Ec Sa2
Ec Sa2
Ec Sa2
MODULE 3 – IT0041
× Many online travel services offer travel EMPLOYMENT AND THE ONLINE JOB
bargains. Consumers can go to specialty MARKET
sites, such as those offering standby × The online job market connects job seekers
opportunities and last minute bargain with potential employers. An online job
tickets. market is now very popular with both job
× Other special services include: seekers and employers.
o Wireless services × The following are examples of activities in
o Advanced check-in social networks related to job search:
o Direct marketing 1. Search for posted positions
o Alliances and consortia 2. Track people in your field
× The use of mobile device is increasing 3. Learn from the experts
rapidly, with hundreds of apps related to 4. Engage and communicate with people
comparing prices, making reservations, and ask for help
looking at travel reviews, and finding the 5. Make connections
best travel deals available. × job referral social networking sites solve
× Travelers are using sites like Facebook, the need for finding the right people for the
YouTube, Twitter, IgoUgo, Gogobot, Flickr, job
Foursquare, and TripAdvisor to plan their × Virtual job fairs as well as recruiting via social
trips and share experiences (both good and networks are becoming popular for
bad) afterward. expeditiously finding qualified candidates at
× The benefits of online travel services to a reduced cost.
travelers and travel providers are extensive. × To facilitate recruitment, top recruiters are
The amount of free information is seeking the benefits of using new tools like
voluminous, and is accessible at any time video conferencing to interview and connect
from any place. Shoppers can find the lowest with candidates from remote locations.
prices. Travel providers also benefit by
eliminating commissions and selling ONLINE REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, AND
otherwise empty spaces. Finally, processing STOCK TRADING
fees are reduced. × Online infrastructures enable additional
× Online travel services do have some marketing channels, new business models,
limitations. First, complex trips are difficult to and provide new capabilities.
arrange and may not be available on some × Changes in online real estate information
sites because they require complicated search and transactions significantly impact
arrangements. Therefore, the need for travel the way that business is conducted.
agents as intermediaries remains, at least for × An increasing number of companies use the
the time being. Internet to offer standard insurance policies,
× The corporate travel market is huge and its such as auto, home, life, or health, at a
online portion has been growing rapidly in substantial discount, mostly to individuals.
recent years. Corporations can use all the × With online trading, there are no busy
online travel services mentioned earlier telephone lines, and the chance to err is
where they may receive special services. small, because there is no oral
E-Commerce with Digital Marketing
MODULE 3 – IT0041
× The following are the major activities that retailers, and possibly by
may be included in a single purchase: negotiation.
• Search for items using search engines, o Buy at private or public auction
catalogs, virtual fairs and showrooms, sites in which the buying
and sellers’ sales presentations. organization is one of many where
• Learn details of items and buying terms suppliers compete against each
using comparison engines and quality other.
reports, and research industry report o Buy from the catalog of an
and vendors’ information. intermediary (e-distributor) that
• Negotiate or join group purchasing aggregates sellers’ catalogs
using software support (if available). o Buy from the company’s own
• Determine when and how much to internal buyer catalog. Such
order each time. Authorize corporate catalogs usually include agreed
buyers. upon prices of items from many
• Join business-oriented social network suppliers.
such as o Join a group-purchasing system
• Sign agreement or contract using e- that aggregates participants’
contract management (e.g., from Ariba, demands, creating a large volume.
Inc.; a SAP company); o Buy at an exchange or industrial
arrange financing, escrow insurance, mall.
etc. E-procurement (electronic procurement)
• Create specific purchasing order(s) → is the online purchase of supplies,
using a computerized system. materials, energy, work, and services. Four
• Arrange packing, shipments, and major methods of e-procurement are
deliveries using electronic tracking, available:
RFID, etc. (1) Buy at own website
• Arrange invoicing, payments, expense (2) buy at sellers’ store,
management, and purchasing (3) buy at exchanges, and
budgetary control using software (4) buy at theirs’ e-market sites.
packages (e.g., from
The Benefits of E-Procurement
Maverick buying
✓ By automating and streamlining the
→ occurs when a buyer makes unplanned
procurement process, corporate
purchases of items needed quickly,
purchasing buyers can focus on more
resulting in buying at non-pre-
strategic activities that result in:
negotiated, and usually higher, prices.
✓ Increasing the productivity of purchasing
Procurement Methods agents, providing them with more
→ The major procurement methods include nonroutine time and reducing job
the following: pressures; possibly reducing purchasing
o Buy directly from the catalogs of departments’ overhead.
manufacturers, wholesalers, or
E-Commerce with Digital Marketing
MODULE 4 – IT0041
✓ Lowering purchase per item prices o The total cost (TCO) may be too
through activities such as product high.
standardization, reverse auctions, volume o It may be subject to hacker attacks.
discounts, and consolidation of purchases o It may be difficult to get suppliers
from fewer suppliers. to cooperate electronically.
