Equipping All Students For Success in STEM
Equipping All Students For Success in STEM
Equipping All Students For Success in STEM
Number of Credits: 1*
Course Description: Over the last decade, new vigor and vitality has been focused on students succeeding in science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) courses. With a desperate need for the United States to stay
competitive in an increasingly globalized economy, more resources are being poured into educational and training
programs to increase the number of qualified STEM professionals. Historically, women and marginalized community
groups have accounted for a small portion of those pursuing STEM careers. However, more effort is being utilized to
address this.
This course will examine the best practices to make STEM courses accessible to at-risk students and marginalized
populations. Topics will include white privilege in science, barriers for marginalized populations, and strategies for making
the content accessible for all students. In will include best practices for differentiating content for students of color,
women, English learners, and students with disabilities. At the end of the course, participants will reflect on the
interdisciplinary connections between standards and develop an implementation plan for best practices.
Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
• Understand, analyze, and explain the historical dominance of white males in STEM fields and the historical bias of
how STEM fields can be taught to students.
• Understand how white privilege and microaggressions in STEM education can hinder the experience of
marginalized students.
• Identify key differentiation strategies to provide an accessible education to students from marginalized
communities students, specifically highlighting English Language Learners and students with Individual Education
• Develop an implementation plan integrating techniques and resources for a more inclusive STEM classroom.
Course Requirements: To receive full credit for the course, participants must complete ALL assignments and respond to
specific questions outlined in each assignment. Failure to complete all assignments will result in a disqualification in the
course and a failing grade.
Okhee Lee, Emily Miller, and Rita Januszyk (2015). NGSS for All Students. ISBN-10: 978-1-938946-29-5
The text includes first-hand classroom scenarios of teachers illustrating how they engage diverse demographic
groups in their classrooms. The seven groups include economically disadvantaged students, student from major
racial and ethnic groups, students with disabilities, English language learners, girls, students in alternative
education, gifted and talented students.
Jana Echevarria, MaryEllen Vogt, and Deborah J. Short. Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The
SIOP Model (5th Edition) ISBN-10: 0134045238
This book discusses a research-based model for designing lessons with English Language Learners in mind. The
SIOP model assists teachers in articulating key writing, listening, and speaking objectives that students must
achieve in tandem with specific content objectives.
Course Requirements: To receive full credit for the course, participants must complete ALL assignments and respond to
specific questions outlined in each assignment. Failure to complete all assignments will result in a disqualification in the
course and a failing grade.
Getting Started
• After registering for the course, you will be sent an email with the website address, password and course key
you need to access your online course, along with log in instructions.
• Access each assignment through the course home page. All assignments will be submitted through the Moodle
platform on each respective assignment page.
• Please save a backup copy of all course assignments and completed work.
• You are not required to be present (i.e. online) specific days or times. You will work at your own pace. The
course is structured in 3 Weekly Units, however all assignments will not be due until the final day of the course.
• All responses will be posted online. Large documents, files, photographs or PowerPoint presentations may be
attached as part of your response by using the “Attachment” option.
• You may work collaboratively and submit similar responses on all assignments except the Implementation
Paper, which must be individually authored.
Check the Iowa Teaching Standards that are addressed in this course:
X 1. Enhance Student Achievement 5. Monitoring Student Learning
2. Content Knowledge X 6. Classroom Management
X 3. Planning and Preparation X 7. Professional Growth
X 4. Instructional Strategies 8. Professional Responsibilities
Assignment List/Timeline: This assignment list with estimated times for completion is meant to serve as a helpful
checklist for you as a learner in completing all the assignments! This is a recommended amount of time to review all
articles, webinars, videos, and other materials associated with each assignment. You may take longer or shorter to
complete each assignment and times are only estimates based on past learners experiences.
Topic/Activity In Class Out of Class
Getting to Know the Class; Additional Readings: Take the time to get to know the class 3 hours
layout, read over the Help Section, and review any other materials present in the class to get
started. Take your time!
Week 1 - The Current State of Affairs
Discussion: Introductions – Participants will introduce themselves to their class and discuss 1 hour 2 hours
what they hope to gain from the course.
Discussion: Privilege in Science – Participants will understand the driving forces behind 1 hour 2 hours
expanding STEM education and training. Participants will also understand the demographics
of people who traditional enter STEM professions. After reviewing materials, participants will
discuss the ramifications of these issues in their classrooms and society.
