The Ebook of Spells
The Ebook of Spells
The Ebook of Spells
To Begin Your
Witchcraft Journey
Note: Technically, nothing is required to begin the craft. Whether these things cannot be afforded or you may be a
closeted beginner witch any household items can be used in place of commonly used witchy tools.
• CRYSTALS: Crystals have so many versatile • CANDLES: Candles can be used to keep
uses in not just witchcraft, but everyday life as track of how your spell is coming along
well. Crystals can be incorporated into spells, and are used to seal some spells. Candles
worn as any jewelry, or placed around the can be found at dollar stores or even local
home for certain intentions. metaphysical shops for low prices.
• INCENSE: Incense is used to cleanse your • HERBS: Herbs are one of the main tools
space, crystals, sacred space, and much more. used in witchcraft for spell casting due to the
If you can’t find incense in stores, it’s good to power they hold. You don’t have to go all out
know that it can easily be handmade at home. buying uncommon herbs unless desired. The
This will put even more love and intention into store-brand herbs from the spice section of local
your spell work. grocery stores can be used, what you’ve got in
your pantry, or even grown in your garden.
• JOURNAL: Two journals should be kept throughout the witchcraft journey. This does not have to
be an expensive leatherback book. These two journals can be kept in a notebook from the dollar
store or even kept on your laptop.
Book of Shadows: This is a personal book where you can write your personal journey, beliefs,
spells with their outcomes, rituals you did, tarot readings, and much more. This book is much
like a diary, so it will be a shadow of you. A Book of Shadows should not be shared with anyone
unless you see fit.
Grimoire: This is a book kept to write all the knowledge and research done throughout the
journey of witchcraft. This book can be shared with other witches and even passed down.
• MOON WATER: Moon water is water that has been placed under the moonlight overnight
and charged with the power and energy of the moon. Fill a jar with water and set it under the
moonlight. This can be done under any moon phase to absorb the energy of that specific moon phase.
Metaphysics: luck, success, purification, Metaphysics: prosperity, protection,
love, spirituality healing, banishing, used in health spells
Tip: Keep a cinnamon stick on your altar or with Tip: Peel away layers of the onion and imagine all
your tarot deck to raise clairvoyant energy. You your problems being peeled away. Add red onions
can also burn it as incense to enhance libido. to dishes to promote lust.
banishing negative energy self-love, unconditional love,
or hexes, protection friendship, affection
emotional healing, peace, psychic abilities, open the
communication third eye, astral travel,
spiritual power
prosperity, wealth, success RED:
lust, potency, sex magic, confidence,
GREEN: strength
financial success, luck,
achieve goals, fertility YELLOW:
manifestation, mental clarity
good luck, good health, success, WHITE:
attraction protection, new beginnings,
Flame Meaning
I let go of pain.
I am worthy of the very best in life and now I lovingly allow myself to accept it.
I focus only on what I control and I release worry about what I cannot.
2. Add each herb to the jar in any order with the intention you would
like that herb to serve.
3. Add crystals to the jar along with the intention they will be serving.
4. (Optional) Add a bit of moon water to the jar to enhance the
protective properties of your spell.
5. Once finished, seal the spell with a black or white candle. This can
be done by dripping candle wax onto the top of the jar or by melting
the bottom of the candle to the top of the jar and allowing the
entire candle to drip down and seal.
6. Keep the jar on your altar, in your sacred space, on a shelf, on a
necklace if small enough, or anywhere you may want it displayed.
7. Once your feel the spell has done its job or you would like to redo
the spell to renew its energy thank the herbs for their work, bury
the contents, and you can then reuse the jar or recycle it.
Spell Jar
2. Add each herb to the jar in any order while speaking intention into
them either aloud or silently.
3. Add each crystal into the jar while speaking their intention.
7. Once you feel the spell has served its purpose or you may want
to renew its energy, bury the contents. Thank them for their
protection, and you can clean the jar to reuse.
