Gelatina 1.2
Gelatina 1.2
Gelatina 1.2
Collagen, gelatin and collagen hydrolysate were prepared from bovine limed split wastes by different preparative
processes. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis showed that the
molecular weight distribution of collagen was very narrow (about 200 and 100kDa for β and α chains
respectively) compared with those of gelatin (less than 300kDa and wide distribution) and collagen hydrolysate
(less than 50kDa and wide distribution ).
The isoelectric points of collagen, gelatin and collagen hydrolysate were 8.26, 4.88 and 4.54 respectively
determined by Zeta potential titration. Circular dichroism (CD) spectra revealed that there were two peaks, a
positive peak around 221nm and a negative peak around 192nm for collagen, which are the characteristics of
collagen triple helix. However, gelatin and collagen hydrolysate lacked any positive peaks around 220nm,
suggesting random coils. The denaturation temperature of collagen was about 37.5°C determined by the viscosity
method, the helix-coil transitions for gelatin and collagen hydrolysate were not present in the heating process.
Collagen reaggregated to fibrils at 35°C monitored at 313nm. In contrast, gelatin and collagen hydrolysate lost
the ability of fibril formation. Collagen was more resistant to trypsin hydrolysis compared with gelatin and
collagen hydrolysate. In addition, the collagen membrane exhibited superior features such as higher enthalpy,
greater network structure and better physical/mechanical properties compared with those of the gelatin
Therefore, collagen isolated from limed split wastes can be a high value product due to its special characteristics
and has many potential future applications in biomaterials, functional additives, cosmetics and pharmaceutical
Experimental methods
split wastes are simultaneously produced. Limed split
wastes are less contaminated by chemicals than tanned
leather or finished leather wastes, and can be a source of
high value products such as collagen, gelatin and collagen Extraction of pepsin-digested collagen
Bovine limed split waste pieces were fleshed and then
Collagen is an important biomaterial in medical
delimed with 2% NH4Cl and 0.5% HCl for 60 min. The
applications due to its special characteristics, such as
delimed pieces were neutralized to pH6.0-7.0 with 0.5%
biodegradability and weak antigenecity.1 Thus collagen, as HCl followed by rinsing with distilled water. Then they
a new type of biomaterial, has been used in drug delivery were cut into smaller pieces and pulverized with a mill
systems2 and tissue engineering.3 In addition, there are (Fritsch Pulverisette 14, Germany). The powders were
some intrinsic relationships between collagen and many extracted with 30 volumes of 0.5 M acetic acid containing
diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis4 and systemic 1% pepsin (1:10 000, calculated on the dry weight of limed
sclerosis.5 Gelatin can be made into roll film and drug split wastes) at 4°C for 48 hrs. The supernatants of the
capsules and can also be used as a biomaterial in extracted solutions were collected by centrifugation at 10
biomedical applications, such as in drug delivery systems.6 000g for 15 min at 4°C, and then salted out by adding NaCl
which are very different from the traditional capsule. to a final concentration of 3 M followed by centrifugation
Collagen hydrolysate is a polypeptide composite made by under the same conditions. The precipitate was dissolved in
further hydrolysis of denatured collagen. It has been used 0.5 M acetic acid and salted out in 0.7 M NaCl solution.
in cosmetics and as a food additive.7-9 Many attempts have The precipitate was again dissolved in 0.5 M acetic acid,
been made to utilize the limed split wastes in ways other and then dialyzed against 0.1 M acetic acid. Collagen
than utilization as the source of commercial gelatins. It had concentration was determined indirectly from the
been shown that the collagen extracted from calf limed hydroxyproline concentration, which was analyzed by the
splits at a low temperature by the pepsin-digestion method method of Bergman and Loxyley.13
had properties similar to those of the commercial
collagen.10-11 In addition, collagen polypeptide had also Preparation of gelatin and collagen hydrolysate
been prepared from the limed hide offal in a two-step Bovine limed split wastes were relimed with 3-4% lime
protease (EA and EA 537) treatment process at 45-60°C.12 and 0.5% NaOH for two weeks. The relimed split wastes
*Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected]
were washed and neutralized to pH5.5-6 with 1.5% HCl. wavelength range from 190 to 250nm at 25°C and its molar
Gelatin (type B) was extracted about five times from 70 to ellipticity[θ] was recorded using a circular dichroism
90°C at a 5°C interval. Collagen hydrolysate was prepared apparatus (Jasco J-500C, Japan).
