Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Phenol: Review of The Reaction Mechanism, Kinetics, and CFD Modeling
Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Phenol: Review of The Reaction Mechanism, Kinetics, and CFD Modeling
Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation of Phenol: Review of The Reaction Mechanism, Kinetics, and CFD Modeling
To cite this article: Tladi J. Makatsa, Jeffrey Baloyi, Thabang Ntho & Cornelius M. Masuku
(2020): Catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol: Review of the reaction mechanism, kinetics,
and CFD modeling, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, DOI:
Article views: 45
Advanced oxidation processes,
specifically catalytic wet air oxida-
tion (CWAO), are considered as
useful and robust methods for
the treatment of refractory
organic compounds such as phe-
nol in wastewater. This paper
reviews reaction mechanisms, kin-
etics and computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) modeling of
CWAO of phenol. Different reac-
tion mechanisms have been pro-
posed by various researchers to
account for possible intermedi-
ates during phenol oxidation.
These mechanisms can be either
direct or indirect; with the indir-
ect path resulting in the forma-
tion of intermediates, while with
the direct mechanism, no intermediates are formed, the reaction proceeds straight to
carbon dioxide and water. Acetic acid is considered as the most stable intermediate of
phenol oxidation. Power law and Langmuir–Hinshelwood models were used to account
for the adsorption/desorption of the reactants on the surface of the catalyst. The
reviewed studies show that phenol conversion increases with increased temperature,
pressure, gas velocity and decreases with increasing liquid space velocity. The formation
of hot spots next to the walls of the reactor leads to safety issues and may cause cata-
lyst deactivation and reactor thermal run away. This prompted a review of liquid mal-
distribution and the formation of hot spots inside the reactor using the CFD modeling
technique. In most cases, liquid channeling was observed, resulting in the formation of
hot spots and catalyst deactivation.
KEYWORDS Computational fluid dynamics; kinetics modeling; phenol oxidation; reaction mechanism;
wastewater treatment
1. Introduction
Industrial processes use a lot of water which must be treated in the effluent
plant before discharging it to the municipal wastewater treatment plant
(Adekola & Majozi, 2017). Industrial wastewater usually contains a high
concentration of toxic organic compounds including phenol and its deriva-
tives (Lal & Garg, 2015; Zuo et al., 2017; Baloyi et al., 2018b). Phenolic
wastewaters originate from a number of industrial processes making it a
model pollutant for bio-toxic and non-biodegradable organic pollutants.
Moreover, phenol is an intermediate product found in the oxidation of aro-
matic hydrocarbocns (Chicinaş, 2018). In addition, it is listed as a priority
pollutant by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (Lal &
Garg, 2015). The use of phenol in petroleum, petrochemical, pharmaceut-
ical, paint, pulp and paper, plastic and refinery industries is common (Sun
et al., 2015; Villegas et al., 2016; Baloyi et al., 2018a, 2018b; Seadira et al.,
2018, 2020; Masuku & Biegler, 2019).
There are different wastewater treatment methods available such as, bio-
logical (Krastanov et al., 2013; Pradeep et al., 2015; Alves et al., 2017; Zhou
et al., 2018), adsorption (Luo et al., 2015; Frascari et al., 2019; Sun et al.,
2019), electrochemical oxidation (Abbas & Abbas, 2019; Liu et al., 2019),
incineration (Ye et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2019), reverse osmosis (Al-Obaidi
et al., 2017; Al-Obaidi et al., 2019b, 2019a) and advanced oxidation proc-
esses (Cao et al., 2018; Dewidar et al., 2018; Radwan et al., 2018). Microbial
degradation is unsuitable for waste that is too concentrated and toxic,
moreover, it produces by-products that pose environmental problems such
as sludge (Krastanov et al., 2013; Yu et al., 2016; Guerra-Que et al., 2019).
Incineration is energy-intensive and is only applicable when waste has a
chemical oxygen demand (COD) of at least 300 g/L (Cybulski, 2007).
