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FM-lab Record
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Maturi Venkata Subba Rao Engineering College (M.V.S.R. Engineering College) (es10-189) (Affiliated to Osmania University) Nadergul P.O., Balapur (Mal), Hyderabad - 501 510. TELANGANA ISO 9001:2015 Certified onan @ cyl Department of : fol ie Name of the Laboratory : Flufol Mechant Roll Number : DY4S]— 21 —138- Ol = we 2h war toner: HTML sone — INDEX a Date Sagan orace! [Romar] Conducted | ‘Submitted From - To Marks initial io] 4123 14 ft0/2>-402.- OF a H [ao)>r-| 23 Mol» u- 1g | Ot Ces 1a[n[r-['S- 14 | O8 1 ett (23 o5[tt 2-425 -24. oF 35 [in b>} ot rol? 14-35 og |==T] == | ea 202>- 202 9s [>f23/nir2-|31- 35 | 08 si 3 hvp>| 3olirh2|39- 41 Ox eal io pip ‘30 fyb] veJo>>|4a-St | OF ae 0b [oy>3 polot/ar}S3- $3 | ©F | ee | Reuynola'e enperinunte tHarte of Observations: 7 Water ___—_,— | | Head over | © ¥ evordiente Jaleo onto | ane —_t(edieg | Orie ee | | - 1 | p20 ovary | ONU> > 2.5 | z | 2 ows head onus | oo pra | | | 7 3 | Og Loyo7 | Orbe | or 2b 4 oyys ou foez | oY ban s | oyey [O44 Owe | Oo! Zu Oy b o-war | or4sb | orem | ov) roa aspaextodEXP. No. Page No. : ‘7 Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MSR) Engineering College Date: Cireutay Orifice Aim =To_detevmine_tne. totfficten’ 0}. clincharge. coctkicfent 2} velotiLy—and.co4}ficienb cf —__ Contraction hor the flow in drculay orifice Apparatus * feate ‘top_watch font, col Pieyomibr., Vednity calipers X-¥ codvdlinabe. Meawurement toeftion Totyoduction & Bowe tauatiin Oritter Gre _tvallss enaployed tn dischooat Ine. flour tts cao emptying. the container The top edge tre pvipice 7 S bef u vy] “The clever on Ine baile of thet dige, shape and dischana, pnd Hons. Co etFicent of dierh C2 Oy | Be Actual dischovoe Ox =ART - oy whee As oven fcollecktng, tank = 060¢ mM Re Rise-oh wabey Nectang tamk = Ol T= Tin taken pv vive ef i i k= TheoeticaL Mischavg te. Oz ca04 He = Qvap 9 ORY see where. As ove wectfonal pea of office = 0108 ra He He ee the Comber of Ovi ties er| coefpidet oF veloctly (Cy) = tquome anot 2°) yak wh, =X _toddinate of ihe povabolic waters fet Y=¥ codtfinae of the pwabolic abt jets Hie Herd ob unter nace ccl above tht Conder of _ wife,1 | eadovny [emat [reorient Coticink Co ys ls | aithage @, he Ai SCDerne dhe] a BS ice Oe |e ae ohne [NE | ews | Pee? "| Geo veeed | tad, tO. | 2 < ob | 1 024 [Seance | ye sax 1% ce aa | | | | a oe —y | b-b60 | Ore | xe | Orsuu oa ous | 2:28 ro | FO \. | | | 0.76! 10249) | o-osg lee a) Tae | Cece | | | OCIS | O.9cr|0:€9>| 0-440] B | oye | acy 1589) Say eto | -4 |io. be ; | onysq| a e6rr0-4 [saxon | 09% lovee || Hy | OSX | \ | = oy | © 2%¥ 10 0-972 Ovaucl | Our) 210 Ay ° 8ic|o.c04 | eh |EXP, NO. Page No. : 0% Rey ‘Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (VSR) Englneering College Ne Date: Betty WM C= Gitv thew Ce = feck : b Frocedture * ) The dfamneten Hh the entice. th ewamured 2Y The pfeyemutra, Wadi Yerpordhn a, tivelaw onitice fe reamed: CH) BY Watey fe atlowed fato Supply tank fy opening the xegulating alve in thé Supply —pipe d Pie gometev Veadlng fr supply frank tt onted. iy canrresporedi 4 SHod4 Hou (Hy) Head Ae care is deterrcined oy HeWs-th, Mey the Hoo dabilicey ard by coma the dy time 6 noted toy Say \Ounk ise. ok LaAbery iin calling tank. > Note the Hadtrgs toy ae Lorrdinabe points of the parabolt ek of walabow Loy Sliding palnkew Age -) the tneovett, eu ' ey By sub stitublrey the Valvos Of Op Onde Qt lalinad above Cy te calculated AY the experiment {6 tepeated FV ditteent discharges » | ima Cale Data Sheet Data ) be noted $ 1) Diameter ok civewlor often {1S Mm 2) Accetevation cline to jrondiby * 48] m/e 8) prea of colle cing tank. 10% fm Are of fet sd = my ‘ | where d+ fhe diameleyy ale fo thick a Actrale discrenge Qn 2(ArRD/4 = t a0 x17 m/sec| ves [lM | ycay | 2206 | Ds S08 Ob OAV vs ea UnsVre 989 er v | | e622 Jrsere Beas | | | | Arp) PO) <4 BY Orne ec ee qa : | rez? | | | | | yer \s sue | SIF | ua tering 90 point wy The Vee | fn ooh |» or (rer9.525) | | | (6d O93) ‘ | Ware | yeena [Owrs emia | © = Slope OF Met ae elas tyre 2s oi Ca ee ' (vs feo) Nog Yeves) Kew 225 tae keh adegEXP. No. 73. Page Noe: 07 @& Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineoring Collage a XY Date: Re Rice of watey fn mvawsring lank fo is time taken fn see For aise Op bono el Themeticat Micharae Qa ca x Vogt m3/cce. 1 Gi = Qn /Qr = 0-6cr 2+ CO-eFricent of Velocity Cv = Square Pook OY Ty YH) 3. CO FF icent 0} contraction = Cd/ey = O8Fy Rete’ Average ¢xperfnental Cr valine = 0-664 2° From Graph Ca vale = y Comments fy.) W The Co¢kpieient oy dischorhe vowi es From 0-6! Osh Fret Mele Chavp Aged oriFics) dtechnging watt) an ovetage 4 Veluwe Of 0°62 ro 0-62 te expecter- Precort ona” {Contant heack Ghoul be axcertened befove Leak tog the reading $V _& afven Deapataselncy Value opening Vv 2 the vite fn the tent should be mwa sta yet capper, the teomk 4 Bw appr oxinateg Mis nue Questions: ) Exp iin vena = Contracts and Ti cignificance % IA) Veno contracto te dhe paint Mm a finfd Sheam where He dicwmebrr Of “the Shean f. ane least. ¢} Fait vetocily fe ate woximumy och Ty Ae cane O\-&_ thy ean i Luvin rok Of O nore» by clausity fawloun -lypes oon iiices: ? Rectameywloy ony ices ? Crxenbosy Oriya Trfomgqulaw WieEXP, NO. Page No. Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MSR) Engineering College Date: S)ulhy Cy of an orifice te lower Man the mouth piece Losses fh) oitine moky ave moe Ab Hye Ove no Anerste §_divergent’ Comes eth Atfeve the coelvicient oh discharg? ic teu, Widaite the Fmmula- fev divhenge 6) Submerged mili Cy eb Ue Hy) « Vag P= HL= Dijpevence 1 Level of wnbt His Hetghr oy watey abo the top ok ine iff om Me Lap shrenm Silt Ms = Height of water cloove the &e dom chtam Side 8) Obtain the relation chip wo Gy ob tne Mite on the Cy and Ce" ty eve TE Your brow coele 4h poo /wlaciteylCu] you will be Able } f 1D Gluwabe cout oh dicharge (4). once Crs knod D Wat do you meen oy cored cients Bh Tedietence Are “Temp poe} (erent Of esd Sdomce is qenevally debind as. ine change im elechyical veMmerennce of aubttante wile nese ct. AD_pere degree Chana? fn temp LeBanos pe 4eL Beto three. Tat) Coling tha = oo se 0+} fie eee OL Cdleeting tent DCm (et? coat! Dreamin Rie [time ta tthvele [rin Lees | et A [aii Pateae Peelonoy (eee | SENS [eaten wadevfr) [welder gal | | 2e-ees acta | 2 | ~ lage toy 0ST = feel 7 12 fire [ey ae] lord | | 6 : rt yy Vane [oben ee 7 | 2 3014 [sean A . if : [ie | "ye | @ | | | pF fates heavy | | ———__L__ + | ipo rep :| \ | Hi Hhte leecd fi ‘D2P. x0. ; Page No. : |} ye ‘Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College Date: Bernouttts Heoren Aton. i To Verity the Bernoulli: eqyetion Appavatat 1 Sole, ctoprateh comectivg tank g, Bevnonltds y rrhoductten 2 Prete eqpation: The Bermonttis equation FAV incompaible Fluid ov? Shake Wal the Sum of the ehereie pe unit wiahb die tO § f =| : vale ry , Pressure _¢, dete veneiv) Conttanb Hy Gedy Hon. Cis) + CP 7g) + 2) = fw) avhogh 2.4 He Cw) e Plw)= Preuve hed ab Metton Wie W7/29) 4 QP /aq) = velvetty heads ob section 1 Zi dzy = datum beads ak Sectim 1p Here heodt bOSs ue +o Friction y Adiual discharge Qp = ART Cem {ceed wwheve ) Ache ove, of the collecting tank Com?) Re Rise of artew Mn the colle Hing tomk Com) qetime talcen FV a Speckic ise RW the collecting tank's) Proadure > arate $c blond ty Flow én tne Bovnoublfe ley vpening the requlabing value ‘inthe suphy tanle vbtLuv the Flovg Chai\iys ema becomes Stow Ahe pieso metoy Feeding ove Nolet D tine is Woled Fev Ro ont aise oF i i _ ane collecting Fang ant atual dischorge ft catonteded The section velocity ard velocity hunt & caterntated > By sub stinking the Valais oy Velocity Meck» pretsuie— + head $ thkum head the Lobel herd th paletated -Detailed Epeaorer Calented ion + >Dicrnsion of collecting tore 178 an S Cle mata of Collerting dank Ca). o.9e xm" grins FB Pike wonder Fr collecting tank (1) = 2)» LY Kite & collecting tank .(2) jp asim y Actual dischnye CO de ARs = VEEK IO we > YS Owea Duk Ceetim nv } tay < YAO bx Wo bene tyion$ SVelouty ef Flow through chil SeeHon(y) = Qy J, be 4 . ~ Ors mise * Vrlociy head = faq (0-253 el aniaseee reyes et DY Gy 7 Wieden level acing Gr thE piegundew habe CmrmMeted bp lne Ke dvtt wer co = preveuve head CP fa) < 2e4vI97> mm’ Newes dedun hed x -0 Terel heed ab dak eetin 90g testy 14 S00 yy 9 = orream (ay AE en& page Ha. 3 €@) Malu! Vonkata Subla Roo (MVSR) Englnoetlng College Deo tt mata Dato: P The Cxperfmrnt Te repeated Teh etiifevent Afcchew pa 1h the Bevnoutis mpperater + ——_ Steaty jlo ehoutel be acer tain cele = [|Comments ! [The tole energies of section Heat Lose we to sEiction Ce neq \eqitte- Precedations? eve _Alwwdl ay Ihe 2. Plepomeln reeartirgit thou le nolect_wiithowt 4_ 2av0r" Remus 88-8 1 4 S108) xg? = 0+ Sa5m WY = 38-8 orn Quections = Dhan will be tne TEL heriznial and hy 7 2) tAlhat owe the baie Athum pions iy cleviving slbe enngy ¢ tation) ® Wihed Tt kinutle energy Correction jackin and fle Slgnth jen ting: Whak O mediita Form op PRemouttils egTite Sheet sh I0 D-Cige 8] Colle ettng dank | bY o - pd ayea ay Collects dente ¢ toanem ca oh ad Aven Ve Nolen Leet : t > a ‘ Nays OEM” LS Pie op water Te collecting’ + 20 a be Pee er ine’ lime Fry] meebo ye ok Pininy | On every | Serie d | fet I a viaath 5° | wake Bo jan they oo (ea [es Wo eM aE ee a | Lames fyear [oa | tO | 3 7™ ase EFL o- 5s | | | | | ee yey [awe | io e bo NaI rIHy) Ons» Sw [year] acer] 12 |e bE | raze a2tontorrey | | ' | 14 jz. go | P hyse | & LYMM | a, co€ THA |S MEH Once, | | | ¥ 18.83 to Jysse te | estoy! | fe Ieo> Ce eae is ne : to | | | | beaniva tvanmy Cob 2 Arne OY V-Nokeh = 60 Zeno Heo Reoding Hye tec im 7 Readuack Sheady tow ovew Y~nioich Ys £4000 cr 1 ] 5S leo | | /EXP. NO. Page to: atu Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engnceing