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Kinetic Control
The Management of
Uncontrolled Movement
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Comerford, Mark
Kinetic control: the management of uncontrolled movement
/Mark Comerford, Sarah Mottram.
9780729539074 (pbk.)
Includes index.
Movement disorders – Classification.
Movement disorders – Diagnosis.
Movement disorders – Treatment.
Mottram, Sarah.
This book presents a comprehensive system for the assessment and retraining of
movement control. It has been in evolution for the last 25 years.
Uncontrolled movement has a significant impact on the development of move-
ment disorders and pain. The scientific support for the process of the assessment and
retraining of uncontrolled movement has been steadily expanding particularly in the
last 10 years. The influence of uncontrolled movement on symptoms, especially pain,
movement function, recurrence of symptoms and disability is now well established.
We believe that in the next 10 years the literature will support that the presence of
uncontrolled movement will also be recognised as a predictor of injury risk and as
having an influence on performance.
Uncontrolled movement can be identified by movement control tests. People with
pain demonstrate aberrant movement patterns during the performance of these
movement control tests. A growing body of evidence supports the use of movement
control tests in the assessment and management of chronic and recurrent pain. The
identification of uncontrolled movement in terms of the site, direction and threshold
of movement impairment is a unique subclassification system of musculoskeletal
disorders and pain. The movement testing process proposed enables the classification
of uncontrolled movement into diagnostic subgroups that can be used to develop
client-specific retraining programs. This process can determine management priori-
ties and optimise the management of musculoskeletal pain and injury recurrence.
Subclassification is now recognised as being the cornerstone of movement assess-
ment and the evidence for subclassification of site, direction and threshold is growing.
This book details a structured system of testing, clinical reasoning and specific retrain-
ing. This system does not preclude other interventions as it is designed to enhance
the management of musculoskeletal disorders.
The Kinetic Control process has come a long way in last 25 years. The motivation
for the development of the Kinetic Control process was to find a way to blend the
new and exciting concepts in movement dysfunction into an integrated clinical
process, built on the foundation of a solid clinical reasoning framework. Our aim is
to gain a better understanding into the inter-relationship between the restrictions of
movement function and movement compensations. The breakthrough came with
the realisation that some compensation strategies are normal adaptive coping mecha-
nisms and do not demonstrate uncontrolled movement, while others are maladap-
tive compensation strategies that present with uncontrolled movement. This led us
to develop the structured assessment process detailed in this text including the Move-
ment Control Rating System (Chapter 3). This clinical assessment tool can identify
movement control deficiencies and be valuable for reassessing improvements in
motor control efficiency.
Mark Comerford
Sarah Mottram
Comerford and Mottram are to be commended for their extensive and comprehen-
sive presentation of factors involved in movement dysfunctions. This book shares
several of my own strong beliefs that have implications for the management of mus-
culoskeletal pain conditions. Those beliefs are: 1) recognising and defining the
movement system; 2) identifying and describing pain syndromes based on move-
ment direction; 3) identifying the primary underlying movement dysfunction; 4)
describing the various tissue adaptations contributing to the movement dysfunction;
and 5) developing a treatment program that is comprehensive and based on the
identified contributing tissue adaptations. I also share with the authors a belief that
the treatment program requires the patient’s active participation, which can range
from control of precise, small, low force requiring movements to total body large
force requiring movements. Historically – and still prevalent – is the belief that
tissues become pathological as an inevitable outcome of trauma, overuse and ageing.
The result is a focus on identifying the patho-anatomical structure that is painful
rather than on identifying the possible contributing factors, or even how movement
faults can be an inducer. We are all aware that movement is necessary to maintain
the viability of tissues and bodily systems. Almost daily, studies are demonstrating
the essential role of movement, in the form of exercise or activity, in achieving or
maintaining health. Yet there is very little recognition that there are optimal ways of
moving individual joints and limb segments as well as the total body. Similarly there
is little recognition that painful conditions can be treated by correcting the move-
ment rather than resorting to symptom-alleviating modalities, drugs or surgery.
Optimal alignment when maintaining prolonged postures, such as sitting, is not
considered to be necessary. I believe the situation is analogous to that of diet. For
many years, no one worried about the effect on a person’s health of the type or
amount of food that was consumed. Indeed, more money is still spent on the align-
ment of the teeth than on the alignment of the body, though the function of the
body is more affected by alignment faults than eating is by poor alignment of the
This book serves to reinforce and define the characteristics of the movement system
and how they contribute to movement dysfunctions associated with pain syndromes.
The authors have done an extensive review of the relevant literature describing the
dysfunctions of the nervous and muscular systems. They have provided a detailed
description of a key underlying factor, designated as uncontrolled movement, which
then provides a basis for the treatment program. The detailed descriptions of the
syndromes, key observations and examination forms should be most helpful in
guiding the clinician. Building upon the information taken from the examination,
the treatment program is also described in detail. What is particularly noteworthy is
the incorporation of most of the perspectives and methods used by the best known
approaches to musculoskeletal pain. The authors have organised the rationale and
methods from these varying approaches into a comprehensive approach. Comerford
and Mottram have done a thorough job of describing all aspects of what could be
considered the ‘psychobiosocial’ model of analysis and treatment of musculoskeletal
pain. The timeliness of this book is reflected by the incorporation of their concepts
to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health. As stated
previously this book has its particular value in the comprehensiveness and detailed
descriptions of possible tissue dysfunctions as reported in the literature, methods of
analysis and treatment. The reader will be truly impressed by the many complexities
of the movement system and the rigorous analysis that is required to understand,
diagnose and treat the dysfunctions that can develop and contribute to pain syn-
dromes. The authors have truly provided an outstanding text in its inclusive and
thorough discussion of the topic of movement dysfunction.
The content of this book has been a work in progress since 1988. The background
to the development of the assessment and retraining of uncontrolled movement has
been influenced by the work of Shirley Sahrmann, Vladamir Janda, Gwendolyn Jull,
Paul Hodges, Carolyn Richardson and Maria Stokes. Since 1995 many colleagues
within Kinetic Control and Performance Stability have helped with the development
of the clinical tests and the consolidation of theoretical frameworks. Erik Thoomes
contributed to the clinical reasoning process in Chapter 1. We would very much like
to thank all these people for their contribution through inspiration, advice, support
or feedback. We both appreciate the support of our family and friends and in par-
ticular Mark’s wife Selina, without whom he would not have found the time to devote
to this project.
Section 1
Chapter 1
Uncontrolled movement
The key to managing movement dysfunction is The movement system comprises the coordi-
thorough assessment. This includes the deter- nated interaction of the articular, the myofascial,
mination of any uncontrolled movement (UCM) the neural and the connective tissue systems of
and a comprehensive clinical reasoning process the body along with a variety of central nervous
by the clinician to evaluate contributing factors system, physiological and psycho-social influ-
which influence the development of UCM. This ences (Figure 1.1). It is essential to assess and
first chapter details the concept of UCM and the correct specific dysfunction in all components of
clinical reasoning process which is the framework the movement system and to assess the mechani-
for assessment and rehabilitation. cal inter-relationships between the articular, myo-
fascial, neural and connective tissue systems. This
chapter will describe a systematic approach to
evaluation of the movement system and identifi-
UNDERSTANDING MOVEMENT cation of the relative contributions of individual
AND FUNCTION components to movement dysfunction.
Movement system
Articular system
Myofascial system
• physiological/functional
• accessory/translational Active force transmission
• afferent feedback • static controllers of posture
isometric co-contraction
• dynamic movement
concentric – production and acceleration of movement
Connective eccentric – control and deceleration of momentum
Behavioural and affective tissue system • afferent feedback
‘yellow flags’
• movement anxiety Links all systems
• fear-avoidance • structure and support Neurogenic
• poor coping skills • energy storage sensitisation
• depression • passive force transmission
• blame transference • proprioception and feedback Neurogenic sensitisation and associated 2°
• abnormal pain beliefs allodynia and hyperalgesia
• exaggerated pain • altered thresholds of Wide Dynamic Range
behaviour receptors in lamina V dorsal horn
Neural system
• abnormal ion channels within CNS
• motor control via • abnormal sensitivity of peripheral
sensory-motor integration neurodynamic mobility
• neurodynamics
(Sahrmann 2002; O’Sullivan et al 2005) and syndromes are seldom caused by isolated events;
control impairments (O’Sullivan et al 2005; and that habitual movements and sustained
Dankaerts et al 2009). All of these terms describe postures play a major role in the development of
aspects of movement dysfunction, many of which movement dysfunction. These statements have
are linked to UCM. been fundamental in the development of the
The focus of this text is to describe UCM and movement dysfunction model. Clinical situations
explore the relationship of UCM to dysfunction which have a major component of movement
in the movement system (Comerford & Mottram dysfunction contributing to pain include: pos-
2011). Movement dysfunction represents multi- tural pain; pain of insidious onset; static loading
faceted problems in the movement system and or holding pain; overuse pathology (low force
the therapist needs the tools to relate UCM and repetitive strain or high force and/or impact
faults in the movement system to symptoms, repetitive strain); recurrent pain patterns; and
recurrence of symptoms and disability. Skills are chronic pain.
required to analyse movement, make a clinical It is important to identify UCM in the func-
diagnosis of movement faults and apply a patient- tional movement system. It is our hypothesis that
specific retraining program and management the uncontrolled segment is the most likely source
plan to deal with pain, disability, recurrence of of pathology and symptoms of mechanical origin.
pain and dysfunction. There is a growing body of evidence to support
Sahrmann (2002) has promoted the concept the relationship between UCM and symptoms
that faulty movement can induce pathology, not (Dankaerts 2006a, 2006b; Luomajoki et al 2008;
just be the result of it; that musculoskeletal pain van Dillen et al 2009). The direction of UCM
Uncontrolled movement Chapter |1|
Disability is the experienced difficulty doing
Pain Pathology activities in any domain of life (typical for one’s
age and sex group, e.g. job, household manage-
Figure 1.2 Uncontrolled movement: the link to pain and ment, personal care, hobbies, active recreation)
pathology due to a health or physical problem (Verbrugge &
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Jette 1994). Movement faults are related to disa- treatment or therapy over a variable timeframe
bility. For example, Lin et al (2006) demonstrated and subsequent reassessment of dysfunction pro-
that changes in scapular movement patterns (in vides the basis of evidence-based practice. Reduc-
particular a loss of posterior tilt and upward rota- tion of dysfunction is a primary short-term goal
tion) correlated significantly with self-report and of therapeutic intervention, although the patient
performance-based functional measures indicat- is frequently symptom free before dysfunction
ing disability. The relationship between disability is corrected. Treatment should not cease just
and movement faults has been identified in many because the symptoms have disappeared, but may
other fields of physical therapy (e.g. neurological need to continue until no more dysfunctions are
and amputee rehabilitation). Indeed, in relation measurable.
to gait dysfunction, management and retraining The process of identifying and measuring UCM,
of UCM is a key factor in rehabilitation of people and linking UCM to musculoskeletal pain, and
with lower limb amputations using a prosthesis to changes in muscle function, is a developing
(Hirons et al 2007). area of active research in the field of pain and
Reduction of disability is the primary long-term movement dysfunction (Gombatto et al 2007;
goal of therapy or rehabilitation. Disability is Luomajoki et al 2007, 2008; Mottram et al 2009;
individual and what one person considers disa- Morrissey et al 2008; Scholtes et al 2009; Roussel
bility another person might consider exceptional et al 2009a; van Dillen et al 2009). Muscle dys-
function. For example, an elite athlete’s disability function is most clearly apparent in people with
may be a function that most people do not have pain (Falla & Farina 2008; Hodges & Richardson
the ability to do, do not want to do or need to 1996; Hungerford et al 2003; Lin et al 2005). The
do. Movement dysfunction, however, can affect a changes in muscle function underlying pain can
person’s ability to function independently and present in two ways: 1) as altered control strat-
therefore decrease quality of life. The disablement egies (van Dillen et al 2009; O’Sullivan 2000);
process model in disease as well as in rehabilita- and 2) as physiological peripheral muscle changes
tion is gaining recognition (Escalante & del (Falla & Farina 2008). Physiological changes
Rincon 2002; Verbrugge & Jette 1994) and retrain- associated with muscle dysfunction are discussed
ing movement faults has been shown to improve further in Chapter 2, and altered control strategies
function (O’Sullivan et al 1997a; Stuge et al are discussed further in Chapter 3.
The correction or rehabilitation of dysfunction
Dysfunction can imply disturbance, impairment has been shown to decrease the incidence of pain
or abnormality in the movement system. It can recurrence (Hides et al 1996; Jull et al 2002;
be objectively measured and quantified and/or O’Sullivan et al 1997a). This reinforces the need
compared against a normal or ideal standard for therapy to be aimed at correcting dysfunction
or some validated or calculated benchmark. in the management of musculoskeletal disorders
These impairments may present as weakness, and not just relieving symptoms.
stiffness, wasting, sensory–motor changes (includ-
ing proprioception changes, altered coordination
Risk of injury
and aberrant patterns or sequencing of muscle
recruitment) or combinations of several impair- Evidence suggests history of injury is a predictive
ments. Dysfunction measurements include: joint factor for re-injury and therefore outcome meas-
range of motion (physiological or accessory); ures that are defined in terms of normal range of
muscle strength (isometric, concentric, eccentric, joint motion and muscle strength are inadequate
isokinetic, power and endurance); muscle length; to prevent recurrence (Mottram & Comerford
flexibility; stiffness; speed; motor control (recruit- 2008). Making the link between UCM and pain
ment, inhibition, coordination and skill per- is not new, but the concept of linking it to injury
formance); bulk (girth, volume, cross-sectional prevention is.
area); and alignment. Some recent research has highlighted the
A baseline measurement of dysfunction, fol- potential for linking UCM to risk of injury. A
lowed by an intervention with some form of recent study on dancers identified two movement
Uncontrolled movement Chapter |1|
control tests that may be useful for the identifica- risk of injury and performance. This model has
tion of dancers at risk of developing musculo- been developed through the analysis and synthe-
skeletal injuries in the lower extremities (Roussel sis of historical and contemporary research from
et al 2009a). Athletes with decreased neuromus- many sources; however, it is not intended to be a
culoskeletal control of the body’s core (core sta- comprehensive summary of the current level of
bility) are at an increased risk of knee injury knowledge surrounding movement analysis.
(Zazulak et al 2007). Indeed, there is now growing Kendall and colleagues (2005) described muscle
evidence that motor control and physical fitness function in detail. Their now classic text has been
training prevent musculoskeletal injuries (Roussel the foundation for assessment of muscle func-
et al 2009b), highlighting the importance for tion, especially with reference to the graded
therapists to be more knowledgeable about move- testing of muscle strength and analysing the inter-
ment control and function. relationship of strength and function. Janda
(1986) had previously developed the concept of
muscle imbalance and patterns of dysfunction by
analysing the pattern of movement sequencing.
At present there is little published literature to His primary intervention was to increase extensi-
relate UCM to performance. However, anecdotal bility of short muscles. Sahrmann (2002) and
empirical evidence has shown that retraining co-workers further developed the concept of
movement faults can improve performance in muscle imbalance, again analysing patterns of
athletes. movement, and have developed a diagnostic
The movement dysfunctions associated with framework for movement impairments (direction
pain and disability have been shown to be revers- susceptible to motion).
ible so there is a developing need to identify UCM The 1990s saw a huge advancement in the iden-
in relation to injury risk and performance and to tification of motor control dysfunction (Jull et al
objectively evaluate the outcome of retraining. 2008; Richardson et al 2004). Hodges (Hodges &
Cholewicki 2007) has developed a large body of
evidence linking motor control of deep muscles
A MODEL FOR THE to spinal stability. O’Sullivan and co-workers have
provided objective measurements to support the
ASSESSMENT AND RETRAINING links between altered muscle recruitment and
OF MOVEMENT FAULTS direction-related musculoskeletal pain (Dankaerts
et al 2006a). From this research a classification
Many clinicians and researchers have made a system based on diagnostic subgroups has been
significant contribution to the body of evidence proposed (Vibe Fersum et al 2009).
relating to movement, movement impairments Vleeming et al (2007) and Lee (2004) have
and corrective retraining. Some have described a developed the model of form and force closure
particular approach to assessment and retraining and have linked this to anatomical fascial slings.
and most support each other’s philosophies or McGill’s (2002) research has emphasised the
provide different pieces of the puzzle to enable importance of training more superficial muscles
an understanding of the ‘whole picture’. No single to stabilise the core during loaded and sporting
approach has all the answers but the therapist function and is often referred to as core streng-
who wants to provide ‘best practice’ for clients thening. All these clinicians and researchers
can benefit enormously from a synthesis of the have contributed important aspects to a com-
different approaches and concepts proposed to prehensive and integrated model of movement
date, along with the ongoing development analysis.
and integration of original ideas and applied
Alternative therapies
Figure 1.4 illustrates the development of the
movement analysis model. The movement analysis In the search to identify the defining characteris-
model identifies UCM in terms of the site (joint), tics of therapeutic exercise, a brief review and
direction (plane of motion) and recruitment analysis of many different approaches and con-
threshold (low or high) and further establishes cepts including alternative therapies is appropri-
links to pain, disability, dysfunction, recurrence, ate. Some of these approaches are supported by
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Sahrmann Janda
Motor control research
and training model
(Hodges, Jull, Richardson) Flexibility
Muscle balance
Uncontrolled movement Chapter |1|
Box 1.2 Common features in and increased risk of development of back pain
alternative therapies has recently been established (Smith et al 2009)
and altered breathing patterns have been noted
• Multi-joint movements during lumbopelvic motor control tests (Roussel
• Slow movements et al 2009c).
• Low force movements
• Large range movements
• Coordination and control of rotation THE ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT
• Smooth transition of concentric–eccentric movement OF UCM
• Awareness of gravity
• Concept of a ‘core’
Effective intervention requires the therapist to
• Coordinated breathing have a thorough understanding of the mech-
• Awareness of posture anisms of aberrant movement patterns, an ability
• Intermittent static hold of position to confidently diagnose and classify the move-
• Control of the centre of mass of one body segment ment faults and to manage these dysfunctions.
with respect to adjacent segments Guidelines for a comprehensive analysis of move-
• Proximal control for distal movement ment dysfunction have been described with factors
• Positive mental attitude the therapist needs to consider in Box 1.3
Uncontrolled movement: assessment and ii. personal factors (intra-individual) (e.g. lifestyle
retraining guidelines and behavioural changes, psychosocial
1. Assess, diagnose and classify movement in terms of attributes, coping skills).
pain and dysfunction from a motor control and a 5. Make links between uncontrolled movement and pain
biomechanical perspective. and other symptoms, dysfunction, recurrence, risk of
2. Develop a large range of movement retraining injury and performance.
strategies to establish optimal functional control. 6. Make a link between uncontrolled movement and
3. Use a clinical reasoning framework to prioritise the disability through the disablement process model.
clinical decision-making challenges experienced in 7. Make links between uncontrolled movement and
contemporary clinical practice. changes in motor control, strength, joint range of
4. Develop an assessment framework that addresses the motion, myofascial extensibility and functional
four key criteria relevant to dysfunctional movement: activities.
a. diagnosis of movement dysfunction 8. Identify the clinical priorities in terms of retraining
uncontrolled movement and mobilising restrictions of
i. site and direction of uncontrolled movement
normal motion.
ii. uncontrolled translation
9. Use a clinical assessment tool to identify deficiencies
iii. uncontrolled range of motion
and reassess improvements in motor control efficiency.
iv. myofascial and articular restriction
10. Integrate non-functional motor control retraining skills
v. aberrant guarding responses with functionally relevant movement.
b. diagnosis of pain-sensitive tissue(s) 11. Use other techniques and strategies (e.g. taping to
i. patho-anatomical structure support uncontrolled movement or facilitate motor
c. diagnosis of pain mechanisms relearning and strengthening).
i. peripheral nociceptive (inflammatory or 12. Use a clinical reasoning framework to identify priorities
mechanical) for rehabilitation, where to start retraining and how to
ii. neurogenic sensitisation be specific and effective in exercise prescription to
d. identification of relevant contextual factors develop individual retaining programs.
(Verbrugge & Jette 1994) 13. Know which way and how fast to progress, and know
i. environmental factors (extra-individual) (e.g. how to tell when retraining has achieved an effective
physical and social context) end-point independently of symptoms.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Uncontrolled movement Chapter |1|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Table 1.3 Example of uncontrolled movement and 5 Management plan for UCM and
restrictions at the shoulder girdle restrictions
Uncontrolled Intersegmental Range Following the assessment of the UCM and restric-
movement translation tions, a management plan can be established. In
this text, we describe the retraining of the site and
Uncontrolled anterior Uncontrolled
translation at the scapula
direction of UCM but specific retraining strategies
glenohumeral joint forward tilt can also target the local stability muscle systems
(to control intersegmental translation) (Comer-
Restriction Articular Myofascial ford & Mottram 2001a) and the global muscle
Posterior translation Restriction of systems (to control range) (Comerford & Mottram
at glenohumeral joint medial rotation 2001a). Restrictions need to be mobilised with
(infraspinatus/ appropriate (manual) therapy, to regain extensi-
teres minor) bility of the myofascial systems (Comerford &
Mottram 2001a).
To cover all aspects of motor control assessment
and retraining, four principles of assessment and
Table 1.4 Example of uncontrolled movement and retraining are proposed (Comerford & Mottram
restrictions at the lumbar spine 2001a):
1. Control of direction: the assessment and
Uncontrolled Intersegmental Range
movement translation
retraining of the site and direction of
uncontrolled movement (see Chapters 3
Uncontrolled Uncontrolled and 4).
intersegmental lumbar flexion 2. Control of translation: specific assessment
translation (e.g.
and retraining strategies to target the local
at L4 or L5)
stability muscle system to control translation.
Restriction Articular Myofascial 3. Control through range: specific assessment
Restriction of Restriction in hip and retraining strategies to target the global
intersegmental flexion (hamstrings, stability muscle system to control range of
translation superficial gluteus movement.
maximus) 4. Control of extensibility: specific assessment
and retraining strategies to target the global
mobility muscle system to regain
extensibility and control the active
with shoulder pain (Morrissey 2005), as can lengthening of these muscles.
uncontrolled range, illustrated with uncontrolled In addition, manual therapy can address any
forward tilt (Lin et al 2005, 2006). Interestingly, articular restrictions and neural issues that may
this uncontrolled forward tilt (and loss of back- cause muscle overactivity and restrictions. Elvey
ward tilt) corresponds to a decrease in serratus (1995) has described how ‘muscles protect nerves’
anterior activity, which confirms the role of ser- so these issues need to be explored in relation to
ratus in producing backward tilting of the scapula any restrictions (for more detail see Butler 2000;
(and controlling forward tilting). Shacklock 2005).
Table 1.4 provides examples of UCM in terms Figure 1.5 illustrates the management plan
of translation and range at the lumbar spine. outline indicating the targeted interventions
UCM in the lumbar spine has been described in applied where uncontrolled translation, uncon-
terms of uncontrolled lumbar flexion (Dankaerts trolled range, UCM site or direction, articular or
et al 2006a; Luomajoki et al 2008; Sahrmann myofascial restriction are identified. An example
2002; Vibe Fersum et al 2009). Uncontrolled of a management plan developed for a person
lumbar flexion has been associated with either presenting with shoulder pain and dysfunction is
uncontrolled range of lumbar flexion relative to illustrated in Figure 1.6; and an example of a
hip flexion, or abnormal segmental initiation of management plan developed for a person pre-
lumbar motion during forward bending and senting with back pain and lumbar dysfunction
other flexion-related activities. is given in Figure 1.7.
Uncontrolled movement Chapter |1|
Figure 1.6 The management plan developed for a person with shoulder pain and uncontrolled scapula forward tilt
6 Relate pain mechanisms to presentation movement control (e.g. the influence on proprio-
Pain mechanisms can have a significant influence ception, allodynia and motor control). Useful
on movement control and consideration of screening tools for neuropathic pain could include
changes within the nervous system is a key com- the S-LANSS (Bennett et al 2005) or the pain
ponent of the clinical reasoning process (for more DETECT questionnaire (Freynhagen et al 2006),
detail see Breivik & Shipley 2007; Butler & Moseley while the McGill Pain Questionnaire (Melzack
2003). It is essential to consider the influence of 1975; Melzack & Katz 1992) also evaluates the
mechanical nociceptive or inflammatory pain in affective aspects of pain for a patient.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 1.7 The management plan developed for a person with back pain and uncontrolled lumbar flexion
Uncontrolled movement Chapter |1|
Table 1.5 Examples of therapeutic modalities that can influence the correction of movement faults
useful adjuvant modalities in retraining UCM, and work disability proved to be the most
managing pain, mobilising restrictions or treating consistent predictors for poor recovery in these
pathology. studies.
The relative influence of factors beyond physi-
10 Consider prognosis ological processes is a contemporary research
subject and there is a growing body of evidence
Although the management of symptoms has been indicating that socio-demographic, physical and
the primary aim in the treatment of musculoskel- psychological factors strongly affect short- and
etal disorders, research has also demonstrated long-term outcomes. These factors must be taken
links between UCM and dysfunction, disability into consideration when establishing a realistic
and the recurrence of symptoms. It is therefore timeframe for when dysfunction, symptoms and
appropriate that dysfunction and disability are disability could be expected to improve and by
also considered, along with symptoms, when pro- how much.
viding a prognosis for recovery in the manage-
ment of musculoskeletal disorders. The timeframe
for expected improvement in symptoms should
be considered independently of the timeframes CLINICAL REASONING IN A DIAGNOSTIC
for recovery of dysfunction and disability when
making prognostic judgments for recovery.
Physiological tissue repair timelines have been
well researched and are reasonably well defined. As noted in Box 1.3, when a patient presents with
In more acute (less than 6 weeks) conditions, neuromusculoskeletal pain and dysfunction, it is
these provide a useful guideline. In more chronic good clinical practice to assess and identify four
(more than 12 weeks) conditions, other prognos- key criteria:
tic factors become more important. A systematic 1. diagnosis of movement dysfunction
review on prognostic factors in whiplash- 2. diagnosis of pain-sensitive or pain-generating
associated disorders established that factors structures
related to poor recovery included: female gender; 3. diagnosis of presenting pain mechanisms
a low level of education; high initial neck pain; – peripheral nociceptive and neurogenic
more severe disability; higher levels of somatisa- sensitisation
tion and sleep difficulties (Hendriks et al 2005; 4. evaluation and consideration of contextual
Scholten-Peeters et al 2003). Neck pain intensity factors.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Uncontrolled movement Chapter |1|
Health condition
Four key criteria within clinical reasoning framework
(disorder or disease)
1. Diagnosis of movement dysfunction
– site and direction of uncontrolled motion.
2. Diagnosis of pain-sensitive tissue(s) (linked to pathology).
3. Diagnosis of pain mechanisms
– peripheral nociceptive
– neurogenic sensitisation.
4. Evaluation and consideration of contextual factors. Body functions
Activities Participation
and structures
Figure 1.8 Four key criteria within a clinical reasoning
Environmental Personal
factors factors
Researchers and clinicians have become increas-
ingly aware that there is frequently little corre- Figure 1.10 Model of functioning and disability,
lation between pathology and (functional) International Classification of Functioning Disability and
limitations in activities and participation. This is Health, ICF. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2001
even more evident for chronic complaints. Con-
temporary clinical reasoning has seen a paradigm
shift from a biomedical to a bio-psychosocial functions and ADL are limited. These are defined
model. For instance, in the analysis of movement as ‘disabilities’ and can be evaluated by valid and
dysfunction model presented in Box 1.3, a modi- reliable questionnaires and performance tests.
fied version of a disablement process model This provides the opportunity to reassess the
(Verbrugge & Jette 1994) is included. Such a disa- patient in an objective way and evaluate efficacy
blement assessment model uses the same theo- of interventions. Within the clinical reasoning
retical construct as a starting point for assessment process the therapist evaluates the four factors in
and treatment (Figure 1.9). the diagnostic framework criteria (see Figure 1.8),
In a disablement process model, the therapist, and relates these to the functional limitations.
together with the patient, determines which In this partially reversible system, the functional
limitations are continuously influenced by extra-
and intra-individual factors. These existing and
potential risk factors are the reason why path-
ology presents as or evolves into impairments.
Using a clinical decision-making process, the
therapist is able to assess and determine if a
Disability Pathology
normal or aberrant course is present.
Different terminology is used in the Interna-
Risk tional Classification of Functioning, Disability,
Intra-individual and Health (ICF 2001) model of functioning and
disability (Figure 1.10). However, essentially the
intra-individual factors in the disablement process
Functional model are comparable with the ICF’s personal
limitations factors and the extra-individual factors are com-
parable with the environmental factors.
The rehabilitation problem solving (RPS) form
Extra-individual (Figure 1.11) was developed to address patients’
factors perspectives and to enhance their participation
in the decision-making process during their
Figure 1.9 Disablement assessment model: modified from assessment. The RPS form is based on the
Disablement Process Model (Verbrugge & Jette 1994) ICF model of functioning and disability and
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
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Chapter 2
Muscle function and physiology Chapter |2|
Table 2.2 Local and global muscle system characteristics and general features
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
4. Global muscle ‘system’: the muscles that make titin filaments which anchor the myosin chain to
up the global muscle system are responsible the Z band. Other connective tissue structures
for the production and control of the range within muscle only contribute partially to passive
and the direction of movement. The global tension. Figure 2.1 illustrates the actin–myosin
muscles can change length significantly and filament cross-bridges and titin attachments.
therefore are the muscles of range of motion. The position in range (usually mid-range)
The global muscles participate in both where the active length–tension curve is maximal
non-fatiguing low load and fatiguing high is known as the muscle’s resting length. In this
load activities. position, the maximum number of actin–myosin
Both the local and global muscle systems must cross-bridge links can be established. In a mus-
work together for efficient normal function. cle’s shortened or inner range position, the passive
Neither system in isolation can control the func- elastic components do not contribute to muscle
tional stability of body motion segments. tension. Passive tension only begins to play a role
after a muscle starts to lengthen or stretch into the
muscle’s outer range, beyond its resting length or
Functional efficiency
mid-range position. Muscles are most efficient
The functional efficiency of a muscle is related to and generate optimal force when they function in
its ability to generate tension. A muscle’s tension a mid-range position near resting length. Muscles
is not constant throughout a contraction, espe- are less efficient and appear functionally weak
cially if the muscle is changing length to produce when they are required to contract in a shortened
movement. Length and tension properties of a or lengthened range relative to their resting length
muscle are closely related. The tension or force a because of physiological or mechanical insuffi-
muscle produces is the resultant force arising ciency (Figure 2.2).
from a combination of both active and passive Physiological insufficiency occurs when a
components of the muscle. The active compo- muscle actively shortens into its inner range
nent of muscle tension is determined by the where the actin filaments overlap each other, thus
number of actin–myosin cross-bridges that are reducing the number of cross-bridges that can
linked at any point in time. The passive tension link to the myosin filament. As the muscle pro-
property of muscle is largely due to the elastic gressively shortens, there are fewer cross-bridges
Physiological Mechanical
insufficiency Optimal force insufficiency
Force inefficiency
‘functionally weak’
Joint range
Muscle function and physiology Chapter |2|
Muscle test
Figure 2.2 Active (contractile) component of a muscle length–tension curve changes when muscles change length: changes
in muscle length affect force efficiency in different positions of joint range. Adapted from Goldspink & Williams 1992
able to be linked, and the muscle is unable to muscle test position (inner to middle range), the
generate optimal force. Mechanical insufficiency lengthened muscle is inefficient due to physiolo-
occurs when a muscle actively contracts in its gical insufficiency, and consequently tests ‘weak’
lengthened or outer range. In this range, the actin during muscle testing and fatigues more readily
filaments do not adequately overlap the myosin in postural control tasks. A persistently shortened
filament and again a reduced number of cross- muscle, on the other hand, loses sarcomeres in
bridges are linked. Consequently the muscle series and increases in connective tissue (the
cannot generate optimal force. Mechanical insuf- dotted line in Figure 2.2). Because of the reduced
ficiency during an outer range contraction is number of sarcomeres, the shortened muscle
offset somewhat by the increase in passive tension generates less peak force than normal. Interest-
from titin filaments. ingly, a shortened muscle’s resting length may
However, when a muscle habitually functions at coincide with the muscle test position. Even
an altered length (either lengthened or shortened), though the shortened muscle is weaker than its
its length–tension relationships adapt accord- normal control, muscle testing is performed at
ingly. The position in range where it generates the point in range where it is optimally efficient.
optimal force efficiency changes to match the sub- Consequently, shortened muscles frequently
sequent lengthening or shortening (Goldspink & demonstrate good strength during muscle testing
Williams 1992), as illustrated in Figure 2.2. (Gossman et al 1982). This explains the clinical
When a muscle is persistently elongated or observation that ‘short muscles test strong and
lengthened, it adds sarcomeres in series (the long muscles test weak’.
broken line in Figure 2.2). Because the sarcom- A muscle’s structure also affects its ability to
eres are the force generating units within a muscle, generate force. Muscles that have long lever arms,
a lengthened or elongated muscle is stronger and such as the multi-joint rectus femoris or ham-
is able to generate a higher peak force than strings, can contract through a greater range and
normal. This higher peak force, however, is pro- are biomechanically advantaged to produce range
duced in an outer range position and not at its of movement during concentric shortening. These
usual resting length, mid-range position. At the muscles primarily have a mobility role. These
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Functional classification of
muscle roles
The concepts of local and global muscle systems stability role
and stabiliser and mobiliser muscles provide
useful frameworks to classify muscle function.
However, alone, they have some clinical deficien- Figure 2.3 Anatomical inter-relationships between the
different muscle roles in the lumbar spine
cies. By interlinking these two concepts a clini-
cally useful model of classification of muscle
functional roles has been developed (Comerford to achieve optimal function better than others. An
& Mottram 2001). analysis of a muscle’s ideal role should
Table 2.3 summarises this classification in terms consider the co-relation of the features listed in
of function and characteristics and dysfunction. Table 2.4.
Postural adjustments are anticipatory and This model of reviewing and analysing muscle
ongoing and all muscles can have an anticipatory function and recruitment provides an opportu-
timing to address displacement and perturba- nity to develop a greater understanding of a
tions to equilibrium. All muscles provide reflex muscle’s role in functional activities. By analys-
feedback reactions under both low and high ing the inter-relationships between a muscle’s
threshold recruitment tasks and demonstrate anatomy and histology, its biomechanical poten-
anticipatory feedforward recruitment when tial, its recruitment physiology and consistent
appropriate. However, only muscles with a local changes in the muscle related to pain and pathol-
stability role exhibit anticipatory timing that is ogy (see Table 2.4), we can be more critical of
independent of the direction of loading or dis- some of the oversimplified roles that have previ-
placement. Muscles recruited in a global range ously been ascribed to some muscles.
related role are direction-specific in their anti- If an analysis of all four of these features sup-
cipatory feedforward responses (Hodges & ports a consistent conclusion, we can be reason-
Richardson 1997; Hodges 2001; Hodges & ably confident that a particular muscle’s primary
Moseley 2003). Figure 2.3 illustrates an example function or role is understood. Such support is
of the anatomical inter-relationships between available only for a limited number of the muscles
the different muscle roles in the lumbar spine. that therapists work with on a regular basis,
such as transversus abdominis, external obliquus
abdominis, rectus abdominis and hamstrings.
Muscle characterisation If analysis of these four features provides con-
Although all muscles can perform all basic abili- flicting conclusions then there may be confusion,
ties, some muscles are ideally suited to some roles misunderstanding or misinterpretation of this
Muscle function and physiology Chapter |2|
Table 2.3 Classification of muscle functional roles in terms of function, characteristics and dysfunction
Table 2.4 Features of muscle function used for muscle’s function. Several possibilities exist to
reviewing muscle roles explain this apparent conflict:
1. Some discrepancies between biomechanics
FUNCTION DYSFUNCTION and neurophysiology need to be explained
with some muscles. For example, training
1. Anatomical location 4. Consistent and
and structure characteristic changes
latissimus dorsi co-activation with the
2. Biomechanical potential in the presence of pain contralateral gluteal muscles (often referred
3. Neurophysiology or pathology to as the posterior sacroiliac sling) to
stabilise the sacroiliac joint has been
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
proposed by various authors (Vleeming et al They state that the upper trapezius muscle
2007). This training would be appropriate to cannot elevate the scapula above C6. It is
help manage sacroiliac joint pain associated suggested that the reason for the high levels
with high load or high speed activities such of EMG activation may be to assist the
as running or throwing because these two clavicular rotation (necessary for full shoulder
muscles are automatically recruited in these elevation), or an attempt to stabilise the
activities. However, for patients who have cervical spine during arm load activities.
sacroiliac joint pain associated with non- Similarly, vastus medialis obliquus
fatiguing functional movements (e.g. normal demonstrates high levels of EMG activity in
gait) and postural control activities (e.g. terminal extension of the knee. Lieb & Perry
static standing), this training is unlikely to (1968) demonstrated that vastus medialis
be beneficial. There is often an assumption obliquus has no biomechanical potential to
that the muscles used in strength training extend the knee in this last 30°. The high
will be used in all functional activities. level of vastus medialis obliquus recruitment
However, this is not the case as there is is best explained by its role of maintaining
minimal automatic activation of latissimus alignment tracking of the patella during the
dorsi in these low load activities. last 30° of full extension.
Another example of measurement 3. The muscle is designed to participate in
discrepancy occurs following the assumption more than one primary functional role; for
that psoas major is a hip flexor. example, Hodges (2003) suggests that a
Biomechanical modelling of psoas major muscle may have three functional roles:
often assumes that it is a fusiform muscle (i) control of inter-segmental motion
with a straight line of action from the upper (ii) control of posture and alignment
lumbar spine to the femur. This is not the (iii) to produce and control movement.
case. Psoas major is a pennate muscle with Some muscles can effectively perform all
obliquely orientated fibres. A more detailed three of these functional roles. Gluteus
mechanical evaluation of its pennate maximus is an example of a muscle that
orientation (Gibbons 2007) suggests that its multitasks all three functional roles
maximum shortening potential is (Gibbons 2007). Gluteus maximus has deep
approximately 2.25 cm. This is insufficient to sacral fibres that run from the inferior lateral
produce the flexion range of motion of the corner of the sacrum to the posterior inferior
hip. The posterior fascia of psoas major is ischial spine. It is believed that these fibres
anchored to the anterior rim of the pelvis perform a local stability role and have the
(Gibbons 2007). This attachment would function of controlling intersegmental
produce posterior tilt of the pelvis. Posterior translation at the sacroiliac joint. Gluteus
tilt of the pelvis is a conjoined movement maximus also has fibres that run from the
with hip flexion, and interestingly the range medial aspect of the ileum to the gluteal
of movement of the pelvis at the psoas trochanter on the femoral neck. These deep
attachment point during posterior tilt fibres constitute the one-joint part of a
perfectly matches the predicted range of muscle that performs a global stability role
shortening of psoas major. at the hip joint. The most superficial fibres
2. There may be misinterpretation of research of gluteus maximus run from the iliac crest
measurement technology; for example, upper and attach into the posterior aspect of the
trapezius, lower trapezius, psoas major, vastus iliotibial band and eventually insert on the
medialis obliquus. Upper trapezius has been anterior aspect of the lateral tibial condyle,
assumed to elevate the shoulder because it below the knee. This multi-joint part of
demonstrates high levels of EMG activity gluteus maximus has a global mobiliser role
during scapular elevation tasks. Johnson and produces movement at the hip joint and
et al (1994) demonstrate that 90% of the the knee joint.
contractile fibres of upper trapezius insert on
the ligamentum nuchae below C6 and are For many of the muscles that therapists work
horizontally orientated (the vertical fibres are with on a regular basis there is currently insuffi-
predominantly fascial and connective tissue). cient information on all four of these features
Muscle function and physiology Chapter |2|
(see Table 2.4) to enable thorough understanding evidence to support the muscle having both
of the primary function or role of these a local role and a global role, or the evidence may
muscles (e.g. serratus anterior, adductor magnus, support the muscle having a contribution to both
subscapularis). stability and mobility roles (e.g. gluteus maximus,
infraspinatus and pelvic floor). Such muscles
appear to be able to contribute to combinations
MUSCLE FUNCTION: PRIMARY ROLE of local stabiliser, global stabiliser and global
mobiliser roles when required in normal
Identifying a muscle’s primary role is not always
simple. Some muscles appear to have a single, • In the presence of pathology and/or pain, a
very specific primary role (single task/specific variety of different dysfunctions may
muscle) while other muscles appear to be more develop. These dysfunctions can be identified
versatile and contribute to more than one primary as being associated with either or all of the
role (multitasking muscle). multitasking roles and are related to the
‘weak links’ in an individual’s integrated
stability system. Because these contribute to
Single task-specific muscles more than one functional role, different
Single task muscles have a specific task orientated dysfunctions can present with pain.
role associated with having only a local stabiliser Therefore, dysfunction in these muscles is
role (e.g. transversus abdominis, vastus medialis not predictable and a more detailed
obliquus), a global stabiliser role (e.g. external assessment is required with a clinical
obliquus abdominis) or a global mobiliser role reasoning process.
(e.g. rectus abdominis, hamstrings, iliocostalis • Treatment and retraining has to address the
lumborum). particular dysfunction that presents, usually
needs to be multifactorial and should
• In the presence of pathology and/or pain, emphasise integration into ‘normal’
very specific dysfunctions can develop and function.
are associated with the recognised specific
primary role. These dysfunctions are As well as a consideration of the macro function(s)
consistent and predictable. and role(s) of the muscle, the therapist should
consider the physiological or micro basis of the
• Very specific retraining or correction has
been advocated in treatment of this muscle with respect to its potential for recruit-
dysfunction (Hodges & Richardson 1996, ment in single or multifunction roles.
1997; Hodges & Richardson 1999; Jull 2000;
O’Sullivan 2000; Hides et al 1996, 2001).
This specific training or corrective MOTOR RECRUITMENT
intervention is typically non-functional and
as such is designed to correct very specific
elements of dysfunction. This specific
The motor unit
retraining or correction may or may not A single motor unit consists of the motor neurone
integrate into normal functional activity. plus the muscle fibres it innervates. All muscle
There is currently no method to predict or fibres in a single motor unit are of the same fibre
clinically measure automatic integration into type. All skeletal muscle fibres do not have the
normal function. In many patients this same mechanical and metabolic characteristics.
integration has to be facilitated. All human muscles are composed of different
motor unit types interspersed with each other.
The maximal contraction speed, strength and fati-
Multitasking muscles guability of each muscle depend on the propor-
Some muscles appear less specific and seem to tions of fibre types (Widmaier et al 2007).
participate in a variety of roles without demon- Most muscles are composed predominantly of
strating dysfunction. They appear to have a mul- two different types of motor units (Figure 2.4).
titasking function associated with the potential to There are slow low threshold motor units (SMU)
perform more than one role. That is, there is good and fast high threshold motor units (FMU). Other
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Spinal cord
Muscle fibres
Figure 2.4 Slow and fast motor units (with permission of Movement Performance Solutions)
types of motor units have been identified, but this as slow motor units in non fatiguing function.
basis classification is useful for rehabilitation pur- They are predominantly recruited as load
poses (Lieber 2009). increases, with fatiguing functional activities or if
Slow motor units are fatigue resistant with a the central nervous system plans to preform a fast
slow speed of contraction and a low contraction movement (Monster 1978).
force. Significantly they have a low threshold for
activation and as such are predominately recruited
in non fatiguing postural control tasks and non LOW VERSUS HIGH THRESHOLD
fatiguing functional movements. Fast motor units RECRUITMENT
are fast fatiguing when recruited (for example
with fast movements or loaded activities). Signifi- Table 2.6 summarises functional activities that
cantly they have a higher threshold for activation stimulate dominant slow and fast motor unit
and as such are not recruited to the same extent recruitment patterns.
Muscle function and physiology Chapter |2|
Table 2.6 Functional activities that stimulate dominant slow and fast motor unit recruitment patterns
Low threshold (tonic) recruitment of slow motor High threshold (phasic) recruitment of fast
units (SMU) (related to low load/force and slow motor units (FMU) (related to high load/
speed) force and high speed)
• Alignment and postural adjustment • fatiguing high force or load
• Control of non fatiguing postural activities • bracing co-contraction
• Non-fatiguing movements of the unloaded limbs and • initiating fast or accelerated movement
trunk at a natural comfortable speed
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Muscle function and physiology Chapter |2|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
any significant weight is transferred to the front of independent research groups are all reporting
foot. If efficient low threshold recruitment of a common finding (Lee 2011; Jull 2000; Sahr-
multifidus is inhibited, multifidus does not pal- mann 2002; Hodges 2003; Hodges & Moseley
pably activate until body weight is transferred to 2003; Richardson et al 2004; Falla et al 2004a, b;
the front foot and body weight is unloaded from Sterling et al 2001, 2005; Dankaerts et al 2006;
the rear foot. This observed delay in automatic Moseley & Hodges 2006; O’Sullivan et al 2006;
recruitment is associated with altered low thresh- O’Leary et al 2001). They have all consistently
old activation. It is a very common observation observed that, in the presence of chronic or recur-
that patients with a history of recurrent low back rent pain, subjects change the patterns or strate-
or pelvic girdle pain consistently demonstrate a gies of synergistic recruitment that are normally
timing delay in multifidus activation during used to perform low load functional movements
forward weight transfer compared to people who or postures. They have demonstrated that these
have no history of low back pain. This is not an subjects employ strategies or patterns of muscle
issue of muscle weakness, as it is consistently recruitment that are normally reserved for high
observed in athletes with back pain who have load function (e.g. lifting, pushing, pulling,
hypertrophy of the paraspinal muscle groups due throwing, jumping, running, etc.) for normal
to strength and conditioning training programs. postural control and low threshold functional
This delay may be related to a change in the activities. The common observation is that the
threshold of automatic activation of low thresh- multi-joint muscles with a primary mobility role
old slow motor units. for force and speed functions inappropriately
become the dominant synergists in non-fatiguing
normal functional movements and for low thresh-
old postural control tasks. At the same time, the
PAIN AND RECRUITMENT one-joint muscles that should be dominant in
non-fatiguing function and postural control,
Recruitment is altered in the presence of pain. demonstrate down-regulation of their activation
Pain affects slow motor unit recruitment more and are less active than controls with no pain
significantly than fast motor unit recruitment. history. Figure 2.8 illustrates graphically the dif-
Pain does not appear to significantly limit an ferences in recruitment patterns of stabiliser and
athlete’s ability to generate power and speed, so mobiliser synergists in the pain-free state and the
long as they can mentally ‘put the pain aside’. It chronic pain state.
has been suggested anecdotally that up to 90% of These pain-related changes in the patterns or
sporting world records are broken by athletes the thresholds of recruitment between one-joint
with a chronic or recurrent musculoskeletal pain stabilisers and their multi-joint mobiliser syner-
problem. gists can only be demonstrated during unloaded
In the pain-free state, research (Hodges & or low threshold testing. Under high load or high
Moseley 2003; Moseley & Hodges 2005) indicates threshold function it is normal, in both the pain-
that the brain and the central nervous system free state and in the presence of pain, to demon-
(CNS) are able to utilise a variety of motor control strate mobiliser dominance (with respect to
strategies to perform functional tasks and main- stabiliser activation). Therefore, tests based on
tain control of movement, equilibrium and joint strength or endurance cannot consistently iden-
stability. However, in the pain state, the options tify if there is a pain-related change in recruitment
available to the CNS appear to become limited. thresholds or patterns of recruitment.
These altered (or limited) motor control strate- These altered strategies or patterns have been
gies present as consistent co-contraction patterns described in the research and clinical literature
usually with exaggerated recruitment of the as ‘substitution strategies’, ‘compensatory move-
multi-joint muscles over the deeper segmental ments’, ‘muscle imbalance’ between inhibited/
muscles. lengthened stabilisers and shortened/overactive
Recent research on musculoskeletal pain has mobilisers, ‘faulty movements’, ‘abnormal domi-
focused on motor control changes associated nance of the mobiliser synergists’, ‘co-contraction
with the pain state. This research has provided rigidity’ and ‘control impairments’. The inconsist-
important new information regarding chronic or ent terminology used in the clinical and academic
recurrent musculoskeletal pain. A large number literature has contributed to a lack of universal
Muscle function and physiology Chapter |2|
Table 2.7 Recruitment changes associated with
uncontrolled movement
90 With uncontrolled movement (UCM), inhibition and
80 dysfacilitation present as:
• Poor recruitment under low Inhibition and
threshold stimulus – inefficient dysfacilitation
60 slow motor unit (SMU) ≠ ‘off’
50 recruitment ≠ ‘weak’
40 – (evidence in both the local
Mobiliser and global muscle systems)
30 • Delayed recruitment timing
20 – (evidence in the local muscle
10 system)
• Altered recruitment sequencing
0 – (evidence in the global muscle
Low High
load load system)
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Stability function: Mobility function: (Grimby & Hannerz 1976). Indeed, propriocep-
anti-gravity resisted or tive information from the primary muscle spindle
postural control fast movement endings (especially the gamma spindle system
loops) is essential for efficient facilitation of tonic
Stabiliser muscles Mobiliser muscles
or slow motor unit recruitment (Eccles et al 1957;
Grimby & Hannerz 1976).
Grimby & Hannerz (1976) reported that when
less responsive to low proprioception is diminished, the sense of effort
responds efficiently threshold but responds necessary for efficient activation of slow motor
to a low threshold efficiently to a high units is increased. That is, during low load activity,
stimulus threshold stimulus the subject feels that they must try harder (even if
it feels like maximum effort) to achieve tonic
Figure 2.9 Dysfunctional stabiliser recruitment – down- recruitment of slow motor units. It feels much
regulation, inhibition and dysfacilitation easier to contract the same muscle against high
load or resistance (where fast motor unit recruit-
Stability function: Mobility function:
ment is significant).
anti-gravity resisted or
postural control fast movement When maximum or high sensation of effort is needed to
perform a low load activity or movement then it is most
Stabiliser muscles Mobiliser muscles likely that there is inefficient facilitation of slow motor
unit recruitment and dysfunction of normal spindle
For the same reasons though, when less sensation of
effort is needed to perform that same low load activity or
becomes more responds primarily to movement (and it feels easier), then it is likely that there
responsive to a low a high threshold is better facilitation of slow motor unit recruitment.
threshold stimulus stimulus This decrease in the sense of effort required is a good
indicator of improving motor control stability function.
Figure 2.10 Dysfunctional mobiliser recruitment –
up-regulation and overactivity The sensation of high effort to perform a low
load task may be due to:
increased tonic activity of SMU recruitment in • recruitment dysfunction (common, with
mobiliser muscles contributes to their observed multiple contributing factors), or
dominance in postural control (O’Sullivan et al • disuse atrophy and weakness (uncommon,
1998; Jull 2000; Sahrmann 2002). but if present, with wasting and functional
During low threshold motor control stability
SENSATION OF EFFORT, AFFERENT INPUT training it is permissible for the patient to ‘feel’
AND RECRUITMENT or experience the sensation that they are working
hard (even maximally) during low load exercise
The concept of ‘sensation of effort’ has significant so long as they do not show signs of fatigue of
relevance to the clinical assessment of threshold the stability muscle or substitute with a different
changes in recruitment functions and subsequent muscle. It is not appropriate to progress the exer-
implications for the re-assessment of recruitment cise until that low load exercise feels easy.
after exercise interventions. The sense of effort has • Peripheral fatigue occurs when a muscle can
been defined as a judgment on the effort required maintain a level of contraction force for
to generate a force (Enoka & Stuart 1992). This longer because of peripheral factors (e.g.
is processed in higher centres in the central ner- depleted muscle glycogen, phosphagen, and
vous system and relates to the mental challenge calcium) even though the CNS may be
required to perform a task in the periphery. increasing neural discharge to the motor
The relative recruitment of slow and fast motor neurone pool. The muscle runs out of fuel.
units in sustained voluntary contraction is partly This is best improved by strength training
due to the influence of proprioceptive activity programs.
Muscle function and physiology Chapter |2|
• Central fatigue relates to alterations in the efficiency and the altered sensation of effort in
way that the CNS drives the motor neurone low load testing. This recruitment inhibition
pool. The muscle has the ability (and fuel) affects both local and global muscle stability func-
to generate more force but an inadequate tion. Articular or myofascial restrictions create
neural stimulus is provided by the CNS. This compensatory patterns of movement. Pain and
is a motor control issue. the resultant muscle spasm and guarding also
contribute to these dysfunctional compensatory
movement patterns. Compensation that is effi-
Clinical differentiation between central fatigue ciently controlled does not appear to contribute
and peripheral fatigue to the development of musculoskeletal pain.
However, there is abundant evidence to support
When a functional task feels like hard work: the link between UCM (uncontrolled interseg-
• If added or increased resistive load: mental translation or uncontrolled range of
→ easier = central fatigue (responds to facilitation) motion) and the development of musculoskeletal
→ harder = peripheral fatigue or weakness pain and degenerative pathology.
This dysfunction loop acts like a ‘vicious circle’
Implications for training: and contributes to the maintenance of chronicity
When a low load exercise feels or looks like hard work and insidious recurrence of musculoskeletal pain.
this usually indicates a motor control recruitment
dysfunction (not weakness) and needs specific assessment
and specific low threshold retraining.
Movement control
uncontrolled translation
uncontrolled range
of slow motor unit Diminished
recruitment efficiency proprioception
(high sense of effort)
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
function are an indirect consequence of recover- Table 2.8 Key threshold differences between low
ing SMU recruitment thresholds and restoring and high threshold recruitment strategies
more ideal patterns of recruitment. Low thresh-
old motor control training strategies usually KEY THRESHOLD DIFFERENCES
require practising a highly cognitive, very specific,
non-functional movement skill until the activa- Low threshold High threshold
tion strategy feels more ‘familiar’ and less ‘unnat- recruitment recruitment
ural’ and has a low sensation of effort (feels easy) Slow motor unit dominant Fast motor unit dominant
during its performance. Once this low threshold
Slow / Static Fast
motor control recruitment skill has been estab-
lished it can be progressed in several ways: and or
• While maintaining the cognitive activation, Sustained Fatiguing
progressively remove or decrease load
(non-fatiguing, low load) (high load)
facilitation (unloading). For example, the
multifidus has increased load facilitation in
standing with forward leaning of the trunk.
Load facilitation is decreased by moving the
trunk backwards over the pelvis in sitting
and is maximally unloaded by lying
supported in prone. Retraining low threshold
• While maintaining the cognitive activation, recruitment dominance
impose a low threshold (non-fatiguing)
perturbation. This perturbation should If the patient is able to perform an exercise or task
consist of small range, low force, non- slowly and consistently for 4 minutes or more
predictable displacements. For example, this without fatigue or needing recovery time, then at
can be achieved while sitting upright on an least the first 1–2 minutes of that exercise or task
unstable base (such as an inflatable disc or will be performed with low threshold recruitment
round balance board) while maintaining the dominance.
trained cognitive activation.
Muscle function and physiology Chapter |2|
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Chapter 3
The development of valid classification methods however, it has yet to be established if CPR can
to assist therapists in the management of neuro- change symptoms as well as function and dys-
musculoskeletal disorders has been recognised as function or correlate to changes in muscular
a clinical priority (Fritz & Brennan 2007; Fritz recruitment. The following section explores issues
et al 2007). Identifying and classifying movement relating to the classification of subgroups in
faults is fast becoming an essential tool neuromusculoskeletal pain management.
in contemporary rehabilitative neuromusculo-
skeletal practice (Comerford & Mottram 2001a;
Sahrmann 2002; O’Sullivan 2005). Traditionally, CLASSIFICATION OF SUBGROUPS IN
assessment of musculoskeletal problems is based
on the clinical history, mechanism of injury and
symptom responses to examination procedures.
Symptoms are assessed during active movements Non-specific musculoskeletal pain often has a
(Cyriax 1980; McKenzie & May 2003; Maitland history of chronicity or recurrence along with
et al 2005), passive movements (Kaltenborn multiple tissues being diagnosed as contributory
2003; Maitland et al 2005), combined move- elements to the pain presentation. Significant
ments (Edwards 1999) or sustained positions pain mechanisms are often present (Chapter 1)
(McKenzie & May 2003). A mechanism-based and there may or may not be identifiable ele-
approach has now been proposed (Schafer et al ments of behavioural adaptation. If mechanical
2007) with contemporary assessment moving subgroups can be identified within the broad
away from individual symptom responses to group known as non-specific neuromusculoskel-
exploring movement impairments and how these etal pain, then manual therapy and therapeutic
relate to symptoms (Comerford & Mottram exercise interventions have a better rationale for
2001a; Sahrmann 2002; Burnett et al 2004; predicting positive outcomes.
Dankaerts et al 2006b; Comerford & Mottram Classification and categorisation of subgroups
2011, Van Dillen et al 2009). can be based on a variety of systems of analysis,
Given the complexity of neuromuscular dys- for example:
function, therapists have continued to search for • Non-specific musculoskeletal pain: no single
a systematic framework to assist clinical assess- anatomical based pathology can account for
ment and management. One focus is on identify- the presenting symptoms. The evaluation of
ing clinical prediction rules (CPR) that determine movement-related dysfunction can be used
subgroups within patient presentations that may to explain some of the symptoms presenting
respond to certain treatments (Hicks et al 2005); in multiple tissues. These movement-based
Box 3.1 Classification of subgroups based on non-specific mechanical pain related to movement
Subgroups within non-specific (iii) psoas (Gibbons 2005; Comerford & Mottram
musculoskeletal pain 2011)
1. Site and direction of uncontrolled (iv) pelvic floor (Peng et al 2007; Whittaker 2007).
movement 3. Muscle imbalance
(a) Site and direction of uncontrolled motion (Comerford (a) Sahrmann (relative flexibility) (Sahrmann 2002).
& Mottram 2001a).
(b) Kinetic Control (restriction and compensation)
(b) Direction susceptible to motion (Sahrmann 2002). (Comerford & Mottram 2011).
(c) Control impairments and movement impairments (c) Janda (recruitment sequencing) (Janda 1986).
(O’Sullivan 2005).
4. Patterns of movement provocation and
2. Recruitment efficiency of local muscle relief with postural positioning
stability system
(a) McKenzie (derangement patterns) (McKenzie & May
(a) Changes in feedforward mechanism, for example: 2006).
(i) transversus abdominis, multifidus, pelvic floor, (b) Jones positional release (strain–counterstrain) (Jones
diaphragm (Richardson et al 2004) et al 1995).
(ii) deep neck flex (Jull et al 2008)
5. Positional diagnosis
(iii) upper trapezius (Wadsworth & Bullock-Saxton
1997). (a) Osteopathic process (muscle energy technique).
(b) Recruitment efficiency changes: 6. Patterns of symptom relief associated with
(i) deep neck flex (Jull et al 2008) manual mobilisation
(ii) psoas, subscapularis, upper trapezius, lower (a) Mulligan (Nags, Snags, MWM) (Mulligan 2003).
trapezius, posterior neck ext. (Gibbons 2007; (b) DonTigny (pelvic dysfunction) (DonTigny 1997).
Comerford & Mottram 2010) (c) Cyriax (1980), Maitland et al (2005), Kaltenborn
(iii) deep sacral glut. max. (Gibbons 2007) (2003).
(iv) clinical rating system (Comerford & Mottram (d) Patterns of symptom relief with manual mobilisation
2011). (Fritz et al 2005).
