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Chapter 1

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We Filipino know what is the best for ourself, we undergo many trainings

and seminar in every field we take that boost our capability to learn new things. We

Criminology student undergo the Reserve Officer Training Corps that mold and

build our, discipline and camaraderie. Discipline is a key to our, dreams it is the

best weapon of every student that want to achieve the diploma in the stage and the

Camaraderie that mold of the true meaning of a Friendship that will support and

help in the end of the day and they said that the experience is the best teacher.

ROTC is the best experience that you will never explain all the hardship that

led to a lesson and knowledge. Probably not everyone knows the word ROTC or

Reserve Officer Training Corps is a prominent program of government, For

students in secondary and college. Not all student is capable to join, those

psychologically and physically incapable Students or who are undergoing a similar

military training and those who get an exemption from the Department of National

Defense will also exempted. We know that ROTC is still optional and only

mandatory to the Criminology student, where the student start the true meaning of a

leader that provides world-class leadership development, as well as valuable team

building and networking opportunities. ROTC has been a long-established part of

the educational system as a training ground for army. The Reserve Officer Training

Corps (ROTC) is one of the three components of National Service Training


Program in Philippine with, Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) and Literacy

Training Service (LTS) program for Filipino College students. ROTC aims to

provide military education and training for students to mobilize them for national

defense preparedness. It is specific objectives include preparation of college

students for service in the Armed Forces of the Philippines in the event of an

emergency and their training to become reservist and potential commissioned

officers of the AFP.

ROTC training in the country dates back to our colonial past. During the

British invasion of the Philippines in 1762, some 200 students from the University

of Santo Tomas were organized to aid the Spanish forces in defending Manila.

Later on, the native contingent was professionalized and the cadets were given

access to military training, But the official founding of ROTC in the country was in

1912, when the Philippine Constabulary organized the first military training at the

University of the Philippines. The leadership of the program was transferred to the

Philippine National Guard, which was however, dissolved after World War I.

President Ferdinand Marcos, a product of the ROTC program, class of 1937, was a

soldier during WWII. He restored the ROTC as a mandatory program in 1967 with

Executive Order 59. Amendments were implemented when he signed Presidential

Decree 1706, the National Service Law. From around 60,000 troops, the regular

armed forces grew to some 270,000 personnel. With many issues plaguing the

program from the 1980s and 1990s, ROTC became optional when the National

Service Training Program Act of 2001 was enacted into law. Before the NSTP Law

of 2001 was enacted ROTC was taking over the colleges and had no civilian

welfare and literacy component. Such a program is a nest of abuse and corruption.

Hazing or the use of violence in ROTC has become norm in order to "test the

courage, fortitude, and integrity" of cadet. In fact, this hazing and corruption is the

main reason why the NSTP Law of 2001 has been enacted and ROTC has chosen

the schools. The 2001 hazing and killing of university of Santo Tomas student

Mark Nelson Chua was the particular incident that resulted in the enactment of

NSTO Law of 2001.

Jepoyo (2017) said in 1992 that ROTC was first implemented and subject to

the UP and the year 1935 made it mandatory for all colleges and universities. But in

2002 it was complete abolished because of the death of a cadet galling in the UST.

It was brutal that the cadets were killed because of its exposure to ROTC training

corruption in UST, but it was only the 17th of February in 2017 a law approved by

President Duterte was resurrecting the ROTC. The measured will grant grade XI

and grade XII students to ROTC but the presidents say, ROTC residence is unique

to perform ROTC in the wake of corruption. No hazing and sexual harassment. The

armed forces of the Philippines (AFP)also pledge to have restrictions in order to

prevent bad happenings.

President Rodrigo Duterte said the Mandatory ROTC program in grade XI

and grade XII could help develop and deepen national love and good citizenship for

Filipino youth. "Reservists will mobilize for information campaign against drug use

and the dissemination of information on drug rehabilitation programs offered by the


government," In Present, According to Vice President and Education Secretary Sara

Duterte It would be better to impose the proposed mandatory Reserve Officers’

Training Corps (ROTC) course in college. She said that the higher education will

be better off spearheading the program, while the basic education will be in charge

of instilling discipline and a sense of nationalism among the students during their

early years in school.

