GCSE Higher Practice Book
GCSE Higher Practice Book
GCSE Higher Practice Book
endorsed for
Multiplicative reasoning 97 17 More algebra 148
Growth and decay 97 17.1 Rearranging formulae 148
Compound measures 98 17.2 Algebraic fractions 149
More compound measures 99 17.3 Simplifying algebraic fractions 149
Ratio and proportion 100 17.4 More algebraic fractions 150
Problem-solving 101 17.5 Surds 151
17.6 Solving algebraic fraction equations 152
Similarity and congruence 102
17.7 Functions 152
Congruence 102
17.8 Proof 153
Geometric proof and congruence 103
Problem-solving 154
Similarity 104
More similarity 106 18 Vectors and geometric proof 155
Similarity in 3D solids 107 18.1 Vectors and vector notation 155
Problem-solving 108 18.2 Vector arithmetic 155
18.3 More vector arithmetic 156
More trigonometry 110
18.4 Parallel vectors and collinear points 158
Accuracy 110
18.5 Solving geometric problems 159
Graph of the sine function 110
Problem-solving 160
Graph of the cosine function 112
The tangent function 113 19 Proportion and graphs 162
Calculating areas and the sine rule 115 19.1 Direct proportion 162
The cosine rule and 2D trigonometric 19.2 More direct proportion 162
problems 116 19.3 Inverse proportion 163
Solving problems in 3D 117 19.4 Exponential functions 165
Transforming trigonometric graphs 1 118 19.5 Non-linear graphs 166
Transforming trigonometric graphs 2 119 19.6 Translating graphs of functions 168
Problem-solving 121 19.7 Reflecting and stretching graphs of
functions 169
Further statistics 123
Problem-solving 171
Sampling 123
Cumulative frequency 124
Box plots 125
Drawing histograms 127
Interpreting histograms 127
Comparing and describing populations 129
Problem-solving 130
Equations and graphs 131
Solving simultaneous equations
graphically 131
Representing inequalities graphically 132
Graphs of quadratic functions 134
Solving quadratic equations
graphically 136
Graphs of cubic functions 137
Problem-solving 139
Circle theorems 141
Radii and chords 141
Tangents 142
Angles in circles 1 143
Angles in circles 2 144
Applying circle theorems 146
Problem-solving 147
Welcome to Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Mathematics Higher
Practice, Reasoning and Problem-solving Book
This Practice Book is packed with extra practice on all the content of the Student Book -
giving you more opportunities to practise answering simple questions as well as
problem-solving and reasoning ones.
to show where a
H i Write this number in standard form,
ii Enter the ordinary number in your
Exam hint
Don't just write down the possible v.
give your working to show now yoi
calculator and press the » key. worked out the values.
question requires Compare your calculator number with
the standard form number
you to problem- Explain how your calculator displays a j There is a section
number in standard form, U S u rd s
solve or reason b The diameter of a hair follicle is 0.00069 m.
I Write this number in standard form,
relating to every
Write to 2 decimal places.
mathematically - ii Enter the ordinary number in your
calculator and press the - key.
ay? b /H c mastery lesson in
essential skills for Compare your calculator number with
the standard form number.
a Workout the Student Book.
i v'fxv'S ii
v________ I_________ )
your GCSE. 9 Work out these.
Use a calculator to check your answers,
b Workout
i v3v r ii V21
a (2 x 10*) x (3 x 10*) c What do you notice about your answers to
b (5 x 10*) x (7 x l(R) parts a and b?
c (9 x 10-5) x (4 x 10s) d Fill In the missing numbers.
d (8 x 10s) r (2 x 10*) i v 2 * v3 - v Q
e (12 x 10s) + (3 x 10 *) Ii /2 x v Q v l 2
f (3 x 1 0 *) * 0 x 1 0 * ) iii v C j/7 - / 1 4
g (2 » 10s)* h (3 x 10~*)‘
Problem-solving section
These are strategies that you have A QR code is given in the problem-solving section
learned so far in the Student Book. They where you learn a new strategy in that unit in the
build up as you work through the book. Student Book. Scan it to see the worked example
Consider whether they could help you to and remind yourself of the strategy.
answer some of the following questions.
R Pia is part of a 'calling tree". The first person Juan pours 6 j litres of water into some jugs.
calls three people, then each person in this Each jug can hold l j litres.
second round calls three people and so on. How many jugs can Juan fill?
a How many people have been called after
the fifth round? The Elizabeth Tower in London is 96.3 m talL
b Write the expression to find the number of i From a point on the ground 25 m away,
people called in the nth round. what is the angle of elevation to the top of
the tower?
Give your answer to the nearest whole
a Write down the different orders in which
Number problems they can finish first, second, third and
and reasoning fourth.
b How many different ways can the prizes be
1 A T-shirt manufacturer offers a choice of three awarded if there are
different coloured shirts - red, green or blue, i 5 people and 5 prizes
and two different patterns - spots or stripes, ii 10 people and 10 prizes
a Write down all possible combinations of iii 12 people and 12 prizes?
colours and patterns. P A shop alarm needs a 5-character code,
b How did you order your list to make sure cm
□ □□ a How many different codes can be created
that you didn't miss any combinations? ODD
The manufacturer decides to offer yellow i 5 numbers
T-shirts as well. ii 5 letters
c How many possible combinations are iii 4 letters followed by 1 number?
there now? The shop owners decide not to repeat a digit
d Copy and complete. or letter.
3 colours and 2 patterns: b How many ways are possible in parts i to
□ combinations iii now?
4 colours and 2 patterns:
□ combinations
n colours and m patterns:
□ combinations
Another T-shirt company offers 4 colours,
2 patterns and 3 different sizes, 1 Workout
e How many possible combinations are a 56 x 12 b 28x24
there now? c 14 x 48 d 7 x 96
[ Exam-style question__________ ______ ) 2 5.4 x 7.39 = 39.906
□ □□
□□ □ A bank asks for a 3-character PIN code. Use this fact to work out the calculations
□ □□
k (2_1)°
(8 - 4)_1
1 U 8
7 a Use a calculator to work out
□□□ i 4i ■v £ ) ' 9 5
b Copy and complete. 4 (A)4 6
a? is the same as the
_____________ of a.
c Work out *
i 8t ii 64t iii (— j iv -8 t Powers of 10 and
d Copy and complete.
a ! is the same as th e _________
standard form
_____________ of a.
e Copy and complete. 1 Write these prefixes in size order, starting
with the smallest.
i 81 = 3n s o 8 li = D
ii 1024 = d 5 so 1024! = □ pico, milli, nano, tera, kilo, deci, micro, giga,
centi, mega
8 Evaluate
a 100? 2 Convert
a 3Tg into grams b 8 pm into metres
e -2 7 i c 3.5G gintokg d 9000ps into seconds.
number. o ____
a Show th a t- /r = /3
Use a calculator to work out /L28 b Use your calculator to check your answers
a as a simplified surd from Q12.
b as a decimal.
15 The area of a rectangle is 33 cm2. The length
6 a A surd simplifies to 4/3. What could the of one side is 43 cm.
original surd be? Work out the length of the other side. Give
b How did you find the surd? your answer as a surd in its simplest form.
24 teeth 3vZ
a (x5)2
b (f/3)3 c (f4)5 d (r3)7 c (3mn~2)~l
14 Simplify
- (if
a (3t2)3 b (4m3)2 a v/z/*° b A x4 c v9a6 d J l6 x 8y z
c (f)
7 The term in each brick in the wall is found 15
- i i 1 I I |—1
by multiplying together the two terms in the a a 4x a 4x a ‘ x a ‘ = a u = U
bricks underneath. VaxVaxVaxVa=E\
Copy and complete the wall. Therefore ar = □
b a 5x a 5x a 5x a 5x a= = a a = n
24x8y va x ya x ya x ya x ya = |_|
2x3y Therefore a= = D
2x2 16 Simplify
2x a (2x zq3)~z b (166s)?
c (27x 3z/ 9H d (16x12z/16)i
Q7 hint To find the term in the yellow brick
you must work out 24x sy + Zx3y
Expanding and
a (3x zy 3)2 b (2x 3y 5)3 c (5x 2*/)4 d
2xyb x + 3
R Copy and complete R a Write down
an expression
a x4
containing brackets
x4 for the area of
Therefore x D = D the rectangle.
c What do you notice about your answers to 11 R Show algebraically that the
parts a and b? product of five consecutive
numbers must be a multiple
2 R State whether each relation is an equation of 120.
or an identity.
Rewrite the identities using =. ( Exam-style question j
ax+l=l+x b x y =y x
a Expand 2a(106 - 3a) (1 mark)
c 4x + l = 5x d — = 0.5x b Factorise completely
12x2y + 18xy2 (1 mark)
3 R By drawing rectangles show that
c Simplify y'l 6x4y2 (2 marks)
a 2x(x + 1) = 2x2 + 2x
b a(2b + c) = 2ab + ac
c 2x(5 + 3x) = lOx + 6x2
4 a Expand
i 2a(6 + 3) ii 36(10 + 3a)
1 a Copy and complete to begin to solve the
b Use your answers to part a to expand and
4x - 3 = 2x + 7
2a(6 + 3) + 36(10 + 3a)
4x - 3 - □ = 2x + 7 - □
5 Expand and simplify □x - 3=□
a 3(x + 1) + 4x b 5y + 3(y + 2) b Solve the equation.
c 9(2x + 1) + 5x d 2(x + 5) + 4(x + 7)
2 Solve
e 46 + 3(6 + 5) + 26 f 4(5x + 2) + 5(2 + 5x)
a 4x + 2 = 5x b 9x - 5 = 7x + 1
6 Expand and simplify c x - 4 = 2 x -9 d lOx + 3 = 12x- 5
a 2(x - 4) b 3 (x - 5) + 8x
3 a Expand
c x(2x - 4) d 2x(x+ l ) - x ( x + 3)
i 4(x - 2) ii 2(3x - 2)
e 5x + 2x(10 - x ) f 5x(2 + 5x) - 2(5x + 1)
b Use your answers to part a to solve
7 Find the HCF of 4(x - 2) = 2(3x - 2)
a 2a and 4a6 b la b and 86 U a Expand and simplify 7(x - 2) - 3(x - 3)
c Sab and 3a d 15a262 and 5a b Use your answer to part a to solve
8 Factorise completely 7(x - 2) - 3 (x - 3) = 11
a 4x + 6 b 2x y + 8y 5 Solve these equations.
c I x y + 2x d 3ab + Sac a 3(2x - 1) + 5(x + 2) = 40
e x y z + 2xy f a 2 + 3a3 b 3(x + 1) - (2 x - 5) = 12
g 10a62 + 5ac h 4x2z/2 + 6xz2
6 Solve
i 12n?k - 8nzk 2 j 15tm z - \2 m q z
a 3(2x + 1) + 2(x - 7) = 20
9 a What is the FICFof2(a + 36)3and 12(a + 36)? b 9(2x - 4) = 3(4x + 1)
b Copy and complete c 2(3x - 4) = 5(10 - 2x)
2(a + 3b)z - 12 (a + 36) d lOx - 3(x + 7) = 12
= D (a + 36) [(a + 36) - □ ] e 9(2x - 1) - 2(3x + 4) = 15
= D (a + 36)(a + 36 - □ ) f 6(10 - 2x) = 5 (2 - 3x)
9 The formula K = can be used to convert 5 R Which of the values in the cloud are terms
in the sequence un = 3n + 2?