Reverse osmosis produces a concentrated and smaller waste making dis-
posal easy, however, the costs of membrane replacement and energy
requirement are high (Crini & Lichtfouse, 2019; Pervov & Nguyen, 2019;
Tałałaj et al., 2019). The incapability of traditional methods to effectively
remove refractory organic wastewater makes it clear that there is an urgent
need to develop more efficient and economic processes of treating refrac-
tory wastewater before discharging it to water bodies.
Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) such as catalytic wet air oxidation
(CWAO) offer an alternative solution of treating refractory wastewater.
CWAO gained a lot of interest over the past two decades because of its
ability to oxidize toxic wastewater and complete mineralization (Fortuny et
al., 1995; Maugans & Akgerman, 2003; Suarez-Ojeda et al., 2007; Monteros
et al., 2015; Baloyi et al., 2018b). Moreover, CWAO is a heterogeneous pro-
cess, so an additional stage of separating the catalyst from the solution is
not required in most instances hence making the process more economic
Table 1. Performance comparison of the results of phenol oxidation with CWAO using
various catalysts.
Catalyst Reactor Conditions Effect Ref.
MWCNTs Batch 155 C, 25 bar, 100% phenol removal, (Yang, 2012)
1000 mg/L, 120 min 75% TOC removal
MnOx-CeO2 Autoclave 140 C, 20 bar, 100% phenol removal, (Arena et al., 2012)
1000 mg/L, 60 min 98% TOC removal
Cu3-Al-500 Autoclave 120 C, 10 bar, 100% phenol removal, (Lai et al., 2019)
2000 mg/L, 120 min 99% COD removal
GO Batch 155 C, 25 bar, 100% phenol removal, (Yang et al., 2014)
1000 mg/L, 120 min 84% TOC removal
rGO Batch 160 C, 7 bar, 100% phenol removal, (Yang et al., 2014)
1000 mg/L, 120 min 80% TOC removal
(Ru,Pt)-TiO2–CeO2 Batch 160 C, 20 bar, 100% phenol removal, (Monteros
2098 mg/L, 180 min 88% TOC removal et al., 2015)
Al/Zr-PILCs Autoclave 100 C, 10 bar, 100% phenol removal, (Baloyi et al., 2018c)
1000 mg/L, 120 min 88% TOC removal
Yang (2012) studied the CWAO of phenol at 155 C and 25 bar pressure
using Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) functionalized by differ-
ent oxidants (HNO3/H2SO4,H2O2,O3 and air). All functionalized catalysts
show good catalytic activity, whereas the O3-treated MWCNTs have the
highest activity with 100% phenol and 80% TOC removals after 120 min
reaction. Furthermore, the O3-treated MWCNTs show high stability in the
cyclic reactions. It was suggested that the high amount of carboxylic acid
groups and weakly acidic nature of the surface on the functionalized
MWCNTs play a significant role for the superior catalytic activity of the
MWCNTs. Arena et al. (2012) studied phenol oxidation over MnOx-CeO2
catalyst and found that the catalyst was highly active at mild temperatures
such as 100 C and a total pressure of 10 bar. It was reported that complete
phenol removal was achieved within 40 min reaction time, while 80% of
TOC conversion was achieved after 60 min. The high catalytic performance
of the catalyst was attributed to the rapid adsorption of phenol and its
intermediates. The treatment of phenol oxidation was studied by Lai et al.
