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Unistrut Engineering Data

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TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 1

Engineering Data
General Information

Engineering Data - Beams and Columns

Notes to Table Beam Loads

Note 1: Loads are governed by shear or web crippling. The loads and deflections shown are based on simply
Note 2: For uniform beam working loads asymmetric supported beams uniformly loaded. For other loading
sections are required to be adequately braced to prevent configurations refer to Reference Tables (Table 1) in this
rotation and twist. Tab Section.

Structural Data

1. Section Properties 2.3 Deflection

Section properties have been derived from ’as formed‘ Deflections are calculated for the corresponding beam
shapes and are based on nominal dimensions and working load, using standard formulae. Deflections or
nominal base steel thickness. Nominal masses are calculated uniformly distributed loads for conditions other than those
from the tabulated areas based on a steel density of 7850 kg tabulated may be calculated from the following:-
per cu.m. For dead load calculations the tabulated masses
should be increased by 10% to allow for rolling tolerances,
and the result multiplied by 0.0098 to give corresponding
dead load (self weight) in kN per m. run of section. Also note
δ2 = W2
W1 []L2

the beam and column loads do not make allowance for self where: W1 tabulated load in kN
weight of the section. When designing a structure in which
the section forms an integral part, the self weight should be
δ1 corresponding tabulated deflection in mm
determined using the method described above and L1 corresponding tabulated length in mm
subtracted from the tabulated load. W2 new load
L2 new length
2. Beam and Column Load Tables δ2 deflection corresponding to new length and
Ultimate load values have been calculated from the section new load
properties as permitted by AS/NZS 4600 Cold Formed Steel
Structures code. The guaranteed minimum yield stress Fy has It is recommended that beam deflections generally be limited
been taken as 210MPa for plain channels, and the increase to the smaller of span/180 or 10mm and loads restricted
allowed resulting from cold forming has been determined in accordingly. These limitations are based on ‘visual
accordance with the code. The listed working loads have straightness’ with the latter value subject to variation to suit
been derived from the ultimate load divided by 1.5. particular visual or other physical requirements.

2.1 Span or Column Length 2.4 Maximum Column Load

Listed value is to be taken as the distance between centres Listed values of column load capacity are derived on the
of supports. basis of a concentric axial load applied to the section, acting
as a column with an effective length corresponding to the
2.2 Beam Load at Maximum Permissible Stresses listed value, i.e. translational and torsional restraint available
In order to establish the table of working loads that can be at the centres of supports. For other conditions of loading
carried by the corresponding section, the ultimate limit state and/or restraint, reference should be made to the appropriate
loads that could be permitted by the code were first sections of AS/NZS 4600 Cold Formed Steel Structures.
determined. These were divided by 1.5 to provide
‘conservative’ working loads. The load is considered to be 3. Recommended Bearing & Connection Loads
uniformly distributed along the span and orientated with Listed values are based on extensive testing of
respect to the section, as defined by the diagrams to cause components by Unistrut Australia Pty Limited using a factor
bending about X-X axis only. The webs of the beams are of safety of 2.5 against failure of the connection.
assumed to be unstiffened and have been checked for end
bearing in accordance with clause 3.3.6 of AS/NZS4600:1996. 4. Point Loads
Where this is critical the working loads have been For point loads at midspan, the allowable loads are half the
appropriately reduced. This assessment has been based on values shown in the tables. The deflection for the point load
a rigid support with the beam bearing on each support for a is obtained from: δ2 = 0.80 δ1
length equal to at least the straight length of web-depth of where δ1 is the deflection for a uniform load which is
the basic section. double the value of the point load.

© Copyright by Tyco International Ltd.
Unistrut/ACS reserves the right to change product designs and specifications without notice.
TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 2

Engineering Data - P1000

Channel and Combination

Beams and Columns

Beam Span Uniform Deflection Max. Beam Span Uniform Deflection Max.
or Column Beam at Uniform Loading or Column Beam at Uniform Loading
Unsupported Working Working of Unsupported Working Working of
Height Section Load Load Column Height Section Load Load Column
mm Number kN mm kN mm Number kN mm kN

