Bashar - A Methodology Attuned To Your Vibration

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A Methodology Attuned to Your Vibration

Q: You were telling me -- I was telling you -- about how I feel that I
need to have a car and some place to live…

B: Yes.

Q: … sometime in… you were telling me, “not really.” So…

B: Maybe.

Q: Maybe. I was wondering: does that mean that it’s counter-

productive for me to look? That I should just trust that something will
turn up?

B: No. It is not counter-productive, for you can utilize the experience

to create the idea of excitement. But do not put expectation that it
must manifest in the way you think it should. The idea simply is: when
you allow yourself to focus on what it is you truly want to do, then
your energy will draw along with it all of the things that need to get
you there. And if a car is one of them, you will draw it right along

The idea simply is: if you want the car primarily because you think
you need a car to do something else that actually represents where
you are most excited, then the idea of focusing on the car is not
putting your excitement where you know it belongs. You follow me?

Q: Yes.

B: Then you are diverting yourself. You follow me?

Q: Mhmm. I created a symbol for myself where I’m staying with my

friend and she gave me a key to the house that would not work.

B: All right.

Q: I went around to the back of the house and it turned out she had
left one of her doors unlocked and I got in the back.

B: There you are.

Q: So I thought that…

B: An expression that there are many doors through which these

opportunities can come, not the one you expect to go through.

Q: Well, I thought that was a symbol to me that anything that I try to

do is not the right thing.

B: So you have chosen to look at the neutral situation negatively,

and I have chosen to look at it positively.

Q: Well, it was not like a negative sort of a thing to me, but just that…

B: When you say, “not right”-- in your language that means negative.

Q: Okay. Thank you.

B: Thank you.

Q: It was more an expression to me that trying to do it in the direct

way that... like our civilization would go out and get the yellow pages
or get a newspaper and then start looking…

B: That is not to say that cannot work IF that is what is a reflection of

the way you believe it will work. But understand: all we are
suggesting is that there are many other ways it can work. Do the one
that is reflective of the way you believe it can, and it will. If you know
that looking through your yellow pages is not for you, then trust that
your imagination will do its job and provide for you the methodology
that is attuned to your vibration. Follow it. That is the alternate
doorway that you can go through. You understand?

Q: Yes.

B: Are you sure?

Q: I’m never sure until I try to apply it and see what happens.

B: I see. May we remind you that the idea is that believing is seeing,
not seeing is believing. You follow me?

Q: Okay.

B: Now, one more reminder: trying is doing trying -- not doing the
thing you are trying to do. All right? And all the trying is not what will
allow you to do that thing. Doing it is what will allow you to do it. And
though you may think that all the trying you have been doing is what
ultimately allows you do it, in a sense that is not so. You have been
utilizing that time to allow yourself to become willing to simply do it.
You follow me?

Q: Yes.

B: Thank you very much.

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