Seagate Secure TCG SSC SED Assurance Activity Report

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Seagate Secure®

TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives

Assurance Activity Report

Version 1.2
April 4, 2018

Prepared by:

Leidos Inc.
Common Criteria Testing Laboratory
6841 Benjamin Franklin Drive
Columbia, MD 21046

Prepared for:
National Information Assurance Partnership
Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme

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The Developer of the TOE:
Seagate Technology, LLC
389 Disc Drive
Longmont, CO 80503

The TOE Evaluation was Sponsored by:

Seagate Technology, LLC
Singapore International
Headquarters Pte. Ltd.
90 Woodlands Avenue 7
737911 Singapore

Evaluation Personnel:
Gary Grainger
Kevin Steiner

Common Criteria Versions

 Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation Part 1: Introduction, Version
3.1, Revision 4, September 2012
 Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation Part 2: Security Functional
Components, Revision 4, September 2012
 Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation Part 3: Security Assurance
Components, Revision 4, September 2012.
Common Evaluation Methodology Versions
 Common Methodology for Information Technology Security Evaluation, Evaluation
Methodology, Version 3.1, Revision 4, September 2012
Protection Profiles
 collaborative Protection Profile for Full Drive Encryption – Encryption Engine, Version 2.0,
September 9, 2016

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Table of Contents
1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................5
1.1 Evidence .........................................................................................................................5
1.2 Protection Profile............................................................................................................5
1.3 TCG Storage and ATA Security Specifications .............................................................5
1.4 Evaluation Reports .........................................................................................................6
1.5 NIAP Technical Decisions .............................................................................................6
2 Security Functional Requirement Assurance Activities ......................................................6
2.1 Cryptographic Support (FCS) ........................................................................................6
2.1.1 FCS_CKM.1(b) Cryptographic Key Generation (Symmetric Keys) .................6
2.1.2 FCS_CKM.1(c) Cryptographic Key Generation (Data Encryption Key) ..........8
2.1.3 FCS_CKM.4(a) Cryptographic Key Destruction (Power Management) ...........9
2.1.4 FCS_CKM.4(b) Cryptographic Key Destruction (TOE-Controlled Hardware) 10
2.1.5 FCS_CKM.4(c) Cryptographic Key Destruction (General Hardware) ..............15
2.1.6 FCS_CKM.4(e) Cryptographic Key Destruction (Key Cryptographic Erase) ..19
2.1.7 FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a) Cryptographic Key and Key Material Destruction
(Destruction Timing) ..........................................................................................20
2.1.8 FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b) Cryptographic Key and Key Material Destruction
(Power Management) .........................................................................................21
2.1.9 FCS_CKM_EXT.6 Cryptographic Key Destruction Types ...............................23
2.1.10 FCS_COP.1(a) Cryptographic Operation (Signature Verification) ...................23
2.1.11 FCS_COP.1(b) Cryptographic Operation (Hash Algorithm) .............................26
2.1.12 FCS_COP.1(c) Cryptographic Operation (Message Authentication) ................28
2.1.13 FCS_COP.1(d) Cryptographic Operation (Key Wrapping) ...............................30
2.1.14 FCS_COP.1(f) Cryptographic Operation (AES Data Encryption/Decryption) .31
2.1.15 FCS_KDF_EXT.1 Cryptographic Key Derivation ............................................37
2.1.16 FCS_KYC_EXT.2 Key Chaining (Recipient) ...................................................37
2.1.17 FCS_RBG_EXT.1 Random Bit Generation.......................................................39
2.1.18 FCS_SNI_EXT.1 Cryptographic Operation (Salt, Nonce, and Initialization
Vector Generation) .............................................................................................41
2.1.19 FCS_VAL_EXT.1 Validation ............................................................................42
2.2 User Data Protection (FDP) ...........................................................................................45
2.2.1 FDP_DSK_EXT.1 Protection of Data on Disk ..................................................45
2.3 Security Management (FMT) .........................................................................................49
2.3.1 FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions......................................49
2.4 Protection of the TSF (FPT) ...........................................................................................51
2.4.1 FPT_FAC_EXT.1 Firmware Access Control ....................................................51
2.4.2 FPT_FUA_EXT.1 Firmware Update Authentication ........................................52

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2.4.3 FPT_KYP_EXT.1 Protection of Key and Key Material ....................................53
2.4.4 FPT_PWR_EXT.1 Power Saving States ............................................................55
2.4.5 FPT_PWR_EXT.2 Timing of Power Saving States ..........................................55
2.4.6 FPT_RBP_EXT.1 Rollback Protection ..............................................................56
2.4.7 FPT_TST_EXT.1 TSF Testing ..........................................................................58
2.4.8 FPT_TUD_EXT.1 Trusted Update ....................................................................59
3 Security Assurance Requirements.........................................................................................62
3.1 Development (ADV) ......................................................................................................62
3.1.1 ADV_FSP.1 Basic Functional Specification .....................................................62
3.2 Guidance Documents (AGD) .........................................................................................75
3.2.1 AGD_OPE.1 Operational User Guidance ..........................................................75
3.2.2 AGD_PRE.1 Preparative Procedures .................................................................77
3.3 Life-Cycle Support (ALC) .............................................................................................79
3.3.1 ALC_CMC.1 Labeling of the TOE ....................................................................79
3.3.2 ALC_CMS.1 TOE CM Coverage ......................................................................79
3.4 Security Target Evaluation (ASE)..................................................................................80
3.4.1 Conformance Claims (ASE_CCL.1) ..................................................................80
3.5 Tests (ATE) ....................................................................................................................84
3.5.1 ATE_IND.1 Independent Testing – Sample ......................................................84
3.5.2 Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Programming Testing .............................86
3.6 Vulnerability Assessment (AVA) ..................................................................................96
3.6.1 AVA_VAN.1 Vulnerability Survey ...................................................................96
3.6.2 Supporting Document Assurance Activities ......................................................98

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This document presents assurance activity evaluation results of the Seagate Technology Seagate Secure
TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives evaluation. There are three types of assurance activities and the
following is provided for each:
1. TOE Summary Specification (TSS)—an indication that the required information is in the TSS
section of the Security Target
2. Guidance—a specific reference to the location in the guidance is provided for the required
3. Test—a summary of the test procedure and result is provided for each required test activity.
This Assurance Activities Report contains sections for each functional class and family and sub-sections
addressing each of the SFRs specified in the Security Target. Section contents

1.1 Evidence
[Guide] Seagate Secure® TCG Enterprise and TCG Opal SSC Self-Encrypting Drive Common
Criteria Configuration Guide, version 1.0, February 14, 2018)
[KMD] Seagate Secure® TCG Enterprise SSC Self-Encrypting Drive and TCG Opal SSC Self-
Encrypting Drive Common Criteria Full Drive Encryption – Encryption Engine Key
Management Description, Version 1.0, March 7, 2018 (Seagate Proprietary)
[ST] Seagate Secure® TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives Security Target, Version 0.9, March 7,

1.2 Protection Profile

[CPP FDE EE] collaborative Protection Profile for Full Drive Encryption – Encryption Engine,
Version 2.0, September 9, 2016
[CPP FDE EE SD] Supporting Document, Mandatory Technical Document – Full Drive Encryption:
Encryption Engine, CCDB-2016, Version 2.0, September 2016

1.3 TCG Storage and ATA Security Specifications

[ATA-8 ACS2] Information technology - ATA/ATAPI Command Set - 2 (ACS-2), INCITS 482-2012,
May 30, 20121
[TCG Core] TCG Storage Architecture Core Specification, Specification Version 2.00, Revision
2.00, November 4, 2011
[TCG Ent] TCG Storage Security Subsystem Class: Enterprise, Specification Version 1.00 Final,
Revision 3.00, January 10, 2011
[TCG Opal] TCG Storage Security Subsystem Class: Opal, Specification Version 2.00, Revision
1.00, February 24, 2012

The evaluation team relied upon public draft: Information technology - ATA/ATAPI Command Set - 2
(ACS-2), Working Draft Project American National Standard, Revision 7, June 22, 2011

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[TCG SIIS] TCG Storage Interface Interactions Specification, Specification Version 1.0, January
27, 2009
[TCG SUDR] TCG Storage Opal SSC Feature Set: Single User Mode, Specification Version 1.00,
Revision 1.00, February 24, 2012

1.4 Evaluation Reports

[ETR] Evaluation Technical Report for Seagate Secure® TCG SSC Self-Encrypting
Drives, Version 1.0, February 15, 2018
[Test] Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives Common Criteria Test Report
and Procedures, version 1.0, February 16, 2017
[VS] Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives Vulnerability Survey, version 1.0,
March 7, 2017

1.5 NIAP Technical Decisions

The following NIAP Technical Decisions were considered during the evaluation and are either satisfied
or not applicable as indicated.
TD0233: FIT Technical Decision for Contents in Selected Long Message Test – Bit-oriented
Technical Decision TD0233 modifies the assurance activities for FCS_COP.1(b). The evaluation
team performed the modified assurance activities as documented in section Test
Assurance Activities.

TD0229: FIT Technical Decision for Validation attemp threshold config.

Technical Decision TD0229 modifies the first option of the selection in FCS_VAL_EXT.1. The
security target selects the fourth option in FCS_VAL_EXT.1.3(a) and the third option in
FCS_VAL_EXT.1.3(b). Consequently, TD0229 does not apply to this evaluation.


2.1 Cryptographic Support (FCS)

2.1.1 FCS_CKM.1(b) Cryptographic Key Generation (Symmetric Keys)

FCS_CKM.1(b) is a selection-based requirement. Application Notes

The symmetric key generation function may be used to generate keys along the key chain or a DEK. It
may also be used to provide inputs for key combining, key encryption, or key wrapping. Therefore, the
ST author should select FCS_CKM.1(b), if Symmetric key generation is used. FCS_CKM.4(b)
Cryptographic Key Destruction (TOE-Controlled Hardware).

Leidos © 2018 Page 6 of 111 TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall review the TSS to determine that a symmetric key is supported by the product, that
the TSS includes a description of the protection provided by the product for this key.

[ST] section 6.1 “Overview of TOE Operations” summarizes how Seagate self-encrypting drives (SEDs)
encrypt all user data. In particular, “Seagate SEDs support subdividing user storage. The storage ranges
are called bands. Each band is secured with its own authentication key and media encryption key Section
6.1 and section 6.2.5 “Key Chaining (Recipient) (FCS_KYC_EXT.2)” summarize key chain protections
(search for “Each Band has its own key chain” and “maintaining a chain of intermediary keys originating
from the BEV to the DEK” respectively). Table 1 lists the keys that make up a band’s key chain.
Table 1 Per-band Key Chain

ST Key Name(s) PP Key Name Purpose

Media Encryption Data Encryption Key Encrypt/decrypt user data on disk
Key (MEK) (DEK)
Intermediate keys Intermediate keys Validate Authentication Key, protect MEK for per-user
access, and support Instant Secure Erase (ISE) function
Authentication Key Border Encryption User authorization factor used to derive initial intermediate
Drive Lock PIN Value (BEV) key

[ST] section 6.2.1 “Cryptographic Key Generation (FCS_CKM.1(b), FCS_CKM.1(c))” identifies

symmetric keys used for data encryption and key validation (search for “The TOE generates symmetric
cryptographic keys using a Random Bit Generator”). These keys are the per-band MEK (for AES-XTS)
and intermediate keys.
Section 6.2.2 “Cryptographic Key Destruction (FCS_CKM.4(a), FCS_CKM.4(b), FCS_CKM.4(c)(1)
HDD, FCS_CKM.4(c)(2) SSH and Hybrid FCS_CKM.4(e), FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a),
FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b), FCS_CKM_EXT.6)” covers the lifetime of plain text keys including their
The evaluator shall ensure that the TSS identifies the key sizes supported by the TOE.

[ST] section 6.2.1 “Cryptographic Key Generation (FCS_CKM.1(b), FCS_CKM.1(c))” states the size of
an MEK is 512 bits (for AES-XTS-256) and the size of all other symmetric keys (that is, intermediate
keys) is 256 bits. Guidance Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall verify that the AGD guidance instructs the administrator how to configure the TOE
to use the selected key size(s) for all uses specified by the AGD documentation and defined in this cPP.

[Guide] section “Cryptographic Symmetric Key Sizes and Key Generation” states, “The size of the AES
keys is not configurable.”

Leidos © 2018 Page 7 of 111 KMD Assurance Activities

If the TOE uses a symmetric key as part of the key chain, the KMD should detail how the symmetric key
is used as part of the key chain.

[KMD] describes the generation and use of intermediate keys and MEK keys. Test Assurance Activities

There are no test evaluation activities for this SFR.

2.1.2 FCS_CKM.1(c) Cryptographic Key Generation (Data Encryption Key)

FCS_CKM.1(c) is an unconditional requirement. Application Notes

This SFR is iterated because additional iterations are defined as optional requirements in Appendix A.
Iteration (c) was chosen specifically to ensure consistency between the FDE cPPs.
The purpose of this requirement is to explain DEK generation during provisioning.
If the TOE can be configured to obtain a DEK through more than one method, the ST author chooses the
applicable options within the selection. For example, the TOE may generate random numbers with an
approved RBG to create a DEK, as well as provide an interface to accept a DEK from the environment.
If the ST author chooses the first and/or third option in the selection, the corresponding requirement is
pulled from Appendix A and included in the body of the ST. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall examine the TSS to determine that it describes how the TOE obtains a DEK (either
generating the DEK or receiving from the environment).

[ST] section 6.2.1 “Cryptographic Key Generation (FCS_CKM.1(b), FCS_CKM.1(c))” states “The TOE
generates symmetric cryptographic keys using a Random Bit Generator (Hash_DRBG (any))”. Section
6.2.1 covers the Media Encryption Key for each band, which are the AES-XTS DEKs used by the TOE.
If the TOE generates a DEK, the evaluator shall review the TSS to determine that it describes how the
functionality described by FCS_RBG_EXT.1 is invoked. If the DEK is generated outside of the TOE,
the evaluator checks to ensure that for each platform identified in the TOE Description, the TSS
describes the interface used by the TOE to invoke this functionality. The evaluator uses the description
of the interface between the RBG and the TOE to determine that it requests a key greater than or equal
to the required key sizes.

[ST] section 6.2.1 “Cryptographic Key Generation (FCS_CKM.1(b), FCS_CKM.1(c))” states the TOE
invokes the drive’s Hash_DRBG(any) random bit generator to obtain 512 bits for AES-XTS-256 keys.

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If the TOE received the DEK from outside the host platform, then the evaluator shall examine the TSS
to determine that the DEK is sent wrapped using the appropriate encryption algorithm.

The TOE generates all DEKs. Thus, this assurance activity is not applicable. Guidance Assurance Activities

There are no AGD evaluation activities for this SFR KMD Assurance Activities

If the TOE received the DEK from outside the host platform, then the evaluator shall verify that the
KMD describes how the TOE unwraps the DEK.

The TOE generates all DEKs. Thus, this assurance activity is not applicable. Test Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall perform the following tests:

Test 1: The evaluator shall configure the TOE to ensure the functionality of all selections.

The evaluator queried the DRBG for random 256 bit data three times. The evaluator confirmed that each
output was 256 bits and unique.O

2.1.3 FCS_CKM.4(a) Cryptographic Key Destruction (Power Management)

FCS_CKM.4(a) is an unconditional requirement. Application Notes

In some cases, erasure of keys from volatile memory is only supported by the Operational Environment,
in which case the Operational Environment must expose a well-documented mechanism or interface to
invoke the memory clearing operation.
Self-encrypting drives do not store keys in the Operational Environment and cannot instruct the
Operational Environment to perform functionality so they are not expected to select “instruct the
Operational Environment to clear”. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall verify the TSS provides a high level description of how keys stored in volatile
memory are destroyed. The evaluator to verify that TSS outlines:
- if and when the TSF or the Operational Environment is used to destroy keys from volatile

[ST] FCS_CKM.4(a) selects option “erase” and so this assurance activity is not applicable.

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The evaluator to verify that TSS outlines:
- if and how memory locations for (temporary) keys are tracked;

[ST] section 6.2.2 “Cryptographic Key Destruction (FCS_CKM.4(a), FCS_CKM.4(b),

FCS_CKM.4(c)(1) HDD, FCS_CKM.4(c)(2) SSH and Hybrid FCS_CKM.4(e), FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a),
FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b), FCS_CKM_EXT.6)” identifies device full off (D0) as the only compliant power
saving state. Section 6.2.2 states “When power is removed from the drive, the device goes off and keys
are removed.” This behavior is consistent with FCS_CKM.4(b) (see section 2.1.4 below), which is one of
the options selected in FCS_CKM_EXT.6 (see section 2.1.9 below). Section 6.2.2 describes temporary
storage of keys (search for “volatile memory in DRAM on the stack”).
The evaluator to verify that TSS outlines:
- details of the interface used for key erasure when relying on the OE for memory clearing.

[ST] FCS_CKM.4(a) selects option “erase” and so this assurance activity is not applicable. Guidance Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall check the guidance documentation if the TOE depends on the Operational
Environment for memory clearing and how that is achieved.

[ST] FCS_CKM.4(a) selects option “erase” and so this assurance activity is not applicable. KMD Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall check to ensure the KMD lists each type of key, its origin, possible memory locations
in volatile memory.

[KMD] section 2 is “Keys and Key Hierarchy.” Section 2 describes the Authentication Key, intermediate
keys, and MEK that make up the key hierarchy for each band. The proprietary version of this AAR
summarizes the type of each key, its origins, and possible locations in volatile memory as well as
identifying [KMD] sections containing this information. Test Assurance Activities

There are no test evaluation activities for this SFR.

2.1.4 FCS_CKM.4(b) Cryptographic Key Destruction (TOE-Controlled Hardware)

FCS_CKM.4(b) is a selection-based requirement. Application Notes

In the first selection, the ST Author is presented options for destroying a key based on the memory or
storage technology where keys are stored within the TOE.

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If non-volatile memory is used to store keys, the ST Author selects whether the memory storage algorithm
uses wear-leveling or not. Storage technologies or memory types that use wear-leveling are not required
to perform a read verify. The selection for destruction includes block erase as an option, and this option
applies only to flash memory. A block erase does not require a read verify, since the mappings of logical
addresses to the erased memory locations are erased as well as the data itself.
Within the selections is the option to overwrite a disused key with a new value of a key. The intent is that
a new value of a key (as specified in another SFR within the PP) can be used to “replace” an existing key.
If a selection for read verify is chosen, it should generate an audit record upon failures.
Several selections allow assignment of a ‘value that does not contain any CSP’. This means that the TOE
uses some other specified data not drawn from an RBG meeting FCS_RBG_EXT requirements, and not
being any of the particular values listed as other selection options. The point of the phrase ‘does not contain
any CSP’ is to ensure that the overwritten data is carefully selected, and not taken from a general ‘pool’
that might contain current or residual data that itself requires confidentiality protection.
Key destruction does not apply to the public component of asymmetric key pairs. TSS Assurance Activities

Key Management Description may be used if necessary details describe proprietary information
The evaluator examines the TSS to ensure it describes how the keys are managed in volatile memory.
This description includes details of how each identified key is introduced into volatile memory (e.g. by
derivation from user input, or by unwrapping a wrapped key stored in non-volatile memory) and how
they are overwritten.

[ST] section 6.1 “Overview of TOE Operations” and section 6.2.5 “Key Chaining (Recipient)
(FCS_KYC_EXT.2)” summarize key chain protections (search for “Each Band has its own key chain”
and “maintaining a chain of intermediary keys originating from the BEV to the DEK” respectively). The
sections describe how each key is introduced into volatile memory, as summarized in Table 2 below.
Table 2 Per-band Key Storage in Volatile Memory

ST Key Name(s) Introduction

MEK Decrypt using intermediate key
Intermediate keys Derived from Authentication Key, loaded from non-volatile memory, decrypted using
intermediate key
Authentication Key Transferred from Authorization Acquisition

[KMD] describes Seagate SED functions that use a drive’s key chains. [ST] section 6.2.2 “Cryptographic
Key Destruction (FCS_CKM.4(a), FCS_CKM.4(b), FCS_CKM.4(c)(1) HDD, FCS_CKM.4(c)(2) SSH
and Hybrid FCS_CKM.4(e), FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a), FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b), FCS_CKM_EXT.6)” states
“When the SED generates a new key to erase a band, the existing key is overwritten with a new value of
a key” and “The keys are removed immediately after they are used or when they are no longer needed,
using a single overwrite of zeroes.”

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The evaluator shall check to ensure the TSS lists each type of key that is stored, and identifies the
memory type where key material is stored. When listing the type of memory employed, the TSS will list
each type of memory selected in the FCS_CKM.4.1 SFR, as well as any memory types that employ a
different memory controller or storage algorithm. For example, if a TOE uses NOR flash and NAND
flash, both types are to be listed.

[ST] FCS_CKM.4(b) applies to volatile memory only. Table 2 Per-band Key Storage in Volatile Memory
summarizes the keys stored in volatile memory. [ST] section 6.2.2 “Cryptographic Key Destruction
(FCS_CKM.4(a), FCS_CKM.4(b), FCS_CKM.4(c)(1) HDD, FCS_CKM.4(c)(2) SSH and Hybrid
FCS_CKM.4(e), FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a), FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b), FCS_CKM_EXT.6)” describes the types
of volatile memory along with type of memory controller used to access volatile memory (search for “The
TOE contains two types of volatile memory”).
The evaluator shall examine the TSS to ensure it describes the method that is used by the memory
controller to write and read memory from each type of memory listed. The purpose here is to provide a
description of how the memory controller works so one can determine exactly how keys are written to
memory. The description would include how the data is written to and read from memory (e.g., block
level, cell level), mechanisms for copies of the key that could potentially exist (e.g., a copy with parity
bits, a copy without parity bits, any mechanisms that are used for redundancy).

[ST] FCS_CKM.4(b) applies to volatile memory only. [ST] section 6.2.2 “Cryptographic Key Destruction
(FCS_CKM.4(a), FCS_CKM.4(b), FCS_CKM.4(c)(1) HDD, FCS_CKM.4(c)(2) SSH and Hybrid
FCS_CKM.4(e), FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a), FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b), FCS_CKM_EXT.6)” describes memory
controller access to volatile memory (search for “volatile memory is accessed using standard micro-
controller memory interface controllers and addressing schemes”).
The evaluator shall examine the TSS to ensure it describes the destruction procedure for each key that
has been identified. If different types of memory are used to store the key(s), the evaluator shall check
to ensure that the TSS identifies the destruction procedure for each memory type where keys are stored
(e.g., key X stored in flash memory is destroyed by overwriting once with zeros, key X’ stored in
EEPROM is destroyed by a overwrite consisting of a pseudo random pattern – the EEPROM used in
the TOE uses a wear-leveling scheme as described).

[ST] FCS_CKM.4(b) applies to volatile memory only. Table 2 Per-band Key Storage in Volatile Memory
summarizes key destruction during drive operation. Please see section 2.1.3 above for key destruction by
removal of power to memory.
If the ST makes use of the open assignment and fills in the type of pattern that is used, the evaluator
examines the TSS to ensure it describes how that pattern is obtained and used. The evaluator shall verify
that the pattern does not contain any CSPs.

[ST] FCS_CKM.4(b) does not make use of the open assignment for fill value. This assurance activity does
not apply.
The evaluator shall check that the TSS identifies any configurations or circumstances that may not
strictly conform to the key destruction requirement.

Leidos © 2018 Page 12 of 111

The evaluator checked [ST] section 6 “TOE Summary Specification.” The evaluator found no
configurations or circumstances that did not conform strictly to key destruction requirement
Upon completion of the TSS examination, the evaluator understands how all the keys (and potential
copies) are destroyed.

See findings in section TSS Assurance Activities Guidance Assurance Activities

There are a variety of concerns that may prevent or delay key destruction in some cases. The evaluator
shall check that the guidance documentation identifies configurations or circumstances that may not
strictly conform to the key destruction requirement, and that this description is consistent with the
relevant parts of the TSS and any other relevant Required Supplementary Information. The evaluator
shall check that the guidance documentation provides guidance on situations where key destruction
may be delayed at the physical layer.
For example, when the TOE does not have full access to the physical memory, it is possible that the
storage may be implementing wear-leveling and garbage collection. This may create additional copies
of the key that are logically inaccessible but persist physically. In this case, it is assumed the drive
supports the TRIM command and implements garbage collection to destroy these persistent copies when
not actively engaged in other tasks.

FCS_CKM.4.1(b) only applies to volatile memory based on the selections in [ST]. Overwriting volatile
memory immediately destroys a key.
Drive vendors implement garbage collection in a variety of different ways, as such there is a variable
amount of time until data is truly removed from these solutions. There is a risk that data may persist for
a longer amount of time if it is contained in a block with other data not ready for erasure. It is assumed
the operating system and file system of the OE support TRIM, instructing the non-volatile memory to
erase copies via garbage collection upon their deletion.

As described above, overwriting volatile memory immediately destroys a key.

It is assumed that if a RAID array is being used, only set-ups that support TRIM are utilized. It is
assumed if the drive is connected via PCI-Express, the operating system supports TRIM over that
channel. It is assumed the drive is healthy and contains minimal corrupted data and will be end of life
before a significant amount of damage to drive health occurs, it is assumed there is a risk small amounts
of potentially recoverable data may remain in damaged areas of the drive.

Each Seagate device is a single drive. Hence, this assurance activity is not applicable.
Finally, it is assumed the keys are not stored using a method that would be inaccessible to TRIM, such
as being contained in a file less than 982 bytes which would be completely contained in the master file

As described above, overwriting volatile memory immediately destroys a key.

Leidos © 2018 Page 13 of 111 KMD Assurance Activities

See security target assurance activities above.

The evaluator checked [KMD], which confirms the [ST] information cited above Test Assurance Activities

There is no test evaluation activity for this SFR.

For these tests the evaluator shall utilize appropriate development environment (e.g. a Virtual Machine)
and development tools (debuggers, simulators, etc.) to test that keys are cleared, including all copies of
the key that may have been created internally by the TOE during normal cryptographic processing with
that key.
For destruction on wear-leveled memory, if a time period is required before is evaluator shall wait that
amount of time after clearing the key in tests 2 and 3.
Test 1: Applied to each key held as plaintext in volatile memory and subject to destruction by overwrite
by the TOE (whether or not the plaintext value is subsequently encrypted for storage in volatile or non-
volatile memory). In the case where the only selection made for the destruction method key was removal
of power, then this test is unnecessary. The evaluator shall:
1. Record the value of the key in the TOE subject to clearing.
2. Cause the TOE to perform a normal cryptographic processing with the key from Step #1.
3. Cause the TOE to clear the key.
4. Cause the TOE to stop the execution but not exit.
5. Cause the TOE to dump the entire memory of the TOE into a binary file.
6. Search the content of the binary file created in Step #5 for instances of the known key value from
Step #1.
7. Break the key value from Step #1 into 3 similar sized pieces and perform a search using each
Steps 1-6 ensure that the complete key does not exist anywhere in volatile memory. If a copy is found,
then the test fails.
Step 7 ensures that partial key fragments do not remain in memory. If a fragment is found, there is a
miniscule chance that it is not within the context of a key (e.g., some random bits that happen to match).
If this is the case the test should be repeated with a different key in Step #1. If a fragment is found the
test fails.