P1000 14.83 0.22 45.51 P1000 2.12 10.71 11.00

P1001 25.64 0.08 97.71 P1001 5.60 6.13 53.40
P1001-3 27.90 0.02 146.48 P1001-3 13.58 4.02 80.11
250 P1001C3 25.64 0.05 145.92 1750 P1001C3 7.98 5.25 83.31
P1001C41 25.64 0.04 195.70 P1001C41 12.09 6.13 123.36
P1003 17.46 0.15 78.01 P1003 2.49 7.25 37.16
P1004A 26.33 0.02 157.31 P1004A 16.30 3.72 103.39
P1000 7.42 0.87 36.84 P1000 1.85 13.99 9.35
P1001 19.58 0.50 94.09 P1001 4.90 8.01 44.21
P1001-3 27.90 0.19 141.13 P1001-3 11.88 5.25 66.33
500 P1001C3 25.64 0.39 138.70 2000 P1001C3 6.98 6.86 72.48
P1001C41 25.64 0.30 188.76 P1001C41 10.58 8.01 109.59
P1003 8.73 0.59 74.48 P1003 2.18 9.48 29.41
P1004A 26.33 0.14 153.24 P1004A 14.26 4.86 90.69
P1000 4.94 1.97 28.22 P1000 1.65 17.70 8.05
P1001 13.06 1.13 88.35 P1001 4.35 10.13 35.62
P1001-3 27.90 0.65 132.53 P1001-3 10.56 6.65 53.44
750 P1001C3 18.61 0.96 128.60 2250 P1001C3 6.20 8.68 62.04
P1001C41 25.64 1.02 178.34 P1001C41 9.41 10.13 96.41
P1003 5.82 1.33 68.94 P1003 1.94 11.99 23.24
P1004A 26.33 0.47 146.68 P1004A 12.68 6.15 78.16
P1000 3.71 3.50 21.44 P1000 1.48 21.85 7.01
P1001 9.79 2.00 80.90 P1001 3.92 12.51 28.85
P1001-3 23.76 1.31 121.36 P1001-3 9.50 8.21 43.29
1000 P1001C3 13.96 1.72 117.29 2500 P1001C3 5.58 10.72 52.11
P1001C41 21.16 2.00 165.65 P1001C41 8.47 12.51 83.93
P1003 4.36 2.37 61.87 P1003 1.75 14.81 18.82
P1004A 26.33 1.12 137.97 P1004A 11.41 7.59 66.20
P1000 2.97 5.46 16.42 P1000 1.35 26.44 6.14
P1001 7.83 3.13 72.23 P1001 3.56 15.14 23.85
P1001-3 19.01 2.05 108.36 P1001-3 8.64 9.93 35.78
1250 P1001C3 11.17 2.68 105.77 2750 P1001C3 5.08 12.97 44.05
P1001C41 16.93 3.13 151.78 P1001C41 7.70 15.13 72.11
P1003 3.49 3.70 53.84 P1003 3.56 15.14 23.85
P1004A 22.82 1.90 127.53 P1004A 10.37 9.19 55.06
P1000 2.47 7.87 13.20 P1000 1.24 31.47 0.00
P1001 6.53 4.50 62.89 P1001 3.26 18.02 20.04
P1001-3 15.84 2.95 94.35 P1001-3 7.92 11.82 30.07
1500 P1001C3 9.31 3.86 94.42 3000 P1001C3 4.65 15.44 37.67
P1001C41 14.11 4.50 137.52 P1001C41 7.05 18.01 62.18
P1003 2.91 5.33 45.43 P1003 1.45 21.32 0.00
P1004A 19.02 2.73 115.84 P1004A 9.51 10.93 46.27

The table should be read in conjunction with ‘Notes on Derivation of Structural Data’ and ‘How to use Load Tables’ in this Tab Section.

4B 1
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Unistrut Australia Pty Ltd reserves the right to change product designs and specifications without notice.
TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 3

Engineering Data - P2000

Channel and Combination

Elements of Section
Area of Axis XX Axis YY
Mass Section I Z r l Z r
Part No. kg/m mm2 106mm4 103mm3 mm 106mm4 103mm3 mm

P1000 2.59 330 0.069 2.920 14.5 0.092 4.451 16.7

P1001 5.18 660 0.318 7.711 22.0 0.184 8.902 16.7
P1001-3 7.78 991 1.178 18.713 34.5 0.276 13.365 16.7
P1001C3 7.78 991 0.530 10.995 23.1 0.576 13.945 24.1
P1001D3 7.77 991 0.481 10.203 22.0 0.557 13.491 23.7
P1001C41 10.38 1322 0.688 16.670 22.8 0.931 22.546 26.5
P1003 4.55 580 0.120 3.771 14.4 0.300 6.007 22.8
P1004A 9.12 1162 1.529 24.660 36.3 0.424 18.336 19.1

l - Moment of Inertia
Z - Section Modulus
r - Radius of Gyration

For Slip and Pullout Performance details

refer to this Tab Section.

4B 2
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Unistrut/ACS reserves the right to change product designs and specifications without notice.
TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 4

Engineering Data - P2000

Channel and Combination

Beam and Columns

Beam Span Uniform Deflection Max. Beam Span Uniform Deflection Max.
or Column Beam at Uniform Loading or Column Beam at Uniform Loading
Unsupported Working Working of Unsupported Working Working of
Height Section Load Load Column Height Section Load Load Column
mm Number kN mm kN mm Number kN mm kN

P2000 10.30 0.20 32.92 P2000 1.73 11.54 5.56

250 P2001 11.78 0.05 70.84 1750 P2001 4.75 6.35 38.39
P2001C3 11.77 0.03 106.31 P2001C3 6.24 5.53 59.16
P2000 6.06 0.94 26.55 P2000 1.27 (2) 8.41 5.46
500 P2001 11.78 0.37 68.18 2000 P2001 3.48 (2) 4.63 31.77
P2001C3 11.77 0.24 101.69 P2001C3 4.01 (2) 3.97 58.18
P2000 4.04 2.12 19.21 P2000 1.35 19.07 4.02
750 P2001 11.09 1.17 63.96 2250 P2001 3.70 10.50 25.48
P2001C3 11.77 0.24 94.74 P2001C3 4.85 9.13 43.10
P2000 3.03 3.77 12.91 P2000 1.21 23.55 3.53
1000 P2001 8.32 2.07 58.50 2500 P2001 3.33 12.96 20.64
P2001C3 10.91 1.80 86.31 P2001C3 4.37 11.28 36.13
P2000 2.42 5.89 9.03 P2000 1.10 28.49 3.14
1250 P2001 6.65 3.24 52.15 2750 P2001 3.02 15.68 17.06
P2001C3 8.73 2.82 77.21 P2001C3 3.97 13.64 30.72
P2000 2.02 8.48 6.89 P2000 1.01 33.91 2.82
1500 P2001 5.54 4.67 45.32 3000 P2001 2.77 18.66 14.33
P2001C3 7.28 4.06 68.03 P2001C3 3.64 16.24 26.44

The table should be read in conjunction with ‘Notes on Derivation of Structural Data’ and ‘How to use Load Tables’ in this Tab Section.

