A Literature Review On Supervised Machine LearningAlgorithms and Boosting Process
A Literature Review On Supervised Machine LearningAlgorithms and Boosting Process
A Literature Review On Supervised Machine LearningAlgorithms and Boosting Process
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 169 – No.8, July 2017
1.2.2 Data Redundancy: maintaining the processing time bounded, irrespective of the
When the input features has unwanted information, a few number of instances processed.
learning algorithms probably may execute defectively due to Predicting learning styles in conversational intelligent tutoring
numerical irresolution. Such researches issues may be solved systems using fuzzy decision trees has been proposed by
by consolidate some pre-processing techniques. Crokett et al., 2017 [4]. Prediction of learning style is carried
1.2.3 Presence of interactions and non-linearity’s: out by imprison independent behaviour variables during the
tutoring observation with the highest value variable. A
When the countenance makes an autonomous role to the
weakness of their approach is that it does not take into
output, then algorithms that are based on linear functions and
consideration the interactions between behaviour variables
distance functions usually perform fit. On the other hand,
and, due to the uncertainty inherently present in modelling
when there are multifaceted interactions amongst
learning styles, small differences in behaviour can lead to
countenance, then certain algorithms perform much better, as
incorrect predictions. Subsequently, the learner is presented
they are distinctively designed to determine these interactions.
with guidance material not suited to their learning style.
2. RELATED WORKS Because of the above mentioned challenges a new method
that uses fuzzy decision trees to build a series of fuzzy
2.1 Recent Works on Decision Trees predictive models connecting these variables for all
Lertworaprachaya et al., 2014 [1] proposed a new model for dimensions of the Felder Silverman Learning Styles model.
compose decision trees using interval-valued fuzzy Results using live data by the authors showed that the fuzzy
membership values. Most existing fuzzy decision trees do not models have increased the anticipate accuracy across four
consider the concerned associated with their membership learning style dimensions and facilitated the discovery of
values; however, precise values of fuzzy membership values some interesting relationships amongst behaviour variables.
are not always possible. Because of that, the authors
represented fuzzy membership values as distance to model 2.2 Recent Works on Support Vector
concerned and employ the look-ahead based fuzzy decision
tree induction method to construct decision trees. The authors
Machine (SVM)
Motivated by the KNN trick conferred in the weighted twin
also measured the significance of different neighbourhood
support vector machines with local information (WLTSVM),
values and define a new parameter unkind to specific data sets
Pan et al., 2015 [5] proposed a novel K-nearest neighbour
using fuzzy sets. Some examples are provided to establish the
establish structural twin support vector machine (KNN-
effectiveness of their approach.
STSVM). By applying the intra-class KNN method, different
Bahnsen et al. 2015 [2] proposed an example-reliant cost- weights are given to the samples in one class to enhance the
sensitive decision tree algorithm, by incorporating the structural information. For the other class, the expendable
different example-reliant costs into a new cost-based impurity constraints are deleted by the inter-class KNN method to
measure and new cost-based pruning criteria. Subsequently, speed up the coaching process. For large scale problems, a
using three different databases, from three real-world fast clip algorithm is further introduced for increase of rate.
applications namely credit card fraud detection, credit scoring Comprehensive experimental results on twenty-two datasets
and direct marketing, the authors evaluated their proposed demonstrate the efficiency of their proposed KNN-STSVM.
method. Their results showed that their proposed algorithm is
It is noteworthy that existing structural classifiers do not
the best performing design for all databases. Additionally,
balance structural information’s relationships both intra-class
when compared across a standard decision tree, their design
and inter-class. Connecting the structural information with
builds significantly smaller trees in only a fifth of the time,
nonparallel support vector machine (NPSVM), D. Chen et al.
while having a superior performance measured by cost
2016 [6], designed a new structural nonparallel support vector
savings, leading to a design that not only has more business-
machine (called SNPSVM). Each model of SNPSVM
oriented results, but also a design that creates simpler models
examine not only the concentration in both classes by the
that are easier to analyze.