This test has been performed in conjunction with FCS_CKM.4(c).

Test 2: Applied to each key held in non-volatile memory and subject to destruction by overwrite by the
TOE. The evaluator shall use special tools (as needed), provided by the TOE developer if necessary, to
view the key storage location:
1. Record the value of the key in the TOE subject to clearing.
2. Cause the TOE to perform a normal cryptographic processing with the key from Step #1.
3. Cause the TOE to clear the key.

Leidos © 2018 Page 14 of 111

4. Search the non-volatile memory the key was stored in for instances of the known key value from
Step #1. If a copy is found, then the test fails.
5. Break the key value from Step #1 into 3 similar sized pieces and perform a search using each
piece. If a fragment is found then the test is repeated (as described for test 1 above), and if a
fragment is found in the repeated test then the test fails.

This test has been performed in conjunction with FCS_CKM.4(c).

Test 3: Applied to each key held as non-volatile memory and subject to destruction by overwrite by the
TOE. The evaluator shall use special tools (as needed), provided by the TOE developer if necessary, to
view the key storage location:
1. Record the storage location of the key in the TOE subject to clearing.
2. Cause the TOE to perform a normal cryptographic processing with the key from Step #1.
3. Cause the TOE to clear the key.
4. Read the storage location in Step #1 of non-volatile memory to ensure the appropriate pattern
is utilized.
The test succeeds if correct pattern is used to overwrite the key in the memory location. If the pattern is
not found the test fails.

This test has been performed in conjunction with FCS_CKM.4(c).

2.1.5 FCS_CKM.4(c) Cryptographic Key Destruction (General Hardware)

FCS_CKM.4(c) is a selection-based requirement. [ST] iterates FCS_CKM.4(c) as FCS_CKM.4(1)(c)
HDD and FCS_CKM.4(2)(c) SDD and Hybrid. This section covers both iterations of the requirement. Application Notes

In the first selection, the ST Author is presented options for destroying disused cryptographic keys based
on whether they are in volatile memory or non-volatile storage within the TOE. The selection of block
erase for non-volatile storage applies only to flash memory. A block erase does not require a read-verify,
since the reference to the memory location is erased as well as the data itself.
Within the selections is the option to overwrite the memory location with a new value of a key. The intent
is that a new value of a key (as specified in another SFR within the PP) can be used to “replace” an existing
Several selections allow assignment of a ‘value that does not contain any CSP’. This means that the TOE
uses some other specified data not drawn from an RBG meeting FCS_RBG_EXT requirements, and not
being any of the particular values listed as other selection options. The point of the phrase ‘does not contain
any CSP’ is to ensure that the overwritten data is carefully selected, and not taken from a general ‘pool’
that might contain current or residual data that itself requires confidentiality protection.
Key destruction does not apply to the public component of asymmetric key pairs

Leidos © 2018 Page 15 of 111 TSS Assurance Activities

Key Management Description may be used if necessary details describe proprietary information
The evaluator examines the TSS to ensure it describes how the keys are managed in volatile memory.
This description includes details of how each identified key is introduced into volatile memory (e.g. by
derivation from user input, or by unwrapping a wrapped key stored in non-volatile memory) and how
they are overwritten.

[ST] FCS_CKM.4(c)(1) and FCS_CKM.4(c)(2) apply to non-volatile memory only. Please see section
2.1.4 above for volatile memory key destruction.
The evaluator shall check to ensure the TSS lists each type of key that is stored, and identifies the
memory type (volatile or non-volatile) where key material is stored.

Table 1 Per-band Key Chain in section 2.1.1 above lists keys used by Seagate SEDs. Please see section
2.1.4 above for volatile memory key storage. [ST] section 6.1 “Overview of TOE Operations” indicates a
Seagate SED never stores an Authentication Key in non-volatile memory (search for “PIN values are
never stored directly on the SED.”) [ST] section 6.1 “Overview of TOE Operations” and section 6.2.2
“Cryptographic Key Destruction (FCS_CKM.4(a), FCS_CKM.4(b), FCS_CKM.4(c)(1) HDD,
FCS_CKM.4(c)(2) SSH and Hybrid FCS_CKM.4(e), FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a), FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b),
FCS_CKM_EXT.6)” indicate each initial intermediate key is derived not stored in non-volatile memory
(search for “The drive lock PIN is used as an input to the PBKDF function to generate an intermediate
key” and “All keys and key material are stored in the system area on the media”, respectively).
The TSS identifies and describes the interface(s) that is used to service commands to read/write memory.
The evaluator examines the interface description for each different media type to ensure that the
interface supports the selection(s) made by the ST Author.

[ST] section 6.2.2 “Cryptographic Key Destruction (FCS_CKM.4(a), FCS_CKM.4(b),

FCS_CKM.4(c)(1) HDD, FCS_CKM.4(c)(2) SSH and Hybrid FCS_CKM.4(e), FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a),
FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b), FCS_CKM_EXT.6)” describes key destruction for the three types of TOE devices:
hard-disk drive (HDD), solid-state drive (SDD), and hybrid devices.
For HDD devices, the device stores keys in the system area of drive media (search for “For the non-
volatile memory key destruction on HDD scenario”). An HDD device invokes the HDD sequence to write
data blocks to drive media (search for “If the TOE commands the HDD sequencer”). Block writes support
writing new key values as specified in FCS_CKM.4(c)(1).
For SDD and hybrid devices, the device stores keys in the system data, which is NOR and NAND flash
(search for “For the non-volatile memory key destruction on solid state flash drives and hybrid drives
scenario”). A SDD or hybrid device invokes a serial flash controller. For both types of flash memory, an
SDD/hybrid device overwrites a key with a new key value. For NOR flash, the device performs a block
erase before the write. For NAND flash, the flash system performs erase or wear leveling as necessary.
If the ST makes use of the open assignment and fills in the type of pattern that is used, the evaluator
examines the TSS to ensure it describes how that pattern is obtained and used. The evaluator shall verify
that the pattern does not contain any CSPs.

Leidos © 2018 Page 16 of 111

[ST] FCS_CKM.4(c)(1) and FCS_CKM.4(c)(2) do not make use of the open assignment for fill value.
This assurance activity does not apply.
The evaluator shall check that the TSS identifies any configurations or circumstances that may not
strictly conform to the key destruction requirement.

The evaluator checked [ST] section 6 “TOE Summary Specification.” The evaluator found no
configurations or circumstances that did not conform strictly to key destruction requirements
FCS_CKM.4(c)(1) and FCS_CKM.4(c)(2). Guidance Assurance Activities

There are a variety of concerns that may prevent or delay key destruction in some cases. The evaluator
shall check that the guidance documentation identifies configurations or circumstances that may not
strictly conform to the key destruction requirement, and that this description is consistent with the
relevant parts of the TSS and any other relevant Required Supplementary Information. The evaluator
shall check that the guidance documentation provides guidance on situations where key destruction
may be delayed at the physical layer.
For example, when the TOE does not have full access to the physical memory, it is possible that the
storage may be implementing wear-leveling and garbage collection. This may create additional copies
of the key that are logically inaccessible but persist physically. In this case, it is assumed the drive
supports the TRIM command and implements garbage collection to destroy these persistent copies when
not actively engaged in other tasks.

FCS_CKM.4.1(c)(1) and FCS_CKM.4.1(c)(2) only apply to non-volatile memory based on the selections
in [ST].
[Guide] section “Cryptographic Key Destruction” describes wear leveling implemented in Seagate TCG
Enterprise SSD and TCG Opal Hybrid HDD SED drives. Seagate SED key destruction entails unmapping
the block containing a key and subsequently erasing the block before the drives remaps the block for other
use. In the interim between unmapping and remapping, a Seagate SED will produce random results for a
read to an unmapped physical block. Thus, key destruction is effectively immediate on Seagate solid-state
and hybrid devices. Key destruction (overwrite) is immediate on hard-disk devices.
Drive vendors implement garbage collection in a variety of different ways, as such there is a variable
amount of time until data is truly removed from these solutions. There is a risk that data may persist for
a longer amount of time if it is contained in a block with other data not ready for erasure. It is assumed
the operating system and file system of the OE support TRIM, instructing the non-volatile memory to
erase copies via garbage collection upon their deletion.

As described above, key destruction is effectively immediate on Seagate solid-state and hybrid devices.
Key destruction (overwriting) is immediate on hard-disk devices.
It is assumed that if a RAID array is being used, only set-ups that support TRIM are utilized. It is
assumed if the drive is connected via PCI-Express, the operating system supports TRIM over that
channel. It is assumed the drive is healthy and contains minimal corrupted data and will be end of life

Leidos © 2018 Page 17 of 111

before a significant amount of damage to drive health occurs, it is assumed there is a risk small amounts
of potentially recoverable data may remain in damaged areas of the drive.

Each Seagate device is a single drive. Hence, this assurance activity is not applicable.
Finally, it is assumed the keys are not stored using a method that would be inaccessible to TRIM, such
as being contained in a file less than 982 bytes which would be completely contained in the master file

As described above, key destruction is effectively immediate on Seagate solid-state and hybrid devices.
Key destruction (overwriting) is immediate on hard-disk devices. KMD Assurance Activities

See security target assurance activities above.

The evaluator checked [KMD], which confirms the [ST] information cited above Test Assurance Activities

For these tests the evaluator shall utilize appropriate development environment (e.g. a Virtual Machine)
and development tools (debuggers, simulators, etc.) to test that keys are cleared, including all copies of
the key that may have been created internally by the TOE during normal cryptographic processing with
that key.
Test 1: Applied to each key held as plaintext in volatile memory and subject to destruction by overwrite
by the TOE (whether or not the plaintext value is subsequently encrypted for storage in volatile or non-
volatile memory). In the case where the only selection made for the destruction method key was removal
of power, then this test is unnecessary. The evaluator shall:
1. Record the value of the key in the TOE subject to clearing.
2. Cause the TOE to perform a normal cryptographic processing with the key from Step #1.
3. Cause the TOE to clear the key.
4. Cause the TOE to stop the execution but not exit.
5. Cause the TOE to dump the entire memory of the TOE into a binary file.
6. Search the content of the binary file created in Step #5 for instances of the known key value from
Step #1.
7. Break the key value from Step #1 into 3 similar sized pieces and perform a search using each
8. Steps 1-6 ensure that the complete key does not exist anywhere in volatile memory. If a copy is
found, then the test fails.
Step 7 ensures that partial key fragments do not remain in memory. If a fragment is found, there is a
miniscule chance that it is not within the context of a key (e.g., some random bits that happen to match).
If this is the case the test should be repeated with a different key in Step #1. If a fragment is found the
test fails.

Leidos © 2018 Page 18 of 111

Test 2: Applied to each key held in non-volatile memory and subject to destruction by overwrite by the
TOE. The evaluator shall use special tools (as needed), provided by the TOE developer if necessary, to
view the key storage location:
1. Record the value of the key in the TOE subject to clearing.
2. Cause the TOE to perform a normal cryptographic processing with the key from Step #1.
3. Cause the TOE to clear the key.
4. Search the non-volatile memory the key was stored in for instances of the known key value from
Step #1. If a copy is found, then the test fails.
5. Break the key value from Step #1 into 3 similar sized pieces and perform a search using each
piece. If a fragment is found then the test is repeated (as described for test 1 above), and if a
fragment is found in the repeated test then the test fails.

Test 3: Applied to each key held as non-volatile memory and subject to destruction by overwrite by the
TOE. The evaluator shall use special tools (as needed), provided by the TOE developer if necessary, to
view the key storage location:
1. Record the storage location of the key in the TOE subject to clearing.
2. Cause the TOE to perform a normal cryptographic processing with the key from Step #1.
3. Cause the TOE to clear the key.
4. Search the storage location in Step #1 of non-volatile memory to ensure the appropriate pattern
is utilized.
The test succeeds if correct pattern is used to overwrite the key in the memory location. If the pattern is
not found the test fails.

Tests 1-3 above have been combined in a test suite in which the evaluator performed all tests in
conjunction. The test suite comprised of 17 tests; designed to test three main components: key (PIN,
UNIT), type of memory (Volatile and Non-Volatile), and Standard (TCG and ATA). Each test recorded the value
of the key material, destroyed the key, and verified the key was destroyed by searching memory that no traces of
the key remained. For the situation where the key was not stored in plaintext the evaluator recorded the value of the
key, confirmed that a search for the key returned the key not found, destroyed the key, confirmed that a search for
the key still yielded it not being found then finally performing a binary compare of memory both before and after
the key destruction to confirm no data segments of memory remained the same.

2.1.6 FCS_CKM.4(e) Cryptographic Key Destruction (Key Cryptographic Erase)

FCS_CKM.4(e) is an optional requirement. Application Notes

A key can be considered destroyed by destroying the key that protects the key. If a key is wrapped or
encrypted it is not necessary to “overwrite” that key, overwriting the key that is used to wrap or encrypt
the key used to encrypt/decrypt data, using the appropriate method for the memory type involved, will

Leidos © 2018 Page 19 of 111

suffice. For example, if a product uses a Key Encryption Key (KEK) to encrypt a Data Encryption Key
(DEK), destroying the KEK using one of the methods in FCS_CKM.EXT.6.1 is sufficient, since the DEK
would no longer be usable (of course, presumes the DEK is still encrypted. TSS Assurance Activities

There is no TSS evaluation activity for this SFR. Guidance Assurance Activities

There are no AGD evaluation activity for this SFR. KMD Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall examine the TOE’s keychain in the TSS/KMD and identify each instance a key is
destroyed by this method. In each instance the evaluator shall verify all keys capable of decrypting the
target key are destroyed in accordance with a specified key destruction method.

[KMD] identifies the Seagate SED functions that use cryptographic erase. In each function, the Seagate
SED destroys all the keys capable of decrypting the target key. Test Assurance Activities

There is no test evaluation activity for this SFR.

2.1.7 FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a) Cryptographic Key and Key Material Destruction (Destruction

FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a) is an unconditional requirement. Application Notes

Keys, including intermediate keys and key material that are no longer needed are destroyed by using an
approved method, FCS_CKM_EXT.6. Examples of keys are intermediate keys, submasks, and BEV.
There may be instances where keys or key material that are contained in persistent storage are no longer
needed and require destruction. Based on their implementation, vendors will explain when certain keys
are no longer needed. There are multiple situations in which key material is no longer necessary, for
example, a wrapped key may need to be destroyed when a password is changed. However, there are
instances when keys are allowed to remain in memory, for example, a device identification key. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall verify the TSS provides a high level description of what it means for keys and key
material to be no longer needed and when then should be expected to be destroyed.

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[ST] section 6.2.2 “Cryptographic Key Destruction (FCS_CKM.4(a), FCS_CKM.4(b),
FCS_CKM.4(c)(1) HDD, FCS_CKM.4(c)(2) SSH and Hybrid FCS_CKM.4(e), FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a),
FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b), FCS_CKM_EXT.6)” states “The keys are removed immediately after they are
used or when they are no longer needed”. Section 6.2.2 explains “Unlocked band keys are stored in
plaintext form for use by the FDE engine as needed.” However, Seagate SED destroys a MEK in volatile
memory when the drive locks the band (search for “When the device is Locked”). Guidance Assurance Activities

There are no AGD evaluation activities for this SFR. KMD Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall verify the KMD includes a description of the areas where keys and key material
reside and ...

Please see sections 2.1.4 and 2.1.5 above for a summary of keys in volatile and non-volatile memory.
[KMD] includes additional detail regarding key material.
The evaluator shall verify the KMD includes a description of … and when the keys and key material are
no longer needed.

Please see sections 2.1.4 and 2.1.5 above for a summary of keys in volatile and non-volatile memory.
[KMD] includes additional detail regarding key material.
The evaluator shall verify the KMD includes a key lifecycle, that includes
1. a description where key material reside,
2. how the key material is used,
3. how it is determined that keys and key material are no longer needed, and
4. how the material is destroyed once it is not needed
and that the documentation in the KMD follows FCS_CKM.4(a) for the destruction.

[KMD] describes Seagate SED functions that use a drive’s key chains.
Each function description in [KMD] provides a detailed description of how the function uses each key
and associated key material. Test Assurance Activities

There are no test evaluation activities for this SFR.

2.1.8 FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b) Cryptographic Key and Key Material Destruction (Power

FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b) is an unconditional requirement.

Leidos © 2018 Page 21 of 111 Application Notes
The TOE may end up in a non-Compliant power saving state indistinguishable from a Compliant power
state (e.g. as result of sudden and/or unexpected power loss). Guidance documentation must state what
conditions may result in clear text keys or key materials to stay in volatile memory and identify mitigation
measures that result in clearing of volatile memory. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall verify the TSS provides a description of what keys and key material are destroyed
when entering any Compliant power saving state.

[ST] section 6.2.2 “Cryptographic Key Destruction (FCS_CKM.4(a), FCS_CKM.4(b),

FCS_CKM.4(c)(1) HDD, FCS_CKM.4(c)(2) SSH and Hybrid FCS_CKM.4(e), FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a),
FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b), FCS_CKM_EXT.6)” identifies device full off (D0) as the only compliant power
saving state. Section 6.2.2 claims the TOE destroys all key material, BEV, and authentication factors
stored in plaintext when transitioning to a compliant power saving state (search for “When power is
removed from the drive, the device goes off and keys are removed.”). Guidance Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall validate that guidance documentation contains clear warnings and information on
conditions in which the TOE may end up in a non-Compliant power saving state indistinguishable from
a Compliant power saving state.

[Guide] section “Cryptographic Key and Key Material Destruction (Power Management)” states “It is not
possible for a Seagate Self Encrypting Drive to end up in a non-compliant power saving state.”
In that case it must contain mitigation instructions on what to do in such scenarios.

Seagate SEDs support only one power-saving state. Hence, this assurance activity is not applicable. KMD Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall verify the KMD includes a description of the areas where keys and key material

This assurance activity duplicates a KDM assurance activity in section 2.1.7 above. Please see the results
in that section.
The evaluator shall verify the KMD includes a key lifecycle that includes0
1. a description where key material reside,
2. how the key material is used,
3. and how the material is destroyed once it is not needed
and that the documentation in the KMD follows FCS_CKM.4(b) for the destruction.

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This assurance activity duplicates a KDM assurance activity in section 2.1.7 above. Please see the results
in that section. Test Assurance Activities

There are no test evaluation activities for this SFR.

2.1.9 FCS_CKM_EXT.6 Cryptographic Key Destruction Types

FCS_CKM_EXT.6 is an unconditional requirement. Application Notes

If multiple selections are made, the TSS shall identify which keys are destroyed according to which
selections. TSS Assurance Activities

Key Management Description may be used if necessary details describe proprietary information)
The evaluator shall examine the TOE’s keychain in the TSS/KMD and verify all keys subject to
destruction are destroyed according to one of the specified methods.

Please see sections 2.1.4 and 2.1.5 above. Guidance Assurance Activities

There are no AGD evaluation activities for this SFR. KMD Assurance Activities

See security target assurance activities above.

The evaluator checked [KMD], which confirms the [ST] information cited above Test Assurance Activities

There are no test evaluation activities for this SFR.

2.1.10 FCS_COP.1(a) Cryptographic Operation (Signature Verification)

FCS_COP.1(a) is a selection-based requirement. Application Notes

The ST author should choose the algorithm implemented to perform digital signatures. For the
algorithm(s) chosen, the ST author should make the appropriate assignments/selections to specify the
parameters that are implemented for that algorithm.

Leidos © 2018 Page 23 of 111

Supporting Document Note
This requirement is used to verify digital signatures attached to updates from the TOE manufacturer before
installing those updates on the TOE. Because this component is to be used in the update function,
additional Evaluation Activities to those listed below are covered in other evaluation activities sections in
this document. The following activities deal only with the implementation for the digital signature
algorithm; the evaluator performs the testing appropriate for the algorithm(s) selected in the component.
Hash functions and/or random number generation required by these algorithms must be specified in the
ST; therefore the Evaluation Activities associated with those functions are contained in the associated
Cryptographic Hashing and Random Bit Generation sections. Additionally, the only function required by
the TOE is the verification of digital signatures. If the TOE generates digital signatures to support the
implementation of any functionality required by this cPP, then the applicable evaluation and validation
scheme must be consulted to determine the required evaluation activities. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall check the TSS to ensure that it describes the overall flow of the signature
verification. This should at least include
1. identification of the format and general location (e.g., "firmware on the hard drive device"
rather than “memory location 0x00007A4B") of the data to be used in verifying the digital
2. how the data received from the operational environment are brought on to the device; and
3. any processing that is performed that is not part of the digital signature algorithm (for instance,
checking of certificate revocation lists).

[ST] section 6.2.3 “Cryptographic Operation (FCS_COP.1(a), FCS_COP.1(b), FCS_COP.1(c),

FCS_COP.1(d), FCS_COP.1(f))” describes signature verification (search for “The TOE supports both
secure FW download and a secure boot procedure.”) Seagate SEDs verify RSA signatures for firmware
download and secure boot. A drive stores the Seagate RSA public key in ROM. For secure firmware
download, the TOE receives a signed firmware update package from the host and stores it in DRAM. For
the secure boot process, the TOE loads the firmware from flash into DRAM using routines in ROM. The
description covers behavior when signature verification fails. Guidance Assurance Activities

There are no AGD evaluation activities for this SFR. KMD Assurance Activities

There are no KMD evaluation activities for this SFR.

Leidos © 2018 Page 24 of 111 Test Assurance Activities

Each section below contains the tests the evaluators must perform for each type of digital signature
scheme. Based on the assignments and selections in the requirement, the evaluators choose the specific
activities that correspond to those selections.
It should be noted that for the schemes given below, there are no key generation/domain parameter
generation testing requirements. This is because it is not anticipated that this functionality would be
needed in the end device, since the functionality is limited to checking digital signatures in delivered
updates. This means that the domain parameters should have already been generated and encapsulated
in the hard drive firmware or on-board non-volatile storage. If key generation/domain parameter
generation is required, the evaluation and validation scheme must be consulted to ensure the correct
specification of the required evaluation activities and any additional components.
The following tests are conditional based upon the selections made within the SFR.
The following tests may require the developer to provide access to a test platform that provides the
evaluator with tools that are typically not found on factory products.

Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives use algorithm implementations validated under the
CAVP ( NIAP Policy Letter #5 defines the applicability
and relationship of NIST CAVP and CMVP testing to assurance activities associated with cryptography
requirements in NIAP-approved protection profiles ( This section along with section
3.5.2 Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Programming Testing confirm CAVP certificates cited in [ST]
contain the information required by NIAP Policy Letter #5.
ECDSA Algorithm Tests
ECDSA FIPS 186-4 Signature Verification Test
For each supported NIST curve (i.e., P-256, P-384 and P-521) and SHA function pair, the evaluator
shall generate a set of 10 1024-bit message, public key and signature tuples and modify one of the
values (message, public key or signature) in five of the 10 tuples. The evaluator shall obtain in response
a set of 10 PASS/FAIL values.

[ST] does not select the ECDSA option in FCS_COP.1(a). Thus, this assurance activity is not applicable.
RSA Signature Algorithm Tests
Signature Verification Test
The evaluator shall perform the Signature Verification test to verify the ability of the TOE to recognize
another party’s authentic and unauthentic signatures. The evaluator shall inject errors into the test
vectors produced during the Signature Verification Test by introducing errors in some of the public
keys e, messages, IR format, and/or signatures. The TOE attempts to verify the signatures and returns
success or failure.
The evaluator shall use these test vectors to emulate the signature verification test using the
corresponding parameters and verify that the TOE detects these errors.

[ST] Table 2 TOE Hardware and Firmware and Table 5 Cryptographic Functions provide information on
cryptographic implementations and CAVP certificates for each TOE device. In section 3.5.2 below, Table

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19, Table 20, and Table 21 verify the correspondence between each TOE device, its cryptographic
implementations (hardware and firmware), and CAVP certificates. The tables confirm information
required by NIAP Policy #5 (
add2.pdf) for each TOE device. Table 3 lists certificates and implementations applicable to
Table 3 Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives CAVP RSA Certificates

Cert Implementation
#2662 Balto RSA in Hardware
#1933 Cheops RSA in Hardware
#2013 Myna RSA in Hardware
#1934 ARMv7 RSA in Firmware 5.0 (Firmware)
#2056 ARMv7 RSA in Firmware 5.1 (Firmware)

2.1.11 FCS_COP.1(b) Cryptographic Operation (Hash Algorithm)

FCS_COP.1(b) is a selection-based requirement. TD0233 modifies the assurance activities for
FCS_COP.1(b). Application Notes

The hash selection should be consistent with the overall strength of the algorithm used for FCS_COP.1(a).
For example, SHA-256 should be chosen for 2048-bit RSA or ECC with P-256, SHA-384 should be
chosen for 3072-bit RSA, 4096-bit RSA, or ECC with P-384, and SHA-512 should be chosen for ECC
with P-521. The selection of the standard is made based on the algorithms selected. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall check that the association of the hash function with other TSF cryptographic
functions (for example, the digital signature verification function) is documented in the TSS.

[ST] section 6.2.3 “Cryptographic Operation (FCS_COP.1(a), FCS_COP.1(b), FCS_COP.1(c),

FCS_COP.1(d), FCS_COP.1(f))” indicates the hash function is used with HMAC-SHA-256 message
authentication, Hash_DRBG(any), and RSA signature verification (search for “The TOE performs SHA-
256 cryptographic hashing services”). Guidance Assurance Activities

The evaluator checks the operational guidance documents to determine that any system configuration
necessary to enable required hash size functionality is provided.

[Guide] section “Cryptographic Operation (Hash Algorithm)” states the hash algorithm is not configurable
in Seagate SEDs.

Leidos © 2018 Page 26 of 111 KMD Assurance Activities

There are no KMD evaluation activities for this SFR. Test Assurance Activities

The TSF hashing functions can be implemented in one of two modes. The first mode is the byte-oriented
mode. In this mode the TSF only hashes messages that are an integral number of bytes in length; i.e.,
the length (in bits) of the message to be hashed is divisible by 8. The second mode is the bit-oriented
mode. In this mode the TSF hashes messages of arbitrary length. As there are different tests for each
mode, an indication is given in the following sections for the bit-oriented vs. the byte-oriented test mode.
The evaluator shall perform all of the following tests for each hash algorithm implemented by the TSF
and used to satisfy the requirements of this cPP.

Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives use algorithm implementations validated under the
CAVP ( NIAP Policy Letter #5 defines the applicability
and relationship of NIST CAVP and CMVP testing to assurance activities associated with cryptography
requirements in NIAP-approved protection profiles ( This section along with section
3.5.2 Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Programming Testing confirm CAVP certificates cited in [ST]
contain the information required by NIAP Policy Letter #5.
Short Messages Test – Bit-oriented Mode
The evaluators devise an input set consisting of m+1 messages, where m is the block length of the hash
algorithm. The length of the messages range sequentially from 0 to m bits. The message text shall be
pseudorandomly generated. The evaluators compute the message digest for each of the messages and
ensure that the correct result is produced when the messages are provided to the TSF.