Elements of Section
Area of Axis XX Axis YY
Mass Section I Z r l Z r
Part No. kg/m mm2 106mm4 103mm3 mm 106mm4 103mm3 mm

P2000 1.79 228 0.052 2.297 15.2 0.065 3.143 16.9

P2001 3.63 462 0.261 6.321 23.8 0.131 6.367 16.9
P2001C3 5.46 695 0.394 8.302 23.8 0.418 8.410 24.5

l - Moment of Inertia
Z - Section Modulus
r - Radius of Gyration

For Slip and Pullout Performance details, refer to this Tab Section.

© Copyright by Tyco International Ltd.
Unistrut/ACS reserves the right to change product designs and specifications without notice.
TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 5

Engineering Data - P3300

Channel and Combination

Beams and Columns

Beam Span Uniform Deflection Max. Beam Span Uniform Deflection Max.
or Column Beam at Uniform Loading or Column Beam at Uniform Loading
Unsupported Working Working of Unsupported Working Working of
Height Section Load Load Column Height Section Load Load Column
mm Number kN mm kN mm Number kN mm kN

P3300 5.52 0.42 34.88 P3300 0.79 20.63 0.00

250 1750
P3301 15.58 0.25 73.20 P3301 2.23 12.32 20.21
P3300 2.76 1.68 27.76 P3300 0.69 26.95 0.00
500 2000
P3301 7.79 1.01 67.32 P3301 1.95 16.09 15.47
P3300 1.84 3.79 19.42 P3300 0.61 34.11 0.00
750 2250
P3301 5.19 2.26 58.55 P3301 1.73 20.36 12.22
P3300 1.38 6.74 12.08 P3300 0.55 42.11 0.00
1000 2500
P3301 3.90 4.02 48.16 P3301 1.56 25.13 0.00
P3300 1.10 10.53 7.90 P3300 0.50 50.95 0.00
1250 2750
P3301 3.12 6.28 37.47 P3301 1.42 30.41 0.00
P3300 0.92 15.16 5.56 P3300 0.46 60.63 0.00
1500 3000
P3301 2.60 9.05 27.50 P3301 1.30 36.19 0.00

The table should be read in conjunction with ‘Notes on Derivation of Structural Data’ and ‘How to use Load Tables’ in this Tab Section.

Elements of section
Area of Axis XX Axis YY
Mass Section I Z r l Z r
Part No. kg/m mm2 106mm4 103mm3 mm 106mm4 103mm3 mm

P3300 1.82 232 0.013 0.999 7.6 0.055 2.661 15.4

P3301 3.65 465 0.063 2.841 11.6 0.110 5.329 15.4

l - Moment of Inertia
Z - Section Modulus
r - Radius of Gyration

For Slip and Pullout Performance details, refer to this Tab Section.

© Copyright by Tyco International Ltd.
Unistrut/ACS reserves the right to change product designs and specifications without notice.
TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 6

Engineering Data - P4000

Channel and Combination

Beams and Columns

Beam Span Uniform Deflection Max. Beam Span Uniform Deflection Max.
or Column Beam at Uniform Loading or Column Beam at Uniform Loading
Unsupported Working Working of Unsupported Working Working of
Height Section Load Load Column Height Section Load Load Column
mm Number kN mm kN mm Number kN mm kN

P4000 4.20 0.44 22.36 P4000 0.60 21.69 0.00

P4001 10.39 0.24 49.05 P4001 1.59 12.67 14.00
250 1750
P4003 11.16 0.06 73.53 P4003 4.30 8.35 26.45
P4002-1 4.71 0.25 51.41 P4002-1 0.67 12.10 0.00
P4000 2.10 1.77 16.30 P4000 0.52 28.33 0.00
P4001 5.55 1.03 45.24 P4001 1.39 16.54 10.72
500 2000
P4003 11.16 0.51 68.80 P4003 3.76 10.90 20.25
P4002-1 2.35 0.99 42.12 P4002-1 0.59 15.81 0.00
P4000 1.40 3.98 10.46 P4000 0.47 35.86 0.00
P4001 3.70 2.33 39.54 P4001 1.23 20.94 8.47
750 2250
P4003 10.02 1.53 62.23 P4003 3.34 13.80 16.01
P4002-1 2.35 0.99 42.12 P4002-1 0.52 20.01 0.00
P4000 1.05 7.08 6.54 P4000 0.42 44.27 0.00
P4001 2.78 4.14 32.74 P4001 1.11 25.85 0.00
1000 2500
P4003 7.52 2.73 53.62 P4003 3.01 17.04 12.97
P4002-1 1.18 3.95 18.99 P4002-1 0.47 24.70 0.00
P4000 0.84 11.07 4.54 P4000 0.38 53.57 0.00
P4001 2.22 6.46 25.69 P4001 1.01 31.28 0.00
1250 2750
P4003 6.01 4.26 44.23 P4003 2.73 20.61 0.00
P4002-1 0.94 6.18 12.16 P4002-1 0.43 29.89 0.00
P4000 0.70 15.94 3.35 P4000 0.35 63.57 0.00
P4001 1.85 9.31 19.06 P4001 0.93 37.22 0.00
1500 3000
P4003 5.01 6.13 34.96 P4003 2.51 24.53 0.00
P4002-1 0.78 8.89 0.00 P4002-1 0.39 35.57 0.00

The table should be read in conjunction with ‘Notes on Derivation of Structural Data’ and ‘How to use Load Tables’ in this Tab Section.

Elements of Section

Area of Axis XX Axis YY

Mass Section I Z r l Z r
Part No. kg/m mm2 106mm4 103mm3 mm 106mm4 103mm3 mm

P4000 1.26 160 0.010 0.786 7.8 0.039 1.880 15.6

P4001 2.51 320 0.044 2.082 11.7 0.078 3.764 15.6
P4002-1 3.22 410 0.019 1.036 6.9 0.247 4.946 24.6
P4003 3.77 480 0.180 5.636 19.3 0.083 4.002 13.1

l - Moment of Inertia
Z - Section Modulus
r - Radius of Gyration

For Slip and Pullout Performance details, refer to this Tab Section.