College Dato : V- Notch ¢ Ninn _* To deteymine the Co-elfidients of dfechenqe- Fey the jtow Ma v= notch Appaval ut? cele, Stop watch , Piezometer tubse ) Colle otfing tank, open channetpihed wiih V-notch g pointer qauce Inotheduction ¢ Basic Equation = N0tch Fe Used Fey measading low discherae More cowrcerety wohich eve not possible ult) a rectangulyr Dotch The Fe_okviow be cause tne vecbanquiew Notch has with Wheve 4 the width Of A V-nortch Te sero Co etpfefent oF dicetemge “Ct = Qa sar Ketmat dicharye Qn = AR/ Ter / See wohers A= Aya of collecting tank mm Re Rise of water % collecting tank ™ T= Time tv Colle ctim oc, woot on collecting rim set Aheovetical dfecrarge Or = Gis WEGH HY Atom % m3 /cce where) © = Angle oy V-notch Hs Yeod aleve Sill_of V- notch Procutuye,? D the y- notch fs fillecl “C0 the chomnet and angle _o} the. Motth U mneasrarede DY Waker {¢ alowed to Foo i the ChomneL Yt opent The aegulating value % pening Bathe supply pipe cp “the ered level — 13> Sind ow esha Anca —core th the Wet 1 Tee head Cooo 305. 2% | 3340 Joyy | tora2-| \eet 00 Das #090Page No. : ‘Matutt Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College Date : 4) Wy. a 3 AEN Allowed ty Flow evev the poke lay opening Aye = SqWleEIng Vatu fn the supply pipe e> > AEti the Flos enilay and becomes theady vine t& Not St FN 10Um xice of nutay fp tne collecting tank > Th fe anit gene weeding fin coneponding sendy Foy Sting For steady, Pio ovew oooh CH_) A notect- al Afchovae OM} netuoab decree ope CAlewtatea . 2 4 By suectiturra the wabet ok GA Gas Shimer ate. Ca fe cateutrted- ; Ib Tre exporinent ‘th vepeabed For Athevent deecharqe the channet- Daba sheet: Dat™ +0 be noted 2 Head above sift of v-notth He 4-H, = Worm ctheovetfeat Ditcharqe Qy (afc diag U1 Lan %_ = S56] oye m3 /ce Collecting -tenl& elimnension txb = Goro = 3¢o0m* Rite qf vorter tn collection tank R= om Coroments ! he Value op Cd for O Vo noich venice tlm OG to Oe _/ Precautfons? Dave fe to be taken that there fe no Flo mey “the. crest behave tubing ane fritial pofotat_qaugesr réadiiaq- PHlnke the painter qaugt wading “adtngs where Vint Ave pielBead cbve ay WC eh He By aty = ey en aiebeige QL = Ce) IFq We ter 9 2 rvehoue rr2 Collectty, terk dimenie LY B= 60765 = 2406 q "ein snr t be Tere bo colledie ob vatew te onlbttirg prt oT Adval Wickens On 2b ites Op MichonyEXP, NO. Page No. Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College HA Date: “ ¥ S> Ascertein “the tteady Stabe. Os Vou tbe a Specie lie cperimg toe fox takeing ‘he Final pointer qaug: vrcoding: Questions > D te what fatty Vonotch fe etticienh tran vecty 2 that ix tne_percentag Ch trver fn _Atecharqe 7p Inne %e 1% ewcy % the meavurment OF pack? [Ste TH ementine 0 powe, venHlation th a V-Notch 2 PIAL Te the diferente oo a noten and wetr 7 An — D For measurement of diccharge o V-Nore only one weadfray head C44) ic Tequived For low Aichonee V— Noth ofve- greater bad then vrectorqguler noth > SK DThe exprersion for dicchge for o Agrr ange V-notch A~ war te very Simple. venyiptfon ob tbrbmawlew ote fe nyt reece.Cheat | V) Dine ev » roouath pee! : hero? = ome Serer oh collecting dant = 06x06 2) fee ty collecting dank » 09] oe i A Pica oh collcetig dant « Pee Sarg le Pacsy fred | ls Tres yeal oeaaay | Meal ett no faery any Unde” os [oy Cotten df 5) vo gener 6"] our pele 1 fare] gee foros bt a Jorotr| yg fore pot paste’? | pet ocogy freee [Oe | Ot sos pes we peg w four freq fous | Orr quiets | On 808 § Joo! ” Okey — ol 4 : at : ey TFT cat] oT grist] O78 & Joon | ars | Ot & Dercitd Spcemen ealentatin * t 4, amgave “moun eee == re vig Atte Oo tots mettin 1 Beller of eronth prec a ~ Td Dery er mt > Oh evden 4 J pometh pee ype ooott a / ; Wor Day ’ Te ated io Muy flee : t fee dain a © osogs. my Neod PAA ie ty MOUtN ye 1 a a boost Ve ON eal Aer Qe a — TE OPW tf OKHAY yor Y) Za EXP. ((\ NO. rey Maturi Veotata Subse Rae (MYER) Engineering College L Mouth Piece 4 An Ite deters We fox the Frow Th a moun Pece Appts I Seate, Stop watch water tant. usin ple genet verniey calipyys Sy het quiere Anheductio ¢ Basic epustiors A eau piece te¢_a shovt “hike attached TO an Sy esttaching Atube oh length odo SO chore PT the ISfameter of Mouthpiece y TE Aischuage Wrough We Mac Froveae over Ht ites fe NS Come beat 9} Attual dischavg Qa > CARD /T emi e coepictent of ditchge