Short Messages - Test Byte-oriented Mode

The evaluators devise an input set consisting of m/8+1 messages, where m is the block length of the
hash algorithm. The length of the messages range sequentially from 0 to m/8 bytes, with each message
being an integral number of bytes. The message text shall be pseudorandomly generated. The evaluators
compute the message digest for each of the messages and ensure that the correct result is produced
when the messages are provided to the TSF.

Selected Long Messages - Test Bit-oriented Mode

TD0233 modifies this assurance activity test.
The evaluators devise an input set consisting of m messages, where m is the block length of the hash
algorithm. For SHA-256, the length of the i-th message is 512 + 99*i, where 1 ≤ i ≤ m. For SHA-512,
the length of the i-th message is 1024 + 99*i, where 1 ≤ i ≤ m. The message text shall be pseudorandomly
generated. The evaluators compute the message digest for each of the messages and ensure that the
correct result is produced when the messages are provided to the TSF.

Selected Long Messages - Test Byte-oriented Mode

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TD0233 modifies this assurance activity test.
The evaluators devise an input set consisting of m/8 messages, where m is the block length of the hash
algorithm. For SHA-256, the length of the i-th message is 512 + 8*99*i, where 1 ≤ i ≤ m/8. For SHA-
512, the length of the i-th message is 1024 + 8*99*i, where 1 ≤ i ≤ m/8. The message text shall be
pseudorandomly generated. The evaluators compute the message digest for each of the messages and
ensure that the correct result is produced when the messages are provided to the TSF.

Pseudo-randomly Generated Messages Test

This test is for byte-oriented implementations only. The evaluators randomly generate a seed that is n
bits long, where n is the length of the message digest produced by the hash function to be tested. The
evaluators then formulate a set of 100 messages and associated digests by following the algorithm
provided in Figure 1 of [SHAVS]. The evaluators then ensure that the correct result is produced when
the messages are provided to the TSF.

[ST] Table 2 TOE Hardware and Firmware and Table 5 Cryptographic Functions provide information on
cryptographic implementations and CAVP certificates for each TOE device. In section 3.5.2 below, Table
19, Table 20, and Table 21 verify the correspondence between each TOE device, its cryptographic
implementations (hardware and firmware), and CAVP certificates. The tables confirm information
required by NIAP Policy #5 (
add2.pdf) for each TOE device. Table 4 lists certificates and implementations applicable to
Table 4 Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives CAVP SHS Certificates

Cert Implementation
#3984 Balto SHA in Hardware
#3515 Cheops SHA in Hardware
#3128 Cheops SHA in Hardware
#3250 Myna SHA in Hardware
#1225 ARMv7 SHS in Firmware 3.0 (Firmware)
#3304 ARMv7 SHS in Firmware 5.0 (Firmware)

2.1.12 FCS_COP.1(c) Cryptographic Operation (Message Authentication)

FCS_COP.1(c) is a selection-based requirement. Application Notes

If one or more HMAC algorithms are selected, the ST author selects “HMAC” in the second selection and
“ISO/IEC 9797-2:2011, Section 7 ‘MAC Algorithm 2’” in the third selection. For the assignment, the key
size [k] falls into a range between L1 and L2 (defined in ISO/IEC 10118 for the appropriate hash function).
For example, for SHA-256, L1 = 512 and L2 = 256 where L2 ≤ k ≤ L1.
If one or more CMAC algorithms are selected, the ST author selects “AES” in the second selection and
“NIST SP 800-38B” in the third selection. For the assignment, the key size will fall into a range between
128 and 256.

Leidos © 2018 Page 28 of 111 TSS Assurance Activities

If HMAC was selected:

The evaluator shall examine the TSS to ensure that it specifies the following values used by the HMAC
function: key length, hash function used, block size, and output MAC length used.

[ST] section 6.2.3 “Cryptographic Operation (FCS_COP.1(a), FCS_COP.1(b), FCS_COP.1(c),

FCS_COP.1(d), FCS_COP.1(f))” identifies the HMAC key length, hash function used, block size, and
output MAC length used as, respectively, 256 bits, SHA-256, 64 bytes, and 32 bytes.
If CMAC was selected:
The evaluator shall examine the TSS to ensure that it specifies the following values used by the CMAC
function: key length, block cipher used, block size (of the cipher), and output MAC length used.

[ST] does not select the CMAC option in FCS_COP.1(c). Thus, this assurance activity is not applicable. Guidance Assurance Activities

There are no AGD evaluation activities for this SFR. KMD Assurance Activities

There are no KMD evaluation activities for this SFR. Test Assurance Activities

Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives use algorithm implementations validated under the
CAVP ( NIAP Policy Letter #5 defines the applicability
and relationship of NIST CAVP and CMVP testing to assurance activities associated with cryptography
requirements in NIAP-approved protection profiles ( This section along with section
3.5.2 Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Programming Testing confirm CAVP certificates cited in [ST]
contain the information required by NIAP Policy Letter #5.
If HMAC was selected:
For each of the supported parameter sets, the evaluator shall compose 15 sets of test data. Each set
shall consist of a key and message data. The evaluator shall have the TSF generate HMAC tags for
these sets of test data. The resulting MAC tags shall be compared to the result of generating HMAC
tags with the same key using a known good implementation.

[ST] Table 2 TOE Hardware and Firmware and Table 5 Cryptographic Functions provide information on
cryptographic implementations and CAVP certificates for each TOE device. In section 3.5.2 below, Table
19, Table 20, and Table 21 verify the correspondence between each TOE device, its cryptographic
implementations (hardware and firmware), and CAVP certificates. The tables confirm information
required by NIAP Policy #5 (

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add2.pdf) for each TOE device. Table 5 lists certificates and implementations applicable to
Table 5 Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives CAVP HMAC Certificates

Cert Implementation
#3243 Balto HMAC in Hardware
#2815 Cheops HMAC in Hardware
#2460 Cheops HMAC in Hardware
#2565 Myna HMAC in Hardware
#1597 ARMv7 HMAC in Firmware 4.0 (Firmware)
#2613 ARMv7 HMAC in Firmware 5.0 (Firmware)

If CMAC was selected:

For each of the supported parameter sets, the evaluator shall compose at least 15 sets of test data. Each
set shall consist of a key and message data. The test data shall include messages of different lengths,
some with partial blocks as the last block and some with full blocks as the last block. The test data keys
shall include cases for which subey K1 is generated both with and without using the irreducible
polynomial R_b, as well as cases for which subkey K2 is generated from K1 both with and without using
the irreducible polynomial R_b. (The subkey generation and polynomial R_b are as defined in SP800-
38E.) The evaluator shall have the TSF generate CMAC tags for these sets of test data. The resulting
MAC tags shall be compared to the result of generating CMAC tags with the same key using a known
good implementation.

[ST] does not select the CMAC option in FCS_COP.1(c). Thus, this assurance activity is not applicable.

2.1.13 FCS_COP.1(d) Cryptographic Operation (Key Wrapping)

FCS_COP.1(d) is a selection-based requirement. Application Notes

This requirement is used in the body of the ST if the ST author chooses to use key wrapping in the key
chaining approach that is specified in FCS_KYC_EXT.1. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall verify the TSS includes a description of the key wrap function(s) and shall verify the
key wrap uses an approved key wrap algorithm according to the appropriate specification.

[ST] section 6.1 “Overview of TOE Operations” and section 6.2.3 “Cryptographic Operation
(FCS_COP.1(a), FCS_COP.1(b), FCS_COP.1(c), FCS_COP.1(d), FCS_COP.1(f))” describe the key
wrap functions (search for “This intermediate key is used as an input to the AES GCM mode function to
generate an intermediate wrap key” and “This wrap key and a second plain text intermediate wrap key are

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used as inputs in a two step AES KW function process to wrap the media encryption key (MEK)”,
respectively). Guidance Assurance Activities

There are no AGD evaluation activities for this SFR. KMD Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall review the KMD to ensure that all keys are wrapped using the approved method
and a description of when the key wrapping occurs.

The description of key wrapping in [KMD] is consistent with the summary in [ST] sections 6.1 and 6.2.3
identified above. [KMD] describes Seagate SED functions that use a drive’s key chains. The description
for each function identifies each instance when a Seagate SED uses AES-GCM or AES-KW key wrap. Test Assurance Activities

There are no test evaluation activities for this SFR.

2.1.14 FCS_COP.1(f) Cryptographic Operation (AES Data Encryption/Decryption)

FCS_COP.1(f) is a selection-based requirement. Application Notes

This cPP allows for software encryption or hardware encryption. In software encryption, the TOE can
provide the data encryption/decryption or the host platform could provide the encryption/decryption.
Conversely, for hardware encryption, the encryption/decryption could be provided by a variety of
mechanisms - dedicated hardware within a general purpose controller, the storage device’s SOC, or a
dedicated (co-)processor.
If XTS Mode is selected, a cryptographic key of 256-bit or of 512-bit is allowed as specified in IEEE
1619. XTS-AES key is divided into two AES keys of equal size - for example, AES-128 is used as the
underlying algorithm, when 256-bit key and XTS mode are selected. AES-256 is used when a 512-bit key
and XTS mode are selected.
The intent of this requirement is to specify the approved AES modes that the ST author may select for
AES encryption of the appropriate information on the hard disk. For the first selection, the ST author
should indicate the mode or modes supported by the TOE implementation. The second selection indicates
the key size to be used, which is identical to that specified for FCS_CKM.1(1). The third selection must
agree with the mode or modes chosen in the first selection. If multiple modes are supported, it may be
clearer in the ST if this component was iterated. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall verify the TSS includes a description of the key size used for encryption and the
mode used for encryption.

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[ST] section 6.2.3 “Cryptographic Operation (FCS_COP.1(a), FCS_COP.1(b), FCS_COP.1(c),
FCS_COP.1(d), FCS_COP.1(f))” describes Seagate SED use of AES-GCM and XTS-AES-256 for
encrypting intermediate keys and user data, respectively (search for “programmed into the FDE hardware
as the XTS-AES-256 mode encryption key for data encryption/decryption ”). Guidance Assurance Activities

If multiple encryption modes are supported, the evaluator examines the guidance documentation to
determine that the method of choosing a specific mode/key size by the end user is described.

[Guide] section “Cryptographic Operation (AES Data Encryption/Decryption)” states, “For each function
the specific AES encryption/decryption mode is fixed and not configurable.” KMD Assurance Activities

There are no KMD evaluation activities for this SFR. Test Assurance Activities

Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives use algorithm implementations validated under the
CAVP ( NIAP Policy Letter #5 defines the applicability
and relationship of NIST CAVP and CMVP testing to assurance activities associated with cryptography
requirements in NIAP-approved protection profiles ( This section along with section
3.5.2 Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Programming Testing confirm CAVP certificates cited in [ST]
contain the information required by NIAP Policy Letter #5.
The following tests are conditional based upon the selections made in the SFR.
For the AES-CBC tests described below, the plaintext, ciphertext, and IV values shall consist of 128-bit
blocks. To determine correctness, the evaluator shall compare the resulting values to those obtained by
submitting the same inputs to a known-good implementation.

For the AES-CBC tests described below, the plaintext, ciphertext, and IV values shall consist of 128-bit
blocks. To determine correctness, the evaluator shall compare the resulting values to those obtained by
submitting the same inputs to a known-good implementation.
These tests are intended to be equivalent to those described in NIST’s AES Algorithm Validation Suite
(AESAVS) ( Known answer values
tailored to exercise the AES-CBC implementation can be obtained using NIST’s CAVS Algorithm
Validation Tool or from NIST’s ACPV service for automated algorithm tests (, when
available. It is not recommended that evaluators use values obtained from static sources such as the
example NIST’s AES Known Answer Test Values from the AESAVS document, or use values not
generated expressly to exercise the AES-CBC implementation.

AES-CBC Known Answer Tests

KAT-1 (GFSBox):

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To test the encrypt functionality of AES-CBC, the evaluator shall supply a set of five different plaintext
values for each selected key size and obtain the ciphertext value that results from AES-CBC encryption
of the given plaintext using a key value of all zeros and an IV of all zeros.
To test the decrypt functionality of AES-CBC, the evaluator shall supply a set of five different ciphertext
values for each selected key size and obtain the plaintext value that results from AES-CBC decryption
of the given ciphertext using a key value of all zeros and an IV of all zeros.

KAT-2 (KeySBox):
To test the encrypt functionality of AES-CBC, the evaluator shall supply a set of five different key values
for each selected key size and obtain the ciphertext value that results from AES-CBC encryption of an
all-zeros plaintext using the given key value and an IV of all zeros.
To test the decrypt functionality of AES-CBC, the evaluator shall supply a set of five different key values
for each selected key size and obtain the plaintext that results from AES-CBC decryption of an all-zeros
ciphertext using the given key and an IV of all zeros.

KAT-3 (Variable Key):

To test the encrypt functionality of AES-CBC, the evaluator shall supply a set of keys for each selected
key size (as described below) and obtain the ciphertext value that results from AES encryption of an all-
zeros plaintext using each key and an IV of all zeros.
Key i in each set shall have the leftmost i bits set to ones and the remaining bits to zeros, for values of i
from 1 to the key size. The keys and corresponding ciphertext are listed in AESAVS, Appendix E.
To test the decrypt functionality of AES-CBC, the evaluator shall use the same keys as above to decrypt
the ciphertext results from above. Each decryption should result in an all-zeros plaintext.

KAT-4 (Variable Text):

To test the encrypt functionality of AES-CBC, for each selected key size, the evaluator shall supply a
set of 128-bit plaintext values (as described below) and obtain the ciphertext values that result from
AES-CBC encryption of each plaintext value using a key of each size and IV consisting of all zeros.
Plaintext value i shall have the leftmost i bits set to ones and the remaining bits set to zeros, for values
of i from 1 to 128. The plaintext values are listed in AESAVS, Appendix D.
To test the decrypt functionality of AES-CBC, for each selected key size, use the plaintext values from
above as ciphertext input, and AES-CBC decrypt each ciphertext value using key of each size consisting
of all zeros and an IV of all zeros.
AES-CBC Multi-Block Message Test
The evaluator shall test the encrypt functionality by encrypting nine i-block messages for each selected
key size, for 2 ≤ i ≤ 10. For each test, the evaluator shall supply a key, an IV, and a plaintext message
of length i blocks, and encrypt the message using AES-CBC. The resulting ciphertext values shall be
compared to the results of encrypting the plaintext messages using a known good implementation.
The evaluator shall test the decrypt functionality by decrypting nine i-block messages for each selected
key size, for 2 ≤ i ≤ 10. For each test, the evaluator shall supply a key, an IV, and a ciphertext message

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of length i blocks, and decrypt the message using AES-CBC. The resulting plaintext values shall be
compared to the results of decrypting the ciphertext messages using a known good implementation.
AES-CBC Monte Carlo Tests
The evaluator shall test the encrypt functionality for each selected key size using 100 3-tuples of pseudo-
random values for plaintext, IVs, and keys.
The evaluator shall supply a single 3-tuple of pseudo-random values for each selected key size. This 3-
tuple of plaintext, IV, and key is provided as input to the below algorithm to generate the remaining 99
3-tuples, and to run each 3-tuple through 1000 iterations of AES-CBC encryption.
# Input: PT, IV, Key
Key[0] = Key
IV[0] = IV
PT[0] = PT
for i = 1 to 100 {
Output Key[i], IV[i], PT[0]
for j = 1 to 1000 {
if j == 1 {
CT[1] = AES-CBC-Encrypt(Key[i], IV[i], PT[1])
PT[2] = IV[i]
} else {
CT[j] = AES-CBC-Encrypt(Key[i], PT[j])
PT[j+1] = CT[j-1]
Output CT[1000]
If KeySize == 128 { Key[i+1] = Key[i] xor CT[1000] }
If KeySize == 256 { Key[i+1] = Key[i] xor ((CT[999] << 128) | CT[1000]) }
IV[i+1] = CT[1000]
PT[0] = CT[999]
The ciphertext computed in the 1000th iteration (CT[1000]) is the result for each of the 100 3-tuples
for each selected key size. This result shall be compared to the result of running 1000 iterations with
the same values using a known good implementation.
The evaluator shall test the decrypt functionality using the same test as above, exchanging CT and PT,
and replacing AES-CBC-Encrypt with AES-CBC-Decrypt.

[ST] Table 2 TOE Hardware and Firmware and Table 5 Cryptographic Functions provide information on
cryptographic implementations and CAVP certificates for each TOE device. In section 3.5.2 below, Table
19, Table 20, and Table 21 verify the correspondence between each TOE device, its cryptographic
implementations (hardware and firmware), and CAVP certificates. The tables confirm information
required by NIAP Policy #5 (
add2.pdf) for each TOE device. Table 6 lists certificates and implementations applicable to

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Table 6 Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives CAVP AES-CBC Certificates

Cert Implementation
#4843 Balto AES in Hardware
#4279 Cheops AES in Hardware
#3758 Cheops AES in Hardware
#3940 Myna AES in Hardware
#1343 ARMv7 AES in Firmware 3.0 (Firmware)

The following tests are conditional based upon the selections made in the SFR.

The evaluator shall test the authenticated encrypt functionality of AES-GCM for each combination of
the following input parameter lengths:
128 bit and 256 bit keys
Two plaintext lengths. One of the plaintext lengths shall be a non-zero integer multiple of 128
bits, if supported. The other plaintext length shall not be an integer multiple of 128 bits, if
Three AAD lengths. One AAD length shall be 0, if supported. One AAD length shall be a non-
zero integer multiple of 128 bits, if supported. One AAD length shall not be an integer multiple
of 128 bits, if supported.
Two IV lengths. If 96 bit IV is supported, 96 bits shall be one of the two IV lengths tested.
The evaluator shall test the encrypt functionality using a set of 10 key, plaintext, AAD, and IV tuples for
each combination of parameter lengths above and obtain the ciphertext value and tag that results from
AES-GCM authenticated encrypt. Each supported tag length shall be tested at least once per set of 10.
The IV value may be supplied by the evaluator or the implementation being tested, as long as it is known.
The evaluator shall test the decrypt functionality using a set of 10 key, ciphertext, tag, AAD, and IV 5-
tuples for each combination of parameter lengths above and obtain a Pass/Fail result on authentication
and the decrypted plaintext if Pass. The set shall include five tuples that Pass and five that Fail.
The results from each test may either be obtained by the evaluator directly or by supplying the inputs
to the implementer and receiving the results in response. To determine correctness, the evaluator shall
compare the resulting values to those obtained by submitting the same inputs to a known good

[ST] Table 2 TOE Hardware and Firmware and Table 5 Cryptographic Functions provide information on
cryptographic implementations and CAVP certificates for each TOE device. In section 3.5.2 below, Table
19, Table 20, and Table 21 verify the correspondence between each TOE device, its cryptographic
implementations (hardware and firmware), and CAVP certificates. The tables confirm information
required by NIAP Policy #5 (
add2.pdf) for each TOE device. Table 7 lists certificates and implementations applicable to

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Table 7 Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives CAVP AES-GCM and AES-KW Certificates

Cert Implementation
#4843 Balto AES in Hardware
#2804 ARMv7 GCM in Firmware 1.0 (Firmware)
#2841 ARMv7 GCM in Firmware 2.0 (Firmware)

The following tests are conditional based upon the selections made in the SFR.

The evaluator shall test the encrypt functionality of XTS-AES for each combination of the following
input parameter lengths:
256 bit (for AES-128) and 512 bit (for AES-256) keys
Three data unit (i.e., plaintext) lengths. One of the data unit lengths shall be a non-zero integer
multiple of 128 bits, if supported. One of the data unit lengths shall be an integer multiple of
128 bits, if supported. The third data unit length shall be either the longest supported data unit
length or 216 bits, whichever is smaller.
using a set of 100 (key, plaintext and 128-bit random tweak value) 3-tuples and obtain the ciphertext
that results from XTS-AES encrypt.
The evaluator may supply a data unit sequence number instead of the tweak value if the implementation
supports it. The data unit sequence number is a base-10 number ranging between 0 and 255 that
implementations convert to a tweak value internally.
The evaluator shall test the decrypt functionality of XTS-AES using the same test as for encrypt,
replacing plaintext values with ciphertext values and XTS-AES encrypt with XTS-AES decrypt.

[ST] Table 2 TOE Hardware and Firmware and Table 5 Cryptographic Functions provide information on
cryptographic implementations and CAVP certificates for each TOE device. In section 3.5.2 below, Table
19, Table 20, and Table 21 verify the correspondence between each TOE device, its cryptographic
implementations (hardware and firmware), and CAVP certificates. The tables confirm information
required by NIAP Policy #5 (
add2.pdf) for each TOE device. Table 8 lists certificates and implementations applicable to
Table 8 Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives CAVP XTS-AES Certificates

Cert Implementation
#4843 Balto AES in Hardware
#4279 Cheops AES in Hardware
#3758 Cheops AES in Hardware
#3940 Myna AES in Hardware

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2.1.15 FCS_KDF_EXT.1 Cryptographic Key Derivation
FCS_KDF_EXT.1 is a selection-based requirement. Application Notes

This requirement is used in the body of the ST if the ST author chooses to use key derivation in the key
chaining approach that is specified in FCS_KYC_EXT.2.
This requirement establishes acceptable methods for generating a new random key or an existing submask
to create a new key along the key chain. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall verify the TSS includes a description of the key derivation function and shall verify
the key derivation uses an approved derivation mode and key expansion algorithm according to SP 800-
108 and SP 800-132.

[ST] section 6.2.4 “Cryptographic Key Derivation (FCS_KDF_EXT.1)” describes how Seagate SEDs
derive an intermediate key from an Authentication PIN in accordance with NIST SP 800-132. Guidance Assurance Activities

There are no AGD evaluation activities for this SFR. KMD Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall examine the vendor’s KMD to ensure that all keys used are derived using an
approved method and a description of how and when the keys are derived.

The description of key wrapping in [KMD] is consistent with the summary in [ST] section 6.2.4 identified
above. [KMD] describes Seagate SED functions that use a drive’s key chains. The description for each
function identifies each instance when a Seagate SED drives an intermediate key. Test Assurance Activities

There are no test evaluation activities for this SFR.

2.1.16 FCS_KYC_EXT.2 Key Chaining (Recipient)

FCS_KYC_EXT.2 is an unconditional requirement. Application Notes

Key Chaining is the method of using multiple layers of encryption keys to ultimately secure the protected
data encrypted on the drive. The number of intermediate keys will vary – from two (e.g., using the BEV
as an intermediary key to wrap the DEK) to many. This applies to all keys that contribute to the ultimate

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wrapping or derivation of the DEK; including those in areas of protected storage (e.g. TPM stored keys,
comparison values).
The BEV is considered to be equivalent to keying material and therefore additional checksums or similar
values are not the BEV, even if they are sent with the BEV.
Once the ST author has selected a method to create the chain (either by deriving keys or unwrapping
them), they pull the appropriate requirement out of Appendix B. It is allowable for an implementation to
use both methods.
The method the TOE uses to chain keys and manage/protect them is described in the Key Management
Description; see Appendix E for more information. TSS Assurance Activities

There are no TSS evaluation activities for this SFR. Guidance Assurance Activities

There are no AGD evaluation activities for this SFR. KMD Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall examine the KMD to ensure it describes a high level key hierarchy and details of
the key chain. The description of the key chain shall be reviewed to ensure it maintains a chain of keys
using key wrap or key derivation methods that meet FCS_KDF_EXT.1, FCS_COP.1(d),
FCS_COP.1(e), and/or FCS_COP.1(g).

Table 1 Per-band Key Chain in section 2.1.1 above summarize the key chain as presented in [ST]. Sections
2.1.15 “FCS_KDF_EXT.1 Cryptographic Key Derivation” and 2.1.13 “FCS_COP.1(d) Cryptographic
Operation (Key Wrapping)” address key derivation and key wrap methods Seagate SEDs use to protect
the key chain from BEV (Authentication PIN) to DEK (MEK).
The evaluator shall examine the KMD to ensure that it describes how the key chain process functions,
such that it does not expose any material that might compromise any key in the chain. (e.g. using a key
directly as a compare value against a TPM) This description must include a diagram illustrating the
key hierarchy implemented and detail where all keys and keying material is stored or what it is derived
from. The evaluator shall examine the key hierarchy to ensure that at no point the chain could be broken
without a cryptographic exhaust or knowledge of the BEV and the effective strength of the DEK is
maintained throughout the Key Chain.

Figure 1 Key Hierarchy Diagram in [KMD] provides an overview of the key chain and key processing.
[KMD] describes each key together with supporting values (such as, salt and initialization vector values),
[KMD] describes Seagate SED functions that use a drive’s key chains. Each function description in
[KMD] provides a detailed description of how the function uses each key and associated key material.
The evaluator shall verify the KMD includes a description of the strength of keys throughout the key

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[KMD] demonstrates Seagate SEDs maintain key strength of 256 bits consistently throughout the key
chain. Test Assurance Activities

There are no test evaluation activities for this SFR.

2.1.17 FCS_RBG_EXT.1 Random Bit Generation

FCS_RBG_EXT.1 is a selection-based requirement. Application Notes

ISO/IEC 18031:2011 contains different methods of generating random numbers; each of these, in turn,
depends on underlying cryptographic primitives (hash functions/ciphers). The ST author will select the
function used and include the specific underlying cryptographic primitives used in the requirement. While
any of the identified hash functions (SHA-256, SHA-512) are allowed for Hash_DRBG or
HMAC_DRBG, only AES-based implementations for CTR_DRBG are allowed. Table C.2 in ISO/IEC
18031:2011 provides an identification of Security strengths, Entropy and Seed length requirements for the
AES-128 and 256 Block Cipher.
The CTR_DRBG in ISO/IEC 18031:2011 requires using derivation function, whereas NIST SP 800-90A
does not. Either model is acceptable. In the first selection in FCS_RBG_EXT.1.1, the ST author choses
the standard to which the TSF is compliant.
In the first selection in FCS_RBG_EXT.1.2 the ST author fills in how many entropy sources are used for
each type of entropy source they employ. It should be noted that a combination of hardware and software
based noise sources is acceptable.
It should be noted that the entropy source is considered to be a part of the DRBG and if the DRBG is
included in the TOE, the developer is required to provide the entropy description outlined in Appendix D.
The documentation *and tests* required in the Evaluation Activity for this element necessarily cover each
source indicated in FCS_RBG_EXT.1.2. Individual contributions to the entropy pool may be combined
to provide the minimum amount of entropy as long as the Entropy Documentation demonstrates that
entropy from each of these individual sources is generated independently. TSS Assurance Activities

For any RBG services provided by a third party, the evaluator shall ensure the TSS includes a statement
about the expected amount of entropy received from such a source, and a full description of the
processing of the output of the third-party source. The evaluator shall verify that this statement is
consistent with the selection made in FCS_RBG_EXT.1.2 for the seeding of the DRBG.

Seagate SEDs do not make use of third-party RBG services. This assurance activity does not apply.
If the ST specifies more than one DRBG, the evaluator shall examine the TSS to verify that it identifies
the usage of each DRBG mechanism.

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Seagate SEDs use only one DRBG, which [ST] section 6.2.6 “Random Bit Generation
(FCS_RBG_EXT.1)” describes. Guidance Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall verify that the AGD guidance instructs the administrator how to configure the TOE
to use the selected DRBG mechanism(s), if necessary, and provides information regarding how to
instantiate/call the DRBG for RBG services needed in this cPP.

