A Novel Hybrid MPPT Controller Using (P&O) - Neural Networks For Variable Speed Wind Turbine Based On DFIG
A Novel Hybrid MPPT Controller Using (P&O) - Neural Networks For Variable Speed Wind Turbine Based On DFIG
A Novel Hybrid MPPT Controller Using (P&O) - Neural Networks For Variable Speed Wind Turbine Based On DFIG
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3 authors:
Abdelghani Harrag
Ferhat Abbas University of Setif
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A Novel Hybrid MPPT Controller Using (P&O)-neural Networks for Variable Speed Wind
Turbine Based on DFIG
Said Azzouz1,2, Sabir Messalti1*, Abdelghani Harrag3
Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of technology, University of Msila, Msila 28000, Algeria
LGE Laboratory, department of electrical engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of Msila, Msila 28000, Algeria
CCNS Laboratory, Electronics Department, Faculty of Technology, Setif 19000, Algeria
https://doi.org/10.18280/mmc_a.920104 ABSTRACT
Received: 14 December 2018 Although the numerous advantages of wind turbine, the nonlinear characteristic (P–Ω)
Accepted: 27 March 2019 providing a unique maximum power point is the most drawbacks. Therefore a maximum
power point tracker is usually adopted, which the Tip-Speed ratio, the perturbation and
Keywords: observation and the optimum torque control methods are widely used. In this article, a
neural network MPPT controller, combined novel neural network (ANN) MPPT controller based on perturbation and observation has
MPPT controller, P&O MPPT, DFIG, been projected and studied. The ANN MPPT controller of wind turbine system is
variable speed wind turbine established in two independents steps: the offline operation mode is mandatory for training
of different neural networks parameters and the Online operation mode where the most
advantageous neural network MPPT controller is implanted in wind turbine system. The
developed MPPT controller is tested on wind turbine based–DFIG generator, which it is
controlled by sliding mode control (SMC). Simulation results are presented and discussed.
( + 0.1) The characteristics of the typical captured output power for
C p ( , ) = ( 0.35 − 0.0167( − 2) ) sin different pitch angles (2, 4 to 14) are showed in Figure 2. It
14.34 − 0.3( − 2) (3) can be observed that captured output power of wind turbine
− ( 0.00184 ( − 3) ( − 2) ) depends on pitch angles and it is clear that there is one specific
point (CPmax-opt) at which the turbine is maximized. Hence,
Based on the previous equations, a functional block diagram for each wind speed, there is a one turbine speed that provides
model developed under Simulik of wind turbine system is a maximum output power as shown in Figure 3.
presented in Figure 1.
2.2 DFIG model and control
ds = − Ls .I ds + M .I dr
13 m/s
12 m/s
qs = − Ls .I qs + M .I qr
11 m/s
10 m/s
9 m/s
dr = Lr .I dr − M .I ds
8 m/s
2 7 m/s
qr = Lr .I qr − M .I qs (5)
The DFIG torque is expressed by:
Cem = p qs idr − ds iqr (6)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Speed generator(tr/min)
Figure 3. Power versus rotational speed of generator for To accomplish independent control [19-24], the subsequent
turbine 3 MW [19] equations can be obtained:
ds = s and qs = 0 (7) where the convergence condition is defined by the equation
Lyapunov s( x). s( x) 0
The voltage Vdr and Vqr shown in Figure 5 are expressed .
respectively by:
2.3.1 Active power control
For n = 1 ,the sliding surface representing the error between
Vdr = Rr .I dr - gs Lr − I qr the measured and reference active power is given by:
M2 M s (12)
s( P) = Ps − ref − Ps
Vqr = Rr .I qr + ?g s Lr − I dr + gs (8)
Ls Ls
The derivative of the surface is given by
s( P) = P s − ref − P s (13)
By replacing active power equation in the equation of the
switching surface, the expression of the surface becomes:
s( P) = P s − ref + s I rq (14)
. (Vrq − Rr I rq )
Figure 5. Field oriented control of DFIG I rq = (15)
2.3 Sliding mode control of DFIG
The control law design Vrq is given by:
Recently, the sliding mode control (SMC) has been
considered as one of most used techniques for DFIG drive Vrq = Vrqeq + Vrqn (16)
control among nonlinear control strategies, due to its
simplicity, easy implementation and robustness [25-27]. The
sliding mode control is based on three steps: the first is the Replacing equation (16) in equation (14), the equation we
choice of control surface, the second is convergence condition, have
and the third is control law design.
