ButterfliesOfBengaluruBook Sample

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Krushnamegh Kunte
Nitin Ravikanthachari

Karnataka Forest Department

Research Wing
Front cover:
Sahyadri Birdwing (Troides minos). Image: Krushnamegh Kunte

Title page:
Common Banded Peacock (Papilio crino). Image: Rohit Girotra

Back cover:
Common Silverline (Spindasis vulcanus). Image: Nitin Ravikanthachari

Butterflies of Bengaluru
Copyright © 2020, Krushnamegh Kunte.
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or trans-
mitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright holders. Reference
to the work contained in this publication must be cited properly as per the standard
copyright laws and rules of academic and popular literature.

Images © Respective photographers, as credited.

Recommended Citation:
Kunte, K., and N. Ravikanthachari. 2020. Butterflies of Bengaluru. Karnataka Forest
Department (Research Wing), National Centre for Biological Sciences, and Indian
Foundation for Butterflies, Bengaluru, India. 196 pp.

This printing is produced by:

Indian Foundation for Butterflies
C-703, Alpine Pyramid Apts., Canara Bank Layout, Kodigehalli, Bengaluru
560097, India.
Phone number: +91 9483525925. Email: [email protected].

Printed at Pragati Offset Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad. www.pragati.com.


Karnataka is a biodiversity heaven. Its large landmass, spectacular rock forma-

tions of the Dakkhan plateau, tall Sahyadri mountains, and a long coastline encompass
diverse habitats that host an astounding diversity of life, from endemic plants and
endangered amphibians to beautiful butterflies. Few other states can boast such a rich
natural heritage. Karnataka has made special efforts to preserve this heritage for future
generations by setting aside vast stretches of protected areas across the state, most
of them in key biodiversity hotspots. In this regard, the Sahyadri Birdwing (earlier
known as the Southern Birdwing) was declared as the State Butterfly of Karnataka in
2016 to highlight the importance of butterfly conservation.
Apart from protecting nature and biodiversity, the Karnataka Forest Department
has invested substantially in studying climate change and biodiversity through its own
research campuses. It also actively facilitates basic as well as applied scientific re-
search on biodiversity as a collaborative effort between the government and some
of India’s foremost research institutions. In addition, the state leads several outreach
programmes so that its citizens know and care about the biodiversity around them and
its importance in sustaining their own livelihoods. Our annual bird and butterfly festi-
vals, which have been going on for several years, are very popular and well attended.
All these efforts strive to build a healthy collaboration between government agencies,
research institutions and well-informed citizenry to preserve the state’s incredible nat-
ural heritage.
This book is a small but attractive outcome of these efforts. It richly illustrates
all the 179 species of butterflies recorded in the state’s Garden City, with informa-
tion on hotspots for butterfly diversity. It offers extensive information on plants on
which caterpillars feed, and flowers that support adult butterflies. The information
and many of the beautiful images included in this book were gathered in various na-
ture reserves protected by the Forest Department, and in collaboration with scientists
from the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS, Bengaluru) and amateur
butterfly watchers from the Bengaluru Butterfly Club. I congratulate this collaborative
group for initiating a broader survey of butterfly diversity not only in the city but also
the state on the whole. This information will help the Forest Department to protect
and improve existing butterfly habitats so that biodiversity may thrive not only in its
protected reserves, but also in urban and suburban areas of the Garden City. And of
course, this book will assist students of nature of all ages to identify and enjoy these
colourful insects in their neighbourhoods and further afield.
This book is a part of work of a research project on butterflies funded by the Kar-
nataka Forest Department. I express my sincere appreciations for my colleague Sri.
Dilip Kumar Das, IFS, Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Research
& Utilization), Bengaluru for his constant persuasion with the scientists of NCBS to
bring this book in final form for the readers. I also extend my sincere thanks to Dr.
Krushnamegh Kunte and Mr. Nitin Ravikanthachari of NCBS for writing and design-
ing this book.

Date : 18th May, 2020.

Principal Chief Conservator of Forests,
(Head of Forest Force)
Karnataka Forest Department, Bengaluru.

It is with much pleasure and a sense of service that we offer this book to the ev-
er-growing community of butterfly watchers. Between the two of us, we have over 40
years of experience in the field, having not only observed but also scientifically stud-
ied butterflies in our backyards as well in remote corners of the country. We have been
helped along the way by many mentors, teachers, friends and colleagues in learning
about butterflies. We must now pay this debt forward to our younger and/or less expe-
rienced members of the community. This book is one way to do so, with the hope that
our observations from the Bengaluru area will help students and beginners to quickly
learn about various aspects of the natural history of butterflies.
We sincerely thank the Research Wing, Karnataka Forest Department, for produc-
ing this book. Sri. Sanjai Mohan, IFS, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Head
of Forest Force, has been an inexhaustible source of ideas and support to popularize
butterflies and to bring their conservation issues in sharp focus; from designating the
Sahyadri Birdwing as Karnataka’s State Butterfly and initiating Butterfly Festivals
in Bengaluru, to producing brochures and books as handy resources for enjoying
butterflies, including this book. Sri. Dilip Kumar Das, IFS (Retired) former APCCF,
Research & Utilization and Dr. Surya Deo Pathak, IFS, Additional Principal Chief
Conservator of Forests, Research & Utilization, patiently and kindly oversaw the pro-
duction and suggested many improvements. We also thank Sri. Manjunath Tambakad,
IFS (Retired) former CCF (Research), Bengaluru and Sri. Goverdhan Singh M.J.,
Conservator of Forests, Research, Bengaluru (I/C) for executing the production.
The book would not have been possible without the steady support of the Benga-
luru Butterfly Club and Indian Foundation for Butterflies. The members and contrib-
utors of these two groups have contributed tens of thousands of observations to the
Butterflies of India website, which has made it possible to precisely map the occur-
rence of butterflies over space and time. This is critically important in understanding
the biology of Indian butterflies as well as in their conservation. These contributions
made it possible to include detailed range maps and graphs of seasonal occurrence in
this book, which is a first for books on butterflies. Our special thanks go to: (a) people
(listed on p. 189) who contributed their beautiful images to this book, (b) Viraj Nawge
for preparing the butterfly range maps and graphs, and (c) Anuradha Joglekar for pre-
paring the underlying map of India. Similar to the voluntary efforts of all these people,
author royalties and other proceeds from this book will go to outreach and educational
activities that focus on butterfly biology and conservation.
We hope that this book will help you enjoy butterflies not only in and around
Bengaluru but also in other cities and towns. We welcome your comments on the
book, and your contributions to the Butterflies of India website so that we continue
to improve our understanding of the natural history and biology of Indian butterflies.