[Guide] section “Cryptographic Operation (Random Bit Generation)” states, “Neither the DRBG or the
entropy system are configurable.” KMD Assurance Activities

There are no KMD evaluation activities for this SFR. Test Assurance Activities

Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives use algorithm implementations validated under the
CAVP ( NIAP Policy Letter #5 defines the applicability
and relationship of NIST CAVP and CMVP testing to assurance activities associated with cryptography
requirements in NIAP-approved protection profiles ( This section along with section
3.5.2 Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Programming Testing confirm CAVP certificates cited in [ST]
contain the information required by NIAP Policy Letter #5.
The evaluator shall perform 15 trials for the RNG implementation. If the RNG is configurable by the
TOE, the evaluator shall perform 15 trials for each configuration. The evaluator shall verify that the
instructions in the operational guidance for configuration of the RNG are valid.
If the RNG has prediction resistance enabled, each trial consists of (1) instantiate DRBG, (2) generate
the first block of random bits (3) generate a second block of random bits (4) uninstantiate. The evaluator
verifies that the second block of random bits is the expected value. The evaluator shall generate eight
input values for each trial. The first is a count (0 – 14). The next three are entropy input, nonce, and
personalization string for the instantiate operation. The next two are additional input and entropy input
for the first call to generate. The final two are additional input and entropy input for the second call to
generate. These values are randomly generated. “generate one block of random bits” means to generate
random bits with number of returned bits equal to the Output Block Length (as defined in NIST SP800-
If the RNG does not have prediction resistance, each trial consists of (1) instantiate DRBG, (2) generate
the first block of random bits (3) reseed, (4) generate a second block of random bits (5) uninstantiate.
The evaluator verifies that the second block of random bits is the expected value. The evaluator shall
generate eight input values for each trial. The first is a count (0 – 14). The next three are entropy input,
nonce, and personalization string for the instantiate operation. The fifth value is additional input to the
first call to generate. The sixth and seventh are additional input and entropy input to the call to reseed.
The final value is additional input to the second generate call.

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The following paragraphs contain more information on some of the input values to be
generated/selected by the evaluator.
Entropy input: the length of the entropy input value must equal the seed length.
Nonce: If a nonce is supported (CTR_DRBG with no Derivation Function does not use a nonce),
the nonce bit length is one-half the seed length.
Personalization string: The length of the personalization string must be <= seed length. If the
implementation only supports one personalization string length, then the same length can be
used for both values. If more than one string length is support, the evaluator shall use
personalization strings of two different lengths. If the implementation does not use a
personalization string, no value needs to be supplied.
Additional input: the additional input bit lengths have the same defaults and restrictions as the
personalization string lengths.

[ST] Table 2 TOE Hardware and Firmware and Table 5 Cryptographic Functions provide information on
cryptographic implementations and CAVP certificates for each TOE device. In section 3.5.2 below, Table
19, Table 20, and Table 21 verify the correspondence between each TOE device, its cryptographic
implementations (hardware and firmware), and CAVP certificates. The tables confirm information
required by NIAP Policy #5 (
add2.pdf) for each TOE device. Table 10 lists certificates and implementations applicable to
Table 9 Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives CAVP DRBG Certificates

Cert Implementation
#62 800-90 DRBG 1.0 (Firmware)
#1146 Hash_Based DRBG 2.0 (Firmware)

2.1.18 FCS_SNI_EXT.1 Cryptographic Operation (Salt, Nonce, and Initialization Vector

FCS_SNI_EXT.1 is an unconditional requirement. Application Notes

This SFR does not prescribe when salts, nonces, and IVs must be used, only that when they are used they
must be generated in a certain manner. The ST author is expected to document each claimed SFR that
requires the use of salts, nonces, and/or IVs (such as symmetric key generation as defined by
FCS_CKM.1(b) and AES encryption/decryption as defined by FCS_COP.1(f)). If the TSF does not use
salts, nonces, or IVs for any function, then this SFR is considered to be vacuously satisfied.
This requirement covers several important factors – the salt must be random, but the nonces only have to
be unique. FCS_SNI_EXT.1.3 specifies how the IV should be handled for each encryption mode.
Assigned consecutively could mean using a one-up counter. Additionally, nonce is referred to as Starting
Variable (SV) in ISO/IEC 19772.
Tweak values shall be non-negative numbers, starting at an arbitrary non-negative number, and all
subsequent tweak values shall be incremented from the initial value.

Leidos © 2018 Page 41 of 111 TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall ensure the TSS describes how salts are generated. The evaluator shall confirm that
the salt is generating using an RBG described in FCS_RBG_EXT.1 or by the Operational Environment.
If external function is used for this purpose, the TSS should include the specific API that is called with

[ST] section 6.2.7 “Cryptographic Operation (Salt, Nonce, and Initialization Vector Generation)
(FCS_SNI_EXT.1)” describes the 128-bit salt values associated with Authentication PINs, which Seagate
SEDs use to derive intermediate keys. The Seagate SEDs generate random salt values.
The evaluator shall ensure the TSS describes how nonces are created uniquely and how IVs and tweaks
are handled (based on the AES mode). The evaluator shall confirm that the nonces are unique and the
IVs and tweaks meet the stated requirements.

[ST] FCS_SNI_EXT.1.2 selects option “no nonces”. [ST] section 6.2.7 “Cryptographic Operation (Salt,
Nonce, and Initialization Vector Generation) (FCS_SNI_EXT.1)” describes tweaks and IV consistent with
FCS_SNI_EXT.1.3 (search for “The tweak values used for XTS are non-negative integers “) Guidance Assurance Activities

There are no AGD evaluation activities for this SFR. KMD Assurance Activities

There are no KMD evaluation activities for this SFR. Test Assurance Activities

There are no test evaluation activities for this SFR.

2.1.19 FCS_VAL_EXT.1 Validation

FCS_VAL_EXT.1 is an unconditional requirement. [ST] iterates FCS_VAL_EXT.1 as
FCS_VAL_EXT.1(a) and FCS_VAL_EXT.1(b). This section covers both iterations of the requirement.
TD0229 modifies the assurance activities for FCS_VAL_EXT.1. Application Notes

“Validation” of the BEV can occur at any point in the key chain, including when the DEK is decrypted.
For the purposes of this requirement, validating a key derived from the BEV equates to “validating” the
BEV. The purpose of performing secure validation is to not expose any material that might compromise
the submask(s).
The TOE validates the BEV prior to allowing the user access to the data stored on the drive. When the
key wrap in FCS_COP.1(d) is used, the validation is performed inherently.

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The delay must be enforced by the TOE, but this requirement is not intended to address attacks that bypass
the product (e.g. attacker obtains hash value or “known” crypto value and mounts attacks outside of the
TOE, such as a third party password cracker). The cryptographic functions (i.e., hash, decryption)
performed are those specified in FCS_COP.1(b) and FCS_COP.1(f). TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall examine the TSS to determine which authorization factors support validation.

[ST] section 6.2.8 “Validation (FCS_VAL_EXT.1(a), FCS_VAL_EXT.1(b))” explains all Authentication

PINs support validation (search for “the PIN is validated by”).
The evaluator shall examine the TSS to review a high-level description if multiple submasks are used
within the TOE, how the submasks are validated (e.g., each submask validated before combining, once
combined validation takes place).

The validation process described in [ST] section 6.2.8 “Validation (FCS_VAL_EXT.1(a),

FCS_VAL_EXT.1(b))” does not use multiple submasks.
The evaluator shall also examine the TSS to determine that a subset or all of the authorization factors
identified in the SFR can be used to exit from a Compliant power saving state.

[ST] Table 6 Try Limits Summary identifies Authentication PINs that can unlock a Seagate SED band.
These Authentication PINs are labeled BEV in the Credential Name column of Table 6. [ST] section 6.2.8
“Validation (FCS_VAL_EXT.1(a), FCS_VAL_EXT.1(b))” states “The TOE requires the validation of the
BEV prior to allowing access to TSF data after exiting a compliant power saving state.” Guidance Assurance Activities

[conditional] If the validation functionality is configurable, the evaluator shall examine the operational
guidance to ensure it describes how to configure the TOE to ensure the limits regarding validation
attempts can be established.

[ST] FCS_VAL_EXT.1(b) specifies the validation function is not configurable for Seagate SEDs with
SAS interface.

[ST] FCS_VAL_EXT.1(a) specifies validation function limits on failed validation attempts are
configurable for Seagate SEDs with SATA interfaces. Seagate SED drives have a separate counter for
each credential which keeps track of the number of unsuccessful authentication attempts for each
credential. [Guide] section “Validation - Try Limits and Persistence Settings” identifies which validation
failure limits an administrator may configure. [TCG Core] sections and and [TCG
Opal] sections and cover Try Limit behavior and configuration.
TD0229 adds this guidance assurance activity.
[conditional] If ST Author assigned, the evaluator shall examine the operational guidance to ensure it
states the values the TOE uses for limits regarding validation attempts.

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[Guide] section “Validation - Try Limits and Persistence Settings” identifies which validation failure
limits an administrator may configure. The section includes a table identifying the default value of each
validation failure limit.
The evaluator shall verify that the guidance documentation states which authorization factors are
allowed to exit a Compliant power saving state.

The table in [Guide] section “Validation - Try Limits and Persistence Settings” identifies which of the
authorization factors are a BEV, which allow to management functions or encrypted user data after power
is applied to a Seagate SED. KMD Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall examine the KMD to verify that it described the method the TOE employs to limit
the number of consecutively failed authorization attempts.

[ST] section 6.2.8 “Validation (FCS_VAL_EXT.1(a), FCS_VAL_EXT.1(b))” described the method the
TOE employs to limit the number of consecutively failed authorization attempts. This description is
consistent with a more detailed description in [KMD].
The evaluator shall examine the vendor’s KMD to ensure it describes how validation is performed. The
description of the validation process in the KMD provides detailed information how the TOE validates
the BEV.

[ST] section 6.2.8 “Validation (FCS_VAL_EXT.1(a), FCS_VAL_EXT.1(b))” summarizes the validation

process (search for “Next call the AES GCM Key Unwrap function”). This summary is consistent with a
more detailed description in [KMD].
The KMD describes how the process works, such that it does not expose any material that might
compromise the submask(s).

[KMD] includes a step-by-step validation procedure. The procedure shows Seagate SEDs use approved
algorithms as intended and handles keys as specified in [CPP FDE EE]. Test Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall perform the following tests:

Test 1: The evaluator shall determine the limit on the average rate of the number of consecutive failed
authorization attempts. The evaluator will test the TOE by entering that number of incorrect
authorization factors in consecutive attempts to access the protected data. If the limit mechanism
includes any “lockout” period, the time period tested should include at least one such period. Then the
evaluator will verify that the TOE behaves as described in the TSS.

The evaluator successfully authenticated to the TOE with the correct credentials. The evaluator then
attempted to authenticate to the TOE using incorrect credentials until the try limit was reached. The
evaluator then attempted to authenticate to the TOE with correct credentials and observed that the TOE

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locked out the evaluator. For TCG Opal, the try limit is settable. The evaluator configured the try limit
then repeated the test.
Test 2: The evaluator shall force the TOE to enter a Compliant power saving state, attempt to resume
it from this state, and verify that only a valid authorization factor as defined by the guidance
documentation is sufficient to allow the TOE to exit the Compliant power saving state.

After test 1, the evaluator power cycled the TOE. The evaluator confirmed that when the lockout was
expected to be persistent the TOE was still locked out and for the non-persistent instances of the TOE it
allowed successful authentication with correct credentials.

2.2 User Data Protection (FDP)

2.2.1 FDP_DSK_EXT.1 Protection of Data on Disk

FDP_DSK_EXT.1 is an unconditional requirement. Application Notes

The intent of this requirement is to specify that encryption of any protected data will not depend on a user
electing to protect that data. The drive encryption specified in FDP_DSK_EXT.1 occurs transparently to
the user and the decision to protect the data is outside the discretion of the user, which is a characteristic
that distinguishes it from file encryption. The definition of protected data can be found in the glossary.
The cryptographic functions that perform the encryption/decryption of the data may be provided by the
Operational Environment. Note that if this is the case, it is assumed that the environmental implementation
of AES is consistent with the behavior described in FCS_COP.1(f). If the TOE provides the cryptographic
functions to encrypt/decrypt the data, the ST author includes FCS_COP.1(f) as defined in Appendix A in
the main body of the ST. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall examine the TSS to ensure that the description is comprehensive in how the data is
written to the disk and the point at which the encryption function is applied. The TSS must make the
case that standard methods of accessing the disk drive via the host platforms operating system will pass
through these functions.

[ST] section 6.4.1 “Protection of Data on Disk (FDP_DSK_EXT.1)” states “The TOE is encrypted by
default without user intervention using AES:XTS”. Seagate Opal SEDs provide unencrypted storage for
operating system use, which includes a shadow master boot record used for booting the host. Seagate
SEDs use unencrypted system area (for example, to store keys wrapped in accordance with
FCS_COP.1(d)). Section 6.4.1 explains there is no host access to the system area. The system area includes
TCG Data Store tables, which can only be accessed by administrators through access-controlled TCG
commands. The section warns administrators not to store protected data in the TCG Data Tables.
For the cryptographic functions that are provided by the Operational Environment, the evaluator shall
check the TSS to ensure it describes, for each platform identified in the ST, the interface(s) used by the
TOE to invoke this functionality.

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Seagate SEDs provide their own cryptographic functions. Thus, this assurance activity is not applicable.
The evaluator shall verify the TSS in performing the evaluation activities for this requirement. The
evaluator shall ensure the comprehensiveness of the description, confirms how the TOE writes the data
to the disk drive, and the point at which it applies the encryption function.

As summarized above, Seagate SEDs encrypt all user data by default.

The evaluator shall verify that the TSS describes the initialization of the TOE and the activities the TOE
performs to ensure that it encrypts all the storage devices entirely when a user or administrator first
provisions the TOE.

As summarized above, Seagate SEDs encrypt all user data by default. [ST] section 6.4.1 “Protection of
Data on Disk (FDP_DSK_EXT.1)” describes taking ownership of a drive, which restricts data reads and
writes to authenticated users. [ST] section 6.1 “Overview of TOE Operations” describes subdividing user
storage into storage ranges called bands.
The evaluator shall verify the TSS describes areas of the disk that it does not encrypt (e.g., portions
associated with the Master Boot Records (MBRs), boot loaders, partition tables, etc.).

Seagate Opal SEDs provide unencrypted storage for operating system use, which includes a shadow
master boot record used for booting the host. Seagate SEDs use unencrypted system area (for example, to
store keys wrapped in accordance with FCS_COP.1(d)). Section 6.4.1 explains there is no host access to
the system area. The system area includes TCG Data Store tables, which can only be accessed by
administrators through access-controlled TCG commands. The section warns administrators not to store
protected data in the TCG Data Tables.
If the TOE supports multiple disk encryptions, the evaluator shall examine the administration guidance
to ensure the initialization procedure encrypts all storage devices on the platform.

Seagate SEDs do not support multiple disk encryptions. Thus, this assurance activity is not applicable. Guidance Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall review the AGD guidance to determine that it describes the initial steps needed to
enable the FDE function, including any necessary preparatory steps. The guidance shall provide
instructions that are sufficient, on all platforms, to ensure that all hard drive devices will be encrypted
when encryption is enabled.

[Guide] describes putting a Seagate SED into its evaluated configuration in the following three sections
(depending on device type).
 Section 2.0 TCG Enterprise Configuration & Operation
 Section 3.0 TCG Opal Configuration & Operation
 Section 4.0 ATA Mode Configuration & Operation
Each of these sections includes example commands for each configuration step. While examining the TOE
security function interfaces, the evaluation team confirmed the steps and example commands would

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provide sufficient instructions to a host controller developer. Please see section 3.1.1 below for a
description of the examination. KMD Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall verify the KMD includes a description of the data encryption engine, its components,
and details about its implementation (e.g. for hardware: integrated within the device’s main SOC or
separate co-processor, for software: initialization of the product, drivers, libraries (if applicable),
logical interfaces for encryption/decryption, and areas which are not encrypted (e.g. boot loaders,
portions associated with the Master Boot Record (MBRs), partition tables, etc.)). The evaluator shall
verify the KMD provides a functional (block) diagram showing the main components (such as memories
and processors) and the data path between, for hardware, the device’s host interface and the device’s
persistent media storing the data, or for software, the initial steps needed to the activities the TOE
performs to ensure it encrypts the storage device entirely when a user or administrator first provisions
the product. The hardware encryption diagram shall show the location of the data encryption engine
within the data path. The evaluator shall validate that the hardware encryption diagram contains
enough detail showing the main components within the data path and that it clearly identifies the data
encryption engine.

[KMD] provides a description of the Seagate SEDs. The description includes a block diagram of the data
encryption engine, write and read data flows through the Seagate SED, and drive operation. The
description covers access to the unencrypted shadow master boot record and TCG Data Store Tables of
the drive. [KMD] describes the TCG Opal boot process as well as initial conditions required for each type
of Seagate SED. [KMD] provides the information required by this assurance activity.
The evaluator shall verify the KMD provides sufficient instructions for all platforms to ensure that when
the user enables encryption, the product encrypts all hard storage devices. The evaluator shall verify
that the KMD describes the data flow from the device’s host interface to the device’s persistent media
storing the data. The evaluator shall verify that the KMD provides information on those conditions in
which the data bypasses the data encryption engine (e.g. read-write operations to an unencrypted
Master Boot Record area).

[KMD] explains Seagate SEDs encrypt all user data by default. Seagate SEDs restricts user data reads and
writes once a user takes ownership suing a TCG controller. [KMD] also explains exceptions for
unencrypted access to Opal SED shadow master boot record and TCG Data Store Tables (search for “TCG
Opal SEDs contain two other unencrypted areas”). The explanations include the data flow from a Seagate
SED’s host interface to the drives persistent media.
The evaluator shall verify that the KMD provides a description of the platform’s boot initialization, the
encryption initialization process, and at what moment the product enables the encryption. The evaluator
shall validate that the product does not allow for the transfer of user data before it fully initializes the

The Seagate TOE consists of self-encrypting drivers. [KMD] states “Out of the box all Seagate SED
drives are encrypted but not locked by default.”

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The evaluator shall ensure the software developer provides special tools which allow inspection of the
encrypted drive either in-band or out-of-band, and may allow provisioning with a known key.

Seagate has test tools with multiple functions to support drive examination. Test Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall perform the following tests:

Test 1: Write data to random locations, perform required actions and compare:
a) Ensure TOE is initialized and, if hardware, encryption engine is ready;
b) Provision TOE to encrypt the storage device. For SW Encryption products, or hybrid products
use a known key and the developer tools.
c) Determine a random character pattern of at least 64 KB;
d) Retrieve information on what the device TOE’s lowest and highest logical address is for which
encryption is enabled.

Test 2: Write pattern to storage device in multiple locations:

a) For HW Encryption, randomly select several logical address locations within the device’s
lowest to highest address range and write pattern to those addresses;
b) For SW Encryption, write the pattern using multiple files in multiple logical locations.

Test 3: Verify data is encrypted:

For HW Encryption:
a) engage device’s functionality for generating a new encryption key, thus performing an
erase of the key per FCS_CKM.4(a);
b) Read from the same locations at which the data was written;
c) Compare the retrieved data to the written data and ensure they do not match
For SW Encryption, using developer tools;
a) Review the encrypted storage device for the plaintext pattern at each location where the
file was written and confirm plaintext pattern cannot be found.
b) Using the known key, verify that each location where the file was written, the plaintext
pattern can be correctly decrypted using the key.
c) If available in the developer tools, verify there are no plaintext files present in the
encrypted range.

The evaluator configured the TOE to have 64 KB bands at the beginning and end of the drive. The
evaluator wrote repeating instances of the string ‘AB’ to the beginning of the drive and repeating instances
of the string ‘CD’ to the end of the drive. The evaluator then queried the drive to confirm the data had
been written to the correct location. The evaluator then generated a new encryption key for each band.

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The evaluator queried each band and confirmed that the values of the data stored did not match the
previous stored values.

2.3 Security Management (FMT)

2.3.1 FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions

FMT_SMF.1 is an unconditional requirement. Application Notes

The intent of this requirement is to express the management capabilities that the TOE possesses. This
means that the TOE must be able to perform the listed functions. Item (d) is used to specify functionality
that may be included in the TOE, but is not required to conform to the cPP. “Configure cryptographic
functionality” could include key management functions, for example, the BEV will be wrapped or
encrypted, and the EE will need to unwrap or decrypt the BEV. In item (d), if no other management
functions are provided (or claimed), then “no other functions” should be selected. Default Authorization
factors are the initial values that are used to manipulate the drive.
For the purposes of this document, key sanitization means to destroy the DEK, using one of the approved
destruction methods. This applies to instances of the protected key that exist in non-volatile storage. TSS Assurance Activities

Option A: The evaluator shall ensure the TSS describes how the TOE changes the DEK.

[ST] section 6.3.1 “Specification of Management Functions (FMT_SMF.1)” describes destroying and
generating a new MEK when changing the MEK (search for “The TOE changes a DEK”). Seagate SEDs
generate MEKs and do not support provisioning keys.
Option B: The evaluator shall ensure the TSS describes how the TOE cryptographically erases the DEK.

[ST] section 6.2.2 “Cryptographic Key Destruction (FCS_CKM.4(a), FCS_CKM.4(b),

FCS_CKM.4(c)(1) HDD, FCS_CKM.4(c)(2) SSH and Hybrid FCS_CKM.4(e), FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a),
FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b), FCS_CKM_EXT.6)” covers key destruction. Please see above for assurance
activity results regarding key destructions, particularly sections 2.1.4 and 2.1.5.
Option C: The evaluator shall ensure the TSS describes the process to initiate TOE firmware/software

[ST] section 6.3.1 “Specification of Management Functions (FMT_SMF.1)” covers steps needed to
initiate a firmware update: take ownership of the drive, change the SID, and issue download command
(search for “Firmware updates are initiated using”). [ST] section 6.5.1 “Firmware Access Control and
Update Authentication (FPT_FAC_EXT.1, FPT_FUA_EXT.1)” provides additional process details.
Please see also sections 2.4.1 and 2.4.2 below.
Option D: If additional management functions are claimed in the ST, the evaluator shall verify that the
TSS describes those functions.

Leidos © 2018 Page 49 of 111

FMT_SMF.1 in [ST] claims two additional functions: 1) configure a password for firmware update and
2) configure the number of failed validation attempts required to trigger corrective behavior (TCG Opal
only). [ST] section 6.3.1 “Specification of Management Functions (FMT_SMF.1)” describes changing the
SID as part of taking ownership of the drive. Section 6.3.1 also describes using Opal Try Limit command
to configure the limit on failed validation attempts. Guidance Assurance Activities

Option A: The evaluator shall review the AGD guidance and shall determine that the instructions for
changing a DEK exist. The instructions must cover all environments on which the TOE is claiming
conformance, and include any preconditions that must exist in order to successfully generate or re-
generate the DEK.

Security functions Erase Band and RevertSP change MEKs. The evaluator confirmed the [Guide] includes
sufficient instructions to invoke Erase Band and RevertSP in the course of examining the TOE security
function interfaces. Please sees section 3.1.1 below for the results of the examination.
Option C: The evaluator shall examine the operational guidance to ensure that it describes how to
initiate TOE firmware/software updates.

[Guide] section “Firmware Access Control and Firmware Trusted Update” provides instructions for
initiating a TOE firmware update.
Option D: Default Authorization Factors: It may be the case that the TOE arrives with default
authorization factors in place. If it does, then the selection in item D must be made so that there is a
mechanism to change these authorization factors. The operational guidance shall describe the method
by which the user changes these factors when they are taking ownership of the device. The TSS shall
describe the default authorization factors that exist.

[Guide] describes putting a Seagate SED into its evaluated configuration in section “General Setup &
Configuration.” The configuration steps for each type of drive include changing PINs (that is,
authorization factors) to take ownership of a drive. [ST] section 6.1 “Overview of TOE Operations”
identifies applicable PINs (search for “For TCG Enterprise there are four authentication PINs needed in
order to gain access to all” and “For TCG Opal there are five authentication PINs needed in order to gain
access to all” and “In addition, for ATA security mode, there are also”).
Disable Key Recovery: The guidance for disabling this capability shall be described in the AGD

Neither [ST] nor [Guide] identify a key recovery mechanism for Seagate SEDs. Thus, this assurance
activity is not applicable. KMD Assurance Activities

Option D: If the TOE offers the functionality to import an encrypted DEK, the evaluator shall ensure
the KMD describes how the TOE imports a wrapped DEK and performs the decryption of the wrapped

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Seagate SEDs do not offer functionality to import an encrypted DEK. Thus, this assurance activity is not
applicable. Test Assurance Activities

Option A and B: The evaluator shall verify that the TOE has the functionality to change and
cryptographically erase the DEK (effectively removing the ability to retrieve previous user data).

This testing was performed in conjunction with FCS_CKM.4(c) and FDP_DSK_EXT.1.

Option C: The evaluator shall verify that the TOE has the functionality to initiate TOE
firmware/software updates.

This testing was performed in conjunction with FPT_TUD_EXT.1.

Option D: If additional management functions are claimed, the evaluator shall verify that the additional
features function as described.

The evaluator authenticated to the TOE, changed the authentication PIN and successfully toggled the
firmware download port. The evaluator then attempted to toggle the firmware download port without
authenticating, which was denied by the TOE. For TCG Opal, the evaluator authenticated and successfully
configured the authentication try limit. For TCG Enterprise, the evaluator authenticated and attempted to
configure the authentication try limit, which is not supported and denied by the TOE.

2.4 Protection of the TSF (FPT)

2.4.1 FPT_FAC_EXT.1 Firmware Access Control

FPT_FAC_EXT.1 is an optional requirement. Application Notes

Before an update takes place, the drive owner will authorize the update by providing either a known unique
value (for example, a serial number) that is printed on the drive, a password (which should be
administratively configurable as defined in FMT_SMF.1) or perform the operation as a privileged user. It
is assumed that physical presence to the drive is limited to authorized personnel. If the correct value is not
provided, the update will not take place. The values are intended to be unique per drive so they cannot be
easily exhausted.
The same requirements for cleaning up a password still apply. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall examine the TSS to ensure that it describes information stating how the Access
Control process takes place along with a description of the values that are used.

In the evaluated configuration, a Seagate SED’s download port is locked. [ST] section 6.5.1 “Firmware
Access Control and Update Authentication (FPT_FAC_EXT.1, FPT_FUA_EXT.1)” explains a drive

Leidos © 2018 Page 51 of 111

requires an administrator to authenticate with the drive’s SID in order to unlock firmware download
(search for “requires the administrator to unlock the firmware download port”). Guidance Assurance Activities

The evaluator ensures that the Operational Guidance describes how the user will be expected to interact
with the authorization process.

[Guide] section “Firmware Access Control and Firmware Trusted Update” describes the authorization
process (search for “Authenticate with SID credential (password).”). KMD Assurance Activities

There are no KMD evaluation activities for this SFR. Test Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall perform the following test.