(c) Ultrasound changes:
(i) transversus abdominis (Richardson et al 2004)
(ii) multifidus (Stokes et al 1992; Hides et al 2008)
Assessment and classification of uncontrolled movement Chapter |3|
the reliability of some tests has been established strained or are ‘weak’ and lack the ability to ade-
(Luomajoki et al 2007; Trudelle-Jackson et al quately shorten, they demonstrate increased flex-
2008). Comerford & Mottram (2001a, 2011) ibility. This increased flexibility can contribute to
contend that the observation of aberrant move- uncontrolled or excessive motion at that joint.
ment in itself may not be the most critical factor Similarly, if multi-joint muscles lack extensibility
influencing pain and dysfunction. It could be or generate excessive tension they develop
argued that some observations of excessive or increased stiffness. This increased stiffness then
reduced range of movement may just be variations has the potential to limit or restrict normal
within the normal distribution of the population. motion at that joint. When increased stiffness
People who have no pain and no history of pre- limits motion at a joint, then in order to maintain
vious symptoms may present with range of normal function, the restriction must be compen-
motion that may be considered excessive or hyper- sated for elsewhere in the movement system. If
mobile. It is possible that this ‘excessive’ range of these muscles are linked in functional move-
movement is controlled well by automatic and ments then excessive or uncontrolled motion
cognitive recruitment mechanisms during move- develops at the joint that is inadequately con-
ment and postural tasks (Roussel et al 2009). The trolled by the one-joint muscles relative to the
ability to cognitively recruit appropriate move- adjacent restriction. Relatively more flexible
ment control strategies may be a better indicator structures compensate for relatively stiffer struc-
of whether there is UCM or whether the aberrant tures in function, creating direction-specific
movement is merely a bad habit at one extreme of stress and strain. During functional movements
the normal distribution curve. Not only is the direction-specific hypermobility is re-enforced
observation of aberrant movement important but and if repetitively loaded, tissue pathology results
it is important to be able to test for the ability to (Comerford & Mottram 2001a).
control it. An example of this concept can be observed in
The identification of aberrant movement and the active prone knee extension test (Woolsey
the evaluation of the control of movement is et al 1988). If the rectus femoris is relatively stiffer
complex. The following section will discuss a than the abdominals, then in order to achieve
range of elements that should be considered 120° of knee flexion, the pelvis tilts anteriorly,
during the observation and quantification of and the spine extends. Sahrmann (2002) suggests
aberrant movement. These include the assess- that the abdominals are relatively more flexible
ment of relative stiffness/relative flexibility, move- than the rectus femoris, which is relatively stiffer,
ment control dysfunction, movement system creating uncontrolled or abnormal spinal exten-
impairments and motor control impairments. sion, which in turn contributes to mechanical
back pain (Figure 3.1).
Sahrmann (2002) also identified a similar
Relative stiffness – relative flexibility pattern during forward bending manoeuvres. If
Sahrmann (2002) proposes the concept of ‘rela- the hamstrings are relatively stiffer than the back
tive flexibility’ or ‘relative stiffness’. If one-joint extensors (which are relatively more flexible),
muscles become excessively lengthened and then during forward bending the hip lacks
(a) (b)
Prone knee flexion. (a) Ideally, there should be approximately 120° knee flexion without significant lumbopelvic motion.
(b) To achieve 120° knee flexion with a relatively stiffer rectus femoris, the pelvis will anteriorly tilt and the relatively flexible
lumbar spine will extend.
Figure 3.1 Relative stiffness and relative flexibility influencing lumbar extension
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
sufficient flexion but the spine hyperflexes to Increased forward tilt of the scapula compensates
compensate. This may predispose to mechanical for shortness or stiffness of the lateral rotator
back pain. Esola et al (1996) reported that sub- muscles during shoulder medial rotation.
jects with a history of low back pain, in early Increased anterior translation of the humeral
forward bending, flex more at their lumbar spine head compensates for restriction of glenohumeral
and have stiffer hamstrings than do subjects with medial rotation. She further suggests that these
no history of low back pain. This is supported by compensations are associated with the develop-
Hamilton & Richardson (1998) who show that ment of pathology.
subjects who have no low back pain can actively A test of shoulder girdle relative stiffness/
maintain spinal neutral alignment through 30° flexibility (the kinetic medial rotation test –
of forward leaning (hip flexion) in sitting, but Chapter 8) identifies a restriction of shoulder
subjects with low back pain cannot. The low back medial rotation, which is compensated for by
pain subjects lost neutral alignment earlier and to relatively increasing scapular forward tilt or gleno-
a greater extent, indicating that the spine was rela- humeral translation to maintain a functional
tively more flexible than the hips in low back pain range of arm rotation. It is suggested that the
subjects. compensatory motion at the scapula correlates
Similar evidence has been reported in cervical with impingement pathology, while gleno-
spine dysfunction. The normal ranges of segmen- humeral compensatory motion correlates with
tal flexion–extension range of motion for C5–6 instability pathology. This test has been further
is 18° and 17° for C4–5 with 3.2 mm of inter- validated and quantified by Morrissey (2005) and
segmental translation at both levels (Bhalla & Morrissey et al (2008).
Simmons 1969; Dvorak et al 1988). Singer et al The clinical implication is that in ideal or
(1993) reported that subjects with neck pain and ‘normal’ function, complex motor control proc-
discogenic pathology demonstrated changes in esses exist. These processes regulate muscle
range of segmental motion and intersegmental relative stiffness or relative flexibility in linked
translation. The C5–6 motion segment became multi-joint movements. The movement system
relatively stiff. It demonstrated reduced range of has a remarkable ability to adapt to change.
flexion–extension from 18° to 8° and interseg- Minor variations are acceptable and tolerated by
mental translation reduced from 3.2 mm to the tissues involved. However, when significant
1 mm. In order to maintain functional range of restriction of motion occurs at a joint, the body
motion of the head and neck, the C4–5 motion adapts and in the attempt to maintain function,
segment increased flexibility. It demonstrated some other joint or muscle must compensate by
increased range of flexion–extension from 17° to increasing relative mobility. The cost of compen-
23° and intersegmental translation increase from sating with uncontrolled movement is often
3.2 mm to 6 mm. This paper demonstrated that insidious pathology.
a significant restriction of motion at one vertebral
level could be compensated for by relatively
increasing range at an adjacent level.
Norlander & Nordgren (1998) suggest that Movement control dysfunction
deviation from synchronous distribution of A common feature of movement control faults is
normal mobility between motion segments might reduced control of active movements, or move-
be a factor causing provocation of joint mech- ment control dysfunction, termed MCD by
anoreceptors and subsequent pain. They meas- Luomajoki et al (2007). The MCD is identified by
ured segmental relative flexion mobility between a series of clinical tests. These tests have been
C5 and T7 and identified that hypomobility of shown to be reliable in the lumbar spine (Luoma-
C7–T1 with hypermobility of T1–2 significantly joki et al 2007; Roussel et al 2009) and have been
predicted neck–shoulder pain. promoted in clinical practice (Mottram 2003;
Relative stiffness/flexibility changes have also Comerford & Mottram 2011). The tests are based
been measured at the shoulder girdle. Sahrmann on the concept known as dissociation, defined as
(1992, 2002) identifies several clinical patterns the inability to control motion at one segment
of dysfunction. Increased glenohumeral motion while concurrently producing an active move-
compensates for insufficient upward rotation of ment at another joint segment (Comerford &
the scapula during shoulder flexion or abduction. Mottram 2001a; Sahrmann 2002). A dissociation
Assessment and classification of uncontrolled movement Chapter |3|
test evaluates the ability to actively control move- 2009). The MSI diagnosis is based on identifying,
ment and demonstrates MCD. firstly, a consistent pattern of movement which is
Once a MCD has been identified it can guide associated with the patient’s symptoms and, sec-
the choice of therapeutic exercise (Comerford & ondly, a decrease in pain when the MSI is cor-
Mottram 2001b; Mottram 2003). In the case of rected. For the lumbar region the clinician makes
shoulder dysfunction, muscles around the shoul- a judgment as to whether the patient moves his
der girdle may be unable to control the scapula or her lumbopelvic region early in the test. For
during arm function. In the lumbar spine, trunk example, in a forward bending movement it may
muscles may be unable to control lumbar align- be observed that the lumbar spine initiates the
ment during movements of the hip or thoracic forward bending movement, with hip flexion
spine. The distinctive features of these tests start contributing to the forward bending much later.
with the positioning of the spine or segment in The person usually notes that their symptoms are
its ‘neutral position’ by the therapist, which is provoked by and are linked to the lumbar flexion
then actively controlled by the patient while phase of the movement. The therapist also
they move the joint region either above or below observes whether a significant reduction in the
the joint system being tested. These clinical dis- symptoms is achieved if the person can learn to
sociation tests can identify the site (e.g. scapula initiate forward bending with hip flexion, while
or lumbar spine) and direction (e.g. downward actively preventing the lumbar spine flexion. On
rotation/forward tilt, and flexion) of movement this basis a diagnosis of lumbar flexion move-
control faults (Luomajoki et al 2008; Barr & ment impairment is made.
Burden 2009; Mottram et al 2009). Adapting the People with low back pain (LBP) demonstrate
principles associated with dissociation testing, early lumbopelvic movement with clinical tests
UCM can be identified and classified by the (Scholte et al 2000; Gombatto et al 2007; van
therapist using palpation and visual observation. Dillen et al 2001 2009). The inter-rater reliability
These clinical tests are described in Chapters between two physical therapists classifying
5–9. patients with chronic LBP into lumbar spine
movement impairment strategies has substantial
agreement (Trudelle-Jackson et al 2008). The sug-
Movement impairments gestion is that this links to the pattern of move-
A standardised clinical examination, based on ment during everyday activities and relates to LBP.
Sahrmann’s conceptual model of movement The hypothesis here is that early lumbopelvic
impairment, has been described for the lumbar movement during everyday activities suggests an
spine (Scholtes & Van Dillen 2007; Van Dillen increase in frequency of movement of a specific
et al 2009), the knee (Harris-Hayes & Van Dillen region which may contribute to increased stress
2009) and the shoulder (Caldwell et al 2007). on tissue resulting in pain (Mueller & Maluf
The underlying assumption is that movement 2002). This becomes the diagnosis of movement
faults and abnormal resting postures are associ- impairment.
ated with musculoskeletal tissue changes (Sahr-
mann 2002). For example, muscle dysfunction in
relation to: i) muscle length changes; ii) altered Motor control impairments (MCI)
recruitment patterns between synergistic or antag- O’Sullivan (2000) proposed a classification
onistic muscles; and iii) direction specific system based on motor control impairments
increased motion which arises as compensation (MCI). His classification system of clinical sub-
for relative restrictions of motion at adjacent groups is based on altered strategies for postural
joints may be determined. Movement system and movement control. The inter-tester reliably
impairments (MSI) may present as abnormal of this classification system has been established
alignment and impaired movement during testing (Vibe Fersum et al 2009). O’Sullivan describes a
or functional activities (Sahrmann 2002; Trudelle- subgroup of patients presenting with impair-
Jackson et al 2008; van Dillen et al 2009). ments in control of spinal segments in the direc-
The lumbar spine examination includes a tion of pain which are associated with deficits in
number of clinical tests of trunk, limb or com- motor control (O’Sullivan et al 2006). Interest-
bined trunk and limb movements to ascertain ingly, Dankaerts (2006a), in applying this system,
movement impairments (Van Dillen et al 1998, did not identify differences in superficial trunk
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
muscle activation between a group of healthy ability to actively control or prevent movement
controls and non-specific chronic LBP subjects (or lack of ability to learn how to control move-
in sitting. The authors stressed the importance ment) in a particular direction at a particular
of the ‘washout effect’ when interpreting this joint or motion segment. The UCM can be identi-
finding. When results from all subjects with fied in the presence or in the absence of a symp-
chronic LBP were pooled the findings in one tomatic episode. The UCM is independent of
subgroup of patients were ‘washed out’ by the hypermobile or hypomobile range of motion.
others. However, once subjects were grouped by That is, some people may demonstrate UCM
flexion and extension control impairment pat- even in situations of reduced functional range,
terns, clear differences in muscle activation pat- while other people with hypermobile range of
terns were identified. motion may demonstrate good active control of
The classification of a flexion control impair- their excessive range of motion. The presence
ment pattern, for example, is based on linking of UCM is a powerful indicator of symptomatic
several clinical observations: i) patients relate function associated with recurrence and chron-
their symptoms to flexion activities or postures; icity of musculoskeletal pain.
ii) they are unable to maintain a neutral lumbar
lordosis and habitually position their lumbar
spine in postures of increased flexion and poste- The development of motion restrictions
rior pelvic tilt; iii) they initiate forward bending
in function
or flexion activities with movement at their symp-
tomatic segments; iv) specific muscle testing The development of restrictions within normal
identifies an inability to activate lumbar multi- motion is common. The body acquires restric-
fidus appropriately at the symptomatic segments tions over time for a variety of reasons, as
(bracing or co-contraction strategies are utilised described in Box 3.2. Motion restrictions may be
instead); v) palpation examination reveals passive or active, affecting either the accessory
increased flexion mobility at the symptomatic translation or the physiological range available to
segments. The research in this area highlights the a joint. Passive restrictions may involve: i) a loss
usefulness and importance of sub-classification of extensibility of normal contractile structures
models in chronic LBP and suggests that thera- (e.g. muscle shortening); ii) connective tissue
peutic management may be different between structures (e.g. capsule shortening); iii) the devel-
groups. opment of abnormal connective tissue (e.g.
fibrotic adhesions); or iv) bony changes (osteo-
phytes or spurs) that contribute to a reduction of
Uncontrolled movement (UCM) available passive joint motion. Active restrictions
may involve neurally mediated changes in
and pain
The identification of UCM should be made in
terms of site and direction based on the ability
to cognitively control the movement, not just Box 3.2 Common causes of acquired movement
on observation of altered range of motion. The restriction
consideration that a significant amount of pain
• Injury and increased scar tissue.
in the neuromusculoskeletal system is a result of
cumulative microtrauma caused by uncontrolled • Protective or guarding responses.
movement is gaining credibility (Sahrmann • Postural shortening associated with habitual
positioning and a lack of movement.
2002; Luomajoki et al 2007; Van Dillen et al
• Degenerative changes over time.
2009). The uncontrolled motion leads to
increased loading and pain (Cholewicki & McGill • Overuse.
1996; Mueller & Maluf 2002). UCM is not identi- • Hypertrophy and excessive increases in intrinsic muscle
fied by merely noting hypermobile range of
motion or relative flexibility. Furthermore, UCM • Recruitment dominance (often associated with
habitual overuse).
is not solely identified by habitual postures or
• Behavioural and psychological contextual factors.
initiation of function with movement at one
segment. UCM is identified by a lack of the • Environment and occupational contextual factors.
Assessment and classification of uncontrolled movement Chapter |3|
contractile (muscle) tissues. This may occur as a A proposition for the aetiology of UCM
result of: i) muscle guarding or spasm in response UCM is defined as a lack of efficient active
to pain sensitive movement; or ii) increased recruitment of the local or global muscle’s ability
muscle tension/stiffness due to altered patterns to control motion at a particular motion segment
(strategies) of muscle recruitment between syner- in a specific direction (Comerford & Mottram
gistic muscle groups or increased muscle tension 2001a). For example, uncontrolled lumbar flexion
in response to emotional, behavioural or envi- demonstrates a lack of efficient active recruitment
ronmental stressors. These altered patterns of of spinal muscles to control or prevent movement
muscle recruitment may in turn be reinforced due of the lumbar spine into flexion when attempting
to overuse, overtraining, postural loading or to do so.
maladaptive responses to pain, stress and psycho- The development of UCM may have several
social factors. contributing factors:
Because restrictions of normal motion are
common, the body normally compensates for 1. Compensation for restriction to maintain
these restrictions by increasing motion elsewhere function. The UCM most commonly develops
to maintain function. In normal functional move- insidiously to compensate for an articular or
ment, the central nervous system (CNS) has a myofascial restriction in order to maintain
variety of strategies available to perform any func- normal function. This is commonly observed
tional task or movement and, ideally, the CNS as lack of control of hypermobile range;
determines the most appropriate strategy for the however, it can also present as a lack of
demands of the functional task. So long as the control of normal range. For example,
trajectory or path of motion is well controlled by uncontrolled lumbar flexion compensates for
the coordination of forces in the local and global a restriction of hip flexion (hamstrings) to
synergists, the movement system appears to cope maintain the normal function of forward
well (Hodges 2003). bending. The back extensor stabiliser muscles
Compensation that demonstrates effective lack efficient control of the lumbar spine
active control is a normal adaptive process and during flexion loading. Therefore, the UCM
does not constitute a stability dysfunction, and is is in the lumbar spine in the direction of
usually non-symptomatic. However, inefficient flexion.
active control (uncontrolled movement) identi-
fies a dynamic stability dysfunction and has
greater potential to accumulate microtrauma Restriction → Compensation → UCM → Pathology →
within a variety of tissues and if this exceeds tissue Pain
tolerance may contribute to the development of
pathology and pain (Comerford & Mottram
2001a) (Figure 3.2). 2. Direct overfacilitation. Occasionally the UCM
develops because excessive range of
movement is habitually performed (without
compensating for restrictions). A particular
muscle pulls too hard on a joint in a
Restriction particular direction due to dominant
Normal adaptive recruitment, active shortening or
Compensation process overtraining. This develops slowly as a
progressive insidious process. This is due to
an active process of overuse and shortening
Uncontrolled movement
of a particular muscle that holds a joint
towards its end-range position (away from
Maladaptive process neutral or mid-range positions). For
(Pathology) example, uncontrolled lumbar flexion
Pain develops due to overtraining of rectus
abdominis with repetitive trunk curls. Rectus
Figure 3.2 The restricted segment may be a cause of abdominis actively holds the lumbar spine
compensatory uncontrolled movement excessively flexed at rest and during flexion
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
load activities and postures. The back Trauma → UCM → Pathology → Pain
extensor stabiliser muscles lack efficient
control of the lumbar spine during flexion
loading. Therefore, the UCM is in the lumbar The UCM can be present within normal ranges of
spine in the direction of flexion. functional motion, hypermobile range or even
within a segment with reduced range. It may be
Overpull vs underpull → Compensation → UCM → identified in the physiological or functional
Pathology → Pain movements of joint range, or it may be identified
in the accessory segmental translational gliding
movements of a joint.
3. Sustained passive postural positioning. The UCM
Movement dysfunction may present as a disor-
may also be a result of a passive process
der of translation movements at a single motion
where sustained postural positioning
segment; for example, abnormal segmental
habitually maintains the joint or region
translational motion and/or a range disorder in
towards its end-range position (away from
the functional movements across one or more
neutral or mid-range positions). This usually
motion segments, abnormal myofascial length
results in a lengthening strain of the
and recruitment or as a response to neural mech-
controlling stabiliser muscles and passive
anosensitivity (Comerford & Mottram 2001b).
postural or positional shortening of the
These two components of the movement system
underused but unstretched mobiliser
are inter-related and consequently translation
muscles. Body weight and gravity combine to
and range UCM dysfunctions often occur
create a sustained, direction-specific loading
mechanism. This process is passive and
UCM often develops to compensate for a loss
mainly insidious. For example, uncontrolled
of motion or restriction and this relationship is
lumbar flexion is the result of passive,
illustrated in Table 3.1. The restriction may be
habitual or sustained sitting in a slouched
associated with limitation of articular translation
(flexed) posture. The back extensor stabiliser
and a lack of extensibility of the connective tissue
muscles lack efficient control of the lumbar
(intra-articular or periarticular) at a motion
spine during flexion loading. Therefore, the
segment. This presents with a loss of translational
UCM is in the lumbar spine in the direction
motion at a joint and is confirmed with manual
of flexion.
palpation assessment (Maitland et al 2005). The
restriction may be associated with a lack of exten-
Postural strain → UCM → Pathology → Pain sibility of contractile myofascial tissue or neural
tissue. The muscles may lose extensibility: i)
because of increased low threshold recruitment
4. Trauma. The functional stability of the (overactivity) (Janda 1985; Sahrmann 2002); ii)
movement system may be very efficient but
an injury may occur where load or strain
exceeds the tolerance of normal tissues and
damage to the normal restraints of motion
results. Hence the UCM may be unrelated Table 3.1 Key elements of UCMs and restrictions
to habitual movements and postures or
compensation for restriction, and be the sole Translation Range
result of trauma due to normal tissue being Uncontrolled Uncontrolled Uncontrolled range
overloaded. For example, uncontrolled movement intra-articular and of motion (in
lumbar flexion may be the result of a forced interarticular joint myofascial system)
flexion injury to the lumbar spine such as hypermobility
may occur in a collapsing rugby scrum or a Articular Myofascial
motor vehicle accident. The back extensor
stabilisers lack efficient control of the lumbar Restriction Intra-articular and Lack of myofascial
interarticular joint extensibility
spine during flexion loading. Therefore, the
hypomobility restricting range of
UCM is in the lumbar spine in the direction motion
of flexion.
Assessment and classification of uncontrolled movement Chapter |3|
due to a lack of range because of length-associated efficiency of myofascial tissue to control range of
changes (Gossman et al 1982; Goldspink & Wil- motion. This uncontrolled range of movement is
liams 1992); or iii) due to a lack of normal neural a potential compensation for three mechanisms
compliance and a protective response associated of restriction (Table 3.2): i) myofascial restriction
with abnormal neural mechanosensitivity. This at an adjacent region (restriction and UCM at a
restriction is confirmed with myofascial extensi- regional level); ii) abnormal mechanosensitivity
bility tests. at an adjacent region (restriction and UCM at a
If the UCM is translation related, it may be regional level); or iii) segmental articular transla-
associated with laxity of articular connective tion restriction at an adjacent joint (restriction
tissue and a lack of local muscle control. Panjabi and UCM at an interarticular level).
(1992) defined spinal instability in terms of laxity The complex inter-relationships between restric-
around the neutral position of a spinal segment tions and potential compensation strategies can
called the neutral zone. Maitland et al (2005) be observed presenting in three distinct ways.
have described joint hypermobility. The end These three compensations are detailed in
result of this process is abnormal development of Table 3.2.
UCM and a loss of functional or dynamic stabil-
ity. Uncontrolled translation can compensate for 1. Intra-articular UCM
three mechanisms of restriction (Table 3.2): i) The UCM and the restriction may both be
articular restriction in the same joint (restriction in the same joint segment. A loss of
and UCM at an intra-articular level); ii) articular translational movement in one direction
restriction in an adjacent joint (restriction and may be compensated for by increased
UCM at an interarticular level); or iii) myofascial uncontrolled translation in another direction
restriction (restriction and UCM at a regional in the same joint. As a result the restriction,
level). the UCM and the pain may all be in the
If the UCM is range related, it may be associated same joint.
with elongation or a change in recruitment Example 1: the shoulder may have limited
sequencing of global muscles resulting in a lack A-P (posterior) translation and posterior
of myofascial coordination or a lack of force restriction and compensate with excessive
Intra-articular Interarticular
Translational/articular dysfunction • Occurs within the same joint • Occurs between adjacent joints
• In different or opposing • Usually in the same direction
• Associated with abnormal accessory or translational movement
• UCM and restriction primarily involve connective tissue changes
Relates to a displaced path of the instantaneous centre of motion and uncontrolled
(Can confirm the articular or translation UCM and restriction by manual palpation
assessment and muscle recruitment tests)
Range/myofascial dysfunction • Occurs between adjacent regions
• In the same direction
• Associated with abnormal physiological or functional range
• UCM and restriction primarily involve myofascial tissue changes
Relates to relative flexibility – relative stiffness and uncontrolled range
(Can confirm the myofascial/range UCM and restriction with movement analysis
and muscle length and recruitment tests)
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Assessment and classification of uncontrolled movement Chapter |3|
Non-mec ical pain (Comerford & Mottram 2001a). The MSI and
MCI classification systems rely on observations
of aberrant movements during spinal and limb
activities and functional tasks. A typical feature
Pathology of impaired motor control is reduced control of
active movement (Luomajoki et al 2007). The
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
the neutral training region (O’Sullivan et al 2002; address this need. This rating system is described
O’Sullivan et al 2006). This supports the concept in the following section.
of the stabilising muscle system working within
the neutral zone to support the spine (Panjabi Movement control rating
system (MCRS)
Most exercises for retraining movement control,
whether performed isometrically or dynamically This MCRS does not rate or measure inhibition
through range, usually use a recommended start- of muscle function. A certain amount of inhibi-
ing position. The suggested ‘neutral’ starting posi- tion or dysfunction due to pain and pathology is
tion is best defined as somewhere within the consistent and predictable. These changes are reli-
neutral training region, as close as possible to the able and can be assumed to be present when the
anatomical or postural ideal alignment. However, pain or pathology are present (Hodges & Richard-
if a joint system has significant loss of normal son 1996; Hodges 2001; Hodges & Moseley 2003;
functional range, the ‘anatomical ideal’ joint posi- Richardson et al 2004; Falla et al 2004a, b; Jull
tion may also be that person’s end-range posi- et al 2004, 2008). Instead, this MCRS evaluates
tion. In this situation the ‘neutral’ joint starting low threshold voluntary recruitment efficiency. It
position for assessment and retraining of UCM is is probable that if low threshold voluntary recruit-
modified to a place within the region of that per- ment efficiency is effective in the presence of pain
son’s mid-range where end-range restraints are no inhibition, then, when the pain or pathology
longer providing stiffness to support or restrain resolves, the muscle recruitment patterns and
motion and preferably close to the anatomical or thresholds may automatically return to normal
postural ideal alignment. (ideal) function. The observation that when some
people recover from pathology and their symp-
toms resolve they return to ideal function and
normal physiology without any specific retraining
CLINICAL ASSESSMENT OF UCM supports this contention. However, if the evalua-
tion of low threshold voluntary recruitment effi-
Dysfunction can be evaluated, quantified and ciency is poor, then when the pain or pathology
compared against a normal measure, ideal stand- resolves, the dysfunction in the muscle physiol-
ard or some validated benchmark. The measure- ogy is more likely to persist. An assessment of
ment of dysfunction, followed by intervention recruitment efficiency would help to determine
with some form of treatment or therapy over an priorities of clinical management while reassess-
appropriate timeframe and the reassessment of ment helps guide progression.
dysfunction to demonstrate a positive outcome of Two parameters are evaluated in the application
intervention, provides the framework of good of the MCRS. The first parameter tests the ability
clinical practice. Dysfunction is indirectly related to correctly perform a specific motor control
to pathology but as the pathology heals and recruitment pattern or movement. The second
the symptoms subside, the dysfunction does parameter assesses the efficiency of low threshold
not always automatically return to a normal recruitment in the performance of that motor
baseline. control skill. It is essential that the patient under-
To date, measurement of motor control-related stand the test movement or activation required.
stability dysfunction has required complex meas- To pass the test (✓✓) the subject needs to dem-
urement tools (EMG and imaging ultrasound) onstrate the correct recruitment pattern or move-
and highly specific training to use and interpret ment without substitution (for the first ✓) and
the results. There has been a need to develop demonstrate that it can be easily controlled to
a ‘clinic friendly’ measurement system that is benchmark standards without fatigue or high
simple, easy to learn, quick and can be used to sensation of effort (for the second ✓). Because
assist clinical decision-making about when to many of these tests are not habitual or ‘familiar’
progress and when there is no longer a need movement skills there needs to be a short learn-
to continue training a particular exercise or ing or familiarisation process before rating the
muscle. A rating system for assessment and test movement. If the patient fails a test (i.e. rates
reassessment of UCM and motor control-related ✓✗ or ✗✗), it is important that this is because they
stability dysfunction has been developed to cannot perform the test, not because they are not
Assessment and classification of uncontrolled movement Chapter |3|
sure what to do. Verbal description, visual dem- Performance of some of these unfamiliar move-
onstration, hands-on facilitation and visual or ments is a test of motor control (recruitment
tactile self-feedback should be used to ensure skill and coordination). The ability to activate
that the patient understands and has experienced muscles to isometrically hold a position or
the movement or activation required before prevent motion at one joint system, while concur-
rating the efficiency of low threshold voluntary rently actively producing a movement at another
recruitment. joint system in a specific direction, is a test of
motor recruitment skill. The process of dissociat-
ing movement at one joint from movement at
The correction or rehabilitation of motor control another joint, or controlling the pattern or path
dysfunction has been shown to decrease the incidence of of movement about the same joint, has potential
recurrence of pain (Hides et al 1996; O’Sullivan et al benefits for retraining the stability muscles to
1997; Jull et al 2002). Along with symptom management enhance their recruitment efficiency to control
this is a primary short-term goal of therapeutic direction-specific stress and strain. The global and
intervention. The patient frequently becomes symptom-
the local stability muscle systems can be trained
free before dysfunction is fully corrected. Treatment
should not necessarily cease just because the symptoms
to recruit in co-activation patterns to prevent
have disappeared if measurable dysfunction persists. A movement in a specific direction at a vulnerable
rating system (such as the MCRS) for the assessment and (or unstable) joint while an adjacent joint is
reassessment of dysfunction is necessary to justify this in loaded in that direction. In this way the stability
clinical practice. system can be trained to control a specific UCM
(site and direction). Box 3.3 summarises some
key points to consider when using dissociation
Testing for the site and direction movements to test for UCM or to retrain control
of the UCM.
of UCM
During all normal functional activities, the Example of dissociation in ‘series’
muscles that have global stability and local stabil-
If the hamstrings lack extensibility and restrict the
ity roles co-activate in integrated patterns to
hips from normal flexion, the lumbar spine can
maintain stability. All functional activities impose
‘give’ into increased flexion to compensate during
stress and strain forces on the movement system
functional forward bending movements. This
in varying loads and in all three planes or direc-
eventually results in the back extensor stability
tions of motion. Normal functional movements
muscles losing the ability to protect the back from
rarely eliminate motion from one joint system
flexion loading stresses. A movement pattern or
while others move through range. Functional
recruitment skill of keeping the back straight and
movement rarely occurs in only one plane.
hinging forwards at the hips is a motor control
However, everybody has the ability to perform
exercise for the back extensor muscles. By using
patterns of movement that are not habitually
the back extensor stabiliser muscles to hold the
used in ‘normal function’ (e.g. pat the head and
back in a more neutral (mid-range) position and
rub the stomach). Some of these patterns of
prevent the back from flexing while independent
movement are unfamiliar and feel ‘unnatural’
isolated hip flexion is performed, the back exten-
precisely because they are not habitual patterns
sor muscles are trained to become more efficient
of recruitment.
at stabilising the spine against flexion stress and
Low threshold recruitment patterns should be
strain. This pattern of movement dissociation ini-
efficient, when stability muscles are recruited to
tially feels unfamiliar for most people and is not
control motion or to produce movement within
part of normal or natural forward bending func-
normal, non-fatiguing functional loads. Normal
tion, but it is a pattern of movement that every-
functional loading includes static holding of pos-
body has the ability to perform (or learn to
tures and dynamic movement through available
range of the unloaded limbs and trunk (even in
unfamiliar or non-habitual movements). If low
threshold recruitment is efficient then there Example of dissociation in ‘parallel’
should be a perceived low sensation of effort to If the tensor fasciae latae exhibits recruitment
perform these normal, non-fatiguing activities. dominance over posterior gluteus medius at the
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Assessment and classification of uncontrolled movement Chapter |3|
For example, during functional forward bending the benchmark standard, not because they
excessive lumbar flexion is observed as compen- do not understand or have not learnt what
sation for restricted hip flexion (hamstrings) and to do.
lumbar pain is provoked as the lumbar flexion • Test. When the therapist is confident
increases. A dissociation test would involve that the person understands the test
actively keeping the spine straight and preventing movement or action and knows what
lumbar flexion (with active recruitment of the is expected, the person is required to
lumbar extensor stabiliser muscles) while bending perform the test without visual or tactile
forwards with isolated and independent hip feedback, verbal facilitation or corrective
flexion. instruction.
• Rating. The therapist then rates the
performance of the test. A failure to
adequately perform the test movement
Movement control test identifies the site and direction of
procedure UCM.
• Relate dysfunction to symptoms to
• Start position. Position in the person’s identify clinical priorities. Look for a
neutral (mid-range) training region. link between the direction of UCM and the
• Teaching the test movement. The direction of symptom provocation:
dissociation tests are not natural movements. ■ Does the site of UCM relate to the site or
Consequently, the person needs to be taught joint that the person complains of as the
the test movement before assessing the source of symptoms?
quality of active control. The therapist ■ Does the direction of movement or load
instructs the person in the test dissociation testing relate to the direction or position
movement, the principle being to control the of provocation of symptoms? This
uncontrolled movement and move the identifies clinical priorities.
adjacent joint. Teaching skills are key here
and include visual, auditory and kinaesthetic
cues. For example:
■ visually demonstrate the test movement Using the MCRS
or action, or help the person visualise the UCM can be present, even if there is no obvious
task with the use of imagery excessive or hypermobile range, if active recruit-
■ verbally explain and describe the test ment of the muscle stability system cannot
movement or action control movement to the benchmark range.
■ manually facilitate or ‘hands on’ guide UCM may be non-symptomatic. Even if there is
the person through the test movement or obvious hypermobile range, so long as the
action. control of the benchmark range is efficient
The therapist facilitates the test action and there is no significant stability dysfunction. So
guides the elimination substitution strategies. long as the direction being tested has good
• Assessment of passive or available range. control it can achieve a ‘pass’ (✓✓) rating. (The
The therapist passively stabilises the test ability to efficiently control hypermobile range
region and assesses the passive available is evaluated during the assessment of ‘control
range of the test movement. of range’.)
• Active learning. The person actively If the ability to dissociate and control the UCM
practises the movement with the necessary throughout the available range appears to be effi-
cues; for example, visual and palpation cient but the range available is significantly
feedback, unloading (if required), therapist restricted, then to maintain normal function, sta-
support (‘hands on’ facilitation) and verbal bility is sacrificed and compensation for the
correction. Usually, 3–8 repetitions are restriction is required. Note what structure lacks
sufficient for teaching, learning and extensibility (if the restriction is obvious) so that
familiarisation with the test movement. direct intervention to regain normal mobility
If a person fails the test, it should be because can be commenced. If the restriction is structural
they cannot perform the movement skill to and therefore permanent, then there must be
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Assessment and classification of uncontrolled movement Chapter |3|
Table 3.3 Movement control rating system table (Comerford & Mottram 2011)
Control point:
• Prevent: [site and direction]
Movement challenge: [movement]
Benchmark range: [range]
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Chapter 4
Non-mec ical pain including those with osteoarthritis of the knee
(Brosseau et al 2003; Pelland et al 2004), chronic
low back pain (Hayden et al 2005), shoulder pain
(Green et al 2003) and chronic neck pain (Kay
Pathology et al 2005). Different patients appear to need dif-
ferent therapeutic exercises to manage different
Translational Range
UCM UCM directed at correcting the movement faults, identi-
fied by evidence-based assessment, rather than
developing rehabilitation strategies based on
Articular Myofascial diagnosis of pathology alone, is gaining recogni-
restriction restriction tion and acceptance because patients may present
Figure 4.1 Overview of the ‘pyramid’ of mechanical
with a similar diagnosis of pathology but differ-
movement dysfunction ing kinematic mechanisms. However, there
remain many examples of exercise programs
being developed with the ‘one size fits all’ ideol-
ogy. Most of these programs become ‘protocols’
resolution of inflammatory pathology and to for ‘core stability’ training or a particular injury
promote an optimal healing environment. Finally, such as patellar malalignment, shoulder instabil-
if the dysfunction is longstanding (chronic or ity or a post-surgical protocol.
recurrent), then ‘yellow flag’ issues also need Protocol-based training regimens can be
consideration. Yellow flag issues may include designed with clear goals, performance targets
peripheral and central neurogenic sensitisation and structured timeframes and the ‘protocol’ can
and contextual factors such as behavioural or be readily disseminated to a large number of
psychosocial factors that can affect both the people. The developers of these protocols have
perception of pain and the prognosis for symptom the unenviable task of producing a program that
change. must be simple yet at the same time comprehen-
It is important to relate the site and direction sive enough to deal with a wide range of variabil-
of UCM to symptoms and pathology and to the ity in patient presentation and complications.
mechanisms of provocation of symptoms. Man- However, it is difficult for one protocol to cover
agement of the dysfunction that relates to the the timeframe from injury to return to high level
symptoms and pathology becomes the clinical function (e.g. elite sport).
priority. UCM that may be evident, but does not An inherent weakness with protocol-based
relate to symptoms, is not a priority of pathology training programs is an assumption that all
management. However, it may indicate a poten- people who use the protocol have, to a large
tial risk for the future (Mottram & Comerford extent, the same problem. Most protocols are
2008; Roussel et al 2009). The movement control designed along a linear framework. That is, there
dysfunction can be labelled and classified by the are a series of linear progressions from one skill
site and direction of UCM and is described in or stage to the next. Consequently, in the attempt
following chapters. to account for individual differences in pre-
sentation (especially if injury and pathology
are involved) many protocols are modified or
adapted, often many times over. The primary
THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE problem then with protocol-based training pro-
grams is that they are forced to become ‘recipes’.
Therapeutic exercise within clinical practice is The recipe works well for one particular goal or a
beneficial (Taylor et al 2007). There is evidence ‘textbook’ presentation of a problem. However,
that different types of therapeutic exercise are therapists and trainers who regularly work with
beneficial to many different groups of patients, injured athletes know that they rarely present
Retraining strategies for uncontrolled movement Chapter |4|
3. Control
segmental translation
1. Maintain optimal 5. ↑ Strength
mobility function
8. Cognitive and
6. ↑ Speed and
7. ↑ Skill and
as the ‘textbook case’. Each patient has his or 5. recondition and recover from atrophy and
her own variations, complications and differing tolerate load (increase strength and
expectations. endurance)
Thus, a paradigm shift is needed towards a 6. cope with speed (produce acceleration and
process of systematic assessment and analysis that control momentum)
can be used to guide the rehabilitation of dys- 7. train and re-enforce sport-specific skills (skill
function and retraining of performance deficits. and coordination)
Based on a comprehensive assessment of an indi- 8. influence mood and sense of wellbeing to
vidual’s deficits, the development of individual- assist in the management of behavioural/
ised and specific retraining programs to better affective issues.
manage real priorities in injury rehabilitation and Figure 4.2 incorporates these goals into a non-
performance training can be developed. The sub- linear therapeutic exercise paradigm.
sequent retraining program is designed along a In a clinical situation, a patient may be pre-
multidimensional and parallel framework, rather scribed an exercise program to achieve one or
than a linear recipe. several goals at the same time. As the condition
When a clinical reasoning process is used in the changes the exercise prescription should progress
application of exercise for a therapeutic purpose, to match the changing nature of the condition
several distinct goals can be identified. and the goals themselves will change as the
Therapeutic exercise can be used to: condition improves and resolves. Some of the
1. maintain mobility/flexibility and mobilise exercise goals may also be incorporated into
restrictions (especially after manual therapy either a short-term or a long-term maintenance
mobilisation or myofascial stretching) program. These goals should not be prescribed
2. manage pain and symptoms (unload or in rigid linear progressions; that is, start with
support pain sensitive tissues) one, then as its aims are achieved, progress to
3. control segmental translatatory motion the next one. There seems to be an assumption
(local muscle system motor control) that the skills acquired with one goal are a neces-
4. control aberrant motion – uncontrolled sary prerequisite before starting the next one.
direction or range (global muscle system This assumption does not have any real evidence
motor control) base.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Box 4.1 Clinical reasoning steps in therapeutic Box 4.2 Key factors to be explained with the
exercise prescription therapeutic exercise plan
• Identify general aim of an exercise process – look at • What is the reason for giving this exercise?
the process (i.e. what the exercise can make a • Is this exercise appropriate for this patient, having
difference to). considered their presenting symptoms and
• Identify key therapeutic goals that may be helped by dysfunction?
exercise (these goals will continually change and • Should the exercise be started now or later?
evolve as the patient’s condition changes). • What is the exercise dosage? (e.g. For how long? How
• Match an exercise process to the immediate many repetitions? How often?)
therapeutic goals. • When can it be progressed?
• Keep it simple – do not over-complicate the • When can it be stopped?
• How do I know it is working? What changes should I
• Where appropriate, work on more than one goal at look for?
the same time – integrate and progress along parallel
• Over what timeframe should I expect to see some
• Do not use recipes – ensure a clear reason for giving
• Are there any risks? Can the exercise be provocative
any particular exercise and make sure there is a clear
or increase symptoms? If so, what is acceptable and
understanding of when the exercise can be stopped or
what is not?
It is more appropriate and more functional to re-establishing control of the site and direction of
prescribe therapeutic exercise in parallel combi- UCM including functional integration. The key to
nations based on a clinical assessment and then delivering effective treatment is to understand the
decide what rehabilitative changes are required principles behind assessment and sound clinical
and how and when those changes can be imple- reasoning.
mented. Therapeutic exercise uses movement as a The therapist’s clinical decision-making should
tool to decrease pain, increase joint range and consider the patient’s perspective and interven-
muscle extensibility, to enhance movement per- tions should be primarily aimed at those aspects
formance and to improve wellbeing. The best way of impairments that have a direct bearing on
to approach therapeutic exercise is to use a clini- disability and/or functional limitations. In the
cal reasoning approach. The steps involved in this subjective examination, patients define their
approach are outlined in Box 4.1. Box 4.2 high- perspective in terms of pain, disability and dys-
lights some key questions that the therapist function. These factors will be further influenced
should be able to answer and justify. These factors by contextual factors such as fear of pain/
should be understood by the therapist prescribing provocation, their coping ability, their work and
therapeutic exercise and can be explained and social requirements, their belief systems, etc.
supported with the therapeutic exercise plan. Therapeutic exercise needs to address real every-
Therapeutic exercise can use movement as a day functional limitations; for example, the ina-
tool to decrease pain, to increase joint range bility to bend over when tying shoelaces (due
and muscle extensibility, to enhance muscle per- to low back pain or the fear of provoking low
formance and to promote wellbeing. This and back pain), or the inability (due to shoulder
other chapters in this text detail the concept pain) to reach up to a cupboard. If a patient with
and strategy to ‘look at movement’; to be able to low back pain is unable to actively control move-
make mechanical subclassifications according ments of the low back, especially flexion control
to site and direction of UCM; relate UCM to while performing a ‘waiter’s bow’ (Luomajoki
symptoms, disability, dysfunction, recurrence, 2008), then clinicians should aim an intervention
risk and performance; make a clinical diagnosis at the neuromuscular impairment underpinning
in terms of site and direction of uncontrolled this. Likewise, if a patient with shoulder pain is
motion, complaining tissue and presenting unable to actively control the scapula during
pain mechanisms. Rehabilitation will focus on functional movements of reaching with the
Retraining strategies for uncontrolled movement Chapter |4|
arm (von Eisenhart-Rothe et al 2005; Tate et al moving the same segment in a different
2008), then clinicians should aim an intervention direction). For example, if the site of the
strategy at regaining this control. There is evi- UCM is the lumbar spine, position it in
dence to support the use of movement retraining a long shallow mid-range lordosis. If the
to gain an improvement in function (Jull et al direction of the UCM is uncontrolled
2009; Roussel et al 2009b). flexion, the therapist instructs the person to
Altering movement patterns via exercise can control or prevent lumbar flexion while the
influence clinical signs (Tate et al 2008). However, person flexes forwards independently at the
it is important to establish a clear diagnosis of the hips, or flexes the thoracic spine
movement faults and from this diagnosis develop independently of any lumbar movement.
an appropriate rehabilitation strategy. The thera- The person is taught to use whatever
pist requires a sound knowledge of exercise con- feedback helps to monitor and ensure that
cepts so a patient-specific retraining program the lumbar spine does not increase flexion
can be developed. This is dependent on expertise during the retraining exercise.
in the assessment of movement disorders as • The motor control retraining emphasis is
described in Chapters 1 and 3, and effective clini- focused at the joint and in the direction that
cal reasoning. movement is isometrically controlled (not
where the movement is actively performed).
That is, for the lumbar flexion UCM control
exercise described above, the lumbar
extensor stabiliser muscles are actively
recruited to isometrically control lumbar
Chapter 3 has detailed the assessment of the site flexion during repetitions of the retraining
and direction of UCM. The next stage is regaining exercise. The flexion movement at the hip or
control of the UCM and integrating this new the thoracic spine creates a flexion loading
movement pattern into normal movement and challenge that the lumbar extensor stabiliser
function. muscles have to work against. Throughout
The key goal to effective retraining is to the dissociation retraining movements, local
re-establish control of the UCM and regain and global stability muscles are continually
normal mobility of motion restrictions. The dis- active to control the UCM.
sociation tests, as described in Chapter 3, are • The person is taught to move an adjacent
tests of motor control and these establish the site joint above or below in the same direction
and direction of UCM. If this UCM is related to as the UCM, or same joint (in a different
symptoms, disability, recurrence, risk of injury direction of the UCM) only as far as:
and performance, a key focus of rehabilitation is ■ movement is independent of the UCM
regaining the control of movement and changing ■ control can be maintained at the site of the
motor control patterns. The aim is to change the UCM
recruitment pattern and actively control move- ■ any joint or myofascial restriction permits.
ment at the site and in the direction of stability • A variety of feedback tools can be employed
dysfunction. This is a process of sensory-motor to teach and facilitate the required retraining
reprogramming. movement. These can involve visual feedback
(watch the movement), visualisation
Retraining in control of the site (including imagery), palpation feedback
(with the person’s own hands), kinaesthetic
and direction of UCM feedback (with adhesive tape and skin
• Firstly, position the site of UCM within its tension), verbal instruction and verbal
neutral training region (as described in correction, and motion monitoring
Chapter 3) and teach the person how to equipment (e.g. pressure biofeedback).
recruit the appropriate muscles to control a Effective cueing is essential for effective
specific direction of movement at this site, retraining.
while concurrently moving an adjacent joint • Repetitions are required to change motor
(above or below) in the same direction (or control patterns. Slow, low effort repetitions
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Retraining strategies for uncontrolled movement Chapter |4|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Retraining the motor control patterns to control UCM themselves and therefore be less dependent
the site and direction of UCM aims to unload on the therapist.
mechanical stress and strain which exceeds tissue
tolerance and subsequently has a provocative
effect on pain-sensitive structures. This can be KEY PRINCIPLES IN THE RETRAINING OF
seen to have a direct effect on symptoms. Direc-
tion control movements can also be used to MOTOR CONTROL PATTERNS
unload pathology, decrease mechanical provoca-
tion of pathology and assist in symptom manage- Motor unit recruitment
ment. Regaining control of the UCM may be very
Some of the key physiological principles
useful for early symptom control, particularly
relevant to motor control retraining were
when UCM has been established as a contribut-
described in Chapter 2. From these principles,
ing factor to the development of symptoms. The
clinical strategies to facilitate slow motor unit
aim is for the patient to take control of their
recruitment can be developed. Situations where
symptoms, to manage the pain by controlling the
slow motor unit (SMU) recruitment is preferen-
tial to fast motor unit (FMU) recruitment can be
utilised in retraining strategies. Conversely, there
Box 4.3 Key features and principles of are situations where FMU recruitment becomes
retraining control of the UCM preferential to SMU recruitment. Awareness of
these situations allows the therapist to avoid
• Position the site of the UCM within the neutral them if they are linked with aberrant movement
training region. patterns. These situations are illustrated in
• Train the person to use the stability muscles to control Table 4.1.
a specific direction of movement at this site and move Retraining strategies to facilitate more efficient
the adjacent joint (above or below), or move the same SMU recruitment may be beneficial in recovering
site in a different direction. the detrimental changes to SMU recruitment
• Use appropriate visual, auditory and kinaesthetic cues.
• Movement occurs only through the range that:
– movement is independent of the UCM
– stability can be maintained at the UCM (isometric
Table 4.1 Situations of preferential slow or fast
motor unit recruitment
– any joint restriction allows.
• Quality is more important.
• Slow, low effort repetitive movement.
• Perform 20–30 or up to 2 minutes of slow repetitions.
• Unload body or limb weight as necessary to gain
control. • Performance of slow non fatiguing movement
• Low force static muscle holding
• Progress to normal functional load of the unsupported
• Maintain consistency of non fatiguing muscle
limbs or trunk.
• Practised until it feels familiar and natural.
• Manage the symptoms of pain and swelling to
• Retrain awareness of: minimise their inhibitory influence
– alignment and postural position • Stimulate afferent proprioceptors to facilitate
– movement recruitment
– muscle tension and effort
– the sensation of ‘easy’ low load holding CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO
– multi-joint motion differences. DOMINANT FAST MOTOR UNIT
• Encourage normal breathing patterns. RECRUITMENT
• It is mindful movement and requires cognitive • increasing load to the point of fatigue
retraining. • fatiguing eccentric exercise
• No pain provocation. • exercising with a length tension disadvantage (e.g.
• No co-contraction rigidity, i.e. dominance of the global maximum inner or outer range)
mobility muscle. • conscious initiation of fast movements
Retraining strategies for uncontrolled movement Chapter |4|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
recover. The body has a remarkable ability to heal is important to vary the task being carried out to
itself if it is given the opportunity. This model ensure cortical connections are developed – for
is a paradigm shift for many therapists – by example control of direction retraining in func-
managing the dysfunction and regaining control tional situations – as patients presenting with
of the UCM, the symptoms are affected in a posi- musculoskeletal problems may have altered corti-
tive way. cal maps and practice may be able to reverse these
Once the site and direction of UCM has been changes, reinforcing the need to take rehabilita-
identified, and is considered a significant factor tion into function (Van Vliet & Hennigan 2006).
in the presentation, then correction of the faulty Habitual movement patterns and postures have
movement strategy (site and direction of UCM) facilitatory influences on the central nervous
is the focus of rehabilitation (Roussel et al 2009). system (CNS) and re-enforcement of these pat-
This is not easy, but a clinical reasoning approach, terns of recruitment produces long-lasting neuro-
as described in Chapter 1 and earlier in this plastic changes. These patterns become so efficient
chapter, is essential if a good outcome is to be that we unconsciously use them automatically in
achieved. Box 1.4 in Chapter 1 described the normal function. Likewise the absence or the loss
analysis and clinical reasoning of movement of certain movement patterns or postures results
faults with 10 key points to understanding the in adverse neuroplastic change and the CNS
relationship between movement and pain. Figure appears to virtually ‘forget’ them so that we are
4.1 illustrates a paradigm of therapeutic exercise unable to use them efficiently in automatic or
goals and Box 4.1 outlines the clinical reasoning normal function unless we cognitively think
steps in therapeutic exercise prescription. about what we are doing.
The main focus should be on addressing the Other clinicians and researchers advocate the
four criteria of pain and dysfunction – as detailed integration of movement retraining into func-
in ‘clinical reasoning in a diagnostic framework’ tional tasks (O’Sullivan et al 1997; Jull et al 2002;
(Chapter 1). UCM may or may not be a signifi- Stuge et al 2004; O’Sullivan & Beales 2007) and
cant component. If UCM is a significant compo- have demonstrated the clinical effectiveness and
nent, then retraining control of the dysfunction/ importance of the integration of the retraining
impairment should be the key focus rather than movement control and specific stability muscle
administering a non-specific rehabilitation pro- activation into functional movements, activities
tocol. Motor control dysfunction has been identi- of daily living and even to high load activity and
fied in elite, highly trained individuals highlighting provocative positions.
the need to be able to identify this dysfunction Evidence suggests that postural habits can
(Hides et al 2008) rather than non-specific change automatic muscle activation patterns in
retraining. Chapter 3 described the assessment of unsupported sitting (Dankaerts et al 2006) and
UCM and this chapter has outlined retraining this supports the belief that movement patterns
principles and strategies (i.e. retraining control of need to be established in daily function and
the site and direction of UCM). This is often habits. This is particularly important in standing
started in a supported and non-functional posi- as sway postures have been shown to inhibit
tion. This non-functional retraining is often nec- the automatic recruitment of stability muscles
essary to establish recovery of efficient low (O’Sullivan et al 2002). Falla et al (2008) have
threshold recruitment. Once this is achieved, pro- demonstrated that retraining specific recruitment
gression into functional postures and positions is of the deep neck flexors does not automatically
essential. change muscle activity in sternocleidomastoid
(SCM) in an untrained functional task, suggesting
retraining needs to take place in functional posi-
tions with modification through retraining of
AND ACTIVITIES The first goal should be establishing the correct
movement pattern or recruitment strategy; that
Functionally orientated exercises should be incor- is, regaining control of the UCM and then pro-
porated as early as possible to ensure both the gression by integrating the control of movement
feedforward and feedback mechanisms can be into functional activity. As a general rule, retrain-
integrated with the appropriate motor pattern. It ing should take place in functional positions
Retraining strategies for uncontrolled movement Chapter |4|
but if this demonstrates unwanted substitution has retrained this control), then rehabilitation
strategies then specific retraining is required can be progressed earlier and fast-tracked into
as detailed earlier in this chapter. It has been functional integration.
shown that ‘non-functional’ retraining can affect The process of stability retraining involves
dysfunction; for example, a persistent improve- elements of motor learning, movement aware-
ment in the feedforward activation of transversus ness and proprioception, skill acquisition and
abdominis can be achieved with training of neural plasticity. Figure 4.6 illustrates the pathway
isolated voluntary contraction (Tsao et al 2008). of correcting UCM with clinical assessment and
This study suggests that motor learning had retraining and finally integration into function.
occurred and changes been made within the
CNS established, which can then be accessed
during a functional task.
Retraining the site and direction of UCM
Figure 4.5 illustrates the progression of retrain-
ing the site and direction of UCM. If a patient is
unable to demonstrate efficient active control of
Control of site and
the UCM then rehabilitation needs to be directed YES
direction of UCM
towards training, highly specific, non-functional
movement patterns and strategies (such as dis-
sociation exercise) to regain control of the site
and the direction of the UCM. Training the ability
Fast track into
to demonstrate efficient active control of the site function
and the direction of the UCM ideally should be Integrate into
present before progressing into functional inte- functionally
gration. Functional movements use the strategies related exercises
and movement patterns that are currently auto-
matically used. If these current strategies and
movement patterns are already associated with
pain and dysfunction, then functional integra- retraining of the site
tion, if emphasised too soon in a rehabilitation and direction of UCM
program, may contribute to maintaining these
aberrant patterns of movement. Alternatively, if
the patient can demonstrate efficient active Figure 4.5 Flow diagram for the integration of UCM
control of the site and direction of the UCM (or retraining into function
Teach !!
test rate "!
Figure 4.6 The process of regaining conscious and eventual automatic control of the site and direction of uncontrolled
movement (adapted Strassl)
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Initially, the person with chronic or recurrent into functional activities and automating recruit-
musculoskeletal pain, who has aberrant patterns ment. Of the four key criteria highlighted within
of recruitment, is unaware that they have UCM the clinical reasoning framework described in
contributing to their pain. The way they move Chapter 1, the assessment and management of
feels ‘normal’ to them, even thought it hurts. contextual factors is critical here. Because of indi-
Their ‘normal’ movement is dysfunctional. They vidual behavioural traits and psychosocial factors
lack conscious awareness of the problem and they there is no single strategy that is appropriate for
are unable to recruit a corrective strategy. On everyone. We have attempted to categorise various
clinical assessment of the UCM using the move- approaches in order to identify a processes that
ment control rating system (see Chapter 3) they can accommodate individual differences in moti-
achieve a score of ✗✗. vation and compliance.
After clinical assessment of the UCM the person Some patients benefit from a very structured
is now aware of the dysfunctional pattern of process with very clear goals and progressions.
movement, but is still often unable to correct the Other patients, however, do better with a non-
aberrant movement pattern. However, with some structured, more flexible process with an end goal
time spent retraining the aberrant movement, the but without a rigid step-by-step pathway. Some
person learns to correct the dysfunction. They are patients respond to specific motor control retrain-
now conscious of the UCM but are now able to ing where they think about, try to feel or visualise
correct the movement efficiently. They can tell the a specific muscle activating. Other patients do not
difference between good control and poor control seem to be able to do this but appear to get the
of the UCM. On clinical assessment of the UCM correct recruitment when they do not think about
using the movement control rating system they a specific muscle. Instead they seem to use non-
achieve a score of ✓✓. specific motor control strategies such as correct-
Although cognitive control of the UCM may be ing alignment or posture, controlling the site and
effective while the person is actively thinking direction of UCM, achieving a certain position or
about how to perform the corrective exercise, it moving in a certain way to get the recruitment
does not necessarily mean that this correction required.
automatically integrates into normal functional Various combinations of structured or non-
movement. For some people this integration structured approaches with specific or non-
does occur automatically, but for many people specific processes (Figure 4.7) can be used to
this integration is not automatic and requires optimise motivation and compliance in the per-
some functional integration training. The ideal formance of therapeutic exercise and movement
end result is that their normal functional move- retraining.
ment has automatic control. By this time, they do By finding the right combination of structured
not have to consciously think about correcting or non-structured and specific or non-specific
the UCM. motor control retraining strategies, the therapist
Motor control retraining can be effective in has many options available to find a combination
altering specific motor control deficits identified that will maintain motivation and achieve com-
in people with low back pain (O’Sullivan et al pliance for most patients.
1997a, 1998), cervical pain (Jull et al 2000), sac- Several applications of these options are pre-
roiliac joint pain (O’Sullivan et al 2007), head- sented below.
aches (McDonnell et al 2005; Van Ettekoven &
Lucas 2006; Amiri et al 2007), knee pain (Cowan
et al 2002), and can positively influence symp-
toms (Cowan et al 2002) and disability (Stuge Structured Non-structured
et al 2004; McDonnell et al 2005; Jull et al 2009).
Retraining strategies for uncontrolled movement Chapter |4|
Red dot functional integration Box 4.5 Alternative approaches useful in the
Rothstein (1982) has suggested that to integrate retraining of UCM
an activity or skill into normal, automatic or
unconscious function many repetitions must be Tai chi
performed under diverse functional situations. To Alexander technique
do this, some form of ‘reminder’ is needed. He Pilates
has proposed that small ‘red dots’ placed so that Yoga
they are frequently seen will ‘remind’ the subject Physio ball
to perform a specific task each time they are Feldenkrais
observed. Gyrotonic
When the red dot is sighted, the subject is
reminded to actively control the site and direc-
tion of UCM (or to perform a specific muscle
activation strategy). This process is repeated each site and direction of the UCM once the basic
time that a red dot is sighted. Place red dots in motor control recruitment has been established.
appropriate positions (e.g. wristwatch, clock, tele- Box 4.5 lists some of these approaches.
phone, coffee/tea making area, office drawer, The Pilates method was initially popularised by
bathroom mirror, red traffic light). Auditory (e.g. the dance community. It is a unique method
phone ringing), time-specific or activity-related incorporating body awareness and movement
reminders may be similarly appropriate. control and is based on established principles
(Isacowitz 2006). These are integrated with the
repertoire and recent literature has demonstrated
Low load (facilitatory) proprioceptive evidence supporting the value of many of these
stimulus principles. Table 4.2 illustrates evidence to
Providing a proprioceptive challenge can be a support some of them.
useful facilitation and progression strategy. The Therapists can develop skills in motor control
aim here is to facilitate stability muscle recruit- retraining and core stability training by under-
ment around neutral joint positions with auto- standing and applying the principles, repertoire
matic postural reflex responses and use unstable and adaptations of Pilates; for example:
bases of support. The eyes are open for initial • Language is client friendly and facilitatory;
training but as control improves the eyes can be for example, ‘tuck your chin in’ may be less
closed to rely on the muscle system for proprio- effective than the thought of ‘lengthening
ception. A balance board, the ‘Pilates reformer’ through the back of the neck’.
and the ‘physio ball’ are also appropriate and • Cues that target the auditory, kinaesthetic
useful tools. and visual learning.
• Cues can work on the somatic mind–body
integration (e.g. ‘float, soften, and lengthen’).
Integrative dissociation These cues encourage the ‘letting go’ of the
Once the basic recruitment skill to actively control global mobility muscles. In the literature
the site and direction of UCM has been estab- these muscles have been shown to be
lished, this strategy of controlling the region of dominant and overactive under low
dysfunction is incorporated with functionally threshold (functional) loading (Hungerford
orientated exercises where, so long as the problem et al 2003; Falla et al 2004; Richardson et al
region is controlled, any other movement is 2004).
appropriate. This can be built into an exercise • Eccentric control is emphasised and this is
program or just simply control the UCM while a requirement for good postural control.
performing functional tasks. • Maintaining control of the ‘centre’ is the key
for controlled movement. Joseph Pilates
called it the ‘powerhouse’ and advocated
Other approaches
bracing – this is appropriate for high loads
Many other approaches used in clinical practice but a modified activation of the abdominals
have great potential to assist the control of the is more appropriate for low load activity.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Table 4.2 Consistencies between Pilates principles • Joseph Pilates promoted the influence of
and neuromusculoskeletal research ‘mind, body and spirit’. ‘It’s the mind that
builds the body.’
Concentration Moseley (2004) has demonstrated a • Motor control learning is mindful exercise,
link between pain cognition and requiring the development of awareness
physical performance. through concentration and focus.
A higher sensation of effort • Its popularity may influence compliance.
(concentration) is required in subjects
The Pilates method traditionally focused on high
with proprioceptive deficits for efficient
activation of slow motor units (Grimby
load retraining, but in recent years this has been
& Hannerz 1976). modified to include low threshold motor control
training for the rehabilitation environment. Effec-
Breath O’Sullivan et al (2002) have identified tiveness of this approach has been demonstrated
altered motor control strategies and by Rydeard et al (2006).
alteration of respiratory function in
subjects with sacroiliac joint pain.
