DLP SCI 5E ..Doc'
DLP SCI 5E ..Doc'
DLP SCI 5E ..Doc'
B. Performance The leaners should be able to group common objects found at home and
in school according to solids, liquids and gas.
C. Learning Competency The learners should be able to classify objects and materials as solid,
liquid. and gas based on some observable characteristics. (S3MT- lc-d-2)
1. Unpacked The learners should be able to classify solids based on some observable
characteristics such as color, size, shape, texture and weight.
B. Science Ideas Solids may be classified based on their characteristics such as size, shape,
texture and weight. We use our senses in classifying solids.
1. Drill Let the pupils read the following words in the flash cards.
2. Presentation Present to the class that solids can be classified base on their
3. Pre- Activity Divide the class into 5 groups. Let them assign the leader, scribe.
timekeeper. resource investigator. facilitator and sharer per Remind them
of their roles.
Leader — Makes sure the group achieves the task.
Sharer — Makes sure the group records what is needed.
Timekeeper — Makes sure the group keeps to time.
Resource Investigator — Makes sure the group has the equipment it
Facilitator — Makes sure everybody in the group has an equal chance to
Sharer — Makes sure we communicate and share ideas with other groups.
Remind them also of the standards in performing group activity. Let them
recall the acronym GROUPS.
Get along
Bespect others
On task
Use quiet voices
Stay in your group
4. Proper Activity Distribute the worksheet. Tell the class that will be assigned to a station to
start with. Then. they will investigate the solid per station by
accomplishing the worksheet. After the given time (e.g. 2 minutes). they
will proceed to the next station, rotating in a clockwise directdl. They will
do this until they passed all the 5 stations.
Sample materials per station
Station 1 — plate
Station 2 — table
Station 3 — hollow block
Station 4— notebook
Station 5 — leaf
Station Number Group Number
1 1 2 3 4 5
2 2 3 4 5 1
3 3 4 5 1 2
4 4 5 1 2 3
5 5 1 2 3 4
1. Group Reporting After groups are done performing the activity, ask for a volunteer from each
group to share in theclass the result of the activity.
2. Discussion Ask the other group if they are agree to the presenter's obeservation. Ask
also the other observation that does'nt mention in the observation.
1. Generalization Ask the class: What are some of the observable characteristics of solids?
Note: The teacher may make a concept map on the board to summarize the
characteristics of solids.
2. Application Go to the garden, list down the solids with the same characteristics.
A.green C. yellow
B.red D. brown
A. soft C. smooth
B. hard D. rough
A. light C. big
B. heavy. D. small
A. big C. heavy
B. small D. light
A square C. circle
B. rectactangle. D. triangle
lV. Assignment List down atleast 5 solids that can be found in your home and record their
WorkSheet Sample