Test 1: The evaluator shall try installing a firmware upgrade and verify that a prompt is required and
the appropriate value is necessary for the update to continue.

The evaluator authenticated to the TOE and confirmed that the firmware upgrade was rejected as the
firmware download port is locked. The evaluator then unlocked the firmware download port and attempted
to upgrade the TOE. The evaluator confirmed that this attempt was successful.

2.4.2 FPT_FUA_EXT.1 Firmware Update Authentication

FPT_FUA_EXT.1 is a selection-based requirement. Application Notes

FPT_FUA_EXT.1.1 to 1.3
The firmware portion of TSF (e.g., RTU (key store and the signature verification algorithm)) shall be
stored in a write protected area on the TOE. The firmware shall only be modifiable in a post-manufacturing
state using the authenticated update mechanism described in FPT_FUA_EXT.1. The TSF is modifiable
only by using the mechanisms specified in FPT_TUD_EXT.
These requirements are for a SED in an operational state – not a drive in manufacturing.
The authenticated firmware update mechanism employs digital signatures to ensure the authenticity of the
firmware update image. The TSF provides a RTU that contains a signature verification algorithm and a
key store that includes the public key needed to verify the signature on the update image. The key store in
the RTU shall include a public key used to verify the signature on an update image or a hash of the public
key if a copy of the public key is provided with the update image. In the latter case, the update mechanism
shall hash the public key provided with the update image, and ensure that it matches a hash which appears
in the key store before using the provided public key to verify the signature on the update image. If the

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hash of the public key is selected, the ST author may iterate the FCS_COP.1(b) requirement - to specify
the hashing functions used.
The intent of this requirement is to specify that the authenticated update mechanism shall ensure that the
new image has been digitally signed; and that the digital signature can be verified by using a public key
before the update takes place. The requirement also specifies that the authenticated update mechanism
only allows installation of updates when the digital signature has been successfully verified by the TSF. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall examine the TSS to ensure that it describes how the TOE uses the RTU, what type
of key or hash value, and where the value is stored on the RTU. The evaluator shall also verify that the
TSS contains a description (storage location) of where the original firmware exists.

[ST] section 6.5.1 “Firmware Access Control and Update Authentication (FPT_FAC_EXT.1,
FPT_FUA_EXT.1)” describes the firmware download and installation process. The description covers:
 Firmware validation in volatile memory (DRAM)
 Firmware validation using a 2048-bit public key for Seagate,
 Storage of the Seagate public key in ROM,
 Error exit if firmware validation fails,
 Storage of firmware in flash memory if validation succeeds, and
 Locking download port either by explicit command from administrator or by power-on reset.
[ST] section 6.2.3 “Cryptographic Operation (FCS_COP.1(a), FCS_COP.1(b), FCS_COP.1(c),
FCS_COP.1(d), FCS_COP.1(f))” adds that Seagate SEDs store the signature validation firmware routines
in ROM (search for “using FW routines and the public key in ROM”). Guidance Assurance Activities

There are no AGD evaluation activities for this SFR. KMD Assurance Activities

There are no KMD evaluation activities for this SFR. Test Assurance Activities

There are no test evaluation activities for this SFR.

2.4.3 FPT_KYP_EXT.1 Protection of Key and Key Material

FPT_KYP_EXT.1 is an unconditional requirement. Application Notes

The plaintext key storage in non-volatile memory is allowed for several reasons. If the keys exist within
protected memory that is not user accessible on the TOE or OE, the only methods that allow it to play a

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security relevant role for protecting the BEV or the DEK are if it is a key split or providing additional
layers of wrapping or encryption on keys that have already been protected.
When stored in non-volatile memory (even in protected storage), the DEK is always encrypted (wrapped)
and only exists in plaintext form in volatile memory, when it is being used to encrypt or decrypt data.
Provisioning keys may exist in plaintext form in non-volatile memory before provisioning by the drive
If the TOE does not store keys in non-volatile memory, a statement in the TSS stating that keys are never
stored in non-volatile memory is all that is required and no evaluation activity needs to be performed.
This requirement is addressing the keys related to the encryption of user data – specifically keys from
within the key chain. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall examine the TSS to verify that it describes the method by which intermediate keys
are generated using submask combining.

[ST] section 6.5.2 “Protection of Key and Key Material (FPT_KYP_EXT.1)” states “Intermediate keys
are not generated using submask combining.” Rather Seagate SEDs store keys in non-volatile memory
using AES-GCM and AES-KW key wrapping. Guidance Assurance Activities

There are no AGD evaluation activities for this SFR. KMD Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall examine the KMD for a description of the methods used to protect keys stored in
non-volatile memory.

[ST] section 6.5.2 “Protection of Key and Key Material (FPT_KYP_EXT.1)” explains Seagate SEDs store
keys in non-volatile memory using AES-GCM and AES-KW key wrapping. Please see section 2.1.13
above for assurance activity results regarding key wrapping.
The evaluator shall verify the KMD to ensure it describes the storage location of all keys and the
protection of all keys stored in non-volatile memory. The description of the key chain shall be reviewed
to ensure the selected method is followed for the storage of wrapped or encrypted keys in non-volatile
memory and plaintext keys in non-volatile memory meet one of the criteria for storage.

Please see section 2.1.5 above for a review of key storage in non-volatile memory. As specified in
FPT_KYP_EXT.1, intermediate keys in non-volatile memory are key wrapped using either AES-GCM or
AES-KW. Test Assurance Activities

There are no test evaluation activities for this SFR.

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2.4.4 FPT_PWR_EXT.1 Power Saving States
FPT_PWR_EXT.1 is an unconditional requirement. Application Notes

Power saving states S3, S4, G2(S5), G3, D0, D1, D2, D3 are defined by the Advanced Configuration and
Power Interface (ACPI) standard. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall validate the TSS contains a list of Compliant power saving states.

[ST] section “6.5.3 Power Saving States and Timing (FPT_PWR_EXT.1, FPT_PWR_EXT.2)” states
“The TOE supports two states: device full off (D0) and device full on (D3).” Guidance Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall ensure that guidance documentation contains a list of Compliant power saving

[Guide] section “Power Saving States and Timing of Power Saving States” identifies the compliant power
saving state (search for “device full off (D0)”).
If additional power saving states are supported, then the evaluator shall validate that the guidance
documentation states how the use of non-Compliant power saving states can be avoided.

Seagate SEDs do not support any additional power saving states. Thus, this assurance activity is not
applicable. KMD Assurance Activities

There are no KMD evaluation activities for this SFR. Test Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall confirm that for each listed Compliant state all key/key materials are removed from
volatile memory by using the test defined in FCS_CKM.4(b).

N/A—The TOE does not support any Compliant power saving states. The TOE only supports 2 power
states; Fully On and Off.

2.4.5 FPT_PWR_EXT.2 Timing of Power Saving States

FPT_PWR_EXT.2 is an unconditional requirement.

Leidos © 2018 Page 55 of 111 Application Notes
If volatile memory is not cleared as part of an unexpected power shutdown sequence then guidance
documentation must define mitigation activities (e.g. how long users should wait after an unexpected
power-down before volatile memory can be considered cleared). TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall validate that the TSS contains a list of conditions under which the TOE enters a
Compliant power saving state.

[ST] section “6.5.3 Power Saving States and Timing (FPT_PWR_EXT.1, FPT_PWR_EXT.2)” states
“The device changes to off when the system removes power to the drive.” Guidance Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall check that the guidance contains a list of conditions under which the TOE enters a
Compliant power saving state.

[Guide] section “Power Saving States and Timing of Power Saving States” explains “The device changes
to off when the system removes power to the drive.”
Additionally, the evaluator shall verify that the guidance documentation provides information on how
long it is expected to take for the TOE to fully transition into the Compliant power saving state (e.g.
how many seconds for the volatile memory to be completely cleared).

[Guide] section “Power Saving States and Timing of Power Saving States” states, “After power is
removed, it takes approximately 2 seconds for DRAM volatile memory and about 30 ms for SRAM
volatile memory to completely power down.” KMD Assurance Activities

There are no KMD evaluation activities for this SFR. Test Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall trigger each condition in the list of identified conditions and ensure the TOE ends
up in a Complaint power saving state by running the test identified in FCS_CKM.4(b).

N/A—The TOE does not support any Compliant power saving states. The TOE only supports 2 power
states; Fully On and Off.

2.4.6 FPT_RBP_EXT.1 Rollback Protection

FPT_RBP_EXT.1 is an optional requirement.

Leidos © 2018 Page 56 of 111 Application Notes
This requirement prevents an unauthorized rollback of the firmware to an earlier authentic version. This
mitigates against unknowing installation of an earlier authentic firmware version that may have a security
weakness. It is expected that vendors will increase security version numbers with each new update
For FPT_RBP_EXT.1.1 the purpose is to verify that the new package has a security version number equal
to or larger than the security version number of currently installed firmware package.
The administrator guidance would include instructions for the administrator to configure the rollback
prevention mechanism, if appropriate. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall examine the TSS to ensure that it describes at a high level the process for verifying
that security version checking is performed before an upgrade is installed.

[ST] section 6.5.4 “RollBack Protection (FPT_RBP_EXT.1)” describes in general terms an internal block
point mechanism that Seagate SEDs use to prevent downgrading to a lower security version number.
The evaluator shall verify that a high level description of the types of error codes are provided and
when an error would be triggered.

[ST] section 6.5.4 “RollBack Protection (FPT_RBP_EXT.1)” explains Seagate SEDs reject firmware with
a lower security version number and return an error code. Section 6.5.4 includes error codes and messages. Guidance Assurance Activities

The evaluator ensures that a description is provided on how the user should interpret the error codes.

[Guide] section “Firmware Rollback Protection” identifies the rollback error codes and provides messages
explaining the errors. KMD Assurance Activities

There are no KMD evaluation activities for this SFR. Test Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall perform the following test:

Test 1: The evaluator shall try installing a lower security version number upgrade (either by just
modifying the version number or by using an upgrade provided by the vendor) and will verify that the
lower version cannot be installed and an error is presented to the user.

The evaluator queried the current version of TOE firmware. The evaluator then attempted to upgrade the
TOE to an earlier version of the firmware. The attempted was denied by the TOE and an error was

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presented. The evaluator then queried the firmware version of the TOE and confirmed it remained

2.4.7 FPT_TST_EXT.1 TSF Testing

FPT_TST_EXT.1 is an unconditional requirement. Application Notes

The tests regarding cryptographic functions implemented in the TOE can be deferred, as long as the tests
are performed before the function is invoked.
If FCS_RBG_EXT.1 is implemented by the TOE and according to NIST SP 800-90, the evaluator shall
verify that the TSS describes health tests that are consistent with section 11.3 of NIST SP 800-90.
If any FCS_COP functions are implemented by the TOE, the TSS shall describe the known-answer self-
tests for those functions.
The evaluator shall verify that the TSS describes, for some set of non-cryptographic functions affecting
the correct operation of the TSF, the method by which those functions are tested.
The TSS will describe, for each of these functions, the method by which correct operation of the
function/component is verified. The evaluator shall determine that all of the identified
functions/components are adequately tested on start-up. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall verify that the TSS describes the known-answer self-tests for cryptographic

[ST] section 6.5.5 “TST Testing (FPT_TST_EXT.1)” identifies the power-on and continuous self-test for
Seagate SED cryptographic functions.
The evaluator shall verify that the TSS describes, for some set of non-cryptographic functions affecting
the correct operation of the TOE and the method by which the TOE tests those functions. The evaluator
shall verify that the TSS includes each of these functions, the method by which the TOE verifies the
correct operation of the function.

[ST] section 6.5.5 “TST Testing (FPT_TST_EXT.1)” describes firmware load check and secure boot
process, which validate drive firmware at download and at drive power-on, respectively. Please see
sections 2.1.10 and 2.4.2 above for review of the firmware download and power-on function tests.
The evaluator shall verify that the TSF data are appropriate for TSF Testing. For example, more than
blocks are tested for AES in CBC mode, output of AES in GCM mode is tested without truncation, or
512-bit key is used for testing HMAC-SHA-512.

The test assurance activities in the following sections of this report ensure the TSF data is suitable for
 2.1.10 FCS_COP.1(a) Cryptographic Operation (Signature Verification)

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 2.1.11 FCS_COP.1(b) Cryptographic Operation (Hash Algorithm)
 2.1.12 FCS_COP.1(c) Cryptographic Operation (Message Authentication)
 2.1.13 FCS_COP.1(d) Cryptographic Operation (Key Wrapping)
 2.1.14 FCS_COP.1(f) Cryptographic Operation (AES Data Encryption/Decryption)
 2.1.17 FCS_RBG_EXT.1 Random Bit Generation
If FCS_RBG_EXT.1 is implemented by the TOE and according to NIST SP 800-90, the evaluator shall
verify that the TSS describes health tests that are consistent with section 11.3 of NIST SP 800-90.

[ST] section 6.5.5 “TST Testing (FPT_TST_EXT.1)” describes tests Firmware 800-90 DRBG (CRNGT)
and Firmware 800-90 DRBG Entropy (CRNGT) in addition to Firmware 800-90 DRBG KAT (search for
“Health test as described above”).
If any FCS_COP functions are implemented by the TOE, the TSS shall describe the known-answer self-
tests for those functions.

[ST] section 6.5.5 “TST Testing (FPT_TST_EXT.1)” identifies the power-on and continuous self-test for
Seagate SED cryptographic functions.
The evaluator shall verify that the TSS describes, for some set of non-cryptographic functions affecting
the correct operation of the TSF, the method by which those functions are tested. The TSS will describe,
for each of these functions, the method by which correct operation of the function/component is verified.
The evaluator shall determine that all of the identified functions/components are adequately tested on

[ST] section 6.5.5 “TST Testing (FPT_TST_EXT.1)” describes firmware load check and secure boot
process, which validate drive firmware at download and at drive power-on, respectively. Please see
sections 2.1.10 and 2.4.2 above for review of the firmware download and power-on function tests. Guidance Assurance Activities

There are no AGD evaluation activities for this SFR. KMD Assurance Activities

There are no KMD evaluation activities for this SFR. Test Assurance Activities

There are no test evaluation activities for this SFR.

2.4.8 FPT_TUD_EXT.1 Trusted Update

FPT_TUD_EXT.1 is an unconditional requirement.

Leidos © 2018 Page 59 of 111 Application Notes
“Authorized users” refers to an individual who has rightful physical possession of the device.
The digital signature mechanism referenced in the third element is the one specified in FCS_COP.1(a) in
Appendix A. While this component requires the TOE to implement the update functionality itself, it is
acceptable to perform the cryptographic checks using functionality available in the Operational
If the TOE is a software product, the ST author selects ‘digital signature’. If the TOE is a hardware product,
the ST author selects ‘authenticated firmware update mechanism as described in FPT_FUA_EXT.1’.
The secure firmware update mechanism is used for verifying the authenticity and integrity of the new
update package and for ensuring that it is protected from modification outside of the secure update process.
The authenticated firmware update mechanism shall be protected from unintended or malicious
modification by a mechanism that is at least as strong as that protecting the RTU and the firmware.
The intent of this requirement is to ensure that an authenticated firmware update mechanism will be
provided. Authentication verifies that the firmware package was generated by an authentic source and is
unaltered. All updates to the existing firmware shall go through an authenticated update mechanism as
described in FPT_FUA_EXT.1. TSS Assurance Activities

The evaluator shall examine the TSS to ensure that it describes information stating that an authorized
source signs TOE updates and will have an associated digital signature.

[ST] section 6.5.1 “Firmware Access Control and Update Authentication (FPT_FAC_EXT.1,
FPT_FUA_EXT.1)” indicates Seagate digitally signs all firmware updates with an RSA key
corresponding to an RSA public key stored in drive ROM.
The evaluator shall examine the TSS contains a definition of an authorized source along with a
description of how the TOE uses public keys for the update verification mechanism in the Operational

[ST] section 6.5.1 “Firmware Access Control and Update Authentication (FPT_FAC_EXT.1,
FPT_FUA_EXT.1)” identifies Seagate as the authorized source of firmware updates (search for “the
authorized source that signs TOE updates is Seagate”).
The evaluator ensures the TSS contains details on the protection and maintenance of the TOE update

[ST] section 6.5.1 “Firmware Access Control and Update Authentication (FPT_FAC_EXT.1,
FPT_FUA_EXT.1)” indicates Seagate digitally signs all firmware updates with an RSA key
corresponding to an RSA public key stored in drive ROM.
If the Operational Environment performs the signature verification, then the evaluator shall examine
the TSS to ensure it describes, for each platform identified in the ST, the interface(s) used by the TOE
to invoke this cryptographic functionality.

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The TOE verifies digital signatures of firmware updates. Thus, this assurance activity is not applicable. Guidance Assurance Activities

The evaluator ensures that the operational guidance describes how the TOE obtains vendor updates to
the TOE ….

[Guide] section “Firmware Access Control and Firmware Trusted Update” describes obtaining a signed
firmware update package from Seagate and gives the URL
The evaluator ensures that the operational guidance describes … the processing associated with
verifying the digital signature of the updates (as defined in FCS_COP.1(a)) ...

[Guide] section “Firmware Access Control and Firmware Trusted Update” covers signature verification
(search for “4. The signature is verified using PKCS #1, v1.5 RSA signature algorithm and public key in
The evaluator ensures that the operational guidance describes … the actions that take place for
successful and unsuccessful cases.

[Guide] section “Firmware Access Control and Firmware Trusted Update” describes Seagate SED
behavior in both the successful (update installed) and unsuccessful (error code returned) cases. KMD Assurance Activities

There are no KMD evaluation activities for this SFR. Test Assurance Activities

The evaluators shall perform the following tests (if the TOE supports multiple signatures, each using a
different hash algorithm, then the evaluator performs tests for different combinations of authentic and
unauthentic digital signatures and hashes, as well as for digital signature alone):
Test 1: The evaluator performs the version verification activity to determine the current version of the
TOE. After the update tests described in the following tests, the evaluator performs this activity again
to verify that the version correctly corresponds to that of the update.

The evaluator combined tests 1 and 2. See test 2 below.

Test 2: The evaluator obtains a legitimate update using procedures described in the operational
guidance and verifies that an update successfully installs on the TOE. The evaluator shall perform a
subset of other evaluation activity tests to demonstrate that the update functions as expected.

The evaluator queried the current version of the TOE firmware. The evaluator then obtained an unsigned
TOE firmware update and attempted to upgrade the TOE. The TOE rejected the update and the evaluator
queried the TOE firmware version again and confirmed it went unchanged. The evaluator acquired a valid,
signed update and attempted to upgrade the TOE. The evaluator confirmed that the TOE accepted the

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update and updated successfully via querying the firmware version and observing the increased TOE
firmware version increased.


3.1 Development (ADV)

3.1.1 ADV_FSP.1 Basic Functional Specification

The EAs for this assurance component focus on understanding the interfaces (e.g., application
programing interfaces, command line interfaces, graphical user interfaces, network interfaces)
described in the AGD documentation, and possibly identified in the TOE Summary Specification (TSS)
in response to the SFRs. Specific evaluator actions to be performed against this documentation are
identified (where relevant) for each SFR in Section 2 (Evaluation Activities for SFRs), and in EAs for
AGD, ATE and AVA SARs in other parts of Section 5.
The EAs presented in this section address the CEM work units ADV_FSP.1-1, ADV_FSP.1-2,
ADV_FSP.1-3, and ADV_FSP.1-5.
The EAs are reworded for clarity and interpret the CEM work units such that they will result in more
objective and repeatable actions by the evaluator. The EAs in this SD are intended to ensure the
evaluators are consistently performing equivalent actions.
The documents to be examined for this assurance component in an evaluation are therefore the Security
Target, AGD documentation, and any required supplementary information required by the cPP: no
additional “functional specification” documentation is necessary to satisfy the EAs. The interfaces that
need to be evaluated are also identified by reference to the EAs listed for each SFR, and are expected
to be identified in the context of the Security Target, AGD documentation, and any required
supplementary information defined in the cPP rather than as a separate list specifically for the purposes
of CC evaluation. The direct identification of documentation requirements and their assessment as part
of the EAs for each SFR also means that the tracing required in ADV_FSP.1.2D (work units
ADV_FSP.1-4, ADV_FSP.1-6 and ADV_FSP.1-7 is treated as implicit and no separate mapping
information is required for this element.

Table 10 SD Table 1: Mapping of ADV_FSP.1 CEM Work Units to Evaluation Activities

CEM ADV_FSP.1 Work Units Evaluation Activities

ADV_FSP.1-1 The evaluator shall Evaluation Activity: The evaluator shall examine the
examine the functional specification interface documentation to ensure it describes the purpose
to determine that it states the purpose and method of use for each TSFI that is identified as being
of each SFR-supporting and SFR- security relevant.
enforcing TSFI.
ADV_FSP.1-2 The evaluator shall Evaluation Activity: The evaluator shall examine the
examine the functional specification interface documentation to ensure it describes the purpose
to determine that the method of use for and method of use for each TSFI that is identified as being
each SFR-supporting and SFR- security relevant.
enforcing TSFI is given.

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ADV_FSP.1-3 The evaluator shall Evaluation Activity: The evaluator shall check the
examine the presentation of the TSFI interface documentation to ensure it identifies and describes
to determine that it identifies all the parameters for each TSFI that is identified as being
parameters associated with each SFR- security relevant.
enforcing and SFR supporting
ADV_FSP.1-4 The evaluator shall Paragraph 561 from the CEM: “In the case where the
examine the rationale provided by the developer has provided adequate documentation to perform
developer for the implicit the analysis called for by the rest of the work units for this
categorisation of interfaces as SFR- component without explicitly identifying SFR-enforcing
non-interfering to determine that it is and SFR-supporting interfaces, this work unit should be
accurate. considered satisfied.”
Since the rest of the ADV_FSP.1 work units will have been
satisfied upon completion of the EAs, it follows that this
work unit is satisfied as well.
ADV_FSP.1-5 The evaluator shall Evaluation Activity: The evaluator shall examine the
check that the tracing links the SFRs to interface documentation to develop a mapping of the
the corresponding TSFIs. interfaces to SFRs.
ADV_FSP.1-6 The evaluator shall EAs that are associated with the SFRs in Section 2, and, if
examine the functional specification applicable, Sections 3 and 4, are performed to ensure that all
to determine that it is a complete the SFRs where the security functionality is externally
instantiation of the SFRs. visible (i.e., at the TSFI) are covered. Therefore, the intent
of this work unit is covered.
ADV_FSP.1-7 The evaluator shall EAs that are associated with the SFRs in Section 2, and, if
examine the functional specification applicable, Sections 3 and 4, are performed to ensure that all
to determine that it is an accurate the SFRs where the security functionality is externally
instantiation of the SFRs. visible (i.e., at the TSFI) are addressed, and that the
description of the interfaces is accurate with respect to the
specification captured in the SFRs. Therefore, the intent of
this work unit is covered. Supporting Document Evaluation Activity

The evaluator shall examine the interface documentation to ensure it describes the purpose and method
of use for each TSFI that is identified as being security relevant.
In this context, TSFI are deemed security relevant if they are used by the administrator to configure the
TOE, or to perform other administrative functions (e.g., audit review or performing updates).
Additionally, those interfaces that are identified in the ST, or guidance documentation, as adhering to
the security policies (as presented in the SFRs), are also considered security relevant. The intent, is that
these interfaces will be adequately tested, and having an understanding of how these interfaces are used
in the TOE is necessary to ensure proper test coverage is applied.
The set of TSFI that are provided as evaluation evidence are contained in the Administrative Guidance
and User Guidance.