Discussion: Historical Bias – Participants will analyze materials that discuss the bias for how 1 hour 2 hours
history is recorded. Participants will reflect on how these biases may affect how STEM
curricula are taught in the classroom.
Discussion: Microaggressions – Participants will read articles on the concept of 1 hour 2 hours
microaggression, and how it links to STEM classrooms and careers. They will share their
understanding in a discussion post.
Week 2 - Barriers in Teaching STEM
Discussion: STEM and Women – Participants will analyze the barriers that exist for females in 1.5 2.5 hours
STEM classes and careers. They will write a discussion post of their perspectives and respond hours
to their classmates.
Discussion: STEM and Racial/Ethnic Minorities – Participants will analyze the barriers that 1.5 3 hours
exist for racial and ethnic minorities who pursue STEM classes and careers in several articles hours
and videos. Participants will read several articles about these people and synthesize their
findings in a discussion post.
Discussion: STEM and English Language Learners – Participants will analyze the unique 1.5 3 hours
barriers for English Language Learners in STEM classrooms. They will review research-based hours
teaching strategies to help assist them learn. In a discussion post, they will share
differentiation strategies and comment on others’ suggestions.
Discussion: STEM and Individuals with Disabilities – Participants will review articles that 1.5 3 hours
outline best practices for teaching STEM courses to individuals with disabilities. They will hours
share their findings with their classmates in a discussion post.
Week 3 – Application
Discussion: STEM in Alternative Education – Participants will review differentiation strategies 1 hours 2.5 hours
for individuals in alternative education settings. In a discussion post, participants will share
ways they can differentiate their instruction to meet the needs of these individuals.
Discussion: Standards – Participants will receive current Iowa science standards, math 1 hours 2 hours
standards, engineering standards, and technology literacy standards. In a discussion post,
they will analyze interdisciplinary connections between the standards to integrate all STEM
subcategories into their unique courses.
Final: Implementation Plan – Participants will submit a paper on how they will use the 3 hour 3 hours
information they gained in the course in their educational setting. They will be asked to give
specific examples of how they will work to improve the lives of their students or motivate
their colleagues to do the same.
Total Class Time 15 30 hours
Coursework: Participants can earn up to 75 points total for the course. The following table depicts the breakdown of
points possible for the required coursework
Activity Points
10 Discussions (5 points each) 50
Final Implementation Plan/Paper 25
Total 75
Americans with Disabilities Act: If you are a student with a disability and require any auxiliary aids, services, or other
accommodations for this class, please see the instructor to discuss your accommodation needs.
Statement of Plagiarism: Academic dishonesty results in failure of this course. Give credit where credit is due. Use the
APA Publication Manual to cite references when needed. Not crediting ideas or words of others is unacceptable
scholarship as is submitting work that was done for a previous course or that is not your own origin in design or
completion. Submit original assignments. Do not submit work for this course you have done for other courses.
Grading Rubrics for Individual Activities
Discussion Forums (50 points possible) Discussion Forums are asynchronous ways to engage in class discussions. They
require you to submit an answer to a question and respond to the posts of other peers. Because they are an integral
part of sharing strategies, analyzing research, and sharing ideas, discussion forums in this course comprise a significant
percentage of your final grade. It’s highly recommended that you read and respond to more than the required two peer
postings because greater participation will facilitate a greater depth of understanding. Additionally, it’s important to
make posts in a timely manner to benefit from peer responses.
Implementation Plan (25 points possible) - The implementation plan is a critical part of this course. Participants must
complete a one-page implementation plan. The paper is meant to be a reflection as well as a chance to state what you
will use going forward. The rubric below will be used to grade the Implementation Plan, but additional details will be
provided within the course.
Grading Rubric for Implementation Plan
Critical Thinking Highlights any new knowledge gained as a result of course. 5
Offers new ideas, connections, or applications 5
Expresses and justifies personal opinion 3
Discusses Overall Implications 2
Assignment Specific Criteria Addresses all parts of the assignment, cites sources 2
Mechanics Writing is clear, well developed, and organized, No or few grammar and 2
spelling errors
Implementation Clearly states ideas to use in the future 2
States resources to be used 2
Is realistic in their approach – understands limitations may exist 2
Total Points Possible 25