Date : 1st November, 2020 Dr. Krushnamegh Kunte

Nitin Ravikanthachari

Butterflies of Bengaluru.................................................................................. 01

Scope of the book and how to use it............................................................... 01

Butterfly hotspots in and around Bengaluru................................................... 02

Bannerghatta Butterfly Park............................................................................ 04

Bengaluru Butterfly Club and Indian Foundation for Butterflies................... 06

Introduction to butterfly families.................................................................... 07

Species pages.................................................................................................. 10
Papilionidae (Swallowtails)............................................................ 12
Hesperiidae (Skippers)................................................................... 24
Pieridae (Whites and Yellows)....................................................... 50
Nymphalidae (Brush-footed Butterflies)....................................... 66
Lycaenidae (Blues and Hairstreaks).............................................. 108
Riodinidae (Metalmarks)................................................................ 150

An evolving species list................................................................................... 151

A systematic checklist of butterfly species...................................................... 155

Reverse plant-butterfly list for Bengaluru........................................................ 161

Nectar plants of butterflies................................................................................ 183

Index of common names of butterflies............................................................. 185

Index of scientific names of butterflies............................................................ 187

Image credits.................................................................................................... 189

Notes................................................................................................................ 190

About the Authors............................................................................................ 194



Bengaluru, popularly known as the Garden City, lies just north of the hill ranges that
connect the Western Ghats with the Eastern Ghats, forming an important transition
zone. It is composed of a myriad of habitats including deciduous forests, scrub and
savannahs. Bengaluru supports a considerable diversity of butterflies as a result of
these diverse habitats. So far, 179 species of butterflies have been recorded from the
city and its surroundings, with a few more stragglers, some of which are rare and
endangered. The Lilac Silverline (Apharitis lilacinus), which is legally protected in
India under Schedule II of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, was rediscovered recently in
Bengaluru after over 100 years. Southern India’s largest as well as smallest butterfly
species (the Sahyadri Birdwing (Troides minos) and Black-spotted Grass Jewel
(Freyeria putli), respectively) are seen in the city. Karnataka Forest Department,
Research Wing, took initiative to declare the Sahyadri Birdwing as the Karnataka
State Butterfly in the year 2016 to highlight the importance of butterfly conservation.

Although Bengaluru is one of the fastest growing cities in India, it still has an
incredible number of habitat patches with rich and fascinating biodiversity within an
easy reach of city dwellers. Documenting and monitoring plants and animals around
the city is of paramount importance in conserving this biodiversity even as the city
grows. This field guide is designed to aid amateur and novice naturalists to enjoy,
study and conserve these winged jewels in Bengaluru.


This book is a concise pictorial guide to all the species of butterflies that occur in
Bengaluru. The species section includes scientific names, and information on habitats,
seasonal occurrence and prominent places where the species are seen in and around
the city. Photographs are annotated with identification features that are highlighted
with pointers, and identify male (♂), female (♀) and seasonal forms (DSF=Dry
Season Form; WSF=Wet Season Form; ISF=Intermediate Season Form). A
detailed checklist of the plants on which butterfly caterpillars feed, along with a list
of flowering plants that attract a wide variety of butterflies, are included. These lists
will help readers enrich habitats in their backyards and neighborhood gardens where
butterflies may thrive.

Connect with the Butterflies of India website and the associated mobile
app (https://www.ifoundbutterflies.org) for further information on
Butterflies of Bengaluru.

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u


This book provides a pictorial account of butterflies occurring in and around Bengaluru
(within approx. 60 km radius of Bengaluru GPO). This large area has many natural,
semi-natural and man-made habitats that are suitable for butterflies, but some of them
are “butterfly hotspots”, i.e., they have a remarkable diversity of butterflies. The
following hotspots are particularly popular among butterfly-watchers:

1. Doresanipalya Forest Research

Station: Also known as the
Doresanipalya Lac Reserve Forest.
Located in the heart of the city near
the busy Bannerghatta main road, it is
primarily a habitat with experimental
plantation of forest species. It is known to
host 126 species of butterflies including
the Sahyadri Birdwing (Karnataka State
Butterfly), Monkey Puzzle and Red

2. Bangalore University: The Gnana Bharati campus is a 840 acre habitat of scrub
and dry deciduous forest, which is reasonably protected, with 125 butterfly species
recorded so far, including a seasonally breeding population of the Sahyadri Birdwing.
A part of the campus is open to public throughout the day.

3. Valley School: A private school located south of Bengaluru, adjacent to the

Bannerghatta National Park. It is a mix of dry deciduous and scrub forest, with nearly
a hundred species recorded so far. It is a restricted area, with some allowances.

4. IISc campus: Located in the centre of Bengaluru, it consists of largely non-native

vegetation with small pockets of native plants, where 120 species have been recorded,
including the Tamil Bushbrown. Prior permission is required to enter the campus.

5. GKVK Campus: One of the largest academic campuses in Bengaluru, it is home

to the University of Agricultural Sciences, and the National Centre for Biological
Sciences. Its vast area is interspersed with experimental agricultural fields and avenue
trees. Approximately 110 species of butterflies have been recorded here so far. Parts
of the campus are open to the public in designated hours.

6. Lalbagh Botanical Garden: One of the prominent tourist spots in the city, it consists
of various habitats including patches of native and avenue trees. Approximately a
hundred butterfly species have been recorded here. It is open to the public.


7. Hesaraghatta: Once the primary source of drinking water for Bengaluru, it is

now one of the largest savannah-grasslands near Bengaluru. More than 100 butterfly
species have been recorded here, including the only breeding population of the Lilac
Silverline. The habitat is accessible on foot, although large parts of it are flooded
during the monsoon. It is open to the public.

8. Savanadurga State Forest: This

encompasses the second-largest
monolith in Asia, and some of the
most wonderful dry deciduous forests
near Bengaluru. Nearly 130 butterfly
species have been recorded so far. Huge
swarms of butterflies, sometimes in their
hundreds or even thousands, may be seen
during the summer mudpuddling on dry
stream-beds and puddles. Permission
from the Forest Department is required
to enter the area.

