Q1. Draw construction and equivalent circuit of UJT and explain in brief.
Q2. Define the terms: RBB, Intrinsic standoff ratio, Peak point voltage, Peak point current,
Valley point voltage, Valley point current.
ANS.: a) Base to Base Resistance (RBB): RB1+RB2=4.7K to 9.1K.
b) Intrinsic standoff ratio, ƞ= RB1/(RB1+RB2) = RB1/RBB = 0.56 to 0.75 Typical
c) Peak point voltage, Vp=Minimum emitter voltage to turn on UJT= ƞ*VBB + VD.
d) Peak point current, Ip-Minimum emitter current to turn on UJT = 5uA.
e) Valley point voltage, Vv-Emitter voltage below which UJT turns off-10% to 20% of
f) Valley point current-Emitter current below which UJT turns off = 4mA.
Q3. Draw circuit diagram, waveforms & explain working of UJT Relaxation Oscillator.
working principal of UJT Relaxation Oscillator: The resistance R3 charges the capacitor C1
until the peak point. The UJT’s emitter terminal has no effect on C1 until peak point is reached.
When the emitter voltage reaches peak voltage point, the lowered emitter base 1 resistance
rapidly discharges the capacitor. As the capacitor C1 discharges beneath the valley point, the
emitter base 1 resistance will return back to high resistance, thus making capacitor free to charge
• Saturation: Saturation region is the area where the current and voltage raises, if the applied voltage to
emitter terminal increases.
The curve between emitter voltage (VE) and emitter current (IE) of UJT, at a given value of
VBB is known as emitter characteristics of UJT. At first, in the cut off region, when the
emitter voltage increases from zero, due to the minority charge carriers, a small current
flow from terminal B2 to emitter. This is called as leakage current.
Above the definite value of VE, the emitter current (IE) starts to flow and increases until the
peak (VP and IP) is reached at point P.
After point P, an increase in VE causes a sudden increase in IE with a corresponding
decrease in VE. This is the Negative Resistance Region of the curve as with the increase in
IE, VE decreases.
The negative resistance region of the curve ends at the valley-point (V), having valley-point
voltage VV and current IV. After the valley-point the device is driven to saturation.
(c) TRIAC.
Q11. Sketch, label & explain VI characteristics of: (a)SCR (b) DIAC
ANS.: (a)SCR.
(b) DIAC.
ANS.: DIAC can be turned on by either a positive or negative half cycle
of an ac voltage. For the positive cycle of ac voltage, if the applied
voltage is less than the forward breakover voltage a very small current
called the “leakage current'”, flows through the device. This current is
produced due to the drifting of electrons and the holes at the depletion
region and is not sufficient to cause conduction. Hence, the diac remains
in the non-conducting mode called the “blocking state” or off state. As
soon as the applied voltage reaches the breakover voltage, (Vbo) the
device starts conducting. The current through the device starts increasing
and the voltage across it starts decreasing. This region is the “conduction
state”. There is no control over the breakover voltage for the diac remains
unchanged as the gate terminal is absent here. The characteristics of the
DIAC are very much similar to that of a TRIAC. For the positive half cycle of the ac supply, the
characteristic is obtained in the first quadrant and a similar characteristic for the negative half cycle is
obtained in the third quadrant as shown in Figure.
(c) TRIAC.
Q12. Draw & explain equivalent circuit of SCR OR explain two transistor analogy.
Q14. State specifications & rating of: UJT, SCR.
ANS.: (a) UJT specifications & rating:
Base to base resistance, (RBB)
Intrinsic standoff ratio, ƞ
Peak point voltage, Vp
Peak point current, Ip
Valley voltage, Vv
Valley current, Iv
(b) SCR specifications & rating:
Forward break over voltage (VBFO)
Reverse breakdown voltage (VBR)
Latching current (IL)
Holding current (IH)
di/dt rating.
dv/dt rating.
Power dissipated (PDT)
Average forward current rating (Iavg)
Average power dissipation (PDavg)
Peak reapetative current rating.
Q16. Draw neat symbols of: UJT, SCR, DIAC, TRIAC.
ANS.: Symbols are:
a) UJT: b) SCR:
Q17.State applications of SCR, DIAC, TRIAC.
ANS.: (a) SCR:
Converter – AC to variable DC
Inverter – DC to AC
Chopper – Fixed DC to variable DC
Cycloconverter – Fixed frequency AC to variable frequency AC
uninterruptible power supply
Power Switching Circuit.
Controlled Rectifier.
Can be used as static switch, battery chargers, or as an AC voltage stabilizer.
(b) DIAC:
It can be used in oscillation circuits.
It is a low power triggering device.
It can be used in light dimmer circuit.
It is used in heat control circuit.
It is used in the speed control of a universal motor.
(c) TRIAC:
Light dimming.
Heating control.
Appliance type motor drives.
Solid state relays with typically 50/60 Hz. Supply frequency.
It is used in control circuit.
It is used in high level lamp switching.
It is used in AC power control.
Q18. State demerits of SCR
ANS.: Demerits of SCR are:
Gate has no control after the SCR is turned ON.
External circuits are required to turn OFF the SCR.
Operating frequencies are very low.
Snubber circuits are required for dv/dt protection.
Gate current cannot be negative.
It can turn on accidentally due to high dv/dt of the source voltage.
It can conduct only in one direction. So, it can control power only during the one-half
cycle of AC.
(b) Harmonic distortion: Distortion caused by generation of new frequencies in the o/p which are
not present in the i/p. If the i/p contains only one frequency f, then the o/p contains f, 2f, 3f, 4f,
5f and so on. Frequency f is called fundamental frequency and 2f, 3f, 4f, …are called its
harmonics. It is caused by non-linear dynamic transfer characteristics of active(amplifying)
device. 2f, 4f, 6f this distortion caused is called even harmonic distortion • 3f, 5f, 7f, this
distortion caused is called odd harmonic distortion.