Leidos © 2018 Page 63 of 111

The TOE is a set of Seagate self-encrypting drives. As described in [ST], an end user interacts with the
TOE through a TCG host controller. Seagate SEDs implement TCG Enterprise Security Subsystem Class
(SSC), TCG Opal SSC, and ATA Security specifications. These specifications determine TOE behavior
including the interfaces each Seagate SED presents to host controllers.
[Guide] identifies TCG methods and ATA Security commands relevant to the TSF. In particular, [Guide]
section “Setup and Configuration” describes the steps necessary to put a Seagate SED into the evaluated
configuration. Each step includes examples to illustrate interactions between a host controller and a SED.
The examples are based on Seagate TCG and ATA Security libraries. A host controller developer would
adapt the examples to the developer’s own libraries.
TCG SSCs and ATA Security have mature, widely used, well documented specifications. Please see
section 1.3 above. Briefly, [TCG Core] specifies aspects TCG Storage common to all SSCs. The
specification covers device architecture (components and core operations) and architectural elements (data
structures, interface communication, and security provider (SP) operation descriptions) as well an SP
reference. [TCG SIIS] provides a mapping between concepts and features of [TCG Core] and ATA and
SCSI interfaces. [TCG Ent] specializes [TCG Core] for enterprise-class use cases. Similarly, [TCG Opal]
specializes [TCG Core] for storage devices built to protect the confidentiality of stored user data against
unauthorized access once a device leaves the owner’s control. [TCG SUDR] defines Single User Mode
for the Opal SSC. [ATA-8 ACS2] specifies the AT Attachment command set used to communicate
between host systems and storage devices, which includes ATA security commands.
The evaluator used [ST] and [Guide] to identify TCG methods and ATA Security commands relevant to
each TOE security function. [ST] section 6.2.2 “Cryptographic Key Destruction (FCS_CKM.4(a),
FCS_CKM.4(b), FCS_CKM.4(c)(1) HDD, FCS_CKM.4(c)(2) SSH and Hybrid FCS_CKM.4(e),
FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a), FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b), FCS_CKM_EXT.6)” provides convenient labels for most
TOE security functions. Examples in [Guide] section “TCG Enterprise Setup & Configuration” show
additional configuration functions. [Guide] tables 4.1 through 4.6 contain security service names along
with TCG methods and ATA Security comments for TOE security functions. Table 11 summarizes the
correspondence between SFRs and externally visible security functions. Table 12, Table 13, and Table 14
trace each security function through TCG methods and ATA Security commands to applicable
descriptions in TCG Storage and ATA Security specifications. The evaluation team used the mappings to
confirm [Guide] and the public specifications adequately document the purpose and method of use for
each TOE security function interface.
Table 11 Mapping from SFR to Security Functions

SFR Security Function

FCS_CKM.1(b) No external interface
FCS_CKM.1(c) No external interface
FCS_CKM.4(a) Device full off
FCS_CKM.4(b) No external interface
FCS_CKM.4(1)(c) HDD No external interface
FCS_CKM.4(2)(c) SDD and Hybrid No external interface
FCS_CKM.4(e) No external interface
FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a) No external interface

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SFR Security Function
FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b) Device full off
FCS_CKM_EXT.6 Take Ownership
FCS_CKM_EXT.6 Erase Band
FCS_CKM_EXT.6 Lock Band
FCS_CKM_EXT.6 Unlock Band
FCS_COP.1(a) No external interface
FCS_COP.1(b) No external interface
FCS_COP.1(c) No external interface
FCS_COP.1(d) No external interface
FCS_COP.1(f) No external interface
FCS_RBG_EXT.1 No external interface
FCS_SNI_EXT.1 No external interface
FCS_VAL_EXT.1(a) Verify PIN
FCS_VAL_EXT.1(b) Verify PIN
FDP_DSK_EXT.1 Read/Write data
FMT_SMF.1 Erase Band
FMT_SMF.1 RevertSP
FMT_SMF.1 FW Download
FMT_SMF.1 Set PIN (FW Download)
FMT_SMF.1 Set Try Limit
FPT_FAC_EXT.1 Authenticate (FW Download)
FPT_FUA_EXT.1 FW Download
FPT_KYP_EXT.1 No external interface
FPT_PWR_EXT.1 No external interface
FPT_PWR_EXT.2 Device full off
FPT_RBP_EXT.1 FW Download
FPT_TST_EXT.1 Power-on Reset
FPT_TUD_EXT.1 Query Firmware Version
FPT_TUD_EXT.1 FW Download

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Table 12 Mapping from Security Function to TCG Enterprise SSC Interface Specification

Security Function Security Service Interface Specification Section
Change PIN Set PIN 2 TCG Set [TCG Core] Basic Table Method Group - Set (Table and
Object Method)
[TCG Core] Table Management
[TCG Ent] Set
Disable Authority See example 6 TCG Set See above See Change PIN
[TCG Core] Access Control Metadata Group - Authority
(Object Table)
[TCG Ent] 11.3.1 Authorities & Credentials
Erase Band Cryptographic N/A TCG Erase [TCG Ent] Erase
FW Download Firmware N/A TCG Set See above See Change PIN
SCSI Write [TCG SIIS] 3 SCSI Interface
FW Download (Port See "Firmware 10 TCG Set See above See Change PIN
Lock/Unlock) Access Control Note: Firmware Download Port is a Seagate-defined
and Firmware port. See sections “TCG Enterprise Setup &
Trusted Update" Configuration” and “Firmware Access Control and
Firmware Trusted Update”.
FW Download (Set Lock on See example 9 TCG Set See above See Change PIN
Reset) Note: Firmware Download Port is a Seagate-defined
port. See sections “TCG Enterprise Setup &
Configuration” and “Firmware Access Control and
Firmware Trusted Update”.
FW Download See example 1 TCG [TCG Core] Access Control Method Group -
(Authenticate) Authenticate Authenticate (SP Method)
[TCG Core] Authentication
[TCG Ent] 11.2.2 Authenticate Method Deviations

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Security Function Security Service Interface Specification Section
Get Object See example 1, 2, 4 TCG Get [TCG Core] Basic Table Method Group - Get (Table and
Object Method)
[TCG Core] Table Management
[TCG Ent] Get
Lock Band Lock / Unlock N/A TCG Set See above See Change PIN
User Data Range
for Read and/or
[TCG Core] 5.7 Locking Template
[TCG Ent] 11.4.5 Locking Objects Definition
[TCG Ent] 11.4.10 Device Behavior Under Locking
Query Firmware Version See "Firmware N/A SAS Inquiry [TCG SIIS] 3 SCSI Interface
Access Control
and Firmware
Trusted Update"
SATA Identify [TCG SIIS] 4 ATA Interface
Ditto [ATA-8 7.17 IDENTIFY DEVICE - ECh, PIO Data-In
Read/Write data User Data Read / N/A SCSI Read [TCG SIIS] 3 SCSI Interface
SCSI Write [TCG SIIS] 3 SCSI Interface
[TCG Core] Locking (Object Table)
[TCG Core] Reading/Writing User Data
[TCG Ent] Locking Objects Deviations
[TCG Ent] 11.4.10 Device Behavior Under Locking
Revert SP Exit CC Security N/A TCG RevertSP [TCG Opal] 5.2.2 Revert – Admin Template SP Object
Mode Method
See note in [Guide] Table 4.6
Set Minimum PIN Length See example 4, 9 TCG Set See above See also [Guide] section TCG Enterprise Setup &
Set PIN (Setup) Set PIN 2, 3, 5 TCG Set See above See Change PIN

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Security Function Security Service Interface Specification Section
Set PIN (FW Download) See "Firmware 2 TCG Set See above See Change PIN
Access Control
and Firmware
Trusted Update"
Take Ownership See "Protection of 1 TCG See above See Firmware (Authenticate)
Data on Disk & Authenticate
Specification of
[TCG Ent] 2 Overview
[TCG Ent] 12.1 Use of MSID
Transition to TCG Security See "Protection of 1 TCG See above See Take Ownership
Data on Disk & Authenticate
Specification of
Unlock Band Lock / Unlock N/A TCG Set See above See Lock Band
User Data Range
for Read and/or
Verify PIN See example 1 TCG See above See Firmware (Authenticate)

Table 13 Mapping from Security Function to TCG Opal SSC Interface Specification

Security Function Security Service Interface Specification Section
Change PIN Set PIN 2 TCG Set [TCG Core] Basic Table Method Group - Set
(Table and Object Method)
[TCG Core] Table Management
[TCG Opal] 4.2.4 Admin Template Methods
[TCG Opal] 4.3.6 Locking Template Methods

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Disable Authority See example 7 TCG Set See above See Change PIN
[TCG Core] Access Control Metadata Group -
Authority (Object Table)
[TCG Opal] Authority (M)
Erase Band (non-SUDR) Cryptographic Erase N/A TCG GenKey [TCG Core] Key Related Method Group -
GenKey (Object Method)
[TCG Opal] MethodID (M)
Erase Band (SUDR Locking Cryptographic Erase N/A TCG Erase [TCG SUDR] Erase
SP Admins)
[TCG SUDR] 2 Single User Mode Overview
Erase Band (SUDR Users) Cryptographic Erase N/A TCG GenKey See above See Erase Band: Cryptographic Erase of
SUDR Locking SP Admin1-4
FW Download Load complete N/A ATA DOWNLOAD [TCG Opal] 5.1.4 Examples
firmware image MICROCODE
[TCG SIIS] 4 ATA Interface
PIO Data-Out/Non-Data
FW Download (Port See "Firmware 9 TCG Set See above See Change PIN
Lock/Unlock) Access Control and Note: Firmware Download Port is a
Firmware Trusted Seagate-defined port. See sections “TCG
Update" Enterprise Setup & Configuration” and
“Firmware Access Control and Firmware
Trusted Update”.
FW Download (Set Lock on See example 8 TCG Set See above See Change PIN
Reset) Note: Firmware Download Port is a
Seagate-defined port. See sections “TCG
Enterprise Setup & Configuration” and
“Firmware Access Control and Firmware
Trusted Update”.
FW Download See example 2 TCG Authenticate [TCG Core] Access Control Method Group -
(Authenticate) Authenticate (SP Method)
[TCG Core] Authentication
[TCG Opal] 4.2.4 Admin Template Methods
[TCG Opal] 4.3.6 Locking Template Methods

Leidos © 2018 Page 69 of 111

Get Object See example 5, 6 TCG Get [TCG Core] Basic Table Method Group - Get
(Table and Object Method)
[TCG Core] Table Management
[TCG Opal] 4.2.4 Admin Template Methods
[TCG Opal] 4.3.6 Locking Template Methods
Lock Band Lock / Unlock User N/A TCG Set See above See Change PIN
Data Range for Read
and/or Write
[TCG Core] 5.7 Locking Template
[TCG Opal] 4.3.5 Locking Template Tables
[TCG Opal] 4.3.7 SD Read/Write Data Command
Locking Behavior
Query Firmware Version See "Firmware N/A SATA Identify [TCG SIIS] 4 ATA Interface
Access Control and
Firmware Trusted
Read/Write data User Data Read / N/A ATA Read [TCG SIIS] 4 ATA Interface
ATA Write [TCG SIIS] 4 ATA Interface
[TCG Core] Locking (Object Table)
[TCG Core] Reading/Writing User Data
[TCG Opal] 4.3.7 SD Read/Write Data Command
Locking Behavior
Revert SP (Drive Owner) Exit CC Security N/A TCG Admin SP Revert [TCG Opal] 5.2.2 Revert – Admin Template SP Object
Mode Locking SP Object Method
TCG Admin SP Revert [TCG Opal] 5.2.2 Revert – Admin Template SP Object
Admin SP Object Method
Revert SP (Admin SP Exit CC Security N/A TCG Admin SP Revert [TCG Opal] 5.2.2 Revert – Admin Template SP Object
Admins) Mode Admin SP Object Method
Revert SP (Locking SP Exit CC Security N/A TCG Locking SP [TCG Opal] 5.2.3 RevertSP – Base Template SP Method
Admins) Mode RevertSP

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[TCG Opal] 4.2.4 Admin Template Methods
[TCG Opal] 4.3.6 Locking Template Methods
Set Minimum PIN Length See example 3 TCG Set See above See also [Guide] section TCG Opal Setup &
Set PIN (Setup) Set PIN 2, 4, 6 TCG Set See above See Change PIN
Set PIN (FW Download) See "Firmware 2 TCG Set See above See Change PIN
Access Control and
Firmware Trusted
Set Try Limit See “Validation - Try N/A TCG Set [TCG Core] Authentication Attempt Limits
Limits and with C_PIN Objects
Persistence Settings”
and “TCG Opal
Setting Try Limits”
[TCG Core] Credential Table Group - C_PIN
(Object Table)
[TCG Opal] C_PIN (M)
[TCG Opal] C_PIN (M)
Take Ownership See "Protection of 1 TCG Activate [TCG Opal] 5.2.1 Activate – Admin Template SP Object
Data on Disk & Method
Specification of
[TCG SUDR] Activate

Transition to TCG Opal See "Protection of 1 TCG Activate See above See Take Ownership
Security Mode Data on Disk &
Specification of
Unlock Band Lock / Unlock User N/A TCG Set See above See Lock Band
Data Range for Read
and/or Write
Verify PIN See example 2 TCG Authenticate See above See Firmware (Authenticate)

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Table 14 Mapping from Security Function to TCG Opal SSC and ATA Security Interface Specifications

Security Function Security Service Interface Specification Section
Password Data-Out
N/A TCG set [TCG Core] Locking SP Life Cycle Interactions with
the ATA Security Feature Set
[TCG Core] Table Management
[TCG Opal] 4.2.4 Admin Template Methods
[TCG Opal] 4.3.6 Locking Template Methods
Disable Authority See example 3 TCG Set See above See Change PIN
[TCG Core] Access Control Metadata Group -
Authority (Object Table)
[TCG Opal] Authority (M)
Erase Band Cryptographic Erase N/A ATA SECURITY [ATA-8 ASC2] 7.44 SECURITY ERASE PREPARE - F3h,
FW Download Load complete N/A ATA DOWNLOAD [TCG Opal] 5.1.4 Examples
firmware image MICROCODE
FW Download (Port See "Firmware 5 TCG Set See above See Change PIN
Lock/Unlock) Access Control and
Firmware Trusted
FW Download (Set See example 4 TCG Set See above See Change PIN
Lock on Reset)
FW Download See example 3 TCG Authenticate [TCG Core] Access Control Method Group -
(Authenticate) Authenticate (SP Method)
[TCG Core] Authentication
[TCG Opal] 4.2.4 Admin Template Methods

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Security Function Security Service Interface Specification Section
[TCG Opal] 4.3.6 Locking Template Methods
Get Object See example 3, 4 TCG Get [TCG Core] Basic Table Method Group - Get (Table
and Object Method)
[TCG Core] Table Management
[TCG Opal] 4.2.4 Admin Template Methods
[TCG Opal] 4.3.6 Locking Template Methods
Lock Band Reset Module N/A Power-on reset [ATA-8 ACS2] User Password
Query Firmware See "Firmware N/A SATA Identify [ATA-8 ACS2] 7.17 IDENTIFY DEVICE - ECh, PIO Data-In
Version Access Control and
Firmware Trusted
Read/Write data User Data Read / N/A ATA READ commands [ATA-8 ACS2] 7.24 READ BUFFER - E4h, PIO Data-In
42h, Non-Data
N/A ATA WRITE Commands [ATA-8 ACS2] 7.62 WRITE BUFFER - E8h, PIO Data-Out
Set PIN (Setup) Set PIN 1, 2 TCG Set See above See Change PIN
Set PIN (FW See "Firmware 2 ATA SECURITY SET See above See Change PIN
Download) Access Control and Password
Firmware Trusted
Take Ownership See "Protection of 1 ATA SECURITY SET See above See Change PIN
Data on Disk & Password
Specification of

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Security Function Security Service Interface Specification Section
Transition to ATA See "Protection of 1 ATA SECURITY SET See above See Take Ownership
Security Mode Data on Disk & Password
Specification of
[ATA-8 ASC2] See Take Ownership
Unlock Band Unlock User Data N/A ATA SECURITY [ATA-8 ASC2] 4.20 Security feature set
Verify PIN See example 3 TCG Authenticate See above See Firmware (Authenticate)

Leidos © 2018 Page 74 of 111 Supporting Document Evaluation Activity

The evaluator shall check the interface documentation to ensure it identifies and describes the
parameters for each TSFI that is identified as being security relevant.

Please see section above, which summarizes the evaluation team’s examination of TOE security
function interfaces. The evaluation team used the mappings to confirm [Guide] and the public
specifications adequately identify and describe the parameters for each TOE security function interface. Supporting Document Evaluation Activity

The evaluator shall examine the interface documentation to develop a mapping of the interfaces to
The evaluator uses the provided documentation and first identifies, and then examines a representative
set of interfaces to perform the EAs presented in Section 2 (Evaluation Activities for SFRs), including
the EAs associated with testing of the interfaces.
It should be noted that there may be some SFRs that do not have an interface that is explicitly “mapped”
to invoke the desired functionality. For example, generating a random bit string, destroying a
cryptographic key that is no longer needed, or the TSF failing to a secure state, are capabilities that
may be specified in SFRs, but are not invoked by an interface.
However, if the evaluator is unable to perform some other required EA because there is insufficient
design and interface information, then the evaluator is entitled to conclude that an adequate functional
specification has not been provided, and hence that the verdict for the ADV_FSP.1 assurance
component is a ‘fail’.

Please see Table 11 Mapping from SFR to Security Functions in section above

3.2 Guidance Documents (AGD)

It is not necessary for a TOE to provide separate documentation to meet the individual requirements of
AGD_OPE and AGD_PRE. Although the Evaluation Activities in this section are described under the
traditionally separate AGD families, the mapping between real TOE documents and AGD_OPE and
AGD_PRE requirements may be many-to-many, as long as all requirements are met in documentation
that is delivered to administrators and users (as appropriate) as part of the TOE.

3.2.1 AGD_OPE.1 Operational User Guidance

Specific requirements and checks on the user guidance documentation are identified (where relevant)
in the individual Evaluation Activities for each SFR, and for some other SARs (e.g. ALC_CMC.1).

Evaluation Activity:

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The evaluator shall check the requirements below are met by the operational guidance. It should be
noted that operational guidance may take the form of an “integrator’s guide”, where the TOE developer
provides a description of the interface (e.g., commands that the Host Platform may invoke to configure
a SED).
Operational guidance documentation shall be distributed to administrators and users (as appropriate)
as part of the TOE, so that there is a reasonable guarantee that administrators and users are aware of
the existence and role of the documentation in establishing and maintaining the evaluated
Operational guidance must be provided for every Operational Environment that the TOE supports as
claimed in the Security Target and must adequately address all platforms claimed for the TOE in the
Security Target. This may be contained all in one document.
The contents of the operational guidance will be verified by the Evaluation Activities defined below and
as appropriate for each individual SFR in section Error! eference source not found sections 2, 3, and
In addition to SFR-related Evaluation Activities, the following information is also required.
 The operational guidance shall contain instructions for configuring any cryptographic engine
associated with the evaluated configuration of the TOE. It shall provide a warning to the
administrator that use of other cryptographic engines was not evaluated nor tested during the
CC evaluation of the TOE.

Each Seagate SED firmware and hardware contain the drive’s cryptographic engine, which is not
In addition to SFR-related Evaluation Activities, the following information is also required.
 The operational guidance shall describe how to configure the IT environments that are
supported to shut down after an administratively defined period of inactivity.

The TOE is a set of Seagate SEDs, which rely on the host platform for power management. Thus, this
assurance activity is not applicable.
In addition to SFR-related Evaluation Activities, the following information is also required.
 The operational guidance shall identify system “sleeping” states for all supported operating
environments and for each environment, provide administrative guidance on how to disable the
sleep state. As stated above, the TOE developer may be providing an integrator’s guide and
“power states” may be an abstraction that SEDs provide at various levels – e.g., may simply
provide a command that the Host Platform issues to manage the state of the device, and the Host
Platform is responsible for providing a more sophisticated power management scheme.

[Guide] sections “Power Saving States and Timing of Power Saving States” and “Cryptographic Key and
Key Material Destruction (Power Management)” provide sufficient information for a host platform to
manage a Seagate SED’s power states.
In addition to SFR-related Evaluation Activities, the following information is also required.

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 The TOE will likely contain security functionality that does not fall in the scope of evaluation
under this cPP. The operational guidance shall make it clear to an administrator which security
functionality is covered by the Evaluation Activities.

The TCG Storage and ATA Security Specifications identified in section 1.3 above specify interfaces and
behaviors for self-encrypting drives, which include the Seagate SEDs. [Guide] serves to identify the
interfaces and behaviors related to the security functional requirements and security functions in [ST].

3.2.2 AGD_PRE.1 Preparative Procedures

As for the operational guidance, specific requirements and checks on the preparative procedures are
identified (where relevant) in the individual Evaluation Activities for each SFR.

Evaluation Activity:
The evaluator shall check the requirements below are met by the preparative procedures.
The contents of the preparative procedures will be verified by the Evaluation Activities defined below
and as appropriate for each individual SFR in section Error! eference source not found sections 2, 3,
and 4.
Preparative procedures shall be distributed to administrators and users (as appropriate) as part of the
TOE, so that there is a reasonable guarantee that administrators and users are aware of the existence
and role of the documentation in establishing and maintaining the evaluated configuration.

Seagate wrote [Guide] to provide administrators and users with guidance to configure and operate a
Seagate SED in the evaluated configuration. Applicable sections in [Guide] are “Setup and Configuration”
and “TCG Enterprise, TCG Opal and ATA Enhanced Mode Security Mode Services”. Section “Setup and
Configuration” covers each of TCG Enterprise, TCG Opal, and ATA Mode devices. Section “TCG
Enterprise, TCG Opal and ATA Enhanced Mode Security Mode Services” describes the correspondence
from device services to ATA and TCG commands.
The NIAP Product Compliant List entry for this evaluation includes a copy of [Guide].
TCG and ATA public specifications supplement [Guide] with detailed interface information. Please see
section 1.3 above for a list of specifications. Section 3.1.1 above presents results of the evaluation team’s
check of the specifications.
The contents of the preparative procedures will be verified by the Evaluation Activities defined below
and as appropriate for each individual SFR in section Error! eference source not found.. sections 2,
3, and 4
In addition to SFR-related Evaluation Activities, the following information is also required.
Preparative procedures must include a description of how the administrator verifies that the operational
environment can fulfil its role to support the security functionality (including the requirements of the
Security Objectives for the Operational Environment specified in the Security Target). The
documentation should be in an informal style and should be written with sufficient detail and
explanation that they can be understood and used by the target audience (which will typically include
IT staff who have general IT experience but not necessarily experience with the TOE itself).

Leidos © 2018 Page 77 of 111

[ST] section 2.2.1 Physical Boundaries describes a Seagate SED’s dependence on a host system (search
for ‘A host system using the standard protocol defined by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) is required
in the operational environment.”)
[Guide] section “Operational Environment” restates the security objectives for the operational
environment as shown in Table 15.
Table 15 Operational Environment Information

Security Objective Information

OE.TRUSTED_CHANNEL Authorized administrators and users must ensure that the
communication channel between the host and the storage device
is sufficiently protected to prevent information disclosure. For
example extremely long unprotected interface cables from the
host to the device are not permitted.
OE.INITIAL_DRIVE_STATE An authorized administrator must ensure that a newly provisioned
or initialized storage device is free of protected data in areas not
targeted for encryption.
OE.PASSPHRASE_STRENGTH An authorized administrator must be responsible for ensuring that
the allowed passphrase authorization factors configuration
conforms to the local storage device environment requirements.
OE.POWER_DOWN Administrators must ensure that guidance is given to users
regarding the amount of time it takes for the storage device
volatile memory to clear after entering the Compliant power
saving state (power off in this case) so memory remnant attacks
are infeasible.
OE.SINGLE_USE_ET Authorized administrators must ensure that authorized users are
trained in the proper storage of external tokens that contain
authorization factors and that they will be used for no other
purpose than to store the external token authorization factor.
OE.PHYSICAL Authorized administrators and users must ensure that the storage
device is used in a secure physical computing space such that an
adversary is not able to make modifications to the environment or
to the storage device itself.
OE.TRAINED_USERS Authorized administrators must ensure that authorized users are
properly trained and follow all guidance for securing the storage
device and the proper use of authorization factors.

In addition to SFR-related Evaluation Activities, the following information is also required.

Preparative procedures must be provided for every Operational Environment that the TOE supports as
claimed in the Security Target and must adequately address all platforms claimed for the TOE in the
Security Target. . This may be contained all in one document.

Leidos © 2018 Page 78 of 111

[Guide] section “Introduction” states the need for host system that supports TCG or ATA security mode
The preparative procedures must include
 instructions to successfully install the TSF in each Operational Environment; and

[Guide] section “Introduction” states the need for host system that supports TCG or ATA security mode
commands. Section “Setup and Configuration” covers each of TCG Enterprise, TCG Opal, and ATA
Mode devices.
The preparative procedures must include
 instructions to manage the security of the TSF as a product and as a component of the larger
operational environment; and

[Guide] section “Protection of Data on Disk & Specification of Management Functions” covers managing
security of Seagate SEDs. The section addresses personalization of a drive, interaction with an
Authorization Acquisition component, supporting multiple users, and erasing a drive.
The preparative procedures must include
 instructions to provide a protected administrative capability.

[Guide] section “TCG Enterprise, TCG Opal and ATA Enhanced Mode Security Mode Services”
identifies security services along with access restrictions on those services. Please see [Guide] tables 4.1,
4.3, and 4.5.

3.3 Life-Cycle Support (ALC)

3.3.1 ALC_CMC.1 Labeling of the TOE

When evaluating that the TOE has been provided and is labelled with a unique reference, the evaluator
performs the work units as presented in the CEM.

The evaluator obtained the TOE from the vendor and observed it is labelled with a unique reference in the
form of a serial number and identifiers to match the model number and firmware in the Security Target.

3.3.2 ALC_CMS.1 TOE CM Coverage

When evaluating the developer’s coverage of the TOE in their CM system, the evaluator performs the
work units as presented in the CEM.

The evaluator confirmed via the Security Target that the developer provided an identification of the TOE
defined as: Product Name, model number, standard, capacity and firmware. [ST] uniquely identifies each
of [ST], [KMD], and [Guide] by title, version and date.

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3.4 Security Target Evaluation (ASE)

An evaluation activity is defined here for evaluation of Exact Conformance claims against a cPP in a
Security Target. Other aspects of ASE remain as defined in the CEM.

3.4.1 Conformance Claims (ASE_CCL.1)

The table below indicates the actions to be taken for particular ASE_CCL.1 elements in order to
determine exact conformance with a cPP. ASE_CCL.1.8C

Evaluator Action
The evaluator shall check that the statements of security problem definition in the PP and ST are

[ST] section 3 “Security Problem Definition” includes by reference the security problem definition from
[CPP FDE EE] excluding A.STRONG_CRYPTO. The exclusions is consistent with the instructions in
[CPP FDE EE] section A.1 Internal Cryptographic Implementation. ASE_CCL.1.9C

Evaluator Action
The evaluator shall check that the statements of security objectives in the PP and ST are identical.

[ST] section 4.1 “Security Objectives for the Operational Environment” reproduces security objectives
verbatim from [CPP FDE EE] section 4.1 “Security Objectives for the Operational Environment”.
[ST] section 4.1 explicitly excludes OE. STRONG_ENVIRONMENT_CRYPTO, which is consistent
with instructions in [CPP FDE EE] section A.1 “Internal Cryptographic Implementation” (search for “ST
author shall omit OE.STRONG_ENVIRONMENT_CRYPTO and its corresponding assumption’). ASE_CCL.1.10C

Evaluator Action
The evaluator shall check that the statements of security requirements in the ST include all the
mandatory SFRs in the cPP, and all of the selection-based SFRs that are entailed by selections made in
other SFRs (including any SFR iterations added in the ST). The evaluator shall check that if any other

Leidos © 2018 Page 80 of 111

SFRs are present in the ST (apart from iterations of SFRs in the cPP) then these are taken only from
the list of optional SFRs specified in the cPP (the cPP will not necessarily include optional SFRs, but
may do so). If optional SFRs from the cPP are included in the ST then the evaluator shall check that
any selection-based SFRs entailed by the optional SFRs adopted are also included in the ST.