9. Camp GeeDee: This is a remarkable habitat adjacent to the Bannerghatta National

Park, and owned privately by conservationist Mr. Vishnu. It consists predominantly
of dry deciduous and scrub forests, with a beautiful rocky hillock with Shorea trees.
More than 100 butterfly species have been recorded so far, including the Purple Leaf
Blue and Large Guava Blue that are scarce elsewhere in Bengaluru. Prior permission
is required before entering the premises, but nature-camping is allowed.

10. Makalidurga: A hill fort surrounded by dry deciduous forest. Nearly 110 butterfly
species have been recorded so far, including the otherwise rare Spotted Angle and
Alida Angle. It is open to the public, upon online payment of entrance fees.

11. Nandi Hills and Horagina Betta: This is a popular tourist destination. The hilly
area is surrounded by moist forests, where approx. 70 butterfly species have been
recorded so far, including a single record of the Malayan.

12. Devarayanadurga: A rocky hill


situated near Doddaballapur, it is

surrounded by dry deciduous and scrub
forests. Approx. 80 butterfly species have
been recorded so far. Large groups of
Spot Swordtail and Whites and Yellows
may be seen here mud-puddling during
the summer. It is open to the public.

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u



The Bengaluru Butterfly Club (BBC) was founded in 2012 by Rohit Girotra, Ashok
Sengupta, Haneesh K. M. and Nitin Ravikanthachari under the guidance of Dr.
Krushnamegh Kunte from the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS).
BBC started as a citizen science group to watch, document and monitor butterflies
to understand the distribution and population trends of butterflies in Bengaluru. It
had less than a dozen members in 2012, but the membership has since risen to over
400 in 2020. The club is involved in weekly butterfly walks at Doresanipalya Forest
Research Station, a campus of the Karnataka Forest Department, and other nearby
butterfly hotspots. The group monitors butterfly activity throughout the year, and
gathers other information on the biology of butterflies as well.

The BBC helps the Karnataka Forest Department in conducting outreach programmes,
especially the annual Butterfly Festival that was initiated in 2016, and in preparing
butterfly checklists for various natural habitats not only in the city but in other parts
of the state as well. The BBC members contribute the information generated through
these surveys to the database of Butterflies of India (https://www.ifoundbutterflies.
org), which is a long-running citizen science project of Indian Foundation for
Butterflies and National Centre for Biological Sciences. All this information is
scientifically organized, mapped and publicly accessible to the broader society for
enjoyment. This information is also available to various government agencies to help
plan the city’s growth and greeneries responsibly while maintaining good butterfly
habitats and biodiversity in urban and suburban areas in Bengaluru and its environs.

Citizen scientists after a fortnightly butterfly count

6 at the Karnataka Forest Department’s Doresanipalya Forest Research Station


Swallowtails (Papilionidae) are some of the largest butterflies in the world. Some
of them possess characteristic tails on the hindwings; hence, the family name. They
have long legs and probosces, and large eyes. Many of them fly high in the trees,
and travel long distances. They settle down frequently on flowers and continue to
flutter their wings while feeding on nectar. Males usually gather in large numbers for
mud-puddling in stream-beds. Roses and Birdwings are toxic to their predators. Some
species are mimetic. Eggs are usually laid singly on the tender leaves of host plants.
The eggs are large, smooth or warty, and oval in shape. The caterpillars are large,
smooth, some of them with tubercles. They possess a forked, fleshy, foul-smelling
organ called the osmeterium, which secretes volatile, distasteful chemicals to ward off
predators. The osmeterium is located behind the head, normally retracted inside the
body. Early caterpillar stages resemble bird droppings to escape predators. The pupae
are large, variable in shape, and supported by silk girdles.






Adult showing the Eggs of Swallowtails Bird-dropping stage Osmeterium in Papilio Pupae
characteristic tail of Papilio (above), and (above) and Pachliopta
tubercled larva of Troides (below)

Hesperiidae, also known as Skippers due to their powerful, erratic flight pattern,
usually possess hooked antennae. Some groups of Skippers rest with their wings
spread flat, like moths. They are usually brown or pale yellow-orange in colour. Some
of them are active only at dawn and dusk. They are small to medium-sized butterflies,
but they have among the longest probosces in butterflies. Grasses and palms are used
by many species as larval host plants. The eggs are usually round with or without
ornamentation. Caterpillars are usually smooth, long, cylindrical, and unornamented.
They construct silk-lined “cells” by folding and joining the leaves of their host plants.
They usually stay inside their cells and venture out only to feed. Each species makes
characteristic cells. The pupae are long and cylindrical, enclosed inside the cells.



Basking and resting Long proboscis Hooked antennae and Cells made by Pupa with a long
postures robust thorax caterpillars proboscis

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u

Tailed Jay — Graphium agamemnon (Linnaeus, 1758)

Wingspan: 70–90 mm
Habitat: Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests; now widely adapted to
urban environments.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Very common throughout

the city, especially in Bangalore University, Doresanipalya Forest
Research Station and home gardens.
Larval Host Plants: Annona muricata, Annona squamosa, Artabotrys
hexapetalus, Polyalthia cerasoides, Polyalthia longifolia, Uvaria narum
(Annonaceae); Magnolia champaca (Magnoliaceae).

Common Jay — Graphium doson (C. & R. Felder, 1864)

Wingspan: 64–76 mm
Habitat: Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests; now widely adapted to
urban environments.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Very common throughout
the city, especially in Bengaluru University, Doresanipalya Forest
Research Station and home gardens.

Larval Host Plants: Annona squamosa, Artabotrys hexapetalus,
Polyalthia longifolia (Annonaceae); Magnolia champaca, Magnolia
liliifera (Magnoliaceae).

Narrow-banded Bluebottle
Graphium teredon (C. & R. Felder, [1865])

Wingspan: 64–78 mm
Habitat: Evergreen forests of the Western Ghats, where it is largely
endemic, but sporadically occurs in nearby areas, including Bengaluru.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: The species is rare in

Bengaluru. Specific records are from Doresanipalya Forest Research

Station, Hesaraghatta, and GKVK.
Larval Host Plants: Alseodaphne semecarpifolia, Camphora officinalis,
Cinnamomum camphora, Cinnamomum macrocarpum, Cinnamomum
malabatrum, Cinnamomum micranthum, Cinnamomum verum, Litsea
glutinosa, Persea macrantha, Persea odoratissima (Lauraceae);
Magnolia doltsopa (Magnoliaceae).

