10 1098@rsta 2019 0029
10 1098@rsta 2019 0029
10 1098@rsta 2019 0029
Steven B. Giddings1,2
1 Department of Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara,
CA 93106, USA
Review 2 Theory Department, CERN, 1 Esplande des Particules, Geneva 23,
black holes, unitarity, quantum information
1. Introduction
Author for correspondence: While there is spectacular evidence for objects that look
Steven B. Giddings and act very much like black holes in the Universe,
e-mail: [email protected] there is no known description of their evolution that
is consistent with the principles of quantum mechanics,
which are believed to govern all physical law. This
appears to present a deep crisis in fundamental physics.
Black holes (BHs) certainly appear to exist. Evidence
includes jets shot from the centres of galaxies, like the
5000 lightyear long jet from the centre of M87, thought to
be generated by a supermassive black hole. Stellar orbits
have been observed about a highly compact object with
approximate mass 4 × 106 M at the centre of our own
galaxy, and more recently, an orbiting hotspot has been
observed at a radius just a few times the corresponding
Schwarzschild radius [1]. Gravitational waves have now
been observed by LIGO from what appear to be BH
collisions, beginning with [2], and continuing with many
more. And remarkably, since this meeting, the Event
Horizon Telescope has imaged the central object in M87,
revealing an apparent ‘shadow’ of a 6.5 × 109 M black
hole [3].
2019 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
To the best of our knowledge, all physical law needs to respect the principles of quantum
mechanics, which are increasingly well tested. But, our present ‘standard’ description of BHs,
based on the geometrical spacetime picture of general relativity (GR), together with quantized
where hatted/unhatted kets denote the state of internal/external excitations and we focus only
on one possible mode with occupation number zero or one.1 The state (2.1) is just like the Bell
state of an EPR pair, and in particular, exhibits the key feature of entanglement.
Of order one Hawking quantum is emitted per time R, building up a state of the form
Once n ∼ RM ∼ GM2 such quanta have been emitted, all the initial energy has been carried away
and the BH is expected to disappear. If it does, the internal excitations are no longer part of the
physical description, and the quantum state is found by tracing over them to find a density matrix,
ρHawking = Trbh |Ψ Hawking Ψ |Hawking ∼ (|00| + |11|)⊗n . (2.3)
However, if this is the fundamental evolution, from what could be an initial pure state of
the matter forming the BH to a mixed state, that violates the quantum-mechanical principle
of unitarity.
This violation of unitarity can be quantified by the von Neumann entropy of the density matrix
ρ of the radiation,
SvN = −Tr(ρ log ρ) = −I (2.4)
where we think of −I as ‘missing information’. As the BH emits Hawking particles, this missing
information grows uniformly in time, until it reaches a final value S ∼ GM20 ∼ (M0 /mpl )2 , where
M0 is the initial BH mass, and mpl is the Planck mass. This is enormous for a macroscopic BH.
This failure of unitarity is the origin of the crisis in fundamental physics which we therefore
call the unitarity crisis. Various possible resolutions have been considered. The most obvious and
mundane possibility is that black holes do not completely evaporate but instead leave behind
microscopic black hole remnants. However, these remnants would have to have an unbounded
For a more complete description of such a state, see e.g. [5].
black hole
collapsing or colliding
matter r
Figure 1. A spacetime diagram of a BH, in an Eddington–Finkelstein picture, that forms through matter collapse or collision
and then begins to evaporate. Shown is a choice of slices used to describe evolution; there is considerable flexibility in the choice
of such slices. (Online version in colour.)
number of internal states, to parametrize the missing information from an arbitrarily large black
hole. This kind of spectrum leads to a disaster—unbounded production of such remnants in
general physical processes, and is thus apparently ruled out.2
A second possibility is that there is some error in reasoning in the argument that has been just
outlined for information loss. However, over 40 years of careful examination have not revealed
such an error, and so that seems extremely unlikely. (Further discussion of one newer argument
for an error, the ‘soft hair’ proposal [8–11], will appear below.)
The third possibility now seems by far the most likely: this crisis points to an error in
underlying principles and thus calls for modification of one or more of the principles of relativity,
quantum mechanics and locality. Since these principles are the cornerstones of LQFT, our current
best description of the rest of physics, this is clearly the most exciting possibility. It indicates
that BHs should help serve as guides to a more profound understanding of physics. Indeed,
it appears that the unitarity crisis may play a role analogous to the crisis of atomic instability
in classical physics; the need to explain the atom led to the conceptual revolution of quantum
There are additional reasons to view the unitarity crisis as a key problem for quantum gravity.
