Scaling and Bandwidth-Parameterization Based Controller Tuning
Scaling and Bandwidth-Parameterization Based Controller Tuning
Scaling and Bandwidth-Parameterization Based Controller Tuning
where the resonant frequencies satisfy @,p=nwp. @,=my. Such
problems with multiple frequency scales, up,nop, and mmp3are
referred to as multi-scale oroblems.
Plant - 1
s t l
- I 1 I
- (3.5)
G,W s s 2 + 2 5 s + l l s(s+l) sz
is proper. This design is valid only if the plant is minimum phase,
as assumed, For a non-minimum phase plant, a minimum phase
approximation of GP' (s) should be used instead.
Figure 3.2 A Common Controller Design Scenario
Desien Procedure:
Ix, = x2
x1 = x, +bo.
The plant (4.4) for which LESO is designed has all three poles at
where =B/bo. (4.14) is BIB0 stable if its eigenvalues are in the the origin. Intuitively, the observer will be the least sensitive to
left half plane. By applying elementary row and column noises if the observer gains in (4.6) are the smallest for a given
ooerations. it is obvious that the closed-looo eieenvalues satis!? bandwidth of o, (a proof of this would be interesting). But the
observer gains are proportional to the distance from the poles of
the plant to those of the observer. Both this and simplicity
suggest that all three of the observer poles should be placed at -
=eig ( A + EF) ueig ( A - L C ) o., or equivalently,
=(rootsofs2+kds+kJu(roots ofsJ+pIs2 +fl~s+BJ Q.E.D. A($ = s J + p ,s’+f12s+f13=(s+0J’ (4.15)
That is,
Since r, as the reference signal, is always bounded, the only 8, =30,, B, = 3 4 , 8, = d (4.16)
nontrivial condition on the plant is that h = f is bounded. In Remarks:
I ) Equations (4.15)
. . and (4.16)
. , are easily extended to an nrh
other words, the disturbancefmust be differentiable, which is a orber LESO;
reasonable assumption.
2) This parameterization method can also be readily extended
4.3 Parameterization and a.-Optimization of LESO
to the Luenbereer- Observer for arbitrary. A.. B,. and C
matrices, using the following steps:
State observers provide information on the internal states of the -_-
plants that are otherwise unavailable. They also function as noise a. Obtain (A,B,C}as observable canonical form of
filters. The primary concern in observer design is the selection of {A,B.C);
the bandwidth. The closed-loop observer, or the correction term, b. Determine the observer gain, E , so that all the
L(y- j ) in particular, is used to accommodate the unknown initial poles of the observer are at -ma;
c. Use the inverse state transformation to obtain the
states, the uncertainties in parameters, and the distuhances. The
observer gain, L, for ( A . 5 . C ) .
ability to meet the control requirements is largely dependent on
the speed at which the observer can track the states and, in case of The parameters in L are all functions of w, which can be
LESO, the disturbance f(t,xl,x2, w). In general, observers should easily adjusted.
be made to work as fast as the measurement noise allows.
4.3.3 w,-Optimization
4.3.1 Limiting Factors In Observer Design The practical optimality of the observer is similarly defined to
There are three common limiting factors in design I ) sensor that of the controller as shown in Section 111. That is, increase the
noise; 2) sampling rate; 3) dependency on the state space model bandwidth as much as allowed by the hardware and software
of the plant. limitations, which are mainly noises and the fixed sampling rate.
The level of sensor noise is hardware-dependent but it is Definition 4.2: oiOutimization refers to maximizing the
reasonable to assume that it is a white noise with the peak value at observer bandwidth U,, subject to the condition that the
0.1% to 1% of that of the output. The observer bandwidth should sensitivity to sensor noises and the delay in sampling are
be selected so that there i s no significant oscillation in its states acceptable.
due to noises. This bandwidth will also be limited by the given
sampling rate. In general, the faster the LESO, the sooner the disturbance is
observed and cancelled by the controller. Therefore, the 0.-
The dependency of the design on the state space model limits its optimization should be applied for each application. More
application to problems where this type of model is available. importantly, the repetitive observer design and tuning is reduced
The Observer also becomes sensitive to the inaccuracies of the to the adjustment ofone parameter: 0,.
model, which cause the plant dynamic to change. These
limitations make the LESO, which, is largely model-independent Relationshio between w, and w,
as shown above, unique and appealing. A common rule of thumb is to choose
W O = 3-50, (4.17)
4.3.2 Parameterization of LESO This applies to the state feedback control system where o, is
Although the pole placement technique is used widely for the determined based on the transient response requirements,
state observer design, the location of observer poles has never particularly the settling time specification. The controller design
been systematically addressed. In practice, a compromise is made can he more aggressive by using a smooth transient profile,
between the speed at which the observer tracks the states and its instead of a step command, as the desired trajectory to allow the
sensitivity to the sensor noises. Sampling rate also limits how fast output to follow more closely. In this case, there are hvo
the observer can operate. These design issues are addressed here bandwidths to consider: the actual control loop bandwidth, o,and
using the same parametcrization and optimization method in the the equivalent bandwidth of the transient profile, Be. Since the
controller design, introduced in Section 111.
observer is evaluated on how closely it tracks the states and Bcis
Definition 4.1: o,Parameterization refers to assigning all more indicative than U, of the speed at which the plant states
observer eigenvalues at -0.and making all parameters of an move, Bcis used in place of 0,in (4.17). Furthermore, taking
other design issues, such as the sampling delay, into
Proceedings of the American Control Conference
4994 Denver, Colorado ~ u n 4
consideration, a more appropriate minimum wQ is found through step torque disturbance of 10% of the maximum torque is added
simulation and experimentation to he at t=3 sec. The threshold for the ripples in the control signal is
0.= 5-1 0 D< (4.18) t100mV peak to peak, which is in line with that of the PD
controller in Example 3.1.
