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MEGAcel - Prod - Mark - Broch - AFP 1 402

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• AAF Flanders ePTFE media The AAF Flanders MEGAcel II

combines ultra-high efficiency with ePTFE line of filters is designed to
negligible pressure drop meet semiconductor industry
cleanroom filtration requirements
• Lower energy consumption adds for fabs, modular, mini, and
up to savings of more than 30% microenvironments, as stated in
the I300I specifications. Manufactured with
high performance ePTFE media, MEGAcel filters provide
• High resistance to corrosive
extremely high particulate filtration efficiencies, lower pressure drops,
environments (acids, alkalis, and
and negligible offgassing.
organic substances)

• Negligible offgassing properties

State-of-the-Art Design
(boron, sodium, potassium, silicon) Designed to combine maximum efficiency with lowest pressure drop, the
MEGAcel II ePTFE media pack is employed in a variety of design and size
• High tensile strength media, more configurations, making it suitable for numerous application requirements.
resistant to rough handling in The ePTFE media pack is produced to ensure precision in pleat spacing and
transportation and installation height, thereby reducing “dead spots” and promoting consistent and uniform
air distribution throughout the filter. The pleat design allows the air to move
• Meets I300I specifications and throughout the entire depth of the filter, utilizing the full cleaning capability of
is UL 900 and ULC S111 Classified the media.

• Lower profile, reducing space Developed by AAF Flanders Engineers:

and weight ePTFE Media
Groundbreaking ePTFE media was engineered by AAF Flanders’ research and
• Proven technology. Used in design teams. Media production, testing, and packaging are all performed in
semiconductor and microelectronic AAF Flanders’ (ISO 7) ultra-modern controlled environment, eliminating the
applications for over 20 years potential for contamination of the filter during manufacturing.
MEGAcel Filters ®

Energy Conservation
The ePTFE pleated pack resistance is a minimum of 30% lower
than conventional micro fiberglass media, a factor contributing
to greatly reducing fan energy consumption. AAF Flanders’
pleating method, using intermittent polyamide separators, allows
more open media area and optimizes pleat pack resistance.

Perfect Filter Media

MEGAcel ® II frames are available with gel seal frame, gasket seal frame, and
Compared with microglass media, ePTFE media provides
knife-edge frame (shown from left to right).
superior benefits, including inert chemical properties, more
uniform fiber distribution, and smaller fiber diameters and
pore size, which reduces resistance with higher filtration Sturdy Construction
performance to achieve substantial energy savings. Tooling environments often produce harmful and corrosive
by-products. The MEGAcel filter is extremely resistant to these
harsh conditions and also offers superior efficiency and
pressure drop characteristics.
Manufactured with high quality ePTFE media, the MEGAcel
filter is water resistant and meets the requirements of UL 900
and ULC S111. The media pack is permanently attached to
an anodized extruded aluminum frame with a low offgassing
urethane adhesive.

Figure A (10,000x) Figure B (10,000x)

Photographed at 10,000x magnification, these images illustrate the finer fiber

diameter and more consistent composition of AAF Flanders’ ePTFE media
(Figure A), when compared with microglass media (Figure B).

MEGAcel ® II filters are designed to meet the most demanding high efficiency
filtration applications.

Chemical Advantages of AAF Flanders’ State-of-the-Art Testing
ePTFE Media AAF Flanders has established an air filtration testing
Negligible Offgassing methodology that is among the most comprehensive and
ePTFE media has smaller pore size and fiber diameter than accurate in the industry. Testing is essential in documenting filter
microfiberglass. These characteristics significantly reduce efficiency and assisting in research and development of filtration
the levels of offgassing impurities typical to microglass (which products. AAF Flanders’ testing facilities meet the highest
include boron, sodium, potassium, and silicon) to almost zero. standards for quality control.
High Corrosion Resistance Every MEGAcel II ePTFE filter is tested and certified, using
ePTFE media has been proven to be resistant in highly procedures tailored to your specifications, to meet your
corrosive environments, including alkaline, acid, and organic performance requirements prior to shipping.
substances. All of these environments can be found in
semiconductor manufacturing processes. Part No.:905

