Marshall Jonker Inferent Stats 2010
Marshall Jonker Inferent Stats 2010
Marshall Jonker Inferent Stats 2010
Building on the first part of this series regarding descriptive statistics, this paper
demonstrates why it is advantageous for radiographers to understand the role of inferential
statistics in deducing conclusions from a sample and their application to a wider population.
This is necessary so radiographers can understand the work of others, can undertake their
own research and evidence base their practice. This article explains p values and confidence
intervals. It introduces the common statistical tests that comprise inferential statistics, and
explains the use of parametric and non-parametric statistics. To do this, the paper reviews
relevant literature, and provides a checklist of points to consider before and after applying
statistical tests to a data set. The paper provides a glossary of relevant terms and the reader
is advised to refer to this when any unfamiliar terms are used in the text. Together with the
information provided on descriptive statistics in an earlier article, it can be used as a starting
point for applying statistics in radiography practice and research.
As health care professionals, radiographers are commonly exposed to statistics; the
application of statistics is important to clinical decision making. 1-4 In a study undertaken by
Welch and Gabbe of papers from the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, more
articles, 31.7%, were classified as having inappropriate testing than those 30.3% using
appropriate testing.5 Furthermore in an article by Reznick it was shown that someone only
understanding descriptive statistics has only 44.5% access to the data presented, whilst
those with a more advanced repertoire (i.e. knowledge of t-tests, contingency tables, and
some non-parametric tests) increases the access rate to 80.5%. 6 Hence, education of writers
of research on how to undertake and present statistical testing must take place such that
the work is accessible to readers, which 90% of Reznick’s sample concurred with.6,7 It is
found to be most effective in the teaching of these statistics if the learners first understand
the concepts behind statistics prior to being taught “how to undertake” them.8 This is a
daunting task but one that is essential in order that e.g. radiographers may gain the best
value from statistics.4,9,10 It is important in teaching statistical testing that it appears relevant
to the students e.g. by testing data relevant to clinical decision making. 11
Many statistical methods used by researchers do not only describe the data but also enable
conclusions to be drawn about the populations from which the samples are taken. They can
be applied to compare two or more samples with each other to investigate potential
differences and they can also be used for studying the relationship between two or more
variables. Such statistics are inferential statistics, which are used to infer from the sample
group generalisations that can be applied to a wider population. This allows the detection of
large or even small, but important differ-ences, in variables or correlations between
variables that are rele-vant to a particular research question. 1e3 It is of paramount
importance to ensure that the sample that has been selected is representative and this is
determined predominantly by an appropriate sampling method. 2 If, for instance, a
researcher wants to test two different courses of radiotherapy as a cancer treatment, by
testing a long course versus a short course, then there are different ways to decide on who
is selected for this study. There are also different ways to decide who receives which
treatment. When deciding who will be sampled (selected) and received (allocated) which
treatment, if one wants to be certain that the characteristics of subjects e in this case
patients e does not affect the chance of being allocated to a certain group then both
random selection and allocation should be applied. Random selection and random allo-
cation, generally also known as randomization, can be achieved by simply tossing a coin or
by using a computer programme (www. What is important here is that the
patients are selected, for example from a patient list, bychance and the patients are also
allocated to one of the treatments by chance. Often randomization is not feasible, for
example when certain exclusion criteria apply in a controlled trial or when only patients
from a certain region or country are included in a study. Bias can be introduced in instances
where the selection or allocation is not truly randomized. Careful consideration of the
sample used and the way that subjects are compared with each other is therefore war-
ranted, well before any statistical test is applied to the data
Terms used in inferential statistics
Before covering the different tests that can be applied for data sets and measurements, it is
essential to introduce some of the common terms used. Inferential statistics measures the
signifi-cance, i.e. whether any difference e.g. between two samples is due to chance or a
real effect, of a test result. This is represented using p values. The type of test applied to a
data set relies on the sort of data analysed, i.e. binary, nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio
data; the distribution of the data set (normal or not); and whethera potential difference
between samples or a link between variables is studied. Readers can refresh themselves
regarding the terms nominal, ordinal and interval/ratio data and discrete and continuous
variables at this point, by consulting the earlier article in this series.