(2019) using Cu3-Al-500 at 120 C and 10 bar pressure. The catalyst was
found to be stable and complete conversion of phenol and 99% COD was
achieved within 120 min. Good catalytic performance was attributed to the
redox transitions of Cu2þ/Cuþ and/or the formation of H2O2 and the sur-
face acidity of the catalyst in reaction mixture. Yang et al. (2014) studied
the treatment of phenol by CWAO process at 155 C and 25 bar pressure
using graphene oxide (GO) and chemically reduced graphene oxides
(rGO). The phenol conversion of 100% and mineralization of 84% and
80% was observed with GO and rGO, respectively. High catalytic perform-
ance was due to high surface area and high pore volume of graphene which
provides higher adsorption capacity to the catalyst. Monteros et al. (2015)
studied CWAO of phenol over Ru and Pt supported on TiO2–x wt% CeO2
at 155 C and 20 bar pressure. The (Ru,Pt)-TiO2–CeO2 catalysts showed
3. Reaction mechanism
The reaction mechanism of phenol oxidation is a complex process resulting
in the formation of aromatics, lightweight carboxylic acids and inorganic
compounds (CO2 and H2O). The reaction mechanism requires an under-
standing of the reactions that take place on the surface of the catalyst
together with intermediates and final oxidation products (Braga et al.,
2018). In most instances, phenol oxidation takes the following route; oxida-
tion, decarboxylation, dehydration or combination of all steps (Eftaxias,
2002). According to Eftaxias (2002), the relevant phenol oxidation reactions
at the catalyst surface causing the oxidation of phenol can be expressed as
RH OH þ cat ! R H ¼ O þ H cat (1)
R H ¼ O þ O2 ! RHO OO (2)
RHO OO þ RH OH ! ROH OOH þ R H ¼ O (3)
where RH OH represents phenol, R H ¼ O is phenoxy radical while
RHO OO corresponds to peroxy radical.
Several studies have been conducted by different researchers with the
aim of determining intermediate species formed on the surface of the cata-
lyst. The findings are still controversial because as depicted in Figures 1
and 2, some scholars reported that phenol can be directly oxidized to CO2
and H2O without the formation of intermediates while others, shown in
Figure 3, claim the formation of polymerization product and acetic acid via
an indirect mechanism. In some instances, acetic acid can be fully oxidized
to CO2 and H2O while in some cases it is resistant to the oxida-
tion process.
intermediates they used HPLC with 60% methanol in water plus 0.1%
acetic acid as mobile phase and ODS-3 column. The removal of phenol
over this catalyst reached almost 100% after 120 min, suggesting that these
catalysts are very active. The results obtained can be attributed to carbox-
ylic acids found on the surface of functionalized carbon material improving
their activity. In their study, catechol was not detected like in most papers
in open literature and they suggested that it might be because of different
catalysts used. Maleic, fumaric and very low concentrations of cis butene-
dioic anhydride were also detected. To further understand the reaction
path; pure standards of maleic, malonic, acetic, oxalic and formic acid were
also oxidized. In CWAO of maleic acid, the following intermediates were
found; malonic acid, oxalic acid, acetic acid, and formic acid. Acetic acid
was not detected in the first 30 min of the experiment meaning that it is
not directly produced from the oxidation of maleic acid instead it might be
produced from malonic and oxalic acid. In the oxidation of malonic acid, a
sharp decrease in concentration was observed while both acetic and formic
acids were shortly detected in the solution suggesting that these two are
Figure 3. Proposed reaction pathway for the CWAO of phenol in the presence of CuSO4
catalyst (Lal & Garg, 2015).
Figure 4. Reaction mechanism for CWAO of phenol in a batch reactor using functionalized
carbon material as catalyst proposed by (Wang et al., 2014).
observed. At high reaction times, these compounds were not present since
calculated TOC results were in agreement with measured results and this
was confirmed by a colorless solution.
The formation of p-hydroxybenzoic acid follows two routes: it can be
formed when phenol interacts with oxygen groups found on the surface of
activated carbon or from the oxidation of chemically adsorbed species on
the surface of AC previously formed by oxidative coupling reaction of phe-
nol and aromatics. During oxidation of intermediates, 90% of hydroquin-
one was converted to p-benzoquinone. When p-benzoquinone was oxidized
100% conversion was reached with maleic, malonic, acetic and formic acid
identified as intermediates. However, a small difference was observed
between TOC and p-benzoquinone conversion values in the reactor exit.
