Chem Da 2

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Eprimnt-2 2118to 41

hyarilik halliyis

we w , nsltad Ng. what will be he omsdic amd clhadus

2he 3nc. om amoole omd coppt ii om cilhooe
Zn 22t t2e (oxidakon) K Cu"t u2e Cu (rudiglion)

Q2 What h i hale f Wact in this expnimartl

Sooism nlisle is wudhne as elvönoly o 'ad as mdiium.
Th col rcunt

n we. Inontase th concunlhaiom Na thi enf ualue


will inouase s olasruase

we inorease h C8nconnuion ef Nacl, th emf w nt le

astecadL accndmg lo Nvnst eualisn,.

5 4 we e Mgdo, inltad YNacl às a eluelrolyte for us expuimu

olo you hinR e uid genalu

y N o ,as th same i k nad be gunvalud h lage

ualid in saloi i due t» the mavmmi elnebrans phom
amade o cothde.
n e a h o y Mgdo, ilh uak mta.
adDy MaR+ + So
he amode nacdisn w tak place as folhaws.

Ma MT + 2e.
"omd amsde will
h iong b brth elktholyb
iona phoduce by
odd up neulhng. in bh fomahn oj a Thuik onade hicl

agaim uak to form mvu euehon

hicl Chal
aud hvaugh
he àwands CoPpU eAicAnss moking it more
Cu eucngoe urdh becovme changed. Taa /Uale enol Than
th oth ecanse Vhis oftoumce elcron wond u mave
ome eeireole ls Shn i s neyul m a vbag2 whiah
we etnem elcnsoles

4 hne we mainlaining aluot 2 cm olinlamee betüen

M Cu?

maimauin in eud cincuit, we mut kiópth' wnsoley

Cm a y m c h ohu
e nemlamce w ntajbule To ouwnall Polenlial acc u

0hmy hasu os N 1>R

hu hoeame te
con improe " u
On can
O by eilh heoucdng dmallun
odiMame lyewenn elchasoles ot using
olwnuoning. u .

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