p values and power
A p value is the product of hypothesis testing via various statistical tests and is claimed to be
significant (i.e. not due to chance) most commonly when the value is 0.05 or less. The value
0.05 is arbitrary; it is simply a convention amongst statistician that this value is deemed the
cut off level for significance.12 The p value that is considered significant can be and is often
varied by the researchers, and it demonstrates the probability of making a type I error i.e.
an error created by rejecting the null hypothesis i.e. that there is no difference in the
amount of contrast induced-nephro-toxicity between two contrast agents, when it is in fact
true i.e. that there is no difference between the two agents in this regard. Thus it concludes
there is a difference, when this is not true, giving a false positive result. 13 The p values say
nothing about what the size of an effect is or what that effect size is likely to be on the total
population. Often, p values can be misleading because even the smallest effect e.g. in the
use of two contrast agents, can be made significant by increasing the sample size. Equally a
large and important difference can prove to be of no significance if a small sample size is
used. The latter is a false-negative (Type II) error, where the null hypothesis is accepted
when in fact it should be rejected. Many authors now report the confidence interval as well
as the p value, or indeed on its own, and some authors go as far as saying that a paper
reporting only a p value is suspect.7,14
The type II error is implicated in deciding on the sample size used for a study. The required
sample size can actually be calculated before conducting a study. In order to do so, using
freeware programmes such as GPower or other available programmes, a number of
parameters need to be predetermined. The type of statistical test that is planned needs to
be known and also the effect size. The effect size is by how much you anticipate or
hypothesize outcome measurements, e.g. survival, side-effect incidence or tumour volume
reduction in two types of radiotherapy treatments, to differ between each other. Then the
allowed type I error, the p value that is considered significant in this study, and the powerof
the study (1 e type II error), need to be determined. As mentioned previously, the p value is
often set at 0.05; power can be anything from 0.80 (80%) to 0.99 (99%) depending on
requirements. Undertaking such calculations will avoid too many subjects being recruited
for a study. A drawback is that a-priori power calculations do not take
variation of data into account, although this can be accounted for to some extent by
estimating the sample size for a number of effect sizes and power levels.
Confidence interval and standard error
If the total population of e.g. patients suffering contrast-induced nephrotoxicity, were
studied, then that statistic would also be the population parameter. The confidence interval
is a measure of the researchers’ uncertainty in the sample statistic as an estimate of the
population parameter, if less than the whole population is studied. This is because the study
result is not precisely the effect in the population; consequently it is necessary to estimate a
range of values within which the true or precise effect in the whole population probably lies.
This is ‘probably’, because it is never certain that this is in fact the case. Generally, if there is
a 95% probability that something is the case, then that is generally accepted as good enough
to be accepted. Again, as with the p value, confidence interval levels are usually set at 95%
by convention. A 95% confidence interval is the estimated range of values within which it is
95% possible or likely that the precise or true population effect lies. 7,13 Confidence intervals
are a pivotal tool in evidence-based practice, because they allow study results to be
extrapolated into the relevant population. In the calculation of this, three elements are
1) The standard error— whilst standard errors shrink with increasing sample size, the
researcher should be seeking to reach an optimal sample size, rather than the maximal
sample size. Testing more subjects than required in a clinical trial may not be ethical and in
addition it would be a waste of money and resources.
2) The mean and the variability, i.e. standard deviation, of the effect being studied — the
less variability in the sample, the more precise the estimate in the population and therefore
a narrower range.
3) The degree of confidence required — the more confident someone wants to be in the
obtained results, the higher the confidence interval needs to be. In other words, if a 99%
confidence interval is desired then the range will have to be wider, to cover the extra data
that needs to be covered over and above the arbitrary 95%, to ensure that it is possible to
be more confident that the average for the population (the population mean) lies within
it.7,15 Conversely, if a 90% confidence interval is considered sufficient then the range of data
required will be narrower, and hence the required sample size will be smaller.
