Financial Info - Exeger
Financial Info - Exeger
Financial Info - Exeger
The average number of employees rose to 154.7 (130.8) during the year.
Operating costs
Material costs -66,434 -34,533
Other external costs G4 -76,346 -48,547
Employee costs G5 -125,123 -87,879
Other interest income and similar profit and loss items G6 6,770 654
Interest expense and similar profit and loss items G6 -3,534 -6,494
Profit/loss from financial items 3,236 -5,841
Tax G7 8 –
Profit/loss for the year -289,529 -141,560
Non-current assets
Intangible assets
Capitalized costs for development work, etc. G8 223,461 228,294
Patents and trademarks G8 33,396 19,678
Other intangible assets G8 967 34
Financial assets
Current assets
Current receivables
Accounts receivable G14 25,034 –
Other receivables G15 21,240 6,512
Prepaid expenses and accrued income G16 11,490 5,127
Equity attributable to the owner of the parent company G18 403,175 515,696
Non-controlling interest G18 10,295 22,121
Equity 413,470 537,817
Non-current liabilities
Lease liability G19 102,244 8,506
Liabilities to credit institutions, non-current portion G20 54,364 –
Borrowings G20 58,213 55,516
Total non-current liabilities 214,821 64,022
Other provisions 294 –
Total provisions 294 –
Current liabilities
Liabilities to credit institutions, current portion G20 13,636 –
Accounts payable 60,262 13,505
Other liabilities G21 2,309 1,810
Lease liability G19 10,408 4,719
Accrued expenses and deferred income G22 25,312 16,273
Total current liabilities 111,927 36,307
Warrant program 15,100 15,100 15,100
New share issue 19 149,981 150,000 150,000
Total transactions with
19 165,081 0 165,100 165,100
As of December 31, 2021 881 1,117,381 -715,087 403,175 10,295 413,470
Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital -233,449 -112,285
Exeger Sweden AB (publ) and its subsidiaries engage in activities that include development and commercialization of Dye
Sensitized Solar Cells (DSC).
The consolidated financial accounts were prepared in the parent company Exeger Sweden AB (publ) 556777-6926, a limited
liability company registered in Sweden and domiciled in Stockholm. The street address for the corporate headquarters is
Brinellvägen 32 and the mailing address is Box 55597, SE-102 04 Stockholm, Sweden.
This annual report was approved for publication by the Board of Directors on April 26, 2022.
All amounts are presented in SEK thousands (SEK 000s) unless otherwise stated.
Basis of preparation
The most important accounting policies applied when preparing this Annual Report are presented below.
The annual accounts of Exeger Sweden AB were prepared in accordance with the Swedish Annual Accounts Act and
recommendation RFR 2 Accounting for Legal Entities, from the Swedish Financial Reporting Board. As a main rule, this means
that the Company has applied the international financial reporting standards (IFRS/IAS) adopted by the European Union as far
as possible, but some exceptions occur that mainly relate to the Swedish Annual Accounts Act. Exeger Sweden AB continually
evaluates changes in accounting rules as they arise and takes them into account to the extent permitted by RFR 2.
The Group’s annual report has been prepared in accordance with IFRS.
At the time of preparation of the annual accounts as of December 31, 2021, no changes came into force that affect the business,
nor are there any planned changes that would have a material impact on the business.
Business combinations
Upon acquisition of a business, the cost of the acquisition is calculated as the fair value of the assets and liabilities transferred
on the day of the acquisition, including the fair value of any additional purchase consideration. Transaction costs attributable
to the acquisition are expensed in accordance with IFRS.
Research and development costs that do not meet the criteria are expensed as incurred. Development costs expensed in
previous periods are not recognized as an asset in the subsequent period.
Property, plant, and equipment and intangible assets that are depreciated or amortized are assessed with respect to
impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount might not be recoverable. An
impairment loss is recorded for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The
recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less selling costs and its value in use. When assessing impairment,
assets are grouped at the lowest levels for which there are separately identifiable cash flows (cash generating units). Previously
impaired property, plant and equipment and intangible assets are tested for reversal at each balance sheet date.
Financial assets measured at amortized cost: Assets held for the purpose of collecting contractual cash flows, and where these
cash flows only consist of capital amounts and interest, are recognized at amortized cost. Exeger includes accounts receivable,
cash and cash equivalents and the portion of other current receivables relating to financial instruments in this category.
Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost: Exeger’s liabilities include other borrowings, accounts payable, and the portion
of other current liabilities relating to financial instruments in this category.
Accounts receivable
Accounts receivable are financial instruments consisting of amounts to be paid by customers for services sold in the ordinary
course of operations. If payment is expected within one year or earlier, they are classified as current assets. If not, they are
recognized as non-current assets.
Accounts receivable are initially recognized at fair value and subsequently at amortized cost using the effective interest
method less expected credit losses.
Share capital
Ordinary shares are classified as equity. Transaction costs directly attributable to the issue of new shares are recognized, net
of tax, in equity as a deduction from the proceeds.
Accounts payable
Accounts payable are initially recognized at fair value and subsequently at amortized cost using the effective interest method.
The carrying amount of accounts payable is assumed to correspond to its fair value, due to the short-term nature of this item.
Current tax expenses are calculated on the basis of the tax rules that have been adopted or substantively enacted on the
balance sheet date. Management regularly evaluates the claims made in tax returns with respect to situations in which
applicable tax rules are subject to interpretation and, when deemed appropriate, it makes provisions for amounts that are likely
to be paid to the Swedish Tax Agency.
Deferred tax is recognized in its entirety, according to the liability method, for all temporary differences arising between the
tax base of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial statements. The deferred tax is not recognized if it
occurs as a result of a transaction that constitutes the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction other than a
business combination and that, at the time of the transaction, affects neither recognized nor taxable profit.
Deferred tax assets are recognized only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available, against
which the temporary differences can be utilized.
Deferred tax assets and tax liabilities are offset when there is a legally enforceable right to set off tax assets against tax
liabilities, they refer to the same counterparty (taxation authority) and the intention is to settle the assets/liabilities with a net
Warrant program
Exeger has issued a warrant program, which is still underway as of Dec. 31, 2021. Warrants have been allocated to key
employees within the Group, for which a market price has been paid by the person to whom the warrants have been allocated.
The fair value of the warrants has been determined through application of Black & Scholes. Consequently, no employee benefit
arises for the warrant programs.
Revenue recognition
For revenue generated by the Company, income is recognized at the fair value of what has been or will be received and
recognized to the extent that it is likely that the economic benefits will flow to the Group and the revenue can be calculated
in a reliable manner.
For sales of goods, revenue is recognized when the significant benefits and risks associated with ownership of the goods have
been transferred from the Company to the buyer, which normally takes place upon delivery.
Net sales consist of income from the sale of cells, which are classified as goods. The performance commitment is fulfilled
when the goods are delivered to the customer and the revenue is recognized upon delivery. Payment is usually made within
30 days of delivery.
In general, warranties are provided for a period of 24 months after the time of delivery. Warranties are provided for defined
functional parameters within this period. Warranties are generally limited to direct damages and amount to a maximum of 75
percent of the contract value per rolling 12 months.
The benefit of the conditional loan, consisting of borrowings at an interest rate below market rates, is recognized as
government aid. The loan is initially recognized at fair value. The difference between the amount received and the fair value of
the loan is recognized as government aid. In subsequent periods the loan is recognized at amortized cost using the effective
interest method.
For loans received prior to the first day of reporting in accordance with IFRS January 1, 2013, no portion is recognized as
government aid.
Government grants relating to costs are deferred and recognized in profit or loss over the same periods as the costs that they
are intended to compensate. Conditional loans are recognized using the effective interest method and thus contain an interest
component related to the discount of the loan.
Exeger rents premises, primarily offices, warehouse facilities and production space. The leases contain various terms of
contract, but no covenants.
There are options for extension, which are assessed on an agreement by agreement basis to determine whether it is reasonably
certain that they will be exercised. Options for extension are included in the term of the lease if it is reasonably certain that
they will be exercised. Leases are recognized as right-of-use assets with a corresponding lease liability, on the day on which the
leased asset is available for use by Exeger.
Depreciation of the asset and interest expenses on the liability are recognized in profit or loss. The interest component is
distributed over the lease term so that each accounting period is charged with an amount corresponding to a fixed interest
rate for the lease liability recognized during that period.
