Cover SW2 FAD
Cover SW2 FAD
Cover SW2 FAD
The quality of space is very nice. The quality of space is acceptable. The quality of space is a little bit clear. The quality of space is not clear.
Student apply value by adding different tone of Student apply some value by adding different tone Student apply a minimal of value by adding Student not apply a value by adding different tone
color. of color. different tone of color. of color.
Element of Art and Design Value
The value is very suitable with the artwork. The value is suitable with the artwork. The value is satisfactory with the artwork. The value is needs improvement.
Student apply excellent color choice to the Student apply good color choice to the artwork Student apply fair color choice to the artwork and Student apply poor color choice to the artwork
Element of Art and Design Color artwork and follow color scheme that learn on and follow color scheme that learn on class but follow color scheme that learn on class but the and not follow color scheme that learn on class.
class. need improvement. choices is not fairly match.
Principle of harmony is excellent and can be seen Principle of harmony is good and can be seen in Principle of harmony is fair and can be seen in Principle of harmony is poor and can be seen in
in artwork. artwork but need improvement. artwork but not very clear. artwork but not clear.
Principle of Art and Design
Harmony The used of working area are harmony vertically The used of working area are harmony vertically The used of working area are harmony either The used of working area are is not harmony .
and horizontally. and horizontally. vertically and horizontally.
The principle of composition exceeds expectation The principle of composition meet expectation The principle of composition need improvement The principle of composition inadequate and poor.
Principle of Art and Design
and very excellent. and good. and satisfactory.
The nature painting is very creative. A lot of The nature painting is creative and a good amount The nature painting is creative and some thought The nature painting does not reflect any degree of
thought and effort was used to make the doodle of thought was put into decorating the doodle. was put into decorating the doddle. creativity.
Neatness of artwork is clearly shown satisfied. The Prepared reasonably well, but lacks clarity. The Average neatness has been made, but the There is a total lack of neatness. The technique is
design is beautiful and neatly completed. design is fairly neat. finishing is poorly presented. The artwork was poor and no attempt to develop skills is evident
submitted but a bit careless in creation of the
Independently continues working, takes scheduled Needs some assistance/verbal reminders to stay Need frequent assistance to stay on-task and to Can not stay on task without full assistance
breaks and completes the work assigned according on task and to complete tasks according to complete a task according to specification.
Independent in doing task
to specifications. specifications.
Note: If the student fails to meet the grading criteria, they can be assigned a score of 0 Mark. TOTAL MARKS