1. Cleanse the onion with incense smoke.
2. Cut the onion about halfway down. Not all the way through.
• A Incense • Agate
• Lavender • Rose quartz
• Nettle leaf • Moon water (optional)
• Rose petals • Pink candle
• Salt
2. Add each herb into the jar with the intention you would like it to serve.
3. Add each crystal into the jar while setting each one’s intention.
2. Add each herb to the jar in any order while speaking intention into
each one.
3. Add the crystals into the jar while speaking intention into each one.
4. Once finished, seal the jar with an orange candle to seal the
manifestation of attracting goodness and success.
5. Once finished, seal the jar with a pink candle to seal the
manifestation of self-love.
6. Once you feel the spell jar has completed its job bury the contents
while thanking the herbs for the service. You can then clean the jar
and reuse it for other spells.
1. Cleanse the onion with incense smoke.
2. Add each herb into the jar while speaking your abundance intents
into them.
3. Add each crystal while speaking the abundant purpose you would
like them to hold.
4. When finished, seal the spell jar with a green candle. Seal by
dripping candle wax over the top of the jar or place the candle on
top of the jar allowing the entire candle to drip down the jar.
5. Once you feel that the jar has served its purpose or you would like
to renew its energy bury the contents while thanking them for
their service. You can then clean the jar to reuse.
1. On a piece of parchment or on a bay leaf write your manifestation
or create a sigil for this manifestation. a. Example: “I am abundant”
or “My family and I are abundant”
2. (optional) You can also carve intentions into the candle.
3. Add the herbs to a bowl speaking the intentions you would like
them to hold. Crush and grind the herbs together.
4. Anoint a gold candle in oil and roll it through the herb mixture.
2. Add each herb to the jar in any order speaking your bonding
intention into each one.
3. Add each stone into the jar while speaking the purpose you would
like each one to hold.
4. Once finished, seal the jar with a red candle by allowing what was
to drip over the top. You can also place the candle on top and allow
the entire candle to melt over the jar.
5. When you feel the spell has fully served its purpose bury the
contents of the jar while thanking them for their service. You can
then clean and reuse the jar.
1. On a piece of parchment or on a bay leaf write your manifestation
or sigil for your intention. a. Example: “Justice is served”
2. You can also carve your intentions into the candle.
3. Add each herb into a bowl speaking your intent into each one.
Crush and grind the herbs together imagining your manifestation
coming to fruition.
4. Anoint a black candle with the oil and roll the candle in the herb
5. Light the candle and burn the parchment or bay leaf imagining
your manifestation coming to fruition.
6. Allow the candle to burn completely to complete the spell.
1. Cleanse the jar with incense smoke.
5. Seal the jar with a yellow candle to seal the desired intention.
6. Once you feel the spell has fulfilled its purpose bury the contents
of the jar and thank them for their service. You can then clean the
jar to reuse.
• Parchment or bay leaf • Sage
• Oil (olive oil or essential oil) • Salt
• Blessed thistle • Blue candle
4. Light the candle and burn the parchment or bay leaf imagining the
spell coming to fruition.
5. Allow the candle to burn down all the way to complete the spell.
• Twine or string • Onion powder
• White and black candle • Salt
1. Carve a name into each candle. Use white for yourself or a loved
one and a black candle for the party you wish to cut ties with.
2. Melt the bottom of both candles onto a fire-safe surface inside a
circle of salt for protection.
3. Tie a piece of twine around both candles.
4. Light both candles at the same time and allow them to burn down
5. Monitor the flames of each candle throughout the process to
interpret how the flames represent both parties.
6. Pay close attention to this spell and be very careful as the twine can
cause large flames.
• Orange • Sugar
• Parchment • Nettle leaf
• Basil leaf • Pink candle
• Lavender
1. On a piece of parchment write an intention to sweeten someone’s
week with either your name or a loved one’s name. a. Example: “My
week is sweetened” or “______’s week is sweetened”
2. On a basil leaf draw a protection sigil.
5. Add each herb into the orange while speaking intention into them.
Also, you don’t have to fall into any one category. Many witches take practices from
various categories of witches to implement into their craft.