SMC algorithm consists to calculate the equivalent and
discontinuous components of control variable from an
s( P) = P s − ref + s
Ls Lr
((V eq
rq )
+ Vrqn ) − Rr I rq (17)
adequate surface of sliding mode chosen. In this case we chose
the error as being the sliding surface.
During the sliding mode and in permanent regime, we have:
The control algorithm is defined by following expression:
The obtained simulation results of the DFIG using S.M.C is
s() = s − ref − s (20) shown in Figure 6, in which the produced active and reactive
power follow perfectly their references.
From the equation (11) the current expression is given by
I rd = (Vrd − Rr I rd ) (21) P&O METHOD
3.1 Perturb & observe (P&0) method
The control law design Vrd is given by:
The perturb & observe (P&O) MPPT controller is widely
Vrd = Vrdeq + Vrdn (22) applied, it can be used by small step size disturbing the control
variable and analyzing the resulting raising or decreasing in
generated power (the controller must move it right or left of
From equation (24), (21) and (22), the derivative of the
the MPP) as shown in Figure 7 presenting the output power of
surface can be expressed by:
3MW wind turbine since a function of generator speed for its
nominal wind speed (13 m/s). If it results in the increase in
s() = s − ref + s
Ls Lr
((V eq
) )
+ Vrdn − Rr I rd
(23) power, then the similar perturbation is useful for the next
control occurrence. Otherwise the sign of the perturbation is
inverted to track in the way of increasing power. Once the
During the sliding mode and in steady state stable state is achieved the process oscillates about the MPP.
eq Ls Lr
Vrd = − s − ref V M + Rr I rd
s (24)
V n = K sign ( S ( ) )
rd V rd
x 10
0 5 10 15 20
x 10
6 Qs-mes
Reactive power[W]
must be driven at Ωopt. This is achievable by scheming the The developed ANN system operates in two epochs:
rotational speed of the turbine so that it always turns at the 1) The offline epoch necessary to trying different set of
finest speed rotation. neural network parameters to find the most favorable neural
network controller (activation function, organization, and
3.2 Proposed ANN MPPT training algorithm), when the training and testing performed
in off-line, a neural network bloc model is obtained, and then
Technological developments in recent years has allowed it is introduced on-line in MPPT [8].
scientists to develop and refine methods for different 2) The online epoch that employs the best ANN MPPT
applications, especially in the renewable energies areas, which regulator to track the MPP point. The fundamental diagram of
they require the use of chic techniques for an perfect wind turbine system is demonstrated in Figure 9.
estimation of the accessible energy prospective and any Figure 10 shows the ANN MPPT regulator developped via
successful control of systems operation [8]. Simulink.
Over the last few decades, many control strategies have
been developped. Artificial neural networks techniques have
been selected as one of the best solution for computational
system since they offer many benefits compared to the
conventional computational systems [8, 17-18].
The proposed artificial neural network (ANN) MPPT
controller is established on the similar law of Perturbation and Figure 9. Block diagram of the wind turbine system control
Observation (P&O) method decreasing or increasing the
generator speed regarding the sign of (dP/dΩ), the
fundamental rule of ANN MPPT controller is recapitulated in
Table 1.
A simulation study was tested for the wind speed estimation wind turbine connected to DFIG is employed.
and tracking control of the most favorable maximum power The simulation results have been establised using Simulink
using a feed-forward neural networks having three layers. The environment using the wind speed profile depicted in Figure
inputs variables of the projected ANN MPPT controller are: 12.
the output power (P) and generator speed (dΩ). However, the Figures 13, 14 and 15 show the power coefficient, the output
output ANN parameter is the consequent rising or lowering of power and the optimal turbine rotational speeds, respectively,
generator speed +/_∆Ω. determined based on the optimum operating points of the
From figures, its clear that the wind energy- DFIG system
4. SIMULATION AND RESULTS operates at its maximum power which it can be verified for
nominal wind speed (13m/s). The power coefficient and output
In this manuscript segment, the competence of the projected power correspond exactly at it nominal value 0.35 and 3MW,
artificial neural network MPPT regulator using P&O rule is respectively.
presented. A wind energy conversion system based on 3MW
Modeling and control strategies of the generally system have
13 been developed. Simulation results have carried out using
Simulink under randomly and fast changeable wind rapidity.
Obtained results exhibit the elevated performance of proposed
Wind spped(m:s)
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