To further illustrate the above, one needs to appreciate the formulae associated with
calculating confidence intervals. If a large sample size is used and the distribution of the
measurements/ observations shows a normal distribution, we can assume that the variance
in the sample is representative of the variance in the wider population. The formulaic
relationship between the confidence interval (CI) standard error (SE) in such instances is:
95% CI = sample mean ± 1.96 SE. The standard error of a sample equals the standard
deviation of the sample divided by the square root of the sample size (SE = SD/Vn).
Therefore, if the standard deviation is large and the sample size small, the standard error
will be large, and vice versa. The standard deviation and standard error are very easily mixed
up. A standard deviation says something about the variation around the mean of the actual
sample, whereas the standard error gives information on the variation one could
theoretically expect in the sample mean if the experiment was repeated with a different
sample. The confusing part is that the standard error is actually a measurement of variation
— it is the variation of the mean itself (e.g. average percentage of nephrotoxicity cases in a
group of patients), not around the mean, that you can expect if you would repeat your
experiment with a different group of patients.16,17
Table 1, Types of statistical tests depending on the type of data, number of samples and
distribution of data.
Table 1 below is adapted from Edmondson to help researchers decide on applying the
appropriate test for studying differences between samples.22 Please note the tests
summarised here are in essence for two sets of variables only. Examples are a group
receiving a placebo versus a group receiving a medicine, or the volume of a tumour prior
and following radiation therapy treatment in a group of cancer patients. Where there are
more than two variables or the group/s have been subjected to more than two treatments
the analysis of variance ANOVA test will be more appropriate. This would apply if, say, a
placebo group is compared to a group of patients receiving medicine A and a third group
receiving medicine B. Although Table 1 is made as complete as possible, various different
tests may be more appropriate depend-ing on the sample type, size and characteristics. An
overview of what regression or correlation analysis method to apply with certain types of
data can be found elsewhere.23
There is a plethora of different statistical tests available to analyse data. As a result it is
difficult for inexperienced researchers to decide which test is most appropriate. Because it is
impossible to cover all the different statistical tests, what follows is a description of some of
the commonly used tests.
Pearson product moment coefficient
This is a way to quantify the relationship between two variables and it relates to
ratio/interval data. It tests for correlation between two samples not difference. Correlation
coefficients are represented as r and can be positive meaning that in a related way that one
variable increases in relationship to another or negative, i.e. that one variable decreases in
relationship to another. They vary from +1, meaning a perfect positive relationship, to —1,
which is a perfect negative or inverse relationship. If the r value is 0, it implies that the two
variables are unrelated, i.e. variable B does not change, in a predictable linear fashion, when
variable A changes. What is considered a strong or good correlation is a point of debate and
there are no set rules that determine the strength of a relationship, although suggestions
have been made in the past.25 The reason why there are no set rules here is because
correlation depends on the context and the sample size. As with other infer-ential statistical
tests, a p value can be produced to determine the significance of an obtained correlation.
It is important though not to jump to the conclusions when a correlation coefficient shows a
relationship, even when shown to be statistically significant. Association does not imply
causation, as other factors may be involved. One of the most recent and high-profile
examples of making unsupported conclusions is probably the non-causal relationship
between the MMR vaccine and autism.26 There is a similar correlation test for when at least
one of the data sets is ordinal, called Spearman’s rho.