Swallowtails (Papilionidae)

Tailed Jay (Graphium agamemnon)


Common Jay (Graphium doson)


Narrow-banded Bluebottle (Graphium teredon)

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u

Common Rose — Pachliopta aristolochiae (Fabricius, 1775)

Wingspan: 80–92 mm
Habitat: Deciduous and thorn forests, farmlands, and urban areas.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: The species is common
throughout Bengaluru, especially in Bangalore University, GKVK, and

Doresanipalya forest.
Larval Host Plants: Aristolochia bracteolata, Aristolochia
griffithii, Aristolochia indica, Aristolochia tagala, Thottea siliquosa

Crimson Rose — Pachliopta hector (Linnaeus, 1758)

WPA Schedule I

Wingspan: 86–94 mm
Habitat: Deciduous and thorn forests, farmlands, and urban areas.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Common throughout
Bengaluru, especially in Bangalore University, GKVK, and Doresanipalya

Forest Research Station.
Larval Host Plants: Aristolochia bracteolata, Aristolochia griffithi,
Aristolochia indica, Aristolochia tagala (Aristolochiaceae).

Sahyadri Birdwing — Troides minos (Cramer, [1779])

Karnataka State Butterfly

Wingspan: 136–160 mm. Largest butterfly in southern India.

Habitat: Moist forests and horticultural areas.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Occurs sporadically
throughout Bengaluru. Specific records from Bangalore University,

GKVK, Doresanipalya forest, and Valley School.

Larval Host Plants: Aristolochia griffithi, Aristolochia indica,
Aristolochia tagala, Bragantia wallichii, Thottea siliquosa

Swallowtails (Papilionidae)

Common Rose (Pachliopta aristolochiae)


Crimson Rose (Pachliopta hector)


♀ ♂
Sahyadri Birdwing (Troides minos)

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u


Sahyadri Birdwing (Troides minos) is the largest butterfly in southern India,


where it is endemic to the Malabar Coast, Western Ghats, and neighbouring areas.
It is Karnataka’s State Butterfly, donning the yellow-red colours of its flag.

Swallowtails (Papilionidae)

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u

Common Branded Redeye — Matapa aria (Moore, [1866])

Wingspan: 40–44 mm
Habitat: Deciduous and bamboo forests.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: The species is common in
bamboo forests, especially in Bangalore University and Doresanipalya

Forest Research Station.
Larval Host Plants: Bambusa bambos, Bambusa vulgaris,
Dendrocalamus strictus, Ochlandra scriptoria, Ochlandra talbotii,
Ochlandra travancorica, Teinostachyum sp. (Poaceae).

Giant Redeye — Gangara thyrsis (Fabricius, 1775)

Wingspan: 64–74 mm
Habitat: Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests; now common in towns
where its larval host plants are planted.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Common in forests, gardens
and backyards wherever palms are planted, especially GKVK, IISc, Ban-
galore University, and Doresanipalya.

Larval Host Plants: Borassus flabellifer, Calamus pseudofeanus,
Calamus rotang, Calamus thwaitesii, Caryota urens, Chamaerops
humilis, Cocos nucifera, Corypha umbraculifera, Licuala grandis,
Phoenix acaulis (Arecaceae); Cyperus alternifolius (Cyperaceae).

Rounded Palm-redeye — Erionota torus Evans, 1941

Wingspan: 72–80 mm
Habitat: Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests. Now established in
banana-growing areas.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Occurs sporadically wher-
ever banana plants are present, especially in Bangalore University, IISc,

GKVK, and Doresanipalya.

Larval Host Plants: Usually Musa x paradisiaca (Musaceae). Rarely,
Cocos nucifera (Arecaceae).

Skippers (Hesperiidae)


Common Branded Redeye (Matapa aria)



Giant Redeye (Gangara thyrsis)


Rounded Palm-redeye (Erionota torus)

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u

Great Orange-tip —
­ Hebomoia glaucippe (Linnaeus, 1758)

Wingspan: 76–82 mm
Habitat: Deciduous and evergreen forests.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Not uncommon, especially
at Doresanipalya, GKVK, Bangalore University, Lalbagh, Valley School,

Savanadurga, and Devarayanadurga.
Larval Host Plants: Capparis cleghornii, Capparis moonii, Capparis
sepiaria, Capparis spinosa, Capparis zeylanica, Crateva religiosa

Psyche — Leptosia nina (Fabricius, 1793)

Wingspan: 34–40 mm
Habitat: Lightly shaded areas in semi-evergreen and deciduous forests,
and urban woodlands.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Common throughout Ben-
galuru in shaded areas, especially in Doresanipalya, Bangalore Universi-
ty, IISc, Camp GeeDee, and Lalbagh.

Larval Host Plants: Capparis baducca, Capparis spinosa, Capparis
zeylanica, Crateva adansonii, Crateva religiosa (Capparaceae); Cleome
rutidosperma, Cleome viscosa (Cleomaceae).

Indian Wanderer — Pareronia hippia (Fabricius, 1787)

Wingspan: 58–68 mm
Habitat: Lightly wooded forests and urban woodlands.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Common in Bengaluru,
especially in GKVK, IISc, Doresanipalya, Bangalore University, Valley
School, Lalbagh, and Nandi Hills.

Larval Host Plants: Capparis baducca, Capparis zeylanica


Whites and Yellows (Pieridae)

Great Orange-tip (Hebomoia glaucippe)


Psyche (Leptosia nina)


♂ ♀
Indian Wanderer (Pareronia hippia)

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u

Yellow Orange-tip — Ixias pyrene (Linnaeus, 1764)

Wingspan: 44–52 mm
Habitat: Semi-evergreen, deciduous and wetter scrub forests.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Not uncommon in scrub
and deciduous forests, especially at Savanadurga, Makalidurga, De-

varayanadurga, and Camp GeeDee.
Larval Host Plants: Capparis divaricata, Capparis sepiaria, Capparis
zeylanica (Capparaceae).

This is a highly variable species in which the extent and intensity of

yellow, orange, black and white shows considerable variation across
seasonal forms and individuals, especially in the female, as shown below.
Hindwings have broad black borders in the wet season, and narrow or no
black borders in the dry season.