ROTC is established to train young men and women in term of

strengthening their body and mind in case of insurgency. Many are against about

this program because they see it as unfavorable due to bad happenings in the

training, but they don’t know the true meaning and ambition of this program. This

training program helps the students to build their individuality, in terms of

expanding their knowledge about their benefits to the country, improving their

skills on how to become a good leader and molding their psychological state. Both

young men and women will benefit on this program and as a student you need to

know what’s best for you and as well as what’s better for your country.

ROTC strives to develop the leadership skills of a student not only in theory

but also as an application to the military training that the program has. military

discipline and military courtesy are tenets of the curriculum, infusing these to

produce able-bodied and military-ready students that can be called to service in

times of need. The country’s disadvantage in terms of Weapons and materials for

combat is greatly emphasized When the Philippines is under threat, therefore at

least training the students to have the capability to fight and defend is a form of

heightening the military capabilities to some extent. The discipline that ROTC

students develop under the training is tantamount to the maturity of a person,

especially the clarity of mind that they display under pressure.

This research aims to Study of Mandatory Reserve Officers Training Corps

to the Criminology Students at Tanauan Institute Inc., Researchers found that this

topic was a timely issue with College, and also noticed that there are many students

without knowledge about ROTC, through this book the readers would be able to

read the knowledge and know the importance and Imprimatur of such programs.


This study is anchored on the theory of Robert Greenleaf on Servant and

leadership theory. It stated that this theory tackles about authoritarian style of

leadership, access to self-interest and seeks to build community in organization.

This theory is in lined with these concepts that focus on what is Servant leadership

and leadership style is. Under these three concepts it also focuses on its four

branches. It focusses on trusting community, also shares about many ideas in

leadership theory, teach young men to be leader and find solution to improve

performance. These branches serve as the components of an individual who’s

taking this kind of program. This theory is anchored to Reserve officers’ training

corps or ROTC. In ROTC program it seeks to mobilize them for national defense

preparedness, provide military education, preparation for service in AFP and

become potential officers. This program is one of the components of NSTP that an

individual should comply. These components help them to be more ready in ROTC.

Under these it also tackles about youth having access in military training,

participate in regular ROTC instruction and exposure to high levels of civilian

mind. These components help an individual to have more access in ROTC.


Within the framework of sociocultural development theories, there exists an

emphasis on environmental influences that are not biologically based and the

importance of observation by the learner within his or her environment. Leaders

become active participants within their environmental context, whether by applying

influence to achieve an end state or by observing and learning from environmental

players within their social sphere. As identified by Miller and Dollard, “one of the

most powerful socialization forces is imitation” (Miller, 2011, p. 233). The concept

of modeling was further developed by Bandura (1977), a researcher who conducted

studies to evaluate how new behaviors are acquired through observation. Bandura

(1977) studied the effects of environmental factors on learning and like Vygotsky

(1978) believed that non biological influences were powerful contributors to human

behavior and learning. Bandura (1977) studied how observation and modeling have

a profound influence on learning, stating: it is difficult to imagine a socialization

process in which the language, mores, vocational activities, familial customs, and

the educational, religious and political practices of a culture are taught to each new

member by selective reinforcement or fortuitous behaviors, without benefit of

models who exemplify the cultural patters in their own behavior. (Bandura, 1971, p.

5. He concluded that after individuals have developed the capacity to learn through

observation, others cannot stop them from processing what that have witnessed

(Bandura, 1977). The skill of observational learning is not relegated merely to

simple tasks, but is also used by individuals to adopt such cultural cues as values

and beliefs. Despite the foundational principle that the environment exerts

influence, one of Bandura’s (1977) key concepts that Miller (2011) further

illuminates is the feature of choice. Bandura (1977) explained this attentional

process as the ability of learners to select characteristics through perception. This

explanation helps to provide a valid reason to the distinct behaviors of individuals

despite poor or good leader models. As we see and experience various leader

behaviors throughout our lives, we make mental notations of what

effective/ineffective leadership looks like. These impressions provide an internal

schema regarding both what it means to lead and how to best do it. The ROTC

learning model is based on experiential learning. The program uses interactive

leadership practice opportunities during the leadership lab each week to provide

varied and dynamic leadership experiences from which the participants reference

and reflect on in order to expand their experience base, self-confidence, and

ultimately their perception of the kind of leader they are becoming. Referencing

this theory will help guide the data collection and the data analysis.