The t-test
This is a parametric test to compare the means of two samples which can be related e.g. the
same group of patients is used in a cross-over study in which pain is measured before and
after a treatment, using an analogue visual pain rating scale, or they can be unrelated
samples e.g. where one sample of patients is fully briefed about a diagnostic examination,
including being given a printed fact sheet whilst, the second is not and subsequently the
patients in these samples are asked how painful the examination was, again using an
analogue visual pain rating scale. The t-test requires the input of interval/ratio data and the
assumption that the data is suitable to having parametric statistics data (see above) applied
to it, must be satisfied. The computed t value for a test will give the p value if you are using
one of the common packages for statistics. This can then be compared with the arbitrary
threshold p value set to consider an outcome statistically significant. Although the software
handles many things on behalf of the researcher, what does have to be put in manually is
whether the t-test should be one-sided or two-sided. A simplified way of explaining the
differ-ence is that one-sided is only used if one knows in which direction the effect of an
intervention or comparison is likely to go. For example, if the introduction of a diagnostic
test is certain to improve detection rates. Often though, it is not known in what direction an
experiment will move e that is why the experiment or study is done in the first place. In such
a case, and if you are uncertain, the t-test should be two-sided. The chance of the
occurrence of a negative of positive effect is taken into account.
Chi squared test for independence
This test for independence, also known as Pearson’s Chi squared test, shows whether there
is a relationship between two variables and is normally used for data suitable for non-
parametric statistical testing. A few important assumptions for this test to be suitable for
testing data are that the sampling is random, the sample size is large enough and the
observations are independent. Frequency counts of data, let’s say a comparison of the
number of women and men being who need an MRI scan but have either claustrophobia or
not, can be analysed to see if the observed numbers differ significantly (arbitrary level
would be p value of 0.05) from the expected frequencies. The computer will calculate the
expected frequencies and subsequently a chi squared value %2 which must be equal to or
exceed the critical value deemed statistically significant. 22 The formula for this is: (observed
frequency"-"expected frequency)2/ expected frequency. In order to obtain the p value for a
Chi squared test, the Chi squared statistic can be looked up and compared to p values in a
table. The degree of freedom applicable to the data is important in performing this test; this
is calculated using the formula (r°-°1)(c°-°1). For the example above there would two
columns (male, female) and two rows (claustrophobic, not claustrophobic), hence one
degree of freedom (20-01)(20-°1).
Notes regarding statistical tests
Whilst several tests are mentioned in this article it is beyond the scope of the article to
describe them all. However, the background information to inferential statistics and Table 1
should help the reader choose the appropriate statistical test for difference when the
experiment involves two different samples only.
Calculating a test result is rarely undertaken by hand nowadays, and instead is done using
statistical packages such as Excel, Mini-tab, Supastat and the comprehensive and commonly
used SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) some of which can easily be downloaded.
Checklist for understanding inferential statistics or choosing what sort of data to collect
• Are statistics performed just to describe the data — if so, only descriptive statistics should
be used
• Is the data suitable for parametric or non-parametric statistical testing?
• Are you looking for a test to show correlation or difference? These will require different
tests from those testing for a difference between groups, interventions or treatments.
• Are statistics used to draw inferences from the data? If so, descriptive statistics alone will
be inadequate
• Are the variables discrete or continuous?
• Is the data binary, nominal, ordinal or ratio/interval data?
• What p value or confidence interval needs to be achieved in order to apply a study’s
findings to the wider population?
• Does the data consist of the same sample of subjects e.g. pre and post mammography
(dependent/paired groups) or is the data from independent/unpaired groups
• What is the p value (type I error) set for declaring statistical significance — usually 0.05 or
0.01 — and is this quoted with a confidence interval rather than on its own?
• What power (1 — type II error) should be achieved? Usually this ranges from 0.80 to 0.99
depending on the situation.
• Is the data normally distributed or not?
• How many groups will be analysed c.q. compared with each other?
Inferential statistics provide a way of inferring from the data trends that can be applied to a
wider sample. They need to be presented clearly in a clinically relevant way in order that it
can be assimilated by readers, such that it can be used to evidence base their practice,
narrowing the theory-practice gap. Statistics can be
difficult to apply, especially to those without experience, where the selection and
undertaking of the appropriate statistical test may appear daunting. It is essential that the
type of data collected and its analysis is appropriate so that the research question can be
answered. However, if the article above is read, the checklist is used as guidance and some
of the references are consulted, the undertaking of statistics should be more successful and
reading a scientific paper may be made less tasking.