♀ ♀ ♀



♀ ♀ ♀



♀ ♀ ♀

Whites and Yellows (Pieridae)

♂ ♂


♂ ♂



♂ ♂ ♂



♀ ♀ ♀
Yellow Orange-tip (Ixias pyrene)

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u

Lobed Beak — Libythea laius Trimen, 1879

Wingspan: 44–48 mm
Habitat: Dry deciduous and scrub forests.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: The species occurs
sporadically throughout Bengaluru; specific records are from Valley

School and Hulimavu Lake.
Larval Host Plants: Celtis australis, Celtis tetrandra, Trema orientalis

Plain Tiger — Danaus chrysippus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Wingspan: 66–74 mm
Habitat: Scrub forests, savannahs, agricultural landscapes and urban
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Common in Bengaluru
in open spaces where its most commonly used host plants (Calotropis
and Asclepias) grow. Large congregations may be seen at Bangalore

Larval Host Plants: Asclepias curassavica, Calotropis gigantea,
Calotropis procera, Caralluma adscendens, Cryptolepis dubia,
Pergularia daemia (Apocynaceae).

Striped Tiger — Danaus genutia (Cramer, [1779])

Wingspan: 74–86 mm
Habitat: Lightly wooded forests and urban woodlands.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Occurs throughout
Bengaluru in open spaces, parks, scrub forests and home gardens,
although not as commonly seen as the Plain Tiger.

Larval Host Plants: Asclepias curassavica, Ceropegia fantastica,

Ceropegia hirsuta, Ceropegia intermedia, Ceropegia lawii, Ceropegia
vincifolia, Cynanchum callialatum, Cynanchum dalhousiae, Cynanchum
liukiuense, Holostemma ada-kodien, Marsdenia floribunda, Marsdenia
tinctoria, Marsdenia tomentosa, Raphistemma pulchellum, Tylophora
flexuosa (Apocynaceae).

Brush-foots (Nymphalidae)

Lobed Beak (Libythea laius)


♂ ♂
Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus)

♂ ♂
Striped Tiger (Danaus genutia)

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u

Brush-foots (Nymphalidae)

A female Plain Tiger (Danaus chrysippus)

on its larval host plant, Calotropis (a milkweed),
which has religious and cultural significance in India

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u

Black Rajah — Charaxes solon (Fabricius, 1793)

Wingspan: 54–60 mm
Habitat: Deciduous and scrub forests, and rural and urban woodlands.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Occurs sporadically
throughout Bengaluru, especially in Doresanipalya, Bangalore Univer-

sity, Savanadurga, Valley School, and GKVK.
Larval Host Plants: Dalbergia sissoo, Moullava spicata, Pithecellobium
dulce, Tamarindus indica, Xylia xylocarpa (Fabaceae).

Anomalous Nawab — Charaxes agrarius Swinhoe, [1887]

Wingspan: 48–60 mm
Habitat: Deciduous and scrub forests, and rural and urban woodlands.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Seasonally common. Spe-
cific records are from Doresanipalya, Bangalore University, Valley
School, Turahalli, Savanadurga, and GKVK.
Larval Host Plants: Acacia caesia, Acacia nilotica (Fabaceae).


Indian Nawab — Charaxes bharata C. & R. Felder, [1867]

Wingspan: 52–62 mm
Habitat: Semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: The species is rare in
Bengaluru. Specific records are from Bangalore University, Savanadurga,
and Turahalli.

Larval Host Plants: Acacia caesia, Acacia catechu, Acacia chundra,

Acacia pennata, Acacia polyacantha, Acacia torta, Adenanthera
pavonina, Albizia julibrissin, Albizia lebbeck, Albizia corniculata,
Caesalpinia bonduc, Caesalpinia mimosoides, Caesalpinia crista,
Caesalpinia regia, Caesalpinia sappan, Delonix regia, Falcataria
moluccana, Pithecellobium dulce (Fabaceae); Grewia sp., Helicteres
isora (Malvaceae).

Brush-foots (Nymphalidae)

Black Rajah (Charaxes solon)


Anomalous Nawab (Charaxes agrarius)


Indian Nawab (Charaxes bharata)

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u

Common Silverline — Spindasis vulcanus (Fabricius, 1775)

Wingspan: 26–28 mm
Habitat: Dry deciduous and scrub forests, and rural areas.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Common in Bengaluru.
Specific records are from Doresanipalya, Bangalore University, Camp

GeeDee, Lalbagh, Valley School, and Makalidurga.
Larval Host Plants: Carissa carandas (Apocynanceae); Cadaba
fruticosa (Capparaceae); Dioscorea wallichii (Dioscoreaceae);
Diospyros melanoxylon, Diospyros montana (Ebenaceae); Cassia fistula
(Fabaceae); Clerodendrum indicum, Volkameria inermis (Lamiaceae);
Woodfordia floribunda (Lythraceae); Ziziphus jujuba, Ziziphus rugosa
(Rhamnaceae); Canthium coromandelicum (Rubiaceae); Allophylus
cobbe (Sapindaceae).

Plumbeous Silverline — Spindasis schistacea (Moore, [1881])

Wingspan: 24–28 mm
Habitat: Wide range of habitats from edges of evergreen forests to rural

Status and Records from Bengaluru area: The species is rare in
Bengaluru. Specific records are from Kengeri and Valley School.
Larval Host Plants: Combretum indicum (Combretaceae); Acacia caesia,
Acacia pennata (Fabaceae); Antidesma ghaesembilla (Phyllanthaceae).

Lilac Silverline — Apharitis lilacinus (Moore, 1884)

WPA Schedule II

Wingspan: 32–36 mm
Habitat: Scrub forests and grasslands.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: The species has so far been
recorded only from Hesaraghatta. However, it is locally common and

occurs throughout the year.

Larval Host Plants: Reported on Acacia nilotica (Fabaceae), but the
association with Crematogastor ants is critical.

Blues and Hairstreaks (Lycaenidae)

Common Silverline (Spindasis vulcanus)


Plumbeous Silverline (Spindasis schistacea)

Lilac Silverline (Apharitis lilacinus)

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u

The Lilac Silverline (Apharitis lilacinus) is a very rare butterfly that is legally protected
in India under Schedule II of the WildLife (Protection) Act, 1972. It had not been
seen in India for nearly a hundred years. Then, unexpectedly, its breeding population
was discovered at Hesaraghatta Lake—on the very outskirts of Bengaluru city—in
December 2012 by Nitin Ravikanthachari, who was at the time a college student.