This study conceptualizes to assess A Study of Mandatory Reserve Officers

Training Corps to the Criminology Students at Tanauan Institute Inc., In


line with this, a graphical illustration was presented to actualize the concept of the



Study of Mandatory
ROTC at Tanauan Effectiveness
Institute Inc. of ROTC

Benefit of

This Diagram shows the conceptual framework of the study, wherein circle

1 stated A Study of Mandatory ROTC at Tanauan Institute Inc while in oval 2

Perception of Criminology Student at ROTC, in oval the Effectiveness of ROTC

and in oval 4 that mentioned the benefit of ROTC to the Criminology students.


This aimed to A Study of Mandatory Reserve Officers Training Corps to the

Criminology Students at Tanauan Institute Inc.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1. age;

1.2. sex;

2. What is the Perception of the Criminology students at Tanauan Institute

Inc. in mandatory ROTC?

3. What are the Benefits of Mandatory ROTC to the Criminology students

at Tanauan Institute Inc.?

4. What are the Effects of Mandatory ROTC to the Criminology students at

Tanauan Institute Inc.?


The null hypothesis proven in the study was: There is no significant

difference on the responses on A Study of Mandatory Reserve Officers Training

Corps to the Criminology Students at Tanauan Institute Inc.


The following terms are herein defined operationally and conceptually to

facilitate the readers with a clearer understanding of this study.

BENEFITS – In this study, it refers to something that produces good or helpful

results or effects or that promotes well-being.

CADETS – In this study, it refers to a young person undergoing preliminary

training, usually before full entry to the uniformed services, police, etc., esp. for

officer status.

CAMARADERIE – In this study, it refers to a spirit of good friendship and loyalty

among members of a group.

CIVILIAN - In this study, it refers to a person who is not on active duty with a

military, naval, police, or firefighting organization.

CRIMINOLOGY- In this study, it refers to the scientific study of crime, including

its causes, responses by law enforcement, and methods of prevention.

DISCIPLINE- In this study, it refers to a set of rules and regulations which are to

be followed while undergoing any task or activity.

EXPERIENCE- In this study, it refers to a knowledge or skill in a particular job or

activity, which you have gained because you have done that job or activity for a

long time.

GOVERNMENT- In this study, it refers to the system or group of people

governing an organized community, generally a state.

INSURGENCY- In this study, it refers to an active revolt or uprising.

LEADER- In this study, it refers to a leader is someone who can see how things

can be improved and who rallies people to move toward that better vision.

MANDATORY- In this study, it refers to require by law or rules; compulsory.

MILITARY TRAINING- In this study, it refers to the instruction of personnel to

enhance their capacity to perform specific military functions and tasks.


NATIONALISM- In this study, it refers to an ideology that emphasizes loyalty,

devotion, or allegiance to a nation or nation-state and holds that such obligations

outweigh other individual or group interests.

PSYCHOLOGICALLY- In this study, it refers to a way that affects the mind or

relates to the emotional state of a person.

RESERVE OFFICER TRAINING CORPS- In this study, it refers to is tasked to

train and develop college students in the rudiments of military service in order to

produce capable armed forces of the Philippines reservists.

RESERVIST- In this study, it refers to a member of a military reserve.

SKILLS- In this study, it refers to the ability to use one's knowledge effectively

and readily in execution or performance.

SPEARHEADING- In this study, it refers to lead something such as a course of

action or an attack.

TANTAMOUNT- In this study, it refers to being almost the same or having the

same effect as something, usually something bad.



This chapter shows the related literature, related studies and synthesis on the

A Study of Mandatory Reserve Officers Training Corps to the Criminology

Students at Tanauan Institute Inc... The related studies and literature provide the

researchers necessary ideas and concepts that served as a guide in conducting the

present study.


A program component designed to provide military training to tertiary level

students in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense

preparedness. This course is intended to prepare and equip the students with

knowledge, skills, and attitude in carrying out national service in the event of

national emergencies and to assist the socio-economic development of the country.

