CEA Hostel Subsidy MYS PDF

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Divisional office Personnel Department, Mysore-570 001. No.¥/P. 249/Bills/CEA Dated: 23.03.2022 SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY All Branch Officers, Mysuru Division All Supervisory Officials, Mysuru Division Sub: Children Education Allowance/Hostel Subsidy for the year 2021-2022. Ref: 1.Rly.Bds letter No.E(W)2008/ED-2/4 dated 01.10.2008 2.Rly.Bds letter No.£(W)2017/ED-2/3 dated 12.10.2017 and 13.08.2018 (RBE No.147/2017)&(RBE No.114/2018) Railway Board has communicated the revised rates for Children Education Allowance (CEA)/Hostel Subsidy and the new method of application and payment/reimbursement of CEA/Hostel Subsidy vide letter under reference, as per the Board's letter are as under: 1, The amount fixed for reimbursement of CEA will be Rs.2250/- pm.(fixed), and Rs.6750/- pm for Hostel Subsidy. The reimbursement will be done just once a year, i.e. after completion of the financial year. For reimbursement of CEA, a Bonafide Certificate from the Head of the Institution, where the ward of the government employee studies, will be sufficient. The certificate should confirm that the child studied in the school during the previous academic year i.e. 2021-22. To ensure that the child/ward has studied during the academic Year, a bonafide Certificate from the institution has to be submitted in the following format. This can also be in any format given by the school in their letter head. BONAE! RI TE (should be in the institution letter head only) -Son/Daughter of This is to certify that — Master/Baby/Mr/Ms... smt/Sri.. voROll— NOwnmeis a Bonafide Student of _ this Convent/School/College and is studied in Class......... during the Academic year 2021-22. Date of birth, as per school record: (In words. - ‘Admission Register No... Signature of the Head of the Institution/ School/College Institution seal Date: +4 WESTERN SAILWAY. varied willl Uadlloc rors 5, For hostel subsidy, a similar certificate from the Head of the Institution with additional requirement regarding amount of expenditure incurred by the government servant towards lodging and boarding in the Residential complex and Tuition fees paid are to be furnished. The amount of expenditure mentioned, or the ceiling, Rs.6,750/-pm, whichever is lower shall be paid to the employee. Hostel subsidy is reimbursable only in case of child studying in a Residential 6. Educational Institution located at least 50 kms from the residence of the Govt. employee. Employees are required to be submit bonafide certificate for hostel subsidy or original fee receipts/cash bills/e-receipts for the year 2021-22 in the following format:~ BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE FOR HOSTEL SUBSIDY (should be in the school letter head only from a Residential School) This is to certify that Master/Baby/Mr/MS..........Son/Daughter of Smt/Sri. a Roll No. is a Bonafide Student of our School/College and is studied in Class... during the Academic year 2021-22. During the year Master/Mr/Ms.. wohas resided in the Residential ‘Complex(Hostel) of the school. Our Institution is recognised by the Govt. of (state/India)... “Residential School/College”. (REG NO...nnnn-)- He/she has paid the following amount: Boarding & Lodging cos Tuition fees paid Total Rs (in words. =) Date of admission in the Hostel. Date of birth, as per school record (In Word ..nnnee = ‘Admission Register No... | Signature of the Head of the Institution/ ‘School/College Institution seal Date: 7, The allowance will be double for differently abled children. A disability . .d if the claim is for Disabled Child. certificate is to be enclose ear 2021-22: be collected from the eligible 1. Applications for reimbursement of CEA may employees in one bunch and submitted to this office on or before 20.04.2022. scrutinised and processed for sanction through online i.e. on IPAS. Scheduled for payment of CEA for the y 2. The received applications will be and vetting from Associate Finance SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY - : OaMINeU WILT UallSC 3. If both the spouses are Government servants, the applicant should declare that his/her spouse has not claimed the allowance, and will be liable for action under D&AR if it is found to be false at a later date. for the First two surviving children whose ly Composition. Before submitting an every employee should ensure that sition Certificate. 4, Claims shall be admissible only names are included in the Famil application for CEA/Hostel Subsidy, his/her child's name is included in the Family Comp 5. It is also necessary to enclose the copy of employee's Family Composition Details along with CEA/ Hostel Subsidy application duly comiPcd by the concerned supervisory officials as per the proforma enclosed. 