□□□I between miles (M) and kilometres (K).
a Convert 38 miles into kilometres,
b Make M the subject of the formula,
c Convert 108 km into miles.
8 R a Find the first term in the arithmetic a Work out the difference between the two
sequence 24, 31, 38, 45,... which is greater inputs.
than 300. b Work out the difference between the two
b Find the first term in the arithmetic outputs.
sequence 400, 330, 250, ... which is less c Use your answers to parts a and b to find
than zero. the value of p in the function machine,
9 A baby girl gains 0.5 lb in weight per week, d Work out the value of q.
a If the baby weighs 8.2 lb at age 2 weeks, 14 R Find the values of p and q in this function
how much does she weigh when she is age machine when the inputs -1 and 12 produce
i 3 weeks outputs o f -10 and 42 respectively.
ii 4 weeks
iii 5 weeks? +q
b How long will it be before she weighs more
than 2 stone?
□ □a sequence.
11 R The 77th term of an arithmetic sequence is a □□
un = 3n - 2
a =4 b un = 1" c un = 0. 1"
a Write down the values of the first four
3 Write down the first five terms of these
terms, u v uz, u3, 774.
geometric sequences,
b Write down the value of the common
a first term = 2/2;
difference, d.
term-to-term rule is 'multiply by v 2'
c By substituting n =0, work out the value
b first term = v'3;
of the zero term, u0.
b Copy and complete for the sequence Q14 hint Use the method in Q13.
vn = 2n 2+ n - 5
sequence 15 The nth term of a sequence is un = 2".
Show that the product of the 5th, 6th and 7th
1st differences terms is 218.
x - 2
a (x + 3)(x + 4)
b (x + 3 )(x -6 )
c (x -2 )(x + 4) 10 Copy and complete these factorisations,
d (x-Z ){x-6) a 9x2 - 100 = (3x)2 - CD2
= (3x - D ) ( 3 x + □ )
2 P Find the missing terms in these quadratic
b 4y z - 25 = ( O y ) 2 - D 2
= ( □ * /-□ )(□ * /+ □ )
a (x + □ )(£ + 5) = x 1 + Q r + 15
b (x - D ) ( x - 3) = x 2 - 8x + □ 11 Factorise
a 100m2 - 1 b 16c2- 36 c x 2- y 2
3 Expand and simplify
a (x + l) 2 b (x - l) 2 ( Exam-style question
c (x + 7)2 d (x - 5)2
a Factorise b2- 5b + 6 (2 marks)
4 a Copy and complete to evaluate 352 - 152 b Expand ( 5 r - 2s)2 (2 marks)
without a calculator.
(35 - 15)(35 + 15) = 20 x □ = □
b Without using a calculator work out
i 552- 352 F Problem-solving
ii 1.52 - 0.52
5 Expand and simplify Solve problems using these
a (x + l ) ( x - l ) b (x + 3)(x-3 ) strategies where appropriate:
• Use pictures or lists
6 Factorise
a x z - 16 b y 2 - 121 c t2 - 64 • Use smaller numbers.
Q8a hint Let x represent the mystery number. Q1 hint Draw a picture.
□ Size 12
classes were recorded.
The back-to-back stem and
□ Size 14 leaf diagram shows the results.
Compare the distribution of
□ Size 16
ages in the two classes.
Yoga Body pump
Key 1 8 9
]] Size 10 8 8 7 2 3 4 4 6 6 9
3 Size 12 8 3 2 2 0 3 2 4 4 6
Size 14 8 7 5 0 0 4 1 9
; 1 Size 16 5 1 5 0
1 2 3 3 5
30 < t =£ 60 51
2 0 6 8 8 8 60 < t =£ 90 78
3 1 2 3 3 4 90 < t *£ 120 28
4 0 5 5 120 < £ =£ 150 8
5 3 a How many people were surveyed?
b What percentage watched TV for more
Key than 1 hour?
1 I 2 represents 12 downloads c Estimate the range.
a Write down the number of customers d Copy and complete the frequency polygon.
who downloaded 45 songs, TV watching times
b Work out the range,
c What is the modal number of downloads?
d Work out the median. (4 marks)
Annual rainfall
c A
a Draw a line of best fit on a scatter graph a Use the given lines of best fit to work out
and use the line to estimate the number two estimates for the growth of the crops
of litres of fuel used for a 110-mile journey. if the rainfall is 4.5 mm.
The fuel tank on the lorry holds 1500 litres, b Which of the estimates is likely to be more
b Estimate how far the lorry can go between reliable? Give two reasons for your answer.
refuellings. 6 R The heights (to the nearest metre) and
trunk circumferences of 6 trees are recorded.
R The table shows the outside temperature
The table shows the height, h (in metres) and
and the daily heating costs of a house.
circumference, C (in cm) of the trees.
10 6 7 3 0 4 h i m) 2 3 4 5 6 7
Heating cost C (cm) 30 82 93 101 112 120
12 16 14 20 24 18
(£) a Draw a scatter graph for this data,
a Draw a line of best fit on a scatter graph b Why is the first point classified as an
and use it to estimate outlier? Suggest a possible reason for this,
i the daily heating cost if the outside c Draw a line of best fit passing close to the
temperature is 8°C remaining five points.
ii the outside temperature if the heating d Use the line to estimate the circumference
cost is £15 of a tree which is 3.5 m in height,
iii the daily heating cost if the outside e Estimate the height of a tree with
temperature is 15°C. circumference 125 cm.
b Which of these estimates do you think is
7 The table shows the age, x (in years) and
the least reliable?
shoe size, y, of a sample of 9 boys.
Give a reason for your answer.
Age,* 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
R Two surveys are carried out on crop
Shoe size, y 1 3 5 6 7 8 8.5 8.5 9
The results are shown on the scatter graphs. a Draw a scatter graph of this data.
9 ( Exam-style question_________________ j
A company wants to compare the salaries
of its employees.
The table shows their current salaries.
Salary, 5, (£) Frequency
10000 =sS < 12000 3
12000 =£ S < 14000 15
CZ3 sunflowers grown by a Brownie pack.
□ □□ The frequency table gives information
about the times it took some office workers Height, h (cm) Frequency
to get to the office one day.
150 ^ h < 180 2
Time, t (minutes) Frequency
180 ^ h < 210 4
0< t 10 4
210 ^ h < 240 7
10 < t 20 8
240 *£ h < 270 8
20 < t =£ 30 14
30 < t «£ 40 16 270 * £ h < 300 11
40 < t *£ 50 6 300 h < 330 3
50 < t =£ 60 2 330 *£ h < 360 1
a Copy the axes below ai id draw a a How many sunflowers were grown?
frequency polygon for his information.
b Which is the modal group?
c Estimate the range,
d Draw a frequency polygon for the data,
a 20
e Was the number of sunflowers 240cm or
taller greater or less than the number that
u. 10
were shorter than 240cm?
5 Explain how you know from looking at
0 the graph.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
T im e (m inutes) (2 marks) 10 Stacey, Paula and Mark are looking at the
b Write down the modal class same scatter graph. They each draw a line of
interval. (1 mark) best fit.
One of the office workers is picked at random,
c Work out the probability that this
worker took more than 40 minutes to get
to the office. (2 marks)
November 2012, Q12, 1MA0/2H
28 R = R e a so n in g P = P ro b le m -so lv in g 3 P ro b le m -so lv in g
10 fE xam -style question_____________
Sally has ordered a wedding cake.
She has asked that the cake be between
1 Simon and Cathy each buy an identical pizza.
8 y inches and 9 inches high.
Simon eats f of his pizza and Cathy eats f of The baker makes these three layers.
her pizza.
How much pizza is left?
Give your answer as a mixed number.
A ll measurements are in inches.
2 Find the reciprocal of each number.
C Z) When the layers are placed on top of one
aa a 5
□ an
□ b 0.125 c 2.25 another, will they make a cake that is
Use a calculator to check your answers. between 8 y and 9 inches high?
You must explain your answer. (5 marks)
3 Find the reciprocal of
•,1 u 3 , 1 1
3 4 k 5 C 8
d 4|
Exam hint
Giving your answer as a mixed number where Explain your answer by showing your calculations.
appropriate, work out Write a sentence, ‘The cake will/will not be
between and 9 inches high because ...’
2M i2 x A
18 5
Monica booked a trip to Disneyland for
A 4 9 13 herself and her family.
B 10 22.5 32.5 The total cost of the trip was £5800 plus
VAT at 20%.
a Are A and B in direct proportion?
Monica paid £1300 of the total cost when
she booked her holiday.
b Write a formula fori? in terms of A.
She paid the rest of the total cost in 6 equal
c Write the ratio A :B in its simplest form. monthly payments.
11 The values of X and Y are in direct proportion.
Work out the amount of each monthly
Work out the missing values of p, q, r and s. payment. (5 marks)
Value of X P 20 45 r 108
3 A train ticket normally costs £182.
Value of Y 10 q 24 54 s
George gets a 30% discount.
12 The cost of wood is directly proportional How much does George pay for the train ticket?
to its length.
A 3000 mm piece of wood costs £58.50. 4 R Dan has £2500 invested for 2 years.
Work out the cost of 10000 mm of this wood. The investment increases by 5% each year.
Work out the value of the investment after
P The weight of a metal rod is directly a 1 year b 2 years.
proportional to its volume.
A metal rod weighs 350g and has a volume of 5 a Work out the amount of simple interest
15.71cm3. earned in one year for each of these
Work out the volume of another rod made IhD investments.
from the same metal that weighs 475g. i £450 at 3% per year
Write your answer to 2 d.p. ii £6000 at 7.5% per year
b Gary invests £23 750 for 3 years at 4.25%
14 ( Exam-style question ~ j simple interest.
ii□51 Bob is on holiday in Spain. How much is his investment worth at the
He pays €51.98 for 45 litres of petrol. end of the 3 years?