This is the only known stable population of this globally threatened species, with
only a few sporadic sightings reported elsewhere in India. Therefore, its habitat at
Hesaraghatta needs to be protected and maintained.


Blues and Hairstreaks (Lycaenidae)


Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u

Small Cupid — Chilades parrhasius (Fabricius, 1793)

Wingspan: 24–28 mm
Habitat: Deciduous and scrub forests, and rural landscapes containing
fields and grazing lands.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Common throughout

Bengaluru. Specific records are from Bangalore University, Valley
School, Turahalli, Hesaraghatta, Savanadurga, and Makalidurga.
Larval Host Plants: Acacia nilotica, Dichrostachys cinerea (Fabaceae).

Lime Blue — Chilades lajus (Stoll, [1780])

Wingspan: 24–30 mm
Habitat: Semi-evergreen and deciduous forests, rural landscapes, and
urban parks and gardens.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Common throughout
Bengaluru, especially in Doresanipalya, Bangalore University, Lalbagh,
and GKVK.

Larval Host Plants: Atalantia buxifolia, Atalantia racemosa, Atalantia
wightii, Chloroxylon swietenia, Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus limon, Citrus
maxima, Citrus medica, Citrus sinensis, Glycosmis mauritiana, Naringi
crenulata (Rutaceae).

Gram Blue — Euchrysops cnejus (Fabricius, 1798)

WPA Schedule II

Wingspan: 18–26 mm
Habitat: Deciduous and scrub forests, and rural landscapes.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Common throughout
Bengaluru, especially in Doresanipalya, Bangalore University, Lalbagh,

GKVK, and Hesaraghatta.

Larval Host Plants: Acacia caesia, Butea monosperma, Cajanus cajan,
Canavalia ensiformis, Lablab purpureus, Paracalyx scariosus, Pisum
sativum, Vigna radiata, Vigna trilobata, Vigna unguiculata (Fabaceae).

Blues and Hairstreaks (Lycaenidae)


Small Cupid (Chilades parrhasius)


Lime Blue (Chilades lajus)

Gram Blue (Euchrysops cnejus)

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u

Double-banded Judy — Abisara bifasciata Moore, 1877

Wingspan: 34–48 mm
Habitat: Semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests.
Status and Records from Bengaluru area: Occurs sporadically in
wooded areas. Specific records are from Doresanipalya, Turahalli forest,

Camp GeeDee, and Valley School.
Larval Host Plants: Ardisia solanacea, Embelia tsjeriam-cottam,
Maesa indica (Primulaceae).


♀ ♂ WSF


iridescence in freshly eclosed ♂

An Evolving Species List


Bengaluru already has a rich butterfly fauna, but it is not static. Habitats are changing
all the time, and with changes in the climate and green cover, some butterfly species
may become rare whereas some others which were not present earlier may establish
populations in the city. At the same time, more people are becoming interested in
watching butterflies. With more eyes on the ground, rarer butterfly species and those
just passing through the city are more likely to be spotted.

As a result of these factors, the list of butterflies of Bengaluru has been expanding
at a pace of 1–3 new species every year for the past several years. To help document
the city’s butterfly fauna, report your sightings on the Butterflies of India website and
the associated mobile app for long-term reference of our community (https://www.
ifoundbutterflies.org/submit-observations; QR code is on p. 1).

Lilac Silverline (Apharitis lilacinus),


rediscovered in Bengaluru after 100 years in 2012

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u

Orange-tailed Awl (Bibasis sena) was discovered in Bengaluru for the first time in 2020, on the

last day this book was being readied for printing. It is a robust skipper (44–50 mm) that occurs
in moist forests. It has so far been confirmed to occur only on the GKVK campus. Its caterpil-
lars feed on Combretum latifolium (Combretaceae) and Hiptage benghalensis (Malpighiaceae),
the latter planted in the Botanical Gardens of University of Agricultural Sciences, GKVK. The
butterfly population may have been established by a passing gravid female when it discovered
the plant in the Botanical Gardens. This is remarkable since the closest known population of
this species is several hundred kilometres away.


152 caterpillar, and a close-up of its head

An Evolving Species List

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u

Little Tiger Pierrot (Tarucus balkanica; above)

and Alida Angle (Caprona alida; below), reported as new for Bengaluru in 2020

Systematic Checklist of Butterflies


Names and classification of butterfly species covered in this book, and the larval
host plant records given under species pages, are based on Nitin et al. (2018, Journal
of Threatened Taxa, 10:11495–11550), which are now continually updated on the
Butterflies of India website (https://www.ifoundbutterflies.org).

Family Papilionidae (Swallowtail Butterflies)

Subfamily Papilioninae (Jays, Bluebottles, Swordtails, Mimes, Peacocks,
Mormons, Roses, Birdwings, etc.)
1. Graphium agamemnon (Linnaeus, 1758) – Tailed Jay (p. 12)
2. Graphium doson (C. & R. Felder, 1864) – Common Jay (p. 12)
3. Graphium nomius (Esper, 1799) – Spot Swordtail (p. 14)
4. Graphium teredon (C. & R. Felder, [1865]) – Narrow-banded Bluebottle
(p. 12)
5. Papilio clytia Linnaeus, 1758 – Common Mime (p. 14)
6. Papilio crino Fabricius, 1793 – Common Banded Peacock (p. 14)
7. Papilio demoleus Linnaeus, 1758 – Lime Swallowtail (p. 16)
8. Papilio polymnestor Cramer, [1775] – Blue Mormon (p. 16)
9. Papilio helenus Linnaeus, 1758 – Red Helen (p. 16)
10. Papilio polytes Linnaeus, 1758 – Common Mormon (p. 18)
11. Pachliopta aristolochiae (Fabricius, 1775) – Common Rose (p. 20)
12. Pachliopta hector (Linnaeus, 1758) – Crimson Rose (p. 20)
13. Troides minos (Cramer, [1779]) – Sahyadri Birdwing (p. 20)

Family Hesperiidae (Skippers)

Subfamily Coeliadinae (Awls, Awlets, etc.)
14. Badamia exclamationis (Fabricius, 1775) – Brown Awl (p. 24)
15. Bibasis sena (Moore, [1866]) – Orange-tailed Awl (p. 24, 152)
16. Hasora chromus (Cramer, [1780]) – Common Banded Awl (p. 24)

Subfamily Pyrginae (Flats, Angles, Grizzled Skipper, etc.)