structural information but also the reparability between
Online decision trees from data current are usually unable to classes, thus it can fully adventure prior knowledge to directly
handle concept drift. Blanco et al., 2016 [3] proposed the recover the algorithms generalization capacity. Moreover, the
Incremental Algorithm Driven by Error Margins (IADEM-3) authors applied the improved alternating direction designed of
that mainly carry out two actions in response to a approach multipliers (ADMM) to SNPSVM. Both their model itself and
drift. At first, IADEM-3 resets the variables affected by the the solving algorithm can guarantee that it possibly would
change and maintains unbroken the structure of the tree, deal with large-scale classification problems with a huge
which allows for changes in which ensuing target functions number of occurrence as well as features. Experimental
are very similar. After that, IADEM-3 creates alternative results show that SNPSVM is superior to the other current
models that replace parts of the main tree when they algorithms based on structural information of data in both
significantly improve the accuracy of the model, thereby estimation time and classification accuracy.
rebuilding the main tree if needed. An online change detector
Peng et al., 2016 [7] formulated a linear kernel support vector
and a non-parametric statistical test based on Hoeffding’s
machine (SVM) as a consistent least-squares (RLS) problem.
bounds are used to guarantee that significance. A new pruning
By defining a set of indicator variables of the errors, the
method is also incorporated in IADEM-3, making sure that all
solution to the RLS problem is represented as an equation that
split tests previously installed in decision nodes are useful.
describe the error vector to the indicator variables. Through
Their learning model is also viewed as an ensemble of
partitioning the training set, the SVM weights and tendency
classifiers, and predictions of the main and alternative models
are expressed analytically using the support vectors. The
are joined to classify unlabeled examples. IADEM-3 is
authors also determine how their approach naturally extends
empirically related with various well-known decision tree
to sums with nonlinear kernels whilst deflect the need to make
induction algorithms for concept drift detection. The authors
use of Lagrange multipliers and duality theory. A fast constant
portrayed that their new algorithm generally reaches higher
solution algorithm based on Cholesky decomposition with
levels of accuracy with smaller decision tree models,
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 169 – No.8, July 2017
modification of the support vectors is recommended as a a single-layer perception using AdaBoost and decision
solution method. The properties of their SVM formulation stumps. It is then extended to learn weights of a neural
were analyzed and correlated with standard SVMs using a network with a single hidden layer of linear neurons. At last, a
simple example that can be decorated graphically. The novel method is introduced by the authors to incorporate non-
correctness and behaviour of their proposed work has been linear activation functions in artificial neural network
demonstrated using a set of public benchmarking problems for learning. Their proposed method uses series representation to
both linear and nonlinear SVMs. approximate non-linearity of activation functions, learns the
coefficients of nonlinear terms by AdaBoost which adapts the
Utkin and Zhuk, 2017 [8] proposed a well-known one-class network parameters by a layer-wise iterative traversal of
classification support vector machine (OCC SVM) dealing neurons and an appropriate reduction of the problem.
with interval-valued or set-valued training data. Their key Comparison of various neural network models learned the
idea is to represent every distance of training data by a finite proposed methods and those learned using the least mean
set of explicit data with imprecise weights. Their squared learning (LMS) and the resilient back-propagation
representation is based on replacement of the interval-valued (RPROP) is provided by the authors.
