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Enormous College Medan

Jalan Darat No 87/105, Kelurahan Petisah Hulu,

Kecamatan Medan Baru, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara
Telpon : 061-88814088
email : [email protected]

1. The tulip tree is native to the 8. Natural selection is defined as the
eastern United States, _____ the process _______ the course of
tallest and largest broadleaf tree. evolution by preserving those
a. where traits best adapted for an
b.where it is organism’s survival.
c. it is where a. to which directs
d. is where b. of which directs it
2. Gourds were introduced(A) to c. directs it
what is now the southwestern d. that directs
United States by earliest people(B) 9. The chief sources of B12, a water
whom are(C) migrated north(D) soluble vitamin ____ stored in the
from Mesoamerica about 7000 body, include meat, milk and eggs.
years ago. a. is not
3. Glint was a(A) favored material of b. that is not
prehistoric humans, which(B) used c. not that is
it to make(C) tools and weapons, d. that not
because it would chip into(D) 10. The outer(A) layer of the heart,
shapes with sharp edges. called(B) the pericardium,
4. Ohio, the center of ____ the forms(C) a sac in what(D) the heart
Hopewell culture, has the greatest lies.
concentration of ancient burial 11. For each(A) enzyme reaction, there
mounds in the United States. is(B) an optimum temperature
a. called which(C) maximum effeciency(D)
b. what is called is achieved.
c. that is called 12. Lyndon B. Johnson was(A) the
d. called only United States President
5. Lumber production(A) was the who(B) oath of office(C) was
main industry(B) in Michigan until administered(D) by a woman
the early(C) 1900’s, which(D) the Judge Sarah Tighman Hughes.
automobile industry was 13. Charles Bullfinch was the
established in Detroit. architect(A) who design(B) the
6. Norman Rockwell was a original(C) red brick core of the(D)
meticulous artist who(A) paintings State House in Boston.
portrayed(B) family incidents and 14. The art works of Madlyn-Ann
well-defined characters(C) with a Woolwhich are characterized by
wealth of supporting details(D). strong, dark colors and fine
7. Thomas Paine, _____ , wrote attention to patterns of light ____
Common Sense, a pamphlet that the viewer’s eyes.
identified the American colonies a. that attract
with the cause of liberty. b. when attracted
a. writer of eloquent c. which attraction
b. whose eloquent writing d. attract to
c. an eloquent writer 15. According(A) to classical
d. writing eloquent musical(B) tradition, the term
“sonata” is given to those
works(C) are written for solo piano
Enormous College Medan
Jalan Darat No 87/105, Kelurahan Petisah Hulu,
Kecamatan Medan Baru, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara
Telpon : 061-88814088
email : [email protected]

or for a solo wind or stringed The sum total of these constitute what
instrument(D). may be called the archaeological
16. Contemporary film directors, some record. This record exhibits certain
of them(A) write the scripts for, act peculiarities and deficiencies the
in, and even(B) produce their own consequences of which produce a
motion(C) pictures, are thereby rather superficial contrast between
assuming(D) ever more control of archaeological history and the more
their art. familiar kind based upon written
17. _____ composed traditionally has records.
been a subject of debate among
scholars. Not all human behavior fossilizes.
a. Were ballads how The words I utter and you hear as
b. Ballads were how they vibrations in the air are certainly
c. How ballads that were human changes in the material world
d. How ballads were and may be of great historical
18. The black-billed cuckoo has been significance. Yet they leave no sort of
known to steal eggs ____ to other trace in the archaeological records
birds. unless they are captured by a
a. belong dictaphone or written down by a
b. which belonging clerk. The movement of troops on the
c. which they belong battlefield may "change the course of
d. that belong history", but this is equally ephemeral
19. Gwendolyn Brooks, which(A) won from the archaeologist's standpoint.
a Pullitzer Prize for Poetry in 1950, What is perhaps worse, most organic
had(B) 75 poems(C) published by materials are perishable. Everything
the time she was(D) twenty. made of wood. hide wool. linen. grass
20. Members of a nation’s foreign hair. and similar materials will decay
service represent(A) that country’s and vanish in dust in a few years or
interests abroad(B) and report centuries, save under very exceptional
on(C) the conditions, trends, and conditions. In a relatively brief period
policies of the country which the archaeological record is reduced
they(D) are stationed. to mere scraps of stone. bone, glass.
metal, and earthenware. Still modern
Archaeology is a source of archaeology, by applying appropriate
history, not just a humble auxiliary techniques and comparative methods.
discipline. Archaeological data are aided by a few lucky finds from peat
historical documents in their own bogs. deserts. and frozen soils. is able
right, not mere illustrations to written to fill up a good deal of the gap.
texts. Just as much as any other 21. What is the author's main purpose
historian. an archaeologist studies in the passage?
and tries to reconstitute the process (A) To point out the importance of
that has created the human world in recent advances in archaeology
which we live-and us ourselves in so (B) To describe an archaeologist’s
far as we are each creatures of our age education
and social environment. (C) To explain how archaeology is a
Archaeological data are all changes in source of history
the material world resulting from (D) To encourage more people to
human action or. more succinctly. the become archaeologists
fossilized results of human behavior.
Enormous College Medan
Jalan Darat No 87/105, Kelurahan Petisah Hulu,
Kecamatan Medan Baru, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara
Telpon : 061-88814088
email : [email protected]

22. According to the passage. the

archaeological record consists of
(A) spoken words of great
historical significance
(B) the fossilize results of human
(C) organic materials
(D) ephemeral ideas
23. The word "they" in line 13 refers to
(A) scraps
(B) words
(C) troops
(D) humans
24. Which of the following is NOT
mentioned as an example of an
organic material?
(A) Stone
(B) Wool
(C) Grass
(D) Hair
25. The author mentions all of the
following archaeological discovery
sites EXCEPT
(A) urban areas
(B) peat bogs
(C) very hot and dry lands
(D) earth that has been frozen

Kunci Jawaban :

1. b
2. c
3. b
4. b
Enormous College Medan
Jalan Darat No 87/105, Kelurahan Petisah Hulu,
Kecamatan Medan Baru, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara
Telpon : 061-88814088
email : [email protected]

5. d
6. a
7. c
8. d
9. b
10. d
11. c
12. b
13. b
14. a
15. c
16. a
17. d
18. d
19. a
20. d
21. c
22. b
23. b
24. a
25. a

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