When Bob returns to the UK, he pays
£44.03 for 37 litres of petrol. P Income tax is paid on any money you earn
The exchange rate is £1 = €1.28 over your personal tax allowance.
In which country is it cheaper to buy In 2014-15, the personal tax allowance was
petrol? (4 marks) £ 10000.
Above this amount, tax is paid at different
rates, depending on how much you earn.
Q14 hint You only need to convert one of The table shows the tax rates you paid in
the prices into the other currency, not both, each band in 2014-15.
before you look at the amount of petrol.
Tax rate Taxable income
Personal allowance 0% Up to £10000
Basic rate 20% £10000 to £41865
Percentages Higher rate 40% £41865 to £150000
1 Tariq gets an electricity bill. Work out the amount of income tax each of
The cost of the electricity used before the these people paid in the 2014-15 tax year,
VAT is added is £493.80. a Harry earns £18900 per annum,
VAT is charged at 5% on domestic fuel bills. b Sheila earns £27 950 p.a.
What is the cost of the electricity bill, c Claire earns £57 560 p.a.
including VAT? d Aylish earns £85 735 p.a.
account is £4680. □□□ 6%. The value of the car in 2015 was £7990.
□ DO
a What is the actual increase? a What was the total percentage decrease?
b Work out the percentage increase. Do not round your answer,
b Work out the value of the car in 2013.
In 2014, a local council recycled 14.28 million
□ □□
tonnes of refuse. 15 R a Show that applying a 10% decrease
□ □□
□ □ □
In 2004, they recycled 6.53 million tonnes of followed by a 10% increase is the same as
refuse. a 1% decrease overall.
What was the percentage increase over the b Will applying a decrease by a fixed amount
decade? and then an increase by the same fixed
amount always result in a decrease overall?
9 Cerys bought an electric guitar for £380.
Two years later she sold it for £209.
Fractions, decimals
□ □□
□ □□
What was her percentage loss?
£x X 1 .0 5 X 0 .9 2 ^ — >• □
4 ( Exam-style question
Which is closer to 65%, \ or
You must show your working. (3 marks)
( Exam-style question )
. > B
f\X )
/ i l l 0/
° > E
ABC and DEF are straight lines.
AC is parallel to DF. BE = BF.
Calculate the size of the angle marked x.
You must give reasons for your answer.
(4 marks)
Q9 hint Use the fact that the angles in a 6 The sum of the interior angles
quadrilateral add up to 360° to write an of a polygon is 1980°.
equation. How many sides does the
polygon have?
Interior angles of
7 P A regular octagon is divided into
a polygon 8 isosceles triangles.
Exterior angles of
| a polygon
1 R A pentagon and a hexagon are shown.
to 1 d.p.
Q1 hint Do not round before taking the Calculate the perimeter of ABCD.
square root. Use all the figures on your Give your answer correct to 1 decimal
calculator display. place. (3 marks)
length ABCD.
Give your answer in centimetres, to the
nearest millimetre.
P ABC is an isosceles
The screen of a TV set has a diagonal length
cm triangle.
□□□ of 1.22 m and a height of 60cm.
□ D is the midpoint of BC.
Work out the height
of the triangle.
Give your answer
in surd form.
Q3a hint
Use cos 0 =
7 P / R A tent makes
czi an angle of 65° with
□ oa
□□ the horizontal.
The tent is 2.1 m
wide and the
sloping sides are
2.5 m long.
Calculate the
height of the tent.
42 R = R e aso n in g P = P ro b le m -so lv in g 5.6 T rig o n o m etry 1
5 P A cliff is 40 m high. 10 ABC is an isosceles c
Work out the angle of elevation of the top of triangle.
the cliff from point A. a Use the diagram
to write the
value of 1cm
tan 45°.
b Use Pythagoras'
theorem to find a
the length of BC.
Leave your answer in surd form,
6 P A ship sails 7 km north and then 10 km c Write these ratios as exact values using
□ □ □
east, from A to B. surds.
□ □ □
Another ship sails directly from A to B. i sin 45° ii cos45°
a How much further does the first ship
i sin 30° ii cos 60°
b Work out the length of AB.
b On what bearing from north (x) should the
Leave your answer in surd form,
second ship travel?
c Write these ratios as exact values using
Give your answers correct to 1 decimal place.
7 P Natasha stands at the top of a 61 m tower. i sin 60° ii cos 30°
□ □□ Dominic is standing on the ground 75 m from iii tan 60° iv tan 30°
o □ □
□ □ a
the base of the tower.
12 Find the exact value of x in these triangles.
What is the angle of depression of Dominic
from Natasha?
1 R Neil is building a rabbit hutch in the shape The headline read, 'McCline storms ahead in
of a triangular prism. The end view of the local election.'
hutch makes an isosceles triangle with a base How is this bar chart misleading?
of 80cm. The angle of the roof of the hutch is
5 R Geometric tiling is used all over the world
76°. Part of the side panel folds down to be
to create patterns. A geometric pattern has
flat on the ground.
been started below with a regular hexagon
Neil wants to know the exterior angle that is
and a square,
made when the side panel is open, to make
a Find angles a and b.
sure he has the correct hinge,
a Use the information given to draw an end
view of the hutch with the door down.
Use a scale of 1 cm: 10cm.
Label all known interior angles of the
Use the diagram below as a starting point.
2 R Pia is part of a 'calling tree'. The first person 7 Juan pours 6\ litres of water into some jugs.
calls three people, then each person in this Each jug can hold litres.
second round calls three people and so on. How many jugs can Juan fill?
a How many people have been called after
the fifth round? The Elizabeth Tower in London is 96.3 m tall.
b Write the expression to find the number of From a point on the ground 25 m away,
people called in the nth round. what is the angle of elevation to the top of
the tower?
3 R Use the information in the diagram to find Give your answer to the nearest whole
angles a, b and c. number.
y = 3x
y = 3x + 1
y - 3x + 3 y = -x + 1 y = Zx + 1
y = - 2* y = Zx - 1
a r / = 2x + l b y =-x +2
5-4- 3- 5 x c y =5 d y =2+x
K 1
e y =3 - x f y = -3 x + 1
O 2 R Match each equation to one of the
4' sketch graphs below.
y = 3x + 1 ?/ = x + 1 y = -x + l
y 0
Work out
a Donald's maximum velocity
b how many minutes his velocity was greater
than 1 m/s
c his acceleration for the first part of the
d the distance Donald travelled during the
last 8 minutes of the journey,
e Copy and complete this description of Miles
Donald's journey. a How many km are equivalent to 10 miles?
He accelerated at □ m/s2 for the first b How many miles are equivalent to 14 km?
□ minutes, then travelled at a constant c Work out the gradient of the graph.
velocity of □ m/s for □ minutes. Next,...
3 R The graph shows the cost of renting a car
QlOc and e hint Acceleration is given by the in Spain for a number of days.
change in velocity (m/s)
gradient:------------:-----—----------- Cost of car hire
6 time (s)
Real-life graphs
P A company is buying branded memory
sticks to give to its customers.
The graph shows the price per stick
depending on how many are ordered.
Price per memory stick
Quantity ordered
a How much would a single memory stick
Quadratic graphs
1 Which points lie on the graph of y = x zl
A (0,0) B (1,2) C (2,4) D (3,6) Time, t (s)
E (4,16) F (-1,1) G (-2,-4) H (-3,9) a What type of graph is this?
b When is the ball travelling fastest?
2 a Copy and complete this table of values for
y =x z +2 c When is the ball's speed zero?
d What is the maximum height that the ball
X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
e Flow long is the ball in the air?
+ 2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 f The ball was caught when it was 1.5 m above
y the ground. Use the graph to estimate the
times this could have occurred.
b Plot the graph of y = x z + 2
7 Plere is the graph of y = x z - 4
Q2a hint For quadratic functions with more
than one step, you can include a row for Use the graph to solve the equation x z - 4 =
each step in the table. 0
3 f Exam-style question_________________ ^
Draw the graph of y = (x + l )2
for - 5 «£ x 3 (4 marks)
b Plot the graph of y = -Z x z
B graphs
Which of the points are on the graph of y = x 3?
A (0,0) B (1,1) C (-1,-1) D (2,6)
E (-2,-8) F (1,3) G (-1,1) H (2,-8)
2 R Here is the graph of y = x 3
d y = {x-Z )2
a What was the initial value of the
b What is the value of the investment after
5 years?
c How much did the value increase each
d The rate of interest remained the same
Time (minutes)
for the first five years.
Work out the percentage interest rate. a Which of Lee or Yasmin was travelling at a
e What happened after 5 years? faster average speed?
b How much faster?
Q7d hint
Percentage interest rate 2 R Look at this scatter graph.
actual change It shows the attendance at an outdoor pool
= --------- :------ — x 100 against the maximum daily temperature over
original amount
two weeks in the summer.
Solve problems using these strategies where
a What were the approximate highest and
• Use pictures lowest maximum daily temperatures
• Use smaller numbers during the two weeks?
• Use bar models b What were the approximate highest and
• Use x fo r the unknown. lowest numbers of people at the pool over
the two weeks?
c Explain how you know if there is a
correlation or not.
d Make a statement summarising the results
shown on this graph.
water evaporate each day. Which of these graphs could be Ryan's
a Find an expression, in terms of n, for the sketch?
amount of water in the vase at the end of Explain how you know.
the niU day. A B c
b How many days before the vase is
completely empty?
Explain your answer.
4 ( Exam-style question )
The scatter graph shows information
about the height and arm length of each of
8 students in Year 11.
10 cm
□ □□
( Exam-style question D
ODD Sheila has a
15m □ □□
rectangular garden
b Work out the area. with two triangular
•*— 6 cm
flower beds of
equal size.
She wants to cover
the shaded area
with gravel.
The gravel is sold in
c Work out the shaded area. There is enough gravel in one bag to cover
6 m2 of garden.
Each bag of gravel costs £12.
Work out the least cost of putting gravel on
Sheila’s garden. (4 marks)
120 mm
a -*-5cm ->
4 cm One tin of paint covers 8 m2.
J ____ Brian needs to paint two coats.
-8 cm-
How many tins of paint does he need to buy?
49 cm2 10 cm -*-25cm-»-
Area = Q cm 2
c 23 mm d <-1.5m->
' Area
35.5 mm
same area.
a Work out the largest and smallest possible
masses of the bags of nuts,
1m 100 cm
b Write the possible masses as an inequality.
-1m- 8 A factory makes pencils with a length of
100 cm
200 mm.
b Work out the area of each square,
There is a 2.5% error interval on this length.
c Copy and complete.