© Copyright by Tyco International Ltd.
Unistrut Australia Pty Ltd reserves the right to change product designs and specifications without notice.
TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 7

Engineering Data - P5500

Channel and Combination

Beams and Columns

Beam Span Uniform Deflection Max. Beam Span Uniform Deflection Max.
or Column Beam at Uniform Loading or Column Beam at Uniform Loading
Unsupported Working Working of Unsupported Working Working of
Height Section Load Load Column Height Section Load Load Column
mm Number kN mm kN mm Number kN mm kN

P5500 27.04 0.14 57.03 P5500 3.08 11.59 8.72

250 2250
P5501 27.04 0.03 122.16 P5501 9.11 6.43 50.48
P5500 13.84 0.57 45.91 P5500 2.77 14.31 7.81
500 2500
P5501 27.04 0.21 118.17 P5501 8.20 7.93 41.04
P5500 9.23 1.29 33.78 P5500 2.52 17.31 7.06
750 2750
P5501 27.04 0.71 111.82 P5501 7.46 9.60 33.92
P5500 6.92 2.29 23.85 P5500 2.31 20.61 6.43
1000 3000
P5501 20.50 1.27 103.50 P5501 6.83 11.42 28.50
P5500 5.54 3.58 17.38 P5500 2.13 24.18 5.89
1250 3250
P5501 16.40 1.98 93.71 P5501 6.31 13.41 24.28
P5500 4.61 5.15 13.76 P5500 1.98 28.05 0.00
1500 3500
P5501 13.67 2.86 82.98 P5501 5.86 15.55 0.00
P5500 3.95 7.01 11.48 P5500 1.85 32.20 0.00
1750 3750
P5501 11.72 3.89 71.88 P5501 5.47 17.85 0.00
P5500 3.46 9.16 9.89 P5500 1.73 36.63 0.00
2000 4000
P5501 10.25 5.08 60.91 P5501 5.13 20.31 0.00

The table should be read in conjunction with ‘Notes on Derivation of Structural Data’ and ‘How to use Load Tables’ in this Tab Section.

Elements of Section
Area of Axis XX Axis YY
Mass Section I Z r l Z r
Part No. kg/m mm2 106mm4 103mm3 mm 106mm4 103mm3 mm

P5500 3.40 433 0.197 5.730 21.3 0.131 6.328 17.4

P5501 6.81 867 1.052 16.990 34.8 0.261 12.662 17.4

l - Moment of Inertia
Z - Section Modulus
r - Radius of Gyration

For Slip and Pullout Performance details, refer to this Tab Section.

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Unistrut/ACS reserves the right to change product designs and specifications without notice.
TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 8

Engineering Data - A1000

32mm Channel and Combination

Beams & Columns - A1000

Beam Span Uniform Deflection Max. Beam Span Uniform Deflection Max.
or Column Beam at Uniform Loading or Column Beam at Uniform Loading
Unsupported Working Working of Unsupported Working Working of
Height Section Load Load Column Height Section Load Load Column
mm Number kN mm kN mm Number kN mm kN

A1000 7.36 0.29 26.98 A1000 1.05 14.00 5.12

250 1750
A1001 16.17 0.12 59.99 A1001 2.99 7.86 21.58
A1000 3.68 1.14 20.05 A1000 0.92 18.29 4.27
500 2000
A1001 10.47 0.64 56.28 A1001 2.62 10.27 16.52
A1000 2.54 2.57 14.26 A1000 0.82 23.15 0.00
750 2250
A1001 6.98 1.44 50.60 A1001 2.33 12.99 13.05
A1000 1.84 4.57 10.19 A1000 0.74 28.58 0.00
1000 2500
A1001 5.23 2.57 43.60 A1001 2.09 16.04 10.57
A1000 1.47 7.14 7.78 A1000 0.67 34.58 0.00
1250 2750
A1001 4.19 4.01 36.00 A1001 1.90 19.41 0.00
A1000 1.23 10.29 6.23 A1000 0.61 41.15 0.00
1500 3000
A1001 3.49 5.78 28.49 A1001 1.74 23.10 0.00

The table should be read in conjunction with ‘Notes on Derivation of Structural Data’ and ‘How to use Load Tables’ in this Tab Section.

Elements of Section

Area of Axis XX Axis YY

Mass Section I Z r l Z r
Part No. kg/m mm2 106mm4 103mm3 mm 106mm4 103mm3 mm

A1000 1.62 207 0.026 1.466 11.2 0.034 2.116 12.8

A1001 3.25 414 0.133 4.175 17.9 0.067 4.237 12.8

l - Moment of Inertia
Z - Section Modulus
r - Radius of Gyration

For Slip and Pullout Performance details, refer to this Tab Section.