a koh whee, A= Crose scetfor Aven math H = Hecet Abe Center op monty P&S + Procetuve I Meaturcet the diame ter of te marth piece G gauge Phy [For _gevo frecet CH) mn the _piesonvta Corrwspomcdiing te conte 8 ¥ mouth _prece- : D> Water fe atlovect Wrto Supply tke by pentane equating vatue in tne soply pps: > AFiey tne Flew _okebilt: oan be conv Steaty t holed fin sy loem aise vp watew m7 collecting + and dicchrrger 4 ealeutaled HD Prez ometey Deccting of suprly.{ LS» Oe vO: collecting Tat Soe a cetterting cbt AF cote PI CE OP Kise Trace fy toeMs zISE gf sates Ay ce! Atrat ischeeg QAR = roe coeppteee hth Ca Qa 28h ore ©5 a Ganpe ) Qa4Ma Ly Rav Qn a rolvey rte Kee S09 ? Queen i \ e 104 @ © hay kA toy Cn « toy Fa nlog ht pve ey tend y Cn my Rd nleg Cop of The Te = i Sop of Vx Len log he 20> cas YoJog Cr. PL Re nantneineN & \\\\\ \s “a Malu Venkata Subba Rao (aVSR) Englnoering Colloge Flow (H>) Te vvtecL. 15> The theoyeHiea discherge and actuat discharge Te calculated oy By Swoettinting “the valuek of On and Or _olstcine ebove C4 fo calectated [A> The _¢xperfment K nepeaked for aipferent dic crowqes sme euprly tank and ¢ caleutabed- Questions 2 Rewthy fe Cy pp wrouth piece better than an ovifice? 27 Wiheve Te the location of Vena~ contactka? BP Athien rout piece fe having moximum co-
Mico 4 Colle china “femt = 2600 tr bengih og Reclrngrley Noten: WNe ye trad comers = a wo y Saaeee n -£ & lar ay | usd | OOqe Detailect Spe omen Crlerlatect- lerat® ef cat of nolth (LI) — OVI ” 1 SIN fovet Kadina (HP) roe ye) _ yuri level above the SIP of roten (3) omgay mm! > Head above Sl! 4h nlchOH) = dg Wy + ds02 2m : \ ‘ Teo eat Dictenge Om . Ye, (Leo/nun faq pr = MaVIOT Tee,Pago Ha, 19) Motori Vookata Subioa Ras (ANVSR) Engineering College Age Na Dato ol Ree fel Notety + Lally tte detente Meare spictent qh ditenage fut | ane Alo Ay a seatangiilay notch toll ent np collecting “tant with plegenvtyy, Ut by thannel fillet cell acetone Noteh I __peinies Mey Qanye = | arhated OY gy Basic @puationes | [| nterenes Aye “W Meaeime the {| Yete_e}_floey digelwnge a) Lawalt ave etdeamai. Alben VWyuid Nowe “the Delebshhe | bet lof ate Nquad above we stop OL the hyp edge Cove) bya of Ine tationetne with ane atcekmge acrett Wey conditions 4 [Fou To tne care gh nvhs ove practically "the crm at sf a Véetanguioy Noten ant hente, lar ¢ | ah and vite vera, CO" Up elent_ of cechonge 4 Adttww_atisehange Qu? Ag/1 Vee Qa = 2/ayoq Crornwy ts mee Procedure ! —___|lthe_ nectanqute notch fil ect Io the channet_¢) length op the | hel _€4_lene the Lreten te measeure Sater TE Allowed 10 Flew the channel ty opering te ray = Hing vate tM the quater Vewed Maree the creel Tevet s [The pool gemye deuling & pled _conesporcting We tne ered tevet bE deafiiny st serge Op) y [A tute, Ze_ationet “W Mor Aver IY Motels by epentng tne —____|] pequiating _ve We fm the Stopply pipe _ _ s “The_pvintey Joye 2erding. fe wled Lm eerrerpomtiny shy Flow Fe + aérdting Ver shraty Clow eye relay Gi) ; IO Aten tne Tew Habiligey ancl become steatiy chime popes FO_ rem WSO} watoy 9 calle ctiney Aevnt antEVE). 5 Oe vee dimension € wy clant Ob ‘ Treotteeting lank CR) © oF Sree for Collection ef wader Prevlkeeting dant ( Avot AWeehows ¢ SARS Fred) cee ) ~ bbb x19 ¥ > Co Ehren of disdkage Cog) > Se, = Oye Rent Avg Cy vale from exPermend & peeEXP. NO. Page No.: 97 Maturi Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College Date: dischnye is calatated— D The theoretical cic chowge ‘ie calourlated- sy By Substituting the wiles Oh Qn & Qp vbtam above Ga ic Alkeutated- a> The experiment if epeated For 6 tv 8 mes FR clifferent APs chawges “ny the Chonnel- Preacation: D Cove To to be taken sech UAt there fe no How over he eves before taking the inTHal pointer gange “reading: D>Ascertam re Stedy tebe Of How dv A Specific sregestating D> Meare the ateuwate
+ SCOxZ 1p waa, Cy ad = DoopR = 2005EXP, No. ~~ Page No. SP ‘Maturl Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College ss Date: Antenrers 2- S We ‘ Z, jj AS av-scure gine beter exadk cubcome when conhoutedk usm a Cete 4 2 comm inden: A Dreingpltr tn det ofives more prtcite one 4 KM low reteanen than & Vecbomauler Love -The Sonne triang Iwi Lore corn Gauge an oxleneive Vorlety a} tremens Prectery ye BY WWlety i ‘otene A_weiy may - Ay be defined PB notch mary ie deth & definid at a K= BA ONY WeawWAr Ob tyr ckion = . CPthing providsa Fo the Ce ok. 18 open threamn over whtcn ‘, = tank or VEAL Ouch Bot Ue quad Ww takes paces mace Daypace in donk. Tr kelow the APP edge A epeniney Ok mettre plaker » 2 |o-6ym ak | ces args set torf 2723S ov | royEXP, NO. ‘Maturi Venkata Subba Reo (MVSR) Engineering Colleae Ventufimeter j= cient gp dicchovee & fin “Te determine coe the Flow ho a Verinwtcoy Appararnws 2 @eate, Gopuntth, UU meron, Finca Ma pipe, collating tant, Pecometyr be Introduction and Basic eq uatio £ Veotuimeter Ts_a device soiilen fe used fey cain tne Yate Of blow Oo} fufd tmough 2 Pix the bate pre en which a verhuivimerry werk & that ley Reducing MMe cron ecto eta. Ok tht YD pAsegs a press at ri yevernte “A eveated » G the miatwnment Bh Preis enables + the eee oy the Aiichavac “mak Be Pipe Ca = & Ar Rae Ary m/coe where 3 1 A= Mea O} collecting tank Re Rise by wolle ching nk T= Tine pov voll (binoy Ok exter i collet tank Qr = aa, saan c aK Ron dy ediamuber a falee Gh ection eter oy thrdats = Cro Kittmal aver of tlee Op=COY Sectimal awed gy trent bs vent headDetailed Specimen Cakucrtin CReadey noi!) *Diowetey of PoE (chy) = Or Cyr j > Arwen of frtet (2) = O06\~m*™ ~ Dicmetey 97 HrvDed Cay) © Or oe > Kea al Hever Cay) 0-002 me = M arorrtde eedng hiz oem “OF ure i: hy 2 Ont m of mere ‘ Vertu brad (hye 1266 Ch by) 4 vont e422 Thesihiol Afschengt Qe aanl an : eee pe bEDevis Varma, > Dicerenxirr of CMe ting emt = O° ¥Orem > Ares of Collection tank (A) 0164 we > Bice te Collecting dart (P)= OF Thee Ly Vote vibe x w ¢ aad Wat of wodey tH collectita ants ot sed > bebvok Hrcrowge COQp) 1 MP/a voce POXYY wt eel Keitel Ob dit chovege | ver hangere Pewlk cay D Avege Cy valu fren ex perbaent © ogy a Cy Vola freer yer hePage No. ‘Matut! Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR} Engineering Collogo Dato: \ DOCCAUNE She venurinet: Flea ty _the_pipe do} Prtet_charnetee(dy) ¢, J ctiaseter of thavat Cy) muaswred— gSmrater Fe allowed Av Flow bn tHe pipe by opening the equating Yatne 8 the Segply phe SD Ute frtne duypph pipe cor r¢4ponding “fv water [lov fe the pipe Ca} -omet apy) noted M Abc the Joo Yabilize, 7m collecting Honky time % noted pe Wem nike oy water iy collecting tant - >The theeychinl “dischonge and actual ditehoge Fe coleuleted & By Subshtuthing the vevewe 2} Qn ond Br obtetcl abe Cr fe calewlated. by) “the cxperiment th yepeabed for aifpevent ditthonge Comment * he Gy 6 venhuinte varia bf OS ty 0195 Energy Losses awe minimized vohen compered +0 _evifien, /meter Precautions © I Momomutey _statings Should Ke covefthy nobede. alee Mat there ave no ev bubba mm the tub connecting thé ONO Ute a: Pewnllex CY or Shon be evwided’ While dtr the manor - mel atadfnage:EXP, NO. Page Nas UT Maturi Venkata Sudba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College Date: Quevior ? Dihat do you mean lo Cavitation 9 D Explain _ ihe Piripte Ot verwineton Ty weet Of flow Hugh OVermurinek ari oi wi a r—~—t—“‘“Ess srs mibvtcementry | LAT AS & Cavitation fe the phenomenen of famatin A vapo Irate, in Plowing liquid wheve tre preetie falls o¢lows vane Pra Ord Soden Cdlapring DP ths buble at WGh= p DEsEMre 96. a S> Ventuntmedey work on the inupte op Bernendtis Shtnelane with EXP yee int the atfttintio gh Presse made AV Ue Natiance gave the properiion Q- the IGuid Seam o eat t 2 Squowe Wot ob the premure Afermce > A) Because of he suufden tonhactimn 1 OR ¢ we Subos eos suchen expansion aften “he onesData bt Aven, 2 beng Geet. qo in qd Ml ebing cea the pipe > 300 6M 3 Dinwrtew of Pipe = 0S ge fe omen gh the pipe > lank = 6yn0e(ev~ 8d) a2 b-019, i u TD = eck + Maromed en mow Rise le atnding etic Pe Pee oa 7 Fiat. A Ge e | px oo Py ve 3 Lach |" © “ao EH bes] feet (tee Lior) oy hae \ wees | EY | a va i ah ee yey. |e bey [OO | meas corey BS [eo] dee [On| | t : \ sme | Bo yw lee yo | ete ftresencasofoore fax 2] seer [at ws bry lio By SE] IMEI o-0r4 fn % iE Vey eh Se Prox ? ee Hohl ee wy SE | ig | 48% 429-42 B_IVRI | poet vp elie [xe le yeti | 0 | BP POY Iaa 2fa-0 hh | : : |< | goy | ATI jeep EE | tO. A Vinsy- ayFa9 @9t] oor , 246 hana | Lfeey | 99 [rod ]26E | 10 127% Imre ord 4 | | IE) |EXP, NO. Page No. : 79— Matur Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College Date: Darcy's Friction Factor 3 2 Y Aim ST determine the Daveyle friction fa ctoy Foy the given pipe tine Appow atu ° Scale, stop watch, ()-tube manometer, Collecting dank udith piegorneter. Tohoduetion & Pade Equationt— : 1 . “the pipe is a Cloyd conduit which & uted For canrying Huide under preaewre: The Fiuid Howirg * 0 pipe t always cubjected- 70 2eAfstantedur 49 shear Forey between uid perdfeles and *ht boundary wall OF the pipe. The eristance tp tne Yoo op luid ig fr generat Known a4 Frictional wictane In Overcoming Fridkional ‘erictanu, ture Sil Always be some lot of energy mn th dive con OF Hows Doweyle earotton relates the thevay lots 40 velocthd OF Hurd, tyiction Jacky ¢, te diameter 2} the pipe Botte equation! hp = LV /notl where ; zhead lows cue tv Friction Pr a pthe tine of Legis = Meen velocity 2} [lov Pn pipe = leva ity Of pipe - bp Vv A =MHormetw of pipe L £€ = Fviction Factor of pipe. Procedure 2 D Wht th allowed +0 flow tn the pipe hy opentig the equating valve Fy tne supply pipe > The U-+bt manomaey Teeding ts opted for _covretipord i 4 peed y Flo DAB the Fw Stabiliges rod becomes Leady Hime nokd For \O em rise of watov M are Colle bNA|_staoke €) actual discharge A calomlabtd-Deteted cpeeienn (aleuetin “On sini( td pew 5 Dinrreluy of pipe d= ‘ a Ss vem oh Pipe ed. Yeager » ler alh oy pipe Le Zovun >Marormeker rreuy tvs y= Ieee > temonule veya Wwele ba © 2405 079 7 loss hued Xo by hy = DU > Lo of hed 12-64 Cx) = LUM > Unllecting dont dicen nsion * (Ly 2) 220 xe em » Dray collecting Weeak (AD ~ bix00 Gn > Tere fer 10 cr Hie A Wok WO Lollertira wml (Thea ; ; ~BoiAr hee > wy % Donk hy ‘Ul eg dome (2)210em » s Se Level beibere (04) ~ 1 byoo vio ae, : 5 Vee 2 7axs7 Zs 6 les od in Pipe We Boe } rs ‘an ‘ a0 Oe ay Dita velocity AM Priten lacks : ? lede(4), hl) toapy?) a ae = WO rRSD cfc 74o oor: ih Vots Iso. 4S yn 8 b are — BFSE no’Natur