Work out the possible lengths of the pencils
1 m2 = D c m 2
in centimetres.
R a Sketch a square with side length 1 m
and a square with side length 1000 mm. 9 R a Each measurement has been rounded
to the accuracy given. Write its smallest
b Copy and complete.
possible value.
lm 2 = D m m 2
i 45 m (to the nearest metre)
c How do you convert from mm2 to m2? ii 209 mm (to the nearest mm)
Convert b Each measurement has been rounded to
a 500cm2 to mm2 b 4.8 m2 to cm2 1 d.p. Write its smallest possible value.
c 8500 mm2 to cm2 d 19.7 cm2 to m 2 i 8.6 g
ii 0.4 cm
e 2.34 m2 to mm2 f 4025 mm2 to m 2
g 7250 mm2 to cm2 h 4 250000mm2 to m2
12 R A rectangle measures
□ □ n
25cm by 34cm to the 0 $ cm
D□ o
nearest cm. -12cm
a Work out the upper and a Explain why the shapes in Q2 are prisms,
lower bounds for the
b Work out the perimeter of the triangular
length and width,
face of the solid in Q2b.
b Calculate the upper and lower bounds for c Multiply the perimeter of the cross-section
the area of the rectangle. by the length of the solid and add the area
of the triangular faces. What do you notice?
13 R The dimensions of this isosceles
!, t * Work out the volume of each prism.
I trapezium are given to 1 d.p.
□ □□
□ □□
□ □□ 8 cm b
□ o □
3 cm
3.0 c m \ /
3 cm 6.5cm
c „„ 40 mm
80 mm
Work out the upper and lower bounds for its
100 mm
14 R A triangle has area 54.4cm2 to 1 d.p.
□□□ Its base length is 9.95 cm (to 2 d.p.). 90 mm
□ DD
c What is the lower bound for the height of Q5a hint Write and solve an equation:
the triangle to 2 d.p.? volume = 373.5 = | x 6 x Q x Q
the city centre. a Substitute the value for C into the formula
He draws this design to be made from dark C= TTd
grey and light grey gravel. b Solve the equation to find the diameter to
Each bag of gravel covers an area of 8 m2. 1 d.p.
The arc length AB is ^ c m . the mean thickness of the slick is 0.1 mm.
6 Estimate the volume of the oil slick.
Find the area of sector AB in terms of tt. Give your answer in m3 to 2 d.p.
Cylinders and 6
P A cylinder has total surface area 33 cm2
and diameter 10mm.
spheres □ □a
□ aa
□ aa
Work out its height, to the nearest millimetre.
1 R The volume of a cylinder of radius r and Q6 hint Substitute the values into the
surface area formula and solve.
height h is V = tir2h
Exam-style question i
□ OD
□ on
□ DO
This solid is made from
a triangular-based pyramid
and a triangular prism.
a Calculate the total volume of the container. The triangular prism has
Give your answer correct to 3 significant a right-angled triangular
figures. (3 marks) cross-section and a length
b Calculate the surface area of the container. of 1 0 m.
Give your answer correct to 3 significant The height and base of
figures. (3 marks) the triangle are 12 m and
5 m respectively.
11 P A cuboid-shaped block of metal has The ratio of the volume of the pyramid to
tm dimensions 20cm by 10cm by 4cm. the volume of the prism is 1 :4
□□□ The block is melted down and made into Find
spherical ball bearings, each with a radius a the volume of the prism
of 5 mm. b the height of the pyramid. (6 marks)
How many of these ball bearings can be
made from the block? A cone has base radius 9cm
12 P What is the radius of a sphere with volume CZZi
□ □□
and height 12cm.
□ DO
□□□ 6000 cm3? Calculate its volume
□ □□
a in terms of rr
13 P A cylinder has a volume of 450cm3 b to 3 s.f.
□ □□
measured to the nearest 10 cm3, and a radius
□ □□
□ DO
of 5cm measured to the nearest cm.
What are the upper and lower bounds of its
a What is the perimeter of the shape for the The shaded area is the part of the wall to be
mosaic? painted. If all the cabins are the same, how
b What is the area of the mosaic? many complete cabin walls can be painted
c How did you work out the area of the with the paint they already have?
mosaic? Show all your working.
Round all answers to 2 d.p. (5 marks)
4 R A farmer rents two rectangular fields.
One field measures 350 m x 620 m and the An open-air stage is being built in a park.
other measures 430 m x 860 m. di A track needs to be placed along the arc of
How many hectares of field does the farmer aan
the sector for the scenery.
Q4 hint 1 ha = 100 m x 100 m
8 cm
Reflection and
Draw a coordinate grid from -8 to +8 on both
a Draw a rectangle Q with coordinates
A(3, 2), B(l, 2), C(l, 5) and D(3, 5).
Reflect rectangle Q in the y- axis.
Label the image R.
Reflect rectangle R in y = -1.
Label the image S.
Reflect rectangle 5 in the z/-axis.
Label the image T.
Describe the single reflection that maps
rectangle T onto rectangle Q.
3 3 IU *v
-C i
1C ■
1° { Exam-style question
combinations of a Plot a triangle with vertices at (-2, 3), (0,1)
and (1, 4). Label the triangle P.
transformations b i Translate triangle P by vector ( ^j.
3 cm
K |
a x z + 10a; + 21 = 0
b a2 + 3a -1 8 = 0
c p z - 8p + 12 = 0 b Factorise a;2 - 2a; - 8 = 0 to show that you
d y z - y - 20 = 0 get the same solutions.
c x l = 7x - 10 d x 2 = 8x is 7 inches by 5 inches.
It has a wooden border X X
7 inches
Q5a hint Rearrange into the form that is the same width all
x 2+ D x + D = o the way round. The area
of the wooden frame is
6 P Write any function that will give the roots 45 square inches,
x = 2 and x = -5. a Write an equation for the area of the
wooden frame.
b Solve your equation to find x.
Solving quadratic
8 { Exam-style q u e s t i o n _______ j
equations 2 Solve, by factorising, the equation
6x2 - 19x +15 = 0 (3 marks)
1 Write and solve an equation to find x.
x + 3 9 Solve, giving your solutions
in surd form
Area = 28 m2
x a x 2 + 8x + 5 = 0
1 b x 2 + 5x + 2 = 0
c x 2 + 4x - 3 = 0
2 P A tiie design is available in two sizes. d x 2 + 6x - 4 = 0
A small tile has dimensions l x /. e 2x2 + lOx + 7 = 0
A large tile has dimensions 2/ x (/ + 2). 10 Solve, giving your solutions to 2 decimal
The area of a large tile is 160cm2. places
What are the dimensions of the small tile? a x 2+ 4 x - 6 = 0 b 2x2 + 3x - 8 = 0
c 3x2 - 4x - 11 = 0 d 5x2 + lOx - 9 = 0
3 Copy and complete to factorise the
expression. 11 Solve 3x2 - 5x - 8
2x2 + 5x - 7 = (2 x______ ) ( x ______ ) □ □□ a by factorising
□ □□
b by using the quadratic formula.
it Factorise these expressions,
a 3x2 + 12x + 9 12 fE xam -style question )
b 2x2 + 7x + 3 Solve 3x2 + 9x - 10 = 0
c 6x2 - lOx - 4 Give your solutions correct to
d 5x2 + 13x - 6 2 decimal places. (3 marks)
e 3xz - 2x - 8
6 Solve 3
a 2x2 + 7x + 3 = 0
b 3x2 + 7x + 4 = 0
Q1 hint Write an expression with two brackets.
c 4x2 + 5x - 21 = 0
Expand to get a quadratic expression.
d 4x2 - 16x + 15 = 0
4 Write these in the form Q10 hint Begin by dividing every term by
(x + p)z + q the coefficient of x 2, 3. Then complete the
square for the first two terms. Rearrange
a x 2 + 4x + 7
terms and then take the square root of both
b x 2 + lOx + 20 sides.
c x 2 + 14x
d x 2 + 8x + 20 11 Solve these quadratic equations, giving your
e x 2 - 6x + 10 □□□ answers correct to 2 decimal places,
a 2x2 + 1 2 x - 4 = 0 b 4x2- 3 2 x - 9 = 0
5 Copy and complete to solve the quadratic
c 3x2- 6 x - 8 = 0 d 6x2 + 2 4 x -1 5 = 0
equation, giving your answer in surd form.
e 4x2 + 20x - 7 = 0
x 2 + 6x + 6 = 0
(x + D ) 2 - □ + 6 = 0 12 ( Exam-style question__________________)
(x + D ) 2 = □ gfg Solve 5x2 + 30x + 8 = 0 by completing
(* + □ ) = ± v O 1 the square.
x = □ - v O or x = □ + / □ Give your answer correct to
2 decimal places. (3 marks)
6 Solve these quadratic equations, giving your
answers in surd form,
a x 2 + 4x + 2 = 0
b x 2 + lOx + 18 = 0
Solving simple
c x 2 + 2x - 4 = 0 simultaneous equations
7 Copy and complete to write the expression 1 Solve the simultaneous equations
2x2 + 8x + 35 in the form p(x + q)z + r a y =4 b y =- 2
2x2 + 8x + 35 = 2 (D + □ ) + 35 3x + y = 13 4x + y = 10
= 2[(x + D ) 2 - □ ] + 35
c y =3 d y = 3x
= 2(x + D ) 2 - 8 + 35 5x + Zy = 31 2x + 3y = 22
= 2(x + D ) 2 + D
e y =x - 1 f y =x +2
Q7 hint Factorise the x 2 and x terms. Then x +y = 9 x + Zy = 13
complete the square for the expression g 4 x -r/ = 0 h y - 2x = 0
inside the brackets. Simplify so that you 3x + Zy = 11 3x + y = 20
have p(x + q)z + r
2 P Two shirts and one pair of trousers cost £40.
A pair of trousers costs £4 more than a shirt,
8 Write these in the form a(x +p)z + q
a How much is a shirt?
a 3x2 + 6x - 5 b 4x2 - 16x + 11
b How much is a pair of trousers?
c 2x2 + 12x - 7 d 3x2-1 8 x + 10
3 P Alfie buys 3 fish and 2 portions of chips
9 Solve these equations by completing the for £12. Lauren buys 4 fish and 4 portions of
square. Give your answers in surd form. chips for £18.
a 2x2 + 8 x -1 4 = 0 b 3x2- 24x + 30 = 0 How much does one portion of chips cost?
b 3x + y = 11
2x + 3y = 5 (3 marks)
x +y = 7
c 6x - Zy = 20
9 Solve the simultaneous equations
5 x - Z y = 16
4x + y = 0
5 Emily solves simultaneous equations in x + 4z/ = 0
this way.