Lease payments are discounted with the implicit interest rate in the lease if it can be easily determined; if not, the current loan
interest rate is applied. The current loan interest rate is 2.81 percent, which is the interest rate that Exeger would have had to
pay for a loan during the same period with the same collateral on the amount that would be required to buy a similar asset in a
similar financial environment.
Lease payments for short-term leases and leases for which the underlying asset is of low value are expensed on an ongoing
basis. Short-term leases are contracts with a term of 12 months or less.
Operating margin, %
Operating profit/loss excluding items affecting comparability, depreciation, amortization and impairment of plant, property,
and equipment and intangible assets, divided by net sales.
Operating profit/loss before depreciation, amortization and impairment, as well as before items affecting comparability.
Critical estimates and assessments when applying the Company’s accounting policies
Estimates and assessments are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and other factors, including
expectations of future events that are considered reasonable under the prevailing circumstances.
The Group is exposed through its business to a number of financial risks, mainly attributable to accounts receivable, accounts
payable and liabilities to credit institutions. The financial risks consist of market risk, mainly currency risk, credit risk and
liquidity risk. The Group strives to minimize the potentially adverse effects of these risks on the Group's financial
The Company does not apply hedge accounting in accordance with the rules in IFRS 9.
Cash flow interest rate risk and fair value interest rate risk
Since the Company does not hold significant interest-bearing assets, its income and cash flow from operating activities are
essentially unaffected by changes in market interest rates.
The Company’s interest rate risk primarily arises from non-current borrowings. As of the balance sheet date, the Company has
conditional loans and loans from Svensk Exportkredit (Swedish Export Credit Corporation). The conditional loans are interest-
free until the first amortization occurs.
The loans are recognized at amortized cost using the effective interest method. See also the section Government aid for
development projects above for a more detailed description of the conditional loans. The loans carry a fixed interest rate from
the first amortization date, for which reason no cash flow risk is deemed to be present. However, the fair value of the loan may
be affected by changes in market interest rates.
See also Notes G19 – Lease liabilities and G20 – Non-current liabilities, which describe the terms of the loans in greater detail
and present a table analyzing maturity.
Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk refers to the risk that the Group will not be able to meet its short-term payment commitments due to
insufficient funds. The management monitors rolling forecasts for the Group's liquidity reserve (including credit facilities)
and cash and cash equivalents based on expected cash flows. Because of the Group’s growth profile, flexible risk
management is required with respect to liquidity risk.
The Group's liquidity consists of cash and bank balances of SEK 110.4 million and an operating credit of SEK 100 million,
which as of December 31 was unutilized.
The undiscounted cash flows arising from the Company’s liabilities in the form of financial instruments, based on the
contractual earliest remaining maturities as of the balance sheet date can be found in Note G20 – Non-current liabilities.
Amounts due within 12 months agree with the booked amounts, since the discount has no material effect.
The Swedish Energy Agency may decide to waive the remaining repayment obligation in cases where the Swedish Energy
Agency determines, upon written request from the borrower, that projects have not provided, nor can they be expected to
provide, economic return.
Öhrlings PricewaterhouseCoopers AB
“Audit assignments” refer to the audit of the annual report and accounting records, as well as the administration of the
Company by the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer, other tasks incumbent on the Company's auditor and
advice or other assistance resulting from observations made during audits or the performance of such tasks. Everything else
is divided into tax consultations and other assignments.
For specification of remuneration to the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer, see G24 — Transactions with
related parties.
Financial expenses
Exchange rate differences – -2,624
Interest expense -2,515 -3
Unwinding of discount -1,019 -3,867
Total financial expenses -3,534 -6,494
Profit/loss from financial items, net 3,236 -5,841
Tax loss carryforward for which no deferred tax asset has been recognized -59,381 -30,011
Capitalized development costs that have not yet been completed are not amortized. Instead, such assets are tested for
impairment. The recoverable amount of capitalized development costs has been determined based on value in use. The
calculation is based on estimated future cash flows, which in turn are based on the 2022 budget and forecasts for the period
2023-2026 prepared by Group management and approved by the Board.
The forecasts are based partly on historical costs, a best assessment of revenue from the Group's development, as well as on
the basis of external information about market growth etc. Forecasts are formulated based on a number of assumptions
regarding future growth and operating margin.