First, the quantum physics of BH formation and evaporation appears to be the generic high-
energy physics of gravity: if we consider a general scattering process and increase the CM energy,
at large enough values, we expect to enter the regime of strong gravity, where classically a BH
would form. Secondly, as has become clear, and as we will see below, the unitarity crisis appears
to require a modification of long distance, or infrared, physics. That strongly suggests it is a more
profound problem than that of nonrenormalizability, which has historically motivated a lot of
the work in quantum gravity. Nonrenormalizability was in particular a strong motivator for
supergravity and superstring theory, since those theories promised to greatly improve, or cure, the
divergences in the perturbative expansion. But, nonrenormalizability represents a short-distance
problem, anticipated to be cured by short-distance effects, e.g. at the Planck or string length scales.
Moreover, when viewed in the perturbative scattering context, the problem of nonunitarity arises
For further discussion, see [6,7], and references therein.
from properties of the sum over diagrams3 , and in that sense in addition to being a long-distance
problem, involves the nonperturbative physics of gravity.
A first possibility for a resolution arising from an error of principles was suggested
3. Quantum-first gravity
To address these problems, one can try to develop a principled approach, based on the assumption
that the fundamental description of the theory should be quantum-mechanical. This is what I call
the ‘quantum-first’ approach to gravity [16–23]: instead of trying to quantize geometry, we should ask
what kind of quantum structure can approximately describe gravity.
Basic ingredients of a quantum theory are a linear space of states, H, an algebra of observables,
A, and, for states with appropriate asymptotics, such as Minkowskian, unitarity.5 However,
clearly a more mathematical structure than this is needed to describe physics.
For related previous constructions, see [26,27].
Modulo details of constructing dressings in non-trivial backgrounds.
appears to be an approximate notion of subsystems in gravity, and that a BH in particular can
behave as a subsystem. Third, we expect there to be some new mathematical structure providing
the foundation for quantum gravity, which is plausibly related to this subsystem structure, and
Here we consider a Schrödinger picture description, where states evolve in time T; in the
geometrical picture, such a description can be given by introducing a time slicing as illustrated in
figure 1. The label K describes the internal states of the BH; we expect there to be an enormous
number of them, corresponding to the BH entropy, with mass ≤ M:
N = eSbh ; (4.2)
most of these are expected to be in a range of masses (M, M − M) with M ∼ 1/R. The state of
the environment is described by ψe . Moreover, by Postulate III, Correspondence, this state should
have a good approximate description by a state of LQFT.
Postulate I, Quantum Mechanics, implies, in particular, that evolution of states (4.1) is unitary.
Its infinitesimal generator takes the form
where Hbh and Henv act on the BH and environment subsystems, respectively, and HI acts on both,
and can transfer information between them. In fact, LQFT evolution, on a time slicing, can be put
in this form [34]. However, LQFT evolution will not be unitary once the shrinkage of the BH is
taken into account, as we have argued above. In LQFT, HI only increases entanglement between
BH and the environment, either by creating Hawking pairs or by transferring entanglement from
the environment to the BH, resulting in the unacceptable situation described in §2. So, in order to
obey Postulate I, equation (4.3) must have another term that transfers entanglement from the BH
to the environment: BH quantum states must be able to influence their surroundings. Moreover,
the LQFT version of Hbh is not expected to give the correct dynamics, although we will be largely
agnostic about its exact form. Finally, in LQFT, the state on a slice in principle allows a description
of a much larger number of BH states than given by (4.2); in assuming that the states are described
HI = dVλA Ob (x)GAb (x), (4.4)
where the integral is over a time slice in the environment; dV is the background volume
element. At this stage, the coefficients GAb (x) are arbitrary; they act as ‘structure functions’ of
the quantum BH states. However, we will constrain these functions by further consideration of
the postulates.
At this point, we should also note that, when viewed from the perspective of the semiclassical
BH geometry, such as illustrated in figure 1, the couplings (4.4) are nonlocal, at least on
scales comparable to R. This is apparently inevitable, in order to save quantum mechanics.