10 P The sum of two numbers is 29 and their
Z x - y =1
difference is 7.
x +y = 5
Let the two numbers be x and y.
y =5 - x
Write two equations and solve them to find
Zx - {5- x ) = 7
the two numbers.
Zx - 5 + x = 7
3x - 5 = 7 11 P A plumber charges a call-out fee of £x
plus an hourly rate of Ly per hour. Callum
3x = 12
pays £90 to call out the plumber for 3 hours.
A Louise pays £110 for 4 hours,
a Work out the call-out charge,
Soy = 1
b How much would you have to pay for
(2 x 4) - 1 = 7 / 5 hours?
Solve the simultaneous equations in
Q4 part a using Emily's method.
12 ( Exam -style question_____________ i
The diagram shows a rectangle.
Q5 hint Write the second equation with All sides are measured in centimetres.
y as the subject. Substitute y = □ into the
first equation then collect like terms to
find x. Substitute x = □ into the second
equation and check your solutions work by
substituting them into the first equation.
Zx + Zy — 14 © More simultaneous
□ x - Zy = □ ®
equations 1
□ x + 0 = □
x = □ 1 a Write the equation of a line through (2, 7).
b Substitute your value of x into equation © b Write the equation of a line through (3,11).
to find y. c Solve your simultaneous equations from
parts a and b to find m and c.
Q6a hint Multiply every term in equation © d Write the equation of the line through the
by 2. Then add equations © and ®. points (2, 7) and (3,11).
3 (lExam-style question
- 2 =£ X < 5 where x is an integer,
a Write down all the possible values
of x. (2 marks)
b Write down the inequality represented
on the number line.
a Write the equation for the circle, O--------------- •
— i---------1---------1---------1---------1---------1---------r ~ -!—►
b Use an algebraic method to find the - 5 - 4 -3 - 2 - 1 0 1 2 x
points where the line y = 3x + 1 crosses (2 marks)
the circle.
7 Solve Zxz + Ax - 3 = 0.
Give your answer correct to 2 decimal places.
Corinne has three bags of oranges and four
Rbags ofg apples.
e aso n in P = P ro bThey
le m -soweigh
lv in g 249 lb.
P ro b le m -so lv in g
a Copy and complete the sample space
Combined events diagram to show all the possible
1 T-shirts are made in five different colours b Work out the probability of getting
(red, blue, navy blue, green and pink) and i a product of 6
with four different logos (cat, dog, fox, owl), ii a product that is a prime number
a How many possible combinations are iii a product of 20.
I Exam-style question
b What is the probability that the
combination chosen is red with an owl Bethan rolls two dice.
logo? She adds the scores on the dice together.
c What is the probability that the She records the possible scores in a table.
combination chosen is not red with a
+ 1 2 3 4 5 6
fox logo?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 At a school, students choose two of five
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
different activities: drama, mountain biking,
hockey, art and orchestra. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a How many combinations of two activities 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
are there? 5 6 7 8
b What is the probability that a student will 6 7 8 9
choose art?
a Complete the table of possible
c What is the probability that a student will
scores. (1 mark)
choose mountain biking?
b Write down all the ways in which Bethan
d What is the probability that a student
can get a total score of 7
chooses art and drama?
One way has been done for you.
3 A coin is flipped and an ordinary six-sided ( 1, 6) (2 marks)
dice is rolled. Both dice are fair.
a Write a list of all the possible outcomes, c Find the probability that Bethan’s total
b How many outcomes are there altogether? score is prime. (2 marks)
c Workout
i P(head and 2) Aiden spins a three-sided spinner labelled
ii P(tail and odd number). with the numbers 1, 3, 5 and a four-sided
4 Amelia rolls a six-sided dice spinner labelled with the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8,
and spins a four-sided then finds the sum of the two numbers from
spinner, then multiplies the his spins.
results together. a Draw a sample space diagram to show all
of the possible outcomes,
b How many possible outcomes are there
Dice altogether?
1 2 3 4 5 6 c Work out the probability of getting a
total of
1 1 2
i 5
2 2 4 ii an odd number
3 3 iii less than 12.
4 d Which total are you most likely to get?
Eli dropped a piece of buttered toast lots of
times. It landed either butter up or butter down
Work out an estimate for how many of the
next 200 people who take the test will pass.
(2 marks)
b Work out the probability that Hanifa
b What is the probability of winning rolls at least one square number.
i two prizes ii nothing (3 marks)
iii one prize iv at least one prize?
9 Marganita has two bags of sweets. 12 R Daniel spins two spinners.
Bag A contains 7 toffees and 3 mints. On spinner 1, P(blue) = 0.1
Bag B contains 4 toffees and 6 mints. On spinner 2, P(blue) = 0.72
She picks a sweet at random from each bag. a Draw a tree diagram to show all the
a Copy and complete the tree diagram to possible outcomes.
show the probabilities. b What is the probability of only one spinner
Bag A Bag B landing on blue?
c What is the probability of both spinners
landing on blue?
d If each spinner was spun 1000 times, how
many times would you expect them both
to land on blue?
ICT 8 17 12 37
Art 3 6 7 16
Total 23 30 27
Work out the probability that a student
chosen at random
Blue Blue
a studies history
b studies DT
c studies ICT, given that he studies history Red
d studies French, given that she studies art.
Marion has a bag containing
6 chocolates and 6 mints.
She chooses a sweet at
< Blue
Work out
a PCX) b P(Y)
c P(X n Y) d PCX U Y)
e P(X') f P(Y')
g P(XnY') h PCX' U Y').
A scientist estimated there were 1.2 million State the units with your answer,
cells present at time 7 = 0. b Estimate the amount of petrol Dave
a How many complete hours later will the would use if he travels 275 miles on
number of cells reach 1.68 million? the motorbike. Give your answer to an
b Estimate the number of cells 24 hours appropriate degree of accuracy.
after time 7 = 0, to 3 significant figures.
Convert these speeds from Example
16 In 2014 the rate of increase in the population m/h to km/h.
S E g -E S
□□□ of the UK was 0.3%. The population of the UK a 7500m/h
in 2014 was 63.7 million.
b 970m/h
If the population keeps growing at the same
c 36500m/h
rate, how big is the population likely to be in
2025? d 243 600 m/h
17 A new virus has spread among a population 5 R Convert these speeds from metres per
CD at a rate of 17.5% per day. In a city there are cc
□□□ second (m/s) to metres per hour (m/h).
now 371 cases. □ □□ a 3 m/s
□ □□
b 15 m/s
How many people had the virus 7 days c 100 m/s d 0.5 m/s
earlier? e Would more or fewer metres be travelled
in 1 hour than in 1 second?
P Abdul works for 40 hours from Monday to Metres per second Kilometres per hour
Friday. His rate of pay for working Monday to 10
Friday is £7.90 an hour. 25
Abdul is paid time and a half for each hour
he works on a Saturday and double time for
each hour he works on a Sunday, 180
a How much is Abdul paid for a week when 7 The average speed of a small plane is 360 km/h.
he works 40 hours from Monday to Friday, What is this speed in metres per second?
plus 5 hours on Saturday and 4 hours on
Sunday? 8 P / R The new fast train in the UK has an
b In one week Abdul works 40 hours from expected top speed of 272 km/h. Usain Bolt's
Monday to Friday and some hours on fastest recorded running speed is 10.44m/s
Sunday. He is paid £371.30 for the week. (run on 16 August 2009).
How many hours did Abdul work on How much faster than Bolt is the train
Sunday? expected to be?
Kilograms 10 20 30 40
ground. 66 88
Pounds 22 44
Work out the pressure in N/cm2.
Give your answer to 3 significant figures. a What is the ratio of kilograms: pounds in
the form l.n?
14 A cylinder with a movable piston in an engine b Plot a line graph for these values,
contains hot gas. c Are pounds and kilograms in direct
The pressure of the gas is 350 N/m2. proportion? Explain your answer,
The area of the piston is 0.05 m2- d What is the gradient of the line?
What is the force exerted by the piston? e Write a formula that shows the relationship
between kilograms and pounds.
15 R Claire sits on a table with four identical 3 The table shows the distance (s) in
□ □□
legs. Each table leg has a flat rectangular kilometres travelled by a car over a period of
□ □□
□ □□
base measuring 2cm by 3cm.
time (?) in hours.
Claire has a mass of 68 kg and the table has a
mass of 4 kg. Distance, s (km) 15 30 45 60
a Use F= mg to work out the combined Time, t (hours) 2 4 6 8
weight of Claire and the table, where g is
a Is s in direct proportion to f? Explain,
the acceleration due to gravity.
b What is the relationship between distance
Use g = 9.8 m/s2.
(s) and time (?)?
b Work out the pressure on the floor exerted
c Work out the distance travelled after
by the table only in N/m2, when only the
1.5 hours.
four table legs are in contact with the
floor. 4 The cost of buying
c The area of Claire's feet is 330 cm2. S
□□a • 150 US dollars is £100
Work out the pressure on the floor when • 300 US dollars is £200.
Claire is standing up in bare feet. a Show that the amount in
Give your answer in N/cm2. US dollars, $D, is directly
Use g = 9.8 m/s2 and give your answer proportional to the amount
to 3 s.f. in sterling, LP.
d Is the pressure on the floor greater when b What is the relationship between D and PI
Claire is sitting on the table or when she is c How much is £570 in US dollars?
standing up in bare feet?
5 It takes 4 cleaners 3 hours to clean a house.
Q15a hint Weight is a force on an object due □
□□□ How long would it take 9 cleaners?
to gravity and is measured in newtons (N). Give your answer in hours and minutes.
6 It takes 8 women 3 hours to dig a ditch.
16 a Convert 2500 N/m2 to N/cm2. How long will it take
b Convert x N/cm2 to N/m2. a 2 women b 5 women?
c For both parts a and b, multiply the exact
answer in hours (H) by the number of
Ratio and proportion women (TV). What do you notice?
7 P and Q are in inverse proportion.
1 Copy and complete these, Work out the values of A, B, C and D.
a A : B = 5:2 so^4 = 2 .6 P 25 10 B C 3.6
Q 7.2 A 45 62.5 D
b X ;Y= 2:7,soX = ^Y
c 106 = Qso<?:P = Q D Q7 h in t P * Q = a constantk, so Q =~
b Use the table to sketch a graph of <7 4 Malcolm ran for 4 | miles.
against p. Pritpal ran for 5 f miles.
c Work out the value of q when p = 50. a What is the total distance run by Malcolm
Does it fit the shape of your graph? and Pritpal?
d Work out the value of q when p = 0.05. b How much further did Pritpal run than
Is your answer consistent with your sketch? Malcolm?
