Ucsp q2 Mod6 Socialstratification v2
Ucsp q2 Mod6 Socialstratification v2
Ucsp q2 Mod6 Socialstratification v2
Culture, Society, and
Quarter 2 – Module 6
Social and Political
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Management Team
Chairperson: Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, Ph.D., CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent
Senior High School
Understanding Culture,
Society, and Politics
Quarter 2 – Module 6
Social and Political
Table of Contents
COVER PAGE………………………………………………………………………….i
COPYRIGHT PAGE……………………………………………………………………ii
TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………………iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………iv
WHAT THIS MODULE IS ABOUT……………………………………………………v
WHAT I NEED TO KNOW…………………………………………………………….v
HOW TO LEARN FROM THIS MODULE…………………………………………..vi
ICONS OF THIS MODULE…………………………………………………………..vii
WHAT I KNOW………………………………………………………………………..viii
Lesson 1: Social Desirables/Social Mobility System
What’s In:……………………………………………………………….1
What’s New: It’s Me……………………………………………………2
What is It: Social and Political Stratification ………………………..2
What’s More: Status…………………………………………………..5
Jumbled Letters………………………………………5
What I Have Learned: Power of Three……………………………..6
What I Can Do: From Rags to Riches………………………………7
Key to Answers………………………………………………………………………..11
What This Module is About
This learning material will help you understand the social categorization of
people in society based on their characteristics. It describes the layering of these
categories into a higher and lower position. The different social classes and the moving
of people from one social status to another are also discussed in this module.
There are activities provided to help you enhance your learning. Much more, it
is exciting to discover your ascribed and achieved statuses in the social structure .
How to Learn from this Module
The following are your guide for the proper use of this module:
To the Learner:
1. Follow all the instructions in every activity.
2. Answer the pre-test before going over the material to find out what you already
3. Answer all the exercises at the end of every lesson.
4. Review the lesson that you find difficulty to understand. Be resourceful.
5. All answers should be written in the module unless otherwise specified, for
example: a sheet of paper or bond paper.
6. All output should be placed in a folder that will serve as your portfolio. The
output should be arranged in sequential order.
7. Seek assistance from your teacher and parents/guardian.
To the Teacher:
1. Communicate with parents and learners regularly for updates and feedback.
2. You have to make sure that all activities are complied with before accepting
3. You may contextualize or localize your activity as long as it is still within the
boundary of the learning competency.
To the Parents/Guardian:
1. Closely monitor your child’s progress.
2. Do not answer the activities for your child. Just guide them in doing it.
3. Support your child. Talk to him/her about his/her journey with this module.
Icons of this Module
This part contains learning objectives that
What I Need to Know
are set for you to learn as you go along the
Learning Objectives
What I Know
2. It is one in which people are born into their social standing and will remain in it
their whole lives.
a. caste and closed-class system c. middle class
b. open class system d. lower class
7. People in the social class who depend merely on their pay check.
a. middle-class c. upper class
b. lower class d. social class
9. The method of relating people in terms of certain social characteristics
and then classifying them into social categories based on their
a. social structure c. differentiation
b. social mobility d. political stratification
10. These are mostly professional people like lawyers, doctors, managers, owners
of small businesses, executives, etc.
a. upper-class c. lower-class
b. social class d. middle class
12. This status is assigned by the society on the basis of some fixed category.
a. Status c. ascribed status
b. achieved status d. statuses
13. The movement of a person between social class levels or another class
a. horizontal mobility c. vertical mobility
b. upper class d. middle class
Lesson Social Desirables/Social Mobility
Learning Competency: Examine stratification from the functionalist
What’s In
Before we move on the main topic of this module, please share below your
learning from the module about Education.
I learned that
What’s New
Activity 1: IT’S ME
Identify five (5) traits/characteristics/qualities that you possess and state which of
these you inherited from your parents and which of these you can change as you grow
What Is It
Social stratification is a society’s categorization of people into socioeconomic
strata/layer, based on their occupation and income, wealth and social status, or
derived power (social and political).
1. The upper class – consists of the elite or wealthy families who are the most
prolific (productive) in their respective areas. They value heritage most over
2. The middle class – these are mostly professional people like lawyers, doctors,
managers, owners of small businesses, executives, etc. They value education
most since education to them is the most vital measure of social status.
