Focus4 2E Unit Test Vocabulary Grammar UoE Unit6 GroupA
Focus4 2E Unit Test Vocabulary Grammar UoE Unit6 GroupA
Focus4 2E Unit Test Vocabulary Grammar UoE Unit6 GroupA
0 She committed an offence when she was 0 Unless / Supposing you didn’t speak English
driving. I'm not sure what it was but she had to fluently, would you still move to Australia?
pay a fine.
1 Imagine / Provided no one airbrushed any
1 In order to _____________ your ___________ ,
photos ever again, would people become less
you should avoid sharing too much information
insecure about their looks?
2 Living a more ecological lifestyle is __________ 2 Had / Should you experience any difficulties,
_______________ , it’s easier to recycle and please contact the tech team.
buy products that don’t harm the environment.
3 Weren’t they / Were they not very professional,
3 Why are you __________________________? they’d never get chosen for that project.
Just tell me what happened.
4 I’m sure they wouldn’t reject our application
4 She _____________ the same _____________
unless / provided they had a good reason.
as her boyfriend, that they had been at home
all evening and hadn’t heard anything. 5 We got their permission to organise a party
5 Wait a moment, I'll ______________________ . provided / imagine that we would clean up
You look great with the mountains in the afterwards.
background . ___/5
2 Complete the sentences with the missing 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form
words. The first letters are given. of the verbs in brackets.
0 The underlying message is that she doesn’t 0 If I was/were (be) a good student, I wouldn’t
really want to go with us. She just doesn’t want have failed (not fail) yet another test.
to say it.
1 If you _______________________ (join) the
1 He works as a foreign a_______________ gym a month ago with me, you ____________
journalist and goes to some dangerous places. ____________ (be) in a lot better shape today!
2 'What? Are you eating pizza? Again?' 'Sorry, we 5 She shouted and now I’m upset. WOULDN’T
_______________________ (order) something If she ________________________________
else, if only James _______________________ upset now.
(not be) such a fan of pizza! You know him!' ___/5
3 Don’t complain. We ______________________ 6 Read the text and choose the correct answer, A,
(not be) in such a hurry now if you __________ B or C.
______________ (not oversleep)!
A 0seven-year-old girl became the focus of 1_____
4 If he _______________________ (like) her, he over the weekend when she managed to find her
_______________________ (not oppose) her way home after getting lost in central London.
idea. But he doesn’t, so he didn’t care. Her mother, who was extremely upset, contacted
the police telling them her 2_____ was that her
5 We _______________________ (lie) in the daughter, Annabel, had been kidnapped. However,
Greek sun right now if we _________________ while the police were searching cars and streets,
________________ (not miss) the flight! the 3_____ girl was calmly making her way home
___/5 on the underground. Later, she gave a blow-
_____ -blow account of how she managed to find
Use of English
her way home by recognising posters at the
5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a stations where she usually changed trains with
similar meaning to the first. Use the word in her mother. ‘I’d never forgive myself if anything
capitals. Write up to five words. 5
_____ to her’, the child’s mother later told
0 The artefacts were made in the 17th century. reporters.
The artefacts date back to the 17th century. 0 A seven-years-old B seven-year-old