Give your answers as mixed numbers where
13 ( Exam-style question________________ appropriate.
The time, t minutes, it takes to pull an object The amount, M, Sandy earns is directly
up a ramp with an electric motor is directly proportional to the number of hours, H,
proportional to the mass, m kg, of the object. she works. When H = Z \ , M = £472.50.
When m = 1kg, t = 2.5 minutes, Find the value of A/when H= 35.
a Find m when t = 1.25 minutes. (3 marks)
The time, t minutes, it takes to pull an object 6 A survey was taken of people coming out of
up a ramp with an electric motor is inversely j a grocery shop. 35% of the people were men.
proportional to the power, P watts, of the 70% of these men bought milk. 15% of the
electric motor. women did not buy milk.
When P = 1800 W, t - 3 minutes, One of these customers was chosen at
b Find the value of t when P - 1600 W. random to take part in a longer survey.
(3 marks) Find the probability that this customer was a
woman who did buy milk.
3 cm
4.2 cm 4.2 cm
2.1 cm
1 Here is a pair of congruent triangles.
14 cm
> 6.5cm
Write down
a the size of angle y b the length of side x. State whether each pair of triangles
2 Each pair of triangles is congruent. described below is congruent or not.
Explain why. If the triangles are congruent, give the reason
i Write the pairs of corresponding sides in
a Prove that triangles PQT and SRT are
congruent. triangles X and Y.
b Flence, prove that the diagonals of a
parallelogram bisect one another.
9 ABCD is a rectangle.
AC and BD are the
diagonals of the
rectangle, which a Which side in triangle ABC corresponds to
cross at point E. i DF
a Draw the rectangle ii FE?
showing both diagonals,
b Work out the ratio —
b Mark on ali equal angles, AB
c Which triangles are congruent in your
c Work out the ratio ^
di .Use
| your answers to
. parts _a ,,ncl
ariu bwto show
d Using your answers to parts a-c, show that
lines AC and BD bisect at point E. that the triangles are similar.
8 cm
6 cm 8.4 cm
8 Exam-style question
b Write the ratios of the other corresponding A scale diagram of a room has length 12 cm
sides. and width 8 cm.
lm Diagram NOT
c Are the parallelograms similar? drawn accurately
12 cm
Explain your answer. 4m
8 cm
5 State which of the pairs of shapes are similar.
a scale diagram actual dimensions
£ 6.2cm p
of room
A 3cm B
Work out the actual area of the room.
(3 marks)
9 P A scale drawing of a shed is 5 cm wide by
H G 8 cm long.
F The real shed is 7.5 m wide.
What is the length of the shed?
S -*— x — + T
3 a Explain why
triangles FGFI
and FJK are
b Calculate the
length HK.
c Calculate the
length JK.
( ^ ) © H
11 f Exam-style question_________________
□□□ The diagram shows two similar solids, A and B.
■*— 24cm—*-
Work out the diameter of sphere K.
6 Prisms L and M are similar.
The volume of M is 512 times the volume of L.
9 cm
36cm long, the hypotenuse is 45cm long and both plots of land. What length of fencing
one angle is 90°. will she have left?
Are the two shapes congruent? / \
Explain how you know.
2 At a bottle stall at a summer fair, tickets from
•<-4.5 m-»-
1 to 100 are placed in a bag. Y__________________ )
Customers can pull out 5 tickets for £1. 11.25m
To win a bottle from the stall, the number on
6 What are the roots of these quadratic
a ticket must end in either 5 or 0.
The first customer picks out 5 tickets,
a y z + \ \ y + 24 = 0 b t z - t - \ Z =Q
a What is the probability that the first ticket
c bz + 6b + 8 = 0
will be a winner?
b What is the probability that the first two 7 R Jermain has two similar boxes, A and B.
tickets will not be winners? Box A is shown below. Box B has a height of
The first customer finds one winning ticket 9cm. What is the volume of box B?
out of the five they picked out.
c What is the probability that the next 3 cm
customer will find a winning ticket on their 2 cm
first turn?
8 A delivery company charges £80 per cubic
3 A rectangular park has a pathway which goes □
□ □□ metre for express delivery. Mason pays
diagonally across it. □□□ to send two containers. On Monday, he
□ □□
The park is 21 m wide and 28 m long. sends a container with a volume of 15 m3.
There is enough tarmac to make a path On Thursday, he sends a container that is
32 m long. mathematically similar and twice as wide,
Will there be enough tarmac for the path?
a How much did Mason pay to send the
container on Monday?
4 R Rectangles A and B are similar.
b How much did Mason pay to send the
Rectangle C is an enlargement of rectangle B
similar container on Thursday?
by the same scale factor as rectangle B is an
enlargement of rectangle A. 9 R XYZ is a triangle.
XY = YZ = XZ
B Point O is the midpoint of XY.
30 mm | A 1
92 mm 46 cm a What type of triangle is XYZ?
Explain your answer.
b Jamie draws the line OZ to make triangles
C :m OXZ and OYZ.
Prove these two triangles are congruent.
xm 10 ( Exam-style question
a Work out the value of x. WXYZ is a square. Prove that triangles
b Work out the value of y. WXY and WYZ are congruent.
c Work out the value of z. X Y
1- —
Use your sketch from Q6 to find four values
□ □□ of * such that ■- 0 . 6
□ □ D
□a □ 1 u vT . -0 .8
a cos* = - — b cos* = - — . __
41 2
Check your answers using a calculator.
s. /
/ -0.8 a How often does the graph repeat?
-0.6 b Use the graph to estimate the value of
. /
-0.4 i tan 70°
0 -0.2 ii tan 150°.
< 1 0 ** c Describe the symmetry of the curve,
V ■ O9
y / d Copy and complete, inserting numbers
/ • greater than 180.
- -0 .6
i tan450 = tanCHo
- —1I .u
ii tan80° = ta n n °
iii tan 135° = tan D °
24 cm
9 cm
________ f /
6 R A ship leaves port P and sails for 40 km on 9 cm
eg a bearing of 041°. It then sails a further 31 km
□ □□
on a bearing of 126° to reach port R.
N A 15 cm B
Calculate the length of diagonals
i EG ii AG
iii CF iv CE.
Find the angle between the
diagonal BH and the plane ABCD.
Find the angle between the
diagonal CE and the plane EFGH.
Find the angle between the
diagonal AG and the plane ADEH.
a What is the direct distance between P
and R? Q1 hint Sketch separate triangles using
b What is the bearing of R from P? information from the cuboid.
Q6 hint The north lines are parallel. Use this 2 P In the diagram, ABCDEF is a prism.
to find an angle inside the triangle. The cross-section is a right-angled triangle.
□DO All of the other faces are rectangles.
T---- 1
-1 1
pyramid ABCDE. /
Each triangular face / B -1 2 0 ° - 0 .5 0 .5
is an isosceles / \ \1 6 c m C
triangle. / iE \ b Sketch the graph of y = -cosx for
-180° =£ x =£ 180°
7 c rn \^ c Describe how the graph of y = cosx is
-----7 cm transformed to give the graph of y = -cosx.
a Calculate the length of the diagonal BD. 2 a Use your table from Q l. Add a column for
Give your answer correct to 3 significant cos(-x). Find the cosine values from the
figures. graph to fill in the cos(-x) column,
b Calculate the area of triangle ABD. b Sketch the graph of y = cos(-x) for
Give your answer correct to -180° s=x=£ 180°
3 significant figures. (6 marks)
c What do you notice?
3 Transforming
1trigonometric graphs 2
1 a Copy the graph of y = cosx for
Sketch the graph of y = -tan(x) for -180° ss x ss 180° from Q1 in lesson 13.8,
-180° 180°. b Add 1 to the ^-coordinate at each of the
labelled points.
it a Look at your graph of y = cos(-x) for c Draw the cosine graph that passes through
-180° x 180° in Q2. the new points. Label it y = cosx + 1.
What transformations will turn the graph of d Describe the transformation from the
y = cos(-x) into the graph of y = -cos(-x)? graph of y = cosx to this graph,
b Sketch the graph of y = -cos(-x). e Now subtract 1 from the ^-coordinate at each
c Can the transformation in part a be of the labelled points on the original graph,
described in any other way? f Draw the cosine graph that passes through
the new points.
5 a Sketch the graph of y = sinx for g Describe the transformation from the
-180° ^ x =£ 180°. graph of y = cosx to this graph,
b Sketch the graph of y = -sin(-x). h Write down the equation of the graph.
the graph of y = sin x to the graph of
X 0 30° 60° 120°
y = sin(x + 60°). v/3
cosx 1 0.5
4 Describe the transformation of the graph of
y = sinx to make the graph with equation 2cosx 2 /3
a y = sin(x + 30°)
c On the same axes, sketch the graph of
b y = sin(x + 50°)
y = 2cosx.
c y = sin(x - 60°)
8 Sketch the graphs of these functions for
5 Describe the transformation of the graph of 0°' x =£ 360°
y = tanx to make the graph with equation a y = - 2 cosx
a y = tan(x + 60°) b y = 0.5 tanx
b r/ = tan(x + 20°) c y = 3 sinx
c y = tan(x - 30°).
a Copy your sketch graph of y = cosx for
6 Match each graph with one of these equations. 0° =£ x =£ 360° from Q7
A y = tan(x + 30°) B y = sin(x - 45°) b Copy and complete the table of values for
C y = cos(x - 45°)
y = cos(2x).
X 0° 30° 60° 90° 120°
c o s (2 x )
a Write down the coordinates of the 3 Fiona invests £1250 at 4.4% per annum
points A and B. (2 marks) S I compound interest. Ian invests £900 at 5%
Here is a sketch of the curve y = a s in te + H ill per annum compound interest.
c, for 0° x =£ 360°. After 2 years, what is the difference between
the amounts in the two accounts?
4 R A town roundabout is being replanted.
I The roundabout has a diameter of 8 m and
I I I l has been divided into 6 equal sectors,
a What is the area of each sector?
Give your answer to 2 d.p.
One sector is split into three sections
A, B and C, as shown in the diagram.
Solve problems using these strategies where
appropriate: Section A extends from the centre to the
• Use pictures or lists midpoint of the radii and will be planted with
• Use smaller numbers tall grasses.
• Use bar models Section B will be planted with flowers.
Section C is a segment and will be covered in
• Use x for the unknown
• Use a flow diagram
b What is the area of section A + section B?
• Use arrow diagrams
Give your answer to 2 d.p.
