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Vol 21, February 2022


© Eduard - Model Accessories, 2022


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The battle of Palmdale
Panavia Tornado ECR
Sir Kobrle's "little Shorty"

Sopwith F.1 Camel (Clerget) ProfiPACK

Hurricane Mk.I ProfiPACK 1/72
Tornado ECR Limited edition 1/48
Spitfire Story: Southern Star Limited edition 1/48
MiG-15 ProfiPACK 1/72
P-51D ProfiPACK 1/48

February 2022
A6M2 Zero Type 21 1/48
Bf 109E-7 1/48
Trenér 1/48
Fw 190A-2 JABO 1/48
F-4B 1/48
P-51D 1/48
Adlertag 1/48

March 2022

Published by Eduard-Model Accessories, spol. s.r.o.

Mírová 170, Obrnice 435 21
support@eduard.com www.eduard.com eduard
Good evening, Dear Friends,
Last year, for pretty obvious reasons, I left out
my annual yearend report for year that had just
then passed, but this year, I am making a return
to that tradition. As I had mentioned in Janua-
ry’s newsletter, overall sales last year dropped
by 5% as opposed to the year previous. This
was mostly reflected on the sales of model kits,
which dropped by 13%. However, at the beginning
of the year, the outlook was a lot more grim than
that, given that in January, 2021, sales of model
kits were down some 50%, and down by 19% ove-
rall. Over the course of the year, things steadily
improved, and losses were gradually reversed.
But, last year was not a simple year. Right from
the spring, the supply chain issues came into
play, and the worsening of availability of ma- by the end of 2021, 30,149 kits have been sold for Accessory Sets PHOTOETCHED, MASK
terials went hand in hand with their costs. The 17.5 million Czech Crowns. But all of these con- and BRASSIN
reasons are well known and our industry is not tain 47,898 sets of plastic sprues, or complete Interesting numbers are also offered by a look
separate from the rest of the economy, so I won’t kits. The best selling of the Spitfire kits was Spit- at the statistics from the sale of photoetched
delve on details that you can access elsewhere. fire Story: The Few, which sold 7,535 pieces, and brass sets. These are sets that have over the
The rise in these costs, together with the need to as such, became our best selling single kit out span of a few decades been deemed on the road
replenish stock of plastic sprues for the manu- of our range, ahead of the second place P-51D to their demise and eventual obsolescence, and
facture of kits naturally led to upward pressure Chattanooga Choo Choo with 6,422 sold items. despite several predictions as to what products
on expenses, and this was also complicated by In third place, we have the 1:72nd scale Tornado will bring about said demise, they have hung on
the need to use subcontracted suppliers for our GR.1 Limited Edition kit “Desert Babe” with 6,295 tooth and nail and are even slowly growing. Per-
recovery. This was relatively expensive. Despi- sold. Worth mentioning is that in fourth place sonally, I think that there will always be parts
te this, preliminary stats appear to indicate that was the TORA TORA TORA! Zero new release that the photoetching process will be the most
2021 will see us in an overall positive territory. with 5,706 sold, that is a number that continued viable for their production, especially given pre-
to grow through January. The market share from -painted ones. Typically, these will run along the
MODELS/KITS sales of model kits for 2021 came to 41%, making lines of seatbelts and REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT
We replenished nearly 55 % of the destroyed it, from a sales perspective, the most significant tags and also typically, these tend to be bestsel-
stock of plastic sprues that on December 19, component of our range. In all, we sold 152,784 lers. In the most popular scale of 1:48th, such
2021numbered nearly one million, currently gi- kits in all of the ranges. a set, 49009, has sold an incredible 10,087 pie-
ving us 550,000. With these, we have been able Any talk of our current breed of kit needs to ces, not counting the Big Ed set of which it is
to partially replenish our range of kits, which include mention of the decals. Over the past also a component. For a photoetched set, that is
today amounts to about eighty active items and three years, there has been much discussion a very good number, but it’s not even the most
accounts for new kits as well as reissues. Prior surrounding these, often through negative co- impressive. The seatbelts sets, also in 1:48th
to the fire, we had almost 180. That, with a sig- mments. It took a fairly long time for these to be- scale, have performed even better. American
nificantly reduced stock of kit component items, come accepted by modelers, but even to this day, seatbelts (49001) after the inclusion of last
we were able to achieve 87% of sales reached there are calls for a return to traditional decals, year’s stats, sit at a total sales figure of 17,772,
with our pre-blaze range is a major success. The first and foremost to those produced by Carto- German seatbelts (49002) have sold 16,712, plus
reasons that made this possible stem from not graf. I have to say that without our new decals, the bomber set a further 5,439 pieces. Seatbelt
only the fact that a large percentage of our range the types of kit that we produce today would not sets for RAF aircraft have sold 12,712 pieces, and
was made up of new releases in 2021, which na- be possible. Due to the sheer size of the she- Japanese aircraft seatbelts, divided into two ca-
turally achieve higher sales figures than stock ets themselves, we would need to maintain tegories covering the Army and Navy have sold
older items, but also through the composition a massively expensive stock of these sheets to a total of 13,440 sets (49004 and 49005).
of these new kits utilizing new innovations in- cover demand. Thanks to our printing capability, There are also some record holders amongst
troduced to our production methods. The recon- we can afford the luxury of decreasing the stock AFV sets that may be considered a surprise. The
ceptualized Weekend kits are doing markedly we maintain, because the printers we have allow most sold item is that of barbed wire, which is
better than their as originally conceived cheaper us to print sheets on an as required basis, and in a highly popular item also in the real world. The
cousins. But a major role is being played by the a timely manner. This carries a massive advan- total number of 35638 Barbed Wire I (8m) set is
new format for the Limited Edition kits, which tage that also pushes the envelope in terms of 6,641. The second best selling set is the Zimmerit
has thrust these from the outskirts of the mar- creating interesting camouflage scheme options set for the Tiger I from Tamiya with 4,717 sold.
ket spectrum to its very centre, making them the for every kit we develop. I have the impression Also, a bit of a surprise comes in the ship line,
main attraction of our range of kits as a who- that most reviewers are unaware of this. Re- with the general sailor figure set in 1:350th sca-
le. The Limited Edition line has gone through its views typically focus on the quality of the plastic le (Cat. No.17501) coming in at 7,169 sold pieces,
own reformation, and they faithfully cover some in a kit, including fit and ease of assembly, and while, perhaps not so surprisingly, the set for
specific historical theme, are very enlightening the marking options are usually hurriedly dis- Tamiya’s Bismarck, also in 1:350th scale, comes
in its connection to it, they describe historical missed with a description of the schemes offe- in second at 4,107 pieces.
events and provide a good spectrum of mode- red. It seems that any obvious effort of coming Turning to masks, I was personally surprised at
ling subjects in terms of schemes, all coupled up with schemes that are historically significant the results for the set covering the Airfix Beau-
with interesting fates of not only the aircraft, but and accurate, printed to an extremely high qua- fort Mk.I in 1:72nd. Its 803 sold pieces represents
of those that flew them as well. All of this comes lity standard, and accompanied by exhaustively the best selling accessory item of all production
together to produce, and offer, an attractive pro- researched notes, is either ignored or not reali- ranges among last year’s releases. It’s also not
duct. That this can work extremely well, we only zed by the reviewers. Should it really be taken so the last of the interesting numbers to be re-
need to point to the Spitfire Mk.I, Mk.II, and Mk.V. much for granted? Do you find this type of atten- ported. Also interesting is the high number of
Together with today’s release of Spitfire Sto- tion to this part of the model in every kit you buy? 723 sold Camel seats. Although, in this case, it
ry: Southern Star, we have released five kits in Quality plastic carries a lot of weight, but in and is necessary to add that this is a little gem of
the Limited Edition line, including one covering of itself, does not carry a guarantee of a quality a piece, looking like it came out of a fairytale
American Spits, ‘Eagle’s Call’. These are further overall product. workshop with liberal sprinklings of fairy dust.
complemented in our range by four ProfiPACKs Not as surprising is the third place captured by
and a Weekend Edition kit. The end result is that the Space set for the F-4B Phantom II from Ta-

4 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

miya in 1:48th. This came in with 707 sold pie- I think that’s about it for the year’s statistics. Let’s its place among a long list of sold out Limited
ces. Everything we have released for this kit has turn our attention to new releases for February. Edition releases. There are also two ProfiPACK
sold well, including three sets of decals. The set re-issues, the 1:72nd scale MiG-15 that is a part
of seatbelts for it was also the best selling new NEW KITS FOR FEBRUARY of the concentrated effort to return the MiG-15
photoetched item for 2021. But what followed the The Limited Edition 1:48th scale Tornado ECR into our range, and the P-51D in 1:48th, which will
Phantom II set, I wouldn’t have expected in my was planned for January but had to be pushed be no doubt remembered from its first run.
wildest dreams, that being the spray boom for to February, because we couldn’t ready the decal
the Čmelák in 1:72nd, selling a total of 616 units. sheets and masks in time. Once you see these ACCESSORIES
By the way, the under-fuselage aerial applicator items for yourselves, you’ll get an idea as to why In the Brassin line, five of eleven new sets are
itself also sold well, to the tune of 581 items. Whi- that happened. These buggers are huge. I have printed, with the remainder being cast resin.
le on the topic of Brassin items, the best selling already mentioned it, but I will repeat that wit- Of the latter, I would suggest a good look at the
item of all time is 648029 AIM-9M/L Sidewinder, hout these decals, this kit couldn’t have come to Mi-24V cockpit for the Zvezda kit. Amongst the
that over the course of its existence has sold be. In the case of the Tornado, it goes beyond just printed sets is another cockpit for the Z-126 Tre-
5,094 pieces. That’s not a big surprise either, as the sheer size of the three sheets. Each appro- nér. Both sets are nice, and I wouldn’t dare to
the Sidewinder is a famous item in its own right. aches 11 x 16” format (Europe’s A3 paper size). claim that one technology in this case is superior
I was personally more surprised by the success It also comes down to the quality of the transiti- to the other. But, when it comes to the printed
of the somewhat related TER and MER racks. The on between colors. On the actual aircraft, these landing flaps for the Zero, I would venture to say
MER set, 648227, sold 2,047 and its sister item, were sprayed, giving an effect that simply can- that at the very least, the installation of these will
648232 TER, sold 1,729. not be duplicated with traditional silk-screening be easier than the installation of photoetched
procedures, no matter how many cartwheels you equivalents. There are three new seat sets that
BY COUNTRY do. This is in the kit because we also went ahead are worth a look as well, and the ejection seats
In terms of the order of sales per country, there and somewhat shamelessly opted for some very for later model F-4B Phantom IIs from Tamiya
are only minor deviations in last year’s numbers. striking anniversary schemes, so that a porti- are printed.
The first five spots are the same. In first place on of the decal sheets are taken up by all kinds In the Space line, I would point out two sets of
for the fifth year running, we have the Czech of items that all come together to form various REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT tags in 1:32nd and
Republic, with 21 % of world sales, followed by types of big cats. That’s not the only plus of the a set of Japanese flags in 1:350th. There are two
Great Britain with 15.7 %, then the USA with 15 %, sheets, though. Another good chunk of the decal classic Space sets, one for the B-25H in 1:32nd
followed by Germany at 12.3 %, and finally Poland real estate is taken up by stencil data and the in- for the HKM kit and one for the OV-10A in 48th,
at 6 %. Sixth place was achieved by Japan mo- strument panels, which are subtle and mesme- being designed for the ICM release. There are
ving up one spot with 5.12 % of our total sales, rizing in decal form. The decals are, naturally, three LööK sets and these cover the 1:32nd sca-
which changed ranking with France who came of the peeling kind. The quality of our decals is le Revell P-51D-15, the Meng 48th F/A-18E and
in seventh at 4.74 %. Eighth place was taken by quickly gaining in popularity, and if you are one of the GWH 48th scale Su-27. The last of these also
Slovakia, 2.29 %, ninth were our friends from those who are becoming intrigued by this aspect has an ejection seat being released for it in the
Down Under at 2.24 %, and tenth was Russia at of our decals, read up on them first to get a feel Brassin line.
1.76 %. Eighth and ninth places were exchanged as to how they are handled, and then give it a try Among photoetched sets, there are several be-
by Slovakia and Australia. The next spots are, with some unused decals, get comfortable with ing offered for the Tornado ECR, not for our 1:48th
in order, China, Italy, Canada, Norway and the the procedure, and then dive in for real. If you go scale release, but rather for Italeri’s 1:32nd scale
Netherlands at fifteenth. Each of these latter into it without some experience, there’s a strong effort. There is also a collection in the same sca-
nations account for just over 1 % of our sales likelihood that you’ll be disappointed and you’ll le for the HKM B-25H, and for both we also have
worldwide. In most of the above mentioned na- ruin the decals that you want to use. And please, masks of both concepts, classic and both inner
tions, there was a decline in sales that was in under no circumstance should you try to remove and outer surface masks. Noteworthy are three
line with the 5% drop overall. The exceptions are the carrier film prior to applying the decal on the sets for Kinetic’s F-104S in 1:48th, for the A6M2
Poland, that saw a raise in their share of 10 % and model. I repeat, under NO circumstance! I gue- Zero Model 21 from Eduard, and the Hs 129B in
Japan, 12 %. Dziękuję bardzoand Arigato godzai ss the only thing left to add is that besides the 1:48th for the Hasegawa kit, now being sold by
masu! We are very appreciative of the strength exceptional decal and mask sheets, the plastic the Polish company Hobby2000. We also have
of the home market, of which I consider Slova- itself comes from Revell, and the resin bits cover a set in 1:35th scale for Zvezda’s T-62A, and we
kia to be a part of. A strong home market and the seats, wheels and FLIR and ILRS sensors, have a list of new ZOOMs, amongst which you’ll
a solid home market foundation are hallmarks and the kit includes photoetching, of course. find sets covering seatbelts for the aforementi-
of potential success for any company, if you ask The second Limited Edition kit, Spitfire Story: oned Hs 129B and F-104S. Finally, I would also
me, and so we consider the support we receive Southern Star, also contains a large decal sheet. cast some attention on two decal sets, one for
from homegrown modelers essential. That, of They’re not the three 11 x 16s, but do cover the Tamiya’s 1:32nd A6M2 Model 21 Zero and stencil
course, doesn’t mean that we value our export bottom of the box and include another sheet on data for the same company’s 1:48th F-14A.
clients any less. In fact, we are very pleased with top of that. The reason is that these sheets don’t
the welcoming arms we are met with everywhe- contain the artwork created by artists, but rather ARTICLES IN THIS ISSUE
re we go, and we can’t wait to be able to attend the expansive service use of the Spitfire Mk.Vb This month, we have an article covering weapon
foreign shows and contests, and meet up with and Mk.Vc over Second World War battlefields. loadouts for the Tornado ECR by Michal Fárek.
some old friends. Note that this doesn’t even cover all the air for- Richard Plos, this time in editing role, adds ano-
The year before last we sold our goods to 69 ces that used Spitfires with tropical filters. For ther piece in the series of the articles covering
countries. Last year, this number dropped to example, we are saving Yugoslavia for a future the Trenér aircraft and the people connected to
62. We did gain Venezuela, Pakistan, Saudi Ara- ProfiPACK. The kit contains choices covering the its history. This time it is a telling about flying
bia, Monaco, Gibraltar, Brunei and Bahrain. I am RAF, SAAF (South Africa), USAAF and the RAAF with the Z-526AFS OK-CXA, the aircraft which
a little dismayed at the fact that we have not sold serving in North Africa, Malta, Italy, Australia was flown in 70´s by Jiří Kobrle, renowned Cze-
anything to Papua New Guinea since 2013, and and through the Pacific islands. As with all pre- choslovak aerobatics pilot, member of the na-
we seem to have lost New Caledonia in 2019. It ceding Spitfire Story kits, this is a Dual Combo tional team. We are going to release the kit of
seems that maybe our hobby is suffering a bit of item that contains two full sets of plastic, one for Z-526AFS as a ProfiPACK in March and You can
a crisis in these localities and I hope it spreads the Spitfire Mk.Vb and one for the Mk.Vc. There find the boxart of the incoming kit in the news
no further! are ten marking options, four for the Mk.Vb and section in this issue. Take a look at it, I think it
The initial placements of our partner companies six for the Mk.Vc. Two of the Mk.Vb aircraft carry is worth it! The third article, now by Miro Barič,
haven’t changed last year either. Traditionally, the Aboukir filter, the rest the Vokes item. Both has the headline The battle of Palmdale and tells
the top spot is held by Hannants (Great Britain), of the Aboukir equipped birds have clipped wings what may happen when one Hellcat as remotely
then Sprue Brothers (USA) and third by Glow2B which are specific to them, and differ from the controlled flying target refuses to obey the ra-
(Germany). The high rank held by the Czech mar- standard clipped wings of the LF Mk.Vb. These dioed guidance. And it also suggests the radical
ket is reflected by the rankings of Czech firms, aren’t represented in the plastic proper but are approach to the solution may be leading to even
there being five in the top twenty. Sixth overall included as 3D print conversions. Isn’t the Spitfi- bigger mess than leaving it as it is… In the other
is MN Modelář, eleventh is Modelimex, twelfth is re a bore? Don’t answer that… hand the article brings one today almost for-
Special Hobby, thirteenth Art Scale and twentieth In the ProfiPACK line, February sees the release gotten aircraft to the spotlight …
is Artur Model Centrum. And coming in 21st spot of another Camel. This time, it’s the Clerget 9b I wish you all, as always, a pleasant read with
is Pecka Modelář. We would like to extend our engined version. That’s in 48th, and in 1:72nd, we today’s newletter!
gratitude to all our retail partners for their hard have the Hurricane Mk.I, based around the Arma
work through last year, and we look forward to Hobby kit, as they were in the Hurristory release, Happy Modeling!
a continuation of this as we get into the New Year. which is now sold out. Surprisingly, this kit took Vladimir Sulc