Of course, this raises a further concern, regarding consistency. In flat Minkowski space, transfer of
information outside the light cone can be converted, via a Lorentz transformation, into transfer of
information that is backwards in time; combining such transfers allows, in principle, an observer
to send a signal to their backward lightcone, raising causality paradoxes. However, a key point
is that this argument uses the Lorentz symmetry of Minkowski space. This is not a symmetry
of the BH background, on which we are considering propagation, and in this background, the
argument that nonlocality implies acausality no longer holds. Thus, it remains quite plausible
that such interactions of BH states with their surroundings do not necessarily introduce deep
inconsistencies associated with acausality [17,35].
As a first constraint on the couplings (4.4), we will introduce one further postulate.
Postulate IV is a statement of universality: we assume that the new interactions in (4.3) couple
universally to all matter and gauge fields (including perturbative gravitons). This seems like
a natural postulate given the universal nature of gravity. However, it can be even more
strongly motivated.
One motivation arises from considering Gedanken experiments, involving ‘black hole mining’
[36–39]. The simplest example comes from imagining that we thread a BH with a cosmic
string. In that case, the rate at which the BH loses mass increases, because there are additional
modes along the string in which Hawking radiation is produced. However, if we increase the
rate at which the BH decays without increasing the rate at which information transfers from
it, we return to the basic problem of trapped information at the end of evaporation, which
precipitated the crisis. This is avoided if the new interactions couple universally to all matter,
so introduction of new modes that can carry energy also means that these modes can transfer
A second motivation comes from the desire to preserve, at least approximately, the beautiful
story of BH thermodynamics. If the new interactions coupled only to certain fields, for example,
photons or gravitons, that present problems for detailed balance, if one tries to bring a BH in
equilibrium with a thermal bath.
The simplest way to implement universality is if the interactions couple to the energy-
momentum tensor, and so (4.4) is replaced by the specific form
where the stress tensor Tμν includes perturbative gravitons. In that case, we find that the operator-
valued quantity
Hμν (x) = λA GA (x) (4.6)
behaves like a metric perturbation that depends on the quantum state of the BH. The Postulates
supply additional conditions on Hμν (x).
Postulate III, Correspondence, tells us that the information-transferring couplings GA (x)
should be localized near the BH; they should not, for example, describe the transfer of information
from a BH to the next galaxy, which would be a more extreme departure from LQFT. We therefore
suppose that these couplings are supported only to a radius
r = Ra = R + Ra , (4.7)
and that Ra is not enormously larger than R. Moreover, if Ra is finely tuned, e.g. to a microscopic
value Ra R, then the couplings (4.4) or (4.5) will produce high-momentum excitations, very
near the horizon. This can be thought of as a way of modelling behaviour like that of a firewall
[40–42]. In addition to requiring an unexplained fine-tuning of Ra , this also implies a dramatic
breakdown of the geometry near what would be the horizon, and in particular, also violates
the Correspondence postulate. So, we will assume that Ra grows with R, e.g. as a power;
the simplest choice is Ra ∼ R. We moreover assume that the couplings GA (x) do not vary on
microscopic scales, and e.g. only vary on scales ∼ R. Finally, also to avoid high-energy excitations
near the horizon and to minimize the departure from LQFT predictions, and particularly from BH
thermodynamics, we assume that the couplings dominantly describe transitions between states
with energy difference E ∼ 1/R.
Postulate I, and specifically unitarity, implies additional conditions. The couplings (4.5) (or
(4.4)) are required to transfer information from the BH at a rate that overcomes the Hawking
entanglement growth, and so at a rate of size8 dI/dt ∼ 1 qubit/R. In this sense, the required
information transfer is a significant effect, as emphasized by [43–45].
The simplest way to achieve this rate [46] is if the metric perturbation in a typical BH state,
which is dimensionless, is also O(1). This follows essentially from dimensional analysis, if the
spatial and temporal variation scales of Hμν (x) are all of order R, and is further discussed in [46].
However, we can ask if Hμν (x) = O(1) is required to achieve sufficient information transfer.
Here we encounter a general problem in quantum information theory. Suppose we have two
subsystems A and B, with A much smaller than B. Suppose that the two systems evolve by
a hamiltonian
H = HA + HB + HI , (4.9)
where HA , HB act only on their respective subsystems, and HI couples the two. Suppose moreover
that the dynamics of HA and HB are sufficiently random to distribute information efficiently. Then,
how does the information transfer rate from A to B depend on the couplings in HI and on the
energy scales? In ref. [34] a rate quadratic in the couplings was conjectured; this has been checked
in simple toy models in [47].