by hydrolysis of gelatin using 0.02% (w/v) trypsin (1:250)
at 40°C for 4 hrs. The solutions were dried using a spray Denaturation temperature determined by viscosity method
dryer (Buchi B-191, Switzerland). The concentrations of Collagen (0.02mg/ml) was prepared in the same method
the samples were determined by the Biuret method.14 as used for the CD sample. Gelatin and collagen
hydrolysate solutions were adjusted to 8 and 10mg/ml
Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel respectively. All the samples were filtered through a filter
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) funnel (40-80µm) and degassed by centrifugation. The
Samples were mixed with 0.5 M Tris-HCl buffer (1% denaturation temperature was determined from the
SDS, 10% glycerol and 0.01% bromophenol blue, pH 6.8) viscosity changes using an Ubbelohde viscosimeter. 15ml
and then boiled for 5 min. 15µl treated samples were solution was incubated for 15 min at the given temperature
injected into 10% gel wells and run for approx. 120 min. from 25 to 50°C, and then the efflux time (t) was recorded.
The gel was stained with 0.25% Coomassie Brilliant Blue The efflux times (t0) of 0.1 M acetic acid solution (collagen
R-250 for 45 min and de-stained with 7.5% acetic acid/5% solvent) and water (solvent for gelatin and collagen
methanol solution until the bands were clear. hydrolysate) were also determined under the same
conditions. The reduced viscosity (ηsp/c), where ηsp is the
Isoelectric points of samples specific viscosity and is calculated by (t-t0)/t0 and c is the
Collagen, gelatin and collagen hydrolysate solutions concentration of the samples, was plotted against the
(0.05% w/v) were titrated with 0.25 M NaOH or 0.25 M temperature. The denaturation temperature was determined
HCl and the Zeta potentials at a given pH were recorded by as the mid-point temperature where viscosity changes
a Zeta potential titration apparatus (Malven Zetaweight reached 50%.
Nano ZS, UK). The titration temperature was 25°C and the
decreasing pH intervals were 0.5 pH. The change of Zeta Preparation of collagen and gelatin membranes
potential was plotted against the change of pH for the Collagen and gelatin were dried to form membranes at
samples. The isoelectric points of the samples were 30°C in silica gel desiccators. The collagen hydrolysate
determined at the pH value where the Zeta potential was membrane dried under the above conditions was too fragile
zero. to be used in practice. So only the collagen and the gelatin
membranes were chosen for assay.
Fibril formation experiment
Samples were dialyzed against phosphate buffer (0.1 M Physical properties of membranes
Na2HPO4, 0.05 M citric acid, pH7.2) in the presence of The denaturation temperatures of the collagen and the
NaCl (final concentration adjusted to 0.15 M) at 4°C. The gelatin membranes were determined by a differential
concentrations of the samples were adjusted to 0.5mg/ml scanning calorimetry apparatus (DSC) (Netzsch DSC
using the same buffer solution. The samples were incubated 200PC, Germany). The membranes were conditioned in a
to 35°C to initiate fibril formation, and the turbidities were humidistat containing saturated NH4NO3 solution at 20°C
recorded at 313nm using a UV spectrometer (Perkin Elmer for 24 hours before test. Approx. 2mg samples were sealed
Lambda 25, USA). The resulting collagen fibril was in aluminum pans and the empty pan was used as a control.
