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(1.87%) and phenols (0.66%) in ethanol extract of kPa), total flow (6.2 ml/minute), linear velocity
Piper guineense leaves while Ebenso et al. (2008) (46.3 cm/sec), purge flow (3.0ml/min) and split ratio
also identified the presence of alkaloids, tannins, (1.0). The high-pressure injection, carrier gas server
saponins, flavonoids, hydrogen cyanides and phe- and splitter hold functions were switch off. The ini-
nols in ethanol extract of the leaves. They observed tial rate of oven temperature program was 5 C/min
that, Piper guineense (Uziza leave) contains some and was gradually increased to 140C after which
considerable amount of anti-nutrients which have the temperature was increased to 280 C at a rate of
medicinal benefits. 10 C/minute. Some heat unit and detector functions
GCMS analysis of plant extract has been found to be were checked in order to ensure consistency. These
one of the most powerful tool that is useful for iden- included column oven, SPL2, MS, SPL2 carrier,
tifying chemical constituents of plants (Eddy et al., SPL2 purge and were ensured to be on. However,
2011a,b; Ikpeazu et al., 2020). Ojinnaka et al. the APC setting was turned off.
(201,6) identified 22 peaks from the GCMS spec- Other setting functions of the machine were ion
trum of ethanol extract of Piper guineense leaves source temperature (200 C), interface temperature
and found that the spectrum was dominated by acids (250 C), solvent cut time ((2.50 minutes), detector
and hydrocarbon while alcohol and ester were the gain mode (relative), detector gain (0.00kV), thresh-
least constituents. Recent study conducted by old (1000). The analytical start time was 3 minutes
Usaman et al. (2020) indicated that the component and the machine run for 45 minutes using ACQ scan
extracted from plant parts depends on the type of mode at a scan speed of 769. However, mass/charge
solvent. However, most studies on Piper guineense started at 50 and ended with 400 units.
leaves are done with aqueous and ethanol extract. Gas chromatogram and mass spectrum were auto-
Therefore, the present study is aimed at identifying matically plotted and suggested chemical structures
the chemical constituents of acetone extract of Piper were obtained using the National Science Technol-
guneense leaves using GCMS analysis. ogy library installed in the machine. Percentage con-
2.0 Materials and Methods centrations of each identified component was calcu-
Samples of Piper guineense leaves were purchase lated using area normalization.
from Ikot Ekpene main market and transported to 3.0 Results and Discussion
the Chemistry laboratory of the Michael Okpara Fig. 1 presents the GCMS of acetone extract of
University of Agriculture, Umudike. They were Piper guineene while chemical names, retention
thoroughly washed with distilled water and allowed time, molar mass and percentage concentrations of
to dry. The leaves were sun dried for a week until compounds deduced from each peak in the spectrum
the moisture content was reduced to minimum. The are recorded in Table 1. Fig. 2 shows the mass spec-
dried leaves were grounded to a powder form and trum of the compounds.
soaked in acetone solution. The solvent was recov- The chemical constituents observed from the GCMS
ered using cold extractor, leaving behind, acetone spectrum of the plant leaves were 3,6-dimethyloxa-
extract of Piper guineense leaves. zolo(5,4-c)pyridazin-4-amine (31.80 %), 3-(1-meth-
The produced extract was used for GCMS analysis ylethyl)-cyclohexene (20.99 %), 4-methoxy-N-(4-
using spectroscopically pure acetone solvent. The nitrobenzyl)-benzamide (12.82 %), alpha bisabo-
GCMS-QP2010 PLUS Schimadzu (made in Japan) lene (7.33%), 1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,8a-octahydro-7-me-
instrument was used for the analysis. The analytical thyl-4-methylene-1-(1-methylethyl)-napthalene
steps taken were plugger speed (high), syringe injec- (4.42 %), 3,7-diacetamidophenoxathin (4.10 %),
tion speed (high), viscosity/compression time (0.2 1,3,3-trimethyl tricyclo{2,2,1]heptane (2.98%), 3H-
second), injection mode (normal), pumping time indazol-3-one (2.11%), 1H-indene,octahydro-1,7a-
(5), injection port dwell time (0.3 second), termi- dimethyl-4-(1-methylethenyl)-1,4-methano-1H-in-
nated air cap (No), plugger washing speed (high), dene (1.98%), piperidine (1.97%),2,4-disopropenyl-
washing volume (8µl), syring suction position (0), 1-methyl-1-vinyl (1.70%), n-hexadecanoic acid
syringe injection position (0) and used three solvent (1.68%), eudesma-4[14],11-diene (1.27%), tri-
vial (3). The operational setting of the GCMS instru- cosenoic acid (0.77%), alpha cubebene (H-
ment were column oven temperature (60C), injec- ctclopenta[1,3]cyclopropal[1,2]benzene (0.71%),
tion temperature (200C), injection mode (split), 2,6,6-trimethyl-3-(phenylthio)cyclohept-4-enol
flow control mode (linear velocity), pressure (100.2
Communication in Physical Sciences 2020, 5(4): 437-445 439
Alpha cubebene
Cis-alpha bisabolene
Communication in Physical Sciences 2020, 5(4): 437-445 441
Gamma murolene
1H-cycloprop(e) azulen-4-ol,decahydro-1,1,4,7-tetramethyl-globulol
Communication in Physical Sciences 2020, 5(4): 437-445 442
n-hexadecanoic acid
Tricosenoic acid
Communication in Physical Sciences 2020, 5(4): 437-445 443
Fig. 2: Mass spectrum and chemical structures of compounds in acetone extract of Piper guneense
The mass spectrum of 3,6-dimethyloxazolo(5,4- leaves to the presence of cubebin. Haznedarogku et
c)pyridazin-4-amine was shown in Fig. 2. The com- al. (2001) found that the essential oil of Salvia to-
pound is also call octocrinsghpfl-uhfffaoysa-N. mentosa contain 1,8-cineol (17%), β-caryophyllene
Little is known of its bioactivity or other usefulness. (11%), cyclofenchene (10%) and δ-cadinene (6%).
However, the 5,4 derivatives of the compound has They attributed the antimicrobial activity of the es-
been implicated in the treatment of cancer tumor. sential oil to these constituents, which also inhibited
Caryophyllene identified in line 5 (of the GCMS the growth of tested Gram-positive and Gram-nega-
spectrum) contains several biological activities that tive bacteria except for Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
are attributed to betacaryophyllene, such as anti-in- Alpha-cubebene, camphene, geraniol, limonene,
flammatory, antibiotic, antioxidant, anticarcinogen- myrcene, palmitic acid and sabinen were found to
icc and local anaesthetic. Piperidine (peak 19) has exhibit antioxidant (DPPH assay), anti-inflamma-
been confirmed to be active as antibacterial, analge- tory (5-lipoxygenase assay), antimicrobial (disk
sic and also exhibited anti-inflammatory activity diffusion) and anti-mosquito properties (insecti-
(Mohammed et al., 2016). Alpha and beta cubebene cidal, larvicidal and repellency assays) by Naidoo
were also reported in essential oils of Annona salz- et al. (2009). α-farnesene and bisabolene are known
mannii and A. pickelii (Annonaceae) by Coataa et al. flavour ingredients and their catalytic hydrogenation
(2011) and were found to exhibit strong anti-bacte- gives the hydrocarbons, farnesane and bisabolane,
rial activity. Boligon et al. (2012) also attributed an- respectively. These saturated derivatives are pro-
timicrobial activity of Scutia buxifolia Reissek spective industrial products as they have been
Communication in Physical Sciences 2020, 5(4): 437-445 444
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