Thus, suggesting that most of p-benzoquinone was converted to CO2 and
H2O via oxalic acid. Oxidation of p-hydroxybenzoic acid produced maleic,
acetic and formic acid. Unidentified species were neglected due to close
values of measured and calculated TOC. Maleic acid was the main product
Figure 5. Schematic diagram of CWAO of phenol reaction mechanism in the presence of Fe/AC
catalyst (Quintanilla et al., 2006).
column (25 cm, 4.6 mm, 4 mm). Phosphate buffer was mixed with aceto-
nitrile (9:1, v/v) and used as a mobile phase. Phenol was completely oxi-
dized within 30 min and parallel reaction pathway was confirmed by the
appearance of hydroquinone and catechol. Samples collected between 15
and 30 min showed the presence of p-benzoquinone due to breaking down
of hydroquinone. However, o-benzoquinone was not detected when cat-
echol was oxidized due to the unstable nature of this compound caused by
two adjacent C ¼ O groups. All organic acids (oxalic, formic, malonic,
maleic and fumaric) were detected within 15 minutes except acetic acid
which appeared after 30 min. Acetic acid is formed during decarboxylation
of malonic acid and oxalic acid might break down to formic acid during
this process. Moreover, traces of maleic and fumaric acids were also
detected and a significant concentration of oxalic acid was found after 3 h.
In addition, formic acid was decarboxylated by hydroxyl radicals to form
CO2 and H2O as represented in Figure 3. The reaction of hydroxyl radical
can happen in three ways: by hydroxyl addition, hydrogen abstraction or
electron transfer. In the presence of transition metals, CWAO follows auto-
oxidation mechanism in this manner:
C6 H5 OH !Cu2þ C6 H5 OH þ H (4)
C6 H5 OH þ O2 ! C6 H5 OOO (5)
C6 H5 OOO þ H2 O ! C6 H5 OOOH þ HO (6)
C6 H5 OOOH ! C6 H5 O þ HO2 (7)
C6 H5 O þ C6 H5 O ! C6 H5 OOC6 H5 (8)
Hydroxyl radicals are known to be neutral electrons and they attack at
the high electron density area of the molecule. Phenolic compounds have
high electron density available at ortho and para positions because of the
resonance effect. Due to this effect; hydroxyl radical attacks these positions
to remove hydrogen or add oxygen leading to the formation of catechol or
hydroquinone. The formation of p-benzoquinone is due to the formation
of stable free radical formed when hydroquinone is attacked by the free
radical. Benzoquinone has six carbon chains and two have low electron
density caused by oxygen electronegativity. The electron density of the
other four carbons can be increased by the presence of oxygen by reson-
ance, causing ring opening when HO attacks these carbons. Some poly-
mers were also identified by Fourier Transmission Infrared (FTIR)
microscopy showing the presence of aromatics, olefinic and alcohols.
Most of the studies that suggest the formation of polymers as intermedi-
ates were performed in a batch reactor at mild operating conditions in the
presence of Cu2þ catalyst. These polymers are formed due to a high ratio
of liquid volume to catalyst in the reactor. When the catalysts was charac-
terized, the results indicated that polymerization products were present on
the surface of the catalyst. These polymerization products reduce the activ-
ity and reusability of the catalyst by blocking access to active sites.
However, when functionalized carbon materials were used as catalysts at
high pressure, polymerization products were not detected and phenol was
completely removed. Therefore, the use of a batch reactor in phenol oxida-
tion is not practical due to the high pressure required to avoid the forma-
tion of polymers and high costs of catalyst regeneration. On the other
hand, when TBR was used, polymerization products were not formed and
phenol was completely oxidized. However, when Cu2þ catalyst was used,
analysis results indicated that Cu2þ ions were present in the solution sug-
gesting leaching of the catalyst. Several studies reported that pillared clay
(PILC) catalysts are stable and leaching of active sites is insignificant (Guo
& Al-Dahhan, 2003; Baloyi et al., 2018b; Moma et al., 2018). Therefore,
TBR should be used in the wastewater treatment of phenolic compounds.
In order to minimize leaching of active sites, it is advisable to use PILC
catalyst in CWAO of phenolic compounds.