This is the continuation of the ROTC 1 program, designed for thorough application

of the theories and principles learned both in field and classroom discussions in the

rudiments of the military service intended to produce capable armed forces of the

Philippines reservist by developing the value of patriotism, leadership, discipline,

camaraderie, obedience, and teamwork. (De La Salle University - Dasmariñas


According to (Francis Earl Cueto 2022) The three government agencies

tasked to provide security for the nation were one in saying that the calls for the

return of the mandatory Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) and the National

Service Training Program (NTSP) for senior high school students will benefit the

youth as it will help them prepare for any disaster and be instilled with discipline

and patriotism. The Philippine National Police Director for Operations MGen.

Valeriano de Leon said it is an act of patriotism that would prepare the country for

any threat to its sovereignty. During his first State of the Nation Address (SONA)

on Monday, President Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr., pushed for mandatory

ROTC and NTSP for senior high school students. "The goal is to encourage, train,

organize and mobilize students for national defense readiness, including disaster

preparedness and capacity building for risk-related situations," he added. De Leon

said disaster preparedness is also important among Filipinos, given that the country

is frequently struck by typhoons, in addition to other natural disasters such as

volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

According to (Leilanie Adriano 2019) The Ilocos youth is supporting the

revival of the mandatory Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program for

senior high school students. The mandatory ROTC was abolished in 2002 after the

death of University of Santo Tomas student Mark Chua, whose killing was linked

to his exposé on the anomalies in the training corps. The Duterte-backed military

training requires both male and female students, except those who are physically or

psychologically unfit, to undergo a two-year mandatory ROTC to produce well-

trained and prepared reservists for military and civic service. For 25-year-old

Moyra Colobong of the Ilocos Norte National High School, the Philippines needs to

strengthen its reserve force and one way is by training the young to undergo ROTC.

“This is a stepping stone for us to strengthen our defenses, learn to follow rules and

become disciplined,” said Colobong as she admitted kids these days are becoming

hard-headed or out of control due to never ending changes of the times, lack or

absence of full-time parental guidance, modern preoccupations and gadgets

available even for the very young.

According to (PIA 2022) One of the legislations President Ferdinand

“Bong bong Marcos, Jr. urges the law makers to pass is the mandatory Reserve

Officers Training Corps (ROTC) for students. During his first State of the Nation

Address (SONA), July 25, PBBM called on Congress to pass a law that would

reinstitute ROTC as a mandatory component of senior high school programs --

grades 11 and 12, in all public and tertiary level education institutions. He said “the

aim is to motivate, train, organize students and mobilize students for national

defense preparedness, including disaster preparedness and capacity building for risk

related situations. “The call is in tune with Vice President Sara Duterte’s

pronouncements in January when she conveyed and hoped that PBBM would

include the return of mandatory ROTC in his legislative agenda. Duterte sits as the

secretary of education under the PBBM administration. It can be recalled that


former president Rodrigo Duterte in 2018 also pushed the Congress for the revival

of the ROTC; there were groups who opposed. ROTC is believed and seen to

promote culture of discipline and responsibility; provides opportunity to inculcate

the values of patriotism, nationalism, and character-building; provides training that

will develop students' leadership skills.

(According to UP DILIMAN 2019) ROTC focuses on equipping its

graduates with the five fundamental skills of LEAD, SHOOT, MOVE,

NAVIGATE, and COMMUNICATE. These five skills are embedded in lectures

and training held under the two Military Science courses to be taken under Basic

ROTC: Military Science 1 and Military Science 2. Throughout the Corps Year,

while training to acquire the competencies mentioned above, Basic Cadets will be

able to participate in activities such as Camp Visits, Sportsfest, and Cadet’s Ball.

Such activities boost morale and strengthen camaraderie of cadets. Another activity

is the Regional Annual Administrative and Tactical Inspection (RAATI), this gives

the cadets the chance to represent the University in an annual competition amongst

ROTC Units in the region through UP ROTC, the Best Corps.