Roussel et al (2009c) have Use of training tools/equipment
demonstrated low back pain patients
exhibit altered breathing patterns The objective of training is to retrain the UCM
during performances in which trunk to effect symptoms, disability and dysfunction.
stability muscles are challenged. The use of tools and equipment to enhance the
control of movement is of great value to clinicians
Alignment O’Sullivan et al (2002) have
demonstrated that the lumbopelvic
(e.g. body blade, Pilates reformer, and gym ball).
stabilising musculature is active in However, the appropriate use of these tools is
maintaining optimally aligned erect paramount and they should only be used to
postures, and these muscle are less enhance the retraining process. Close observation
active during passive postures (slump of technique and control of movement are essen-
sitting and sway standing). tial if these tools are to be an effective adjunct to
Centre/control Van Dillen et al (2009) examined the retraining with the elimination of substitution
effect on symptoms of altering the strategies (Moreside et al 2007). One key point to
patient’s habitual movements and remember is when retraining UCM, low load (low
alignments of the lumbar spine. There threshold slow motor unit dominant recruitment)
was a significant reduction in is paramount and although it seems that the easy
symptoms when the lumbar spine is progression is to add load or resistance to the
supported in neutral during direction- exercise, this may not be an optimal progression
specific tests. initially for retraining control of the UCM. Low
load retraining is best progressed by challenging
low threshold recruitment (taking away load), not
by adding load or by cognitive activation in the
presence of a proprioceptive challenge.
• Maintaining appropriate alignment during
movement facilitates appropriate
Manual therapy
• A focus on breath control can help The value of integrating manual therapy tech-
encourage slow motor unit recruitment and niques into the management of movement dys-
retrain dysfunction. function must not be overlooked. Jull et al (2002)
• Flowing movements require efficient motor have demonstrated the value of manual therapy
control. in the management of headaches. There is some
• A ‘repertoire’ of linked multi-joint evidence that spinal manipulative therapy (SMT)
movements influences the whole body rather can change the functional activity of trunk
than just one segment. muscles in people with low back pain (LBP), sug-
• Concentration encourages the mind–body gesting that SMT can have an effect on motor
connection. neurone excitability (Ferreira et al 2007). The
• The mind–body connection can influence mechanism of how this may happen is unclear
pain (Moseley 2004). but could be a useful clinical tool assisting in
Retraining strategies for uncontrolled movement Chapter |4|
helping change motor recruitment patterns. therapist is reminded that the training period will
Indeed this research supports the need for a mul- also be influenced by interactions between the
timodal effect. patient’s health condition and contextual (envi-
Mulligan’s Mobilisations with Movement ronmental and personal) factors (Chapter 1).
(MWM) is a manual therapy treatment technique
in which a manual force, usually in the form of
a joint glide, is applied to a motion segment and Movement control retraining
sustained while a previously impaired action The movement control rating system (MCRS) is
(e.g. painful movement) is performed (Vicenzino used to diagnose the site and direction of UCM.
et al 2009). These techniques may well assist in This will support the clinical reasoning frame-
restoring normal movement patterns and have work and the development of the management
been shown to have an effect on the manage- plan (Chapter 1).
ment of musculoskeletal conditions (Vicenzino There are three key processes involved in man-
1993; Exelby 2001; Folk 2001; Vicenzino et al aging UCM (Table 4.3):
2009) but the mechanisms to date are poorly 1. retrain control of the site and direction of
understood. the UCM
Skin taping (e.g. adhesive sports tape, kinesio 2. retrain control of translation associated with
tape) can be a useful tool to facilitate recruitment the UCM
or control UCM (Constantinou & Brown 2010). 3. correct recruitment and length imbalances
associated with the UCM.
How long does training take?
The literature suggests that a training period of
8–20 weeks is necessary to change automatic CONCLUSION
‘unconscious’ motor control patterns (Stuge et al
2004; O’Sullivan & Beales 2007) and have a long- It is clear that there is a need to identify sub-
term effect on automatic or unconscious ‘normal’ groups within our patients who present with
function (Jull et al 2002; Stuge et al 2004). The pain, dysfunction, disability and contextual
Control of the site and direction Retrain control of the stability dysfunction in the direction of symptom-producing
of UCM movements. Use the low load integration of local and global stabiliser recruitment to
control and limit motion at the segment or region of UCM and then actively move
the adjacent restriction. Only move through as much range as the restriction allows or
as far as the UCM is dynamically controlled.
Control of translation Retrain tonic, low threshold activation of the local stability system to increase muscle
stiffness and train the functional low load integration of the local and global stabiliser
muscles to control the neutral joint position.
Retrain global stabiliser Retrain the global stability system to actively control the full available range of joint
control through range motion. These muscles are required to be able to actively shorten and control limb
load through to the full passive inner range of joint motion. They must also be able
Control of imbalance
to control any hypermobile outer range. The ability to control rotational forces is an
especially important role of global stabilisers. Eccentric control of range is more
important for stability function than concentric work. This is optimised by low effort,
sustained holds in the muscle’s shortened position with controlled eccentric lowering.
Regain extensibility and When the two-joint global mobility muscles demonstrate a lack of extensibility due to
inhibit excessive dominance overuse or adaptive shortening, compensatory overstrain or UCM occurs elsewhere in
of the global mobilisers the kinetic chain in an attempt to maintain function. It becomes necessary to
lengthen or inhibit overactivity in the global mobiliser muscles to eliminate the need
for compensation to keep function.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Box 4.6 Key factors to help the therapist retrain UCM in practice
• Use clinical reasoning to help you with the decision- • Use this knowledge to empower the patient to better
making process (Chapter 1). manage their own condition.
• Work on your observation skills and review again • Consider how the local and global muscle function
once you have established the site and direction contributes to the control of movement.
test results – this will help you confirm what • Consider carefully how you prioritise your management
you see. – symptoms, disability and dysfunction need to be
• Be specific with your training and exercise prescription. addressed at the same time.
• Ensure your patient understands the link between UCM • Use the same principles to address risk of injury and
and their presenting signs and symptoms. performance issues related to movement dysfunction
• Discuss the diagnostic framework with them and how (Mottram & Comerford 2008).
each component relates to their symptoms: • Remember facilitating and retraining movement is a skill
– site and direction of UCM and needs practice! … and gaining compliance is an art
– presenting pathology and symptomatic tissues as much as a science.
– pain mechanisms • Consider how you can adapt the retraining to suit the
patient with tools and other retraining approaches (e.g.
– contextual factors.
psychosocial factors that influence their function be used as clinical reference guides as well as for
and lifestyle. If UCM is a feature in presentation academic study and for use on movement analy-
of the symptoms, dysfunction, disability, recur- sis and training courses. To this end, there is a
rence, risk of injury and performance issues, certain amount of repetition in the description of
then an appropriate assessment and retraining is each movement test and retraining. This repeti-
appropriate. Box 4.6 highlights some key practi- tion maintains consistency and completeness
cal guidelines. while allowing the user to quickly refer to any
The following section (Chapters 5–9) details a movement test and its retraining options and
comprehensive assessment of UCM for the access all of the relevant information without
lumbar spine, cervical spine, thoracic spine shoul- having to search for background information at
der and hip. These chapters have been written to the beginning of each chapter.
Amiri, M., Jull, G., Bullock-Saxton, J., Constantinou, M., Brown, M., 2010. Exelby, L., 2001. The locked lumbar
Darnell, R., Lander, C., 2007. Therapeutic taping for facet joint intervention using
Cervical musculoskeletal impairment musculoskeletal conditions. mobilisations with movement.
in frequent intermittent headache. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh. Manual Therapy 6 (2), 116–
Part 2: subjects with concurrent Cowan, S.M., Bennell, K.L., Crossley, 121.
headache types. Cephalalgia 27 (8), K.M., Hodges, P.W., McConnell, J., Falla, D., Bilenkij, G., Jull, G., 2004.
891–898. 2002. Physical therapy alters Patients with chronic neck pain
Brosseau, L., Macleay, L., Welch, V., recruitment of the vasti in demonstrate altered patterns of
Tugwell, P., Wells, G.A., 2003. patellofemoral pain syndrome. muscle activation during
Intensity of exercise for the Medicine and Science in Sports and performance of a functional upper
treatment of osteoarthritis. Cochrane Exercise 34 (12), 1879–1885. limb task. Spine 29 (13),
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Comerford, M.J., Mottram, S.L., 2010. sitting postures are associated with 2007. Recruitment of the deep
Understanding movement and nonspecific chronic low back pain cervical flexor muscles during a
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of uncontrolled movement. Course subclassified. Spine 31 (6), 698– performed in sitting. Manual
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Falla, D., Jull, G., Hodges, P., 2008. the deep cervical flexor muscles in postures on trunk muscle activity in
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prescribed motor tasks does not Manual Therapy 14 (6), 696–701. (11), 1238–1244.
change muscle activation during a Kay, T.M., Gross, A., Goldsmith, C., O’Sullivan, P.B., Beales D.J., 2007.
functional activity. Manual Therapy Santaguida, P.L., Hoving, J., Bronfort, Changes in pelvic floor and
13 (6), 507–512. G., 2005. Exercises for mechanical diaphragm kinematics and
Ferreira, M.L., Ferreira, P.H., Hodges, neck disorders. Cervical Overview respiratory patterns in subjects with
P.W., 2007 Changes in postural Group. Cochrane Database sacroiliac joint pain following a
activity of the trunk muscles Systematic Review July 20 (3), motor learning intervention: a case
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therapy. Manual Therapy 12 (3), Luomajoki, H., Kool, J., de Bruin, E.D., 209–218.
240–248. Airaksinen, O., 2008. Movement Pelland, L., Brosseau, L., Wells, G.,
Folk, B., 2001. Traumatic thumb injury control tests of the low back: Maclearly, L., Lambert, J., Lamonthe,
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with movement. Manual Therapy 6 patients with low back pain and strengthening exercises for
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Disturbances in voluntary Physical Therapy 35 (1), 3–15. Therapy 62 (12), 1823–1830.
recruitment order of low and high Moreside, J.M., Vera-Garcia, F.J., McGill, Roussel, N.A., Nijs, J., Mottram, S., Van
frequency motor units on blockades S.M., 2007. Trunk muscle activation Moorsel, A., Truijen, S., Stassijns, G.,
of proprioception afferent activity. patterns, lumbar compressive forces, 2009a. Altered lumbopelvic
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 96, and spine stability when using the movement control but not
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Tomlinson, G., 2005. Systematic Moseley, G.L., 2004. Evidence for a dancers. A prospective study. Manual
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Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Section 2
changes in muscle recruitment patterns have been lumbar spine in a neutral position during move-
linked to the presence of lumbopelvic pain (Sahr- ment similar to the principles discussed in Chap-
mann, 2002; O’Sullivan 2005; Dankaerts et al ters 3 and 4. The modifications resulted in a
2006; O’Sullivan et al 2002b, 2003, 2006). decrease in symptoms in the majority of patients.
Changes in the alignment of the lumbar spine This illustrates a classification system of subjects
have been noted in subjects with flexion-related with LBP based on the direction(s) of alignment
lumbar pain (O’Sullivan et al 2006). These people and movement consistently associated with a
sit with their lumbar spines closer towards the change in symptoms.
end of flexion range and with more posterior Luomajoki et al (2008) demonstrated signifi-
pelvic tilt than healthy pain-free controls. Inter- cant differences between healthy people without
estingly they also had reduced back muscle endur- back pain and back pain subjects in their ability
ance compared to the controls, suggesting a link to control movement in the lumbar spine using
between changes in muscle function and changes a battery of six movement control tests (Luoma-
in postural position. Differences in sitting pos- joki et al 2008). These six tests (all of which are
tures and control of the lumbar neutral position described later in this chapter), are based on cog-
have been identified in patients with back pain nitively controlling lumbar flexion, lumbar exten-
(Trudelle-Jackson et al 2008). sion and lumbopelvic rotation. The back pain
Segmental dysfunction has been identified in subjects failed a significantly greater proportion
low back pain subjects with uncontrolled seg- of these tests than the healthy people. The ability
mental movement noted around the neutral to perform these six movement control tests can
zone, as described by Panjabi (1992), during reveal differences between subjects with chronic
lumbar flexion (Teyhen et al 2007). The dysfunc- low back pain and subjects with acute or subacute
tional movement occurs during the early part of pain (Luomajoki et al 2008).
movement when the motion should be under
neuromuscular control and not at end of range Reliability of movement observation
where the passive osteoligamentous system con-
tributes to stability. These changes illustrate alter- The reliability of therapist observation to identify
ations in control of segmental motion. UCM and to make consistent clinical judgements
Gombatto et al (2007) have identified different based on movement observation has significant
patterns of lumbar region movement during support. Van Dillen et al (2009), Dankaerts et al
trunk lateral bending in two subgroups in people (2006), Luomajoki et al (2007), Vibe Fersum
with LBP. In people with patterns of uncontrolled et al (2009) and Roussel et al (2009) have all
extension and rotation, the lumbar region dem- demonstrated good intra-tester and inter-tester
onstrated asymmetry in movement and contrib- reliability for observational assessment of a
uted more to trunk lateral bend particularly in the patient’s ability to perform cognitively learned
early stages of lateral bending on one side. They movement patterns or motor control tests of
suggest that this lumbar region movement will movement control. Van Dillen et al (2009) and
unilaterally load one or more lumbar segments Morrissey et al (2008) have further demonstrated
and repeated stress on the tissues during func- that therapist observation correlates closely with
tional movements which involve side-bend, will 3D motion analysis.
cause cumulative stress of the lumbar region and
eventually result in pain. Efficacy of treatment to retrain
Van Dillen et al (2009) demonstrated that
control of lumbopelvic UCM
movement tests can provoke symptoms in people
with LBP. These researchers explored the effect of The efficacy of retraining the activation of muscles
modifying, or ‘correcting’, symptomatic align- that contribute to lumbopelvic stability is well
ment or movement in people with LBP. This was supported (Hides et al 2001; Hodges 2003;
done by correcting the spinal alignment or move- O’Sullivan 2005; Tsao & Hodges 2008; Luoma-
ment that occurred when symptoms were pro- joki et al 2010). More recently there is evidence
voked. The modifications involved: i) restricting from randomised clinical trials (RCTs) that
movement of the lumbar spine while encourag- retraining programs which focus on motor control
ing movement elsewhere (e.g. thoracic spine or are beneficial (Macedo et al 2009). Stabilising
hip); and ii) positioning and maintaining the exercises have been shown to have an effect on
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
pain and disability (O’Sullivan et al 1997; can identify subgroups within the non-specific
Moseley 2002; Stuge et al 2004) and can effec- musculoskeletal pain population. These UCM
tively reduce recurrence of back pain at long term can be retrained and correction of these aberrant
follow-up (Hides et al 2001). Specific recruitment movement patterns has been advocated as an
of these deep stability muscles seems to be an effective treatment intervention. This chapter
important part of retraining (Hall et al 2007). details the assessment of UCM at the lumbo-
Motor control impairment during functional pelvic region and describes relevant retraining
movement tasks can change following a motor strategies.
learning intervention (Dankaerts et al 2007;
O’Sullivan & Beales 2007a). Once the site and
direction of UCM have been identified specific DIAGNOSIS OF THE SITE AND
muscle retraining can be used to retrain control
of the dysfunction. For example, ‘drawing in’ the DIRECTION OF UCM IN THE
abdominal wall, to activate the deep abdominal LUMBAR SPINE
muscles, has been shown to decrease erector
spinae activity and increase gluteus maximus The diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM in
activity in prone hip extension lift test (Oh et al the lumbar spine can be identified in terms of the
2007). site (being lumbar) and the direction of flexion,
In subjects with spondylosis and spondylo- extension and rotation/side-bend (asymmetry)
listhesis, lumbopelvic stability training has (Table 5.1). As with all UCM, the motor control
resulted in decreased pain intensity and pain deficit can present as uncontrolled translational
descriptor scores and improvements in functional movement (e.g. spondylolisthesis at L5–S1) or
disability levels (O’Sullivan et al 1997). Exercise uncontrolled range of functional movement (e.g.
interventions have been described based on the lumbar flexion) (Sahrmann 2002; O’Sullivan
evaluation of spinal alignment with postures and 2005).
during active movements of both the spine and A diagnosis of UCM requires evaluation of its
the extremities (Maluf et al 2000; Van Dillen et al clinical priority. This is based on the relationship
2009). Their treatment approach is to teach the between the UCM and the presenting symptoms.
patient specific strategies to reduce the symptoms The therapist should look for a link between the
associated with movements to enable them to direction of UCM (‘give’) and the direction of
perform activities they would otherwise avoid. symptom provocation: a) Does the site of UCM
Aberrant motor control strategies have also relate to the site or joint that the patient com-
been identified in people with sacroiliac joint plains of as the source of symptoms? b) Does the
(SIJ) and pelvic girdle pain. O’Sullivan et al direction of movement or load testing relate to
(2002b) observed abnormal kinematics of the the direction or position of provocation of symp-
diaphragm and pelvic floor during an active toms? This identifies the clinical priorities.
straight leg raise test in subjects with SIJ pain, and The site and direction of UCM at the lumbar
noted that these aberrant motor control strategies spine can be linked with different clinical presen-
could be eliminated with manual compression tations, postures and activities aggravating symp-
during the test. In addition these people demon- toms. The typical assessment findings in the
strated bracing strategies in the abdominal wall lumbar spine are identified in Table 5.2.
not seen in the non-pain group. Transversus
abdominis recruitment has been shown to
increase sacroiliac joint stiffness to a significantly
greater degree than the general abdominal exer-
cise pattern illustrating the stability role that this Table 5.1 Site and direction of UCM in the lumbar
muscle has on the SIJ (Richardson et al 2002). spine
People with musculoskeletal pain demonstrate
consistent changes in muscle recruitment pat- SITE DIRECTION
terns during the performance of functional move-
Lumbar • Flexion
ments and postural control tasks. There is evidence
• Extension
to support that assessment and classification of • Rotation/side-bend
these aberrant uncontrolled movement patterns
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Table 5.2 The link between the site and direction of UCM and different clinical presentations
Segmental UCM
A single segment UCM may appear to ‘hinge’ into
excessive translatory displacement associated
with the flexion (segmental ‘flexion hinge’) or
The key principles for assessment and classifica- extension (segmental ‘extension hinge’). This is
tion of UCM have previously been described in observed as either a ‘hinge’ or ‘pivot point’ or
Chapter 3. All dissociation tests are performed excessive translational shear during motion
with the lumbar spine in the neutral training testing. Identification of segmental UCM phe-
region. nomena is described below.
A segmental flexion hinge (which opens poster-
Segmental and multi-segmental iorly and translates backwards) can be identified
in motion testing in the following ways:
uncontrolled motion in the sagittal
1. Place a short piece of adhesive strapping tape
across the primary hinging segment. The skin
When direction-specific, uncontrolled sagittal is tensioned from the adjacent segment
motion (flexion or extension) is observed in the below to the adjacent segment above. If the
spine, it can present in two ways. The uncon- subject cannot prevent flexion across this
trolled motion can present as either a segmental segment, the tape pulls off the skin when
UCM or a multisegmental UCM. uncontrolled flexion is produced.
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
2. Place one finger tip on the spinous process reversal of the lordosis curve when instructed
of the primary hinging segment and another to prevent flexion.
finger tip on the spinous process of each 2. Place a long piece of adhesive strapping tape
adjacent segment (above and below). If the across the entire group of spinal segments
subject is unable to prevent flexion at this (e.g. whole lumbar lordosis L1–S1). The skin
segment the therapist palpates uncontrolled is tensioned from the lowermost segment
opening (spinous processes moving apart). (below) to the uppermost segment. If the
A segmental extension hinge (which closes subject cannot prevent flexion across this
poster-iorly and translates forwards) can be iden- multisegmental group, the tape pulls off the
tified in motion testing in the following ways: skin when uncontrolled flexion motion is
1. Place one finger tip on the spinous process
of the primary hinging segment. During A multisegmental hyperextension can be identi-
normal extension the spinous process can be fied in motion testing in the following ways:
palpated moving slightly forwards (as the 1. Observe or palpate the multisegmental group
articular surfaces close and compress), then of spinal segments (e.g. whole lumbar
the spinous process is palpated moving lordosis L1–S1). The therapist relies on
backwards and down as the articular surface visual observation or manual palpation to
of the upper segment glides backwards on identify if the subject cannot maintain a
the lower segment. If the subject is unable to neutral lordosis and prevent extension
prevent extension or translation shear at this during the test movement. The subject
segment the therapist palpates uncontrolled demonstrates an increase in the depth or
and excessive forward displacement of the exaggeration of the lordosis curve when
spinous process during active extension instructed to prevent extension.
(spinous process moving forwards too far) 2. Place a long piece of adhesive strapping tape
and a lack of sufficient backward glide. across the anterior abdomen (e.g. from the
2. Place one finger tip on the spinous process ASIS (anterior superior iliac spine) to the
of the primary hinging segment and another lower anterolateral ribcage or along the
finger tip on the spinous process of each rectus abdominis muscle). The skin is
adjacent segment (above and below). If the tensioned from the lowermost attachment
subject is unable to prevent extension at this (below) to the uppermost attachment. If the
segment the therapist palpates uncontrolled subject cannot prevent spinal extension or
closing (spinous processes moving together) anterior pelvic tilt across this multisegmental
during lumbar spine extension. group, the tape pulls off the skin when
uncontrolled extension motion is produced.
Occasionally, both single segment and multi-
Multisegmental UCM segmental dysfunctions can present together.
A multisegmental UCM demonstrates hypermo-
bile motion into flexion (multisegmental ‘hyper-
flexion’) or into extension (multisegmental CLINICAL EXAMPLES
‘hyperextension’) across a group of adjacent ver-
tebral levels. This is observed as either an exag-
Lumbar extension UCM
geration of the spinal curve or hypermobile range.
A multisegmental hyperflexion can be identified The patient complains of extension-related symp-
in motion testing in the following ways: toms in the lumbar spine. The lumbar spine dem-
1. Observe or palpate the multisegmental group onstrates UCM into extension relative to the hips
of spinal segments (e.g. whole lumbar or thoracic spine under extension load. During a
lordosis L1–S1). The therapist relies on motor control test of active hip or thoracic exten-
visual observation or manual palpation to sion where the instruction is to prevent lumbar
identify if the subject cannot maintain a extension (dissociation), the lumbopelvic region
neutral lordosis and prevent flexion during demonstrates UCM into either:
the test movement. The subject demonstrates • segmental extension hinge – uncontrolled
a decrease in the depth or flattening or segmental extension and translational shear
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
at a pivot point (primarily at L5–S1, but between the sacrum and the innominates. Reports
potentially also at L3–4–5) vary, but it is generally accepted that there are
or approximately 2–6° of rotation and 2 mm of
translation (Sturesson et al 1989; Bogduk 1997;
• multisegmental hyperextension –
Lee 2004). These small ranges of motion are only
uncontrolled lumbar hyperextension and
able to be measured with specialised radiographic
exaggerated anterior tilt.
techniques (Sturesson et al 1989). Consequently,
During the attempt to dissociate the lumbar spine it is not possible to visually measure this range of
from independent hip or thoracic extension, the motion and therefore not reliable to evaluate the
subject either cannot control the lumbar exten- site and direction of sacroiliac motion visually.
sion UCM or has to concentrate and try too hard. However, the muscles that provide movement
control and functional stability for the lumbar
Lumbar flexion UCM spine and the hip also appear to be effective in
controlling movement and stability of the SIJ and
The patient complains of flexion related symp- pelvis. Aberrant motor control strategies involv-
toms in the lumbar spine. The lumbar spine dem- ing these muscles also have the potential to con-
onstrates UCM into flexion relative to the hips or tribute to pelvic girdle pain and dysfunction,
thoracic spine under flexion load. During a motor hence strategies to promote movement control
control test of active hip or thoracic flexion where and functional stability in the lumbar spine may
the instruction is to prevent lumbar flexion (dis- have a positive effect on reducing sacroiliac and
sociation), the lumbopelvic region demonstrates pelvic girdle pain.
UCM into either:
• segmental flexion hinge – uncontrolled Identifying UCM at the SIJ
segmental flexion and translational shear at
and pelvis
a pivot point (primarily at L5–S1)
or Aberrant motor control strategies have been iden-
tified in people with SIJ and pelvic pain. O’Sullivan
• multisegmental hyperflexion – uncontrolled
et al (2002b) observed abnormal kinematics of
lumbar hyperflexion and exaggerated
the diaphragm and pelvic floor during an active
posterior tilt.
straight leg raise test in subjects with SIJ pain, and
During the attempt to dissociate the lumbar spine noted that these aberrant motor control strategies
from independent hip or thoracic flexion, the could be eliminated with manual compression
subject either cannot control the lumbar flexion during the test. In addition, these people demon-
UCM or has to concentrate and try too hard. strated bracing strategies in the abdominal wall
not seen in the non-pain group. Transversus
abdominis recruitment has been shown to
MOVEMENT AND POSTURAL increase SIJ stiffness to a significantly greater
degree than the general abdominal exercise
CONTROL AT THE SACROILIAC pattern, illustrating the stability role that this
JOINT (SIJ) AND PELVIS muscle has on the SIJ (Richardson et al 2002).
Evaluation of the presence of SIJ dysfunction
The relationship between SIJ or pelvic girdle pain has historically been difficult to evaluate (Riddle
and insufficiencies in the stability of the lum- & Freburger 2002). Laslett et al (2005) have dem-
bopelvic region is currently an active area of onstrated that composites of provocation tests are
research (Hungerford et al 2003; Stuge et al 2004; of value in clinical diagnosis of the symptomatic
O’Sullivan & Beales 2007b). The classification of SIJ but do not evaluate movement faults or guide
UCM in terms of site and direction at the SIJ and diagnosis. Some authors have reconsidered the
pelvis is gaining recognition and reports of label- influence on force closure but not detailed spe-
ling movement and positional faults can be seen cific assessment of movement faults (Pool-
in the literature (Cibulka 2002). Goudzwaard 1998). O’Sullivan & Beales (2007a)
The range of motion that is available to the SIJ have recognised that movement faults can be a
is very small in terms of translation and rotation part of SIJ dysfunction but do not detail the site
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
and direction of UCM. Altered motor control Table 5.3 Potential site and direction of UCM in the
strategies and alteration of respiratory function pelvic girdle
have been identified in subjects with sacroiliac
pain (O’Sullivan & Beales 2007a). Hungerford SITE DIRECTION
et al (2003) have indentified delayed onset of
internal oblique, multifidus and gluteus maximus Forward torsion
on the supporting leg during hip flexion in sub- Sacrum Backward torsion
jects with SIJ changes, which they consider evi- Nutated and side-bent (unilateral flexion)
dence of altered lumbopelvic control. Muscle Counternutated and side-bent (unilateral
recruitment dysfunction has been shown to be extension)
Anterior rotation
reversible: an individualised specific exercise
training program has been shown to be more Innominate Posterior rotation
effective than physical therapy for women with Superior shear (upslip)
pelvic girdle pain after pregnancy (Stuge et al Inferior shear (downslip)
2004). Outflare
Although research has demonstrated the pres- Superior shear
ence of movement faults in subjects with SIJ or
pelvic girdle pain (Mens et al 2002; Hungerford Pubis Inferior shear
Anterior shear
et al 2004) reliability and validity of clinical tests Posterior shear
are lacking. However, Hungerford et al (2007)
have shown that physical therapists can reliably
palpate and recognise altered patterns of intra-
pelvic motion with a weight shift from bilateral
stance to unilateral hip flexion.
The range of movement within the SIJ is so adaptive compensatory motion of the pelvis.
small that it is not possible to observe normal The site and direction of adaptive compensatory
movement at the articulation between the sacrum motion appears to be related to the site and direc-
and innominate. Consequently, we are unable to tion of UCM. The process of positional diagnosis
diagnose either the site or direction of UCM of currently labels three separate sites of pelvic girdle
the SIJ using movement observation. It may be adaptation: i) the sacrum; ii) the innominate; and
possible to palpate motion between the sacrum iii) the pubis. These three sites also demonstrate
and innominate during functional movement specific directions of adaptive compensation or
testing. However, there are almost no studies that UCM (Table 5.3).
demonstrate good intra-tester or inter-tester reli- If the process of manual palpation to determine
ability for palpation of SIJ movement. the positional adaptation of segmental motion
The osteopathic process of positional diagnosis, within the SIJ eventually becomes validated, then
as advocated by Mitchell et al (1979) and clinicians will have an indirect method of diag-
Greenman (2003), uses manual palpation of the nosing the site and direction of uncontrolled
pelvis during functional movement testing to motion in the sacroiliac complex. When these
determine motion restriction of the SIJ. There is diagnoses are made using manual palpation
a lack of consensus among the clinicians who use assessment, restrictions can be mobilised by
this approach as to which motion tests identify movement of the segment in the opposite direc-
restriction in function and as to precisely where tion to compensation. Likewise, the UCM can be
to palpate the pelvis to interpret the positional stabilised by training myofascial recruitment
change of adaptation. Once the restriction is strategies to prevent or resist movement in the
determined as being related to abnormal motion direction of adaptation at those sites (sacrum,
of the sacrum, the right innominate or the left innominate or pubis).
innominate, palpation of pelvic landmarks is In the absence of being able to easily observe
then used to determine the position of adaptive the site and direction of UCM within the sacro-
change. iliac complex, this process of positional diagnosis
This process of positional diagnosis attempts using manual palpation is potentially an alterna-
to identify and label the site and direction of tive method of identifying site and direction of
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
sacroiliac uncontrolled motion. Primary SIJ UCM Each direction is assessed separately! If during a test of
usually demonstrates good lumbar flexion control one specific direction (e.g. flexion), a movement into
even though the patient usually complains of another direction (e.g. extension) is observed, it is
flexion-related symptoms. Movement control possible to score a ✓✓ rating for the test. For example,
dysfunctions of the SIJ and pelvic girdle are con- if during a test of control of lumbar flexion control, the
sistently unilateral in nature and always demon- lumbar spine moves into extension, there is a possibility
strate significant open chain or closed chain of a problem with lumbar extension control. The ability
rotation UCMs. to control this potential UCM should be specifically
A suggestion for early management of primary assessed with extension related tests. However, if there
was no UCM into flexion, then flexion is not the direction
sacroiliac and pelvic girdle pain is to assess for
of UCM and the flexion control test should be rated as
and retrain uncontrolled rotation as a primary ✓✓.
intervention. Secondly, if a positional diagnosis Exception: if the movement in another direction
of the site and direction of pelvic girdle UCM can consistently reaches end range the control of the primary
be made then specific movement correction can test direction is deemed to be inefficient. For example, if,
be implemented. However, because of the lack of during a test of control of lumbar flexion control, the
reliability and validity for using palpation to lumbar spine consistently uses full end-range extension to
determine motion restriction or the positional prevent flexion, then the efficiency of flexion control is
change of adaptation, specific diagnosis of the inadequate, and the flexion control test should be rated
site and direction of UCM of the SIJ is not specifi- as ✓✗.
cally covered in this text.
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
the L5 and S1 segments appear to ‘open’ (the challenges, uncontrolled lumbar flexion and
spinous processes move apart) as the pelvis posterior pelvic tilt are observed.
posteriorly tilts instead of moving forwards
with the spinal position. The upper lumbar
lordosis can be maintained well and the Indications to test for lumbar
failure of control is demonstrated only at the flexion UCM
lumbopelvic junction.
Observe or palpate for:
• Multisegmental hyperflexion. If, on the other
hand, excessive or hypermobile lumbar 1. hypermobile lumbar flexion range
flexion is observed, but no one particular 2. excessive initiation of forward bending with
spinous process is prominent from the lumbar flexion
adjacent vertebrae then the UCM is 3. symptoms (pain, discomfort, strain)
interpreted as a multisegmental hyperflexion. associated with flexion.
This is commonly observed as excessive The person complains of flexion-related symp-
reversal of the lumbar lordosis and toms in the lumbar spine. Under flexion load, the
hypermobile flexion of the whole lumbar lumbar spine has greater give into flexion relative
region. Instead of maintaining positional to the hips or relative to the thoracic spine. The
control of the lumbar lordosis and the pelvis dysfunction is confirmed with motor control tests
during hip flexion or thoracic flexion of flexion dissociation.
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Test procedure
The person should have the ability to actively lean
forwards by flexing at the hips while controlling
the lumbar spine and pelvis. The person stands
tall with legs straight and the lumbar spine and
pelvis positioned in neutral (Figure 5.2). Lum-
bopelvic motion is monitored by the therapist.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 5.5 Benchmark for trunk lean test Rating and diagnosis of lumbar
flexion UCM
(T1.1 and T1.2)
further apart, uncontrolled segmental lumbar
flexion is identified. Correction
The person is instructed to stand tall and to The person stands tall with legs straight and the
‘bow’ or lean the trunk forwards from the hips, lumbar spine and pelvis positioned in the neutral.
keeping the back straight (neutral spine). Ideally, They monitor the lumbosacral neutral position
the subject should have the ability to dissociate by palpating the spinous process of L2, L5, and
the lumbar spine from hip flexion as evidenced S2 with their fingers (Figure 5.6). The person is
by 50° forward lean while preventing lumbar instructed to stand tall and to ‘bow’ or lean the
flexion or posterior pelvic tilt (Figure 5.5). This trunk forwards from the hips, keeping the back
test should be performed without any feedback straight (neutral spine). If the palpating fingers do
(self-palpation, vision, tape, etc.) or cueing for not move further apart, lumbar flexion is being
correction. controlled (Figure 5.7).
The person should self-monitor the lumbopel-
vic alignment and control with a variety of feed-
Lumbar flexion UCM
back options (T1.3). In some cases it may be useful
The person complains of flexion-related symp- to tension a strip of adhesive sports strapping tape
toms in the lumbar spine. The lumbar spine has to the skin across the uncontrolled segments. This
UCM into flexion relative to the hips under will provide sensory feedback and some degree of
flexion load. During active hip flexion, the lumbar mechanical support to the control of flexion.
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
T1.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Trunk Lean Test
T1.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T1.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Trunk Lean Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/ ✗✗ or ✓✗ position
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
Lumbar Flexion Segmental flexion hinge ! watch the movement
(indicate level)
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Multisegmental !
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Figure 5.9 Start position for backward push test Figure 5.11 Benchmark for backward push test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
T2.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Backward Push Test
T2.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T2.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Backward Push Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
KNEELING position
Site Direction Segmental/ ✗✗ or ✓✗
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Lumbar Flexion Segmental flexion hinge !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(indicate level)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
Multisegmental !
correction another observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 5.13 Start position for double bent leg lift test Figure 5.15 Self-positioning the PBU in the lumbar lordosis
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The person lies in crook lying with the lumbar
spine and pelvis relaxed in neutral alignment. The
person is permitted to watch the PBU to monitor
the accuracy of their ability to control the lumbar
spine and prevent lumbar flexion. During all
retraining of uncontrolled lumbar flexion a pres-
sure increase of 10 mmHg is acceptable during
unsupported leg movements. That is, if the start
pressure is 40 mmHg, a pressure increase of
10 mmHg (up to 50 mmHg) is acceptable during
leg movement. Likewise, if the start pressure is
35 mmHg (with multifidus facilitation), a pres-
sure increase of 10 mmHg (up to 45 mmHg) is
acceptable during leg movement. However, when
leg movement stops the pressure must be main- Figure 5.19 Facilitation with opposite knee to hand push
tained at the original start pressure.
Multifidus facilitation
If uncontrolled lumbar flexion is identified, facili-
Static diagonal: isometric opposite knee to
tation of superficial lumbar multifidus is encour-
aged. Take a relaxed breath in and breathe out hand push
and consciously hold the sternum and ribcage First facilitate superficial lumbar multifidus (PBU
down towards the bed. Try to visualise pulling the held at 30–35 mmHg or other hand to monitor
sacrum horizontally up along the bed towards the that no pressure change = spinal control), slowly
shoulders. The lumbar lordosis should increase lift one knee towards the opposite hand and push
slightly and the pressure should decrease. Do not them isometrically against each other on a diago-
use thoracic extension to decrease the pressure nal line (Figure 5.19). Push for 10 seconds and
(no lifting of the chest). Ideally, with efficient repeat 10 times so long as stability is maintained
superficial lumbar multifidus activation, the pres- (no pressure change). As soon as any pressure
sure should decrease by 5–10 mmHg (from increase or decrease is registered the movement
40 mmHg to approximately 35–30 mmHg) must stop and return to the start position. Do not
(Figure 5.18). This pressure decrease should be stabilise with the opposite foot or allow substitu-
able to be consistently maintained. tion or fatigue.
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Static diagonal heel lift: isometric knee to Alternate single leg heel touch: (Sahrmann
hand push + 2nd heel lift level 1)
First facilitate superficial lumbar multifidus First facilitate superficial lumbar multifidus (PBU
(PBU held at 30–35 mmHg or other hand to held at 30–35 mmHg or other hand to monitor
monitor that no pressure change = spinal stabil- that no pressure change = spinal control), slowly
ity), slowly lift one knee towards the opposite lift one foot off the floor (Figure 5.21) and then
hand and push them isometrically against each lift the second foot off the floor and bring it up
other on a diagonal line. While keeping this pres- beside the first leg (Figure 5.22). Crook lying with
sure slowly lift the second heel off the floor and hips flexed to 90° and both feet off the floor is the
bring it up beside the first leg (Figure 5.20). Hold starting position.
this position for 10 seconds and repeat 10 times Hold this position and keeping the back stable
so long as stability is maintained (no pressure (no pressure change) slowly lower one heel to the
change). As soon as any pressure increase or floor (Figure 5.23) and lift it back to the start
decrease is registered the movement must stop position. Repeat this movement, slowly alternat-
and return to the start position. The point of ing legs, for 10 seconds so long as stability is
greatest risk of losing stability is when the second maintained (no pressure change), and then return
heel leaves the floor. Do not allow substitution both feet to the floor. Repeat the whole process
or fatigue. 10 times.
Figure 5.20 Facilitation with second leg lift Figure 5.22 Progression: second leg lift
Figure 5.21 Progression: first leg lift Figure 5.23 Progression: first leg lower
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
As soon as any pressure increase (or decrease) flexion. Visual feedback (e.g. observation in a
is registered the movement must stop and return mirror) is also a useful retraining tool.
to the start position. The point of greatest risk of If control is poor, the leg lift with a controlled
losing stability is when the heel is lowering to the back and independent hip flexion should be per-
floor. Do not allow substitution or fatigue. formed only as far as lumbar flexion and posterior
The person should self-monitor the lumbopel- pelvic tilt can be actively controlled or prevented.
vic alignment and control with a variety of feed- There should be no provocation of any symp-
back options (T3.3). It is very useful to use a PBU toms, so long as the lumbar flexion can be con-
for precise monitoring of lumbar position. Taping trolled. Once the pattern of dissociation is efficient
will also provide sensory feedback and some and feels familiar it should be integrated into
degree of mechanical support to the control of various functional postures and positions.
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
T3.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Double Bent Leg Lift Test
T3.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T3.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Double Bent Leg Lift Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
LYING position
Site Direction Segmental/ ✗✗ or ✓✗
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Lumbar Flexion Multisegmental !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Pressure biofeedback Visual confirmation of the
control of position
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 5.24 Start position for forward lean test Figure 5.25 Palpation of lumbosacral alignment
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
The person sits tall with the feet on the floor and
with the lumbar spine and pelvis positioned in
the neutral. The person should monitor the
lumbar alignment and control with a variety of
feedback options (T4.3). They monitor the lum-
bosacral neutral position by palpating the spinous
process of L2, L5 and S2 with their fingers. The
person is instructed to sit tall and to lean the
trunk forwards from the hips, keeping the back
straight (neutral spine). If the palpating fingers do
not move further apart, lumbar flexion is being
In some cases it may be useful to tension a strip
of adhesive sports strapping tape to the skin
across the uncontrolled segments. This will
provide sensory feedback and some degree of
mechanical support to the control of flexion.
Visual feedback (e.g. observation in a mirror) is
also a useful retraining tool. Ideally, the subject
should have the ability to dissociate the lumbar
spine from hip flexion as evidenced by 30°
forward lean while preventing lumbar flexion
or posterior pelvic tilt. There should be no pro-
Figure 5.26 Benchmark for forward lean test vocation of any symptoms under flexion load,
within the range that the flexion UCM can be
• If only one spinous process is observed as prominent If control is poor, the pattern of forward leaning
and protruding ‘out of line’ compared to the other with a straight back and independent hip flexion
vertebrae then the UCM is interpreted as a segmental should be performed only as far as lumbar flexion
flexion hinge. The specific hinging segment should be and posterior pelvic tilt can be actively controlled
noted and recorded. or prevented. Also, the upper body and trunk
• If excessive lumbopelvic flexion is observed, but no weight can be supported by weight bearing
one particular spinous process is prominent from the through the arms to decrease the load that must
adjacent vertebrae then the UCM is interpreted as a be controlled by the local and global stabiliser
multisegmental hyperflexion.
muscles. As the ability to control the UCM gets
easier and the pattern of dissociation feels less
unnatural the exercise can be progressed to the
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific unsupported position. Once the pattern of dis-
motor control testing sociation is efficient and feels familiar it should
be integrated into various functional postures
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of
extension or rotation) is observed during a motor control
and positions.
(dissociation) test of flexion control, do not score this as
uncontrolled flexion. The extension and rotation motor
control tests will identify if the observed movement is
uncontrolled. A test for lumbar flexion UCM is only
positive if uncontrolled lumbar flexion is demonstrated.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T4.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Forward Lean Test
T4.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T4.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Forward Lean Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/ ✗✗ or ✓✗ position
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
Lumbar Flexion Segmental flexion hinge ! watch the movement
(indicate level)
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Multisegmental !
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Figure 5.27 Start position for chest drop test Figure 5.28 Benchmark for chest drop test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
T5.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Chest Drop Test
T5.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T5.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Chest Drop Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/ ✗✗ or ✓✗ position
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
Lumbar Flexion Segmental flexion hinge ! watch the movement
(indicate level)
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Multisegmental !
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 5.29 Correction (neutral start position) Figure 5.31 Correction (lumbar extension followed by
thoracic flexion)
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Figure 5.33 Start position for double knee extension test Figure 5.34 Benchmark for the double knee extension test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
extension. The subject either cannot control the lumbar alignment and control with a variety of
UCM or has to concentrate and try hard to dis- feedback options (T6.3). They monitor the lum-
sociate the lumbar spine from independent ham- bosacral neutral position by palpating the spinous
strings tension. process of L2, L5 and S2 with their fingers. The
person is instructed to slowly straighten both
knees simultaneously to within 10–15° of full
• If only one spinous process is observed as prominent extension, keeping the back straight (neutral
and protruding ‘out of line’ compared to the other
spine) and without leaning back or allowing the
vertebrae then the UCM is interpreted as a segmental
flexion hinge. The specific hinging segment should be
pelvis to posteriorly tilt. If the palpating fingers
noted and recorded. do not move further apart, lumbar flexion and
• If excessive lumbopelvic flexion is observed, but no posterior tilt are being controlled.
one particular spinous process is prominent from the In some cases it may be useful to tension a strip
adjacent vertebrae then the UCM is interpreted as a of adhesive sports strapping tape to the skin
multisegmental hyperflexion. across the uncontrolled segments. This will
provide sensory feedback and some degree of
mechanical support to the control of flexion.
Visual feedback (e.g. observation in a mirror) is
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific
also a useful retraining tool. There should be no
motor control testing
provocation of any symptoms under flexion load,
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of
so long as the flexion give can be controlled. Only
extension or rotation) is observed during a motor control straighten the knees as far as the neutral lum-
(dissociation) test of flexion control, do not score this as bopelvic position (monitored with feedback) can
uncontrolled flexion. The extension and rotation motor be maintained. There must be no loss of neutral
control tests will identify if the observed movement is or UCM into flexion or posterior tilt.
uncontrolled. A test for lumbar flexion UCM is only If control is poor it is acceptable to start with
positive if uncontrolled lumbar flexion is demonstrated. unilateral (then progress to bilateral) knee exten-
sion with a straight back, but only as far as the
neutral lumbopelvic position can be maintained.
There must be no loss of neutral or give into
Rating and diagnosis of lumbar flexion. There should be no provocation of any
flexion UCM symptoms under flexion load, so long as the
(T6.1 and T6.2) flexion give can be controlled. Beware neurody-
namic symptoms associated with positive slump
responses. Unload the neural system with ankle
Correction plantarflexion or cervical extension. Once the
The person sits tall with the feet on the floor and pattern of dissociation is efficient and feels famil-
with the lumbar spine and pelvis positioned in iar it should be integrated into various functional
the neutral. The person should monitor the postures and positions.
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
T6.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Double Knee Extension Test
T6.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T6.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Double Knee Extension Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/ ✗✗ or ✓✗ position
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
Lumbar Flexion Segmental flexion hinge ! watch the movement
(indicate level)
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Multisegmental !
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 5.35 Start position for ischial weight bearing test Figure 5.36 Benchmark for ischial weight bearing test
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
posteriorly tilts and the lumbar spine starts to flex from the feet to the pelvis), then immediately
as weight bearing load is transferred to the ischi- return to standing.
ums. The subject either cannot control the UCM There must be no loss of neutral or UCM into
or has to concentrate and try hard to dissociate flexion or posterior tilt. There should be no prov-
the lumbar spine from independent thoracic ocation of any symptoms under flexion load, so
flexion. long as the flexion UCM can be controlled. In
some cases it may be useful to tension a strip of
adhesive sports strapping tape to the skin across
the uncontrolled segments. This will provide
• If only one spinous process is observed as prominent
and protruding ‘out of line’ compared to the other sensory feedback and some degree of mechanical
vertebrae then the UCM is interpreted as a segmental support to the control of flexion. Visual feedback
flexion hinge. The specific hinging segment should be (e.g. observation in a mirror) is also a useful
noted and recorded. retraining tool.
• If excessive lumbopelvic flexion is observed, but no If control is poor it is acceptable to start by
one particular spinous process is prominent from the increasing the chair seat height (or use a stool or
adjacent vertebrae then the UCM is interpreted as a table) so that less hip flexion is required before
multisegmental hyperflexion. ischial weight bearing is loaded (Figure 5.37).
There must be no loss of neutral or UCM into
flexion. As control improves, lower the chair
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific
motor control testing
The person stands with the feet positioned where
they feel natural to stand up from sitting. They
are instructed to slowly begin to sit down on the
chair by leaning forwards and bending at the hips
and knees, not using the hands for support. The
person should monitor the lumbar alignment
and control with a variety of feedback options
(T7.3). Keeping the spine straight, the person
should flex forwards at the hips as the pelvis is
lowered onto the chair. The heels do not have to
stay on the floor. Only move backwards towards
sitting as far as the neutral lumbopelvic position
(monitored with feedback) can be maintained.
Initially, it may be easier to just touch the chair
with the ischiums (and not transfer any weight Figure 5.37 Correction through less range
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T7.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Ischial Weight Bearing Test
T7.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T7.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Ischial Weight Bearing Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/ ✗✗ or ✓✗
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Lumbar Flexion Segmental flexion hinge !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(indicate level)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
Multisegmental !
correction observer
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
height slightly and first practise moving forwards familiar it should be integrated into various func-
from sitting to standing while monitoring the tional postures and positions.
control of lumbar flexion and posterior pelvic tilt.
Progress until control is efficient on a chair with
the height adjusted so that the hips are slightly
Lumbar flexion UCM summary
higher (about 10°) than the knees. Once the
pattern of dissociation is efficient and feels (Table 5.4)
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
excessive anterior pelvic tilt and lumbar • Multisegmental hyperextension. If, on the other
hyperextension so that uncontrolled hand, excessive or hypermobile lumbar
extension occurs across the whole of the extension and anterior pelvic tilt are
lumbar region. The lumbar spine may observed, but no one particular vertebral
initiate the movement into extension, level is dominant from the adjacent vertebrae
contribute more to producing backward then the UCM is interpreted as a
arching, while the hips and thoracic multisegmental hyperextension. This is
contributions start later and contribute less. commonly observed as an excessive (deep)
At the limit of backward arching, excessive or lumbar lordosis and hypermobile extension
hypermobile range of lumbar extension may of the whole lumbar region. This excessive
be observed. During the return to neutral the hyperlordosis is commonly initiated with
lumbar extension and anterior pelvic tilt exaggerated anterior pelvic tilt or
persists and recovers later. occasionally it may be initiated with
excessive thoracolumbar extension. Instead
In the assessment of extension movement, the
of maintaining positional control of the
UCM can be identified as either segmental or
lumbar lordosis and the pelvis during hip
extension or thoracic extension challenges,
• Segmental extension hinge. If forward pelvic uncontrolled lumbar extension and anterior
sway (with hip extension) initiates backward pelvic tilt are observed.
arching, the anterior pelvic tilt required for
ideal extension is inadequate. The concurrent Indications to test for lumbar
upper lumbar and lower thoracic extension
contribution is late or absent. Consequently, extension UCM
instead of at least nine vertebral levels Observe or palpate for:
(T9–L1) contributing to (and sharing the 1. hypermobile lumbar extension range
load stresses) of spinal extension, only three 2. excessive initiation of backward arching with
segments appear to contribute significantly forward pelvic sway and a lumbosacral hinge
(L3–5). Of these, the segment at the pelvic 3. excessive initiation of backward arching with
junction (L5–S1) appears to translate hyperlordosis
forwards excessively, producing a skin crease 4. symptoms (pain, discomfort, strain)
as it hinges backwards into extension against associated with extension.
the posteriorly tilted pelvis. If this segment is
observed as hinging into translation ‘out of The person complains of extension-related symp-
line’ compared to the other vertebrae then toms in the lumbar spine. Under extension load,
the UCM is interpreted as a segmental the lumbar spine has UCM into extension relative
extension hinge. The specific hinging segment to the hips or relative to the thoracic spine. The
should be noted and recorded. This dysfunction is confirmed with motor control tests
commonly occurs at the L5–S1 segment. of extension dissociation.
Ideally, when lumbar extension control is
assessed, the positional alignment between
the low lumbar spine and the pelvis should
be maintained during hip extension or EXTENSION LOAD TESTING
thoracic extension challenges. If lumbopelvic PREREQUISITES
stability and control is inadequate, L5
alignment with the sacrum cannot be These are not tests of extension stability function,
maintained and during extension control but are considered a basic prerequisite for such
tests the L5 and S1 segments appear to tests. Back flattening on the wall is especially rel-
‘hinge’ (observe a deep skin crease) as the evant for extension control between the thoracic
pelvis sways forwards instead of anteriorly and lumbar regions. It is important to be able to
tilting and matching the alignment with the move the lumbar spine out of extension to at least
spinal movement. The upper lumbar and the flat back position. Lateral abdominal–gluteal
lower thoracic vertebral contribution is either co-activation is especially relevant for extension
late or absent. control between the lumbar–pelvic region and
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The subject is instructed to actively ‘hollow’ or
pull in the abdominal wall by activating and
holding a contraction of the lateral abdominal
muscles (transversus and the oblique abdomi-
nals). While this contraction is being held the
subject is instructed to also contract the gluteal
muscles. Ideally, the gluteals should confidently
and strongly switch on with good symmetry
and maintain this contraction without losing
the abdominal contraction (Figure 5.40). These
muscle groups are the muscles which can control
Figure 5.39 Extension control prerequisite: back flattening extension strain at the lumbopelvic region under
on wall hip extension load.
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Activate the abdominals (hollowing contraction)
and, while maintaining this contraction, con-
sciously contract the gluteals. Hold this
co-activation for 10 seconds and repeat 10 times.
Progression is achieved by increasing the holding
time until it feels easy to get a confident low effort
co-activation while maintaining the co-activation
continually for 2–3 minutes.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Test procedure
The person initially stands tall with the upper
thighs against the edge of a plinth, bench or table
and with the feet as far under the table as balance
can be maintained. Position the head directly
over the shoulders without chin poke. Demon-
strate or manually assist the movement of tho-
racic extension. The sternum, clavicles and
acromions should all move up and forwards
(Figure 5.41). There should be no forward sway
of the pelvis (the table/bench provides feedback
and support). The normal anterior pelvic should
be present (with slight concurrent hip flexion)
and all of the lumbar spine and the lower thoracic
vertebrae should contribute to the spinal exten-
sion initiated from the thoracic region. There Figure 5.41 Teaching and training thoracic extension with
sway control
should be no segmental skin crease at the lum-
bosacral junction. There should be no scapular
retraction (acromions moving backwards). The
thoracic extension should be performed by spinal position of relaxed flexion through to full exten-
muscles, not the rhomboids. Allow the person to sion (Figure 5.43). The available range of dissoci-
practise the test movement using feedback and ated thoracolumbar extension is small. This test
support and with verbal and manual correction. should be performed without any feedback
For testing, feedback and the support of the (self-palpation, vision, tape, etc.) or cueing for
table are taken away. The person stands tall and correction.
unsupported with legs straight and the lumbar
spine and pelvis positioned in the neutral. The
Lumbar extension UCM
head is positioned directly over the shoulders
without chin poke (Figure 5.42). Without letting The person complains of extension-related symp-
the lumbopelvic region move into forward toms in the lumbar spine. The lumbar spine has
sway, the person should have the ability to actively UCM into forward pelvic sway and lumbar seg-
lift the sternum and chest up and forwards through mental extension translational shear relative to
the full available range of extension of the tho- the thoracic spine under extension load. During
racic spine. active thoracic extension, the pelvis starts to sway
Ideally, the person should have the ability forwards or the upper body sways backwards and
to prevent segmental hinging of the lumbar the low lumbar spine hinges into segmental
spine and forward sway of the pelvis while inde- extension before achieving end-range thoracic
pendently extending the thoracic region from a extension. A significant skin crease is observed at
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Figure 5.42 Start position for thoracic extension – sway test Figure 5.43 Benchmark for thoracic extension – sway test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
T8.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Thoracic Extension – Sway Test
T8.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T8.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Thoracic Extension – Sway Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
– STANDING position
Site Direction Segmental/ ✗✗ or ✓✗
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Lumbar Extension Segmental extension !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
hinge (indicate level)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 5.45 Start position for thoracic extension – tilt test Figure 5.46 Benchmark for thoracic extension – tilt test
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T9.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Thoracic Extension – Tilt Test
T9.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T9.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Thoracic Extension – Tilt Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
– STANDING position
Site Direction Segmental/ ✗✗ or ✓✗
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Lumbar Extension Multisegmental !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
‘unroll’ the thoracic spine up the wall. Only tilt across this multisegmental group, the tape
unroll the thoracic spine into extension as far as pulls the skin to provide sensory feedback about
the lumbar spine can be stabilised on the wall the UCM. Also, the upper body and trunk weight
(Figure 5.48). Using the wall for feedback and can be supported by weight bearing through the
support, do not allow the lumbar spine to extend arms to decrease the load that must be controlled.
off the wall at all. Train by controlling lumbar extension and pelvic
Retraining with additional feedback is also a tilt while moving into thoracic extension only as
good option. Tension a piece of adhesive strap- far as the UCM can be prevented. As the ability
ping tape across the anterior abdomen (e.g. from to control the UCM gets easier and the pattern
the ASIS to the lower anterolateral ribcage or of dissociation feels less unnatural it should be
along the rectus abdominis muscle). If the person integrated into various functional postures and
cannot prevent spinal extension or anterior pelvic positions.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 5.49 Start position for chest lift – tilt test Figure 5.50 Benchmark for chest lift – tilt test
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T10.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Chest Lift – Tilt Test
T10.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T10.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Chest Lift – Tilt Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/ ✗✗ or ✓✗ position
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
Lumbar Extension Multisegmental ! watch the movement
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Flexicurve positional Visual and sensory feedback of
marker positional alignment
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
When the pattern of this recruitment reversal hips slightly flexed (unlocked) to prevent hip
feels easy, then progress back to the sitting flexor tightness influencing the pelvis. Without
dissociation. letting the lumbopelvic region move (pelvis and
As the ability to independently control move- sacrum do not move), lift the sternum and chest
ment of the thoracic spine and lumbopelvic (thoracic extension). Once the pattern of disso-
region gets easier and the pattern of dissociation ciation is efficient and feels familiar it should be
feels less unnatural, the exercise can be progressed integrated into various functional postures and
to standing. Stand upright with the knees and positions.
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Figure 5.55 Start position for forward lean test Figure 5.56 Benchmark for forward lean test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
T11.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Forward Lean Test
T11.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T11.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Forward Lean Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/ ✗✗ or ✓✗ position
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
Lumbar Extension Multisegmental ! watch the movement
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 5.57 Start position for forward rocking test Figure 5.59 Benchmark for forward rocking test
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific Figure 5.61 Correction with ideal control in rocking forward
motor control testing
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
T12.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Forward Rocking Test
T12.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T12.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Forward Rocking Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
KNEELING position
Site Direction Segmental/ ✗✗ or ✓✗
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Lumbar Extension Segmental extension !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(indicate level) Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Multisegmental !
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Figure 5.65 Unsupported leg load Figure 5.66 Benchmark for double bent leg lower test
at 40 mmHg (Figure 5.66). As soon as any pres- relatively less load and specific facilitation of the
sure decrease (towards 30 mmHg) is registered oblique abdominals can be used.
the movement must stop and the feet be returned
(one at a time) back to the start position.
• If increased extension (increased lumbar lordosis) of the
If no PBU is available the therapist should place whole lumbar region and increased anterior pelvic tilt
their hand under the lumbar lordosis instead of are observed, but no one particular vertebral level is
the PBU. It has been anecdotally claimed that the dominant from the adjacent vertebrae, then the UCM
hand is sensitive to a pressure change roughly is interpreted as a multisegmental hyperextension.
equivalent to 40 mmHg. So, if no pressure
decrease is detected by the hand, the control
would seem to be within the limits as determined Clinical assessment note for direction-specific
by the PBU. motor control testing
Lumbar extension UCM If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of flexion
or rotation) is observed during a motor control
The person complains of extension-related symp- (dissociation) test of extension control, do not score this
toms in the lumbar spine. The lumbar spine has as uncontrolled extension. The flexion and rotation motor
UCM into extension relative to the hips under control tests will identify if the observed movement is
extension load. During a double leg lower in uncontrolled. A test for lumbar extension UCM is only
crook lying, the lumbar spine starts to extend positive if uncontrolled lumbar extension is demonstrated.
before the feet reach the floor. During the attempt
to control lumbar extension and anterior pelvic
tilt from independent hip extension, the person
Rating and diagnosis of lumbar
either cannot control the UCM or has to concen- extension UCM
trate and try hard. (T13.1 and T13.2)
In the process of trying to keep the back neutral,
the pelvis must not tilt anteriorly and extend the
lumbar spine. A pressure decrease of more than Correction
10 mmHg (decrease to more than 30 mmHg) The person lies in crook lying with the lumbar
indicates excessive uncontrolled anterior tilt and spine and pelvis relaxed in neutral alignment.
a loss of stability into spinal extension. As soon Lumbopelvic position is monitored by the place-
as any pressure increase (beyond 50 mmHg) is ment of a PBU under the back, centred at L3 in
registered the leg movement must stop and the the middle of the lumbar lordosis. Inflate the
feet lower back to the start position. If control is PBU to a base pressure of 40 mmHg. The PBU
poor, a series of graduated progressions using maintains the neutral spine.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Figure 5.69 Progression: first leg lift Figure 5.71 Progression: first leg lower
hips flexed to 90° and both feet off the floor is the
starting position.
Hold this position and, keeping the back stable
(no pressure change), slowly lower one heel to
the floor (Figure 5.71) and lift it back to the start
position. Repeat this movement, slowly alternat-
ing legs, for 10 seconds so long as stability is
maintained (no pressure change), and then return
both feet to the floor. Repeat the whole process
10 times.
As soon as any pressure decrease (or increase)
is registered the movement must stop and return
to the start position. The point of greatest risk of
losing stability is when the heel is lowering to the
Figure 5.70 Progression: second leg lift
floor. Do not allow substitution or fatigue.
The person should self-monitor the lumbopel-
vic alignment and control with a variety of feed-
As soon as any pressure increase or decrease is back options (T13.3). It is very useful to use a
registered the movement must stop and return to PBU for precise monitoring of lumbar position.
the start position. The point of greatest risk of Taping will also provide sensory feedback and
losing stability is when the second heel leaves the some degree of mechanical support to the control
floor. Do not allow substitution or fatigue. of extension. Visual feedback (e.g. observation in
a mirror) is also a useful retraining tool.
