ENGD3114 Module-Handbook

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Overview – ENGD3114 – Emerging Materials and

Processes [L6]
This module introduces the science and technology of materials (including emerging materials) deposition/processing such
as: spin coating, dip-coating, electrochemical deposition, evaporation, sputtering and chemical vapor deposition. Topics
closely related to thin film and emerging nanomaterials will also discussed. This will provide you with a depth of core
knowledge and skills allowing you to make informed choices concerning applications, selection and design of advanced
materials. Besides special types of metallic alloys, metallic glasses and new polymer materials, composite materials and
graphene will be covered.
Module leader: Dr. Iulia Salaoru, email: [email protected], T: +44 (0) 116 250 6008
Teaching team:
Dr Iulia Salaoru lectures/ lab sessions (weeks 16 – 21)
Professor Shashi Paul lectures/ lab sessions (weeks 23 – 27)

Learning Outcomes
LO1: To have a scientific understanding of processing/deposition techniques, such as: electroplating, evaporation,
sputtering, chemical vapor deposition. (IET AHEP3: IET AHEP3: SM1p, SM1m, SM3p, SM3m, SM4m, SM6m, D2p, D2m,
ET4p, ET4m, EP4p, EP4m); (IMechE AHEP3: SM1b, SM1m, SM3b, SM3m, SM4m, SM6m, D2, EL4, P4, G1). [Exam]
LO2: Ability to apply the knowledge and practical skills in the analysis and solution of mechanical engineering problems.
(IET AHEP3: D2p, D2m, D4p, D4m, D5p, D5m, EP2p, EP2m); (IMechE AHEP3: D2, D4, D5, P2b, P2m). [CW & Exam].
LO3: An in-depth understanding of the ranges of properties and characteristics exhibited by the materials. (IET AHEP3:
SM1p, SM1m, SM3p, SM3m, SM4m, SM6m, ET4p, ET4m, EP2p, EP2m). (IMechE AHEP3: SM1b, SM1m, SM3b, SM3m,
SM4m, SM6m, EL4, P2b, P2m). [Exam]
LO4: To equip the students with skills necessary to carry out research in advanced and emerging materials. (IET AHEP3:
EP8p, EP8m, EP9p, EP9m); (IMechE AHEP3: P8, P9b, P9m, G3m). [CW]
LO5: Have an in-depth understanding of the principles and a knowledge of the capabilities of the different types of
analysis covered in the module. (IET AHEP3: EP2p, EP2m, EP3p, EP3m, EP4p, EP4m, ET5p, ET5m, ET6p, ET6m); (IMechE
AHEP3: P2b, P2m, P3, P4, EL5b, EL5m, EL6b, EL6m, G3, G4). [CW]..

Main Topic Areas

Principle of Nucleation and growth: thin film growth and structure
Liquid phase processing: Spin coating & Dip coating
Electrochemical deposition: Electroplating processes and applications
Thermal Physical Vapour processing
Plasma Physical vapour processing
Chemical vapour deposition
Additive layer manufacturing techniques
Common methods of thin film thickness, roughness characterization
Material structure, X-ray diffraction
Mechanical properties: Adhesion testing
Optical properties: optical spectroscopy
Criteria to design advanced materials
Metallic alloys and metallic glasses
Composite materials (including nano-composite)
Emerging materials (New polymers, nanomaterials graphene, cabon nanotubes, etc)
Advance Materials Analysing techniques (Scanning Electron Microscope, Transmission Electron Microscope and Scanning
Probe microscope, etc)

Timetabled Classes
Each week, there is one face-to-face lecture (2 hour) and one face-to-face lab session (2 hour).
Independent learning – you must spend sufficient time to improve skills and understand of subject.
Provisional Teaching Plan
Insert teaching plan (this may simply be a generic list of topics covered each week if not listed elsewhere, or a more
detailed breakdown)
Using the VLE
Insert an overview and any applicable tips on how to access and use module specific resources on the VLE. (This could
include a short video that provides a tour of the VLE shell and/or how to use learning materials, etc.)

Reading Resource List

You can find reading resources as on the VLE e.g. on the ‘Resource list’ page.
1. The Materials Science of Thin films by M.Ohring,
2. An introduction to Physics and Technology of thin Films by A.Wagendristel & Y. Wang
3. Micro and nano Fabrication, Tools and Processes, Hans H.Gatzen, Volker Saile, Jung Leuthold
4. Handbook of Thin film Technology, Hartmut Frey , Hamid R.Khan

1.Unseen examination face to face on campus (weighting 50%)
Covers all module (Lecture) materials
Exam date: To be confirmed
Anonymous marking

2. Coursework (portfolio of lab reports) (weighting: 50%)

The Lab report is based on the laboratory activities undertaken through second term. The laboratory reports enable the
effective testing of the student's ability to make measurements in practical situations, analyse data and present the
findings in an appropriate scientific format.
Deadline: Tuesday 24 April 2023
Turnitin submission through blackboard
Undergraduate mark descriptors
Anonymous Marking
Exam component of the assessment will be anonymously marked.

Students will receive feedback on their lab report via the Turnitin feedback panel (the paper and pen icon)

Academic Offences and Bad Academic Practice

Sample text:
These include but are not limited to plagiarism, cheating, contract cheating, exam cheating, collusion, copying work and
reuse of your own work, poor referencing or the passing off of somebody else's ideas as your own (as defined in Chapter 4
of the General Regulations and Procedures Affecting Students ). For modules containing a research element, please note
that the conduct of research without an ethics review (if applicable) will be treated as an academic offence.
If you are in any doubt about what constitutes an academic offence or bad academic practice, you must check with your
If you are suspected of committing an academic offence you will be called to a meeting with an Academic Practice Officer
(APO). APOs are based within in each faculty and it is their role to advise on how to prevent bad academic practice and
academic offences and to deal with serious cases.
For further information please see the below webpages:
Academic offences webpage
Bad academic practice webpage
The current Academic Practice Officer (APO) for your faculty who you may contact for any advice on this matter is:
[Include the name and contact details of the Faculty’s Academic Practice Officer (APO) here]

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