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 5



During the WWII Grumman F6F Hellcat formed

You may have not heard about it but it was the greatest the backbone of the US Navy fighter force. Ho-
Cold War air combat over the United States territory. What wever, after the end of hostilities they became
rather quickly outdated and were transferred
is odd that all participating aircraft carried the white star to the auxiliary duties. Large number of Hell-
national markings. This story could have been named cats were rebuilt to F6F-3K and F6F-5K ver-
sions which were remotely controlled drones.
“A Day when all went completely wrong”. But despite the For better visual identification they were pain-
great material losses no person was hurt so it could also ted in bright colors – yellow, orange or red.
They also collected the samples of the air after
be a fairy tale with a happy ending. The tale about an air- the nuclear weaponry tests but primarily they
craft which refused to accept its fate. were used as the flying targets. They also did
some combat missions during the war in Ko-
rea. Between August 28 and September 2, 1952,
six F6F-5K loaded with bombs took off from
the deck of USS Boxer. Their targets were the
bridges to which they were guided by escorting
Skyraiders. The results were two direct hits and
one near miss. This mission is considered the
first ever deployment of guided missiles from
an air carrier.
The main player in our story carried the red
paint coat and was to be used as a target du-
ring the ground-to-air missile test. It took off
for its final flight on Thursday, August 16, 1956, at
11:34 from Point Mugu air base. It was gradually
climbing over the Pacific ocean but when the
operators tried to direct it to the target area the
drone was not responding to their commands.
Had that situation remained unchanged, nothing
serious would have happened. Having exhaus-
ted its fuel Hellcat would simply have crashed in
the vast ocean. Instead, it performed a graceful
left turn heading towards Southeast, right over
Los Angeles.

Air Force vs Navy

The Navy did not have any available fighters
nearby that would take care of the defected
A group of F6F-3Ks at Atlantic City Naval Air Station in 1946. drone. Point Mugu operators had to swallow the

6 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


bitter pill and call the Air Force for help. They
contacted the Oxnard air base which was loca-
ted 5 miles (8 kilometers) North. Over there, the
pilots of the 437th Fighter-Interceptor Squad-
ron were on standby alert in case of the Soviet
bombers attack. They were equipped with the
latest showpiece of the military aviation, Nor-
throp F-89D Scorpion. These all-weather figh-
ters did not carry any guns. They featured wing-
tip-mounted containers for 2.75 inches (70 mm)
caliber unguided missiles “Mighty Mouse” in-
stead. There were 52 missiles in each container
i.e, in total the fighter carried 104 of them. Their
launch was controlled by the onboard computer
in conjunction with a radar and the salvos were
supposed to destroy the Soviet bomber for-
mations. That was the theory. As the duel with
a much smaller, red-painted threat in the form
of an out-of-control drone demonstrated the
reality was different. In the air-to-air role these
missiles did not meet the expectations. In the
air-to-ground role however they proved them-
selves as very successful weapon and were de-
veloped into the Hydra 70 missiles still in use
The aircraft that crashed near Palmdale was painted red just like this Hellcat shown here in the care of mechanics.
At that time however, the F-89D armed with
Mighty Mouse missiles formed the backbone
of the fighter-interceptor air force. Thirty USAF
(United States Air Force) and seven ANG (Air
National Guard) squadrons were equipped with
them. Scorpions were used at the bases from
Alaska to California and to New York. After re-
ceiving the report about an out-of-control Navy
drone, 437th FIS launched two aircraft. First
was crewed by the pilot Lt. Hans Einstein with
Lt. C. D. Murray as the radar operator. The se-
cond Scorpion took off from Oxnard runway
piloted by Lt. Richard Hurliman with Lt. Walter
Hale in the back seat. The crews were looking
forward to some action and also to show the
Navy how the job needed to be done. Shortly it
appeared that the Navy will not be alone in re-
ceiving their large dose of shame.

An F-89D fires a salvo of rockets.

A South Dakota Air National Guard Scorpion showing a fully loaded rocket containers on the wingtips.

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 7


F-89D group of the 59th FIS from Goose Bay Air Force Base, Canada.

Three missed salvos aimed pretty well. Several missiles skidded off skidding on the ground leaving fires in its trail.
The pair of fighters intercepted the freely fly- the Hellcat’s fuselage bottom. The direct hit cau- The Indian Oil Co. fuel storages located in the
ing Hellcat at the altitude of 30,000 feet (9,100 sing the destruction did not take place though. canyon burnt out completely. Two men having
meters) Northeast of Los Angeles. The pilots In the vicinity of Newhall city, the fighters exe- a lunch in the truck got extremely lucky. When
waited until it flew over California's metropolis cuted the second attack. This time they fired they finished, they moved outside into the shade
and when it headed towards the sparsely po- 32 missiles but scored no hits again. When the of a tree. They did so just a moment after the
pulated areas they decided to attack. The fire drone headed towards Palmdale the Scorpions vehicle was hit by a missile and destroyed…
control system Hughes E-6, composed of the conducted third attack. This time each of them Very dangerous situation occurred at the Ber-
radar AN/APG-40 and a computer was suppo- wasted 30 missiles. Altogether they launched mite Powder explosives plant also located in the
sed to launch the missiles at the right moment. 208 missiles without a single hit. Slow, pro- Placerita canyon. The flames reached it within
This did not happen however despite several peller-driven drone kept happily flying and the less than a hundred meters but ultimately more
attempts. In the meantime, Hellcat turned again USAF's most advanced fighters shamefully than 200 firefighters stopped them. This fire
towards Los Angeles and the situation became turned back to the home base. burnt down 100 acres.
really tense. The simple task of destroying the The fact that they completely wasted all their The third and the largest fire took place in So-
drone, which the airmen were looking forward missiles was not the last failure of that day. ledad canyon West of Mt. Gleason. More than
to, turned into a drama. The pilots switched from Mighty Mouse missiles were set to automa- 350 Department of Forestry firemen were fi-
the automatic launch mode to the manual one. tically arm after the launch and after some ghting it but could not get it under control un-
F-89D had been delivered with the gun sights time, when it was clear they missed the target, til nightfall. They only succeeded the following
for the situation like this but the Air Force had disarm again. Out of 208 missiles fired only day after deploying 500 firefighters. 350 acres
them removed as redundant. Therefore, the pi- 15 were found disarmed and did not explode. of the forest burnt down. Altogether these three
lots had to rely only on their best estimate whi- The explosion of the remaining 193 projectiles large and several smaller fires burnt down 1000
le aiming. They also could select the missile's caused a hell on the ground. acres of vegetation and putting them out took
launch time sequence. They could be fired all at two days. Luckily no one was killed.
the same time in 0.4 seconds or in 2 or 3 salvos. Forest fires and damaged homes The most damage to the populated areas was
To increase their chances to hit the pilots opted The exploding missiles caused three large and sustained in Palmdale, North of Los Angeles.
for three salvos. several smaller forest fires. One of them burnt One missile exploded in the front of Edna Ca-
Flying over the Castaic area the first intercep- 150 acres of vegetation 7 miles (11 kilometers) rlson house on Third Street East. A large frag-
tor fired 42 missiles without any result. It was North of Castaic. One hundred firemen were ment penetrated the window into the house,
followed by the second Scorpion which settled fighting it for half a day. The large fire erupted ricocheted off the room ceiling and penetrated
in the firing position and launched 42 missiles in Placerita canyon near the city of Newhall. through the wall into the kitchen where it ended
as well. Despite lacking the gunsight, the pilot A missile with its propellant still burning was up in a cabinet. The fragments from another mi-

8 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


ssile hit the garage and house on Fourth Street helicopter spotted two missiles stuck in the engine until it crashed in the desert 8 miles (13
East, home of J. R. Hingle. One fragment barely ground on the empty property in Palmdale. She- kilometers) East of Palmdale. It completely di-
missed certain Lilly Willigham who was visiting riff’s Office pyrotechnicians promptly detonated sintegrated into pieces. Right before the impact
him at that time. 17 year old Larry Kempton was them. The USAF personnel from Oxnard air it broke the electrical wires running along the
driving a family car along Palmdale Boulevard base were also deployed to search the stricken unpaved road. Three broken wires were ultima-
under the close supervision of his mother Ber- area. As a result, another 13 unexploded missi- tely the only damage it caused on the ground.
nice. One of the missiles exploded right in front les were found between Palmdale and Santa Neither the Navy nor the USAF could have po-
of their car. The fragments tore the left front tire Clarita. Edwards air base pyrotechnicians were ssibly predicted that. There was a real threat of
and made 17 holes in the cooler, hood and wind- called in to destroy them. an uncontrolled drone crashing into the densely
shield. Miraculously Larry and his mother did And what was the fate of the protagonist of this populated area causing loss of life. So, they did
not suffer any injuries. disaster? After Scorpions fired all of their mi- all possible to prevent this from happening. That
The damage assessment and search for the ssiles and turned back to their home base as nothing went as planned on that day was po-
unexploded missiles were launched imme- they were running out of fuel, Hellcat flew over ssibly even good luck. During the actual combat
diately. Captain Sewell Griggers from the Los Palmdale. It was also getting short of fuel and the Scorpions’ failure could have had a much
Angeles Sheriff’s Office during his flight in the therefore it started to descend with a coughing worse impact.

Preserved red color of Hellcat.

A pile of debris from the crashed Hellcat.

The label is still readable today.

Hellcat crashed into the desert 8 miles (13 kilometers) East of the airport in Palmdale.
Upon the impact its right wing hit the sand, the aircraft somersaulted and completely
disintegrated. Its pieces can still be found there today. In December 2020 Tom Rosquin
visited the crash site and published his photographs on social networks. We obtained his
kind permission to publish them here. Thank you Tom!

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 9


Text and ilustration: Michal Fárek

Panavia Tornado ECR

In the Luftwaffe service
In the second half of 1960s it became clear that the German Tornado ECR reg. 46+30 (cn 837/GS263/4330) and 46+29
(cn 833/GS262/4329) during take-off in Volkel, Netherlands, during NTM
gradually aging combat aircraft, such as F-104G, Fiat 2010 (7 October 2010).
(photo: Petr Soukop)
G.91, BAC Lightning needed to be replaced by a new
generation of the airplanes combining the intercep-
ting and attacking capabilities in one design meeting
the requirements of the several Western European
countries at the same time.
In 1969 a consortium Panavia Aircraft Gmbh F3 depending on the version and a reconnai- wing technology enabling the best flight per-
was established consolidating the require- ssance variant GR1A/GR4A based on the formance within a wide range of altitudes
ments of Great Britain, Germany, Italy and essential design GR1/GR4. Another version and airspeeds. The P01 prototype made its
Netherlands (in 1970 withdrew from the de- is ECR (Electronic Combat/Reconnaissance) maiden flight on August 14, 1974 in Manching,
velopment due to its complexity) into one whose role is to suppress the enemy’s air West Germany. The first production aircraft
common program to develop a new combat defense and radio-electronic reconnaissan- were delivered to the RAF and Luftwaffe in
aircraft. Initial plans counted on developing ce. This version is flown by German Luftwa- June 1979. Italian AMI followed in September
one single version which would meet all the ffe and in moderately modified variants by 1981. In June 1980, at RAF base Cottesmore
requirements. This solution led to a dead end Italian Aeronautica Militare. Further deve- the common training unit was established
and ultimately the basic attack version IDS lopment in Germany led to the Recce versi- and designed Tri-National Tornado Training
(Interdictor/Strike) was developed and utili- on to fulfill the reconnaissance roles. Many Establishment -TTTE. The Tornado program
zed by all program participants in moderate- aircraft are equipped with the second set of is frequently quoted as the most successful
ly different variants and several further spe- controls in the rear cockpit for an instructor. common European combat aircraft project.
cial versions for specific air forces. Thus, in These aircraft are used for training but retain The total production almost reached 1000 ai-
the Great Britain ADV (Air Defense Variant) their full combat capability. rframes, a very respectable number.
version was developed with a reworked fu- Tornado is the first European aircraft design
selage nose section to enable an interceptor equipped with fly-by-wire controls and at the
role. It was designated by the RAF as F2 or time of development quite fashionable swept

10 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

JaBoG 38

Prototypes 9
RAF 229 IDS; 173 ADV
Luftwaffe 210 IDS; 35 ECR
Marineflieger 112 IDS
Aeronautica Militare 100 IDS (including 16 modified to ECR standard) German Panavia Tornado ECR
reg. 46+33 (/844/GS266/4333)
Royal Saudi Air Force 96 IDS, 24 ADV during takeoff in Fairford,
England (9 July 2012).
(photo: Petr Soukop)

Tornado ECR
In the mid-1980s Germany realized it needed
a combat aircraft capable of destroying the
enemy’s air defense. Until these the missi-
ons had been assigned to RF-4E and RF-
-104G which have become obsolete for the
role. The Luftwaffe approached the issue in
a similar way as the American air force i.e.
developing a specialized aircraft based on
the already proven design. New and just in-
troduced Tornado IDS aircraft was chosen,
appropriately modified to conduct the ra-
dio-electronic warfare and radio-electronic
reconnaissance. This version was designa-
ted ECR. First ECR prototype was a modified
IDS aircraft P-16 (98+03). In 1986 the West
German parliament approved the purchase
of 35 Tornadoes ECR new off the assembly
lines in the 7th production batch (as opposed
to the airplanes for the Italian Aeronautica
Militare which were rebuilt from the IDS ver-
The ECR basic equipment corresponded to
Tornadoes IDS from the 6th production batch
which already featured the digital data bus
and had capability to deploy AGM-88 HARM
(High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile) anti-ra-
dar missiles . The airplane made its maiden
flight on August 18, 1988. The first production
aircraft 46+23 (featured in our kit sporting
the anniversary markings) was completed
in October 1989. The first ECR was delivered
to the Luftwaffe in May 1990. In 1992 there
were already 30 Tornadoes ECR in the Luft-
waffe inventory operating in two flights. The German Panavia Tornado ECR reg. 46+57 (cn 906/GS290/4357) landing in heavy rain at Wittmundhafen (Wittmund ETNT, 28 Jun 2013).
remaining 5 were backup and research pur- (photo: Petr Soukop)
poses. The last manufactured Tornado ECR,
and the very last aircraft for Luftwaffe inven-
tory, was the airframe carrying the fuselage
designation 46+57 (it is also featured in out
kit sporting one of its colorful markings).
Afterwards only aircraft for Saudi Arabia
continued being manufactured in Great Bri-
tain. The first flight was formed at JaBoG
(Jagdbombergeschwader) 38 “Friesland''
at Jever airport in the north of Germany at
the Dutch border and the second flight was
established at JaBoG 32 at Lechfeld air base
in Bavaria.
At JaboG 38, in addition to the combat trai-
ning the basic training and crew conversion
to Tornado IDS and ECR were conducted.