Venata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering Collogo cy op flow We caloulatee Ae STH ty “TRE Valunt Oy. velocity ycHametew ot the eeece IL pp ey tent Of the pipe and ved tote due to Fickion % a Friction factor Te calculated « ea thes Nre_eNpevinrend {4 aeptatec Fey G49 S Tor timu Aijyecent | LL Aisckw ges Ty the py | re | Reswte in | | Friction factey fem expeviment t ~ Friction factey Frm ayzaph (Comments! Hire Fiction Fact Vovie depends upon the type of pipe [materi AUTRE Fifetion Factor Meveaer_ugity tne tire enon Of [lenge cf TNE pipe inereanta | Paceabutions ¢ {Hr Maremehy xtading should re eerefully nohed, Bbc TE bheve are no at) buWela fn tne ouber come thing the oranometn 6, the Premuve tapping! lls Pavallax €7Yoy Shoula be avoiclat whik tating | the [ranowretoy Rladinge | | Questions t= > What fc retationship between fend Re Fev both Larrinoer § [eatent Frowe 2 [|dtihak is ine rato 'O' dr ane equativn Fv /oqd fer 1 + amine ¢, dubulent Ftewe ] I) Exmen co epicure OF rickion A -leving Ub Sheay thersReaatt SOV afetin Jacter pom expevinent = 0-018 a > Frttim foci Free peg Graphs - ® topiy Ve beg be 2 (FW) Joga > UV) bae- log hp = kv" wohiwey kK {KY og & og hy = eq hanbyv n= Slope of Abe: fine From Gogh log k= Bak kV Log rmepere(earyy, gf BNve log V og htbe (espe) uo \ Pret on the Une» bake ett Neg oes lon hy ea he Neath gy Veq kh toe Crete) "Ve 2054 EL y gt Bub Dp ae Fer. it toy Fe Essbroy, Se, 600 Yor Zou = OO1tgEX, No, Pago No, ‘Mou Verkata Sub oo MUS) Englaating Clog Anwiveng = \ Se = ' Ve Povey Arfetion fatboy for laminew Flow (Reynolda umnioore il “we 7 = eee . es tw Rtv) 1% given bay Une following Lorreuta where F fe Dave Factwr fhe : Sp the Coulooah Mel hred ar TeHp wheve + Friation_ baw the exitob Shem tne ty ME Covet iclet Of faletin zAlhe Umbat prevawe Aw the Suv FaceaPage No. : 7 Maturi Venkata Subba Raa (VSR) Engingnting Collage Dato Minor Lowe in ptpe Ahern, 1 Tp debennine rr Gr sndawy) Mathion ond pipe bend Cx POLO, Sionen oO — fin _o given pipeline Lvpewitoental Seb-Up | ee "Pipe with sudden enpomeion, sudden contraction, pipe beret and Ubow location itn tferertial U-Wuoe manomeber Wone Ubion Foy eecn location, Fitted with let ¢ adlete valver. [D+ Calle deing tant Fitted with a _watur lever tube &y vevtiak Sealy Théevy ' Applicaton: A pipe fe commony Ubeot -to Cow unter fh ary oth Flufd From one lotakion 1? anoiner. while Hert ani ang pipe line Syetern 5 the clesiqner has -bo lake bo aceantl fthe mojdv head lotser g mfnvy head lusces fo the Pipe line System 20 os +o know She Yemaining head and make derivable head eves lat ab Aht-dicchevge poms Principle ‘The Friction dus to woudl bne og the pipe Surface ’ ond opposition due +o the dicturbanu in Flow pattern touned by local obctyuctions acrou the How elissipate the energy Oy tne Flowing Vquid. Ae a verutic when water Flaws throvah a pipes a Urbain amou b energy has to be Spent bo tweveore the priction due o/ mughrens op tre pipe anface % opposition dus +0 the dicturbance fh Flow pattern Conerea bag ebttruction across the flow mM the pipt line Quite , Deseription: Pipeline oetworks Ww genet comprises of Seven anrriliary COmpOnents -to_conbol fer TO cetLitten tp -the Pipes welch conry Water any cthoy Fluid From ene Location to anothyy + Theye anxiliovy Components fo the Pipe lineSati, expattion — gpreiyse D berg 2S Breath ay Ie > Fowetes yp tee Salt pipe ey = Ler WD ameter dan lavge Pipe dy = pee" a tke collecting tre y Le @oer collecting fark» B= Sour ” TH Ca, -d yt Rr eel bs Tet eas) Ley oo j! 24 | = ene Ae /E s na bo er ss wk wwe eS Draw a aes, Lat | Piferht Soeur 2 fn) se wap | Se? ig, Preaow Reed To tot ty Ee ber oh) es 350% i Gel Her frre aes ba week ne bYb-by] 0-410 ei TSO-4S. | oa. yie va ae aia lian Vos 6-68 93-81 Lparet : toto Iorcy ney er Se ee | lot, QNP GE] biyeeg | 78! OD #4 | 6.4 Leesa} eneoo | abe ——— aay rg] 0-897 I3EEED | 9. CG TatuwyEXP, NO. i Pago No. : YS te ‘Matur! Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Enginooring Colloge: ea Date > System com be > Sudden expemsiion pipe ov chan ang Pre Ze Fon Smauiew to lowger 2Sudden Conmaction oh pipe -for chomaing pipe sige Fron larger tH smal S Pipe ben Fed chounefing the flow direction, “These components fntvoduce di¢herbanua ty the How tate cause tuveilente g hente mechanical energy lott in adadrtin 40 UAE which Ocetrs Fn “the Latte pre How due + Friction: [The enevay Loss although vohile oceurs over A Finite distemee wohen Mewed from the pertpective of on entire pipe tuthen owe localized near the Component: Hence these losses are [Meperted to As lear losses A Frm Losses & minoy Losses Powametods arc Formac! Heat Loce efpicient due ty cudden expomsion (Ke) can be cabeulated by using the Following Formula * he =Ke Qyact) oq. where y he Shad loss cue ty Sudden emprmsion Ke = Constenst * Vac * Veloctty oF Flow through the Smudler pipe. qt ccceteration due to gravity - Heo tose daw ty cudeten expansion (He) Cer be