of invertebrate foraging for each
749 monkey. For example, the researcher would not start a FAS when a study subject was resting,
750 but rather wait until they began to forage (Webb et. al. 2018; In prep). As a reminder, this is only
751 appropriate when FAS is not used to calculate activity budgets (section 9.4).
752 When the primates are feeding in a clumped patch, and the researchers are interested in
753 comparing feeding rates among individuals, a modified method of focal animal sampling is used
754 to collect data on investigation sequences from detection of food to decision about edibility (e.g.
755 touch, sniff, bite, reject) and intake rates of fruit, flowers, or clumped invertebrates. As explained
756 in section 9.4, the goal here is gathering sufficient data for multiple individuals under the most
757 similar ecological conditions possible. The duration of the modified “mini” focal animal should be
758 sufficient to observe ca. 20 ingest events; the duration needed is often much shorter than 10
759 minutes and is affected by the species of plant being foraged in, because the speed at which
760 monkeys consume fruits varies greatly depends on the size and ripeness conspicuity of the foods
761 (Melin et al. 2017).
762 Ongoing census record and additional contextual information
763 The final type of data we collect each session are ad libitum data for ongoing census, group
764 membership, and dominance records, which are summarized and archived monthly. For babies
765 born in our study groups, we use the date of previous contact and size/colour of any new infants
766 to approximate date of birth. We also record deaths, including manner of death when observed,
767 or disappearances. Because we individually recognize all individuals it is also often possible to
768 track emigrations or immigration between social groups. We additionally collect data on physical
769 appearance, such as new wounds or injuries, and update ID sheets with appearance of birthmarks
770 and scars, which can vary with season. Finally, we record other ad libitum contextual data,
771 including observed aggression and submission between individuals, mating behaviour, details
772 around inter-group encounters, comments on the extent of habituation of new immigrants, and
773 concerns about health of study subjects, especially infants. The monthly census information is
774 used to ask questions concerning demography that require long-term data, for example
775 reproductive success, inter-birth intervals, sex skew at birth, age of first reproduction, cessation
776 of reproduction, and life expectancy.
777 In sum, our data collection protocol includes: a) documenting the contact with monkey groups
778 for each session, b) all occurrence data for new food patch visits and other infrequent items of
779 interest to long-term data (e.g. inter-group encounters), c) instantaneous group (and often
780 individual) scans every 30 min, d) 10 or 15 minute focal animal samples tailored to the goals of
781 the study, which may be done together with “mini” focal animal samples of customized duration
782 when monkeys are foraging together in trees for clumped resources, e) census updates each
783 session to record births, deaths or disappearances, wounds, immigrations and emigrations, along
784 with other contextual ad libitum data for behaviours of interest to long-term study.
786 9.7 Summary and final thoughts
787 In this chapter, we highlight the relevance of studying foraging behaviours and dietary ecology,
788 and pinpoint several key variables that can be measured and analyzed to answer research
789 questions in this field. A key message we hope to convey is that researchers should explicitly
790 tailor their methods to the questions they seek to answer, and we draw attention to the pros and
791 cons of different sampling techniques. In particular, we suggest that relatively short, sequential
792 focal animal follows of multiple individuals foraging in the same food patch offer perhaps the
793 best ability to draw comparisons among the food intake rates of individuals linked to individual-
794 level traits (e.g. dominance, sex, age). We suggest that, at least 20 ingest events per individual
795 per food patch should be observed to calculate a relatively stable and representative feeding
796 rate. Overall, rather than conducting focal animal samples in food trees for a set duration, it could
797 be productive to observe primates until they have eaten at least 20 (ideally more) fruits.
798 However, we emphasize two points: 1) the stop time for the sample should be independent of
799 the fruit ingest events. We recommend a timer alarm, set for 30 seconds (or so), be used to signal
800 the end of the focal follow (e.g. stop the focal sample at the next alarm sounding, following the
801 desired number of ingest events; 2) these focal data cannot be used to calculate activity budgets.
802 Rather, it may be helpful to combine this targeted focal sampling with scan sampling to measure
803 activity budgets.
804 Integration of multiple sampling strategies (scan sampling, focal sampling, all occurrence
805 sampling) allows researchers to answer different questions, and also helps facilitate
806 simultaneous collection of standardized data for long-term studies with individualized data for
807 student theses or other shorter research projects. We conclude our chapter by commenting on
808 methods for analysis of behavioural data. There are a wide variety of valid approaches to
809 analysing behaviour of wild animals. Our collective experiences with both long- and short-term
810 datasets have revealed the utility of nested hierarchies in data analysis. This approach helps to
811 maintain independence between analyses when the same overall dataset is used to answer
812 questions at different levels, regardless of the eventual statistical models and tests used.
813 Throughout the chapter we use our long-term observations of capuchins in Sector Santa Rosa to
814 illustrate our points, and to provide an example of how our research group is approaching the
815 study of primate dietary and sensory ecology. One goal of our chapter is to draw attention to the
816 range of methods being used in primatology currently to study feeding and foraging, and we hope
817 to inspire further discussion about practices and methods in this field.
819 9.7.1 Outlook for primate foraging ecology
820 The future of research in primate feeding ecology is bright. We conclude by highlighting a few of
821 the promising avenues of current and future research in this area. By integrating detailed study
822 of behaviour using methods outlined above with the steady advances in the portability and
823 precision of equipment for measuring food properties (e.g. mechanical, nutritional, volatile
824 compounds) and improving methodologies for preservation and analysis, we can ask increasingly
825 refined questions. For example, current and future work will improve our understanding of how
826 the nutritional contents of food—including micronutrients—influences rates of food intake and
827 subsequent food patch choices across individuals and species. Our understanding of the genomic
828 underpinnings of sensory phenotypic variation is also continually improving. By examining
829 sensory investigation sequences and intake rates, together with genomic sequencing and gene
830 expression studies, future studies will reveal how differences in genetic variation underlying
831 taste, odor or hardness perception affect food choice and processing intra- and inter-specifically.