familiar risk produced by interval-valued data with the
interval-valued expected risk produced by uncertain weights Miller and Soh 2015 [12] proposed a novel cluster-based
or sets of weights. It can also be mentioned that, the interval boosting (CBB) approach to address limitations in boosting on
concern is replaced with the uncertain weight or probabilistic supervised learning (SL) algorithms. Their CBB approach
uncertainty. The authors showed how constraints for the partitions the training data into clusters containing highly
imprecise weights are incorporated into dual quadratic similar member data and integrates these clusters directly into
programming problems which can be viewed as extensions of the boosting process. Their CBB approach attempts to address
the well-known OCC SVM models. With the help of two specific limitations for current boosting both resulting
numerical examples with synthetic and real interval-valued from boosting focusing on incorrect training data. The first
training data the authors decorate their proposed approach and one is filtering for subsequent functions when the training
investigate its properties. data contains troublesome areas and/or label noise; and the
second one is over fitting in subsequent functions that are
2.3 Recent Works on Adaboost forced to learn on all the incorrect instances. The authors
Universum data usually does not belong to any class of the demonstrated the effectiveness of CBB through extensive
training data, has been applied for training better classifiers. empirical results on 20 UCI benchmark datasets and
Xu et al., 2014 [9] addressed a novel boosting algorithm proclaimed that CBB achieves superior predictive accuracy
called UAdaBoost which possibly would better the that use selective boosting without clusters.
classification performance of AdaBoost with Universum data.
UAdaBoost determine a function by minimizing the loss for 3. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS
labelled data and Universum data. The cost function is Every learning algorithm will tend to suit some problem types
discount by a greedy, stage wise, functional gradient better than others, and will typically have many different
procedure. Each training stage of UdaBoost is fast and parameters and configurations to be adjusted before achieving
efficient. The standard AdaBoost weights labelled samples optimal performance on a dataset, AdaBoost (with decision
over training iterations while UAdaBoost gives an explicit trees as the weak learners) is often referred to as the best out-
weighting program for Universum samples as well. Also the of-the-box classifier. When used with decision tree learning,
authors described the practical conditions for the effectiveness information gathered at each stage of the AdaBoost algorithm
of Universum learning. These conditions are based on the about the relative 'hardness' of each training sample is fed into
analysis of the distribution of ensemble forecasting over the tree growing algorithm such that later trees tend to focus
training samples. By their experimental results the authors on harder-to-classify examples.
declare that their method can obtain superior performances
over the standard AdaBoost by selecting proper Universum The supervised machine learning algorithms such as decision
data. trees and support vector machine are capable enough to deal
with big data mining tasks. Even though the algorithms
Sun et al., 2016 [10] quoted a representative approach named efficiency considerably improving there is a need for adaptive
noise-detection based AdaBoost (ND_AdaBoost) in order to boosting process required in order to increase the predictive
improve the robustness of AdaBoost in the two-class accuracy much more. The following are the findings from this
classification scenario. In order to resolve the dilemma a survey research manuscript.
robust multi-class AdaBoost algorithm (Rob_MulAda) is
proposed by the authors whose key ingredients consist in a (i) Fuzzy logic which is a soft computing technique is
noise-detection based multi-class loss function and a new incorporated with the decision tree machine learning
weight updating scheme. The authors claims that their algorithm in order to rule out the ambiguity in the
experimental study indicates that their newly-proposed weight datasets.
updating scheme is indeed more robust to mislabelled noises (ii) Example – dependent along with cost sensitive
than that of ND_AdaBoost in both two-class and multi-class factors helps the decision trees to proclaim more
scenarios. As well, through the comparison experiments, the independency in machine learning process.
authors also verified the effectiveness of Rob_MulAda and (iii) Error margins based methods reduce the false
provide a suggestion in choosing the most appropriate noise- negative values while making use of decision trees.
alleviating approach according to the concrete noise level in (iv) Interactions between behaviour variables tend to
practical applications. improve the performance of the decision trees.
(v) Weight based structural information helps the
Baig et al., 2017 [11] presented a boosting-based method of support vector machine to quickly train the machine
learning a feed-forward artificial neural network (ANN) with learning algorithm.
a single layer of hidden neurons and a single output neuron.
At first, an algorithm called Boost on is depicted which learns
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 169 – No.8, July 2017
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Optimization techniques like genetic algorithm, particle support vector machine model by interval-valued training
swarm optimization, ant colony optimization, artificial data,” Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 120, pp. 43-56,
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Other machine learning algorithms such as relevance data in AdaBoost using gradient descent,” Image and
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networks can be used for classifying / clustering the [10] B. Sun, S. Chen, J. Wang, H. Chen, “A robust multi-class
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