3. The lower class – these are the office and clerical workers, skilled and
unskilled craftsman, farm employees, underemployed, indigent families, etc.
They depend on their pay check.
Status is the individual’s spot in the social structure. The higher or lower
positions that come about through social stratification are called statuses. For
example, some people are prominent government officials while others are salesmen,
utility workers, etc. This do not relate to the individual themselves but rather to the
position into which they have been placed.
Social Desirables
Any rational individual will always aspire for things that give wealth, power, and
prestige. The ability of an individual to realize such aspiration is forced by situations
where one is born into.
Ascribed statuses are assigned or given by the society or group on the basis
of some fixed category. Examples are sex, family background, ethnicity, etc.
Prestige refers to the evaluation of status. You gain respect according to your
status. For example, being a senior student, you have the prestige of a senior student
at your school. It does not apply directly to you as a person, but rather to the social
category to which you belong (senior class).
Esteem refers to the assessment of our role behavior. The measure of esteem
we have depends on how well we carry out our role. If you perform well, get an
outstanding rating, you get and have a high regard.
Political Stratification
Political stratification is the extent to which inequalities are encapsulated in, or
influenced by political structures and, processes regarding influence, power and
Social mobility is the act of moving from one social status to another.
Open class system means that individuals can change their social class in the
society. People are free to gain a different level of education or employment than their
parents. They can also socialize with members of other group, which allow people to
move from one class to another.
Caste and closed-class system, people can do little or nothing to change their
social standing. People are born into it and will remain in it. People are assigned
occupations regardless of their talents, interests, or potential.
What’s More
Activity 2: STATUS
Based on the concepts in this lesson, list down your ascribed and, achieved
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
Answer the questions by arranging the jumbled letters. Place your answers on
the last column.
What I Have Learned
Briefly explain what you have learned about the three (3) social classes mentioned
in the concept page.
1. ______________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
Criteria Rating
The answer relates entirely to the assigned topic. 5 4 3 2 1
The answer conveys a genuine personal view regarding the topic. 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original and does not contain plagiarized content. 5 4 3 2 1
Total points (15)
1. Research one (1) male or female Filipino who has a “rags to riches” life story.
Include on your research his/her ascribed and achieved status in life. And if
possible, attached picture/s of this person.
2. Use the space below or a long bond paper for your answer.
• Differentiation is the method of relating people in terms of a particular social
characteristics and then classifying them into social categories based on their
characteristics; it does not involve ranking.
• The three social classes are the upper class, middle class, lower class.
• Ascribed status are assigned or given by the society or group on the basis of
some fixed category.
• Social mobility is the act of moving from one social status to another.
• Open class system means that individuals can change their social class in the
• Caste and closed-class system, people can do little or nothing to change their
social standing.
• Horizontal mobility is the movement of a person within a social class level.
2. It is one in which people are born into their social standing and will remain in it
their whole lives.
a. caste and closed-class system c. middle class
b. open class system d. lower class
7. People in the social class who depend merely on their pay check.
a. middle-class c. upper class
b. lower class d. social class
10. These are mostly professional people like lawyers, doctors, managers, owners
of small businesses, executives, etc.
a. upper-class c. lower-class
b. social class d. middle class
12. This status is assigned by the society on the basis of some fixed category.
a. Status c. ascribed status
b. achieved status d. statuses
13. The movement of a person between social class levels or another class
a. horizontal mobility c. vertical mobility
b. upper class d. middle class
1. b 6. a 11. a
2. a 7. b 12. c
3. c 8. b 13. c
4. d 9. c 14. d
5. b 10. d 15. b
1. b 6. a 11. a
2. a 7. b 12. c
3. c 8. b 13. c
4. d 9. c 14. d
5. b 10. d 15. b
1. status
2. vertical mobility
3. achieved status
4. caste system
5. open class system
Baleña, Ederlina D., Lucero, Dolores M., Peralta, Arnel M. Understanding
Culture, Society, and Politics for Senior High School. Quezon City:
Educational Resources Corporation, 2016.
Contreras, Antonio P., Dela Cruz, Arleigh Ross D., Erasga, Dennis S., Fadrigon,
Cecile C. Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics. Quezon
City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., 2016..
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