Load data - For Unistrut sections subject to crushing loads

Load Load
Section A1000 Section A1000
Recommended Load: 13.3kN Recommended Load: 8.9kN
Safety Factor: 2.5 Safety Factor: 2.5

End of

Section Section
Listed Listed

© Copyright by Tyco International Ltd.
Unistrut Australia Pty Ltd reserves the right to change product designs and specifications without notice.
TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 9

Engineering Data - Nuts

Slip and Pullout Performance

“Load capacities have been calculated

Slip and Pullout Performance - Zinc Plated
in accordance with the provisions of
AS/NZS 4600:1996 “Cold-formed
Channel Nut Pullout Slip Torque
steel structures”, and in particular,
Type Type (kN) (kN) (Nm)
Section The bolting system
chosen using the data provided in the
P1006 7.3 2.7* 9
tables will perform as specified when
P1007 10.1 5.2* 22
design, fabrication and erection are P1000
carried out in accordance with P1008 16.5 8.7* 44
Unistrut’s recommendations and P1010 16.5 12.9* 77
accepted building practice”. P3016 2.1 0.3 9
P1006 4.8 1.1* 9
To simplify the table, channel nuts with
P2000 P1007 5.0 4.0* 22
springs only shown with the exception of P1008 10.8 7.1* 37
P3016. Unistrut nuts without springs will P1010 10.8 6.7* 37
have identical performance. P3016 2.2 0.6 9
Figures marked with (*) in the table P4006 7.3 2.7* 9
opposite were obtained using high strength P3300 P4007 10.1 5.2* 22
(Grade 8.8) screws. P4008 16.5 8.7* 44
P4010 16.5 12.9* 77
Figures not marked with (*) were obtained
using standard strength (Grade 4.6) screws. P3016 2.1 0.3 9
It should be noted that unless otherwise P4006 4.8 1.1* 9
specified, standard strength screws (Grade P4000 P4007 5.0 4.0* 22
4.6) are supplied. P4008 10.8 7.1* 37
For Slip Loads using 4.6 Grade P4010 10.8 6.7* 37
Commercial bolts and screws, Contact A1000 A1008 11.3 3.7* 44
your local Unistrut Service Centre. P5508 16.5 8.7* 44
P5510 16.5 12.9* 77
Hot Dipped Galvanised
Channel Nuts
• Apply Pullout Loads as listed
• For Slip Loads - refer to your local
Unistrut Service Centre.

Note: Stainless steel grade 316 screws, Slip and Pullout Performance - Stainless Steel
nuts and channel used to determine loads.
Channel Nut Pullout Slip Torque
These figures are results obtained from a Type Type (kN) (kN) (Nm)
comprehensive series of tests carried out
by a NATA registered laboratory. P1006SS 5.7 0.4 3.5
P1007SS 8.2 0.5 8.5
For further technical information please P1000SS
contact your nearest Unistrut Service P1008SS 11.6 1.0 17.0
Centre. P1013SS 12.1 1.2 30.0

Slip and Pullout Performance - Aluminium Load Data

Approximate beam load capacities for channel sections may Nut pullout strength and resistance to slip for sections may be
be obtained from the engineering data sections in this obtained from the engineering data sections in this catalogue.
catalogue. Multiply data by the following percentages: Multiply data by the following percentages:

Percentage Slip Pullout

Material Factor Material Percentage Percentage
Factor Factor

Extruded Aluminium 38% Extruded Aluminium 75% 50%

Note: Some fittings, as shown in this catalogue can be supplied in Aluminium on special order.

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Unistrut/ACS reserves the right to change product designs and specifications without notice.
TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 10

Engineering Data
Safe Bearing and Design Load Data

Safe Bearing Loads

Load Load
Safety Factor: Safety Factor: Safety Factor: Load
2.5 2.5 2.5

End of

Section Section
Listed Section
Listed Listed

Section Recommended Section Recommended Section Recommended

Load kN Load kN Load kN

P1000 21.4 P1000 13.5 P1000 30.3

P2000 10.8 P2000 6.6 P2000 14.6
P3300 25.8 P3300 15.2 P3300 50.9
P4000 12.7 P4000 7.2 P4000 33.4

Design Load Data - Typical Channel Connections

Safety Factor = 2.5 based on ultimate strength of connection. Load diagrams indicate up to two design loads, one for 2.5mm
sections (listed as P1000), and one for 1.6mm sections (P2000). Loads are calculated using high tensile (Grade 8.8) screws.

Ninety Degree Fittings - (when used in position shown)

P1026 P1068 P1026

P1000 9.5kN P1000 3.2kN P1000 7.5kN

P2000 4.5kN P2000 3.2kN P2000 2.7kN
Both Ends Both Ends
Supported Supported

P1346 P1325 P2484

P1000 10.1kN
P2000 5.4kN P1000 12.1kN P1000 18.7kN
P2000 6.3kN P2000 8.5kN
Both Ends
Both Ends Both Ends
Supported Supported

4I 1
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TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 11

Engineering Data
Safe Bearing and Design Load Data

Ninety Degree Fittings - (when used in position shown) continued

P1458 P1326 P1346

P1000 9.3kN P1000 6.8kN

P1000 6.8kN
P2000 6.1kN P2000 5.9kN
P2000 4.1kN
Both Ends


Flat Plate Fittings


P1000 6.5kN
P2000 2.5kN

Both Ends

4I 2
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TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 12

Engineering Data
Reference Tables and Data

Cantilever Beams

a b
V max. = P V max. = W V max. = P
M max. = PL M max. = WL M max. = Pb
V max. = PL3 V V max. = Pb2(3L-b)
3EI max. = WL 6EI


Simple Beams

L P x P R1 = Pb
2 a b L
R P= R =
2 2 R2 = Pa
V max. = P V max. = W L
2 2 R1 R2 V max. = Pa
M max. = PL M max. = WL L
4 8 M max. = Pab
max. = PL3 max. = 5WL3 L
48EI 384EI
M max. at x = a(a+2b)
M M 3
max. = Pab(a+2b) 3a(a+2b)
27 EIL

Beams Fixed One End, Supported at Other

L R1 = 5P P
P a b
2 16 R1 = 3W R1 = Pb2 (a + 2L)
8 2L3
L V max. = 11P L L
16 R1 V max. = 5W R2 = Pa (3L2 - a2)
R1 R1 R2
8 2L3
M max. = 3PL
16 M max. = WL M at point of load
8 = R1 a
max. at x = 0.447L max. at x = 0.4215L
M at fixed end
max. = 0.009317 PL3 max.= WL3 = Pab (a +L)
185EI 2L2