4. Kinetics
4.1. Effect of temperature
It is generally accepted that an increase in temperature will result in high
phenol conversion due to the fact that the reaction rate constant is a function
of temperature and activation energy, according to the Arrhenius equation:
k ¼ Aexp (9)
Where k is the reaction rate constant, A is a preexponential factor, Ea is
activation energy, R is the gas constant and T is the temperature.
The increase in temperature also results in the formation of oxygen free
radicals which can react with oxygen and water to form peroxide (H2O2)
and ozone (O3) radicals. These radicals can participate in phenol oxidation,
thus increasing the efficiency of the process (Mohammed et al., 2016). The
study by Eftaxias et al. (2005) proved that the performance of unsupported
commercial activated carbon as a catalyst is highly dependent on tempera-
ture. They investigated phenol oxidation using activated carbon as a catalyst
in a trickle bed reactor operated between 120 C - 160 C. Phenol and COD
conversion improved when temperature and space-time were increased
resulting in conversions higher than 99% for phenol, 85% COD at 160 C
and space-time greater than 0.4 h. Similarly Mohammed (2014) studied the
effect of temperature on phenol oxidation in a trickle bed reactor operated
between (120 C - 160 C) using activated carbon as a catalyst. After 1 h they
reached 100% conversion at 160 C while at low temperatures (120 and
140 C) low conversions were reported (88.6 and 92.7%). Yang et al. (2014)
also used carbon-based catalysts (graphene oxide and reduced graphene) in a
batch reactor. The reactor temperature was kept constant at 155 C and gra-
phene oxide (GO) was found to be the most active catalyst achieving 100%
phenol conversion in 40 min while 120 min was required to remove all phe-
nol when reduced graphene oxide (rGO) was used. Furthermore, over 80%
of TOC was converted after 120 min in both cases. Wu et al. (2005) used
copper supported on activated carbon as a catalyst in a batch reactor with a
temperature range of (140 C - 160 C) and a similar trend was also reported.
Ahmed (2012) investigated phenol oxidation using 0.5% Pt supported on
c-Al2O3. Phenol was oxidized in a trickle bed reactor operated between the
temperatures of 85 C and 140 C. They reported phenol conversions of
88.59%, 75.6%, 65%, and 43.86% at 140 C, 120 C, 100 C and 85 C,
respectively. The formation of intermediates also increased with an increase
in temperature. Mohammed et al. (2016) developed a kinetic model for
phenol oxidation in a trickle bed reactor using 0.48% Pt/c-Al2O3 spheres as
a catalyst and the reactor was operated between (120 C - 160 C). In their
adsorption and catalytic activity. The same results are also evident when
PGMs and PILC catalysts are used. However, PGMs are expensive and the
reaction temperature required to completely remove the pollutant is high
irrespective of the catalyst used. Furthermore, many studies involving the
use of PILC catalysts are conducted in a batch reactor. Therefore, more
studies should be conducted to develop catalysts that are cheap and highly
reactive (PILC) to reduce reaction temperature and space-time using a dif-
ferent reactor configuration (TBR) instead of batch.
4.3. Effect of pH
It is common knowledge that at low pH values the following reaction takes
place (Zapico et al., 2015):
(S.E) and LHSV ranging from 1, 2 and 3 h1 over activated carbon catalyst.
It was reported that maximum conversion was achieved when the gas flow
rate was 80% S.E and when the flow rate was increased beyond this point,
conversion was decreased due to the decreased. However, phenol conver-
sion increased with a decrease in LHSV and the following results were
reported when LHSV was 2 and 3 h1, 87.16 and 82.5%.
It can be concluded that an increase in gas flow has a positive influence
whereas, LHSV has a negative impact. A prior knowledge of the flow
regime is required to choose the correct design equation for TBR.
Moreover, hydrodynamics and transport properties of the system can
change dramatically between the flow regimes impacting final results sig-
nificantly. Currently, empirical flow map or relationships are used to pre-
dict the flow patterns and there is a limited theoretical foundation
developed to predict the transition between the flow regimes. On the other
hand, an increase in computing memory and technological advances saw
an increase in the use of CFD and Tomography to understand the flow
transition between the regimes. For developing countries with limited
resources, CFD is the cheapest technique that can be used to understand
the interaction between the phases.