If control is poor, the leg lift with a controlled
Alternate single leg heel touch:
back and independent hip flexion should be per-
(Sahrmann level 1) formed only as far as lumbar extension and ante-
First facilitate the oblique abdominals (PBU held rior pelvic tilt can be actively controlled or
at 48–50 mmHg or other hand to monitor that prevented. There should be no provocation of any
no pressure change = spinal stability), slowly lift symptoms, so long as the lumbar extension can
one foot off the floor (Figure 5.69) and then lift be controlled. Once the pattern of dissociation is
the second foot off the floor and bring it up efficient and feels familiar, it should be integrated
beside the first leg (Figure 5.70). Crook lying with into various functional postures and positions.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T13.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Double Bent Leg Lower Test
T13.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T13.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Double Bent Leg Lower Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
LYING position
Site Direction Segmental/ ✗✗ or ✓✗
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Lumbar Extension Multisegmental !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Pressure biofeedback Visual confirmation of the
control of position
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Figure 5.72 Start position for double knee bend test Figure 5.73 Benchmark for double knee bend test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
In prone lying position the lumbar spine is in
neutral alignment (long shallow lordosis).
Monitor the lumbar spine and sacrum position.
The person is instructed to bend both knees
simultaneously. The lumbopelvic region should
maintain a neutral position and not move into
anterior tilt or increase in the depth of the lordo-
sis as the knees actively flex. As soon as any
an-terior tilt or increase of lumbar lordosis is
observed (indicating a loss of neutral into exten-
sion), the knee flexion must stop and return back
to the start position.
Ideally, the person should have the ability to
dissociate the lumbar spine from the rectus
femoris tension pulling the pelvis into anterior
tilt and lumbar extension, as evidenced by main-
tenance of lumbar spine in a neutral position
during active knee flexion to 120°. Normally,
there will be paraspinal muscle activation but
there should be no increase in multisegmental
lumbar extension or segmental shear into an Figure 5.75 Inflating the PBU to a base pressure of
extension hinge (marked skin crease) in the low 70 mmHg
lumbar spine. Only bend the knees as far as the
neutral lumbopelvic position (monitored with
feedback) can be maintained. The person should lumbopelvic position can be maintained. There
self-monitor the lumbopelvic alignment and must be no loss of neutral or give into extension.
control with a variety of feedback options (T14.3). As control of extension improves, the training can
Palpation feedback is the most useful retraining progress to bilateral knee flexion.
tool. There should be no provocation of any In some cases it may be useful to use a PBU to
symptoms within the range that the extension monitor control of the UCM. In prone lying the
UCM can be controlled. There must be no loss of lumbar spine is positioned in neutral alignment.
neutral or UCM into extension or anterior tilt. Place the PBU under the abdomen (centred about
If control is poor, start retraining with unilateral the umbilicus) (Figure 5.74). Inflate the pad to a
knee flexion, but only as far as the neutral base pressure of 70 mmHg (Figure 5.75). Take a
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
T14.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Double Knee Bend Test
T14.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T14.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Double Knee Bend Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/ ✗✗ or ✓✗ position
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
Lumbar Extension Segmental extension ! watch the movement
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(indicate level)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
Multisegmental !
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Figure 5.79 Start position for hip extension lift test Figure 5.80 Benchmark for hip extension lift test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific feedback) can be maintained. The person should
motor control testing self-monitor the lumbopelvic alignment and
control with a variety of feedback options (T15.3).
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of flexion Palpation feedback is the most useful retraining
or rotation) is observed during a motor control tool. There should be no provocation of any
(dissociation) test of extension control, do not score this symptoms within the range that the extension
as uncontrolled extension. The flexion and rotation motor
UCM can be controlled. There must be no loss of
control tests will identify if the observed movement is
uncontrolled. A test for lumbar extension UCM is only
neutral or UCM into extension or anterior tilt.
positive if uncontrolled lumbar extension is demonstrated. If control is poor it may be useful to use a PBU
to monitor control of the UCM. In prone lying
over the edge of the table, the lumbar spine is
positioned in neutral alignment. Place the PBU
unit under the abdomen (centred about the
Rating and diagnosis of lumbar umbilicus) (Figure 5.81). Inflate the pad to a
extension UCM base pressure of 70 mmHg (Figure 5.82). Take a
(T15.1 and T15.2) relaxed breath in and breathe out. Do not breathe
as the low lateral abdominal wall is hollowed
(drawn up and in) in an attempt to flatten the
Correction lumbar lordosis and decrease pressure on the
The person supports their trunk on a table, with pad. Ensure that no pelvic tilt occurs. Hold this
both feet supported on the floor and the lumbar abdominal contraction. Ideally, the pressure
spine positioned in neutral alignment (long should decrease by 8–10 mmHg (from 70 mmHg
shallow lordosis). Monitor lumbopelvic motion. to approximately 60–62 mmHg) (Figure 5.83).
The person is instructed to slowly extend one The pressure decrease should be able to be con-
knee and then to slowly lift the straight leg off the sistently maintained. No pressure change indi-
floor into hip extension. cates inefficient co-activation of the global and
Ideally, the person should have the ability to local stability muscles. A pressure increase indi-
dissociate the lumbar spine and pelvis as evi- cates ineffective hollowing and substitution with
denced by maintenance of the lumbar spine in a a bracing action.
neutral position during active hip extension to 0° Keeping the pre-activation of the abdominal
or thigh horizontal. The abdominal and gluteal muscles (extension control), the person is
muscles are co-activated to control the neutral instructed to fully extend one knee and then lift
spine and to prevent excessive lumbar extension. the straight leg into hip extension (Figure 5.84).
Only lift the hip into extension as far as the The lumbopelvic region should maintain a
neutral lumbopelvic position (monitored with neutral position (no pressure change) as the hip
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
T15.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Hip Extension Lift Test
T15.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T15.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Hip Extension Lift Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
(TABLE) position
Site Direction Segmental/ ✗✗ or ✓✗
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Lumbar Extension Segmental extension !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(indicate level) Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Multisegmental !
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Figure 5.85 Neutral standing Figure 5.86 Start position for hip extension toe slide test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 5.87 Benchmark for hip extension toe slide test Clinical assessment note for direction-specific
motor control testing
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Figure 5.88 Correction with support Figure 5.89 Correction using wall fixation
extension and anterior tilt. Monitor lumbopelvic unnatural, the exercise can be progressed to the
motion with the hands if required. Bend one unsupported position without a bench or table.
knee, allowing the heel to lift with the toes in If control is very poor, start standing in a
contact with the floor. The hip should now be doorway or at a wall corner. Position the feet so
resting in 15–20° of flexion. From this starting that one foot can slide backwards (hip extension)
position, the hip is independently extended, by behind the body while the back is supported by
sliding the unweighted foot backwards (toes the doorway or wall. Activate the abdominals and
slide), but only as far as the neutral lumbopelvic gluteals to flatten the back towards the wall.
position (monitored with feedback) can be main- Maintain pressure against the wall as the
tained and without swaying the upper body or unweighted hip extends (toe slides backwards
shoulders backwards. behind the body). The hip is independently
The person should self-monitor the lumbopel- extended (Figure 5.89) by sliding the unweighted
vic alignment and control with a variety of feed- foot backwards, but only as far as the neutral
back options (T16.3). There should be no lumbopelvic position can be maintained and the
provocation of any symptoms within the range back does increase extension or the pelvis sway
that the extension UCM can be controlled. There off the wall.
must be no loss of lumbar neutral or UCM into
lumbar extension or pelvic sway. As the ability to
Lumbar extension UCM summary
control lumbar extension or pelvic sway gets
easier and the pattern of dissociation feels less (Table 5.5)
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T16.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Hip Extension Toe Slide Test
T16.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T16.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Hip Extension Toe Slide Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
– STANDING position
Site Direction Segmental/ ✗✗ or ✓✗
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Lumbar Extension Segmental extension !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(indicate level) Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Multisegmental !
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Figure 5.90 Ideal pattern of lumbopelvic rotation (side view) Figure 5.91 Ideal pattern of lumbopelvic rotation (front
turning or twisting while the hips and 3. symptoms (pain, discomfort, strain)
thoracic contributions start later and associated with lumbopelvic rotation
contribute less. At the limit of turning or 4. asymmetrical or unilateral symptoms
twisting, excessive or hypermobile range of associated with flexion or extension
lumbopelvic rotation may be observed. movements
During the return to neutral the lumbopelvic 5. asymmetrical posture or alignment, in the
rotation persists and recovers later. lumbopelvic region.
In the assessment of lumbopelvic rotation move- The person complains of asymmetrical or
ment, the UCM can be identified as either open unilateral-related symptoms in the lumbar spine.
chain or closed chain. Under rotation or unilateral load, the lumbar
spine has UCM into rotation relative to the hips or
Indications to test for lumbopelvic relative to the thoracic spine. The dysfunction is
confirmed with rotation dissociation tests.
rotation UCM
Observe or palpate for:
1. hypermobile lumbopelvic rotation range
2. excessive initiation of rotation with
lumbopelvic rotation
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Test procedure
In supine lying, place two PBUs, clipped together,
under the lumbar lordosis (centred about L3 with
the join along the spine) (Figure 5.92). Alterna-
tively, place one PBU on one side of the spine and
a folded towel on the other side (Figure 5.93).
While lying relaxed with the legs straight, inflate
the pad(s) to a base pressure of 40 mmHg. The
PBU at this pressure maintains the neutral lordo-
sis. A loss of control into rotation causes a pres-
sure change on the pad(s). An increase in pressure
on a pad indicates rotation of the lumbopelvic
Figure 5.92 Self-positioning of two PBUs in the lumbar
region towards that side. A decrease in pressure lordosis
on a pad indicates rotation of the lumbopelvic
region away from that side. No pressure change =
no loss of neutral position = good control.
5.94). If no PBUs are available the control of
lumbopelvic position should be monitored with
When using two PBUs, if lumbopelvic rotation occurs, palpation and visual feedback. Using the PBU
one pad will increase pressure while the other pad will with the greatest pressure change to monitor the
decrease pressure. The change in pressure indicates the precision of lumbopelvic rotation control, the
direction of lumbopelvic rotation (e.g. if the pressure in person is instructed to keep the pelvis as level as
the right pad increases while the left decreases, then the possible (no pressure change) and to slide one
pelvis is rotating to the right). Usually, one PBU heel up along the floor to stop beside the other
demonstrates a greater pressure change than the other.
(straight) knee (Figure 5.95). The hip should be
For testing and retraining it is best that the person only
has to monitor one PBU. They should monitor
flexed to approximately 45°. Hold this position
lumbopelvic rotation control only with the PBU that has for about 5 seconds and then slowly straighten
the greatest change. the leg and slide the leg out to the start
Ideally, the pelvis should not rotate and the
ASIS positions should remain symmetrical as the
With the person lying supine and with legs hip flexes up and returns. There should be no
extended and the feet together, both ASIS are significant pressure change in the pressure of both
checked for symmetry in the anteroposterior PBUs. A small change in pressure of less than
plane and both PBUs are set at 40 mmHg (Figure 5 mmHg (2 graduations) is acceptable while the
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
leg is moving, so long as both pads can be stabi- transmitted to the lumbopelvic region. The trunk
lised at 40 mmHg when the leg is stationary. rotation stabilisers are not able to effectively
The unilateral hip flexion must be independent control this rotation force. The lumbar spine has
of any lumbopelvic rotation. Assess both sides. UCM into lumbopelvic rotation relative to the
Note any excessive lumbopelvic rotation under hips under unilateral hip flexion load. During a
hip rotation load. The therapist should not rely single leg heel slide in supine that produces uni-
solely on the PBU. They should also use palpa- lateral hip flexion, the lumbopelvic region starts
tion of the pelvis and visual observation to deter- to rotate towards that side before the heel reaches
mine whether the control of rotation is adequate. the straight knee.
This test should be performed without any feed- Uncontrolled rotation is identified by an exces-
back (self-palpation, vision, tape, etc.) or cueing sive pressure increase in the PBU on that side as
for correction. The person is allowed to watch the the low back and pelvis rotates onto the pad (ipsi-
PBU, however, because it is required for the preci- lateral ASIS moves posteriorly). Uncontrolled
sion of the testing range. rotation can also be identified by an excessive
pressure decrease in the PBU on the other side
(straight leg side) as the low back and pelvis
Lumbopelvic rotation UCM rotates away from the pad (contralateral ASIS
The person complains of unilateral symptoms moves anteriorly). A change in pressure of
in the lumbar spine. During any unilateral or 5 mmHg (2 graduations) or more is not accept-
asymmetrical limb load a rotational force is able while the leg is moving. This indicates
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific position with control of the lumbopelvic
motor control testing rotation UCM.
Ideally, the pelvis should not rotate and the
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of flexion ASIS positions should remain symmetrical as the
or extension) is observed during a motor control hip flexes and returns. A small change in pressure
(dissociation) test of rotation control, do not score this as of less than 5 mmHg (2 graduations) is accepta-
uncontrolled rotation. The flexion and extension motor
ble while the leg is moving, so long as both pads
control tests will identify if the observed movement is
uncontrolled. A test for lumbopelvic rotation UCM is only
can be stabilised at 40 mmHg when the leg is
positive if uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation is stationary. The person should self-monitor the
demonstrated. lumbopelvic alignment and control with a variety
of feedback options (T17.3). There should be no
provocation of any symptoms within the range
that the rotation UCM can be controlled.
During any unilateral or asymmetrical limb
Rating and diagnosis of lumbopelvic load a rotational force is transmitted to the lum-
rotation UCM bopelvic region. The lumbopelvic rotation stabil-
(T17.1 and T17.2) ity muscles control this rotational stress. The
oblique abdominal muscles, anterior fascicles of
psoas major and the superficial fibres of lumbar
Correction multifidus, which stabilise trunk rotation, must
With the person lying supine with legs extended coordinate with the hip flexor/rotator muscles,
and the feet together, both PBUs are set at which concentrically slide the leg up and eccentri-
40 mmHg. If no PBUs are available the control of cally return the leg to the start position. The
lumbopelvic position should be monitored uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation is often asso-
with palpation and visual feedback. The person ciated with inefficiency of the trunk stabilisers
is instructed to keep the pelvis as level as possible (especially the oblique abdominals) to coordi-
(no pressure change) and to slide one heel nate with the limb muscles. (For example, the left
up along the floor beside the other (straight) external obliques and the right internal obliques
knee but only as far as neutral lumbopelvic rota- control the lumbopelvic rotation stability as the
tion can be controlled (monitored with feedback) right leg flexes and returns). If control is poor
(Figure 5.96). At the point in range that the the person lies supine and actively contracts the
lumbopelvic region starts to lose control of lateral oblique abdominal muscles to improve
rotation the movement should stop. The lum- control of lumbopelvic rotation. The contralat-
bopelvic position is restabilised; then hold this eral external oblique abdominals and the ipsilat-
position for a few seconds and return to the start eral internal oblique abdominals can be facilitated
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
T17.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Single Heel Slide Test
T17.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T17.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Single Heel Slide Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Pelvis to the Pelvis to the position
left (L) right (R)
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Lumbopelvic Rotation ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(open chain)
Pressure biofeedback Visual confirmation of the
control of position
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Test procedure Figure 5.98 Preparation to set the PBU base pressure at
40 mmHg
In supine lying, place two PBUs, clipped together,
under the lumbar lordosis (centred about L3 with
the join along the spine). Alternatively, place one
PBU on one side of the spine and a folded towel (Figure 5.99). If no PBUs are available the control
on the other side. While lying relaxed with the of lumbopelvic position should be monitored
legs straight, inflate the pad(s) to a base pressure with palpation and visual feedback. Using the
of 40 mmHg. The PBU at this pressure maintains PBU with the greatest pressure change to monitor
the neutral lordosis. A loss of control into rota- the precision of lumbopelvic rotation control, the
tion causes a pressure change on the pad(s). An person is instructed to keep the pelvis absolutely
increase in pressure on a pad indicates rotation level (no pressure change) and to slowly lower
of the lumbopelvic region towards that side. A the bent leg out to the side, keeping the foot sup-
decrease in pressure on a pad indicates rotation ported beside the straight leg. Ideally, the bent leg
of the lumbopelvic region away from that side. should be able to be lowered out through at least
No pressure change = no loss of neutral position 45° of the available range of hip abduction and
= good control. lateral rotation (Figure 5.100) and returned,
without associated pelvic rotation. A small change
in pressure of less than 5 mmHg (2 graduations)
When using two PBUs, if lumbopelvic rotation occurs, is acceptable while the leg is moving, so long as
one pad will increase pressure while the other pad will both pads can be stabilised on 40 mmHg when
decrease pressure. The change in pressure indicates the the leg is stationary.
direction of lumbopelvic rotation (e.g. if the pressure in The unilateral hip rotation must be independ-
the right pad increases while the left decreases, then the ent of any lumbopelvic rotation. Assess both
pelvis is rotating to the right). Usually, one PBU sides. Note any excessive lumbopelvic rotation
demonstrates a greater pressure change than the other.
under hip rotation load. The therapist should not
For testing and retraining it is best that the person only
has to monitor one PBU. They should monitor
rely solely on the PBU. They should also use pal-
lumbopelvic rotation control only with the PBU that has pation of the pelvis and visual observation to
the greatest change. determine whether the control of rotation is ade-
quate. This test should be performed without any
feedback (self-palpation, vision, tape, etc.) or
With the person lying supine and with legs cueing for correction. The person is allowed to
extended and the feet together, both ASIS are watch the PBU, however, because it is required for
checked for symmetry in the anteroposterior the precision of the testing range.
plane and both PBUs are set at 40 mmHg (Figure
5.98). The person moves one heel up beside the
Lumbopelvic rotation UCM
other knee. Ideally, the pelvis should not be
rotated here (no pressure change). If some rota- The person complains of unilateral symptoms in
tion is present, correct the pelvic alignment to get the lumbar spine. During any unilateral or
the pelvis level (both PBUs back at 40 mmHg) asymmetrical limb load a rotational force is
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 5.99 Start position of bent knee fall out test Figure 5.100 Benchmark bent knee fall out test
– reposition pelvis to achieve PBU pressure of 40 mmHg
transmitted to the lumbopelvic region. The trunk The person is unable to dissociate movement in
rotation stabilisers are not able to effectively the hip from the lumbar spine and pelvis. A
control this rotation force. The lumbar spine has change in pressure of 5 mmHg (2 graduations) or
UCM into rotation relative to the hips under uni- more is not acceptable while the leg is moving.
lateral hip rotation load. As the bent leg is lowered This indicates uncontrolled lumbopelvic rota-
out to the side, the pelvis begins to rotate to tion. Uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation is also
follow the hip movement before 45° of rotation identified if both pads cannot be symmetrically
range is achieved. Uncontrolled lumbopelvic stabilised on 40 mmHg when the leg is
rotation is also identified if both pads cannot be stationary.
symmetrically stabilised on 40 mmHg when the During the attempt to dissociate the lumbopel-
bent knee fall out leg is stationary. The rotation vic rotation from independent unilateral hip
UCM is demonstrated by pressure increasing on flexion, the person either cannot control the UCM
the PBU on the side of leg movement as the low or has to concentrate and try hard to dissociate
back and pelvis rotates onto the pad (ipsilateral the lumbopelvic rotation from independent hip
ASIS moves posteriorly) or pressure decreasing on movement. The movement must be assessed on
PBU on the contralateral side to the leg move- both sides. Note the direction that the rotation
ment as the low back and pelvis rotates away from cannot be controlled (i.e. is there uncontrolled
the pad (contralateral ASIS moves anteriorly). lumbopelvic rotation to the left or the right). It
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
may be unilateral or bilateral. If lumbopelvic lumbopelvic alignment and control with a variety
rotation UCM presents bilaterally, one side may of feedback options (T18.3). There should be no
be better or worse than the other. provocation of any symptoms within the range
that the rotation UCM can be controlled.
During any unilateral or asymmetrical limb
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific load a rotational force is transmitted to the lum-
motor control testing bopelvic region. The lumbopelvic rotation stabil-
ity muscles control this rotational stress. The
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of flexion oblique abdominal muscles, anterior fascicles of
or extension) is observed during a motor control psoas major and the superficial fibres of lumbar
(dissociation) test of rotation control, do not score this as multifidus, which stabilise trunk rotation, must
uncontrolled rotation. The flexion and extension motor
coordinate with the hip adductor/rotator muscles,
control tests will identify if the observed movement is
uncontrolled. A test for lumbopelvic rotation UCM is only
which eccentrically lower the leg out to the side
positive if uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation is and concentrically return the leg to the start posi-
demonstrated. tion. The uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation is
often associated with inefficiency of the trunk sta-
bilisers (especially the oblique abdominals) to
coordinate with the limb muscles. For example,
Rating and diagnosis of lumbopelvic the left external obliques and the right internal
rotation UCM obliques control the lumbopelvic rotation stabil-
(T18.1 and T18.2) ity as the right leg lowers out to the side. If control
is poor, the person actively contracts the lateral
oblique abdominal muscles to improve control
Correction of lumbopelvic rotation. The contralateral exter-
With the person lying supine and with legs nal oblique abdominals and the ipsilateral
extended and the feet together, both PBUs are set internal oblique abdominals can be facilitated
at 40 mmHg. If no PBUs are available, the control separately to identify which is more effective at
of lumbopelvic position should be monitored controlling the rotation UCM.
with palpation and visual feedback. The person
is instructed to keep the pelvis as level as possible
(no pressure change) and to place one heel up External oblique abdominal recruitment
beside the other knee. If some rotation is present, The instruction to actively pull the anterior lower
correct the pelvic alignment to get the pelvis level ribcage down and posteriorly in towards the spine
(both PBUs back at 40 mmHg). Then, keeping on the contralateral side is a good facilitation cue
the pelvis absolutely level (no pressure change), for the external oblique abdominals. This should
slowly lower the bent leg out to the side, but only be coordinated with the cue to ‘pull in’ the whole
as far as neutral lumbopelvic rotation can be con- abdominal wall at the same time. (Do not use the
trolled (monitored with feedback). Hold this transversus abdominis facilitation cue of only
position for a few seconds and then return the leg ‘hollowing’ the lower abdominal wall. Transver-
out to the start position. At the point in range that sus abdominis does not adequately control trunk
the lumbopelvic region starts to lose control of rotation.) Discourage bracing or bulging out of
rotation the movement should stop. The lum- the abdominal wall.
bopelvic position is restabilised, then hold this
position for a few seconds and return to the start
position with control of the lumbopelvic rotation Internal oblique abdominal recruitment
UCM. The instruction to actively push or lift the ipsilat-
Ideally, the pelvis should not rotate and the eral ASIS in an anterior or forward direction is a
ASIS positions should remain symmetrical as the good facilitation cue for the internal oblique
leg rotates and returns. A small change in pressure abdominals. Visualise ‘pushing a button’ with the
of less than 5 mmHg (2 graduations) is accepta- ipsilateral ASIS. This should be coordinated with
ble while the leg is moving, so long as both pads the cue to ‘pull in’ the whole abdominal wall at
can be stabilised at 40 mmHg when the leg is the same time. Discourage bracing or bulging out
stationary. The person should self-monitor the of the abdominal wall.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T18.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Bent Knee Fall Out Test
T18.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T18.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Bent Knee Fall Out Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Pelvis to the Pelvis to the position
left (L) right (R)
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Lumbopelvic Rotation ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(open chain)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Pressure biofeedback Visual confirmation of the
control of position
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
With an efficient ‘preset’ contraction of the Once effective oblique abdominal facilitation
appropriate oblique abdominals, the pressure has been achieved, the person is then instructed
should increase by 8–10 mmHg (from 40 mmHg to slowly slide and lower one knee out to the side.
to approximately 48–50 mmHg) on both PBU The bent knee fall out can continue only as far as
pads. This also provides a counter-rotation force there is no rotation of the pelvis at all.
for the uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation under As the ability to control the lumbopelvic region
unilateral limb load. If a PBU is not available, the during independent hip rotation gets easier and
subject should palpate the ASIS on the contralat- the pattern of dissociation feels less unnatural,
eral side for feedback regarding loss of pelvic the exercise can be progressed. A basic progres-
neutral position into rotation. It is also useful to sion would be to perform this movement with the
palpate the posterolateral iliac crest on the ipsilat- leg unsupported. That is, lift the heel of the bent
eral (leg movement) side for loss of pelvic neutral leg 5 cm off the supporting surface and control
position. Some people will also need to have their lumbopelvic rotation during an unsupported
head supported in flexion so that they can use bent knee fall out.
visual feedback and watch for the loss of control.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
During the attempt to dissociate the lumbopel- Ideally, the pelvis should not rotate as the leg
vic rotation from independent unilateral hip turns out and returns. The person should self-
lateral rotation and abduction, the person either monitor the lumbopelvic alignment and control
cannot control the UCM or has to concentrate with a variety of feedback options (T19.3). There
and try hard to dissociate the lumbopelvic rota- should be no provocation of any symptoms
tion from independent hip movement. The move- within the range that the rotation UCM can be
ment must be assessed on both sides. Note the controlled.
direction that the rotation cannot be controlled During any unilateral or asymmetrical limb
(i.e. is there uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation to load a rotational force is transmitted to the lum-
the left or the right). It may be unilateral or bilat- bopelvic region. The lumbopelvic rotation stabil-
eral. If lumbopelvic rotation UCM presents bilat- ity muscles control this rotational stress. The
erally, one side may be better or worse than the oblique abdominal muscles, anterior fascicles of
other. psoas major and the superficial fibres of lumbar
multifidus, which stabilise trunk rotation, must
coordinate with the hip abductor/rotator muscles,
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific which concentrically lift the leg out to the side
motor control testing and eccentrically lower the leg to the start posi-
tion. The uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation is
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of flexion
or extension) is observed during a motor control
often associated with inefficiency of the trunk sta-
(dissociation) test of rotation control, do not score this as bilisers (especially the oblique abdominals) to
uncontrolled rotation. The flexion and extension motor coordinate with the limb muscles. (For example,
control tests will identify if the observed movement is the left external obliques and the right internal
uncontrolled. A test for lumbopelvic rotation UCM is only obliques control the lumbopelvic rotation stabil-
positive if uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation is ity as the right leg lifts out to the side.) If control
demonstrated. is poor, the person actively contracts the lateral
oblique abdominal muscles to improve control
of lumbopelvic rotation. The contralateral exter-
nal oblique abdominals and the ipsilateral inter-
Rating and diagnosis of lumbopelvic nal oblique abdominals can be facilitated
rotation UCM separately to identify which is more effective at
(T19.1 and T19.2) controlling the rotation UCM.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T19.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Top Leg Turn Out Test
T19.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T19.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Top Leg Turn Out Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Pelvis to the Pelvis to the position
left (L) right (R)
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Lumbopelvic Rotation ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(open chain)
Flexicurve positional Visual and sensory feedback of
marker positional alignment
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
the cue to ‘pull in’ the whole abdominal wall at retraining exercise on the floor with the pelvis,
the same time. Discourage bracing or bulging out thoracic spine and heels supported back against
of the abdominal wall. a wall for additional support and feedback.
Once effective oblique abdominal facilitation As the ability to control the lumbopelvic region
has been achieved, the person is instructed to during independent hip rotation gets easier and
slowly lift the top knee up and out to the side. the pattern of dissociation feels less unnatural the
The top leg turn out can continue only as far as exercise can be progressed. A basic progression
there is no rotation of the pelvis at all. would be to perform this movement with the leg
If lumbopelvic rotation control is very poor, the unsupported. That is, lift the heel of the top leg
use of the ‘flexicurve’ positioned at the ASIS, or 5 cm from the other heel and control lumbopel-
using hand palpation on the iliac crest to self- vic rotation during an unsupported top leg turn
monitor the lumbopelvic rotation control, is out.
essential. It may even be useful to perform the
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
The person lies prone with the legs extended and
together with the lumbopelvic region supported
in neutral. One knee is flexed to 90°and the hip
is positioned in neutral rotation with the lower
leg vertical. They are instructed to maintain a
neutral pelvic position and prevent the pelvis
from rotating to either side as the hip rotates to
Figure 5.106 Benchmark single hip rotation test (lateral each side. The hip should rotate only as far as
neutral lumbopelvic rotation can be controlled
(monitored with feedback). At the point in range
that the lumbopelvic region starts to lose control
Lumbopelvic rotation UCM
of rotation the movement should stop. The lum-
The person complains of unilateral symptoms in bopelvic position is restabilised, then hold this
the lumbar spine. The lumbar spine has UCM position for a few seconds and return to the start
into rotation relative to the hips under unilateral position with control of the lumbopelvic rotation
hip rotation load. As the hip rotates medially or UCM.
laterally, the pelvis begins to rotate to follow the Ideally, the pelvis should not rotate as the hip
hip movement before 30° of rotation range is rotates and returns. The person should self-
achieved. monitor the lumbopelvic alignment and control
During the attempt to dissociate the lumbopel- with a variety of feedback options (T20.3). Self-
vic rotation from independent unilateral hip palpation of the pelvis is especially useful (Figures
lateral rotation and abduction, the person either 5.107 and 5.108). There should be no provoca-
cannot control the UCM or has to concentrate tion of any symptoms within the range that the
and try hard to dissociate the lumbopelvic rota- rotation UCM can be controlled.
tion from independent hip movement. The move- During any unilateral or asymmetrical limb
ment must be assessed on both sides. Note the load a rotational force is transmitted to the lum-
direction that the rotation cannot be controlled bopelvic region. The lumbopelvic rotation stabil-
(i.e. is there uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation to ity muscles control this rotational stress. The
the left or the right). It may be unilateral or bilat- oblique abdominal muscles, anterior fascicles of
eral. If lumbopelvic rotation UCM presents psoas major and the superficial fibres of lumbar
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T20.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Single Hip Rotation Test
T20.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T20.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Single Hip Rotation Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Pelvis to the Pelvis to the position
left (L) right (R)
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Lumbopelvic Rotation ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(open chain) (L) hip lateral (R) hip lateral
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
rotation rotation
correction observer
(R) hip medial (L) hip medial
rotation rotation
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Figure 5.107 Self-monitoring of rotation control Figure 5.108 Self-monitoring of rotation control
multifidus, which stabilise trunk rotation, must External oblique abdominal recruitment
coordinate with the hip extensor/rotator muscles, The instruction to actively pull the anterior lower
which eccentrically lower the leg to the side and ribcage down and posteriorly in towards the spine
concentrically return the leg to the start position. on the contralateral side is a good facilitation cue
The uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation is often for the external oblique abdominals. This should
associated with inefficiency of the trunk stabilis- be coordinated with the cue to ‘pull in’ the whole
ers (especially the oblique abdominals) to coor- abdominal wall at the same time. (Do not use the
dinate with the limb muscles. For example, the transversus abdominis facilitation cue of only
left external obliques and the right internal ‘hollowing’ the lower abdominal wall. Transver-
obliques control the lumbopelvic rotation stabil- sus abdominis does not adequately control trunk
ity as the right leg moves out to the side. If control rotation.) Discourage bracing or bulging out of
is poor, the person actively contracts the lateral the abdominal wall.
oblique abdominal muscles to improve control
of lumbopelvic rotation. The contralateral exter-
nal oblique abdominals and the ipsilateral Internal oblique abdominal recruitment
internal oblique abdominals can be facilitated The instruction to actively push or lift the ipsilat-
separately to identify which is more effective at eral ASIS in an anterior or forward direction is a
controlling the rotation UCM. good facilitation cue for the internal oblique
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
abdominals. Visualise ‘pushing a button’ with the can rotate only as far as there is no rotation of the
ipsilateral ASIS. This should be coordinated with pelvis at all.
the cue to ‘pull in’ the whole abdominal wall at As the ability to control the lumbopelvic region
the same time. Discourage bracing or bulging out during independent hip rotation gets easier, and
of the abdominal wall. the pattern of dissociation feels less unnatural,
Once effective oblique abdominal facilitation the exercise can be progressed. A basic progres-
has been achieved, the person is then instructed sion would be to perform this movement with a
to slowly rotate the leg out to the side. The leg boot or light weight attached to the foot.
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Rating and diagnosis of lumbopelvic The knee flexes only as far as neutral lumbopel-
rotation UCM vic rotation can be controlled (monitored with
feedback). Hold this position for a few seconds
(T21.1 and T21.2) and then lower the leg out to the start position.
At the point in range that the lumbopelvic region
starts to lose control of rotation the movement
Correction should stop. The lumbopelvic position is restabi-
In prone lying, position the lumbar spine in lised and the leg is returned to the start position
neutral alignment (long shallow lordosis). with control of the lumbopelvic rotation UCM.
Monitor lumbopelvic motion by placing the one Ideally, the pelvis should not rotate as the knee
hand (opposite to the knee flexion) with fingers flexes. The person should self-monitor the lum-
spread across the low lumbar vertebrae and across bopelvic alignment and control with a variety of
the sacrum (alternative lumbopelvic monitoring: feedback options (T21.3). There should be no
place hands on lateral iliac crest). The person is provocation of any symptoms within the range
instructed to bend one knee. that the rotation UCM can be controlled.
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
T21.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Single Knee Flexion Test
T21.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T21.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the top Single Knee Flexion Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction To the left To the right position
(L) (R)
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Lumbopelvic Rotation ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(open chain)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 5.111 Start position hip extension lift test Figure 5.112 Benchmark hip extension lift test
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Rating and diagnosis of lumbopelvic Ideally, the person should have the ability
rotation UCM to dissociate the lumbar spine and pelvis as evi-
denced by maintenance of lumbar spine in a
(T22.1 and T22.2) neutral position during active hip extension to 0°
or thigh horizontal. The abdominal and gluteal
muscles are co-activated to control the neutral
spine and to prevent excessive lumbar extension.
Correction Only lift the hip into extension as far as the
The person supports their trunk on a table, with neutral lumbopelvic position (monitored with
both feet supported on the floor and the lumbar feedback) can be maintained. The person should
spine positioned in neutral alignment (long self-monitor the lumbopelvic alignment and
shallow lordosis). Monitor lumbopelvic motion control with a variety of feedback options (T22.3).
by placing the one hand (opposite to the leg Palpation feedback is the most useful retraining
extension) with fingers spread across the low tool. There should be no provocation of any
lumbar vertebrae and across the sacrum (alterna- symptoms within the range that the extension
tive lumbopelvic monitoring: place hands on UCM can be controlled. There must be no loss of
lateral iliac crest). The person is instructed to neutral or UCM into lumbopelvic rotation.
slowly extend one knee and then to slowly lift the If control is poor, the person may only be able
straight leg off the floor into hip extension. to dissociate the lumbar spine (neutral) from uni-
Hip extension should be initiated and main- lateral hip extension to within 40° from horizon-
tained by gluteus maximus. The hamstrings will tal. As the ability to control lumbopelvic rotation
participate in the movement but should not dom- gets easier and the pattern of dissociation feels
inate. There will be good contralateral paraspinal less unnatural, the exercise can be progressed to
muscle activation (asymmetrically biased) but hip extension level with the horizontal (0°) and
there should be no increase in lumbopelvic eventually into the full range of hip extension
rotation. (10–15° of extension above the horizontal).
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T22.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Hip Extension Lift Test
T22.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T22.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Hip Extension Lift Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction To the left To the right position
(L) (R)
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Lumbopelvic Rotation ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(open chain)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Figure 5.113 Start position single knee extension test Figure 5.114 Benchmark single knee extension test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
During the attempt to dissociate the lumbopel- in the neutral. They should monitor the lum-
vic rotation from unilateral hamstring tension, bopelvic rotation control by palpating the iliac
the person either cannot control the UCM or crest or sacrum. The person is instructed to keep
has to concentrate and try hard to dissociate the the back straight (neutral spine) and without
lumbopelvic rotation. The movement must be leaning back, slowly straighten one knee and
assessed on both sides. Note the direction that the prevent the pelvis from rotating backwards as
rotation cannot be controlled (i.e. is there uncon- tension is produced in the hamstrings. Only
trolled lumbopelvic rotation to the left or the move as far as neutral lumbopelvic rotation can
right). It may be unilateral or bilateral. If lum- be controlled (monitored with feedback). Hold
bopelvic rotation UCM presents bilaterally, one this position for a few seconds and then lower the
side may be better or worse than the other. leg to the start position. At the point in range that
the lumbopelvic region starts to lose control of
rotation the movement should stop. The lum-
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific bopelvic position is restabilised and the leg is
motor control testing returned to the start position with control of the
lumbopelvic rotation UCM.
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of flexion Ideally, the pelvis should not rotate as the knee
or extension) is observed during a motor control extends. The person should self-monitor the lum-
(dissociation) test of rotation control, do not score this as
bopelvic alignment and control with a variety of
uncontrolled rotation. The flexion and extension motor
control tests will identify if the observed movement is
feedback options (T23.3). Visual feedback (e.g.
uncontrolled. A test for lumbopelvic rotation UCM is only observation in a mirror) is also a useful retraining
positive if uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation is tool. There should be no provocation of any
demonstrated. symptoms within the range that the rotation
UCM can be controlled.
If control is poor, it is acceptable to start with
unilateral (then progress to bilateral) knee exten-
Rating and diagnosis of lumbopelvic sion with a straight back, but only as far as the
rotation UCM neutral lumbopelvic position can be maintained.
(T23.1 and T23.2) Beware neurodynamic symptoms associated with
positive slump responses. Unload the neural
system with ankle plantarflexion or partial cervi-
Correction cal extension. Once the pattern of dissociation is
The person sits tall with the feet off the floor efficient and feels familiar it should be integrated
and with the lumbar spine and pelvis positioned into various functional postures and positions.
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
T23.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Single Knee Extension Test
T23.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T23.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Single Knee Extension Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Pelvis to the Pelvis to the position
left (L) right (R)
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Lumbopelvic Rotation ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(open chain)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 5.115 Start position single leg bridge extension Figure 5.116 Benchmark single leg bridge extension
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Starting in crook lying with the feet and knees
together, the person lifts the pelvis 5 cm off the
floor while maintaining neutral alignment. Ini-
tially, transfer weight to one foot and only lift the
other heel a few centimetres from the floor (Figure
5.117). A further progression is to transfer weight
to one foot and only lift the other foot a few
centimetres from the floor while partially extend-
ing the unweighted leg. The unweighted leg is
progressively extended until full extension is
achieved. The person should only lift and extend
the unweighted leg as far as neutral lumbopelvic
rotation can be controlled (monitored with feed-
back). At the point in range that the lumbopelvic
region starts to lose control of rotation the move- Figure 5.118 Progression: bridge with hip and knee flexion
ment should stop. The lumbopelvic position is to 90°
Figure 5.117 Correction: bridge with weight transfer and Figure 5.119 Progression: bridge with hip and knee
single heel lift extension to horizontal
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
returns to the starting position. At all times the foot and only take partial weight off the other
pelvis stays unsupported and hip and knee move- foot (e.g. heel marching – heel lift but continue
ment occurs only as far as the rotation is control- to take weight on the ball of the foot).
led and as far as any restriction allows. The person can actively recruit the lateral
The person should self-monitor the lumbopel- oblique abdominal muscles to control pelvic
vic alignment and control with a variety of feed- rotation. The contralateral external oblique
back options (T24.3). There should be no abdominals are facilitated with contralateral
provocation of any symptoms within the range ribcage depression and the ipsilateral internal
that the rotation UCM can be controlled. oblique abdominals can be facilitated by holding
During any unilateral or asymmetrical limb the ASIS forward. This should be coordinated
load a rotational force is transmitted to the lum- with the cue to ‘hollow’ or ‘pull the whole abdom-
bopelvic region. The lumbopelvic rotation stabil- inal wall in’ at the same time. Discourage bracing
ity muscles control this rotational stress. In or bulging out of the abdominal wall. Also, preset
closed chain rotation control training, the trunk a deep gluteal contraction. Palpate for definite
rotator stabiliser muscles (the oblique abdominal contraction near the superior ischium without a
muscles, anterior fascicles of psoas major and the maximal lateral gluteal contraction posterior to
superficial fibres of lumbar multifidus) must the trochanter. Discourage the maximal ‘butt
coordinate with the hip rotator stabiliser muscles squeeze’ or the ‘butt gripping’ action.
(the deep gluteals, adductor brevis, pectineus and Once oblique abdominal and deep gluteal facil-
iliacus) to control lumbopelvic rotation from itation has been achieved in crook lying with the
above and below the pelvis. The uncontrolled heels and knees together, the person is then
lumbopelvic rotation is often associated with instructed to keep the spine and pelvis in neutral,
inefficiency of the trunk stabilisers (especially the then lift the pelvis just clear of the floor and hold
oblique abdominals) to coordinate with the limb this position. In this neutral bridge position, the
muscles (especially the gluteals). The person is person is then instructed to slowly shift weight
encouraged and trained to actively contract the onto one foot and, keeping the knees together,
lateral oblique abdominal muscles and the deep extend the other knee. One knee is extended and
gluteals to improve control of lumbopelvic returned to the floor, but only as far as the neutral
rotation. lumbopelvic position can be maintained. There
If control is very poor, starting in crook lying must be no loss of neutral or give into rotation.
with the feet and knees together, the person lifts There should be no provocation of any symptoms
the pelvis 5 cm off the floor while maintaining under unilateral load, so long as the lumbopelvic
neutral alignment. Initially, transfer weight to one rotation UCM can be controlled.
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
T24.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Single Leg Bridge Extension Test
T24.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T24.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Single Leg Bridge Extension Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
– CROOK LYING position
Site Direction Pelvis to the Pelvis to the
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
left (L) right (R)
watch the movement
(check box) (check box)
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Lumbopelvic Rotation ! !
Pressure biofeedback Visual confirmation of the
(closed chain)
control of position
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 5.120 Start position thoracic rotation Figure 5.121 Benchmark thoracic rotation
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
lumbopelvic rotation occurs, the movement must The uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation is often
stop and return back to the start position. This associated with inefficiency of the stability func-
test should be performed without any feedback tion of the oblique abdominals or the hip rota-
(self-palpation, vision, etc.) or cueing for correc- tion stabilisers. (For example, the left external
tion. The therapist should use visual observation obliques and the right internal obliques control
of the pelvis to determine whether the control of the lumbopelvic rotation UCM to the right, while
lumbopelvic rotation is adequate when feedback the right posterior gluteus medius and maximus
is removed for testing. Assess both sides. control pelvic rotation to the right when weight
bearing.) During any asymmetrical or non-sagittal
Lumbopelvic rotation UCM trunk movement, a rotational force is transmitted
to the lumbopelvic region. The lumbopelvic rota-
The person complains of unilateral symptoms in tion stability muscles control this rotational load.
the lumbopelvic region. Lumbopelvic rotation The oblique abdominal muscles, anterior fasci-
begins to follow the upper trunk before the thorax cles of psoas major and superficial fibres of
reaches 40° of independent rotation range. The lumbar multifidus, which stabilise trunk rotation,
lumbar spine has UCM into rotation relative to must coordinate with the weight bearing deep hip
the thoracic spine under rotation load. In some muscles, which concentrically and eccentrically
cases the lumbopelvic region may even initiate control rotation of the pelvis from below.
the upper trunk rotation. During the attempt to dissociate the lumbopel-
If the lumbopelvic rotation stabilisers are not vic rotation from thoracic rotation, the person
able to effectively control this rotation force many either cannot control the UCM or has to concen-
maladaptive substitution strategies may be trate and try hard to control the lumbopelvic rota-
observed during rotation of the upper trunk: tion. The movement must be assessed on both
• Rotation of the pelvis (hip rotation) to sides. Note the direction that the rotation cannot
follow the upper trunk rotation. There is no be controlled (i.e. is there uncontrolled lum-
dissociation of rotation between the lumbar bopelvic rotation to the left or the right). It may
and thoracic regions. Instead they appear be unilateral or bilateral. If lumbopelvic rotation
rigid and the rotation occurs primarily at the UCM presents bilaterally, then one side may be
hips. better or worse than the other.
• Rotation of the pelvis initiates the movement
and the upper trunk appears to ‘tag along’
after the pelvis. Clinical assessment note for direction-specific
• Counter rotation of the pelvis occurs in the motor control testing
opposite direction to upper trunk rotation.
Occasionally, the pelvic counter-rotation may If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of flexion
initiate the movement. or extension) is observed during a motor control
(dissociation) test of rotation control, do not score this as
• During rotation, the trunk flexes (this is
uncontrolled rotation. The flexion and extension motor
often related to a restriction of thoracic control tests will identify if the observed movement is
rotation). uncontrolled. A test for lumbopelvic rotation UCM is only
• During rotation, the pelvis sways forwards positive if uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation is
into uncontrolled extension. demonstrated.
• During rotation, the thoracolumbar region
extends (sternal lift) along with scapular
retraction (rhomboids substituting for
thoracis paraspinal stabilisers to rotate the
Rating and diagnosis of lumbopelvic
thorax). rotation UCM
• During rotation, there is lateral shift of body (T25.1 and T25.2)
weight and the lumbopelvic region moves
into side-shift of the pelvis away from the
side of rotation (most common). Correction
Occasionally, it side-shifts towards the side The person stands in a ‘small knee bend’ with the
of rotation. Side-bending of the trunk feet hip width apart (heels approx 10–15 cm
accompanies lateral movement of the pelvis. apart) with the inside borders of the feet parallel
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
T25.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Thoracic Rotation Test
T25.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T25.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Thoracic Rotation Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Pelvis to the Pelvis to the
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
left (L) right (R)
watch the movement
(check box) (check box)
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Lumbopelvic Rotation ! !
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
(closed chain)
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 5.123 Start position double knee swing Figure 5.124 Benchmark double knee swing
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
moves lateral to the 2nd metatarsal; and the left must coordinate with the weight bearing deep hip
foot should pronate when the knee moves medial muscles, which concentrically and eccentrically
to the 2nd metatarsal. control rotation of the pelvis from below.
Many people will experience a sensation of a During the attempt to dissociate the lumbopel-
lack of the required hip rotation range. This is vic rotation from thoracic rotation, the person
rarely a real loss of hip rotation as evidenced by either cannot control the UCM or has to concen-
assessment of hip rotation when moving each hip trate and try hard to control the lumbopelvic rota-
independently, one at a time. This test requires tion. The movement must be assessed on both
that, during testing for UCM, the knees swing at sides. Note the direction that the rotation cannot
least 20–30° each side so that the compensation be controlled (i.e. is there uncontrolled lum-
and UCM can be identified. bopelvic rotation to the left or the right). It may
Ideally, there should be approximately 20–30° be unilateral or bilateral. If lumbopelvic rotation
of independent double knee swing (asymmetrical UCM presents bilaterally, then one side may be
hip rotation), without any lumbopelvic rotation, better or worse than the other.
lateral pelvic shift or weight transfer at the feet.
Body weight should stay equally distributed on
each foot and there should be no lateral shift of Clinical assessment note for direction-specific
the pelvis. The feet should supinate and pronate motor control testing
following the knee movement. The 1st metatarsal
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of flexion
head (at the base of the big toe) should stay in
or extension) is observed during a motor control
contact with the floor as the foot supinates on the (dissociation) test of rotation control, do not score this as
laterally rotating side. The metatarsal head should uncontrolled rotation. The flexion and extension motor
not lift off into foot inversion. This test should be control tests will identify if the observed movement is
performed without any feedback (self-palpation, uncontrolled. A test for lumbopelvic rotation UCM is only
vision, etc.) or cueing for correction. When feed- positive if uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation is
back is removed for testing the therapist should demonstrated.
use visual observation of the pelvis to determine
whether the control of lumbopelvic rotation is
adequate. Assess both directions. Rating and diagnosis of lumbopelvic
rotation UCM
Lumbopelvic rotation UCM (T26.1 and T26.2)
The person complains of unilateral symptoms in
the lumbopelvic region. Lumbopelvic rotation Correction
begins to rotate to follow the hips before the The person stands in a SKB position with the
double knee swing reaches 20–30° of independ- trunk supported, leaning against a wall. They
ent range. The lumbar spine has UCM into rota- should monitor lumbopelvic rotation control by
tion relative to the hips under rotation load. palpating both iliac crests for feedback regarding
The uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation is often loss of position. Some people will also need to
associated with inefficiency of the stability func- use a mirror so that they can watch for the loss of
tion of the oblique abdominals or the hip rota- control. The person should actively contract the
tion stabilisers. (For example, the left external lateral abdominal muscles (especially the exter-
obliques and the right internal obliques control nal obliques with ribcage depression) to flatten
the lumbopelvic rotation UCM to the right, while the lumbar spine, especially on the contralateral
the right posterior gluteus medius and maximus side to knee swing. This also provides a counter-
control pelvic rotation to the right when weight rotation force for the uncontrolled lumbopelvic
bearing.) During any asymmetrical or non-sagittal rotation. The lumbar spine may be supported in
trunk movement, a rotational force is transmitted a neutral position with a folded towel if desired.
to the lumbopelvic region. The lumbopelvic rota- While maintaining a neutral lumbopelvic posi-
tion stability muscles control this rotational load. tion and using the wall for support, the person is
The oblique abdominal muscles, anterior fasci- instructed to actively swing the knees to the side,
cles of psoas major and superficial fibres of only as far as there is no rotation of the pelvis at
lumbar multifidus, which stabilise trunk rotation, all. At the point in range that the lumbopelvic
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
region starts to lose control of rotation, the knee the person is then instructed to swing one knee at
movement should stop, the lumbopelvic position a time to the left then to the right (photo sequence
is restabilised and the knees return to the start A (R) leg only: Figures 5.125, 5.126, 5.127; photo
position with control of the lumbopelvic rotation sequence B one leg at a time swing to (R): Figures
UCM. Allow the feet to roll into supination and 5.128, 5.129). Allow the feet to roll into supina-
pronation to follow the knees. As the ability to tion and pronation but keep all metatarsal heads
control the lumbopelvic region during independ- on the floor. Next, practise the same movement
ent hip rotation gets easier and the pattern of with both knees moving to the same side but one
dissociation feels less unnatural the exercise can after the other (not simultaneously). Then repeat
be progressed. A basic progression would be to the pattern to the other side. Finally, progress to
perform this movement without the support of swinging both knees to the same side, at the same
the wall. time, with the trunk still supported against the
The person should self-monitor the lumbo- wall.
pelvic alignment and control with a variety of An alternative option is to use a walk stance or
feedback options (T26.3). There should be no lunge position with the trunk upright and the
provocation of any symptoms within the range lumbopelvic region in neutral and facing for-
that the rotation UCM can be controlled. wards (Figure 5.130). Take approximately 2 3 of
If control is poor, the pattern of correct move- the weight on the front foot and 1 3 of the weight
ment may be taught with the person in the small on the rear foot. Maintain control of lumbopelvic
knee bend position with the trunk supported, rotation and swing the front knee independently
leaning against a wall. Maintaining a neutral lum- from side to side to rotate the hip (Figures 5.131
bopelvic position and using the wall for support, and 5.132). Maintain control of lumbopelvic
rotation and swing the rear knee independently
from side to side to rotate the hip (Figures 5.133
and 5.134). Practise with the right foot forward
and left foot forward.
Figure 5.125 Correction sequence A(i): start position Figure 5.126 Correction sequence A(ii): one leg swings out
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Figure 5.127 Correction sequence A(iii): same leg swings in Figure 5.129 Correction sequence B(ii): other leg swings in
Figure 5.128 Correction sequence B(i): one leg swings out Figure 5.130 Correction sequence C(i) 1
2 lunge: start
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T26.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Double Knee Swing Test
T26.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T26.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Double Knee Swing Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Pelvis to the Pelvis to the
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
left (L) right (R)
watch the movement
(check box) (check box)
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Lumbopelvic Rotation ! !
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
(closed chain)
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 5.135 Start position trunk side-bend test Figure 5.136 Benchmark trunk side-bend test
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
T27.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Trunk Side-Bend Test
T27.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T27.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Trunk Side-Bend Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Pelvis to the Pelvis to the position
left (L) right (R)
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Lumbopelvic Rotation ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(closed chain)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 5.137 Start position pelvic side-shift test Figure 5.138 Benchmark pelvic side-shift test
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
whether the control of lumbopelvic rotation is to rotate the pelvis and flex the trunk into
adequate. Assess both directions. lateral side-shift function.
During side-shift of the pelvis with the back flat-
Lumbopelvic rotation UCM tened on the wall (or neutral), the person lacks
The person complains of unilateral symptoms in the ability to keep the back flat on the wall during
the lumbopelvic region. Lumbopelvic rotation or this movement. There are a variety of com-
lateral tilt of the chest occurs before the lateral pensatory patterns of substitution dysfunction.
pelvic shift on the wall reaches 5 cm of inde- The pelvis may rotate and twist off the wall. The
pendent range. The lumbopelvic region has UCM shoulders may laterally tilt excessively on the
into rotation relative to the trunk under a wall. The lumbar spine may extend off the wall.
side-shift load. (Beware – acute discal pathology The pelvis may sway forward off the wall. The
may produce protective responses that may be upper back may flex and roll off the wall. All of
misinterpreted.) these compensations, when present with pelvic
The uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation is often side-shift away from the midline, are biomecha-
associated with inefficiency of the stability func- nically linked to uncontrolled lumbopelvic
tion of the oblique abdominals or the hip rota- rotation.
tion stabilisers. During any asymmetrical or During the attempt to dissociate the lumbopel-
non-sagittal trunk movement, a rotational force vic rotation from pelvic side-shift, the person
is transmitted to the lumbopelvic region. The either cannot control the UCM or has to concen-
lumbopelvic rotation stability muscles control trate and try hard to control the lumbopelvic rota-
this rotational load. The oblique abdominal tion. The movement must be assessed on both
muscles, anterior fascicles of psoas major and sides. Note the direction that the rotation cannot
superficial fibres of lumbar multifidus, which sta- be controlled (i.e. is there uncontrolled lum-
bilise trunk rotation, must coordinate with the bopelvic rotation to the left or the right). It may
weight bearing deep hip muscles, which concen- be unilateral or bilateral. If lumbopelvic rotation
trically and eccentrically control rotation of the UCM presents bilaterally, one side may be better
pelvis from below. or worse than the other.
There may be significant compensation within
side-bending motion as a means of adapting to
either asymmetry of length or a myofascial restric- Clinical assessment note for direction-specific
tion of quadratus lumborum or iliocostalis, or motor control testing:
due to asymmetry of stabiliser control. If the lum-
bopelvic rotation stabilisers are not able to effec- If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of flexion
tively control rotation force, many maladaptive or extension) is observed during a motor control
substitution strategies can be observed during (dissociation) test of rotation control, do not score this as
spinal side-bending: uncontrolled rotation. The flexion and extension motor
control tests will identify if the observed movement is
• A marked shift of the head and shoulders uncontrolled. A test for lumbopelvic rotation UCM is only
along with the shift of the pelvis to follow positive if uncontrolled lumbopelvic rotation is
the pelvic shift. This transfers body weight demonstrated.
onto one leg.
• A marked lateral tilt (drop) of the shoulders
and lateral flexion of the upper trunk away
from the pelvic shift to adapt to the pelvic
Rating and diagnosis of lumbopelvic
• A marked pelvic tilt up (hitching) on the rotation UCM
side of the pelvis side-shift movement is (T28.1 and T28.2)
associated with excessive substitution of
quadratus lumborum and iliocostalis
mobiliser muscles instead of the trunk Correction
rotation stabiliser muscles. The person stands in a wide stance SKB position
• One of the most common compensations is with the trunk supported, leaning against a wall.
to rotate the pelvis and extend the trunk or They should monitor lumbopelvic rotation
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T28.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Pelvic Side-Shift Test
T28.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T28.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Pelvic Side-Shift Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Pelvis to the Pelvis to the position
left (L) right (R)
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Lumbopelvic Rotation ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(closed chain)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
The lumbopelvic region Chapter |5|
control by palpating both iliac crests for feedback rotation. Likewise, there should be no lumbar
regarding loss of position. Some people will also extension or anterior pelvic tilt, no trunk flexion
need to use a mirror so that they can watch for or forward sway of the pelvis and no lateral tilt of
the loss of control. The person should actively the shoulders and head.
contract the lateral abdominal muscles (espe- Pelvic side-shift is performed only through the
cially the external obliques with ribcage depres- range that the UCM can be actively controlled
sion) to flatten the lumbar spine, and to resist and as far as any restriction allows. Easy control
lumbopelvic rotation. (The lumbar spine may be through symmetry of range is the goal. As
supported in a neutral position with a folded the ability to control the UCM gets easier and the
towel if desired.) pattern of dissociation feels less unnatural, the
Then, keeping the shoulders level and the head exercise can be progressed to an unsupported
and chest stationary against the wall, they are position away from the wall in free-standing. The
instructed to side-shift the pelvis laterally, only person should self-monitor the lumbopelvic
moving as far as the back can be maintained on alignment and control with a variety of feedback
the wall without compensation or substitution. options (T28.3). There should be no provocation
At the point in range that the lumbopelvic region of any symptoms within the range that the rota-
starts to lose control of rotation, the pelvic side- tion UCM can be controlled.
shift movement must stop, the lumbopelvic posi-
tion is restabilised and the trunk returned to the
Rotation (unilateral) UCM summary
start position with control of the lumbopelvic
rotation UCM. There must be no pelvic or trunk (Tables 5.6 and 5.7).
Table 5.6 Summary and rating of lumbopelvic open chain rotation tests
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Table 5.7 Summary and rating of lumbopelvic closed chain rotation tests
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Therapy 80 (11), 1097–1111. E1–E8. Evaluation of the presence of
Mens, J.M., Vleeming, A., Snijders, C.J., O’Sullivan, P.B., Burnett, A., Floyd, A.N., sacroiliac joint region dysfunction
Koes, B.W., Stam, H.J., 2002. Validity Gadsdon, K., Logiudice, J., Miller, D., using a combination of tests: a
of the active straight leg raise test for et al., 2003. Lumbar repositioning in multicenter intertester reliability
measuring disease severity in a specific low back pain population. study. Physical Therapy 82 (8),
patients with posterior pelvic pain Spine 28 (10), 1074–1079. 772–781.
after pregnancy. Spine (Phila Pa O’Sullivan, P.B., Grahamslaw, K.M., Roussel, N.A., Nijs, J., Mottram, S., van
1976) 27 (2), 196–200. Kendell, M., Lapenskie, S.C., Moller, Moorsel, A., Truijen, S., Stassijns, G.,
Mitchell, F., Moran, P., Pruzzo, N., N.E., Richards, K.V., 2002. The effect 2009. Altered lumbopelvic
1979. An evaluation and treatment of different standing and sitting movement control but not
manual of osteopathic muscle energy postures on trunk muscle activity in generalised joint hypermobility is
procedures. Mitchell Moran and a pain-free population. Spine 27 associated with increased injury in
Pruzzo Associates, Missouri. (11), 1238–1244. dancers. A prospective study. Manual
Morrissey, D., Morrissey, M.C., Driver, O’Sullivan, P.B., Mitchell, T., Bulich, P., Therapy 14 (6), 630–635.
W., King, J.B., Woledge, R.C., 2008. Waller, R., Holte, J., 2006. The Sahrmann, S.A., 2002. Diagnosis and
Manual landmark identification and relationship between posture and treatment of movement impairment
tracking during the medial rotation back muscle endurance in industrial syndromes. Mosby, St Louis.
test of the shoulder: an accuracy workers with flexion-related low Stuge, B., Veierod, M.B., Laerum, E.,
study using three dimensional back pain. Manual Therapy 11 (4), Vollestad, N., 2004. The efficacy of a
ultrasound and motion analysis 264–271. treatment program focusing on
measures. Manual Therapy 13 (6), O’Sullivan, P.B., Twomey, L., Allison, G., specific stabilizing exercises for
529–535. 1997. Evaluation of specific pelvic girdle pain after pregnancy: a
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
two-year follow-up of a randomized Trudelle-Jackson, E., Sarvaiya-Shah, S.A., Van Dillen, L.R., Maluf, K.S., Sahrmann,
clinical trial. Spine 29 (10), Wang, S.S., 2008. Interrater reliability S.A., 2009. Further examination of
E197–E203. of a movement impairment-based modifying patient-preferred
Sturesson, B., Selvic, G., Uden, A., classification system for lumbar movement and alignment strategies
1989. Movements of the sacroiliac spine syndromes in patients with in patients with low back pain
joints: a roentgen chronic low back pain. Journal of during symptomatic tests. Manual
stereophotogrammetric analysis. Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 14 (1), 52–60.
Spine 14 (2), 162–165. Therapy 38 (6), 371–376. Vibe Fersum, K., O’Sullivan, P.B., Kvåle,
Teyhen, D.S., Flynn, T.W., Childs, J.D., Tsao, H., Hodges, P.W., 2008. A., Skouen, J.S., 2009. Inter-examiner
Abraham, L.D., 2007. Persistence of improvements in reliability of a classification system
Arthrokinematics in a subgroup of postural strategies following motor for patients with non-specific low
patients likely to benefit from a control training in people with back pain. Manual Therapy 4 (5),
lumbar stabilization exercise recurrent low back pain. Journal of 555–561.
program. Physical Therapy 87 (3), Electromyography and Kinesiology
313–325. 18 (4), 559–567.