1. Allison JJ, Calhoun JW, Wall TC, Spettell CM, Fargason CA, Weissman NW, et al. Optimal
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2. Botti M, Endacott R. Clinical research quantitative data collection and analysis. Int Emerg
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3. Gouveia-Oliveira A. Medical decision making. Acta Med Port 1996;9 (10—12):391—6.
4. Rickard CM. Statistics for clinical nursing practice, an introduction. Aust Crit Care
5. Welch G, Gabbe S. Review of statistics usage. Am J Gynecol 1997;176 (5):1138—41.
6. Reznick RK, Dawson-Saunders E, Folse JR. A rationale for teaching of statistics to surgical
residents. Surgery 1987;101(5):611—7.
7. Bolton J. Clinicians and the “S-Word”. Clin Chiropractic 2006;9:88-91.
8. Hong E, O’Neil H. Instructional strategies to help learners build relevant mental models
of inferential statistics. J Educ Psychol 1992;84:150-9.
9. Redmond A, Keenan A. Understanding statistics putting P values into perspective. J Am
Podiat Med Assocn 2002;92(S):237—305.
10. Justham D, Timmons S. An evaluation of using a web-based statistics test to teach
statistics to post-registration nursing students. Nurse Educ Today 2005;25 (2):156—63.
11. Simpson J. Teaching statistics to non specialists. Sat Med 2007; 14(2):199—208.
12. Altman DG, Bland JM. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. BMJ
13. Polit D, Beck C. Nursing research, appraising evidence for nursing practice. 7th ed.
Philadelphia: Walters Kluner Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins; 2008.
14. Matthews JNS, Altman DG. Interaction 2: compare effect sizes not P values. BMJ
15. Rowntree D. Statistics without tears: a primer for non-mathematicians. UK: Penguin;
1981. p 96.
16. Altman DG, Bland JM. Standard deviations and standard errors. BMJ 2005;331:903.
17. Curran-Everett D. Explorations in statistics: standard deviations and standard errors.
Adv Physiol Educ 2008;32:203208.
18. Henderson AR. Testing experimental data for univariate normality. Clin Chim Acta
19. Banks S. Analysis of quantitative research data: part 2. Prof Nurse 1999;14 (10):710—3.
20. Parahoo K. Nursing research, principles, preass and issues. 2nd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave
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21. Jager KJ, Zoccali C, MacLeod A, Dekker FW. Confounding: what is it and how to deal with
it. Kidney Int 2008;73:256-60.
22. Edmondson A. Advanced biology: statistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 1996.
23. Bland M. An introduction to medical statistics. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press;
24. Ruxton G. The unequal variance t test is an underused alternative to student’s t test and
Mann—Whitney U test. Advance Access Publication. Behav Ecol 2006;17(4):688—90.
25. Cohen J. Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences. 2nd ed. Hillsdale, NJ:
Erlbaum; 1988.
26. Taylor B, Miller E, Farrington C, Petropoulos M, Favot-Mayaud I, Li J, et al. Autism and
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Lancet 1999;353:2026-9.
Continuous variables: the data represents an underlying continuum where there are
potentially an infinite number of values (such as weight, length and volume).
Descriptive statistics: statistics that can be used descriptively to illustrate the characteristics
of a group of observations i.e. the raw data. Often this includes determining a measure of
average (central tendency) and spread (dispersion); the mode, median or mean of a data set
and the frequency distribution.
Discrete variables: when the data is classified into discrete non-overlapping variables, or
whole numbers. An example is the number of ultrasound scans a person has undergone.
Data: numbers or measurements collected as a result of measurements. They could be
counts or frequencies or actual numerical values or scores.