6. The supervisory officials are requested to collect the applications of the employees working under them with bonafide certificates ané forward the eee yethie Office in a one bunch under a covering letter duly listing the names. Applications without covering letter will not be entertained. tion may be downloaded from SWR website the following link:- 7. CEA/Hostel Subsidy applica' i.e. www. swr.indianrailways.gov.in on 5 > Division >Mysuru> Personnel Branch > Forms to download. About U: This has the approval of Competent Authority. Encl: CEA/Hostel Subsidy application FCC format OV Ap bitettnn a oe (N.GOPALAKRISHNA) ‘APO/II/MYS. For Sr.DPO/MYSURU Copy to: PPS to DRM & ADRM-I & II-for kind information of DRM & ADRM-I&dI Copy to: DPO, APO/I & II Copy to: ChOS/Bills, chos/Admin, CS&WI/Personnel Dept. All Bill Clerks/Personnel Dept. DiviSecy/SWRMU/MYS Dn. DiviSecy/AISCST/REA/MYS Dn. DiviSecy/AIOBC/Assn/MYS Dn. Notice Board oCanned WIL Ualnoc MYSURU DIVISION SONNEL DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF € HL JBSIDY FOR THE ACADEMI (Maximum up to first 02 su EN EDUCATION ALLOWANCE/HOS1 YEAR 2024-22 (Kel: RIE No.114/2018) EL, children) Name of the Employ in capital letters) _ PE/Employee No. {lint ME No tobe fisted) 4. | Office BIN Unit Bill Unit nits Name of Spouse 6. | D.l spouse is employed, State whether in Central, State, PSU ive details) ii). Designation, Office, PF No. & Bill Unit of Spouse if spouse is employed in Railways 7- | Details of children to whom CEA/Hostel subsidy claimed: Particulars of Child c 1 Child i) Name of the student 7 PF No: Bill Unit: Child ii) Date of Birth ig the ii) Class studied du academic year 2021-22 iv) Name of the school! college and address T. Education Allowance T. Education Allowance 2. Hostel Subsidy 2, Hostel Subsidy 3, Disabled Child 3. Disabled Child 8. | Nature of claim (Tick whichever i applicable). 3] Whether Bonafide Certificate from Head of the Institution is enclosed in]: | YES/NO school letter head for CEA ificate from Head of the|:| YES/NO ToT For Hostel Subsidy whether Bonafide Cer Institution in the letter head mentioning the amoun of expenditure towards toarding & lodging is enclosed (in case of Hostel subsidy) Tic} Whether Family Composition Certificate enclosed duly certified by the Supervisory Official YES/NO Thereby declare that: n respect of whom reimbursement of education expenses is 1. My child/children mentioned above in claimed is/are wholly depended upon me. tral Government Employee. 2, My wife/husband/is not a Cen is a Central Govt, Employee an 1 of our child/ehild 3. My wife/husband that she/he will not claim reimbursement educational expenses in respec! ren mentioned above. ntd...2 weSPEAn BALWAY ocafiiéu wii Vainsc 4, id in re spect of whom CEA is applied is studying in the School/College which is sd and affiliated to Board of Education/university. 5. Thereby declare that my chil i re that my child studied in a Residential Educational institution which i located 50 KMs from the residence (in case of Hostel subsid; Statmes). insttaion whichis 6. Fami i i Family declaration particulars are enclosed duly certified by the Supervisory Official. 7. Uhereby declare that reimbi clare th: uursement of Children Education Allowance/Hostel subsidy i not been claimed in respect of the child/children by a person other than me. ster subsicy is 8. [hereby declare that reimbursement of Children Education expenses is claimed for my eldest two n Ed n surviving children only. | hereby declare that the particulars mentioned above are correct to the best of my knowledge. If any information furnished above is found to be not correct, I am liable to be taken up under DRAR. Place: Date : Signature of the Employee: Name: Designation: Emp (PF) No: the Family Composition Details ails of the wards of the employee have been verified wit Certified that the det und correct. (FCC) maintained in this office and for Forwarded to Sr.DPO/MYS for necessary action please. Signature ofthe forwarding official with Office Seal Place: Documents to be enclosed: er head-for CEA ion filled in al respect - 1, CEA application filled #7 aT) issued from school/College in lett r 1/College in letter head for 2. Bonafide Certificate(in original) issue Colle x Bonafide Certificate (in original issued from the Residential Schoo Hostel Subsidy.(if applicable) : eesti duly certified by the supervisory official 5. Copy of Disability Certifi: Disabled Child. ate if the claim is for net svannecrwitttanise SOUTH WES RN RAILWAY MYSURU DIVISION FAMILY COMPOSITION CERTIFI ICATE ‘o be enclosed along v ne of the employee {in capital letters) 2. PE Number (11 digit) 3. | Designation & Office 4. | Level 3. | Date of Birth 6. | Date of Appointment 7. | Date of Retirement 8. | Mobile Number Details of Family Members ST [Name Relation | Date of Birth | PH/Married/ No Unmarried 1. Self 2 Spouse . 3. 6 7. Thereby declare that all the details furnished above are true and in ease any information found to be false, J shall be liable to take up under DAR. Date: Signature of the Employee Witness-1 _ Witness ‘Signature: ‘Signature: Name Name ignati Designation Designation ignat Office & Office PF No PFNo Forwarded to Sr.DPO/MYS ature of Supervisory Oficial with Seal Date: Place: Usk SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY, ocdiileu Will Uallisc

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