Figure 6.1 Inter-relationships between pain, altered control strategies and peripheral changes in the cervical muscles (Falla &
Farina 2007)
the scapulothoracic muscles has been identified and C5–6 in people with disc degeneration
in people with neck pain (Nederhand et al 2000; (Miyazaki et al 2008). With disc degeneration the
Falla et al 2004b; Szeto et al 2005a; Johnston intersegmental motion changes from the normal
et al 2008b; Szeto et al 2008) along with histo- state to an unstable phase and subsequently to an
logical changes in upper trapezius (Lindman ankylosed stage with increased stability and loss
1991a, b). of function in late stage degeneration. Further
literature indicates how alteration in the cervical
motion is seen at segmental levels in subjects
UCM in the cervical spine with neck pain (White et al 1975; Amevo et al
The current literature suggests people with cervi- 1992; Panjabi 1992; Singer et al 1993; Dvorak
cal pain have altered movement control strategies et al 1998; Cheng et al 2007; Grip et al 2008).
and that these changes are associated with pain Changes in alignment in the cervical spine may
and disability (Falla et al 2004b; Johnston et al result in a forward head posture position demon-
2008a, b). Altered movement strategies have been strating an increase in low cervical flexion (Szeto
associated with the clinical presentations of whip- et al 2005b; Falla et al 2007; Fernández-de-las-
lash (Nederhand et al 2002; Jull et al 2004; Ster- Peñas et al 2007; Straker et al 2008). Yip and col-
ling et al 2003, 2005), cervicogenic headaches leagues (2008) noted the greater the forward
(Jull et al 2002; Fernández-de-las-Peñas et al head posture, the greater the disability. Regions
2008), neck pain (Jull et al 2004; O’Leary et al and segments of less mobility have been noted in
2007; Falla et al 2004a, b) and work-related mus- the cervical spine which will present clinically as
culoskeletal disorders (Johnston 2008a, b; Szeto regions of relative stiffness (Dall’Alba et al 2001,
et al 2008). The pathophysiological and psycho- Dvorak et al 1988).
social mechanisms identified in people with neck
pain are proposed to be a cause of respiratory Introduction to rehabilitation for
disorders (Kapreli et al 2008).
cervical spine dysfunction
These altered strategies will influence the
control of movement which can present as both Systematic reviews indicate that different
uncontrolled translatatory movement and uncon- treatment modalities have an effect on neck dis-
trolled range or physiological motion. Either orders with exercise being a key element in the
movement dysfunction will present clinically management of pain disability and dysfunction
as areas of relative flexibility. Increases in transla- (Kjellman et al 1999; Gross et al 2004; Verhagen
tional movements have been highlighted at C4–5 et al 2004). In addition, there is a growing body
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
of evidence that supports the efficacy of exercise UCM at the cervical spine region and describes
in the management of cervical pain (Jull et al retraining strategies.
2002; Falla et al 2006, 2007). Along with the
identification and correction of movement control
dysfunction, it is important to address the altered
control strategies and peripheral changes in the DIAGNOSIS OF THE SITE AND
cervical muscles (Jull et al 2008, ch. 4 p. 50). DIRECTION OF UCM IN THE
Psychosocial and physiological factors also have CERVICAL SPINE
a role in the development and maintenance of
cervical pain (Jull et al 2008 , ch. 7 p. 97) and The diagnosis of site and direction of UCM at the
influence how it is managed appropriately. cervical spine can be identified in terms of site:
It is important to consider other postural influ- upper cervical spine, mid-cervical spine and lower
ences when retraining the control of neck move- cervical spine, and direction of flexion, extension
ments as it has been demonstrated that there is and asymmetry (Table 6.1). As with all UCMs,
better recruitment of postural neck muscles with they can present as uncontrolled translational
facilitation of a good lumbar position (Falla et al movements (e.g. at C4/5 (Cheng et al 2007)) or
2007). Researchers have further demonstrated uncontrolled range movements (e.g. low cervical
that improving postural alignment of the thoracic flexion (Straker et al 2008)).
spine and the head and neck also has benefits for A diagnosis of UCM requires evaluation of
recruitment of the deep neck stability muscles. its clinical priority. This is based on the relation-
Changes in muscle function have been identified ship between the UCM and the presenting symp-
in functional activities, highlighting the impor- toms. The therapist should look for a link between
tance of linking the rehabilitation of movement the direction of UCM and the direction of
control with functional activities (Falla et al symptom provocation: a) does the site of uncon-
2004b; Szeto et al 2008). trolled movement relate to the site or joint that
the patient complains of as the source of symp-
Identifying UCM in the toms? b) does the direction of movement or load
testing relate to the direction or position of prov-
cervical spine
ocation of symptoms? This identifies the clinical
This body of evidence indicates it is important to priorities.
be able to identify control impairments in people The site and direction of UCM at the cervical
with neck pain and relate these to their symptom spine can be linked with different clinical presen-
presentation and disability. The classification in tations, postures and activities aggravating symp-
terms of site and direction of UCM has been pro- toms. The typical assessment findings in the
posed (Mottram 2003; Comerford & Mottram cervical spine are identified in Table 6.2.
2011), and a diagnosis based on movement
impairment (Sahrmann 2002; McDonnell et al
2005; Caldwell et al 2007). The influence of the
scapula on neck symptoms and range of move- IDENTIFYING THE SITE AND DIRECTION
ment needs to be considered in treating UCM in OF UCM AT THE CERVICAL SPINE
the cervical spine. Passive scapula elevation has
been shown to decrease neck symptoms and The key principles for assessment and classifica-
increase range of movement (Van Dillen et al tion of UCM have previously been described in
2007). This chapter details the assessment of Chapter 3. All dissociation tests are performed
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Table 6.2 The link between site and direction of UCM at the cervical spine and different clinical presentations
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
with the cervical spine in the neutral training Generally, the occiput should be positioned
region. about 1–2 cm forward of a line connecting the
sacrum and thoracic kyphosis. That is, 1–2 cm
forward of a wall in standing/sitting or 1–2 cm
Cervical spine neutral: positioning forward of the plinth in lying supine. The low
cervical, scapula and cervical spine should not feel like it is at end-
temporomandibular neutral range extension. If the thoracic kyphosis is flattened
the occiput may rest on the wall in standing or sitting
• Guideline to assess and reposition low
or on the plinth in lying. If the thoracic spine has an
cervical neutral exaggerated kyphosis the occiput may be 3–5 cm away
Position the mid–low cervical neutral line in from the wall or the plinth.
neutral alignment by placing an appropriate See Figure 6.2. Visualise a line across the upper
thickness of folded towel behind the occiput so neck (A), which follows the line of the jaw towards
that the low cervical line is vertical in standing C2. Bisect this line (i). Visualise a second line
or sitting and horizontal in lying. It is acceptable across the lower neck (B), which follows the line
for the low cervical neutral line to be positioned of the clavicle towards the cervicothoracic junc-
within 10° of vertical in standing/sitting or tion. Bisect this line (ii). A line (C) that joins the
horizontal in lying (neutral ± 10° is within bisectors (i) and (ii) ideally should be vertical in
acceptable variability for a normal population standing and sitting or horizontal in lying or
distribution). within 10° of forward inclination.
Upper cervical
Mid–low cervical A
Figure 6.2 Guidelines for determining the upper and lower cervical neutral alignment (reproduced with permission of
Movement Performance Solutions)
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
• Guideline to assess and reposition upper the available neutral region (somewhere midway
cervical neutral between the ends of range). If the attempt to posi-
tion the low cervical line in an ‘ideal’ neutral
Position the upper cervical neutral line parallel to
results in the low cervical joints being sustained
the mid–low cervical neutral line. The upper cer-
at end range of the restricted extension, it then
vical spine should not be in end-range flexion or
becomes necessary to reposition the low cervical
‘chin tuck’.
spine within mid-range; preferably close to the
See Figure 6.2. Visualise a line in the plane of
neutral line. Box 6.1 illustrates some clinical
the face (D). This line ideally should be parallel
pointers which may help the clinician achieve the
to or within 10° of the low cervical neutral line
neutral training position.
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 6.3 Start position occiput lift test Figure 6.4 Benchmark occiput lift test
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
position until awareness of the correct movement Rating and diagnosis of cervical
is achieved. The therapist should monitor the flexion UCM
control of the low cervical neutral position.
Scapula control is important. It may be necessary (T29.1 and T29.2)
to unload the neural and myofascial structures by
supporting the scapula in upward rotation. If the Correction
upper cervical spine has concurrent UCM, only
move the upper cervical spine from neutral to Initially, position the lower and upper cervical
flexion (no extension) to avoid provoking upper spine in neutral with the head supported. This
cervical symptoms. can be done in sitting or standing with the tho-
racic spine and the back of the head against a wall
(Figure 6.5). Using the feedback and support of
Low cervical flexion UCM the supporting surface, the person is trained to
The person complains of flexion-related symp- perform independent upper cervical flexion
toms at the cervicothoracic region. The low cervi- (nodding). The upper cervical spine can flex only
cal spine has greater movement into flexion than so far as there is no low cervical flexion and the
the upper cervical segments under flexion load. scapulae and TMJ do not lose their neutral posi-
During active upper cervical flexion, the cervicot- tion. If control is poor, start in supine lying with
horacic region demonstrates uncontrolled low the occiput supported on a small folded towel
cervical flexion. During the attempt to dissociate (Figure 6.6). Initially the scapula may need to be
the low cervical spine from independent upper supported. As the ability to control upper cervical
cervical flexion, the person either cannot control extension gets easier and the pattern of dissocia-
the movement or has to concentrate and try too tion feels less unnatural the exercise can be pro-
hard. gressed from head and shoulder girdle supported
to head and shoulder girdle unsupported
A useful progression is performed standing
• If only one spinous process is observed as prominent with the forearms vertical on a wall. Keep the
and protruding ‘out of line’ compared to the other scapula in mid-position and push the body and
vertebrae, then the UCM is interpreted as a segmental
head away from the wall (Figure 6.7). Keeping the
flexion hinge. The specific hinging segment should be
noted and recorded.
head back over the shoulders slowly perform
• If excessive cervicothoracic flexion is observed, but no
independent upper cervical flexion (nodding)
one particular spinous process is prominent from the (Figure 6.8). The upper cervical spine can flex
adjacent vertebrae, then the UCM is interpreted as a only so far as there is no low cervical flexion and
multisegmental hyperflexion. the scapulae do not lose their neutral position.
The person should self-monitor the control of
low cervical flexion UCM with a variety of feed-
back options (T29.3). There should be no provo-
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific cation of any symptoms within the range that the
motor control testing: flexion UCM can be controlled.
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of cervical
Once the pattern of dissociation feels familiar
rotation) is observed during a motor control (dissociation) it should be integrated into various functional
test of low cervical flexion, do not score this as postures and positions. T29.4 illustrates some
uncontrolled low cervical flexion. The cervical rotation retraining options.
motor control tests will identify if the observed unrelated
movement is uncontrolled. A test for low cervical flexion
UCM is only positive if uncontrolled low cervical flexion
is demonstrated.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T29.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Occiput Lift Test
T29.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T29.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Occiput lift test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/multisegmental position
Low cervical Flexion Segmental flexion hinge ! Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(indicate level) watch the movement
Multisegmental ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 6.9 Start position thoracic flexion test Figure 6.10 Benchmark thoracic flexion test
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T30.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Thoracic Flexion Test
T30.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T30.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Thoracic Flexion Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/multisegmental position
Low cervical Flexion Segmental flexion hinge ! Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(indicate level) watch the movement
Multisegmental ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Figure 6.11 Start position overhead arm lift test Figure 6.12 Benchmark overhead arm lift test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
• If only one spinous process is observed as prominent Rating and diagnosis of cervical
and protruding ‘out of line’ compared to the other flexion UCM
vertebrae, then the UCM is interpreted as a segmental
flexion hinge. The specific hinging segment should be (T31.1 and T31.2)
noted and recorded.
• If excessive cervicothoracic flexion is observed, but no Correction
one particular spinous process is prominent from the
adjacent vertebrae, then the UCM is interpreted as a
The person stands with the arms resting by the side
multisegmental hyperflexion. in neutral rotation (palm in) and with the scapula
in a neutral position. The low and upper cervical
spine is positioned in the neutral training region.
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific The scapula and TMJ are also positioned in neutral.
motor control testing The plane of the face should be vertical.
Without letting the head move forwards or look
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of cervical
rotation) is observed during a motor control (dissociation)
down, lift both arms to a vertical overhead posi-
test of low cervical flexion, do not score this as tion (180° shoulder flexion). The person should
uncontrolled low cervical flexion. The cervical rotation keep the head neutral while independently flexing
motor control tests will identify if the observed unrelated the shoulder. If control is poor, stand with the
movement is uncontrolled. A test for low cervical flexion head and thoracic spine supported against a wall
UCM is only positive if uncontrolled low cervical flexion for feedback and support. Start doing unilateral
is demonstrated. arm lifts (Figure 6.13) and progress to bilateral
Figure 6.13 Correction standing with wall support, partial Figure 6.14 Progression: forearms on wall – low cervical
range control start position
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
arm lifts as control improves. Initially reduce the the head back over the shoulders, slowly slide
arm load by lifting a short lever (elbow bent) and one forearm vertically up the wall (Figures 6.15
only through reduced range (e.g. 90° then 120°, and 6.16) only so far as there is no low cervical
etc.). As the ability to independently control flexion.
movement of the low cervical spine gets The person should self-monitor the control of
easier and the pattern of dissociation feels less low cervical flexion UCM with a variety of feed-
unnatural, the exercise can be progressed to per- back options (T31.3). There should be no provo-
forming the exercise to long lever full overhead cation of any symptoms within the range that the
range against light resistance. flexion UCM can be controlled.
An alternative progression is to face the wall Once the pattern of dissociation feels familiar
with the forearms vertical on the wall. Keep the it should be integrated into various functional
scapula in mid-position and push the body and postures and positions. T31.4 illustrates some
head away from the wall (Figure 6.14). Keeping retraining options.
Figure 6.15 Progression: forearm wall slide – 90° Figure 6.16 Progression: forearm wall slide – arms overhead
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T31.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Overhead Arm Lift Test
T31.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T31.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Overhead Arm Lift Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/multisegmental position
Low cervical Flexion Segmental flexion hinge ! Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(indicate level) watch the movement
Multisegmental ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Figure 6.17 Start position forward head lean test Figure 6.18 Benchmark forward head lean test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 6.19 Therapist palpating for upper cervical movement Figure 6.20 Self-palpation for teaching and training
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 6.21 Correction standing with wall support Figure 6.22 Correction with self-palpation and head
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
T32.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Forward Head Lean Test
T32.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T32.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Forward Head Lean Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/multisegmental position
Upper cervical Flexion Segmental flexion hinge ! Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(indicate level) watch the movement
Multisegmental ! Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
hyperflexion correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 6.23 Start position arm extension test Figure 6.24 Benchmark arm extension test
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T33.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Arm Extension Test
T33.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T33.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Arm Extension Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/ position
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
Upper cervical Flexion Segmental flexion ! watch the movement
hinge (indicate level)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
Multisegmental ! correction observer
T33.4 Functional positions for retraining upper and low cervical flexion control
• Sitting • Prone (bias posterior muscles)
• Standing • 4 point kneeling (bias posterior muscles)
• Recline sitting backwards (bias anterior muscles) • Incline sitting forwards (bias posterior muscles)
• Functional activities
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Test procedure
The person sits tall with feet unsupported and the
pelvis, scapula and TMJ are positioned in their
neutral training region. The low cervical spine is
positioned in flexion by allowing the head to
hang forwards fully. The upper cervical spine is
then positioned in neutral by actively lifting and
dropping the chin through the full range of upper
cervical movement, then positioning in the
middle of this range (Figure 6.28).
The therapist monitors the upper cervical
neutral position by palpating the occiput with
one finger and C2 with another finger. During
testing, if the palpating fingers do not move the
upper cervical segments are able to maintain
neutral. If the palpating fingers move closer Figure 6.28 Start position backward head lift test
together, uncontrolled upper cervical extension is
Without letting the chin lift or retract, the feedback from palpation with their own fingers
person is instructed to move the low cervical to monitor and control the upper cervical neutral
spine through extension by lifting the head position until awareness of the correct movement
upright. The head should move backwards from is achieved (Figure 6.30).
the base of the neck, only through range of good
upper cervical control. There should be no upper
Upper cervical extension UCM
cervical extension (palpating fingers move closer
together or chin lift or retraction is observed) or The person complains of extension-related symp-
loss of scapula position (especially observe for toms in the upper cervical spine region. The upper
scapula elevation, retraction or forward tilt). The cervical spine has greater give into extension than
jaw should stay relaxed (Figure 6.29). the lower cervical spine under extension load.
Ideally, the person should be able to easily During active lower cervical extension, the upper
prevent the chin from lifting or retracting and cervical gives excessively into segmental extension
maintain the upper cervical spine neutral (palpat- and translational shear (primarily at C0–1–2, but
ing fingers do not move together) while inde- potentially also at C2–3) or it gives excessively
pendently moving the lower cervical spine into upper cervical hyperextension. During the
through range from flexion to extension (head attempt to dissociate the upper cervical spine
starts forwards and lifts to upright) and return. from independent lower cervical extension, the
While teaching, allow the person to initially person either cannot control the UCM or has to
learn and practise the test movement using concentrate and try too hard.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 6.29 Benchmark backward head lift test with Figure 6.30 Self-palpation for teaching and training
therapist palpation
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Figure 6.31 Progression: hands on wall, head unsupported Figure 6.32 Progression: hands on wall, head unsupported
upper cervical control – start position – correction
Figure 6.33 Correction leaning forwards with table support Figure 6.34 Correction leaning backwards with chair
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T34.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Backward Head Lift Test
T34.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T34.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Backward Head Lift Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/ position
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
Upper cervical Extension Segmental extension ! watch the movement
hinge (indicate level)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
Multisegmental ! correction another observer
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
The person should prevent the chin from lifting scapula in mid-position and push the body and
or retracting and maintain the upper cervical allow the head to hang forwards. Position the
spine neutral (palpating fingers do not move upper cervical spine in neutral mid-position
together) while independently moving the lower (Figure 6.31). Keeping the upper cervical spine
cervical spine through range from flexion to neutral slowly lift the head back over the shoul-
extension (head starts forwards and lifts to ders only so far as there is no upper cervical exten-
upright). The lower cervical spine can extend and sion or chin poke (Figure 6.32).
the head lifts backwards from the base of the neck The person should self-monitor the control of
only so far as there is no upper cervical extension upper cervical extension UCM with a variety of
and the scapula and TMJ do not lose their neutral feedback options (T34.3). There should be no
position. As the ability to control upper cervical provocation of any symptoms within the range
extension gets easier and the pattern of dissocia- that the extension UCM can be controlled.
tion feels less unnatural, the exercise can be pro- Once the pattern of dissociation feels familiar
gressed from head and shoulder girdle supported it should be integrated into various functional
to head and shoulder girdle unsupported postures and positions (Figures 6.33 and 6.34).
postures. T34.4 illustrates some retraining options.
An alternative progression is to face the wall
with the forearms vertical on the wall. Keep the
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 6.35 Start position horizontal retraction test Figure 6.36 Benchmark horizontal retraction test
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T35.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Horizontal Retraction Test
T35.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T35.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Horizontal Retraction Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/ position
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
Upper cervical Extension Segmental extension ! watch the movement
hinge (indicate level)
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Multisegmental !
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
T35.4 Functional positions for retraining upper and low cervical flexion control
• Sitting • Prone (bias posterior muscles)
• Standing • 4 point kneeling (bias posterior muscles)
• Recline sitting backwards (bias anterior muscles) • Incline sitting forwards (bias posterior muscles)
• Functional activities
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Test procedure
The person sits tall with feet unsupported and
pelvis, scapula and TMJ are positioned in their
neutral training region. The low cervical spine is
positioned in flexion by allowing the head to
hang forwards fully. The upper and mid-cervical
spine is then positioned in neutral by actively
lifting and dropping the chin through the full
range of upper cervical movement, then position-
ing in the middle of this range. The therapist
monitors the mid-cervical neutral position by
palpating (with one finger tip) the spinous process
of the hinge point: C3 or C4 (Figure 6.38).
Without letting the chin lift or retract, the
person is instructed to lift the head upright by
Figure 6.38 Start position head back hinge test
moving backwards from the base of the neck,
only through the range of mid-cervical control.
There should be no uncontrolled mid-cervical
hinge or palpable forward translation of the
spinous process during active low cervical exten- translation/extension than the lower cervical spine
sion. The person is instructed to lift the head back under extension load. During active lower cervi-
to the upright position by pushing back into the cal extension, the mid-cervical segments give
palpating finger on the spinous process (Figure excessively into segmental extension hinge and
6.39). The palpating finger should feel the spinous translational shear (primarily at C3–4 and C4–5,
process of C3 or C4 moving backwards and infe- and occasionally at C5–6). During the attempt to
riorly as the head lifts and the articular surface of dissociate the mid-cervical hinge from independ-
the upper segment glides backwards on the lower ent low cervical extension, the person either
segment (Box 6.2). There should be no chin lift cannot control the UCM or has to concentrate
or retraction, or loss of scapula position (espe- and try too hard.
cially observe for scapula elevation, retraction or If uncontrolled mid-cervical hinge or forward
forward tilt). The jaw should stay relaxed. translation occurs during extension, the palpating
finger of the spinous process of C3 or C4 sud-
Mid-cervical uncontrolled forward denly starts to sink into the neck, instead of
moving backwards with the head and the adja-
translation during extension
cent vertebrae. Occasionally, chin lift or retraction
The person complains of extension-related is observed, or loss of scapula position (especially
symptoms in the mid-cervical spine region. The observe for scapula elevation, retraction or
mid-cervical spine has greater give into forward forward tilt). The jaw should stay relaxed.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T36.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Head Back Hinge Test
T36.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T36.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Head Back Hinge Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/multisegmental position
Mid-cervical Translation Segmental extension ! Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
Extension hinge (indicate level) watch the movement
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
T36.4 Functional positions for retraining mid-cervical translation (in extension) control
• Sitting • Incline sitting forwards (bias posterior muscles)
• Standing • Standing forward lean (bias posterior muscles)
• Supine (bias anterior muscles) • Functional activities
• Recline sitting backwards (bias anterior muscles)
• Side-lying
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
flexion to extension (vertical chin lift). Only The person should self-monitor the control of
move so far as there is no mid-cervical hinge and mid-cervical translation during extension UCM
the scapula and TMJ do not lose their neutral with a variety of feedback options (T37.3). There
position. should be no provocation of any symptoms
As the ability to control upper cervical exten- within the range that the extension UCM can be
sion gets easier and the pattern of dissociation controlled.
feels less unnatural, the exercise can be progressed Once the pattern of dissociation feels familiar
from head and shoulder girdle supported to head it should be integrated into various functional
and shoulder girdle unsupported postures (Figure postures and positions. T37.4 illustrates some
6.43). retraining options.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T37.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Chin Lift Hinge Test
T37.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T37.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Chin Lift Hinge Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Segmental/ position
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
Mid-cervical Translation Segmental extension ! watch the movement
hinge (indicate level)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
Extension Multisegmental ! correction observer
T37.4 Functional positions for retraining mid-cervical translation (in extension) control
• Sitting • Incline sitting forwards (bias posterior muscles)
• Standing • Standing forward lean (bias posterior muscles)
• Supine (bias anterior muscles) • Functional activities
• Recline sitting backwards (bias anterior muscles)
• Side-lying
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Figure 6.44 Ideal rotation without chin poke Figure 6.45 Ideal rotation without side-bend
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Figure 6.48 Ipsilateral scapular depression demonstrates Figure 6.49 Start position for myofascial and neural
decreased neck rotation range differentiation
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Figure 6.51 Compensation during rotation with upper Figure 6.52 Compensation during rotation with
cervical extension/chin poke side-bending
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 6.53 Start position head turn test Figure 6.54 Benchmark head turn test
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 6.56 Correction standing with wall support and Figure 6.57 Correction sitting unsupported with active
shoulder girdle unloaded shoulder control
may need to passively support their ipsilateral contact with the wall to monitor that the head
shoulder girdle with their other hand at the elbow turns into rotation (axial movement) and does
(like a sling), or use the armrest of a chair to main- not roll (side-bend) into rotation. The scapula
tain the unloaded shoulder girdle, or use taping in should actively maintain a neutral position
order to prevent the ipsilateral scalenes and levator without depression, downward rotation, retrac-
scapula from generating increased tension and tion or elevation.
adding to the myofascial restriction. As control improves and symptoms decrease,
The person is instructed to fully rotate the the person should begin to actively control the
head by turning to look over one shoulder then scapula position supported on the wall during the
the other (Figure 6.56). This should be a pure neck rotation dissociation. The person should
axial rotation and the person should be able to eventually progress to active control of the unsup-
turn the head through approximately 70–80° of ported shoulder girdle off the wall while training
rotation, keeping the eyes horizontal. There neck rotation dissociation exercises through 70–
should be no side-bending (lateral flexion com- 80° range of rotation.
pensating for poor rotation control) and there As the ability to control cervical rotation gets
should be no chin poke (upper and mid-cervical easier and the pattern of dissociation feels less
extension compensating for poor rotation unnatural, the exercise can be progressed from
control). There should be no forward movement head and shoulder girdle supported to head and
of the head (low cervical flexion compensating shoulder girdle unsupported postures (Figure
for poor rotation control). Keep the occiput in 6.57).
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Figure 6.58 Correction unsupported with neural loading Figure 6.59 Correction unsupported with neural unloading
The person should self-monitor the control of postures and positions. T38.4 and Figures 6.58
cervical side-bend UCM with a variety of feedback and 6.59 illustrate some retraining positions
options (T38.3). There should be no provocation (Figure 6.58 + neural load) (Figure 6.59 + neural
of any symptoms within the range that the side- unload).
bend UCM can be controlled.
Once the pattern of dissociation feels familiar it
should be integrated into various functional
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T38.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Head Turn Test
T38.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM from the Head Turn Test
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
T38.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining T38.4 Functional positions for retraining cervical
rotation control
FEEDBACK TOOL PROCESS • Sitting • 4 point kneeling
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint • Standing (bias posterior muscles)
position • Supine (bias anterior • Incline sitting forwards
muscles) (bias posterior muscles)
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly • Recline sitting backwards • Standing forward lean
watch the movement (bias anterior muscles) (bias posterior muscles)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from • Side-lying • Functional activities
correction another observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 6.60 Start position head tilt test Figure 6.61 Benchmark head tilt test
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Table 6.4 Compensation strategies associated with Clinical assessment note for direction-specific
uncontrolled head side-bend motor control testing
• Cervical rotation • Scapular depression
• Upper cervical extension • Scapular downward If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of thoracic
• Low cervical flexion rotation flexion) is observed during a motor control (dissociation)
• Mid-cervical hinge • Scapular elevation test of cervical rotation, do not score this as uncontrolled
cervical rotation. The thoracic flexion motor control tests
will identify if the observed unrelated movement is
uncontrolled. A test for cervical rotation UCM is only
positive if uncontrolled cervical rotation is demonstrated.
While teaching, allow the person to initially
learn and practise the test movement using feed-
back from a wall or mirror. Keep the occiput in
contact with a supporting surface to monitor
that the head tilts into side-bend (coronal move-
Rating and diagnosis of cervical
ment) and does not turn into rotation. Using a rotation/side-bend UCM
wall also provides support and feedback about (T39.1 and T39.2)
scapula position and control during head
The person sits or stands with the thoracic spine
UCMs during side-bend
and head supported against a wall. Using a wall
The person complains of unilateral symptoms in also provides support and feedback about scapula
the neck. The cervical spine demonstrates UCM position and control during head side-bending.
resulting from a variety of compensation strate- The low and upper cervical spine is positioned in
gies associated with head side-bending (Table the neutral training region. The TMJ is also posi-
6.4). The inability to prevent these compensation tioned in neutral and the jaw should stay relaxed.
strategies during active side-bending identifies The contralateral scapula is initially passively
UCM. positioned in upward rotation ± elevation to
During the attempt to dissociate these compen- unload any myofascial restriction. The scapula is
sations from independent cervical coronal side- actively held against the wall for support and
bending, the person either cannot control the feedback (Figure 6.62). Controlling the scapula
UCM or has to concentrate and try too hard. neutral position is especially important if a myo-
The identification of UCM during cervical side- fascial restriction of functional head side-bending
bending and head lateral tilt needs to be assessed is identified. Some people may need to passively
on both sides. Note the direction that the side- support their contralateral shoulder girdle with
bending cannot be controlled (i.e. does the chin their other hand at the elbow (like a sling), or use
poke or rotation during side-bending occur to the armrest of a chair to maintain the unloaded
the left or the right). It may be unilateral or shoulder girdle, or use taping in order to prevent
bilateral. the contralateral scalenes and levator scapula
The assessment of restricted motion is reliable from generating increased tension and adding to
only if any compensations/UCM are either the myofascial restriction.
actively or passively controlled. When compensa- The person is instructed to fully side-bend the
tions are eliminated, a lack of 40° range of head head by tilting the ear towards one shoulder then
side-bending identifies ‘real’ restriction which the other. This should be a pure coronal side-
may be due to either a myofascial or articular bending and the person should be able to tilt the
restriction or both combined. The uncontrolled head through approximately 40° of side-bending
side-bending of the head may also be associated keeping the plane of the face facing forwards in
with a myofascial restriction holding the scapula the frontal plane. There should be no turning
in depression or downward rotation caused by (rotation compensating for poor side-bend
inefficiency of the stability function of the scapula- control) and there should be no chin poke (upper
trunk muscles (serratus anterior and middle and and mid-cervical extension compensating for
lower trapezius). poor side-bend control). There should be no
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
forward movement of the head (low cervical As the ability to control cervical side-bending
flexion) compensating for poor side-bend control. gets easier and the pattern of dissociation feels
Keep the occiput in contact with the wall to less unnatural, the exercise can be progressed
monitor that the head tilts into side-bending from head and shoulder girdle supported to head
(coronal movement) and does not turn into rota- and shoulder girdle unsupported postures (Figure
tion. The scapula should actively maintain a 6.63).
neutral position without depression, downward The person should self-monitor the control of
rotation, retraction or elevation. cervical rotation UCM with a variety of feedback
As control improves and symptoms decrease, options (T39.3). There should be no provocation
the person should begin to actively control the of any symptoms within the range that the rota-
scapula position supported on the wall during the tion UCM can be controlled.
neck side-bending dissociation. The person Once the pattern of dissociation feels familiar
should eventually progress to active control of the it should be integrated into various functional
unsupported shoulder girdle off the wall while postures and positions: (Figure 6.64 + neural
training neck side-bending dissociation exercises load) (Figure 6.65 + neural unload). T39.4 illus-
through 40° range of side-bending. trates some retraining options.
Figure 6.62 Correction standing with wall support and Figure 6.63 Correction sitting unsupported with active
shoulder girdle unloaded shoulder control
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
T39.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Head Tilt Test
T39.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM from the Head Tilt Test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T39.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining T39.4 Functional positions for retraining cervical
side-bend control
FEEDBACK TOOL PROCESS • Sitting • 4 point kneeling (bias
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint • Standing posterior muscles)
position • Recline sitting backwards • Incline sitting forwards
(bias anterior muscles) (bias posterior muscles)
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly • Side-lying • Standing forward lean
watch the movement (bias posterior muscles)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from • Functional activities
correction another observer
Figure 6.64 Correction unsupported with neural loading Figure 6.65 Correction unsupported with neural unloading
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Figure 6.66 Start position upper neck tilt test Figure 6.67 Benchmark upper neck tilt test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Figure 6.69 Correction – hand position for feedback Figure 6.70 Correction with feedback
passively support their contralateral shoulder while training neck side-bending dissociation
girdle with their other hand at the elbow (like a exercises.
sling), or use the armrest of a chair to maintain An alternative progression is to face the wall
the unloaded shoulder girdle, or use taping in with the forearms vertical on the wall. Keep the
order to prevent the contralateral scalenes and scapula in mid-position and push the body and
levator scapula from generating increased tension head away from the wall, then clasp hands with
and adding to the myofascial restriction. the thumbs abducted and position the thumbs
The person monitors low cervical side-bend on the chin for feedback and support (Figure
control by palpating the C4–7 transverse and 6.69). Keeping the elbows on the wall, the head
spinous processes. The person can also use their back over the shoulders and the chin in contact
hand to provide manual fixation and support for with the thumbs, slowly tilt the head side to side
the low cervical spine if necessary. The person is only so far as there is no low cervical side-bend
then instructed to actively tilt the head through (Figure 6.70). Pivot the chin off the thumbs to
the available range of upper cervical side-bend by ensure that the movement is localised to the
tilting the head at the base of the skull while upper cervical spine.
preventing side-bending in the low cervical spine. The person should self-monitor the control of
As the ear drops towards the shoulder the chin low cervical side-bend UCM with a variety of
should move towards the opposite side. feedback options (T40.3). There should be no
As control improves and symptoms decrease provocation of any symptoms within the range
the person should begin to actively control the that the side-bend UCM can be controlled.
scapula position supported on the wall during Once the pattern of dissociation feels familiar
the neck side-bending dissociation. The person it should be integrated into various functional
should eventually progress to active control of postures and positions. T40.4 illustrates some
the unsupported shoulder girdle off the wall retraining options.
T40.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Upper Neck Tilt Test
T40.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T40.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Upper Neck Tilt Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction To the (L) To the (R) position
Low cervical • Side-bend ! ! Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Upper cervical • Rotation ! !
• Extension Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
correction another observer
Scapula • Elevation ! !
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Figure 6.71 Start position lower neck lean test Figure 6.72 Benchmark lower neck lean test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Table 6.6 Compensation strategies associated with Rating and diagnosis of cervical
uncontrolled side-bend rotation/side-bend UCM
• Upper cervical side-bend • Scapular elevation (T41.1 and T41.2)
• Upper cervical rotation
• Low cervical flexion
into side-bend relative to the low cervical spine and The person sits or stands with the thoracic spine
head under head side-bending or unilateral arm and head supported against a wall. Using a wall
loading. also provides support and feedback about scapula
The person complains of unilateral symptoms position and control during head side-bending.
in the lower neck and across the top of the shoul- The low and upper cervical spine is positioned in
ders. The cervical spine demonstrates UCM result- the neutral training region. The TMJ is also posi-
ing from a variety of compensation strategies tioned in neutral and the jaw should stay relaxed.
associated with head side-bending (Table 6.6). The contralateral scapula is initially passively
The inability to prevent these compensation strat- positioned in upward rotation ± elevation to
egies during active side-bending identifies UCM. unload any myofascial restriction. The scapula is
During the attempt to dissociate these compen- actively held against the wall for support and
sations from independent low cervical side- feedback (Figure 6.73). Some persons may need
bending (face in the frontal plane), the person to passively support their contralateral shoulder
either cannot control the UCM or has to concen-
trate and try too hard.
The identification of UCM during low cervical
side-bending and lateral tilt needs to be assessed
on both sides. Note the direction that the side-
bending cannot be controlled (i.e. does the rota-
tion or chin poke during side-bending occur to the
left or the right). It may be unilateral or bilateral.
The assessment of restricted motion is reliable
only if any compensations/UCM are either
actively or passively controlled. When compensa-
tions are eliminated, a lack of end range of low
cervical side-bending identifies ‘real’ restriction,
which may be due to either a myofascial or articu-
lar restriction or both combined. The uncon-
trolled cervical side-bending of the head may also
be associated with a myofascial restriction holding
the scapula in depression or downward rotation
caused by inefficiency of the stability function of
the scapula-trunk muscles (serratus anterior and
middle and lower trapezius).
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
girdle with their other hand at the elbow (like a As control improves and symptoms decrease,
sling), or use the armrest of a chair to maintain the person should begin to actively control the
the unloaded shoulder girdle, or use taping in scapula position supported on the wall during
order to prevent the contralateral scalenes and the neck side-bending dissociation. The person
levator scapula from generating increased tension should eventually progress to active control of the
and adding to the myofascial restriction. unsupported shoulder girdle off the wall while
The person monitors upper cervical side-bend training neck side-bending dissociation exercises.
control by palpating the C0–3 transverse and The person should self-monitor the control of
spinous processes. The person can also use their upper cervical side-bend UCM with a variety of
hand to provide manual fixation and support for feedback options (T41.3). There should be no
the upper cervical spine if necessary. The person provocation of any symptoms within the range
is then instructed to actively tilt the head through that the side-bend UCM can be controlled.
the available range of lower cervical side-bend by Once the pattern of dissociation feels familiar
tilting the head at the base of the neck while it should be integrated into various functional
preventing side-bending in the upper cervical postures and positions. T41.4 illustrates some
spine. As the ear drops towards the shoulder the retraining options.
chin should move towards the same side.
T41.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Lower Neck Lean Test
Control point:
• prevent upper cervical: side-bend, rotation
• prevent lower cervical flexion
• prevent scapular elevation
Movement challenge: low cervical side-bend (sitting)
Benchmark range: low cervical side-bend through full available from the midline with plane of the face in the frontal
T41.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T41.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Lower Neck Lean Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction To the (L) To the (R) position
Upper cervical • Rotation ! ! Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
• Extension ! ! watch the movement
Low cervical • Flexion ! ! Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
correction another observer
Scapula • Elevation ! !
The cervical spine Chapter |6|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
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disorder grade II (WAD-II). Spine 25 male and female adolescents. clinical stability in the cervical spine.
(15), 1938–1943. Manual Therapy, doi:10.1016/j. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related
O’Leary, S., Jull, G., Kim, M., Vicenzino, math.2008.04.004. Research (109), 85–96.
B., 2007. Cranio-cervical flexor Szeto, G.P.Y., Straker, L., O’Sullivan, P., Yip, C.H., Chiu, T.T., Poon, A.T., 2008.
muscle impairment at maximal, 2005a. A comparison of The relationship between head
moderate, and low loads is a feature symptomatic and asymptomatic posture and severity and disability of
of neck pain. Manual Therapy 12, office workers performing patients with neck pain. Manual
34–39. monotonous keyboard work. 1: Therapy 13 (2), 148–154.
Flexion control
T42 Standing: back flattening test 296
T43 Sitting: head hang test 300
T44 Sitting: pelvic tail tuck test 304
T45 Sitting: bilateral forward reach test 308
Extension control
T46 Standing: bilateral overhead reach test 313
T47 Sitting: head raise test 316
T48 Sitting: pelvic tail lift test 319
T49 Standing: bilateral backward reach test 323
Rotation control
T50 Sitting: head turn test 328
T51 Sitting: pelvic twist (swivel chair) test 331
T52 Standing: pelvic side-shift test 334
T53 Standing: one arm wall push test 337
T54 4 point: one arm lift test 340
T55 Side-lying: lateral arm lift test 344
T56 Side-lying: side bridge test 347
Table 7.1 Site and direction of UCM in the thorax The site and direction of UCM at the thoracic
spine can link with different clinical presenta-
tions, and postures and activities which may
aggravate symptoms. The typical assessment find-
Thoracic • Flexion ings in the thoracic spine are identified in Table
• Extension 7.2.
• Rotation The following section will demonstrate the spe-
• Respiratory/ribs
cific procedures for testing for UCM in the tho-
racic spine.
Table 7.2 The site and direction of UCM at the thoracic spine linked with different clinical presentations
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 7.1 Start position back flattening test Figure 7.2 Benchmark back flattening test
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T42.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Back Flattening Test
T42.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T42.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Back Flattening Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
(WALL) position
Site Direction ✗✗ or ✓✗
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) watch the movement
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Figure 7.4 Correction partial thoracic extension with pelvic Figure 7.5 Correction partial posterior tilt with head and
support in posterior tilt thoracic support
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 7.6 Start position head hang test Figure 7.7 Benchmark head hang test
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
flexion load. The thoracic spine starts to flex The person stands with the heels at least shoulder
before full cervical flexion (head hanging for- width apart and about 20 cm in front of a wall
wards and chin within 2–3 cm of the sternum) with the knees slightly flexed.
is achieved. During the attempt to dissociate The thoracic spine and the back of the head are
the thoracic flexion from independent cervical supported upright against a wall (Figure 7.8). The
flexion, the person either cannot control the UCM person should monitor the control of thoracic
or has to concentrate and try hard to control the flexion by palpating the sternum or clavicles. Any
thoracic flexion. forward or lowering movement of the sternum or
clavicles indicates uncontrolled thoracic flexion.
The person is instructed to slowly allow the head
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific to flex forwards off the wall. Only allow the head
motor control testing to hang forwards as far as there is no thoracic
flexion (monitored by the hand palpating the
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of thoracic sternum). Using feedback from palpating the
rotation) is observed during a motor control (dissociation) sternum, the person is trained to control and
test of thoracic flexion, do not score this as uncontrolled
prevent thoracic flexion and perform independ-
thoracic flexion. The thoracic rotation motor control tests
will identify if the observed unrelated movement is
ent lower cervical flexion (Figure 7.9).
uncontrolled. A test for thoracic flexion UCM is only The person should self-monitor the control of
positive if uncontrolled thoracic flexion is demonstrated. thoracic flexion UCM with a variety of feedback
options (T43.3). There should be no provocation
of any symptoms within the range that the flexion
Rating and diagnosis of thoracic UCM can be controlled.
Once control of the thoracic flexion improves,
flexion UCM the person should move away from the wall and
(T43.1 and T43.2) the exercise can be performed with self-monitoring
of thoracic flexion control by palpating the
Correction sternum, with the thoracic spine unsupported
(no wall support).
If control is poor, retraining is best started by sup-
porting the thoracic spine against a wall and
flexing the cervical spine through reduced range.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T43.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Head Hang Test
T43.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T43.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Head Hang Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction ✗✗ or &check✗ position
(check box) Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Thoracic Flexion !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Figure 7.8 Correction start position on wall Figure 7.9 Correction partial head flexion with thoracic
support on wall
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 7.10 Start position pelvic tail tuck test Figure 7.11 Benchmark pelvic tail tuck test
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 7.13 Correction partial posterior tilt with Figure 7.15 Correction (thoracic extension followed by
self-palpation posterior pelvic tilt)
actively roll the pelvis backwards (tuck the tail body and trunk weight can be supported on
under the pelvis) into full available posterior hands and knees. Position the pelvis in neutral
pelvic tilt. Using feedback from palpating the pelvic tilt and the lumbar spine, the thoracic
sternum, the person is trained to control and spine and head in neutral alignment (the back of
prevent thoracic flexion and perform independ- the head touches an imaginary line connecting
ent posterior pelvic tilt. Only allow posterior the sacrum and mid-thoracic spine). There are
pelvic tilt (tail tuck) as far as there is no thoracic two recruitment reversal strategies that are
flexion (monitored by the hand palpating the appropriate:
sternum). There must be no UCM into thoracic
1. First, actively posterior tilt the pelvis to end
flexion. There should be no provocation of any
range, and then extend the thoracic spine as
symptoms under flexion load, so long as the tho-
far as possible without losing the posterior
racic flexion UCM can be controlled.
tilt (Figure 7.14).
The person should self-monitor the control of
2. The reverse order of this same pattern may
thoracic flexion UCM with a variety of feedback
also be used. That is, first, actively extend the
options (T44.3). There should be no provocation
thoracic spine as far as possible and then
of any symptoms within the range that the flexion
posteriorly tilt the pelvis (Figure 7.15).
UCM can be controlled.
If control is very poor, rather than specific dis- When the pattern of this recruitment reversal feels
sociation, for some patients it is easier to initially easy to perform, the person can progress back to
use a recruitment reversal exercise. The upper the sitting dissociation exercise.
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
T44.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Pelvic Tail Tuck Test
T44.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T44.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Pelvic Tail Tuck Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction ✗✗ or ✗✓ position
(check box) Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Thoracic Flexion !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 7.16 Start position bilateral forward reach test Figure 7.17 Benchmark bilateral forward reach test
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
observation of the head and thorax relative to the reaching forwards (scapular protraction) through
shoulders to determine whether the control of reduced range. The person stands with the heels
thoracic flexion is adequate. at least shoulder width apart and about 20 cm in
front of a wall with the knees slightly flexed.
The thoracic spine and the back of the head are
Thoracic flexion UCM
supported upright against a wall. The person
The person complains of flexion-related symp- should monitor the control of thoracic flexion by
toms in the thoracic spine. The thorax has UCM palpating the sternum or clavicles with one hand.
into flexion relative to scapular protraction. The Any forward of lowering movement of the sternum
thoracic spine starts to flex before full independ- or clavicles indicates uncontrolled thoracic
ent scapular protraction (forward reach) is flexion. The person is instructed to slowly reach
achieved. During the attempt to dissociate the forwards with the other arm. Only reach forwards
thoracic flexion from independent scapular pro- as far as there is no thoracic flexion (monitored
traction, the person either cannot control the by the hand palpating the sternum) (Figure 7.18).
UCM or has to concentrate and try hard to control Using feedback from palpating the sternum, the
the thoracic flexion. person is trained to control and prevent thoracic
flexion and perform independent scapular
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific protraction.
motor control testing The person should self-monitor the control of
thoracic flexion UCM with a variety of feedback
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of thoracic options (T45.3). There should be no provocation
rotation) is observed during a motor control (dissociation) of any symptoms within the range that the flexion
test of thoracic flexion, do not score this as uncontrolled UCM can be controlled.
thoracic flexion. The thoracic rotation motor control tests Once control of the thoracic flexion improves,
will identify if the observed unrelated movement is
the person should reach forwards with both arms
uncontrolled. A test for thoracic flexion UCM is only
positive if uncontrolled thoracic flexion is demonstrated.
while using the wall for feedback and support of
the thoracic spine (Figure 7.19). Eventually, they
can move away from the wall and the exercise can
Rating and diagnosis of thoracic be performed with the thoracic spine unsup-
ported (no wall support).
flexion uncontrolled movement
(T45.1 and T45.2) Thoracic flexion UCM summary
(Table 7.3)
If control is poor, retraining is best started by sup-
porting the thoracic spine against a wall and
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T45.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Bilateral Forward Reach Test
T45.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T45.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Bilateral Forward Reach Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
TEST – SITTING position
Site Direction ✗✗ or ✗✓
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) watch the movement
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Figure 7.20 Start position bilateral overhead reach test Figure 7.21 Benchmark bilateral overhead reach test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Rating and diagnosis of thoracic Figure 7.22 Correction partial unilateral overhead reach
extension UCM with thoracic support on wall
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
T46.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Bilateral Overhead Reach Test
T46.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T46.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Bilateral Overhead Reach Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
TEST – STANDING position
Site Direction ✗✗ or ✗✓
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) watch the movement
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 7.23 Start position head raise test Figure 7.24 Benchmark head raise test
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T47.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Head Raise Test
T47.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T47.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Head Raise Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction ✗✗ or ✗✓ position
(check box) Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Thoracic Extension !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Figure 7.26 Start position pelvic tail lift test Figure 7.27 Benchmark pelvic tail lift test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
backwards), actively roll the pelvis forwards (lift use a recruitment reversal exercise. The upper
the tail up from the pelvis) into full available body and trunk weight can be supported on hands
anterior pelvic tilt. Using feedback from palpat- and knees. Position the pelvis in neutral pelvic tilt
ing the sternum, the person is trained to control and the lumbar spine, the thoracic spine and head
and prevent thoracic extension and perform in neutral alignment (the back of the head touches
independent anterior pelvic tilt. Only allow ante- an imaginary line connecting the sacrum and
rior pelvic tilt (tail lift) as far as there is no mid-thoracic spine). There are two recruitment
thoracic extension (monitored by the hand pal- reversal strategies that are appropriate:
pating the sternum). There must be no UCM
1. Actively anteriorly tilt the pelvis to end
into thoracic extension. There should be no
range, and then flex the thoracic spine as far
provocation of any symptoms under extension
as possible without losing the anterior tilt
load, so long as the thoracic extension UCM
(Figure 7.30).
can be controlled.
2. The reverse order of this same pattern may
The person should self-monitor the control of
also be used. That is, first, actively flex the
thoracic extension UCM with a variety of feed-
thoracic spine as far as possible and then
back options (T48.3). There should be no provo-
anteriorly tilt the pelvis (Figure 7.31).
cation of any symptoms within the range that the
extension UCM can be controlled. When the pattern of this recruitment reversal feels
If control is very poor, rather than specific dis- easy to perform, the person can progress back to
sociation, for some patients it is easier to initially the sitting dissociation exercise.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T48.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Pelvic Tail Lift Test
T48.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T48.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Pelvic Tail Lift Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction ✗✗ or ✗✓ position
(check box) Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Thoracic Extension !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Figure 7.32 Start position bilateral reach back test Figure 7.33 Benchmark bilateral reach back test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
T49.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Bilateral Backward Reach Test
T49.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T49.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Bilateral Backward Reach Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
TEST – STANDING position
Site Direction ✗✗ or ✗✓
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) watch the movement
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
provocation of any symptoms within the range performed with the thoracic spine unsupported
that the extension UCM can be controlled. (no wall support).
Once control of thoracic extension improves
the person should reach back with both arms
while using a doorway or a pole for feedback and
Thoracic extension UCM summary
support of the thoracic spine. Eventually, they can
move away from the wall and the exercise can be (Table 7.4)
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 7.35 Start position head turn test Figure 7.36 Benchmark head turn test
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T50.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Head Turn Test
T50.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T50.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Head Turn Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Thorax to the Thorax to the position
left (L) right (R)
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Thoracic Rotation ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Figure 7.38 Start position pelvic twist test Figure 7.39 Benchmark pelvic twist test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
This test should be performed without any extra Rating and diagnosis of thoracic
feedback (self-palpation, vision, etc.) or cueing rotation UCM
for correction. The therapist should use visual
observation of the thorax relative to the pelvis to (T51.1 and T51.2)
determine whether the control of thoracic rota-
tion is adequate when feedback is removed for Correction
testing. Assess the pelvic twist to each side
separately. Retraining is best started by supporting the tho-
racic spine with the shoulder girdle by holding
the table with a firmer hand grip (increased fixa-
Thoracic rotation UCM tion for thoracic support) and turning the chair
The person complains of rotation-related symp- through reduced range. The person sits upright on
toms in the thoracic spine. The thorax has UCM a swivel chair (height adjusted for feet clearance)
into rotation relative to pelvic rotation (turning with feet unsupported and the spine in its neutral
the chair to the side). The thoracic spine starts to normal curves. The head and shoulders are posi-
rotate (or lean into lateral flexion) before 45° of tioned in their neutral alignment and the hands
independent chair rotation is achieved. During firmly grip the table to provide a fixation point to
the attempt to dissociate the upper thoracic rota- turn the chair.
tion from independent pelvic rotation, the person Then, without letting the chest turn to follow
either cannot control the UCM or has to concen- the pelvis or the shoulders drop into lateral
trate and try hard to control the thoracic flexion, the person is instructed to slowly turn the
rotation. chair to the side. They are to keep the upper
thorax, shoulders and head facing the front. They
are to turn the chair and pelvis only as far as there
is no upper thoracic rotation. The person is
trained to control and prevent upper thoracic
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific rotation and perform independent pelvic
motor control testing rotation.
The person should self-monitor the control of
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of thoracic thoracic rotation UCM with a variety of feedback
flexion) is observed during a motor control (dissociation) options (T51.3). There should be no provocation
test of thoracic rotation, do not score this as uncontrolled of any symptoms within the range that the rota-
thoracic rotation. The thoracic flexion motor control tests tion UCM can be controlled.
will identify if the observed unrelated movement is Once control of thoracic rotation improves, the
uncontrolled. A test for thoracic rotation UCM is only
exercise can be performed with the thoracic spine
positive if uncontrolled thoracic rotation is
less supported (only finger tips for fixation
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
T51.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Pelvic Twist Test
T51.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T51.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Pelvic Twist Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
(SWIVEL CHAIR) position
Site Direction Thorax to the Thorax to the
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
left (L) right (R)
watch the movement
(check box) (check box)
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Thoracic Rotation ! !
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 7.40 Start position pelvic side shift test Figure 7.41 Benchmark pelvic side shift test
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T52.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Pelvic Side-Shift Test
T52.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T52.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Pelvic Side-Shift Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Thorax to the Thorax to the position
left (L) right (R)
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Thoracic Rotation ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Figure 7.43 Start position one arm wall push test Figure 7.44 Benchmark one arm wall push test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
T53.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the One Arm Wall Push Test
T53.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T53.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the One Arm Wall Push Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
(WALL) position
Site Direction Thorax to the Thorax to the
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
left (L) right (R)
watch the movement
(check box) (check box)
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Thoracic Rotation ! !
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Test procedure
The person should have the ability to actively lift
one arm forward of the body while weight bearing
on the other arm and controlling the thoracic
rotation. The person positions themselves in 4
point kneeling (hands and knees) with the spine
and scapulae in neutral (mid-position) alignment
and hands under the shoulders (weight bearing
at 90° of flexion) (Figures 7.45 and 7.46). The
person is then instructed to lean body weight
onto one hand and slowly lift the other arm into
shoulder flexion to reach forwards of the body.
Without allowing the thoracic spine to rotate or
the scapulae to ‘wing’ off the thorax or to hitch
into elevation, the person should be able to
actively reach forwards with the non-weight
bearing arm to 150° flexion while maintaining Figure 7.46 Start position one arm lift test (front view)
weight bearing control with the other (weight
bearing) arm.
Ideally, the person should have the ability to
dissociate the thoracic spine from asymmetrical
shoulder loading as evidenced by the ability to
prevent thoracic rotation while independently
Figure 7.45 Start position one arm lift test (lateral view) Figure 7.47 Benchmark one arm lift test
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific scapulae in neutral (mid-position) alignment and
motor control testing hands under the shoulders (weight bearing at 90°
of flexion). Then, without allowing the thoracic
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of thoracic spine to rotate, the person is instructed to slowly
flexion) is observed during a motor control (dissociation) lean body weight laterally onto one hand but not
test of thoracic rotation, do not score this as uncontrolled to shift full weight onto that hand. The other arm
thoracic rotation. The thoracic flexion motor control tests maintains some partial weight bearing load.
will identify if the observed unrelated movement is
They are to shift weight laterally only as far as
uncontrolled. A test for thoracic rotation UCM is only
positive if uncontrolled thoracic rotation is
there is no thoracic rotation. The person is trained
demonstrated. to control and prevent thoracic rotation and
perform independent partial weight transfer from
one arm to the other (Figure 7.48).
An alternative progression is to start in a
push-up position off elbows and knees (Figure
7.49). Keep the scapula and chest in mid-position
Rating and diagnosis of thoracic and slowly shift upper body weight onto one arm
rotation UCM (Figure 7.50) only so far as there is thoracic rota-
(T54.1 and T54.2) tion can be controlled.
The person should self-monitor the control of
thoracic rotation UCM with a variety of feedback
Correction options (T54.3). There should be no provocation
Retraining is best started by controlling thoracic of any symptoms within the range that the rota-
rotation during weight shift movement without tion UCM can be controlled.
full weight transfer to one arm. Once control of thoracic rotation improves, the
The person positions themselves in 4 point exercise can be performed with full weight trans-
kneeling (hands and knees) with the spine and fer and one arm lift into flexion.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
T54.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the One Arm Lift Test
T54.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T54.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the One Arm Lift Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Thorax to the Thorax to the position
left (L) right (R)
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Thoracic Rotation ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 7.51 Start position lateral arm lift test Figure 7.52 Benchmark lateral arm lift test
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
for correction. The therapist should use visual Rating and diagnosis of thoracic
observation of the thorax relative to the shoulder rotation UCM
to determine whether the control of thoracic rota-
tion is adequate when feedback is removed for (T55.1 and T55.2)
testing. Assess the lateral arm lift to each side
separately. Performance to right and left sides Correction
should be symmetrical.
Retraining is best started by supporting the thor-
acic spine against a wall for increased thoracic
Thoracic rotation UCM support and feedback and lifting the arm through
The person complains of rotation-related symp- reduced range. The person lies on one side on the
toms in the thoracic spine. The thorax has UCM floor, with the hips and knees flexed and the spine
into rotation relative to asymmetrical arm loading. in neutral alignment and the back supported flat
The thoracic spine starts to rotate before the arm against a wall. The pelvis, thorax and head should
lifts backwards in the axial plane (abduction to be positioned in neutral rotation (all facing for-
the vertical position). During the attempt to dis- wards). The uppermost (top) arm should be held
sociate the thoracic rotation from independent horizontal to the floor in 90° of flexion.
unilateral arm abduction, the person either Using the wall for support and feedback, the
cannot control the UCM or has to concentrate person is instructed to maintain the neutral thor-
and try hard to control the thoracic rotation. acic position and lift the uppermost arm back-
wards (towards the ceiling in the axial plane).
They are to lift the arm only as far as there is no
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific thoracic rotation. The person is trained to control
motor control testing and prevent thoracic rotation and perform inde-
pendent lateral arm lift.
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of thoracic The person should self-monitor the control of
flexion) is observed during a motor control (dissociation) thoracic rotation UCM with a variety of feedback
test of thoracic rotation, do not score this as uncontrolled options (T55.3). There should be no provocation
thoracic rotation. The thoracic flexion motor control tests of any symptoms within the range that the rota-
will identify if the observed unrelated movement is tion UCM can be controlled.
uncontrolled. A test for thoracic rotation UCM is only Once control of thoracic rotation improves, the
positive if uncontrolled thoracic rotation is
exercise can be performed with the thoracic spine
unsupported (no wall support).
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T55.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Lateral Arm Lift Test
T55.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T55.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Lateral Arm Lift Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Thorax to the Thorax to the position
left (L) right (R)
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Thoracic Rotation ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
correction another observer
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Figure 7.53 Start position side bridge test Figure 7.54 Benchmark side bridge test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
T56.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Side Bridge Test
T56.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T56.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Side Bridge Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction Thorax to the Thorax to the position
left (L) right (R)
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Thoracic Rotation ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Figure 7.56 Start position apical drop + inspiration test Figure 7.57 Benchmark apical drop + inspiration test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
no movement into apical ribcage elevation. There Rating and diagnosis of thoracic
is usually an observed increase in costal or poste- respiratory UCM
rolateral basal ribcage expansion associated with
correct performance of this test. There should be (T57.1 and T57.2)
no provocation of any symptoms under inspira-
tory effort, so long as the apical elevation UCM Correction
can be controlled.
This test should be performed without any extra Retraining is best started using a reduced amount
feedback (self-palpation, vision, etc.) or cueing of inspiration and self-palpation of the upper
for correction. When feedback is removed for ribcage for feedback. The person stands upright
testing the therapist should use visual observa- with the spine in its neutral normal curves, and
tion of the thorax relative to the respiratory move- palpates the upper ribcage. They take a relaxed
ment to determine whether the control of thoracic breath in and then fully exhale (breathe out) to
respiration is adequate. ensure that the apical ribcage has fully depressed.
Then, keeping the apical ribcage held down in
depression, the person is instructed to slowly start
Thoracic respiratory (apical ribcage to breathe in (slow inspiration). They are to
elevation) UCM breathe in only as far as there is no apical ribcage
elevation. The person is trained to control and
The person complains of respiratory or ribcage- prevent apical elevation and perform independ-
related symptoms in the thorax. The apical ribcage ent inspiration.
has UCM into elevation relative to inspiratory The person should self-monitor the control of
movement. The apical ribcage starts to elevate thoracic respiration UCM with a variety of feed-
before adequate respiratory inspiration is back options (T57.3). There should be no provo-
achieved. During the attempt to dissociate the cation of any symptoms within the range that the
apical ribcage elevation from independent inspi- apical ribcage elevation UCM can be controlled.
ration, the person either cannot control the UCM Once control of apical ribcage elevation
or has to concentrate and try hard to control the improves, the exercise can be performed with
apical ribcage. greater volume of inspiration.
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
T57.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Apical Drop + Inspiration Test
T57.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T57.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Apical Drop + Inspiration Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
– STANDING position
Site Direction ✗✗ or ✗✓
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) watch the movement
Apical ribcage Depression ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(Thoracic) (Respiration)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T58.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Anterior Costal Lift + Expiration Test
T58.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T58.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Anterior Costal Lift + Expiration Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
TEST – STANDING position
Site Direction ✗✗ or ✗✓
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) watch the movement
Anterior costal ribcage Elevation ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(Thoracic) (Respiration)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
Test procedure
The person stands upright with the spine in its
neutral normal curves and the head directly over
the shoulders. The person has a relaxed breath
out. They are then instructed to inhale (breathe
in) and ensure that the lateral basal ribcage has
fully elevated. At the same time as inhaling, they
are to ‘hollow’ (pull in) the upper and lower
abdominal wall (Figure 7.60). They are then to
hold this position as the start position for the test.