The calculated recoverable amount is compared with the carrying amount. Cash flows beyond the three-year period, i.e. after
2026, are extrapolated using an estimated growth rate of 2 percent, which corresponds to a weighted average growth rate
under the Riksbanken’s (the Swedish Central Bank) inflation target and is in line with sustainable growth for the industry.
With a change +/- 1 percentage point in the discount rate, there is no need for impairment.
Given a change in growth of +/- 1 percentage point beyond the projection period, there is still no need for impairment.
2021 2020
Opening cost 25,263 18,752
Purchases 1) 46,440 11,719
Delivered during the year – -5,208
Closing cost 71,703 25,263
Of which capitalized development cost related to design of machinery 12,035 (0)
Total cash flow with respect to lease payments related to leases in 2021 was SEK 12,303 (5,337)
2021 2020
Inventories, raw materials 26,285 11,390
Total inventories 26,285 11,390
2021 2020
Tax asset 12,486
Input VAT 6,008 5,381
Other receivables 2,746 1,131
2021 2020
Prepaid rent 4,146 1,201
Prepaid pension insurance 1,708
Prepaid license fees 1,033
Other items 4,603 3,926
Total prepaid expenses and accrued income 11,490 5,127
2021 2020
Balance sheet
Cash and cash equivalents 110,443 249,756
Total cash and cash equivalents on the balance sheet 110,443 249,756
Statement of cash flows
Cash and cash equivalents 110,443 249,756
Total cash and cash equivalents in statement of cash flows 110,443 249,756
Specification of changes in equity can be found in the Statement of changes in equity, which follows immediately after the
balance sheet.
All amounts are in SEK thousand (SEK 000s) Number of shares Share capital
Closing balance as of December 31, 2019 41,805,064 836
New share issue cash 1,307,188 26
Closing balance as of December 31, 2020 43,112,252 862
New share issue cash 937,500 19
Closing balance as of December 31, 2021 44,049,752 881
The shares have a par value of SEK 0.02 per share. Each share carries one vote. All shares registered as of the balance sheet
date are fully paid. The total number of registered shares on the balance sheet date is 44,049,752 and total registered share
capital is SEK 880,995.15 SEK.
2021 2020
Employee tax 2,309 1,810
Total other current liabilities 2,309 1,810
2021 2020
Accrued vacation pay 9,727 6,242
Accrued social security costs 5,306 3,351
Special employers’ contribution 3,720 1,487
Deferred income 1,788 4,484
Other 4,771 709
Total accrued expenses and deferred income 25,312 16,273
(SEK 000s) Basic salary/Board fee Other benefits Pension costs Total
Board fees 275 275
CEO, Board member 1,006 2 320 1,328
Total 1,281 2 320 1,603
Board fees 275 275
CEO, Board member 1,540 5 1,082 2,627
Total 1,815 5 1,082 2,902
December 31, Increase/ December 31, December 31, Increase/ January 1, 2020
Balance sheet (extract) 2020 decrease 2020 adjusted 2019 decrease adjusted
Non-current assets
Intangible assets
Capitalized costs for development
228,294 228,294 189,027 189,027
work, etc.
Patents and trademarks 5,525 14,153 19,678 5,351 10,123 15,474
Other intangible assets 34 34 0
Total intangible assets 233,820 14,187 248,006 194,378 10,123 204,501
Current assets
Inventories 10,197 1,193 11,390 4,403 2,295 6,698
Current receivables 0
Accounts receivable 1,193 -1,193 0 2,585 -2,295 290
Other receivables 6,512 6,512 4,400 4,400
Prepaid expenses and accrued income 19,314 -14,187 5,127 13,254 -10,123 3,131
Total current receivables 27,019 -15,380 11,639 20,587 -12,418 8,169
Increase/ 2020
Patents and trademark costs 2020
decrease adjusted
Opening cost 8,173 9,964 18,137
Purchases for the year 1,204 4,057 5,261
Closing cost 9,377 14,021 23,398
Increase/ 2020
Expenditure on other intangible assets 2020
decrease adjusted
Opening cost ─ 166 166
Purchases for the year ─ ─ ─
Closing cost ─ 166 166
January 1,
December 31, Increase/ December 31, December 31, Increase/
Balance sheet (extract) 2020 decrease 2020 adjusted 2019 decrease
Non-current liabilities
Liabilities to credit institutions, non-
current portion
Borrowings 50,365 5,151 55,516 54,192 -1,257 52,935
Total non-current liabilities 50,365 5,151 55,516 54,192 -1,257 52,935
Current liabilities
Accounts payable 13,505 13,505 14,982 14,982
Liabilities to credit institutions, current
– – – –
Other liabilities 1,810 1,810 1,938 1,938
Other liabilities, Group companies 5,613 5,613 6,257 6,257
Prepaid grants 8,616 -8,616 0 6,316 -6,316 0
Accrued expenses and deferred income 12,682
3,465 16,147 11,363 7,573 18,936
Total current liabilities 42,226 -5,151 37,075 40,856 1,257 42,113
On March 15, the Board of Directors passed a decision to raise funds through two directed new issues, based on a mandate
previously received from the General Meeting. Through the first issue, 774,375 shares will be subscribed for with payment of
the subscription settlement of SEK 123,900,000 by March 25. Through the second issue, 343,750 shares will be subscribed
for with payment of the subscription settlement of SEK 55,000,000 by July 15.