German Tornado ECR 46+57 landing over the runway threshold at

Poznan-Krzesiny airport in Poland (EPKS, 18 May 2018).
(photo: Petr Soukop)

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 11

absence of IWKA Mauser BK 27 cannons
FLIR sensor on the starboard side of the front wheel well
IRLS container under the fuselage behind the front wheel well
ELS system antennas on the fixed wing leading edges
(larger black areas in comparison to IDS)

TaktLwG 51

As of 1994 Tornadoes ECR were based only

at JaBoG 32 with 321 Staffel “Lechfeld Tigers”
and 322 Staffel “Flying Monsters”. Lechfeld
was a home of ECRs until March 31, 2013,
when the JaBogG 32 was disbanded as a re-
sult of 2011 Ministry of Defense reorganizati-
on and Tornadoes ECR were transferred to
Schleswig air base in the north of Germany
to TaktLwG (Taktische Luftwaffengeschwa-
der) 51 “Immelmann”. This unit was esta-
blished in 2013 as a result of the reorgani-

Tornado 46+28 at CIAF 2006

(photo: Michal Fárek)

upper wing surface working either as aero- high airspeed. By means of the special equi-
dynamic brakes or helping to control the rate pment and weapons this Tornado is capable
of roll and each trailing edge features four- of active jamming and destruction of the
-part, double slotted Fowler landing flaps. enemy’s air defense equipment from a safe
The cockpit is equipped with Martin Baker distance, outside of their effective range.
Mk.10A 0-0 ejection seats with. The power In the beginning of their career Tornadoes
plants are three shaft Turbo Union RB199- ECR were painted in the NORM83 standard
-34R Mk.105 with maximum thrust 42.5 kN camouflage scheme in two patterns, A and
and 74.3 kN at after-burner setting. This en- B. Altogether there were three NORM83 pa-
gine version supplies 10% higher thrust than tterns implemented but pattern C was dis-
Tornado IDS engines. They are among the continued early after its introduction in the
noisiest engines in the military. The exhausts 1980s. NORM83 A, B consists of three sha-
are equipped with thrust reverses to shorten des - RAL 6003 olive green, RAL 7021 black
the landing rollout. There are seven hard po- gray and FS34079 dark green. Both NORM83
JaBoG 32 ints to attach the ordnance and special equi- patterns differ in the color distribution. The
pment. Three of them are located under the specific variant basic pattern is fundamen-
fuselage, between main wheel wells and two tally identical on each aircraft, or we can say
zation by merging the reconnaissance AG are under each sweeping half of the wing. with minimal deviation from it.
(Aufklarungsgeschwader) 51 “Immelmann '' The Tornado ECR mission is radio-electronic Starting in the mid-1990s the new camouf-
flying Tornadoes Recce and JaBoG 32 ope- reconnaissance, enemy’s radio-electronic lage standard, NORM95, started to be applied.
rating ECRs. equipment jamming and their destruction. It also appeared in two patterns, again de-
To accomplish these tasks ECR is equipped signated as A and B. The shades were light
Technical description, roles, with special devices and weapons. Thanks gray FS36375, medium gray FS36320 and
to its navigational equipment and radar it blue gray FS35237. As with NORM83 the co-
camouflage and markings is able to penetrate the enemy’s territory lor pattern of the applied variant is virtually
Tornado ECR design does not differ from at the low altitude, up to 150 meters and at the same on all aircraft. For the last fifteen
the basic IDS version. It is twin-engine, two-
-seat, upper wing, 25 to 67 degrees swept
wing configuration. Stabilators provide al-
titude change at simultaneous deflection or NORM83A
roll control at the dissimilar deflection. After
the landing rollout they can be applied as
an aerodynamic brake. The wing features
a complex mechanization. There are three
sections of deployable slots on each leading
edge. There are two-part spoilers on the

12 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

years Tornado ECR camouflage consists of
blue gray FS35237. It is the same shade as
applied on the Eurofighter Typhoon. Com-
mon to all camouflage patterns is the rado-
me painted black and vertical tail surface tip
painted in gray FS36118. That can also appear
in the camouflage color when NORM83 is
As far as stencils are concerned, for Tor-
nado ECR NORM83 prescribed black color
with multi-color warning signs. According to
NORM95, and for the aircraft in all-gray finish
the gray stencils, multi-color ones or mix of
the two can be applied, check your photo-
graphic references for a particular aircraft.
One interesting anomaly concerning the Tor-
nadoes ECR camouflage is their appearan-
ce from the second half of 1995 when they
started to be deployed within the Operation
Deliberate Force out of the Italian air base
Piacenza San Damiano. Based on the pho-
tographic evidence we can almost certainly
state that the JaBoG 32 aircraft in the first German Panavia Tornado ECR, reg. 98+79 (686/GS217/4275) during takeoff from Ingolstadt-Manching (ETSI, 13 June 2015).
(photo: Petr Soukop)
tour of duty were painted very light gray ove-
rall. RAL 6003 olive green was applied to the
tip of the vertical tail surface and canopy fra-
me. The radome and all antenna covers were NORM95
in standard black. There is a minimal num-
ber of stencils on these airplanes (only red
warning triangles on the canopy and the fu-
selage and stencils for the emergency cano-
py release on the ground). It’s apparent that
the paint was applied shortly before the ope-
ration started since the aircraft don’t show
any signs of weathering and very little stai-
ning from fluid leaks. In the following years Current form of camouflage
the aircraft were repainted back to NORM95
standard. For example, the JaBoG 32 aircraft
deployed in 1996 clearly carried three shades
of gray. What follows is the endless gallery of
the attractive, colorful NATO Tiger Meet and
various anniversary schemes.

Special equipment and

ordnance 1995- EG 1 - Operation Deliberate Force

As mentioned earlier Tornadoes ECR do not

carry any cannons, their space is occupied
by the antennas and blocks of the radio-
-electronic equipment. The basic system for
SEAD (Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses)
missions is ELS (Emitter Location System)
whose task is to determine the type and lo-
cation of the radar that detected the aircraft.
The system supplies data to arm AGM-88
HARM missiles and for their launch on the
target. The system blocks are located under
the pilots’ cockpit and the antennas are in-
stalled on both sides of the fuselage in front
of the engine intakes and in the leading
edges of the fixed wings and covered with
black panels.
System’s shortcoming is that it can only
detect the signals coming from the front
hemisphere therefore two aircraft are
launched for a mission flying the recipro-

Detail of an AGM-88 HARM missile suspended on a subcruise mount.

(photo: Michal Fárek)

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 13

cal headings to insure system’s enhanced
range. Another important system is IRLS
(Infra-Red Line Scanner) which provides the
thermo-visual, across the horizon image of
the area being monitored. The scanner itself
is installed in the cover located under the
fuselage behind the front landing gear leg.
Through a digital port
the information from both systems can be
displayed on the WSO (Weapon Systems
Officer) screen in the rear cockpit over-
lapping each other creating the complete
image of the combat situation in the form of
the electronic map. This information can also
be displayed on the pilot’s monitor. There is
a FLIR (Forward-looking Infrared) sensor
located on the starboard of the forward
wheel well which purpose is the visual
terrain scanning and targets’ identification.
The sensor can rotate 180 degrees and its German Tornado ECR reg. 46+36 (cn 851/GS269/4336) takes off from Rostock Laage (RLG/ETNL, 23 Aug 2014).
range is approximately 20 kilometers. The (photo: Petr Soukop)
image can be projected on the pilot’s HUD for
better navigation at night or on the displays
in both pilots’ cockpits. The last system is the
data interface ODIN (Operational Data Inter-
face) which can in real time relay the data
from ELS and IRLS systems to other aircraft
or ground units. IRLS container, together CERBERUS IV
with its electronic blocks was removed from
many Tornadoes ECR and for current re-
connaissance missions the removable Re-
cceLite container, made by Israeli company
Rafael is used.
Lutwaffe has used this container since 2009. BOZ-101
The aforementioned systems are installed in
the fuselage so now let's proceed to the sus-
pended equipment and ordnance. Two remo-
vable containers can be seen on Tornadoes
ECR, the active radar jammer CERBERUS
and passive radar and infrared jammer
BOZ-101 or 104. The IDS version is capable AGM-88 HARM
of carrying these as well which is often the
Jammer CERBERUS/TSPJ (Tornado Self
Protection Jammer) is a defense system
designed to jam the enemy’ communication
and radar means. It can be activated by an them during the initial flight stage. In the final lian air base Piazenza in the operation Deli-
operator or automatically by a radar war- stage of guidance the missile utilizes its own berate Force over Bosnia and Herzegovina
ning receiver signal. Usually, it is attached active or passive radar system. territories.
under the port wing. Interesting fact is that For its own defense the aircraft can be equi- The Tornadoes mission was the reconnai-
it was developed with the secret contributi- pped with two AIM-9L Sidewinder missiles. ssance and silencing of the enemy anti-
on of the Israeli industry. When in the mid- The Luftwaffe Tornadoes can be equipped -aircraft defense. The operation was exe-
-1980s this information leaked to the public it with 1000 liters drop tanks to increase their cuted under the NATO and UN command to
caused rather big political scandal. range. From the production Tornadoes ECR protect UNPROFOR units and inhabitants of
System BOZ-101 or BOZ-104 is a passive con- had the capability to deploy the AGM-65D the UN-controlled territory. The operation
tainer featuring the chaff flares dispensers Maverick anti-ground missiles but this load commenced on August 30, 1995 and lasted
against IR or radar-guided anti-aircraft mi- out has never been recorded in the course of until September 20, 1995. After that EG 1 was
ssiles. It is typically attached under the star- the service with Luftwaffe. commissioned to support the IFOR mission
board wing. (1995-1996), then SFOR (1996-2001) and fi-
The principal Tornado ECR weapon is AGM- nally, in 2001 the operations of the German
Combat deployment
88 HARM anti-radar missile. Maximum of Tornadoes at Piacenza air base ceased. Du-
four can be carried. Typically, only two are The first combat deployment of the German ring this period of time, in 1999 the Tornado-
attached under the fuselage but two more Tornadoes ECR took place in 1995. It was es also participated in the operation Allied
can be hoisted on the wing inner hard po- even the very first German army deployment Force. Between March 24 and June 10 this
ints. The capability of carrying four AGM-88 since the end of WWII. The “honor” fell on operation was conducted under the NATO
missiles was frequently utilized during the JaBoG 32 from Lechfeld when it was from command against the former Republic of Yu-
missions over the former Yugoslavia. Before August 1995, within EG (EinsatzGeschwader) goslavia during the war in Kosovo.
the missile is launched it receives the tar- 1, or Operational Wing 1, deployed with eight Again, the German Tornados flew reconnai-
get coordinates from its aircraft and utilizes aircraft in the first tour of duty out of the Ita- ssance, allied aircraft escort protection and

14 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

SEAD missions. During the operations
the Tornadoes ECR from Lechfeld rota-
ted with AG (Aufklarungsgeschwader)
51 “Immelmann '' Recce Tornados from
Schleswig or were deployed together.
The largest number of the aircraft in
a tour of duty was fourteen. During these
operations the German Tornados flew
almost 7300 missions over the former
Yugoslavia. Out of this number 2559 mi-
ssions are credited to the ECR version.
As of December 2015, TaktLwG 51 and
JaBoG 33 Tornadoes were deployed wi-
thin Einsatzkontingent Counter Daesh to
the operation Inherent Resolve flying the
reconnaissance missions for the Allies.
Initially the German contingent was ba-
sed at Incirlik in Turkey from where the
aircraft flew the sorties over Syria and
Iraq. In 2017, after a diplomatic brawl German Panavia Tornado ECR registration 46+33 on landing. NTM 2011, Cambrai, France (16 May 2011). The aircraft belonged to the 321st Tiger Squadron
between Germany and Turkey, the unit from Lechfeld. The squadron was disbanded on 31 March 2013 as part of the disbandment of the entire JaboG 32.
transferred to Jordan to Al-Azraq base (photo: Petr Soukop)
where they re-started the operation in
October 2017. Typically, four to six Tor-
nadoes were deployed with the Recce
version prevailing. At the end of March
2020, due to political turmoil in Germany,
the German aircraft operations ceased.
During this operation the German Tor-
nadoes flew 2467 missions and obtained
114000 images of the enemy territory.

The Future
The German Tornadoes still have about
9 years of service ahead, but Lutwaffe
is already gradually seeking the repla-
cement. In 2020 it was announced that
after many deliberations the Tornado-
es IDS will be replaced with F/A-18E/F
Superhornet and ECR version with
EA-18G Growler. The decision comes
from the fact that Germany does not
want to lose the nuclear bomb attack ca-
pability and also maintain SEAD missions A nicely "fogged" German Tornado ECR reg. 46+45, 46+50, 46+34 and 46+22 visiting Čáslav as part of the Mini Tiger Meet (nice date 11/11/2011).
capability. Neither of this is possible with (photo: Petr Soukop)
the new German Eurofighter Typhoon
and to obtain the certification for this type
of missions is not possible in the forese-
eable future. Therefore, Germany decided
to obtain 30 F/A-18 E/F and 15 EA-18G
which are capable of these missions. By
the way, the unit trained to perform the
nuclear attacks is TaktLwG 33 flying Tor-
nadoes IDS out of Buchel air base where
also the nuclear bombs B61, property of
the USA, are stored and their inventory is
estimated at 10 to 20 pieces.

Key Publishing Ltd. – Aviation Magazine - Tornado
REVI magazine
Combat legends – Panavia Tornado
Michael Leek – The Panavia Tornado
SAM AirData2 – Tornado
A trio of German Tornado ECRs (46+57, 46+56 and 46+23) wait on the doorstep of the runway of the Poznań-Krzesiny Airport (EPKS)
in Poland for a take-off clearance (18 May 2018).
Fárek Michal, Nožička Zdeněk
(photo: Petr Soukop)

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 15


Sir Kobrle's
"little Shorty"
Photo: Bára Nahodilová Bártová


I remember OK-CXA as a kid, when my dad used to take me to the full coordination of the control of the aircraft.
Just like a fighter... And then here comes a lan-
the local airfield. I spent many weekends at the take-off po- ding! In order to allow the landing gear to retract
int for the sailplanes. At that time the OK-CXA was wearing its into the wing by the system chosen in the Mo-
ravan company, the landing gear legs had to be
classic blue and white livery, but even so it always reminded shortened compared to the Trenér versions with
me of a WWII fighter. And a fighter like that is a big thing for fixed landing gear. Combined with the absen-
ce of flaps, this makes the three-point landing
a little boy! But it's also a chance to drive a tractor type 3011, a really interesting affair. After retraining, I un-
successfully attempted a smooth landing twenty
or to stuff a puff into the exhaust of a Hercules 2 winch to see times, until the chief of the Aero Club couldn't
how far it can fly when the engine starts... stand to watch my actions any longer and sent
me to enjoy the flying on a navigation flight ra-
Some years later I was experiencing something back to all the stories and warnings about the ther than on patterns.
more intense at the time of my sailplane traning biggest malady of the Z 326, the moment when My main activity while flying the OK-CXA was
initiation. I was hunched in Blaník trying to hold the aircraft rests on the ground on its belly with well symbolized by the V letter at the end of the
the required „methodical“ position behind the the landing gear retracted and propeller bent... type designation Z 526 AFS-V, i.e., towing. And
tow plane i was connected to. The OK-CXA took For the first few flights I was pressing the lan- there was a lot of it at times. Nevertheless, as
me up for my first solo flight as well. Little did ding gear switch to the position “opened” as if it a youngster, I never had enough of it. I would ride
I know that in three years I would be sitting on was mechanically connected to the landing gear my bike across town and move half of aircraft in
the other side of the rope, towing other hunched locks. I keep checking the state of the mechani- the hangar to fly just one aero lift. Doing 56 lifts
boys and girls behind me, who were also trying cal landing gear indicators on the wing, so called in a day meant I could easily do 57 as well. The
to hold that reqired methodical position... “cops”, as well as the green light in the cockpit greatest pleasure, however, was the formation
At the end of my basic single-engine aircraft many times during an approach. The sliding coc- flying. The aircraft accelerated briskly, but one
training, I was retrained on the Zlin Z 226 MS. kpit cover and circular rear view mirror from had to be careful when decelerating, which on
It was my first tail landing gear type, and I flew the Babette scooter evoke the aura of a fighter the other hand was not as brisk due to the ae-
only the minimum required to retrain on this type intensely to me. The massive control stick with rodynamic cleanness and weight of the aircraft.
to be honest. When I got the license, I immedia- rounded handgrip and radio button, the widely This was especially challenging when other
tely converted to the Z 526 AFS, the type which "staggered" pedals and the spartan instrumen- planes in formation were Zlins 40 series. I rea-
was nicknamed “Kraťas” in Czech, which would tation clearly refer to the aerobatic origins of lly liked the air shows in Příbram, named in ho-
translate as “Shorty” for the shortened fuselage this aircraft. When taxiing, the impaired forward nor of Martin Stáhalík. Here I experienced very
and wing of the aircraft compared to its prede- vision can be improved by leaning out of the interesting formations with “Shorty”, whether I
cessors. The “Shorty” was my second type with open cockpit into the airstream of the propeller. completed a quad of Zlín Z 126s with it or perfor-
tail landing gear, but also my first single-seater med a multiple aerotow of historic gliders. That's
and the first one with retractable landing gear. How the “Shorty” flies why in 2005 I decorated the nose of OK-CXA with
The cockpit reminded me of my brief experience Take-off is intense. The controls are effective al- a shark's mouth with bare teeth, all made out with
with the 226, but at the same time the airpla- most from the first moment, the take-off is short black electrical-insulation tape. Surprisingly, not
ne gave a completely different impression. The compared to the Z-142, the climb is much better, all members of the aero club shared my enthusi-
most of “magic” surrounded the switch covered the view from the cockpit is excellent. However, asm for such a fantastic idea and this decoration
by transparent plastic cover. My mind kept going the rudder must be used quite intensely to keep disappeared from the aircraft very soon...