5. Kinetic model
Kinetics models are crucial for the design and up-scaling of laboratory reac-
tors to industrial reactors (Zarca et al., 2015). A simple power-law model can
be used to determine the rate of reaction in a trickle bed reactor as reported
by (Eftaxias, 2002; Eftaxias et al., 2005; Abid et al., 2014; Abid et al., 2016,
Makatsa et al., 2019). The simple power law can be expressed as follow:
rph ¼ koi : Exp ½Eai =RT :Ci :xO2 a (11)
Where, rph is reaction rate, koi is a frequency factor, Eai is activation
energy, R is ideal gas constant, T is temperature, xO2 is dissolved molecular
oxygen mole fraction, a is reaction order with respect to oxygen concentra-
tion and Ci is phenol concentration.
Abid et al. (2016) used a different catalyst and slightly higher tempera-
ture compared to their previous study (Abid et al., 2014). In this study,
they used activated carbon as a catalyst and the reactor was operated
between temperatures of (120 C – 160 C) and pressure of 2 to 9 bar. The
activation energy was a bit higher (77.7 KJ/mol) and the reaction order
with respect to oxygen was 0.6. Abid et al. (2014) also used a power-law
model to determine reaction rate parameters using 0.5% Pt/c-Al2O3 catalyst
in a trickle bed reactor operated between 85 – 140 C and pressure of 1 to
6 bar. Oxygen reaction order was found to be 0.69 and activation energy
was 29.3 KJ/mol. Similarly, Eftaxias et al. (2005) used power law model to
determine reaction rate parameters over activated carbon (AC) catalyst in a
trickle bed reactor operated between temperatures of 120 – 160 C and
pressure of 1 and 2 bar. The kinetic model was able to adequately predict
phenol conversion only when the conversion was below 70% and for con-
versions above 70%, the model overestimated experimental conversion. The
deviation was attributed to liquid maldistribution reinforced by the smaller
reactor configuration. Furthermore, phenol oxidation activation energy
over the catalyst was found to be 69, 3 6 0.4 KJ/mol and the oxygen mole
fraction was 1,015 6 0.02. Eftaxias (2002) used both power-law and
Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) model in a trickle bed reactor operated
between temperatures of (120 C – 160 C) and pressure of 6 to 12 bar over
two catalysts (CuO/c-Al2O3 and AC). It was reported that when power law
model was used in the presence of CuO catalyst; phenol and acetic acid
were estimated very well, however, the model failed to predict the remaining
carboxylic acids and quinone-like compounds. In addition, L-H model was
not used for phenol oxidation because preliminary experiments obtained from
adsorption experiments indicated that phenol was not adsorbed on the surface
of the catalyst. The reaction activation energy was found to be 74.9 KJ/mol
and the oxygen order was 0.311. In contrast, when the AC catalyst was used,
phenol destruction activation energy was slightly lower (70.3 6 0.4 KJ/mol) and
reaction order with respect to oxygen was 0.95 6 0.02.
Another model that is commonly used to correlate adsorption-desorption
of heterogeneous catalysts is Langmuir-Hinshelwood (L-H) or Langmuir-
Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson (LHHW) reported by (Eftaxias et al., 2001,
2006; Guo & Al-Dahhan, 2003; Wu et al., 2005). Langmuir-Hinshelwood
(L-H) model can be expressed as follows:
Ki Ci
ri ¼ kap, i P (12)
1 þ j K j Cj
Table 2. Kinetic models proposed for heterogeneous CWAO reaction (Guo & Al-Dahhan, 2003).
