Cu En1671515637268
Cu En1671515637268
Cu En1671515637268
Date - 17/12/2022
Application Id. - 2201583388
The Controller of Examinations
University of Calcutta
Sir / Madam,
I request permission to present myself at the ensuing examination and furnish the required particulars as follows:
Examination & other Fees to be deposited by the candidate to the College 355.00
I declare that if any of the statement made in the above is found to be untrue or if it appears that, in the opinion of the University, I
have contravened the provisions of the University Rules and Regulations relating to the examination to which I now seek
admission, my candidature for the examination shall be liable to be cancelled by the University.
Received an amount of Rs.355.00 from PRERANA SARKAR having Registration No. 017-1211-0479-21 and Roll
No.212017-11-0329 as examination & other relevant fees for B.A. SEMESTER - III (HONOURS) Examination (Under CBCS), 2022,
after proper verification of all conditions including attendance as prerequisite of the candidate(as per extant regulation) to sit for the
said examination.