16 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


make one feel better either, fortunately the tri-

ed and tested method of off-on, or, better to
say, retract-extend worked. During one landing,
when the plane had already all three wheels
on the ground, a massive bounce happened. So
massive that people later said they wanted to
turn and look elsewhere. I had no choice but to
give it full throttle and to hope. But the engine
reacted immediately, and after a repeated pa-
ttern, the landing went smoothly. After shutting
down the engine, the people told me that they
preferred to turn around so that they would not
be taken as witnesses to have to testify for the

The sad ending

I fondly recall meeting “sir” Jiří Kobrle, whose
aerobatic career peaked with OK-CXA. He sho-
wed up at our instrument flying lesson when
he was returning from a verification flight with
;a Raven 257. I remember he was not impressed
with the performance of its engines because, as
he said, "those American horses are much lea-
ner than the Czech ones". When it came to "his"
“Shorty”, I still remember him saying to me: "One
had to pull it quite hard. Then its wing stretched,
and it flew nicely straight. The CXA, because it
was a national team aircraft nobody did it and so
its wings stayed straight, meaning it needs more
controls now."
This aircraft eventually ended its flying journey
on May 8, 2012, when it crashed into trees and
subsequently ended in a pond. My final good-
bye was cheerless when over two freezing De-
cember days I was removing usable parts from
the wreckage of the plane. There weren't many.
The body was completely destroyed, bent and
cracked. The only part of the airframe that, so-
mewhat surprisingly, survived the impact was
the front Plexiglas section of the cabin.
My flying with OK-CXA stopped at 186 hours lo-
gged with 1205 take-offs and at least a hundred
Photo: Richard Noxa

more landings. While I have had the opportunity

to fly other “Shorties”, aircraft more powerful,
more agile, older, newer, more famous, more
colorful and so on, the OK-CXA will always be
a heartfelt affair and a beautiful memory for me.

The author upside down. And with smile…

Some "funny" stories...

Apart from a lot of beautiful experiences, the-
re are a few that are still giving me some chills
when I think about them. Twice my tail was lifted
by a towed glider at low altitude, but fortunately
there was always enough air under the plane.
Once I was heading to Letňany from a prolonga-
tion tour in Otrokovice and I desperately needed
to catch an exam at the university. As it happens,
the weather was against it. It was good in the
Highlands, but it started to rain near Zbraslavice
and the continuous cloud cover was pushing me
closer and closer to the ground. Even though the
controller at the tower in Kbely was announcing
good weather over the radio, the cloud cover fell
to the ground near Říčany town, so even though
I had a great desire to fly all the way to Letňany,
the only possible choice was to turn and find al-
Photo: Richard Noxa

ternate destination. I managed to land at Bene-

šov airfield, where there was no traffic at all due
to the “raining cats and dogs” weather. The plane
stayed there for two days, but thanks to a ran-
dom stop of one of the local pilots I finally made
the test that day after this lucky car pick up...
One non-lowered landing gear leg does not The short-lived decoration of OK-CXA…

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 17

KITS 02/2022

Sopwith F.I Camel (Clerget) 1/48

Cat. No. 82172
Plastic parts Eduard
Photo-etched set
Paiting mask
5 marking options

Product Page

18 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

KITS 02/2022

B6313, Maj. William G. Barker, No. 139 Squadron, Villaverla, Italy, July 1918

Barker´s B6313 is probably the most famous Camel, as it is sure the nose and the vertical stabilizer were painted black.
the most successful fighter aircraft of Great War. He scored There is a theory about repair overpaint by different shade of
46 out of his 50 victories flying it in the period from Octo- the camouflage color, and the image of the original vertical
ber 1917 to September 1918. The aircraft underwent several stabilizer displayed in Hendon Museum, is very dark green. On
overhauls and repainting during its service, the appearance the other hand, it is part of the aircraft from different period
depicted here shows the state as it was shortly after Barker as the pointed heart painted on it has different shape and
became CO of the No. 139 Squadron, operating new two sea- position. On some photos the nose and the fin look as dark as
ters Bristol F.2B Fighter. Barker took his long-time companion the black stripes. There was non-standard cutout of the left
with him to the new unit and added black and white stripes side of the cockpit and there were also ducts installed on the
on its tail, as it was the marking of the No. 139 Sqn. It is not openings for the air supply of the carburetor.

B3834, FL Rowan H. Daly, FL Arthur F. Brandon, Manston War Flight RNAS, Manston,
Great Britain, July 1918

The Wonga Bonga inscription painted surely on the starboard flying Sopwith Triplane (N5382). Only Brandon scored against
and (probably) on the port side of the fuselage of this Ca- these big German bombers flying this aircraft. It happened
mel says it all about what it used to be to. “Wonga” was the on August 22, 1917, the victim was Gotha G.IV No. 663/16 of
nickname for Gotha bombers, while Bonga says it all about Unteroffizier Heinrich Schildt as a pilot. The enemy fire holed
what the pilot of this aircraft wanted to do (to smash them). the No. 6 cylinder of the engine of B3834 and Brandon had to
In fact, two pilots were flying anti-Gotha patrols with this Ca- conduct forced landing on home airfield. The B3834 Camel
mel from August to September 1917: Rowan Heywood Daly and was manufactured by the Sopwith Company in June 1917 and
Arthur Frank Brandon. Daly managed to send down in flames served until February 1918, when it was deleted.
one “Wonga” on July 7, 1917, but it happened when he was

B6299, FL Norman M. MacGregor, No. 10 Sqn RNAS, Téteghem, France, November 1917

Norman Miers MacGregor entered the RNAS on February 1916 operational flight hours during the war and was transferred
and was assigned to HMS President. He was assigned to No. to RAF´s unemployed list on January 10, 1919, at the rank of
6 Squadron in 1917 and scored four kills there. After that he captain. He was later reactivated as a flight lieutenant on
moved to the No. 10 Squadron. His first victory with this unit April 10, 1921, serving until June 5. His Camel B6299 sported
was also the most significant of all of his kills, as he shot the colours of the B Flight of the No. 10 (Naval) Sqn, i.e., white
down the first Fokker Dr.I of the Great War on September 15, and red stripes on the nose of the aircraft and distinctive le-
with German ace Kurt Wolff, victor in 33 combats and co- tter B on both sides of the fuselage. Later the aircraft served
mmander of the Jasta 11 at controls. MacGregor added two briefly with No. 9 (Naval) Sqn, before being transferred to the
more victories, both when flying this Camel. He accrued 325 training depot at Chingford.

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E1416, Capt. Arthur H. Cobby, No. 4 Sqn AFC, Serny, France, September 1918

Camel No. E1416 was the last of Arthur Henry Cobby´s aircraft mounted at the carburetor inlet. Acclaimed a national hero,
of this type and served him well, as he achieved eight out of Cobby joined newly formed Royal Australian Air Force in 1921
his 29 aerial victories flying this one. One of these victims and was gradually promoted up to the rank of Wing Com-
was observation balloon, the last of five destroyed by this mander. He retired and served with Citizen Air Force only (the
very successful Australian fighter pilot. In fact, Cobby was RAAF reserve) but was re-activated in 1939 and held senior
the most successful Australian ace flying with Australian posts in the RAAF rising to the rank of Air Commodore. To the
unit in WWI as he scored 29 victories with at least four dif- end of the war, he commanded Australian No. 1 Tactical Air
ferent Camels. He had figures of Charlie Chaplin made from Force in Southwest Pacific area with some 20 000 people rea-
(probably) sheet of aluminium and he used to fit them on his dy to action according to his orders. Arthur Henry Cobby died
Camels from both sides of the cockpit. Apart of it the Camel on November 11, 1955.
sported standard camouflage (probably with PC10 color on
upper sides) and markings, but had non-standard ducts

B3883, FSL Harold F. Stackard, No. 9 Sqn RNAS, Bray-Dunes, France, September 1917

Harold Francis Stackard achieved 15 aerial victories during decorations originally. It only sported white number 2 on the
Great War. He started his military career as a subaltern fuselage sides. It was damaged and after repair was named
serving on HMS Orotava in France and Gallipoli. In October Maude II with the name in white. Also, big fuselage ring in
1916 he was transferred to the Royal Naval Air Service, and blue and white and two blue discs with white outline on the
two months later he was promoted to Flight Sub-Lieutenant. upper wing were added. Later the fuselage ring (and proba-
Stackard stayed for the rest of the war with No. 9 (Naval) bly the elevator as well) was enriched by red color and the
Squadron. He scored his first victory on May 2, 1917, flying Maude II was overpainted in blue with white blocking as the
the Sopwith Pup. On September 3, 1917, he recorded his first remains of the original painting. By 1918, Stackard was an
victory behind the controls of the Sopwith Camel. It was his instructor at RAF Cranwell in Lincolnshire. He served briefly
fourth one. With the B3883 he later added six (may be seven) with No. 157 Squadron before he left the service shortly after
victories, so it was his most successful aircraft. FL Joe Fall the war.
scored another three flying it. The B3883 had no distinctive

for Sopwith F.I Camel (Clerget):
FE1215 Sopwith Camel seatbelts STEEL (PE-Set) 648674 Sopwith Camel Rotherham air pumps (Brassin)
644116 Sopwith Camel LööK (Brassin) 648662 Sopwith Camel 20lb bomb carrier (Brassin)
648657 Sopwith Camel wheels type 1 (Brassin) 648676 Sopwith Camel Clerget engine (Brassin)
648658 Sopwith Camel wheels type 2 (Brassin) 648661 Sopwith Camel US Colt Vickers gun (Brassin)
648659 Sopwith Camel seat (Brassin) 3DL48038 Sopwith Camel SPACE (3D Decal Set)
648660 Sopwith Camel Vickers Mk.I gun (Brassin)

20 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

KITS 02/2022

Cat. No. 644116

Cat. No. 648662 Cat. No. 648659

Cat. No. 648660

Cat. No. 648676

Cat. No. 3DL48038

Product Page

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 21

KITS 02/2022

Hurricane Mk. 1/72

Cat. No. 7099
Plastic parts Eduard
Photo-etched set
Paiting mask
6 marking options

Product Page

22 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

KITS 02/2022

P3878, F/O Harold A. C. Bird-Wilson, No. 17 Squadron,

RAF Debden, Great Britain, July 1940

Harold Bird-Wilson, a native of Prestatyn, Wales, Britain. He scored eight confirmed kills during that the high military awards including CBE, DSO, DFC &
joined the RAF on November 30, 1937. After training period. On September 24, 1940, "Birdy" was shot Bar and AFC & Bar. Retired on June 1, 1974, with the
he was transferred to No. 17 Squadron in August down by Adolf Galland, for whom it was his 40th rank of Air Vice Marshal. The Hurricane P3878 spor-
1938, the unit flying with Gloster Gauntlets at the kill. "Birdy" later became commander of the Spitfire ted camouflage of Dark Green, Dark Earth and Sky.
time. The unit was rearmed with Hurricanes in June equipped No. 122 Wing and later he led the Perra- The right side of the fuselage below the cockpit was
1939, and ten weeks later "Birdy" Bird-Wilson was nporth/Harrowbeer Wing flying Mustangs. He shot marked with three kills scored during the Battle of
badly injured in a flying accident. After his recove- down a total of nine aircraft (3 solo and 6 shared) France in May 1940.
ry, he rejoined the unit and took part with it in the and also recorded three probable kills and three
Battle of France and subsequently in the Battle of damaged. During his military career he received

P3143, No. 310 (Czechoslovak) Squadron, RAF Duxford,

Cambridgeshire, Great Britain, September 1940

The Hawker Hurricane Mk.I, serial number P3143 Ely. Its pilot, Sgt Jan Chalupa, bailed out but died. It (two each of Bf 110 and Do 17 plus one each of Bf 109
was codenamed NN-D and served with No. 310 was the unit's most successful aircraft of the Battle and He 111). P3143 wore the "A" pattern camouflage
(Czechoslovak) Squadron from July 24, 1940, until of Britain. Pilots F/Lt Gordon Leonard Sinclair, Sgt consisting of standard colors, i.e., Dark Green, Dark
October 16 of the same year, when it was destro- Bohumil Fürst, Sgt Eduard Prchal and P/O Stanislav Earth and Sky. In its appearance from mid-Septem-
yed by an engine fire during a training flight near Fejfar scored a total of six confirmed kills flying it ber, it sported four kill marks under the cockpit.

P3675, F/Lt Michael L. Robinson, No. 601 Squadron,

RAF Tangmere, West Sussex, Great Britain,
September 1940

During September days of the Battle of Britain, te and blue spinner. The upper camouflage of the on April 10, 1942, he and his wingman, Maurice P. C.
"Mike" Robinson shot down one Bf 109E and two "B" pattern was done in standard colors. Robinson Choron, did not return from a combat flight. They
more Bf 110s probably flying this Hurricane. At the was appointed commander of No. 609 Squadron in fell victims to the fighters of II./JG 26. "Mike" Robin-
time he was a Flight Commander of No. 601 Squad- October and took over command of Biggin Hill Wing son shot down a total of 16 aircraft, probably shot
ron. His Hurricane sported an unusual marking of a from "Sailor" Malan in August 1941. In January 1942 down five others and damaged nine.
red and white-striped lightning bolt and a red, whi- he took command of Tangmere Wing. Unfortunately,

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 23

KITS 02/2022

V7419, S/Ldr Marmaduke Thomas St John Pattle, CO of No. 33 Squadron,

Larissa, Greece, March–April 1941

Most of the historical records concerning the pi- and 33 Squadron when he was flying Hurricanes. craft. After the outbreak of a fierce air battle over
lots fighting in the half-forgotten Greek battlefield This secured him the number one position among the Gulf of Eleusin, Pattle, although suffering from
were lost during the retreat across the Aegean pilots of this type. One of the aircraft Pattle flew in fever, managed to shoot down one Bf 109 and one
Sea. It has therefore taken many years for histo- combat was the Hurricane V7419. Due to the hectic Bf 110. Shortly after he was attacked by a pair of Bf
rians to discover the fate of the Hurricane fighter times on the battlefield, most Hurricanes carried 110s. He was last seen hurtling towards the sea in
pilots who served under the command of South Af- only NW squadron codes. Pattle did not see the end flames, pursued by a pair of Bf 110s which continued
rican Major Marmaduke "Pat" Pattle. Research has of the war. On the evening of April 20, 1941, he took to fire. His body and the wreckage of the Hurricane
confirmed that Pattle achieved 52 kills, of which off as leader of fifteen-strong Hurricane formation were never found.
36 were achieved during his service with Nos. 80 when they met superior number of Luftwaffe air-

V7743, No. 306 (Polish) Squadron, RAF Ternhill, Shropshire,

Great Britain, March 1941

The third fighter unit of the Polish Air Force in Gre- Ternhill airfield in November that year, from where war the Spitfires were replaced by Mustang Mk.IIIs.
at Britain was No. 306 (Polish) Squadron, based at the pilots conducted mainly patrol flights to protect The unofficial emblem of the squadron was a white,
Church Fenton and established on August 28, 1940. convoys. Later, No. 316 (Polish) Squadron received gold-lined diamond with a stylized wild duck and
It was equipped with the standard RAF fighter, the Spitfires, with which they carried out attacks on bear, the emblem of the original pre-war Torun Fi-
Hawker Hurricane. With these, the unit moved to targets in occupied Europe. Towards the end of the ghter Squadron of the Polish Air Force.

V7101, F/Lt George Burges, No. 69 Squadron, Luqa, Malta, May–June 1941

One of the founding members of the Gladiator Fi- received Hurricane V7101 with reduced weight. It England. Hurricane V7101 was painted blue on all
ghter Flight at Malta's Hal Far airfield was George received additional fuel and oil tanks instead of surfaces, and the only available photograph shows
Burges, who achieved seven victories in the defen- armament, and its other equipment included two it with the rudder bearing a camouflage field in Mi-
se of Malta in the cockpits of Gladiators and Hurri- cameras behind the pilot's seat in place of the re- ddle Stone and Dark Earth colors.
canes. He was transferred to No. 69 Reconnaissance moved radios. George Burges flew it regularly until
Squadron at the end of January 1941. This unit also June 6, 1941, when he left Malta and returned to

24 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

KITS 02/2022
Cat. No. 72685
for Hurricane Mk.I:

Cat. No. D72036

Hurricane Mk.I Product Page

1/72 Cat. No. 7099-LEPT1

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 25


Josef František´s Hurricane
Product page


1/72, Cat. No. BFC112
Complete Hurricane Mk.I kit
(ProfiPACK Cat. No. 7099)
Unique decals for Hurricane flown by
phenomenal Czech pilot Sgt. Josef František.