17. Celaenorrhinus ambareesa (Moore, [1866]) – Dakkhan Spotted Flat(p. 24)
18. Sarangesa dasahara (Moore, [1866]) – Common Small Flat (p. 26)
19. Sarangesa purendra Moore, 1882 – Spotted Small Flat (p. 26)
20. Coladenia indrani (Moore, [1866]) – Tricolour Pied Flat (p. 26)
21. Caprona ransonnettii (R. Felder, 1868) – Golden Angle (p. 28)
22. Caprona agama (Moore, [1858]) – Spotted Angle (p. 28)
23. Caprona alida (de Nicéville, 1891) – Alida Angle (p. 28)
24. Tagiades gana (Moore, [1866]) – Suffused Snow Flat (p. 30)
♂ japetus (Stoll, [1781]) – Common Snow Flat (p. 30)
25. Tagiades
26. Tagiades litigiosa Möschler, 1878 – Water Snow Flat (p. 30)

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u

154. Leptotes plinius (Fabricius, 1793) – Zebra Blue (p. 132)

155. Chilades pandava (Horsfield, [1829]) – Plains Cupid (p. 132)
156. Chilades parrhasius (Fabricius, 1793) – Small Cupid (p. 134)
157. Chilades lajus (Stoll, [1780]) – Lime Blue (p. 134)
158. Euchrysops cnejus (Fabricius, 1798) – Gram Blue (p. 134)
159. Everes lacturnus (Godart, [1824]) – Orange-crowned Cupid (p. 136)
160. Catochrysops strabo (Fabricius, 1793) – Forget-me-not (p. 136)
161. Lampides boeticus (Linnaeus, 1767) – Pea Blue (p. 136)
162. Freyeria putli (Kollar, [1844]) – Black-spotted Grass Jewel (p. 138)
163. Freyeria trochylus (Freyer, 1845) – Orange-spotted Grass Jewel (p. 138)
164. Zizeeria karsandra (Moore, 1865) – Dark Grass Blue (p. 138)
165. Zizina otis (Fabricius, 1787) – Lesser Grass Blue (p. 140)
166. Zizula hylax (Fabricius, 1775) – Tiny Grass Blue (p. 140)
167. Pseudozizeeria maha (Kollar, [1844]) – Pale Grass Blue (p. 140)
168. Jamides bochus (Stoll, [1782]) – Dark Cerulean (p. 142)
169. Jamides celeno (Cramer, [1775]) – Common Cerulean (p. 142)
170. Prosotas nora (C. Felder, 1860) – Common Lineblue (p. 142)
171. Prosotas dubiosa (Semper, [1879]) – Tailless Lineblue (p. 144)
172. Prosotas noreia (R. Felder, 1868) – White-tipped Lineblue (p. 144)
173. Petrelaea dana (de Nicéville, [1884]) – Dingy Lineblue (p. 144)
174. Nacaduba kurava (Moore, [1858]) – Transparent Six-Lineblue (p. 146)
175. Anthene lycaenina (R. Felder, 1868) – Pointed Ciliate Blue (p. 146)
176. Azanus jesous (Guérin-Méneville, 1849) – African Babul Blue (p. 148)
177. Azanus ubaldus (Stoll, [1782]) – Bright Babul Blue (p. 148)
178. Azanus uranus Butler, 1886 – Dull Babul Blue (p. 148)

Family Riodinidae (Metalmarks)

Subfamily Nemeobiinae (Judies)
179. Abisara bifasciata Moore, 1877 – Double-banded Judy (p. 150)

Plant-Butterfly List


Larval host plants of individual butterfly species are listed on the species pages. A
reverse plant-butterfly checklist is given below so that butterfly species may easily
be cross-referenced with larval host plants. This will also help readers who want to
develop butterfly gardens or otherwise improve habitats for butterflies in urban parks
and other heavily altered green spaces (focusing especially on the plants marked
green). Names and classification of butterflies, and the larval host plant records given
under species pages, are largely based on Nitin et al. (2018, Journal of Threatened
Taxa, 10:11495–11550), which are now continually updated on the Butterflies of
India website (https://www.ifoundbutterflies.org/larval-hosts). Plant names follow
taxonomy given on World Flora Online (http://www.worldfloraonline.org/).

1. Justicia sp.: Junonia hierta (Yellow Pansy) (Nymphalidae).
2. Acanthus sp.: Junonia almana (Peacock Pansy), Junonia orithya (Blue Pansy)
3. Asystasia gangetica: Hypolimnas misippus (Danaid Eggfly) (Nymphalidae).
4. Asystasia lawiana: Hypolimnas misippus (Danaid Eggfly) (Nymphalidae).
5. Asystasia sp.: Junonia hierta (Yellow Pansy) (Nymphalidae).
6. Barleria cristata: Hypolimnas misippus (Danaid Eggfly), Junonia iphita
(Chocolate Pansy) (Nymphalidae).
7. Barleria mysorensis: Junonia orithya (Blue Pansy) (Nymphalidae).
8. Barleria sp.: Junonia almana (Peacock Pansy), Junonia atlites (Grey Pansy),
Junonia hierta (Yellow Pansy), Junonia lemonias (Lemon Pansy) (Nymphalidae).
9. Blepharis asperrima: Sarangesa dasahara (Common Small Flat), Sarangesa
purendra (Spotted Small Flat) (Hesperiidae).
10. Eranthemum purpurascens: Celaenorrhinus ambareesa (Dakkhan Spotted Flat)
11. Eranthemum roseum: Celaenorrhinus ambareesa (Dakkhan Spotted Flat)
12. Eremomastax sp.: Junonia hierta (Yellow Pansy) (Nymphalidae).
13. Hygrophila auriculata: Zizula hylax (Tiny Grass Blue) (Lycaenidae); Junonia
almana (Peacock Pansy), Junonia atlites (Grey Pansy), Junonia hierta (Yellow
Pansy), Junonia iphita (Chocolate Pansy), Junonia lemonias (Lemon Pansy),
Junonia orithya (Blue Pansy) (Nymphalidae).
14. Hygrophila costata: Junonia hierta (Yellow Pansy), Junonia lemonias (Lemon
Pansy), Junonia almana (Peacock Pansy), Junonia atlites (Grey Pansy)
15. Hygrophila ringens: Zizula hylax (Tiny Grass Blue) (Lycaenidae).
16. Justicia betonica: Hypolimnas misippus (Danaid Eggfly) (Nymphalidae).
17. Justicia micrantha: Junonia iphita (Chocolate Pansy), Junonia orithya (Blue

Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u

478. Aesculus indica: Deudorix epijarbas (Cornelian) (Lycaenidae).

479. Allophylus cobbe: Spindasis vulcanus (Common Silverline) (Lycaenidae).
480. Harpullia arborea: Deudorix epijarbas (Cornelian) (Lycaenidae).
481. Nephelium lappaceum: Rapala iarbus (Common Red Flash), Rapala manea
(Slate Flash) (Lycaenidae).
482. Sapindus emarginatus: Deudorix epijarbas (Cornelian) (Lycaenidae).
483. Sapindus laurifolius: Deudorix epijarbas (Cornelian), Rapala varuna (Indigo
Flash) (Lycaenidae).
484. Schleichera oleosa: Rapala iarbus (Common Red Flash), Rapala manea (Slate
Flash) (Lycaenidae).

485. Smilax sp.: Tagiades litigiosa (Water Snow Flat) (Hesperiidae).
486. Smilax zeylanica: Kaniska canace (Blue Admiral) (Nymphalidae).

487. Solanum torvum: Hypolimnas bolina (Great Eggfly) (Nymphalidae).

488. Elatostema cuneatum: Hypolimnas bolina (Great Eggfly) (Nymphalidae).
489. Laportea interrupta: Hypolimnas bolina (Great Eggfly) (Nymphalidae).
490. Girardinia diversifolia: Vanessa indica (Indian Red Admiral) (Nymphalidae).
491. Urtica sp.: Vanessa indica (Indian Red Admiral) (Nymphalidae).

492. Lantana camara: Rapala manea (Slate Flash) (Lycaenidae).

493. Curcuma aromatica: Udaspes folus (Grass Demon) (Hesperiidae).
494. Curcuma decipiens: Udaspes folus (Grass Demon) (Hesperiidae).
495. Curcuma longa: Udaspes folus (Grass Demon) (Hesperiidae).
496. Curcuma pseudomontana: Udaspes folus (Grass Demon) (Hesperiidae).
497. Elettaria cardamomum: Jamides celeno (Common Cerulean) (Lycaenidae).
498. Hedychium coronarium: Udaspes folus (Grass Demon) (Hesperiidae).
499. Zingiber officinale: Udaspes folus (Grass Demon) (Hesperiidae).
500. Zingiber zerumbet: Udaspes folus (Grass Demon) (Hesperiidae).

501. Tribulus terrestris: Zizina otis (Lesser Grass Blue) (Lycaenidae).

Nectar Plants


Butterflies take nectar from a variety of plants. A majority of the plants used are native
and they grow in the wild around Bengaluru. However, butterflies also feed on a large
number of exotic plants introduced in and around urban areas. Some of the common
nectar plants used by butterflies are listed below. Most of these are used as ornamental
plants in home gardens and avenues, so they are easily found in urban areas.

1. Indigenous plants:
Herbs: Heliotropium indicum, Leucas aspera, Plumbago zeylanica*, Stachytarpheta


Indian heliotrope — Heliotropium indicum Wild leadwort — Plumbago zeylanica

Shrubs, climbers and small trees: Abutilon indicum, Eranthemum roseum, Grewia
asiatica, Ixora coccinea*, Jasminum grandiflorum*, Leea indica*, Mussaenda fron-
dosa*, Premna latifolia, Ziziphus spp., Artabotrys hexapetalus*, Abrus precatorius*,
Ipomea spp*., Alstonia scholaris, Anacardium occidentale*, Mangifera indica*,
Murraya paniculata*, Saraca indica*, Terminalia arjuna*.


Indian mallow — Abutilon indicum Jungle geranium — Ixora coccinea



Mango — Mangifera indica Ashoka tree — Saraca asoca 183

* commonly available in nurseries.
Bu tt e r f l ies of Ben galur u


Krushnamegh Kunte blended his passion for

butterflies with profession by obtaining a PhD de-
gree from the University of Texas at Austin and
a Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at Harvard
University, USA, where he studied the evolution
and genetics of wing colour patterns and mimicry
in swallowtail butterflies. In 2012 he joined the
faculty of the National Centre for Biological Sci-
ences, Bengaluru, where he continues his long-
term studies on the natural history, systematics,
ecology, evolution, and genetics of butterflies. He
spearheads the Biodiversity Atlas – India citizen
science collaborative (http://bioatlasindia.org/),
and functions as the Chief Editor of the Butter-
flies of India web platform (https://ifoundbutter-
flies.org/). He has authored five books on Indian
butterflies and published over 70 research papers,
including descriptions of new species and redis-
coveries of rare, endemic and endangered species.

Nitin Ravikanthachari started observing but-

terflies from the time he was in high school, re-
discovering a population of the Lilac Silverline
(Apharitis lilacinus) butterfly in Bengaluru after
a hundred years while he was still in college. He
trained with Dr. Kunte for many years, studying
the natural history, early stages and larval host
plants of Indian butterflies. He is currently a PhD
student at the University of South Carolina, USA,
with research interests in evolution, genomics,
population genetics, and citizen science, and a
specialization in the evolution of butterfly–host
plant interactions. He is a co-founder of the Ben-
galuru Butterfly Club, which aims to popularize
butterflies in the city, and is also an editor of the
Butterflies of India website. With Dr. Kunte he
wrote a monograph on the larval host plants of
the butterflies of the Western Ghats biodiversity
hotspot. This is his first book.

Butterflies of Bengaluru is a richly illustrated
pictorial guide to the butterfly diversity of this
Garden City. It includes images of all 179 species
recorded in the city and surroundings, with pointers
to their identification. It also includes information
on butterfly hotspots in and around the city, and the
best localities and seasons to observe each species.
In addition, it provides lists of larval host and nectar
plants to help butterfly-watchers not only enjoy these
species in the field but perhaps also attract some of
them to the little green pockets in their backyards.
Thus, this book is specifically designed to
help the citizens of Bengaluru to enjoy
the diversity of these winged jewels while
helping to conserve them by promoting
butterfly-friendly habitats across
the city’s green spaces.

A collaboration between:

Karnataka Forest Department,

Research Wing

Price: Rs. 550/-

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