catcutateot by wring the following -Forwmbey, het bt U- 4i3)) (inet 29) where, + b= Yiezomehic heat Afpberence Hw Seetion I G2 ct) sAfameker of Smattea pip es diemmeter 04 longer pre fee + Velocity of flow throu “the Smratter Pie | A 2 Accelerating duc bo qnont ty.EXP, NO. & ) Pago No. > SS Dato = Aetial Velucdty ) Miact = Qrer fas where, ays C/e ewea of ematter pipe Quy Acuat Acharge Mead Voss co-ethicient ctu tp the cudden contractim (Ke) a Mee CAlewtated Ly Using the Pallectng Formula he = Key act Jag wheve, he = head lors due ty Suettan contraction Moact-* Velocity 9} Flow —throve h “the _smattoy pipe Y= Acettemeion que toy qrovity Herd Lots due-ty Sudden Contraction Che) Can be Calentate, fey Ufingy te Foll ouginey Formula + be = helCe Jao) Caner Agil where, N= Plezoner ie Mead difpevene A\ Hfctovmetey of larger pipe— ch = % siometen *f emeuuy pipe Vamer = Velocity of jlow through the Smatuu pipe Aa ccecleration Aue ty grewity. Hena. lots Co-etticient chu -to pipe etbow (ket dean be Altculsbet ey Using the Following Formuln, Yes Ker Vernet Pe wheve Wey > heat tose dueto pipe eltsow Q = acceleration duty qroity Metact = Velocity 8} flow through’ -the pipe elbow Acrvet veloaty Vera © Qa /Aeu whee, ! EL = S/e Cree ob the pipe elboyd Qaep = Actual icehmge Difperent Um buee memomet, 9 catne, Sin bevmnt : of wanker hex CSm/s-D Sm > Wher, Sms Specibic gravity rememetrie Maui +Detail epectrmam catewlabion ¢ /— » length of the collier fing Heonk » L = 2001 >> Breatn of Ine leet, temle b = Bem DS Diorvlr vy ane Guu pipe cody = lem Up Diameter op the lawgey pipes Ah = dem 5> Cros setimal wea Of Sella ppeeg, 14 OF on CY Crots ce tfinal men Of the Metiing towne tL le = bye ” P Dilpevendiah ngarameter MIE Wet 9rd Crop si = 2acyp > Dilporentinl monpnubar ght lant Pending by = 2u een AY Rie of Waker ty ape Collecting tom k 7Retoemn 1) Timednken fora WER! ay tne Coleen tne HD) ae uy Dijyerrdial ramos wading i Gyn) n> Diperential manomutuy vencling Fa Ne Hernan x wiley eo "> Heads [oss tae! tp fulton, =£ory Cx pmnxfon = hp = babe Fit] Byeut “hg ] eo 356-7 sp Aebral Atehanege + Qa = Ae = b8E «Ip ems Hone Mat” Gate /ae = 56:09 emp Belek due ty Sudeten ex panna Kp = hy Avec “had ' "OF i0 Le I Aer eae Velocity iv) Hada Uy cornetEXP. NO. ew Malutl Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Enginooring Collego Date : S = Speci} te qnavity of flouing Nauta, Betual lik chong Com te aplenlaed ty tus tne Follosing Formule; Actial Hischorge » Qart = AR/T wohéve , A= CrOSs cocttmal avea, op the Collecting tank Re rise of wate 2 the callecttng “tank T= time “taken Poy a spedpic vise “R! tn the- Collecting tahle. Procedure ! t Keen Fo ning preceuttion +0 be taken befor ghonl 09 uatng and 69 closing the experiment 2 tensuve Ie For tne pipe under concidevation tne tle Valve & closed and, -tne_preseurre tapings « B- Ensue URE Lalva emt preswve tapings Of the piper ofney han We pipe Unde Contiderabton awe clocect complekeh yf: + Merswe tne lengths the width of Loney collecting tank & note the diametey 64) oF tocakten Of the Pipe uncdy consideration 6. Note the diftevential head Uy Ayevential U- tile mnemuteu Chse the drain Valve of the wat collecting ten open the arom walve of He waber tank tp chai) out ee iiectta Wok as Receva the Hime taken Fey Cerin vise Of who level & the wabur level tube NO: Repent the Steps totake b4e+ of Observation. Pre coms ons * VE linij nake ay bubbles ir ony fa the _manomeb completly “Wake ewe Wat the ‘let relye of Ane pipe ts closet And tne vrtlel valve Up the pipe tk pene completetyy BiMaky Sue that a Steady Plow A eblebttshed +ean exe, 1] We) Maturl Venkata Subba Rao (MVSR) Engineering College Pago No. : © NO. NO Date : As Colleck Ane water Foy a long Pewiod fry beth accurey, 5 Take the Water pret eadPnat to the lower meniscus Of woatry very cory ALY G. Make Curve Unt Inshument Te OP erated within tHe Wanometiy Wange tpeRh? ed . Result! The has toss co Etticent dle te fuclden expomeion the {Ke) Fon the table = 0-99 Lr OarDyla Sheet Dosa to be eoted D> Diorreter ho tne pipes bes en 2> Ue omen 4 fipe (ade Teo] we 5, [BE Diowsher 3 ane tgs LA) = \-2em, So pec) = 7+ Zo = Beet mo > Volurne Gy Vd colecled be a ae Ledaehns je - a Tru of lectin wsndert7) = ME seeEXP. Gy Matt Vonkatn Subn Rao (MVBR) Englnnering Coltego NO. ge c —____ Reynolds Experitnenit t a S10_chitermsine tne Clases fenton oy Flovo by Reynold '¢ umber Apponatur 1 Stopunbch, lovv I plate for 2 waker ——“+4 Storage tank. Hntroduction and Paefe Equabion ? Jt te ths efcHing “by fic cue the fretove which decile wher the prow of a Mluict Po taminay dv not - At low Veloct Hier _a Auld Plow may be famine bub at high velocities Phe Lenctency Of Plutel_powticker Seto pix andthe Flow fe Hurltent On the lamis of thic experiments Rey nold- Et fecovercck tint “the OCcurverue Of a lawifinen and “buy blent= Flow was aoverne Woy cthe_velakiven magnitudes 0} the FnttHia avd Vecour forces. Kfnematte vicenc?hy