Kinetic Model Equation Mechanism
M1 rH ¼ k1[A]P[O2]q Empirical Approach
M2 k1 KA KO2 ½O2 ½A Single site
rH ¼
ð1 þ KA ½A þ KO2 ½O2 Þ2
O2 þ $ O2
M3 k1 KA KO0:5 ½A O0:5
Dual site
rH ¼ 2
ð1 þ KA ½A þ KO0:5
½O20:5 Þ2
O2 þ 2 $ 2O2
Dual Sites
M4 k1 KA KO0:5 ½A O0:5
O2 þ2$ 2O2
rH ¼ 2
ð1 þ KA ½A þ KO0:5
½O20:5 Þ2
Note: refers to single catalyst site, 2 refers to dual catalyst sites.
6. CFD modeling
The use of TBR in heterogeneous catalysis is common, especially when gas
and liquid react to form products. However, most studies are conducted in
a laboratory fixed bed reactors and the scaling up of these reactors to
industrial reactors is problematic due to complex interactions of fluid
dynamics with reaction kinetics. Moreover, the change in hydrodynamic
parameters is significant when laboratory reactors are scaled up to com-
mercial reactors and correlations developed in a laboratory reactor might
not work. Ranade and Gunjal suggested that the scale of the reactor affects
its performance. In addition, these authors listed several factors that are
directly affected during reactor scaling-up as follows; reactor to particle
diameter ratio, reactor volume, bed porosity, wetting, channeling, liquid
mal-distribution, dispersion and reactor operating mode (isothermal/adia-
batic). Moreover, these researchers concluded that wall effect is predomin-
ant in laboratory TBR whereas flow mal-distribution is common in
industrial TBR due to large bed diameter. On the other hand, when CFD
model is developed correctly, it should be independent of the scale of the
reactor because these models are based on conservation of mass, energy
and momentum. CFD simulations provide a time saving and cost-effective
approach in the reactor design. In a typical design, the software is used to
solve a system of complex mathematical equations (Haro et al., 2016). The
software can be used to solve multiple phase flows like gas-liquid, liquid-
solid and gas-solid flows (Kapfunde et al., 2018). Multi-phase flow systems
can be modeled in three different ways using volume of fluid (VOF),
Eulerian–Lagrangian and Eulerian–Eulerian approach. The first method
(VOF) is the easiest and all phases are considered as a non-interpenetrating
continuum. The method solves a single set of momentum equations and
tracks the volume of all phases in a computational domain. The method is
suitable for analysis of multiple phase systems of the small domain and
modeling the behavior of the interface. In addition, the method is used
mostly when modeling large scale systems. The Eulerian–Lagrangian
method considers a fluid phase as a continuum and solves a system of
Navier–Stokes equations for the continuous phase while solving the dis-
persed phase by tracking the particles through the calculated flow field.
This model is recommended for modeling of the multiphase flow with less
volume fraction of the dispersed phase and for modeling liquid fuel and
spray dryers. In contrast, the Eulerian-Eulerian method is based on the
assumption that every phase is an interpenetrating continuum. The method
uses the approach of single pressure for all phases. Governing equations
are solved separately for each phase (continuity, momentum, energy, and
species transfer equations). This approach is suitable for the modeling of
the multiphase flow with volume fraction ranging from 0 to 1 and for
multiple phase reactors with more than one dispersed phase (Mousazadeh,
2013). The following sets of mathematical equations are incorporated into
a CFD code solver.
