Form 1 Reading Assessment Rubric

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Name of Student: _________________________________ Name of Student: _________________________________

Grade Level: _____________________________________ Grade Level: _____________________________________

School: _________________________________________ School: _________________________________________


Directions: Check the appropriate box which corresponds to the Directions: Check the appropriate box which corresponds to the
specific reading level of the learner. specific reading level of the learner.

Independent Reader Independent Reader

Can read well with comprehension Can read well with comprehension
Was able to answer 4-5 questions correctly Was able to answer 4-5 questions correctly

Was able to answer 4-5 questions correctly but Was able to answer 4-5 questions correctly but
code shifted to Mother Tongue code shifted to Mother Tongue

Instructional Reader Instructional Reader

Can read well with little comprehension - Can read well with little comprehension -
Was able to answer 3 out of 5 questions correctly Was able to answer 3 out of 5 questions correctly

Was able to answer 3 out 5 questions correctly but Was able to answer 3 out 5 questions correctly but
code- shifted to Mother Tongue code- shifted to Mother Tongue

Frustration Reader Frustration Reader

Cannot read words prescribed for his/her grade Cannot read words prescribed for his/her grade
level level

Cannot recognize letters and can’t produce basic Cannot recognize letters and can’t produce basic
sounds sounds

Others (Please specify.) Others (Please specify.)_

_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________

Validated by: Validated by:

Printed Name & Signature of Reading Evaluator Printed Name & Signature of Reading Evaluator

Conforme: Conforme:

Printed Name & Signature of Reading Teacher Printed Name & Signature of Reading Teacher

Printed Name & Signature of School Head Printed Name & Signature of School Head

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