Music dll1st Quarter
Music dll1st Quarter
Music dll1st Quarter
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of common musical characteristics of the region as
Standard well as unique characteristics of a particular Southeast Asian country
B. Performance The learner performs Southeast Asian songs with appropriate pitch, rhythm, expression and
Standard style.
A. Reviewing The teacher will The teacher will ask The The teacher
Previous ask the the question: teacher will ask the
Lesson Or question: 1. Who can relate will ask question:
Presenting New 1.Who can Philippine music to that of the 1. Who can
Lessons relate the music Thailand music then questio relate
of Indonesia to compare the music n: Philippine
its Geography particularly in terms of 1.Who music to that
and Culture? pitch, rhythm, expression can of Mynmar
and style? relate music then
( 5 minutes) the compare the
( 5 minutes) music music
of particularly
Cambodia in terms of
to its pitch,
Geography rhythm,
and expression
Culture? and style?
( 5 minutes)
B. The teacher will present The teacher will post pictures The teacher will The teacher will
Establishing A picture of gamelan then let of the three primary show pictures play video on
Purpose the students name the instrumental ensembles in of different how to play the
For instruments in the gamelan Thailand. instruments of saung gauk
The ensemble. ∙ Piphat Cambodia then https://
Less (5 minutes) ∙ Khrueang Sai let the students
on ∙ Mahori recognize each com/watch?v=-
Let the students name and picture of wtFu5BDBjY
identify the classification of instrument if it
each ensembles is aerophone, https://
(aerophones, chordophones, membranophone
membranophone) and com/watch?v=ZU
(5 minutes) chordophones. ( 5 QrwMQ2TA
( 5 minutes)
C. Presenting The teacher will play the The teacher will play video of The teacher will The teacher will
Examples / video of Javanese the three primary play the video post picture of
Instances instrumental ensembles in of Pinpeat. Saung Gauk and
Of The m/watch?v=p3HwqqiVxb E Thailand. https:// names of each
New and Balinese gamelan ∙ Piphat www.youtu part then let the
Less students label the
on m/watch?v=BmlAZxha8P w com/watch?v=ZhNoT v=2 tYa-N6cKGY parts of the
Allow the students to identify zhzYHg instrument.
the classification of musical ∙ Khrueang Sai
instruments Ask the students ( 5 minutes)
what they
observed on the
used and how those Who can name
instruments produce com/watch?v=9dYpX some instruments
sounds? 2t6x1Y on the ensembles?
(5 minutes) ∙ Mahori (5 minutes)
D. Discussing New Teacher will lead Teacher will lead discussion The teacher will The teacher will
Concepts And discussion on the about music of Thailand and discuss the discuss the
Practicing New gamelan orchestra its ensembles. Cambodian court Saung
Skills including the (10 minutes) music and the gauk and its
#1 Javanese and pinpeat. part.
Balinese Gamelan (10 minutes)
through powerpoint (10 minutes)
(10 minutes)
E. Discussing New
Concepts And
Practicing New
F. Developing The teacher will again The teacher will play the The teacher will The teacher
Mastery play the Javanese and three primary instrumental show pictures of will post
(Leads To Balinese gamelan ensembles in Thailand. pinpeat then let the pictures of
Formative then let the students ∙ Piphat students name Saung
Assessment watch, each instrument. Gauk then let
3) listen and answer com/watch?v=ZhNoT (5 minutes) the
the questions below: zhzYHg students
∙ Describe how the ∙ Khrueang Sai identify the
Javanese and parts of each
Balinese com/watch?v=9dYpX instrument.
musicians play 2t6x1Y (5 minutes)
their instruments.
∙ How many ∙ Mahori
players are com/watch?v=tyu10i
needed to form RTHZ4
each ensemble? Allow the students answer
(5 minutes) the following questions:
∙ How will you describe the
three ensembles?
∙ Describe how the
Javanese and
Balinese musicians
play their
(5 minutes)
G. Finding Practical Work Approach Practical Work Approach Practical Practical Work
Practical (PWA) 2 minutes per (PWA) Work Approach (PWA)
Applications group Approach ∙ Each Group
Of The ∙ Each Group will (PWA) will perform
Concepts And ∙ Each Group will perform their their
Skills In perform gamelan assigned ensemble ∙ Each Group improvised
Daily Living ensemble with with the use of their will perform chordophone
the use of their improvised their instruments.
improvised instruments. improvised ∙ Each group
percussion pinpeat will be given 5
instruments. ∙ Each group will be minutes to
given 5 minutes to ∙ Each group practice and 5
∙ Each group will practice and 5 will be minutes to
be given 5 minutes to perform. given 5 perform.
minutes to minutes to
practice and 5 (See attached rubrics) practice and (See attached
minutes to (15 minutes) 5 minutes rubrics) (15
perform. to perform. minutes)
H. Making Ask students the Ask students the Ask students the The teacher will ask
Generalizations following questions: question: following the students
And Abstractions *How does Gamelan questions: * What is the
About contribute to the How can musical ∙ How many significance of
The Lesson music industry of instruments enhance instrument Saung gauk to the
Indonesia? * How songs/music? players are country of
does Gamelan (5 minutes) needed to Myanmar?
produce quality form (5 minutes)
sounds? (5 minutes) pinpeat?
∙ Are their
made of
wood or
( 5 minutes)
I. Evaluating The teacher will The teacher will ask The teacher will The teacher will
Learning ask the students students ask students ask students
1.How can you 1.How can you 1.How can you 1.How can you
evaluate Indonesian evaluate Thailand evaluate evaluate
music according to music according to Cambodian music Myanmar music
its musical elements its musical according to its according to its
and style? elements and musical elements musical elements
(5 min) style? and style? and style?
( 5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)
J. Additional Activities For The teacher will play List down the List down 5 The teacher will
Application And again the Javanese characteristics of instruments in post picture of
Remediation and Balinese then let each ensembles. pinpeat ensembles Saung Gauk then
the students compare
MAHORI PIPHAT KHRUEA NG SAI with its let the students
the two gamelan by classification of identify the parts
using the Venn ( 5 minutes) musical of each instrument.
Diagram. instruments. (5 minutes)
(5 min) (5 minutes)
Bring improvised improvised musical chordophone
percussion/ instruments. musical
membranophone instruments.
G. What Innovation Or
Localized Materials Did I
Use / Discover Which I
Wish To Share With Other