Operating income
Net sales – –
Capitalized development cost – –
Other operating income – –
Total operating income – –
Operating costs
Other external costs P2 -270 -110
Employee costs – –
Other operating costs – –
Total operating costs -270 -110
Current assets
Current receivables
Receivable Group company P7 7,208 7,208
Other receivables P7 655 872
Total current receivables 7,863 8,079
Cash and cash equivalents P8 522 578
Total current assets 8,385 8,657
Non-restricted equity
Capital surplus 921,181 771,200
Retained earnings -97,700 -97,590
Profit/loss for the year -272 -110
Total non-restricted equity 823,209 673,500
Current liabilities
Accounts payable – –
Other liabilities – –
Prepaid grants – –
Accrued expenses and deferred income P10 125 125
Total current liabilities 125 125
Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital -226 -110
The parent company, Exeger Sweden AB, applies the Swedish Annual Accounts Act and recommendation RFR 2 Accounting
for Legal Entities, from the Swedish Financial Reporting Board. RFR 2 requires the parent company to apply the same
accounting policies as the Group, i.e. IFRS to the extent permitted by RFR 2.
The main differences between accounting policies adopted for the Group and accounting policies for the parent company
Group companies
Investments are recognized according to the cost method. Investments
are recognized at cost and only dividends are recognized in the income statement. Impairment tests are performed annually
and impairment is recognized if it can be assumed that the decline in value is permanent.
Business combinations
Acquisition-related costs are included in cost in the accounts of the acquiring company,
while they are expensed for the Group when they arise.
2021 2020
Audit – -75
Other -270 -35
Total -270 -110
2021 2020
Financial income
Interest income – –
Total financial income – –
Financial expenses
Interest expense -2 –
Total financial expenses -2 –
Profit/loss from financial items, net -2 –
The differences between recognized tax expense and an estimated tax expense are as follows
2021 2020
Profit/loss before tax -272 -110
Tax on income calculated according to the current tax rate 56 23
Non-deductible expenses -44
Tax loss carryforward for which no deferred tax asset has been recognized -12 -23
Deferred tax assets – –
Tax on income – –
Tax rate 20.6% 2021 and 21.4% for 2020 and 2019
The list below includes directly and indirectly owned shares as of December 31, 2021.
2021 2020
Input VAT – 169
Receivable Group company 7,208 7,208
Other receivables 655 702
Total other receivables 7,863 8,079
2021 2020
Balance sheet
Cash and bank balances 522 578
Total cash and cash equivalents on the balance sheet 522 578
Statement of cash flows
Cash and bank balances 522 578
Total cash and cash equivalents in statement of cash flows 522 578
Specification of changes in equity can be found in the Statement of changes in equity, which follows immediately after the
balance sheet.
Number of
All amounts are in SEK thousand (SEK 000s) Share capital Capital surplus Total
Closing balance as of December 31, 2019 41,805,064 836 571,226 572,062
The shares have a par value of SEK 0.02 per share. Each share carries one vote. All shares registered as of the balance sheet
date are fully paid. The total number of registered shares on the balance sheet date is 44,049,752 and total registered share
capital is SEK 880,995.15.
2021 2020
Other 125 125
Total accrued expenses and deferred income 125 125
Kai Gruner
Chairman of the Board
Niklas Jonsson
Authorized Public Accountant