lyophilized in a freeze dryer (Labconco Freeze Dryer The endothermal curves of the samples were recorded from
FreeZone 6 Liter, USA) and its morphology was observed 10 to 80°C at a heating rate of 5°C/min in a nitrogen
by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (JEOL JSM- atmosphere. After cooling with liquor nitrogen, secondary
5900LV, Japan). The SEM specimen was prepared by the heating was run under the same conditions.
method described by Li.10 The morphologies of the membranes were examined by
SEM as in the fibril formation experiment. In addition,
Resistance to trypsin degestion their tensile strength and elongation at the break were also
Collagen was dialyzed against the same phosphate determined by a strength tester (Gaotie GT-AI-7000S,
buffer as used for fibril formation without the NaCl at 4°C China).
containing pepsin, which only attacked the non-triple
helical domain of native collagen, whereas gelatin and
collagen hydrolysate were prepared under severe
conditions (above the denaturation temperature). Most of
the triple helices of gelatin and collagen hydrolysate had
been destroyed and parts of their peptide bonds were also
broken out. Therefore, there were wide distributions and
Wavelength (nm)
Figure 2. CD spectra of collagen, gelatin and collagen hydrolysate.
was mainly because there were only a few or possibly no
triple helices remaining to be decomposed in the heating
The denaturation temperature of collagen is similar to
the body temperature and the environmental temperature,
and thus the denaturation temperature of mammalian
animal collagen is generally higher than that of marine
animal collagen. Therefore, the application area of
mammalian animal collagen is more extensive than the
marine animal collagen in respect of the thermal stability.
The collagen membrane presented a larger peak area than There were obvious fibril networks with a rough
that of the gelatin membrane in the denaturation process membranous structure for the collagen membrane. In
due to the greater presence of collagen triple helices. In contrast, the gelatin membrane without fibril networks
addition, the DSC traces in the first scan corresponded to appeared only as a smooth structure on the surface.
the helix-coil transitions during the heating of the samples, In addition, the tensile strengths and elongations
while those in the second scan corresponded to the at the break for the collagen and the gelatin
characteristics of completely amorphous biopolymer due to membrane were 58 ± 5N/mm2, 7 ± 0.5% and 36 ± 4
the elimination of the triple helical structure. Therefore, N/mm2, 3 ± 0.5%, respectively. The differences of the
there were no endothermal peaks in the second scan. mechanical properties were caused by the different
structures of the membranes. There were more rigid native
triple helices and fibril networks in the collagen membrane
than in the gelatin membrane, which played important roles
in elevating the mechanical properties of the collagen
It was found that there were many different
characteristics of collagen, gelatin and collagen
hydrolysate from the different preparative processes,
although they were all derived from bovine limed split
wastes. Only collagen possessed the triple helical
conformation. It exhibited many properties distinct from
B gelatin and collagen hydrolysate, such as high molecular
weight and narrow molecular distribution, basic isoelectric
point, triple helix to coil translation in the process of
denaturation, high resistance to protease, and ability of
fibril formation.
Gelatin and collagen hydrolysate were the denatured
products of native collagen and adopted a random coil
conformation, showing different properties, e.g. relative
lower molecular weights and wide molecular distributions,
lower isoelectric points, without conformation translation,
Figure 7. Thermograms of the collagen membrane A and the gelatin loss of ability of fibril formation, and being easily attacked
membrane B determined by DSC.
by proteinase. In addition, the collagen membrane had a
larger endothermal peak area, a special network structure
and better physical/ mechanical properties compared with
those of the gelatin membrane. The results suggest that
collagen derived from bovine limed split wastes has a
greater potential biomaterial utilization than gelatin and
collagen hydrolysate due to its special physicochemical
properties. Therefore, the extraction of collagen from
bovine limed split wastes is a high value route for the
utilization of leather wastes.
This work was supported financially by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 20576073).
(Received September 2005)
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