Beams Fixed at Both Ends

a b
V max. = P V max. = W R1 = Pb2 (3a + b)
2 2 L3
R1 R2
M max. = PL M max. = WL R2 = Pa2 (a + 3b)
V 8 V 12 V L3

max. = PL3 max. = WL3 M1 = Pab2

192EI 384EI L2
M2 = Pa2b
M1 M2

R - Reaction W - Total uniform load (N) - Deflection (mm)

M - Moment (Nmm) V - Shear E - Modulus of Elasticity (MPa)
P - Concentrated load (N) L - Length (mm) I - Moment of Inertia (mm4)
4J 1
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TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 13

Engineering Data
Reference Tables and Data

Conversion Factors for Beams with various Static Loading Conditions

Load tables in this catalogue for 41mm channel width series common arrangements are shown in Table 1. Simply multiply
and 32mm channel width series are for single span beams the loads from the Beam Load Tables by the load factors
supported at the ends. These can be used in the majority of given in Table 1. Similarly, multiply the deflections from the
cases. There are times when it is necessary to know what Beam Load Tables by the deflection factor given in Table 1.
happens with other loading and support conditions. Some

Table 1
Load Deflection
Load and Support Condition Factor Factor

1 Simple Beam - Uniform Load 1.00 1.00


2 Simple Beam Concentrated Load at Centre 0.50 0.80

3 Simple Beam -Two Equal Concentrated Loads at 1/4 Points 1.00 1.10

4 Beam Fixed at Both Ends - Uniform Load 1.50 0.30

5 Beam Fixed at Both Ends - Concentrated Load at Centre 1.00 0.40

6 Cantilever Beam - Uniform Load 0.25 2.40

7 Cantilever Beam - Concentrated Load at End 0.12 3.20

8 Continuous Beam - Two Equal Spans -

Uniform Load on One Span Span Span 1.30 0.92

9 Continuous Beam - Two Equal Spans -

Uniform Load on Both Ends 1.00 0.42

10 Continuous Beam - Two Equal Spans

- Concentrated Load at Centre of One Span 0.62 0.71

11 Continuous Beam - Two Equal Spans

- Concentrated Load at Centre of Both Spans 0.67 0.48

Unistrut Column Loading

The strength of axially loaded columns or compression End Condition Code

members is, in part, dependent on the end conditions, that is,
the degree of end fixity or restraint. A column with both ends Rotation fixed and translation fixed
fixed will support more load than one with both ends free or
pin-ended. Rotation free and translation fixed
Rotation fixed and translation free
Column loads published for UNISTRUT sections in this
catalogue are offered as a guide and assume a partially fixed
end condition as usually found in flat ended columns that are Column
laterally tied and braced, i.e. K = 1.0.
Assumed K values (effective length factors) for columns with
varying end restraints are as follows:

K Value 0.65 0.80 1.0 1.2 4J 2

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TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 14

Engineering Data - How to use Load Tables

Unistrut Sections as Beams Example 2

A beam of 250mm span is to carry a central point load of
The load capacity of Unistrut members acting as a 4.45kN. Check if P1000 section is a satisfactory beam and
horizontal beam, between two vertical Unistrut if so, what type of connector should be used for supports
members acting as columns, is governed by: and what is the resultant central deflection.
a. the nature of the load.
b. the particular section to be used.
c. the span of the beam. W = 4.45 kN
d. the beam-load capacity of the section for a
given span.
e. the load capacity of the connectors used to
support the beams on the columns.
f. the load limitations, if any, resulting from
special deflection considerations. P1000 Span = 250
If items a), b) and c) are known, the load capacity is the
smallest value of d), e), and f) as read or derived from the
listed values in the appropriate tables.
Step 1
Example 1 • Convert point load to equivalent uniformly
What is the uniformly distributed load capacity of a P1000 distributed load by multiplying by 2 (see note
section used as a beam to span 500mm if P1026 on point loads).
connectors are used to support the beam? • Equivalent U.D.L. = 4.45 x 2 = 8.9kN.

Step 2
• Compare with beam load capacity for P1000
Bolts section spanning 250mm. From P1000 Beam and
W = (kN)?
Columns in this Tab Section.
Tabulated value = 14.83kN.
• Since this is greater than load to be applied,
the P1000 section is satisfactory.
P1000 P1026
Span = 500 Step 3
• Determine support loads, which are each half
the applied load. Support load = 2.23kN.

Step 4
Step 1 • Select appropriate connector from Safe Bearing Loads
• Find beam load at maximum permissible stress. in this Tab Section.
• From P1000 Beam and Column in this Tab Section, • Recommended load for P1026 supporting
500mm and Section P1000, W = 7.42kN. P1000 = 9.5kN.
• As the P1026 connectors exceed the required
Step 2 support load of 2.23kN, use P1026 connectors
• Find load capacity of connectors. at each end.
• From Safe Bearing Loads in this Tab Section,
for P1000 section supported on P1026 connectors; Step 5
Support load = 4.1kN • Calculate central Deflection of beam from
Beam load = 2 x support load = 2 x 4.1 = 8.2kN. 2 = W2 x [ L2 ] 3 x 1
W1 [ L1 ]
Step 3 (See P1000 Elements of Section in this Tab Section)
• Check deflection limitations. • From Beam load table for P1000 section with
• No special deflection considerations apply. L1 = 250mm
W1 = 14.83kN and = 0.16mm
Step 4 • From example data and step 1 above
• Select smallest load value from Step 1 to 3. W2 = 8.9kN, L2 = 250mm
• Smallest value is 7.42kN. • Substituting values in formula
• To convert to mass units divide by 0.0098, 2 = 8.9 x [ 250 ]3 x 0.16 = 0.10mm
hence load capacity W = 7.42 = 757kg uniformly 14.83 [ 250 ]
distributed. 0.0098 As this is the value for the equivalent uniformly
applied load a correction is necessary to
account for a central point load. This is done
by multiplying the uniform load deflection by
0.8 (see Notes to Tables). Hence deflection
under applied point load:
= 0.10 x 0.8 = 0.08mm.