832 Studies of the cognitive processes and brain structure combined with observations of ranging
833 behaviour, resource monitoring and sensory engagement in captive and wild studies will provide
834 new insight into forces shaping the evolution of cognition, including how memory and novel
835 discovery interact during foraging behaviours. Examining the ontogeny of foraging skills in
836 different contexts, improvements in feeding efficiency, and components of the learning process
837 within and across species will also further our understanding of cognitive mechanisms as they
838 related to food acquisition and problem solving in an evolutionary context. These research topics,
839 and many more, will benefit from careful selection of observation methods, and the integration
840 of behavioural data with the study of food and habitat properties, morphology, genes and
841 genomic-level processes.
842 Dedication
843 We dedicate this chapter to Linda M. Fedigan, whose vision and leadership in areas great and
844 small has made this work possible, and also a terrific experience.
845 Acknowledgements
846 We thank Urs Kalbitzer and Kathy Jack for inviting this contribution. We acknowledge the
847 decades-long contributions of Linda M. Fedigan and John Addicott to the Santa Rosa project,
848 which enabled the research we discuss here. We also extend our warmest thanks to Kathy Jack
849 for her ongoing collaboration and contributions to research in Sector Santa Rosa (SSR). We would
850 be remiss if we did not highlight the key role that past and current researchers in SSR played in
851 this process of standardizing behavioural data collection, including generating a shared
852 ethogram. We would like to especially acknowledge Fernando Campos, Jeremy Hogan, Monica
853 Myers, Gillian King-Bailey, Mackenzie Bergstrom, Eva Wikberg, and Valerie Schoof. Conversations
854 with colleagues over many years have contributed to the ideas presented in this chapter and we
855 thank Shoji Kawamura, Chihiro Hiramatsu, Filippo Aureli, Steig Johnson, Nate Dominy, and Erin
856 Vogel. We thank Roger Blanco Segura and Maria Marta Chavarria and staff from the Área de
857 Conservación Guanacaste and Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía. Warmest thanks also to Nina
858 Beeby, Adrienne Blauel, Saul Cheves Hernandez, Adrian Guadamuz, Brandon Klug, Kelly Kries,
859 Michael Lemmon, Ronald Lopez, Nigel Parr, Emily Walco, and Laura Weckman for assistance in
860 the field.
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1087 Table 9.1. Ethogram of behaviours recorded during individual scan sampling of white-faced
1088 capuchin monkeys in Sector Santa Rosa, Costa Rica.
Type of Behaviour Description
Forage: Visual Actively looking for food, including gleaning insects while moving
Forage: Fruit (Extractive) Pounding fruit, picking seeds from within
Forage: Invertebrate Tearing branches, ripping bark while foraging, exploring tree holes
Forage: Flower Feeding/Foraging on flowers
Forage: Fruit Feeding/Foraging on fruit
Forage: Invertebrates Feeding/Foraging on invertebrates without extractive behaviours
Forage: Other Foraging on bromeliad leaves, pith, vertebrates
Forage: Out of sight Focal individual is foraging but hands, mouths, or other relevant
features cannot be seen clearly
Out of sight Focal individual is completely out of sight
Drink Intake of water from ground sources or tree holes
Other Any other behaviour not covered, comment and ad lib notes taken
Intergroup encounter (IGE) Interaction with another monkey group
Mobbing Vocalizing, chasing or displaying at a predator
Play Play: biting, chasing, hitting, bouncing, pushing, non-agonistic
Solitary Rest Resting without touching other monkeys
Social Active Affiliative behaviour; allogrooming
Social Aggressive Chasing, biting conspecifics, agonistic contexts
Self-Directed Grooming self
Social Rest Individual is inactive and is in contact with another individual
Travel Travel; not foraging or socializing
Excretion Passing of feces, urine, or vomit
Vigilant Scanning intently at a long range (not for food)
1091 Figure Captions
1092 Figure 9.1. Analysis of capuchin fruit ingest rates, with a) boxplot of intake rates (number of ingest
1093 events ≥40 for all bouts analyzed) for nine fruit species. Displayed fruit sizes are proportional to
1094 the actual size of each fruit; b) distribution of bout intake rate errors, calculated as the absolute
1095 value of the difference between the "best possible" intake rate and the permuted intake rate
1096 estimated through resampling, with 1,000 estimates per number of fruit intake events; c) boxplot
1097 of bout intake rate errors estimated through resampling, shown at 5-fruit intervals with outliers
1098 not shown (see panel B for all points, including outliers).
1099 Figure 9.2 Standardized durations assigned to fruit intake events as a function of position in a
1100 bout sequence. Resource depletion effects are expected to decelerate the fruit intake rate and
1101 thus increase event durations over time. Our results, however, demonstrate that this effect is
1102 either small or nonexistent for feeding rate data on nine species included in our analyses.
1103 Figure 9.3. Illustration of a nested hierarchy of variables used to assess activity budget at different
1104 levels, from more general (left) to more specific (right). For details see text.
A 60
Figure 9.1
Erythroxylum havanense
Krugiodendron ferreum
Casearia sylvestris
Ficus hondurensis
Standardized Duration
Ficus cotinifolia
Karwinskia calderoni
Cordia panamensis
Ficus ovalis
Bursera simaruba
0 50 100
Sequence Position
Figure 9.2
Figure 9.3