26 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


P3975, Sgt. Josef František, No. 303 (Polish) Squadron, RAF Northolt, United Kingdom,
September–October 1940
Czechoslovak pilot Josef František, member of No. 303 (Polish) Squadron during the Battle of Britain, achieved three Luftwaffe
kills flying this Hurricane. The first one was a Bf 109E shot down on September 2. The very next day had repeated this success by
victory over Bf 109E, and on September 9 he added a third kill of a Bf 109E fighter plus one He 111 bomber.

L2099, Sgt. Josef František, No. 303 (Polish) Squadron, RAF Northolt, United Kingdom, September 1940
Another Hurricane Sgt. František was flying during his time with No. 303 (Polish) Squadron was this aircraft from the early pro-
duction batch, but with stressed-skin metal wing already fitted. Josef František flew this one on four missions, but he managed
to score only once. It happened on September 30, 1940, when flying this Hurricane for the last time. His victim was one Bf 109E,
another one was damaged. English commander of No. 303 (Polish) Squadron S/Ldr Ronald Gustave Kellett also flew this Hurri-
cane several times.

R4175, Sgt. Josef František, No. 303 (Polish) Squadron, RAF Northolt, United Kingdom, September 1940
Probably the most famous František´s Hurricane was the one coded RF-R. The Czechoslovak fighter ace scored a total of seven
kills flying it (on September 5 one Ju 88 and one Bf 109E, on September 6 one Bf 109E, on September 26 two He 111 and on Sep-
tember 27 one Bf 110 and one Bf 109E). However, this Hurricane became František´s fate, as he crashed it on October 8, 1940 and
was killed.

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 27

KITS 02/2022

Tornado ECR Plastic parts Revell Paiting mask Brassin: wheels, seats,
Photo-etched set 5 marking options FLIR and IRLS senzors
1/48 Cat. No. 11154

Product Page

28 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

KITS 02/2022

FLIR and
IRLS senzors



46+23, JaboG 32, Lechfeld Air Base, Germany, July 2008

Jagdbombergeschwader 32 was established at Lechfeld in July 1958. The unit was flying F-84F Thunderstreak fighters initially
and changed them for Starfighters during 1965. Starfighters were subsequently replaced by the Tornado IDS in 1984. These fighter-
-bombers were supplemented in 1991 by Tornado ECRs, the electronic warfare version. To celebrate 50th anniversary of the unit's
foundation, the Tornado ECR 46+23 code was painted according to design by designer Daniela “Delahé” Krah.

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 29

KITS 02/2022

46+44, 1./JaboG 32, Lechfeld Air Base, Germany, June 2001

1. Staffel Jagdbombergeschwader 32, named Die Tigers (The Tigers), was accepted by the NATO Tiger Association in 1994 as a
try-out member. This association was formed in 1961 to encourage solidarity among NATO air forces. The association organizes
every year meetings called Tiger Meet, during which joint exercises are also held. In 2001, a Tiger Meet was held in Kleine Brogel,
Belgium, for which 1st/JaboG 32 prepared a Tornado ECR with markings 46+44 in an impressive “tiger” marking.

46+45, 2./JaboG 38 „Friesland“, Jever, Germany, June 1993

Tornados ECR were the equipment of two units in German Luftwaffe, JaboG 32 and JaboG 38. The former unit was based at Lech-
feld in Bavaria, while JaboG 38 was based in the north at Jever in Lower Saxony. This unit was established in August 1983 and was
armed with Tornado IDS multirole aircraft. ECR Tornados formed equipment of its 2. Staffel in 1989, and they were used until 1995,
when the ECR Tornados were handed over to JaboG 32. On August 31, 2005, JaboG 38 was disbanded.

30 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

KITS 02/2022

46+54, TLG 51 „Immelmann“, Schleswig-Jagel Air Base, Germany, July 2017

Taktisches Luftwaffengeschwader 51 was formed by renaming Aufklärungsgeschwader 51 on September 30, 2013. This unit, equi-
pped with IDS and ECR Tornados, is based at the Schleswig-Holstein base Schleswig-Jagel. The marking of Tornado coded 46+54,
was sprayed in standard Norm 95 three shades of grey but has been complemented with tiger stripes on the external drop tanks
and rudder, while a drawing of a feline beast and the inscription NATO TIGERS have been added to the vertical fin. All the paintwork
was made due to participation of the aircraft at Tiger Meet 2017 exercise in Landivisiau, France.

46+57, AG 51, Schleswig-Jagel Air Base, Germany, July 2013

Aufklärungsgeschwader 51, the predecessor of TaktLwG 51, was re-launched in January 1994. The previous AG 51, along with its
sister AG 52 unit (both flying RF-4E reconnaissance Phantoms), was disbanded in mid-1993. The newly formed AG 51 received
the Tornado IDS supplemented with the ECR version. The Tornado ECR in this livery was presented at the 2013 Tiger Meet held in
Ørland, Norway, where AG 51 won the Silver Tiger Trophy.

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 31

KITS 02/2022

32 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

KITS 02/2022

Recommended for Tornado ECR

644136 Tornado ECR LööK (Brassin)
Cat. No. 644136
648029 AIM-9M/L (Brassin)
648095 GBU-24 (Brassin)
648180 AGM-88 HARM (Brassin)
648207 IRIS-T (Brassin)
648527 BOZ-EC pod (Brassin)
648564 GBU-54 (Brassin)
648715 TSPJ pod PRINT (Brassin)
3DL48056 Tornado ECR SPACE (3D Decal Set)
EX824 Tornado ECR TFace (Mask)

Cat. No. 648715

Cat. No. 648527

Cat. No. 648180

Tornado IDS
Cat. No. 11154-LEPT1
Product Page

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 33

KITS 02/2022

Southern Star
1/48 Cat. No. 11157
Plastic parts Eduard
Photo-etched set
Paiting mask
10 marking options
Brassin: wingtips

Product Page

34 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

KITS 02/2022

Spitfire Mk.Vb trop, ER821, F/Lt Neville F. Duke, No. 92 Squadron, Bou Grara, Tunisia, January-March 1943
Neville Frederick Duke, a native of Turnbridge, Kent, joined the RAF in June 1940. He was eighteen at the time. After training he
was posted to No. 92 Squadron in February 1941 and achieved his first two kills with this unit. He often flew as wingman to "Sailor"
Malan, commander of the Biggin Hill Wing. In October 1941, Duke was sent to North Africa to No. 122 Squadron, flying Tomahawks
and Kittyhawks and he achieved a further six kills there. When he began his second operational tour, it was with No. 92 Squadron
again. The unit also moved to the African continent together with its tropical Mk.Vb Spitfires. Within a few months Duke notched
up 14 more victories and he took command of No. 145 Squadron in March 1944. The unit was equipped with Mk.VIII Spitfires and
by September Duke had scored six more kills. He finished the war with 28 victories, becoming the most successful pilot in the
Mediterranean area. On his return to Europe, he continued as chief test pilot with Hawker. In 1946, he joined the RAF's High Speed
Flight. After demonstrating the Gloster Meteor at an air show in Prague in 1946, he was awarded the Czechoslovak War Cross for
his war service. In 1953 he set the world speed record with Hawker Hunter, when he managed to achieve 727.63 mph (1171.01 km/h).

Spitfire Mk.Vb trop, ER318, P/O C. R. Furtney, No. 274 Squadron, Termoli, Italy, March 1944
No. 274 Squadron was reactivated in the second half of 1940 in Amreiya, Egypt. It started operations with mixture of Gladiators
and Hurricanes, than, from October the same year, the unit retained only Hurricanes and joined the fighting over North Africa with
them in December 1940. The unit received its first Spitfires in April 1943 and was fully rearmed in October. During the rearmament
process, No. 274 Squadron moved to Cyprus, then a move to Italy followed in February 1944. Before moving to the UK, the unit took
part in sweeps over Yugoslavia and Albania. A lightning bolt and a circular arrow emblem under the cockpit indicates affiliation to
the unit.

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 35

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Spitfire Mk.Vb trop, AB502, W/Cdr Ian Richard Gleed, CO of No. 244 Wing, Bou Grara, Tunisia, March-April 1943
At the end of January 1943, Ian "Widge" Gleed took command of No. 244 Wing in North Africa, the only unit comprising Spitfire
units - Nos. 92, 145 and 601 Squadrons RAF, No. 417 Squadron RCAF and No. 1 Squadron SAAF. Gleed was in command until April
16, when he was shot down during an afternoon patrol over the Cap Bon area. His defeater was probably Lt. Ernst-Wilhelm Reinet,
the ace of JG 77. After being hit, Gleed headed for the Tunisian coast with the damaged aircraft. His Spitfire AB502 was found on
the sand dunes near the sea on the west coast of Cap Bon. However, his body was not found with the Spitfire, it was recovered
later. It is not known whether he died from his injuries or during the crash landing. What is certain is that he was first buried at
Tazoghran and reburied at Enfidaville Military Cemetery on April 25, 1944. All of the planes Gleed flew had a black cat painted on
the starboard side, just below the cockpit. It was "Figaro", a character from the story of Pinocchio. The same was true of the two
Aboukir tropical filter equipped Spitfires (ER170 and AB502) that Gleed used as commander of No. 244 Wing. Both had also Gleed's
initials IR-G painted on the fuselage, rendered in Light Mediterranean Blue with white outline. During March and April 1943, Gleed
achieved his last kills in the cockpit of AB502 – one Bf 109G and two damaged Bf 109Fs. During his wartime career Ian Gleed shot
down a total of 16 aircraft. Seven more he downed probably and damaged four.

Spitfire Mk.Vb trop, EP689, S/Ldr Stanislaw Skalski, CO of No. 601 Squadron, Pachino, Italy, July 1943
Stanisław Skalski, the most successful Polish fighter pilot, was given command of No. 601 Squadron "County of London" in mid-
-July 1943. He became only the second Pole to be given command of an RAF squadron. During his three-month leadership of the
unit, he used several Spitfires of different versions. One of them was EP689 with blue code marking UF-X, equipped with Aboukir
dust filter. No. 601 Squadron was one of the few to use these dust filters operationally. By the end of the war, Stanislaw Skalski had
shot down 24 aircraft. He also shot down one aircraft probably and damaged five.

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Spitfire Mk.Vc trop, Capt John K. Blythe, 4th FS, 52nd FG, 12th AF, North Africa, February 1943
The 4th Fighter Squadron was activated at Selfridge Field, Michigan, on January 15, 1941. The unit was equipped with P-39s and P-
-40s, used until July 1942. After a move to Northern Ireland pilots of 4th FS received British Spitfires. The unit was part of the 52nd
Fighter Group, which was assigned to the North Africa theatre as a part of the 12th Air Force. On November 8, 1942, the invasion of
Algeria and Morocco was launched, and the 4th FS was sent to an airfield in Algeria. The crew chief of this Spitfire, Sgt Kormos,
arranged a Texas flag and his girlfriend's name to be painted on the nose. Note the exhaust pipes. This aircraft is fitted with the
type that was used mostly on Mk.IX Spitfires.

Spitfire Mk.Vc trop, EP813, Lt. Haskins/Lt. Curtis, 2nd FS, 52nd FG, Palermo, Sicily, 1943
In June 1943, when the 2nd Fighter Squadron was based at La Sebala airfield in Tunis, its members named it the American Beagle
Squadron as a joking counterpart to the more famous Eagle Squadrons. The American Beagle Squadron emblem was painted on
several 2nd FS Spitfires and was carried on the nose of the machine flown by Lieutenants Hasins and Curtis. It should be said,
however, that the entire 52nd FG was not lagging behind its more famous colleagues from the 8th Air Force, and its performance
on both Spitfires and Mustangs (after being transferred to the 15th Air Force) made a significant mark in the history of American

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 37

KITS 02/2022

Spitfire Mk.Vc trop, JK815, No. 2 Squadron SAAF, Gioia del Colle, Italy, October 1943
South African No 2. Squadron SAAF took delivery of its first Spitfires Mk.Vc in July 1943. As the unit was tasked with the suppor-
ting the Allied landings in Sicily, it was one of the few squadrons to use the heaviest possible armament on its Spitfires, which
consisted of four 20mm cannons. This firepower was extremely effective in attacking enemy ground vehicles. The South African
Spitfires carried an additional 250lb or 500lb bomb on the fuselage rack for combat operations. A specific color feature of the No. 2
Squadron SAAF Spitfires was the overlay of the lower camouflage Azure Blue color on top of the leading edge of the wing and the
red wingtips as well as horizontal stabilizer tips. The rudder is decorated with the unit's crest, an antelope on a red background.

Spitfire Mk.Vc trop, JK879, F/O A. F. Osborne, No. 249 Squadron, Qrendi, Malta, May-June 1943
F/O Osborne scored his only kill on April 28, 1943 when, during an early morning sweep, him and Squadron Leader J. J. Lynch
spotted two low-flying Ju 52/3m Junkers transport aircraft off the coast of Sicily. Lynch attacked and shot down one of them,
thus securing his place in the historical archives as the author of the 1,000th kill in the Malta defense operations. Lynch rejoined
Osborn after his victory and together they shot down a second Ju 52/3m which crashed into the sea. Osborne was later successful
in fighting V-1 flying bombs. He shot down six of them flying a Mustang Mk.III with No. 129 Squadron during summer of 1944. The
Spitfires delivered to Malta sported several different types of camouflage. One of them was this scheme, with the upper and side
surfaces sprayed in Dark Mediterranean Blue, while the lower surfaces were Azure Blue. The red cone indicated aircraft operating
in Mediterranean theatre.

38 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

KITS 02/2022

Spitfire Mk.Vc trop, A58-180 (JG912), No. 79 Squadron RAAF, Kiriwina, Trobriand Islands, October 1943
Australian No. 79 Squadron RAAF was formed at Laverton Base, Victoria, on April 26, 1943, and its role was to provide high-altitude
cover for the Kittyhawks of Australian forces during the New Guinea campaign. The unit received Spitfires Mk.Vc in priority and in
mid-May 1943 began moving to Goodenough Island, from where it undertook flights to New Guinea. This was followed by a move to
Kiriwina Island, at that time the nearest Allied base from the Japanese-occupied important port on the island of New Britain. From
Kiriwina, Spitfires operated over New Britain until March 1944, when No. 79 Squadron moved to Los Negros, one of the Admiralty
Islands. Spitfire Mk.Vc serial JG912 arrived in Australia on April 13, 1943, and was assigned to No. 79 Squadron on May 7. The white
tail surfaces were sign of aircraft operating in the New Guinea area.

A58-250 (MH586), No. 85 Squadron RAAF, Pearce, Australia, May 1945

Australia's No. 85 Squadron RAAF, originally armed with home-built Boomerangs, began rearmament to Spitfires in September
1944. Unlike other RAAF units that received Mk.VIII Spitfires, No. 85 Squadron was rearmed with Mk.Vc Spitfires. A move to RAAF
Base Pearce in Western Australia followed on May 11, where the unit remained until its disbandment on November 29, 1945. The
Spitfire Mk.Vc marked A58-250, operated with No. 457 Sqn RAAF from February 4, 1944 before transferring to No. 85 Squadron
RAAF. It was used there as personal mount by B Flight Commander F/Lt Alf Glendining. For the last time the A58-250 was flown
by W/O Gray on May 23, 1945. Pilot damaged this Spitfire on landing and while he escaped unscathed, the aircraft was written off
and used as a source of spares.