According to (Dawns, 2011) ROTC has been a long-established part of the

educational system as a training ground for army reserve members. “The most

prominent argument on behalf of ROTC is the traditional “citizen soldier” rationale,

which emphasizes how ROTC can broaden the military’s exposure to high levels of

the civilian mind. In this line of argument, officers trained by ROTC are more

likely to balance military virtues with a commitment to the norms of civil society

and the constitutional order. This balance is good for America because, among

other things, it can enhance effective civilian control of the military. The

contemporary viability of the citizen soldier concept has occasioned much debate,

but it continues to be a useful and important aspiration in a polity in which deep

respect for constitutional principles coexists with substantial defense obligations

and needs."

According to (Dugan & Komives, 2010) There is a gap in the understanding

of the personal development process of cadet leaders. Cadets on a civilian campus

have a vastly different experience than military academy cadets, due to the nature

of their dual identity on campus, whereas academy cadets experience a total

military institutional setting.

Students train as they learn, taking military science courses alongside

regular college classes, with the requirement to enlist as an officer in the U.S.

Army, Navy or Air Force upon graduation. The Coast Guard does not have an

ROTC program but rather a College Student Pre-Commissioning Initiative, which

offers scholarships and a spot at officer candidate school after graduation. Students

interested in ROTC participation without the military service commitment can join

the program for a limited time, typically three semesters, officials say. While only

those who enlist receive a scholarship, ROTC officials say short-term participants

benefit from leadership skills taught in the program. For those who do join the

military through ROTC, scholarships can help pay for college, though acceptance

of the award means a commitment of at least eight years after graduation (Josh

Moody 2020).

Though they join ROTC for different reasons, most candidates choose the

program for its financial, professional, and personal Benefits. ROTC guarantees

degree-seekers employment as a commissioned officer after graduation. It also

builds life skills in leadership, problem-solving, and survival preparedness. Most

importantly, an ROTC scholarship can cover the cost of college, which is what

attracts most college students to ROTC (TBS STAFF 2022).

First and foremost, ROTC offers preparation to become an officer in the

military, including the United States Army or Air Force. By participating in ROTC

concurrently with your college education, you can enter the reserves or active-duty

forces with advanced ranking. Additionally, ROTC provides money for college

tuition. Because of this, many students choose ROTC as a way to combine their

sense of purpose and duty with a way to pay for their college education. But the

benefits of ROTC go beyond achieving an advanced military ranking or paying for

college. The ROTC program provides world-class leadership development, as well

as valuable team building and networking opportunities. It also opens the door to

specialized training with your local unit, which could include airborne, air assault,

medical training, and other technical skills. If you’re interested in military life, the

access to high-level training provided by ROTC is unparalleled (John Montesi


ROTC program is designed

to build a solid foundation
to instill
patriotism and nationalism
among the youth to become
useful citizens who possess
the skills,
knowledge and the heart to
uphold and defend the
country's national
institutions and
Patriotism or national pride
is the feeling of love,

devotion and sense of

attachment to a
homeland and alliance with
other citizens who share the
same sentiment.
Nationalism is an
ideology and movement
that promotes the interests
of a particular nation (as in
a group of
people) especially with the
aim of gaining and
maintaining the nation's

(self-governance) over its

homeland. These are some
of the benefits of
paramount importance
that you will acquire or
develop even more by
involving yourself in
ROTC program is designed
to build a solid foundation
to instill
patriotism and nationalism
among the youth to become
useful citizens who possess
the skills,

knowledge and the heart to

uphold and defend the
country's national
institutions and
Patriotism or national pride
is the feeling of love,
devotion and sense of
attachment to a
homeland and alliance with
other citizens who share the
same sentiment.
Nationalism is an
ideology and movement
that promotes the interests

of a particular nation (as in

a group of
people) especially with the
aim of gaining and
maintaining the nation's
(self-governance) over its
homeland. These are some
of the benefits of
paramount importance
that you will acquire or
develop even more by
involving yourself in

