Food Science and Technology International-2004-Bautista-Ortín-287-95
Food Science and Technology International-2004-Bautista-Ortín-287-95
Food Science and Technology International-2004-Bautista-Ortín-287-95
Departamento de Tecnología de Alimentos, Nutrición y Bromatología, Facultad de Veterinaria,
Universidad de Murcia, Campus de Espinardo, 30071 Murcia, Spain
I.M.I.D.A. Ctra. La Alberca s/n, 30150 Murcia, Spain
The influence of two different oenological practices (pomace contact time and the running-off of the
juice prior to fermentation) on the production of high coloured wines was analysed and tested with two
vintages from the years 2001 and 2002. There were assayed three pomace contact times (15, 25 and 35
days) and 15 and 20% run-off treatments. The colour stability of the resulting wines was also evaluated,
using an accelerated ageing process. Differences were observed in the colour characteristics between
vintages. Larger berries in 2002 led to wines with a lower colour density although the effect of the
studied practices was very similar both years. A pomace contact time longer than 15 days led to wines
with poor and unstable colour both years. Running-off juice prior to fermentation produced wines with
a higher colour density, lower yellow percentage and a higher polymerisation of the anthocyanins. These
wines also showed the highest colour stability. The effect of the running-off treatments on wine colour
was more pronounced in 2001 than in 2002 due to the different characteristics of the grapes. The extent
of this practice must therefore be decided on a year-by-year basis to obtain the best characteristics.
Figure 1. Changes in total anthocyacin content from crushing to the end of malolactic fermentation. () Control
wine. () M1. () M2. () R1. () R2.
Figure 2. Changes in total phenol content in wines from crushing to the end of malolactic fermentation. ()
Control wine. () M1. () M2. () R1. () R2.Downloaded from at UNSJ on September 25, 2015
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Figure 3. Colour density changes in wines from crushing to the end of malolactic fermentation. () Control wine.
() M1. () M2. () R1. () R2.
whereas in M1 and M2 wines the colour density kept phenolics and adsorption onto proteins, tartrates and
decreasing as pomace contact continued, especially in dead yeast (Lubbers et al., 1994). M2 wines in 2001 had
M2. Pardo and Navarro (1993) also found that Monas- the lowest colour density and their anthocyanins were
trell wines elaborated with 20 days of maceration had a the least polymerised. This resulted in wines with a
lower colour density than wines elaborated with 10 high yellow percentage. The value of HCl index, which
days of maceration. Part of this decrease could be due represents the tannin polymerisation level, was very
to the adsorption of phenolic compounds, mainly low in M2, pointing to the previous precipitation of
anthocyanins, to yeast or solid parts (Vasserot et al., unstable colour polymers. The wines elaborated this
1997) or due to the precipitation of polymeric material. year (2001) with running-off part of the juice prior to
Borzi et al. (1993) determined that, when the wine is fermentation had the highest colour density. Extended
more equilibrated, the colour density is more stable. maceration wines in 2002, see Table 3, also presented
This observation led us to the conclusion that the run- low colour density and low levels of polymeric antho-
off wines, with the highest colour density are probably cyanins.
the more stable wines The results showed how the best colour character-
At bottling time, see Table 2, the differences among istics were obtained in control wines and those involv-
the variables colour density, total anthocyanins and ing the run-off procedure, with higher colour densities,
total phenols were lower than at the beginning of the low yellow percentage and high red and blue percent-
vinification process, as also found by Gawel et al. ages.
(2001). A clear decrease in the values of these para- However, wine colour stability is as important as
meters was evident after cold stabilisation and bottling, wine colour quality, especially for wines that will
possibly due to the polymerisation and precipitation of undergo a maturation period and we attempted to
Table 2. Phenolic compounds and colour characteristics of wines at bottling time (2001).
Analytical Parameter Control M1 M2 R1 R2
Values followed by different superscripts within the same row are significantly different according to an LSD test (p < 0.05).
Table 4. Phenolic compounds and colour characteristics of wines after three months of accelerated ageing
Analytical Parameter Inert Atmosphere Room Atmosphere
Control M1 M2 R1 R2 Control M1 M2 R1 R2
Colour density 12.95b 12.32ab 10.49a 13.06b 14.54b 7.99a 6.85a 6.68a 7.04a 8.49a
Total anthocyanins (mg/L) 208.56b 175.12a 175.90a 180.36ab 219.29b 114.31b 84.29a 90.04a 87.71a 100.78ab
Monomeric anthocyanins (mg/L) 34.19b 26.32ab 27.08ab 23.80a 34.95b 12.28b 11.58b 11.14ab 10.01a 11.33ab
Polymeric anthocyanins (mg/L) 113.54b 101.26b 80.29a 105.99b 112.03b 44.96b 29.22a 29.47a 35.89a 37.03a
HCl index 44.54ab 49.48ab 35.73a 56.52b 43.85ab 53.77b 48.92a 49.09a 50.36a 53.14b
Total phenols (OD 280 nm) 51.27a 51.40a 49.01a 45.55a 56.93a 38.17a 35.41a 36.19a 34.03a 40.83a
Total tannins (g/L) 2.29bc 1.89a 2.33bc 2.02ab 2.49c 0.96ab 0.84a 0.94ab 1.00ab 1.03b
Monomeric tannins (mg/L) 34.53ab 33.03a 58.24b 24.81a 41.52ab 15.85a 12.74a 15.85a 13.66a 13.86a
Oligomeric tannins (mg/L) 130.28abc 108.25ab 166.89c 97.84a 144.21bc 36.75b 22.29a 23.02a 22.22a 30.78ab
Polymeric tannins (mg/L) 621.00bc 461.40ab 714.52c 373.45a 700.99c 104.21b 61.42a 87.89ab 62.62a 113.36b
%Y 35.82a 35.57a 38.40b 35.68 a 36.33a 35.82a 35.57a 38.02a 37.62a 36.40a
%R 48.27a 48.35a 48.34a 47.54a 49.09a 48.27a 48.35a 47.18a 46.16a 47.92a
%B 15.90ab 16.07b 13.24a 16.07b 14.57ab 15.90a 16.07a 14.78a 16.21a 15.67a
Values followed by different superscripts within the same row are significantly different according to an LSD test (p < 0.05).