Likert scale: is a scale commonly used in questionnaires, and is the most widely used scale in
survey research. It is used for ordered category data. When responding to a Likert
questionnaire item, respondents specify their level of agreement to a statement. The scale
is named after Rensis Likert who published a report describing its use.15
Normal distribution: when a large number of measurements are made at random of one
particular variable, the results usually fall into a pattern. Most of the measurements will lie
close to the mean value, with few values lying at the extremes. When a frequency
distribution is plotted a familiar bell-shaped curve is produced which represents a normal or
Gaussian distribution. There are a number of tests that can be used if data exhibits a normal
distribution, including Spearman’s rho, Pearson’s product moment, binomial sign test,
Wilcoxon signed ranks, the t-test, Chi squared, Mann-Whitney, Analysis of Variance.
Null hypothesis: this hypothesis proposes that in the population there is no differ-ence when
comparing two or more treatments or interventions in a study. It assumes that any
difference or relationship found between two sets of data is not significant, and can thus be
expressed by chance. If a statistically significant difference is observed between e.g. two
interventions then the null hypothesis can be rejected.
Probability: the probability or p of an event happening is expressed as a decimal number
from 1 to 0 e.g. the probability of a coin falling heads is one out of two p ¼ 0.5.
Inferential statistics: statistics that can be used to infer from the sample group
generalisations that can be applied to a wider population.
Interval data: is stronger data than nominal or ordinal data. It can be achieved by the use of
a calibrated scale to provide quantitative measurements. The difference between interval
and ratio data is that ratio data has a true zero, thus interval data is weaker data than ratio
data. An example of interval data is temperature measured in Celcius, where the zero is an
arbitrary measurement on the scale.
Nominal data: is the least robust data which categorizes, but does not hierarchically rank
data into mutually exclusive categories (eye colour, for instance).
Non-parametric tests: are used for ordinal or nominal data e.g. the Wilcoxon matched pairs
test and the chi squared test.
Ordinal data: is where the data has a clear order or hierarchy but not on a calibrated scale.
The Likert scale is an example of this type of data.
Parametric tests: are selected for data that is normally distributed.
Ratio data: is the strongest data, and has a true zero value. It can be achieved by the use of
a calibrated scale to provide quantitative measurements. Height and length are examples of
ratio data; if something is twice as long then this is measurable and it has a meaning.
Related samples: these are where data is collected from the samples before and after the
treatment, such as the level of pain a patient has before and after a clinical intervention.
This is also called matched/paired data.
Significance: an event is said to be significant if the probability of it occurring purely by
chance is low.
Standard deviation (SD): a measurement of the spread of data around the mean of a
population, a data set, or sample. It is the square root of the mean variance and is expressed
in the same unit as the mean. A low standard deviation indicates that all the scores or
measures tend to be more similar to each other and therefore to the mean. A high standard
deviation indicates the opposite, where scores or measurements differ more and are further
spread from the mean. Typically, when a large sample is used, two thirds of data lie within 1
SD of the mean and 95% of data lie within 2 SD of the mean.
Standard error (SE): estimated standard deviation of a statistic, most often the sample mean
(then known as SEM); this is a hypothetical figure. For example, the sample mean is the
usual estimator of a population mean. The standard error gives an indication of how likely it
is for the same mean to be obtained if the experiment was repeated. The 95% confidence
interval (CI) can be calculated with the formula: 95% CI = mean ± 1.96*SE.
Statistical significance: the likelihood or probability that a result or finding is caused by
something else than chance only, thereby allowing rejection of the null hypothesis. Often, if
the probability of it occurring by chance is less than one in twenty, i.e. p < 0.05, this is
considered statistically significant.
Type I errors: occur when a researcher claims a result to be significant when the differences
have occurred due to random events. The null hypothesis is rejected when it is actually true.
Type II errors: occur when the null hypothesis is not rejected, when it is actually false.
Unrelated samples: compares two samples that are fundamentally different from each
other. For example, where one sample of patients is fully briefed about their illness
including being given a printed fact sheet whilst the second is not. These are also known as
independent samples.
Variable: a characteristic which can take different values, e.g. sex, weight.