4K 1
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TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 15

Engineering Data - How to use Load Tables

Unistrut Sections as Columns

1000 crs. 1000 crs.
The load capacity of Unistrut Sections acting as columns 500
depends on:
a. the particular section used. 10 at 100 = 1000
b. the actual height of the column, measured 300 clear 341crs.
2 at 75
between centres of connections to horizontal = 150 50.0
c. the location of the resultant axial load with 40.0
Plan P1001 Columns Beams
respect to the centre of gravity, CG, of the
section (i.e. the intersection of the XX and YY
axes as shown on the section diagrams). 30.0
d. the restraint to various kinds of movements of
the column offered by the connections to 6 at 75
500 = 450
horizontal members at various levels.
If a) and b) are known and if c) and d), for the case being 20.0
considered, match the conditions in Structural Data Notes
then the load capacity of the section can be read directly Elevation
from the tables under ‘maximum column load’. Step 1
It is emphasised that, for tabulated values to be used
directly, the resultant load must be concentric (i.e. act • Determine Concentric load for shelf.
through the C.G.) and connections at each end of a free • Plan area supported by each main column
column height must restrain those ends from both = 1000 x 150 = 150 000mm2 10.0
horizontal and torsional movement. If these conditions do • This area can be packed with 20 packages 9.0
not apply, reference should be made to the appropriate 75 x 100mm in plan i.e. 120 packages per shelf. 8.0
sections of AS/NZS 4600 since it is most likely that a Hence mass per shelf = 6.5 x 120kg
smaller value than the listed one should be used. and load per shelf = 6.5 x 120 x 0.0098
= 7.64kN per column. 6.0
Step 2
Example 3
• Determine load capacity of P1001 section.

Uniform Load (kN)

Island-type storage shelving is to be constructed using From P1001 Beams and Columns Table in this Tab 4.0
P1001 main posts (columns) at 1000 x 341mm centres. Section for P1001 with height 500mm.
Shelves are to be at 500mm vertical spacing starting from Maximum column load = 94.09kN.
the floor and connected to the posts so that concentric
loading and translational and torsional restraint are Step 3
provided at each level under full load conditions.
If the shelves are to carry packages of bolts stacked six • Determine number of shelves.
• Divide column load capacity by the load per 2.0
high per shelf and the packages measure 75 x 75 x 100mm
with a mass of 6.5kg each, what is the maximum height shelf.
(number) of shelving that can be used? i.e. Number of shelves = 94.09 = 12.31
Hence maximum number of shelves = 12
i.e. max. height of shelving
= 12 x 0.5 = 6.0 metres.
Note : If the bottoms of the columns bear onto P1000 bearers, 0.9
which in turn are fixed to the ground, the load capacity of the 0.8
column would be determined by the Recommended Bearing Load,
(refer to Safe Bearing Loads in this Tab Section) of 30.3 kN. 0.7
The number of shelves would then be given by: 30.3 = 3.96 0.6
i.e. 3 shelves, totalling 1.5 metres high. 0.5



0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250

Beam Span (mm)

4K 2
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TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 16

Engineering Data
Uniform Working Loads for Simply Supported Beams

Note: (Ultimate divided by 1.5)







5.0 P5501
Uniform Load (kN)




2.0 P2001


1.0 P3301
0.9 P1000





0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 4500

Beam Span (mm)

4L 1
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TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 17

Engineering Data
Maximum Working Column Loads

Note: (Ultimate divided by 1.5)





Maximum Column Load (kN)






9.0 P4001
P1000 P5500
5.0 P3300



0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000

Column Unsupported Height (mm)

4L 2
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TAB 4 A4:TAB 4 ACS 16/07/09 3:55 PM Page 18

