1)Biological Science
This is Certified that Tukkamma Biradar D/o / S/o Kashinath Biradar a student of Nightingale
School of Nursing, Hyderabad Nursing School has attended the Practical / Theory hours as noted
Date :13.07.2022
for Chairman
Signature of the Candidate : Board of Examination for General Nursing & Midwifery
O/o. Director of Medical Education, T.S, HYDERABAD
for Chairman
Signature of the Candidate : Board of Examination for General Nursing & Midwifery
O/o. Director of Medical Education, T.S, HYDERABAD
1.Without the Hall ticket no candidate is allowed to the Examination Hall.
2.Candidates should write their hall ticket No. Only and not their names on the answer sheet.
3.Candidates are prohibited from writing anything either on their Hall ticket or Question papers. Strict silence should be maintained in the Examination Hall.
4.Candidates should report in the Examination Hall 60 Minutes before commencing the Examination.
5.No candidate should be allowed to leave the Examination Hall 30 minutes before the closing time of the Examination.
6.Candidate may bring with them pen, pencil, eraser, colour pencils / sketch pens and foot scales.
7.The Candidate should produce the practical chart book duly signed by the authorities at the time of practical Examination.
8.Cell Phones and other Electronic gadgets are not allowed into the Examination Hall.