Keeping the abdominal wall hollowed (pulled in)
and the lateral basal ribcage held up in elevation,
the person is then instructed to slowly start to
breathe out (slow expiration). They are to exhale
without loss of the abdominal hollowing and no
lateral basal ribcage depression.
During normal expiration the ribcage naturally
depresses. However, excessive depression of the
lateral basal ribcage and abdominal bracing is Figure 7.60 Start position abdominal hollowing + expiration
often observed associated with lower thoracic and
back pain. The ability to control this excessive
lateral basal ribcage depression and abdominal testing the therapist should use visual observa-
bracing (bulge) may be useful in managing these tion of the abdominal wall and thorax relative to
symptoms. Ideally, the person should have the the respiratory movement to determine whether
ability to dissociate the abdominal bracing and the control of thoracic respiration is adequate.
lateral basal ribcage depression from expiration
as evidenced by the ability to prevent lateral basal Thoracic respiratory (costal ribcage
depression (from a fully elevated position) while
independently breathing out to about 1 2 normal
depression) UCM
expiratory volume (Figure 7.61). The person complains of respiratory or ribcage-
There must be no movement into abdominal related symptoms in the thorax. The lateral basal
bracing or lateral basal ribcage depression. There ribcage has UCM into depression relative to expir-
is usually an observed increase in apical ribcage atory movement. The lateral basal ribcage or
depression associated with correct performance thorax starts to depress and the abdominal wall
of this test. There should be no provocation of bulges out into a bracing action before adequate
any symptoms under expiratory effort, so long respiratory expiration is achieved. During the
as the lateral costal depression UCM can be attempt to dissociate the lateral basal ribcage
controlled. depression from independent expiration, the
This test should be performed without any extra person either cannot control the UCM or has to
feedback (self-palpation, vision, etc.) or cueing concentrate and try hard to control the abdomi-
for correction. When feedback is removed for nal bracing and lateral basal ribcage.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Retraining is best started using a reduced volume
of expiration combined with self-palpation of
the lower lateral basal ribcage for feedback. The
person stands upright with the spine in its neutral
normal curves, and palpates the lateral basal
ribcage. They take a relaxed breath out and then
fully inhale (breathe in) to ensure that the lateral
basal ribcage has fully elevated and concurrently
pull in (hollow) the abdominal wall. Then,
keeping the abdominal hollowing and the lateral
basal ribcage held up in elevation, the person is
instructed to slowly start to breathe out (slow
expiration). They are to breathe out only as far as
there is no loss of the abdominal hollowing or
no lateral basal ribcage depression. The person is
trained to control and prevent lateral basal depres-
sion and perform independent expiration.
The person should self-monitor the control of
thoracic respiration UCM with a variety of feed-
back options (T59.3). There should be no provo-
cation of any symptoms within the range that the
lateral basal ribcage depression UCM can be
Figure 7.61 Benchmark abdominal hollowing + expiration Once control of lateral basal ribcage depression
test improves, the exercise can be performed with
greater volume of expiration.
The thoracic spine Chapter |7|
T59.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Abdominal Hollowing + Expiration
T59.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T59.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Abdominal Hollowing + Expiration Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction ✗✗ or ✗✓
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) watch the movement
Lateral basal ribcage Elevation ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
(Thoracic) (Respiration)
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from another
correction observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Carrière, B., 1996. Therapeutic exercise Lee, D., 2003. The thorax: an integrated longissimus thoracic during trunk
and self correction. In: Flynn, T.W. approach. In: Diane, G. (Ed.), Lee rotation. Spine 30 (8), 870–876.
(Ed.), The thoracic spine and rib Physiotherapist Corporation. Surrey, Maitland, G., Hengeveld, E., Banks, K.,
cage: musculoskeletal evaluation and Canada. English, K., 2005. Maitland’s
treatment. Butterworth-Heinemann, Lee, D.G., 1996. Rotational stability of vertebral manipulation. Butterworth
Boston. the mid-thoracic spine: assessment Heinemann, Oxford.
Edmondston, S.J., Singer, K.P., 1997. and management. Manual Therapy 1 Watkins 4th, R., Watkins 3rd, R.,
Thoracic spine: anatomical and (5), 234–241. Williams, L., Ahlbrand, S., Garcia, R.,
biomechanical considerations for Lee, L.J., Coppieters, M.W., Hodges, Karamanian, A., et al., 2005. Stability
manual therapy. Manual Therapy 2 P.W., 2005. Differential activation of provided by the sternum and ribcage
(3), 132–143. the thoracic multifidus and in the thoracic spine. Spine 30 (11),
necessary for upper limb functions, which range pain and pathology. Altered timing (latency) of
from weight bearing to high-speed acceleration electromyographic (EMG) activity has been iden-
and deceleration at the extremes of its range. Sta- tified in muscles of the scapula (Wadsworth &
bility is sacrificed to a significant degree to achieve Bullock-Saxton 1997; Cools et al 2003; Lin et al
this mobility function. The scapula provides the 2005; Falla et al 2007; Moraes et al 2008) and the
base for attachment of muscles that move the glenohumeral joint (Hess et al 2005). Interest-
glenohumeral joint. The scapula should be orien- ingly, muscle function (or dysfunction) has been
tated to optimise the length–tension relationship associated with movement faults; for example,
of these muscles (van der Helm 1994) and decreased serratus anterior activity has been asso-
provides the proximal articular surface of the ciated with an increase in forward tilt of the
glenohumeral joint (glenoid) and orientates scapula (Ludewig & Cook 2000; Lin et al 2005).
the glenoid, to increase the range available to the This literature supports the need for specific
upper limb. The scapula facilitates optimal contact assessment of movement faults so individual
with the humeral head – increasing joint congru- rehabilitation strategies can be implemented.
ency and stability (Saha 1971). Abnormal scapu- Further research is needed to explore the relation-
lar kinematics have been identified in people with ship between movement abnormalities and
multidirectional instability (Ogston & Ludewig symptoms and muscle function.
2007). Full upward rotation of the glenoid
enhances mechanical stability of the joint by
bringing the glenoid fossa directly under the head
of the humerus (Lucas 1973) and prevents Identifying UCM at the
impingement under the subacromial and cora-
shoulder girdle
coacromial arch. Glenohumeral function is
influenced to a large extent by the position and Motion analysis studies have identified abnormal
orientation of the glenoid and hence scapula sta- movements of the scapula which include scapula
bility; however, the glenohumeral joint exhibits a internal rotation (Ludewig & Cook 2000; Nawoc-
number of mechanisms to retain joint congru- zenski et al 2003; Tsai et al 2003; Borstad &
ency during functional movement which include Ludewig 2005; Borstad 2006); scapular down-
passive stability mechanisms and active stability ward rotation (Ludewig & Cook 2000; Tsai et al
mechanisms. Passive stability mechanisms 2003; Lin et al 2006); scapula anterior tilt
include the capsular and ligamentous restraints, (Lukasiewicz et al 1999; Ludewig & Cook 2000;
labrum and mechanisms such as the creation Nawoczenski et al 2003; Borstad & Ludewig 2005;
on negative intra-articular pressure to resist Lin et al 2005; Morrissey 2005); and elevation
translation. (Lukasiewicz et al 1999; Tsai et al 2003; Lin et al
2005). UCM of the glenohumeral joint has been
identified and includes translation (Baeyens et al
Changes in shoulder muscle 2001; Ruediger et al 2002; von Eisenhart-Rothe
et al 2002, Ludewig and Cook 2002) and external
rotation (Baeyens et al 2001).
Muscle stiffness is required at the scapula-thoracic In the current literature it is clear that altera-
and glenohumeral to enhance stability. It has tions in dynamic control of the glenohumeral
been shown that moderate levels of muscle con- and scapula-thoracic joints are important factors
traction can significantly increase glenohumeral in shoulder pathology (Ludewig and Cook 2000;
joint stiffness and stability (Huxel et al 2008). A Morrissey 2005; Alexander 2007; Ogston &
non-specific pre-setting action of the rotator cuff Ludewig 2007). Although these studies demon-
and biceps is seen prior to rotation of the shoul- strated clear differences in movement patterns for
der joint, and this recruitment is aimed mainly at symptomatic shoulders, they do not describe test
enhancing the joint ‘stiffness’ and hence its stabil- manoeuvres that could be used specifically to
ity (David et al 2000). A similar action is seen in detect the abnormalities in the clinical environ-
upper trapezius (Wadsworth & Bullock-Saxton ment, therefore neglecting a significant compo-
1997), suggesting it has a pre-setting role at the nent of assessment. This chapter details the
scapula. Evidence suggests that muscle function assessment of UCM at the shoulder region and
around the shoulder girdle can be impaired by describes retraining strategies.
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
Table 8.1 Site and direction of UCM at the shoulder mechanisms is an important aspect of a compre-
girdle hensive shoulder girdle assessment.
The site and direction of uncontrolled
SITE SCAPULA GLENOHUMERAL movement at the shoulder girdle can be linked
to different clinical presentations of shoulder
Direction • Downward • Anterior translation impingement syndrome and glenohumeral insta-
rotation • Inferior translation bility. Table 8.4 illustrates the clinical guidelines
• Forward tilt • Posterior translation
for impingement and instability.
• Winging • Medial rotation
• Elevation
• Retraction
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Table 8.2 The link between the site and direction of UCM at the shoulder and different clinical presentations
Table 8.3 Normal mechanisms to minimise impingement and instability during arm elevation
• Upward rotation of glenoid • Passive capsular and ligamentous restraints
• Glenohumeral lateral rotation timing • Dynamic (active) control of translation
• Inferior humeral head glide • Ideal length and recruitment of glenohumeral rotator muscles
• A stable scapula to provide a biomechanically sound platform for
glenohumeral movement
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
• Palpable tenderness ++ • Full or hypermobile range
• Mid-range arc or catch of pain • Pain (if any) at the limits of range (often only at stress points)
• Pain on static isolated muscle loading • Symptoms of instability, subluxation, dislocation, clicking,
• Associated weakness/inhibition dysfunction and disability (loss of performance)
• Positive impingement tests • Resisted rotation often pain-free
• Positive manual therapy stress tests to implicate • Good strength (mid-range)
pain-sensitive compression of subacromial or • Positive instability tests
coracoacromial structures • Positive manual therapy stress tests to implicate pain-sensitive
• Movement dysfunction indicates impingement; capsular strain and ligamentous laxity
that is, positive kinetic medial rotation test • Movement dysfunction indicates instability; that is, positive kinetic
(scapula) medial rotation test (glenohumeral)
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 8.2 Passive positioning into scapula neutral Figure 8.3 Active control of scapula neutral
Palpation guidelines for shoulder girdle • Inferior scapular angle is in contact with ribcage (i.e. no
neutral forward tilt/‘pseudo-winging’).
• Superior-medial corner of scapula is level with T2. • Medial border of scapula is in contract with ribcage (i.e.
• Medial edge of the spine of the scapula is level with T3. no winging).
• Medial border of spine of the scapula is approximately
• Spine of the scapula projects to T4.
5–6 cm lateral from the vertebral spinous processes.
• Inferior scapular angle level with T7.
• No more than 13 of the humeral head should protrude
• Acromion should be higher than the superior-medial
forward of the acromion.
scapular corner, with the spine of the scapula angled
• Scapula must be positioned in neutral alignment prior
upwards (i.e. no downward rotation).
to assessing humeral rotation and the humerus must be
• Plane of the spine of the scapula is orientated between
positioned in neutral alignment to assess forearm
15 and 30° forward of the coronal plane.
• Acromions are level or horizontal.
• Elbow olecranon faces posteriorly and the elbow cubital
• Coracoids are symmetrical. fossa faces anteriorly (differentiate from forearm
• Clavicles are symmetrical and inclined slightly upwards. pronation.
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
Figure 8.4 A. Neutral scapula orientation. B. Scapula inferior – anterior glenoid (IAG)
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
Relative flexibility (potential UCM) the humeral head compensates for a lack
of glenohumeral medial rotation. A
• UCM – compensatory strategies associated with positive test (glenohumeral movement)
restriction of glenohumeral joint medial rotation. has been linked with instability
A variety of compensation strategies for symptoms and risk (Morrissey 2005).
restrictions can be employed to maintain
functional range of motion. If glenohumeral
medial rotation is restricted, compensatory Indications to test for shoulder
movement can be made at both the scapula medial rotation UCM
and the humeral head (Sahrmann 2002;
Morrissey 2005). Observe or palpate for:
■ Uncontrolled scapula forward tilt, downward 1. hypermobile medial rotation range
rotation or elevation. The scapula may 2. discrepancies of shoulder medial rotation
forward tilt, downwardly rotate or elevate range in different positions of arm elevation
to compensate for the loss of medial 3. excessive initiation of scapular compensation
rotation. The accuracy of this palpation during shoulder medial rotation
has been validated with three- 4. excessive glenohumeral translation during
dimensional ultrasound and motion medial rotation
analysis measures (Morrissey et al 2008). 5. symptoms (pain, discomfort, strain)
A positive test (scapula movement) has associated with shoulder medial rotation
been linked with risk of impingement movements.
and symptoms (Morrissey 2005). The test The person complains of rotation-related symp-
is useful for diagnosis, especially for toms in the shoulder. During shoulder medial
impingement, particularly when used rotation load or movements, the scapula or gleno-
with other impingement tests (Morrissey humeral joint has greater ‘give’ or compensation
2005). relative to the trunk or arm. The dysfunction is
■ Uncontrolled glenohumeral translation confirmed with motor control tests of shoulder
control. Excessive anterior translation of medial rotation dissociation.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
T60.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Kinetic Medial Rotation Test
T60.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM from the Kinetic Medial Rotation Test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T60.3 Relating the site and direction of UCM to impingement and instability
An alternative position for retraining the KMRT wall. Only rotate the shoulder forwards as far as
Lean against a wall with the wall supporting the the neutral scapula can be controlled (Figure
shoulder blade position. The upper body has to 8.10). When rotation control on the wall is effi-
turn 15–30° off the wall so that the shoulder cient progress to the same movement unsup-
blade and upper arm can be supported flat on the ported away from the wall (Figure 8.11).
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
glides at the limit of physiological lateral alignment the active lateral rotation
rotations) is often appropriate here. movement returns to normal.
■ Loss of extensibility of myofascial structures. ■ Uncontrolled scapula forward tilt. This is
It may be possible that excessive similar to the above. If the glenoid is
shortening of myofascial structures may orientated antero-inferiorly, lateral
limit lateral rotation range. Pectoralis rotation can be limited. This is confirmed
major and latissimus dorsi may limit by passively positioning the scapula in
lateral rotation with the arm high correct alignment. When the scapula (and
overhead but for lateral rotation to be glenoid) is in neutral alignment the active
limited when the arm is by the side, lateral rotation movement returns to
subscapularis and teres major are likely to normal.
be very short. Clinically, this is ■ Uncontrolled glenohumeral anterior
uncommon but may be associated with a translation. The apparent loss of lateral
prolonged period of immobilisation, rotation may be related to an unstable
surgery and capsular shortening. glenohumeral joint. If the glenohumeral
■ Co-contraction rigidity. Occasionally, active joint has excessive anterior translation
lateral rotation range at the glenohumeral (due to anterior capsular laxity or
joint may be limited by co-contraction instability) then the axis of rotation is
rigidity. This is often a guarding response displaced and normal lateral rotation
associated with instability or acute cannot be achieved. If the humeral head
pathology or protective ‘spasm’ in an is palpated with the shoulder resting at
acute inflammatory episode. end range lateral rotation it is observed to
• UCM – compensatory strategies associated be prominent anteriorly. Upon
with restriction of glenohumeral joint lateral assessment of a posterior translational
rotation. If lateral rotation is restricted, glide in this position, a significantly
different compensation strategies can be increased range of joint play and a lax
seen: soft end feel is identified. This cause of
■ Uncontrolled scapula retraction (scapular dysfunction is confirmed if full lateral
retraction initiating or dominating rotation range returns when the humeral
glenohumeral lateral rotation). This can be head is passively glided posteriorly and
assessed in standing with the arm by the maintained in its neutral position.
side. This is most frequently associated
with a functional loss of glenohumeral Indications to test for shoulder
lateral rotation range and the lateral rotation UCM
development of greater relative flexibility
Observe or palpate for:
at the scapulothoracic joint. Instead of
scapular retraction providing extra 1. hypermobile lateral rotation range
movement after the glenohumeral joint 2. discrepancies of shoulder lateral rotation
has completed lateral rotation, scapular range in different positions of arm elevation
retraction increases to compensate for the 3. excessive initiation of scapular compensation
inefficient glenohumeral movement. In during shoulder lateral rotation
extreme cases the recruitment of scapular 4. excessive glenohumeral translation during
retraction even precedes the recruitment lateral rotation
of glenohumeral lateral rotation. 5. symptoms (pain, discomfort, strain)
■ Uncontrolled scapula downward rotation. associated with shoulder lateral rotation
The apparent loss of lateral rotation is movements.
very commonly due to a lack of ability to The person complains of rotation-related symp-
position the glenoid in neutral alignment. toms in the shoulder. During shoulder lateral
If the glenoid is downwardly rotated then rotation load or movements, the scapula or gleno-
lateral rotation can be limited. This is humeral joint has greater ‘give’ or compensation
confirmed by passively positioning the relative to the trunk or arm. The dysfunction is
scapula in correct alignment. When the confirmed with motor control tests of shoulder
scapula (and glenoid) is in neutral lateral rotation dissociation.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
KLRT Part 1
Test of shoulder lateral rotation
control Start standing, with the elbow by the side in
the scapular plane (elbow forward of the anterior
axillary line) and the elbow flexed to 90°
T61 KINETIC LATERAL ROTATION (hand pointing forwards, palm in (Figure 8.13).
TEST (KLRT) The therapist palpates the corocoid/acromion
(or inferior angle of scapula) and humeral head
(tests for scapula and glenohumeral during the procedure. The person is instructed
UCM) to maintain a neutral position of the scapula
and turn the arm out into lateral rotation. The
This dissociation test assesses the ability to actively scapula should not move into forward tilt,
dissociate and control scapula movement and downward rotation or retraction and the
glenohumeral translation from the glenohumeral humeral head should not translate anteriorly.
lateral rotation. There should be 45° of active lateral rotation of
the humerus without compensation at the
scapula or glenohumeral joint (Figures 8.14
Test procedure and 8.15).
This is a two-part test.
Figure 8.13 Start position kinetic lateral rotation test Figure 8.14 Benchmark kinetic lateral rotation test
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
Glenohumeral UCM
The apparent loss of lateral rotation may be
related to an unstable glenohumeral joint. If
the glenohumeral joint has excessive anterior
translation (due to anterior capsular laxity
or instability) then the axis of rotation is dis-
placed and normal lateral rotation cannot be
achieved. This cause of dysfunction is confirmed
if full lateral rotation range returns when the
humeral head is passively glided posteriorly
and maintained in its correct position (Figure
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T61.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Kinetic Lateral Rotation Test
T61.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM from the Kinetic Lateral Rotation Test
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
T61.3 Relating the site and direction of UCM to impingement and instability
Figure 8.16 Passive restabilisation of scapula into upward Figure 8.17 Passive restabilisation of humeral head with
rotation to confirm if uncontrolled movement contributes to posterior glide to confirm if uncontrolled movement
restricted functional range contributes to restricted functional range
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
Figure 8.21 Kinetic lateral rotation test (humeral UCM) Figure 8.22 Kinetic lateral rotation test (humeral UCM)
– restricted lateral rotation with humeral head forward – increased lateral rotation with humeral head repositioning
(Figure 8.23). An alternative position for retrain- Box 8.3 Useful clinical facilitation and
ing the KMLT is to lean against a wall with the retraining cues
wall supporting the shoulder blade position. The
upper body has to turn 15–30° off the wall so Cues for facilitation and feedback to
that the shoulder blade and upper arm can be enhance teaching and retraining movement
supported flat on the wall. Only rotate the shoul- • Palpate the scapula or glenohumeral joint to monitor
der backwards as far as the neutral scapula can be the UCM.
controlled (Figure 8.24). As control improves, the • Imagery of rotating the glenohumeral joint about a
active lateral rotation is performed in standing coronal axis (proprioceptive feedback can be given
with the scapula and humeral head unsupported through olecranon).
(Figure 8.25). With visual, auditory and kinaes- • Keep the coracoids open and wide.
thetic cues the person becomes familiar with the • Palpate acromion/coracoid/inferior angle.
task of laterally rotating the glenohumeral joint • Visualise a string holding the acromion up.
to 45° without scapula movement or gleno- • Unload passively.
humeral translation. Some useful clinical cues are • Tape (proprioceptive skin tension).
illustrated in Box 8.3. • Keep same distance between coracoid and ear.
• Keep shoulder blades wide.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 8.24 Correction with wall support Figure 8.25 Correction partial range lateral rotation with
unsupported shoulder girdle
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
Dysfunctions of scapulothoracic
• Uncontrolled scapula downward rotation. This
presents as dominance of scapular downward
rotation and/or inefficient upward rotation
and may be observed in several ways:
■ At the initial part of the scapular
movement phase the scapula downwardly
rotates instead of upwardly rotating. This
is observed with medial movement of the
inferior angle before it moves laterally.
■ Reduced upward rotation of the scapula at
the completion of the scapular movement
phase. This is observed as a lack of lateral
Figure 8.26 Shoulder flexion overhead – lateral view movement of scapular inferior angle – it
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 8.28 Start position arm flexion test Figure 8.29 Benchmark arm flexion test
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
T62.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Arm Flexion Test
T62.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM from the Arm Flexion Test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 8.30 Correction with wall support Figure 8.31 Correction arm flexion with self-palpation
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Dysfunctions of glenohumeral
• Uncontrolled glenohumeral rotation – late or
absent glenohumeral lateral rotation during arm
abduction. During abduction the required
lateral rotation movement is absent or late.
The arm should be in neutral rotation
(thumb forwards) when the hand rests
by the side and should actively laterally
rotate the greater tuberosity posteriorly
throughout the range of abduction. As a
rough guide, by 60° the thumb should start
to turn upwards. By at least 120° the thumb
should point to the ceiling and by 180° the
thumb should point posteriorly and the
palms face in towards each other. If the
palms face down to the floor and the
thumbs point forwards at 90° the lateral
rotation timing is late.
• Uncontrolled glenohumeral inferior translation
– excessive inferior translational glide of the
humerus during overhead elevation. Inadequate
upward rotation of the scapula and poor
glenohumeral rotation timing often result in
increased compensatory glenohumeral
inferior translation. Observe deep posterior
acromial dimple instead of a small skin
crease when the arm is in full elevation and
there is a ‘bulge’ of the humeral head in the
Figure 8.34 Shoulder abduction overhead with axilla.
glenohumeral lateral rotation
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
Figure 8.35 Start position arm abduction test Figure 8.36 Benchmark arm abduction test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T63.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Arm Abduction Test
T63.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM from the Arm Abduction Test
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
Figure 8.37 Correction with wall support Figure 8.38 Correction arm abduction with self-palpation
Cues for facilitation and feedback to enhance • Keep the coracoids open and wide.
teaching and retraining movement • Palpate acromion/coracoid/inferior angle.
• Palpate the scapula or glenohumeral joint to monitor • Visualise a string holding the acromion up.
the UCM. • Unload passively.
• Imagery of lifting the shoulder blade as the arm lowers. • Tape (proprioceptive skin tension).
• Turn the hand to ensure lateral rotation throughout • Keep same distance between coracoid and ear.
range. • Keep shoulder blades wide.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
medial border of the scapula lifting off the arm should be in neutral rotation (thumb
rib cage: forwards) when the hand rests by the side,
■ During concentric elevation of the arm and as the arm extends it should stay neutral
and at rest in static posture: associated and not medially rotate. Uncontrolled or
with poor function of serratus anterior. excessive medial rotation is often associated
■ During extension from a flexed position with dominance of the latissimus dorsi.
of the arm: timing problem associated • Uncontrolled glenohumeral anterior translation.
with the scapulohumeral muscles not Uncontrolled anterior translation of the
relaxing as quickly as the scapulothoracic humeral head often develops to compensate
muscles. for a lack of glenohumeral extension or
■ During upper limb weight bearing in restricted glenohumeral lateral rotation
extension (e.g. push off the armrests of a during extension.
chair): associated with inefficient medial
scapular stabilisers and serratus anterior.
• Uncontrolled scapular forward tilt – forward tilt Indications to test for shoulder
of the scapula (or ‘tipping’ of the scapula). extension UCM
Forward tilt is observed as prominence of the Observe or palpate for:
inferior angle of the scapula lifting off the
lower rib cage and often combined with 1. hypermobile extension range
downward rotation of the scapula taking the 2. excessive initiation of scapular compensation
glenoid into an anterior inferior position. during shoulder extension
This is most frequently associated with 3. excessive glenohumeral translation during
excessive shortness of pectoralis minor and shoulder extension
downward rotation of the scapula with a 4. symptoms (pain, discomfort, strain)
concurrent loss of upward rotation position associated with shoulder extension
and poor control by lower trapezius and movements.
serratus anterior; and the development of The person complains of extension-related symp-
greater relative flexibility at the toms in the shoulder. During shoulder extension
scapulothoracic joint. Instead of scapular load or movements, the scapula or glenohumeral
retraction providing extra movement after joint has greater ‘give’ or compensation relative to
the glenohumeral joint has completed the trunk or arm. The dysfunction is confirmed
extension, scapular retraction increases to with motor control tests of shoulder extension
compensate for the inefficient glenohumeral dissociation.
Dysfunctions of glenohumeral
• Uncontrolled glenohumeral medial rotation.
During extension, uncontrolled medial
rotation may occur. As a rough guide, the
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 8.40 Start position arm extension test Figure 8.41 Benchmark arm extension test
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
T64.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Arm Extension Test
T64.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM from the Arm Extension Test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 8.42 Correction with wall support at corner Figure 8.43 Correction unsupported arm extension with
supported by leaning against the corner of a wall scapula supported against a wall (Figure 8.44)
(Figure 8.42). As control improves, the arm exten- and finally unsupported (Figure 8.45).
sion is performed unsupported through the With visual, auditory and kinaesthetic cues the
partial range that can be controlled well with self- person becomes familiar with the task of extend-
palpation. This is eventually progressed through- ing the glenohumeral joint to 15° without scapula
out the full benchmark range with the elbow movement or glenohumeral translation. Some
straight (Figure 8.43). useful clinical cues are illustrated in Box 8.6.
An alternative progression is to use unilateral
horizontal arm extension, initially with the
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
Figure 8.46 Correction with overhead arm abduction on Figure 8.47 Correction with horizontal flexion
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Rehabilitation strategies directed at correcting
the movement faults of the shoulder following Box 8.8 Movement faults related to instability
evidence-based assessment, rather than diagnos- of the shoulder
tic category of pathology alone, is gaining recog-
nition as patients may present with a common Instability assessment priorities
diagnostic label but differing kinematic mecha- • Glenohumeral UCM:
nisms. Altering movement patterns can influence – anterior translation
shoulder signs (Caldwell et al 2007; Tate et al – inferior translation
2008), but it is important to establish a clear – posterior translation
diagnosis of the movement faults and from this – medial rotation.
base implement an appropriate rehabilitation Passive:
strategy. – damage or insidious laxity of capsular, ligamentous
Evidence shows physiotherapy does influence and labral restraints.
pain and disability around the shoulder and • Scapula UCM contributing to inappropriate orientation
includes many differing modalities – ultrasound, of the glenoid for optimal glenohumeral stability:
acupuncture, manual therapy, and stretching to – downward rotation
name a few (Ginn et al 1997; Johansson et al – forward tilt
2005; Nawoczenski et al 2006). There is substan- – elevation
tial support for the effectiveness of exercise treat- – protraction
ment programs emphasising scapula retraining – winging.
(Ginn et al 1997; Nawoczenski et al 2006). It is
clear that ‘scapula stabilising’ helps but therapists
need to identify specific motor control deficits of
the scapula. This can only be enhanced with a on the results of testing, the retraining needs to
more thorough understanding of, and assessment be prescriptive.
of, movement faults so therapy can focus on indi-
vidual needs. This can be classified as the diagno-
sis of mechanical shoulder dysfunction based on
Retraining suggestions and options
identifying the site and direction of UCM. The There are many retraining strategies available to
tests have been described in this chapter and, address UCM around the shoulder girdle. Critical
from these strategies for retraining, motor control to success is the patient understanding the move-
of the shoulder girdle can be implemented. Based ment fault and the therapist facilitating the
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 8.52 Retraining: reducing gravity moment arm Figure 8.53 Feedback: wall support
Box 8.9 Useful retraining exercises for scapular Box 8.10 Useful retraining exercise for
control glenohumeral control
• Dissociate flexion to 90° (Figure 8.54). • Dissociate lateral rotation – standing arm by side
• Dissociate abduction to 90°+ rotation timing (Figure 8.62).
(Figure 8.55). • Dissociate medial rotation – supine arm abducted 90°
• Dissociate medial rotation – supine arm abducted 90° (Figure 8.63).
(Figure 8.56). • Dissociate extension to 15° (Figure 8.64).
• Dissociate lateral rotation – standing arm by side • Dissociate lateral rotation – prone wrist lift
(Figure 8.57). (Figure 8.65).
• Dissociate extension to 15° + rotation timing • Dissociate medial rotation – prone elbow lift
(Figure 8.58). (Figure 8.66).
• Dissociate lateral rotation – prone arm overhead (wrist • Full range overhead movement – flexion and
lift) (Figure 8.59). abduction (Figure 8.67).
• Dissociate medial rotation – prone arm overhead
(elbow lift) (Figure 8.60).
• Full range overhead movement – flexion and
abduction (Figure 8.61).
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
Figure 8.62 Dissociate lateral rotation standing Figure 8.64 Dissociate extension standing
Figure 8.63 Dissociation medial rotation with palpation Figure 8.65 Dissociation lateral rotation overhead with
feedback of humeral head humeral head control
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The shoulder girdle Chapter |8|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
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Flexion control
T65 Standing: vertical trunk single leg 14 squat test 426
T66 Standing: single foot lift test 430
T67 Standing: spinal roll down test 433
T68 Side-lying: single leg abduction test 437
Extension control
T69 Standing: thoracolumbar extension test 442
T70 Standing: single knee lift + anterior tilt test 446
T71 Standing: single knee lift + knee extension test 450
Adduction control
T79 Single leg stance: lateral pelvic shift test 488
The hip
gluteals and the adductors on the more severely and pathology results from a variety of biomech-
affected hip as compared to the better hip. Inter- anical mechanisms, which include mechanical
estingly, the decrease in CSA in the abductor and impingement, rotational strain and instability.
adductor muscles was not a direct indicator of Lewis et al (2007) developed a biomechanical
muscle strength deficits. model that found that decreased force contribu-
Robinson et al (2005) presented a series of tions from the gluteal muscles (during hip exten-
eight case reports of subjects with hip pain. All sion) and decreased iliopsoas force (during hip
cases presented with a decrease of CSA in the flexion) resulted in an increase in anterior hip
piriformis, gemelli inferior, obturator externus or loading. They also reported that the hip loading
a combination of one or more of these muscles. was greater if the hip was positioned in extension
Grimaldi et al (2009) evaluated changes in to initiate these movements.
gluteus maximus and tensor fasciae latae (TFL) Sahrmann (2002) describes clinical tests to
muscle volumes in subjects with unilateral hip palpate for the presence of excessive or uncon-
joint pathology. Twelve subjects with hip joint trolled femoral head anterior glide during hip
pain ranging from labral pathology to advanced flexion and hip extension movements. Sahrmann
OA were evaluated by magnetic resonance (2002) postulates that the development of exces-
imaging (MRI), in order to achieve a volume sive hip medial rotation leads to abnormal
measurement, and compared to 12 control sub- loading on the anterior hip structures, which in
jects. The MRI evaluation of gluteus maximus turn results in hip pain and pathology. Levinger
identified two functionally differentiated com- et al (2007) demonstrate excessive and uncon-
partments within gluteus maximus: an upper trolled hip medial rotation during a single leg
(superficial lateral) compartment (UGM) and a squat. Lewis et al (2007) report that the hip dem-
lower (deep medial) compartment (LGM). Their onstrates increased medial rotation if the ilio-
results demonstrated the LGM had a significant psoas force decreases and the TFL force increases,
decrease in volume related to pain and OA while and that this ‘imbalance’ produces an excessive
the TFL and UGM, which insert into the iliotibial increase in anterior hip loading.
band, both maintained muscle bulk in the pres- Mechanical dysfunctions of the hip commonly
ence of OA hip pain. Findings such as this suggest present as combinations of impingement, insta-
that assessment of gross strength deficits per se bility and rotational strain dysfunctions – all of
may not adequately identify hip dysfunction. which can develop into degenerative conditions.
Variations in the timing and sequencing of Motor control dysfunction within the hip local
activation of various hip muscles have been and global musculature contributes significantly
reported by several authors. Many authors (Janda to insidious onset, chronicity and recurrence of
1983; Long et al 1993; Sahrmann 2002) report these hip problems. When symptoms arise from
changes in the neuromuscular coordination mechanical dysfunction in the regional tissues,
between TFL and gluteus medius (GMD). They consistent patterns of altered motor recruitment
demonstrate increased activity, earlier recruit- are evident. These recruitment patterns present as
ment and loss of extensibility in TFL in some motor control inhibition of muscle function and
subjects. During a prone hip extension movement motor imbalance. This chapter details the assess-
a delay in the activation of GMD or failure to ment of UCM at the hip region and describes
maintain efficient holding tension in inner range retraining strategies.
has been reported (Janda 1983; Richardson &
Sims 1991; Bullock-Saxton et al 1994; Sahrmann
2002; Lehman et al 2004).
UCM at the hip
Abnormal control of femoral translation and The diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM at
femoral rotation has been linked to anterior hip the hip can be identified in terms of the site (being
pain and pathologies of the labrum and associ- hip) and the direction of medial rotation, lateral
ated hip capsule and anterior muscles (Sahrmann rotation, flexion, extension and forwards glide
2002; Lee 2001; Shindle et al 2006; Lewis et al (Box 9.1). As with all UCM, the motor control
2007). The authors postulate that tissue loading deficit can present as uncontrolled translational
The hip Chapter |9|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Table 9.1 The link between the site and direction of UCM at the hip and different clinical presentations
inability to prevent movement into further thoracolumbar flexion or lower leg flexion
hip flexion when instructed to prevent when instructed to do so.
flexion. • Place a long piece of adhesive strapping tape
• Observe or palpate that during a functional across the posterior hip (e.g. from the
multi-joint movement into flexion, hip posterior superior iliac spine (PSIS) to the
flexion dominates the initiation of the upper portion of the posterior thigh), with
movement pattern. The subject demonstrates the hip positioned in an extension position
an inability to reverse this pattern. They relevant to the specific test. By skin
cannot easily initiate the movement with tensioning from the lowermost attachment
The hip Chapter |9|
(below) to the uppermost attachment, if the the movement pattern. The subject
subject cannot prevent or control hip flexion, demonstrates an inability to reverse this
the tape pulls off the skin when uncontrolled pattern. They cannot easily initiate the
flexion motion is produced. movement with thoracolumbar rotation
A global range-specific hip extension UCM or lower leg rotation when instructed to
can be identified in motion testing in several do so.
ways: • Place a long piece of adhesive strapping tape
across the lateral hip (e.g. from the posterior
• Observe or palpate excessive or hypermobile
iliac crest to the medial portion of the
range of hip extension. During the test
anterior thigh) with the hip positioned in a
movement, the therapist relies on visual
lateral rotation position relevant to the
observation or manual palpation to identify
specific test. By skin tensioning from the
if the subject cannot control (prevent or
lowermost attachment (below) to the
eliminate) additional hip extension. The
uppermost attachment, if the subject cannot
subject demonstrates an inability to prevent
prevent or control hip medial rotation, the
movement into further hip extension when
tape pulls off the skin when uncontrolled
instructed to prevent extension.
motion is produced.
• Observe or palpate that during a
functional multi-joint movement into A global range-specific hip lateral rotation/
extension, hip extension dominates the abduction UCM can be identified in motion testing
initiation of the movement pattern. The in several ways:
subject demonstrates an inability to reverse
• Observe or palpate excessive or hypermobile
this pattern. They cannot easily initiate the
range of hip lateral rotation or abduction.
movement with thoracolumbar extension or
During the test movement, the therapist
lower leg extension when instructed to do
relies on visual observation or manual
palpation to identify if the subject cannot
• Place a long piece of adhesive strapping tape
control (prevent or eliminate) additional hip
across the anterior hip (e.g. from the anterior
lateral rotation or abduction. The subject
superior iliac spine (ASIS) to the upper
demonstrates an inability to prevent
portion of the anterior thigh) with the hip
movement into further hip lateral rotation/
positioned in a flexion position relevant to
abduction when instructed to prevent this
the specific test. By skin tensioning from the
lowermost attachment (below) to the
• Observe or palpate that during a functional
uppermost attachment, if the subject cannot
multi-joint movement into rotation, hip
prevent or control hip extension, the tape
lateral rotation or abduction dominates the
pulls off the skin when uncontrolled
initiation of the movement pattern.
extension motion is produced.
The subject demonstrates an inability
A global range-specific hip medial rotation UCM to reverse this pattern. They cannot easily
can be identified in motion testing in several initiate the movement with thoracolumbar
ways: rotation or lower leg rotation when
• Observe or palpate excessive or hypermobile instructed to do so.
range of hip medial rotation. During the • Place a long piece of adhesive strapping tape
test movement, the therapist relies on across the medial hip (e.g. from the inguinal
visual observation or manual palpation to ligament and anterior iliac crest to the lateral
identify if the subject cannot control portion of the posterior thigh) with the hip
(prevent or eliminate) additional hip medial positioned in a medial rotation and
rotation. The subject demonstrates an adduction position (relevant to the specific
inability to prevent movement into further test). By skin tensioning from the lowermost
hip medial rotation when instructed to attachment (below) to the uppermost
prevent rotation. attachment, if the subject cannot prevent or
• Observe or palpate that during a functional control hip lateral rotation and abduction,
multi-joint movement into rotation, hip the tape pulls off the skin when uncontrolled
medial rotation dominates the initiation of motion is produced.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Occasionally, both segmental translatatory for- prevent hip medial rotation (dissociation), the
wards glide and global range-specific dysfunc- hip demonstrates UCM into either:
tions can present together. • global hip medial rotation – uncontrolled
medial rotation during active unilateral
Examples lower leg movement or thoracolumbar
rotation dissociation tests
Hip flexion UCM
The patient complains of flexion-related symp-
• segmental hip forwards glide – uncontrolled
toms in the hip region (groin, lateral hip or pos-
segmental anterior translation of the femoral
terolateral buttock). The hip demonstrates UCM
head during active hip medial rotation.
into flexion relative to the lower leg or thoracolum-
bar spine under flexion load. During a motor Hip lateral rotation/abduction UCM
control test of active lower leg or thoracolumbar
flexion where the instruction is to prevent hip The patient complains of rotation-related symp-
flexion (dissociation), the hip demonstrates UCM toms in the hip region (lateral hip or posterola-
into either: teral buttock ± groin). The hip demonstrates
• global hip flexion – uncontrolled flexion UCM into lateral rotation or abduction relative to
during active lower leg flexion or the lower leg or thoracolumbar spine under rota-
thoracolumbar flexion dissociation tests tion load. During a motor control test of active
lower leg or thoracolumbar rotation where the
or instruction is to prevent hip lateral rotation and
• segmental hip forwards glide – uncontrolled abduction (dissociation), the hip demonstrates
segmental anterior translation of the femoral UCM into either:
head during active hip flexion. • global hip lateral rotation/abduction –
uncontrolled lateral rotation or abduction
Hip extension UCM during active unilateral lower leg movement
The patient complains of extension-related symp- or thoracolumbar rotation dissociation tests
toms in the hip region (groin, lateral hip or pos- or
terolateral buttock). The hip demonstrates UCM • segmental hip forwards glide – uncontrolled
into extension relative to the lower leg or thoraco- segmental anterior translation of the femoral
lumbar spine under extension load. During a head during active hip lateral rotation/
motor control test of active lower leg or thoraco- abduction or ‘turnout’ movements.
lumbar extension where the instruction is to
prevent hip extension (dissociation), the hip Hip adduction UCM
demonstrates UCM into either:
The patient complains of adduction-related
• global hip extension – uncontrolled extension symptoms in the hip region (groin, lateral hip or
during active lower leg extension or posterolateral buttock). The hip demonstrates
thoracolumbar extension dissociation tests UCM into adduction relative to the lower leg or
or thoracolumbar spine under rotation load. During
• segmental hip forwards glide – uncontrolled a motor control test of active lower leg weight
segmental anterior translation of the femoral bearing or thoracolumbar side-bend where the
head during active hip extension. instruction is to prevent hip adduction (dissocia-
tion), the hip demonstrates UCM into either:
Hip medial rotation UCM • global hip adduction – uncontrolled medial
rotation during active unilateral lower leg
The patient complains of rotation-related symp-
weight bearing or thoracolumbar side-bend
toms in the hip region (groin, lateral hip or pos-
dissociation tests
terolateral buttock). The hip demonstrates UCM
into medial rotation relative to the lower leg or or
thoracolumbar spine under rotation load. During • segmental hip forwards glide – uncontrolled
a motor control test of active lower leg or thora- segmental anterior translation of the femoral
columbar rotation where the instruction is to head during active adduction rotation.
The hip Chapter |9|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The hip Chapter |9|
Figure 9.3 Ideal small knee bend front view Figure 9.4 Ideal small knee bend side view
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The hip Chapter |9|
c. relatively excessive or uncontrolled hip The tests that identify dysfunction can also be
flexion and ankle dorsiflexion used to guide and direct rehabilitation strategies.
d. the trunk leans backwards from vertical
(more hip extension than ideal) to keep
Indications to test for hip
the centre of mass balanced over the
midfoot. flexion UCM
Observe or palpate for:
1. hypermobile hip flexion range
2. excessive initiation of bending or leaning
HIP FLEXION CONTROL TESTS AND forwards with hip flexion
FLEXION CONTROL REHABILITATION 3. symptoms (pain, discomfort, strain)
associated with bending or leaning forwards
These flexion control tests assess the extent of or sustained hip flexion postures.
flexion UCM in the hip and assess the ability of The person complains of flexion-related symp-
the dynamic stability system to adequately control toms in the hip. Under flexion load, the hip has
flexion load or strain. It is a priority to assess for greater give into flexion relative to the trunk and
flexion UCM if the patient complains of or dem- lower leg. The dysfunction is confirmed with
onstrates flexion-related symptoms or disability. motor control tests of flexion dissociation.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Test procedure
The person stands with the feet hip width apart
(heels approximately 10–15 cm apart) with the
inside borders of the feet parallel (not turned
out). The upper body should be vertical and the
weight balanced over the midfoot. The person is
asked to shift full weight onto one foot and lift
the other foot just clear of the floor. In this posi-
tion, the person is standing on one leg with the
2nd metatarsal aligned along the ‘neutral line’ of
weight transfer (a line that is 10° lateral to the
sagittal plane). The pelvis should be level and the
trunk upright (vertical). There should be no
lateral deviation, tilt or rotation of the trunk or
pelvis. The head, sternum and pubic symphysis Figure 9.7 Start position vertical trunk single leg 1
4 squat
should be vertically aligned above the inside edge test
of the stance foot with the shoulders level in an
upright posture (Figure 9.7).
From this start position, the person then per-
forms a single leg small knee bend (SKB) by This test should be performed without any
flexing at the knee and dorsiflexing the ankle feedback (self-palpation, vision, etc.) or cueing
while keeping the heel on the floor. The body for correction. When feedback is removed for
weight should be on the heel, not the ball, of the testing the therapist should use visual observa-
foot and the trunk kept vertical (as if sliding the tion of the femur and trunk to determine whether
back down a wall). Do not lean the trunk for- the control of hip flexion is adequate. Assess both
wards. Hold the knee out over the foot to orien- legs separately.
tate the line of the femur out over the 2nd toe (on
the ‘neutral line’) (Figures 9.8 and 9.9). The trunk
Hip flexion UCM
should stay vertical (as if sliding down a wall) and
the knee should move past the toes. If a plumb The person complains of pain in the hip (groin
line were dropped from the front of the knee it impingement, lateral trochanteric or posterola-
should fall between 3 and 8 cm in front of the teral buttock pain) associated with hip flexion
longest toe. Ideally, there should be approxi- activities. During the vertical trunk 1 4 squat test,
mately 3–8 cm of independent SKB past the toes, the hip demonstrates UCM into flexion (the
without any forwards lean of the trunk or poste- trunk leans forwards and the hips move back-
rior shift of the hips and pelvis into increased hip wards into excessive hip flexion) before the knee
flexion. reaches 3–8 cm past the toes. Under weight
The hip Chapter |9|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Correction the trunk vertical on the wall and the knee should
Initial retraining is best started with the trunk sup- move past the toes. Only slide down the wall as
ported against a wall. The person stands with the far as the trunk can stay on the wall and do not
back against a wall and the feet hip width apart lean forwards into increased hip flexion (Figure
(heels approximately 10–15 cm apart) with the 9.11). At the point in range that the trunk starts
inside borders of the feet parallel. The person is to lean forwards into hip flexion or the knee
asked to stand upright with the upper body verti- moves medially to allow compensation at the
cal and the weight balanced over the midfoot. The foot and ankle, the movement should stop and
heels should be approximately 5–10 cm from the return to the start position. The person should
wall. The pelvis should be level and the trunk self-monitor the hip and trunk alignment and
upright (vertical against the wall) (Figure 9.10). If control hip flexion UCM with a variety of feed-
control is poor, perform a SKB by sliding the trunk back options (T65.3). There should be no provo-
down the wall to a 1 4 squat position. The person cation of any symptoms within the range that the
should keep the back on the wall and weight bal- hip flexion UCM can be controlled.
anced equally on both feet. Only slide down the As the ability to control hip flexion and for-
wall as far as the trunk can stay on the wall and do wards lean of the trunk gets easier and the pattern
not lean forwards into increased hip flexion. of dissociation feels less unnatural, the exercise
As control improves, the person is instructed to can be progressed to performing this same move-
shift their weight to stand on one leg and perform ment unsupported, without the wall, in single leg
a single leg SKB to the 1 4 squat position. Keep stance.
Figure 9.10 Correction bilateral small knee bend with wall Figure 9.11 Correction unilateral small knee bend with wall
support support
The hip Chapter |9|
T65.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Vertical Trunk Single Leg 1
4 Squat
Control point:
• prevent hip flexion
Movement challenge: unilateral knee flexion and ankle dorsiflexion (standing)
Benchmark range: knee flexion 3–8 cm past toes with trunk upright
T65.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T65.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Vertical Trunk Single Leg 1 4 Squat Test
4 SQUAT Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
TEST – STANDING position
Site Direction (L) leg (R) leg Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 9.12 Start position single foot lift test Figure 9.13 Benchmark single foot lift test
The hip Chapter |9|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T66.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Single Foot Lift Test
Control point:
• prevent hip flexion (weight bearing leg)
Movement challenge: contralateral hip flexion (standing)
Benchmark range: lift contralateral foot 15–20 cm
T66.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T66.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Single Foot Lift Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction (L) leg (R) leg position
(check box) (check box) Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Hip Flexion ! !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
correction another observer
The hip Chapter |9|
Figure 9.15 Start position spinal roll down test Figure 9.16 Benchmark spinal roll down test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
or movement of the pelvis. Note any uncontrolled unloaded and wide base of support). If control is
hip flexion under spinal flexion load. This test poor, the heels are initially positioned about 30–
should be performed without any feedback (self- 40 cm in front of the wall. Then they are instructed
palpation, vision, etc.) or cueing for correction. to actively lower the sternum towards the pelvis
The therapist should use visual observation of the by flexing the thoracic spine while rolling the
femur and pelvis to determine whether the control pelvis backwards (posterior pelvic tilt) to flatten
of hip flexion is adequate. the back onto the wall. The person should
monitor that they can feel the sacrum flattened
against the wall. Only roll the spine down off the
Hip flexion UCM
wall through partial flexion range (Figure 9.17).
The person complains of pain in the hip (groin Ensure that the sacrum and upper pelvis can stay
impingement, lateral trochanteric or lateral firmly in contact with the wall and not roll for-
buttock pain) associated with hip flexion activi- wards into increased hip flexion.
ties. During the spinal roll down test, the hip As control improves, the person is instructed to
demonstrates UCM into flexion (the pelvis rolls shift their feet closer to the wall and to increase
forwards off the wall to follow the spinal roll the range of spinal roll down. At the point
down). The hip has UCM into flexion relative to in range that the pelvis starts to roll forwards
the spine. Hip flexion control is poor if the subject into hip flexion the movement should stop and
is unable to prevent or resist the excessive hip return to the start position. The person should
flexion or the top of the pelvis rolling forwards
off the wall.
The uncontrolled hip flexion is often associated
with inefficiency of the stability function of the
gluteal extensor muscles (especially deep gluteus
maximus), which provide isometric or eccentric
control of hip flexion. During the attempt to dis-
sociate the hip flexion from spinal flexion, the
person either cannot control the UCM or has to
concentrate and try hard to control the hip
Retraining is best started with the trunk supported
against a wall, the feet at least shoulder width
apart and the knees slightly flexed (hip flexors Figure 9.17 Correction partial roll down with wall support
The hip Chapter |9|
self-monitor the hip and pelvis alignment and As the ability to control hip flexion and for-
control hip flexion UCM with a variety of feed- wards lean of the trunk gets easier and the pattern
back options (T67.3). There should be no provo- of dissociation feels less unnatural, the exercise
cation of any symptoms within the range that the can be progressed to performing this same move-
hip flexion UCM can be controlled. ment unsupported, without the wall.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T67.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Spinal Roll Down Test
Control point:
• prevent hip flexion
Movement challenge: spinal flexion (standing – wall)
Benchmark range: independent full range spinal flexion without pelvic or hip movement
T67.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T67.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Spinal Roll Down Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction position
(check box) Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Hip Flexion !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
correction another observer
The hip Chapter |9|
Figure 9.18 Start position single leg abduction test Figure 9.19 Benchmark single leg abduction test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
to lift the top leg up and out to the side. Hold this
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific
position, and lift the heel of the top foot 2–3 cm
motor control testing
away from the bottom heel. Ensure that, as the
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of rotation) heel lifts, the leg does not move forwards into hip
is observed during a motor control (dissociation) test of flexion. At the point in range that the hip starts
flexion control, do not score this as uncontrolled flexion. to lose control of flexion, the movement should
The rotation motor control tests will identify whether the stop. The hip position is restabilised (lift the knee
observed movement is uncontrolled. A test for hip flexion and keep the heel down), then hold this position
UCM is only positive if uncontrolled hip flexion is for a few seconds and return to the start
demonstrated. position.
The unilateral hip abduction must be inde-
pendent of any hip flexion. The person should
self-monitor the hip alignment and control
flexion UCM with a variety of feedback options
Rating and diagnosis of hip (T68.3). There should be no provocation of any
flexion UCM symptoms within the range that the rotation
(T68.1 and T68.2) UCM can be controlled.
As the ability to control hip flexion gets easier
and the pattern of dissociation feels less unnatu-
Correction ral, the exercise can be progressed to performing
If control is poor, retraining can initially begin the hip abduction and lateral rotation with the
with reduced leg load. With the person side-lying leg fully extended.
and the hips extended to neutral (0° extension),
the knees flexed to 60° and the feet together, the
Hip flexion UCM summary
pelvis should be positioned in neutral rotation.
Keeping the heels together the person is instructed (Table 9.2)
The hip Chapter |9|
T68.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Single Leg Abduction Test
Control point:
• prevent hip flexion
Movement challenge: unilateral hip abduction and lateral rotation (side-lying)
Benchmark range: 35° independent hip abduction and lateral rotation without compensation
T68.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T68.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Single Leg Abduction Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction (L) leg (R) leg position
(check box) (check box) Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Hip Flexion ! !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 9.20 Modified Thomas test start position Figure 9.21 Modified Thomas test final position
The hip Chapter |9|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Test procedure
The person initially stands tall with the upper
thighs against the edge of a plinth, bench or table
and with the feet as far under the table as balance
can be maintained. Position the head directly
over the shoulders without chin poke. Demon-
strate or manually assist the movement of thora-
columbar extension. The sternum, clavicles and
acromions should all move up and forwards.
There should be no hip extension or forwards
sway of the pelvis (the table provides feedback
and support). The normal anterior pelvic should
be present (with slight concurrent hip flexion)
and all of the lumbar spine and the lower tho-
racic vertebrae should contribute to the thoraco- Figure 9.24 Start position thoracolumbar extension test
lumbar extension initiated from the thoracic
For testing, feedback and the support of the
table are taken away. The person stands tall and
unsupported with legs straight and the lumbar
spine and pelvis positioned in the neutral. The
head is positioned directly over the shoulders
Hip extension UCM
without chin poke (Figure 9.24). Without letting
the lumbopelvic region move into forwards The person complains of extension-related symp-
sway, the person should have the ability to toms in the hip. The hip has UCM into hip exten-
actively lift the sternum and chest up and for- sion and forwards pelvic sway relative to the
wards through the full available range of thora- spine under extension load. During active hip
columbar extension. extension, the hip starts to move into extension
Ideally, the person should have the ability to before achieving thoracolumbar extension. The
prevent hip extension and forwards sway of the upper lumbar spine and thoracic spine may only
pelvis while independently extending the thora- contribute (if at all) to extension at the comple-
columbar region from a position of relaxed tion of hip extension. During the attempt to
flexion through to full extension (Figure 9.25). dissociate the hip extension from independent
The available range of dissociated thoracolumbar thoracolumbar extension (while allowing
extension is small. This test should be performed normal slight anterior pelvic tilt) the person
without any feedback (self-palpation, vision, either cannot control the UCM or has to concen-
tape, etc.) or cueing for correction. trate and try hard.
The hip Chapter |9|
Figure 9.25 Benchmark thoracolumbar extension test Figure 9.26 Correction thoracic extension with hip support
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
extension only as far as the hip extension can be As the ability to control the UCM gets easier,
prevented. and the pattern of dissociation feels less unnatu-
The person should monitor the hip alignment ral, the exercise can be progressed to the unsup-
and control with a variety of feedback options ported position without a bench or table and
(T69.3). There should be no provocation of any then it should be integrated into various func-
symptoms under thoracolumbar extension load, tional postures and positions.
within the range that the hip extension UCM can
be controlled.
The hip Chapter |9|
T69.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Thoracolumbar Extension Test
Control point:
• prevent hip extension (forward pelvic sway)
Movement challenge: thoracolumbar extension (standing)
Benchmark range: full available dissociated thoracolumbar extension without compensation
T69.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T69.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Thoracolumbar Extension Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
TEST – STANDING position
Site Direction (L) leg (R) leg
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 9.27 Start position single knee lift + anterior tilt test Figure 9.28 Benchmark single knee lift + anterior tilt test
The hip Chapter |9|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
(monitored with feedback). At the point in range unnatural, the exercise can be progressed to per-
that the body starts to lift or straighten at the front forming this spinal extension in a lower or deeper
hip, the movement should stop. lunge (front thigh horizontal at 90° hip flexion).
The person should self-monitor the hip align- Finally, the exercise is progressed to a non-weight
ment and control extension UCM with a variety bearing exercise position, as in the test position
of feedback options (T70.3). There should be no (i.e. standing upright with the hip held unsup-
provocation of any symptoms withzin the range ported in hip flexion).
that the rotation UCM can be controlled.
As the ability to control hip extension gets
easier and the pattern of dissociation feels less
The hip Chapter |9|
T70.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Single Knee Lift + Anterior Tilt Test
Control point:
• prevent hip extension
Movement challenge: unilateral hip flexion + spinal extension and anterior pelvic tilt (standing)
Benchmark range: full independent anterior pelvic tilt and maintain 90° hip flexion without compensation of hip extension
T70.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T70.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Single Knee Lift + Anterior Tilt Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
– STANDING position
Site Direction (L) leg (R) leg
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 9.30 Start position single knee lift + knee extension Figure 9.31 Benchmark single knee lift + knee extension
test test
The hip Chapter |9|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The person should self-monitor the hip align- unnatural, the exercise can be progressed to main-
ment and control extension UCM with a variety taining the thigh horizontal (at 90° hip flexion).
of feedback options (T71.3). There should be no
provocation of any symptoms within the range
that the rotation UCM can be controlled.
Hip extension UCM summary
As the ability to control hip extension gets
easier and the pattern of dissociation feels less (Table 9.3)
The hip Chapter |9|
T71.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Single Knee Lift + Knee Extension
Control point:
• prevent hip extension
Movement challenge: unilateral hip flexion + knee extension (standing)
Benchmark range: 20° from full knee extension and maintain 90° hip flexion without compensation of hip extension
T71.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T71.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Single Knee Lift + Knee Extension Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
TEST – STANDING position
Site Direction (L) leg (R) leg
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The hip Chapter |9|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The hip Chapter |9|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The hip Chapter |9|
Test procedure
The person stands with the feet hip width apart
(heels approximately 10–15 cm apart) with the
inside borders of the feet parallel (not turned
out). Stance is upright with the upper body verti-
cal and the weight balanced over the midfoot. The
person is instructed to shift full weight onto one
foot and lift the other foot just clear of the floor.
The person should stand on one leg with the 2nd
metatarsal aligned along the ‘neutral line’ of
weight transfer (a line that is 10° lateral to the
sagittal plane). The pelvis should be level and the
trunk upright (vertical). There should be no
lateral deviation, tilt or rotation of the trunk or
pelvis. The head, sternum and pubic symphysis Figure 9.38 Start position single leg small knee bend test
should be vertically aligned above the inside edge
of the stance foot with the shoulders level in an
upright posture (Figure 9.38).
In this position, the person performs a single rotation or midfoot pronation. Body weight
leg SKB by flexing at the knee and dorsiflexing should stay balanced over the foot and there
the ankle while keeping the heel on the floor. should be no lateral shift of the pelvis. This test
The body weight is kept on the heel, not the ball should be performed without any feedback
of the foot, and the trunk is vertical (as if sliding (self-palpation, vision, etc.) or cueing for correc-
the back down a wall) with no forwards tion. The therapist should use visual observation
lean. The knee is held out over the foot to ori- of the femur and foot to determine whether the
entate the line of the femur out over the 2nd toe control of hip medial rotation is adequate when
(on the ‘neutral line’) (Figure 9.39). The trunk feedback is removed for testing. Assess both legs
should stay vertical and the knees should move separately.
3–8 cm past the toes.
Some people may experience a sensation of a
Hip medial rotation UCM
lack of the required knee bend range. This test
requires that during testing for UCM the knees The person complains of rotation-related symp-
bend to move at least 5 cm past the longest toe toms in the hip. During the single leg SKB the hip
so that the compensation and UCM can be demonstrates UCM into medial rotation (the
identified. knee moves medially) before the knee reaches
Ideally, there should be approximately 3–8 cm 3–8 cm past the toes. As the knee moves medial
of independent SKB, without any hip medial to the foot, the medial longitudinal arch collapses
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
If control is poor, the uncontrolled hip medial
rotation presents in bilateral weight bearing.
Initial retraining is best started in bilateral stance
with the trunk supported against a wall. The
person stands with the back against a wall and
the feet hip width apart (heels approximately
10–15 cm apart), with the inside borders of the
feet parallel (not turned out) so that the 2nd toe
(both feet) is aligned to the neutral line of weight
transfer. The person should stand upright with
Figure 9.39 Benchmark single leg small knee bend test the upper body vertical and the weight balanced
over the midfoot. The heels should be approxi-
mately 5–10 cm from the wall. The pelvis should
be level and the trunk upright (vertical).