• Use geometric sketches. c One bag of slate covers 1 m2. If only one
1 A box of pens contains 12 black, 9 red, bag is available, will there be enough slate
5 green and 20 blue. to cover the whole of section C?
A pen is picked at random. 5 Omar needs to make a triangular cover to fit
What is the probability of E5 over his deck. He knows two lengths of the
a picking red or green □□
□ triangle and one of the angles.
b picking blue or green Use the sine
c picking red or black or green rule to help
d not picking green? Omar find
the other two 8.46 m
angles to 1 d.p.
Exam hint
For parts c and d draw lines on the graph Test B
with a ruler to show how you g o t your
answers. — — ------1----- ------1
50 60 70 80 90
a Which test has the higher median?
b Work out the interquartile range for each
c Work out the range for each test.
Weight (g)
(3 marks)
Time (hours) Harry weighed 60 tomatoes from group B.
a Use the graph to find the median and He drew this box plot for his results.
quartiles for each type of phone,
b Draw comparative box plots for the two
c Compare the two phones.
Weight (g)
7 (^ Exam -style question )
c Compare the distribution of the weights
Harry grows tomatoes.
of the tomatoes from group A with
This year he put his tomato plants into two the distribution of the weights of the
groups, group A and group B. tomatoes from group B. (2 marks)
Harry gave fertiliser to the tomato plants in June 2012, Q15, 1MA0/1H
group A.
He did not give fertiliser to the tomato
plants in group B. Q7c hint Be sure to put your comparisons in
the context of the question.
Class Frequency
Age, a (years) Frequency
width density Q4 hint Use the midpoint of each class
0< a =£ 10 3 10 To = ° - 3
10 < a ^ 20 14
20 < a =£ 40 17 Interpreting
40 < a =£ 60 19
60 < a =£ 80 7
a Work out each class width, R The histogram shows the heights of a
b Work out the frequency density for each cn
□□□ sample of students.
class. Student heights
2 This table shows the lengths
of time that 100 people spent
watching TV one evening.
45 < W =£ 55 17
Distance travelled
55 < w =£ 65 31
65 < w =£ 70 11
70 < w « 90 4
Draw a histogram for this data.
11 12 13 14
Time (seconds)
are recorded.
Males: 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 41, 42, 44, 49, 63
Females: 30, 41, 43, 44, 47, 49, 50, 52, 52, 53
a Explain which of the median and
interquartile range or mean and range
should be used to compare the data,
b Compare the times for males and females.
Height (cm)
5 P The table shows how far employees at
a How many sunflowers are there in total? Gatwick Airport travel to work.
b Work out an estimate of the median
Length of journey,
height. Frequency
x (miles)
c Estimate how many sunflowers are taller
than 110cm. 0< X =£ 10 1
10 < x *£ 20 16
20 < x =£ 30 25
Comparing and 30 < x 40 15
describing populations1 40 < X *£ 50 3
a Draw a cumulative frequency diagram,
% 1 Every day one week, a passenger group b Find the median and interquartile range.
»■ m
recorded how late two trains were, in minutes. The box plot shows far employees at
Train A 3 7 5 6 8 Heathrow Airport travel to work.
i-------- 1
-------- 1-------- 1-------- 1
-------- 1
2 The ages, in years, of the first five clients at 0 10 20 30 40 50
two different physiotherapists are recorded. Distance (miles)
Back Health 54 49 39 44 63 71 65 c Compare the lengths of the employees'
Joints Ease 33 39 45 57 62 21 25 journeys to work at the two airports.
a Write down the median age of the clients Q5c hint Compare the medians and
for each physiotherapist, interquartile ranges.
b Work out the interquartile range of
the age of the clients for each 6 P This back-to-back stem-and-leaf diagram
physiotherapist. shows the weights of 20 members at two
c Compare the ages of the clients at the two different slimming clubs.
physiotherapists. Weight Loss World Slimmers’ Hut
Key: 2 | 9 represents 29
10 20 30 40 50 60 A market researcher wants to find out what
Height (cm) CD
□□ customers of different ages think about a
□ new product. The table shows the numbers
a Write down the median height of chilli
of customers who bought the product in the
plants watered with the water and
last month. She wants to look at a stratified
fertiliser mixture. (1 mark)
sample of 20% of the customers.
b Give two comparisons between the
heights of chilli plants watered only with Age (years), a Number of customers
water and chilli plants watered with the 18 < a 25 160
water and fertiliser mixture. (3 marks) 26 < a =£ 39 125
40 < a =£ 60 85
7 This table shows summary statistics from a 61 < a 70
data set of the heights of sunflowers. a How many customers will be surveyed in
Minimum LQ Median UQ Maximum total?
b How many more customers in the
6ft 7ft 8ft 10ft 12ft
18 < a 25 age range will be surveyed
Draw a box plot for the data. than in the 40 < a 60 age range?
Suppose some more sunflowers were c Explain why a company might want to use
measured and the lower quartile a stratified sample like this.
changed to 5ft.
10 Solve the equation 4sinx = 3 for
Describe how your box plot would change.
0° < x < 720°.
Describe what would stay the same. Give your answers correct to 1 d.p.
Fones4U MobilesRUs 1-
No monthly contract Monthly line rental £24
Calls cost £0.30 per minute Calls cost £0.06 per minute 3-2- 1 3 *
a For each company form an equation to
calculate the monthly cost, with y = total
monthly cost and x = minutes of calls,
b Use a graphical method to work out how
many minutes of calls are used if the two
companies charge the same.
i x 3= -1 ii y < 4 For each diagram
iii 0 > z/ ivz/+l<x=s2 i write down the equations of the lines
v —1 < z/ and z/ > 1 vi -1.5 x 3.5 ii write down the three inequalities satisfied
vii -4.5 < y =£ -2 by the coordinates of the points in this
Z a Draw a coordinate grid w ith -4 to 4 on
both axes.
b Draw the graph of y = 3x - 1
c Does the point (4, 2) satisfy the inequality
y ss 3x - 1?
d Shade the region of points that satisfy
y 3x - 1
Graphs of quadratic
Solving quadratic
equations graphically
i R Match each graph to its equation. a Copy and complete the table of values for
Hence estimate the roots of the equation, y = 2x 2 + 5x - 4
a y = x 1 - 5x + 2 b y = Zx2 - Zx - 3 X -z -l 0 1 2 3
c y = - x 2 - 3x + 1 d y = -3rc2 + 5x + 3 y -7
b Plot the graph of t/ = Zx2 + 5x - 4 on a
suitable grid.
c From the graph estimate the roots of the
equation y = Zx2 + 5x - 4
a Plot the graphs of the following functions.
Hence estimate the roots,
i y = x 2 + 3x - 6 ii y = - x 2 + 4x + 3
iii y = 3x2 + Zx - 4 iv y = -Zx2 - 5x + 5
b Use the quadratic formula to find the
roots of the equations in part a to
3 significant figures.
Check your answers to part a.
i Exam-style question___________ ___ )
a Complete the table of values for
y = -2x2+ 9 x - l
X -l 0 i 2 3 4 5
(2 marks)
b Plot the graph of y - - l x 1 + 9x - 3
(2 marks)
c Use your graph to estimate the roots of
the equation y = - 2 x 2 + 9x - 3 (3 marks)
d Write the expression -2 x 2 + 9x - 3 in
the form a(x + b)2 + c. (2 marks)
The first steps have been bounded by the three lines.
done for you: Write down the three inequalities satisfied by
x 3 = 3x2 + 2 the coordinates of the points in this region.
x = vy3x2 + 2
x n+i —\/3x„2 + 2
*„ =□
Xj = ^/3x02 + 2 = □
x 2 = ^/3Xj2 + 2 = □
13 Use an iterative formula to find the negative
root of the equation x 3 - 2x2 - 7x + 5 = 0
□□ to 5 d.p.
4 Show the area formed by these inequalities 8 Work out the minimum value of n2 - 6n + 14.
on a grid.
9 R Naomi is making a maths display showing
X < 4 y > ~2 y <2x + 1
different graphs.
R Kevin has just fitted a new granite area The labels for the graphs have got mixed up.
cm around his sink. Match the labels to graphs X, Y and Z.
□ linear graph cubic graph
{2x + 3) in
(x + 2) in quadratic graph
(x + 2) in (x + 1) in x +y ~ 5 y = 2x + 2
y = x 3 + 3x2 —6# —8
a Find an expression in x for the area of the 8 = 4y + x y = x2 + x - 5
b The actual area of the granite is
484 inches square.
Find the dimensions of the sink.
6 i Exam-style question__________________
a Complete the table of values for
y = x2 - 2x.
X -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
(2 marks)
b Draw the graph of y = x2 - 2x for
values of x from - 2 to 4. (2 marks)
c Solve x 2 - 2x - 2 — 1. (2 marks)
June 2013, Q15, 1MA0I2H
10 Solve these equations simultaneously.
y - 3 = 4x
x z + Zy = -6
2 R Kate says that Q cannot be the centre of
Radii and chords the circle. Explain why she is wrong.
7 R 0 is the centre of a
circle. M is the midpoint
of chord AB.
Angle OAB = 45°.
a What is angle AMO?
b Work out angle AOM.
c Work out angle AOB.
d Which of the triangles AMO, BOM and ABO
are similar?
| £25 Tangents
A, B and D are points on the circumference
P AB is a tangent to the circle with centre 0.
of a circle, centre O.
AOB = 40°. Work out the size of angle ABO.
BOD is a diameter of the circle.
BC and AC are tangents to the circle.
Angle OCB = 34°.
Work out the size of angle DOA. (3 marks)
March 2013, Qigt IMAO/IH
Exam h int
Each reason given must be a statement
of a mathematical rule and not ju s t the Work out the size of each angle marked
calculations you have done. with a letter.
Give reasons for each step in your working.
a In terms of x
i what is the reflex angle AOC
ii what is the obtuse angle ADC
iii what is the acute angle ABC?
b Find the sum of the acute angle ABC and
the obtuse angle ADC.
of b.
b Write down the size of angle a in terms
of b.
( Exam-style question )
c Are a and c equal?
M, N and P are three points on the
8 R Work out the size of each angle marked circumference of a circle, centre O.
with a letter. A M B
Give reasons for each step in your working. /N jf
/ O. __3) n
Exam hint
Draw on the diagram the angle MON.
5 I Exam-style question____________
B, C and D are points on the circumference
of a circle, centre O.
ABE and ADF are tangents to the circle.
Angle DAB = 6 6 °
Work out the size of each angle marked with Angle CBE = 70°
a letter.
Work out the size of angle ODC. (3 marks)
Give reasons for each step in your working.