[ST] section 5 “IT Security Requirements” states the SFRs and SARs are from [CPP FDE EE]. Table 16
below confirms all SFRs in [ST] come from [CPP FDE EE]. The correct reproduction of SFRs and
completion of operations on SFRs is assessed in the ASE_REQ.1 work units. Table 17 below confirms
the correspondence between [ST] SARs and [CPP FDE EE] SARs.
Table 16 ST Security Functional Requirements

FCS_CKM.1(b) Cryptographic Key Generation FCS_CKM.1(b) Cryptographic Key Generation
(Symmetric Keys) (Symmetric Keys)
FCS_CKM.1(c) Cryptographic Key Generation (Data FCS_CKM.1(c) Cryptographic Key Generation (Data
Encryption Key) Encryption Key)
FCS_CKM.4(a) Cryptographic Key Destruction FCS_CKM.4(a) Cryptographic Key Destruction
(Power Management) (Power Management)
FCS_CKM.4(b) Cryptographic Key Destruction FCS_CKM.4(b) Cryptographic Key Destruction
(TOE-Controlled Hardware) (TOE-Controlled Hardware)
FCS_CKM.4(c) Cryptographic Key Destruction FCS_CKM.4(c)(1) HDD Cryptographic Key
(General Hardware) Destruction (General Hardware)
FCS_CKM.4(c) Cryptographic Key Destruction FCS_CKM.4(c)(2) SDD and Hybrid Cryptographic
(General Hardware) Key Destruction (General Hardware)
FCS_CKM.4(e) Cryptographic Key Destruction (Key FCS_CKM.4(e) Cryptographic Key Destruction (Key
Cryptographic Erase) Cryptographic Erase)
FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a) Cryptographic Key and Key FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a) Cryptographic Key and Key
Material Destruction (Destruction Timing) Material Destruction (Destruction Timing)
FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b) Cryptographic Key and Key FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b) Cryptographic Key and Key
Material Destruction (Power Management) Material Destruction (Power Management)
FCS_CKM_EXT.6 Cryptographic Key Destruction FCS_CKM_EXT.6 Cryptographic Key Destruction
Types Types
FCS_COP.1(a) Cryptographic Operation (Signature FCS_COP.1(a) Cryptographic Operation (Signature
Verification) Verification)
FCS_COP.1(b) Cryptographic Operation (Hash FCS_COP.1(b) Cryptographic Operation (Hash
Algorithm) Algorithm)
FCS_COP.1(c) Cryptographic Operation (Message FCS_COP.1(c) Cryptographic Operation (Message
Authentication) Authentication)
FCS_COP.1(d) Cryptographic Operation (Key FCS_COP.1(d) Cryptographic Operation (Key
Wrapping) Wrapping)
FCS_COP.1(f) Cryptographic Operation (AES Data FCS_COP.1(f) Cryptographic Operation (AES Data
Encryption/Decryption) Encryption/Decryption)
FCS_KDF_EXT.1 Cryptographic Key Derivation FCS_KDF_EXT.1 Cryptographic Key Derivation

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FCS_KYC_EXT.2 Key Chaining (Recipient) FCS_KYC_EXT.2 Key Chaining (Recipient)
FCS_RBG_EXT.1 Random Bit Generation FCS_RBG_EXT.1 Random Bit Generation
FCS_SNI_EXT.1 Cryptographic Operation (Salt, FCS_SNI_EXT.1 Cryptographic Operation (Salt,
Nonce, and Initialization Vector Generation) Nonce, and Initialization Vector Generation)
FCS_VAL_EXT.1(a) Validation (SATA) FCS_VAL_EXT.1(a) Validation (SATA)
FCS_VAL_EXT.1(b) Validation (SAS) FCS_VAL_EXT.1(b) Validation (SAS)
FDP_DSK_EXT.1 Protection of Data on Disk FDP_DSK_EXT.1 Protection of Data on Disk
FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions
FPT_FAC_EXT.1 Firmware Access Control FPT_FAC_EXT.1 Firmware Access Control
FPT_FUA_EXT.1 Firmware Update Authentication FPT_FUA_EXT.1 Firmware Update Authentication
FPT_KYP_EXT.1 Protection of Key and Key FPT_KYP_EXT.1 Protection of Key and Key
Material Material
FPT_PWR_EXT.1 Power Saving States FPT_PWR_EXT.1 Power Saving States
FPT_PWR_EXT.2 Timing of Power Saving States FPT_PWR_EXT.2 Timing of Power Saving States
FPT_RBP_EXT.1 Rollback Protection FPT_RBP_EXT.1 Rollback Protection
FPT_TUD_EXT.1 Trusted Update FPT_TUD_EXT.1 Trusted Update

Table 17 ST Security Assurance Requirements

Basic Functional Specification (ADV_FSP.1) ADV_FSP.1 Basic functional specification
Operational User Guidance (AGD_OPE.1) AGD_OPE.1: Operational user guidance
Preparative Procedures (AGD_PRE.1) AGD_PRE.1: Preparative procedures
Labeling of the TOE (ALC_CMC.1) ALC_CMC.1 Labelling of the TOE
TOE CM Coverage (ALC_CMS.1) ALC_CMS.1 TOE CM coverage
Independent Testing – Sample (ATE_IND.1) ATE_IND.1 Independent testing - sample
Vulnerability Survey (AVA_VAN.1) AVA_VAN.1 Vulnerability survey
Conformance Claims (ASE_CCL.1) ASE_CCL.1 Conformance Claims
Extended Components Definition (ASE_ECD.1) ASE_ECD.1 Extended Components Definition
ST Introduction (ASE_INT.1) ASE_INT.1 ST Introduction
Security Objectives for the Operational ASE_OBJ.1 Security Objectives for the
Environment (ASE_OBJ.1) Operational Environment
Stated Security Requirements (ASE_REQ.1) ASE_REQ.1 Stated Security Requirements
Security Problem Definition (ASE_SPD.1) ASE_SPD.1 Security Problem Definition
TOE Summary Specification (ASE_TSS.1) ASE_TSS.1 TOE Summary Specification

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[ST] contains all unconditional requirements from [CPP FDE EE] along with all three optional
 FCS_CKM.4(e) Cryptographic Key Destruction (Key Cryptographic Erase)
 FPT_FAC_EXT.1 Firmware Access Control
 FPT_RBP_EXT.1 Rollback Protection
Table 18 Security Functional Requirement Completeness Check lists security functional requirements in
[CPP FDE EE]. For each requirement that depends on selection-based requirements, the table groups
related selection-based requirements with the requirement. The first column identifies each requirement
as unconditional (U), selection-based (SB), optional (Op), or objective (Ob). The security target omits the
following selection-based requirements since no selection implies inclusion of any of these requirements.
 FCS_CKM.1(a) Cryptographic Key Generation (Asymmetric Keys)
 FCS_CKM.4(d) Cryptographic Key Destruction (Software TOE, 3rd Party Storage)
 FCS_COP.1(e) Cryptographic Operation (Key Transport)
 FCS_COP.1(g) Cryptographic Operation (Key Encryption)
 FCS_SMC_EXT.1 Submask Combining
Table 18 Security Functional Requirement Completeness Check

Type Security Functional Requirement

U FCS_CKM.1(c) Cryptographic Key Generation (Data Encryption Key)
SB FCS_RBG_EXT.1 Random Bit Generation
SB FCS_COP.1(b) Cryptographic Operation (Hash Algorithm)
U FCS_CKM.4(a) Cryptographic Key Destruction (Power Management)
U FCS_CKM_EXT.4(a) Cryptographic Key and Key Material Destruction (Destruction Timing)
U FCS_CKM_EXT.4(b) Cryptographic Key and Key Material Destruction (Power Management)
U FCS_CKM_EXT.6 Cryptographic Key Destruction Types
SB FCS_CKM.4(b) Cryptographic Key Destruction (TOE-Controlled Hardware)
SB FCS_CKM.4(c)(1) HDD Cryptographic Key Destruction (General Hardware)
SB FCS_CKM.4(c)(2) SDD and Hybrid Cryptographic Key Destruction (General Hardware)
U FCS_KYC_EXT.2 Key Chaining (Recipient)
SB FCS_KDF_EXT.1 Cryptographic Key Derivation
SB FCS_COP.1(c) Cryptographic Operation (Message Authentication)
SB FCS_COP.1(b) Cryptographic Operation (Hash Algorithm)
SB FCS_COP.1(d) Cryptographic Operation (Key Wrapping)
U FCS_SNI_EXT.1 Cryptographic Operation (Salt, Nonce, and Initialization Vector Generation)
SB FCS_RBG_EXT.1 Random Bit Generation
SB FCS_COP.1(b) Cryptographic Operation (Hash Algorithm)
SB FCS_COP.1(d) Cryptographic Operation (Key Wrapping)
SB FCS_COP.1(f) Cryptographic Operation (AES Data Encryption/Decryption)
SB FCS_CKM.1(b) Cryptographic Key Generation (Symmetric Keys)

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U FCS_VAL_EXT.1(a) Validation (SATA)
SB FCS_COP.1(f) Cryptographic Operation (AES Data Encryption/Decryption)
SB FCS_CKM.1(b) Cryptographic Key Generation (Symmetric Keys)
U FCS_VAL_EXT.1(b) Validation (SAS)
SB FCS_COP.1(f) Cryptographic Operation (AES Data Encryption/Decryption)
SB FCS_CKM.1(b) Cryptographic Key Generation (Symmetric Keys)
U FDP_DSK_EXT.1 Protection of Data on Disk
SB FCS_COP.1(f) Cryptographic Operation (AES Data Encryption/Decryption)
SB FCS_CKM.1(b) Cryptographic Key Generation (Symmetric Keys)
U FMT_SMF.1 Specification of Management Functions
U FPT_KYP_EXT.1 Protection of Key and Key Material
SB FCS_COP.1(d) Cryptographic Operation (Key Wrapping)
U FPT_PWR_EXT.1 Power Saving States
U FPT_PWR_EXT.2 Timing of Power Saving States
U FPT_TUD_EXT.1 Trusted Update
SB FPT_FUA_EXT.1 Firmware Update Authentication
SB FCS_COP.1(a) Cryptographic Operation (Signature Verification)
SB FCS_COP.1(b) Cryptographic Operation (Hash Algorithm)
Op FCS_CKM.4(e) Cryptographic Key Destruction (Key Cryptographic Erase)
Op FPT_FAC_EXT.1 Firmware Access Control
Op FPT_RBP_EXT.1 Rollback Protection

3.5 Tests (ATE)

3.5.1 ATE_IND.1 Independent Testing – Sample

Testing is performed to confirm the functionality described in the TSS as well as the operational
guidance documentation. The focus of the testing is to confirm that the requirements specified in the
SFRs are being met.
The evaluator should consult Appendix B FDE Equivalency Considerations when determining the
appropriate strategy for testing multiple variations or models of the TOE that may be under evaluation.
The SFR-related Evaluation Activities in the SD identify the specific testing activities necessary to verify
compliance with the SFRs. The tests identified in these other Evaluation Activities constitute a sufficient
set of tests for the purposes of meeting ATE_IND.1.2E. It is important to note that while the Evaluation
Activities identify the testing that is necessary to be performed, the evaluator is responsible for ensuring
that the interfaces are adequately tested for the security functionality specified for each SFR.

Evaluation Activity:

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The evaluator shall examine the TOE to determine that the test configuration is consistent with the
configuration under evaluation as specified in the ST.

The evaluator received the TOE from the vendor and confirmed that it conforms with the hardware,
configuration and firmware describe in the ST.
Evaluation Activity:
The evaluator shall examine the TOE to determine that it has been installed properly and is in a known

The evaluator received the TOE from the vendor and powered it on. The evaluator confirmed it presented
no errors and entered a running state. The evaluator performed a version and model verification activity
prior to testing.
Evaluation Activity:
The evaluator shall prepare a test plan that covers all of the testing actions for ATE_IND.1 in the CEM
and in the SFR-related Evaluation Activities. While it is not necessary to have one test case per test
listed in an Evaluation Activity, the evaluator must show in the test plan that each applicable testing
requirement in the SFR-related Evaluation Activities is covered.
The test plan identifies the platforms to be tested, and for any platforms not included in the test plan but
included in the ST, the test plan provides a justification for not testing the platforms. This justification
must address the differences between the tested platforms and the untested platforms, and make an
argument that the differences do not affect the testing to be performed. It is not sufficient to merely
assert that the differences have no affect; rationale must be provided. If all platforms claimed in the ST
are tested, then no rationale is necessary.
The test plan describes the composition and configuration of each platform to be tested, and any setup
actions that are necessary beyond what is contained in the AGD documentation. It should be noted that
the evaluator is expected to follow the AGD documentation for installation and setup of each platform
either as part of a test or as a standard pre-test condition. This may include special test drivers or tools.
For each driver or tool, an argument (not just an assertion) should be provided that the driver or tool
will not adversely affect the performance of the functionality by the TOE and its platform. This also
includes the configuration of any cryptographic engine to be used (e.g. for cryptographic protocols
being evaluated).
The test plan identifies high-level test objectives as well as the test procedures to be followed to achieve
those objectives, and the expected results.
The test report (which could just be an updated version of the test plan) details the activities that took
place when the test procedures were executed, and includes the actual results of the tests. This shall be
a cumulative account, so if there was a test run that resulted in a failure, so that a fix was then installed
and then a successful re-run of the test was carried out, then the report would show a “fail” result
followed by a “pass” result (and the supporting details), and not just the “pass” result2.

It is not necessary to capture failures that were due to errors on the part of the tester or test environment.
The intention here is to make absolutely clear when a planned test resulted in a change being required

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The evaluator prepared a test plan prior to testing outlining the required test activities to be performed.
Throughout testing the test plan was updated with results to eventually become the test report.

The test plan laid out a subset of all instances of the TOE in the evaluation to be tested. Similar instances
of the TOE were grouped together based on similar form factor, standard, type of storage memory and
firmware. When an instance or instances of the TOE were not tested justification was provided in the test
report via equivalency rationale.

The test report lists each instance of the TOE tested for each SFR and details it as defined in the ST. The
test report also shows configuration performed on the TOE to place it into CC compliant mode as
described in guidance.

The test plan established and set of procedures to follow with steps and configuration necessary to achieve
the expected result.

The test report describes in detail the activities the evaluator performed along with actual results in the
form of evidence to accomplish each test. Each test account in accompanied by a test result in the form of
‘pass’ or ‘fail’. The test report also establishes an overall result for the cumulative test activities stated by
a ‘pass’ or ‘fail’.

3.5.2 Cryptographic Algorithm Validation Programming Testing

Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives use algorithm implementations validated under the
CAVP ( NIAP Policy Letter #5 defines the applicability
and relationship of NIST CAVP and CMVP testing to assurance activities associated with cryptography
requirements in NIAP-approved protection profiles ( This section supplements the
following sections to confirm CAVP certificates cited in [ST] contain the information required by NIAP
Policy Letter #5.
 2.1.10 FCS_COP.1(a) Cryptographic Operation (Signature Verification)
 2.1.11 FCS_COP.1(b) Cryptographic Operation (Hash Algorithm)
 2.1.12 FCS_COP.1(c) Cryptographic Operation (Message Authentication)
 2.1.13 FCS_COP.1(d) Cryptographic Operation (Key Wrapping)
 2.1.14 FCS_COP.1(f) Cryptographic Operation (AES Data Encryption/Decryption)
 2.1.17 FCS_RBG_EXT.1 Random Bit Generation
[ST] Table 2 TOE Hardware and Firmware and Table 5 Cryptographic Functions provide information on
cryptographic implementations and CAVP certificates for each TOE device. Table 19, Table 20, and Table
21 verify the correspondence between each TOE device, its cryptographic implementations (hardware and
firmware), and CAVP certificates. The tables confirm information required by NIAP Policy #5
( for each TOE device.
[ST] Table 2 identifies the hardware and firmware cryptographic implementations for each product (see
columns “ASIC” and “Firmware implementations (for each model) as identified by CAVP,” respectively).

to the originally specified test configuration in the test plan, to the evaluated configuration identified in
the ST and operational guidance, or to the TOE itself.

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The table identifies multiple models for each product. However, all the models for a product have the
same hardware and firmware cryptographic implementations. Table 19 identifies a representative model
for each product to facilitate certificate checking. The reader can use this representative model with Table
20 to find quickly all cryptography implementations for a particular model.
Table 19 Mapping from Product Name to Representative Model

Product Name Model Numbers Firmware
Nytro 3730 SSD, 7mm, SAS Interface XS1600ME10023 7539 XS1600ME10023
Nytro 3530 SSD, 7mm, SAS Interface XS6400LE70023 7539
Nytro 3330 SSD, 7mm, SAS Interface XS1920SE10123 7539
Nytro 3130 SSD, 7mm, SAS Interface XS3840TE10023 7539
Nytro 3730 SSD, 15mm, SAS Interface XS3200ME70023 7539
Nytro 3330 SSD, 15mm, SAS Interface XS15360SE70123 7539
Nytro 3130 SSD, 15mm, SAS Interface XS15360TE70023 7539
Exos 15E900, 2.5-Inch, 15K-RPM, SAS Interface ST900MP0166 CK10 ST900MP0166
Exos 15E900, 2.5-Inch, 15K-RPM, SAS Interface ST900MP0126 CKF1 ST900MP0126
FireCuda 2.5", SATA Interface (Hybrid) ST2000LX003 SSM1 ST2000LX003
BarraCuda 2.5", SATA Interface ST2000LM010 SDM2 ST2000LM010
BarraCuda Pro 2.5", SATA Interface ST1000LM050 SDM2 ST1000LM050
Exos 10E2400, 2.5-Inch, 10K-RPM, SAS Interface ST1200MM0069 CSF2 ST1200MM0069
Exos 10E2400, 2.5-Inch, 10K-RPM, SAS Interface ST2400MM0149 CS10 ST2400MM0149
Exos X10, 3.5-inch, 7K-RPM, SAS Interface ST10000NM0246 CT10 ST10000NM0246
Exos X10, 3.5-inch, 7K-RPM, SAS Interface ST10000NM0236 CT12 ST10000NM0236
Exos X10, 3.5-inch, 7K-RPM, SATA Interface ST10000NM0186 CT14 ST10000NM0186
Exos X10, 3.5-inch, 7K-RPM, SATA Interface ST10000NM0176 CTF1 ST10000NM0176

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BarraCuda 3.5", SATA Interface ST2000DM011 0001 ST2000DM011

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Table 20 summarizes the correspondence between representative model (that is, products) and cryptographic implementations. For each
representative model, an ‘X’ identifies firmware for that model. The reader can use the firmware implementations with Table 21 to
identify the CAVP certificates, operational environment, and capabilities for a particular model.
Table 20 Mapping from Representative Model to Firmware Implementation










800-90 DRBG 1.0 (Firmware) X X X X
ARMv7 AES in Firmware 3.0 (Firmware) X X X X X X X X X X X X X
ARMv7 AES Key Wrap in Firmware 1.0 (Firmware) X X X X X X X X X X X X X
ARMv7 GCM in Firmware 1.0 (Firmware) X X X X
ARMv7 GCM in Firmware 2.0 (Firmware) X X X X X X X X X
ARMv7 HMAC in Firmware 4.0 (Firmware) X X X X
ARMv7 HMAC in Firmware 5.0 (Firmware) X X X X X X X X X
ARMv7 RSA in Firmware 5.0 (Firmware) X X X X
ARMv7 RSA in Firmware 5.1 (Firmware) X X X X X X X X X
ARMv7 SHS in Firmware 3.0 (Firmware) X X X X
ARMv7 SHS in Firmware 5.0 (Firmware) X X X X X X X X X
Hash_Based DRBG 2.0 (Firmware) X X X X X X X X X
Balto AES in Hardware X
Balto HMAC in Hardware X
Balto RSA in Hardware X
Balto SHA in Hardware X
Cheops AES in Hardware (cert #4279) X X X X X X

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Cheops AES in Hardware (cert #3758) X X X X X X
Cheops HMAC in Hardware (cert #2815) X X X X X X
Cheops HMAC in Hardware (cert #2460) X X X X X X
Cheops RSA in Hardware X X X X X X
Cheops SHA in Hardware (cert #3515) X X X X X X
Cheops SHA in Hardware (cert #3128) X X X X X X
Myna AES in Hardware X X X X X X
Myna HMAC in Hardware X X X X X X
Myna RSA in Hardware X X X X X X
Myna SHA in Hardware X X X X X X

Table 21 summarizes the correspondence between each cryptographic implementation and the certificate information required by NIAP
Policy #5. Column CAVP List provides links to each applicable CAVP Validation List. Column Cert identifies the CAVP certificate
applicable to each implementation. Column Capabilities reproduces the information relevant to NIAP Policy #5 from the CAVP
certificate. Some capabilities list dependencies on other CAVP certificates. Table 21 reproduced such dependencies in column Depend.
Column ‘Depend Met?’ records a check of the dependencies. Column
All Seagate SEDs in the evaluation run firmware on ARM processors, which is consistent with the operational environments identified
on the firmware CAVP certificates. Balto, Cheops, and Myna are hardware cryptographic implementations. CAVP does not list
operational environments for hardware implementations.
The evaluator found the CAVP certificates identified in [ST] are sufficient to satisfy NIAP Policy #5.

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Table 21 Mapping from Firmware Implementation to CAVP Certificate

CAVP Depend
Implementation Environment Capabilities List Cert Depend
800-90 DRBG 1.0 (Firmware) ARM Cortex-R Family Hash based: DRBG #62 SHS #1225 Yes
Modes: SHA-256
ARMv7 AES in Firmware 3.0 ARM Cortex-R Family AES-CBC: AES #1343 None Yes
(Firmware) Modes: Decrypt, Encrypt
Key Lengths: 128, 256 (bits)
ARMv7 AES Key Wrap in Firmware ARM Cortex-R Family AES KW: AES #2947 AES #1343 Yes
1.0 (Firmware) Modes: Decrypt, Encrypt
CIPHK transformation
direction: Forward
Key Lengths: 256 (bits)
Plain Text Lengths: 128, 192,
256, 320, 4096 (bits)
ARMv7 GCM in Firmware 1.0 ARM Cortex-R Family AES-GCM: AES #2804 AES #1343 Yes
(Firmware) Modes: Decrypt, Encrypt
Key Lengths: 128, 256 (bits)
Tag Lengths: 128 (bits)
Plain Text Lengths: 0, 8, 24,
128, 256 (bits)
AAD Lengths: 0, 8, 24, 128,
256 (bits)
96 bit IV supported
Other IV Lengths supported
ARMv7 GCM in Firmware 2.0 ARM Cortex-R Family AES-GCM: AES #2841 AES #1343 Yes
(Firmware) Modes: Decrypt, Encrypt
Key Lengths: 128, 256 (bits)
Tag Lengths: 128 (bits)
Plain Text Lengths: 0, 8, 24,
256 (bits)
AAD Lengths: 0, 8, 24, 256

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CAVP Depend
Implementation Environment Capabilities List Cert Depend
96 bit IV supported
Other IV Lengths supported
ARMv7 HMAC in Firmware 4.0 ARM Cortex-R Family HMAC-SHA2-256: HMAC #1597 SHS #1225 Yes
(Firmware) Key Sizes < Block Size
Key Sizes > Block Size
Key Sizes = Block Size
ARMv7 HMAC in Firmware 5.0 ARM Cortex-R Family HMAC-SHA2-256: HMAC #2613 SHS #3304 Yes
(Firmware) Key Sizes < Block Size
Key Sizes > Block Size
Key Sizes = Block Size
Key Sizes < Block Size
Key Sizes > Block Size
Key Sizes = Block Size
ARMv7 RSA in Firmware 5.0 ARM Cortex-R Family Signature Generation PKCS1.5: RSA #1934 SHS #1225 Yes
(Firmware) Mod 2048 SHA: SHA-256
Signature Verification
Mod 2048 SHA: SHA-256
ARMv7 RSA in Firmware 5.1 ARM Cortex-R Family Signature Generation PKCS1.5: RSA #2056 SHS #3304 Yes
(Firmware) Mod 2048 SHA: SHA-256
Signature Verification
Mod 1024 SHA: SHA-256
Mod 2048 SHA: SHA-256
ARMv7 SHS in Firmware 3.0 ARM Cortex-R Family SHA-1 SHS #1225 None Yes
(Firmware) SHA-256
ARMv7 SHS in Firmware 4.0 ARM Cortex-R Family SHA-512 SHS #3129 None Yes

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CAVP Depend
Implementation Environment Capabilities List Cert Depend
ARMv7 SHS in Firmware 5.0 ARM Cortex-R Family SHA-256 SHS #3304 None Yes
(Firmware) SHA-384
Hash_Based DRBG 2.0 (Firmware) ARM Cortex-R Family Hash based: DRBG #1146 SHS #3304 Yes
Prediction Resistance Modes:
Enabled, Not Enabled
Modes: SHA-256
Balto AES in Hardware N/A AES-CBC: AES #4843 None Yes
Modes: Decrypt, Encrypt
Key Lengths: 256 (bits)
Modes: Decrypt, Encrypt
IV Generation: External
Key Lengths: 256 (bits)
Tag Lengths: 128 (bits)
Plain Text Lengths: 8, 24, 256
AAD Lengths: 8, 24, 256
96 bit IV supported
Key Size: 256:
Modes: Decrypt, Encrypt
Block Sizes: Full, Partial
Balto HMAC in Hardware N/A HMAC-SHA2-256: HMAC #3243 SHS #3984 Yes
Key Sizes < Block Size
Key Sizes > Block Size
Balto RSA in Hardware N/A Signature Generation PKCS1.5: RSA #2662 SHS #3984 Yes
Mod 2048 SHA: SHA-256
Signature Verification
Mod 2048 SHA: SHA-256

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CAVP Depend
Implementation Environment Capabilities List Cert Depend
Balto SHA in Hardware N/A SHA-256 SHS #3984 None Yes
Cheops AES in Hardware N/A AES-CBC: AES #4279 None Yes
Modes: Decrypt, Encrypt
Key Lengths: 128, 256 (bits)
Key Size: 256:
Modes: Decrypt, Encrypt
Block Sizes: Full, Partial
Cheops AES in Hardware N/A AES-CBC: AES #3758 None Yes
Modes: Decrypt, Encrypt
Key Lengths: 128, 256 (bits)
Modes: Decrypt, Encrypt
Key Lengths: 128, 256 (bits)
Key Size: 256:
Modes: Decrypt, Encrypt
Block Sizes: Full, Partial
Cheops HMAC in Hardware N/A HMAC-SHA2-256: HMAC #2815 SHS #3515 Yes
Key Sizes < Block Size
Key Sizes > Block Size
Cheops HMAC in Hardware N/A HMAC-SHA2-256: HMAC #2460 SHS #1225 Yes
Key Sizes < Block Size
Key Sizes > Block Size
Cheops RSA in Hardware N/A Signature Generation PKCS1.5: RSA #1933 SHS #1225, Yes
Mod 2048 SHA: SHA-256 DRBG #62
Signature Verification
Mod 2048 SHA: SHA-256
Cheops SHA in Hardware N/A SHA-256 SHS #3515 None Yes
Cheops SHA in Hardware N/A SHA-256 SHS #3128 None Yes

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CAVP Depend
Implementation Environment Capabilities List Cert Depend
Myna AES in Hardware N/A AES-CBC: AES #3940 None Yes
Modes: Decrypt, Encrypt
Key Lengths: 128, 256 (bits)
Key Size: 256:
Modes: Decrypt, Encrypt
Block Sizes: Full, Partial
Myna HMAC in Hardware N/A HMAC-SHA2-256: HMAC #2565 SHS #3250 Yes
Key Sizes < Block Size
Key Sizes > Block Size
Myna RSA in Hardware N/A Signature Generation PKCS1.5: RSA #2013 SHS #3250 Yes
Mod 2048 SHA: SHA-256
Signature Verification
Mod 2048 SHA: SHA-256
Myna SHA in Hardware N/A SHA-256 SHS #3250 None Yes

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3.6 Vulnerability Assessment (AVA)

3.6.1 AVA_VAN.1 Vulnerability Survey

While vulnerability analysis is inherently a subjective activity, a minimum level of analysis can be
defined and some measure of objectivity and repeatability (or at least comparability) can be imposed
on the vulnerability analysis process. In order to achieve such objectivity and repeatability it is
important that the evaluator follows a set of well-defined activities, and documents their findings so
others can follow their arguments and come to the same conclusions as the evaluator. While this does
not guarantee that different evaluation facilities will identify exactly the same type of vulnerabilities or
come to exactly the same conclusions, the approach defines the minimum level of analysis and the scope
of that analysis, and provides Certification Bodies a measure of assurance that the minimum level of
analysis is being performed by the evaluation facilities.
In order to meet these goals some refinement of the AVA_VAN.1 CEM work units is needed. The
following table indicates, for each work unit in AVA_VAN.1, whether the CEM work unit is to be
performed as written, or if it has been clarified by an Evaluation Activity. If clarification has been
provided, a reference to this clarification is provided in the table.
Table 22 SD Table 2. Mapping of AVA_VAN.1 CEM Work Units to Evaluation Activities

CEM AVA_VAN.1 Work Units Evaluation Activities

AVA_VAN.1-1 The evaluator shall examine The evaluator shall perform the CEM activity as
the TOE to determine that the test configuration specified.
is consistent with the configuration under If the iTC specifies any tools to be used in
evaluation as specified in the ST. performing this analysis in section A.3.4, the
following text is also included in this cell: “The
calibration of test resources specified in
paragraph 1418 of the CEM applies to the tools
listed in Appendix A, Section A.1.4.”
AVA_VAN.1-2 The evaluator shall examine The evaluator shall perform the CEM activity as
the TOE to determine that it has been installed specified.
properly and is in a known state
AVA_VAN.1-3 The evaluator shall examine Replace CEM work unit with activities outlined in
sources of information publicly available to Appendix A, Section A.1
identify potential vulnerabilities in the TOE.
AVA_VAN.1-4 The evaluator shall record in Replace the CEM work unit with the analysis
the ETR the identified potential vulnerabilities activities on the list of potential vulnerabilities in
that are candidates for testing and applicable to Appendix A, section A.1, and documentation as
the TOE in its operational environment. specified in Appendix A, Section A.3.