The person is instructed to perform a bilateral
SKB. This is achieved by sliding the trunk down
into midfoot pronation. Under unilateral hip and the wall by flexing at the knees and dorsiflexing
knee weight bearing, the hip has UCM into medial the ankles while keeping the heels down with no
rotation relative to the knee and foot. forwards trunk lean. The person should be
The uncontrolled hip medial rotation is often instructed to keep the knees out over the foot to
associated with inefficiency of the stability func- orientate the line of the femur out over the neutral
tion of the gluteal lateral rotators (especially pos- line (along with the 2nd toe) (Figure 9.40). The
terior gluteus medius and deep gluteus maximus) trunk slides down the wall and the knee flexes
providing isometric or eccentric control of hip only as far as neutral hip rotation can be control-
medial rotation and for popliteus to control rota- led (monitored with feedback). At the point in
tion at the knee. During the attempt to dissociate range that the hip starts to lose control of medial
the hip medial rotation from unilateral leg move- rotation the movement should stop. The hip is
ment, the person either cannot control the UCM restabilised (move the knee out over the 2nd toe)
or has to concentrate and try hard to control the and returns to the start position with control of
hip medial rotation. The movement must be the hip rotation UCM.
assessed on both sides. If hip medial rotation The person should self-monitor the hip
UCM presents bilaterally, one side may be better alignment and control medial rotation UCM
or worse than the other. with a variety of feedback options (T72.3). There
The hip Chapter |9|
T72.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Single Leg SKB Test
Control point:
• prevent hip medial rotation
Movement challenge: unilateral hip and knee flexion (standing)
Benchmark range: unilateral knee flexion without compensation
T72.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T72.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Single Leg SKB Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction (L) leg (R) leg position
(check box) (check box) Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Hip Medial rotation ! !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
correction another observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
should be no provocation of any symptoms is to perform the SKB unsupported in single leg
within the range that the rotation UCM can be stance.
controlled. Note whether correction can be achieved with
As the ability to control hip medial rotation ease or only with difficulty, or if it cannot be cor-
gets easier and the pattern of dissociation feels rected at all. When trying to correct the SKB to
less unnatural, the exercise can be progressed to neutral, note if there is a sensation of ‘strain’. This
performing this same movement without the wall often indicates a site of restriction. Assess that
for support, with both feet. The final progression area for articular or myofascial restrictions.
The hip Chapter |9|
Test procedure
The person stands with the feet hip width apart
(heels approximately 10–15 cm apart), with the
inside borders of the feet parallel (not turned
out). The person is instructed to stand upright
with the upper body vertical and the weight bal-
anced over the midfoot. They then shift full
weight onto one foot and lift the other foot
just clear of the floor. A single leg SKB is then
performed by flexing at the knee and dorsiflexing
the ankle while keeping the heel on the floor.
The person is instructed to keep body weight
on the heel, not the ball of the foot, and
keep the trunk vertical (as if sliding the back
down a wall) without allowing forwards trunk
lean. Hold the knee out over the foot to orientate Figure 9.41 Start position 1 leg small knee bend + trunk
rotation away test
the line of the femur out over the 2nd toe
(on the 10° ‘neutral line’ of weight transfer)
(Figure 9.41).
Hip medial rotation UCM
Then, while standing on one leg, the person is
instructed to rotate the trunk and pelvis away The person complains of rotation-related symp-
from the stance leg (i.e. if standing on the right toms in the hip. During the single leg SKB the
leg, turn the trunk and pelvis to the left). Keep knee moves medially before the knee reaches
the knee aligned to the neutral line. They should 5–10 cm past the toes. During the one leg SKB +
have the ability to actively rotate the trunk and trunk rotation away test, the hip demonstrates
pelvis (hip lateral rotation relative to the pelvis) UCM into medial rotation (the knee moves medi-
without the knee moving medially to follow the ally) before the trunk and pelvis rotation reaches
pelvis. Ideally, there should be approximately 35° 35° lateral rotation away from the stance leg. As
of independent trunk and pelvis rotation (Figure the knee moves medial to the foot, the medial
9.42). As soon as any medial movement of the longitudinal arch collapses into midfoot prona-
knee occurs, the movement must stop and return tion. Under unilateral hip and knee weight
to the start position. This test should be per- bearing, the hip has UCM into medial rotation rela-
formed without any feedback (self-palpation, tive to the knee and foot.
vision, etc.) or cueing for correction. When feed- The uncontrolled hip medial rotation is often
back is removed for testing the therapist should associated with inefficiency of the stability func-
use visual observation of the pelvis to determine tion of the gluteal lateral rotators (especially pos-
whether the control of hip medial rotation is terior gluteus medius and deep gluteus maximus)
adequate. Assess both sides. providing isometric or eccentric control of hip
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 9.42 Benchmark 1 leg small knee bend + trunk Figure 9.43 Correction partial range with wall support
rotation away test
medial rotation and for popliteus to control rota- Rating and diagnosis of hip
tion at the knee. During the attempt to dissociate rotation UCM
the hip medial rotation from unilateral leg move-
ment, the person either cannot control the UCM (T73.1 and T73.2)
or has to concentrate and try hard to control the
hip medial rotation. The movement must be
assessed on both sides. If hip medial rotation Correction
UCM presents bilaterally, one side may be better The person stands facing the frame of a doorway
or worse than the other. or a corner section of wall, with the toes approxi-
mately 5 cm from the wall/doorframe. They
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific should stand on one leg with the inside border
motor control testing of the foot perpendicular to the wall. The person
first performs a SKB to position the thigh and
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of flexion trunk against the wall/doorframe. They are then
or extension) is observed during a motor control instructed to turn the trunk and pelvis away from
(dissociation) test of medial rotation control, do not score the stance leg. The wall or doorframe provides
this as uncontrolled medial rotation. The flexion and support and feedback for the subject to monitor
extension motor control tests will identify whether the and control the knee from moving medially
observed movement is uncontrolled. A test for hip medial while the trunk and pelvis laterally rotate (Figure
rotation UCM is only positive if uncontrolled hip medial
9.43). The trunk and pelvis rotate only as far as
rotation is demonstrated.
the thigh position can be controlled (monitored
The hip Chapter |9|
with feedback). At the point in range that the variety of feedback options (T73.3). There should
knee moves medially to the neutral line, the be no provocation of any symptoms within the
movement should stop. The hip is restabilised range that the rotation UCM can be controlled.
(move the knee out over the 2nd toe) and returns As the ability to control hip medial rotation
to the start position with control of the hip rota- gets easier and the pattern of dissociation feels
tion UCM. less unnatural, the exercise can be progressed to
The person should self-monitor the hip align- performing this same movement unsupported,
ment and control medial rotation UCM with a without the wall, in single leg stance.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T73.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the One Leg SKB + Trunk Rotation
Away Test
Control point:
• prevent hip medial rotation
Movement challenge: unilateral SKB + trunk/pelvis rotation away from stance leg (standing)
Benchmark range: 35° independent trunk/pelvis lateral rotation (unilateral SKB) with knee aligned on the 2nd toe (neutral
line) without compensation of hip medial rotation
T73.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T73.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the One Leg SKB + Trunk Rotation Away Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction (L) leg (R) leg
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Hip Medial rotation ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
correction another observer
The hip Chapter |9|
This dissociation test assesses the ability to actively Hip medial rotation UCM
dissociate and control hip medial rotation and
The person complains of rotation-related symp-
perform a single leg hip abduction and lateral
toms in the hip. During the top leg turnout lift
rotation. During any unilateral or asymmetrical
test, the foot begins to rotate down (hip medial
lower limb movement, a rotational force is trans-
rotation UCM) before the abduction lift reaches
mitted to the pelvic and hip region.
35° above horizontal. Under unilateral hip
loading, the hip has UCM into medial rotation.
Test procedure The uncontrolled hip medial rotation is often
associated with inefficiency of the stability func-
The person lies on one side with uppermost (top)
tion of the gluteal lateral rotators (especially pos-
leg extended in line with the trunk, the other
terior gluteus medius and deep gluteus maximus)
(bottom leg) hip flexed to 45° and the knees
providing isometric or eccentric control of hip
flexed to 90° (Figure 9.44). The pelvis should be
medial rotation. During the attempt to dissociate
positioned in neutral rotation. The person is
the hip medial rotation from unilateral leg
instructed to maintain the neutral pelvis position
and turn the uppermost foot outwards (hip lateral
rotation). Then they should slowly lift the upper-
most leg vertically up and out to the side while
keeping the leg and foot turned out into lateral
rotation. Ideally, the top leg should be able to
maintain the hip extension and turnout and lift
into at least 35° (above horizontal) of hip abduc-
tion and lateral rotation (Figure 9.45) and return,
without associated loss of full turnout into any
medial rotation of the hip.
The unilateral hip abduction must be inde-
pendent of any hip medial rotation. Note any
excessive hip medial rotation under hip abduc-
tion load. This test should be performed without
any feedback (self-palpation, vision, flexicurve,
etc.) or cueing for correction. The therapist should
Figure 9.44 Start position top leg turnout lift test Figure 9.45 Benchmark top leg turnout lift test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
movement, the person either cannot control the medial rotation. At the point in range that the hip
UCM or has to concentrate and try hard to control starts to lose control of rotation, the movement
the hip medial rotation. The movement must be should stop. The hip position is restabilised (lift
assessed on both sides. If hip medial rotation the knee and keep the heel down), then hold this
UCM presents bilaterally, one side may be better position for a few seconds and return to the start
or worse than the other. position.
The unilateral hip abduction must be inde-
pendent of any hip medial rotation. The person
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific should self-monitor the hip alignment and
motor control testing control medial rotation UCM with a variety of
feedback options (T74.3). There should be no
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of flexion provocation of any symptoms within the range
or extension) is observed during a motor control that the rotation UCM can be controlled.
(dissociation) test of medial rotation control, do not score As the ability to control hip medial rotation
this as uncontrolled medial rotation. The flexion and
gets easier and the pattern of dissociation feels
extension motor control tests will identify whether the
observed movement is uncontrolled. A test for hip medial
less unnatural, the exercise can be progressed to
rotation UCM is only positive if uncontrolled hip medial performing the hip abduction and lateral rotation
rotation is demonstrated. with the leg fully extended.
If control is poor, retraining can initially begin
with reduced leg load. With the person side-lying
and the hips flexed to 45°, the knees flexed to 90°
and the feet together, the pelvis should be posi-
tioned in neutral rotation. Keeping the heels
together the person is instructed to lift the top leg
up and out to the side (Figure 9.46). Hold this
position, and lift the heel of the top leg 2–3 cm
away from the bottom heel. Ensure that, as the
heel lifts, the knee does not drop down into hip Figure 9.46 Correction partial range turnout short lever
The hip Chapter |9|
T74.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Top Leg Turnout Lift Test
Control point:
• prevent hip medial rotation
Movement challenge: unilateral hip abduction and lateral rotation (side-lying)
Benchmark range: 35° independent hip abduction and lateral rotation without compensation
T74.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T74.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Top Leg Turnout Lift Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction (L) leg (R) leg position
(check box) (check box) Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Hip Medial rotation ! !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
correction another observer
Flexicurve positional Visual and sensory feedback of
marker positional alignment
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The hip Chapter |9|
Test procedure
Hip lateral rotation/abduction
control tests The person stands tall and unsupported with
legs straight and the lumbar spine and pelvis
positioned in the neutral (Figure 9.47). The
T75 STANDING: SINGLE LEG HIGH person is instructed to shift weight onto one leg
KNEE LIFT TEST and, keeping the shoulders and pelvis level,
slowly lift the other foot off the ground. Without
(tests for hip lateral rotation/ letting the non-weight bearing hip move into
abduction UCM) lateral rotation or abduction, the person contin-
ues to lift the leg into hip flexion with the lower
This dissociation test assesses the ability to actively leg relaxed and the heel hanging vertically under
dissociate and control hip lateral rotation/ the knee. Ideally, the hip should maintain neutral
abduction and perform at least 90° of unilateral rotation (with no hip lateral rotation) as the hip
hip flexion. During any asymmetrical or non- actively flexes to at least 90° (monitor the flexing
sagittal trunk movement a rotational force is leg). The lumbopelvic region should maintain a
transmitted to the pelvic and hip region. neutral level position (Figure 9.48). As soon as
Figure 9.47 Start position single leg high knee bend lift test Figure 9.48 Benchmark single leg high knee bend lift test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
any movement indicating a loss of neutral into bilaterally, one side may be better or worse than
hip lateral rotation or abduction is observed, or the other.
hitching the pelvis to lift the leg, the movement
must stop and return to the start position. Hip
flexion to 90° must be demonstrated with the Clinical assessment note for direction-specific
shoulders and pelvis level. motor control testing
The unilateral hip flexion must be independent
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of flexion
of any hip lateral rotation or abduction. Note any
or extension) is observed during a motor control
uncontrolled hip lateral rotation or abduction (dissociation) test of lateral rotation/abduction control, do
under non-weight bearing hip flexion load. This not score this as uncontrolled lateral rotation/abduction.
test should be performed without any feedback The flexion and extension motor control tests will identify
(self-palpation, vision, flexicurve, etc.) or cueing if the observed movement is uncontrolled. A test for hip
for correction. When feedback is removed for lateral rotation/abduction UCM is only positive if
testing the therapist should use visual observa- uncontrolled hip lateral rotation or abduction is
tion of the pelvis and leg to determine whether demonstrated.
the control of hip lateral rotation/abduction is
adequate. Assess both sides.
Rating and diagnosis of hip
rotation UCM
Hip lateral rotation/abduction UCM
(T75.1 and T75.2)
The person complains of rotation-related symp-
toms in the hip. During the single leg high knee
lift the hip demonstrates UCM into lateral rota- Correction
tion or abduction before the non-weight bearing If control is poor, initial retraining is best started
hip reaches 90° flexion (thigh horizontal). During with the trunk supported against a wall. The
the single leg high knee lift test, the foot swings person stands with the back against a wall and
in towards the midline (hip lateral rotation UCM) the feet hip width apart (heels approximately
or the thigh turns out into abduction and lateral 10–15 cm apart) with the inside borders of the
rotation before the knee lift reaches 90° (thigh feet parallel. Stand upright with the upper body
horizontal). Under unilateral hip loading, the hip vertical and the weight balanced over the midfoot.
has UCM into lateral rotation or abduction. Hitching The heels should be approximately 5–10 cm
the pelvis to lift the thigh horizontal is not hip from the wall. The pelvis should be level and the
flexion to 90° and is a common substitution trunk upright (vertical). The person is instructed
strategy for inefficient control. Hip flexion to 90° to shift their weight onto one foot and, keeping
must be demonstrated with the shoulders and the shoulders and pelvis level, slowly lift the
pelvis level. other foot off the ground. They are to lift the leg
The uncontrolled hip lateral rotation/abduction only as far as the pelvis stays level and as far as
is often associated with inefficiency of the the foot hangs vertically under the knee (i.e. no
stability function of the gluteal medial rotators hip lateral rotation) and the thigh stays in the
(especially anterior gluteus medius and gluteus midline (i.e. no hip abduction). The hip can lift
minimus) providing isometric or eccentric into flexion only as far as the lateral rotation,
control of hip lateral rotation. Concurrently the abduction and the pelvic position can be control-
deep adductor stabilisers (pectineus and adduc- led (monitored with feedback) (Figure 9.49).
tor brevis) may not provide eccentric control of Initially, the person may only be able to lift the
hip abduction. During the attempt to dissociate leg into 60° or 70° hip flexion before the UCM
the hip lateral rotation/abduction from unilateral is demonstrated. At the point in range that the
leg movement, the person either cannot control foot swings medially (hip lateral rotation), or the
the UCM or has to concentrate and try hard pelvis starts to hitch, the movement should stop.
to control the hip lateral rotation or abduction. The hip and pelvis are restabilised and the leg
The movement must be assessed on both sides. returns to the start position with control of the
If hip lateral rotation/abduction UCM presents hip rotation UCM.
The hip Chapter |9|
The person should self-monitor the hip align- As the ability to control hip lateral rotation/
ment and control lateral rotation and abduction abduction gets easier and the pattern of dissocia-
UCM with a variety of feedback options (T75.3). tion feels less unnatural, the exercise can be
There should be no provocation of any symptoms progressed to performing this same movement
within the range that the rotation UCM can be unsupported, without the wall, in single leg
controlled. stance.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T75.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Single Leg High Knee Lift Test
Control point:
• prevent hip lateral rotation/abduction
Movement challenge: unilateral hip flexion (standing)
Benchmark range: 90° independent unilateral hip flexion without compensation of hip lateral rotation or abduction
T75.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T75.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Single Leg High Knee Lift Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
TEST – STANDING position
Site Direction (L) leg (R) leg
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Hip Lateral rotation/ ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
correction another observer
The hip Chapter |9|
Test procedure
The person stands with the feet hip width apart
(heels approximately 10–15 cm apart) with the
inside borders of the feet parallel (not turned
out). They should stand upright with the upper
body vertical and the weight balanced over the
midfoot. The person is then instructed to shift full
weight onto one foot and lift the other foot just
clear of the floor. In this position, they should
perform a single leg SKB by flexing at the knee
and dorsiflexing the ankle while keeping the heel
on the floor. They should be instructed to keep
body weight on the heel, not the ball of the foot,
and keep the trunk vertical (as if sliding the back
down a wall) with no trunk forwards lean. The Figure 9.50 Start position 1 leg small knee bend + trunk
rotation towards test
knee should be held out over the foot to orientate
the line of the femur out over the 2nd toe (on the
10° ‘neutral line’ of weight transfer) (Figure 9.50).
Hip lateral rotation/abduction UCM
Then, while standing on one leg, the person is
instructed to rotate the trunk and pelvis towards The person complains of rotation-related symp-
the stance leg (i.e. if standing on the right leg, turn toms in the hip. During the one leg SKB + trunk
the trunk and pelvis to the right). Keep the knee rotation towards test, the hip demonstrates UCM
aligned to the neutral line. The person should into lateral rotation or abduction (the knee moves
have the ability to actively rotate the trunk and laterally) before the trunk and pelvis rotation
pelvis (hip medial rotation relative to the pelvis) reaches 30° medial rotation towards the stance
without the knee moving laterally to follow the leg. Under unilateral hip and knee weight bearing,
pelvis. Ideally, there should be approximately 30° the hip has UCM into lateral rotation/abduction.
of independent trunk and pelvis rotation (Figure The uncontrolled hip lateral rotation/abduction
9.51). As soon as any lateral movement of the is often associated with inefficiency of the
knee occurs, the movement must stop and return stability function of the gluteal medial rotators
back to the start position. This test should be (especially anterior gluteus medius and gluteus
performed without any feedback (self-palpation, minimus) providing isometric or eccentric control
vision, etc.) or cueing for correction. When feed- of hip lateral rotation. Concurrently the deep
back is removed for testing the therapist should adductor stabilisers (pectineus and adductor
use visual observation of the pelvis to determine brevis) may not provide eccentric control of
whether the control of hip lateral rotation/ hip abduction. During the attempt to dissociate
abduction is adequate. Assess both sides. the hip lateral rotation from unilateral leg
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
movement, the person either cannot control the Rating and diagnosis of hip
UCM or has to concentrate and try hard to control rotation UCM
the hip lateral rotation. The movement must be
assessed on both sides. If hip lateral rotation (T76.1 and T76.2)
UCM presents bilaterally, one side may be better
or worse than the other. Correction
The person stands facing the frame of a doorway
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific or a corner section of wall, with the toes approxi-
motor control testing mately 5 cm from the wall/doorframe. They
should stand on one leg with the inside border
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of flexion of the foot perpendicular to the wall. The person
or extension) is observed during a motor control first performs a SKB to position the thigh and
(dissociation) test of lateral rotation/abduction control, do trunk against the wall/doorframe. They are then
not score this as uncontrolled lateral rotation/abduction. instructed to turn the trunk and pelvis towards
The flexion and extension motor control tests will identify the stance leg. The wall or doorframe provides
if the observed movement is uncontrolled. A test for hip support and feedback for the subject to monitor
lateral rotation/abduction UCM is only positive if and control the knee from moving laterally while
uncontrolled hip lateral rotation or abduction is
the trunk and pelvis medially rotate (Figure 9.52).
The trunk and pelvis rotate only as far as the thigh
The hip Chapter |9|
position can be controlled (monitored with feed- There should be no provocation of any symptoms
back). At the point in range that the knee moves within the range that the lateral rotation/
laterally to the neutral line, the movement should abduction UCM can be controlled.
stop. The hip is restabilised and returns to the As the ability to control hip lateral rotation/
start position with control of the hip rotation abduction gets easier and the pattern of dissocia-
UCM. tion feels less unnatural, the exercise can be
The person should self-monitor the hip align- progressed to performing this same movement
ment and control lateral rotation and abduction unsupported, without the wall, in single leg
UCM with a variety of feedback options (T76.3). stance.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T76.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the One Leg SKB + Trunk Rotation
Towards Test
Control point:
• prevent hip lateral rotation/abduction
Movement challenge: unilateral SKB + trunk/pelvis rotation toward stance leg (standing)
Benchmark range: 30° independent trunk/pelvis medial rotation (unilateral SKB) with knee aligned on the 2nd toe (neutral
line) without compensation of hip lateral rotation or abduction
T76.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T76.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the One Leg SKB + Trunk Rotation Towards
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
Site Direction (L) leg (R) leg
watch the movement
(check box) (check box)
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Hip Lateral rotation/ ! !
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
correction another observer
The hip Chapter |9|
Figure 9.53 Start position bent knee hip extension test Figure 9.54 Benchmark bent knee hip extension test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
for correction. When feedback is removed for Rating and diagnosis of hip
testing the therapist should use visual observa- rotation UCM
tion of the leg and pelvis to determine whether
the control of hip lateral rotation/abduction is (T77.1 and T77.2)
adequate. Assess both sides.
Hip lateral rotation/abduction UCM If control is poor, initial retraining is best started
The person complains of rotation-related symp- with reduced knee flexion. The person positions
toms in the hip. During the bent knee hip exten- themselves in 4 point kneeling (hands and knees)
sion test the hip demonstrates UCM into lateral and shifts weight onto one knee. Slowly start to
rotation or abduction before the hip extension lift that leg into hip extension but allow the knee
reaches 0° (thigh horizontal). During the bent to straighten so that it is only flexed to about 20°
knee hip extension test, the foot swings in towards or 30°. The leg should stay in the sagittal plane
the midline (hip lateral rotation UCM) or moves and not abduct out to the side. The heel should
laterally away from the midline (hip abduction) not swing across the midline into hip lateral rota-
before hip extension reaches 0° (thigh horizon- tion. A line from the heel through the 2nd toe
tal). Under unilateral hip loading, the hip has should be vertical (Figure 9.55).
UCM into lateral rotation or abduction. Arching the The unilateral hip extension must be independ-
back or rotating the pelvis to lift the thigh hori- ent of any hip lateral rotation or abduction. The
zontal is not hip extension to 0° and is a common
substitution strategy for inefficient control. Hip
extension to 0° must be demonstrated with the
lumbopelvic compensation.
The uncontrolled hip lateral rotation/abduction
is often associated with inefficiency of the
stability function of the gluteal medial rotators
(especially anterior gluteus medius and gluteus
minimus) providing isometric or eccentric control
of hip lateral rotation. Concurrently the deep
adductor stabilisers (pectineus and adductor
brevis) may not provide eccentric control of hip
abduction. During the attempt to dissociate the
hip lateral rotation and abduction from unilateral
leg movement, the person either cannot control
the UCM or has to concentrate and try hard to
control the hip lateral rotation/abduction. The
movement must be assessed on both sides. If hip
lateral rotation UCM presents bilaterally, one side
may be better or worse than the other.
The hip Chapter |9|
hip can lift into extension only as far as the lateral The person should self-monitor the hip align-
rotation, abduction and the pelvic position can ment and control lateral rotation/abduction
be controlled (monitored with feedback). Ini- UCM with a variety of feedback options (T77.3).
tially, the person may only be able to lift the leg There should be no provocation of any symptoms
through minimal range of hip extension before within the range that the rotation UCM can be
the UCM is demonstrated. At the point in range controlled.
that the foot swings medially (hip lateral rota- As the ability to control hip lateral rotation/
tion), the thigh abducts from the midline or the abduction gets easier and the pattern of dissocia-
pelvis starts to move, the movement should stop. tion feels less unnatural, the exercise can be pro-
The hip and pelvis are restabilised and the leg gressed to performing this hip extension through
returns to the start position with control of the increased range of hip extension and, finally, with
hip lateral rotation/abduction UCM. increased knee flexion.
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T77.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Bent Knee Hip Extension Test
Control point:
• prevent hip lateral rotation/abduction
Movement challenge: unilateral hip extension + knee flexion (4 point kneeling)
Benchmark range: 0° independent unilateral hip extension + 90° knee flexion without compensation of hip lateral
T77.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T77.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Bent Knee Hip Extension Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
TEST – STANDING position
Site Direction (L) leg (R) leg
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Hip Lateral rotation/ ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
correction another observer
The hip Chapter |9|
Figure 9.56 Start position bridge: single leg lift test Figure 9.57 Benchmark bridge: single leg lift test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Rating and diagnosis of hip (crook lying with pelvis resting), with control of
rotation UCM the hip lateral rotation/abduction UCM.
The person should self-monitor the hip align-
(T78.1 and T78.2) ment and control with a variety of feedback
options (T78.3). There should be no provocation
Correction of any symptoms within the range that the rota-
tion UCM can be controlled.
Starting in crook lying with the feet and knees As the ability to control hip lateral rotation/
together, the person lifts the pelvis 5 cm off the abduction gets easier and the pattern of dissocia-
floor while maintaining neutral alignment. Ini- tion feels less unnatural, the exercise can be pro-
tially, the person should be instructed to transfer gressed. The progression is to fully extend the
weight to one foot and only lift the other foot a unweighted leg and alternate right and left knee
few centimetres from the floor. Do not fully extension, keeping the pelvis and hip neutral and
extend the unweighted leg. The person should unsupported during each weight transfer. Make
only lift the unweighted leg as far as hip lateral sure that good control of hip lateral rotation and
rotation and abduction can be controlled (moni- abduction is maintained.
tored by keeping the knees together in the mid-
line). At the point in range that the pelvis and hip
region starts to lose control of lateral rotation or Hip lateral rotation/abduction
abduction, the movement should stop. The hip
position is restabilised, then hold this position
UCM summary
for a few seconds and return to the start position (Table 9.5)
The hip Chapter |9|
T78.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Bridge: Single Leg Lift Test
Control point:
• prevent hip lateral rotation/abduction
Movement challenge: unilateral leg load from an unsupported pelvis (bridge)
Benchmark range: fully extended leg (knees side by side)
T78.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T78.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Bridge: Single Leg Lift Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
CROOK LYING position
Site Direction Pelvis to the Pelvis to the
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
left (L) right (R)
watch the movement
(check box) (check box)
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Hip Lateral rotation/ ! !
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
correction another observer
(closed chain)
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The hip Chapter |9|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Figure 9.59 Start position single leg stance: lateral pelvic Figure 9.60 Benchmark single leg stance: lateral pelvic shift
shift test test
The hip Chapter |9|
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific Figure 9.61 Correction – neutral start position on wall
motor control testing
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The person should self-monitor the hip and dissociation feels less unnatural, the exercise can
trunk alignment and control hip adduction UCM be progressed to performing this same movement
with a variety of feedback options (T79.3). There unsupported, without the wall, in single leg
should be no provocation of any symptoms stance.
within the range that the hip adduction UCM can
be controlled.
Hip adduction UCM summary
As the ability to control hip adduction during
single leg stance gets easier and the pattern of (Table 9.6)
Figure 9.62 Correction – partial weight transfer – heel lift Figure 9.63 Correction – full weight transfer – foot lift
The hip Chapter |9|
T79.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Lateral Pelvic Shift Test
Control point:
• prevent hip adduction (weight bearing leg)
Movement challenge: lateral weight transfer into single leg stance (standing)
Benchmark range: less than 10 cm of pelvis shift and less than 2 cm of asymmetry
T79.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T79.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Lateral Pelvic Shift Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction (L) leg (R) leg position
(check box) (check box) Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Hip Adduction ! !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
correction another observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The hip Chapter |9|
Figure 9.64 Start position active straight leg raise test with Figure 9.65 Passive straight leg raise to determine the
therapist palpation for hip forward glide neutral axis of rotation
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The hip Chapter |9|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T80.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Active SLR Test
Control point:
• prevent hip forward glide
Movement challenge: unilateral active SLR (hip flexion) (supine)
Benchmark range: 45° hip flexion (SLR)
T80.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T80.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Active SLR Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction (L) leg (R) leg position
(check box) (check box) Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Hip Forward glide ! !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
correction another observer
The hip Chapter |9|
Test procedure
With the person lying prone and with legs
extended, the therapist palpates the trochanter
laterally (Figure 9.69). The therapist then pas- Figure 9.70 Passive hip extension to determine the neutral
sively lifts the straight leg into 10–15° hip exten- axis of rotation
sion while palpating at the trochanter to identify
the neutral axis of rotation of the hip extension
(Figure 9.70). The neutral axis is the point at the
trochanter where pressure on the palpating fingers
remains constant (or has minimal normal
anterior translation) as the leg is passively
moved through into hip extension and returned.
Ensure that the hip and leg maintain a neutral
medial–lateral rotation position throughout
the movement.
Assess for uncontrolled anterior glide of the
femoral head during hip extension loading. With
the subject lying prone, palpate and monitor the
neutral axis of hip extension and instruct the
Figure 9.69 Start position active prone leg lift test therapist
palpation for hip forward glide Figure 9.71 Benchmark active prone leg lift test
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
Hip forward glide UCM Figure 9.72 Correction with self-palpation with partial rang
The person complains of pain-related symptoms
in the hip (clicks or ‘clunks’ in the groin, groin
pain and impingement or lateral trochanteric/ with legs extended and with two pillows under
buttock pain). During open chain hip extension the pelvis so that the hips start in 20° of flexion.
(especially with a long lever load), the hip has The person self-palpates the neutral axis of hip
UCM into femoral forward glide. During the active extension at the trochanter and actively lifts the
prone leg lift test, the person lacks the ability to straight leg from 20° of flexion to 0° (leg hori-
prevent anterior displacement of the femoral zontal) (Figure 9.72). Ensure that the hip and leg
head (monitored by palpation at the trochanter). maintains a neutral medial–lateral rotation posi-
During the attempt to dissociate the hip forward tion throughout the movement. They are to lift
glide from hip extension, the person either cannot the leg only as far as control of femoral forward
control the UCM or has to concentrate and try glide is controlled (monitored with palpation
hard to control the hip forward glide. The move- feedback at the trochanter). At the point in range
ment must be assessed on both sides. If hip that the femoral head (trochanter) begins to dis-
forward glide UCM presents bilaterally, one side place anteriorly, the movement should stop.
may be better or worse than the other. Conscious co-activation of the local stabilisers
of the hip may help some people regain control
of the femoral forward glide UCM more quickly.
Clinical assessment note for direction-specific
A strategy to achieve a non-specific general
motor control testing
co-activation of psoas major and the other hip
If some other movement (e.g. a small amount of rotation) local stability muscles can be attempted. This
is observed during a motor control (dissociation) test of involves visualising or attempting to ‘pull the hip
forward glide control, do not score this as uncontrolled into the socket’ or trying to ‘shorten the leg’ at the
forward glide. The rotation motor control tests will same time as performing the prone leg lift. If this
identify if the observed movement is uncontrolled. A test co-activation strategy improves the control of the
for hip forward glide UCM is only positive if uncontrolled femoral forward glide (monitored by palpation
hip forward glide is demonstrated. of the trochanter), or decreases pain or clicking,
it should be used in conjunction with the correc-
tion exercises until control becomes easy.
Rating and diagnosis of hip The person should self-monitor the hip align-
rotation UCM ment and control extension UCM with a variety
(T81.1 and T81.2) of feedback options (T81.3). There should be no
provocation of any symptoms within the range
that the rotation UCM can be controlled.
Correction As control improves the pillows are removed so
If control is poor, initial retraining is best started that the prone leg lift is performed from 0° of
in more hip flexion and the leg lifts through a extension to 10–15° hip extension with good
reduced range of extension. The person lies prone control of femoral forward glide.
The hip Chapter |9|
T81.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Active Prone Leg Lift Test
Control point:
• prevent hip forward glide
Movement challenge: unilateral active prone leg lift (hip extension) (prone)
Benchmark range: 10–15° hip extension
T81.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T81.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Active Prone Leg Lift Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
Site Direction (L) leg (R) leg position
(check box) (check box) Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
watch the movement
Hip Forward glide ! !
Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
correction another observer
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
The hip Chapter |9|
Kinetic Control: The management of uncontrolled movement
T82.1 Assessment and rating of low threshold recruitment efficiency of the Active ‘Figure 4’ Turnout Test
Control point:
• prevent hip forward glide
Movement challenge: unilateral active hip lateral rotation and abduction (’figure 4’ position) (supine)
Benchmark range: 60° hip lateral rotation and abduction turnout
T82.2 Diagnosis of the site and direction of UCM T82.3 Feedback tools to monitor retraining
from the Active ‘Figure 4’ Turnout Test
Self-palpation Palpation monitoring of joint
– SUPINE position
Site Direction (L) leg (R) leg
Visual observation Observe in a mirror or directly
(check box) (check box) watch the movement
Hip Forward glide ! ! Adhesive tape Skin tension for tactile feedback
Cueing and verbal Listen to feedback from
correction another observer
The hip Chapter |9|
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Page numbers followed by ‘f ’ indicate figures, ‘t’ indicate tables, and ‘b’ indicate boxes.
active straight leg raise test, apical drop and inspiration test,
A 493–495, 494b 351–352, 352b
abdominal hollowing and correction of hip rotation UCM correction of thoracic respiratory
expiration test, 357–360, 358b during, 494–495, 494f–495f, UCM during, 352, 353t
correction of thoracic respiratory 496t procedure for, 351–352, 351f
UCM during, 358, 359t hip forward glide UCM during, rating and diagnosis of thoracic
procedure for, 357, 357f–358f 494 respiratory UCM during, 352,
rating and diagnosis of thoracic procedure for, 493–494, 353t
respiratory UCM during, 358, 493f–494f thoracic respiratory UCM during,
359t rating and diagnosis of hip 352
thoracic respiratory UCM during, rotation UCM during, arm abduction tests, 393
357 494–495, 496t procedure for, 393, 393f
abduction control tests see lateral adduction control tests, hip, 487 rating and diagnosis of, 393,
rotation/abduction control single leg stance lateral pelvic 394t
tests shift test, 488–490, 488f– retraining, 393, 395b, 395f
actin-myosin cross-bridges, 26–28, 490f, 489b, 491t arm elevation, impingement and
26f summary for, 490t instability during, 365,
active ‘figure 4’ turnout test, afferent input, sensation of effort 366t–367t
500–501, 501b and, 38–39, 39b arm extension test, 242–243,
correction of hip rotation UCM alternate single leg heel touch, 243b
during, 501, 501f, 502t 103–104, 103f, 147, 147f for shoulder girdle UCM,
hip forward glide UCM during, alternative therapies, for UCM, 7–9, 398–400
501 8b–9b procedure for, 396f, 398, 398f
procedure for, 500–501, 500f ankle dorsiflexion, gastrocnemius rating and diagnosis, 398–400,
rating and diagnosis of hip or talocrural joint restriction of, 399t
rotation UCM during, 501, 421 retraining, 398–400,
502t anterior capsule, in hip extension 400f–401f, 401b
active prone leg raise test, 497–498, control, 440–441 for upper cervical flexion control
498b anterior costal lift and expiration assessment goals for evaluating
correction of hip rotation UCM test, 354–355, 355b site and direction of UCM
during, 498, 498f, 499t correction of thoracic respiratory during, 241t
hip forward glide UCM during, UCM during, 355, 356t correction of upper cervical
498 procedure for, 354–355, 354f flexion UCM during, 243,
procedure for, 497–498, 497f rating and diagnosis of thoracic 243f, 244t
rating and diagnosis of hip respiratory UCM during, 355, procedure for, 242, 242f
rotation UCM during, 498, 356t rating and diagnosis of upper
499t thoracic respiratory UCM during, cervical flexion UCM
active restrictions, 48–49 355 during, 243, 244t
upper cervical flexion UCM correction of upper cervical rating and diagnosis of thoracic
during, 242–243 extension UCM during, extension UCM during,
arm flexion tests, 388–390 248–251, 249f, 250t 324–326, 325t
procedure for, 388, 388f procedure for, 247, 247f–248f thoracic extension UCM during,
rating and diagnosis of, 388–390, rating and diagnosis of upper 324
389t cervical extension UCM bilateral forward reach test,
retraining, 390, 390b, 390f during, 248–251, 250t 308–309, 309b
articular dysfunction, 51–52, 51t upper cervical extension UCM correction of thoracic flexion
articular restriction during, 247–248 UCM during, 309, 310t, 311f
in neck extension, 245 backward push test, 97–98, 98b procedure for, 308–309, 308f
in neck rotation, 264–266, correction of lumbar flexion rating and diagnosis of thoracic
264f–266f UCM during, 98, 98f, 99t flexion UCM during, 309,
in neck side-bending, 268–269 lumbar flexion UCM during, 310t
assessment 98 thoracic flexion UCM during,
of contextual factors in UCM, 14, procedure for, 97, 97f 309
16 rating and diagnosis of lumbar bilateral overhead reach test,
disablement assessment model flexion UCM during, 98, 99t 313–314, 314b
in, 17–19, 17f–18f backward rocking correction of thoracic extension
for environmental and personal movement faults associated with, UCM during, 314, 314f, 315t
factors, 14, 16 422 procedure for, 313–314, 313f
of movement faults, model for, observation and analysis of, 422, rating and diagnosis of thoracic
7–9, 8b–9b, 8f 422f extension UCM during, 314,
principles of, 12, 53–54 behavioural traits, for motivation 315t
relation of findings to disability, and compliance, 74–76, 74f, thoracic extension UCM during,
11, 11b 75b, 76t 314
of UCM, clinical assessment, bent knee fall out test, 169–173, bridge single leg lift test, 483–484,
54–59, 56b, 59b, 59t 171b 483b
asymmetry correction of lumbopelvic correction of hip lateral rotation/
in neck extension, 246 rotation UCM during, 171, abduction UCM during, 484,
in neck flexion, 225 172t 485t
external oblique abdominal hip lateral rotation/abduction
B recruitment, 171 UCM during, 483
internal oblique abdominal procedure for, 483, 483f
back flattening test, 296–297, 297b recruitment, 171–173 rating and diagnosis of hip lateral
correction of thoracic flexion lumbopelvic rotation UCM rotation/abduction UCM
UCM during, 297, 297f, 298t, during, 169–171 during, 484, 485t
299f procedure for, 169, 169f–170f
procedure for, 296, 296f rating and diagnosis of C
rating and diagnosis of thoracic lumbopelvic rotation UCM
flexion UCM during, 297, 298t during, 171–173, 172t capsular restriction
thoracic flexion UCM during, 297 bent knee hip extension test, in glenohumeral lateral rotation,
back flattening on wall, 122, 122f 479–481, 480b 376
correction of, 122 correction of hip lateral rotation/ in glenohumeral medial rotation,
dysfunctional action, 122 abduction UCM during, 370
ideal action, 122, 122f 480–481, 480f, 482t central fatigue, 39, 39b
backward arching, observation and hip lateral rotation/abduction cervical spine
analysis of, 120–121, 120f UCM during, 480 disability questionnaires for, 11b
ideal pattern of lumbar procedure for, 479–480, 479f muscle function within, 219–220,
extension, 120, 120f rating and diagnosis of hip lateral 220f
indications to test for lumbar rotation/abduction UCM neutral training region of,
extension UCM, 121 during, 480–481, 482t 223–224, 223f, 224b
movement faults associated with biceps, in shoulder movement, 364 relative stiffness and flexibility in,
lumbar extension, 120–121 bilateral backward reach test, 46
backward head lift test, 247–251, 323–326, 324b cervical spine UCM, 218–291
248b correction of thoracic extension cervical rotation, 263–267,
assessment goals for evaluating UCM during, 324–326, 324f, 263f–267f
site and direction of UCM 325t relative flexibility in, 269
during, 250t procedure for, 323–324, 323f UCM in, 222t
in glenohumeral medial rotation, static diagonal with isometric double bent leg lift test, 100–104,
370 opposite knee to hand 102b
cognitive awareness, in retraining, push, 146, 146f correction of lumbar flexion
68–69, 71 lumbar extension UCM during, UCM during, 102, 102f–103f,
compensation 145 105t
cervical procedure for, 144–145, alternate single leg heel touch
in head tilt test, 277, 277t 144f–145f (Sahrmann level 1),
in head turn test, 271, 271t rating and diagnosis of lumbar 103–104, 103f
in lower neck lean test, extension UCM during, multifidus facilitation, 102,
285–286, 286t 145–147, 148t 102f
scapula, 266–267, 269 crook-lying single leg bridge static diagonal heel lift with
in upper neck tilt test, 281– extension test, 192–194, 193b isometric knee to hand
282, 282t correction of lumbopelvic push and second heel lift,
for restrictions, UCM rotation UCM during, 103, 103f
resulting from, 49–52, 193–194, 193f, 195t static diagonal with isometric
50t–51t lumbopelvic rotation UCM opposite knee to hand
compliance, personality and during, 192 push, 102, 102f
behavioural traits for, 74–76, procedure for, 192, 192f lumbar flexion UCM during,
74f, 75b, 76t rating and diagnosis of 101
contextual factors in UCM, lumbopelvic rotation UCM procedure for, 100–101,
assessment of, 14, 16 during, 193–194, 195t 100f–101f
crook-lying double bent leg lift test, cross-bridges see actin-myosin rating and diagnosis of lumbar
100–104, 102b cross-bridges flexion UCM during, 102–
correction of lumbar flexion 104, 105t
UCM during, 102, 102f–103f, D double bent leg lower test, 144–
105t 147, 145b
alternate single leg heel touch diagnosis, clinical reasoning correction of lumbar extension
(Sahrmann level 1), applied to, 15–16, 17f UCM during, 145–146,
103–104, 103f step 1: diagnosis of movement 146f–147f, 148t
multifidus facilitation, 102, dysfunction, 16 alternate single leg heel touch,
102f step 2: clinical diagnosis of 147, 147f
static diagonal heel lift with pain-sensitive or pain- oblique abdominal facilitation,
isometric knee to hand generating structures, 16 146
push and second heel lift, step 3: clinical diagnosis of static diagonal heel lift with
103, 103f presenting pain mechanisms, isometric knee to hand
static diagonal with isometric 16 push and second heel lift,
opposite knee to hand step 4: assessment of contextual 146–147, 146f
push, 102, 102f factors, 16 static diagonal with isometric
lumbar flexion UCM during, direct overfacilitation, UCM opposite knee to hand
101 resulting from, 49–50 push, 146, 146f
procedure for, 100–101, direction of UCM see site and lumbar extension UCM during,
100f–101f direction of UCM 145
rating and diagnosis of lumbar disability procedure for, 144–145,
flexion UCM during, 102– relation of assessment findings 144f–145f
104, 105t to, 11, 11b rating and diagnosis of lumbar
crook-lying double bent leg lower with UCM, 5–6 extension UCM during,
test, 144–147, 145b disability questionnaires, 11b 145–147, 148t
correction of lumbar disablement assessment model, double knee bend test, 149–152,
extension UCM during, 17–19, 17f–18f 150b
145–146, 146f–147f, 148t dissociation, integrative, 75 correction of lumbar extension
alternate single leg heel touch, dissociation tests, 46–47, 53–57 UCM during, 150–152, 150f,
147, 147f dissociation in parallel, 55–56 151t, 152f
oblique abdominal facilitation, dissociation in series, 55 lumbar extension UCM during,
146 for lumbopelvic UCM, 90 149
static diagonal heel lift with retraining based on, 67–69, procedure for, 149, 149f
isometric knee to hand 68f–69f rating and diagnosis of lumbar
push and second heel lift, for shoulder girdle UCM, 402, 402t extension UCM during,
146–147, 146f test procedure, 57–59, 59b, 59t 150–152, 151t
four point kneeling backward push arm extension test for, glenohumeral lateral rotation,
test, 97–98, 98b 398–400 movement faults associated
correction of lumbar flexion procedure for, 396f, 398, with, 376–377
UCM during, 98, 98f, 99t 398f reduced, 376–377
lumbar flexion UCM during, 98 rating and diagnosis of, relative stiffness, 376–377
procedure for, 97, 97f 398–400, 399t uncontrolled movement, 377
rating and diagnosis of lumbar retraining, 398–400, 400f– glenohumeral medial rotation,
flexion UCM during, 98, 99t 401f, 401b movement faults associated
four point one arm lift test, arm flexion tests for, 388–390 with, 370–371
340–341, 341b procedure for, 388, 388f relative flexibility, 371
correction of thoracic rotation rating and diagnosis of, relative stiffness, 370
UCM during, 341, 341f–342f, 388–390, 389t global mobility muscles, 29t, 31
343t retraining, 390, 390b, 390f global muscle systems, 24–26, 25t
procedure for, 340–341, 340f compensatory strategies for, 371 global range-specific UCM
rating and diagnosis of thoracic identification of, 364 in hip, 417–420
rotation UCM during, 341, identifying site and direction of, in shoulder girdle, 369–370
343t 365–370 global stability muscles, 29t, 31
thoracic rotation UCM during, global range-specific UCM, gluteals
341 369–370 in hip pain, 415–416
full chest turn, for shoulder girdle neutral training region, lateral abdominals coactivation
UCM, 402t 365–367, 367f–368f, with, 106, 122–123
full head turn, for shoulder girdle 368b gluteus maximus, in hip pain, 416
UCM, 402t segmental translatatory UCM, gluteus medius (GMD), in hip
functional classification, of muscle 369 pain, 416
roles, 28, 28f, 29t impingement and instability GMD see gluteus medius
functional efficiency, of muscles, with
26–28, 26f–27f correction of, 404 H
functional tasks, integrating movement faults related to,
retraining into, 72–77, 73f–74f, 404–405, 404b hamstrings, restriction of hip
75b, 76t–77t retraining, 404–405, 405f– flexion by, 91
length of training, 77 406f, 406b, 409f–410f head back hinge test, 255–257,
manual therapy, 76–77 inferior translation, 387, 392 256b
movement control retraining, 77, KLRT for, 378–383 assessment goals for evaluating
77t part 1, 378, 378f–379f site and direction of UCM
personality and behavioural traits part 2, 379 during, 258t
for motivation and rating and diagnosis of, correction of cervical extension
compliance, 74–76, 74f, 75b, 379–383, 380t UCM during, 256–257, 257f,
76t retraining, 379–383, 383b, 258t
using training tools/equipment, 383f–384f mid-cervical forward UCM
76 risks with, 379, 381t, during, 255–256
382f–383f procedure for, 255, 255f–256f,
G scapular contributions v., 379, 256b
381f rating and diagnosis of cervical
gastrocnemius joint restriction, of KMRT for, 372–374 extension UCM during,
ankle dorsiflexion, 421 rating and diagnosis of, 256–257, 258t
gemellus inferior, in hip pain, 416 372–374, 373t–374t, head hang test, 300–301, 301b
glenohumeral joint 374f–375f correction of thoracic flexion
diagnosis of site and direction of retraining for, 372–374, 374b, UCM during, 301, 302t, 303f
UCM at, 365, 365t 375f procedure for, 300, 300f
function of, 363–364 medial rotation, 387, 397 rating and diagnosis of thoracic
muscle stiffness at, 364 rotation, 392 flexion UCM during, 301, 302t
glenohumeral joint UCM shoulder abduction control in, thoracic flexion UCM during,
anterior translation, 377, 397 392 300–301
arm abduction tests for, 393 shoulder extension control in, head raise test, 316–317, 317b
procedure for, 393, 393f 397 correction of thoracic extension
rating and diagnosis of, 393, shoulder flexion control in, 387 UCM during, 317, 317f,
394t symptom presentation and site 318t
retraining, 393, 395b, 395f of, 365, 366t–367t procedure for, 316–317, 316f
rating and diagnosis of thoracic hip adduction control, 486–487 hip flexors, restriction of hip
extension UCM during, 317, observation and analysis of, extension by, 120
318t 486 hip lateral rotation/abduction,
thoracic extension UCM during, ideal pattern for, 486, 486f restriction of, 486
317 relative flexibility, 486 hip medial rotation, 454–455
head tilt test, 276–278, 277b relative stiffness, 486 decreased, 455
assessment goals for evaluating hip extension excessive, 455
site and direction of UCM excessive, 441 restriction of, 454, 486
during, 279t hip flexor restriction of, 120 hip rotation control, 454–455
correction of UCM during, hip extension control, 440–441 assessment of relative range of,
277–278, 278f, 280f, 280t movement faults associated with, 455
procedure for, 276–277, 276f 440–441 faults of, 455
rating and diagnosis of UCM modified Thomas test for, 440, correcting neutral rotational
during, 277–278, 279t 440f alignment of SKB, 456f, 457
UCM during, 277, 277t relative flexibility, 441 dysfunction assessment of,
head turn test relative stiffness, 440–441, 455–458
for cervical rotation UCM, 441f lower quadrant rotational
270–273, 271b hip extension lift test alignment evaluation,
assessment goals for evaluating for lumbar extension UCM, 455–456, 456f
site and direction of UCM 153–156, 154b dysfunctions of, 456, 456f–
during, 274t correction of lumbar extension 458f, 463f
cervical rotation UCM, 271, UCM during, 154–156, ideal rotational alignment, 456
271t 154f, 155t, 156f movement faults associated with,
correction of cervical rotation lumbar extension UCM during, 454–455
UCM, 271–273, 271f–273f, 153–154 relative flexibility, 454–455
275t procedure for, 153, 153f relative stiffness, 454
procedure for, 270–271, rating and diagnosis of lumbar observation and analysis of,
270f extension UCM during, 454–455
rating and diagnosis of cervical 154–156, 155t ideal pattern for, 454, 454f
rotation UCM, 271–273, for lumbopelvic rotation UCM, hip rotation restriction, 162
274t 186–187, 186b hip sagittal motion control, 421
for thoracic rotation UCM, correction of lumbopelvic alignment evaluation, 423–425
328–348, 329b rotation UCM during, 187, ideal sagittal alignment, 423f,
correction of thoracic rotation 188t 424–425
UCM during, 329, 329f, lumbopelvic rotation UCM dysfunction of, 423f–424f,
330t during, 186 424–425
procedure for, 328–329, procedure for, 186, 186f observation and analysis of,
328f rating and diagnosis of 421–423
rating and diagnosis of thoracic lumbopelvic rotation UCM backward rocking and, 422,
rotation UCM during, 329, during, 187, 188t 422f
330t hip extension toe slide test, forward bending and, 421, 421f
thoracic rotation UCM during, 157–159, 158b SKB, 422, 423f
329 correction of lumbar extension supine passive hip flexion, 422
heel lift with isometric knee to UCM during, 158–159, 159f, hip UCM, 416
hand push and second heel lift, 160t adduction UCM
146–147, 146f lumbar extension UCM during, indication for tests for, 487
high threshold recruitment 158 site and direction of, 418t,
versus low, 32–34, 33f, 33t procedure for, 157–158, 420
training of, 40, 40t 157f–158f diagnosis of site and direction of,
hinge see segmental extension rating and diagnosis of lumbar 416–417, 417b
hinge; segmental flexion hinge extension UCM during, extension UCM, site and
hip, 414–503 158–159, 160t direction of, 418t, 419–420
disability questionnaires for, hip flexion flexion UCM see also hip sagittal
11b hamstrings restriction of, 91 motion control
muscle function changes around, supine passive, ideal pattern of, indications to test for, 425
415–416 422 site and direction of, 417–420,
osteoarthritis of, 415–416 thoracolumbar restriction of, 418t
hip adduction, 486 421–422 tests and rehabilitation for, 425
forward glide UCM, indications forward glide control tests, 492 hyperflexion see multisegmental
to test for, 492 prone active prone leg raise hyperflexion
identifying of site and direction test, 497–498, 497f–498f,
of, 417–420 498b, 499t I
global range-specific, 417–420 summary for, 503t
segmental translatatory, 417 supine active ‘figure 4’ turnout IAG see inferior anterior glenoid
lateral rotation/abduction UCM, test, 500–501, 500f–501f, ideal sagittal alignment, 423f,
455 501b, 502t 424–425
decreased, 455 supine active straight leg raise iliacus, in hip extension control,
excessive, 455 test, 493–495, 493f–495f, 440–441
indications to test for, 470 494b, 496t iliotibial band, in hip extension
restriction of, 454 lateral rotation/abduction control control, 440, 441f
site and direction of, 419–420 tests, 470 impingement
medial rotation UCM bridge single leg lift test, during arm elevation, 365,
indications to test for, 458 483–484, 483b, 483f, 485t 366t–367t
site and direction of, 419–420 four point bent knee hip shoulder girdle UCM
movement faults with extension test, 479–481, correction of, 404
backward rocking, 422 479f–480f, 480b, 482t movement faults related to,
forward bending, 421 standing one leg small knee 404–405, 404b
small knee bend, 423 bend and trunk rotation retraining, 404–405, 405f–
rotation UCM, site and direction towards test, 475–477, 406f, 406b
of, 418t 475f–476f, 476b, 478t impingement risk
site and symptom presentation standing single leg high knee with KLRT, 379, 381t, 382f
in, 417, 418t lift test, 471–473, 471f, with KMRT, 374f, 374t
tests for, 421 472b, 473f, 474t inferior anterior glenoid (IAG),
hip sagittal motion control, 421 summary for, 484t 367, 369f
hip UCM tests medial rotation control tests, inhibition, 37, 37t
adduction control tests, 487 457–458 injury risk, with UCM, 6–7
single leg stance lateral pelvic side-lying top leg turnout lift innominate, directions of UCM in,
shift test, 488–490, test, 467–468, 467f–468f, 89t
488f–490f, 489b, 491t 468b, 469t instability
summary for, 490t standing one leg small knee during arm elevation, 365,
extension control tests, 441–452 bend and trunk rotation 366t–367t
indications for, 441 away test, 463–465, shoulder girdle UCM
standing single knee lift and 463f–464f, 464b, 466t correction of, 404
anterior tilt test, 446–448, standing single leg small knee movement faults related to,
446f–447f, 447b, 449t bend test, 459–462, 459f– 404–405, 404b
standing single knee lift and 460f, 460b, 462f, 466t retraining, 404–405, 405f–
knee extension test, 450– summary for, 468t 406f, 406b
452, 450f–451f, 451b, 453t horizontal retraction test, 252–253, instability risk
standing thoracolumbar 253b with KLRT, 379, 381t, 383f