Mass conservation equation:
oek qk
þ r:ek qk Uk ¼ 0 (13)
Momentum conservation equation:
oðek qk Uk Þ
þ r:ðek qk Uk Uk Þ ¼ ek rPk þ r:ðek lrU Þ
ot (14)
þ ek qk g þ FK, R ðUk Ur Þ
Where, ek is volume fraction for each phase, qk is the density of the k-th
phase,Uk is the cell velocity of the k-th phase and FK, R is an interphase
momentum exchange. The interface coupling term FK, R can be expressed
as follow
E1 lG ð1 eG Þ2 eS
FGL ¼ eG 0:667
eG dP
2 2
ð1 eG Þ
E2 qG ðUG UL Þð1 eG Þ eS
þ (15)
eG dp ð1 eG Þ
E1 lG ð1 eG Þ2 eS
FGS ¼ eG
eG 2 dP 2 ð1 eG Þ
E2 qG UG ð1 eG Þ eS
þ (16)
eG dp ð1 eG Þ
E1 lG eS 2 E2 qL UG eS
FLS ¼ eL þ (17)
eG 2 dP 2 eL d p
Where, FGL, FGS, FLS are gas-liquid, gas-solid and liquid-solid momentum
exchange terms. Ranade et al. used a model developed by Attou and
Ferschneider (1999) to simulate the flow regime where the liquid flow was in
the form of droplets. Mousazadeh (2013) used CFD to predict the formation
of hot spots in a trickle bed reactor. A hot spot was observed when there was
a local blockage preventing the fluid from flowing. Furthermore, there was a
temperature difference of 153 C between the hot spot and the surrounding
area. It was concluded that the hot spots were formed when liquid cannot
convect in the radial or axial direction. Lopes and Quinta-Ferreira (2007)
developed a computational fluid dynamics model of a trickle bed reactor oper-
ated between the temperature of 170 C – 200 C and pressures of 10 –
30 bar. These authors used FLUENT 6.1 and Euler–Euler multiphase flow
approach to model the behavior of the fluid inside the reactor. Furthermore,
the researchers studied the influence of gas and liquid flow rate within the
trickle flow regime ranging between (gas: 0.10 – 0.70 and liquid: 0.5 – 5 kg/
m2s). In order to validate their findings for pressure drop and liquid holdup,
a spherical catalyst of a 2 mm diameter was used as a reactor packing. In add-
ition, they mapped both gas and liquid flow; and found maximum velocities
to be 0.5 and 0.005 cm/s respectively. Their results showed that the reactor
was operated within a trickle flow regime. According to their findings, an
increase in liquid mass flux resulted in an increase in liquid holdup whereas
an increase in pressure resulted in a significant decrease of the liquid holdup.
The increase in liquid mass flux improves interaction between gas and liquid
which causes turbulence and thickens the liquid film. These changes resulted
in an increase in liquid side shear stress due to high-pressure drop and resist-
ance became more pronounced in comparison to the driving force. Their
results were in agreement with (Kuzeljevic, 2010; Mousazadeh, 2013; Beni &
Khosravi-Nikou, 2015). The researchers concluded that a change in reactor
pressure is more pronounced on pressure drop than liquid holdup. Similarly,
Beni and Khosravi-Nikou (2015) modeled hydrodynamics of the trickle bed
reactor and used 300 spherical particles arranged in a hexagonal pattern with
maximum space between them, not exceeding 3% of particle diameter. They
simulated only 12 layers due to computational limitation and investigated the
effect of pressure on hydrodynamics parameters at lower pressures ranging
between (0.1, 0.5 & 1 MPa). They also varied gas and liquid superficial veloc-
ities between (0.086 & 0.25 m/sec) and (<0.005–0.03 m/s) respectively.
Regardless of mild pressure they also reached the same conclusion as (Lopes
& Quinta-Ferreira, 2007).
Accurate estimation of hydrodynamic parameters is an important step
for reactor design and performance evaluation of the catalyst. The complex
internal bed structure and phase interaction are the controlling factor in
TBR. Hydrodynamics are affected by; particle properties, packing character-
istics of the bed and operating conditions. There are methods and correla-
tions available for determining hydrodynamic parameters such as liquid
holdup, axial dispersion and CFD.
In summary, CFD can be used to model liquid mal-distribution and pre-
dict the formation of hot spots. Hot spots are undesired because they may
reduce production by deactivating the catalyst or decrease the mechanical
strength of the wall. It is recommended that a simulation of TBR fitted
with a mechanical liquid distributer at the top be simulated.
The authors are thankful to the National Research Foundation of South Africa (Thuthuka
Grant No. 113652 and Mineral Science Council of South Africa (Mintek) under CWO of
Wastewater Project No. ADR 31904 for financial support. The opinions, findings and con-
clusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors. The
funding bodies accept no liability whatsoever in this regard.
Cornelius M. Masuku
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