of watevCV) = ©0179 /1 +O 0224T + 000022 IT* em whee . here “JS ' fo tempernteuve Wn °C when, T= 27°C Fe inennbte Mieority 2) water - Boy x10 Pem* ye Reyroldt number Re > V4/p wheve, Re = Reyroldt numba X= Velocity Ob flow Z = diometr o} pipe d V_= Kinemebic viscosity of water Procedure + I The woto level Wy the tank and “Ine Fing dye Iw the ematley tank (Kept ate -line gwne tevete 2- Wabuw | _volourang chye TH attomect 0 blow Yo the pipe ke Operiney the nequie bing. valve abe the era wh Ant _pipe 3 Be aequtatirg We diserarge the fet of colour dye DB ade 10 form a Shi Allmment for une ent Ev the tht> Actual cle chavge (Ap) > 8354 OY coe >vetoity of (ow Fo pipe(W) ~ Oxy > Kinemabre Mia coy at woot ly) = OFA], + O'023F9 + oe eee where, ns Tam *c- ohen Te 297? wonbr 28-64 x10 4 cr® eee IA num ls Reyro bow Ke oe = 26)>S3 a Recults— type o plan tS Lominew } Joud. iEXP. NO. har waned Mey Date: end of the pipe ConFin ming H -the lamina Flow: (ep The actual disehorese 0} the Flow Pe calculated * is. By slignHy increasing Ane discharge the shedqitt Fitment Of colowrelye oscillates tite a wove indicating a transitional Ftow: 6. The achat ditdage of the How Calculated. 1: By Meveating the disthavge Uttle turin the colour’ laye mixes Weely wht wetoy and the stabe of tow Ze buyluben & The Covveeponding Atal ditehge UB calalaber - 4. The experiment A -vepacbed rvinimum b00 times Sy Hitwent clischawges G_the -type 2} ftow To cletevmingd- Comments | che. Reynolds number wil) pe elo 2000 FA lamina Flows between 2000-0 Youd .the ow fe taht onl ond above Youd, the How is safe to be tuvbulent Precoubions ° the Spectpic weqnt of colour dye chow be come at lab of wotuy ls The. Bequlating valve Shoulh be Cewtfetr Lug Operated. 4 Questions !— } What te the velabionship Fly Reynolds Dumber € the Fiction Factor for bots Lonviinew € tuybulent Flowt 2 D Whale ave the Tanga of Lernolda humbl~ 9 the open. Ss Channels Fer _Laminay trancitioal § tyr butert How 2, S What A the cect bb Reynpldt ube on Friction Fach 2los || & ee || Naturl Venkata Subba Rao (AVSR) Englnering College Pago No. Anawete = fe quer hy Abe FeoyRe = oy! DvP = by Neve. whee fe Bowery ict feet Re Re yds KUmboy + NThe Parey Hiciéy Actor for janian + Fellowing font ! that ie the Reymotas Dumler Ie Areal hin qenu + the Flow fe rveqarveted ™ -tuuhrtenty » 2 The Reyrolds experiment determines the clitfeal Reynold Number Fev Pipe Ftow at which Leamiaw Flow (Re < 2000) heeae brand J Herat (2 000K Re Cy ovo? g Ihe trancifonnt Py hreomet tutbutent: (Re> yoo >The Friction eter fer Smoth pipet Cog! brass twang) derease move rapidly ucith the Mercasing Reyoolds num hey that -For the Pipe with companatively wughAdatls-Mhe Paternal Surface Hh apipe i mete pertent oh the dfameter. yy
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2272)
A Man Called Ove: A Novel
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A Man Called Ove: A Novel
Fredrik Backman
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (4852)
The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
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The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Sarah M. Broom
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
Viet Thanh Nguyen
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
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Yes Please
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Yes Please
Amy Poehler
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1949)
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Gilbert King
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (270)
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4255)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
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Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
Doris Kearns Goodwin
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (235)
The Woman in Cabin 10
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The Woman in Cabin 10
Ruth Ware
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2599)
A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
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A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Dave Eggers
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (232)
Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (805)
Wolf Hall: A Novel
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Wolf Hall: A Novel
Hilary Mantel
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
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The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
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The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
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Little Women
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Little Women
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