extension test, 442–444, assessment goals for evaluating with KMRT, 374t, 375f
442f–443f, 443b, 445t site and direction of UCM insufficiency, of muscles, 26–27
summary for, 452t during, 254t integrated model of mechanical
flexion control tests, 426–438 correction of upper cervical movement dysfunction, 52–53,
side-lying single leg abduction extension UCM during, 253, 53f, 63–64, 64f
test, 437–438, 437f, 438b, 253f, 254t integrative dissociation, 75
439t procedure for, 252, 252f interarticular UCM, 51t, 52
standing single foot lift test, rating and diagnosis of upper internal oblique abdominal
430–431, 430f–431f, 431b, cervical extension UCM recruitment
432t during, 253, 254t during prone single hip rotation
standing spinal roll down test, upper cervical extension UCM test, 181–182
433–435, 433f–434f, 434b, during, 252–253 during side-lying top leg turn out
436t humerus translation, in test, 175–177
standing vertical trunk single glenohumeral lateral rotation, during supine bent knee fall out
leg 1/4 squat test, 426–428, 376–377 test, 171–173
426f–428f, 427b, 429t hyperextension see multisegmental during supine single heel slide
summary for, 438t hyperextension test, 168, 168f
International Classification of rectus abdominis imbalance with, low cervical flexion control tests,
Functioning, Disability, and 24 226–235
Health, 17–18, 17f lateral arm lift test, 344–345, 345b occiput lift test, 226–227, 226f,
intra-articular UCM, 51–52, 51t correction of thoracic rotation 227b, 228t, 229f
intrinsic muscle stiffness, 34–35 UCM during, 345, 346t overhead arm lift test, 233–235,
ischial weight bearing test, 116–119, procedure for, 344–345, 344f 233f–235f, 234b, 236t
117b rating and diagnosis of thoracic thoracic flexion test, 230–231,
correction of lumbar flexion rotation UCM during, 345, 230f, 231b, 232t
UCM during, 117–119, 117f, 346t low load proprioceptive stimulus,
118t thoracic rotation UCM during, 75
lumbar flexion UCM during, 345 low threshold recruitment
116–117 lateral pelvic shift test, 488–490, versus high, 32–34, 33f, 33t
procedure for, 116, 116f 489b timing and, 35–36, 35f
rating and diagnosis of lumbar correction of hip adduction UCM training of, 39–40, 40t
flexion UCM during, 117–119, during, 489–490, 489f–490f, low threshold recruitment
118t 491t efficiency, 58–59, 59b
isometric knee to hand push and hip adduction UCM during, 489 lower neck lean test, 285–289,
heel lift, 146–147, 146f procedure for, 488, 488f 286b
isometric knee to hand push with rating and diagnosis of hip assessment goals for evaluating
second heel lift, 103, 103f adduction UCM during, site and direction of UCM
isometric opposite knee to hand 489–490, 491t during, 288t
push, 102, 102f, 146, 146f lateral rotation/abduction control correction of upper cervical
tests, hip, 470 side-bend UCM during,
K bridge single leg lift test, 483– 286–287, 286f, 288t
484, 483b, 483f, 485t procedure for, 285, 285f
kinetic lateral rotation test (KLRT), four point bent knee hip rating and diagnosis of upper
for shoulder girdle UCM, extension test, 479–481, cervical side-bend UCM
378–383 479f–480f, 480b, 482t during, 286–287, 288t
glenohumeral v. scapular standing one leg small knee bend upper cervical side-bend UCM
contributions in, 379, 381f and trunk rotation towards during, 285–286, 286t
procedure part 1, 378, 378f–379f test, 475–477, 475f–476f, lumbar extension, observation and
procedure part 2, 379 476b, 478t analysis of, 120–121,
rating and diagnosis of, 379–383, standing single leg high knee lift 120f
380t test, 471–473, 471f, 472b, ideal pattern of lumbar
retraining, 379–383, 383b, 473f, 474t extension, 120, 120f
383f–384f summary for, 484t indications to test for lumbar
risks with, 379, 381t, 382f–383f latissimus dorsi, function of, 23–24 extension UCM, 121
kinetic medial rotation test LBP see low back pain movement faults associated
(KMRT), for shoulder girdle length, of muscles, 26–28, 26f–27f with lumbar extension,
UCM, 372–374 lengthened muscles, 26f–27f, 27 120–121
procedure for, 372, 372f lever arm, of muscles, 27–28 lumbar flexion
rating and diagnosis, 372–374, loading, during retraining, 69 observation and analysis of,
373t–374t local muscle systems, 24–26, 25t 91–92, 91f
retraining for, 372–374, 374b, local stability muscles, 29t, 31 ideal pattern of lumbar flexion,
375f low back pain (LBP) 91, 91f
risks associated with, 374f–375f, lumbopelvic UCM in, 83 indications to test for lumbar
374t efficacy of treatment to retrain flexion UCM, 92
KLRT see kinetic lateral rotation test control of, 83–84 movement faults associated
KMRT see kinetic medial rotation movement and postural with lumbar flexion,
test control changes causing, 91–92
knee, relative stiffness and 83–84 relative flexibility in, 91
flexibility in, 45, 45f MCI in, 47–48 lumbar spine
MSI in, 47 alignment in, UCM due to
L rectus abdominis and lateral changes in, 84
abdominal stabiliser diagnosis of site and direction of
lateral abdominals imbalance in, 24 UCM in, 85, 85t–86t
gluteal coactivation with, 106, relative stiffness and flexibility in, disability questionnaires for,
122–123 45–46 11b
identification of site and lumbopelvic UCM tests, 90 standing trunk lean test, 93–
direction of UCM in, 86–87 lumbar extension control tests, 96, 93f–94f, 94b, 95t, 96f
multisegmental UCM, 87 120–121, 124–159 stand-to-sit ischial weight
segmental UCM, 86–87 crook-lying double bent leg bearing test, 116–119,
management plan for back pain lower test, 144–147, 116f–117f, 117b, 118t
and UCM in, 14f 144f–147f, 145b, 148t summary for, 119t
MSI in, 47 extension control rehabilitation review of principles of, 90
muscle roles in, 28f and, 120 rotation control tests, 162–163
relative stiffness and flexibility in, extension load testing crook-lying single leg bridge
45–46 prerequisites, 106, 121–123, extension test, 192–194,
UCM and restrictions at, 12t 122f 192f–193f, 193b, 195t
lumbopelvic rotation, observation four point forward rocking test, observation and analysis of
and analysis of, 109, 163f 140–142, 140f–142f, 141b, lumbopelvic rotation and
ideal pattern of lumbopelvic 143t side-bend, 162, 163f
rotation, 162, 163f observation and analysis of prone (table) hip extension lift
indications to test for lumbar extension and test, 186–187, 186b, 186f,
lumbopelvic rotation UCM, backward arching, 120–121, 188t
163 120f prone single hip rotation test,
movement faults associated with prone double knee bend test, 178–182, 178f–179f, 179b,
lumbopelvic rotation, 149–152, 149f–150f, 150b, 180t
162–163 151t, 152f prone single knee flexion test,
lumbopelvic rotation control prone (table) hip extension lift 183–184, 183b, 183f, 185t
rehabilitation, rotation control test, 153–156, 153f–154f, rotation control rehabilitation
tests and, 162 154b, 155t, 156f and, 162
lumbopelvic UCM, 82–216 sitting chest lift (tilt) test, 132– side-lying top leg turn out
changes in movement and 136, 132f, 133b, 134t, 135f test, 174–177, 174f, 175b,
postural control contributing sitting forward lean test, 176t
to, 83–84 137–138, 137f, 138b, 139t sitting single knee extension
clinical examples of, 87–88 standing hip extension toe test, 189–190, 189f, 190b,
lumbar extension UCM, 87–88 slide test, 157–159, 191t
lumbar flexion UCM, 88 157f–159f, 158b, 160t standing double knee swing
efficacy of treatment to retrain standing thoracic extension test, 200–202, 200f, 201b,
control of, 84–85 (sway) test, 124–126, 202f–204f, 205t
extension UCM, 86–87, 86t 124f–126f, 125b, 127t standing pelvic side-shift test,
clinical example of, 87–88 standing thoracic extension 210–213, 210f, 211b, 212t
indications to test for, 121 (tilt) test, 128–131, standing thoracic rotation test,
flexion UCM, 86–87, 86t 128f–129f, 129b, 130t 196–198, 196f, 197b, 198f,
clinical example of, 88 summary for, 161t 199t
indications to test for, 92 lumbar flexion control tests, standing trunk side-bend test,
at lumbar spine 90–119 206–208, 206f, 207b, 209t
diagnosis of site and direction crook-lying double bent leg lift supine bent knee fall out test,
of UCM in, 85, 85t–86t test, 100–104, 100f–103f, 169–173, 169f–170f, 171b,
identifying site and direction of 102b, 105t 172t
UCM in, 86–87 flexion control rehabilitation supine single heel slide test,
multisegmental UCM, 87 and, 90 164–168, 164f–166f, 166b,
segmental UCM, 86–87 four point kneeling backward 167t, 168f
at pelvis push test, 97–98, 97f–98f,
identifying UCM in, 88–90, 89t 98b, 99t M
movement and postural observation and analysis of
control in, 88–90, 89t lumbar flexion and forward management plans, for UCM and
reliability of movement bending, 91–92, 91f restrictions, 12, 13f–14f
observation, 84 sitting chest drop test, 109–112, manual therapy, with retraining,
rotation UCM, 86t 109f, 110b, 111t, 112f 76–77
side-bend UCM, 86t sitting double knee extension MCD see movement control
at SIJ test, 113–114, 113f, 114b, dysfunction
identifying UCM in, 88–90, 89t 115t MCI see motor control impairments
movement and postural sitting forward lean test, 106– MCRS see movement control rating
control in, 88–90, 89t 107, 106f–107f, 107b, 108t system
in shoulder girdle UCM, 404– during forward head lean test, low threshold recruitment
405, 404b 239 dominance, 39–40, 40t
in shoulder lateral rotation during four point backward push sensation of effort, afferent input
control, 376–377 test, 98 and recruitment, 38–39, 39b
reduced, 376–377 in lumbar flexion, 92 stiffness, 34–36, 34f–35f
relative stiffness, 376–377 in neck extension, 245 low threshold recruitment and
uncontrolled movement, 377 with occiput lift test, 227 timing, 35–36, 35f
in shoulder medial rotation with overhead arm lift test, 234 muscle spindles, 34–35, 34f
control, 370–371 during sitting chest drop test, musculoskeletal dysfunction,
relative flexibility, 371 110 challenges in retraining of,
relative stiffness, 370 during sitting double knee 71–72
in SKB, 423–425, 423f–424f extension test, 114 musculoskeletal pain, classification
in thoracic flexion, 295 during sitting forward lean test, of subgroups in, 43–53, 44b
relative flexibility, 295 107 based on movement dysfunction,
relative stiffness, 295 during standing trunk lean test, 94 44–48, 45f
in weight transfer, 486 during stand-to-sit ischial weight integrated model of mechanical
relative flexibility, 486 bearing test, 117 movement dysfunction,
relative stiffness, 486 during thoracic flexion test, 231 52–53, 53f, 63–64, 64f
movement observation, reliability multisegmental UCM, in lumbar UCM and pain, 48–52, 48b, 49f,
of, 84 spine, 87 50t–51t
movement system, components of, multitasking muscles, 31 MWM see Mulligan’s Mobilisations
3, 4f muscle function and physiology, with Movement
movement system impairments 23–42 myofascial dysfunction, 51t, 52
(MSI), 47 analysis of, 23–31, 24t–25t, myofascial restriction
Mulligan’s Mobilisations with 26f–28f, 29t in glenohumeral lateral rotation,
Movement (MWM), 77 functional classification of 377
multifidus facilitation, 102, 102f muscle roles, 28, 28f, 29t in glenohumeral medial rotation,
multisegmental hyperextension, functional efficiency, 26–28, 370
87 26f–27f in neck extension, 245–246
during arm extension test, 243 local and global function, in neck rotation, 264–266,
during backward head lift test, 24–26, 25t 264f–266f
248 muscle characterisation, 28–31, in neck side-bending, 268–269
clinical example of, 87–88 29t myosin see actin-myosin
during crook-lying double bent stabiliser and mobiliser cross-bridges
leg lower test, 145 function, 23–24, 24t
during four point forward dysfunction loop, 39, 39f N
rocking test, 141 movement control, 23
during horizontal retraction test, pain and recruitment, 36–37, neck extension, observation and
253 37f analysis of, 245–246,
in lumbar extension, 121 primary role of muscles, 31 245f–246f
in lumbar flexion, 92 multitasking muscles, 31 ideal pattern of neck extension,
in neck extension, 246 single-task muscles, 31 245
in neck flexion, 225 recruitment, 31–32, 32f, 32t movement faults associated with
during prone double knee bend low v. high threshold neck extension, 245–246,
test, 149 recruitment, 32–34, 33f, 245f–246f
during prone (table) hip 33t neck flexion
extension lift test, 154 motor units, 31–32, 32f, 32t, observation and analysis of,
during sitting chest lift (tilt) test, 70–71, 70t, 71b 225
133 recruitment dysfunction ideal pattern of neck flexion,
sitting forward lean test, 138 altered strategies in, 37–38, 225
during standing hip extension toe 38f movement faults associated
slide test, 158 inhibition and dysfacilitation, with neck flexion, 225
during standing thoracic 37, 37t for shoulder girdle UCM, 402t
extension (tilt) test, 129 recruitment training, 39–40, neck pain, 219–220, 220f
multisegmental hyperflexion, 87 70–71, 70t, 71b neck rotation, observation and
clinical example of, 88 clinical guidelines for, 40, 40t analysis of, 263–267, 263f–267f
during crook-lying double bent high threshold recruitment ideal pattern of neck rotation,
leg lift test, 101 dominance, 40, 40t 263, 263f
movement faults associated with observational assessment one arm wall push test, 337–338,
neck rotation, 263–267, of backward rocking, 422, 338b
264f–267f 422f correction of thoracic rotation
neck side-bending, observation of hip adduction control, 486, UCM during, 338, 339t
and analysis of, 486f procedure for, 337–338, 337f
267–269 of hip rotation control, 454–455, rating and diagnosis of thoracic
ideal pattern of neck 454f rotation UCM during, 338,
side-bending, 267–268 of hip sagittal motion control, 339t
movement faults associated with 421–423, 421f–423f thoracic rotation UCM during,
neck side-bending, 268–269 of lumbar extension and 338
neural restriction backward arching, 120–121, one leg small knee bend and trunk
in neck rotation, 264–265, 120f rotation away test, 463–465,
264f–266f of lumbar flexion and forward 464b
in neck side-bending, 268–269 bending, 91–92, 91f correction of hip medial rotation
neuromatrix theory of pain, 16 of lumbopelvic rotation and UCM during, 464–465, 464f,
neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction, side-bend, 109, 163f 466t
challenges in retraining of, of neck extension, 245–246, hip medial rotation UCM during,
71–72 245f–246f 463–464
neuromusculoskeletal pain, of neck flexion, 225 procedure for, 463, 463f–464f
classification of subgroups in, of neck rotation, 263–267, rating and diagnosis of hip
43–53, 44b 263f–267f medial rotation UCM during,
based on movement dysfunction, of neck side-bending, 267–269 464–465, 466t
44–48, 45f reliability of, 84 one leg small knee bend and trunk
integrated model of mechanical of shoulder abduction control, rotation towards test, 475–477,
movement dysfunction, 391–392, 391f–392f 476b
52–53, 53f, 63–64, 64f of shoulder extension control, correction of hip lateral rotation/
UCM and pain, 48–52, 48b, 49f, 396–397, 396f abduction UCM during,
50t–51t of shoulder flexion control, 476–477, 476f, 478t
neutral training region, 53–54 385–387, 385f–386f hip lateral rotation/abduction
of cervical spine, 223–224, 223f, of shoulder lateral rotation UCM during, 475–476
224b control, 376–377 procedure for, 475, 475f–476f
of scapula, 223–224, 223f, of shoulder medial rotation rating and diagnosis of hip
224b control, 370–371, 370f lateral rotation/abduction
of TMJ, 223–224, 223f, 224b obturator externus, in hip pain, UCM during, 476–477, 478t
nodding, 226–227, 227b 416 open chain rotation control tests
assessment goals for evaluating occiput lift test, 226–227, 227b lumbopelvic, 164–190
site and direction of UCM assessment goals for evaluating prone (table) hip extension lift
during, 228t site and direction of UCM test, 186–187, 186b, 186f,
correction of low cervical during, 228t 188t
flexion UCM during, 227, correction of low cervical prone single hip rotation test,
228t, 229f flexion UCM during, 227, 178–182, 178f–179f, 179b,
low cervical flexion UCM during, 228t, 229f 180t
227 low cervical flexion UCM during, prone single knee flexion test,
procedure for, 226–227, 226f 227 183–184, 183b, 183f, 185t
rating and diagnosis of low procedure for, 226–227, 226f side-lying top leg turn out test,
cervical flexion UCM during, rating and diagnosis of low 174–177, 174f, 175b, 176t
227, 228t cervical flexion UCM during, sitting single knee extension
non-specific musculoskeletal 227, 228t test, 189–190, 189f, 190b,
pain one arm lift test, 340–341, 341b 191t
challenges in retraining of, 71 correction of thoracic rotation supine bent knee fall out test,
classification of subgroups in, UCM during, 341, 341f–342f, 169–173, 169f–170f, 171b,
43–44, 44b 343t 172t
procedure for, 340–341, 340f supine single heel slide test,
O rating and diagnosis of thoracic 164–168, 164f–166f, 166b,
rotation UCM during, 341, 167t, 168f
OA see osteoarthritis 343t summary for, 213t
oblique abdominal facilitation, thoracic rotation UCM during, osteoarthritis (OA), of hip,
146 341 415–416
overfacilitation, UCM resulting UCM and, 5, 48–52, 48b, 49f, pelvic twist test, 331–332, 332b
from, 49–50 50t–51t correction of thoracic rotation
overhead arm lift test, 233–235, aetiology of UCM, 49–52, UCM during, 332, 333t
234b 50t–51t procedure for, 331–332, 331f
assessment goals for evaluating development of motion rating and diagnosis of thoracic
site and direction of UCM restrictions in function, rotation UCM during, 332,
during, 236t 48–49, 48b, 51t 333t
correction of low cervical flexion passive restrictions, 48–49 thoracic rotation UCM during,
UCM during, 234–235, pelvic girdle 332
234f–235f, 236t pain in pelvis
low cervical flexion UCM during, lumbopelvic UCM in, 85 identifying UCM at, 88–90,
233–234 SIJ and pelvis movement and 89t
procedure for, 233, 233f postural control in, 88–90, movement and postural control
rating and diagnosis of low 89t at, 88–90, 89t
cervical flexion UCM during, site and direction of UCM in, performance, with UCM, 7
234–235, 236t 89t peripheral fatigue, 38, 39b
pelvic muscle, in hip pain, 415–416 personal factors, assessment of, 14,
pelvic side-shift test 16
P for lumbopelvic rotation control, personality traits, for motivation
pain 210–213, 211b and compliance, 74–76, 74f,
clinical diagnosis of correction of lumbopelvic 75b, 76t
pain-sensitive or pain- rotation UCM during, phasic muscles, 24
generating structures, 16 211–213, 212t physiological insufficiency, of
presenting mechanisms, 16 lumbopelvic rotation UCM muscles, 26–27
in dysfunction loop, 39, 39f during, 211 Pilates method, 75–76, 76t
functional links between UCM procedure for, 210–211, 210f piriformis, in hip pain, 416
and, 5, 5f rating and diagnosis of positional diagnosis, of SIJ and
in hip, 415–416 lumbopelvic rotation UCM pelvis UCM, 89–90, 89t
LBP during, 211–213, 212t postural control
lumbopelvic UCM in, 83–84 for thoracic rotation control, in lumbopelvic UCM, 83–84
MCI in, 47–48 334–335, 335b at SIJ and pelvis, 88–90, 89t
MSI in, 47 correction of thoracic rotation postural muscles, 24
rectus abdominis and lateral UCM during, 335, 335f, postural positioning, UCM
abdominal stabiliser 336t resulting from, 50
imbalance in, 24 procedure for, 334–335, 334f posture, retraining response to,
relative stiffness and flexibility rating and diagnosis of thoracic 71
in, 45–46 rotation UCM during, 335, prognosis
in lumbar spine, 14f 336t of retraining, 69
in neck, 219–220, 220f thoracic rotation UCM during, of UCM, 15
neuromatrix theory of, 16 335 progression, in retraining, 69
neuromusculoskeletal, pelvic tail lift test, 319–321, 320b when training site and direction
classification of subgroups in, correction of thoracic extension of UCM, 69
43–53, 44b, 45f, 48b, 49f, UCM during, 320–321, prone active prone leg raise test,
50t–51t, 53f 320f–321f, 322t 497–498, 498b
non-specific procedure for, 319–320, 319f correction of hip rotation UCM
challenges in retraining of, rating and diagnosis of thoracic during, 498, 498f, 499t
71 extension UCM during, hip forward glide UCM during,
classification of subgroups in, 320–321, 322t 498
43–44, 44b thoracic flexion UCM during, 320 procedure for, 497–498, 497f
in pelvic girdle, 85, 88–90, 89t pelvic tail tuck test, 304–306, 305b rating and diagnosis of hip
lumbopelvic UCM in, 85 correction of thoracic flexion rotation UCM during, 498,
SIJ and pelvis movement and UCM during, 305–306, 499t
postural control in, 88–90, 305f–306f, 307t prone coactivation of lateral
89t procedure for, 304–305, 304f abdominals and gluteals, 106,
recruitment and, 36–37, 37f rating and diagnosis of thoracic 122–123
relating presentation to, 13 flexion UCM during, 305– correction of, 123
in shoulder, 13f 306, 307t dysfunctional action, 123
in SIJ, 85 thoracic flexion UCM during, 305 ideal action, 106, 122
prone double knee bend test, rating and diagnosis of of lumbar extension control,
149–152, 150b lumbopelvic rotation UCM extension control tests and,
correction of lumbar extension during, 184, 120
UCM during, 150–152, 150f, 185t of lumbar flexion control, flexion
151t, 152f proprioceptive deficits, retraining in control tests and, 90
lumbar extension UCM during, patients with, 69 of lumbopelvic rotation control,
149 proprioceptive stimulus, for rotation control tests and,
procedure for, 149, 149f retraining, 75 162
rating and diagnosis of lumbar protocol-based training regimens, retraining and, 63–64, 64f
extension UCM during, 64–65 see also retraining
150–152, 151t pubis, directions of UCM in, 89t rehabilitation problem solving
prone (table) hip extension lift (RPS) form, 17–18, 18f
test R relative flexibility, 45–46, 45f
for lumbar extension UCM, in glenohumeral medial rotation,
153–156, 154b range dysfunction, 51t, 52 371
correction of lumbar extension rating, of UCM tests, lumbopelvic in hip adduction control, 486
UCM during, 154–156, tests, 90 in hip extension control, 441
154f, 155t, 156f recruitment in hip rotation control, 454–455
lumbar extension UCM during, low v. high threshold, 32–34, in hip UCM
153–154 33f, 33t with backward rocking, 422
procedure for, 153, 153f of motor units, 31–32, 32f, 32t, with forward bending, 421
rating and diagnosis of lumbar 70–71, 70t, 71b with SKB, 423
extension UCM during, pain and, 36–37, 37f in lumbar extension, 120–121
154–156, 155t sensation of effort and, 38–39, in lumbar flexion, 91–92
for lumbopelvic rotation UCM, 39b in lumbopelvic rotation,
186–187, 186b timing and low threshold 162–163
correction of lumbopelvic recruitment, 35–36, 35f in neck extension, 246
rotation UCM during, 187, training of, 39–40, 70–71, 70t, in neck flexion, 225
188t 71b in neck rotation, 266–267,
lumbopelvic rotation UCM clinical guidelines for, 40, 40t 267f
during, 186 high threshold recruitment in neck side-bending, 269
procedure for, 186, 186f dominance, 40, 40t in thoracic flexion, 295
rating and diagnosis of low threshold recruitment relative stiffness, 45–46, 45f
lumbopelvic rotation UCM dominance, 39–40, 40t in glenohumeral lateral rotation,
during, 187, 188t recruitment dysfunction 376–377
prone single hip rotation test, altered strategies in, 37–38, 38f in glenohumeral medial rotation,
178–182, 179b inhibition and dysfacilitation, 37, 370
correction of lumbopelvic 37t in hip adduction control, 486
rotation UCM during, during prone coactivation of in hip extension control,
179–181, 180t, 181f lateral abdominals and 440–441, 441f
external oblique abdominal gluteals, 123 in hip rotation control, 454
recruitment, 181 during standing back flattening in hip UCM
internal oblique abdominal on wall, 122 with backward rocking, 422
recruitment, 181–182 rectus abdominis with forward bending, 421
lumbopelvic rotation UCM excessive recruitment of, during with SKB, 423
during, 179 crook-lying double bent leg in lumbar extension, 120
procedure for, 178, 178f–179f lift test, 101 in lumbar flexion, 91
rating and diagnosis of lateral abdominal stabiliser in lumbopelvic rotation, 162
lumbopelvic rotation UCM imbalance with, 24 in neck extension, 245–246,
during, 179–182, 180t rectus femoris, in hip extension 245f–246f
prone single knee flexion test, control, 440, 441f in neck flexion, 225
183–184, 183b recurrence, with UCM, 6 in neck rotation, 263–266,
correction of lumbopelvic red dot functional integration, 75 264f–266f
rotation UCM during, 184, reflex mediated muscle stiffness, 35 in neck side-bending, 263–264,
185t regional UCM, 51t, 52 268–269
lumbopelvic rotation UCM rehabilitation in thoracic flexion, 295
during, 183 for cervical spine UCM, 220–221 reliability, of movement
procedure for, 183, 183f for hip UCM, 425 observation, 84
repetitions, for retraining, 67–68, of hip extension UCM of lumbar extension UCM
68f–69f with standing single knee lift with crook-lying double bent
respiratory control tests, thoracic, and anterior tilt test, leg lower test, 145–146,
350 447–448, 447f, 449t 146f–147f, 148t
standing abdominal hollowing with standing single knee lift with four point forward
and expiration test, 357–360, and knee extension test, rocking test, 141–142,
357f–358f, 358b, 359t 451–452, 451f, 453t 141f–142f, 143t
standing anterior costal lift and with standing thoracolumbar with prone coactivation of
expiration test, 354–355, extension test, 443–444, lateral abdominals and
354f, 355b, 356t 443f, 445t gluteals, 123
standing apical drop and of hip flexion UCM with prone double knee bend
inspiration test, 351–352, with side-lying single leg test, 150–152, 150f, 151t,
351f, 352b, 353t abduction test, 438, 439t 152f
summary for, 360t with standing single foot lift with prone (table) hip
resting length, of muscles, 26, 26f test, 432t extension lift test, 154–156,
restrictions with standing spinal roll down 154f, 155t, 156f
in ankle dorsiflexion, 421 test, 434–435, 434f, 436t with sitting chest lift (tilt) test,
capsular with standing vertical trunk 133–136, 134t, 135f
in glenohumeral lateral single leg 1/4 squat test, with sitting forward lean test,
rotation, 376 428, 428f, 429t 138, 139t
in glenohumeral medial of hip forward glide UCM with standing back flattening
rotation, 370 with prone active prone leg on wall, 122
compensation for, UCM resulting raise test, 498, 498f, 499t with standing hip extension toe
from, 49–52, 50t–51t with supine active ‘figure 4’ slide test, 158–159, 159f,
developing management plans turnout test, 501, 501f, 502t 160t
for, 12, 13f–14f with supine active straight leg with standing thoracic
development of, 48–49, 48b, 51t raise test, 494–495, extension (sway) test,
identification of, 11–12, 11t–12t 494f–495f, 496t 125–126, 126f, 127t
in lumbar extension, 120 of hip lateral rotation/abduction with standing thoracic
in lumbar flexion, 91 UCM extension (tilt) test,
in lumbopelvic rotation, 162 with bridge single leg lift test, 129–131, 129f, 130t
in neck extension, 245–246, 484, 485t of lumbar flexion UCM
245f–246f with four point bent knee hip with crook-lying double bent
in neck flexion, 225 extension test, 480–481, leg lift test, 102, 102f–103f,
in neck rotation, 263–266, 480f, 482t 105t
264f–266f with standing one leg small with four point backward push
in neck side-bending, 263–264, knee bend and trunk test, 98, 98f, 99t
268–269 rotation towards test, with sitting chest drop test,
retraining 476–477, 476f, 478t 110–112, 111t, 112f
of cervical extension UCM with standing single leg high with sitting double knee
with chin lift hinge, 260b, knee lift test, 472–473, extension test, 114, 115t
261f, 262t 473f, 474t with sitting forward lean test,
with head back hinge, 256– of hip medial rotation UCM 107, 108t
257, 257f, 258t with side-lying top leg turnout with standing trunk lean test,
of cervical rotation UCM lift test, 468, 468f, 469t 94–96, 95t, 96f
with head tilt, 277–278, 278f, with standing one leg small with stand-to-sit ischial weight
280f, 280t knee bend and trunk bearing test, 117–119, 117f,
with head turn, 271–273, rotation away test, 464– 118t
271f–273f, 275t 465, 464f, 466t of lumbopelvic rotation UCM
with lower neck lean, 286–287, with standing single leg small with crook-lying single leg
286f, 288t knee bend test, 460–462, bridge extension test,
with upper neck tilt, 282–283, 462f, 466t 193–194, 193f, 195t
282f–283f, 284t of low cervical flexion UCM with prone (table) hip
with dissociation, 56b with occiput lift, 227, 228t, extension lift test, 187, 188t
of hip adduction UCM, with 229f with prone single hip rotation
single leg stance lateral pelvic with overhead arm lift test, test, 179–181, 180t, 181f
shift test, 489–490, 489f– 234–235, 234f–235f, 236t with prone single knee flexion
490f, 491t with thoracic flexion, 231, 232t test, 184, 185t
with side-lying top leg turn out of thoracic extension UCM rotation control rehabilitation,
test, 175, 176t with sitting head raise test, 317, lumbopelvic, rotation control
with sitting single knee 317f, 318t tests and, 162
extension test, 190, 191t with sitting pelvic tail lift test, rotation control tests
with standing double knee 320–321, 320f–321f, 322t cervical, 263–267, 270–289
swing test, 201–202, with standing bilateral head tilt test, 276–278, 276f,
202f–204f, 205t backward reach test, 277b, 277t, 278f, 279t–
with standing pelvic side-shift 324–326, 324f, 325t 280t, 280f
test, 211–213, 212t with standing bilateral head turn test, 270–273,
with standing thoracic rotation overhead reach test, 314, 270f–273f, 271b, 271t,
test, 197–198, 198f, 199t 314f, 315t 274t–275t
with standing trunk side-bend of thoracic flexion UCM lower neck lean test, 285–289,
test, 208, 209t with sitting bilateral forward 285f–286f, 286b, 286t,
with supine bent knee fall out reach test, 309, 310t, 311f 288t
test, 171, 172t with sitting head hang test, observation and analysis of
with supine single heel slide test, 301, 302t, 303f neck rotation, 263–267,
166–168, 166f, 167t, 168f with sitting pelvic tail tuck test, 263f–267f
of lumbopelvic UCM control, 305–306, 305f–306f, 307t summary for, 289t
efficacy of treatment for, with standing back flattening upper neck tilt test, 281–283,
84–85 test, 297, 297f, 298t, 299f 281f–283f, 282b, 282t, 284t
of movement faults, model for, of thoracic respiratory UCM hip lateral rotation/abduction
7–9, 8b–9b, 8f with standing abdominal control tests, 470
principles of, 12 hollowing and expiration bridge single leg lift test,
of recruitment, 39–40, 70–71, test, 358, 359t 483–484, 483b, 483f, 485t
70t, 71b with standing anterior costal four point bent knee hip
clinical guidelines for, 40, 40t lift and expiration test, 355, extension test, 479–481,
high threshold recruitment 356t 479f–480f, 480b, 482t
dominance, 40, 40t with standing apical drop and standing one leg small knee
low threshold recruitment inspiration test, 352, 353t bend and trunk rotation
dominance, 39–40, 40t of thoracic rotation UCM towards test, 475–477,
of shoulder girdle UCM with four point one arm lift 475f–476f, 476b, 478t
with arm abduction tests, 393, test, 341, 341f–342f, 343t standing single leg high knee
395b, 395f with side-lying lateral arm lift lift test, 471–473, 471f,
with arm extension test, test, 345, 346t 472b, 473f, 474t
398–400, 400f–401f, 401b with side-lying side bridge test, summary for, 484t
with arm flexion control, 390, 348, 348f, 349t hip medial rotation control,
390b, 390f with sitting head turn test, 329, 457–458
impingement and instability, 329f, 330t side-lying top leg turnout lift
404–405, 405f–406f, 406b with sitting pelvic twist test, test, 467–468, 467f–468f,
KLRT for, 379–383, 383b, 332, 333t 468b, 469t
383f–384f with standing one arm wall standing one leg small knee
KMRT for, 372–374, 374b, 375f push test, 338, 339t bend and trunk rotation
strategies for, 63–80, 78b with standing pelvic side-shift away test, 463–465,
challenges in retraining test, 335, 335f, 336t 463f–464f, 464b, 466t
neuromusculoskeletal of upper cervical extension standing single leg small knee
dysfunction, 71–72 UCM bend test, 459–462, 459f–
integration into functional with backward head lift, 460f, 460b, 462f, 466t
tasks and activities, 72–77, 248–251, 249f, 250t summary for, 468t
73f–74f, 75b, 76t–77t with horizontal retraction, 253, lumbopelvic, 162–163
key principles in retraining 253f, 254t crook-lying single leg bridge
movement control patterns, of upper cervical flexion UCM extension test, 192–194,
70–71, 70t, 71b, 77, 77t with arm extension, 243, 243f, 192f–193f, 193b, 195t
rehabilitation management 244t observation and analysis of
and, 63–64, 64f with forward head lean, 239, lumbopelvic rotation and
retraining site and direction of 240f, 241t sidebend, 162, 163f
UCM, 67–70, 68f–69f, 70b rib respiratory control tests see prone (table) hip extension lift
therapeutic exercise, 64–67, thoracic respiratory control tests test, 186–187, 186b, 186f,
65f, 66b risk of injury, with UCM, 6–7 188t
prone single hip rotation test, lumbopelvic UCM causing pain retraining, 404–405, 405f–
178–182, 178f–179f, 179b, in, 85 408f, 406b
180t movement and postural control KLRT for, 378–383
prone single knee flexion test, at, 88–90, 89t glenohumeral contributions v.,
183–184, 183b, 183f, 185t range of motion at, 88–89 379, 381f
rotation control rehabilitation sacrum, directions of UCM in, 89t part 1, 378, 378f–379f
and, 162 sagittal plane, lumbopelvic UCM part 2, 379
side-lying top leg turn out test, in, 86–87 rating and diagnosis of,
174–177, 174f, 175b, 176t Sahrmann level 1 alternate single 379–383, 380t
sitting single knee extension leg heel touch, 103–104, 103f, retraining, 379–383, 383b,
test, 189–190, 189f, 190b, 147, 147f 383f–384f
191t sarcomeres, 26f, 27 risks with, 379, 381t,
standing double knee swing scapula 382f–383f
test, 200–202, 200f, 201b, compensation by KMRT for, 372–374
202f–204f, 205t in neck rotation, 266–267 rating and diagnosis,
standing pelvic side-shift test, in neck side-bending, 269 372–374, 373t–374t,
210–213, 210f, 211b, 212t function of, 363–364 374f–375f
standing thoracic rotation test, muscle stiffness at, 364 retraining for, 372–374, 374b,
196–198, 196f, 197b, 198f, neutral training region of, 375f
199t 223–224, 223f, 224b protraction, 386
standing trunk side-bend test, scapula UCM retraction, 377, 396
206–208, 206f, 207b, 209t arm abduction tests for, 393 shoulder abduction control in,
supine bent knee fall out test, procedure for, 393, 393f 391–392
169–173, 169f–170f, 171b, rating and diagnosis of, 393, shoulder extension control in,
172t 394t 396–397
supine single heel slide test, retraining, 393, 395b, 395f shoulder flexion control in,
164–168, 164f–166f, 166b, arm extension test for, 398–400 385–387
167t, 168f procedure for, 396f, 398, 398f symptom presentation and site
summary for, 213t–214t rating and diagnosis, 398–400, of, 365, 366t–367t
thoracic, 327 399t winging, 386, 392, 396–397
four point one arm lift test, retraining, 398–400, 400f– scapular dyskinesis, classification
340–341, 340f–342f, 341b, 401f, 401b of, 363
343t arm flexion tests for, 388–390 segmental dysfunction,
side-lying lateral arm lift test, procedure for, 388, 388f lumbopelvic UCM due to,
344–345, 344f, 345b, 346t rating and diagnosis of, 84
side-lying side bridge test, 347– 388–390, 389t segmental extension hinge, 87
348, 347b, 347f–348f, 349t retraining, 390, 390b, 390f during arm extension test, 243
sitting head turn test, 328–348, compensatory strategies for, 371 during backward head lift test,
328f–329f, 329b, 330t diagnosis of site and direction of, 248
sitting pelvic twist test, 365, 365t during chin lift hinge test, 259
331–332, 331f, 332b, 333t downward rotation, 377, clinical example of, 87–88
standing one arm wall push test, 385–386, 391, 396 during four point forward
337–338, 337f, 338b, 339t elevation, 386, 392 rocking test, 141
standing pelvic side-shift test, forward tilt, 377, 386, 392, 397 during head back hinge test,
334–335, 334f–335f, 335b, identification of, 364 255
336t identifying site and direction of, during horizontal retraction test,
summary for, 348t 365–370 253
rotation UCM, lumbar, 86t global range-specific UCM, in lumbar extension, 121
rotator cuff, in shoulder movement, 369–370 in neck extension, 246
364 IAG, 367, 369f during prone double knee bend
RPS form see rehabilitation neutral training region, test, 149
problem solving form 365–367, 367f–368f, 368b during prone (table) hip
segmental translatatory UCM, extension lift test, 154
S 369 during standing hip extension toe
impingement and instability with slide test, 158
sacroiliac joint (SIJ) correction of, 404 during standing thoracic
identifying UCM at, 88–90, movement faults related to, extension (sway) test,
89t 402, 404b 124–125
segmental flexion hinge, 86–87 shoulder extension control, identifying site and direction of,
clinical example of, 88 396–397 365–370
during forward head lean test, indications to test for, 397 global range-specific UCM,
239 movement faults associated with, 369–370
during four point backward push 396–397 IAG, 367, 369f
test, 98 of glenohumeral control, 397 neutral training region,
in lumbar flexion, 91–92 of scapula-thoracic control, 365–367, 367f–368f, 368b
in neck extension, 245 396–397 segmental translatatory UCM,
in neck flexion, 225 observation and analysis of, 369
with occiput lift test, 227 396–397 impingement and instability
with overhead arm lift test, 234 ideal pattern for, 396, 396f with
during sitting chest drop test, 110 test of, 398–405 correction of, 404
during sitting double knee shoulder flexion control, 385–387 movement faults related to,
extension test, 114 indications to test for, 387 404–405, 404b
during sitting forward lean test, movement faults associated with, retraining, 404–405, 405f–
107 385 406f, 406b
during standing trunk lean test, of glenohumeral control, 387 KLRT for
94 of scapulothoracic control, glenohumeral v. scapular
during stand-to-sit ischial weight 385–387 contributions in, 379,
bearing test, 117 observation and analysis of, 381f
during thoracic flexion test, 231 385–387 procedure part 1, 378,
segmental lower cervical, in neck ideal pattern for, 385, 378f–379f
side-bending, 269 385f–386f procedure part 2, 379
segmental translatatory UCM test of, 388–390 rating and diagnosis of,
in hip, 417 shoulder forward reach, for 379–383, 380t
in shoulder girdle, 369 shoulder girdle UCM, 402t retraining, 379–383, 383b,
segmental UCM, in lumbar spine, shoulder girdle, 362–413 383f–384f
86–87 dissociation movements for, 402, risks with, 379, 381t,
segmental uncontrolled articular 402t 382f–383f
rotation, cervical, 266 function of, 363–364 KMRT for, 372–374
segmental uncontrolled articular muscle function in, 364 procedure for, 372, 372f
side-bending, in neck neutral training region, 365–367, for rating and diagnosis,
side-bending, 269 367f–368f, 368b 372–374, 373t–374t,
segmental upper cervical, in neck relative stiffness and flexibility in, 374f–375f
side-bending, 269 46 retraining for, 372–374, 374b,
sensation of effort, afferent input therapy for, 363 375f
and recruitment in, 38–39, shoulder girdle UCM, 12t symptom presentation and site
39b arm abduction tests for, 393 of, 365, 366t–367t
shortened muscles, 26f–27f, 27 procedure for, 393, 393f tests for, 370
shoulder rating and diagnosis of, 393, of shoulder abduction control,
disability questionnaires for, 11b 394t 391–392
management plan for pain and retraining, 393, 395b, 395f of shoulder extension control,
UCM in, 13f arm extension test for, 396–397
shoulder abduction control, 398–400 of shoulder flexion control,
391–392 procedure for, 396f, 398, 398f 385–387
indications to test for, 392 rating and diagnosis, 398–400, of shoulder lateral rotation
movement faults associated with, 399t control, 376–377
391 retraining, 398–400, 400f– of shoulder medial rotation
glenohumeral control, 392 401f, 401b control, 370–371
scapulothoracic control, arm flexion tests for, 388–390 shoulder lateral rotation control,
391–392 procedure for, 388, 388f 376–377
observation and analysis of, rating and diagnosis of, indications to test for, 377
391–392 388–390, 389t movement faults associated with,
ideal pattern for, 391, retraining, 390, 390b, 390f 376–377
391f–392f diagnosis of site and direction of, reduced, 376–377
test of, 393 365, 365t relative stiffness, 376–377
shoulder dysfunction, dynamic dissociation tests for, 402, 402t uncontrolled movement,
movement faults with, 363 identification of, 364 377
observation and analysis of, lumbopelvic rotation UCM single foot lift test, 430–431, 431b
376–377 during, 174–175 correction of hip flexion during,
ideal pattern for, 376 procedure for, 174, 174f 431, 431f, 432t
test for, 378–383 rating and diagnosis of hip flexion UCM during,
shoulder medial rotation control, lumbopelvic rotation UCM 430–431
370–371 during, 175–177, 176t procedure for, 430, 430f
indications to test for, 371 side-lying top leg turnout lift test, rating and diagnosis of hip
movement faults associated with, 467–468, 468b flexion UCM during, 431,
370–371 correction of hip medial rotation 432t
relative flexibility, 371 UCM during, 468, 468f, 469t single heel slide test, 164–168, 166b
relative stiffness, 370 hip medial rotation UCM during, correction of lumbopelvic
observation and analysis of, 467–468 rotation UCM during,
370–371 procedure for, 467, 467f 166–168, 166f, 167t, 168f
ideal pattern for, 370, 370f rating and diagnosis of hip external oblique abdominal
test for, 372–374 medial rotation UCM during, recruitment, 168
shoulder overhead reach, for 468, 469t internal oblique abdominal
shoulder girdle UCM, 402t side-bend recruitment, 168, 168f
shoulder press off elbows, for cervical, 267–269 lumbopelvic rotation UCM
shoulder girdle UCM, 402t observation and analysis of, during, 165–166
side-lying lateral arm lift test, 267–269 procedure for, 164–165,
344–345, 345b relative flexibility in, 266, 267f 164f–165f
correction of thoracic rotation observation and analysis of, 109, rating and diagnosis of
UCM during, 345, 346t 163f lumbopelvic rotation UCM
procedure for, 344–345, 344f ideal pattern of lumbopelvic during, 166–168, 167t
rating and diagnosis of thoracic rotation, 162, 163f single hip rotation test, 178–182,
rotation UCM during, 345, indications to test for 179b
346t lumbopelvic rotation UCM, correction of lumbopelvic
thoracic rotation UCM during, 163 rotation UCM during,
345 movement faults associated 179–181, 180t, 181f
side-lying side bridge test, 347– with lumbopelvic rotation, external oblique abdominal
348, 347b 162–163 recruitment, 181
correction of thoracic rotation standing trunk test, 206–208, internal oblique abdominal
UCM during, 348, 348f, 207b recruitment, 181–182
349t correction of lumbopelvic lumbopelvic rotation UCM
procedure for, 347, 347f rotation UCM during, 208, during, 179
rating and diagnosis of thoracic 209t procedure for, 178, 178f–179f
rotation UCM during, 348, lumbopelvic rotation UCM rating and diagnosis of
349t during, 207 lumbopelvic rotation UCM
thoracic rotation UCM during, procedure for, 206, 206f during, 179–182, 180t
347 rating and diagnosis of single knee extension test, 189–
side-lying single leg abduction test, lumbopelvic rotation UCM 190, 190b
437–438, 438b during, 208, 209t correction of lumbopelvic
correction of hip flexion during, thoracolumbar restriction of, 486 rotation UCM during, 190,
438, 439t side-bend control tests, cervical, 191t
hip medial rotation UCM during, 263–267, 270–289 lumbopelvic rotation UCM
437 head tilt test, 276–278, 276f, during, 189–190
procedure for, 437, 437f 277b, 277t, 278f, 279t–280t, procedure for, 189, 189f
rating and diagnosis of hip 280f rating and diagnosis of
flexion during, 438, 439t head turn test, 270–273, 270f– lumbopelvic rotation UCM
side-lying top leg turn out test, 273f, 271b, 271t, 274t–275t during, 190, 191t
174–177, 175b lower neck lean test, 285–289, single knee flexion test, 183–184,
correction of lumbopelvic 285f–286f, 286b, 286t, 288t 183b
rotation UCM during, 175, observation and analysis of neck correction of lumbopelvic
176t side-bending, 109, 163f rotation UCM during, 184,
external oblique abdominal summary for, 289t 185t
recruitment, 175 upper neck tilt test, 281–283, lumbopelvic rotation UCM
internal oblique abdominal 281f–283f, 282b, 282t, 284t during, 183
recruitment, 175–177 SIJ see sacroiliac joint procedure for, 183, 183f
rating and diagnosis of hip lateral rotation/abduction procedure for, 308–309, 308f
lumbopelvic rotation UCM UCM during, 483 rating and diagnosis of thoracic
during, 184, 185t procedure for, 483, 483f flexion UCM during, 309,
single knee lift and anterior tilt test, rating and diagnosis of hip lateral 310t
446–448, 447b rotation/abduction UCM thoracic flexion UCM during, 309
correction of hip extension UCM during, 484, 485t sitting chest drop test, 109–112,
during, 447–448, 447f, 449t single leg small knee bend test, 110b
hip extension UCM during, 447 459–462, 460b correction of lumbar flexion
procedure for, 446–447, 446f correction of hip medial rotation UCM during, 110–112, 111t,
rating and diagnosis of hip UCM during, 460–462, 462f, 112f
extension UCM during, 466t lumbar flexion UCM during,
447–448, 449t hip medial rotation UCM during, 110
single knee lift and knee extension 459–460 procedure for, 109, 109f
test, 450–452, 451b procedure for, 459, 459f–460f rating and diagnosis of lumbar
correction of hip extension UCM rating and diagnosis of hip flexion UCM during, 110–112,
during, 451–452, 451f, 453t medial rotation UCM during, 111t
hip extension UCM during, 451 460–462, 466t sitting chest lift (tilt) test, 132–136,
procedure for, 450–451, 450f single leg stance lateral pelvic shift 133b
rating and diagnosis of hip test, 488–490, 489b correction of lumbar extension
extension UCM during, correction of hip adduction UCM UCM during, 133–136, 134t,
451–452, 453t during, 489–490, 489f–490f, 135f
single leg abduction test, 437–438, 491t lumbar extension UCM during,
438b hip adduction UCM during, 489 133
correction of hip flexion during, procedure for, 488, 488f procedure for, 132–133, 132f
438, 439t rating and diagnosis of hip rating and diagnosis of lumbar
hip medial rotation UCM during, adduction UCM during, extension UCM during,
437 489–490, 491t 133–136, 134t
procedure for, 437, 437f single-task muscles, 31 sitting double knee extension test,
rating and diagnosis of hip site and direction of UCM 113–114, 114b
flexion during, 438, 439t in cervical spine correction of lumbar flexion
single leg bridge extension test, diagnosis of, 221, 221t–222t UCM during, 114, 115t
192–194, 193b identification of, 221–224, lumbar flexion UCM during,
correction of lumbopelvic 223f, 224b 113–114
rotation UCM during, classification of, 10–11, 10t procedure for, 113, 113f
193–194, 193f, 195t of correction of hip rotation rating and diagnosis of lumbar
lumbopelvic rotation UCM UCM, 499t flexion UCM during, 114,
during, 192 diagnosis of, 16 115t
procedure for, 192, 192f at hip, 417–420 sitting forward lean test
rating and diagnosis of diagnosis of, 416–417, 417b for lumbar extension UCM,
lumbopelvic rotation UCM global range-specific, 417–420 137–138, 138b
during, 193–194, 195t segmental translatatory, 417 correction of lumbar extension
single leg heel touch, 103–104, in lumbar spine UCM during, 138, 139t
103f, 147, 147f diagnosis of, 85, 85t–86t lumbar extension UCM during,
single leg high knee lift test, identification of, 86–87 138
471–473, 472b retraining of, 67–70, 70b procedure for, 137, 137f
correction of hip lateral rotation/ for control of UCM, 67–69, rating and diagnosis of lumbar
abduction UCM during, 68f–69f extension UCM during,
472–473, 473f, 474t progression of, 69 119, 139t
hip lateral rotation/abduction for symptom management, for lumbar flexion UCM,
UCM during, 472 69–70 106–107, 107b
procedure for, 471–472, 471f at SIJ and pelvis, 88–90, 89t correction of lumbar flexion
rating and diagnosis of hip lateral testing for, 55–57, 56b UCM during, 107, 108t
rotation/abduction UCM in thoracic spine, 293–294, lumbar flexion UCM during,
during, 472–473, 474t 294t 106
single leg lift, 483–484, 483b sitting bilateral forward reach test, procedure for, 106, 106f–107f
correction of hip lateral rotation/ 308–309, 309b rating and diagnosis of lumbar
abduction UCM during, 484, correction of thoracic flexion flexion UCM during, 107,
485t UCM during, 309, 310t, 311f 108t
sitting head hang test, 300–301, sitting posture, in lumbopelvic spondylosis, retraining lumbopelvic
301b UCM, 83–84 UCM control in patients with,
correction of thoracic flexion sitting single knee extension test, 85
UCM during, 301, 302t, 303f 189–190, 190b stabiliser muscles, 23–24, 24t
procedure for, 300, 300f correction of lumbopelvic in altered strategies in
rating and diagnosis of thoracic rotation UCM during, 190, dysfunctional situations,
flexion UCM during, 301, 302t 191t 37–38, 38f
thoracic flexion UCM during, lumbopelvic rotation UCM recruitment of, 34, 33f
300–301 during, 189–190 pain and, 36–37, 37f
sitting head raise test, 316–317, 317b procedure for, 189, 189f stabilising exercise, for retraining
correction of thoracic extension rating and diagnosis of control of lumbopelvic UCM,
UCM during, 317, 317f, 318t lumbopelvic rotation UCM 84–85
procedure for, 316–317, 316f during, 190, 191t stability
rating and diagnosis of thoracic SKB see small knee bend in muscle function and
extension UCM during, 317, skin taping, 77 physiology, 23
318t slow motor units (SMUs), 31–32, stability muscles
thoracic extension UCM during, 32f, 32t global, 29t, 31
317 recruitment of, 32–34, 33f, 33t, local, 29t, 31
sitting head turn test, 328–348, 70–71, 70t, 71b standing abdominal hollowing and
329b pain and, 36–37, 37f expiration test, 357–360, 358b
correction of thoracic rotation in stabiliser muscles, 34 correction of thoracic respiratory
UCM during, 329, 329f, 330t slump sitting posture, in UCM during, 358, 359t
procedure for, 328–329, 328f lumbopelvic UCM, 83–84 procedure for, 357, 357f–358f
rating and diagnosis of thoracic small knee bend (SKB) rating and diagnosis of thoracic
rotation UCM during, 329, ideal pattern of, 422, 423f respiratory UCM during, 358,
330t sagittal movement faults with, 359t
thoracic rotation UCM during, 423–425, 423f–424f thoracic respiratory UCM during,
329 in standing vertical trunk single 357
sitting pelvic tail lift test, 319–321, leg 1/4 squat test, 426 standing anterior costal lift and
320b SMT see spinal manipulative expiration test, 354–355, 355b
correction of thoracic extension therapy correction of thoracic respiratory
UCM during, 320–321, SMUs see slow motor units UCM during, 355, 356t
320f–321f, 322t specific musculoskeletal pain, procedure for, 354–355, 354f
procedure for, 319–320, 319f classification of subgroups in, rating and diagnosis of thoracic
rating and diagnosis of thoracic 44 respiratory UCM during, 355,
extension UCM during, spinal alignment, lumbopelvic 356t
320–321, 322t UCM due to changes in, 84 thoracic respiratory UCM during,
thoracic flexion UCM during, 320 spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), 355
sitting pelvic tail tuck test, 304– 76–77 standing apical drop and
306, 305b spinal roll down test, 433–435, inspiration test, 351–352, 352b
correction of thoracic flexion 434b correction of thoracic respiratory
UCM during, 305–306, correction of hip flexion during, UCM during, 352, 353t
305f–306f, 307t 434–435, 434f, 436t procedure for, 351–352, 351f
procedure for, 304–305, 304f hip flexion UCM during, 434 rating and diagnosis of thoracic
rating and diagnosis of thoracic procedure for, 433–434, 433f respiratory UCM during, 352,
flexion UCM during, 305– rating and diagnosis of hip 353t
306, 307t flexion UCM during, 434– thoracic respiratory UCM during,
thoracic flexion UCM during, 305 435, 436t 352
sitting pelvic twist test, 331–332, spinal segments standing back flattening test,
332b lumbopelvic UCM due to 296–297, 297b
correction of thoracic rotation dysfunction in, 84 correction of thoracic flexion
UCM during, 332, 333t MCI in, 47–48 UCM during, 297, 297f, 298t,
procedure for, 331–332, 331f see also segmental extension hinge; 299f
rating and diagnosis of thoracic segmental flexion hinge procedure for, 296, 296f
rotation UCM during, 332, spinal stability, 23 rating and diagnosis of thoracic
333t spondylolisthesis, retraining flexion UCM during, 297,
thoracic rotation UCM during, lumbopelvic UCM control in 298t
332 patients with, 85 thoracic flexion UCM during, 297
standing back flattening on wall, thoracic rotation UCM during, rating and diagnosis of hip
122, 122f 338 flexion UCM during, 431,
correction of, 122 standing one leg small knee bend 432t
dysfunctional action, 122 and trunk rotation away test, standing single knee lift and
ideal action, 122, 122f 463–465, 464b anterior tilt test, 446–448, 447b
standing bilateral backward reach correction of hip medial rotation correction of hip extension UCM
test, 323–326, 324b UCM during, 464–465, 464f, during, 447–448, 447f, 449t
correction of thoracic extension 466t hip extension UCM during,
UCM during, 324–326, 324f, hip medial rotation UCM during, 447
325t 463–464 procedure for, 446–447, 446f
procedure for, 323–324, 323f procedure for, 463, 463f–464f rating and diagnosis of hip
rating and diagnosis of thoracic rating and diagnosis of hip extension UCM during,
extension UCM during, medial rotation UCM during, 447–448, 449t
324–326, 325t 464–465, 466t standing single knee lift and knee
thoracic extension UCM during, standing one leg small knee bend extension test, 450–452, 451b
324 and trunk rotation towards test, correction of hip extension UCM
standing bilateral overhead reach 475–477, 476b during, 451–452, 451f, 453t
test, 313–314, 314b correction of hip lateral rotation/ hip extension UCM during, 451
correction of thoracic extension abduction UCM during, procedure for, 450–451, 450f
UCM during, 314, 314f, 476–477, 476f, 478t rating and diagnosis of hip
315t hip lateral rotation/abduction extension UCM during,
procedure for, 313–314, 313f UCM during, 475–476 451–452, 453t
rating and diagnosis of thoracic procedure for, 475, 475f–476f standing single leg high knee lift
extension UCM during, 314, rating and diagnosis of hip lateral test, 471–473, 472b
315t rotation/abduction UCM correction of hip lateral rotation/
thoracic extension UCM during, during, 476–477, 478t abduction UCM during,
314 standing pelvic side-shift test 472–473, 473f, 474t
standing double knee swing test, for lumbopelvic rotation control, hip lateral rotation/abduction
200–202, 201b 210–213, 211b UCM during, 472
correction of lumbopelvic correction of lumbopelvic procedure for, 471–472, 471f
rotation UCM during, rotation UCM during, rating and diagnosis of hip lateral
201–202, 202f–204f, 205t 211–213, 212t rotation/abduction UCM
lumbopelvic rotation UCM lumbopelvic rotation UCM during, 472–473, 474t
during, 201 during, 211 standing single leg small knee bend
procedure for, 200–201, 200f procedure for, 210–211, 210f test, 459–462, 460b
rating and diagnosis of rating and diagnosis of correction of hip medial rotation
lumbopelvic rotation UCM lumbopelvic rotation UCM UCM during, 460–462, 462f,
during, 201–202, 205t during, 211–213, 212t 466t
standing hip extension toe slide for thoracic rotation control, hip medial rotation UCM during,
test, 157–159, 158b 334–335, 335b 459–460
correction of lumbar extension correction of thoracic rotation procedure for, 459, 459f–460f
UCM during, 158–159, 159f, UCM during, 335, 335f, rating and diagnosis of hip
160t 336t medial rotation UCM during,
lumbar extension UCM during, procedure for, 334–335, 334f 460–462, 466t
158 rating and diagnosis of thoracic standing spinal roll down test,
procedure for, 157–158, rotation UCM during, 335, 433–435, 434b
157f–158f 336t correction of hip flexion during,
rating and diagnosis of lumbar thoracic rotation UCM during, 434–435, 434f, 436t
extension UCM during, 335 hip flexion UCM during, 434
158–159, 160t standing posture, in lumbopelvic procedure for, 433–434, 433f
standing one arm wall push test, UCM, 83–84 rating and diagnosis of hip
337–338, 338b standing single foot lift test, flexion UCM during, 434–
correction of thoracic rotation 430–431, 431b 435, 436t
UCM during, 338, 339t correction of hip flexion during, standing thoracic extension
procedure for, 337–338, 337f 431, 431f, 432t (sway) test, 124–126, 125b
rating and diagnosis of thoracic hip flexion UCM during, correction of lumbar extension
rotation UCM during, 338, 430–431 UCM during, 125–126, 126f,
339t procedure for, 430, 430f 127t
lumbar extension UCM during, standing vertical trunk single leg supine active ‘figure 4’ turnout test,
124–125 1/4 squat test, 426–428, 500–501, 501b
procedure for, 124, 124f–125f 427b correction of hip rotation UCM
rating and diagnosis of lumbar correction of hip flexion UCM during, 501, 501f, 502t
extension UCM during, during, 428, 428f, 429t hip forward glide UCM during,
125–126, 127t hip flexion UCM during, 501
standing thoracic extension (tilt) 426–427 procedure for, 500–501, 500f
test, 128–131, 129b procedure for, 426, 426f–427f rating and diagnosis of hip
correction of lumbar extension rating and diagnosis of hip rotation UCM during, 501,
UCM during, 129–131, 129f, flexion UCM during, 427– 502t
130t 428, 429t supine active straight leg raise test,
lumbar extension UCM during, stand-to-sit ischial weight bearing 493–495, 494b
129 test, 116–119, 117b correction of hip rotation UCM
procedure for, 128, 128f correction of lumbar flexion during, 494–495, 494f–495f,
rating and diagnosis of lumbar UCM during, 117–119, 117f, 496t
extension UCM during, 118t hip forward glide UCM during,
129–131, 130t lumbar flexion UCM during, 494
standing thoracic rotation test, 116–117 procedure for, 493–494,
196–198, 197b procedure for, 116, 116f 493f–494f
correction of lumbopelvic rating and diagnosis of lumbar rating and diagnosis of hip
rotation UCM during, flexion UCM during, 117–119, rotation UCM during,
197–198, 198f, 199t 118t 494–495, 496t
lumbopelvic rotation UCM static diagonal heel lift with supine bent knee fall out test,
during, 197 isometric knee to hand push 169–173, 171b
procedure for, 196–197, 196f and second heel correction of lumbopelvic
rating and diagnosis of lift, 103, 103f, 146–147, 146f rotation UCM during, 171,
lumbopelvic rotation UCM static diagonal with isometric 172t
during, 197–198, 199t opposite knee to hand push, external oblique abdominal
standing thoracolumbar extension 102, 102f, 146, recruitment, 171
test, 442–444, 443b 146f internal oblique abdominal
correction of hip extension UCM stiffness, 45–46, 45f recruitment, 171–173
during, 443–444, 443f, 445t in glenohumeral lateral rotation, lumbopelvic rotation UCM
hip extension UCM during, 376–377 during, 169–171
442 in glenohumeral medial rotation, procedure for, 169, 169f–170f
procedure for, 442, 442f–443f 370 rating and diagnosis of
rating and diagnosis of hip in hip adduction control, 486 lumbopelvic rotation UCM
extension UCM during, in hip extension control, during, 171–173, 172t
443–444, 445t 440–441, 441f supine single heel slide test,
standing trunk lean test, 93–96, in hip rotation control, 454 164–168, 166b
94b in hip UCM correction of lumbopelvic
correction of lumbar flexion with backward rocking, 422 rotation UCM during,
UCM during, 94–96, 95t, 96f with forward bending, 421 166–168, 166f, 167t, 168f
lumbar flexion UCM during, 94 with SKB, 423 external oblique abdominal
procedure for, 93–94, 93f–94f in lumbar extension, 120 recruitment, 168
rating and diagnosis of lumbar in lumbar flexion, 91 internal oblique abdominal
flexion UCM during, 94–96, in lumbopelvic rotation, 162 recruitment, 168, 168f
95t of muscle, 34–36, 34f–35f lumbopelvic rotation UCM
standing trunk side-bend test, in neck extension, 245–246, during, 165–166
206–208, 207b 245f–246f procedure for, 164–165,
correction of lumbopelvic in neck flexion, 225 164f–165f
rotation UCM during, 208, in neck rotation, 263–266, rating and diagnosis of
209t 264f–266f lumbopelvic rotation UCM
lumbopelvic rotation UCM in neck side-bending, 263–264, during, 166–168, 167t
during, 207 268–269 sustained passive postural
procedure for, 206, 206f in thoracic flexion, 295 positioning, UCM resulting
rating and diagnosis of strength training, 40 from, 50
lumbopelvic rotation UCM subscapularis, function of, sway standing posture, in
during, 208, 209t 23–24 lumbopelvic UCM, 83–84
standing one arm wall push, top leg turnout lift test, 467–468, rating and diagnosis of
337–338, 337f, 338b, 339t 468b lumbopelvic rotation UCM
standing pelvic side-shift test, correction of hip medial rotation during, 208, 209t
334–335, 334f–335f, 335b, UCM during, 468, 468f, 469t trunk turning, hip rotation control
336t hip medial rotation UCM during, and, 454–455
summary for, 348t 467–468
thoracic rotation restriction, 162 procedure for, 467, 467f U
thoracic rotation test, 196–198, rating and diagnosis of hip
197b medial rotation UCM during, UCM see uncontrolled movement
correction of lumbopelvic 468, 469t uncontrolled movement (UCM),
rotation UCM during, training tools/equipment, for 3–22
197–198, 198f, 199t retraining, 76 aetiology of, 49–52, 50t–51t
lumbopelvic rotation UCM translation alternative therapies for, 7–9,
during, 197 of glenohumeral joint 8b–9b
procedure for, 196–197, 196f anterior, 377, 397 assessment and classification of,
rating and diagnosis of inferior, 387, 392 43–62
lumbopelvic rotation UCM humerus, in glenohumeral lateral clinical assessment, 54–59,
during, 197–198, 199t rotation, 376–377 56b, 59b, 59t
thoracic rotation UCM, indications mid-cervical principles of assessment,
to test for, 327 abnormal translation during, 53–54
thoracic spine, 292–360 256 of subgroups in
changes in movement and normal translation during, neuromusculoskeletal pain,
postural control in, 293 256 43–53, 44b, 45f, 48b, 49f,
thoracic spine UCM palpation during, 256b 50t–51t, 53f
diagnosis of site and direction of, UCM in, 222t assessment and management of,
293–294, 294t translation control tests, 9–10, 9b
symptom presentation and site 255–261 classifying site and direction of,
of, 293–294, 294t chin lift hinge test, 259–261, 10–11, 10t
tests for, 295 259f, 260b, 261f, 262t clinical reasoning in diagnostic
thoracolumbar extension test, head back hinge test, 255–257, framework for, 15–16,
442–444, 443b 255f–257f, 256b, 258t 17f
correction of hip extension UCM translational dysfunction, 51–52, step 1: diagnosis of movement
during, 443–444, 443f, 445t 51t dysfunction, 16
hip extension UCM during, 442 translational shear step 2: clinical diagnosis of
procedure for, 442, 442f–443f during chin lift hinge test, 259 pain-sensitive or pain-
rating and diagnosis of hip during head back hinge test, 255 generating structures,
extension UCM during, transversus abdominis, in SIJ 16
443–444, 445t stiffness, 88 step 3: clinical diagnosis of
thoracolumbar restriction trapezius, in shoulder movement, presenting pain
of hip flexion, 421 364 mechanisms, 16
of hip rotation, 454 trauma, UCM resulting from, 50 step 4: assessment of
of side-bend, 486 trunk lean test, 93–96, 94b contextual factors, 16
TMJ see temporomandibular joint correction of lumbar flexion clinical reasoning process
top leg turn out test, 174–177, UCM during, 94–96, 95t, applied to, 10–15, 10b–11b,
175b 96f 10t–12t, 13f–14f, 15t
correction of lumbopelvic lumbar flexion UCM during, 94 10 point analysis for UCM,
rotation UCM during, 175, procedure for, 93–94, 93f–94f 10–15, 10b–11b, 10t–12t,
176t rating and diagnosis of lumbar 13f–14f, 15t
external oblique abdominal flexion UCM during, 94–96, developing management plans
recruitment, 175 95t for, 12, 13f–14f
internal oblique abdominal trunk side-bend test, 206–208, disablement assessment model
recruitment, 175–177 207b applied to, 17–19, 17f–18f
lumbopelvic rotation UCM correction of lumbopelvic functional links between pain
during, 174–175 rotation UCM during, 208, and, 5, 5f
procedure for, 174, 174f 209t identification and classification
rating and diagnosis of lumbopelvic rotation UCM of, 5–7, 5f, 11–12, 11t–12t
lumbopelvic rotation UCM during, 207 disability, 5–6
during, 175–177, 176t procedure for, 206, 206f dysfunction, 6