3 R O is the centre of a
circle. CB and CD are
tangents to the circle.
Find angle x. Explain
your reasoning.
MORE algeb:
Make q the subject of the formula
17.1 Rearranging formulae T= pq + p r - qs
R bab - 7 = c + Zab
1 Make c the subject of the formula
a Make a the subject,
E = me 2
b Make b the subject.
2 Make a the subject of the formula
R L = Ax + x y - 5
P = \la + b
Jordan rearranges the formula to make x the
3 Make x the subject of each Example subject.
formula. L - Ax + 5
His answer is x =
4 ' 12
3 Solve this quadratic equation, 6 g(x) = 3x + 7. Work out the value of a when
c; ? a g(a) = 22 b g(a) = 9 c g(a) = 0
■= 1
x + 3 2x - 1
7 f(x) = 2x2 + 1. Work out the values of a when
a f(a) = 33 b f(a) = 1
c f(a) = 11 d f(a) = 25
4 a Show that the equation - =1
x +4 2x - 1 8 f(x) = x(x - 2) and g(x) = (x + l)(x + 3).
can be rearranged to give x 2 - x - 2 = 0 Work out the values of a when
b Solve x 2 - x - 2 = 0 a f(a) = 0 b g (a) = 0
c f(a) = 8 d g (a) = 8
Solve these quadratic equations.
3 : 4 2 9 f(x) = 3x + 2. Write out in full
■= 3
x +2+x - 3 x+1 3x - 1 a f(x) + 3 b f(x) - 8 c 3f(x)
3x 6 6 1 d 5f(x) e f(3x) f f(6x)
1 d =3
4x - 2 2x + 6 x +2 x- 2
4 6 10 h(x) = 2x2 - 8. Write out in full
=1 a h(x) - 2 b 4h(x)
x- 3 x +1
c h(3x) d h(-x)
Solve these quadratic equations.
cm Give your answers correct to 2 decimal places. 11 R f(x) = x 2 + 3 and g(x) = 3x - 7. Work out
□ DD
□ □
3 1 h 3 a gf(2) b gf(5) c fg(3) d fg(6)
=1 1 -4
x -1 ' x + 3 X x +2
1 1 2 1 Q lla hint First work out f(2) and then
=3 H =5
x +4 ' x - 2 x +4 x +2 substitute your answer into g(x).
(3 marks)
152 R = R e aso n in g P = P ro b le m -so lv in g 17.6 S olving alg eb raic fra c tio n e q u a tio n s
13 Find the inverse of each function. Example 5 Give a counter example to prove that these
a x —>Zx - 5 statements are not true.
x a No prime numbers are even,
b x —>—+ 3
4 b The square of a number is always greater
c x —>4(x + 5)
than the number itself,
d x —> 5(x - 1) + 3
c The product of two numbers is always
14 R f(x) = 3(x + 2) and g(x) = 3(x - 2) greater than their sum.
a Find f _1(x). b Find g '! (x). d The sum of two square numbers is always
c Work out f _1(x) + g~l(x). even.
d If f _1(a) + g _1(a) = 1, work out the value of a.
6 R Prove that the sum of any two odd
numbers is always even.
Proof Q6 hint Let 2n be any even number.
Let In + 1 be any odd number.
Show that Example
a (x + 2)2 - 4x = x 2 + 4 E tt^ iS 7 R a The nth odd number is Zn - 1.
b x 2 - 7x + 25 = (x - 5)2 + 3x
Explain why the next odd number is Zn + 1.
c (x + 4)2 - 4 = {x + 6){x + 2)
b Prove that the product of two consecutive
d 16 - (x - l) 2 = (5 - x)(3 + x) odd numbers is 1 less than a multiple of 4.
R a Show that (x - 2)(x + 2) = x 2 - 4
8 R Prove that the product of any odd number
b Use your rule to work out
and any even number is even.
i 48 x 52 ii 298 x 302
9 R Given that 2(x - a) = x + 8, where a is an
R The diagram shows a garden in the shape
integer, show that x must be an even number.
of a rectangle of length x + 7 and width x + 3.
■x + 7- 10 R a Workout
il —
ii T_ 17
11 5
I2 _ i4
b Use your answers to part a to write down
x+ 3
the answer to | - y j .
c Explain how you can quickly
a Write an expression for the area of the garden.
There is a patio in the centre of the garden. d i S im p lify !- ^
The patio is a rectangle of length x + 2 and
ii Explain how this proves your answer
width x + 1.
from part c.
b Write an expression for the area of the patio,
c Show that the area of the garden, 11 R Show that
excluding the patio, is 7x + 19. 1________1 A
x 2 + 4x x 2- 2 x x(x + 4)(x-2)
4 ( Exam-style question
and find the value of A.
The diagram shows a large rectangle of
length (5x - 4) cm and width x cm. 12 R Prove that n2 - n is even for all values of n.
A smaller rectangle of length 2x cm and
width 3 cm is cut out and removed. 13 a Write an expression for the product of three
The area of the shape that is left is 40 cm2. consecutive integers, n , n + 1 and n + 2.
5x — 4 b Hence show that n3 + 3nz + Zn is even.
a a
(.3 >-(D “ -C! ii BC
What do you notice?
d AB • c What do you notice about
■ G ) ' “ - ( . J
i AB and DC
R In triangle ABC, AB = | ^ j a n d A C = | ^
il AD and BC?
□ □□
ODD a Work out the length of the side AB of the 1
triangle. In quadrilateral ABCD, AB ■ BC =
-3 /'
b Show that triangle ABC is isosceles. H=£)andiA =(-l).
Q6 hint Draw a sketch of the triangle. What type of quadrilateral is ABCD?
2 •-(sJan d b -Q
Work out the magnitude of
a a b2b c a +b da-b
4 OA = b
M is the midpoint of OA.
O- AC and BD are diagonals of rectangle ABCD.
AC and BD intersect at T.
b Express DT in terms of p and q. (1 mark)
a Write down OM in terms of b.
8 R AC = a and BC = b.
b Express as a column vector
i AO ii OM
6 JKLM is a parallelogram. G\ / D
LM = a and MJ = b. F E
a Explain why FE = k.
BC = m, CD = n and DE = p.
b Find
i GF ii AH iii HG
c Find
a Explain why KJ = a.
b Find i AD ii AE
i LK ii I T d What is HE?
GH = -2a + 8b ij = a - 7b
a Three of these vectors are parallel.
Which three?
b Simplify
i 5p-6q + 2p-7q
ii 3(a - 2b) + |(3a + 4b)
Express CA in terms of a and b.
12 R In parallelogram ABCD, AB = a and BC = b.
M is the midpoint of AD. 6 R The points P, Q, R and S
have coordinates
(1, 3), (7, 5), (-12, -15) and
(24, -3) respectively.
0 is the origin,
a Write down the position
vectors OP and OQ.
b Write down as a column vector
a AM b BM CM
i PQ ii RS
13 In triangle ABC, AB = a and AC = b. c What do these results show about the
M is the midpoint of AB. lines PQ and RS?
N is the midpoint of AC.
B 7 [ Exam-style question"
Problem -solving
Solve problems using these strategies where
a Find in terms of a and/or b
i AB
• Use pictures or lists
ii AE • Use smaller numbers
iii OE • Use bar models
iv OF • Use x fo r the unknown
b Show that EF is parallel to AB. • Use a flow diagram
• Use arrow diagrams
• Use geometric sketches
• Use graphs
• Use logical reasoning
• Use problem-solving strategies and then
of the radius, r (in cm), of the cylinder. Sketch it on the same axes,
When r = 30 cm, D = 10.6 cm c At which point do all the graphs intersect
a Write a formula for D in terms of r. the y- axis?
b Find the depth of the water when the a Copy and complete the table of values for
radius of the cylinder is 15 cm. y = 4“*. Give the values correct to 2 d.p.
c Find the radius of the cylinder (to 1 decimal
X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
place) when the depth is 60 cm.
d Cylinder P has radius x cm and is filled y
with water to a depth of d cm. This water b Draw the graph of y = 4 * for -3 =£ x =£ 3
is poured into cylinder Q and fills it to c Use the graph to find an estimate for
a depth of 3d cm. What is the radius of i the value of y when x = 1.5
cylinder Q? Give your answer in terms of x. ii the value of x when y = 5
5 R The table gives information about the
population of the UK.
c Use the graph to find an estimate for Q6 hint Start by using the point (1,12) to
i the value of y when x = 2.5 express k in terms of a.
ii the value of x when y = 30
Time, t (seconds)
a functions
Draw a coordinate grid with -5 to 5 on both
The graph of y - f(x) is shown
on the grid.
5 ( Exam-style question
8 P f(x) =
a Sketch the graph of y = f(x + 1) - 2
b Write the equation of each asymptote.
b On the same set of axes, draw the graphs of
i y = f(x) ii y = -f(x) iii y = f(-x)
c Describe the transformation that maps
f(x) onto -f(x).
d Describe the transformation that maps
f(x) onto f(-x).
a Sketch a copy of the graph and on the
2 R The diagram shows the graph of y = f(x). same axes sketch the graphs of
i -f(x) ii f(-x) iii -f(-x )
b Describe the transformation that maps
f(x) onto -f(-x).
5 f (x) = 2 - x 2
a Copy and complete the table.
X -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
a Sketch a copy of the graph. f(3x)
On the same axes sketch the graphs of b On the same set of axes draw the graphs of
i y = -f(x) ii y = f(-x) i y = f(x) ii y = 3f(x) iii y = f(3x)
a y = 2f(x)
b y = 3f(x)
c y = ~f(x) Match the function notation to the graphs,
Here is the graph of y = f(x) a f(2x)
b 2f(x)
0 c f(-x)
d -f(x)
3 f 2 -
T ;
o _
[ Exam-style question
The graph of y — f(x) is shown on the grid.
The graph has a minimum point at (3, 2).
It intersects the y -axis at (0,11).
a Sketch the graph of y = f(|x)
b Write down the minimum value of f(|x)
c Write down the coordinates of the
minimum point of y = f(2x)
d R Explain why the graphs of y = f(x),
y = f(|x) and y = f(2x) all intersect the
y -axis at the same point.
7 -
R = R e a so n in g P = P ro b le m -so lv in g 19 P ro b le m -so lv in g
8 (^ E x a m -sty le q u e s t io n j 10 R If A shows y =f(x), what does B show?
■ m
a y is inversely proportional to x 2.
y = 8 when x - 3 .
Work out an equation connecting x and
y. (3 marks)
b Work out the value of y when x = 12.
Give your answer as a fraction in its
simplest form. (2 marks)
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