Course Objectives

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Program : Diploma in Civil Engineering

Course Code : 4013 Course Title: Estimation and Costing

Semester : 4 Credits: 4
Course Category: Program Core
Periods per week: 4 (L:3, T:1, P:0) Periods per semester: 60

Course Objectives:

 To develop an awareness of those factors that affects the cost of construction work.
 To provide the student with the ability to estimate the quantities of item of works
involved in buildings, water supply and sanitary works, road works and irrigation
works, and also to equip the student with the ability to do rate analysis, valuation of
properties and preparation of reports for estimation of various items.

Course Prerequisites:

Topic Course Title Semester
Building Drawing and
CAD Lab 3
Engineering Mathematics Engineering Mathematics 1 and 2

Building construction and Building construction and

construction materials construction materials 3

Course Outcomes:

On completion of the course, the student will be able to:

COn Description Cognitive level
Understand the principles and procedure for
CO1 13 Applying
estimation and costing of Civil Engineering works
Carryout the rate analysis of different items
CO2 15 Applying
associated with construction projects
Prepare detailed estimates for infrastructure
CO3 18 Applying

CO4 Assess the property value and fix rent 12 Applying

Series tests 2
CO-PO Mapping:

CO1 3
CO2 3
CO3 3
CO4 3 3

3-Strongly mapped, 2-Moderately mapped, 1-Weakly mapped

Course Outline:

Module Duration
Description Cognitive level
Outcomes (Hours)
Understand the principles and procedure for estimation and costing of
Civil Engineering works
Understand the purpose of estimation and the
M1.01 requirements of an estimator. Explain the rules 3 Understanding
of measurement as per IS:1200
M1.02 List and explain different types of estimates. 2 Understanding
Understand different stages of preparing
M1.03 2 Understanding
Compute volume of earth work by different
M1.04 6 Applying
Estimation and Costing - Meaning, purpose, Administrative approval, Technical Sanction
and Budget provision.
Types of estimates - Approximate and Detailed estimate. Types and Uses of Estimates:
Revised estimate, Supplementary estimate, Repair and maintenance estimate, renovation
estimate. Roles and responsibility of Estimator.
Measurement Book, Abstract sheet, Face sheet. Modes of measurement and desired
accuracy in measurements for different items of work as per IS:1200. Rules for deduction
in different category of work as per IS:1200. Description / specification of items of
building work as per PWD /DSR,
Approximate estimate - Definition, Purpose. Methods of approximate estimate - Service
unit method, Plinth area rate method, Cubical content method, Typical bay method,
Approximate quantity method
Detailed Estimate - Definition and Purpose, Data required for detailed estimate - Civil cost,
GST, Contingencies, Supervision charges, Agency charges, Procedure for preparation of
detailed estimate.
Earth work computation - Trapezoidal - mid section - mean section (trapezoidal) -
Prismoidal formula - computation of earth work from Longitudinal section and Cross
section (no transverse slope)
Perform analysis of rates for different items associated with construction
Understand the purpose and importance of rate Understanding
M2.01 3
Familiarize with Standard data book and
M2.02 3 Understanding
Schedule of rates.
Prepare data and analysis of rates for various
M2.03 5 Applying
items of work.
Familiarize the Indian standard specification
M2.04 connected with civil engineering construction 4 Understanding
Series Test I 1
Rate Analysis: Definition, Purpose and importance, Lead (Standard and extra) , Lift,
overhead charges, contractor’s profit, water charges, overhead profit, Local Market Rate,
Cost Index, Introduction to the use of CPWD data book and schedule of rates, Procedure
for rate analysis
Preparation of data and analysis of rates for various items of work connected with building
construction and other civil engineering structures with reference to Indian Standard

Prepare detailed estimates and abstract of estimate for infrastructure

Understand different methods of preparing
M3.01 3 Understanding
Detailed Estimate.
Prepare detailed estimate and abstract of
M3.02 6 Applying
estimate of a flat roof and tiled roof building.
Prepare detailed estimate and abstract of
M3.03 estimate of septic tank, open well, water tank, 4 Applying
compound wall, road work
Prepare detailed estimate for culvert and
M3.04 5 Applying
retaining wall.
Centre line method and long wall and short wall method
Detailed estimate and abstract of estimate of various items of works for- single storied
building with flat roof and one room building with tiled sloping roof (Hip roof), detailed
estimate and abstract of estimate of septic tank, open well, water tank, compound wall,
road work, culverts (without splayed wing wall), RCC Retaining walls

CO4 Assess the property value and fix rent

Familiarize with different terms associated with
M4.01 2 Understanding
Compute Depreciation of properties by different
M4.02 3 Applying
M4.03 Valuate real properties by different methods. 4 Applying

M4.04 Valuate landed properties by different methods. 3 Applying

Series Test II 1
Valuation - Explanation of terms, types of values, sinking fund, years purchase,
Depreciation - Straight line method, constant percentage method, S.F method
Valuation of real properties - rental method, profit based method, depreciation method.
Valuation of landed properties - belting method, development method, hypothecated
building scheme method. Rent calculation. Lease, Types of Lease, Free hold property and
Lease hold property, Valuation Report.
Text /Reference:

T/R BookTitle /Author

Datta, B.N., Estimating and Costing in Civil engineering, UBS Publishers
Distributors Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Rangwala,S.C., Estimating and Costing, Charotar Publishing House PVT.
LTD., Anand.
Birdie,G.S., Estimating and Costing, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company(P) Ltd.
New Delhi.
V N Vazirani& S P Chandola, Civil engineering Estimating and Costing,
Khanna Publishers
IS 1200-1968; Methods of measurement of Building & Civil Engineering
Chakraborti,M., Estimating and costing, specification and valuation in civil
engineering, MonojitChakraborti, Kolkata. 7. PWD Schedule of Rates.
IS 1200-1968; Methods of measurement of Building & Civil Engineering
R8 CPWD Schedule of Rates for Delhi-2018
R9 CPWD Analysis of Rates for Delhi-2018, Vol I and II
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORT&H) Specifications and
Analysis of Schedule of Rates.
R11 IRC SP: 20 Rural Roads Manual

Online resources:

Sl. No Website Link


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