Engineering Data - Mass Charts

Copper Tube Pressure Pipe - Pressure Pipe -

Actual Actual Mass of ANSI Sch 80 - API XS (up to 200 NS) API Std Wt - ANSI Sch 40 (up to 250 NS)
Size Size Mass of Pipe filled
Nom. O.D. O.D. Pipe with water Actual Mass of Mass of
Size (Aust.) (N.Z) kg/m kg/m Nom. Size Mass of Pipe filled No. Mass of Pipe filled
Pipe O.D. Pipe with water Pipe Actual Size Pipe with Water
15 x 0.9 12.7 14.7 0.30 0.39 Size x Wall kg/m kg/m
Size O.D. x Wall kg/m kg/m
18 x 1.0 15.9 0.43 0.58
20 x 1.0 19.0 21.0 0.52 0.75 8 13.7 x 3.02 0.80 0.85
8 13.7 x 2.24 0.62 0.69
25 x 1.2 25.4 27.4 0.83 1.25 10 17.1 x 3.20 1.10 1.19
10 17.1 x 2.31 0.85 0.97
32 x 1.2 31.8 34.1 1.05 1.72 15 21.3 x 3.73 1.62 1.77
15 21.3 x 2.77 1.27 1.47
40 x 1.2 38.1 40.6 1.27 2.27 20 26.7 x 3.91 2.19 2.47
20 26.7 x 2.87 1.68 2.11
45 x 1.2 44.5 1.48 2.87 25 33.4 x 4.55 3.23 3.69
25 33.4 x 3.38 2.50 3.06
50 x 1.2 51.2 53.3 1.70 3.57 32 42.2 x 4.85 4.47 5.30
32 42.2 x 3.56 3.38 4.35
65 x 1.2 63.5 65.0 2.14 5.07 40 48.3 x 5.08 5.41 6.55
40 48.3 x 3.68 4.05 5.37
80 x 1.6 76.2 79.4 3.42 7.60 50 60.3 x 5.54 7.48 9.38
50 60.3 x 3.91 5.44 7.60
90 x 1.6 88.9 92.5 4.00 9.76 65 73.0 x 7.01 11.41 14.14
65 73.0 x 5.16 8.62 11.71
100 x 1.6 101.6 105.6 4.58 12.18 80 88.9 x 7.62 15.27 19.53
80 88.9 x 5.49 11.29 16.06
125 x 1.6 127.0 130.2 5.74 17.77 90 101.6 x 8.08 18.63 24.36
90 101.6 x 5.74 13.57 19.95
150 x 2.0 152.4 158.0 8.58 25.86 100 114.3 x 8.56 22.37 29.73
100 114.3 x 6.02 16.07 24.28
175 x 2.0 177.8 10.03 33.74 125 141.3 x 9.53 30.95 42.69
125 141.3 x 6.55 21.78 34.69
200 x 2.0 203.2 11.48 42.63 150 168.3 x 10.97 42.56 59.38
150 168.3 x 7.11 28.26 46.91
225 x 2.6 228.6 16.77 55.94 200 219.1 x 12.70 64.63 94.10
200 219.1 x 8.18 42.53 74.81
250 273.0 x 12.70 81.54 129.70
250 273.0 x 9.27 60.29 111.14
300 323.9 x 12.70 97.44 167.40
300 323.9 x 9.53 73.82 146.81
350 355.6 x 12.70 107.38 193.00
350 355.6 x 9.53 81.28 170.23
400 406.4 x 12.70 123.29 234.30
400 406.4 x 9.53 93.21 211.05
450 457.0 x 12.70 139.19 285.50
450 457.0 x 9.53 105.14 255.75
500 508.0 x 12.70 155.10 337.00
500 508.0 x 9.53 117.07 304.85
P5501 600 609.6 x 12.70 186.92 455.00
600 609.6 x 9.53 140.94 414.85


Galvanised Pipe PVC Pressure Pipe - Class 15 PVC Pressure Pipe - Class 6
P2001 Mass Mass of Mass of Mass of
Actual of Pipe filled Mass of pipe filled Actual Mass of pipe filled
Nom. Size Pipe with water Nom. Actual Size Pipe with Water Nom. Size Pipe with water
Size O.D. x Wall kg/m kg/m Size O.D. x Wall kg/m kg/m Size O.D. x Wall kg/m kg/m
8 N.B Med. 13.5 x 2.3 0.68 0.74 15 21.3 x 1.5 0.14 0.40 40 48.2 x 1.5 0.31 1.91
10 N.BMed. 17.2 x 2.3 0.89 1.01 20 26.7 x 1.9 0.22 0.61 50 60.3 x 1.8 0.48 3.00
15 N.B Med. 21.3 x 2.6 1.27 1.47 25 33.5 x 2.3 0.33 0.99 65 75.3 x 2.2 0.75 4.70
20 N.B Med. 26.9 x 2.6 1.65 2.02 32 42.2 x 2.9 0.54 1.58 80 88.9 x 2.6 1.03 6.53
P1000 P5500 25 N.B Med. 33.7 x 3.2 2.52 3.11 40 48.2 x 3.3 0.69 2.05 100 114.3 x 3.2 1.70 10.84
32 N.B Med. 42.4 x 3.2 3.24 4.26 50 60.3 x 4.1 1.07 3.20 125 140.2 x 4.0 2.55 16.28
40 N.B Med. 48.3 x 3.2 3.73 5.11 65 75.3 x 5.1 1.66 5.00 150 168.2 x 4.8 3.65 23.41
50 N.B Med. 60.3 x 3.6 5.24 7.46 80 88.9 x 6.1 2.31 6.93 200 219.1 x 6.2 6.19 39.75
65 N.B Med. 76.1 x 3.6 6.69 10.42 100 114.3 x 7.7 3.83 11.51
80 N.B Med. 88.9 x 4.0 8.68 13.82 125 140.2 x 9.4 5.76 17.34
100 N.B Med. 114.3 x 4.5 12.40 21.11 150 168.2 x 11.3 8.28 24.93
125 N.B Med. 139.7 x 4.9 16.50 29.75 200 219.1 x 14.8 14.12 42.32
150 N.B Med. 165.1 x 4.9 19.60 38.55

750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 Cast Iron Pipes - Class K9
Pipe and Concrete Mass of Mass of Lined
Nom. Actual Size Pipe Mass Water Lining Lined Pipe Lined Pipe and
Column Unsupported Height (mm)
Size O.D. x Wall kg/m Kg/m Thickness kg/m Water - kg/m

80 95.5 x 6.0 12.36 17.84 6.0 15.64 19.66

100 121.9 x 6.1 16.55 26.00 6.0 21.09 28.59
150 177.3 x 6.3 25.09 46.39 6.0 31.82 50.13
200 232.2 x 6.4 34.18 71.89 8.0 46.18 78.67
225 259.1 x 6.6 39.45 86.94 8.0 52.91 94.42
250 286.0 x 6.8 44.73 103.00 8.0 60.00 111.63
300 345.4 x 7.2 57.09 143.24 10.0 81.45 157.42
375 426.2 x 7.9 79.27 211.55 10.0 109.45 229.15
400 507.0 x 8.6 107.82 290.24 10.0 138.73 312.08
500 560.3 x 9.0 117.82 347.95 10.0 158.91 373.16

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Unistrut/ACS reserves the right to change product designs and specifications without notice.

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