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AVA_VAN.1-5 The evaluator shall devise Replace the CEM work unit with the activities
penetration tests, based on the independent specified in Appendix A, section A.2.
search for potential vulnerabilities.
AVA_VAN.1-6 The evaluator shall produce The CEM work unit is captured in Appendix A,
penetration test documentation for the tests Section A.3; there are no substantive differences.
based on the list of potential vulnerabilities in
sufficient detail to enable the tests to be
repeatable. The test documentation shall
a) identification of the potential
vulnerability the TOE is being tested
b) instructions to connect and setup all
required test equipment as required to
conduct the penetration test;
c) instructions to establish all penetration
test prerequisite initialconditions;
d) instructions to stimulate the TSF;
e) instructions for observing the behaviour
of the TSF;
f) descriptions of all expected results and
the necessary analysis to be performed
on the observed behaviour for
comparison against
g) expected results;
h) instructions to conclude the test and
establish the necessary post-test state for
the TOE.
AVA_VAN.1-7 The evaluator shall conduct The evaluator shall perform the CEM activity as
penetration testing. specified. See Appendix A, Section A.3,
paragraph Error! Reference ource not found (f) for
guidance related to attack potential for confirmed
AVA_VAN.1-8 The evaluator shall record the The evaluator shall perform the CEM activity as
actual results of the penetration tests. specified.
AVA_VAN.1-9 The evaluator shall report in Replace the CEM work unit with the reporting
the ETR the evaluator penetration testing effort, called for in Appendix A, Section A.3.
outlining the testing approach, configuration,
depth and results.
AVA_VAN.1-10 The evaluator shall examine This work unit is not applicable for Type 1 and
the results of all penetration testing to determine Type 2 flaws (as defined in Appendix A, Section
that the TOE, in its operational environment, is A.1), as inclusion in this Supporting Document by
the iTC makes any confirmed vulnerabilities
stemming from these flaws subject to an attacker

Leidos © 2018 Page 97 of 111

resistant to an attacker possessing a Basic attack possessing a Basic attack potential. This work unit
potential. is replaced for Type 3 and Type 4 flaws by the
activities defined in Appendix A, Section A.3,
paragraph Error! Reference source not found
AVA_VAN.1-11 The evaluator shall report in Replace the CEM work unit with the reporting
the ETR all exploitable vulnerabilities and called for in Appendix A, Section A.3.
residual vulnerabilities, detailing for each:
a) its source (e.g. CEM activity being
undertaken when it was conceived,
known to the evaluator, read in a
b) the SFR(s) not met;
c) a description;
d) whether it is exploitable in its
operational environment or not (i.e.
exploitable or residual).
e) the amount of time, level of expertise,
level of knowledge of the TOE, level of
opportunity and the equipment required
to perform the identified vulnerabilities,
and the corresponding values using the
tables 3 and 4 of Annex B.4.

Because of the level of detail required for the evaluation activities, the bulk of the instructions are
contained in Appendix A, while an “outline” of the assurance activity is provided below.

3.6.2 Supporting Document Assurance Activities Supporting Document Evaluation Activity (Documentation):

The developer shall provide documentation identifying the list of software and hardware components
that compose the TOE. Hardware components apply to all systems claimed in the ST, and should identify
at a minimum the processors used by the TOE. Software components include any libraries used by the
TOE, such as cryptographic libraries. This additional documentation is merely a list of the name and
version number of the components, and will be used by the evaluators in formulating hypotheses during
their analysis.
The evaluator shall examine the documentation outlined below provided by the vendor to confirm that
it contains all required information. This documentation is in addition to the documentation already
required to be supplied in response to the EAs listed previously.
In addition to the activities specified by the CEM in accordance with Table 2 above, the evaluator shall
perform the following activities.

Leidos © 2018 Page 98 of 111

Please see [ETR] section 2.6.1 AVA_VAN.1 and [VS] for results of the AVA_VAN.1 CEM work units
as refined in [CPP FDE EE SD] Table 2 (which is reproduced as Table 22 above). Supporting Document Evaluation Activity

The evaluator formulates hypotheses in accordance with process defined in Appendix A.1. The evaluator
documents the flaw hypotheses generated for the TOE in the report in accordance with the guidelines
in Appendix A.3. The evaluator shall perform vulnerability analysis in accordance with Appendix A.2.
The results of the analysis shall be documented in the report according to Appendix A.3.

The evaluators searched public sources of vulnerability information in accordance with [CPP FDE EE
SD] section A.1.1 Type 1 Hypotheses — Public-Vulnerability-based. Sections,, and below list the identifiers of potential vulnerabilities returned by the searches. None of the
hypotheses in [CPP FDE EE SD] A.1.2 Type 2 Hypotheses — iTC-Sourced apply to the Seagate Secure
TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives TOE.
The evaluators examined the identified flaw hypotheses as documented in sections and
below. The examination did not find any residual vulnerabilities in the Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-
Encrypting Drives TOE. Vulnerability Searches

This section describes the search of public sources of vulnerability information. [CPP FDE EE SD]
appendix A.1 Sources of vulnerability information identifies four types of flaw hypotheses:
 Type 1: Public-Vulnerability-based
 Type 2: iTC-Sourced
 Type 3: Evaluation-Team-Generated
 Type 4: Tool-Generated
Only Type 1 hypotheses are applicable to the Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives TOE.
[CPP FDE EE SD] appendix A.1.2 Type 2 Hypotheses — iTC-Sourced does not identify any flaw
hypotheses applicable to hardware EE full-drive encryption products or generic full-drive encryption
products. Appendix A.1.3 Type 3 Hypotheses — Evaluation-Team-Generated states, “Therefore, it is the
intent of the iTC, for the evaluation to focus all effort on the Type 1 and Type 2 Hypotheses and has
decided that Type 3 Hypotheses are not necessary.” Similarly, appendix A.1.4 Type 4 Hypotheses —
Tool-Generated states, “Therefore, the relevant types of tools are referenced in Type 2.” Consequently,
the evaluation team considered only potential vulnerabilities identified through searches of public sources
of vulnerability information.
[CPP FDE EE SD] appendix A.1.1 Type 1 Hypotheses — Public-Vulnerability-based specifies the
following public sources to search.
 National Vulnerability Database (NVD,
 MITRE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE,
 United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT,
Appendix A.1.1 also requires a search of component manufacturer’s websites. The evaluation team relied
on [ST] for a list of TOE components. [ST] Table 2 TOE Hardware and Firmware identifies key TOE

Leidos © 2018 Page 99 of 111

hardware (ARMv7 processor and Balto, Cheops, and Myna application-specific integrated circuits). In
addition, Table 6 identifies cryptographic firmware implementations. The evaluators used the search terms
specified in [CPP FDE EE SD] appendix A.1.1 together with the identified components to construct the
required list of search terms in Table 23. Column Term Type indicates the origin of the search term. The
evaluation team included “enterprise ssc” and “tcg ssc” as synonyms for “opal” in the context of the
Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives evaluation.
Table 23 Vulnerability Search Term List

Search Terms Term Type

Seagate Vendor
Seagate Secure TCG Opal SSC Product Name
Seagate Secure TCG Enterprise SSC Product Name
ARMv7 Component
ARM Cortex-R Component
ARM Processor Component
800-90 DRBG 1.0 Firmware Component
ARMv7 AES in Firmware Component
ARMv7 AES Key Wrap in Firmware Component
ARMv7 GCM in Firmware Component
ARMv7 HMAC in Firmware Component
ARMv7 RSA in Firmware Component
ARMv7 SHS in Firmware Component
Hash_Based DRBG 2.0 Firmware Component
Balto Component
Cheops Component
Myna Component
drive encryption iTC mandated
disk encryption iTC mandated
key destruction iTC mandated
key sanitization iTC mandated
self-encrypting drive iTC mandated
self encrypting drive iTC mandated
sed iTC mandated
opal iTC mandated
enterprise ssc iTC synonym
tcg ssc iTC synonym

Leidos © 2018 Page 100 of 111 National Vulnerability Database Results
Table 24 NVD Search Results contains the record of the NVD search. Columns Search Date, Search Term, and NVD Link identify each CVE
matching a search term. Column Disposition briefly describes whether a CVE applies to Seagate Secure TCG SSC Self-Encrypting Drives. The
searches produced a high rate of false matches. The evaluators use the following four tags to describe matches that were unrelated to the TOE.
Each tag is followed by a brief indicator for the decision.
 Duplicate match: a potential vulnerability already identified in a prior search
 Unrelated technology: a potential vulnerability in a technology unrelated to full-drive encryption. For example, CVE-2016-3984
matches “enterprise ssc” in NVD but the vulnerability is in McAfee VirusScan Enterprise.
 Unrelated product: a potential vulnerability in a product related to drive encryption but not related to Seagate self-encrypting drives.
For example, CVE-2010-3145 matches “drive encryption” in NVD but the vulnerability is in a software full-drive encryption product.
 Unrelated implementation: a potential implementation vulnerability not related to the TOE implementation. For example, CVE-2012-
5551 matches “key sanitization” in NVD but the flaw is in a Drupal module.
Each match that remained a potential vulnerability is considered in section below. Finally, column TOE indicates whether a CVE
identifies a residual vulnerability in the TOE.
Table 24 NVD Search Results

Search Term NVD Link Disposition Residual
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2018-5347 Unrelated technology: Media Server No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2015-7269 See Disposition: Precluded by CPP FDE EE No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2015-7268 See Disposition: Precluded by CPP FDE EE No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2015-7267 See Disposition: Precluded by CPP FDE EE No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2013-6924 Unrelated technology: network attached storage devices No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2014-8686 Unrelated technology: network attached storage devices No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2014-8684 Unrelated technology: network attached storage devices No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2014-8687 Unrelated technology: network attached storage devices No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2015-2876 Unrelated technology: wireless storage devices No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2015-2875 Unrelated technology: wireless storage devices No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2015-2874 Unrelated technology: wireless storage devices No

Leidos © 2018 Page 101 of 111

Search Term NVD Link Disposition Residual
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2013-6922 Unrelated technology: Media Server No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2013-6923 Unrelated technology: Media Server No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2012-2568 Unrelated technology: Media Server No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2015-7269 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2015-7268 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2015-7267 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2013-6924 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2014-8687 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2015-2876 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2015-2875 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2015-2874 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2013-6922 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2013-6923 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 Seagate CVE-2012-2568 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 Seagate Secure TCG Opal SSC None No matching CVE N/A
1/30/2018 Seagate Secure TCG Enterprise SSC None No matching CVE N/A
1/30/2018 ARMv7 None No matching CVE N/A
1/30/2018 ARM Cortex-R None No matching CVE N/A
1/30/2018 ARM Processor CVE-2017-5754 See Disposition: Not applicable to trusted firmware No
1/30/2018 ARM Processor CVE-2017-5753 See Disposition: Not applicable to trusted firmware No
1/30/2018 ARM Processor CVE-2017-5715 See Disposition: Not applicable to trusted firmware No
1/30/2018 ARM Processor CVE-2017-5927 See Disposition: Not applicable to trusted firmware No
1/30/2018 ARM Processor CVE-2016-0843 See Disposition: Not applicable to trusted firmware No
1/30/2018 ARM Processor CVE-2016-0805 See Disposition: Not applicable to trusted firmware No
1/30/2018 ARM Processor CVE-2014-2915 Unrelated technology: Xen hypervisor No
1/30/2018 ARM Processor CVE-2012-0217 Unrelated technology: Xen hypervisor No
1/30/2018 ARM Processor CVE-2005-0109 See Disposition: Not applicable to trusted firmware No

Leidos © 2018 Page 102 of 111

Search Term NVD Link Disposition Residual
1/30/2018 800-90 DRBG 1.0 Firmware None No matching CVE N/A
1/30/2018 ARMv7 AES in Firmware None No matching CVE N/A
1/30/2018 ARMv7 AES Key Wrap in Firmware None No matching CVE N/A
1/30/2018 ARMv7 GCM in Firmware None No matching CVE N/A
1/30/2018 ARMv7 HMAC in Firmware None No matching CVE N/A
1/30/2018 ARMv7 RSA in Firmware None No matching CVE N/A
1/30/2018 ARMv7 SHS in Firmware None No matching CVE N/A
1/30/2018 Hash_Based DRBG 2.0 Firmware None No matching CVE N/A
1/30/2018 Balto CVE-2015-7653 Unrelated technology: Adobe Flash Player No
1/30/2018 Cheops None No matching CVE N/A
1/30/2018 Myna None No matching CVE N/A
1/30/2018 drive encryption CVE-2015-7269 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 drive encryption CVE-2015-7268 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 drive encryption CVE-2015-7267 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 drive encryption CVE-2017-2704 Unrelated technology: Consumer network products No
1/30/2018 drive encryption CVE-2015-8156 Unrelated product: Symantec Endpoint Encryption No
(software FDE)
1/30/2018 drive encryption CVE-2013-1610 Unrelated product: Symantec Encryption Desktop (file No
1/30/2018 drive encryption CVE-2012-4736 Unrelated product: Sophos SafeGuard Enterprise (software No
1/30/2018 drive encryption CVE-2010-3145 Unrelated product: BitLocker Drive Encryption (software No
1/30/2018 drive encryption CVE-2010-0228 Unrelated product: Verbatim USB flash drives No
1/30/2018 drive encryption CVE-2010-0227 Unrelated product: Verbatim USB flash drives No
1/30/2018 drive encryption CVE-2010-0225 Unrelated product: SanDisk USB flash drives No
1/30/2018 drive encryption CVE-2010-0224 Unrelated product: SanDisk USB flash drives No
1/30/2018 drive encryption CVE-2010-0222 Unrelated product: Kingston USB flash drives No

Leidos © 2018 Page 103 of 111

Search Term NVD Link Disposition Residual
1/30/2018 drive encryption CVE-2010-0221 Unrelated product: Kingston USB flash drives No
1/30/2018 drive encryption CVE-2006-1833 Unrelated technology: NetBSD driver No
1/30/2018 drive encryption CVE-2004-0838 Unrelated product: Lexar USB flash drives No
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2017-14907 Unrelated product: CodeAurora Forum (CAF) based No
Android (software FDE)
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2015-7269 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2015-7268 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2015-7267 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2014-9975 Unrelated product: CodeAurora Forum (CAF) based No
Android (software FDE)
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2017-9553 Unrelated technology: network attached storage devices No
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2016-1809 Unrelated product: Apple OS X Disk Utility (software No
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2015-1776 Unrelated technology: Apache Hadoop No
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2015-1415 Unrelated product: FreeBSD installer (software FDE) No
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2013-2599 Unrelated product: CAF-based Android (software FDE) No
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2014-2005 Unrelated product: Sophos Disk Encryption (software No
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2013-5745 Unrelated technology: GNOME Vino No
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2013-0985 Unrelated product: Apple Mac OS X Disk Management No
(file encryption)
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2011-5117 Unrelated product: Sophos SafeGuard Enterprise (software No
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2010-1149 Unrelated technology: Freedesktop udisks No
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2010-0225 Duplicate match: drive encryption No
1/30/2018 disk encryption CVE-2010-0224 Duplicate match: drive encryption No
1/30/2018 key destruction CVE-2013-1723 Unrelated technology: Firefox, Thunderbird, and No
1/30/2018 key destruction CVE-2012-4292 Unrelated technology: Wireshark No

Leidos © 2018 Page 104 of 111

Search Term NVD Link Disposition Residual
1/30/2018 key destruction CVE-2010-2767 Unrelated technology: Firefox, Thunderbird, and No
1/30/2018 key destruction CVE-2009-0352 Unrelated technology: Firefox, Thunderbird, and No
1/30/2018 key sanitization CVE-2017-16949 Unrelated technology: WordPress plugin No
1/30/2018 key sanitization CVE-2012-5551 Unrelated implementation: Drupal module No
1/30/2018 key sanitization CVE-2008-5510 Unrelated technology: Firefox, Thunderbird, and No
1/30/2018 key sanitization CVE-2008-3762 Unrelated implementation: Turnkey PHP Live Helper No
1/30/2018 self-encrypting drive CVE-2015-7269 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 self-encrypting drive CVE-2015-7268 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 self-encrypting drive CVE-2015-7267 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 self encrypting drive CVE-2015-7269 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 self encrypting drive CVE-2015-7268 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 self encrypting drive CVE-2015-7267 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 sed N/A 11,844 matching records. NVD lacks a whole-word search N/A
1/30/2018 opal CVE-2015-7268 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 opal CVE-2015-7267 Duplicate match: Seagate (Basic: Keyword) No
1/30/2018 opal CVE-2016-7126 Unrelated technology: PHP (imagetruecolortopalette) No
1/30/2018 opal CVE-2014-7137 Unrelated technology: Dolibarr ERP/CRM (propal.php) No
1/30/2018 opal CVE-2014-7352 Unrelated technology: India's Anthem (ai_opalfoxy83) No
1/30/2018 opal CVE-2012-5621 Unrelated technology: ekiga (opalvoip) No
1/30/2018 opal CVE-2013-1864 Unrelated technology: Portable Tool Library (opalvoip) No
1/30/2018 opal CVE-2007-4924 Unrelated technology: Open Phone Abstraction Library No
1/30/2018 opal CVE-2007-4897 Unrelated technology: ekiga (opalvoip) No

Leidos © 2018 Page 105 of 111

Search Term NVD Link Disposition Residual
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2016-8030 Unrelated technology: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2016-8025 Unrelated technology: Intel Security VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2016-8024 Unrelated technology: Intel Security VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2016-8023 Unrelated technology: Intel Security VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2016-8022 Unrelated technology: Intel Security VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2016-8021 Unrelated technology: Intel Security VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2016-8020 Unrelated technology: Intel Security VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2016-8019 Unrelated technology: Intel Security VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2016-8018 Unrelated technology: Intel Security VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2016-8017 Unrelated technology: Intel Security VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2016-8016 Unrelated technology: Intel Security VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2016-4534 Unrelated technology: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2016-3984 Unrelated technology: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2015-8577 Unrelated technology: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2010-5143 Unrelated technology: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise No

Leidos © 2018 Page 106 of 111

Search Term NVD Link Disposition Residual
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2010-3496 Unrelated technology: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2009-5118 Unrelated technology: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2007-2152 Unrelated technology: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2007-1538 Unrelated technology: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2006-4886 Unrelated technology: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2006-3575 Unrelated technology: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2005-4505 Unrelated technology: McAfee VirusScan Enterprise No
1/30/2018 enterprise ssc CVE-2005-0685 Unrelated technology: OutStart Participate Enterprise No
1/30/2018 tcg ssc None No matching CVE N/A MITRE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures Results

MITRE page CVE List Search Tips ( states:
“Advanced searching of enhanced CVE List content is available via the U.S. National Vulnerability Database (NVD), which is based
upon and synchronized with the CVE List.”
Consequently, the searches of the NVD in section above cover the required MITRE CVE searches. US-CERT Results
Table 25 US-CERT Search Results contains the record of the US-CERT search. See section above for a description of the columns.

Leidos © 2018 Page 107 of 111

Table 25 US-CERT Search Results

Search US-Cert
Search Term Disposition Residual
Date Link
2/7/2018 Seagate 903500 Duplicate: CVE-2015-2874 CVE-2015-2875 CVE-2015-2876 No
2/7/2018 Seagate 515283 Duplicate: CVE-2012-2568 No
2/7/2018 Seagate 403307 Unrelated technology: Crystal Reports No
2/7/2018 Seagate 964064 Unrelated product: BIOS or host controller (Seagate found issue) No
2/7/2018 Seagate Secure TCG Opal SSC None No results found No
2/7/2018 Seagate Secure TCG Enterprise SSC None No results found No
2/7/2018 ARMv7 None No results found No
2/7/2018 ARM Cortex-R None No results found No
2/7/2018 ARM Processor 649219 Unrelated technology: Intel CPU hardware No
2/7/2018 800-90 DRBG 1.0 Firmware None No results found No
2/7/2018 ARMv7 AES in Firmware None No results found No
2/7/2018 ARMv7 AES Key Wrap in Firmware None No results found No
2/7/2018 ARMv7 GCM in Firmware None No results found No
2/7/2018 ARMv7 HMAC in Firmware None No results found No
2/7/2018 ARMv7 RSA in Firmware None No results found No
2/7/2018 ARMv7 SHS in Firmware None No results found No
2/7/2018 Hash_Based DRBG 2.0 Firmware None No results found No
2/7/2018 Balto None No results found No
2/7/2018 Cheops None No results found No
2/7/2018 Myna None No results found No
2/7/2018 drive encryption 821865 Unrelated technology: CREDANT Mobile Guardian Shield No
2/7/2018 drive encryption 437385 Unrelated technology: PaperThin CommonSpot content management No
2/7/2018 drive encryption 582497 Unrelated technology: Android applications No
2/7/2018 disk encryption 166743 Unrelated technology: Das U-Boot boot loader No
2/7/2018 disk encryption 900031 Unrelated technology: Faircom c-treeACE database No

Leidos © 2018 Page 108 of 111

Search US-Cert
Search Term Disposition Residual
Date Link
2/7/2018 disk encryption 821865 Duplicate match: drive encryption No
2/7/2018 disk encryption 795720 Unrelated technology: Internet Explorer No
2/7/2018 disk encryption 912593 Unrelated technology: Guidance Software's EnCase Enterprise No
2/7/2018 disk encryption 582497 Duplicate match: drive encryption No
2/7/2018 key destruction None No results found No
2/7/2018 key sanitization None No results found No
2/7/2018 self-encrypting drive None No results found No
2/7/2018 self encrypting drive None No results found No
2/7/2018 sed 826463 Unrelated technology: Oracle E-Business Suite No
2/7/2018 sed 582497 Duplicate match: drive encryption No
2/7/2018 opal None No results found No
2/7/2018 enterprise ssc 582497 Duplicate match: drive encryption No
2/7/2018 tcg ssc 582497 Duplicate match: drive encryption No

Leidos © 2018 Page 109 of 111 Seagate Website Results
Seagate maintains Seagate Security Advisories (page The
advisories as of February 13, 2018 are as follows.
 CVE-2016-2118: unrelated product: network attached storage devices
 CVE-2015-2876: duplicate NVD match: Seagate
 CVE-2015-2875: duplicate NVD match: Seagate
 CVE-2015-2874: duplicate NVD match: Seagate
 CVE-2006-7243: unrelated product: network attached storage devices
Hence, the information on the Seagate website produced no additional potential vulnerabilities. Disposition of Flaw Hypotheses

The evaluators reviewed the search results in section above. The review identified ten CVEs that
represent potential vulnerabilities. For of these CVEs, the evaluators hypothesized that the vulnerability
exists in the Seagate TOE. This section documents the evaluators’ investigation of each of these CVEs.
In each case, the hypothesis that the CVE applies to the TOE is false. CVE-2015-7269
The CVE references
Encrypting-Drives-SED-In-Enterprise-Environments-wp.pdf, which provides a description of the exploit
(Hot Unplug Attack). Prerequisites for the Hot Unplug Attack include that the SED be powered on and
unlocked. [CPP FDE EE] section 1.6 TOE Use Case explicitly excludes this case where a TOE is in a
powered state. CVE-2015-7268
The CVE references
Encrypting-Drives-SED-In-Enterprise-Environments-wp.pdf, which provides a description of the exploit
(Forced Restart Attack). Prerequisites for the Forced Restart Attack include that the SED be powered on
and unlocked. [CPP FDE EE] section 1.6 TOE Use Case explicitly excludes this case where a TOE is in
a powered state. CVE-2015-7267
The CVE references
Encrypting-Drives-SED-In-Enterprise-Environments-wp.pdf, which provides a description of the exploit
(Hot Plug Attack). Prerequisites for the Hot Plug Attack include that the SED be powered on and unlocked
with the host platform in sleep mode. [CPP FDE EE] section 1.6 TOE Use Case explicitly excludes this
case where a TOE is in a powered state. CVE-2017-5754
The CVE references, which describes the vulnerability
for ARM processors including Cortex-R7. Any exploit of the vulnerability requires the TOE to run code
crafted by an attacker (in this case, Attack Vector: Local). The TOE is not vulnerable to exploit, since the
TOE only executes trusted firmware cryptographically signed by Seagate.

Leidos © 2018 Page 110 of 111 CVE-2017-5753
The CVE references, which describes the vulnerability
for ARM processors including Cortex-R7. Any exploit of the vulnerability requires the TOE to run code
crafted by an attacker (in this case, Attack Vector: Local). The TOE is not vulnerable to exploit, since the
TOE only executes trusted firmware cryptographically signed by Seagate. CVE-2017-5715
The CVE references, which describes the vulnerability
for ARM processors including Cortex-R7. Any exploit of the vulnerability requires the TOE to run code
crafted by an attacker (in this case, Attack Vector: Local). The TOE is not vulnerable to exploit, since the
TOE only executes trusted firmware cryptographically signed by Seagate. CVE-2017-5927
The CVE references, which describes
the vulnerability for modern processors in general. Any exploit of the vulnerability requires the TOE to
run code crafted by an attacker. The demonstration exploit uses JavaScript running in a web browser. The
TOE is not vulnerable to exploit, since the TOE only executes trusted firmware cryptographically signed
by Seagate. CVE-2016-0843
The CVE references, which describes the
vulnerability for Qualcomm ARM processors. Any exploit of the vulnerability requires malware the TOE
to run code crafted by an attacker (in this case, Attack Vector: Local). The TOE is not vulnerable to
exploit, since the TOE only executes trusted firmware cryptographically signed by Seagate. CVE-2016-0805
The CVE references, which describes the
vulnerability for Qualcomm ARM processors. Any exploit of the vulnerability requires the TOE to run
code crafted by an attacker (in this case, Attack Vector: Local). The TOE is not vulnerable to exploit,
since the TOE only executes trusted firmware cryptographically signed by Seagate. CVE-2005-0109
The CVE references, which describes the vulnerability
for processors with hyper-threading technology. Any exploit of the vulnerability requires the TOE to run
code crafted by an attacker (in this case, Attack Vector: Locally exploitable). The TOE is not vulnerable
to exploit, since the TOE only executes trusted firmware cryptographically signed by Seagate. Penetration Testing

[CPP FDE EE SD] requires the evaluator to conduct penetration testing, based on the identified potential
vulnerabilities, to determine that the TOE is resistant to attacks performed by an attacker possessing Basic
attack potential.
None of the vulnerabilities identified in the search of public sources are related to the TOE. Therefore, no
testing is required to verify that an identified potential vulnerability has been mitigated.

Leidos © 2018 Page 111 of 111

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