Portafolio 2-B1
Portafolio 2-B1
Portafolio 2-B1
the blows that are provided between couples, is presented in both men and women, and as a
community we must do something about it, this must stop.
One way to help and prevent those cases of domestic violence is to call the appropriate authorities
when the abuse is heard from another person.
The best way to reduce these cases of domestic violence is not to dedicate yourself to recording
with your cell phones what happens, intervening in the best way is important too.
I love dancing, and sometimes when I can’t dance, I feel so bored and depressed because for me
dancing is the best way to reduce my stress, so, some people told me that I have a lot of talent.
To be a good dancer you need to have a taste for dancing, make it your passion, to show it when
dancing. It is also important to know the technique of the dance we want to interpret, so that the
steps look clean. If you want to improve your dance and technique, you need to take some dance
lessons, and go out to practice at a club. I started learning when I was 4 years old, in a folk-dance
company, after which I went through several academies. The difficulty I see in dancing is just that
you do not have the taste for doing it, because when you do something, you like it shows and is
Albert Einstein is famous for his theory of relativity, which revolutionized not only known science
until the 20th century, but also how space, time, gravity and the universe were understood.
In principle and with the purpose of being able to have a name among the famous scientists of the
time, Einstein published 4 articles with which he gained fame in 1905. His theory of relativity was
published in 1915, and it is a theory of gravity that replaces the gravity presented by Newton. In
1921 he won the Nobel Prize in Science for his explanation of the phenomenon known as
photoelectrics. Albert Einstein obtained several awards and honorary doctorates in different areas
such as science, medicine and philosophy at different universities around the world.
Dani, I want to apologize for not being honest with you, I did not lie to you but I omitted
information that maybe would have helped you make another decision. Now it is very difficult for
you to listen to me, but I must tell you, I should have been more sincere, I should not have omitted
everything I did not tell you. If I had told you what I omitted, maybe, you would have thought
better about the decision you made. But now it's too late, and I can only hope that wherever you
are you will understand the reasons why I should have kept quiet and you will forgive me. With
love Nat.