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 39

KITS 02/2022

OVERTREES Cat. No. 82157X

Spitfire Mk. Vb Trop

Product Page


Cat. No. 11157-LEPT1

OVERTREES Product Page

Spitfire Mk. Vc/ Vc Trop


Cat. No. 82158X

Stránka produktu

40 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

KITS 02/2022

Recommended for Spitfire Mk.Vb/c

481065 Spitfire Mk.V landing flap (PE-Set)
FE1207 Spitfire Mk.V seatbelts STEEL (PE-Set) Cat. No. 644113
644113 Spitfire Mk.V LööK (Brassin)
648098 Spitfire wheels - 5 spoke (Brassin)
648119 Spitfire wheels - 5 spoke, smooth tire (Brassin)
648640 Spitfire Mk.V engine (Brassin)
648663 Spitfire Mk.V cockpit (Brassin)
648664 Spitfire Mk.V wheels (Brassin)
648665 Spitfire Mk.Vb gun bays (Brassin)
648666 Spitfire Mk.Vc gun bays (Brassin)
648667 Spitfire Mk.V three-stacks exhausts rounded (Brassin)
648668 Spitfire Mk.V three-stacks exhausts fishtail (Brassin)
648669 Spitfire Mk.V six-stacks exhausts fishtail (Brassin)
648670 Spitfire Mk.Va/b undercarriage legs BRONZE (Brassin) Cat. No. 648640
648671 Spitfire Mk.Vc undercarriage legs BRONZE (Brassin)
D48088 Spitfire Mk.V stencils (Brassin)

Cat. No. 648665

Cat. No. 648663

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 41

KITS 02/2022

MiG-15 1/72 Cat. No. 7057

Plastic parts Eduard
Photo-etched set Re-release
Paiting mask
5 marking options

Product Page

42 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

KITS 02/2022

29th GIAP, Dachang Air Base, Shanghai, China, spring - summer 1950
29th GIAP (Guards Fighter Air Regiment) moved from Soviet Union to Shanghai in spring 1950. Soviet pilots helped to protect Chi-
nese town from the Taiwanese aircraft and to present Taiwanese ships from entering the Yang-tze river delta. The Dachang was
selected as a their homebase. The regiment was active in China from April to October 1951 and MiG jockeys downed two enemy
aircraft in this period – F-5E Lightning recce airplane and B-24 bomber.
The Chinese national insignia were painted on the 29th GIAP MiGs and all of them were overhanded
to the Chinese armed forces when the Soviet unit moved back to its homeland in October 1950.
From November 1950 to early February 1951 the 29th GIAP fought in Korean War.
The upper part of the wings is not visible in the photos, we suppose that
the national insignia was not painted here.

c/n 108023, 176th IAP, Antung Air Base, Korea, April 1951
This aircraft took part in the air battle on April 12, 1951. The photo of this aircraft with no wings and upper part of the tail was taken
shortly after the battle. Soviet pilots managed to shoot down three B-29 bombers at the cost of five MiG-15 fighters damaged. „823“
was one of them.
The distinctive red nose wore the MiGs from 324th IAD (Fighter Air Division). The 176th IAP (Fighter Air Regiment) was a part of this
division that was based in Korea from early April 1951 till the end of January 1952. The famous WW2 fighter
ace Ivan N. Kozhedub (64 victories) was appointed the CO of the 324th IAD.

c/n 120077, Major Alexei A. Mikoyan, the Deputy CO of 274th IAP, Kubinka Air Base, Soviet Union, early fifties
This aircraft was flown by Maj. Alexei A. Mikoyan who was was appointed the CO of the 274th IAP in 1951. This unit was established
in this year and former Deputy CO Mikoyan became its second CO in succesion.
Alexei Mikoyan was a member of the elite communist family. His father Anastas I. Mikoyan was one of the top leaders of the Soviet
communist political party. Beside other posts he was the chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet in mid 60ties, de jure
the head of the Soviet Union. Alexei´s uncle Artem I. Mikoyan lead the aircraft design bureau MiG, where many famous aircraft
were developed – MiG-15 among others. Thus Alexei flew the aircraft developed by his uncle´s team.

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 43

KITS 02/2022

Polish Air Force, 1st PLM, Warszawa - Babice Air Base, Poland, 1951
This aircraft was flown by 1st PLM (Fighter Air Regiment) and was one of the very first five MiG-15s delivered to Polish Air Force.
All five aircraft were manufactured in Soviet Union in 1949. They were transferred from one of the airfields near Berlin, Germany to
the Babice (Bemowo) air base near Warszawa on July 19, 1951. Polish MiG-15s were shown to the public for the first time on August
26, 1951 at an military parade over Warszawa – Okecie international airport. Note the wings with no walkways.

c/n 231767, Romanian Air Force, Deveselu Air Base, Romania, 1962
The total of 204 MiG-15s was flown by Romanian air force. These were manufactured in Czechoslovakia and overhanded to Ro-
mania in the period from December 1952 to September 1954. Romania became the most significant user of MiG-15s produced by
Czechoslovak Aero Vodochody factory. This particular aircraft was a part of the batch of 34 „fifteens“ delivered to Romania on
March 24, 1954. The national insignia in the form of the five-pointed star was used from 1949 to 1985.

44 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

KITS 02/2022

Recommended for MiG-15

72574 MiG-15 landing flaps (PE-Set)
72575 MiG-15/MiG-15bis exterior (PE-Set)
672007 MiG-15 wheels (Brassin)
672008 MiG-15 ejection seat (Brassin)
672021 MiG-15 airbrakes (Brassin)
D72007 MiG-15 / MiG-15bis stencils (obtisky)

Cat. No. 672021

Cat. No. 672008

Cat. No. 672007

Cat. No. 7057-LEPT1

Cat. No. 7058X
Product Page

Product Page

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 45

KITS 02/2022

P-51D Mustang 1/48 Cat. No. 82102

Plastic parts Eduard
Photo-etched set Re-release
Paiting mask
6 marking options

Product Page

46 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

KITS 02/2022

P-51D-15, 44-15041, flown by Lt Col. John C. Meyer, 352nd FG, 8th AF, Y-29 Asch, Belgium, December 1944
Brooklyn native John Charles Meyer finished flight training on July 26th, 1940 at the age of 21, after which he was assigned to the 33rd PS on Iceland, a unit that was
tasked with convoy escort duties, flying the P-40. After his return to the States, he was named the CO of the newly formed 487th FS, which had undergone con-
version training onto the P-47 and in June 1943 was transferred to United Kingdom, from where they performed escort missions for four engined heavy bombers
over continental Europe. In April of 1944, the unit was rearmed with the Mustang, and the number of kills attributed to Major Meyer began to rise. In November 1944,
he was named Deputy Commander of the 352nd FG, to which his own 487th FS was subordinate. Under his command, the 352nd FG was relocated to the forward
base at Asch in Belgium. On January 1st, the Luftwaffe conducted a raid on this base, and Meyer was able to get his unit in the air to counter the raid, claiming a
pair of Fw 190s in the process. These would be the last two kills that he would achieve during the war, because on January 4th, he suffered a major fracture of his
left leg, the treatment of which required his return to the United States. After the war, John Mayer remained in the military, and took part in combat in Korea, and
in Vietnam he led the Linebacker II campaign. Over the course of the Second World War, he shot down 24 enemy aircraft, and he
added another two during the Korean War. He retired a General as the head of the Strategic Air Command.
He passed away as the result of a heart attack on December 2nd, 1975.

P-51D-15, 44-15459, flown by Capt. John J. Voll, CO of 308th FS, 31st FG, 15th AF, San Severo, Italy, November 1944
John James Voll was born on May 3rd, 1922 in Cincinnati, Ohio, and he joined the Air Corps Reserve in 1942. He began his flight trai-
ning on March 8th, 1943, and after its completion, he was assigned to the 308th Fighter Squadron in May 1944, tasked with escorting
four engined heavies from bases in Italy. During these missions, he was able to down 21 enemy aircraft, and in doing so, he claimed
third spot in terms of Mustang kills and became an ace with the highest number of kills in the Mediterranean theatre. He left the
military after the war and taught at a highschool in Goshen, which was also his Alma mater. He was recalled to the military in 1948,
and he remained with the Air Force until his retirement on July 31st, 1974. He died on September 12th, 1987.

P-51D-10, 44-14221, flown by Maj. Pierce W. McKennon, CO of 335th FS, 4th FG, 8th AF, Debden, United Kingdom, April 1945
Future Second World War twelve kill ace Pierce Winnigham McKennon was born on November 30th, 1919 in Clarksville, Arkansas.
Although his ability to play the piano awarded him a scholarship at the University of Arkansas, he did not complete those studies
and in 1941, he neterred the USAAF with the wish to be a fighter pilot. After two months, however, he was let go due to his nausea,
but he refused to let go of his dream. He joined the RCAF, where he finished his training and was assigned to an Operational Trai-
ning Unit in Europe. He was reintegrated into the USAAF on February 22nd, 1943 with the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, and was assigned
to the 335th FS, armed with the P-47, which were later replaced by the phenomenal Mustang. He was not only an excellent pilot,
but due to the piano playing skills, was also a regular invitee to social functions. His final sortie came about during a squadron-
-wide raid on an air bases around Prague, when his aircraft was hit in the canopy, and a piece of Plexiglass
narrowly missed his eye. After the war, he remained with the Air Force, serving as an instructor.
He was killed on June 18th, 1947, together with a student pilot in an AT-6D near San Antonio, Texas.

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 47

KITS 02/2022

P-51D-20, 44-72218, flown by Lt Col. John D. Landers, CO of 78th FG, Duxford, United Kingdom, March 1945
John Dave Landers was born on August 23rd, 1920 in Joshua, Texas. He joined the Army Air Force in April 1941. After undergoing
pilot training, he was assigned to the 9th FS in Australia in January 1942, a unit that flew P-40s. In the Pacific theatre, he gained
six kills, and in January 1943, he was called back to the States. There, he served as a flight instructor, but by his own request, he
was reassigned to a combat unit in April 1944. That combat unit was the 38th FS based at Wormingford, which flew the P-38, re-
-equipping with the P-51 from July 1944. After being promoted to Lt Col., he took over command duties of the 357th FG, which he
led from October to December 1944. After some downtime in the United States, he returned to Great Britain and was named CO of
78th FG, holding this post until the end of the Second World War. In December 1945, he left the
military and worked in construction. He died on September 12th, 1989.

P-51D-20, 44-63607, flown by Lt Col. Glenn T. Eagleston, CO of 353rd FS, 354th FG, 9th AF, Y-64 Ober Olm, Germany, April 1945
Glenn Todd Eagleston was born on March 12th, 1921 in Farmington, Utah, and he joined the USAAF in 1940. In 1942, he underwent
flight training, after which he was first assigned to the P-39 equipped 79th FS, and then to the 353rd FS, which was transferred
to Boxted in the UK with their Mustangs in October 1943. Although being a constituent of the 9th Air Force, the unit flew escort
missions for 8th AF bombers. In the spring 1944 landing preparations, the 354th FG returned to tactical support of ground forces,
and eventually relocated to fields in liberated Europe to remain close to combat areas, and this included the 353rd FS. Squadron
command was handed over to Capt. Eagleston in October 1944, and the unit used their Thunderbolts in support of ground forces. In
mid-February, 1945, the unit went back to using the Mustang. After the Second World War, during which Glenn Eagleston amassed
18.5 kills over enemy aircraft, he remained in the Service, and took part in combat over Korea, where he shot down a pair of Soviet
MiG-15s. He retired at the end of February 1967, and died on May 7th, 1991.

P-51D-20, 44-63984, flown by Maj. James B. Tapp, CO of 78th FS, 15th FG, 7th AF, Iwojima, May 1945
During attacks on Tokyo vicinity airfields on May 25th, 1945, 7th AF Mustang pilots fired unguided HVAR rockets for the first time.
A quartet of thusly armed Mustangs was part of a force that included initially some 128 fighters, but only a mere 67 aircraft found
their mark. The flight of HVAR armed Mustangs was led by Maj. James Buckley Tapp, who hit a hangar with his rockets at Matsudo
Air Base, and then shot down a Ki-44 Tojo in combat.This would be his 7th kill, while his first four came about during the first
escort mission of Superfortresses over Japan on April 7th, 1945. These up to eight hour missions came to be known as VLR (Very
Long Range) missions, and Maj. Tapp became the first USAAF ace to gain all his kills during these VLR flights on April 12th, 1945.
With a total of eight confirmed kills and two damaged, Maj. Tapp is the second ranked Mustang pilot in the Pacific area during World
War Two. Symbols applied by the ground crew of Margaret IV on the right side of the fuselage below the cockpit further indicate
that this Mustang flew a total of nine combat missions to May 25th, 1945, during which the pilot destroyed five enemy aircraft.

48 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

KITS 02/2022

Recommended for P-51D

FE1021 P-51D seatbelts STEEL (PE-Set)
648485 P-51D exhaust stacks (Brassin) Cat. No. 648522
648486 P-51D exhaust stacks w/ fairing (Brassin)
648487 P-51D Hamilton Standard propeller (Brassin)
648494 P-51D wheels diamond tread (Brassin)
648495 P-51D undercarriage legs BRONZE (Brassin)
648503 P-51D wheels oval tread (Brassin)
648504 P-51D wheels cross tread (Brassin)
648505 P-51D wheels block tread (Brassin)
648511 P-51D wheels diamond tread 2 (Brassin)
648512 P-51D wheels rhomboid treat (Brassin)
648513 P-51D wheels pointed cross tread (Brassin)
648514 P-51D wheels grooved (Brassin)
648517 P-51D gun bays (Brassin)
648522 P-51D cockpit (Brassin)
648555 P-51D engine (Brassin)
648570 P-51D gun sights (Brassin)
648571 P-51D 75gal drop tanks (Brassin)
648572 P-51D 108gal drop tanks (Brassin)
SIN64865 P-51D ESSENTIAL (Brassin)
SIN64869 P-51D ADVANCED (Brassin)
EX663 P-51D TFace (Mask)
D48033 P-51D national insignia (Decal Set)
D48034 P-51D stencils (Decal Set)

Cat. No. 648555

Cat. No. 648503 Cat. No. 648505 Cat. No.648511 Cat. No. 648513 Cat. No. 648513

Cat. No. 82102-LEPT1

P-51D Mustang
1/48 Product Page

Cat. No. 82102X

Product Page

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 49


P-51D-15 LööK
1/32 Revell
LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard and
STEEL seatbelts for P-51D-15 in 1/32 scale.
Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Revell

Set contains:
- resin: 4 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no

Product Page

F/A-18E LööK
1/48 Meng
LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard and
STEEL seatbelts for F/A-18E in 1/48 scale.
Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Meng

Set contains:
- resin: 1 part
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no

Product Page

50 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

BRASSIN 02/2022
Su-27 LööK Product Page

1/32 Great Wall Hobby

LööK set - Brassin pre-painted dashboard and
STEEL seatbelts for Su-27 in 1/48 scale.
Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Great Wall Hobby

Set contains:
- resin: 2 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no

Z-126 Trener cockpit PRINT
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - cockpit for Z-126 Trener
in 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing.
Recommended kit: Eduard

Set contains:
- 3D print: 34 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no

Product Page

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 51

BRASSIN 02/2022
Mi-24V cockpit Product Page

1/48 Zvezda
Brassin set - cockpit for Mi-24V in 1/48 scale.
Recommended kit: Zvezda

Set contains:
- resin: 54 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details:
yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no

52 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

BRASSIN 02/2022
F-4B ejection seat late PRINT
1/48 Tamiya
Brassin set - the ejection seats for F-4B in 1/48
scale. Made by direct 3D printing. Easy to assem-
ble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Tamiya

Set contains:
- 3D print: 8 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no

Product Page

A-4 ejection seat
1/48 Hasegawa
Brassin set - the ejection seat for A-4 in 1/48
scale. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Hasegawa

Set contains:
- resin: 2 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no

Product Page

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 53

BRASSIN 02/2022
Pe-2 wheels
1/48 Zvezda
Brassin set - the undercarriage wheels for Pe-2
in 1/48 scale. The set consists of the main wheels
and a tail wheel. Easy to assemble, replaces plas-
tic parts. Recommended kit: Zvezda

Set contains:
- resin: 3 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: yes

Product Page

Bf 109G-4 wheels
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - the undercarriage wheels for
Bf 109G-4 in 1/48 scale. The set consists of the
main wheels and a tail wheel. Easy to assemble,
replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Eduard

Set contains:
- resin: 3 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: yes

Product Page

54 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

BRASSIN 02/2022
A6M2 exhausts PRINT
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - the exhaust pipes for A6M2
in 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D printing. Easy
to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Eduard

Set contains:
- 3D print: 4 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: no
- painting mask: no

Product Page

A6M2 cannon barrels & cockpit guns PRINT
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - the cannon barrels and fuselage
guns for A6M2 in 1/48 scale. Made by direct 3D
printing. Easy to assemble, replaces plastic parts.
Recommended kit: Eduard

Set contains:
- 3D print: 4 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: no

Product Page

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 55

BRASSIN 02/2022
A6M2 landing flaps PRINT
1/48 Eduard
Brassin set - the landing flaps for A6M2 in 1/48
scale. Made by direct 3D printing. Recommended
kit: Eduard

Set contains:
- 3D print: 6 parts
- decals: no
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: no

Product Page

Su-27 ejection seat
1/48 Great Wall Hobby
Brassin set - the ejection seat for Su-27 in 1/48
scale. Recommended kit: Great Wall Hobby

Set contains:
- resin: 3 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes, pre-painted
- painting mask: no

Product Page

56 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

BRASSIN 02/2022
British 1000lb free fall bombs
Brassin set - British 1000lb bombs in 1/72 scale.
The set consists of 8 bombs.