4.4 Optimization of LADRC
To summarize the observer and controller design methods Tuni ndODtimization
discussed in section 4.1 and 4.3, a cohesive LADRC design and Following the design procedure describe above, W. and W. are
optimization procedure is given as follows: increased together, with an initial value of 40 ragsec. When they
Step 1: Design parameterized LESO and controller where w, and reach 95 radisec, the ripple threshold for control signal is reached,
indicating that they cannot be increased funher. The
wc are design parameters;
corresponding error of r-y has a maximum value of 3.4% and
Step 2: Design a transient profile with the equivalent bandwidth
0.5% for the transient period (t from 0 to 1 sec) and the
of Dc ; disturbance rejection period (t from 3 to 3.2 sec), respectively.
Step 3: Select an w, from (4.18); The subsequent changes in w, and w, and simulations show
Step 4: Set o,=o, and simulateltest the LADRC in a realistic interesting facts:
software simulation or a hardware set-up; 1. The noise ripples in the control signals are virtually
Step 5 : Incrementally increase both by the same amount until the unchanged for o,+ w,=190 and min(w, and wo}2 40;
noise levels and/or oscillations in the control signal and 2. Further increase of w, beyond 40 only affects the disturbance
output exceed the tolerance; rejection error. The transient error in this case appears to be
Step 6: Incrementally increase or decrease wc and o. individually, solely dependent on U,;
if necessary, to make trade-offs among different design 3. Bringing the transient error and the disturbance error to the
considerations, such as the maximum error during the same level while maintaining the same noise level in the
transient period, the disturbance attenuation, and the control signal leads to w , 4 0 radisec and oc=150raasec;
magnitude and smoothness of the controller. 4. The maximum bandwidth is quickly determined using the
proposed design procedure.
Remarks: Figure 4.1 shows comparisons between the LADRC and the
1. If the simulationitest results in Step 4 are unsatisfactory, it is regular PD conholler in Example 3.1 (w,=20 radisec). The
likely that the transient design specification described by D' fairness of the comparison is based on the fact that both control
is untenable due to the noise and/or sampling limitations. In signals have the same level of noises.
this case, the control "goals" may have to be lowered by
reducing Dc and therefore ocand w.. The LADRC shows distinct advantages over the regular PD
controller because:
2 . Note that this approach can be easily extended to the
1) No detailed mathematical model is required;
Luenberg state observer- based state feedback design. 2) Zero steady state error is achieved without using the
integrator term in PID;
Example 4.1: Consider the same control problem in Example 3.1, 3) Much better command following is demonstrated during the
hut apply the LADRC in (4.5) to (4.10). Note that h=23.2 for this transient stage;
problem, but to make the design realistic, assume the best
4) The controller is extremely robust as the plant's damping
estimate of b is b,,=40. Rewrite the plant differential equation
coefficient deviates from its original value of 1.41. In fact,
the output response is essentially unchanged when this value
9 = ( - 1 . 4 l y t 23.2Td)+(23.2-40)u+4Ou = / + 4 0 u changes from-30 to 30!
The LESO is
i = -30;
-4 0
+ y,zi + j,and
-30, I 0
0 30.
0 1 z + 40 36Jz
High performance is achieved through the use of a disturbance
observer and is examined in Figure 4.2. The further increase in
w, from 40 to SO radisec does not greatly improve hacking
performance, but it allows more noise into the observer states.
z, +/=-1.41j+23.2T,+(23.2-40)u,as f+-
The controller is defined as O I
U =a
and ug = k p ( r - z , )- k,z,
I S" t p,s"-'+... + p,-,.+p, = (s +w,y (4.28)
2 ".#&,I" 4
V. Concluding Remarks
A new set of controller design, tuning, and optimization tools are
presented, based on innovative scaling, parameterization, and
optimization concepts. These concepts prove to be applicable not
only to the existing model-based controller design methods such
as pole placement and loop shaping, but also to model-
independent design methods. These new tools make controller
Figure 4.2 Performance of the LESO design and tuning easier and more effective. For example, the
tuning of a PID controller is reduced to adjusting a single
4.5 Extensions to a Plant of an Arbitrary Order parameter, instead of three. Practical optimization is successfully
For a general nrh order plant with unknown dynamics and incorporated into the one-parameter tuning. The new concepts and
external disturbances, methods were tested successfully in software simulations, which
y(n) =J ( ~ y , + , ...,y ( n - ~ ) , u , i ,,,,u ( m - ~ ~ ,w ) + bu (4, 19) incorporated real world scenarios such as sampling, sensor noise,
disturbance, and the lack of mathematical model.
Han's observer can be similarly derived, stalting from the
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