✓ Improving information flow and its o The system may be too complex
control (e.g., price comparisons). (e.g., when it uses a traditional EDI;
✓ Reducing the frequency and cost of see Online Tutorial T2).
maverick buying. o It may be difficult to have internal
✓ Improving the payment process, and and external integration
sellers’ savings due to expedited payment (sometimes it involves different
cycle. standards).
✓ Establishing more efficient and o The technology may change
collaborative partner relations due to frequently
information sharing.
✓ Improving the manufacturing process for REVERSE AUCTIONS AT BUY-SIDE / E-
✓ Ensuring delivery on time, and fewer stock → A reverse auction is a process in which
outs. many sellers (suppliers) compete to fulfill
✓ Reducing the skill requirements and orders requested by one buyer.
training needs of purchasing agents. → The major benefits of the technology to a
✓ Reducing the number of suppliers. buyer are:
✓ Streamlining and expediting the (1) lower cost of items purchased,
purchasing process. (2) reduction of administrative costs of
✓ Controlling inventories more effectively at procurement,
the buyers’ end. (3) reduction of corruption and bribes,
✓ Streamlining invoice reconciliation and and
dispute resolution. (4) decrease in time to receive the
✓ Reducing the administrative processing goods, which may result from the
cost per order by as much as 90% by suppliers’ ability to produce its
reducing purchasing overheads and products and services faster.
✓ Finding new suppliers that can provide → Desktop purchasing refers to purchasing
goods and services faster and/or less by employees without the approval of
expensively (e.g., by going global and use supervisors and without the involvement
online price comparisons). of a procurement department.
The Limitations and Challenges of E- → Many companies, especially small ones,
Procurement are moving to group purchasing. With
→ Unfortunately, e-procurement practices group purchasing, orders from several
have some limitations and risks such as: buyers are aggregated so that better
E-Commerce with Digital Marketing
MODULE 4 – IT0041
prices due to larger quantities purchased × Dynamic pricing refers to the rapid
can be negotiated. movement of prices over time and possibly
across customers. Stock exchanges are a
Acquisition Via Electronic Bartering
prime example of dynamic pricing. Another
→ Bartering is the exchange of goods or
good example of dynamic pricing occurs in
services without the use of money. The
auctions, where prices vary all the time.
basic idea is for a company to exchange
its surplus for something that it needs. B2B PORTALS AND DIRECTORIES
→ Bartering intermediary can use a manual
× B2B portals are information portals for
search-and-match approach or it can
businesses. They usually include lists of
create an electronic bartering exchange.
products offered by each seller, lists of
With a bartering exchange, a company
potential buyers and what they want to buy,
submits its surplus to the exchange and
and other industry or general information.
receives points of credit, which the
o Corporate portals - facilitate
company can then use to buy items that
collaboration with suppliers, customers,
it needs.
employees, and others.
B2B EXCHANGES (E-MARKETPLACES): o Customers portals - can use these
DEFINITIONSAND CONCEPTS customer-facing portals to view
products and services and to place
× The term B2B exchange, or simply exchange, orders, which they can later track.
implies the existence of many potential o Employee Portals - are used for
buyers and many potential sellers in B2B e- training, dissemination of company
marketplaces. news and information, discussion
× Functions of and Services Provided by groups, and more.
Exchanges o Mobile portals - are portals accessible
× Exchanges have the following four major via mobile devices, especially cell
sets of functions: phones, smartphones, tablets, and so
1. Matching and connecting buyers and forth.
2. facilitating transactions, B2B IN WEB 2.0 AND SOCIAL NETWORKING
3. Developing and maintaining exchange × The opportunities of B2B social networking
policies and infrastructure, And depends on the companies’ goals and the
4. providing services to buyers and sellers perceived benefits and risks involved.
× Exchanges, portals, and directories are × E-communities connect employees,
usually owned by a third-party operator. partners, customers, and any combination of
Both sellers and buyers prefer such an the three. E-communities offer a powerful
arrangement. Alternatively, exchanges may resource for e-businesses to leverage online
be owned by a few very large sellers or discussions and interactions in order to
buyers. This kind of arrangement is referred maximize innovation and responsiveness.
to as a consortium. × Companies that use B2B social networking
may experience the following advantages:
E-Commerce with Digital Marketing
MODULE 4 – IT0041