Set contains:
- resin: 16 parts
- decals: yes
- photo-etched details: yes
- painting mask: no

Product Page

A6M2 LööKplus
1/48 Eduard
Collection of 4 sets for A6M2 Zero in 1/48 scale.
Recommended kit: Eduard

- LööK set (pre-painted Brassin dashboards & Steelbelts)

- TFace painting mask
- undercarriage wheels
- the seat PRINT

Product Page

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 57

BRASSIN 02/2022

Z-126 Trener LööKplus
1/48 Eduard
Collection of 3 sets for Z-126 Trener in 1/48 scale.
Recommended kit: Eduard

- LööK set (pre-painted Brassin dashboards & Steelbelts)

- TFace painting mask
- undercarriage wheels

Product Page

58 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

BRASSIN 02/2022
Spitfire Mk.Vc ESSENTIAL
1/48 Eduard
Collection of 4 sets for Spitfire Mk.Vc in 1/48 scale.
Recommended kit: Eduard

- cockpit
- undercarriage wheels
- exhaust stacks
- undercarriage legs BRONZE

All sets included in this BIG SIN are available separately,

but with every BIG SIN set you save up to 30%.

Product Page

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 59

SPACE 02/2022

3DL32003 B-25H SPACE 1/32 HKM

Product Page

3DL32004 Remove Before Flight (white) SPACE 1/32

Product Page

3DL32005 Remove Before Flight (black) SPACE 1/32

Product Page

60 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

SPACE 02/2022

3DL48058 OV-10A SPACE 1/48 ICM

Product Page

3DL53003 IJN ensign flag WWII SPACE 1/350

Product Page

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 61

PHOTO-ETCHED February 2022
Tornado ECR
1/32 Italeri 32476 Tornado ECR exterior

32476 Tornado ECR exterior

32994 Tornado ECR interior
32995 Tornado ECR undercarriage
33293 Tornado ECR
33294 Tornado ECR seatbelts STEEL

32994 Tornado ECR interior 32476 Tornado ECR exterior

32993 Tornado ECR

62 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


Tornado ECR

Tornado ECR
seatbelts STEEL
32995 Tornado ECR undercarriage

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 63


B-25H 32477

1/32 HKM B-25H exterior

32477 B-25H exterior

32996 B-25H interior
33295 B-25H
33296 B-25H seatbelts STEEL

32996 B-25H interior

33295 B-25H 32996 B-25H interior

B-25H seatbelts STEEL

64 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


F-104S 491244 F-104S

491245 F-104S ASA
491246 F-104S ASA-M
1/48 Kinetic FE1244 F-104S
FE1245 F-104S ASA
FE1246 F-104S ASA-M
FE1247 F-104S seatbelts STEEL

491244 F-104S

491244 F-104S

491244 F-104S

491245 F-104S ASA

491245 F-104S ASA

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 65


1/35 Zvezda

66 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


A6M2 Zero
1/48 Eduard

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 67


Hs 129B
Hs 129B seatbelts STEEL


68 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

DECAL SETS 02/2022

TORA TORA TORA! 1/32 Tamiya

Cat. No. D32018 Product Page

Lt. Cdr. Shigeru Itaya, Akagi Fighter Squadron, first attack wave

c/n probably 2236, PO2c Akira Yamamoto,

Kaga Fighter Squadron, first attack wave

Lt. Masaji Suganami, Sōryū Fighter Squadron, first attack wave

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 69

DECAL SETS 02/2022

PO1c Kazuo Muranaka, Hiryū Fighter Squadron,

first attack wave

Lt. Tadashi Kaneko, Shōkaku Fighter Squadron,

first attack wave

Lt. Masao Satō, Zuikaku Fighter Squadron,

first attack wave

PO1c Tetsuzō Iwamoto, Zuikaku Fighter Squadron,

patrol during the first attack wave

Lt. Saburō Shindō, Akagi Fighter Squadron,

second attack wave

PO1c Yoshikazu Nagahama, Kaga Fighter Squadron,

second attack wave

c/n 3277, Lt. Fusata Iida, Sōryū Fighter Squadron,

second attack wave

c/n 2266, PO1c Shigenori Nishikaichi, Hiryū Fighter Squadron,

second attack wave

PO1c Yukuo Hanzawa, Shōkaku Fighter Squadron,

patrol during the second attack wave

70 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

DECAL SETS 02/2022

F-14 stencils 1/48 Tamiya

Cat. No. D48099 Product Page

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 71

All sets included in this BIG ED are available separately,
but with every BIG ED set you save up to 30%.

BIG5364 USS Intrepid CV-11 PART II 1/350 Trumpeter Product Page

53275 USS Intrepid CV-11 pt.4 1/350
53276 USS Intrepid CV-11 pt.5 1/350
53180 USN ensign flag modern STEEL 1/350

BIG33140 F/A-18F 1/32 Revell Product Page

32474 F/A-18F exterior 1/32

32992 F/A-18F interior 1/32
33291 F/A-18F seatbelts STEEL 1/32
JX282 F/A-18F 1/32
32886 Remove Before Flight STEEL

BIG49314 SBD-5 1/48 Revell Product Page

481074 SBD-5 landing flaps 1/48

491236 SBD-5 1/48
FE1237 SBD-5 seatbelts STEEL 1/48
EX047 SBD 1/48

72 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

All sets included in this BIG ED are available separately,
but with every BIG ED set you save up to 30%.

BIG49315 TBF-1C 1/48 Academy Product Page

481071 TBF-1C exterior 1/48
481072 TBF-1C landing flaps 1/48
491232 TBF-1C interior 1/48
EX819 TBF-1C 1/48
FE1233 TBF-1C seatbelts STEEL 1/48

BIG49316 P-40N 1/48 Academy Product Page

481073 P-40N landing flaps 1/48
491234 P-40N 1/48
FE1235 P-40N seatbelts STEEL 1/48
EX817 P-40N 1/48

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 73

MASKS 02/2022


JX285 Tornado ECR 1/32 Italeri
JX286 Tornado ECR TFace 1/32 Italeri
JX287 B-25H 1/32 HKM
JX288 B-25H TFace 1/32 HKM
EX828 Hs 129B TFace 1/48 Hobby 2000/Hasegawa
EX829 F-104S 1/48 Kinetic
EX830 F-104S TFace 1/48 Kinetic
EX831 P-35 1/48 Dora Wings
EX832 P-35 TFace 1/48 Dora Wings CX619
CX619 Wellington Mk.II 1/72 Airfix


EX828 EX828

JX285 JX285
JX286 JX286 JX286


JX288 JX288


EX829 EX829
EX830 EX830


EX832 EX832

74 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

February 2022
82172 Sopwith F.1 Camel (Clerget) 1/48 ProfiPACK
7099 Hurricane Mk.I 1/72 ProfiPACK
11154 Tornado ECR 1/48 Limited edition
11157 Spitfire Story: Souther Star Dual Combo 1/48 Limited edition
7057 MiG-15 (Re-release) 1/72 ProfiPACK
82102 P-51D Mustang (Re-release) 1/48 ProfiPACK

32476 Tornado ECR exterior 1/32 Italeri
32477 B-25H exterior 1/32 HKM
32994 Tornado ECR interior 1/32 Italeri
32995 Tornado ECR undercarriage 1/32 Italeri
32996 B-25H interior 1/32 HKM
36476 T-62 1/35 Zvezda
481077 A6M2 Zero 1/48 Eduard
491244 F-104S 1/48 Kinetic
491245 F-104S ASA 1/48 Kinetic
491246 F-104S ASA-M 1/48 Kinetic
491248 Hs 129B 1/48 Dora Wings

Tornado ECR 1/32 Italeri
33294 Tornado ECR seatbelts STEEL 1/32 Italeri
33295 B-25H 1/32 HKM
33296 B-25H seatbelts STEEL 1/32 HKM
FE1242 MiG-21SMT Weekend 1/48 Eduard
FE1243 Spitfire Mk.Ia Weekend 1/48 Eduard
FE1244 F-104S 1/48 Kinetic
FE1245 F-104S ASA 1/48 Kinetic
FE1246 F-104S ASA-M 1/48 Kinetic
FE1247 F-104S seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Kinetic
FE1248 Hs 129B seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Dora Wings

JX285 Tornado ECR 1/32 Italeri
JX286 Tornado ECR TFace 1/32 Italeri
JX287 B-25H 1/32 HKM
JX288 B-25H TFace 1/32 HKM
EX828 Hs 129B TFace 1/48 Hobby 2000/Hasegawa
EX829 F-104S 1/48 Kinetic
EX830 F-104S TFace 1/48 Kinetic
EX831 P-35 1/48 Dora Wings
EX832 P-35 TFace 1/48 Dora Wings
CX619 Wellington Mk.II 1/72 Airfix

BIG5364 USS Intrepid CV-11 PART II 1/350 Trumpeter
BIG33140 F/A-18F 1/32 Revell
BIG49314 SBD-5 1/48 Revell
BIG49315 TBF-1C 1/48 Academy
BIG49316 P-40N 1/48 Academy

634025 P-51D-15 LööK 1/32 Revell
644129 F/A-18E LööK 1/48 Meng
644138 Su-27 LööK 1/48 Great Wall Hobby
648680 Z-126 Trener cockpit PRINT 1/48 Eduard
648696 Mi-24V cockpit 1/48 Zvezda
648710 F-4B ejection seat late PRINT 1/48 Tamiya
648717 Su-27 ejection seat 1/48 Great Wall Hobby
648718 A-4 ejection seat 1/48 Hasegawa
648719 Pe-2 wheels 1/48 Zvezda
648720 Bf 109G-4 wheels 1/48 Eduard
648722 A6M2 exhausts PRINT 1/48 Eduard
648723 A6M2 cannon barrels & cockpit guns PRINT 1/48 Eduard
648724 A6M2 landing flaps PRINT 1/48 Eduard
672276 British 1000lb free fall bombs 1/72

644134 A6M2 LööKplus 1/48 Eduard
644139 Z-126 Trener LööKplus 1/48 Eduard

SIN64879 Spitfire Mk.Vc ESSENTIAL 1/48 Eduard

D32018 TORA TORA TORA! 1/32 Tamiya
D48099 F-14 stencils 1/48 Tamiya

3DL32003 B-25H SPACE 1/32 HKM
3DL32004 Remove Before Flight (white) SPACE 1/32
3DL32005 Remove Before Flight (black) SPACE 1/32
3DL48058 OV-10A SPACE 1/48 ICM
3DL53003 IJN ensign flag WWII SPACE 1/350

February Releases

A6M2 Zero Type 21 1/48

Cat. No. 82212

marking option B
built by Jan Novotný

76 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


PO1c Saburō Sakai, Tainan Kōkūtai, Lakunai airfield, Rabaul, New Britain island, August 1942
Saburō Sakai is best known Japanese fighter pilot, thanks to his memoirs and meetings with Allied airmen after World War II. He was born in 1916 and served
from September 1938 with the 12th Kōkūtai in China. In October 1941, he was assigned to the newly organized Tainan Kōkūtai in Taiwan and took part in campaign
heading South until he was wounded on August 7, 1942 off Guadalcanal. After recovering, he served as an instructor with Ōmura Kōkūtai, and later, despite bad
eyesight, was combat deployed with Yokosuka Kōkūtai on Iwo Jima. At the end of war he served with Kōkūtai 343 (II) and Yokosuka Kōkūtai. He is listed as an ace
with 64 victories, but Sakai himself claimed the number of his victories was lower. With the first two units he actually achieved 12 individual victories, 8 shared
and 4 probables. The V-128 was also flown by PO2c Arita and PO1c Hiroyoshi Nishizawa, who is credited with 87 victories. The color of the stripes is chosen from
Sakai's recollection, but there are other interpretations, such as a black or yellow stripe on the fuselage. During a fighter escort to Guadalcanal on August 7, Sakai
shot down Wildcat "F12" from VF-5 piloted by "Pug" Southerland in an epic dogfight. Sakai was later severely wounded in the face by fire from VB-6 Dauntless near
Tulagi Island. After nearly five hours and more than 1,000 km, he managed to land back at Rabaul.
Sakai died in 2000 after formal dinner with members of the US Navy.

648693 A6M2 wheels (Brassin)
648694 A6M2 engine PRINT (Brassin)
648695 A6M undercarriage legs BRONZE (Brassin)
648698 A6M2 seat PRINT (Brassin)
648722 A6M2 exhaust PRINT (Brassin)
648724 A6M2 langing flaps PRINT (Brassin)

Product Page

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 77


Bf 109E-7

Cat. No. 84178

marking option A
built by Patrik Pěcha

78 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


Bf 109E-7/B, 8./ZG 1, Belgorod, Soviet Union, June 1942

The III. Gruppe, of which the 8. Staffel was a part, was established in January 1942 in
Lechfeld and was equipped like the other Gruppe Zerstörergeschwader 1 with Bf 109E
aircraft. Its first deployment followed from May 1942 on the Eastern Front. Here it flew
first from Belgorod field airfield, followed by a move to Kutejnikovo airfield in July. In
August there was a further change of operation, the unit was first equipped with the
problematic Me 210s and its new area of operation was North Africa.
Like the other ZG 1 aircraft, the Messerschmitt Bf 109Es of the 8. Staffel had a wasp pain-
ted on the nose, which had originally been the marking of the SKG 210 unit, from which
the I. and II. Gruppe ZG 1 were formed by renaming in January 1942.

Product Page

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 79



Cat. No. 11152

marking option A
built by Luboš Zach
80 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

Z-226MS, OK-KND, No. 31-09, Aero Club Chomutov, Czech Republic, 2021
One of the oldest airworthy Treners has been serving with the Chomutov Aero Club since the early 90s. It was test-flown on November 29, 1956,
as the Z-226B and assigned to the Liberec County Aero Club (registered on February 26, 1957) subsequently. The Aircraft than wandered around
the "subordinate" Aero Clubs (Česká Lípa, Hodkovice and Mohelkou, Raná u Loun, Most, Chomutov...). Due to cracked main spar, it was deemed
unairworthy in 1985 and stayed grounded until 1990, when the overhaul was started. It was also converted to the Z-226M in the process. Later on,
in December 2001, the next overhaul changed the OK-KND to Z-226MS standard. For a period of time, OK-KND then flew forest fire monitoring
flights for the Fire Department (thanks to this, the county also provided funds for the overhaul and conversion). Today, the "Kanada", as is the
OK-KND nicknamed, serves for glider towing and looks as depicted in the paint scheme.

Product Page

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 81



Cat. No. 11152

built by Tomáš Török Custom decals used

82 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


Product Page

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 83


Fw 190A-2 JABO

Cat. No. BFC058

built by Josef Blažek

84 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


W. Nr. 120439, Oblt. Frank Liesendahl, CO of 10.(Jabo)/JG 2, Caen-Carpiquet, France, Summer 1942
At the end of 1941, the Luftwaffe considered a resumption of the bombing of Great Britain and coastal transport assets. It was ordered that every
fighter unit taking part in combat against Great Britain would include one Staffel for the purposes of the so-called 'hit and run' bombing missions.
This role was taken up by 10.(Jabo) Staffel within JG 2. Under the command of Oblt. Frank Liesendahl, the unit sank twenty ships for a total of
630,000 BRT of shipping in four months. Frank Liesendahl died on July 17th, 1942 during an attack against the transport vessel Brixham. He was
posthumously elevated to the rank of Hauptmann and held the Knight's Cross.
Liesendahl's aircraft carried the standard day camouflage scheme of Luftwaffe fighters consisting of RLM 74/75/76. The fox leaping over a ship
was the insignia of 10.(Jabo) Staffel. The rudder of his aircraft carried the symbols of destroyed and damaged vessels.

48971 Fw 190A-2 (PE-Set)
48972 Fw 190A-2 landing flaps (PE-Set)
648152 Fw 190 wheels early (Brassin)
648162 SC 500 German bombs (Brassin)
648366 Fw 190A propeller (Brassin)
648373 Fw 190A Pitot tubes early (Brassin)
648381 Fw 190A exhaust stacks (Brassin)
648379 Fw 190A-2 undercarriage legs BRONZE (Brassin)

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 85


1/48 Tamiya
built by Matthias Becker

86 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


F-4B exhaust nozzles PRINT (Cat. No. 648690)

F-4B wheels (Cat. No. 648682)

F-4B ejection seats late

(Cat. No. 648139)

F-4B TFace (Cat. No. EX803)

F-4B stencils (Cat. No. D48094)

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 87


built by Angelo Lodetti


648487 P-51D Hamilton Standard propeller (Brassin)
648511 P-51D P-51D wheels diamond tread 2 (Brassin)
648522 P-51D cockpit (Brassin)
648555 P-51D engine (Brassin)

88 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 89



Cat. No. 11145

marking option I
built by Jan Baranec

90 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


Bf 110C, WNr. 3285, flown by Oblt. Hans-Joachim Jabs, CO of 6./ZG 76, Le Mans, France, September 1940
Hans-Joachim Jabs was highest scoring Bf 110 ace in Battle of Britain
achieving 12 victories in addition to 7 scored earlier during Battle of
France. His preferred combat method was hit and run attack from abo-
ve. Camouflage of his Bf 110 consist of RLM 70, 71 and 65. Sharkmouth
(Haifischmaul) was marking of II./ZG 76 since pre-war period when this
unit was using Bf 109D. Commander of 6./ZG 76 for period of more than
one year was Legion Condor veteran Hptm. Heinz Nacke (12 victories,
awarded with Knight Cross). He was injured in combat with RAF figh-
ters on August 30th and Jabs was placed as temporary commander of
6. Staffel followed by permanent appointment in October 1940. During
same month Jabs was also decorated with Knight Cross. In late 1941
his Staffel was trained for night fighter operations and was renamed
as 9./NJG 3. He later led also 11./NJG 1 and IV./NJG 1. In March 1944
he became Kommodore of whole Nachtjagdgeschwader 1
and received Oak Leaves in addition to Knight Cross.
Jabs scored 50 victories in 510 missions.