For our current BH purposes, we will estimate the rate by noting that (4.5) (or (4.4)) cause
transitions where the BH emits a quantum. When it does so, we expect that O(1) qubit of
Here we can define the BH’s information I in terms of its entanglement with the environment; this information must decrease
to zero by the time the BH decays.
information can be transferred. So, the information transfer rate is expected to be approximated
by the rate at which transitions occur. The latter can be estimated by Fermi’s Golden Rule, so
In summary, we have found two scenarios for such ‘quantum halos’ around BHs, in which
interactions transfer information from BH quantum states to the BHs environment. The simplest,
with Hμν ∼ 1 we refer to as the ‘strong/coherent’ scenario; here the perturbation in the effective
metric is substantial and behaves like a classical perturbation to the metric. The minimal, with
Hμν ∼ exp{−Sbh /2}, we refer to as the ‘weak/incoherent’ scenario. Both of these scenarios raise
some important questions.
The first is how to understand such effects, from a more fundamental perspective. Here
there is more to learn, but the preceding discussion has hinted at a modification of how
one thinks about locality and transfer of information, compared to how it is described in a
semiclassical background geometry. Fundamental gravitational physics is likely not based on
classical spacetime, which only arises approximately, in a certain limit; taking spacetime too
literally may lead to errors in the description, which are accounted for by the effects we are
parametrizing. A deeper understanding likely requires a more intrinsically quantum view of
information localization and transfer, and of spacetime itself. If, as expected, it is true that the
fundamental description of physics does not involve spacetime and instead involves different
structure on Hilbert space, it may be that a description of the departures of this structure from
a spacetime description cannot be simply described in spacetime terms. Some initial exploration
of these questions appears in [22,23]. A related question is whether some of these ideas might be
actually realized in the AdS/CFT correspondence.
A second question is whether such unitarizing effects, since they apparently need to reach well
outside the horizon, might have any observational consequences.
5. Observational probes
(a) Weak/incoherent scenario
In the weak/incoherent scenario, the effective metric perturbations are tiny, as in (4.12). Since they
do not behave like large, classical fluctuations, that suggests that they have negligible effect for
astrophysical black holes.
However, to take a closer look, consider the scattering of an excitation, e.g. a photon, from such
a quantum halo. This scattering probability can also be estimated by Fermi’s Golden rule [48], and
so will be of the form
= 2πρ(Ef ) dVK|Hμν |ψβ|Tμν |α , (5.1)
where |α and |β are the initial and final states of the excitation. While the matrix element of
Hμν is again exponentially small, that is once again compensated by the enormous density of
states. Thus, this probability can also be of order 1/R – and correspondingly there can be O(1)
modifications to the scattering cross section.
However, we saw that the Correspondence postulate implied that Hμν has spatial and
for spin parameter a = J/M2 . The two main targets of EHT are Sgr A∗ and M87, for which the
corresponding periods are
2π M 1 1
P= 0.93 + hr
ωT 4.3 × 106 M 2 2 1 − a2
M 1 1
59 + d. (5.3)
6.5 × 109 M 2 2 1 − a2
The period for Sgr A∗ is less than the EHT image scan time of several hours, making it hard to
resolve such temporal fluctuation. This suggests the best sensitivity to such variation is from M87
The recently released [3] EHT image spans a period of 7 days, which is short as compared to the
M87 period (5.3); we therefore do not expect it to strongly bound such fluctuations, although some
modest bounds appear to be possible given that the 7-day images are close to what is predicted
from classical GR [48]. Clearly, longer duration observations will be of interest to increase
such sensitivity.
6. Conclusion
The problem of quantum BH evolution suggests that there is something deeply wrong with
a semiclassical, geometrical description of BHs, and that BHs are likely intrinsically quantum
objects at horizon scales. Indeed, in an inherently quantum-mechanical approach to physics,
spacetime may not play a fundamental role, and may be only approximately correct, and the
strong gravity regime of a BH may begin to particularly reveal this problem. If we adopt quantum
mechanics as a postulate, and demand unitary evolution, we seem to be directly led to a picture
where a BH must have interactions with its environment that are outside the standard description
of BHs. Interestingly, the necessary new couplings can be much smaller than naively expected
and still save quantum mechanics. Whether large or small, they potentially have observational
consequences, and it is of great interest to investigate these further.
Data accessibility. This article has no additional data.
Competing interests. I declare I have no competing interests.
Funding. This material is based in part upon work supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy,
Office of Science, under Award no. DE-SC0011702.
Acknowledgements. The author thanks the CERN theory group, where this work was carried out, for its
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