ROTC program is designed

to build a solid foundation
to instill
patriotism and nationalism
among the youth to become
useful citizens who possess
the skills,
knowledge and the heart to
uphold and defend the
country's national
institutions and
ROTC program is designed
to build a solid foundation
to instill

patriotism and nationalism

among the youth to become
useful citizens who possess
the skills,
knowledge and the heart to
uphold and defend the
country's national
institutions and
Patriotism or national pride
is the feeling of love,
devotion and sense of
attachment to a
homeland and alliance with
other citizens who share the

same sentiment.
Nationalism is an
ideology and movement
that promotes the interests
of a particular nation (as in
a group of
people) especially with the
aim of gaining and
maintaining the nation's
(self-governance) over its
homeland. These are some
of the benefits of
paramount importance

that you will acquire or

develop even more by
involving yourself in














This chapter presents and discusses the important components of the

research undertaken by the researchers. It includes discussion of the research


design, population and sampling techniques, research instrument, data gathering

procedures, statistical tools and ethical consideration.


The study used the descriptive research design, specifically, quantitative

research method. According to Sandra L Siedlecki (2020) Descriptive research is

defined as a research method that describes the characteristics of the population or

phenomenon studied. This methodology focuses more on the "what" of the research

subject than the "why" of the research subject.

In addition, According to McCombes (2019), descriptive research aims to

accurately and systematically describe a population, situation or phenomenon. It

can answer what, when, where, when and how questions, but not why questions. As

cited by Hopkins (2008) quantitative research aims to determine the relationship

between an independent variable and a dependent or outcome variable in a


And lastly, according to Ritchie et al. (2013) as cited by Rudison (2015)

opined that by using the descriptive method the researcher would be able to observe

a large mass of target 17 population and make required conclusions about the

variables. The researcher by using descriptive research can effectively design a pre-

structured questionnaire. The information collected from the responses can be

statistically presented in this type of research method. Since the researchers are

trying to analyze the people’s opinion, attitude, behavior and satisfaction level in

relation to criminological topics hence the researcher should effectively use the

descriptive method in order to statically analyze the data.

The researchers particularly chose this type of research design because they

believed that it was the appropriate research design to be used in this study. They

also believed that this kind of research design would be a great help in acquiring the

needed information for the study.


This study was conducted at Tanauan Institute Inc., Tanauan city Batangas.

The researchers considered as Tanauan Institute Inc. the venue of the study due to

its number of Student. The researchers believe that they are the best suited

respondent in order to make the study feasible. Tanauan Institute Inc. have 1279

total number of active 1st year Criminology student enrollees. The researcher chose

the respondents of the study purposively to gather significant answers about A

Study of Mandatory Reserve Officers Training Corps to the Criminology Students

at Tanauan Institute Inc.

The researchers used a purposive random sampling technique. This is a non-

probability sampling technique that is the most appropriate to select the most

qualified respondents and those knowledgeable about the subject matter. Also, the

researchers used the following fixed criteria to identify and select the respondents

for this study:


1. The Criminology student-respondent is currently enrolled in Tanauan

Institute Inc.

2. The Criminology student-respondent is aware and conducting ROTC; and

3. The Criminology student-respondent is willing to take part in this study.

Further, using the total population of the targeted respondents of 25 Males

and 25 females and with the application of Slovin’s Formula at five percent

(5%) margin of error, the computed total sample size was 50 students.


A self-made survey questionnaire was formulated by the researchers based

on the existing literature and results of previous studies. The research tool was

presented in checklist form, of which the first part focused on the demographic

profile of the respondents, which included their age and sex. The second part was

also presented in a checklist form which focused on the dependent variables of the

study, which were A Study of Mandatory Reserve Officers Training Corps to the

Criminology Students at Tanauan Institute Inc. On the other hand, the questionnaire

proper is provided with a clear direction to guide the respondents in filling up the


The data gathering procedure followed the following procedures. The first

step in data gathering was the formulation and validation of the research

instrument. The most vital and critical component of the study is the conduct of the

survey since it is the primary source of data that focuses on A Study of Mandatory

Reserve Officers Training Corps to the Criminology Students at Tanauan Institute

Inc. The researchers sought permission to Dr. Nelia P. Mananguit college dean of

Tanauan Institute Inc.

The questionnaires were personally handed and the contents were carefully

explained to the respondents in order for them to answer it with honesty and

integrity. Thereafter, the administration of the questionnaire was retrieved, and the

data were tallied, computed, analyzed, and interpreted. After which, the researcher

obtained related studies and literature to support the results of the study.

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