Superior Water Resistance Efficiency:

: 1265135
7/21/2021 Air Flow 192 CFM
Date Tested:
ePTFE media provides superior water resistance in comparison NELIOR Filt
ncy Filter with etration: .00005%
Size: 14+23-5 146327
Test Flow:
0.38 IN. W.G

High Efficie Inspector No. 1265135 n

Pen : Passed Sca
with microglass and low boron microglass media. Efficiency:
. Test Flow:
0.38 IN. W.G 89H4U3T2BA)
-253-282 (29F
192 CFM

Passed Sca

Part No. : 905 239A

lacements Call: 1-888-
To Order Rep

Ongoing Quality Control

Process control starts with sample flat sheets taken from
each roll of media, tested to verify efficiency and pressure
drop. The media is carefully pleated and assembled in the
cell side designed for each specific application. The filter is
then rigorously tested and certified to meet performance
Figure C (5,000x)
The filter is inspected for dimensional accuracy, automatically
scanned by computer controlled scanning equipment for
pinhole leaks, and tested for filtration efficiency and pressure
drop. Every filter is labeled, identifying product code numbers,
dimensions, a serial number, tested filter efficiency, and
filter resistance at the rated airflow. Rigorous testing ensures
customers receive products of the highest quality and
performance to meet their stringent requirements, while
reducing operating costs and providing the highest
energy savings.

Figure D (5,000x)

Examining the structure under the microscope

clearly shows the broken glass fibers at the pleat
edge (Figure C), while the fold of the ePTFE
media (Figure D) is intact.

MEGAcel ll ePTFE Filters

Operating Data
High Efficiency Performance Lowest Possible Pressure Drop
The MEGAcel filter provides efficiency and performance far Pressure drop is measured using a manometer as the test filter
superior to the competition. AAF Flanders is first in providing is subjected to a metered air volume. Testing on a volumetric
filters that meet rigorous I300I specifications for the basis is specified in the Institute of Environmental Sciences
manufacturing of 300 mm wafers. and Technology IEST-RP-CC007 recommended practice on
At a peak airflow of 100 FPM, Most Penetrating Particle Size ULPA filters.
(MPPS) efficiency is superior to the stringent requirements of AAF Flanders calculates the total square footage of usable
99.99995% efficiency for U16 ULPA filters. media pack area (outside dimensions of filter minus the frame
The combination of advanced levels of efficiency and the thickness and adhesive) and multiplies this number by 100
lowest possible pressure drop makes MEGAcel a simple FPM to determine an accurate volumetric test flow (this value
choice for use in 450 mm, 300 mm, or 200 mm wafer is approximately 720 CFM for a nominal 24" x 48" filter). This
production. method simulates actual cleanroom airflow conditions,
ensuring a true measurement of pressure drop.

Penetration vs. Particle Size Typical Data (U16) MEGAcel® II ePTFE U15/U16/U17
Initial Resistance vs. Filter Face Velocity
0.001 Efficiency .55
99.9995% 0.6
0.0001 0.5 U16
Initial Resistance (in. w.g.)

Efficiency .39
Penetration (%)

35mm pack
0.00001 @ 100FPM


0.0000001 0
0.01 0.1 1 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Particle Diameter (μm) Filter Face Velocity (FPM)

MEGAcel ® is a registered trademark of AAF International in the U.S.

and other countries.

AAF Flanders has a policy of continuous product

research and improvement. We reserve the right to
change design and specifications without notice.

©2021 AAF International and its affiliated companies.

9920 Corporate Campus Drive, Suite 2200, Louisville, KY 40223-5690
888.223.2003 Fax 888.223.6500 | aafintl.com ISO Certified Firm AFP-1-402H 07/21

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