644076 Bf 110C LööK (Brassin)
648052 Bf 110 C/D main undercarriage wheels (Brassin)
648085 MG 15 gun (2 pcs) (Brassin)
648602 Bf 110C/D radio equipment (Brassin)
648607 Bf 110C/D/E exhaust stacks (Brassin)

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 91

MARCH 2022

BIG ED (March)
BIG33141 P-51D 1/32 Revell
BIG49317 OV-10A 1/48 ICM
BIG49318 F-14A late 1/48 Tamiya
BIG72168 C-130J-30 PART I 1/72 Zvezda
BIG72169 C-130J-30 PART II 1/72 Zvezda
BIG33141 BIG49317


644140 F-104S LööK 1/48 Kinetic

644141 F-104 ASA LööK 1/48 Kinetic
644142 F-104 ASA/M LööK 1/48 Kinetic
644143 Z-526AFS LööK 1/48 Eduard
648692 A6M2 Zero Model 21 cockpit PRINT 1/48 Eduard
648716 F-4B refueling probe PRINT 1/48 Tamiya
648728 F-4B airbrakes PRINT 1/48 Tamiya
648729 Z-326/526 wheels 1/48 Eduard
648730 Mi-24D conversion set PRINT 1/48 Zvezda
648731 A6M2 Zero Model 21 folding wingtips PRINT 1/48 Eduard
648732 F-4B tail hook PRINT 1/48 Tamiya
648733 Z-526AFS cockpit PRINT 1/48 Eduard
648734 CH-47A wheels 1/48 Hobby Boss
648735 OV-10 wheels 1/48 ICM
672278 British 1000lb retarded bombs w_960 fuse 1/72

LöökPlus (March)
634026 P-51D-15 LööKplus 1/32 Revell
644144 Su-27 LööKplus 1/48 Great Wall Hobby
644145 F/A-18E LööKplus 1/48 Meng

BIGSIN (March)
SIN64880 OV-10A Air to Ground 1/48 ICM
SIN64881 F-14A late AtA/AtG 1/48 Tamiya

644140 F-104S LööK 1/48 Kinetic

92 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

MARCH 2022

644141 F-104 ASA LööK 1/48 Kinetic

644142 F-104 ASA/M LööK 1/48 Kinetic


INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 93

MARCH 2022

644143 Z-526AFS LööK 1/48 Eduard

648692 A6M2 Zero Model 21 cockpit PRINT 1/48 Eduard

94 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

MARCH 2022

648716 F-4B refueling probe PRINT 1/48 Tamiya

648728 F-4B airbrakes PRINT 1/48 Tamiya

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 95

MARCH 2022

648729 Z-326/526 wheels 1/48 Eduard

648730 Mi-24D conversion set PRINT 1/48 Zvezda

96 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

MARCH 2022

648731 A6M2 Zero Model 21 folding wingtips PRINT 1/48 Eduard

648732 F-4B tail hook PRINT 1/48 Tamiya

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 97

MARCH 2022

648733 Z-526AFS cockpit PRINT 1/48 Eduard

648734 CH-47A wheels 1/48 Hobby Boss

98 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

MARCH 2022

648735 OV-10 wheels 1/48 ICM

672278 British 1000lb retarded bombs w_960 fuse 1/72

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 99

MARCH 2022

634026 P-51D-15 LööKplus 1/32 Revell

Collection of 4 sets for P-51D-15 in 1/32 scale.

Recommended kit: Revell

- LööK set (pre-painted Brassin dashboards & Steelbelts)

- TFace painting mask
- undercarriage wheels
- exhaust stacks

100 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

MARCH 2022

644144 Su-27 LööKplus 1/48 Great Wall Hobby

Collection of 4 sets for Su-27 in 1/48 scale.

Recommended kit: Great Wall Hobby

- LööK set (pre-painted Brassin dashboards & Steelbelts)

- TFace painting mask
- undercarriage wheels
- ejection seat


INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 101

MARCH 2022

644145 F/A-18E LööKplus 1/48 Meng

Collection of 4 sets for F/A-18E in 1/48 scale.

Recommended kit: Meng

- LööK set (pre-painted Brassin dashboards & Steelbelts)

- TFace painting mask
- undercarriage wheels
- ejection seat

102 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

MARCH 2022

SIN64880 OV-10A Air to Ground 1/48 ICM

Collection of 4 sets for OV-1A in 1/48 scale. The armament for

air-to-ground missions. Recommended kit: ICM

- LAU-10/A ZUNI rocket launchers

- Mk.77 bombs
- Mk.81 bombs
- Mk.82 bombs

All sets included in this BIG SIN are available separately,

but with every BIG SIN set you save up to 30%.


Mk.77 bombs

Mk.82 bombs

Mk.81 bombs

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 103

MARCH 2022

SIN64881 F-14A late AtA/AtG 1/48 Tamiya

Collection of 6 sets for F-14A in 1/48 scale. The armament

for air-to-air and air-to-ground missions. Recommended kit: Tamiya

- AIM-9L/M missiles
- AIM-54C Phoenix missiles
- AIM-7M Sparrow missiles
- GBU-12 bomb
- Mk.82 bombs AIM-9M/L Sidewinder
All sets included in this BIG SIN are available separately,
but with every BIG SIN set you save up to 30%.

AIM-7M Sparrow

Mk.82 bombs

AIM-54C Phoenix

GBU-12 bomb


104 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

PE-Sets, Masks, Decal sets and SPACE
MARCH 2022

36477 Panzer II Ausf.F 1/35 Academy
481078 Mi-24D cargo interior 1/48 Trumpeter
491249 Su-27 1/48 Great Wall Hobby
491251 SR-71A 1/48 Revell
491253 F/A-18F 1/48 Meng
491255 Mi-24D 1/48 Trumpeter
72719 Wellington Mk.II bomb bay 1/72 Airfix
72720 Wellington Mk.II landing flaps 1/72 Airfix
73764 F-4D 1/72 Fine Molds
73765 P-51B/C 1/72 Arma Hobby
73766 Wellington Mk.II 1/72 Airfix

FE1249 Su-27 1/48 Great Wall Hobby
FE1250 Su-27 seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Great Wall Hobby
FE1251 SR-71A 1/48 Revell
FE1252 SR-71A seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Revell
FE1253 F/A-18F 1/48 Meng
FE1254 F/A-18F seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Meng
FE1255 Mi-24D 1/48 Trumpeter
FE1257 Mi-24D seatbelts STEEL 1/48 Trumpeter
SS764 F-4D 1/72 Fine Molds
SS766 Wellington Mk.II 1/72 Airfix

EX833 Z-526AFS Akrobat TFace 1/48 Eduard
EX834 Vampire F.3 1/48 Airfix
EX835 Vampire F.3 TFace 1/48 Airfix
EX836 SR-71A 1/48 Revell
EX837 SR-71A TFace 1/48 Revell
EX838 Su-27 1/48 Great Wall Hobby
EX839 Su-27 TFace 1/48 Great Wall Hobby
EX840 F/A-18F 1/48 Meng
EX841 F/A-18F TFace 1/48 Meng
EX842 Mi-24D 1/48 Trumpeter
EX843 Mi-24D TFace 1/48 Trumpeter
CX620 P-51B/C 1/72 Arma Hobby
CX621 F-4D 1/72 Fine Molds
CX622 Fw 190D-9 1/72 IBG

D48100 A6M2 national insignia 1/48 Eduard
D48101 Spitfire Mk.V national insignia 1/48 Eduard

3DL48059 SR-71A SPACE 1/48 Revell
3DL48060 Z-526AFS Akrobat 1/48 Eduard
3DL53004 Royal Navy ensign flags 1/350
3DL53005 Royal Navy ensign flags (cruiser/destroyers) 1/350

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 105


Z-526AFS Akrobat
Cat. No. 82184


SP-CSU, s/n 1226, Piotr Haberland, Żelazny Aerobatic Group,

Zielona Góra airfield, Poland, mid 2007

OK-CXA, v. č. 1218, Jiří Kobrle, Jičín Aero Club,

Czechoslovakia, 1975

I-IOIO, s/n 1330, Silvio Bellei, Sassuolo airfield, Italy, 1994

OK-CXC, s/n 1220, Olomouc Aero Club, Czech Republic, 2011

OK-ERE, s/n 1307, Točná Aero Club, Slaný airfield,

Czech Republic, 2014

106 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


KOREA Dual Combo

Cat. No. 11161

F-51D-30, 45-11705, Lt. Robert H. Dewald, 35th FBS,

8th FBG, Seoul City AB (K-16), Korea,
December 1950

F-51D-25, 44-73073, Lt. Daniel E. Parr, 12th FBS,

18th FBG, Pusan East AB (K-9),
Korea, summer 1951

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 107


KOREA Dual Combo

F-51D-30, 44-74597, Maj. Murrit H. Davis,

CO of 39th FIS, 18th FBG, Seoul City AB (K-16),
Korea, August 1951

F-51D-30, 44-74651, Col. William H. Clark,

CO of 18th FBG, Hoengsong AB (K-46),
Korea, July 1952

RF-51D-25, 44-84840, Lt. Frank M. Ward,

45th TRS, 67th TRG, Taegu AB (K-2),
Korea, July 1951

RF-51K-10, 44-12237, Lt. Watts/Lt. Taylor,

45th TRS, 67th TRG, Kimpo AB (K-14),
Korea, 1952

108 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


KOREA Dual Combo

RF-51D-25, 44-84837, Lt. Grover J. Isbell,

45th TRS, 67th TRG, Kimpo AB (K-14),
Korea, 1952

F-51D-30, 44-74629, Col. Dean E. Hess, ROKAF,

Seoul City AB (K-16), Korea, October 1950

F-51D-25, A68-809 (45-11474),

W/Cdr Louis T. Spence,
CO of No. 77 Squadron RAAF, Iwakuni,
Japan, August 1950

P-51D-30, 44-74863, No. 2 „Flying Cheetahs“ Squadron SAAF,

Chinhae AB (K-10), Korea, 1952

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 109

MARCH 2022

USS Arizona
1/350 Cat. No. LN01

110 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


USS Arizona

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 111



Cat. No. 7459

MiG-15, 0615334, Maj. V. I. Kolyadin, 28 GIAP,

151 GIAD, 64 IAK, Mukden, China,
December 1950

MiG-15, No. 141303, 3 Fighter Air Regiment,

Brno-Tuřany, ca. 1958

MiG-15, s/n 231611, Romanian Air Force,

Late 1950s

EP-01, LtCol. Jozef Kúkel, 1 Fighter Air Division,

Hradec Králové, Ruzyně, September 4, 1955

112 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


Spitfire Mk.IXc

1/48 Cat. No. 84183

MJ291, F/O Otto Smik, No. 310 (Czechoslovak) Squadron,

RAF Appledram, West Sussex, United Kingdom,
June 1944

MH883, F/Lt George F. Beurling, No. 412 Squadron RCAF,

RAF Biggin Hill, United Kingdom, December 1943 – April 1944

MJ628, W/Cdr Daniel A. R. G. le Roy du Vivier,

CO of No. 324 Wing, Italy, May 1944

Maj. Garth B. Jared, CO of 309th FS, 31st FG, 12th AF,

Pomigliano/Castel Volturno base, Italy, 1943/1944

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 113


Bf 109G-14
Cat. No. 82118


Bf 109G-14/U4, W. Nr. 512382, flown by Lt. H. Schlick,

4./ JG 77, Schönwalde, Germany, November 1944
Bf 109G-14/U4, flown by Hptm. E. Hartmann, 4./ JG 52,
Csór, Hungary, October 1944

Bf109G-14, flown by Oblt. R. Schlegel, CO of 10./ JG 4,

Jüterbog – Damm, Germany, March 1945

Bf 109G-14, W. Nr. 464534, EJG 2, Pilsen,

Czechoslovakia, May 1945

Bf 109G-14, W. Nr. 464380, flown by Magg. M. Bellagambi, CO of 5a Squadriglia,

2o Gruppo Caccia, Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana, Osoppo, Italy, March 1945

114 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022


How We Missed Nuremberg...Again Jan Zdiarský

The first Tuesday of February, or the last unusual situation and the
of January, has for us meant for many ye- opportunities it brought us in the end was
ars assembling a collection of built models attractive to us and we did not withdraw
and accessories, boxes of new releases, our participation. This was despite justi- 2019
a coffee maker, promotional items, our fied doubts about the ultimate significance
Sunday bests and ourselves to put them of the effort required to attend. Any doubts
on, and many other items, and taking it all were immediately answered by the virus in
to Hall Number Seven of the Mecca that is its new form. At the beginning of January,
the Nuremberg Exhibition Center. This is the organizers canceled the event. After the
a paradise of toys and model making, which cancellation of last year at this time, we fi-
cannot be imagined by those who have not gured that surely, the worldwide situation
see it with their own eyes, and that became would definitely be resolved by now, and
our home for almost a week, a week filled this year‘s fair would no doubt take place.
with negotiations with dealers and distribu- Evidently, there is little point in guessing
tors, other manufacturers and model jour- when you don’t have the right information,
nalists. In recent years, a press conference or a functional crystal ball.
covering upcoming news hosted by Eduard Among the preparations that we still had to support of the boss on the idea of a the-
for the given year has become a part of this undertake when we still thought we were me built around the Trener instead, i.e. an
event. coming was the concept of the appearan- environment based on a Czech Aeroclub.
This is what a description of the move to ce of our stand, i.e., a roofless cubicle with In its preparation, I enjoyed the prospect of
Nuremberg looks like every year. Every an area of 54 sq. meters. You may be aware spending the week in the oasis that is the
year, until, that is, last year….and alas, also that for several years now, the exterior and Nuremberg Toy Fair, despite the goings on
this year. Last year, the International Toy especially the interior of Eduard‘s stand in the outside world, and the ‘feel’ that wou-
Fair – Spielwarenmesse was cancelled due has been transformed along thematic lines, ld be evoked by the the scent of dried grass,
to the on-going coronavirus pandemic and which have always aroused great interest engine oil and a drop of high-octane gaso-
moved to the summer. That this idea was among visitors. Over time, topics such as line, all accents that would make my little
not met with a lot of enthusiasm was of lit- the RCF airport from the First World War, corner of an aeroclub hangar complete. But,
tle surprise and doesn’t need much empha- a concrete Czechoslovak Army structure as it happens, the Lord giveth, and the Lord
sizing. And so, even the planned summer with a MiG-21, a USAAF fighter unit officer’s taketh away. In the end, everything turned
event was cancelled with no replacement club with a P-51D somewhere in England out differently. Instead of a report from this
announced. and a pilot’s shack of a Czechoslovak fighter year‘s edition of the Eduard stand, we are
squadron of the RAF all were themes that relegated to offering you at least some pho-
After a one-year hiatus, we were really lo- tos from the topics of previous years.
oking forward to this year‘s fair, especially were covered.
to the meetings with many of our partners The new Zero and the Czechoslovak Trener After the unfortunate cancellation of this
from all over the world, with whom we have aircraft offered us theme possibilities for year’s event, the organizers have opted to
this opportunity to catch up at Nuremberg this year. I honestly admit that I would have go to a virtual format, and have invited us to
on a regular basis. However, as the win- great difficulty with the idea of a Japanese participate. This is not an optimal solution
ter weeks progressed, many of them be- Air Force theme. In enhancing our theme for Eduard. For us, the main attraction of
gan to withdraw their participation, and in inspired stand and its atmosphere, we use the event was the physical getting together,
this context we also carefully considered a number of period artifacts, and even and will eagerly anticipate the next time we
whether participation made sense for us with an aviation museum at my disposal, I can do that. Let’s hope this is the last year
in the absence of many of those we actua- still have nothing from which to draw Ja- it doesn’t happen.
lly go there to see. However, the idea of an panese items. I was pleased to garner the

2019 2020


INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 115


2020 2020

2020 2020

116 eduard INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022

INFO Eduard - FEBRUARY 2022 eduard 117

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