evaluate this stability using an accelerated ageing became evident (data not shown), meaning that a very
process (Tables 4 and 5). In 2001, the results of the important precipitation of condensed tannins had
ageing process showed that R2 wines in an inert atmo- occurred. After that, the value started to increase again
sphere maintained the highest colour density, the up to the values shown in Table 4. Several alternating
greatest concentration of total and polymeric antho- phases of precipitation and formation of new con-
cyanins in both years. Anthocyanins polymerised with densed tannins can occur in wines, although the speed
condensed tannins keep more colour and flavonoids in of the occurrence of these phases is slower in more
solution (Singleton, 2000). These wines also had the stable wines.
highest phenol and total tannins content. In M2 wines, Similar results were observed in 2002, the run-off
the HCl index was very low, probably due to precipita- wines stored under an inert atmosphere also behaved
tions. When O2 was not displaced from the headspace, the best, showing higher colour density and a higher
and comparing with samples in inert atmosphere, polymeric anthocyanin content than the other wines.
colour density was very low in all the vinifications. The The results pointed to the importance of the antho-
values of total phenols and polymeric tannins were also cyanin–tannin combinations for maintaining a stable
very low, indicating precipitation of condensed com- wine colour. A step backward multiple regression
pounds but, surprisingly, the HCl index value was high. analysis was conducted to see whether wine colour
HCl index reached its highest value after 4–6 weeks of density could be predicted from the phenolic composi-
storage at 35°C, after which a very significant Downloaded
decrease tionat of
from UNSJwines and
on September to ascertain which variables had the
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Colour density 12.46b 9.72a 10.08a 12.19b 13.12c 7.89b 7.69b 6.37a 6.07a 5.93a
Total anthocyanins (mg/L) 179.16ab 194.71 172.92ab
174.19a 188.18bc 107.31a 112.91a 117.57a 118.22a 115.40a
Monomeric anthocyanins (mg/L) 19.64a 50.00b 39.54b 20.02a 18.26a 4.78ab 5.79c 5.41bc 4.91ab 4.66a
Polymeric anthocyanins (mg/L) 121.16b 85.89 a
91.44a 115.75b 126.45b 45.09a 46.09a 42.94a 44.08a 43.83a
HCl index 54.79b 25.10a 29.58a 53.69b 58.44b 56.44a 56.91a 55.69a 55.94a 56.06a
Total phenols (OD 280 nm) 49.92a 54.87 b
55.75b 52.95ab 54.03b 40.87a 47.20b 48.07c 44.40b 44.30ab
Total tannins (g/L) 0.99a 1.32b 1.19ab 0.95a 0.99a 0.31a 0.41b 0.44b 0.30a 0.29a
Monomeric tannins (mg/L) 75.43a 111.86 104.32d
87.57b 97.42c 67.00a 75.81b 78.37bc 81.44c 85.91d
Oligomeric tannins (mg/L) 108.66a 172.32c 133.33b 116.72a 109.05a 66.36a 77.35bc 73.00b 73.51b 81.80c
Polymeric tannins (mg/L) 295.66a 458.63b 449.04b 312.28a 270.10a 101.12a 114.80a 110.07a 96.01a 98.82a
%Y 38.67ab 43.63c 43.18c 39.35b 38.67ab 51.25a 54.88c 55.54c 52.43b 51.78b
%R 46.56b 45.06 a
44.98a 46.30b 46.59b 39.17c 37.17ab 36.26a 37.94b 38.08b
%B 14.76b 11.29a 11.82a 14.33b 15.40b 10.57c 8.43a 8.19a 9.61b 10.04bc
Values followed by different superscripts within the same row are significantly different according to an LSD test (p < 0.05).
highest loadings in the prediction. All the data for all Wine colour density depended negatively on
the wines (wines at the time of bottling and those after monomeric anthocyanins and positively on polymeric
the accelerated ageing process) were used to build the anthocyanins, total phenol and total tannins, being
model, which can be summarised as follows: polymeric anthocyanins the variable with the highest
loading in predicting colour density (Figure 4).
Colour density = 1.49 0.042 [monomeric antho- In conclusion, to obtain Monastrell red wines with a
cyanins]+0.065[polymeric anthocyanins]+0.051[total high and stable colour, running-off juice prior to fer-
phenols] + 1.49 [total tannins] mentation seems to be a promising practice, although
(r2 = 0.93, p < 0.05, unstandardised variables) the extent of the treatment must be decided on a year-
by-year basis to obtain the best characteristics. Also,
Colour density = 0.32 [monomeric anthocyanins] + maceration time is critical for obtaining wines with
0.75 [polymeric anthocyanins] + 0.13 [total phenols] good colour intensity and stability. It is clear that, in
+ 0.37 [total tannins] the case of Monastrell grapes, maceration periods
(r2 = 0.93, p < 0.05, standardised variables) longer than 15 days produce wines with poor and
Figure 4. Correlation between the observed and predicted values of colour density, applying the model obtained
by multiple regression analysis. Downloaded from at UNSJ on September 25, 2015
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